VISIONS Spring 2022

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Reader Feedback  LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY The Iowa State University Alumni Association welcomes letters to the editor addressing stories in VISIONS or topics of interest to Iowa Staters. All submissions must be signed and clearly marked “Letter to the Editor.” They must include the writer’s address and daytime phone number. The editor makes all final decisions on selecting letters to publish, and reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. The editor may follow up with a letter writer to request any clarification. Letters selected to be published

I have been on the road the last few weeks and finally sat down tonight to go through the mail and catch up on paying bills. Dreadful task for a Friday evening until I saw the latest VISIONS issue in the pile of mail I was going through. I stopped and took time to really dive in as I know the monumental effort it took for the three of you to get this over the goal line for the first time. Loved your inside cover welcome Melea and I must say I love the new design! A little more modern with excellent use of color to make it stand out. Loved the photos Matt - really helps make the stories pop. I am also a big fan of infographics and using data to help tell the story or get a point across. Just wanted to let you all know that this Cyclone was smiling ear to ear when I put it down. That smile lasted through even paying bills!

Congratulations on becoming the editor of VISIONS Magazine! We send our sincere best wishes for your complete success in your new role! We would like to briefly go back in time and share with you what we were thinking about earlier this year. When we first learned that the historic Carole Gieseke planned to retire in June, our thoughts quickly turned to who was eminently qualified to follow in her footsteps. Melea! Based on what we were aware of your work and your creative personality, we quickly came to both the suggestion and the prediction that you should become the new editor. We wished that it would happen. Our wish came true! We warmly applaud you for all that you accomplished before coming to the ISU Alumni Association! Now it is time for you to excel in helping the ISU Alumni Association achieve its goals and consistently deliver a high quality product to the Cyclone family. We challenge you to elevate VISIONS to new heights! Lora and Russ Talbot**#

Lora: (‘17 honorary); Russ: (‘17 honorary) Belmond, Iowa

(‘95 exercise & sport science) Johnston, Iowa Big kudos to you and the team on your first issue of VISIONS! It arrived this week and I had a chance to read it cover to cover - it seemed to "pop" in a new way, that had me engaged and interested in all the content - wow! Special thanks for the dedicated space for sharing the stories of the 2021 Faculty-Staff Awards, promotion of nomination opportunities and the listing of the 2021 Alumni Awards and Honors (pages 24-29). I know that is a lot of space to give to such a topic, but think it is so valuable to share these stories and the names of those being recognized that #CyclonesEverywhere should know and be proud to call fellow alumni and friends of ISU. Congrats and thank you for sharing your vision of VISIONS in this new "first" issue!


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Kudos! Go Cyclones! Marc S. Mores**#

will appear either in a subsequent issue of the magazine or online on the ISUAA website. The views and opinions expressed in letters are solely those of the writers, and do not necessarily reflect those of ISUAA and Iowa State University. Letters containing potentially libelous statements or personal attacks will not be published. Send letters to VISIONS editor, ISU Alumni Center, 429 Alumni Lane, Ames, IA 50011-1403 or email

@ISUalum The fall 2021 issue of VISIONS is arriving in the mail this week for members of the ISU Alumni Association! Get a first look at what's featured in this issue including a spotlight on the ISU Foundation campaign, Forever True, For Iowa State. Read VISIONS right now online and find digital extras at

The @CyclonesMBB team is off to a perfect start this season! Read how new head coach T.J. Otzelberger has instilled a "Category Five Culture" within his program.

Vicki Weissinger Long Got mine in the mail today. Always look forward to receiving it! Great publication to keep me up on things Iowa State!

Chad E. Harris**

(‘01 political science) Kansas City, Missouri I just discovered that you have joined the staff of the ISUAA and are now the editor of VISIONS as we just received our winter edition! Congratulations on the new job and willingness to accept the new challenge! You will do a terrific job continuing the magazine which is a real treasure for the alumni association! Take care and once again, congratulations on your new job! Craig R. Foss**

(‘71 industrial engineering) Fairfield, Iowa


32 As @BrockPurdy13 prepares to play his final game as the @CycloneFB quarterback, learn about his journey to Ames and what the record-setting Cyclone homes his legacy will be. Read this feature by @BelinsonMatt published in the Fall 2021 VISIONS magazine



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