Erectile Dysfunction And Diabetes Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence is a condition in which the person is persistently unable to achieve or maintain an erection adequate enough to have sexual assort. ED is the common in men with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. More than half of the people have diabetics in the world have ED because they are at a higher risk as compared to non-diabetics. Studies of survey of medical team as per show that diabetics are three times more likely to develop ED. Moreover, the risk of ED in men with diabetes increases same with age. Let us find out why this happens. See below points. How diabetes can lead to impotence In who a person has suffering from diabetes, there is a high level of chance of getting ED around 10 to 15 years earlier than nondiabetics. This can be attributed to big factors such as longer duration of diabetes, old age people, poor glycemic control, and neuropathy. Furthermore, the condition here is more severe and less responsive to medicines in diabetics, which is further impairs the quality of life. The mechanism action of ED in diabetes depends on psychological as well as organic factors which are: Neurological: Diabetic neuropathy can cause to impair the autonomic and somatic nerve processes, which are most essential for penile erection. Nitric oxide supplied through the nerves system pathway is responsible for the relaxation of the penile's corporal smooth muscle. It is the muscle that controls the erection of penis. In diabetes, this mechanism action is impaired and as a result, there is no erection when aroused. Vascular: Diabetes can affected vascular dysfunction which is leads to atherosclerotic damage of the blood vessels of sexual part. This limits blood flow to the penis, which causes an inability to maintain an erection. Furthermore, vascular damage can also impact on the result release of nitric oxide thereby lessen the smooth muscle relaxation and affecting the erection. Hormonal: Who men suffering from type 2 diabetes have been reported to have significantly lower testosterone levels in blood than
men without diabetes. Testosterone is a big hormone that plays an important role in the male reproductive system and metabolic functioning in men. Furthermore, high blood glucose levels can cause a reduction level in the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland, which are the responsible for stimulating and the production of testosterone by the testes. Low levels of testosterone may lead to a decrease in sexual desire and hypogonadism. Psychological: Psycological is estimated that around 10 to 30 percent cases of ED may be purely psychological. Depression is a common in psychiatric condition seen in diabetic’s patient, which can contribute to psychogenic ED in diabetic patients. This, when connected with other psychological factors, may aggravate ED by directly inhibiting spinal centers and nerve function. This ultimately affects the relaxation of the smooth muscles thus causing difficulty to achieving an erection in the penis. ED can reason an increase in mental stress, lead to disordered interpersonal relationship and tamper with in their sexual life, thus affecting the overall quality of life in diabetics. Diabetics, signet those with poor glycemic control, obesity and those who are aged, are at a high risk of ED. This is why regular screening for low testosterone and appropriate clinical intervention is advised for such patients. Early finder of ED and proper treatment in diabetic patients can amend their overall health and quality of life.
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