Alta Corte presenta Modula, una zona giorno dal sapore “casualâ€?, originale reinterpretazione di uno stile sofisticato reso ancor piĂš affascinante dalla rude patina del tempo.
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16 soluzioni compositive adatte in ogni contesto, per “vestire” e personalizzare senza limiti i propri spazi.
Alta Corte introduces Modula - a living room with a casual flavor. It’s
a creative reinterpretation of a sophisticated style that’s made even more charming by the rough patina of time. 16 compositional solutions suited to any setting can “dress up” and personalize your room areas without limitation.
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MD 001_ L. 2925 mm
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E’ proprio sul colore laccato nero che prendono vita e risaltano con piÚ forza le sfumature dorate vintage, accostate con sapienza a sobrie maniglie in ottone forgiato. * Skillfully matched with stately handles in forged brass, vintage golden subtleties are enlivened and strongly accented by black enamel.
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MD 002_ L. 2950 mm
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L. 2950 mm
MD 003_ L. 2950 mm
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MD 004_ L. 2975 mm
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MD 005_ L. 2925 mm
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white: you’re simply my angel
Piacevole il decoro dei segni unito alla forza dei materiali, che unisce qualità estetica e ricchezza di spessori. L’aspetto vintage gli conferisce ulteriore naturalezza nei toni e vibrazione nei chiariscuri.* Pleasant decorations and bold materials work together to combine quality appearance with enhanced thicknesses. The vintage look adds an natural quality to the hues and endows the bright and shaded areas with a sense of vibration. 28 29
Tavolo quadrato/ square table_ L. 1000x100 mm Credenza/dresser_ L. 1950 mm
MD 006_ L. 1950 mm
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MD 007_ L. 2975 mm P. 1580 mm
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Nero e noce: ecco un’accostamento che crea nuove suggestioni. Linee forti e toni scuri per aggiungere quel pizzico di grinta alle forme e rendere l’ambiente più “easy”.* Black and walnut - a combination that creates new aesthetic suggestions. Strong lines and dark shades add a touch of intensity to the forms and makes the setting “easier”.
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L. 700x700 mm
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MD 008_ L. 2925 mm
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Realmente versatile, come un’esperto che ha attraversato e vissuto le mode. Modula conosce le tendenze e arreda interpretando ambienti, stili ed epoche diverse. * Truly versatile, like an expert who has lived through and experienced passing fads, Modula recognizes trends, so its furnishings can interpret different settings, styles and eras.
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MD 009_ L. 2700 mm
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Robusti e capienti, i cassetti sono proprio come te li aspetti: una struttura in massello in tinta coordinata dei frontali, montata su guide silenziose e moderne.* Spacious and sturdy, the drawers are just as you expect: with a frame in solid wood in the same color as the front, and installed on guides that are modern and silent.
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MD 010_ L. 2925 mm
Innattesa tinta avorio che alleggerisce il tono delle superfici, nei contrasti e crea calda atmosfera in una soluzione d’arredo dallo stile contemporaneo e raffinato.* An unexpected shade of ivory contrasts with and lightens the tone of the surfaces, thus creating a warm atmosphere with this furnishing solution in a refined, contemporary style. 50 51
MD 011_ L. 4125 mm
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cool and classic trend attitude
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MD 012_ L. 3900 mm
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L. 700x700 mm
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MD 012_ L. 3900 mm
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MD 013_ L. 3450 mm Tavolo rettangolare/ rectangular table_ 1000x1600 mm
nice to meet you red devil
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Tavolo rettangolare/ rectangular table_ 1600x1000 mm
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L. 2475 mm
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MD 014_ L. 2950 mm
Il noce osa. La composizione stilisticamente sobria e lineare è enfatizzata dalle ante in vetro lavorato dei pensili disposti in modo assimetrico ed equilibrato. * The boldness of walnut. This straightforward composition in a stately style is accented by embellished glass doors on wall cabinets arranged in an asymmetric, balanced way.
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MD 015_ L. 2450 mm
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too late, I call you back tomorow
MD 016_ L. 2450 mm
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Essenza noce/ Walnut wood
Bianco candido/ Pure white
Basalto/ Basalt gray
Vetro trasparente/ Clear glass
Vetro seta/ Satiny glass
Argento antico/ Antique silver
Ottone forgiato/ Forged brass
Alta Corte s.r.l. Via Callunghetta, 1/6 31040 Cessalto - Treviso - Italy Tel. +39 0421 327977 Fax +39 0421 463323 -
Photo: Step - Graphic: Fluid - Print Grafiche Antiga