White cover new collections 2015 catalog

Page 1

II째 vol.

II째 vol.



due cataloghi, ispirazioni infinite two catalogues, never-ending inspirations

Glass and Glass - Murano Srl crea oggetti d’illuminazione che migliorano la qualità dell’abitare con il loro valore estetico e funzionale. La lunga esperienza nel settore e la capacità di forgiare e plasmare il vetro in forme per la luce, hanno consentito all’azienda di emergere come significativa e affidabile realtà produttiva, in grado di realizzare creazioni di alto livello e una assortita gamma di articoli. Ai classici modelli della tradizione veneziana, Glass and Glass - Murano Srl affianca oggi proposte d’impronta contemporanea, in sintonia con l’evoluzione del mercato e con i gusti di un vasto pubblico. I Maestri vetrai di Glass and Glass - Murano Srl, in sinergia con reparti ricerca, tecnico, officina ed assemblaggio, danno vita ad accurate collezioni, verificate tanto nei materiali quanto nelle finiture e testate con severi parametri di funzionalità e sicurezza.

Glass and Glass - Murano Srl creates beautiful and functional lighting articles to improve the quality of any environment. Their long experience in the sector and their ability to forge and work glass into special shapes for lighting, have made the company a strong and reliable presence in the market, offering finely crafted creations and a wide range of items. Along with classic models from the Venetian tradition, Glass and Glass Murano Srl also produces articles with a decidedly modern touch, in line with the evolution of the market and the taste of a vast public. The master glass-blowers of Glass and Glass - Murano Srl, working together with the workshop, assembly, research and technology specialists, produce collections of perfect lighting fixtures, integrity-tested as much in the materials used as in the finishes, within strict parameters of functionality and safety.

Un avanzato patrimonio costruttivo, dunque, guidato da un innovativo know how aziendale, che si è rivelato particolarmente utile nel settore “contract”, nella realizzazione di speciali progetti d’illuminazione che vanno oltre lo standard ed esigono soluzioni mirate e specialistiche. Con la sua versatilità produttiva, la professionalità delle sue maestranze, la rapidità e puntualità di consegna, Glass and Glass - Murano Srl ha saputo distinguersi ed affermarsi anche in questo prestigioso mercato, fornendo un efficiente servizio di collaborazione a un’ampia clientela e a numerosi professionisti. Una parte significativa dei modelli presentati in questo catalogo sono stati infatti realizzati su proposta di progettisti, architetti e designer.

Glass and Glass - Murano Srl takes pride in a wealth of manufacturing experience, guided by innovative company know-how which has proven especially useful in the “contract” sector and in the realisation of special ligthing projects far above the industry standard, proposing targeted and highly specialised solutions. With its impressive manufacturing versatility, the professionalism of its workers and the quickness and punctuality of delivery, Glass and Glass Murano Srl has been able to distinguish and establish itself in this most prestigious of markets, supplying an efficient service of collaboration to a wide clientele and to numerous professionals. A significant part of the models presented in this catalogue have in fact been made based on designs forwarded by architects and designers.

In molti alberghi, banche, aziende, edifici pubblici, importanti residenze nel mondo, gli originali oggetti e sistemi d’illuminazione portano la firma di Glass and Glass - Murano Srl.

In many hotels, banks, company offices, public buildings and important residences in the world, original fixtures and lighting systems carry the name Glass and Glass - Murano Srl.

Bianco e nero. I due colori più eleganti e versatili non entrano in contrasto ma si completano diventando, come in una fotografia d’artista, lo sfondo per presentare le collezioni realizzate e firmate da Glass and Glass - Murano Srl. Nel catalogo “White”, nuovi e ricercati prodotti d’illuminazione arricchiscono la già vasta proposta del catalogo “Black”, creando una varietà di scelta amplissima per ogni tipo di ambiente e ogni esigenza dei clienti. Ispirazioni infinite che prendono forma nel vetro. Luce e arredo, tradizione e ricercatezza, definizione del dettaglio e sguardo al contemporaneo, estetica e funzionalità: nei cataloghi “Black” and “White” sono racchiusi tutti i colori e le sfumature di Glass and Glass - Murano Srl che, grazie alla sua esperienza, inserisce questo gioco sapiente di elementi nei due book di immagini e scenari consultabili per gli spazi più raffinati e le occasioni più speciali.

Black and white, the most elegant and versatile colours, they are never in contrast with each other they fulfil themselves becoming, as in an artistic picture, a background to introduce the collections designed and signed by Glass and Glass - Murano Srl. Inside the “White” catalogue. new and refined lighting products enrich the already large offer of the “Black” catalogue, creating a huge variety of choices for any kind of location and any need of our client. Never-ending inspirations taking shape with glass. Lighting and dècor, tradition and refinement, attention to the detail and a glance to the contemporary, aesthetic and functionality: inside the “Black” and “White” catalogue there can be found all the colours and the shades of Glass and Glass - Murano Srl who, thanks to their experience, include this skilful play of elements in these picture-books that can be consulted both for the most refined settings and the special occasions.

Nelle pagine del nuovo “White”, come in quelle del primo catalogo “Black”, si trova la qualità degli articoli di serie e dei prodotti realizzabili su richiesta e personalizzabili nelle dimensioni, nelle finiture e nella scelta del materiale. Queste caratteristiche fanno sì che i prodotti d’illuminazione Glass and Glass - Murano Srl vengano privilegiati in mercati prestigiosi e che siano collocati in ambienti di classe e lussuosi.

Inside the new “White”, same as in the former “Black” catalogue, you can find the quality of the standard items and of the bespoke ones, custom-tailored according to specific dimensions, finishing and the choice of materials. These features let Glass and Glass - Murano Srl lighting fixtures to be preferred in prestigious markets and installed in classy and luxury places.

Glass & Glass. “Black” & “White”. La professionalità dell’arte e la dedizione dell’artigiano abbinate all’amore per il bello.

Glass & Glass, “Black” & “White”. The professionalism of art and the dedication of the artisans combined with the love for beautiful things.

Il pensiero diventa luce The thought becomes light

Gli articoli proposti in queste pagine rappresentano solo un esempio delle forme che Glass and Glass - Murano Srl può dare alle tue idee. Il nostro team, raccolte le esigenze del cliente, è in grado di progettare soluzioni altamente personalizzate e di tradurle in realtà , creando pezzi unici e preziosi. La tua idea prende forma. The items introduced on these pages represent only an example of the ways Glass and Glass - Murano Srl can shape your ideas. Our team, after gathering all the requirements of our clients, can design bespoke solutions and make them real, making precious and one-of-akind items. Your idea takes shape.

Studio progettazione-disegni esecutivi Design project - architectural/shop drawings

Produzione Production

Test e controlli durante la produzione. Test finale prima della partenza. Tests and quality control during production. Final test before the shipment.



light sculptures

NAGA 1 . 9



Art. C-1500 TL Custom model COF G+CC Ă˜ 28 - H 60 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

NAGA 1 . 11


Art. 1555/P

Art. 1551/P

Ø 130 - H 80 cm

Ø 82 - H 90 cm | Ø 100 - H 110 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 75 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 125 cm

NAGA 1 . 13


Art. 1551/S

Art. 1500/P

Ø 82 - H 120 cm | Ø 100 - H 140 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 155 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 45 cm

NAGA 1 . 15


Art. 1550/S

Art. 1541/P

Ø 82 - H 100 cm | Ø 100 - H 110 cm

Ø 100 - H 75 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 120 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 85 cm

NAGA 1 . 17


Art. 1593/PC

COF G clear gold L 50 - SP 30 - H 38 cm Art. 1593/MD

L 60 - SP 35 - H 50 cm

Art. 1531/S

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 160 cm Ø 100 - H 145 cm

NAGA 1 . 19


Art. 1521/P

Art. 1521/S

Ø 78 - H 90 cm

Ø 78 - H 120 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 105 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 135 cm

NAGA 1 . 21


Art. 1592/GR

Art. 1592/MD

Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/GR L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm

COF G clear gold L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm

COF G clear gold L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

NAGA 1 . 23


Art. 1500/P

Art. 1500/P

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 45 cm

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 45 cm

NAGA 1 . 25


Art. 1502/P

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 90 cm

Art. 1501/P

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 65 cm Ø 130 - H 75 cm

NAGA 1 . 27


Art. C-1542/S Custom model COF G clear gold Ă˜ 130 - H 300 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Art. 1542/S

COF G clear gold Ă˜ 130 - H 120 cm

NAGA 1 . 29


Art. 1550/P

Art. 1550/P

Ø 82 - H 70 cm | Ø 100 - H 80 cm

Ø 82 - H 70 cm | Ø 100 - H 80 cm

COF G 31 White-Gold Ø 130 - H 90 cm

COF G 31 White-Gold Ø 130 - H 90 cm

NAGA 1 . 31


Art. 1591/GR

Art. 1500/P

Art. 1591/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1591/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

COF G 31 White-Gold L 60 - SP 40 - H 60 cm

COF G 31 White-Gold Ø 130 - H 45 cm

NAGA 1 . 33


Art. 1592/GR

COF G 31 White-Gold L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

NAGA 1 . 35


Art. 1500/P

Art. 1500/P

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

COF G 38.2 Red 2-Gold Ø 130 - H 45 cm

COF G 38.2 Red 2-Gold Ø 130 - H 45 cm

NAGA 1 . 37


Art. 1592/GR

Art. 1591/GR

Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

Art. 1591/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1591/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

COF G 38.2 Red 2-Gold L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm

COF G 38.2 Red 2-Gold L 60 - SP 40 - H 60 cm

NAGA 1 . 39


Art. 1550/P

Art. 1590/GR

Ø 82 - H 70 cm | Ø 100 - H 80 cm

Art. 1590/PC L 15 - SP 20 - H 32 cm Art. 1590/MD L 18 - SP 25 - H 39 cm

COF S 40.2 Blue 2-Silver Ø 130 - H 90 cm

COF S 40.2 Blue 2-Silver L 23 - SP 33 - H 52 cm

NAGA 1 . 41


Art. 1591/GR

COF S 40.2 Blue 2-Silver L 60 - SP 40 - H 60 cm Art. 1591/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1591/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

Art. 1592/GR

COF S 40.2 Blue 2-Silver L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

NAGA 1 . 43


Art. 1557/S

CC clear Ø 130 - H 145 cm

Art. 1555/S

Art. 1592/GR

Ø 130 - H 110 cm

Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

CC clear Ø 100 - H 105 cm

CC clear L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm

Art. 1557/S

CC clear Ø 130 - H 145 cm

NAGA 1 . 45


Art. 1550/S

Art. 1556/P

Ø 82 - H 100 cm | Ø 100 - H 110 cm

Ø 100 - H 95 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 120 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 95 cm

NAGA 1 . 47


Art. 1541/P

Art. 1592/GR

Ø 100 - H 75 cm

Art. 1592/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 38 cm Art. 1592/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 50 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 85 cm

CC clear L 60 - SP 36 - H 60 cm

NAGA 1 . 49


Art. 1500/P

Art. 1500/P

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 45 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 45 cm

NAGA 1 . 51


Art. 1550/S

Art. 1500/P

Ø 82 - H 100 cm / Ø 100 - H 110 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

COF S clear silver Ø 130 - H 120 cm

COF S clear silver Ø 130 - H 45 cm

NAGA 1 . 53


Art. 1551/S

Art. 1551/S

Ø 82 - H 120 cm | Ø 100 - H 140 cm

Ø 82 - H 120 cm | Ø 100 - H 140 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 155 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 155 cm

NAGA 1 . 55


Art. 1540/S

Art. 1500/P

Ø 100 - H 95 cm

Ø 100 - H 45 cm / Ø 130 - H 45 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 100 cm

CC clear Ø 82 - H 40 cm

NAGA 1 . 57


Art. 1501/P

CC clear Ø 100 - H 65 cm Ø 130 - H 75 cm

Art. 1590/PC

L 15 - SP 20 - H 32 cm

Art. 1590/MD

L 18 - SP 25 - H 39 cm

Art. 1590/GR

L 23 - SP 33 - H 52 cm CC clear

NAGA 1 . 59


Art. 1501/P

Art. 1530/P

Ø 100 - H 65 cm

Ø 100 - H 90 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 75 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 95 cm

NAGA 1 . 61


Art. 1555/S

Art. 1521/S

Ø 130 - H 110 cm

Ø 78 - H 120 cm

CC clear Ø 100 - H 105 cm

CC clear Ø 100 - H 135 cm

NAGA 1 . 63


Art. 1522/S

CC clear Ø 100 - H 135 cm

Art. C-1522/S Custom model CC clear Ø 100 - H 400 cm

Ø 78 - H 120 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

NAGA 1 . 65


Art. 1520/S

Art. 1510/S

Ø 45 - H 85 cm | Ø 60 - H 90 cm

Ø 60 - H 80 cm | Ø 78 - H 85 cm

CC clear Ø 75 - H 100 cm

CC clear Ø 100 - H 95 cm

NAGA 1 . 67


Art. 1570/S

CC clear Ø 100 - H 220 cm Ø 85 - H 180 cm

Art. 1590/PC

L 15 - SP 20 - H 32 cm

Art. 1590/MD

L 18 - SP 25 - H 39 cm

Art. 1590/GR

L 23 - SP 33 - H 52 cm CC clear

NAGA 1 . 69


Art. 1570/S

CC clear Ø 100 - H 220 cm Ø 85 - H 180 cm

NAGA 1 . 71


Art. 1580

Art. 1580

L 72 x 50 - H 50 cm | L 90 x 50 - H 50 cm | L 105 x 50 - H 50 cm L 86 x 60 - H 60 cm | L 105 x 60 - H 60 cm | L 125 x 60 - H 60 cm L 115 x 80 - H 70 cm | L 165 x 80 - H 70 cm

L 72 x 50 - H 50 cm | L 90 x 50 - H 50 cm | L 105 x 50 - H 50 cm L 86 x 60 - H 60 cm | L 105 x 60 - H 60 cm | L 125 x 60 - H 60 cm L 115 x 80 - H 70 cm | L 165 x 80 - H 70 cm

CC clear L 140 x 80 - H 70 cm

CC clear L 140 x 80 - H 70 cm

NAGA 1 . 73


Art. 1562/P

CC clear Ø 100 - H 95 cm Ø 85 - H 75 cm

NAGA 1 . 75



CC Cristallo/Clear


COF S Cristallo colore argento Clear silver colour

COF G Cristallo colore oro Clear gold colour

COF Color

COF G31 Bianco-Oro/White-Gold

COF G38.2 Rosso2-Oro/Red2-Gold

COF S40.2 Blu2-Argento/Blue2-Silver

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

NAGA 2 . 77



Art. 1600/P

Art. 1600/P

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 40 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 40 cm

NAGA 2 . 79


Art. 1650/S

Art. 1650/S

Ø 82 - H 100 cm | Ø 100 - H 105 cm

Ø 82 - H 100 cm | Ø 100 - H 105 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 115 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 115 cm

NAGA 2 . 81


Art. 1690/GR

Art. 1651/S

Art. 1690/PC L 15 - SP 20 - H 31 cm Art. 1690/MD L 18 - SP 25 - H 40 cm

Ø 82 - H 120 cm | Ø 100 - H 135 cm

CC clear L 23 - SP 33 - H 47 cm

CC clear Ø 130 - H 150 cm

NAGA 2 . 83


Art. 1651/S

CC clear Ø 130 - H 150 cm Ø 82 - H 120 cm | Ø 100 - H 135 cm

NAGA 2 . 85


Art. 1691/GR

Art. 1662/P

Art. 1691/PC L 38 – SP 22 – H 35 cm Art. 1691/MD L 45 – SP 30 – H 40 cm

Ø 85 - H 75 cm

CC clear L 60 - SP 40 - H 50 cm

CC clear Ø 105 - H 90 cm

NAGA 2 . 87


Art. 1680

CC clear L 140 x 70 - H 70 cm L 70 x 50 - H 50 cm | L 85 x 50 - H 50 cm | L 100 x 50 - H 50 cm L 86 x 60 - H 60 cm | L 105 x 60 - H 60 cm | L 125 x 60 - H 60 cm L 115 x 70 - H 70 cm | L 165 x 70 - H 70 cm

NAGA 2 . 89


Art. 1670/S

Art. 1670/S

Ø 85 - H 175 cm

Ø 85 - H 175 cm

CC clear Ø 105 - H 215 cm

CC clear Ø 105 - H 215 cm

NAGA 2 . 91


Art. 1670/S

CC clear Ø 105 - H 215 cm Ø 85 - H 175 cm

NAGA 2 . 93


Art. 1610/P

Art. 1692/GR

Ø 60 - H 50 cm | Ø 80 - H 55 cm

Art. 1692/PC L 38 – SP 22 – H 35 cm Art. 1692/MD L 45 – SP 30 – H 40 cm

CC - clear Ø 110 - H 60 cm

CC clear L 60 - SP 40 - H 50 cm

NAGA 2 . 95


Art. 1621/S

Art. 1621/S

Ø 80 - H 120 cm

Ø 80 - H 120 cm

CC clear Ø 110 - H 135 cm

CC clear Ø 110 - H 135 cm

NAGA 2 . 97


Art. 1692/GR

Art. 1650/S

Art. 1692/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 35 cm Art. 1692/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 40 cm

Ø 82 - H 100 cm | Ø 100 - H 105 cm

CB 31 white L 60 - SP 40 - H 50 cm

CB 31 white Ø 130 - H 115 cm

NAGA 2 . 99


Art. 1690/GR

CB 31 white L 23 - SP 33 - H 47 cm

Art. C-1650/S Custom model CB 31 white Ă˜ 130 - H 400 cm

Art. 1690/PC L 15 - SP 20 - H 31 cm Art. 1690/MD L 18 - SP 25 - H 40 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

NAGA 2 . 101


Art. 1600/P

Art. 1692/GR

Ø 82 - H 40 cm | Ø 100 - H 45 cm

Art. 1692/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 35 cm Art. 1692/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 40 cm

CB 32.1 yellow 1 Ø 130 - H 40 cm

CB 32.1 yellow 1 L 60 - SP 40 - H 50 cm

NAGA 2 . 103


Art. 1691/GR

Art. 1690/GR

Art. 1691/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 35 cm Art. 1691/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 40 cm

Art. 1690/PC L 15 - SP 20 - H 31 cm Art. 1690/MD L 18 - SP 25 - H 40 cm

CB 32.1 yellow 1 L 60 - SP 40 - H 50 cm

CB 32.1 yellow 1 L 23 - SP 33 - H 47 cm

NAGA 2 . 105


Art. 1650/S

Art. 1692/GR

Ø 82 - H 100 cm | Ø 100 - H 105 cm

Art. 1692/PC L 38 - SP 22 - H 35 cm Art. 1692/MD L 45 - SP 30 - H 40 cm

CB 32.1 yellow 1 + CB 38.2 red 2 Ø 130 - H 115 cm

CB 38.2 red 2 L 60 - SP 40 - H 50 cm

HABITAT 2 . 107 NAGA 2 . 107


Colori / Colours

CC Cristallo/Clear

CCS Satinato/Satin

CB 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CB 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CB 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CB 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

Colori incamiciati (colore + bianco interno) / Layered colours (colour + white inside)

CB 31 Bianco/White

CBM 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CBM 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CBM 34 Ambra/Amber

CBM 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CBM 36 Marrone/Brown

CBM 38 Rosso/Red

CBM 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CBM 39 Viola/Violet

CBM 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CBM 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CBM 40 Blu/Blue

CBM 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CBM 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBM 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBM 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CBM 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CBM 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 99 Nero/Black

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

FRESCO . 109



FRESCO . 111


Art. 995/12+9

CC clear Ø 130 - H 135 cm

Art. 995/12+9

CC clear Ø 130 - H 135 cm

FRESCO . 113


Art. 998/AP

CC clear L 38 - SP 23 - H 46 cm

Art. 995/12+6

CC clear Ø 130 - H 135 cm

FRESCO . 115


Art. 995/27

CC clear Ø 130 - H 195 cm

Art. 995/27

CC clear Ø 130 - H 195 cm

FRESCO . 117


Art. 995/12

CC clear Ø 130 - H 75 cm

Art. 997/AP

CC clear L 25 - SP 19 - H 40 cm

FRESCO . 119


Art. 997/AG

CC clear L 38 - SP 22 - H 56 cm

Art. 997/AG

CC clear L 38 - SP 22 - H 56 cm

FRESCO . 121


Art. 995/9

CC clear Ø 105 - H 75 cm

Art. 995/6.2

COF S clear silver Ø 100 - H 70 cm

FRESCO . 123


Art. 998/AG

CC clear L 38 - SP 23 - H 56 cm

Art. 995/6.2

CC clear Ø 100 - H 70 cm

FRESCO . 125


Art. 995/6.2

CB 50 fumè Ø 100 - H 70 cm

Art. 997/AG

CB 50 fumè L 38 - SP 22 - H 56 cm

FRESCO . 127


Art. 995/12+6

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 135 cm

Art. 995/12+6

COF G clear gold Ø 130 - H 135 cm

FRESCO . 129


Art. 996/6.2

Art. 997/AG

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 36 cm

COF G clear gold L 38 - SP 22 - H 56 cm

Art. 996/3 Ø 80 - H 30 cm

Art. 996/9 Ø 105 - H 36 cm

Art. 996/6.1 Ø 85 - H 30 cm

Art. 996/12 Ø 130 - H 45 cm

FRESCO . 131


Art. 998/AG

COF G clear gold L 38 - SP 23 - H 56 cm

Art. 999/L

COF G clear gold Ø 26 - H 24 cm

Art. 999/TL

COF G clear gold Ø 32 - H 33 cm

FRESCO . 133


Art. 995/6.2

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 70 cm

Art. 995/6.2

COF G clear gold Ø 100 - H 70 cm

FRESCO . 135




CC Cristallo/Clear

CO G Foglia oro/24 Kt gold leaf

FRESCO Collezione completa da pag. 234 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 234 cat. Vol I




COF Color


COF G Cristallo colore oro Clear gold colour

COF S Cristallo colore argento Clear silver colour

COF G31 Bianco-Oro/White-Gold

COF G38.2 Rosso2-Oro/Red2-Gold

COF S40.2 Blu2-Argento/Blue2-Silver

Colori / Colours 238-239


CCS Satinato/Satin

CB 31 Bianco/White

CB 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CB 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CB 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CB 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 50 Fumè

CB 99 Nero/Black

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

AMBIENT 2 . 137



Art. 840/S

Art. 840/P

Ø 30 - H 75 cm | Ø 48 - H 125 cm Ø 53 - H 150 cm

Ø 30 - H 75 cm | Ø 48 - H 125 cm Ø 53 - H 150 cm

Cut T30 - COF G clear gold Ø 40 - H 100 cm

Cut T30 - COF G clear gold Ø 40 - H 100 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 139


Art. 865F/S

Art. 865F/P

L 40 x 40 - H 66 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 84 cm L 100 x 100 - H 90 cm

L 40 x 40 - H 66 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 84 cm L 100 x 100 - H 90 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear L 65 x 65 - H 81 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear L 65 x 65 - H 81 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 141


Art. 860F/P

Art. 865F/S

L 40 x 40 - H 43 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 61 cm L 100 x 100 - H 67 cm

L 40 x 40 - H 66 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 84 cm L 100 x 100 - H 90 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear L 65 x 65 - H 58 cm

Cut T30 - COF G clear gold L 65 x 65 - H 81 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 143


Art. 865F/P

Cut T30 - COF G clear gold L 65 x 65 - H 81 cm L 40 x 40 - H 66 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 84 cm L 100 x 100 - H 90 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 145


Art. 825F/S

Art. 825F/S

Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 52 - H 113 cm | Ø 65 - H 143 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Cut T30 - COF G clear gold Ø 52 - H 113 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 77 - H 173 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 147


Art. 825F/S

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 52 - H 113 cm Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Art. 855F/AG

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 72 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 149


Art. 825/S

Art. 825F/S

Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 52 - H 113 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 52 - H 113 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 151


Art. 815F/S

Art. 820F/S

Ø 40 - H 66 cm | Ø 77 - H 84 cm Ø 100 - H 90 cm

Ø 27 - H 58 cm | Ø 40 - H 78 cm Ø 52 - H 98 cm | Ø 77 - H 138 cm Ø 90 - H 158 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 65 - H 81 cm

Cut T90 - CC clear Ø 65 - H 118 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 153


Art. 825F/P

Cut T90 - COF G clear gold Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 52 - H 113 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Art. 855F/AP

Cut T90 - COF G clear gold Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 45 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 155


Art. 825F/P

Cut T90 - COF G clear gold Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 52 - H 113 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Art. 855F/AG

Cut T90 - COF G clear gold Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 72 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 157


Art. 830F/P

Cut T30 - CC clear Ø 65 - H 168 cm Ø 40 - H 83 cm | Ø 52 - H 123 cm Ø 77 - H 213 cm | Ø 90 - H 258 cm

Art. 855F/AG

Cut T30 - CC clear Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 72 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 159


Art. 830F/S

Art. 830F/S

Ø 40 - H 83 cm | Ø 52 - H 123 cm Ø 77 - H 213 cm | Ø 90 - H 258 cm

Ø 40 - H 83 cm | Ø 52 - H 123 cm Ø 65 - H 168 cm | Ø 77 - H 213 cm

Cut T30 - CC clear Ø 65 - H 168 cm

Cut T30 - CC clear Ø 90 - H 258 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 161


Art. 825F/S

Cut T90 - CB34 amber Ø 52 - H 113 cm Ø 27 - H 68 cm | Ø 40 - H 88 cm Ø 65 - H 143 cm | Ø 77 - H 173 cm Ø 90 - H 203 cm

Art. 855F/AG

Cut T30 - CB34 amber Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 72 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 163


Art. 830F/S

Cut T30 - Custom colour Ø 65 - H 168 cm Ø 40 - H 83 cm | Ø 52 - H 123 cm Ø 77 - H 213 cm | Ø 90 - H 258 cm

Art. 855F/AG

Cut T30 - CB32.1 yellow1 Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 72 cm

AMBIENT 2 . 165


Taglio / Cut

T90 Taglio a 90°/Cut 90°

T30 Taglio a 30°/Cut 30°




CC Cristallo / Clear

CCS Satinato / Satin

COF Color

COF S Cristallo colore argento Clear silver colour

COF G Cristallo colore oro Clear gold colour

COF G31 Bianco-Oro/White-Gold

COF G38.2 Rosso2-Oro/Red2-Gold

COF S40.2 Blu2-Argento/Blue2-Silver

Colori / Colours

Art. 850F/AG

Cut T30 - CB43.3 green3 Ø 28 - SP 12 - H 52 cm

CB 30 Opalino

CB 31 Bianco/White

CB 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CB 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CB 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CB 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 50 Fumè

CB 99 Nero/Black

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

SCIABOLE 1 . 167



Art. 1870/P

Art. 1850/S

L 128x68 - H 55 cm

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf L 107x57 - H 55 cm oval

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf Ø 58 - H 82 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 169


Art. 1850/S

Art. 1850/P

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 58 - H 82 cm

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 58 - H 82 cm

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf Ø 70 - H 100 cm

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf Ø 70 - H 100 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 171


Art. 1895

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf L 44 - SP 23 - H 58 cm

Art. 1850/S

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 58 - H 82 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 173


Art. 1860/S

Art. 1890

Ø 58 - H 165 cm Ø 70 - H 200 cm

L 44 - SP 23 - H 46 cm

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf Ø 46 - H 125 cm

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf L 38 - SP 20 - H 46 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 175


Art. 1890

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf L 44 - SP 23 - H 46 cm L 38 - SP 20 - H 46 cm

Art. 1880

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf L 86 x 40 - H 90 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 177

Art. 1880

COF G clear gold Metal band: MXD gold leaf L 86 x 40 - H 90 cm

Art. 1880

COF S clear silver Metal band: MXC silver leaf L 86 x 40 - H 90 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 179


Art. 1870/P

Art. 1850/P

Art. 1850/S

L 128 x 68 - H 55 cm

Ø 58 - H 82 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

Ø 58 - H 82 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

COF S clear silver Metal band: MXC silver leaf L 107 x 57 - H 55 cm oval

COF S clear silver Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 46 - H 63 cm

COF S clear silver Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 46 - H 63 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 181


Art. 1850/S

Art. 1850/S

Art. 1890

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 58 - H 82 cm

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 58 - H 82 cm

L 38 - SP 20 - H 46 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 70 - H 100 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 70 - H 100 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf L 44 - SP 23 - H 46 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 183


Art. 1890

Art. 1850/S

L 38 - SP 20 - H 46 cm

Ø 58 - H 82 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf L 44 - SP 23 - H 46 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 46 - H 63 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 185


Art. 1850/S

Art. 1850/S

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

Ø 46 - H 63 cm Ø 70 - H 100 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 58 - H 82 cm

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 58 - H 82 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 187


Art. 1890

COF S clear silver Metal band: MXC silver leaf L 44 - SP 23 - H 46 cm L 38 - SP 20 - H 46 cm

Art. 1895

CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf L 44 - SP 23 - H 58 cm

SCIABOLE 1 . 189




CC Cristallo/Clear

COF G Cristallo colore oro Clear gold colour

COF S Cristallo colore argento Clear silver colour

COF Color

COF G31 Bianco-oro White-gold

COF G38.2 Rosso 2 - oro Red 2 - gold

COF S 40.2 Blu 2 - argento Blue 2 - silver

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

Finiture metallo / Metal finishes

MXD Oro a strappo Gold leaf

MXC Argento a strappo Silver leaf

MD Dorato 24 Kt Gold plated 24 Kt

MC Cromato Chrome plated


SCIABOLE 2 . 191


Art. 1810/P

custom colours Ø 70 - H 115 cm Ø 55 - H 80 cm | Ø 83 - H 140 cm

SCIABOLE 2 . 193


Art. 1300

CB 38.2 red2 Ø 45 - H 180 cm

Art. 1820

custom colour Ø 70 - H 250 cm Ø 55 - H 200 cm | Ø 83 - H 300 cm

SCIABOLE 2 . 195



Collezione completa da pag. 150 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 150 cat. Vol I




Colori / Colours

CC Cristallo/Clear

CCS Satinato/Satin

CB 31 Bianco/White

CB 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CB 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CB 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CB 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 99 Nero/Black

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.





Art. C-E.H.F.S. 28 small Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F.S. 2 Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CF-P1 red-blue | CC clear L 40 - SP 26 - H 35 cm

CF-P1 red-blue | CC clear | CB white Ă˜ 90 - H 95 cm



Art. C-E.H.F.S. 16 Custom model CF-P1 white-clear | CC clear L 50 - SP 32 - H 40 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. E.H.F. 15

CO-P2 silver L 30 - SP 15 - H 50 cm

Art. C-E.H.F.S. 14 Custom model CO-P2 silver Ă˜ 110 - H 130 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-E.H.F.S. 32 Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F.S. 34 Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CB-P1 white | CC-P2 clear Ă˜ 150 - H 118 cm

CB-P1 white | CC-P2 clear L 150x125 - H 118 cm oval



Art. C-E.H.F.S. 33 Custom model CC-P3 clear | CO-P2 gold 24kt L 360x90 - H 110 cm oval

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list





Art. E.H.F. 16

CF-P1 white-clear L 50 - SP 32 - H 40 cm

Art. E.H.F. 15

CB-P1 acquamarina Custom colour L 30 – SP 15 – H 50 cm



Art. C-E.H.F. 6 Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F. 6 Custom model

TAYLOR INTERIORS London Project Zagaleta Marbella - Spain

TAYLOR INTERIORS London Project Zagaleta Marbella - Spain

CB-P1 4 colours Ă˜ 220 - H 540 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CB-P1 4 colours Ă˜ 220 - H 540 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-E.H.F. 22 Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F. 22 Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CB-P1 5 colours Ă˜ 120 - H 320 cm

CB-P1 5 colours Ă˜ 150 - H 500 cm



Art. C-E.H.F. 6 Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F. 30 Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CC-P1 clear | CF-P1 amber-light amber | CO-P1 24 Kt gold Ă˜ 180 - H 330 cm

CB-P1 4 colours L 200 x 120 - H 70 cm oval



Art. C-E.H.F. 20 - A Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F. 20 - A Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CB-P1 white | CF-P1 black-white | CB-P1 black Ă˜ 60 - H 300 cm

CB-P1 white | CF-P1 black-white | CB-P1 black Ă˜ 60 - H 300 cm



Art. C-E.H.F. 5 Custom model

Art. C-E.H.F. 5 Custom model

TAYLOR INTERIORS London Project Casa Sol Andratx, Mallorca - Spain

TAYLOR INTERIORS London Project Casa Sol Andratx, Mallorca - Spain

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CB-P1 6 colours Ă˜ 180 - H 170 cm

CB-P1 6 colours Ă˜ 180 - H 170 cm



Art. E.H.F. 12/FL CB-P1 4 colours Ø 70 - H 200 cm

Art. C-E.H.F. 6 Custom model

CC-P2 clear | CB-P1 satin | CO-P2 silver Ø 120 - H 200 cm

Ø 55 - H 200 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



GHIRIGORI Collezione completa da pag. 40 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 40 cat. Vol I


























Art. C-1401 Custom model

Art. C-1401 Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Pattern P2 + P2B + P2S - 3 colours Ă˜ 280 - H 35 cm

Pattern P2 + P2B + P2S - 3 colours Ă˜ 280 - H 35 cm



Art. 150

Pattern P2 + P2B + P2S - CB 32.1 yellow 1 | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CP 34.1 medium amber Ø 120 - H 35 cm

Art. C-1400 Custom model

Pattern P2 + P2B + P2S - custom colours L 190 x 350 - H 35 cm

Ø 72 - H 30 cm | Ø 90 - H 32 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-1400 Custom model

Pattern P2 + P2B + P2S - custom colours L 190 x 350 - H 35 cm

Art. 166

Pattern P2B + P2S - CB 32.1 yellow 1 | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CP 34.1 medium amber L 110 - SP 25 - H 110 cm L 67 - SP 22 - H 67 cm | L 83 - SP 23 - H 83 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. 161

Art. 160

L 54 - SP 22 - H 54 cm | L 68 - SP 23 - H 68 cm

L 54 x 54 - H 22 cm | L 68 x 68 - H 23 cm

Pattern P2B + P2S - CB 32.1 yellow 1 | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CP 34.1 medium amber L 90 - SP 25 - H 90 cm

Pattern P2B + P2S - CB 32.1 yellow 1 | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CP 34.1 medium amber L 90 x 90 - H 25 cm



Art. C-1402 Custom model

Pattern P2 + P2B + P2S - CB 32.1 yellow 1 | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CP 34.1 medium amber L 250 - SP 30 - H 110 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. 190

Pattern P2B + P2S - CB 32.1 yellow 1 | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CP 34.1 medium amber L 100 - SP 25 - H 55 cm L 65 - SP 22 - H 37 cm | L 85 - SP 23 - H 46 cm

Art. 170

Pattern P2B + P2S - CP 34.1 medium amber L 140 x 90 - H 35 cm oval L 84 x 54 - H 30 cm | L 105 x 68 - H 32 cm



Lavorazioni vetro / Outside pattern on glass

Forme / Shape

P2 Rigadin/Fluted



P2B Rigadin con bordo nero/Fluted with black border

P2S Rigadin con bordo e spirali nere/ Fluted with black border and spiral

Colori / Colours

CC Cristallo/Clear

CCS Satinato/Satin

CB 31 Bianco/White

CB 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CB 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CB 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CB 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 99 Nero/Black

Art. C-1405 Custom model (HABITAT 1 + HABITAT 2) W + P2 + P2B + P2S – 6 custom colours L 270 x 270 - H 27 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

HABITAT CREATIVE 1 Collezione completa da pag. 80 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 80 cat. Vol I

Colori con polveri / Colours powder

CP 34 Ambra Amber



CP 34.1 Ambra medio Medium Amber

82-83 Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.




Art. C-2100 Custom model

Art. C-2402 Custom model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Pattern S + A + W - CC clear | CB satin L 150 x 80 - H 20 cm oval

Pattern W + S - 4 colours L 395 - SP 30 - H 275 cm



Art. 290

Art. 291

L 57 x 57 - H 20 cm | L 85 x 85 - H 22 cm

L 57 - SP 20 - H 57 cm | L 85 - SP 22 - H 85 cm

Pattern S + A - COF G clear gold L 45 x 45 - H 18 cm

Pattern S + A - COF G clear gold L 45 - SP 18 - H 45 cm



Art. 280

Pattern S + A - COF G clear gold L 120 x 57 - H 20 cm L 66 x 45 - H 20 cm | L 90 x 45 - H 20 cm | L 145 x 85 - H 25 cm


HABITAT CREATIVE 2 Collezione completa da pag. 84 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 84 cat. Vol I

Art. 290

Pattern S + A - COF G clear gold L 57 x 57 - H 20 cm L 45 x 45 - H 18 cm | L 85 x 85 - H 22 cm


















Art. 37103

Art. 37003

L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

RY 38.2 red 2 L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm

RY 38.2 red 2 Ø 80 - H 20 cm



Art. 37103

RYM 31 white L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

Art. C-36003 Custom model RYM 31 white L 160 x 120 - H 20 cm oval

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Colori trasparenti (solo decorazione oro) / Transparent colours (only gold pattern)

RYCC Cristallo/Clear

RY 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

RY 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

RY 34 Ambra/Amber

RY 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

RY 36 Marrone/Brown

RY 38 Rosso/Red

RY 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

RY 39 Viola/Violet

RY 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

RY 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

RY 40 Blu/Blue

RY 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

RY 41 Celeste/Light Blue

RY 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

RY 43.1 Verde1/Green1

RY 43.3 Verde3/Green3

RY 44 Acciaio/Steel

RY 50 Fumè

Colori incamiciati (colore + bianco interno - solo decorazione oro) / Layered colours (colour + white inside - only gold pattern)

RYM 31 Bianco/White

RYM 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

RYM 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

RYM 34 Ambra/Amber

RYM 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

RYM 36 Marrone/Brown

RYM 38 Rosso/Red

RYM 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

RYM 39 Viola/Violet

RYM 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

RYM 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

RYM 40 Blu/Blue

RYM 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

RYM 41 Celeste/Light Blue

RYM 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

RYM 43.1 Verde1/Green1

RYM 43.3 Verde3/Green3

RYM 44 Acciaio/Steel

RYM 50 Fumè

RYM 99 Nero/Black

Art. 37003

RYM 31 white Ø 80 - H 20 cm Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.





Art. 36002

Art. 36002

L 60 x 40 - H 18 cm | L 80 x 63 - H 20 cm L 120 x 93 - H 22 cm

L 60 x 40 - H 18 cm | L 80 x 63 - H 20 cm L 120 x 93 - H 22 cm

FF 99 + FF 34 black + amber L 100 x 75 - H 20 cm oval

FF 99 + FF 34 black + amber L 100 x 75 - H 20 cm oval



Art. 37002

Art. 37102

Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

FF 99 + FF 34 black + amber Ø 80 - H 20 cm

FF 99 + FF 34 black + amber L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm



Art. 37102

FF 99 + FF 49 black + sky blue L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

Art. 36002

FF 99 + FF 49 black + sky blue L 100 x 75 - H 20 cm oval L 60 x 40 - H 18 cm | L 80 x 63 - H 20 cm L 120 x 93 - H 22 cm



Colori / Colours

FF 99 + FF 31 Nero + Bianco Black + White

FF 99 + FF 34 Nero + Ambra Black + Amber

FF 99 + FF 36 Nero + Marrone Black + Brown

FF 99 + FF 37 Nero + Rosa Black + Pink

FF 99 + FF 38 Nero + Rosso Black + Red

FF 99 + FF 39.1 Nero + Viola 1 Black + Violet 1

FF 99 + FF 39.2 Nero + Viola 2 Black + Violet 2

FF 99 + FF 49 Nero + Azzurro Black + Sky Blue

FF 99 + FF 40 Nero + Blu Black + Blue

FF 99 + FF 40.2 Nero + Blu 2 Black + Blue 2

FF 99 + FF 42 Nero + Acquamarina Black + Acqua

FF 99 + FF 43.2 Nero + Verde 2 Black + Green 2

FF 99 + FF 43.4 Nero + Verde 4 Black + Green 4

FF 99 + FF 44 Nero + Acciaio Black + Steel

FF 99 Nero / Black

FFX Multicolor

Max 4 colori a scelta tra quelli proposti. Max 4 colors to choose from those proposed.

Art. 37002

FF 99 + FF 49 black + sky blue Ø 80 - H 20 cm Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.




Art. 36001

Pattern B - CB 31 white L 100 x 75 - H 20 cm oval L 60 x 40 - H 18 cm | L 80 x 63 - H 20 cm L 120 x 93 - H 22 cm




Art. 37101

Art. 37001

L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

Pattern B - CB 31 white L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm

Pattern B - CB 31 white Ø 80 - H 20 cm



Art. 36001

Pattern D - CB 40 blue | CB 43.3 green 3 L 100 x 75 - H 20 cm oval L 60 x 40 - H 18 cm | L 80 x 63 - H 20 cm L 120 x 93 - H 22 cm

Art. 37001

Pattern D - CB 40 blue | CB 43.3 green 3 Ø 80 - H 20 cm Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm



Art. 37001

Art. 37101

Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

Pattern D - CB 50 fumè Ø 80 - H 20 cm

Pattern D - CB 50 fumè L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm



Art. 37001

Art. 37101

Ø 40 - H 17 cm | Ø 60 - H 20 cm

L 40 - SP 17 - H 40 cm | L 60 - SP 20 - H 60 cm

Pattern D - CB 31 white Ø 80 - H 20 cm

Pattern D - CB 31 white L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm



Lavorazioni vetro / Outside pattern on glass

B - Crespo

Colori satinati / Satin colours

CCS Satinato/Satin

CBS 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CBS 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CBS 34 Ambra/Amber

CBS 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CBS 36 Marrone/Brown

CBS 38 Rosso/Red

CBS 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CBS 39 Viola/Violet

CBS 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CBS 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CBS 40 Blu/Blue

CBS 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CBS 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBS 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBS 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CBS 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CBS 44 Acciaio/Steel

CBS 50 Fumè

D - Rilievo

La seguente tabella colori è valida sia per per il pattern “Crespo” che “Rilievo” / The following color chart is valid both for the “Crespo” pattern and the ”Rilievo” pattern

Colori trasparenti / Transparent colours

CC Cristallo/clear

CB 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CB 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CB 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CB 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 50 Fumè

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

Colori incamiciati (colore + bianco interno) / Layered colours (colour + white inside)

CB 31 Bianco/White

CBM 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CBM 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CBM 34 Ambra/Amber

CBM 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CBM 36 Marrone/Brown

CBM 38 Rosso/Red

CBM 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CBM 39 Viola/Violet

CBM 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CBM 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CBM 40 Blu/Blue

CBM 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CBM 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBM 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBM 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CBM 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CBM 44 Acciaio/Steel

CBM 50 Fumè

CB 99 Nero/Black









Art. 32001

Art. 32101

L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

Pattern D - CBM 41 light blue | CBM 42 acqua | CBM 43.3 green 3 L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm

Pattern D - CBM 41 light blue | CBM 42 acqua | CBM 43.3 green 3 L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm



Art. 30001

Art. 30101

L 48 x 48 - H 20 cm | L 65 x 65 - H 20 cm L 105 x 105 - H 20 cm

L 48 - SP 20 - H 48 cm | L 65 - SP 20 - H 65 cm L 105 - SP 20 - H 105 cm

Pattern D - CB 31 white | CBM 39.2 violet 2 L 80 x 80 - H 20 cm

Pattern D - CB 31 white | CBM 39.2 violet 2 L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm



Art. 32101

Art. 32001

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm

Pattern D - CB 38 red | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CB 32.1 yellow 1 L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm

Pattern D - CB 38 red | CB 33.2 orange 2 | CB 32.1 yellow 1 L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm



Art. 32001

Art. 32101

L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

Pattern B - CB 31 white | CB 40 blue L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm

Pattern B - CB 31 white | CB 40 blue L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm



Art. 30601

Pattern B - CB 40 blue | CB 41 light blue L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm L 48 - SP 20 - H 48 cm | L 65 - SP 20 - H 65 cm L 105 - SP 20 - H 105 cm



Art. 32001

Art. 32101

L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

Pattern B - CB 43.1 green 1 | CB 31 white L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm

Pattern B - CB 43.1 green 1 | CB 31 white L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm



Art. 32001

Pattern B - CB 31 white L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm



Art. 32101

Art. 30601

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

L 48 - SP 20 - H 48 cm | L 65 - SP 20 - H 65 cm L 105 - SP 20 - H 105 cm

Pattern B - CB 31 white | CB 50 fumè L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm

Pattern B - CB 39.2 violet 2 | CB 39 violet L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm



Lavorazioni vetro / Outside pattern on glass

B - Crespo

Colori satinati / Satin colours

CCS Satinato/Satin

CBS 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CBS 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CBS 34 Ambra/Amber

CBS 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CBS 36 Marrone/Brown

CBS 38 Rosso/Red

CBS 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CBS 39 Viola/Violet

CBS 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CBS 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CBS 40 Blu/Blue

CBS 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CBS 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBS 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBS 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CBS 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CBS 44 Acciaio/Steel

CBS 50 Fumè

D - Rilievo

La seguente tabella colori è valida sia per per il pattern “Crespo” che “Rilievo” / The following color chart is valid both for the “Crespo” pattern and the ”Rilievo” pattern

Colori trasparenti / Transparent colours

CC Cristallo/clear

CB 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CB 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CB 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CB 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 50 Fumè

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

Colori incamiciati (colore + bianco interno) / Layered colours (colour + white inside)

CB 31 Bianco/White

CBM 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CBM 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CBM 34 Ambra/Amber

CBM 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CBM 36 Marrone/Brown

CBM 38 Rosso/Red

CBM 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CBM 39 Viola/Violet

CBM 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CBM 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CBM 40 Blu/Blue

CBM 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CBM 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBM 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBM 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CBM 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CBM 44 Acciaio/Steel

CBM 50 Fumè

CB 99 Nero/Black





Art. 32102

Art. 32002

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm

FFX Multicolor (black + amber + sky blue + green 4) L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm

FFX Multicolor (black + amber + sky blue + green 4) L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm



Art. 30002

FF 99 + FF 43.4 black + green 4 L 80 x 80 - H 20 cm L 48 x 48 - H 20 cm | L 65 x 65 - H 20 cm L 105 x 105 - H 20 cm



Colori / Colours

FF 99 + FF 31 Nero + Bianco Black + White

FF 99 + FF 34 Nero + Ambra Black + Amber

FF 99 + FF 36 Nero + Marrone Black + Brown

FF 99 + FF 37 Nero + Rosa Black + Pink

FF 99 + FF 38 Nero + Rosso Black + Red

FF 99 + FF 39.1 Nero + Viola 1 Black + Violet 1

FF 99 + FF 39.2 Nero + Viola 2 Black + Violet 2

FF 99 + FF 49 Nero + Azzurro Black + Sky Blue

FF 99 + FF 40 Nero + Blu Black + Blue

FF 99 + FF 40.2 Nero + Blu 2 Black + Blue 2

FF 99 + FF 42 Nero + Acquamarina Black + Acqua

FF 99 + FF 43.2 Nero + Verde 2 Black + Green 2

FF 99 + FF 43.4 Nero + Verde 4 Black + Green 4

FF 99 + FF 44 Nero + Acciaio Black + Steel

FF 99 Nero / Black

FFX Multicolor

Max 4 colori a scelta tra quelli proposti. Max 4 colors to choose from those proposed.

Art. 30102

FF 99 + FF 43.4 black + green 4 L 80 - SP 20 - H 80 cm L 48 - SP 20 - H 48 cm | L 65 - SP 20 - H 65 cm L 105 - SP 20 - H 105 cm

Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.





Art. 32004

Art. 32104

L 56 x 56 - H 20 cm | L 77 x 77 - H 20 cm L 122 x 122 - H 20 cm

L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

DO 34 amber L 93 x 93 - H 20 cm

DO 34 amber L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm



Art. 32104

DO 39.2 violet 2 L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm



Colori / Colour

DOCC Cristallo/Clear

DO 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

DO 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

DO 34 Ambra/Amber

DO 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

DO 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

DO 39 Viola/Violet

DO 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

DO 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

DO 40 Blu/Blue

DO 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

DO 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

DO 43.1 Verde1/Green1

DO 43.3 Verde3/Green3

DO 44 Acciaio/Steel

DO 50 Fumè

DO 99 Nero/Black

DO 36 Marrone/Brown

DO 38 Rosso/Red

DO 41 Celeste/Light Blue

Art. 32104

DOCC clear L 93 - SP 20 - H 93 cm L 56 - SP 20 - H 56 cm | L 77 - SP 20 - H 77 cm L 122 - SP 20 - H 122 cm

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.




Art. C-410 Custom Model Pattern R - Mondri L 210 x 100 - H 18 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list




Art. C-411 Custom Model

Art. C-411 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Pattern R - Mondri L 100 - SP 18 - H 210 cm

Pattern R - Mondri L 98 - SP 15 - H 100 cm



Art. 410

Art. 411

L 98 x 100 - H 15 cm | L 155 x 100 - H 18 cm L 180 x 100 - H 18 cm | L 210 x 100 - H 21 cm

L 98 - SP 15 - H 100 cm | L 155 - SP 18 - H 100 cm L 180 - SP 18 - H 100 cm | L 210 - SP 21 - H 100 cm

Pattern D - CBS 40 blue | CBS 41 light blue | CBS 42 acqua L 125 x 100 - H 15 cm

Pattern D - CBS 40 blue | CBS 41 light blue | CBS 42 acqua L 125 – SP 15 – H 100 cm



Art. 410

Pattern B - CB 34 amber | CB 33.2 orange 2 Pattern R - HB alabaster custom brown L 210 x 100 - H 25 cm L 98 x 100 - H 19 cm | L 125 x 100 - H 19 cm L 155 x 100 - H 22 cm | L 180 x 100 - H 22 cm



Art. 411

Pattern B - CB 34 amber | CB 33.2 orange 2 Pattern R - HB alabaster custom brown L 210 - SP 25 - H 100 cm L 98 - SP 19 - H 100 cm | L 125 - SP 19 - H 100 cm L 155 - SP 22 - H 100 cm | L 180 - SP 22 - H 100 cm



Art. 411

Pattern B - CB 34 amber | CB 33.2 orange 2 Pattern R - HB alabaster custom brown L 210 - SP 25 - H 100 cm L 98 - SP 19 - H 100 cm | L 125 - SP 19 - H 100 cm L 155 - SP 22 - H 100 cm | L 180 - SP 22 - H 100 cm



Art. 420

Pattern H - CB 31 white Pattern R - CMS mirror finish silver L 98 x 100 - H 25 cm L 125 x 100 - H 25 cm | L 155 x 100 - H 28 cm L 180 x 100 - H 28 cm | L 210 x 100 - H 30 cm

Art. 421

Art. 421

L 125 - SP 25 - H 100 cm | L 155 - SP 28 - H 100 cm L 180 - SP 28 - H 100 cm | L 210 - SP 30 - H 100 cm

L 100 - SP 25 - H 125 cm | L 100 - SP 28 - H 155 cm L 100 - SP 28 - H 180 cm | L 100 - SP 30 - H 210 cm

Pattern H - CB 31 white Pattern R - CMG mirror finish gold L 98 - SP 25 - H 100 cm

Pattern H - CB 31 white Pattern R - CB 99 black L 100 - SP 25 - H 98 cm



Lavorazioni vetro / Outside pattern on glass

R - Rolling

Colori satinati / Satin colours

B - Crespo


D - Rilievo

CCS Satinato/Satin

CBS 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CBS 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CBS 34 Ambra/Amber

CBS 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CBS 36 Marrone/Brown

CBS 38 Rosso/Red

CBS 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CBS 39 Viola/Violet

CBS 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CBS 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CBS 40 Blu/Blue

CBS 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CBS 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBS 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBS 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CBS 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CBS 44 Acciaio/Steel

CBS 50 Fumè

H - Hola

HB* *Proposto in tutti i colori della tabella “colori satinati”.

CMG Specchiato oro Mirror finish gold

CMS Specchiato argento Mirror finish silver

*Available in all the colors of the “satin color” table.

HB 40.2 Alabastro blu 2 Blue 2 alabaster

Colori trasparenti / Transparent colours

Colori incamiciati (colore + bianco interno) / Layered colours (colour + white inside)

CC Cristallo/clear

CB 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CB 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 31 Bianco/White

CBM 32.1 Giallo 1/Yellow 1

CBM 33.2 Arancio 2/Orange 2

CBM 34 Ambra/Amber

CBM 34.1 Ambra 1/Amber 1

CBM 36 Marrone/Brown

CBM 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CB 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CBM 38.2 Rosso 2/Red 2

CBM 39 Viola/Violet

CBM 39.1 Viola 1/Violet 1

CBM 39.2 Viola 2/Violet 2

CBM 40 Blu/Blue

CBM 40.2 Blu 2/Blue 2

CBM 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CB 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 50 Fumè

CBM 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CBM 43.1 Verde 1/Green 1

CBM 43.3 Verde 3/Green 3

CBM 44 Acciaio/Steel

CBM 50 Fumè

CB 99 Nero

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.







Art. C-3020 Custom Model Stoffa / Fabric L 50 x 25 - H 48 cm L 50 x 25 - H 68 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-3020 Custom Model Stoffa / Fabric L 50 x 25 - H 48 cm L 50 x 25 - H 68 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Composizione su richiesta Modular è un sistema, un’ occasione per giocare con la materia e lo spazio. È un concetto. È una soluzione versatile che riflette perfettamente le esigenze del cliente: strutture complesse uniche e originali prendono vita così come tu le immagini. Qui vengono proposti solo alcuni esempi delle forme e dei materiali possibili, con metalli cromati e tessuto. Ma Modular offre massima libertà anche sotto questo profilo: sono disponibili anche altre finiture metalliche, così come è disponibile il vetro al posto del tessuto.

Free composition on demand Modular is a system, an opportunity to play with matter and space. It is a concept. It is a versatile solution reflecting perfectly the requirements of our clients: complex, original and unique structures take shape in the same way you can imagine them. Here are only few examples of the available shapes and materials, with chromed metal parts and textile, but Modular offers total freedom also on this specification, more metal finishes are available and glass in place of textile is available as well.





Art. 580/P

Art. 560F/S

L 77 x 33 - H 37 cm | L 120 x 58 - H 37 cm L 150 x 58 - H 37 cm | L 150 x 77 - H 37 cm

L 33 x 33 - H 80 cm | L 58 x 58 - H 80 cm

Pattern O - CC clear L 120 x 33 - H 37 cm

Pattern O - CC clear L 77 x 77 - H 80 cm



Art. 540/3

Art. 590F/S

L 45 - SP 20 - H 35 cm | L 45 - SP 20 - H 71 cm L 45 - SP 20 - H 143 cm | L 45 - SP 20 - H 179 cm L 45 - SP 20 - H 215 cm

L 77 x 33 - H 100 cm | L 120 x 58 - H 100 cm L 150 x 58 - H 100 cm | L 150 x 77 - H 100 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 45 - SP 20 - H 107 cm

Pattern O - CC clear L 120 x 33 - H 100 cm



Art. C-510 F Custom Model Pattern C - CC clear L 290 x 52 - H 80 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. 510F/P

Art. 510/P

L 102 x 52 - H 50 cm

L 102 x 52 - H 50 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 150 x 52 - H 80 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 150 x 52 - H 80 cm



Art. C-520F Custom Model Pattern O - CC clear Metal band: MXC silver leaf Ø 100 - H 70 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Art. 520/P

Pattern O - CC clear Ø 100 - H 70 cm Ø 52 - H 70 cm | Ø 65 - H 70 cm | Ø 78 - H 70 cm



REFLECTIONS Collezione completa da pag. 38 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 38 cat. Vol I




Cristallo / Clear

C - Cerchi

T - Tessuto

O - Overlap


Cristallo colore oro / Clear gold colour

C - Cerchi

T - Tessuto

O - Overlap

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

Art. 530F/P

Pattern O - CC clear L 78 x 78 - H 70 cm L 53 x 53 - H 70 cm | L 65 x 65 - H 70 cm | L 100 x 100 - H 70 cm

LED RGB (su richiesta / on demand)





Art. 1320/P

Art. 1320/P

Ø 90 - H 45 cm | Ø 120 - H 55 cm Ø 150 - H 57 cm

Ø 75 - H 40 cm | Ø 90 - H 45 cm Ø 120 - H 55 cm

Pattern O - COF G clear gold Ø 75 - H 40 cm

Pattern O - COF G clear gold Ø 150 - H 57 cm



Art. 1310/P

Art. 1310/P

Ø 65 - H 25 cm | Ø 75 - H 30 cm Ø 90 - H 30 cm | Ø 112 - H 35 cm Ø 120 - H 35 cm | Ø 150 - H 36 cm

Ø 65 - H 25 cm | Ø 75 - H 30 cm Ø 90 - H 30 cm | Ø 112 - H 35 cm Ø 120 - H 35 cm | Ø 150 - H 36 cm

Pattern O - COF G clear gold Ø 40 - H 20 cm

Pattern O - COF G clear gold Ø 40 - H 20 cm



Art. C-1320 Custom Model Pattern O - COF G clear gold Ø 150 - H 100 cm

Art. 1410/P

Pattern C - CC clear Ø 150 - H 35 cm Ø 75 - H 28 cm | Ø 90 - H 30 cm Ø 106 - H 30 cm | Ø 120 - H 30 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. 1470/S

Pattern O - CC clear L 137 x 87 - H 61 cm Oval

Art. 1470/P

Pattern O - CC clear L 137 x 87 - H 27 cm Oval



SPICCHI DI ARTE VENEZIANA Collezione completa da pag. 2 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 2 cat. Vol I




















OVERLAP 2 . 351




OVERLAP 2 . 353


Art. 1315/S

Pattern O - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 50 cm L 100 x 55 - H 50 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 50 cm

OVERLAP 2 . 355


Art. 1305/P

Art. 1305/S

L 55 x 55 - H 30 cm | L 100 x 100 - H 30 cm

L 55 x 55 - H 50 cm | L 100 x 100 - H 50 cm

Pattern O - CC clear L 70 x 70 - H 30 cm

Pattern O - CC clear L 70 x 70 - H 50 cm

OVERLAP 2 . 357


Art. 1315/P

Pattern O - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 30 cm L 100 x 55 - H 30 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 30 cm

OVERLAP 2 . 359


Art. 1315/P

Pattern C - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 30 cm L 100 x 55 - H 30 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 30 cm

OVERLAP 2 . 361


Art. C-1305 Custom Model Pattern C - CC clear L 70 x 70 - H 200 cm

Art. 1315/S

Pattern C - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 50 cm L 100 x 55 - H 50 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 50 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

OVERLAP 2 . 363


Art. 1305/P

Art. 1305/P

L 55 x 55 - H 30 cm | L 100 x 100 - H 30 cm

L 55 x 55 - H 30 cm | L 100 x 100 - H 30 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 70 x 70 - H 30 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 70 x 70 - H 30 cm

OVERLAP 2 . 365


Art. 1325/S

Pattern C - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 75 cm L 100 x 55 - H 75 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 75 cm

OVERLAP 2 . 367


Art. 1345/S

Art. 1335/S

L 100 x 55 - H 100 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 100 cm

L 100 x 55 - H 93 cm | L 150 x 100 - H 93 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 100 cm

Pattern C - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 93 cm


OVERLAP 2 . 369


Cristallo / Clear

C Cerchi

T Tessuto

O Overlap


Cristallo colore oro / Clear gold colour

C Cerchi

T Tessuto

O Overlap

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

LED RGB (su richiesta / on demand)

Art. C-1335 Custom Model Pattern C - CC clear L 125 x 70 - H 300 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list




Art. 640

CC clear L 155 x 40 - H 22 cm L 60 x 30 - H 22 cm | L 80 x 40 - H 22 cm L 100 x 50 - H 22 cm | L 120 x 60 - H 22 cm L 155 x 50 - H 22 cm | L 155 x 60 - H 22 cm




Colori / Colours

CC Cristallo/Clear

CCS Satinato/Satin

CB 31 Bianco/White

CB 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

CB 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

CB 34 Ambra/Amber

CB 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

CB 36 Marrone/Brown

CB 38 Rosso/Red

CB 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

CB 39 Viola/Violet

CB 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

CB 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

CB 40 Blu/Blue

CB 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

CB 41 Celeste/Light Blue

CB 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

CB 43.1 Verde1/Green1

CB 43.3 Verde3/Green3

CB 44 Acciaio/Steel

CB 99 Nero/Black

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalitĂ riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.




Art. C-3600 Custom Model 15 L 400 x 95 - H 100 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list




Art. C-3600 Custom Model

Art. C-3600 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

15 L 200 x 95 - H 100 cm

15 L 200 x 95 - H 100 cm



LIQUIDAMBAR Collezione completa da pag. 132 cat. Vol I Complete collection on page 132 cat. Vol I






ELICHE . 381


Art. C-3500S/C Custom Model

Art. C-3500S Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

10+02 Ă˜ 340 - H 230 cm

10+02 Ă˜ 190 - H 240 cm

ELICHE . 383



Collezione completa da pag. 110 cat. Vol I Complete collection on page 110 cat. Vol I






Art. C-3500S Custom Model 10+02 Ă˜ 340 - H 250 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list




Art. C-4150 Custom Model 01+C 33 Ă˜ 185 - H 92 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list




Art. C-4100/S8 Custom Model

Art. C-4100/S9 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

01+C 43+C 32 Ă˜ 50 - H 125/155 cm

01+C 45 Ă˜ 70 - H 125/165 cm




Collezione completa da pag. 102 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 102 cat. Vol I

Art. C-4150 Custom Model 01+C 33+satin Ă˜ 185 - H 300 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list










Art. 4000/S1

07+08+09 Ø 50 - H 75/95 cm

Art. 4000/S2

07+08+09 Ø 70 - H 70/100 cm



CHICCHI SOFFIATI Collezione completa da pag. 118 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 118 cat. Vol I


Art. 4000/A

07 L 50 - SP 35 - H 55/75 cm







Art. C-1255 Custom Model

Art. C-1250 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

CC clear Ă˜ 120 - H 72 cm

CC clear Ă˜ 120 - H 200 cm

396 AMBIENT . 397

AMBIENT Collezione completa da pag. 140 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 140 cat. Vol I

Art. C-1260 Custom Model CC clear | CB 34 amber L 45 x 45 - H 115 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list









FLORES . 399


Art. 14600

FL 31 white L 70 - SP 30 - H 55 cm

Art. 14300

FL 31 white Ø 60 - H 38 cm

FLORES . 401


Colori / Colours

FL 31 Bianco/White

FL 32.1 Giallo1/Yellow1

FL 33.2 Arancio2/Orange2

FL 34 Ambra/Amber

FL 34.1 Ambra1/Amber1

FL 36 Marrone/Brown

FL 38 Rosso/Red

FL 38.2 Rosso2/Red2

FL 39 Viola/Violet

FL 39.1 Viola1/Violet1

FL 39.2 Viola2/Violet2

FL 40 Blu/Blue

FL 40.2 Blu2/Blue2

FL 41 Celeste/Light Blue

FL 42 Acquamarina/Acqua

FL 43.1 Verde1/Green1

FL 43.3 Verde3/Green3

FL 44 Acciaio/Steel

FL 99 Nero/Black

Art. 14400

FL 31 white Ø 90 - H 45 cm Ø 50 - H 25 cm | Ø 70 - H 35 cm

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre qualsiasi colore. / These are only some examples of our colours. It is possible to produce any variety of colour and tint. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.

Idee Veneziane 402

Idee Veneziane Traditional and contemporary Venetian chandeliers standard types and custom - made Murano standard types and custom - made






Art. C-2301/36 Custom Model

Art. C-2301/36 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Trasparente - oro / Clear - 24 Kt gold Ă˜ 180 - H 330 cm

Trasparente - oro / Clear - 24 Kt gold Ă˜ 180 - H 330 cm



Art. C-2756/9 Custom Model

Art. C-2756/A7 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Rosso - pendagli oro / Red - pendalogs 24 Kt gold Ă˜ 110 - H 100 cm

Trasparente - oro / Clear - 24 Kt gold L 60 - SP 37 - H 125 cm



Art. C-2208/36 Custom Model

Art. C-2208/A6 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Trasparente / Clear Ă˜ 160 - H 190 cm

Trasparente / Clear L 65 - SP 35 - H 100 cm



Art. C-1985/12P Custom Model

Art. C-2302/52P Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Blu chiaro / Light blue Paralume PCT99 nero / Lampshade PCT 99 black Ă˜ 130 - H 150 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT99 nero / Lampshade PCT 99 black L 350 x 200 - H 300 cm oval



Art. C-2302/52P Custom Model

Art. C-1985/12P Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Viola / Violet Paralume PCT viola / Lampshade PCT violet Custom colour L 350 x 200 - H 300 cm oval

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT 99 nero / Lampshade PCT 99 black Ă˜ 130 x H 150 cm



TRADITIONAL VENETIAN CHANDELIERS CUSTOM MADE Collezione completa da pag. 158 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 158 cat. Vol I



























Art. 25070/12+12P

Art. 25070/12P

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 120 - H 160 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 120 - H 120 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list



Art. 25070/12P

Art. 25070/12P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Marrone chiaro / Light Brown Paralume PCT Marrone / Lampshade PCT Brown Custom colour Ă˜ 120 - H 120 cm

Giallo / Yellow Paralume PCT giallo / Lampshade PCT yellow Custom colour Ă˜ 120 - H 120 cm



Art. 25070/12P

Art. 25070/12+12P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Fumè marrone / Smoke brown Paralume PCT30 Marrone / Lampshade PCT30 Brown Ă˜ 120 - H 120 cm

Viola / Violet Paralume PCT viola / Lampshade PCT violet Custom colour Ă˜ 120 - H 160 cm



Art. 2780/12+12P

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 125 - H 120 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list



Art. 2781/12P

Trasparente - oro / Clear - 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT99 nero / Lampshade PCT99 black Ă˜ 115 - H 115 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list



Art. 25010/12P

Art. 25010/12+12P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 120 - H 110 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 120 - H 150 cm



Art. 25050/9P

Art. 25050/A3P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PSFX2 zebrato / Lampshade PSFX2 zebrine Ă˜ 100 - H 110 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PSFX2 zebrato / Lampshade PSFX2 zebrine L 60 - SP 34 - H 42 cm



Art. 25050/9+5P

Art. 25050/9P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PSFX1 leopardato / Lampshade PSFX1 leopard Ă˜ 100 - H 150 cm

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PSFX1 leopardato / Lampshade PSFX1 leopard Ă˜ 100 - H 110 cm



Art. 25050/A3P

Art. 25050/A3P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PSFX1 leopardato / Lampshade PSFX1 leopard L 60 - SP 34 - H 42 cm

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white L 60 - SP 34 - H 42 cm



Art. 25050/9+5P

Art. 25050/9P

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 100 - H 150 cm

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 100 - H 110 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list



Art. 25040/9P

Art. 25030/8P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT30 marrone / Lampshade PCT30 brown Ă˜ 120 - H 110 cm

Nero / Black Paralume PCT99 nero / Lampshade PCT99 black Ă˜ 92 - H 70 cm



Art. 25020/12GP

Art. 25020/A2P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT30 marrone / Lampshade PCT30 brown Ă˜ 167 - H 120 cm

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT30 marrone / Lampshade PCT30 brown L 60 - SP 35 - H 55 cm



Art. 25060/3P

Art. 25060/5P

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti standard / For color and size variations please refer to the standard-product price list

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT10 avorio / Lampshade PCT10 ivory Ă˜ 80 - H 90 cm

Oro / 24 Kt gold Paralume PCT10 avorio / Lampshade PCT10 ivory Ă˜ 100 - H 110 cm




Art. C-2303/30P Custom Model

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 180 - H 180 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-2303/A2P Custom Model

Art. C-2303/A7P Custom Model

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white L 35 - SP 25 - H 65 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white L 60 - SP 37 - H 140 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-2303/A3P Custom Model

Art. C-2303/30P Custom Model

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white L 40 - SP 30 - H 65 cm

Giallo / Yellow Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 180 - H 180 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-2303/30P Custom Model

Art. C-2303/A3P Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PSFX2 Zebrato / Lampshade PSFX2 Zebrine Ă˜ 180 - H 180 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PSFX2 Zebrato / Lampshade PSFX2 Zebrine L 40 - SP 30 - H 65 cm



Art. C-2304/12P Custom model

Art. C-2304/12P Custom model

Acciao / Steel Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 107 - H 127 cm

Trasparente / Clear Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 107 - H 127 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



Art. C-2304/12P Custom model

Viola / Violet Paralume PCT01 bianco / Lampshade PCT01 white Ă˜ 107 - H 127 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list



PCT - Cotton

CONTEMPORARY DESIGNED VENETIAN CHANDELIERS STANDARD AND CUSTOM MADE Collezione completa da pag. 204 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 204 cat. Vol I

PCT 01 Bianco/White

PCT 10 Avorio/Ivory

PCT 20 Rosso/Red

PCT 30 Marrone/Brown

PCT 99 Nero/Black

PPL 01 Bianco/White

PPL 10 Avorio/Ivory

PPL 20 Rosso/Red

PPL 30 Marrone/Brown

PPL 99 Nero/Black

PSR 10 Avorio/Ivory

PSR 30 Marrone/Brown

PSR 90 Argento/Silver

PGL 30 Marrone/Brown

PGL 99 Nero/Black

PPL - Plissè




PSR - Sirio




PGL - Galaxy

PGL 10 Avorio/Ivory



PSF - Safari

PSFX1 Leopardato/Leopard

PSFX2 Zebrato/Zebrine

Questi sono solamente alcuni esempi. A richiesta, possiamo produrre altri colori. / These are only some exsamples of our colours. It is possible to produce other variety of colour. Le tonalità riprodotte nella presente tabella colori sono da ritenersi indicative a causa dei limiti tecnici della stampa. / The color shades shown in this color chart are indicative due to the color-print limitations.




Art. C-2001 Custom Model

Art. C-2002 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Ă˜ 120 - H 170 cm

Ă˜ 160 - H 220 cm



Art. C-2004 Custom Model

Art. C-2003 Custom Model

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list

Ă˜ 160 - H 400 cm

Ă˜ 160 - H 270 cm





Art. 145/P

Pattern W - CC clear Ø 50 - H 26 cm

Art. 145/P

Pattern W - CB 31 white Ø 50 - H 26 cm



Art. 145/S

Pattern W - CB 50 fumè Ø 50 - H 43 cm

Art. 145/S

Pattern A - CCS satin Ø 50 - H 43 cm

464 465

STANDARD AND CUSTOM MADE MURANO TYPES Collezione completa da pag. 218 cat. Vol I / Complete collection on page 218 cat. Vol I

Art. C-14000 Custom Model Ă˜ 320 - H 120 cm

Per varianti colore e dimensioni consultare il listino prodotti custom / For color and size variations please refer to the custom-product price list













References 466

Referenze/references ALBANIA Italian Embassy, Tirana Private Residence, Valona Private Residence, Kraków

AUSTRIA Hotel Imperial, Vienna Palais Hansen Kempinski, Wien AZERBAIJAN Private Villa, Baku Private Residence, Ganja Italy Interior Project, Baku CHECHEN REPUBLIC Private Residence, Groznyj Private Residence, Vedeno

CHINA Beijing Kerry Centre & Hotel, Beijing Shangri-La Hotel Quindgao, Quindgao Argyle Hotel, Shangai Nan tin Hotel, Guangzhou Shangri-La Hotel Harbin, Harbin Summer Palace-China World Hotel, Beijing Shangri-La Hotel Dalian, Dalian Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou China World Hotel, Beijing Cheng Chou Hotel, Shenzen Swiss Hotel Dalian, Dalian Regency Hotel, Shantou Great Eagle Hotel, Hong Kong Disney Lotus Restaurant, Hong Kong Grand Standford, Inter-Continental Hotel, Hong Kong Golden Bund Center, Shanghai Ritz Carlton, Shanghai Mgm Grand Macau, City Macau H.F. Regent, Hong Kong Hoya International Resort, Taiwan CZECH REPUBLIC Casino Pallace, Aš Private Residence, Brno Wine bar, Praga Private Residence, Praga Kings Casino, Rozvadov Casino Cardinal, Praga Hotel Wilson, Praga Project Loft, Praga

FINLAND Cruise “Eagle I”, Helsinki Spa Hotel, Imatra FRANCE Municipio di Chamberry R.I. Project, Paris

GERMANY Eis Café Venezia, Marburg Hotel A-Rosa Resort, Travemunde Schloss Bensberg, Cologne INDIA Meridien Hotel, Mumbai Taj Krishna Hotel, Hyderabad Leela Hotel Udaipur Private Redicence, New Delhi INDONESIA Shangri-La Subaraya, ITALY Palazzo La Fonte, Fiuggi, Roma Hotel Monaco, Venezia Villa Braida, Mogliano Veneto, Treviso Ristorante Il Cammello, Mogliano Veneto, Treviso Hotel Astoria, Susegana, Treviso Teatro Sociale “Villani”, Biella Discoteca/Hotel/Ristorante “Le Scuderie”, Spilamberto, Modena Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Sede Centrale di Vicenza Duomo di Fermo, Ascoli Piceno Charlton Hotel Baglioni, Milano Showroom Aeffe Spa Alberta Ferretti, Milano Hotel Alexander, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze Palazzo della Provincia di Pordenone Villa Poggio Ai Merli, Scandicci, Firenze Sede Ordine Avvocati, Reggio Calabria JAPAN Grand Hotel, Ishikawa Nikko Hotel, Tokyo Okura Akademia Park Hotel, Chiba Tokyo Meridien Europort Hotel, Tokyo Morino Hotel, Tokyo Disney Ambassador, Tokyo Okura Momoyama Jr Towers Hotel, Nagoya Intercontinental Hotel Takeshiba, Tokyo Hotel Okura Fukuoka, Hakata Pan Pacific Hotel, Yokohama Hotel Hatsutomi

Westin Nagoya, Tokyo Hotel Plaza Heian, Tsuchiura Karuizawa Project Sun City, Takarazuka Sun City “Machida II”, Tokyo Okura Frontier Hotel Ebina, Kanagawa Kyoto Hotel Okura Tempio “Shinnyo-En” Takarazuka Hotel, Osaka Hotel Okura Tokyo (Renovation) Ritz Carlton, Tokyo Nisshow Iwai Corporation, Tokyo Grand Hotel, Koriyama Hotel Okura Fukuoka, Fukuoka Ana Hotel Clement, Takamatsu Shin Miyako Hotel, Osaka JORDANIA Le Meridien Hotel, Amman Intercontinental Hotel, Aqaba Private Residence, Zarqa Private Residence, Amman

KUWAIT Al-Jazeera Golf Co., Safat Al-Faiha Villa, Kuwait City Holiday Inn, Kuwait City Private House, Kuwait Private Villa, Project swimming pool, Kuwait City LATVIA Italian Boutique, Riga Private Residence, Riga Private Residence, Daugavpils LEBANON Hotel Intercontinental Phoenicia, Beirut Private Residence, Beirut MALAYSIA Oriental Mandarin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Maybank Bangsar Project, Kuala Lumpur Sheraton Tower, Kuala Lumpur Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Menara Pelita, Sarawak Eastin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur (Refurbishment) Grand Palace Hotel, Miri, Sarawak Sutera Harbour Hotel, Kota Kinabalu Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur K.l. Central Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Marriot Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur Eden Garden Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

The New Office And Of The Malaysian Prime Minister (Putrajaya Project), Kuala Lumpur Petroleum Club, Kuala Lumpur Metroplex Hotel, Kuala Lumpur PERÙ Marriot Hotel, Lima Private Residence, Callao

SINGAPORE Holiday Inn hotel - Indian Restaurant “Tan Door” Conrad Hotel Holiday Inn Hotel - Chinese Restaurant Park View Holiday Inn Istana Kampong Glam F.F.Interior, Private Residence

PHILIPPINES Oriental Mandarin Hotel, Manila Shangri-La Hotel Makati, Manila Richmond Plaza Hotel, Manila

SLOVAKIA Double Tree by Hotel Hilton, Bratislava Kempinski Hotel River Park, Bratislava Private Villa HB.R, Bratislava Private Residence, Martin Best Interior Proj, Košice

POLSKA Private Villa, Warsawa Private Residence, Gdansk

SOUTH AFRICA Private Villa, Johannesburg Private Residence, Pretoria

QATAR H.E. Sheik Hamad Bin Jassem Bin (Private Palace), Doha Private Residence, Doha Project Samir (Private Villa), Doha

SPAIN Private Residence, Marbella Casa Sol, Villa Andratx, Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca Private Residence, Cordoba “La Zagaleta” Country Club, Marbella

ROMANIA Private Villa Kiseleff, Bucharest Private Villa, Lake Snagov, Romania Project I.K., Bucarest RUSSIA Private Residence, Saint Petersburg Private Residence, Vladivostok Jg Boutique, Moscow Angel Boutique, Moscow Private Villa, Moscow Italian restaurant, Siberia SBR Project, Kaliningrad Brist Project, Tula LM foyer Project, Saint-Petersburg Private Villa, Ekaterinburg House Studios Oleg Reznikov, Moscow AU Project, Private Residence, Saint Petersburg GL Interior Project, Saint Petersburg Universal Project, Moscow P.I. Project, Voronezh D.Antonov Project, Private Residence, Moscow SAUDI ARABIA Kingdom Centre, Riyadh H.R.H. Princess Latifa Bint Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, Azizia Palace (Private Palace), Riyadh Private Palace of PSAS, Riyadh

SYRIA Sheraton Hotel, Aleppo THAILAND Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok Peninsular Hotel Bangkok Jim Thompson, Bangkok U.A.E. Health Club, Dubai Hotel Sheraton, Abu Dhabi Atlantis The Palm, Dubai Dubai Golf Club, Dubai Ruler’s Court - Zaabeel Palace, Dubai Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach, Dubai Husseini Villa, Dubai Nstyle International, Dubai H.H. Sheik Sultan al Qasimi Residence, Dubai Mohebi Residence, Dubai Villa Mouna al Hamily, Emirati arabi Premier Palace, Dubai Emirates Hills Villa H3, Dubai Private Villa Mar, Dubai UNITED KINGDOM Winslow House, London Jasmine House, Weybridge Surrey Simon Private Residence, London

UKRAINE Private Residence, Kiev Mara Boutique, Kiev Private Residence, Odessa Project A-P, Kiev Private Residence, Karkov Private Residence, Lugansk Suhodol Project, Dnepropetrovsk Project N.G., Odessa Project TIK, Kiev Project VEB, Kiev Private Residence, Donetsk U.S.A. Fairmont Hotel, Bermuda, Guam Hotel Okura The Tower, Guam Island Private Residence, Minneapolis Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills Four Season Hotel, Las Vegas Private Residence, San Antonio Golden Nugget Casino Hyatt Place, Atlanta Private Residence, Augusta GA. Holland Hotel, NJ Hyatt Hotel, Washington Irvine Hilton, Irvine CA. Hyatt Regency, Miami Caesar’s Palace Hotel, Las Vegas Ritz Carlton, Miami Hyatt Hotel, Phoenix AZ Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, GA River City Casino, St.Louis Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, FL. Hotel Ritz, Palm Beach Private Residence, Los Angeles Motor City, Detroit Four Season Hotel, Houston, Texas VIETNAM Delta Caravelle Hotel, Ho Chi Ming City

Glass and Glass - Murano s.r.l. si riserva la facoltĂ di modificare, in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso, le caratteristiche tecniche dei modelli illustrati nel presente catalogo. Le misure sono da considerarsi indicative: piccole differenze dovranno essere accettate. I colori riprodotti nel presente catalogo sono indicativi. Glass and Glass - Murano s.r.l. reserves the right to change at any time and without prior warning, the technical specification of any product illustrated in this catalogue. The size indicated in the catalogue are only approximate; therefore a small difference is to be expected. The colours reproduced in print are only indicative and may vary a little from the pictures shown.

Il presente catalogo è tutelato dalla legge sui diritti di autore. Ăˆ quindi proibita ogni riproduzione totale o anche parziale. This catalogue is protected by copyright. You may not reproduce any part of this catalogue in any form or by any means.

Glass and Glass - Murano s.r.l. Via Tiepolo, 3 31021 Mogliano Veneto (Tv) - Italy Tel. +39 041.4574026 - Fax +39 041.4574030 info@glassandglass.it www.glassandglass.it

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