How To Spend The Best Time On Bed Best sex tips to spend the long time in sex with your partner Apart from the usual facts on long time tips for long time in bed in hindi drive there are more things you would need to know. These are better facts to help you cling on to the sexiest moments of your life without any hindrance. Like men, many women also have carving towards sex. But, speaking about the desire for many women is often shameful. This situation may not be faced by all ladies. According to the research, desire and sexual drive in each individual can vary. The distribution of dopamine as well as brain chemicals is responsible for pleasure seeking desire. But, her partner might not have such a strong sexual drive. If you are keen to keep a pace with your female partner who has a strong sexual drive, some tips must be followed. For a things to do before bed to help you sleep, physical relationship is developed upon love and trust. When a couple posses a healthy sex life, they build better understanding of each other. It is a misconception that women do not want it as much as men do, the fact is they do. In some societies it is considered to be a taboo to discuss about sex, especially for women, which makes them paranoid to have conversations about their desire, even with their partner. With an unhealthy and unsatisfying, sex life, the couple suffers from tension and stress in their relationship, it is of utmost importance that every sexual activity between a couple is executed with the consent and interest of both the partners, and nothing is forced upon. SEXUAL APPEAL Some people wish to have sex but do not have proper resource to create arousal in their partner. You need to feel yourself sexy and create arousal in your partner. You must purchase some new and sexy lingerie to impress your partner. It is not advisable to get in front of your partner the how to last longer in bed naturally you dress up regularly. You must do something special and exciting to impress your partner. 5 Things Healthy, Successful People Always Do Before Bed 1. Set a schedule The things to do before you go to bed t and best step you can take to start getting better sleep is to set a fixed sleep schedule and to stick to -- even on weekends and holidays. For the best results, don't try to fight your personal rhythm. Some folks are programmed to stay awake later, others to wake bright and early. Respect your body's preferences if at all possible. Struggling to keep to your plan? If "staying on track with a calming bedtime routine is virtually impossible for you, healthy things to do before bed setting yourself an alarm -- to go to bed," suggests HuffPo. 2. Check your pre-bed diet
You're not designed to digest and sleep at the same time, so do your best to make sure you either indulge in that heavy dinner early in the night or stick to lighter foods if you'll be eating later. Feeling peckish around bedtime? "Several foods promote sleep by helping to optimize the release of melatonin. Turkey and warm milk contain tryptophan (the precursor to melatonin), while honey contains how to stay long in bed with a woman , which reduces alertness. Marmite, almonds, chamomile and oatcakes are also good, and bananas have high levels of serotonin and magnesium," The Good Sleep Guide author Sammy Margo tells the UK Telegraph. 3. And your beverages You're no doubt aware you need to be careful about not consuming caffeine later in the day if you want to get a good night's sleep, but did you know alcohol can also disturb your sleep? That nightcap might make you feel drowsy at bedtime, pills to make you last longer in bed but it'll make the second half of your night more disturbed and less restful. So have that glass of wine early enough that it's out of your system by the time you turn out the light. 4. Power down your gadgets The blue light emitted by your computer and other gadgets can keep you up, so switch them off a good hour or two before bed (this will also help you clear your head of the day's concerns before you hit the hay). Or try F.lux. It's a free app that "makes the color of your computer screen resemble the current time of day, helping your body recognize that bedtime is drawing near," explains Dr. Michael Terman, the coauthor of . 5. Set the scene Your body's ideal sleeping how to last longer in bed for men without pills environment is cool, dark, and quiet, so do your best to eliminate noise and light from your room (and hey, you can save some money turning down the thermostat too). If your home is loud at night, "use a fan, an air-conditioner, or a white noise app or machine. You can also try ear plugs," suggests Web MD. A comfy bed is also obviously essential. That might mean splurging on a better mattress or pillows (science says that your pillows probably need replacing every 18 months thanks to an accumulation of dust mites). And apologies to your furry friends, but if you're aiming for the ultimate sleep experience, they're going to need to find their own places to snooze away from your bed.