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Cheese: Diverse Any Way you Slice it
Cheese: Diverse Any Way Sliced
Words by: Nimit Kaneria
Since 8000 B.C., cheese has been present in our world. At its beginnings, cheese was available from one source-goats. Today, the primary source of cheese is milk which mainly comes from other animals like cows, sheep and even buffalos. In 2020, people choose to consume cheese mainly because of its taste, melting temperatures, source, age and wine pairings. For example, people may use American cheese in pizza because it has a lower melting point compared to other varieties, whereas some use mozzarella to give it an Italian touch. In addition, people tend to try new types of food every day with new combinations. Another example, in high-class eating, people drink wine with a gray slate board decorated with different cheeses.
Ryan Whitener, a senior majoring in aerospace engineering and mathematics at Iowa State, continues to travel all around the globe to boost his knowledge about foods (and cheeses). At the age of 10, Whitener started to gain an interest in food, particularly in cheese. During this time, his father would invite friends over for wine tasting, which gave Whitener an opportunity to try different types of cheese pairings from a young age. One of these friends, a chef, gave Whitener a tremendous amount of knowledge on cheeses and foods.
Some of the cheeses Whitener has tried around the world include imported spicy rebirth cheddar cheese in San Jose, California. In contrast, he tried what he said to be his best gorgonzola cheese in Wisconsin.
Since the 15th century, people have consumed cheese with different food items and drinks. For instance, Whitener mainly likes to consume different kinds of cheese with wine, bread and Mexican food, which differs from pairings in the 1400s. For Mexican food, he said he prefers to consume smooth aged cheeses like monetary jack or cheddar.
Besides consuming cheese and traveling, Whitener also balances his current life by keeping his health and body in shape. He says that to keep the body healthy, one should avoid consumption of heavy cheeses in everyday life, including gouda and gorgonzola. He further adds that the healthiest cheese for humans is original imported swiss cheese because it is rich in vitamins A and B12.
Focusing on his current place of residence, Whitener thinks Ames also has a good presence of cheese and cheese products. He adds that the best macaroni and cheese in Ames come from The Cafe because it blends four different kinds of cheeses, which he says enhances the taste. Other places in Whitener’s list include Macubana food truck and Arcadia Cafe.
Whitener added the best way one can evaluate cheese is to determine the depth of the flavor palette. He further contends that different cheeses have different flavors: smoky, citrus and nutty. The texture is also another factor that allows a person to get the real taste of cheese and help them evaluate cheeses in the best possible way. In Whitener’s 12 years of experience of about cheese, three of 50 kinds of cheese were able to pass his evaluation test. His top choices include smoked swiss cheese from Frisco, Texas, French La Rue cheese from Madison, Wisconsin, and Parmesan Reggiano from Ames Hy-Vee. He enjoys these cheeses for different reasons, such as smoky flavors, pungent herbs and deep aftertaste.
experience as he said, when anyone pairs the most excellent cheese with the best wine, it makes it a pristine combination of products., To determine the best cheese as wine pairings, a person should first choose the cheese that cuts and contrasts the flavors of wine. He adds that to get the most desirable taste out of cheese, young adults should consider utilizing the same method of cut and contrast with meats and crackers that are infused with herbs and different flavors rather than alcoholic drinks such as wine.