VISIONS Magazine: Winter 2017 Issue

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Winter 2017

2017 A new year and a new look at changes on the Iowa State campus

G E TTI NG START ED BY Carole Gieseke


Feeling great about Iowa State “I think it’s impossible to walk across central campus and see the Campanile and the blue sky and the trees and not just feel great about being at Iowa State.”




hen your kids are little, they change every day. You don’t notice, because you’re around them all the time. But when the grandparents see the kids for the first time in six months, they’ll definitely notice how much they’ve grown. The Iowa State campus is a lot like this. It’s changing all the time, but those of us who live and work here don’t really notice. People retire. Students graduate. Newcomers arrive every semester. Orange construction fences come and go. Old buildings are updated. New facilities spring up – seemingly overnight. Diseased and dying trees are (sadly) removed. Fresh new trees are planted in their place. It’s a life cycle we often take for granted here at Iowa State. In this issue, we attempt to look at the campus with a fresh pair of eyes: Where, exactly, are we in 2017? We have a burgeoning enrollment, that’s for sure. We’re adding faculty, staff, classes, and services to keep up with our growing student numbers. We’re adding student living space and leasing apartments. We’re expanding the hours of our labs and keeping our classrooms filled. We’re changing, in many ways, how students today are learning. We’re in the public phase of a brandnew, $1.1 billion comprehensive campaign, Forever True, For Iowa State, and we just rolled out a new university strategic plan. Those aren’t the kinds of things you see, but they’ll guide Iowa State in the future. Off campus, we’re expanding the ISU Research Park – and I mean really expanding it – with new businesses, a shiny new Economic Development Core Facility, and new services for all those new workers. And Campustown!

If you haven’t visited Ames recently, you will not recognize Campustown. The Lincoln Way corridor just south of campus has been completely reinvented. I, personally, have been known to be change-averse. I tend to oppose getting an upgrade for my computer or my phone because, well, the old ones are working just fine, thank you very much. I very much dislike it when my software programs are automatically upgraded, when Facebook decides to change the rules, and when I am forced to use a new email system. I am officially old and grumpy when it comes to forced technology changes. But I like the physical changes on campus, and I think you will, too. Some parking spaces have been removed to make the traffic flow

better. The landscaping and art on campus have never looked better. New facilities are helping our teachers teach and our students learn. Our stately old buildings are one by one getting makeovers so they can maintain their grand beauty and usefulness into the next century. I’m inspired by the words of ISU newcomer Kate Gregory (L), the university’s first senior vice president for university services. In an interview for our cover story, she told me, “I think it’s impossible to walk across central campus and see the Campanile and the blue sky and the trees and not just feel great about being at Iowa State.” 



On the cover: A wintery view of central campus.




Hello, 2017


26 32 33 36

Distinguished Awards announcement We are Forever True ISU Alumni Association Annual Report A new generation of philanthropy


2 4 6 28 30 39 44 46

Getting Started Letters to the Editor Around Campus Newsmakers Diversions Association News Sports Calendar


WINTER 2017 / VOLUME 29 / NO. 4 EDITOR: Carole Gieseke ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Kate Bruns PHOTOGRAPHY: Jim Heemstra DESIGN: Scott Thornton /

The ISU Alumni Association mission: To facilitate the lifetime connection of alumni, students, and friends with the university and each other.

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VISIONS (ISSN 1071-5886) is published quarterly for members of the Iowa State University Alumni Association by the ISU Alumni Association, 420 Beach Avenue, Ames, IA 50011-1430, (515) 2946525, FAX (515) 294-9402. Periodicals postage paid at Ames, Iowa, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to VISIONS, ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue, Ames, IA 50011-1430. For ad rates please call 515-294-6560. Copyright 2017 by the ISU Alumni Association, Jeffery W. Johnson, Talbot Endowed President and CEO and publisher.

Printed with soy ink on recycled and recyclable paper.



Letters 

WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU Let us know what you think about

stories in this issue – or about other topics of interest to VISIONS readers. Email your letters to: CGIESEKE@IASTATE.EDU. OFFICERS Melanie J. Reichenberger** Chair ’00 Indust. Engr. Mequon, Wis.


Nicole M. (Bell) Schmidt** Chair-elect ’09 Const. Engr., MS ’13 Ankeny, Iowa


Alan E. Krysan** Immediate Past Chair ’87 Ag. Business Lakeville, Minn. #

Katherine E. Hallenbeck** ’02 Finance / MIS Ankeny, Iowa Kari A. (Ditsworth) Hensen** ’96 Sociology, MS ’98 Higher Ed., PhD ’05 Ankeny, Iowa Erin Herbold-Swalwell** ’03 Liberal Studies Altoona, Iowa Ana McCracken** ’84 Fashion Merch. San Francisco, Calif. #

Geoffrey C. Grimes** Vice Chair of Finance ’69 Architecture Waterloo, Iowa #

Julie A. Rosin** Vice Chair of Records ’78 Home Ec. Ed., MS ’83 Ankeny, Iowa

Kathy A. (Sullivan) Peterson** ’95 Speech Communication Aurelia, Iowa Trent L. Preszler** ’98 Interdisc. Studies Cutchogue, N.Y.

Joan Piscitello** University Treasurer ’98 MBA Ex-officio/voting West Des Moines, Iowa

Darryl Vincent Samuels** ’88 Pol. Sci., MA ’90 Comm. & Reg. Plan. / Pol Sci. Pearland, Texas

Jeffery W. Johnson** Talbot Endowed President & CEO PhD ’14 Education Ex-officio/non-voting Ames, Iowa

Deborah Renee (Verschoor) Stearns** ’81 Journ. & Mass Comm. Altoona, Iowa



Kurt Alan Tjaden** ’85 Accounting Bettendorf, Iowa


ELECTED DIRECTORS Mark D. Aljets** ’79 Indust. Admin. West Des Moines, Iowa

Ryan M. York** ’95 Marketing, MBA ’03 Urbandale, Iowa

Kenneth R. Bonus** ’85 Const. Engr. West Des Moines, Iowa


Daniel A. Buhr** ’95 Electrical Engr. Ames, Iowa Eric Burrough** ’97 DVM, PhD ’11 Vet. Path. Ames, Iowa #

Kate Gregory Senior Vice President for University Services Office of the President Representative Ames, Iowa Kim McDonough** ’02 Jlsm. & Mass Comm., MS ’04 College Representative Ames, Iowa


Here’s another Lake LaVerne story (“Greetings from Lake LaVerne,” fall 2016): It was about 1955; Iowa State beat Nebraska, and the students wanted a day off to celebrate. A riot developed, and everyone was milling around. I was a head resident in Friley Hall – a job between the students and the administration. I joined the crowd to watch and noticed that a bulldozer was parked near the dam of Lake LaVerne. I wandered over to the machine and slyly took the rotor arm out of the distributer and put it in my pocket. Soon, a cry was heard, “Let’s drain the lake!” Somebody got up on the bulldozer and cranked the starter until the battery was drained, to no avail. In the quiet of the next morning, I went down to the lake and put the distributer arm back into its place.

and on Aug. 29, 1964 we were married. We now have completed 52 years of marriage. And it all started on the south shores of Lake LaVerne. J. R. Campbell**

’66 civil engineering Ann Friesen Campbell**

’64 textiles & clothing Topeka, Kan. I thought you would like a good chuckle. Neither my husband nor I have heard of “walking around Lake LaVerne three times in silence, holding hands to prove that we were meant to be together.” We’ve been married since July 1, 1972. Janet Bondesson Redick**

’72 industrial administration Robert Redick**

’71 accounting / industrial administration Omaha, Neb.


Thomas A. Connop** ’76 History Dallas, Texas Lawrence Cunningham** ’02 Liberal Studies Ames, Iowa


Wendell L. Davis** ’75 DVM Overland Park, Kan. Craig K. Denny** ’71 Civil Engr., MS ’73 Soil Engr. Lenexa, Kan. #

Duane M. Fisher** ’73 Ag. Ed., MS ’80 Mt. Auburn, Iowa Jeffrey Grayer** ’05 Liberal Studies Grand Blanc, Mich. 4

Phyllis M. Fevold** Non-alumni Representative Ames, Iowa Erik Olson*** Senior, Marketing Student Alumni Leadership Council Representative Golden Valley, Minn. Membership Key: *Annual member **Life member # 2015 Sustaining Life donor ***Student member

Charles Gould**

’56 mechanical engineering Las Vegas, Nev. At the beginning of fall semester 1961, I called a high school friend who had transferred to Iowa State and asked to visit with her. A friend of mine and I made arrangements to meet with her and some of her friends. During this meeting I was introduced to Ann Friesen, who also had just transferred to Iowa State. The next day I called Ann and asked her to go out with me for pizza and to walk and talk around Lave LaVerne. During this walk we sat down on the ground on the south side of the lake. During this conversation I noticed that my fingernails were dirty. I pulled a knife from my pocket and proceeded to clean my fingernails. When the knife came out of my pocket, Ann did not know what to think. After this date I proceeded to date Ann,

Very interesting article about LaVerne Noyes. I was the recipient of a LaVerne Noyes scholarship from 1937 to 1941. My father was a WWI veteran. It was partial tuition; the only additional requirement was to maintain a certain grade point – maybe 2.5. One quarter I received a warning. That was probably the quarter I was taking chemistry, physics, and calculus. I dropped calculus just in time to not flunk it. Long time ago! Mary Helen (Merriam) Stewart**

’41 chemistry Maquoketa, Iowa THREE BILLION YEARS OF IOWA HISTORY

My name is Mark Richner, and I graduated with an MS in water resources in 1981. It was a hybrid degree, and I was housed in the Earth Science / Atmospheric Science Department. WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

I was a graduate teaching assistant teaching physical geology lab classes. I came from Pennsylvania and Maryland to Iowa, a state that had a topography and geology much different than that to which I was accustomed. In the two years I spent in Ames I became very familiar with Iowa geology and topography – and loved it. The articles in the fall issue of VISIONS (“Three billion years”) were excellent and brought back many memories of various field trips taken to see some of the topics discussed in the articles. Iowa is unique and deserves to be appreciated for its diversity. I’m glad you had the opportunity to enjoy that diversity. I am a retired hydrogeologist and, when working, spent most of my time dealing with groundwater issues at municipal, industrial, and hazardous waste sites. ISU was a great place to get an education. Thanks again for a great issue. Mark Richner*

MS ’81 water resources Cranberry Township, Pa.

of Geology. I managed to earn a well-deserved D- from him, which taught me the invaluable lesson that I actually needed to read the textbook and study a bit harder. Bob Greenlee


MEMBER BENEFIT SPOTLIGHT Get the most out of your membership

’63 distributed studies, MS ’68 journalism Lafayette, Colo. WARREN MADDEN: ONE MAN’S CAMPUS

Warren Madden was in my class of 1961 but did not know him. I came to Iowa State as a sophomore in the fall of 1958 and lived in Bennett House in Friley Hall for two years. My major was industrial engineering, and those who were in that field were good to know and be around. At the end of my junior year I got married and lived off campus with my wife. That ended the carefree days in the dorm. My window faced east and I could see the Union and Lake LaVerne: a gorgeous view. Enjoyed Homecoming and VEISHEA and invited my fiancé to those events in my two years in Friley. Iowa State has many good memories. I have visited there from time to time and am amazed at how much bigger it is today. I graduated in June 1961 and moved to my first job in Cleveland, Ohio. I grew up on a farm 60 miles north of Ames and go back there each year.

Download the “Iowa State Alumni” app from the App Store or Google Play to access thousands of “local” discounts nationwide. Select “MyDeals Discounts” from your home screen and you’ll be ready to save!

Arlan Stavnheim*

’61 industrial engineering Lafayette, Ind. I just got the morning mail and papers, but read VISIONS first. Another great issue. It reminded me what a great administrator Warren Madden is and was. My Lake LaVerne memory: After finals, we’d throw our class notes into the lake. I miss Ames all the time, even after 41 years in Colorado. Regards, and go, Cyclones. Diane (Gawne) Greenlee** The fall 2016 issue of VISIONS is a keeper, especially the lead story describing three billion years of Iowa history. I may be prejudiced because of a background in geology, but from the Sioux Falls quartzite to plate tectonics and Folsom points, I think it is extraordinarily well done. It would be a credit to any publication. R. L. Handy**

’51 geology, MS ’53, PhD ’56 civil engineering Madrid, Iowa Thank you for the “Three Billion Years” of Iowa’s history in VISIONS magazine. Your comprehensive story of the state’s geological and archaeological origins was comprehensive, informative, and totally engaging. It certainly brought back memories of my freshman year at Iowa State when one of my first-quarter courses was taught by Dr. Roy Chalmer, then head of the Department VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

’66 English/speech Lafayette, Colo. *Annual member, **Life member Iowa State University values communication with alumni and other audiences, and VISIONS welcomes letters from readers about topics in the magazine. Letters must be signed and include address and daytime phone number. Letters chosen for publication may be edited for length and clarity. The editor may decide to publish a representative sample of letters on a subject or limit the number of issues devoted to a particular topic. While universities are places of open discussion, letters deemed potentially libelous or that malign a person or group will not be published.

AVAILABLE NOW for Apple and Android devices

Letters express the views of the readers and not Iowa State University nor the ISU Alumni Association. Send letters to VISIONS Editor, ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Ave., Ames, IA 50011-1430. 5

ISU, Chevron partnership creates new biomass technology by Chevron. “With the work Chevron did, this looked like it could be a very cost-effective method for producing biofuels,” said Ryan Smith (’99 production/ops mgmt), the deputy director of the ISU Bioeconomy Institute’s Thermochemical Research Group. “But many of the unit operations hadn’t been tested, so the team has been working to design and optimize these operations.” The pilot plant, located at Iowa State’s BioCentury Research Farm, operates about once a week and can process a pound of biomass every hour. As part of

the agreement, Chevron has donated the pilot plant to the university. “The pilot plant is like a mini commercial system,” said Robert C. Brown (A), the director of the Bioeconomy Institute and an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering. “A good pilot plant has all of the unit operations that take biomass to a product. It’s a big engineering challenge to tie all the steps together and have them operate in concert.”

Jordan Funkhouser is a lead plant operator at the Iowa StateChevron pilot plant.


Around Campus


new project led by researchers partnering from ISU and Chevron U.S.A. is examining a biorenewables technology called solvent liquefaction – a process of converting biomass like wood chips into bio-oil that can be processed into fuels or chemicals and into biochar that can enrich soils. The study is supported by a four-year, $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Biomass Research and Development Initiative. The technology was initially developed




cool things you should know and share about ISU

1: Iowa State is mastering medicine: Even though Iowa State University doesn’t have a College of Medicine, it now has just as many faculty members who have been inducted into the National Academy of Medicine as any university. This fall, the Academy announced the election of James Roth (L)(DVM ’75, MS ’79 veterinary microbiology), director of the Center for Food Security and Public Health and executive director of the Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics, and Alicia Carriquiry (L)(MS '86 stat, PhD '89 stat & animal sci), leader of the ISU-based National Institute of Standards and Technology Forensic Science Center of Excellence. 2: Iowa State is Big 12 champion – again: The Iowa

State women’s cross country team captured its fifth Big 12 Conference title in six years Oct. 29 in Lubbock, Texas. The Cyclone men finished second at the league meet, and both the ISU men’s and women’s teams qualified for the 2016 NCAA championships in Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 19 – one of only 14 schools nationally to do so.

3: Iowa State is bigger than ever: The official head count for fall puts Iowa State’s enrollment at 36,660 – a 1.9 percent increase over last year’s record enrollment of 36,001 and the largest enrollment of any university in the state. 4: Iowa State is rockin’ research:

The university has once again set a record for sponsored research funding, bringing in $252 million during fiscal year 2016 – including record and near-record amounts from the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health. 5: Iowa State leads the Big 12 in graduation rate: In the most recent data released by the NCAA, Iowa State student-athletes registered the best graduation rate in the Big 12 Conference at 75%.

At the intersection of Pammel Court and Memory Lane

COMING IN JANUARY: The Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives will open a new exhibit about Pammel Court. The exhibit includes stories from alumni who lived in the north campus housing development that was created in 1946 and which stood for 50 years despite its original designation as “temporary.” The exhibit is a collaboration with assistant professor of history Mark Barron, whose History 481X students are serving as curators. For more information about this unique opportunity to interact with Iowa State history, contact Rachel Seale at Special Collections and University Archives, located in 403 Parks Library, is open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.


Family Bulb Meadow update Reiman Gardens reports that its Alumni Family Bulb Meadow Garden promoted in the Summer ’16 issue of VISIONS has been officially planted, with many thanks to the donors. Approximately 1,500 donated or donor-funded bulbs are among the 9,000 that were planted alongside 1,500 meadow grasses and sedges in the garden area, which adjoins the Hillside Water-wise Garden project between Reiman Gardens and Jack Trice Stadium that is scheduled to be complete in May. There were also donations of non-bulb plants such as irises, daylilies, and coneflowers that did not fit the requirements of the bulb meadow but will find homes at Reiman Gardens as well. Many of the bulbs and plants that were dug from home gardens arrived with stories of their history and significance to the donor; portions of these stories will be part of an interpretive panel that will be installed at Reiman Gardens this spring.


Around Campus

Montana conservation camp will become newest extension of ISU campus Starting this summer, Iowa State’s forests, fisheries and wildlife students will have a new opportunity for hands-on learning as the university opens the Rod and Connie French Conservation Education Camp in Missoula, Mont. Nestled in the remote Bitterroot Mountains, the camp will be equipped to accommodate up to 60 students and instructors for as many as three concurrent courses. It was established through a $4.1 million donation by the late Rod French and his wife, Connie, of their beloved “Hole in the Wall Ranch.” The operation of the camp will be modeled after ISU’s successful Carl F. Vondra Geology Field Station in Wyoming, which the university has been operating since 1957. “I am honored that this ranch, which is so dear to our hearts and holds so many wonderful family memories, will now be used as a student learning facility,” Connie French said. “Rod was personally touched that President Leath had such a passionate vision for this facility. Under his leadership, students and faculty will be able to learn more about conservation and the environment, not only for this region but across the globe.”

Iowa State emojis This fall, the Iowa State Daily – with sponsorship support from Fareway Food Stores – released a new mobile app, powered by Swyft, featuring custom Iowa State emojis that include fun GIFs and stickers. Among the offerings are a Cardinal & Gold “first down” fan, a cherry pie, kissing swans, and more. Download the free app in the iTunes App Store or on Google Play by searching “Iowa State Emojis.”



NewsBriefs ■ Iowa State administrators have been working all semester to address the needs and concerns of undocumented students, particularly in light of the Nov. 6 election of Donald Trump, who has advocated mass deportation, as U.S. president. Following a staged walkout and protest march on campus Nov. 16, senior vice president for student affairs Martino Harmon told protesters, many of whom have obtained status under the now-threatened Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, that the university would support them. “We have always supported undocumented students,” he said. “We will not turn our backs on you.”

university aircraft. The university and Leath have expressed commitment to full cooperation with the audit. A list of frequently asked questions about the topic is available to the public via the Iowa State University website at

■ Senior vice president for university services Kate Gregory (L) has appointed a search committee to select ISU’s next chief of police. On-campus interviews are expected to be held in midJanuary. Police chief Jerry Stewart retired last December.

■ Two time-NCAA shot put champion Christina Hillman (’16 child and family services & psych) was one of nine finalists for the prestigious NCAA Woman of the Year Award, which was presented in October in Indianapolis, Ind. In addition Christina Hillman to her significant athletics and academic accomplishments, the Dover, Del., native spent more than 500 undergraduate hours volunteering for a Youth & Shelter Services residential treatment facility, helping teens with drug addictions.

■ The Iowa Board of Regents has concluded a review of travel policies and state equipment use guidelines following several question-raising reports about ISU President Steven Leath’s use of

■ In November, Iowa State completed a restoration of the Memorial Union’s historic slate tile roof, which dates back to 1927. Eighty tons of Vermont slate were installed on the central, highest part of the MU.

■ On Nov. 9, ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences endowed dean Wendy Wintersteen (L)(PhD ’88 entomology) was honored with the Carl F. Hertz Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award from the American Society Wendy Wintersteen of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. The prestigious award is given only to the nation’s top agriculture leaders. Past ISU recipients have included the late Earl Heady (PhD ’45 econ), Neil Harl (L)(’55 ag ed, PhD ’65 econ), William Edwards (L)(’69 ag bus, MS ’71 ag econ, PhD ’79), Mike Duffy, and Elwynn Taylor.

Socially stunning According to a recent study by USA Today, Iowa State University is the “most Instagrammed” place in the state of Iowa – news that doesn’t surprise anyone who is familiar with our bustling and beautiful campus. Get “inst-pired” yourself and check out some of our favorite ISU-related Instagram accounts: • Check out @iowastateu and @christophergannon for loads of beautiful campus pics by the latter, who serves as university photographer. • Get dispatches from the Alumni Association by following @isualum and @isuhomecoming. • Unique shots of Iowa State’s remarkable art collection can be enjoyed at @university.museums. • And of course, stay up-to-date on the Cyclones by following @cycloneath. A complete Iowa State University social media directory, including college and departmental Instagram accounts, can be found at VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017 2017



Another year, another record-breaking student enrollment. And now, a historic fundraising campaign, changes all across campus, and a new strategic plan. Welcome to Iowa State University in 2017.




Where we are; where we’re headed


aintaining quality amid growth. That’s one of President Steven Leath’s top goals for this academic year. It’s a tall order, given the fact that student enrollment has grown 44 percent in the past decade (to last fall’s high-water mark of 36,660) but state funding has continued to decline. In 2008, Iowa State received about $12,700 in state funding per resident student. At that time, nearly 50 percent of the university’s operating revenue came from the state; the other 50 percent came from tuition and fees. Today, ISU receives about $9,400 from the state per resident student, shifting the budget revenue ratio to approximately 30 percent from the state and 70 percent from tuition and fees. Meanwhile, the Regents have held the line on resident undergraduate tuition, freezing or making only minimal increases over the last five years. “We’ve been unable to make meaningful improvements in our national ranking and our student-to-faculty ratio because of the tremendous growth we've seen,” despite hiring more than 400 new faculty over the past five years, Leath said during his annual address last fall. But progress is being shown in a number of areas:  Iowa State continues to offer the lowest tuition and fees of its peer institutions, and student debt has declined 8.5 percent, due in part to Leath’s Moving Students Forward campaign to raise $150 million in private gifts for student financial aid over five years. That campaign has now raised nearly $190 million, and so far more than 23,000 students have received support from the fund.  A number of facilities to enhance academics and student life have opened in the past few years, and more are in the works, including two biosciences facilities, improved classroom spaces, new residence halls and apartment communities, and a cutting-edge student innovation facility.  Iowa State is becoming a more inclusive


community. With the hiring of Reginald Stewart as the university’s first vice president for diversity and inclusion, Leath says he believes Iowa State can become a model of diversity. Last fall the university hired project directors for diversity and inclusion in LGBTQA+ Affairs and in Hispanic/Latinx Affairs and will soon create a new position to oversee sexual misconduct prevention.  The ISU Research Park continues to expand, and the new Economic Development Core Facility that opened last summer will greatly enhance the positive

impact the university will have on the state’s economy.  A new strategic plan was rolled out last summer, with four key objectives to take Iowa State well into the next decade.  An administrative team that features familiar faces, as well as key leaders new to campus, has been put in place.  The ISU Foundation announced in September the launch of Forever True, For Iowa State, a landmark initiative to raise $1.1 billion for the university, the largest goal ever for an Iowa State comprehensive campaign.

MONEY magazine named Iowa State the best college in Iowa for providing high-quality education at an affordable price.


The class of 2020

Who’s counting? 10 years of enrollment growth

A look at Iowa State’s fall 2016 entering freshmen:

2006: 25,462 2007: 26,160 2008: 26,856

Total freshman class: 6,325

2009: 27,945 2010: 28,682

Forever True

2011: 29,887 Total Iowans: 3,380

2012: 31,040

Iowa State launches historic $1.1 billion campaign

2013: 33,241 2014: 34,732

U.S. multicultural enrollment: 946 (15% of new freshmen)

2015: 36,001 2016: 36,660

By the numbers Iowa State’s fall 2016 enrollment… and other fun facts

36,660 Iowa State’s total student enrollment for fall 2016 44

The percentage of student population growth in the past decade

20,713 The number of Iowans attending Iowa State 23.9 The percentage of U.S. multicultural and international students enrolled 64 The percentage of Iowa State classes that have 29 or fewer students 2 million+

The number of visitors to the Iowa State Library last year


The number of new student organizations added last year, for a total of 850+ organizations on campus

5 The number of wireless devices, on average, that students bring with them to campus. Iowa State has installed 9,300 wireless access points to accommodate all that digital traffic. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

On Sept. 30, Iowa State University announced the launch of the Forever True, For Iowa State campaign, a historic initiative to raise $1.1 billion for the university by June 30, 2020. The goal is the largest ever for an Iowa State comprehensive campaign. With a name inspired by the Iowa State Fight Song, the campaign will rally support for scholarships, faculty support, facilities, and programs. It will help ensure access to an exceptional education, advance Iowa State expertise in key areas that address global challenges, and enhance the university’s impact on the economy and quality of life in Iowa and around the world. “I invite everyone whose lives have been touched by Iowa State to consider what it means to be Forever True to this university,” said Jon Fleming (L)(’75 meteorology). “With the help of our extended Iowa State family, I know we can make this the most transformative campaign in Cyclone history.” Fleming serves as campaign chair and is a former Alumni Association Board of Directors chair. Larissa Holtmyer Jones (L)(’91 marketing, MBA ’03), president and CEO of the ISU Foundation, announced that since the campaign began its quiet phase in 2012 more than $551 million has already been raised. “This goal stretches us,” she said, “but there is so much to be gained in meeting it for our students’ and for our children’s futures.” For more information, visit forevertrue To learn about the Iowa State University Alumni Association funding priorities within this historic campaign, go to page 32. 13


The big flip: New ways to learn


f your memory of attending classes at Iowa State was to drag yourself to class, plop down in your seat, and let the knowledge wash over you, you’d be in for a shock in many of today’s classrooms. New ways of teaching – flipping the classroom, team-based learning, and innovative uses of technology – have changed the way students learn. “Students like to be engaged,” says Ann Marie VanDerZanden, director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT). “They like to be doing something other than just sitting there.” As a result of ISU’s Presidential Flipped and Hybrid Course Initiative and the faculty’s Team-Based Learning (TBL) Community, students are engaging in the classroom like never before. In the old model, students would learn curriculum content through a lecture and then do homework outside of class. The benefit of flipping the class, according to VanDerZanden, is that now when students have a question, the faculty member and their peers are there to help guide the learning. The result: significant learning gains and a deeper understanding of course content. Here’s an example of both the “flip” and TBL: In Peter Savolainen’s Civil Engineering 453 Highway Design class, students are arranged into teams in one of the newly renovated Marston Hall classrooms. The team approach, he says, eliminates the problem of providing one-on-one consultation to students in a large classroom. “By arranging the students into teams, I am able to more effectively interact with the entire class over the duration of the semester. I am also able to provide more challenging problems, which are well-suited for teamwork,” he said. And here’s where the “flip” comes in: The prerequisite course, CE 355 Principles of Transportation Engineering, was a flipped class. So instead of reviewing that material at the beginning of CE 453, Professor Savolainen is able to refer his students to the YouTube site where the CE 355 lectures reside, allowing students to catch up on top-


ics they may not remember while allowing him to keep pace and cover new material. Online/distance learning has also expanded in recent years. Thousands of Iowa State students enroll in online classes today for a variety of reasons. “Some academic departments are offering undergraduate courses that are part of a sequence of courses that students have to take, so they’re offering an online version of the course as a means to allow students to make progress toward their degrees,” VanDerZanden explained. “Sometimes it’s a bottleneck class, so the online (option) is relieving a little bit of pressure as our enrollment has grown. Other departments are thinking about attracting new audiences who might be looking for graduate programs or professional development.” In fact, 28 ISU degrees and 22 graduate certificate programs can be completed entirely online. VanDerZanden says some faculty members at Iowa State are eager to integrate new uses of technology, new methods of teaching, and expanded undergraduate student research into their classrooms. “Where it works in the discipline, I think more and more people are looking for different ways to teach,” she said. “It’s kind of that crest of the wave, right? I mean, there are the early adopters who will do a whole range of different things in their classes and be willing to take that risk. And then, as there are more successes and positive student feedback and acknowledgement that this can be effective in the discipline, others start to join along.”

What is it? Defining the trends  Flipping the Classroom: A teaching model that “flips” the traditional instructional format. Students view lectures and other academic content, mainly online, prior to class. Class time is used for active learning activities such as discussion, problem

Peter Savolainen interacts with students in his CE 453 Highway Design class in Marston Hall. The upper-division students are designing improvements to U.S. Highway 30 east of Tama/ Toledo, a two-lane road that will be converted to a four-lane highway. A part of the recent Marston Hall renovation, room 2300 features tables and chairs on wheels and smart board monitors throughout the room.

solving, projects, and further explanation of materials.  Team-Based Learning (TBL): An increasingly popular form of flipped-classroom, small-group learning that provides students with an intimate, collaborative, active experience even in a large class.  Online/Distance Learning: Classes are WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

100 years With a reaccreditation last March, Iowa State notched 100 years of continuous accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission.

offered online both to resident students and distance students for convenience, to make progress toward a degree, or for professional development.  Hybrid Course: A portion of the course’s meeting time is replaced by online instruction.


Hottest majors on campus Some of today’s most popular majors have been around for years: Think animal science and mechanical engineering. Others are new to the mix. Here are the top undergraduate degrees conferred in 2016:

• Mechanical engineering (358) • Kinesiology / health (282) • Supply chain / management information systems (274) • Apparel, events & hospitality management (267) • Animal science (232)



Biorenewables Complex

Agricultural Student Learning Center

Marston Hall

Troxel Hall

Cyclone Sports Complex

State Gym

State-of-the-art facilities

A look at some of the major new and remodeled buildings on the ISU campus NEW TO CAMPUS Biorenewables Complex* • Two phases of this building project have been completed since the original Biorenewables Research Laboratory opened in summer 2010. • The Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering program is housed in the new $60 million Elings and Sukup Halls. • Buildings feature more than 190,000 square feet of modern research labs, classrooms, student spaces, and offices offering a state-of-the-art learning and innovation environment. • Artwork includes “Floating World,” 14 parallel laser-cut steel panels by Ralph Helmick representing agricultural progression through time. Troxel Hall* • Opened in fall 2013, this state-of-the-art teaching auditorium features a 400-seat general university lecture space and green roof. • Named for donor Doug Troxel (’67 mathematics), who gave a $5 million lead gift.


Jeff & Deb Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center* • $7.9 million building paid for by nearly 1,200 donors, led by Jeff & Deb Hansen’s $2 million gift. • Versatile, multipurpose resource accessible to students campus-wide; includes an indoor 125-foot-by-250-foot arena with seating for 1,000, four classrooms, and a conference room. Cyclone Sports Complex • In fall 2013, a new athletics facility opened its doors on campus – opening with it new opportunities for studentathletes in ISU’s soccer, softball, and track and field programs. • The $13 million Cyclone Sports Complex is located just east of the Towers Residence Halls at the intersection of Mortensen Road and Welch Ave. • The facility replaces the competition fields formerly housed at the ISU Soccer Complex and Southwest Athletic Complex with new, state-of-the art features for student-athletes and fans.

HISTORIC REMODELING PROJECTS Marston Hall • The two-year project gutted and restored all four floors. • Reopened fall 2016. • Total interior renovation, with three state-of-the-art classrooms seating up to 80 students each, 177-seat auditorium, special events center student lounge/ welcome center, and office suites. • $27 million project (combination private giving and university funds). Curtiss Hall* • Partial interior remodel, featuring Harl Commons, a student services area, and space for the Agriculture Entrepreneurship Initiative. • Projects completed in 2012 and 2013 at a cost of $14.3 million. State Gym** • Remodel/expansion of the historic gymnasium, with a 92,320-square-foot addition. • Reopened in 2012. • Facility features two- and three-court gymnasiums, cycling room, fitness & wellness suite, Outdoor Recreation WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

Jack Trice Stadium

Curtiss Hall

Program space, two jogging/walking tracks, skywalk, pool, rock-climbing wall, cardio equipment, weight equipment, and a smoothie café. • Pictured is a fitness yoga class held over the noon hour. Other classes include strength training, cardio sculpt, kickboxing, Cy-Cycle, Zumba, Pilates, Boot Camp, Jump Fitness, and more. Jack Trice Stadium • Project constructed in two phases; $64.5 million total. • First phase enclosed the south end of the stadium with permanent upper and lower seating bowls in the south end zone and added the Sukup End Zone Club. • End Zone Club seats 3,000; the new sections of the stadium seat nearly 6,000, bringing total capacity to 61,000. • Funded in part by a $25 million lead gift from Roy (’57 ag journalism) and Bobbi (honorary alumna) Reiman (L) • A landscaped green space between the south end zone and Reiman Gardens to be completed in fall 2017. *LEED gold, **LEED platinum


Biosciences construction

Student Innovation Center

A PREVIEW OF WHAT’S TO COME • Work is currently underway to renovate nearly a dozen state-of-the-art classrooms in two buildings – Hamilton and Pearson – that will open next fall. • An $80 million Student Innovation Center: This 140,000-square-foot interdisciplinary space for project-based learning, entrepreneurship, and team work will be located near Marston Water Tower. Funding comes from a $40 million state appropriation, a $20 million gift from an anonymous donor, and an additional $20 million to be privately raised. Completion is scheduled for spring 2020. • An $88 million project will construct new space to support biosciences programs. The project consists of two components: an addition to Bessey Hall and a new Advanced Teaching and Research Building (ATRB), both currently under construction. The $30.3 million, four-story addition to the east side of Bessey Hall (funded through state appropriations) will house biology teaching labs and two 80-seat classrooms,

in addition to research facilities for ecology, evolution, and organismal biology. The new ATRB, located on the northwest corner of Stange Road and Pammel Drive, is being built at a cost of $56.1 million (funded through state appropriations, university funds, private gifts, and an $8 million bond). The ATRB will house programs in plant pathology and microbiology; genetics, development, and cell biology; and entomology with space for research, teaching labs, and a general university lecture hall. • University officials have requested a state appropriation to initiate funds for a $124 million Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (VDL) project. The VDL will put Iowa State on the map as a national leader in protecting animal and human health. GOODBYE TO THESE BUILDINGS • Andrews-Richards House • Davidson Hall • Industrial Education II • Soon: Nuclear Engineering Building and a portion of Sweeney Hall 17


Full house


n 2005, Iowa State’s campus housing occupancy was at 7,736 – the lowest it had been since 1971. Now it’s the highest on record. And it’s not just due to the burgeoning enrollment: Occupancy growth (65%) has even outpaced the rise in enrollment during that time period. How has the Department of Residence kept up with the demand? It’s taken a variety of approaches: Expansion of apartment-style living; addition of a large, traditional residence hall; renovation of Memorial Union hotel rooms to student rooms; and off-campus leases. As of last

fall, all freshmen requesting housing were placed in on-campus residence halls. With dozens of new apartments popping up in Campustown, west Ames, and along 4th and 16th streets east of the stadium, it might seem surprising that the demand for on-campus housing is so strong. But Pete Englin (L)(PhD ’01), director of the Department of Residence, understands what motivates students to live on campus. “Students get to know each other in the residence halls,” he said. “The experience is built on relationships and a shared investment in the living community.”

Since taking over leadership of the residence division in 2005, Englin has placed a high priority on working with students and providing the services that matter to them. He emphasizes leadership opportunities; nurturing the whole student – academically, socially, emotionally, physically; providing resources to allow students to succeed; and keeping costs down. “Students need to know they’re relevant and they matter,” he said. “Their opinions are clearly informing the decisions we make.”

Our campus home A quick look at new and revamped facilities HOUSING • Frederiksen Court Apartments expansion: Six new buildings since 2012 • Geoffroy Hall: A traditional residence hall opening in January • Memorial Union: 70 students now living in former hotel space • Reinvestment in current housing: “Lifecycle” projects are taking place in ISU’s historic residence halls (new windows, flooring, restroom upgrades, etc.) DINING • Clyde’s Fresh Express: Retooling of existing sports-bar-themed restaurant to a fast-casual restaurant with healthy grab-and-go options • ABE’s Harvest Café: Located in the Biorenewables Complex • Froots: Smoothie bar in the renovated and expanded State Gym • Global Café: Located in renovated Curtiss Hall space • Coming next fall: Friley Windows dining center 18

Tyler Hoenig, a junior in secondary English education, is one of about 70 students who chose to live in the Memorial Union when the historic facility converted its hotel to student living quarters. Hoenig is president of the Memorial Union Residence Council.

Six apartment buildings, with a total of 720 beds, were added to the Frederiksen Court community between 2012 and 2014, bringing the total of beds in the popular “Freddy Court” to 2,686.

All new for fall 2016, Clyde’s Fresh Express is located in the University Drive Community Center. Fresh grab-and-go (or sit-and-stay if you prefer) items include chicken sandwiches, fruit cups, deep dish pizza, vegetarian/vegan/Halal options, and homemade cookies.

ABE’s Harvest Café is one of 11 ISU Dining cafés conveniently placed in academic buildings and other student-centered hubs. Harvest Café is located in the new Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering / Biorenewables Complex.


Where students live 16%: Outside Ames 33%: University operated housing 51%: Off-campus in Ames

13 things TO KNOW ABOUT

Rooms with a view Geoffroy Hall, located just east of Buchanan Hall on Lincoln Way, opens in January 2017. The $49.5 million project includes large, traditional, double-occupancy rooms with 784 beds; four elevators; community bathrooms with private showers; open gathering spaces; and a “front porch” area on every floor. Oh, and one more thing: amazing views of both campus and Ames. During a sneak peek last fall, photographer Jim Heemstra snapped photos from upper floors of the still-under-construction residence hall. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

LIVING AND DINING ON CAMPUS IN 2017 1. All incoming freshmen who submitted contracts were placed in university housing in fall 2016. 2. 95% of all freshmen live on campus. 3. A total of 12,437 beds were filled in fall 2016 in university-owned or -managed housing. 4. Housing occupancy growth (65%) outpaced enrollment growth (40%) from fall 2005 to fall 2015. 5. University housing is guaranteed to all new-to-ISU students, including transfers. 6. The Department of Residence employs 192 full-time and more than 300 student staff members. 7. The Department of Residence is completely self-supported (no money from tuition or general fees; all revenue from room/apartment fees). 8. Iowa State has 20 residence halls and two on-campus apartment communities. 9. Some university housing isn’t actually on campus. The university has leased 1,455 off-campus spaces and operates them as on-campus housing. All leased apartments are furnished, with CAs, hall directors, and paid utilities. 10. Students can choose to eat at four residential dining centers, three on-campus restaurants, and 11 cafes scattered across campus. 11. Three convenience stores offer snacks and made-to-order sandwiches and other meals. 12. Meals that can be used outside the dining centers give student meal plans flexibility and on-the-go convenience. 13. Most ISU Dining bakery items are baked from scratch, and flavors are rotated seasonally. But don’t worry – the über-popular buttermilk chocolate brownies are available all year. 19


Changes at the top


ith the departure last summer of Warren Madden, (L)(’61 indust engr) the long-time senior vice president for business and finance, there’s been a series of changes in senior leadership at Iowa State. During Madden’s 32 years as vice president, ISU’s enrollment increased nearly 50 percent, the campus grew to more than 13.8 million square feet of building space, and the university budget increased from $268 million to $1.4 billion. ISU President Steven Leath (L), in a letter last spring to the Iowa State community, wrote, “I recognize it would be very difficult to find someone as capable as Warren to manage all of the components of what has become a very large, diverse, and complex office. Therefore, I have decided to split this office into divisions: the Division of University Services and the Division of Finance.” As a search commenced for the VP for university services, Leath tapped his chief of staff, Miles Lackey (L), to assume the role of chief of staff/chief financial officer. Lackey, who came to Iowa State in 2012 at age 32, had served as director of financial relations for the University of North Carolina System and was a legislative aide to former U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole. At Iowa State he’d been, as he often joked, “chief of stuff,” taking the lead on projects to streamline the resource management model and budgeting system in addition to coordinating the day-to-day functions of the president’s office. In what can only be described as a perfect storm, Lackey’s wife, Tara, gave birth prematurely to their twin sons on March 23 and Lackey was named chief of staff/chief financial officer on March 24. “It was like drinking through a fire hose,” he said of those first few months with a new job and expanding family. (Daughter Reagan turned 2 years old in July; twins


Emmerson and William spent 84 days in the hospital but are now healthy and at home.) “It was a hectic period, but I’m starting to feel more in control.” With a full plate and a number of different hats, Lackey says his number one priority is “to ensure that we are achieving transparency in the budget process and making sure that we are adhering to best practices when it comes to accounting for resources here and making sure they are being used in the most efficient and effective way possible.” He takes the land-grant model seriously and says, in fact, that the land-grant mission “is really one of the things I love about working here, serving the people of the state.” He won’t even to try to replace Warren Madden, he says. “I certainly wouldn’t try to fill his shoes,” he says. “He was here for 50 years! But what I hope that I can do is just really apply a lot of the sound advice that he provided to me and try to do a good job and leave this institution in better shape than when I found it.” Kate Gregory (L), a retired Navy rear admiral, also admires Madden’s institutional knowledge and work ethic – and that’s important, because she took on much of his management role in July when she became ISU’s first senior vice president for university services. “You can’t do anything at Iowa State without seeing, in big and small ways, what Mr. Madden put into place during his tenure here,” Gregory said. “Mr. Madden is an incredibly generous man,” she continued. “He has offered to help me and Iowa State in any way possible, and for that I’m tremendously grateful and I take him up on that at every opportunity. But I think the best advice he gave me was the fact that there are great people in university services and that I should rely on and listen to them.”

Gregory retired from the Navy last year, serving most recently as chief of civil engineers and commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (2012-15). She says her military experience has uniquely prepared her for her new role at Iowa State. “In the military, I was accustomed to working in large, complex organizations that had a lot of different interests and things that needed to get done – and universities, in my short experience, are very much like that,” she said. “Iowa State is a very complex organization; it does a huge variety of things, and it all needs to happen for Iowa State to succeed in its mission. So I think there’s a very close parallel between what I did before and what I do now.” Like Lackey, Gregory says she’s grateful to be working at a land-grant university. “Working at Iowa State was a dream, not something I ever really thought was possible,” she said. “I feel exceptionally lucky to be here.” As relative newcomers to the Iowa State campus, both Gregory and Lackey say they already feel at home here, and they have established their own campus traditions. Gregory says she runs on campus early in the morning, soaking up inspiration as she runs by the historic buildings. Lackey walks around Lake LaVerne most evenings with his family, often stopping at the benches near Christian Petersen’s Fountain of the Four Seasons. “We’re indoctrinating our kids,” Lackey says. “They all have the Cyclone gear.” Gregory says, “I think it’s impossible to walk across central campus and see the Campanile and the blue sky and the trees and not just feel great about being at Iowa State.”


KATE GREGORY’S AREAS OF OVERSIGHT: • Facilities Planning and Management • Business Services • Environmental Health and Safety • Public Safety • Reiman Gardens • University Museums • WOI Radio Group MILES LACKEY’S AREAS OF OVERSIGHT: • Finance • Treasurer’s Office • University Financial Planning • University Relations • Ombuds Office • Internal Audit




Division of Academic Affairs Jonathan Wickert, senior vice president and provost

Division of Student Affairs Martino Harmon, senior vice president for student affairs

Division of University Services Kate Gregory, senior vice president for university services

Chief of Staff/Division of Finance Miles Lackey, chief of staff/ chief financial officer

Oversees: VP for Research, VP for Extension and Outreach, University Library, academic college deans, dean of the Graduate College, Ames Lab

Oversees: Admissions, Student Counseling Service, Dean of Students, Registrar, International Students & Scholars, ISU Dining, Department of Residence, Student Health Center, Memorial Union, Learning Communities, Upward Bound & Educational Talent Search, Student Wellness Program, Financial Aid, Assessment & Research, Student Support Services

Oversees: Facilities Planning and Management, Business Services, Environmental Health and Safety, Public Safety, Reiman Gardens, University Museums, WOI Radio Group

Oversees: Finance, Treasurer’s Office, University Financial Planning, University Relations, Ombuds Office, Internal Audit

Academic deans

College of Human Sciences: Laura Dunn Jolly

College of Agriculture & Life Sciences: Wendy Wintersteen

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: Beate Schmittmann

College of Business: David Spalding

College of Veterinary Medicine: Lisa Nolan

College of Design: Luis Rico-Gutierrez

Graduate College: David Holger

College of Engineering: Sarah Rajala

University Library: Beth McNeil

Diversity & Inclusion Reginald Stewart, vice president

Athletics Jamie Pollard, athletics director

University Human Resources Kristi Darr, interim vice president

Government Relations Vacant, assistant vice president

University Counsel Michael Norton, director

Economic Development & Industry Relations Michael Crum, vice president

ISU Foundation Larissa Holtmyer Jones, president & CEO

Information Technology Services Jim Kurtenbach, vice president & chief information officer

ISU Alumni Association Jeff Johnson, Talbot endowed president & CEO

Iowa State University 2017-2022 Strategic Plan PREAMBLE: Today’s world needs great universities like Iowa State. The world will feel much smaller in 2050, when 9.6 billion people are sharing the planet. Resources will be more precious, and balancing the needs of humankind and the health of our planet will become increasingly difficult. At the same time, people will use technology in new ways, and cultures will be interconnected like never before. Significant challenges lie ahead. Iowa State University has been tackling problems and improving

lives since it opened its doors a century and a half ago. Founded in 1858, Iowa State readily embraced the ideals of the land-grant university – open higher education to all, provide practical learning, and share knowledge and discoveries. ISU instructors soon gained a reputation for meeting Iowans where they lived, sharing university expertise in kitchens and farm fields. Today, faculty, staff, and students are continuing this tradition.

MISSION: Create, share, and apply knowledge to make Iowa and the world a better place. VISION: Iowa State University will lead the world in advancing the land-grant ideals of putting science, technology, and human creativity to work. Goal 1: Ensure access to the ISU Experience – including an exceptional education offering practical, global, and leadership experiences that shape the well-rounded citizens and informed critical thinkers needed in the 21st century. 22

Goal 2: Enhance the university’s research profile by conducting high-impact research that addresses the grand challenges of the 21st century.

Goal 3: Improve the quality of life for all Iowans through services and programs dedicated to economic development and the promotion of healthy communities, people, and environments.

Goal 4: Continue to enhance and cultivate the ISU Experience where faculty, staff, students, and visitors are safe and feel welcomed, supported, included, and valued by the university and each other.


CAMPUS BEAUTIFICATION Enhancing the campus aesthetic


s if the Iowa State campus wasn’t already gorgeous enough,* the university just completed a threeyear, $3 million central campus beautification effort. Projects included landscaping and tree trimming, improved building entries and first-floor hallways, and meeting/gathering spaces. Two project highlights are the renovation of the Hub patio and construction of a decorative wall north of the Memorial Union, both completed in 2015. The $272,000 Hub patio renovation removed a retaining wall and extended the outdoor patio area, with seating, shade canopy, tables with umbrellas, and brick entrance columns. A curved 43-foot-wide wall engraved with the “Iowa State University” nameplate has quickly become one of the most popular spots on campus to take a photograph. The wall, located between the MU and the Campanile, is landscaped with a front bed of annual flowers and behind with flowering shrubs and perennial flowers. “We didn’t have any place on central campus that identified Iowa State University,” said associate vice president for facilities Dave Miller (L)(’75 elect engr), who proposed the idea for the wall. “I think this could become [a place] where students and alumni will want their picture taken.” Another campus beautification project improved the plaza area surrounding the Fountain of the Four Seasons, just outside the Memorial Union. The new area includes stone benches, pavers, additional sidewalks, and landscaping. Last spring, 8,700 flower bulbs – all but 200 of them daffodils – bloomed on campus. The bulbs were planted in a handful of locations the previous fall by campus services teams. The perennials are another piece of the presidential beautification initiative. In a separate project, the university is creating a landscaped green space and plaza between Jack Trice Stadium and Reiman Gardens. The $11.5 million project began last summer. The plaza will include a water feature, with formal and informal gathering spaces. Work on the plaza landscaping will continue this spring, with completion scheduled for fall 2017. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

The Hub patio

* In an informal survey of the digital Buzzfeed Community, voters ranked Iowa State’s campus as one of the most beautiful in the entire world. 23


Iowa State Daily editors meet in their spacious new digs on the second floor of the Kingland building.

The block across from Iowa State’s Lake LaVerne that formerly housed Campus Book Store now features a spanking-new Starbuck’s coffee shop, retail shops, restaurants, and high-rise student apartments.

Campustown: Everything old is new again


When VISIONS last reported on Campustown redevelopment in the fall 2014 issue (“Campustown reborn”), the name of the game was construction. Huge, blocks-long work sites were framed by construction fences and filled with heavy equipment. Two years later, the word is booming: booming with new housing as well as office and retail space. And booming with activity, day and night. New apartments such as The Foundry and 23 Twenty are helping to ease some of Iowa State’s student enrollment growing pains. The Kingland building at Lincoln Way and Welch Ave. houses the Iowa State Daily, ISU News Service, and the ISU Foundation

Call Center on the second floor of the three-story building, with Kingland Systems’ offices on third floor and CVS Pharmacy located at street level. Stroll the streets of Campustown – in both the new and historic areas – and you’ll find more to do, more to buy, and more to eat. New retailers and restaurants include Starbucks, Barefoot Campus Outfitters (for ISU gear), Potbelly Subs, Campustown Spirit (more Cyclone gear), Fuzzy’s Tacos, Insomnia Cookies, an expanded Arcadia Bakery & Café, Portobello Road boutique, Indian Delights Express, TJ Cups bubble tea, a skate shop, and other continuously evolving businesses. WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

Research Park: Developing the future


hen the $12 million, 42,000square-foot Economic Development Core Facility opened last June at the ISU Research Park, it brought together all of Iowa State’s economic development services in one open, easily accessible location. This one-stop shop supports expansion of high-value companies that attract top talent to the Research Park and to the state. Two such companies – Boehringer Ingleheim and Vermeer – recently opened major new buildings at the park, joining Workiva’s recently added state-of-the-art operation. “Early on, I made it a priority to double the size of the Research Park [from 220 acres] – and that development is moving full steam ahead,” ISU President Steven Leath said in September. “Commercial development and amenities including Ames Racquet and Fitness Club, a new restaurant, health clinic, and new recreation trails are progressing quickly. But we’re not done growing the size of the park!” ISU Research Park’s Phase 3 expansion is adding 200 acres and will integrate more resources to attract businesses, entrepreneurs, researchers, and employees. New buildings will feature media-rich shared workspaces, including conference rooms, offices, classrooms, and labs that can be utilized by park tenants, ISU faculty, students, and third parties. The new park setting will feature a Hub Square commons area, anchored by the Economic Development Core Facility, where people can gather, enjoy recreational activities, get inspired, and share ideas. The Economic Development Core Facility, funded through an appropriation from the Iowa General Assembly, is the first building to be completed in the ISU Research Park’s next major expansion phase. The facility is on the edge of the new developable land that will support another 1 million square feet of offices and labs. “It’s our goal that over the next five years, Iowa State will be one of the top five universities nationally in startups,” Leath said. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

WHAT’S NEW AT THE ISU RESEARCH PARK? • Economic Development Core Facility houses office and collaboration space for the Small Business Development Center, ISU Research Foundation, CIRAS, CyBIZ Lab, Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, Cultivation Corridor, Iowa State Economic Development & Industry Relations, and other units, as well as providing event and meeting space. • Vermeer Applied Technology Hub houses public-private collaborations that advance economic development and innovation.

• ISU Startup Factory, located in the Vermeer hub, is an intensive, 52-week program that provides participants with formal training, resources, and access to a network of business mentors, advisers, counselors, and investors. • CyStarters is an affiliated 10-week summer entrepreneurship program housed at the new Core Facility. • Boehringer Ingleheim Vetmedica Inc. has a new facility at the park and will double its workforce in Ames. • Workiva, a company that started with 10 employees in 2008, now has 450 employees in its 120,000-square-foot facility.

Above: Walls in the new Economic Development Core Facility double as white boards. Reviewing progress toward their goals are Iowa State Research Foundation staffers Lisa Lorenzen (L)(’89 genetics, PhD ’94), executive director; Marc Johnson (L) (’85 animal science/ accounting, ’89 DVM), accountant; and Leslie Geffre, disclosure assistant. The Economic Development Core Facility, opened last summer, is built for collaboration. The building features flexible, open meeting and event space, with non-traditional conference rooms and meeting space for teams and student interns. 25

2017 Distinguished Awards Celebration These alumni and friends will receive Iowa State University’s highest awards administered by the ISU Alumni Association and the ISU Foundation.

Awards administered by the Iowa State University Alumni Association

Awards administered by the Iowa State University Foundation



Susan Carlson*

Roy and Bobbi Reiman**

PhD ’75 food & nutrition Professor of nutrition, Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, Mo.

Roy: Bobbi:

’57 ag journalism Chairman, Hexagon Investments ’06 honorary Greendale, Wis.

Larry Ebbers** ’62 ag ed, MS ’68, PhD ’71 ed admin Professor emeritus, ISU College of Human Sciences Ames, Iowa

Eugene Lloyd** ’49 DVM, PhD ’70 vet pathology Co-chair, Lloyd, Inc. Fort Myers, Fla.

HONORARY ALUMNI AWARD Debbie Bergstrom** Philanthropist/volunteer/homemaker The Woodlands, Texas

CAMPANILE AWARD Richard and Joan Stark** Richard: ’71 industrial admin President, Iowa Commodities, Ltd. Fort Dodge, Iowa

CARDINAL AND GOLD AWARD Steven Schuler* ’73 accounting Exec. VP, CFO & COO, Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Urbandale, Iowa

Lora and Russ Talbot** Lora: Retired Iowa Public Employees Retirement System Russ: Retired Internal Revenue Service Belmond, Iowa

CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION AWARD Danfoss Power Solutions Ames, Iowa

FACULTY AND STAFF AWARD You are invited to attend

2017 Distinguished Awards Ceremony Friday, April 7, 2017 2 p.m. Benton Auditorium, Scheman Building Reception to follow ceremony For more information: Nominate alumni and friends for spring 2018 awards Distinguished Alumni Award / Honorary Alumni Award nomination deadline is Aug. 1, 2017 For information, go to


William Hoefle** ’66 DVM, MS ’74 veterinary clinical sciences Professor, Iowa State University Ames, Iowa

* ISU Alumni Association annual member ** ISU Alumni Association life member Note: Only ISU degrees are listed





It’s a wrap!

Wrap yourself in ISU colors and show your love of the Cyclones all winter long. Order online at



Newsmakers I O WA S TAT E A L U M N I I N T H E N E W S

Ultrarunner Kostelnick smashes 36-year-old record

“purple squirrel”

Is it possible to find the perfect job with a dual degree in vastly different fields? Ford Motor Company would say “yes.” They’ve dubbed Adam Carlson (A) (’14 mech engr / indust design) a “purple squirrel” and created a position to fit his unique mix of skills. He’s the first to hold the position of liaison for wind noise engineering and design in Ford’s department of interior quietness. “Purple squirrel” is a phrase used to describe a job candidate with a mix of qualifications so rare they likely don’t even exist. A Ford spokesperson says Carlson serves as the left and right brain of the vehicle development process, bridging the communication gap that can exist between engineers and designers to keep the needs of the customer at the forefront. Carlson says he never heard of a purple squirrel. “It made me laugh,” he said. “I’d never heard the term before, but I understood what it meant.”  The story behind the startup

In 2016, Inc. Magazine recognized Kelly Laabs Ehlers’ (’01 journ & mass comm) brand-strategies company, Ideas that 28

Evoke, as one of the 500 fastest-growing companies in America. She was recently featured on ISTHMUS, a Madison, Wis., website, in a story written by Allison Geyer. Here’s an excerpt: As president of a company that specializes in social media, Kelly Ehlers doesn’t exactly intend to fly under the radar. But her highly specialized niche business is rare in the world of marketing and advertising agencies.


 Carlson is Ford Motor Company’s


We already knew Pete Kostelnick (’09 intl business / finance) was an elite runner; he ran across the state of Iowa during RAGBRAI in 2013 and last summer broke the record for the arduous 135-mile Badwater foot race. But his most recent accomplishment truly sets him apart from other elite runners: He ran across the United States – from California to New York – breaking by approximately four days the old Guinness World Record set in 1980. Kostelnick left San Francisco’s city hall on Sept. 12, then traveled east for 3,067 miles, finishing his run at the New York City’s city hall on Oct. 24 – just 42 days, 6 hours, and 30 minutes later. He averaged 72 miles a day, running about 14 hours each day. Along the way, he battled temperatures in the 90s in the Nevada desert and snow in the upper elevations of the western states. Kostelnick is a native of Boone, Iowa. He currently resides in Lincoln, Neb., with his wife, Nicole Larson (’11 chemical engineering).

“It was a real gamble focusing on social in the beginning,” says Ehlers, recalling the countless times potential clients said they could ‘just have the intern do it.’ She always responded by asking, “Would you give your intern a microphone and let them be on the 6 o’clock news?” “That’s what it’s like if they’ve got the keys to your social media,” she says. “[Companies] are just now catching on to it.” Ehlers founded her agency, Ideas that Evoke, in 2009, in the midst of the recession and a time of massive upheaval in technology, media, and communication. Ehlers, who was working at a traditional

advertising agency at the time, took notice that some of the big, international brands were starting to “dip their toes in the water” of social media. She was fascinated – and hooked. “It was kind of opportunistic,” she says. “I thought, ‘Let’s just see where this goes.’” At first, it took a lot of convincing on Ehlers’ part even to get companies to consider adding a line item in their budget for social media. Businesses understood things like print advertising, radio spots, and billboards, but social media was an intangible – up until the point that it started proving its worth. “We can target messages exactly to [a demographic] and turn that lead into a sale,” Ehlers says. And when clients see results, “it’s magical to them.” TOP JOBS

• Vivian de la Cruz (’15 financial counseling & planning) is the new executive director of the Latina Leadership Initiative of Greater Des Moines. The organization was developed in 2013 by a group of Latina leaders who recognized the need for a program dedicated to empowering the next generation to lead. • Richey Madison (’98 architecture) has joined Stantec’s Irvine, Calif., office as WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

project director for the company’s western U.S. buildings practice. He will guide business development and project efforts for clients primarily working in the education, health care, retail, and commercial sectors. ALUMNI HONORS

• Janika Eckert (’74 distributed studies) has received the All America Selections Breeder’s Cup for plant breeding. Eckert is a plant breeder for Johnny’s Selected Seeds

in central Maine. She has produced four AAS-winning varieties: a spineless sweet cucumber, an early sweet red Italian pepper, an early sweet golden Italian pepper, and a half-size sweet golden Italian pepper. Eckert does not have a degree in plant breeding; she says taste is the single most important attribute in her breeding work. • Delta Upsilon Fraternity has chosen Jami Larson (L)(’74 accounting / indust admin) as its chapter adviser of the year. Larson was recognized in part for his effort to restore the 80-year-old chapter house at 117 Ash in Ames and to revive the chapter. • James Melsa (L) (’60 elect engr), dean emeritus of ISU’s College of Engineering, has been inducted into the Pi Kappa Alpha Order of West Range. This group recognized outstanding alumni of the Pi Kappa Alpha international fraternity for achievement in their careers and service. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017


• Wesley Buchele (L) (PhD ’54 ag engr), an ISU professor emeritus who taught farm machinery design at ISU for 43 years, has co-authored Who Really Invented the Cotton Gin? Most Americans believe that Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. But Southern folklore tells a different story – that a young blacksmith from South Carolina patented the first practical cotton gin. This book delves into the history and folklore surrounding the invention. • Industrial designer Brady Whitney (’16 indust design) has published what may be one of the most intriguing books we’ve ever encountered. Codex Silenda is a wood-

en puzzle book whose story is unlocked by solving a brainteaser on each page. Whitney came up with the puzzle book hybrid idea for his senior thesis research project at Iowa State and has turned his inspired idea into an intriguing Kickstarter project that surpassed its original funding goal of $30,000 many times over. The Codex requires readers to solve a puzzle to unlock the bolt that leads to the next page of a story about an apprentice in Da Vinci’s workshop. • Frederick Cubbage (L)(’74 forestry), a professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University, has co-authored Natural Resource Policy. The book provides the foundation for sustainable resource use, management, and protection, and it blends policy processes, history, institutions, and current events to analyze sustainable development of natural resources.

• Iowa Staters interested in university history will want to read a new book by Matt Kuhns (A)(’00 graphic design). Hilton vs. Hancher: Iowa’s Rival University Presidents recounts a series of battles between two strong personalities over public higher education in Iowa. In the late 1950s, Iowa State’s president James Hilton worked to transform the “state college” into a full university. But after years of struggle to obtain funds for the University of Iowa, Virgil Hancher was deeply suspicious of the prospects for two competing state universities, and he fought hard for an alternate vision. The result was a contest over educational philosophy, “petty” administrative details, and bottomline financial advantage, fought in both public forums and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. • R.L. Handy (L)(’51 geology, MS ’53, PhD ’56 civil engr), a distinguished professor emeritus in ISU’s Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, has written a book with an intriguing premise: FORE and the Future of Practically Everything takes an equation from chemistry (creating the acronym FORE) and applies it to a number of disparate physical processes. It asks the questions, for example, “When will the gradual increase in life expectancy peak out?” and “What is the possible number of home runs that can be hit by one player in a season?” Earth magazine says the book is “replete with humor and keen insight.” Handy tells VISIONS that he “cut his teeth as a student writing a column for the Iowa State Daily.” (A) = ISU Alumni Association annual member (L) = ISU Alumni Association life member




‘Leave Your LegaCY’ Unseasonably warm weather, reunions, and return of the parade highlight 104th annual event Thousands of alumni and students supported and participated in last fall’s Homecoming celebration, “Leave Your LegaCY,” Oct. 23-29. Among the highlights of the 2016 celebration were the return of the Homecoming parade, unseasonably warm weather, and even a 140-pound Rice Krispies Treat shaped like Cy. Here’s a quick numbers roundup: • More than 2,000 people enjoyed the Homecoming parade in downtown Ames the Sunday before Homecoming week; there were 70 parade entries. • 3,365 Homecoming buttons were sold, providing 10,692 free meals on campus throughout the week. • $1,925 was raised through the Homecoming silent auction to support Cardinal Court scholarships. • 480 alumni attended Homecoming reunions, including members of the 50th reunion class, Alumni Band, and Greek Alumni Alliance. • 42 award recipients were honored during the Honors & Awards ceremony.

The ISU Spirit Squad and Cy march through the streets of downtown Ames in the Homecoming parade.

Far right: 1,400 painted students yelled like hell during three nights of performances. Right: Members of the Black Student Alliance line up for the parade route.

Check out a photo gallery from this year’s celebration at

Above: Members of the 50th reunion class enjoy breakfast before receiving their 50-year medallions. Left: Awardees Thomas Hill (A), former ISU senior VP for student affairs, and Richard Reynolds (L), former director of the Memorial Union, share a moment at the Honors & Awards celebration.


The 2016 Cardinal Court king and queen were David Moore III (S) – a senior in kinesiology and health, and Caitlin Theros (S) – a senior in event management.


2017 Cardinal & Gold Gala ‘roars’ into Des Moines

It’s almost tournament time!

Honorary co-chairs Beverly (’60) and Warren (’61) Madden and Nancy (’81) and Stan (’82) Thompson invite you to have a “roaring” good time at the sixth-annual Cardinal & Gold Gala on Friday, Feb. 10, 2017 in Des Moines. This annual event brings Cyclones together for a night of fun to support two great causes: student and alumni programming and first-generation scholarships for ISU students. The event will feature a 1920s theme, live entertainment, food stations, plenty of time for mingling, exciting auction items, and – new this year – mobile bidding! Register by noon on Feb. 1 at Top: The ISU Alumni Center is a hub of activity before the Homecoming football game. Above: 1,500 Cyclones attended the Friday night Homecoming Celebration and Pep Rally at the ISU Alumni Center.


Mobile bidding sponsored by Colorfx.

Big 12 Women’s Basketball Tournament March 3-6, 2017 Oklahoma City, Okla. Support the team at Alumni Association-sponsored fan gatherings. Big 12 Men’s Basketball Tournament March 8-11, 2017 Kansas City, Mo. Show your Cyclone spirit at “Hilton South” at Alumni Association-sponsored spirit gatherings. For more information, go to

Cyclones unite in month of caring Spring is coming, and with it comes Cy’s Days of Service. Cy’s Days of Service is an opportunity to unite Cyclone alumni and friends worldwide in community service during the month of April. This month of service is a great way to help spread Iowa State pride, recognize the combined efforts of alumni who have had an impact on local communities, and show how ISU alumni can change the world. Group projects are encouraged! Be sure to dress in Cyclone gear to show your ISU pride. Post photos and share your stories at www.isualum. org/cysdaysofservice



We are Forever True


n Sept. 30, 2016, the ISU Foundation officially launched Forever True, For Iowa State: a $1.1 billion comprehensive fundraising campaign that will aim, as the largest fundraising campaign in university history, to achieve the university’s vision to lead the world in advancing the land-grant ideals of putting science, technology, and human creativity to work. For the Iowa State University Alumni Association, the Forever True, For Iowa State campaign will focus on the Association’s longstanding mission: to facilitate the lifetime connection of alumni, students, and friends with the university and with each other. “Since 1878, the Alumni Association has had a rich history of fostering these connections,” said Jeff Johnson (L)(PhD ’14), the Lora and Russ Talbot ISU Alumni Association Endowed President and CEO. “Through this campaign, we seek to extend our reach and deepen our ability to engage, cultivate, and position alumni to serve each other, today’s students, their communities, and ultimately Iowa State University.” To do so, the Alumni Association has set its own campaign goal at $12.5 million. “We are so grateful for the transformational lead gift of $2.5 million from Lora and Russ Talbot that created the first endowed alumni association president and CEO position at any college or university in the U.S.,” Johnson said. The remaining $10 million will fund the nine priorities of the ISU Alumni Association Outreach & Engagement Endowment. Donors to this campaign may designate gifts directly to this endowment or to one or more of the specific areas. Association priorities are presented in the context of the Forever True, For Iowa State themes, or aspirations, which parallel the university’s strategic goals: ensuring access to an exceptional education, advancing Iowa State expertise to address global challenges, and enhancing the university’s impact on the economy and quality of life in Iowa and around the world. Each aspiration helps serve university-wide goals focused on helping make Iowa State the premier land-grant university for the 21st century and beyond. 

The ISU Alumni Association compaign cabinet

ISU Alumni Association Campaign Priorities Alumni Association President and CEO Endowment $2.5 million

C A M PA I G N TIMEFRAME : Start Date: July 1, 2012 Public launch: Sept. 30, 2016 End date: June 30, 2020

Alumni Association Outreach & Engagement Endowment

$10 million

Alumni Clubs Endowment

$2 million

Awards Programs Endowment

$1 million

Diversion & Inclusion Initiatives Endowment Legacy Program Endowment

$1 million $1.5 million

Staff Development Endowment Student Leadership Programs Endowment

$250,000 $1 million

Technology Endowment


VISIONS Endowment

$2 million

Young Alumni Programs Endowment Total ISU Alumni Association Campaign Goal For more information, or to make a gift, contact: Julie Larson, Chief of Staff & Director of Development / (515) 294-8490

$1 million $12.5 million

Jeff Johnson, Lora and Russ Talbot Endowed President and CEO / (515) 291-6561

ISU Alumni Association campaign cabinet • Beverly (’60, ’70) and Warren (’61) Madden, co-chairs; Ames, Iowa • Lora and Russ Talbot, honorary co-chairs, Belmond, Iowa • Jan and Jeff Breitman; Ames, Iowa • Jeanne and Kevin (’83) Drury; Ankeny, Iowa • Glenda (’60) and Don (’59) Eggerling; Ames, Iowa 32

• Julie (’00) and Ben (’01) Golding; Cedar Rapids, Iowa • Judy (’68) and Mick (’68) Guttau; Treynor, Iowa • Pam (’71) and Ron (’71) Hallenbeck; Ames, Iowa • Lauren (’02) and Shane (’03) Jacobson; Grinnell, Iowa

• Bonnie (’88) and David (’87) Orth; Ames, Iowa • Ruby (’87) and Ramon Trice; Maryland Heights, Mo. • Lori (’93) and Dwayne (’93) Vande Krol; Clive, Iowa • Jeff Johnson (’14) – Ex-officio • Julie Larson (’84) – Ex-officio WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS



JULY 1, 2015 TO JUNE 30, 2016

Your Alumni Association ‘stock report’ Dear Members: Where’s your stock certificate? Is it somewhere visible for you and others to see? If not, we want to encourage you to take time to consider giving your alma mater space and place. Proudly display your Iowa State stock certificate in your home or office. Make your Iowa State connection known! So what is this stock certificate, anyway? It’s your diploma. This diploma is a statement of your academic pilgrimage and achievement. It had value when you received it. And as you took it into the marketplace, employers and organizations knew its value and credibility. Because of this quality reputation, that exchange led to your employment and inclusion. For decades (and at an even greater levels this past year under President Steven Leath’s leadership), your Alumni Association has recommitted itself to helping alumni and friends see, understand, and share the story of why Iowa State’s stock is at an all-time high. Here are a few of those facts: • Iowa State has experienced eight consecutive years of enrollment growth (current enrollment stands at 36,660). • Iowa State’s first-year, full-time student retention rate is 87.6 percent, well above the national average. • Iowa Staters are getting placed in jobs, as well as graduate and professional programs, at an average of 95% within six months following graduation. • Iowa State broke its external funding record in FY16, attracting $425.8 million in total external funding including $252.5 million in research funding to aid the university in its mission to create, apply, and share knowledge to make Iowa and the world a better place. As the second largest dues-paying member-based alumni association in the Big 12 Conference, your Association wants to ensure others know your Iowa State connection. We also want to make sure you are armed with the facts that further explain why Iowa State’s value to you and the world is still highly respected. If you don’t have a frame for your “stock certificate,” check out our comVISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

plete collection at diplomaframes. And if you don’t have a “walking diploma,” we’d encourage you to join with the more than 550 Iowa Staters who proudly wear the official Iowa State ring. (Yes, that’s the walking diploma!) Learn more about the ring and how to order your own at On the following pages, learn more about how your Alumni Association worked last fiscal year to tell Iowa State’s and Iowa Staters’ stories and engage

alumni, students, and friends with each other and Iowa State. Thanks for your engagement and for helping make Iowa State more visible! Al Krysan (’87 agricultural business) 2015-2016 chair, ISU Alumni Association Board of Directors Jeff Johnson (PhD ’14 education) Lora and Russ Talbot ISU Alumni Association Endowed President and CEO

Increase the visibility of your stock!

Order your diploma frame today at diplomaframes and learn how to order your official Iowa State ring by phone or in person at



281 158 247

3,746 550



1,955 758



764 645


10,899 4,219


2,525 103,327 15,639

3,884 1,018








2,597 153









121 705 1,290 240 1,930 318






‘Meet me at the Center’ Total number of events held in the ISU Alumni Center: 475 • 176 university events, including 105 departmental meetings or retreats, 35 banquets, and 5 holiday parties • 125 ISUAA events for the public, including Cyclone Centrals and OLLI classes • 104 public events, including 42 meetings, 10 reunions, 5 tailgate/pregame parties, and 5 holiday events • 70 student events, including 24 sorority and fraternity meetings and 15 banquets • In 2015-2016, 22 wedding receptions were held, and 8 couples tied the knot at the Alumni Center



Total alumni living in the U.S.: 236,271 Alumni living outside the U.S.: 7,052

Private dollars raised to fund ISU Alumni Association outreach and engagement programs


Total ISUAA members: 52,727

STAY CONNECTED! • 13,916 Facebook likes • 6,396 Twitter followers • 1,132 Instagram followers • 1,100 unique emails sent • 25 ISU News Flash e-newsletters sent • 4 issues of VISIONS magazines produced

WALL OF ALUMNI AND FRIENDS • 150 new plaques were added in 2015-2016 • 4,886 total plaques • 1,055 plaques still available

1,550 The Cardinal & Gold Gala • Netted nearly $70,000 from 370 generous attendees at the fifth-annual gala event held Feb. 12 in Des Moines • 575 alumni and friends attended the Gala – the highestever attendance at the event • The original 6 Gala scholarships were all fully endowed from this event’s proceeds • Overall, proceeds from this event and from individual donors has provided 31 scholarships to ISU students

The Sustaining Life program • $254,542 raised to support student and alumni programs • 1,413 donors 34

The number of meals served at 7 Cyclone Centrals in fall 2015

Life: 25,096

Annual: 22,159

Student: 5,472

2,781 The number of service hours that 403 volunteers provided during the fourth annual Cy’s Days of Service in April 2016


Number of alumni, students, and friends honored with ISU Alumni Association AWARDS in FY16 WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS


JULY 1, 2015 TO JUNE 30, 2016

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI at ISU)

Fun Facts about Homecoming 2015

Where in the world?

468 alumni and friends traveled on 41 ISUAA-sponsored trips in 2015-16; 51 additional travelers booked alternative departure dates/itineraries.

• Students consumed nearly 10,500 meals at Food on Campus • More than 4,600 Homecoming buttons were sold • More than 1,550 Yell Like Hell participants • 500 meals served at the Cyclone Central tailgate • 270 ISU Alumni Band members came back to Ames for their annual reunion • 24 points were scored against Texas during the Homecoming football game (ISU won 24-0)

BY THE NUMBERS 1,600 class / trip spaces filled 700 members 159 active volunteers 70 classes offered in 3 sessions • 8 members-only lectures • 4 one-day trips, 1 two-day trip, 1 seven-day trip • • • •

Lora and Russ Talbot

The Talbot Endowment • Total pledged endowment: $2.5 million • Total received to date (June 30, 2016): $850,757 • Total received in FY16: $350,000 • Total spendable earnings in FY16: $19,168



‘Alumni in residence’ Student Alumni Association: • 5,472 members • Largest student organization on campus • One of largest in the nation Student Alumni Leadership Council: • 65 members • Five active committees: Ambassadors, Cyclone Alley Central, Homecoming Central, Senior Class Council, Executive Council

Active alumni clubs

• ISUAA Clubs: 26 • Additional Gamewatch Cytes: 13 • Number of club events: 81 • Number of gamewatches: 383

Iowa State-branded credit card

The Bank of America affinity credit card program by the numbers: • 11,591 total open credit card accounts • 374 new credit card accounts opened in FY16 • 1,070 total open deposit/checking accounts • 179 new deposit/checking accounts in FY16 • $285,000 royalty revenue generated to support ISUAA programs and services



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A new generation of philanthropy By Avery Amensen


first project – launched in fall 2015 – supported Studio Andino, an interdisciplinary design studio in Peru that brings together students from Iowa State and the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima. The Iowa State team sought to raise $7,000 to fund materials, tools, transportation, food, and water for students participating in the program within the allotted 30-day period, reaching its goal one week early. Following the success, the Studio Andino project has become the first to launch a second crowdfunding campaign on FundISU. Other projects supported through FundISU include the 2016 Fashion Show; a D-Day memorial trip to Normandy, France, for the Iowa State University Cyclone Marching Band; and a new training center in the Kamuli District in rural Uganda as part of the Iowa State Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. Yet with all of the opportunities that

already exist for student support at Iowa State, why use crowdfunding? Each project, while hosted on the FundISU platform, is managed and marketed by the group that started it. The students take the lead role in finding their audience, presenting the need, and sharing the opportunity. FundISU gives student organizations a direct route from their “fan base” to acquiring the resources they need – all in a secure, controlled environment supported by the Iowa State University Foundation. With the launch of the university’s historic comprehensive campaign, Forever True, For Iowa State, now is an exciting time to support the university – whether through overarching initiatives or a mini student-led project. To find out what projects are live now and to find new areas to support, check out 


ven if the term “crowdfunding” may be unfamiliar, its presence is not. GoFundMe pages and Kickstarter campaigns are all over social media, providing more opportunities than ever to support different causes and start-up projects. But what happens when the potential of crowdfunding meets the power of the Cyclone community? Enter FundISU – a crowdfunding platform designed to help Iowa State groups raise money to support their passion projects. Projects on FundISU advance innovation, teaching, and learning at the university and promote Iowa State’s mission to create, share, and apply knowledge to make Iowa and the world a better place. Eleven campus projects have utilized FundISU during its first year of operation, raising more than $175,000. The


What does it mean to be forever true? It means keeping the Iowa State experience accessible for students. It means supporting world-class faculty and programs. It means creating a university for the 21st century and beyond. Your gifts to Iowa State help prepare the difference-makers to solve tomorrow’s challenges. Because the world needs more Cyclone spirit.

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Two new professionals join Alumni Association staff The ISU Alumni Association welcomed two new staff members this summer. Lainey Crawford (L)(’16 event management) is the Association’s new program assistant for constituent engagement. Crawford joined the staff in August following extensive undergraduate experience as an event coordinator for the Memorial Union Event Management Office, Maintenance Shop, and Student Union Board. She also served as building supervisor for the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals that were held on the ISU campus in May 2016. In her current position, she coordinates the Alumni Association's Cyclone Central tailgates at the ISU Alumni Center before each home football game and the annual Cy’s Days of Service initiative. She also provides assistance and support for ISUAA athletics-related events and local club activities.

Mike Kepler (A)(’05 health and human performance) joined the ISU Alumni Association staff as the building manager in August after spending two years as director of facility operations for the Berglund Center in Roanoke, Va., and nearly nine years as operations supervisor for the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines. As ISU Alumni Center building manager, Kepler oversees all functions of the facility, including building and grounds maintenance, security, and construction.

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Publication Title: VISIONS Publication Number: 1071-5886 Filing Date: 9/29/16 Issue Frequency: Quarterly Number of Issues Published Annually: 4 Annual Subscription Rate: Annual membership dues ($57) Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: Iowa State University Alumni Association, 420 Beach Ave., Ames, IA 50011-1430. Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: Same as No. 7 above Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Jeffery W. Johnson, Publisher; Carole Gieseke, Editor; Kate Bruns, Managing Editor / 420 Beach Ave. / Ames, IA 50011-1430 Owner: Iowa State University Alumni Association (same address as No. 9 above) Known Bondholders, Mortages, and Other Security Holders Owning 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None Tax Status: The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed during the preceding 12 months Publication Title: VISIONS Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: Fall 201 6 Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average No. Copies Each Issue No. Copies of Single Issue During Preceding 12 Months Published Nearest to Filing Date a. Total Number of Copies: 34,645 33,726 b. Legitimate Paid and/or Requested Distribution (1) Outside County Paid/Requested Mail Subscribers: 33,033 32,118 (2) In-county Paid/Requested Mail Subscribers: 0 0 (3) Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid or Requested Distribution Outside USPS: 0 0 (4) Requested Copies Distributed by Other Mail Classes Through the USPS: 362 333 c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 33,395 32,451 d. Nonrequested Distribution (1) Outside County Nonrequested Copies: 0 0 (2) In-County Nonrequested Copies: 0 0 (3) Nonrequested Copies Distributed Through the USPS by Other Classes of Mail: 0 0 (4) Nonrequested Copies Distributed Outside the Mail: 630 800 e. Total Nonrequested Distribution: 630 800 f. Total Distribution: 34,025 33,251 g. Copies not Distributed: 620 475 h. Total: 34,645 33,726 i. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 98.1% 97.6%



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Gateway Market Des Moines, Iowa

Depot Deli / Cookies Etc. Ames, Iowa

Geisinger Construction, Inc. Ames, Iowa

East Iowa Plastics Independence, Iowa

Global Reach Internet Productions, LLC Ames, Iowa

Executive Express Ames, IA Fenders Cycles of Ames, Inc. Ames, Iowa First National Bank Ames, Iowa Foss, Kuiken, & Cochran, P.C. Fairfield, Iowa

Heartland Associates Ames, Iowa



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We’d Like to Visit You Regularly All Year Long! Subscribe and we’ll show up at your door every other month. IF you haven’t yet seen or heard of Our Iowa magazine, you’re missing a lot! You’re missing great photos and hours of lighthearted reading, including humorous and poignant items shared by Iowans. This magazine was launched 9 years ago by a pair of ISU journalism grads who love Iowa. Over 90,000 Iowans (and ex-Iowans) are now subscribers. In fact, more than half of them subscribed for 2 years after seeing a sample issue!

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1510 Buckeye Avenue Ames IA 50010 Ph: 1-515/232-0075 WINTER 2017 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

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BACK 3. Grey I-State Cutter & Buck Collared Shirt. 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester. $75.00 (2034685). Also available in Big and Tall $85.00 (2034686) and a variety of colors.

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8. 1. Cardinal I-State Striped Hilton Magic Stocking Cap with Pom. $27.00 (2032666).


2. Charcoal I-State Striped Hilton Magic Stocking Cap with Pom. $27.00 (2032667).

5. Clear with Cardinal Bottom I-State Shot Glass. $5.99 (60280822728).



6. Cardinal I-State Hooded Sweatshirt. 100% Polyester. $46.00 (2033706).


7. Women’s Grey Wool Crew Neck Sweatshirt. 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester. $65.00 (81644702038).


8. Women’s Cardinal and White Striped Iowa State V-Neck Shirt. Metallic Gold Letters. 90% Rayon, 10% Spandex. $48.00 (2033665). Also available in Plus Size (XL-3XL) $50.00 (2034617).

14. Women’s Cardinal ¾ Sleeve Cyclones V-Neck Shirt. Metallic Gold Letters. Loose Fit. 55% Polyester, 40% Cotton, 5% Spandex. $45.00 (2033665). Also available in Plus Size (XL-3XL) $48.00 (2034617).




10. Iowa State Party Platter. Includes Playmaker Insert (Dip Bowl and Six Dividers). 14.25” Diameter. $32.99 (67859816936). 11. JV Party Pack. Includes JV Divide and Two Skyboxes. $12.99 (67859816948). Additional Skyboxes Sold Separately.

9. Cardinal Iowa State Cyclones Shot Glass. $5.99 (60280822727).

12. Iowa State JV Party Bowl. 11.75” Diameter. $21.99 (67859816940).

13. Iowa State MVP Party Bowl. 7.85” Diameter. $14.99 (67859816941).

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17. Gold Vintage Iowa State Cyclone Pillow. 12”x12”. $28.00 (2035296). 15. Silver Iowa State Travel Tumblr. 18oz/532mL. Stainless Steel. $22.99 (05012217197).

16. Natural Colored 16oz Mug. I Love the Cyclones A Latte Imprint. $13.99 (05012217198).

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THE HALL-OF-FAMER Twenty years after rocking the college football universe, Troy Davis receives his national due


college football player rushing for 2,000 yards in a Division I season has only happened 26 times in history – and two of those were the work of one man: Iowa State’s Troy Davis. In 1995 and 1996, Davis raced into the record books and kicked off an era of Iowa State football in a way no other player could. “We were coming off an 0-10-1 season and needed somebody to get us on the map and represent the standard our new coach, Dan McCarney, was espousing,” remembers former Cyclone offensive tackle Tim Kohn (1993-1996). “Troy was a talent that was an order of magnitude above everyone else on that team. Even though [1995 and 1996] were losing seasons, what he did in reversing our momentum is an accomplishment you can’t find on the stat sheet.” Kohn (’96 pol sci & intl. studies) says he wouldn’t have blamed Davis if he’d left Ames after a winless freshman season in which he carried the ball only 34 times for Coach Jim Walden. But if there was one person who could light a fire under the diminutive phenom, it was McCarney. The young, energetic coach was full of belief – not just in Iowa State, but particularly in Davis. McCarney knew he could make the elusive, 5-foot, 7-inch Miami native the centerpiece of his program. “Coach Dan McCarney didn’t recruit me, but he re-recruited me,” Davis says. “He told me he could help me transfer, but he also promised we were gonna run the ball here. He looked me in the eye and shook my hand.” Davis took a chance on the future, surmising that McCarney’s commitment could translate into as many as 20 carries a game for him going forward. As a sophomore, Davis would carry the JIM HEEMSTRA



Sports BY Kate Bruns

“[Troy Davis) was an incred-

ibly complete player. He knew his body and knew what he was capable of and absolutely maximized it. He always had the self belief and the awareness that he could do all the things he ended up doing – and I know a lot of us are better because of it.” – TIM KOHN, FORMER CYCLONE OFFENSIVE TACKLE

ball 345 times for 2,010 yards and finish fifth for the Heisman Trophy. As a junior, he rushed 402 times for 2,185 yards. In ISU’s 1996 home opener against Northern Iowa, Davis carried the ball an astounding 53 times. Davis, who averaged nearly six yards per carry in his college career, succeeded because, Kohn says, he was almost mystifyingly durable, mentally tough, and innately able to see holes on the field. “He was an incredibly complete player,” Kohn says. “He knew his body and knew what he was capable of and absolutely maximized it. He took Coach Mac at his word, and my goodness Troy held up his end. He always had the self belief and the awareness that he could do all the things he ended up doing – and I know a lot of us are better because of it.” Davis still remembers his years VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG WINTER 2017

at Iowa State – particularly 1995 and 1996 – as the best of his life. He held up his end of the bargain, put in the work, and showed off his talents. His belief in McCarney paid off and he became the football star he always knew he could be. So when, in 1996, Davis was denied the prize at his second-straight Heisman Trophy ceremony after accomplishing something no one in college football had ever done – rushing more than 2,000 yards in back-to-back campaigns – he felt helpless and hurt. “I still remember Coach McCarney after the ceremony saying, ‘Troy, are you coming back for your senior year?’ I was like, ‘There’s nothing else for me to prove, Coach.’” So Davis took his talents to the NFL, but he landed with Mike Ditka’s New Orleans Saints in a situation where he struggled to showcase his talents on a bad team. He spent three years with the Saints before heading north to Canada, where he became a Hall-of-Famer during seven seasons with three different CFL squads. “I hear people say, ‘Troy, you left too early’ or ‘Troy, you did a good thing leaving,’” Davis says. “I can’t have any regrets. I feel like I made the best choice but ended up in the wrong situation.” Years went by, and memories of Davis’ unprecedented accomplishments faded from the national conversation. Davis settled into a quiet existence surrounded by family back in Miami, returning to Ames just once in 2007 for his induction into the Iowa State Athletics Hall of Fame. Number 28 jerseys remained popular at Jack Trice Stadium, however, and the lore of Troy Davis endured. “Only Iowa State,” self-deprecating fans would moan, “could produce a 2,000-yard rusher in back-to-back seasons and NOT get the Heisman Trophy.” ISU officials never stopped toiling to right the Heisman wrongs and get Davis


the recognition he deserved, even as decades passed and football coaches came and went. And then, in 2015, they learned their efforts had finally paid off: The 2016 College Football Hall of Fame class would include Troy Davis. Davis couldn’t believe the news himself: “My first response was, ‘Oh, okay, when does the ballot come out?’ But I wasn’t just on the ballot, I was in. I just dropped the phone and looked up [in disbelief]. Every kid, that’s in their goals and dreams to be a Hall-of-Famer – and I’m there.” Davis was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in New York City in December, the culmination of a year’s worth of celebration and reminiscence. A visit back to Jack Trice Stadium this fall that wasn’t without “chillbumps” or tears for Davis as his beloved coach, Dan McCarney, was introduced on the football field as a member of the 2016 ISU Athletics Hall of Fame class one weekend and Davis was presented with his College Football Hall of Fame plaque the next. Davis has been able to use the year to reflect on his unique story – on the people who helped him achieve his dream and the decisions he made along the way that shaped not just his life, but the Iowa State football program. “I just think about how I was ready [in 1994] to pack it all up and go back home,” Davis says. “If it wasn’t for Dan McCarney, there wouldn’t be a story and there wouldn’t be a Hall-of-Famer. I’m glad he invited me to play in his system. There will never be another Troy Davis.” 


Calendar  Alumni events

 Cyclone Athletics March 3-6: Big 12 Women’s Basketball Tournament, with Alumni Associationsponsored fan gatherings, Oklahoma City March 8-11: Big 12 Men’s Basketball Tournament, with Alumni Associationsponsored fan gatherings, Kansas City For all Cyclone sports schedules, go to

Feb. 10: Cardinal & Gold Gala, Des Moines March 7: Celebrate State: Kansas City


 Alumni travel To see where in the world the Traveling Cyclones will be going in 2017, go to

Feb. 24-26: Chicago the Musical, Stephens March 3: Cirk Laputyka: Slapstick Sonata, Stephens March 7: National Symphony of Ukraine, Stephens March 9: Celtic Fire, Stephens March 24: Brunnier in Bloom, Brunnier Art Museum

April: Cy’s Days of Service, all month April 7: Distinguished Awards Celebration April 29: Celebrate State: Los Angeles

 Events in the

ISU Alumni Center

April 1: Annie, Stephens April 20: Semi-Toned, Stephens April 29: Grapes of Wrath, Fisher Theater

Feb. 10: Alumni Association Board of Directors winter meeting April 21: Senior Send-off April 21-22: Young Alumni Council meeting

 Awards

 Career resources Feb. 1: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Spring Career Day Feb. 7: Spring Engineering Career Fair Feb. 8: People to People Career Fair Feb. 8: Business, Industry & Technology Career Fair March 10: Teacher Education Career Fair

 On campus & in the

Ames community

March 13-17: Spring Break April 8: ISU Fashion Show April 15: Spring Egg Hunt, Reiman Gardens


 Lifelong learning Jan. 10: OLLI at ISU winter classes begin Feb. 16: OLLI at ISU spring open house March 20: OLLI at ISU first day of spring classes

 Arts and entertainment Now through Jan. 6: The Landscapes of Gary Ernest Smith and Faculty Responses to the Permanent Collection, Brunnier Art Museum Now through July 2017: Challenging Taste: Art Nouveau in the Decorative Arts and Decidedly Collectable: States Patterns in the Iowa Quester Glass Collection, Brunnier Jan. 29: Ballet Des Moines, Stephens Feb. 5: Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Stephens Feb. 14: Close to You: Music of the Carpenters, Stephens

Feb. 15: Homecoming 2017 awards nomination deadline* April 7: Distinguished Awards Celebration April 21: Wallace E. Barron Award Recognition *For criteria and to submit a nomination for ISUAA awards:

 Find more events online Campus Calendar: ISU Alumni Association: Cyclone Athletics: Department of Music and ISU Theatre: shtml Reiman Gardens: Iowa State Center: University Museums: Lectures:


To donate today, please call 515-294-5022 or email

Iowa State University Alumni Center 420 Beach Avenue Ames, Iowa 50011-1430


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