Engaging Students eTwinning

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Engaging students How to design authentic and meaningful projects

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboraci贸n Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnolog铆as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Why should we engage students? What means engaging them?

How can we hook them on learning? What type of knowledge will stick in their memory? www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

by http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaysalikin/4689493495/

What is Project Based Learning?  Project Based Learning is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities designed to answer a question or solve a problem  It is the depth of their cognitive engagement that distinguishes projects from busywork www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

What is a project... a meaningful authentic project? One that fulfills two criteria: First, students must perceive the work as personally meaningful, as a task that matters and that they want to do well. Second, a meaningful project fulfills an educational purpose. www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377


What are we working on? What will students learn through a project?  Contents: curriculum  Skills: analyze, evaluate, create...  Attitudes: curiosity, confidence, persistance, courage... www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Think about your project...

The Six A's of Designing Projects Seis principios del aprendizaje por proyectos

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Student Voice and Choice Only when answering a "need to know" from the students we will create meaningful and significant learning.

Create it!

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboraci贸n Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnolog铆as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Play Let the students take on the roles of scientists, historians, screenwritters... And expect the type of products these experts might produce.

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Keep it real With authentic products and real community members

If the project is valuable for the community it will be engaging. www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboraci贸n Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnolog铆as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

School should prepare students to face real world challenges and problems So open the classroom doors and look at the world. by http://www.flickr.com/photos/lucianojoaquim/3803019788/in/set72157614992843993

by Luciano Joaquim www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboraci贸n Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnolog铆as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Gather feedback Providing students with just-in-time feedback during a project is key to a succeding project. They need constant guidance and validation.

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Again, keep it real! Sharing the final products with the audience they work for brings students valuable feedbackand an opportunity practice their oral skills

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboraci贸n Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnolog铆as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Encourage self-assessment and reflection  Analyze the benefits of the results for both the individuals and the group/community.  Learn about rubrics as teacher's guidance.  Try writing journals, so that students reflect on their thinking and problemsolving processes www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Yes, it is a hard work you are facing... but it is worth it You and your students need to get ready for 21st century skills. To boost collaboration skills, work on role-playing and team-building activities. You need to learn how to use time and task organizers. www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Let's get practical, hands on a project!

Title: Be money smart, be ecological! • Subjects: Cross-curricular (Maths, Science, ICT, languages,..) • Syllabus contents: Statistics, Functions, Energy, Ecology • Number of students: 25-30 • Age: 15 • Duration: 1 month www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

• Objectives of the project: o learning to interprete the energy bills o being able to compare among different energy sources o Developing responsible energy consumption habits

by means of: o gathering real energy consumption data (at home) o comparing the cost of the different domestic energy sources o finding out whether there are equations which model the energy consumption o identifying the energy consumption of the different electrical equipment at home, and the standby consumption o after asking partners about climate, amount of daylight, lifestyle, formulating hypotheses on their estimated domestic energy consumption o verifying the stated hypotheses www.etwinning.es Proyectos de ColaboraciĂłn Escolar en Europa Instituto de TecnologĂ­as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Starting with the end in mind What for? •

To deal with a real problem, significant to the community, about which students care

What? Contents, skills, habits • •

Go through the curriculum and identify where a project fits Choose two or three curricular items to focus on

Assessment • •

Learning skills, collaboration skills, critical thinking, knowledge acquisition… Set up clear criteria to measure achievements www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

• What for? o Energy is a key factor in domestic economy but we don’t always understand its implications well enough

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

• What? Contents



• Power units

• Teamwork

• Percentages

• Curiosity and Initiative

• Formulating and testing hypothesis

• Self-confidence

• Functions

• Interpreting, comparing and relating real data

• Everyday life Maths

• Self-awareness of own skills and things to improve

• Using ICT in a variety of tasks

• Perseverance

• Ecology awareness

• Capacity to overcome difficulties and reorient work

• Statistics

• Communicating in own and foreign language

• Critical thinking • Commitment to the community

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

The driving question • • • • •

Short Real Meaningful Motivating It must answer the question “What for?” in every stage of the project

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

The driving question • Energy is money. How can we save both at home?

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Assessment • What will be assessed in early, middle and late stages? • What criteria will be considered? • What tools will be used?

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Early stages

Middle stages

Final stage

• Initiative

• Decision-making after checking hypotheses

• Fulfillment of the task (answer to the driving question)

• Teamwork contributions • Quality of searched info • Ability to predict and formulate hypotesis

• Ability to overcome difficulties and reorient work • Use of appropriate language to communicate (vocabulary, graphics,..)

• Quality and originality of products

• Presentation of results

• Ability to communicate in a foreign language (if necessary) • Use of ICT to help solve the main question • Giving reasonable answers to questions arising www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Assessment criteria: rubrics 1

Problem solving


Little or no ability to reorient strategies

The reader is unable to follow the steps taken in the solution




Some of the difficulties are overcome; little reorientation of strategies

Most of the difficulties are overcome and lead to reorienting strategies

Great ability to overcome difficulties and reorient strategies

Solution is presented in a logical manner

Solution is presented in an easy follow step-by-step model

Solution is difficult to follow at times

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboraci贸n Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnolog铆as Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Mapping the project (1) What do your students need to know? • • •

Things they already know Things to be learnt before getting started Things to learn during the project

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Already known

Before getting started

During the project

• Basic statistics

• How to read a bill

• Linear functions

• Suggestions on teamwork: making task lists, assigning roles, distributing tasks, project diary,…

• Comparison among different kind of energy resources

• Info search resources (Internet, library,..)

• Basic ICT: spreadsheet, email, chat, forum,…

• Joint reflection on assessment

• Basic statistical data processing • ICT tools that seem to be useful as one goes along

• Level of foreign language enabling communication

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778373

Mapping the project (2) Milestones • Set up a concrete series of milestones to fine tune the project • Be flexible • Assess, rethink, refine

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Milestones: •

Bring real bills to class: electricity, gas,…. Interprete them. Look for equations which fit the costs. Learn about power units

Compare the costs of the different energy sources and heating systems, as well as of the different electrical appliances

Compare data (in groups), measuring both the pros and cons

Draw first conclusions:  

Factors affecting the domestic energy consumption: kind of house, orientation, number of people living, thermal isolation, peak hours,… Which system would you choose?  present results (tables, graphics, spreadsheets, lists,…)

Measuring progress. Tuning

Communicate with partners (chat, videoconference, forums) in order to know what their energy consumption determining factors are

Formulate hypotheses about their partners’ monthly energy expenses

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Verify the hypotheses with partners (chat, etc)

Explain possible differences between the hypotheses and the real data

 Measuring progress. Tuning

Show final products (written report, model, list of energy saving measures, video,…)

Draw conclusions: 

Which steps can we take to save energy and money?

 Measuring results •

Evaluate the project:  

What are the benefits for us and the community? Things I would change/improve

Project epilogue: apply energy saving measures at home and check their efficiency in money saving after a couple of months

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Mapping the project (3) Address different learning needs: • • • •

SEN students At-risk students Gifted students Variety of learning styles

Evaluating the whole project: • • •

Class discussion Reports Individual / group evaluation…

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Project Evaluation •

Class discussion on the project. Fishbowl.

Student reports: logs, wiki, polls, personal reflections in blogs…

Group /Individual evaluations

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 28027 Madrid. Tfno: +34 913778377

Despedida agradecimiento Thanks fory your attention por la atención prestada http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/

www.etwinning.es Proyectos de Colaboración Colaboración Escolar Escolar en Europa Instituto Instituto de de Tecnologías Tecnologías Educativas Educativas Torrelaguna 58, 58, 28027 28027 Madrid. Madrid. Tfno: Tfno: +34 +34 913778377 913778377 Torrelaguna

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