hnology technology technolo
food&beverage companies providing equipment, products and services to the food and beverage industry
Editrice Zeus sas - Via P. Ballerini 66, 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) - Italy Tel. +39 0362 244182 - 0362 244186 -
10/03/16 15:52
IBIE è il più grande e più completo evento dell’emisfero occidentale dedicato alla panificazione. È un’occasione imperdibile per scoprire le ultime tendenze e innovazioni, incontrare e prendere contatto con i colleghi di tutto il mondo e imparare dai professionisti di successo del settore della panificazione. Il salone è organizzato solo una volta ogni tre anni, non perdere l’opportunità di partecipare già quest’anno! Mettilo in agenda, dall’8 all’11 ottobre 2016, e unisciti ai leader di settore a Las Vegas.
REGISTRATI OGGI STESSO ONLINE: WWW.IBIE2016.COM IBIE è orgoglioso di partecipare all’International Buyer Program della Camera di Commercio USA
technology, machines, packaging and automation
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it reaches: food and beverage producers oeMs and technology suppliers exhibitions worldwide chaMbers of coMMerce worldwide last edition certified readings
21/10/16 10:40
technology technol
contents 1-43
2016 edition
Altech Srl • Amd Electronic Srl • Bbm Packaging • Beumer Maschinenfabrik Gmbh & Co. Kg • Bizerba Spa • Bondani Srl • Eurosicma Spa • Fiorini International Spa • General System Pack Srl - Gsp • I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche Spa • Ifp Packaging Srl • Linpac Packaging Srl • Leybold Italia Srl • Makro Labelling Srl • Microline Srl • Ocme Srl • Pfm Spa • Tecno Pack Spa • Tmg Impianti Spa • Zambelli Srl
Asc Automatic System Control • Bertuzzi Food Processing Srl • Chiaravalli Group Spa Socio Unico • Crsi - Centro Ricerche Sviluppo Impianti S.A. • Fbf Italia Srl • Gea Niro Soavi - Mechanical Equipment Italia Spa • Icf & Welko Spa • Industrie De Nora Spa • Mft Srl • Navatta Group Food Processing Srl • Pieralisi Spa • Pigo Srl • Pnd Srl • Pompe Cucchi • Tecninox di A. Namaziano Srl • Zanotti Spa
Alba & Teknoservice Srl • Am Technology Srl • Esmach Spa • Lawer Spa • Tecnopool Spa • Tps Srl • Tubini Forni • Zmatik Pastry Machines
Aventics Srl • Contrinex Italia Srl • Evo Services Srl • Igus Srl • Mini Motor Srl • Pamoco S.P.A. • Rotronic Italia Srl • Telmotor Spa
1a ristampa
C&G Depurazione Industriale Srl • Ivar Industry Srl • Spk Power Generation Srl
SOMMARIO_CAT2016_1ristampa.indd 4
editorial management and registered office: Via Ballerini, 66 20831 SEREGNO (MB) - ITALY Tel. +39 0362 244182 +39 0362 244186 web site: e-mail: portal: e-mail: skypeTM: editricezeus
Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry year II - CATALOGUE 2016 managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni
02/12/16 12:32
Cidiesse Engineering Srl • M.H. Material Handling Spa • Penta Srl • Proxaut Srl
DAIRY TECHNOLOGIES Cad Project Srl • Sordi Impianti Srl
horeca Orved Spa
bottling 4G Ghidini Srl Acciai Srl
Akomag Srl
Bolondi Ivano off. Mecc.
services - EXHIBITIONS
Framax Srl
Smi Spa - Smi Group
Ts Italia Srl
SPS IPC Drives italia
editorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni
account dep. manager Elena Costanzo
translations Leomilla Translation Muller Worldwide Links Srl
editorial production Sonia Bennati
project and layout design creative dep. ZEUS Agency
printing Faenza Industrie Grafiche
SOMMARIO_CAT2016_1ristampa.indd 5
02/12/16 12:32
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy
2016 edition
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy cataLogUe
ecno Pack is synonymous with technology, skill and service in the primary and secondary flow and pillow pack packaging industry. A market leader company, Tecno Pack offers solutions that are always specific and designed for every field of application, with special focus on the food sector. Tecno Pack provides the packaging technology that your company requires: from the small manual loading electronic flow pack packaging machine to the complete system that removes products from the production line, stores them in single or multiple packs and then transports them to be palletised. A sales team of highly skilled technicians, a knowledgeable and flexible technical department, in-house production of all mechanical parts, careful selection of trade materials, top class production team and timely after-sales services, which is present worldwide, enable Tecno Pack to offer its customers machines and systems that are designed as “tailor-made clothing” and recognised as the ultimate expression of current technological innovation by companies
as Barilla, Nestlé, Pavesi, Kraft, Baxter, Chipita, PepsiCo and many others. High-speed, flexibility, modified atmosphere, product shelf life and global packaging integration in the company system are some of the issues that Tecno Pack tackles daily with enthusiasm and determination and which, together with its customers, provide it with new evolutionary impetus. Tecno Pack is totally confident in being able to conceive its “tailor made clothing” also for your product and is committed from the outset in designing it, using the same care with which it is manufactured. Tecno Pack’s goal is to achieve only technological excellence, conforming it to the requirements and developments of your company and therefore gain, over the years, your total satisfaction. Tecno Pack’s offer is to work with you, so it can be decisive in the success of your company.
ecno Pack è sinonimo di tecnologia, esperienza e servizio nel settore del confezionamento flow pack e pillow pack, primario e secondario. Azienda leader di mercato, Tecno Pack si presenta con soluzioni sempre specifiche e dedicate ad ogni settore applicativo, ma sempre con una particolare dedizione verso il food. Tecno Pack fornisce tutta la tecnologia di confezionamento che serve alla tua azienda. Dalla piccola macchina confezionatrice flow pack elettronica a caricamento manuale, fino all’impianto completo che preleva dalla produzione il prodotto e lo preserva in confezioni singole o multiple poi trasportate fino alla paletizzazione. Una squadra commerciale di tecnici specializzati, un ufficio tecnico potente ed elastico, la produzione interna di tutti i particolari meccanici, la rigorosa selezione dei materiali da commercio, un team produttivo di assoluta eccellenza e un servizio post vendita puntuale e presente in tutto il mondo, consentono a Tecno Pack di proporre alla sua utenza macchine e impianti sempre progettati come “vestiti su misura” e riconosciuti come massima espressio-
4 TECNO PACK - CAT 2016 packaging.indd 1
ne dell’attuale innovazione tecnologica da aziende come Gruppo Barilla, Nestlé, Pavesi, Kraft, Baxter, Chipita, PepsiCo e molti altri. Alta velocità, flessibilità, atmosfera modificata, shelf life del prodotto, integrazione globale del packaging nel sistema azienda, sono alcune delle tematiche che tutti i giorni Tecno Pack affronta con entusiasmo e determinazione e che, insieme ai suoi clienti, le forniscono nuova linfa evolutiva. In Tecno Pack sono assolutamente certi di poter concepire un loro “abito su misura” anche per il tuo prodotto e si impegnano fin d’ora a vestirlo usando la stessa cura con la quale viene realizzato. L’obiettivo di Tecno Pack è quello di realizzare solo l’eccellenza tecnologica conformandola alle esigenze ed evoluzioni della tua azienda ed avere quindi, negli anni, il tuo pieno consenso. La proposta Tecno Pack è quella di collaborare con te per poter essere determinante al successo della tua società. 19/01/16 13:26
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy
2016 edition
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy cataLogUe
izerba Italy was established in Trento in 1928, and then moved to Milan where it operated until the end of 1982. The year after that, we opened our sales and technical services facility in the refurbished, expanded site of Desio, where we now employ 190 people - 60% technical staff and 40% in the salesadministration area. Certified: ISO 9001:2008 - TÜV SUD Quality assurance system certificate - Baden Württemberg regional organisation - Metrology Office. Our innovative technology can be integrated into any production line ensuring our recognition by major retailers and industry operators as a reliable partner that delivers solutions for the widest range of process problems. We are backed by a retail sales structure that covers four areas: • Northwest: for the regions of Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria and the Aosta Valley • Northeast: for the regions of Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli, Emilia, Marche and Abruzzo • Centre: for the regions of Tuscany, Lazio, Umbria and Sardinia • South: for the regions of Campania, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily
We benefit from the specific skills of two separate Divisions: • The Retail Division is responsible for organised distribution of weigh systems, meat processing machines and wrap-labelling systems, developing and manufacturing state-of-the-art products. • The Industry Division covers weighing and labelling systems for the industrial sector (food, chemical, mechanical, logistics): precision scales, bases and platforms, electronic weighing terminals with dedicated programmes for counting and dosing, which can be integrated with IT management systems; we also have checkweighers, automatic and manual pricing machines, inspection systems with metal detectors, X-rays and display systems. Lastly, at Bizerba Italia we have a Global Software Development Team to design and engineer integrated management systems and customised applications. Our sales staff is supported by the Service Division formed of experts that can assist customers in all types of operations. In 2008, Flexongraf was acquired for Italian production of paper and labels. Bizerba has plenty of dealers located throughout Italy and they handle sales as well as being the go-to facilities for after-sales service.
izerba Italia viene fondata a Trento nel 1928 e successivamente si trasferisce a Milano dove opera fino al 1982 . Dall’anno seguente svolge attività commerciale ed assistenza tecnica nella rinnovata ed ampliata sede di Desio con un totale attuale di 190 dipendenti di cui 60% staff tecnico e 40 % Staff commerciale-amministrativo. Certificata: ISO 9001:2008 - TÜV SUD Attestazione del Sistema di Garanzia della Qualità - Ente Regionale Baden Württemberg - Direzione Metrica. Grazie ad una tecnologia innovativa e integrabile in qualunque linea della produzione , Bizerba è riconosciuta dagli operatori della Grande Distribuzione e dell’Industria come un partner affidabile nella risoluzione delle più svariate problematiche di processo. Supportata da un’efficiente struttura commerciale diretta che copre quattro aree: • Nord Ovest - per le regioni Lombardia, Piemonte, Liguria, Valle d’Aosta • Nord Est - per le regioni Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli, Emilia Marche, Abruzzo • Centro - per le regioni Toscana , Lazio, Umbria, Sardegna • Sud - per le regioni Campania, Molise, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia
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Si avvale della specifica competenza di due distinte Divisioni : • La Divisione Retail segue tutta la distribuzione organizzata per quanto attiene i sistemi di pesatura, le macchine lavorazioni carne e la carta-etichette, sviluppando e producendo prodotti all’avanguardia. • La Divisione Industria si occupa dei sistemi di pesatura ed etichettatura per il settore industriale (alimentare, chimico, meccanico, logistico): bilance di precisione, basamenti e piattaforme, terminali di pesatura elettronici con programmi specifici per conteggio e dosaggio integrabili a sistemi informativi gestionali ed ancora selezionatrici ponderali, prezzatrici automatiche e manuali, sistemi di ispezione Metal Detector X RAY e sistemi di visione. Attraverso il suo Global Team di Sviluppo Software , infine, Bizerba Italia progetta e realizza sistemi di gestione integrati ed applicazioni customizzate. Lo staff commerciale è affiancato dalla Divisione Service costituita da esperti in grado di assistere i clienti in tutte le tipologie di interventi. Nel 2008 è stata acquisita la Società Flexongraf per la produzione italiana di Carta ed Etichette. Bizerba è presente in modo capillare su tutto il territorio nazionale anche grazie alla fitta Rete di Concessionari, che oltre alla vendita , costituiscono un valido supporto per l’assistenza tecnica. 10/12/15 16:33
GARANZIA ASSOLUTA I sistemi di controllo qualità e le più avanzate tecnologie di ispezione Bizerba assicurano la qualità dei vostri alimenti
Gamma Industria: Massime prestazioni e ampia gamma di modelli ed esecuzioni.
Vision System
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy
ZAMBellI, FleXIBIlIty FoR the FooD AnD BeVeRAge InDUStRy
2016 edition
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy cataLogUe
ambelli Packaging Machinery was founded in 1969 as a company to manufacture packaging equipment. Based in the mechanical deeprooted tradition of the city of Bologna in a few years the success of the technological solutions adopted has crossed the Italian borders and created a customer base of international renown. Zambelli today range of machines is composed by shrink-wrappers, traypackers, cartoners, case packers also equipped with robotic pick & place. Suppliers are challenged by end-user for more flexible, efficient and less energy demanding equipment. Zambelli took up eagerly such challenge since its machine design was developed to measure up to such expectations.
The challenge has driven Zambelli to widen its portfolio of solutions by introducing on its well reputed range of shrink-wrapping and tray-packer machines robotic pick and place systems to handle unstable and/or irregular shaped containers, as well as to get a smooth operation for any products. Some examples are the plastic cups for yogurt, jelly or dessert, or even the cups for warm soup wrapped with insulating thermal cardboard sleeve or the glass bulb shaped jars for spices or candles or any other products. But not only containers for food or beverages also objects such as special caps with straw shaped as the cartoons characters to be inserted among the containers inside the packs as a gadget for kids. This actually is a project for which Zambelli has recently developed and supplied a machine for a US based customer who was looking for an automatic solution to handle the yogurt jars (standard container) and the caps (special objects, all different). Zambelli was able to equip one of its shrink-wrapping machine with a robot with a special picking tool that from a conveyor belt running parallel to the shrinkwrapper is capable of picking the caps and fit one cap in a bundle of 6 before the film wrapping, all oriented and at a speed of 500bpm. Other cases of robotic pick and place are bulb shaped glass jars with spice product for which Zambelli has recently supplied the second line to a multinational company leader of the market. For handling these containers it must be avoided buffering and backpressure and it is necessary to adopt pick and place devices that based on picking directly the product are able to sort the container without the negative effect of the mass flow. With our robotic system the containers can be easily grouped in the pattern required and packed in plastic tray or tray
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with film or wrap-around. Once the robotic system has completed the grouping cycles the pattern obtained can be then wrapped with heat-shrink film to protect it and ensure its integrity. The final bundle will result in a robust and economic package as the Zambelli technology offered by its series of shrink wrapping machines allows to reduce the costs of the package using thinner film. The flexibility offered by the robotic pick and place is perfectly combined with the Zambelli well known efficiency-seeking approach with its LFT series of Tray-Packers/Shrink-wrappers and WR wraparound case-packers starting from the engineering of the frame, featuring a cantilever design that allows the operator total control of and accessibility to all areas of the machine. The frame is also designed so that all the parts that need lubrication are gathered in the back side. This hygienic design maintains separation between lubricated parts and parts in contact with the products. Other benefits offered by the Zambelli approach and available on all range of equipment are the following: reduced change over time, “user friendly” operation, reduced footprint, reduced maintenance costs, higher production efficiency, better quality and attention to the aesthetic of the packs. These advantages have been obtained through up-to-date technological solutions to operate and control the machine and thanks to the Zambelli design with less moving parts hence less wear and adjustments, an extensive field testing and the standardization of functional groups on several machine models to extend to the all the equipment the benefits listed above. On the shrink-wrappers Zambelli’s research has also tackled energy consumption for film shrinking and aesthetic improvement of the shrink pack. Zambelli unique energy saving heating tunnel design has obtained perfectly shaped packs without wrinkles by a tunnel of minimal length hence reducing thermal waste and machine footprint . Zambelli “user friendly” technology with less moving parts in the machine has a dramatic impact on reducing time needed for installation and commissioning, training customer’s personnel and carry out scheduled maintenance. All together these features reduce the machine’s total cost of ownership that is the ultimate customer’s goal.With thousands of machines installed Zambelli is active worldwide through its network of sale agents, presents in the USA with Zambelli USA LLC and in UK with Zambelli LTD. 29/01/16 15:05
robot loaded shrinkwrappers
case packers INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3
Via Ferrara 35-41, 40018 San Pietro in Casale, Bologna, Italy- Tel. +39 051.66.617.82 28/01/16 11:24
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy
eURoSIcMA: 50 yeARS oF PAcKAgIng AnD conStAnt InnoVAtIon
2016 edition
fooD&Beverage tecHnoLogy cataLogUe
ounded in 1965, according to a study conducted by the Politecnico Insitute of Milan, comparing rankings of profitability, liquidity and financial stability of the main companies active in the food packaging sector, Eurosicma results to be among the top 5 most competitive Italian companies. This study has been published on the 16th Feb 2015 on the “Il Sole 24 Ore”, an Italian national daily newspaper owned by Confindustria, the Italian employers’ Federation. Eurosicma’s machinery portfolio includes moving, feeding and horizontal packaging machines and turn-key solutions for the confectionery, bakery and care industries. Eurosicma is present in over than 85 countries worldwide with more than 4000 machines installed. From the beginning, Eurosicma is able to grant full support during all the production phases: from the designing, manufacturing, quality control and throughout the after-sales assistance. To be as closest as possible to the customers, Eurosicma invests a lot in the after sales service, creating dedicated Local Technical Centres in Italy, Turkey, North and South America, India, Philippines, Indonesia and Middle East with skilled technicians periodically trained at Eurosicma Head Office. The Candy Division is dedicated to the flow wrapper solutions for small confectionery items such as candies, jellies, lollipops, chewing gums, bubble gums, chewy-candies, toffees and many other more. The flow wrapper EURO 77 is available in a wide range of configurations and able to handle and pack all kinds of candies, pectin and gelatin jellies, laminated and coated gums, extruded products. The Lines Division is entirely dedicated to the wrapping solutions and integrated packaging lines for bakery and chocolate products, such as any kinds of biscuits, wafers, cakes, rusks and rice cakes, bars, moulded chocolate and many more. The flow wrapper EURO 88 is Eurosicma’s proposal for wrapping a wide range of confectionery and bakery products in a variety of configurations. Flow pack solutions are available for any kind of biscuits – dry, enrobed, sandwich- in stacks, on edge or single piece. Specifically for sandwich biscuits Eurosicma can supply also the Sandwiching machine that can be directly connected to the flow wrapper. According to the production needs, the sandwiching machine is available with two lanes to produce 1200/1500 sandwich biscuits/min and
10 EUROSICMA-CAT 2016_tecnInter.indd 1
with four lanes to produce 2600/2800 biscuits/min. For biscuits on edge a fully electronic fold wrapper is available in the portfolio, able to reach a mechanical speed up to 100 packs/min. For biscuits, small cakes, irregular and sticky products, enrobed, cereal and thin bars a patented high-performance and pressure-less Feeding and Timing System composed of 8 belts independently servo driven. This application is able to grant a gentle handling of products at an extremely low and monitored pressure. If required or needed, it can also avoid any contact between the products. Special feeding system for wafers have been specifically designed to reach high-speed requirements and satisfy different pack sizes. Noodle cakes flow wrapping systems equipped with Sachets Feeding and Cutting Units are included in the portfolio and widely developed and supplied in the last 10 years. Extreme flexibility in pack configurations allows to have single cake pack, 1 pile of 2 cakes, 2 piles of 2 cakes, family pack composed of 3 piles of 2 cakes. Customized rows distribution and aligning systems for products coming in flat position both in rows and randomly can be supplied. Buffering systems, stacking systems and automatic portion feeders complete the offer in the handling and feeding systems. Many optionals can be added to the standard applications such as Carton Feeders Applications, Tear tape, Gusseting, Strip packs, Gus Flush. Multipack overwrapping with single flow pack placed in stacks or on edge it is also available. Latest developments for a fully automated multipack wrapping system include the feeding system MPF (MultiPack Feeder). It is a fully automated feeding system that can be combined with the flow wrapper EURO 88 for primary wrapping. Such system is able to orientate the flow packs, grouping them in the desired quantity and finally, by means of a 2 axis driven Pick & Place system, transfer the created portions directly on the secondary flow wrapper’s feeding chain. The third product-focused Care Division develops forming and packaging machines for plasters and cotton swabs in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Fully automated forming and packaging lines for cream coated gauzes are included in the offer serving the pharmaceutical industry. 18/01/16 10:46
Forget About the pumps, DeDicAte your time only to the process
2016 edition
ryvac dry screw pumps, energy savers and mainteinance reducers: the new line of Dryvac pumps in the 650 m3/h and 450 m3/h models allow to reduce the consumptions up to 5kW and in some cases to substitute the primary pump + roots pump group with only one pump. The energy saving features are possible thanks to the final vacuum level of the Dryvac pump which can reach a vacuum level even better (0,005 mbar) than the couple traditional pump + accelerator (vacuum level in the field 0,01 mbar measured at the pump flange). An innovative experience on the thermoforming machine For a traditional installation in some thermoforming machines it is foreseen the installation of a pump with a 600 m3 /h pumping speed in a technical cabinet outside of the production line. To reach the technical cabinet the solution includes a 3 inches thick and 70 mt long piping. Inside the packaging machine it would be installed an accelerator pump of 1500m3\h pumping speed. It has been proposed to exchange the 2 pumps system (600m3/h + 1500 m3/h accelerator) with only one Dryvac DV650, eliminating for each machine: • the oil sealed pump of
630m3/h pumping speed in the technical cabinet • the 3 inches 70mt long piping • the roots accelerator of 1500m3/h. This solution allows the customer to disconnect the 1500m3 roots pump saving on the initial investment, on the energy consumption and the maintenance, using only a primary pump which can be installed directly underneath the packaging machine thanks to its dimensions. The machine cycle has decreased passing from 13 to 8 seconds. The noise inside the white chamber decreases plus the dry pump DV 650 is ISO 6 certified. Our customers who have tried this solution have taken into consideration the installations after the first one so that it will be possible to save on: 1) The roots pump with a pumping speed of 1500 m3\h value € 7.000,00. 2) The construction and installation of a 3 inches diameter and 70 mt long piping value € 6.000,00. 3) Handling costs are much lower than an oil sealed pump. 4) High increase of production with the new solution. 5) Using the Dryvac pump also increases significantly the food safety due since there is no chance to contaminate the food with oil.
e pompe a secco a vite Dryvac, ottimizzano i consumi e riducono le manutenzioni: la nuova linea di pompe Dryvac, nei tagli di portata 650 m3/h e 450 m3/h, permette di ridurre i consumi fino a 5kW ed in alcuni casi sostituire un gruppo costituito da pompa primaria e pompa roots, sostituendo il gruppo con un’unica pompa. Tali prestazioni e risparmio energetico sono possibili grazie al vuoto finale della sola pompa Dryvac, che può raggiungere un vuoto di 0,005 mbar, risutato migliore persino di quanto si possa ottenere dall’accoppiamento di una pompa rotativa a palette tradizionale, con un acceleratore a lobi (vuoto nel campo 0,01 mbar misurati sulla flangia della pompa). Un’esperienza innovativa sulla macchina termoformatrice Per l’installazione di alcune macchine termo-formatrici si sarebbe prevista l’installazione di una pompa tradizionale, di portata 600 m3/h in un vano tecnico fuori dall’ambiente di produzione. Per raggiungere il vano tecnico, la soluzione tradizionale prevedeva una tubazione da 3 pollici lunga 70 metri. All’interno della confezionatrice sarebbe stata installata una pompa acceleratore a lobi da 1500m3\h. È stato proposto di sostituire il sistema di due pompe (Primaria a palette 600m3/h + Acceleratore a lobi 1500 m3/h), con una sola pompa Dryvac DV650, eliminando così per ogni macchina:
12 OERLIKON - CAT 2016 packaging.indd 1
• la pompa a bagno d’olio da 630m3/h nel vano tecnico; • la tubazione da 3 pollici lunga 70 metri; • la pompa acceleratore roots da 1500m3/h. Questa soluzione ha permesso al cliente di scollegare la pompa acceleratore roots da 1500m3 risparmiando, oltre alla spesa iniziale per la stessa, il consumo energetico e la manutenzione successivi, utilizzando una sola pompa primaria, che grazie alle ridotte dimensioni, è installabile direttamente sotto la confezionatrice. Il ciclo della macchina è diminuito, passando da 13 secondi a 8 secondi. Il rumore all’interno della camera bianca è diminuito, inoltre la pompa a secco DV 650 è certificata ISO 6. Il cliente applicando questa innovativa soluzione potrà risparmiare: 1) Una pompa roots da 1500 m3\h dal valore di € 7.000,00. 2) La costruzione e l’installazione di una tubazione da 3 pollici in acciaio inox lunga 70 metri, il cui costo è € 6.000,00. 3) Costi di gestione molto inferiori rispetto alla pompa a bagno d’olio. 4) Maggiore sicurezza nei processi alimentari, in quanto non esiste la possibilità di contaminazione del prodotto da parte dell’olio. Contestualmente a questi vantaggi, si è potuto avere un quantificabile aumento della produttività della macchina stessa. 30/03/16 15:18
Tecnologia Innovativa del Vuoto per il Food and Packaging
La tecnologia del vuoto è diventata un elemento fondamentale per molte attività del settore della trasformazione e del confezionamento degli alimenti. Affidatevi alle soluzioni per il vuoto di Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum, troverete il prodotto adeguato per ogni vostro tipo di esigenza, dalle pompe per il vuoto a bagno d’olio a secco con tecnologia a vite, centrali da vuoto e sistemi complessi con un ventaglio di prodotti unico. I nostri prodotti vi convinceranno grazie alla propria solidità, ad un design compatto e ad un processo di controllo combinato con emissioni di rumore minime e costi di gestione contenuti. Informazioni dettagliate sono disponibili su:
Performance e affidabilità! Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH Bonner Strasse 498 D-50968 Köln T +49 (0)221 347-0 F +49 (0)221 347-1250
Anz_FoodPack_Verpackung_Lemon_IT_2014.indd 1
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum Italia S.r.l. Via Trasimeno 8 20128 Milano T +39 02 2722 31 F +39 02 2720 9641
27.03.15 16:46
General SyStem Pack, aUtOmatIc PackaGInG lIneS General System Pack gives every product its tailored suite; the company provides a vast range of solutions including controlled atmosphere, high speed and highly automated lines, always guaranteeing the best possible outcome. General System Pack is unmatched.
General System Pack packaging lines are all electronically managed, extremely solid, enduring and easy to manage. They adopt solutions that comply with the most demanding ergonomic shapes and sanitization.
General System Pack packaging machines treat the product with the same care that the customer uses during the production phase. The packaging lines that General System Pack proposes are best suited for middle and small companies that want to give and industrial slant to their products. General System Pack is a versatile and solid partner, which contributes significantly to the success of their clients.
General System Pack offers a vast selection of models which guarantee excellent solutions for every stage of the flow pack packaging, including automated feeding and line ending.
2016 edition
eneral System Pack is a consolidated and internationally renowned company which produces different types of packaging machines. Technology is unquestionably its strength, together with the high quality standard of its machines.
eneral System Pack è un’azienda di consolidata fama internazionale e produce differenti tipologie di macchine confezionatrici. La tecnologia è indiscutibilmente il suo maggior punto di forza, oltre all’elevatissimo standard qualitativo delle proprie macchine. Le linee di confezionamento prodotte da General System Pack sono tutte a gestione elettronica, estremamente robuste, longeve e semplici da gestire, realizzate adottando soluzioni mirate a risolvere le più severe richieste di ergonomicità e sanitizzazione. La vasta gamma dei modelli che General System Pack propone, offre risposte sempre eccellenti per tutti i settori del packaging in flow pack, comprese le alimentazioni automatiche ed il fine linea. Qualsiasi tipo di prodotto con General System Pack trova il giusto “vestito su misura”; le molteplici soluzioni proposte
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dall’azienda, spaziano dall’atmosfera controllata all’alta velocità, fino all’automatismo più esasperato, garantendo sempre il massimo ottenibile. General System Pack non teme confronti. Le confezionatrici e gli impianti General System Pack trattano sempre il prodotto del cliente con la stessa cura ed attenzione impiegate dal cliente stesso nel proprio processo produttivo. Le linee di confezionamento proposte sono la migliore soluzione per le aziende medie e piccole che si apprestano a fornire un packaging di taglio industriale al proprio prodotto. General System Pack si candida ad essere un partner autenticamente solido e versatile, in grado di contribuire in modo sostanziale al successo della propria utenza. 04/03/16 10:12
IMA: InnovAtIon, AwArEnEss, AbIlIty
2016 edition
stablished in 1961, IMA is world leader in the design and manufacture of automatic machines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, tea and coffee. Its position of leadership is the result of significant investments in R&D, regular and constructive dialogue with the end-users in its sectors and the Group’s ability to expand internationally, conquering new markets. Its history features a constant growth that has enabled the Group to close the year 2015 with consolidated revenues of over one billion euros (1,109.5 million euros), an increase of 29.8% over the previous year. Exports accounted for about 90%. The Group, whose Chairman is Alberto Vacchi, has more than 5,000 employees, more than 2,600 of whom overseas, and is present in about 80 countries, supported by a sales network made up of 29 branches
(Italy, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland, Israel, Russia, the United States, India, China, Malaysia, Thailand and Brazil), representative offices in central-eastern Europe and more than 50 agencies. The Group has 38 production plants in Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, the UK, the USA, India, Malaysia and China. IMA S.p.A. has been listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 1995 and in 2001 joined the STAR segment. The IMA Group owns more than 1,400 patents and patent applications in the world; over 500 designers are committed to product innovation. IMA has launched many new machine models over the last years. For further information, please visit our website:
IMA: InnovAtIon, AwAreness, AbIlIty
ondata nel 1961, IMA è leader mondiale nella progettazione e produzione di macchine automatiche per il processo e il confezionamento di prodotti farmaceutici, cosmetici, alimentari, tè e caffè.
Italia, Francia, Svizzera, Regno Unito, Germania, Austria, Spagna, Polonia, Israele, Russia, Stati Uniti, India, Cina, Malesia, Thailandia e Brasile, uffici di rappresentanza in Europa centro-orientale e più di 50 agenzie.
Una leadership acquisita grazie a investimenti significativi nella ricerca e sviluppo, a un dialogo costante e costruttivo con gli end-user dei settori di riferimento, alla capacità del Gruppo di internazionalizzarsi e conquistare nuovi mercati. La sua storia è infatti caratterizzata da una crescita costante. Il Gruppo ha chiuso l’esercizio 2015 con ricavi consolidati superiori al miliardo, pari a 1.109,5 milioni di euro (+29,8% rispetto al 2014) e una quota export pari a circa il 90%.
Il Gruppo si avvale di 38 stabilimenti di produzione tra Italia, Germania, Francia, Svizzera, Spagna, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, India, Malesia e Cina.
Il Gruppo presieduto da Alberto Vacchi conta oltre 5.000 dipendenti, di cui oltre 2.600 all’estero, ed è presente in circa 80 paesi, sostenuto da una rete commerciale composta di 29 filiali con servizi di vendita e assistenza in
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IMA S.p.A. è quotata alla Borsa di Milano dal 1995 ed è entrata nel segmento STAR nel 2001. Il Gruppo IMA è titolare di oltre 1.400 tra brevetti e domande di brevetto attivi nel mondo, conta oltre 500 progettisti impegnati nell’innovazione di prodotto e ha lanciato numerosi nuovi modelli di macchine negli ultimi anni. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitate il sito: 21/10/16 12:35
More than home made.
More than custom made.
More than well made. - Ph. Fabio Mantovani
More than hand made.
High quality combining with absolute project customization and competitive prices, have made Bondani s.r.l. a sound partner for producers of the food industries.
Its presence in domestic marketplace evidences hoe a small sized family-run company, can outstandingly compete with bigger realities without ever compromise after-sales-service and the quality of products. Reliability of the projects, realization of new solutions in order to optimize efficiency and cheapness according o quality standard, are the principles who support new ideas or customer enquiries.
2016 edition
ondani srl - Packing Systems, was founded in 1994 by its sole director, Bruno Bondani. His experience and technical expertise, acquired in decades of manufacturing of machines for the agro-food sector, combining with his son Alessio, general manager of the Company, have enabled to hit remarkable targets in terms of food handling and and-of-line process.
bonDAnI, MACCHIne Per l’InDUstrIA AGroAlIMentAre
ondani srl-Packing Systems, è stata fondata nel 1994 dall’attuale amministratore unico, Bruno Bondani. La sua esperienza e competenza tecnica, acquisita in decenni di attività nel comparto della costruzione di macchine per l’industria agroalimentare, unita a quella del figlio, Alessio, direttore generale dell’azienda, hanno permesso di raggiungere nuovi traguardi nel settore della movimentazione e del fine linea degli alimenti. L’elevata qualità, legata alla massima personalizzazione dei progetti il tutto unito a prezzi competitivi, fanno di Bondani un valido partner per le industrie produttive nell’industria alimentare.
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La presenza sul mercato nazionale, testimonia come un’azienda familiare, di piccole dimensioni, può egregiamente competere con realtà più strutturate, senza mai mettere in secondo piano l’assistenza post-vendita e la qualità dei prodotti. Flessibilità nella progettazione, elaborazione di nuove soluzioni tese ad ottimizzare il rapporto efficienza ed economicità, all’interno di rigidi standard qualitativi, sono i criteri che sostengono ogni nuova idea o richiesta del cliente. 08/01/16 10:03
Zeus Advertising ADV BONDANI_2016_coor.indd 1
29/02/16 15:38
2016 edition
FP Packaging has been a solid reference point in the technology of packaging with heat-shrinkable film for over 25 years. In late 2011, it joined the group Tecno Pack S.p.A., thus beginning a new journey of even greater technological, commercial and industrial development. Electronic continuous packaging machines, built on fully cantilevered structures, high performance, top operational reliability, simplified sanitisation, versatility of use and project customisation are just some of the strong points of the IFP Packaging offer. Automatic loading systems, bundling machines of all sizes and complete end-of-line machines are totally customised by our knowledgeable and flexible technical department. The primary goal of IFP Packaging is to conform the maximum state of the art according to the special requirements of customers. At the same time, the company offers the market strong and versatile massproduced packaging machines, with an extremely in-
teresting price/quality ratio. With IFP Packaging, you will find the perfect tailor-made solution for any type of format: ranging from controlled atmosphere to high-speed, up to top automation levels, always ensuring the best achievable result. Packaging, storing and protecting all food products, wrapping technical items (even large items as mattresses or radiators), creating and containing units of bottles or jars, presenting boxes in a shiny and invisible film, guaranteeing the correct number, weight and quantity in each pack: IFP Packaging machines have no limits in their scope of application. Currently industry leader, IFP offers a partnership that is useful and decisive for the success of each of its customers.
IFP PACKAGING, lINee DI CoNFezIoNAmeNto IN FIlm termoretrAIbIle
a oltre 25 anni IFP Packaging rappresenta un saldo punto di riferimento nella tecnologia di confezionamento in film termoretraibile. A fine del 2011 entra a far parte del gruppo Tecno Pack S.p.A. iniziando così un nuovo percorso di ancora maggiore sviluppo tecnologico, commerciale ed industriale. Macchine confezionatrici continue elettroniche realizzate su strutture integralmente a sbalzo, alte prestazioni, grande affidabilità operativa, sanificabilità, versatilità d’uso e personalizzazione di progetto sono solo alcuni dei punti forti della proposta IFP Packaging. Sistemi di caricamento automatici, affardellatrici di ogni dimensione, fine linea completi, vengono completamente personalizzati dal nostro potente ed elastico ufficio tecnico. Conformare il massimo stato dell’arte secondo le peculiari esigenze dell’utenza, è l’obiettivo primario di IFP Packaging. Nel contempo, l’azienda propone al mercato anche confezionatrici robuste e versatili, realizzate in se-
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rie, con un rapporto qualità prezzo di assoluto interesse. Qualsiasi tipo di formato trova con IFP Packaging il giusto abito su misura: le molteplici soluzioni ci vedono spaziare dall’atmosfera controllata, all’alta velocità, fino all’automatismo più esasperato, garantendo sempre il massimo risultato ottenibile. Confezionare, conservare e proteggere tutti i prodotti alimentari, avvolgere articoli tecnici (anche di grande formato come i materassi o i termosifoni) creare e contenere gruppi di bottiglie o vasetti, presentare scatole in una lucida ed invisibile pelle, garantire il giusto numero, peso, quantità all’interno di ogni confezione: non ci sono limiti all’applicazione delle macchine IFP Packaging. Attualmente Leader di settore IFP propone una collaborazione utile e determinante al successo di ogni suo utente. 01/03/16 16:48
OCME ManufaCturEs priMary and sECOndary paCkaging MaChinEs
2016 edition
enefiting from 62 years of experience, OCME is known worldwide as one of the most trusted leaders and innovators in the sectors of packaging machinery and automatic materials handling. Based in Parma, OCME manufactures primary and secondary packaging machines including fillers, end-of-line and logistic machines for the Beverage, Food, Detergent, Petro-chemical and Tissue sectors. In addition to being a supplier of machines, OCME provides ‘turn-key’ lines, offering complete solutions (also integrating third-party machines). OCME pays particular attention to ecological and economic implications and its machines have been designed to optimize the use of space, energy, materials and time. This attention to environment and shareholder engagement has been certified ISO 9001. With 7 subsidiaries in the world (UK, Mexico, China, France, USA, South Africa and Thailand) and over 40 agents,
OCME is present in over 50 countries in the 5 continents. Over 650 employees make up our global team, happy to work in a pleasant atmosphere and with a strong sense of corporate identity. OCME growing worldwide presence ensures answers and solutions to your commercial needs, as well as access to local aftercare support. These first 62 years of history are just the starting point for many other challenges that the future holds. Thanks to an advanced structure and, above all, to the people who are part of our team, OCME has created an environment that allows ideas to grow. Today, as in 1954, the industries around the world know that if they want to realize an ambitious project or solve a problem, there is only one partner they can turn to OCME - Moving Ideas.
OCME prOduCE MaCChinE pEr il COnfEziOnaMEntO priMariO E sECOndariO
eneficiando di 62 anni di esperienza, OCME è conosciuta in tutto il mondo come uno dei leader più affidabili e innovatori nel settore di macchine per imballaggio e materiali automatici di movimentazione. Con sede a Parma OCME produce macchine per il confezionamento primario e secondario, tra cui riempitrici, macchine per il fine-linea e per la logistica nel settore delle bevande, prodotti alimentari, detergenti, settori del tessuto e petrochimico. Oltre ad essere un fornitore di macchine, OCME fornisce linee complete ‘chiavi in mano’, offrendo soluzioni complete (anche con macchine di terze parti in dotazione). OCME, inoltre, presta particolare attenzione alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente e, per questo, le sue macchine sono state progettate per ottimizzare l’uso dello spazio, energia, materiali e tempo. Questa attenzione per l’ambiente e per il miglioramento dei prodotti, dei processi e della qualità del servizio è stata certificata ISO 9001. Con 7 filiali nel mondo (UK, Messico, Cina, Francia, USA, Sud Africa, Tailandia) e oltre 40 agenti, OCME è presente in più
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di 50 paesi in 5 continenti dove più di 650 dipendenti compongono il team globale felice di lavorare in un buon clima lavorativo e con un forte senso di appartenenza all’identità aziendale. La crescente presenza a livello mondiale significa che le risposte e le soluzioni della OCME alle esigenze commerciali, nonché l’accesso al supporto post-vendita, è capillare in tutto il mondo. Questi primi 62 anni di storia OCME sono solo il punto di partenza per tante altre sfide che riserva il futuro. Grazie a una struttura avanzata e, soprattutto, alle persone che fanno parte del team. È proprio grazie a loro che OCME ha creato un ambiente che permette alle idee di crescere. Oggi, come nel 1954, le industrie di tutto il mondo sanno che, se vogliono realizzare un progetto ambizioso o risolvere un problema, c’ è solo un partner a cui possono rivolgersi, OCME - Moving Ideas. 22/02/16 11:39
In-line and rotary weight
Shrink wrapping machine
A revolutionary innovation that increases pack aesthetics in an incredible way, whilst
Innovative packaging solutions achieved by our Vega
Wrap-around packers
Combined wrap-around and shrink-wrap packer
In-line and rotary
Computerised control system
High and low level depalletiser for loose bottles, cans and jerry cans
High and low level depalletiser for cartons and crates
In-line high and low level palletisers
Robot palletiser
High and low level palletisers
Touchless conveyors for bundles, multipacks and cartons
Rotating Divider for loose containers
Manipulating device
Automated guided vehicles
Home&Personal Care
Integrated solutions
The compact versatile cross sector solution
Edible Oil
pfM paCkaging MaChinEry BaCk tO thE futurE
2016 edition
ew brand identity: from the origins to the future January 2016. PFM Packaging Machinery, the industrial group that manufactures flexible packaging machines and technology, presents its new logo. Created by Heinz Weibl, an internationally renowned designer, the logo not only represents the company graphically, but also tells its story. Starting from the origins, it recalls the historical design of the first logo created by the founder of the company, Pietro Fioravanti, and leads up to today, expressing the main values of the company and projecting it into the future. Stability, power, balance, essentialism, and clearness are all communicated by Helvetica, a clean, simple font without frills or virtuosity, conveying a timeless clarity that is further enhanced by Weibl’s colour choice of midnight blue. “After our first 50 years, and along with the process of con-
tinual transformation,” said Andrea Fioravanti, “we strongly felt the need to confirm our deep identity to international markets. Only a decisive action, such as the radical change of corporate branding, can express what we feel ourselves to be, and above all can give an idea of how we want to approach the future. I believe this update fully reflects what PFM does for its clients: it offers reliability that comes from half a century of work in the packaging sector; it maintains transparency in all relations; it simplifies complexity by designing truly technological solutions. This is not all, however. Our industrial group looks towards the future without distractions, intent on anticipating the request for flexible packaging. It is a concept that Heinz Weibl majestically represents with the F of our acronym that stands erect, like a lighthouse showing the way.”
pfM paCKaGinG MaChinErY BaCK tO thE futurE
ova brand identity: dalle origini al futuro Gennaio 2016, PFM Packaging Machinery, gruppo industriale che produce macchine e tecnologie per il confezionamento flessibile, presenta il suo nuovo logo. Creato da Heinz Weibl, designer di fama internazionale, il marchio non si limita a rappresentare l’azienda graficamente, ma la racconta: partendo dalle origini, rievocando il disegno storico del logo dei primordi, ideato dallo stesso fondatore, Pietro Fioravanti, per giungere ad oggi, esprimendo i valori portanti dell’azienda, e proiettarsi sugli scenari futuri. Solidità, forza, equilibrio, essenzialità e chiarezza sono i contenuti comunicati da un carattere tipografico pulito, semplice, privo di fronzoli e virtuosismi: l’ Helvetica, la cui intramontabile chiarezza viene confermata dalla scelta cromatica effettuata da Weibl, il blu notte. “Dopo i nostri primi 50 anni, e un processo di trasformazione continua - racconta Andrea Fioravanti - abbiamo
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sentito forte l’esigenza di confermare ai mercati internazionali la nostra identità profonda. Solo un’azione decisa come il cambiamento radicale di corporate branding può esprimere quello che sentiamo di essere e, soprattutto può dare un’idea di come vogliamo approcciarci al futuro. Credo che questo aggiornamento rifletta pienamente ciò che PFM fa per i suoi clienti: offre l’affidabilità che fonda le sue radici in mezzo secolo di lavoro nel settore del packaging, opera con chiarezza nelle relazioni, semplifica la complessità progettando vere soluzioni tecnologiche. Ma non basta, il nostro gruppo industriale guarda al futuro senza distrazioni teso ad anticipare la domanda in materia di packaging flessibile, proprio come Heinz Weibl ha magistralmente rappresentato con quella F del nostro acronimo che si erge a mo’ di faro, a tracciare la rotta ”. 27/01/16 14:01
Fiorini international and the excellence in Flexible packaging
2016 edition
iorini International produce a wide range of paper bags and printed paper rolls for packaging a big variety of products such as flour, sugar, salt, pasta, cakes, chocolates, sweets, vegetables, pet-food, coal, litters, glue, soap, plaster, cigarettes and reams. A quality packaging guarantees a good food preservation and hygiene. Fiorini International provide a reliable and practical product as well as attractive and eco-friendly.. It is very important to choose the packaging that best suits each client considering the selection of the materials, the shape and garnish. One of the company’s main assets is to be flexible and thus able to satisfy a vast array of requests. Fiorini International’s products are best suited for the food sector: they only use high-quality raw materials, coming from certified forests, which are then accurately selected for food packaging. The BRC certification guarantees high hygiene standards of both the package and the manufacturing department. The integrity of the seal is always guaranteed as well as the possibility to process the product with filling machines without further customisation. Fiorini International distribute worldwide and on-time. For the food sector the company provides bags with transparent or net windows, using
water-based ink which does not transfer to the product, and only natural adhesive - all this at a very convenient price. “Our customers find plenty of advantages using our products”, explained a Production Manager. “Thanks to us, our customers are now able to use a product which allows them to operate their filling machines at high-level performances. The bag does not bend, the notches are well-placed, the filling process runs smoothly. This is essential from a manufacturing point of view. Also, our bags are stylish and this alone contributes to promote the product. This is crucial for marketing.” Fiorini International is based in Central Italy, in the Marche region, and from 2001 a new manufacturing plant has opened in Prague, Czech Republic, in order to better reach the European markets. The company says: “Having said all this, being a guarantee for our clients, we can confidently consider ourselves as a leader company in the flexible packaging sector. We export all over the world and we intend to keep improving our work”.
Fiorini international e l’eccellenza nel packaging Flessibile
iorini International produce sacchi e sacchetti di carta di tutti i tipi, e bobine di carta stampata per contenere prodotti alimentari quali farina, zucchero, sale, pasta, dolci, cioccolotini, caramelle, ortaggi, pet-food, carbone, lettiere, collanti, detersivi, stucco, sigarette, risme di carta. Un packaging di qualità garantisce una buona conservazione e per l’igiene; Fiorini si impegna anche per fornire un prodotto pratico e affidabile, proveniente da fonti rinnovabili, e con una forte valenza estetica. Infatti è importante saper selezionare il packaging più adatto per ogni cliente: cominciando dalla selezione dei materiali che lo compongono, fino ad arrivare alla forma e alla decorazione. Uno dei punti di forza dell’azienda è la flessibilità, che le permette di essere in grado di soddisfare un’ampia gamma di richieste. I prodotti di Fiorini International son particolarmente indicati per il settore alimentare: le materie prime utilizzate sono di primissima qualità e provenienti da foreste certificate, sono poi selezionate specificamente per contenere prodotti alimentari, e la certificazione BRC garantisce l’igiene dell’imballo e del reparto in cui viene prodotto. È inoltre garantita la tenuta dell’imballo, la macchinabilità sulle macchine insaccatrici senza il bisogno di particolari personalizzazioni, e la puntualità delle consegne in ogni parte del mondo. Per il settore alimentare l’azienda è in grado di produrre anche sacchetti con finestre
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trasparenti o di rete, utilizzando inchiostri ad acqua, con zero trasmigrazione, e unicamente colle alimentari, il tutto a prezzo di mercato. “I nostri clienti hanno molti vantaggi a utilizzare i nostri prodotti” ci spiega un Responsabile di produzione. “Grazie a noi i clienti utilizzano un prodotto che risponde alle esigenze dei loro macchinari insaccatori, garantendo elevate prestazioni: il sacchetto non si piega, ha le tacche al posto giusto, il lavoro di riempimento scorre con regolarità. Questo dal punto di vista della produzione è essenziale. Inoltre il sacchetto che forniamo è bello, e promuove da solo la vendita del prodotto contenuto. Questo è fondamentale dal punto di vista del marketing.” La Fiorini International ha la propria produzione storicamente in Italia, nelle Marche, in pieno centro Italia. Un nuovo sito di produzione è attivo poi dal 2001 a Praga in Repubblica Ceca, per raggiungere più comodamente i mercati Europei. “Con queste premesse possiamo affermare” ci dicono dall’azienda “a garanzia dei nostri clienti, di essere un’azienda all’avanguardia nel settore degli imballaggi flessibili. Esportiamo in tutto il mondo, e vogliamo continuare a percorrere la strada del miglioramento continuo.” 21/03/16 13:33
The NaTural Way to Dress Your Products FioriNi iNTerNaTioNal S.p.a. Via Maestri del Lavoro, 13 - Z.I. Pontelucerta - 60012 Trecastelli (An) - Italy Tel +39 071 791171 - Fax +39 071 7911760 -
FIORNINI ADV anno2016.indd 3
03/03/16 10:50
BBM, supply oF “Turn-key” plAnTs
2016 edition
rom preliminary analysis of the business opportunity through engineering and design of the production plant, then supply of recognized European quality brand new or used-refurbished machines with over 50 highly specialized engineers on the different machines and processes: many and several services offered by BBM Packaging Solutions, company specialized in the packaging and in the supply of “turn-key”plants for water and soft drinks, with headquarter in San Pellegrino Terme (BG).
• Improvement opportunities for cost saving and productivity enhancing.
Analysis & consults The long-term and widely renowned experience in the beverage market has allowed the company to provide a 360° advice, based on the understanding of local market trends and consumer’s demand, thus provide cost-effective and flexible solutions able to suit your business plans within the timeline you foreseen. • Study and design of containers for your Brand identity. • Engineering and line modification to fit into your facilities. • Reliable budgets for line dismantling and reassembling; modification, upgrades, conversion. • Maintenance package. • Relocation of existing lines.
The value-addes technical services you need to run your plant effectively BBM can assist during the life cycle of the machines. • Hotline support to help you to rapidly identify the malfunctioning driving your skilled engineers step by step for immediately fix it. • On-site field technical service to solve the emergency making your machines run again in the shortest possible time. • Spare parts supply genuine and/or alternative. • Peak season on-site assistance assuring a round-the-clock presence while the line are running at the most. • Full-service maintenance to keep the performance at the top for the whole lifecycle of your machines.
Turnkey supplies, with no comprimise Whether you go for a brand new or refurbished line, BBM makes available an unique contractor able to offer and manage a turnkey package: starting from line and process engineering, then machines and subordinates equipment supply, till service activities on field.
BBM, FornIturA DI IMpIAntI «chIAvI In MAno» Pantone® 877 C
Pantone® 2758 C
all’analisi preliminare del business all’ingegnerizzazione del plant produttivo, dalla fornitura di macchinari nuovi o usati-revisionati al servizio di assistenza tecnica con oltre 50 tecnici specializzati su diversi macchinari e processi: sono tanti i servizi offerti da BBM Packaging Solutions, società specializzata nel confezionamento, imballaggio automatizzato e fornitura di impianti «chiavi in mano» con sede a San Pellegrino Terme (BG). Analisi & consulenza La lunga e rinomata esperienza nel mercato del beverage ha portato l’azienda a fornire una consulenza a 360°, basata sullo studio dei trend del mercato locale e della domanda del consumatore, fornendo soluzioni flessibili ed economicamente vantaggiose in grado di adattarsi ai singoli business plan nelle tempistiche programmate. • Studio e disegno delle bottiglie per migliorare l’identità del Vostro brand. • Engineering e modifica di linee adatte alle Vostre strutture. • Budget affidabili per smontaggio e rimontaggio di linee; modifiche; upgrade e conversioni. • Pacchetti manutenzione. • Rilocazione di linee esistenti.
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• Opportunità di miglioramento per un risparmio di costi e un aumento della produttività. Forniture chiavi in mano, senza compromessi Sia per le linee nuove o revisionate, BBM mette a disposizione del cliente un unico referente in grado di gestire un pacchetto chiavi in mano: un supporto che va dall’engineering della linea e di processo alla fornitura di macchinari e attrezzatura subordinata, fino all’attività di service on-site. Il valore aggiunto dell’assistenza tecnica per far funzionare il vostro impianto efficacemente BBM può assistervi durante l’intero ciclo di vita delle macchine. • Supporto hotline individuando rapidamente il malfunzionamento e guidando i vostri tecnici step-by-step nella riparazione. • Assistenza tecnica on-site per risolvere le emergenze facendo ripartire le vostre macchine nel minor tempo possibile. • Fornitura di ricambi originali e/o alternativi. • Assistenza durante i picchi di stagione, assicurando una presenza a 360° mentre la linea sta funzionando al massimo. • Accordi full-service per mantenere le performance al top durante il ciclo di vita delle Vostre macchine. 02/02/16 11:16
San Pellegrino Terme · 24016 ∙ Bergamo (BG) Italy · Tel +39 0345.23642
02/02/16 10:44
TMG IMPIanTI, PackInG and PallETIzInG soluTIons
2016 edition
stablished in the 1976, TMG has been successful on several global markets, thanks to a continuous research and a professional experience that allowed to gain a qualified technological know-how, to apply in the end of line systems all over the world. The direct contact with the customer is a chance of constant innovation of our packing machineries range, resulting progressively suitable for any needs and different applications. The products range comprises carton erector, carton packer, carton sealer, palettisers, depalettisers and robot. These machines are often combined together to supply complete turnkey solutions of automated packing systems end-of-line. In the latest years, TMG has realized many palletizing and packaging systems of different products, especially in Beverage sector, in which it has satisfied many international customer’s needs. Nowadays TMG produces around 200 palletisers per year and has installed almost 7000 palletising systems all over the world since 39 years.
Production range: Palletisers - Carton erectors - Case Packers and unpackers - Tape and Glue sealers - Robots Stretch wrappers - Conveyors and transports - Pallet handling systems. Market sectors: TMG Impianti is specialized in handling bottles and containers, both glass and plastic (like PVC and PET) for the food sector, beverage (wine, juices, beer etc.), chemical and home and care industry (shampoo, detergents, washing powders) and special applications like mineral oil and edible oil. Another important industry where TMG Impianti is present is the “big bags and sacks”. The company is one of European leading company in the sacks - big bags palletisation with several applications around the world in this industry.
ondata nel 1976, TMG Impianti ha saputo imporsi nei mercati mondiali attraverso la continua applicazione delle esperienze maturate sul campo, riuscendo così a sviluppare una qualificata conoscenza tecnologica, grazie ad innumerevoli installazioni di proprie linee in tutto il mondo. Il contatto diretto con i clienti permette una costante innovazione dei macchinari, risultanti, quindi, sempre più adatti alle molteplici esigenze in continua evoluzione. La linea di prodotti comprende formatori di cartoni, incartonatrici, chiudi cartoni, palettizzatori, depalettizzatori e robot. Queste macchine sono poi combinate assieme in modo da fornire complete soluzioni chiavi in mano di impianti di confezionamento nel fine linea. Negli anni TMG ha realizzato molteplici impianti per la palettizzazione e confezionamento di svariati prodotti soprattutto nel settore Beverage, dove, applicando come sempre passione ed entusiasmo, si è assicurata la fiducia di prestigiose organizzazioni multinazionali. Oggigiorno TMG progetta e realizza, in una prospettiva annuale, circa 200 linee di incartonamento e di palettizzazione. In quasi 40 anni di attività, TMG ha installato circa
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7000 macchine in tutto il mondo, un traguardo importante che rispecchia l’elevata professionalità dell’azienda. Gamma di prodotti: Palettizzatori - Formatori di cartoni Incartonatrici incassettatrici - Chiudi cartoni - Robots - Avvolgitori - Trasporti e dispositivi - Sistemi di movimentazione pallet. Settori di mercato: TMG Impianti è specializzata nella movimentazione di bottiglie e contenitori, di vetro e di plastica (come PVC e PET), nei settori del food, beverage (vino, succhi, birra ecc), chimico e dei prodotti di cura personale e di casa (shampoo, detergenti, detersivi ecc) e alcune applicazioni specifiche come gli olii alimentari. Un altro settore importante per TMG è quello dei sacchi e dei contenitori. TMG è una delle realtà leader in Europa nel settore del winery, offrendo soluzioni personalizzate per l’incartonamento, la palettizzazione e la movimentazione interna dei prodotti. 04/03/16 16:16
04/03/16 16:04
a susTaInaBlY ElITE Pack soluTIon FRoM lInPac
2016 edition
he Rfresh Elite® tray from LINPAC is the ultimate solution for meat and poultry packers in search of a sustainable tray packaging option. The tray uses a unique, patented sealant on the tray flange to create a secure seal with the lidding film, removing the need for the industry standard laminated PE base film. The ingenious sealing system is food contact approved and can be removed in the hot wash processes employed by Europe’s PET recycling companies, meaning a recycled Elite tray will yield 100 per cent crystal clear PET - a breakthrough in tray packaging design. On the packers’ production line, the sealing system requires a reduced seal temperature and dwell time, delivering an estimated 15 per cent reduction in energy use per line and higher packing speeds, boosting capacity. For retailers, the improved seal strength, which Elite offers, minimises the number of leaking packs helping to reduce in-store food waste. Elite trays are manufactured from up to 95 per cent post consumer recyclate and are low weight; yet retain product performance thanks to process and product innovation
at LINPAC. rPET is a popular packaging material choice due to its versatility, recyclability, lightweight nature, on-shelf appeal, barrier and food safe properties. LINPAC has invested heavily in its in-house super cleaning technology, which is EFSA approved, to ensure its rPET meets stringent safety and hygiene rules for food packaging. Suppliers of post-consumer flake to LINPAC undergo a rigorous approval process to meet EFSA standards and LINPAC carries out extraction and migration testing regularly to ensure processes are exceeding European food safety standards. Ricardo Cabeza, managing director for southern Europe at LINPAC, said: “The challenge for plastics processors supplying the industry is ensuring that the recycled plastic is suitable for food use and free from contamination. Our customers can have complete peace of mind when choosing LINPAC rPET that this is the case. The entire structure is food safe, visible, controlled and challenged.”
l vassoio Rfresh Elite® di LINPAC è la soluzione definitiva per i confezionatori di carni e pollame alla ricerca di una soluzione di packaging in vassoio che sia sostenibile. Il vassoio utilizza un inimitabile sigillante brevettato sulla flangia del vassoio per creare un sigillo sicuro con la pellicola di copertura, eliminando in tal modo la necessità della pellicola di base in PE laminato che rappresenta uno standard nel settore. Questo intelligente sistema di sigillatura è stato approvato per il contatto alimentare e può essere rimosso tramite i processi di lavaggio a caldo impiegati dalle aziende di riciclaggio PET europee, di modo che un vassoio Elite riciclato possa offrire il 100% di PET assolutamente trasparente, un’innovazione straordinaria nel design del packaging per i vassoi. Sulla linea di produzione dei confezionatori, il sistema di sigillatura richiede una temperatura di sigillo e un tempo di riposo inferiori e offre una riduzione stimata del 15% per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo energetico per linea e maggiori velocità di confezionamento, in modo da aumentare la capacità. Per i rivenditori al dettaglio, la migliore forza della chiusura offerta da Elite minimizza il numero di confezioni che presentano perdite ed aiuta a ridurre gli sprechi alimentari in negozio. I vassoi Elite sono prodotti utilizzando fino al 95% di materiali riciclati post-consumo e presentano un peso ridotto. Tuttavia,
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conservano le prestazioni del prodotto grazie al processo e all’innovazione del prodotto di LINPAC. L’rPET è una scelta di packaging popolare grazie alla sua versatilità, riciclabilità, leggerezza, aspetto in esposizione e proprietà di barriera e di sicurezza alimentare. LINPAC ha investito molto nella sua tecnologia di pulizia interna, approvata da EFSA, allo scopo di assicurare che il suo rPET risponda alle rigide normative in materia di sicurezza e igiene per il settore del packaging alimentare. I fornitori di materiali post-consumo a LINPAC vengono sottoposti ad un rigoroso processo di approvazione in modo da rispondere agli standard EFSA e LINPAC esegue test di estrazione e migrazione in maniera regolare per assicurare che i processi superino gli standard di sicurezza alimentare europei. Ricardo Cabeza, Direttore generale per l’Europa meridionale presso LINPAC, ha dichiarato: “La sfida per i trasformatori di plastica che riforniscono l’industria sta nell’assicurare che la plastica riciclata sia idonea per l’utilizzo alimentare e priva di contaminazioni. I nostri clienti possono stare certi che le cose stanno proprio così quando scelgono l’rPET di LINPAC. L’intera struttura è sicura dal punto di vista alimentare, visibile, controllata e sempre messa alla prova”. 15/12/15 11:27
fresh thinking...
Rfresh Elite
the next generation in MAP packaging Rfresh Elite delivers weight reductions below the industry PET/PE standard Save up to 15% in line energy consumption and increase output by up to 10% Fresh, crystal clear presentation Improve your tray seal strength by up to 60% reducing wase and returns Improved visual inspection pre and post sealing
LINPAC Packaging Verona s.r.l., Via Monte Pastello 40, San Giovanni Lupatoto, 37057 VR, Italy
fresh thinking |
t: +39 045 92 16 411 e: INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3
16/12/15 10:11
MakRo laBEllInG: TEcHnoloGY In EVoluTIon on a sMall and laRGE scalE
2016 edition
odularity, flexibility and practicality are the three key concepts expressing the philosophy of a company whose strong point is technological innovation. This is what the market wants and this is what customers get from the Italian based Makro Labelling, international standard setter for industrial labellers in the Beverage, Food, Personal & Home Care and Pharmaceutical sectors. The thirty years’ experience of its founders, extensive international sales network (the Italian branch, plus Makro UK (distributor for Great Britain), agents and representatives) and rapid and precise before and after sales service, together with operational flexibility and the ability to anticipate the market’s needs, all enable the company to satisfy every labelling need and expand constantly on markets in Europe, America, Russia, the ex-Soviet Union countries and the Middle East. a range of labellers for production speeds of 1,500 to 50,000 b/h The Makro Labelling range includes labellers able to process from 1,500 to 50,000 bottles per hour, applying up to five labels per bottle and available in wet glue, hot melt, self-adhesive and combined versions. For companies not requiring high production speeds, the MAK 01, MAK 02 and MAK1 labellers provide speeds of up to 12,000 b/h with mechanical or electronic rotation of the bottle plates. With special applications and able to cope with production speeds of up to 50,000 b/h, the MAK 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 labellers, on the other hand, satisfy the needs of medium to large companies. The range includes a high speed self-adhesive labeller with reel winders and non-stop system enabling production to continue at maximum speed even during reel changes and a combined labeller to apply the fiscal guarantee seal.
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For the high-volume PET labelling market (water and soft drinks sectors in particular), Makro Labelling has developed the new MAK Roll Feed line of rotary labellers with production speeds of 6,000 to 40,000 b/h. The use of wrap-round plastic labels on a reel with hot melt application has maximum economic benefits for production with respect to traditional OPP or pre-cut paper labels. The modularity of the MAK Roll Feed also allows the roll feed unit to be replaced with a hot melt unit for pre-cut, wet glue or self-adhesive labels, satisfying the need for maximum operational and configuration flexibility. MAKLINE is a linear self-adhesive labeller designed to package blocks of phials and ampoules with a volume of 5 to 25 ml. Designed for the Pharmaceutical and Personal & Home Care industries, these labellers can print technical data on the label and adapt to the format of the ampoule on which the labels are applied. In common with the entire Makro range, the MAKLINE is fitted with the Vision Control system to verify the precision of the packaging and manage rejects. Introduced onto the market in 2014, the Follower optical guide system (an exclusive Makro patent) enables the bottles to be aligned for application of labels in precise positions with respect to a reference on the bottle and reduces format change times. It is available in carbon fibre and fitted with a line scan camera. The Makro Labelling technical and R&D departments work incessantly to develop pioneering products with an unlimited working life and able to satisfy all production needs - a constant and systematic commitment which over the years has led the company to deposit numerous patents giving its labellers maximum functionality and ease of use. 22/01/16 15:16
Technology for great numbers
Labelling in the Beverage, Food, Home & Personal Care and Pharmaceutical industries has always been our passion and our primary activity. Innovative technologies, an international sales and after-sales network and configuration flexibility are our strong points. Satisfying all labelling needs from 1,500 to 50,000 b/h is our result, appreciated by companies of every size. The more than 400 success stories throughout the world during six years of activity is our greatest confirmation.
Makro Labelling srl • Via S. Giovanna d’Arco, 9 • 46044 Goito (MN) • Italy Tel.: + 39 0376 1872203 • Fax: +39 0376 1872197 • •
alTEcH, sYsTEMs FoR laBEllInG
2016 edition
LTECH - Advanced Labelling Technologies - engineers, manufactures and distributes systems for labelling and material identification, by means of self-adhesive labels. Its range encompasses the following products: the self-adhesive ALstep (low-cost) and ALritma (hi-tech) labelling heads, the ALline in-line labelling systems suitable for front/back and wrap-around labelling of jars, cans and bottles, the ALcode real time printing/application units for labelling boxes, pallets and bundles; besides the trading of SATO barcodes printers sold in Thermal label printers family with their software and ribbons. Latest development is the advanced range ALpharma for the labelling of pharmaceutical products. ALTECH machines are used in every industry field, from food to cosmetics, from pharmaceutics to chemistry. Today, the company distributes its systems all over the Italian territory through a network of direct sales , while the commercial distribution for Europe and overseas takes place in more than 50 countries through a network of 80
qualified resellers and 3 subsidiary companies in the United Kingdom, the United States and Argentina. our strengths • Expert personnel with a true passion for engineering. • Machines and systems designed to be modular and expandable; all components are accessible and interchangeable. • Use of high-strength alloys, high-reliability electronic and pneumatic components. • Compliance with safety requirements and good manufacturing practices. consulting and services Our expert knowledge of logistics, packaging and materials issues allows us to configure our labellers to solve any labelling problems and to create customized solutions for our customers.
LTECH - Advanced Labelling Technologies - progetta, costruisce e distribuisce macchine etichettatrici industriali e sistemi di identificazione dei materiali mediante etichette autoadesive. La gamma di sua produzione comprende: applicatori di etichette autoadesive ALstep (low-cost), testate etichettatrici ALritma (hi-tech), sistemi di etichettatura lineari ALline per l’etichettatura fronte/retro e avvolgente di flaconi, barattoli, bottiglie, sistemi di Stampa Applicazione di etichette in tempo reale ALcode per l’etichettatura di scatole, fardelli e pallet; oltre alla commercializzazione di stampanti SATO per codici a barre, unitamente a relativo software e gamma di nastri di stampa. Negli ultimi anni ALTECH ha integrato tra i suoi prodotti i sistemi di etichettatura per prodotti farmaceutici ALpharma. Le etichettatrici ALTECH vengono utilizzate in tutti i settori industriali, per l’etichettatura dei prodotti alimentari, l’etichettatura di cosmetici ed etichettatura di prodotti chimici e farmaceutici. Oggi l’azienda distribuisce i suoi sistemi su tutto il territorio italiano attraverso una rete di vendita diretta, mentre la distribuzione commerciale per l’Europa e d’oltreoceano avviene in più di 50
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paesi tramite una rete di 80 distributori qualificati e 3 sussidiarie nel Regno Unito, USA e Argentina. Punti di forza: • Personale esperto con una grande passione per l’ingegneria. • Macchine e sistemi concepiti in modo modulare ed espandibile, tutti gli elementi sono accessibili e intercambiabili. • Utilizzo leghe ad alta resistenza, componenti elettronici e pneumatici di elevata affidabilità. • Rispetto normative sulla sicurezza e la buona fabbricazione. consulenza e servizi: L’approfondita conoscenza delle problematiche logistiche, di packaging e dei materiali ci consentono di configurare le macchine etichettatrici per qualsiasi problema di etichettatura e di definire soluzioni personalizzate per i nostri clienti. 10/12/15 11:19
24/06/15 12:55
A.M.D. ElEctronic, coMplEtE SolutionS for Error-frEE lAbElS & pAckAging
2016 edition
.M.D. ELECTRONIC, a reliable partner for the quality control of your products starting from the artwork printed on to the packaging to the detection of contaminants in food. Since 1989, when it was founded, A.M.D. Electronic has shown particular interest in the feedback of those who work directly in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and graphic domain in order to be able to better respond to customer needs with a wide range of solutions.
The Vision Systems for the detection of contaminants in the products are based on the innovative technology NIR (infrared), which allows working in the shadow area that is not covered by the Metal Detector and X-Ray systems, i.e. when the contaminant’s specific weight is similar or even lower than that of the product itself. This technology allows you to intercept foreign bodies such as insects, wood, plastic, paper, non-calcified bones, etc. The Electronic Proofreading Systems for the inspection of text documents and artwork, as well as the inspection of printed materials, guaranteeing the quality, the integrity and the total absence of errors on your packaging. Automating the proofreading process to control your materials is crucial for all those companies who realize how errors could adversely affect one’s image in the market and what economical damage could result from a mistake that escapes the human eye. The Italian and European regulations are increasingly strict on labeling and packaging and are becoming an additional incentive for automation of inspections. Our partners have developed specific software systems able to operate with extreme efficiency and speed, removing the risk of human error. With these solutions, you can verify both graphics and text, assuring the conformity of the documentation under inspection to the reference document or approved artwork, during the development of the artworks as well as during the final production of printed material. The Artwork management Systems provide optimization of the artwork creation process, reducing the time of the various steps and removing redundancies.
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Artwork creation involves several specific functions: graphic studios, legal dept., translations, marketing, etc. until you get to the Printer. Each department must contribute to the final appearance of the package in order to have a compliant yet attractive appearance for the consumer whilst at the same time, containing all the required information for which accuracy is crucial. The exchange of information among the various operators requires several steps. The Kallik solution provides a “package of functions” which are developed expressly to handle all the necessary information - both graphic and text - for the artwork creation process. The system also integrates with the customer’s own existing database, organizing it and placing it in the appropriate packaging space, and then prepares a complete artwork, ready for approval. It is important to highlight that the system is “scalable”, meaning that it can be “assembled” from the simplest solutions, asset management and approval, to a fully integrated end-to-end artwork work management solution. Among the systems for anti-counterfeiting, it is noteworthy the revolutionary HD BARCODE system. It looks like a Datamatrix, but able to contain about 170 times more information, or 50,000 times more information than a traditional EAN bar code system. HD barcode can hold up to 700kb! At “Track & Trace” level, HD Barcode become a very effective tool, since it allows full traceability of a product. In the food domain, it can become an important tool to control and guarantee the originality of a production. As for the consumer, HD Barcode becomes a very useful tool to have information about the product since, differently to a normal QR Code, it can be read through a normal Smartphone without needing an Internet connection. In this way, a buyer in a supermarket may be able to make an informed choice on the purchase of products if equipped with HD Barcode, because for each of them, has at disposal information on the entire production chain. 09/02/16 11:06
09/02/16 09:51
MicrolinE, QuAlitY, rEliAbilitY AnD AftEr-SAlES Support
2016 edition
utomatic packaging the Microline way A leading light in the Emilia Romagna packaging valley, Microline’s team of experts can boast more than thirty years experience in automated packaging machinery manufacturing, in particular end-of-line systems, such as bundlers, top- or side-load case packers, conveyor belts and palletisers. Our machinery modular design allows its engineers to tailor each packaging system to suit the requirements of customers from a wide range of sectors, including food, tissue and cosmetics. Indeed, the company offers highly specialised, customised and flexible solutions: • turnkey conveyor, orientation and (top- or side-loading) case packing and palletising lines; • turnkey complete conveyor, orientation, bundling (secondary packaging) and palletising lines.
Microline can also improve an existing system’s efficiency and productivity by integrating a single piece of machinery into the production line and reorganising the entire system to meet changing needs. Our turnkey services also include design, layout, transportation, assembly, maintenance, commissioning, staff training and supply of spare parts. Environmental issues have always been a matter of paramount importance to the Bologna-based company, which develops its systems according to a sustainable development approach that guarantees both economic advantages and a low impact on the ecosystem. All Microline bundlers use the entire film roll, without generating trimmings or scraps, thereby allowing savings of around 25/30% in wrapping material and consequent energy savings for shrink-wrapping devices, as well as cutting the disposal costs for wrapping material scrap.
l confezionamento automatico secondo Microline Fiore all’occhiello della packaging valley emiliana, i professionisti Microline hanno un’esperienza ultratrentennale nella produzione di macchine automatiche per imballaggio di fine linea come fardellatrici, incartonatrici a riempimento orizzontale o verticale, nastri trasportatori e pallettizzatori. La concezione modulare delle macchine permette ai tecnici di personalizzare ciascun sistema di confezionamento in base alle esigenze dei clienti provenienti dai settori più diversi, dal food, al tissue, alla cosmetica. L’azienda offre infatti soluzioni altamente specializzate, personalizzate e versatili: • linee complete di trasporto, orientamento ed incartonamento a riempimento orizzontale/verticale e palletizzazione “turn key”; • linee complete di trasporto, orientamento, fardellamento (packaging secondario) e palletizzazione “turn key” .
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Microline è inoltre in grado di migliorare l’efficienza e la produttività di un impianto preesistente, inserendo nella linea produttiva un singolo macchinario e riorganizzando l’intero impianto alle nuove esigenze. Al fine di dare un servizio “chiavi in mano”, l’azienda offre anche servizi di progettazione, realizzazione lay-out, organizzazione del trasporto, montaggio, manutenzione, avviamento, formazione del personale e ricambistica. Sul fronte del rispetto ambientale l’azienda bolognese ha sempre prestato una particolare attenzione; ha infatti sviluppato sistemi improntati sullo sviluppo sostenibile in grado di garantire sia vantaggi economici sia un basso impatto sull’ecosistema. Tutte le confezionatrici Microline infatti utilizzano la bobina di film al 100 %, senza creare rifili o scarti di materiale, garantendo così un risparmio del materiale dell’ordine del 25/30 %, oltre a una conseguente riduzione del consumo elettrico per i dispositivi di termo retrazione e all’eliminazione degli ulteriori costi di smaltimento dei materiale di scarto. 20/01/16 17:42
Play with Us
High speed, great flexibility, excellent productivity. Our machines simply devour tins, jars, bottles and bags. They will not stop until their task is complete, are reliable and efficient. Whilst young, we are already expert players. We love to work side-by-side with our customers. We thrive on challenges. Play alongside us, together we can win the game.
conveyors - shrink-wraPPing machines - case-Packers - Palletisers Microline s.r.l. Via Emilia 33/C - 40011 Anzola dell’Emilia (BO) Italy - ph. +39 051 6166696 - fax +39 051 6188252 - - INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3
13/01/16 16:14
BEuMER sTRETcH Hood a: sMallER, FasTER, MoRE PRacTIcal
2016 edition
or companies in the construction material, chemical or food and beverage industries, the topic of safety when transporting and storing palletised products has been becoming more important. This is what prompted BEUMER to develop a new machine in its proven BEUMER stretch hood model range that offers even more practical and safer handling for the user, compared with other machines in this model range. To facilitate work for maintenance staff, and thus ensure higher machine availability, the new BEUMER stretch hood A is accessable without a platform and steps. Maintenance work, such as changing the blades, or the sealing bars, are now handled at floor level. The operator opens a drawer for these activities, providing free access to blades and sealing bars. The machine is automatically brought to a standstill to protect the operator. This removes the need to move subassemblies to maintenance position. Due to this rapid access capability, maintenance work is accelerated, and the risk of accidents and malfunctions minimised. The machine’s ergonomics have also been consistently advanced. With just a few actions, and completely without tools, the operator can feed in the film. This means substantial reductions to tooling and conversion times. Additional benefits include the compact design of the BEUMER stretch hood and the resulting low height and small footprint. An innovative, material friendly film transport system feeds the previously created film hood into the system. On its way to the crimping and stretching unit, the sealing seam on the film hood cools down so that it can be crimped without loosing time. This removes the need for an energy-intensive cooling unit and time-consuming cooling. The pallets can be packed in a shorter cycle time thus reducing idle times, while at the same time ensuring improved packaging performance and less energy consumption. The developers have also improved the humanmachine interface to offer an even more ergonomic
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workflow to the user. For this, the intralogistics specialist has introduced the BEUMER Group Human Machine Interface (HMI), a newly-developed operator panel with an optimised user interface and graphical navigation. This easily understandable and intuitive interaction concept helps to define efficient working sequences. The operator can control the machine safely with only a little training saving time and money, which ensures high economic efficiency. The soft-touch panel uses pictograms to guide the user through the machine control menus. The panel also gives the operator access to all required training programs. The system is controlled by a Siemens SIMATIC S7-300. Energy-saving motors and low compressed air requirements ensure a favourable energy balance. The compressed air requirements have been significantly reduced compared with the previous model. With its U-shaped frame design, the BEUMER stretch hood can be easily connected to existing conveying systems. Removing the need to interrupt the conveying system also guarantees smooth conveying performance for the pallets and stability of the palletised goods. The BEUMER stretch hood can be equipped with the BEUMER OptiStretch system. The crimping bow, made of high-quality steel, swivels in even closer to the package, thus substantially improving the controlled application of film to the package. This improves system availability and enhances the visual appearance. The palletised goods are clearly visible through the smooth surface of the transparent, highly flexible film. Film packaging protects the goods against atmospheric influences, water, dust and insects and transport safety is substantially improved. To be able to process various films, and implement a variety of packaging processes, such as understretch or high-rack stretch, the new system can be equipped with the BEUMER multistretch system. 10/12/15 11:36
technology technology techn ADV 1/2 beumer.indd 3
SOME THINK PACKAGING SYSTEMS TAKE A LOT OF SPACE. WE THINK DIFFERENT. At BEUMER, we like to start with something good and make it better and better. Take our new transport packaging system BEUMER stretch hood® A. It’s surprisingly compact – only 13.7 m² – and combines our proven stretch hood process with energy-saving motors. You get top performance from the improved process technology and save on power costs, too. For a new dimension in machine safety, operation and maintenance, switch to the innovation of BEUMER stretch hood® A. For more information:
01/03/16 17:23
BeRtUZZI, InnoVAtIVe technologIeS FoR FRUIt AnD VegetABle PRoceSSIng
2016 edition
ertuzzi Food Processing (Bertuzzi) was founded in 1936. The core activity of Bertuzzi has always been focussed on developing innovative technologies for fruit and vegetable processing. Bertuzzi designs and supplies equipment, machines and complete plants to transform any type of vegetable and fruit into juices, concentrates, baby food, jams, ready made drinks and, in general, any fruit/vegetables base products. In particular Bertuzzi has developed a number of dedicated juice extractors for fruits like Citrus, Pineapple, Mango, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate in order to maximize the quality of the product and the yield. Bertuzzi has supplied more than 1000 plants in over 100 countries. In 2010, Bertuzzi has been integrated into the Mazzoni LB Group moving its office and workshop to the Mazzoni headquarters in Busto Arsizio. Mazzoni lB, founded in 1946, is the world leading company in the design and supply of complete plants and ma-
chineries for the production of soap and glycerine with a market share exceeding 60%. Mazzoni LB is also active in Confectionery industry: mixers and extruders for chewing gum and equipment for liquorice industry. Mazzoni LB has supplied more than 2400 plants in over 130 countries. Mazzoni lB acquired in 2012 a 40% share in Axor, the fastest growing Italian company in the design and supply of dry pasta and snacks. The Mazzoni LB Group has together with Axor and Bertuzzi an average turnover exceeding 70 million US$ with more than 130 employees with strong R&D, engineering and manufacturing capabilities and with a sales and technical assistance network present in all the main world markets.
ertuzzi Food Processing è stata fondata nel 1936. L’attività principale di Bertuzzi è sempre stata focalizzata sulle tecnologie innovative per la lavorazione di frutta e verdura. Bertuzzi progetta e fornisce attrezzature, macchine e impianti completi per trasformare qualsiasi tipo di verdura e frutta in succhi, concentrati, baby foods, marmellate, bevande ready to drink e, in generale, qualsiasi tipo di prodotto base frutta/verdura. Bertuzzi ha sviluppato macchine dedicate per l’estrazione di succo da frutti come gli Agrumi, l’Ananas, il Mango, il Frutto della Passione, la Melagrana, al fine di massimizzare la qualità del prodotto e la resa. Bertuzzi ha fornito più di 1000 impianti in più di 100 paesi. Bertuzzi Food Processing è parte della Mazzoni LB Group. La sede e l’officina sono integrate nella sede moderna e funzionale Mazzoni a Busto Arsizio. Questa acquisizione ha rafforzato le attività di entrambe le società nella industria alimentare con il potenziamento della R & S, ingegnerizzazione, produzione e le capacità commerciali con una rete di vendita presente in tutti i principali mercati mondiali.
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Mazzoni LB, fondata nel 1946, è l’azienda leader nella progettazione e fornitura di impianti completi e macchinari per la produzione di sapone e glicerina, con una quota di mercato superiore al 60% e un turnover di oltre 50 Milioni di US$. Mazzoni LB è attiva anche nel settore Dolciario: mescolatori ed estrusori per gomma da masticare e linee per la produzione di liquirizia . Mazzoni LB ha fornito oltre 2400 impianti in oltre 130 paesi. Mazzoni LB ha acquisito nel 2012 una quota del 40% in Axor, l’azienda italiana in più rapida crescita nella progettazione e fornitura di macchinari e impianti per la produzione di pasta secca e snack. Il Gruppo Mazzoni LB insieme ad Axor e Bertuzzi ha un fatturato medio superiore a 70 milioni di dollari con oltre 130 dipendenti con una forte R & D, progettazione e capacità di produzione e con una rete di vendita e assistenza tecnica presente in tutti i principali mercati mondiali. 10/12/15 11:10
a company of MAZZONI LB
BERTUZZI FOOD PROCESSING Srl, founded in 1936, is one of the major world players in the design and supply of machines and complete plants to transform any type of vegetable and fruit into juices, concentrates, baby food, jams, readymade drinks etc.
BERTUZZI FOOD PROCESSING Srl, fondée en 1936, est l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux dans la conception et la fourniture de machines et d'installations complètes pour la transformation de tout type de végétales et de fruits en jus, concentrés, aliments pour bébé, confitures, boissons prêtes à l'emploi, etc. INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3
03/04/15 15:52
PIgo, oUR VISIon, oUR MISSIon AnD PhIloSoPhy oF eXcellence
2016 edition
ur vision, our mission and philosophy of excellence. In a country with food manufacturing potentials, food manufacturing has to be set as one of the pillars of technological and economical progress. PIGO set a goal to become an initiating force in technological and consequently economical progress in food processing industry, a leader in country and in the world in manufacturing of food processing machines from its program. Today, PIGO has established itself as a world-class leader in the design and manufacture of high technology freezing equipment and freeze dryers, as well as fruit and vegetable processing equipment, with an extensive experience in both freezing and fruit and vegetables processing. PIGO machines are the result of many years of experience, research and development. PIGO can proudly say that its machines achieve excellent operating characteristics and energy efficiency, while being user friendly, thus guaranteeing many advantages and privileges to the company’s buyers. PIGO has specialized in building fluidised bed freezers, EASY Freeze, the most suitable for IQF freezing variety of fruits, vegetables and numerous sea, meat and cheese products, redefining IQF Technology With Adaptable Air Flow. Our EASY Freeze technology is providing perfect shape of IQF product and no clumps - Full controlled fluidisation method keeps the product constantly suspended above the belt in a cushion of air. The result is the immediate crust freezing and efficient core freezing of individual pieces, regardless of type, variety or condition of product. Maximized freezing efficiency for each unique product, whether the product is heavy, light, soft, sticky or fragile, thanks to Variable speed control of all fans and belts, allowing on-the-fly optimization of air flow conditions. Internal video monitoring allows for real-time supervising of operating conditions, allowing the complete control and adjustments of the entire process from outside, with-
46 PIGO - CAT 2016 tecnologie.indd 1
out necessity to entering into the freezer. EASY Freeze is considered as the freezer with the most superior sanitation, giving the possibility to user to freeze different products one after the other without risk of cross - contamination. EASY Freeze is ENERGY SAVING and TROUBLE FREE solution for all your freezing needs. Within the freezing equipment product line, PIGO also manufactures the innovative EASY Freeze SPYRO, the latest generation of spiral freezers giving utmost advantages to the users in terms of energy efficiency, hygienic conditions and advanced technological caracteristics. PIGO freezers are built in modular sizes and all components are made entirely of stainless steel, capable to provide perfectly frozen product even for delicate products like cooked rice, raspberries, etc. PIGO also designs, fabricates and assembles sophisticated freeze dryers, EASY Freeze DRYER – LYOPHILIZER . The freeze drying - dehydration technology allows to save delicate aromas while drying the frozen product under vacuum, producing premium quality product. Premium sensorial properties for finished product, absolutely superimposable to those of the fresh product. Machine execution is entirely in stainless steel (Chamber, doors, hinges, shelf modules, trays etc). Shelf modules and vapour condenser are contained inside chamber. Each unit is equipped with complete refrigeration plant. Besides EASY Freeze, EASY Freeze SPYRO, and EASY Freeze DRYER – LYOPHILIZER, one of the company’s main machines is automatic Pitting machine PG103 having at least 50-100% higher capacity than any other pitting machine on the market. Experience of all PIGO’s clients confirms work with 0,00% of remained stones when adequate quality and preparation of the fruit (clean, calibrated product with adequate ripeness) is provided. 19/01/16 17:30
PIGO ADV FP 6-15.indd 3
18/11/15 14:24
TecnInox, machInes for The food and beverage IndusTry
Tecninox builds single machines and complete lines. The Tecninox machines are built entirely of stainless steel and are made to the customers’ requirements. At the basis of the Tecninox work is the great production flexibility, combined with a high degree of professionalism in order to offer the most advanced technology in realising pasteurisers for beer.
Information: main production range: Machines for food and beverage industry. Additional production range: Machineries for tomato processing; machines for fruit processing; machines for jam processing; machine to process vegetables, mushrooms, vegetables with oil or vinegar pickle; pasteurisers for beer cooling tunnels for any type of container and product; pasteurisers tunnel coolers for beer and beverage; static sterilizers for any type of container and product; batch evaporators; cooking vessels; autoclaves; cutters; cooker for snails and other food products, autoclaves, linear filling stations, linear filling stations by water rain, circular and volumetric fillers; Electrical and gas roasters for vegetables; Steamy and electrical concentration boule
2016 edition
ecninox has been building machines for the food and beverage industry, as well as the pasteuriser for beer, and is willing to examine any customer’s enquiry and request of supply. Tecninox plants and pasteurisers for beer are built according to the latest manufacturing technologies and are used for the beer heating processing and the pasteurisation lines in full bottles or cans. The strength of Tecninox is in heat treatment.
ecninox costruisce macchine per l’industria alimentare e delle bevande, ed è disponibile a esaminare le necessità del cliente per preventivi ed eventuali forniture. La forza di Tecninox è nel trattamento termico. Tecninox produce singole macchine e anche linee complete per la trasformazione della frutta e dei prodotti agricoli. Le macchine di Tecninox sono completamente costruite in acciaio inox e vengono realizzate a seconda delle esigenze del cliente. Alla base del lavoro di Tecninox c’è senz’altro la grande flessibilità della produzione unita ad un alto grado di professionalità. Gli impianti di Tecninox sono realizzati con l’utilizzo delle più moderne tecnologie di produzione e possono essere impiegati per le seguenti lavorazioni: - macchinari per la lavorazione del pomodoro;
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per la lavorazione della frutta; per la produzione di marmellate; per la lavorazione di verdure, funghi, sottolio, sottaceto; pastorizzatori - raffreddatori a tunnel per ogni tipo di contenitore e prodotto; pastorizzatori - raffreddatori birra e bevande; sterilizzatori statici per qualsiasi tipo di contenitore e prodotto; evaporatori a batch; bacinelle di cottura; autoclavi; cutter; pentola di cottura lumache e altri prodotti alimentari; bolla di concentrazione a vapore e elettriche; arrostitori elettrici e a gas per verdure. 04/02/16 18:25
Machineries to process tomato, fruit, jam, vegetables, mushrooms, vegetables with oil or vinegar pickle; pasteurisers - tunnel coolers for any type of container and product; pasteurisers - tunnel coolers for beer and beverage; static sterilizers for any type of containers and product; batch evaporators; cooking vessels.
TECNINOX DI A.NAMAZIANO S.R.L. Via Costa ,27 - 43035 Felino, Parma - Italy - Tel: +39 0521804286 - TECNINOX ADV A4_2016.indd 1
22/02/16 11:07
MFT: Three generaTions oF experience in Food-processing
2016 edition
he roots of MORRONE FOOD TECH (M.F.T. srl) date back to 1946 when Mr Giulio Raiola, Maurizio Morrone’s grandfather, started manufacturing food-processing machinery. During his first 40 years of activity, Giulio Raiola’s company establishes itself as leader manufacturer of processing equipment for the canning industry, namely tomato and peach processing. In the early 90’s Mr Raiola develops the first models of his peeler for apples, pears, citrus and kiwis, besides fruit cutters and other pieces of equipment that allow him to expand the company’s core business to the whole fruit-processing industry, including the then-emerging sector of fresh-cut fruit products. In 2009, Maurizio Morrone takes over his grandfather’s business and, besides developing the existing production range, he enhances research and designing activities with the aim of applying his own and his staff’s know-how to vegetable processing as well. In so doing, the company won a large number of major customers in the vegetable canning industry: “From small concerns, which we support in achieving their growing aims by designing versatile and multipurpose solutions, to large companies, which challenge
us to keep developing equipment with ever-increasing productivity”. THE RANGE: Always forwarding the fruit peelers and cutters flagship production range, M.F.T. is today a full range supplier of complete lines for fruit and vegetable processing, from infeed to packaging, with special expertise in the following sectors: • Fruit fresh-cut products • Fruit preserves • Jams and marmalades • Candied fruit • Fruit processing and preparation for freezing • Citrus essential oil extraction • Limoncello • Dried and dehydrated fruit • Vegetable preserves • Fruit juices and purees • Citrus juices • Tomato processing and canning.
MFT: Tre generazioni di esperienza neL Food-processing
a MORRONE FOOD TECH (M.F.T. srl) affonda le proprie radici nel 1946 quando Giulio Raiola, nonno materno di Maurizio Morrone, cominciò a costruire le prime macchine per la trasformazione di prodotti alimentari. Nei primi 40 anni di attività, Giulio Raiola si afferma come leader nella produzione di macchinari per l’industria conserviera ed in particolare per la trasformazione del pomodoro e per la produzione di pesche sciroppate. All’inizio degli anni ’90 sviluppa il primo modello di pelatrice per mele, pere, agrumi, kiwi, e successivamente taglierine e altre macchine che consentono di allargare il business aziendale a tutto il settore della trasformazione della frutta in generale, compreso il settore emergente della IV gamma. Nel 2009 Maurizio Morrone diventa titolare dell’attività iniziata dal nonno e, oltre a sviluppare le linee produttive già affermate, intensifica l’attività di ricerca e progettazione per applicare il know-how personale e aziendale al settore della trasformazione della verdura allargando così la gamma di produzione e portando all’acquisizione di nuovi importanti clienti nel settore delle conserve vegetali: “Dalle aziende più piccole, che supportiamo nel raggiungimento dei loro obiettivi di crescita progettando soluzioni versatili e polifunzionali, a quelle più grandi, insieme alle quali cogliamo
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la sfida di sviluppare macchinari sempre più veloci e performanti”. LA GAMMA: Sempre privilegiando la linea di produzione delle pelatrici e taglierine per la frutta, che rappresenta il fiore all’occhiello della gamma aziendale, la M.F.T. è oggi in grado di fornire una gamma completa di soluzioni per la trasformazione di frutta e verdura dalla ricezione al confezionamento con particolare applicazione ai seguenti settori: • IV gamma di frutta • Conserve di frutta • Marmellate • Frutta candita • Preparazione di frutta per la surgelazione • Estrazione di essenze di agrumi • Limoncello • Frutta essiccata • Conserve vegetali • Puree e succhi di frutta • Succhi di agrumi • Trasformazione del pomodoro. 05/02/16 12:06
food technologies to to
and to to
pasteurize for
2016 edition
rying is the oldest system to premoisture of air are controlled by the autoserve food. Open air drying using matic control system. sun and wind has been practiced since ancient times. Industrial equipFluidized bed dryers model TS, TS PULSE, and TSA ments can ensure more consistent results speeding the process, improving quality The dryer consist of a cylindrical body (the and reducing costs. In addition to this diameter range from 0,4 to 5 meters and dryers are used for the treatment of adeven more) that is divided in two parts ditives, essences, dyes, and in general all by a special tray provided with patented industrial products utilized in food proshaped blades. They produce a lot of fast cessing. Given the breadth of the field of air’s blades such to hold in suspension the SIE SWISS Service SA application, the type of machines is very product alternated to as many zones of TEL. : 0041 91 960 10 90 variable and ranges from the little tunnel relative calm. The air flow accelerated by FAX : 0041 91 960 10 99 used by the farmer for local production of high quality the drying tray blades surround and lifts the drying matedried food up to the big belt conveyor dryer or fluidized rial creating the so called “fluidized bed”. A slow blender bed for the large scale food industry. moves the whole mass in such a way that is homogeneously invested by the air. Tunnel dryers model LIBECCIO and GHIBLI The process performed in the tunnel dryer is the closest Filter bags are placed over the drying chamber to avoid system to the natural sun drying. Material to be dried is dust pollution. The working principle is simple and is placed on trays and closed into an insulated “room” with based on the exposition of the product to a direct hot air controlled air flow and temperature. Trays can be fixed or, stream. The air in contact with the product gives it part of usually, resting on wheeled carts. The drying time ranges its internal energy. This causes the water evaporation and, from 6 to 48 hours according to the product. Size of the at the same time, the reduction of air temperature. machine is defined by the useful drying surface and varies Material can be loaded batch wise (TS type) or continufrom 10 to 860 m2. Capacity depends on the product that ously, and discharged batch wise (TS, TS PULSE) or continuously. can be loaded at a rate of 5-20 Kg per square meter. Substances to eliminate pests and melds can be added to Fast drying type Flash and Turboflash the air flow. Some materials are sensible to the temperature. Such This kind of dryers is used for fruit and vegetables. kind of materials can be dried with hot air but reducing the time of treatment to few minutes or seconds. In the Belt conveyor dryers model ETL They are single or multiple belts dryers having from 5 up “flash” technique the air flow carries and dries the product to 500 sq\m. useful surface, fitted with high efficiency in a single and quick passage. In particular the turboflash ventilation system and intermediate reheating of the dry- realizes a swirl of hot air that lift and dry the product (usually dust or little crystals, like flour or sugar, but in some ing air if required. The dryer ETL is continuous, fully automatic equipment circumstances also liquids). suitable for medium and large productions. It consists of Constructively the TSF looks similar to TS family using the one or more perforated strips on witch the product, load- same patented drying tray to separate the inlet air chamed with continuity, moves at a constant speed. The drying ber to the drying chamber. is produced by a stream of air passing through tape and Difference is the speed of the process and the extraction product. Part of the circulating air is extracted by a fan system of exhaust air that allow adjusting the residence and replaced by an equally amount of hot air. The entire time of dust inside the dryer. system is divided into standard “zones” that differ in the direction of the air flow. Temperature, air flow and relative
52 CRSI - CAT 2016 tecnologie.indd 1 18/01/16 16:24
Centro Ricerche Sviluppo Impianti SA Oso
Via Comunale 10 6807 Torricella-Taverne - Svizzera Tel.: +41 91 960 10 90 – Fax: +41 91 960 10 99
E-mail - Sito: Sede legale: Via Industria, 7 - Cadempino (CH)
SIE SWISS SA Località Signu – 6537 Grono - Svizzera Tel.: +41 91 210 36 77 – Fax: +41 91 960 10 99
E-mail: Sito: Sede legale: via la Cascata – 6547 Augio (CH)
SIE: Società Italiana Essiccatoi dal 1896
ESSICCAZIONE DELLE TREBBIE DI BIRRA Lo smaltimento degli scarti da lavorazioni agroindustriali costituisce un problema sia dal punto di vista economico che ecologico. Una soluzione alternativa allo smaltimento del prodotto fresco o essiccato suggerisce di usare gli scarti per generare energia. Il malto esausto ha, infatti, un potere calorifico di tutto rispetto, simile a quello del truciolo di legno di buona qualità (per dare un ordine di grandezza: 16700 Kj/Kg). Nell'impianto recentemente realizzato il combustibile alternativo serve per produrre vapore e, con i fumi esausti uscenti dalla caldaia, si realizza l'essiccazione del materiale umido, il quale, una volta essiccato, viene riciclato in caldaia. Il vapore serve allo stabilimento per il suo ciclo produttivo quindi dovrebbe comunque essere generato bruciando metano o gasolio.
Dal punto di vista del ciclo del carbonio il processo è largamente positivo. Infatti l'essiccazione avviene tutta attraverso fonti rinnovabili, e, se è vero che si richiede potenza elettrica, questa è largamente compensata dal risparmio di combustibile per la generazione del vapore, oltre che dall'eliminazione del trasporto su strada dei cascami.
Quest'ultimo aspetto ha ovviamente un suo impatto ambientale per niente trascurabile, per tacere delle complicazioni economiche e logistiche che comporta. Naturalmente per ottenere questo risultato è necessario un impianto di essiccazione fatto apposta per ridurre al minimo i consumi energetici e gli oneri di manutenzione.
29/05/15 17:47
Icf&WeLKo, ParTner for InnovaTIon for food IndusTrIes
2016 edition
ince 1961, I.C.F. & Welko S.p.A., an Italian company based in the mechanical-engineering district of Maranello, has been planning, manufacturing and installing plants, machines and equipment worldwide for food, chemical, pharmaceutical and agro industries. I.C.F. & Welko S.p.A. provides cutting-edge solutions for spray drying, fluidized bed drying, freezedrying, evaporation, extraction, aroma recovery, agglomeration; hundreds of our customers successfully process a wide range of products with I.C.F. & Welko S.p.A. complete “turn-key” plants, such as dairy products, coffee, breakfast and beverages (chocolate beverages, coffee extracts and surrogates, instant coffee, cappuccino, tea, herb teas, broths, soups, etc.).
cater to constantly-changing industry needs; our company knows that challenges are strategic opportunities and offers itself as the partner for your innovation, meaning a key partner for your success. Our company has an innovated and fully equipped research-testing laboratory, which allows our customers to: • simulate and test product behavior under processing conditions, • make the proper plant, machine and equipment choices, • fully understand product treatment characteristics, • identify process variables and necessary dimensioning and planning elements, • provide technological assistance for new solutions.
Each plant is tailormade to the customer’s requirements and provides outstanding performance, high automation levels, great flexibility and energy saving, in total compliance with the highest safety, security and environmental standards. I.C.F. & Welko S.p.A. has always been strongly committed to Researching and developing new technological solutions to
Our R&D lab is staffed by the most experienced and trained personnel available, whose work consists in ongoing research aimed at continuous upgrading and the increasingly better satisfaction of customers and stakeholders.
C.F. & Welko S.p.A., azienda italiana nel distretto meccanico di Maranello, dal 1961 pianifica, produce ed installa impianti, macchine e attrezzature in tutto il mondo per l’industria alimentare, chimica, farmaceutica ed agroalimentare. I.C.F. & Welko S.p.A. fornisce soluzioni avanzate per l’essiccazione a spruzzo, essiccazione a letto fluido, liofilizzazione, evaporazione, estrazione, recupero aroma, l’agglomerazione; centinaia di nostri clienti lavorano con successo una vasta gamma di prodotti grazie ad impianti completi chiavi in mano ICF & Welko SpA, quali lattiero caseari, caffè, colazione e bevande (bevande al cioccolato, estratti di caffè e surrogati, caffè solubile, cappuccino, tè, tisane, brodi, minestre, ecc.). Ogni impianto è progettato su misura delle esigenze del cliente e garantisce prestazioni eccellenti, elevato livello di automazione, grande flessibilità, risparmio energetico, nel pieno rispetto dei più elevati requisiti di sicurezza, sicurezza e ambiente. I.C.F. & Welko S.p.A. è da sempre seriamente impegnata nella ricerca di soluzioni tecnologiche nuove e in via di sviluppo per le continue esigenze dell’industria; la nostra
54 ICF & WELCO CAT 2016.indd 1
società è consapevole che le sfide sono opportunità strategiche e si propone come partner per la vostra innovazione, che significa partner chiave per il vostro successo. La nostra azienda dispone di un innovato e completamente attrezzato laboratorio di ricerca-test, che permette ai nostri clienti di: • simulare e testare il comportamento del prodotto in condizioni di lavorazione • fare la scelta corretta per impianti, macchine e attrezzature, • comprendere a fondo le caratteristiche di trattamento del prodotto, • individuare le variabili di processo e gli elementi necessari per il dimensionamento e la pianificazione, • fornire assistenza tecnologica per nuove soluzioni. Il nostro laboratorio R&D è composto dal personale più esperto e addestrato a disposizione, il cui lavoro è la ricerca continua per il miglioramento continuo e la soddisfazione di clienti e stakeholders. 21/01/16 09:56
INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3 210X297_ICF.indd 2
03/04/15 16:54 17/07/12 10.54
2016 edition
hiaravalli Group S.p.A. is a leading company in the production of blades for slicing machines, with state of the art technology and a warehouse with over 250,000 finished parts, in order to satisfy immediately the needs of the customers. Our company is the result of great passion and consistent investment of energies on entrepreneurial projects, for the creation of a wide range of extremely high quality products, 100% made in Italy, able to meet the requirements of a more and more demanding market, in constant evolution. Chiaravalli Group S.p.A. brings together the great level of know-how of the historic German trademark RASSPE, consistently the most important manufacturer of blades for slicing machines for over a century, and the thirty year experience of their own personnel, together with the advanced technological features of the machines used to complete each production stage. With our historic trademarks: RASSPE BLADES and KLINGER, we have been able to secure a strong presence in all the world markets.
The winning solution for every cut Slicing machines are used to cut an incredible range of products nowadays, the following optionals will always lead you
to perfection: THIRD GENERATION patented technology Thanks to a profile structured on two different levels, the blade’s surface in contact with the product is reduced to the minimum preventing pointless frictions, infact: • avoids the waste that is normal with traditional blades; • enables to obtain extremely thin and perfect slices; • the flavour of the product is unchanged because does not become hot. Especially recommended to cut: cheese, boiled meats, soft ham and vegetables. SAW TOOTHING: Particularly suited for bread cutting, but most of all for frozen meat and fish. These blades can be sharpened as normal, using the sharpening tool provided with the slicing machine. TEFLON COATING: ensure the blade better sliding properties when in contact with the product, very useful for cheese cutting. -
HIARAVALLI GROUP SpA è una realtà industriale leader nella produzione di lame per affettatrici con un’unità produttiva tecnologicamente all’avanguardia e un magazzino di oltre 250.000 pezzi finiti, disponibili per soddisfare immediatamente le richieste della clientela. La nostra azienda è il risultato di grande passione ed energie investite in termini di inventiva imprenditoriale nella creazione di una vasta gamma di prodotti di altissima qualità, 100% made in Italy, finalizzati a soddisfare le richieste di un mercato sempre più esigente ed in perenne movimento. CHIARAVALLI GROUP SpA fonde il grande know-how dello storico marchio tedesco RASSPE BLADES, primo costruttore in assoluto di lame per affettatrici da oltre un secolo con l’esperienza trentennale del proprio personale e l’avanzata tecnologia dei macchinari impiegati in ogni processo produttivo. CHIARAVALLI GROUP SpA è presente in tutti i mercati mondiali con i propri marchi storici: RASSPE BLADES e KLINGER. La soluzione vincente per ogni taglio Le affettatrici vengono oggi impiegate nel taglio di una notevo-
56 CHIARAVALLI - CAT 2016 tecnologie.indd 1
le varietà di prodotti, le seguenti finiture, applicabili alle nostre lame Vi condurranno sempre al risultato perfetto: TERZA GENERAZIONE tecnologia brevettata. Grazie ad un profilo di taglio strutturato su due livelli, la porzione di lama in contatto con il prodotto viene ridotta al minimo prevenendo inutili attriti, infatti: • evita i consueti sprechi delle lame tradizionali; • permette il taglio di fette sottilissime e perfette; • il sapore del prodotto rimane inalterato perché non si riscalda. Specialmente raccomandata per affettare: formaggio, carne bollita, salumi morbidi e verdure. SEGHETTATURA: Particolarmente adatta al taglio del pane, ma soprattutto della carne e del pesce surgelati; TEFLONATURA: Rivestimento che conferisce alla lama notevoli proprietà antiaderenti, consigliato per il taglio dei formaggi. - 04/03/16 15:55
08/04/15 14:47
2016 edition
ND’s ambitious goals for the future foresee constant growth, thanks to new products and to new markets. PND srl, founded in 2000, in its 15 years of activity has become an international reference for fruit processing, delivering innovative solutions to serve Fresh Cut companies, in addition to the established preserved, frozen and dehydrated ones. In PND range of product you can find peeling, coring and cutting machines for apples, pears, kiwi, oranges, pineapples, melons, strawberry, mangos with manual or automatic feeder, prewashing tank and treatment tank. The presence in the main world markets has brought the Italian company to export 90% of its production, with more than 500 units between machinery at manual feeding and automatic plants, thanks also to the annual presence in over 10 field exhibitions. PND exports its machines all around the world thanks to a commercial network that has spread out worldwide. The plant is located close to Salerno, in the green village of Scafati; its south geographical position did not stop to develop a partnership with different suppliers specialized in machinery components, gaining a Made in Italy “High Quality”. The aim for the next years is ambitious with a prevision of constant growth, thanks to new products and to new markets on which the company is working with care. Thanks to the constant research, that allows a continuous technological evolution, and to the high cooperation with its own clients, PND srl develops each year new ideas and solutions. The newborn in the family PND is the strawberry decalyx machine Mod. DF12, upgraded on field during all the 2015 and ready for processing in 2016. Not missing a shot, the decalyx machine reaches a production of high standard: up to 300 strawberries per minutes. According
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to client’s request, the machine is able to cut in half and in four pieces as well. Proud of achieving a high performance of this new creation, being under the minimum of waste and giving a quality product with the guarantee of always, with the simplicity that distinguishes them for years. Best seller in Mexico, much requested in the States and checked in the European walls, it will be the most manufactured machine in this next 2016. Side by side of this jewel, you can find the performing mango line, composed of three machines able to peel, de-stone and cut in wedges and chunks. Also well sold and easy to use, it is already for two years on the market and responds well to customer’s needs, as it is the only machine that allows to fully manage fruit in its different sizes, varieties, and ripeness. Always interesting for many advantages is melon and pineapple line, for many years in the markets and still the first choice for many companies that expect the maximum in simplicity and versatility by processing. Extremely safe even if its feeding room is opened, it is available in two models according to the capacity requested. These industrial machines, all manufactured in stainless steel and easy for maintenance, strike for its robustness, compactness, reliability, and simplicity in the same time. Designed for prolonged processing, up to 24H no stop, PND machinery like especially to technicians that notice immediately minimum service to do on them. The most appreciated skill of PND team is the smart and quick answer to all needs of the market, a complete attitude to welcome the customer before and after sale, a transparency and openness also in technical advice for tailored solutions. The customer feels comfortable, welcomed, understood and satisfied. For more info we invite you to visit our website or to write at 15/12/15 14:39
Linea Mango Mango Line
Linea Melone/Ananas Pineapple/Melon Line
Depicciolatrice per fragole Strawberry decalyx machine
Linea Mele Apple Line
2016 edition
he company Navatta, founded by Mr. Giuseppe Navatta in 1983, produces and installs fruit and vegetable processing lines and boasts references across the globe. Navatta Group is also centre of excellence for the production and installation of processing machines and plants for peeled tomato and tomato by-products; it counts many references all over the world, with capacity ranging from 20 to 120 t/h of incoming fresh product.
• high yield PATENTED fruit puree cold extraction, fruit purees/juices equalized in aseptic; • wide range of evaporators to produce tomato paste Mediterranean and tropical fruit concentrate; • evaporators for coffee and milk: evaporation before spray atomizers, freeze dryers or other dryers; • evaporators for cogeneration industry (waste treatment);
Navatta Group is today a well - established and technologically efficient reality, also thanks to the numerous companies’ acquisitions over the years, such as Dall’Argine e Ghiretti in 2001, a 40-year-old company world famous for rotary can pasteurizers and tomato pulping lines; Mova, in 2010, with extensive experience in bins handling, bins and drums emptying, palletizers and de-palletizers, washing systems; Metro International, in 2012, leader in fruit and vegetables processing, boasting international patents for juice and puree extraction, concentration plants and thermal treatment; Ghizzoni Ettore, in 2012, specialized in special batch plants for ketchup, sauces and jams. Manufacturing range NAVATTA GROUP manufactures and commissions Processing Lines, Systems, Equipment for Fruit, Tomato, Vegetables for: • peeled/diced/crushed tomatoes, tomato sauces and purees, tomato paste, all filled into any kind of package or in aseptic;
• aseptic sterilizers; • aseptic fillers for spout bags/ spout-less Bag-in-Box 3 20 liters, Bag-in-Drum 220 liters, Bin-in-Box/IBCs 1.000 - 1.500 liters; • formulated products productions (jam, ketchup, sauces, drinks) starting from components unloading to dosing, mixing, mechanical/ thermal stabilizing, to filling into any kind of package or into aseptic minitanks; • processing pilot plants; • vegetable processing as receiving, rehydration, cooking, grilling and freezing. Navatta Group’s headquarter and the two production units are located in Pilastro di Langhirano, Parma, with a total production area of 10,000 square meters. Vision Passion is the factor that drives us to higher targets, in terms of technology, products and services.
• diced, puree, juices (single strength or concentrated) from Mediterranean/tropical fruit, all filled into any kind of package or in aseptic;
Mission To constantly increase Customers’ satisfaction and fidelity.
• fruit de-frozing lines from IQF, blocks and drums;
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Navatta Group applies state-of-the-art technology to the manufacturing of machinery for the food processing industries, achieving simple effective results. It guarantees a highly professional pre-and post-sales services, thanks to the expertise of its people:
human face technology.
Progetto grafico:
NAVATTA GROUP food processing srl Via Sandro Pertini, 7 • 43010 Pilastro di Langhirano • Parma (PR) tel 0521 630322 • fax 0521 639093 NAVATTA ADV CAT 2016.indd 3
09/12/15 11:30
2016 edition
he passion for innovation has always been the driving force behind the Pieralisi Group. This is just as true today as at the outset when Adeodato Pieralisi set up his first workshop in the small town of Monsano in 1888, the start of this family-run manufacturing business. From the post-war period onwards, the Group’s main plant in Jesi has specialized in olive oil machinery and what was once a family-run manufacturing business became an industrial enterprise with a solid organization.
In the 1960’s, Pieralisi revolutionized traditional olive oil extraction systems, conquering domestic and international markets with the first decanter for olive-oil continuous processing. Starting in the 1970’s, Pieralisi moved into new sectors of the market. The Group’s large experience and know-how in the olive oil sector led Pieralisi to offer centrifugal force as a rational solution to production processes in a wide range of foodprocessing and industrial sectors. The Group’s success
was so rapid that, in just a few years, it established itself as the world’s leader company in centrifugation. The key to Pieralisi’s success in the olive oil sector is the continual testing of innovative high-tech solutions aimed at increasing customers’ olive oil yield and quality. This commitment dates back to Pieralisi’s introduction of the first continuous-processing decanter that revolutionized the olive oil extraction process. Still today the Group provides the olive oil extraction industry with modern plants that are automatically able to handle all processing stages and to keep track of all data for complete traceability of the product. In 2012 Pieralisi revolutions once again olive oil sector by introducing LEOPARD, the only centrifugal extractor with DMF technology (Multiphase Decanter) which represents the solution of the third era for olive oil extraction, turning a by-product to be disposed of into added value for the miller.
a passione per l’innovazione guida il cammino del Gruppo Pieralisi fin dalle sue origini, quando Adeodato Pieralisi, nel 1888, fonda nel piccolo borgo di Monsano la prima officina dando vita ad una realtà produttiva a carattere familiare. Dal secondo dopoguerra, nella sede principale di Jesi, l’attività si indirizza e specializza verso la produzione delle prime macchine olearie, e quello che era sistema produttivo a carattere familiare diviene una solida organizzazione di tipo industriale su ampia scala. Negli anni ’60 la Pieralisi rivoluziona i sistemi tradizionali di estrazione dell’olio d’oliva e conquista i mercati nazionali e internazionali introducendo il primo decanter per la lavorazione in continuo delle olive. A partire dagli anni ‘70 la Pieralisi individua nuovi mercati. L’esperienza e l’elevato know-how acquisiti nel settore oleario spingono il Gruppo ad offrire la forza centrifuga come soluzione razionale ai processi produttivi dei più diversi settori agro-alimentari e industriali, tanto da divenire in pochi anni
62 PIERALISI - CAT 2016 tecnologie.indd 1
leader mondiale nella centrifugazione. Alla base del successo della Pieralisi nel mercato oleario sta la sperimentazione di soluzioni tecnologiche sempre nuove che consentono ai clienti di migliorare costantemente il rendimento dell’oliva e la qualità del proprio olio. Un impegno che inizia quando la Pieralisi introduce il primo decanter per la lavorazione in continuo delle olive, rivoluzionando il processo dell’estrazione dell’olio, e che porta avanti ancora oggi offrendo ai frantoiani di tutto il mondo impianti evoluti, capaci di governare automaticamente le varie fasi di lavorazione e di gestire i dati ai fini della tracciabilità del prodotto. Nel 2012 il Gruppo Pieralisi rivoluziona ancora una volta il settore oleario introducendo LEOPARD, l’unico estrattore centrifugo con tecnologia DMF (Decanter Multifase) che rappresenta la soluzione tecnologica della terza era per l’estrazione dell’olio d’oliva, trasformando quello che era uno scarto da smaltire in valore aggiunto per il frantoiano. 13/01/16 12:48
Via Don Battistoni, 1 60035 JESI An Tel. +39.0731.2311 Fax +39.0731.231239
2016 edition
n-going innovation, exacting experimentation of special materials and strict quality controls allow FBF ITALIA to guarantee maximum performance, durability, reliability and safety
FBF Italia has designed and manufactured since 1987, high pressure homogenizers, positive displacement pumps, laboratory homogenizers, dosing systems and, thanks to the wide experience gained in this field, is now a key point-of-reference for plants manufacturers, suppliers of turn-key equipment and end-users in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. On-going innovation, exacting experimentation of special materials, strict quality controls and endurance tests allow FBF Italia to guarantee maximum performance, durability, reliability and safety; its mission is to offer to all its customers not only excellent sale services but also continuous relationship with constant, direct post- sale technical assistance; the target is to keep friendly relationship built on mutual evolution and innovation. FBF Italia’s machines are suitable to process a lot of products and can be inserted into complete process/ production, both in sanitary and aseptic design. The main utilization fields of the company machineries are: • dairy industries (milk, cream, cheese, yoghurt, caseinates, proteins, soya milk, etc.); • ice-cream industries; • food, processing, preserving and beverage industries (fruit juices, tomato sauces, oil, ketchup, eggs, vegetable greases, emulsions, concentrates, baby food, etc.); • cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrol-chemical industries (starch, cellulose, wax, colorants, beauty creams, tooth paste, detergents, disinfectants, emulsions, inks, latex, lotions, emulsifiers oils, pigments, proteins, resins, vitamins, etc.). But what about the homogenizing principle? In order to permanently mix one or more substances in a liquid, a homogenizer must be used in such a way as to make it possible to micronize and disperse the suspended particles in the fluid, rendering it highly stable even during successive treatments and storage. The product reaches the homogenizing valve at a low speed and at high pressure. As it passes through the valve, it is subject to various forces that cause the micronization of the particles: violent acceleration followed by immediate deceleration causes cavitation with explosion of the
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globules, intense turbulence together with high-frequency vibrations, impact deriving from the laminar passage between the homogenizing valve surfaces and consequent collision with impact ring. Homogenization can occur with the use of a single stage homogenizing valve (suitable for dispersion treatment), or double stage homogenizing valve (recommended for use with emulsions and for viscosity control when requested). FBF Italia’s range of machines can be commonly classified as follows: • high pressure homogenizers: The homogenizer is often necessary to mix one or more substances within a liquid. This machine allows micronizing and scattering the particles suspended in the fluid, so that the product becomes highly stable, no matter the followings treatments and storage the product may undergo. The “Buffalo Series” homogenizers are manufactured according to the UE directives and are available with capacity ranging from 50 up to 50.000 litres/hour; according to the products to be processed, the requested pressure may vary up to 2.000 bars (29.000 psi), • positive displacement pumps: these pumps are used to transfer the products from a storage system or process one to a further part of the plant at a high pressure. These machines are commonly used for feeding of spray driers, tomato paste plants, osmosis plants, etc. • laboratory homogenizers: manufactured to replicate the same homogenization conditions that can be expected in a real production process these machines offer the possibility to execute tests up to very high pressure (1500 bar) and do not need of any other device to work. Easy to use and to move, with the highest reliability, is the best choice for keeping the production always under control, • positive displacement pumps for product containing particles: these pumps are mainly used for product containing particles with a max. sizes of 15x15x15 mm such as tomato cubes, vegetable or fruit pieces. The construction of such a machine is much the same as the homogenizers, except for the compression head which is equipped with special pneumatically controlled valve groups. 28/01/16 10:25 WHAT WE DO BEST ARE HIGH PRESSURE HOMOGENISERS & PISTON PUMPS. We’ve already done it more than 3500 times and we will continue to do it better and better.
nizers e g o
om H . A complete range to suit .P a wide variety of
applications and products
We will be present at the following exhibitions:
BTA Barcelona, 21-24 April 2015 STAND P5 C124
PROPAK ASIA 2015 Bangkok, 17-20 June 2015
Pagina fiere 22x29cm_002.indd 1
Adv A4 FBF - FP 6-15.indd 3
FBF Italia S.r.l. Via Are, 2 43038 Sala Baganza (Parma) Italy Phone: + 39 0521 548200 Fax: +39 0521 835179 -
08/04/15 15:37
22/12/15 17:01
FooD&BeVerAge TeCHnoLogY
GEA, complEtE rAnGE of homoGEnizErs
2016 edition
EA is the technological leader for dynamic high pressure homogenizers and plungers pump for all industries and applications. This is the result of specific know-how and a spirit of innovation that is constantly focused on innovation and process performances. Thanks to a strategy of development of both established and potential applications often based on cooperation with our customers’ Research and Development Centers, GEA can offer highly specific and customized process solutions to always meet, ensure and repeat over time product quality excellence.
and are available with cGMP documentation. GEA offers its clients a full range of homogenizers with an unmatched scope of supply. Ariete Series homogenizers are the state-of-the-art technology for powerful, reliability and customized solutions. Each machine is internal manufacturing of all core components, for total quality control and in order to guarantee an high number of customized solutions and full traceability of parts, using the best materials and premium brand components. The homogenizing pressure can reach 1500 bar depending on specific liquid end design and configuration.
The latest set-up and continuous improvements on production technologies allow the company to offer a complete range of homogenizers from laboratory up to mass industrial sizes. The most important key of success consists in the close collaboration with customers to implement innovative and tailor-made solutions to maintain continuous product development and to guarantee efficient operations and excellent results on the final products.
The main features are the following: • Easy to use. • Highest reliability on continuous production (24/7). • Reduced operational costs (water, lubrication oil, energy). • Low environmental impact. • Fully automated and remote controlled. • High capacity at ultra-high pressure.
The Laboratory and Innovation Centre, based in Parma (Italy) next to the production plant, is a unique resource available to test homogenization technology, refine receipts, develop high efficiency homogenizing valves and evaluate the performance of installed machines. Highly qualified staff can support customers in the development of new products, to test maximum process efficiency conditions and product scalability to industrial production processes. The benefit of high pressure homogenization is well known in dairy, food & beverage, to subdivide particles or droplets present in fluids to reduce them to the smallest possible size, down to nanometer range. Thus, the process creates a stable emulsion, which improves the product shelf life, viscosity, colour, taste and consequently its performance. In addition, the use of high dynamic pressure and homogenizing valves designed and sized based on different applications allows particles to be subdivided at the required micronization and ingredients to be well mixed at the lowest possible pressure. The company is a highly respected supplier of homogenizers meeting stringent hygienic requirements and quality control systems. All machines are CIP and SIP’able
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One Series is an ideal homogenizer for dairy products and beverages, such as: pasteurized flavoured milk, cream, milk for yogurt, cheese, yogurt drinks, dressings, fruit juice and drinks. One homogenizers combine convenience and absolute quality to deliver unmatched benefits: 1. Simple: One offers a simple design construction, complete with all the options needed to be easily integrated into the system, as ready-to-use and low maintenance units. 2. Versatile: available in five versions, One homogenizers can meet any production need (from 300 l/h up to 10.000 l/h - 250 bar). 3. Reliable: constant engineering improvement, excellent quality standard of production and the competence of personnel are the winning drivers to guarantee long lasting machine.
GEA is able to offer customized solutions for all applications field and the optimized design of the homogenizing valve can guarantee energy and cost savings. Please, see more information here. ( 03/03/16 13:15
GEA High pressure homogenization Choose all the advantages of a leading process: Longer shelf-life, better overall product performance, improved taste and nutritional values
03/03/16 13:02
de nora, oZone SYSTeMS For THe SanITIZaTIon
2016 edition
hanks to the growing need to protect our ecosystem and environment, the Food & Beverage industry is always more interested in low impact technologies. That’s why De Nora proposes to Food&Beverage industry its ozone systems for the sanitization of environments and equipment and to for process water and waste water treatments. With its De Nora Next ozone systems, De Nora fulfill these needs, promoting the usage of ozone as a complement or as a green alternative to chemical products that are commonly used in the sanitization and in the protection from pathogens in F&B applications such as: • drinking water bottling; • sanitization of barriques and tonneau • process water and waste water treatment • post-harvest and storage sanitization • storage cells sanitization • air treatment
Main advantages of ozone application include: • Reduction of bacteria contamination along the whole production chain • No residuals on surfaces • Increase shelf life and life extension in storage • Reuse of process water (+ 50% water saving) • Reduction of usage, transport and storage of chemicals • Less sludge produced in the biological treatment De Nora NEXT ozone generators (MCP1-2-4-7-14, TPF, DTPF) are available in various sizes and capacities. They are able to generate ozone, on site and on-demand, starting from air or oxygen and with low power consumption (a few kW / h). In case of accidental leakages, the ozone generators automatically switch off thanks to an accurate ozone measurement performed by safety sensors.
our research - your future
a alcuni anni l’industria alimentare si sta interessando sempre di più a tecnologie a basso impatto inquinante, vista anche la sempre più sentita necessità di salvaguardare l’ecosistema e l’ambiente che ci circonda. De Nora è in grado di rispondere a queste esigenze con i propri sistemi ad ozono per la sanitizzazione di ambienti ed attrezzature e per il trattamento di acque di processo e reflue. La linea di ozonizzatori De Nora NEXT, promuovendo l’utilizzo dell’ozono, come un complemento o una valida alternativa green ai prodotti chimici utilizzati oggi per la sanitizzazione e la difesa da patogeni, in ambito F&B per applicazioni quali: • imbottigliamento acque potabili; • sanitizzazione di barrique e tonneau • trattamento delle acque di processo e reflue • sanitizzazione in post raccolta e stoccaggio • sanitizzazione celle di conservazione • trattamento dell’aria
68 INDUSTRIE DE NORA- CAT 2016 tecnologie.indd 1
Tra i vantaggi derivanti dall’utilizzo dell’ozono abbiamo: • Riduzione della contaminazione da batteri, muffe lungo tutta la lavorazione • Assenza di residui sulle superfici con cui entra a contatto • Aumento dei tempi di conservazione in cella e shelflife • Riciclo delle acque di processo con risparmio del consumo d’acqua del 50% • Riduzione dell’utilizzo , trasporto e stoccaggio di prodotti chimici • Riduzione della quantità di fanghi prodotti dagli impianti di depurazione I generatori De Nora NEXT (MCP1-2-4-7-14, TPF, DTPF) sono disponibili in varie dimensioni e portate, e in grado di produrre ozono, on site e on demand, partendo da aria e con ridotti consumi energetici (pochi kW/h). In caso di negligenza o perdite accidentali, i sensori di sicurezza, di cui sono dotati tutti i generatori di ozono De Nora NEXT, interrompono automaticamente la produzione. 26/02/16 12:38
Ozone, pure strength.
All the goodness of taste, without unpleasant surprises. Ozone is a gas with high oxidising power, active against bad odours, flavours and germs. It decomposes after use and leaves no residues. De Nora, with the line De Nora NEXT ozone systems, uses the properties of ozone to ensure higher quality of agro-food products, extend shelf life and, at the same time, ensure healthier products for the end consumers. De Nora assists the Food & Beverage industry in the design, supply and installation of ozone plants, used with increasing success for: • extending products conservation in the storage, transport and distribution phases • ensuring safer foods reducing bacteria, moulds, yeasts, fungi and mycotoxins • improving the efficiency process water treatment • wastewater treatment • sanitising tanks, surfaces and equipment In the oenological field De Nora NEXT ozone plants are used for the sanitisation of steel, resin and cement tanks and/or oak barrels and casks in a safe, effective and economical manner.
Air, oxygen, electricity
The purity that comes from Nature our research - your future +39 02 21292830
25/02/16 15:37
2016 edition
ompe Cucchi is a Company of design and production of gear transfer pumps, gear metering pumps, piston and diaphragm metering pumps and has been present since 1948 in metering and fluid transfer fields. Pompe Cucchi works in accordance with Quality System ISO 9001 ( 2008). The pumps are conformed to the Machinery Directory 2006/42/EC, 93/68/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/ EC and UNI EN ISO 14847, 809. On request we can supply pumps conformed to the directory 94/9/EC ( ATEX), API 676, NACE MR 0175. All our pumps are certified EAC (old GOST-R) and RTN. In addition to its production, Pompe Cucchi is Italian distributor of the Jabsco industrial line pumps, GRACO pneumatic diaphragm pumps and Grun-Pumpen drum pumps. Engineering, experience, expertise, passion and dedication, this is the formula for Pompe Cucchi works every day to offer the best product and service. See the production range in Mission Our mission is to design and produce gear pumps and metering pumps with engineering criteria of product that meets the needs of our customers: quality, reliability, ease of inspection, maintenance and cleaning and also provide technical assistance based on a competent team of experts in order to find solutions for multiple applications in many areas through the use of innovative materials to meet the specific technical customers’ requirements and new industrial processes. Back ground Pompe Cucchi is present in the pumps field since 1948. Founded as a manufacturer of standard gear pumps for viscous and lubricants liquid and today, thanks to the realization of innovative projects, and the continue research of new materials and surface treatment, offers products that allow to pump and dosing non-lubricating fluids with extremely low viscosity with high pressures. Our products are marketed by a network of national agents and a number of dealer around the world. The project is managed by a team of engineers using last generation CAD stations. Design The project is managed by a team of engineers using last generation CAD stations.
Production Pompe Cucchi has installed a new control numerically controlled machining centre with 18 pallets that can work 24 hours/day also not witnessed (without operator) equipped with supervising software for the management, control and integration of MCM’s production systems. This machine has a robotized tool magazine (of 400 tools). Special execution The ongoing development of our pumps project and new materials research allowed us to produce pumps in TITANIUM and in HASTELLOY C. Executions can be differentiated with the installation of single mechanical seals, double in tandem, double back to back or magnetic coupling also ATEX certified. We have also developed the insertion of bushings and wear plates made of tungsten carbide and chromium oxide-covered shafts in some size of dosing pumps series N used for metering of slightly abrasive products. On food sector, we have also the option to fit all components FDA certified. Surface heat treatments The new thermochemical treatments have given to gears and shafts, of some pumps range, surface hardness up to 4000 Vickers allowing new applications until a few years ago thought impossible. Test All pumps are hydraulically tested. The workshop is equipped with a pump test bench with a proper software for measuring, displaying and printing of various hydraulic and electrical parameters. Training The training of the sales engineers of our distributors or customers who wish to apply for this service is provided by a 3D configurator visible in stereoscopy with passive glasses that allows the display of all the pumps exploded and entire assembly and disassembly of all the families of pumps of our production. This configurator also shows explanatory modules related to pump cavitation and layout examples of a metering plant. 08/02/16 16:19
Gear metering pumps range“N”
Gear metering pumps range“WP”
Gear pumps range“MX”
Gear flanged and monobloc electropumps set “F” - “FM”
Gear pumps range“B”
Piston and diaphragm metering pumps set “CP” - “CM”
Gear metering pumps “N” for Borouge 3 plant.
Gear metering pumps “N” for Braskem plant.
Gear metering pumps “N” for food plant. Pompe Cucchi Srl - Via dei Pioppi, 39 Opera (MI) - Italy - Phone: +39 02 57606287 - Mail:
2016 edition
anotti Spa is an Italian excellence that designs and manufactures systems for food refrigeration for over 50 years. Founded in 1962, the company evolved over time by improving the series of products that currently has become the most complete offer on the market. Under the name of King of Cold, Zanotti offers products that are specifically designed for food refrigeration and more to fully meet the needs of the whole cold chain. Refrigerating units from the storage of raw materials, their processing, storage and distribution in supermarkets, to dedicated shops or restaurants. Its units for refrigerated transport complete the range and ensure food handling safely. The industrial division designs and makes installations for large-volume refrigeration needs and it has a special department that is devoted to the design and implementation of installations for ice rinks. Amongst the ones made in Italy, there are the ice rinks of Courmayeur and Turin, but also the Arena of Minsk, which is the biggest one in Europe. A leader in the field, Zanotti bases its professionalism on the constant search for technological innovations to apply to the products. As for green solutions for food refrigeration, for many years Zanotti has offered units for small- and medium-capacity cells that operate on gas with a very low environmental impact (GWP=3), such as Propane R290 or Propylene R1270. Lately, the range of NATURAL GAS products has expanded to become the most comprehensive range available on the market. Condensing and CO2 monobloc (R744) units for industry use are the latest in the field of ready-to-use appliances. They are optimal solutions for quick and safe installation in medium- and large-capacity cells. The latest regulations in terms of eco-sustainability and energy savings are encouraging energy-efficient products. The new condensing units designed by Zanotti have less refrigerant charge due to new technologies related to the mini-channel, low noise and increased accessibility to components during maintenance. For the new R407F condensing units, Zanotti has recently
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obtained certification in accordance with the program developed by ASERCOM in compliance with the Ecodesign directive, which, with respect to condensing units, will come into force on 7/1/2016. Only a few companies have had their units certified. Zanotti offers a very broad range of products for applications ranging from small, medium to large capacities. For supermarkets and large logistics centers, it offers CO2 multicompressor systems in both subcritical and transcritical cycles, providing therefore a totally green product. The new generation of industrial systems with green solutions provides high performance by using screw compressors with speed control and a variable compression ratio for high efficiency. Still in the field of natural gas, ammonia (NH3) is used in the construction of industrial refrigeration plants for its historically recognized thermodynamic power. For many years Zanotti has worked with Eco-design protocols that involve the total recyclability of the machines at their end-of-life. Zanotti Spa today is an international Group, formed by production units located in Spain, England, Brazil, and has a dense network of certified distributors that provide expertise and assistance in all over the world. Recently Zanotti was chosen by large companies of the United Emirates for manufacturing refrigerating systems for catering in two important local airports. The contract of approximately 30 Ml Euros requires systems of the greatest reliability, first class finishes and rigorous hygienic conditions. Other successes ensure the reliability of Zanotti’s systems, which are manufactured throughout the world, such as that in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria for the design and provision of a facility for the storage of apples in a controlled atmosphere for extended periods, up to 7 months. Here Zanotti has outclassed the German competition by submitting projects with advanced technologies that use non-toxic intermediate fluid from the foodstuff point of view. Innovation, energy saving, quality and competence are the key words for the activities that Zanotti has carried out to date and the promises for the future. 18/01/16 14:45
A complete range of refrigerating units working with NATURAL GAS for small, medium and big cold rooms
Zanotti Spa | M.L.King, 30 | Pegognaga - MN | T +39 0376 5551 | F +39 0376 536554 | |
Zanotti_is working.1.indd 1
15/01/16 11:02
Meat processing technology
FooD&BeVerage technology
AutomAtic SyStem control (A.S.c.), mArking or lASer mArking
2016 edition
fter a 2012 marked by the event of the deadly earth quake in Emilia (6 months closed with very large economic losses), the Automatic System Control (ASC) was back on its feet with great difficulty and in 2014 recorded a slight recovery and the placement of Automatic System Control in this catalogue circulated at EXPO 2015, means that, despite Automatic System Control is a small company, it is always able to serve even big ham factories.
Laser technology made by ASC-Mark, in fact, is of great interest to all: “This is the marking or laser marking for fresh
hams, cooked, seasoned, and half carcasses presented in 2012, who then got the Italian and European patent.” Laser marking, in addition to fighting counterfeiting, enables to fulfill the European rules became operational from 01.04.2015, which requires permanent marking of stamps and lots up for sale at supermarkets. Automatic System Control is at disposal for any info or requirements.
AutomAtic SyStem control (A.S.c.), mArcAturA o bollAturA lASer
opo un 2012 segnato dall’evento funesto del terremoto in Emilia (6 mesi di chiusura con danni economici molto grandi), la Automatic System Control (A.S.C.) si è rimessa in piedi con grande fatica e nel 2014 ha fatto registrare una leggera ripresa e con la propria presenza in questo catalogo distribuito a EXPO 2015, desidera comunicare che, pur essendo una piccola realtà, è comunque in grado di servire anche i salumifici più grandi”. La tecnologia Laser-Mark presentata da Automatic System Control infatti è di forte interesse per tutti: “Si tratta della marcatura o bollatura laser per prosciutti freschi,
74 ASC - CAT 2016 tecnologie.indd 1
cotti, stagionati, e mezzene presentata nel 2012, che ha poi ottenuto il brevetto italiano ed europeo.” La marcatura laser, oltre a combattere la contraffazione, consente di assolvere alla normativa Europea diventata operativa dal 01-04-2015, che richiede una marcatura indelebile dei bolli e dei lotti fino alla vendita presso la grande distribuzione. Automatic System Control è a disposizione degli operatori per ogni eventuale esigenza o informazione.. 23/02/16 11:49
Via della Locanda, 9 - 41036 Medolla - Modena (MO) Tel: +39 053553025 - Fax: +39 0535651929 - Mobile: 340-4709614 - 05/06/15 16:56
FooD&BeVerage technology
2016 edition
FooD&BeVerage technology catalogUe
OMPANY Lawer is a solid and very Italian Company. The concentration of the design department and production in the same plant provides control over the entire manufacturing chain. The company operates in Biella area, the largest district in the national production of high quality yarns and fabrics. The know-how gained since 1970 has provided the company with the right credentials to present itself in many different industrial fields. Lawer today is a landmark for advanced dispensing systems and flexible to adapt the same to the different needs of each customer and holds a substantial number of international patents registered in many countries around the world . Besides the Italian headquarters, where Lawer produces 100% of its systems, Lawer actually has 4 foreign commercial/assistance units: TURKEY (Lawer Teknik Servis) CHINA (Lawer Shanghai Dispensing Systems) BRAZIL (Lawer do Brasil) UNITED KINGDOM (Lawer UK). MISSION QUALITY. A quality designed to last. This is the mission of Lawer, excellence expressed since the preliminary analysis to the commissioning of the equipment, to ensure safe and automated systems operated by high-class software, able to adapt themselves to the changing needs of manufacturing companies. Quality is also the ability to provide the best service and maintenance, efficient, worldwide available to be in every time close to its customers. ACCURACY. It is in every small detail that is measures the great value of a Company. Lawer has made a hallmark of accuracy. Only components of very high quality are selected for the installations, which are able to fully satisfy the requirements of current regulations. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Since the beginning Lawer has always implemented the strategic decision to invest substantially in men, in research and new technologies. The task of finding the most innovative technical solutions for the continuous improvement of systems. SAFETY. Lawer meant to be a security for their customers and to ensure a total reliability of its systems and an excellent (a long term) availability of spare parts. AFTER SALE ASSISTANCE. Flexibility, professionalism, capillarity of the international network with highly qualified Agents. A timeliness after-sales service, able to respond to every request and problem-solving, with qualified technicians, 4 Service Centres, a Web on-line remote assistance.
76 LAWER CAT 2016.indd 1
ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY. Lawer is one of the first companies in Italy to have joined “Sustainable Technologies”, for equipment and technologies that target to the centre of the manufacturer cycle the reduction of power, water and chemical materials for a more responsible production process and careful to consumption. The company is equipped with photovoltaic panels to self-produce and use renewable energy , and go on in the research of productive solutions addressed to environmental respect. PRODUCTS Lawer’s production is specialized in automatic weighing/ dosing systems for powder and liquid ingredients. All Lawer’s systems can automatically weight powders being parts of the recipes or batches in the food industry preparations where ingredients micro dosage is required. All Lawer’s systems are the result of 40 years of Lawer experience and know-how in the design and manufacturing of dosing systems for many different applications in different type of industrial production. With the automatic powder dosing systems it is possible to grant: • Highest quality of the finished product • Highest weighing precision • Replicability of the recipes • Right balance of raw materials • Production management, efficiency and cost reduction • Complete confidentiality of Know-how • Optimisation of production, less production time MORE TIME/LESS COSTS, the automatic dosage system usage reduces the production time with consequently recovering of efficiency and marginality. CONFIDENTIALITY, it is possible to keep secret the composition of the recipe and protect your creativity and your know-how. CONTROL, accessing a protected area, it is possible to monitor and verify the daily production, monthly production, the consumption of each single raw material or each single recipe. REPLICABILITY, in a fully automatic way, the system repeats countless times the error free weighing of the micro-ingredients of the recipes, guaranteeing a constant quality at all times. Less errors, less cost, higher quality of the finished product. TRACEABILITY, all weight operations carried out are saved and made available for a perfect traceability. SAVING, the systems contribute to reduce errors and time in the recipe preparation, thus reducing costs of production and personnel. Lawer is the ideal partner for the automation of the powder micro-ingredients dosing. 10/12/15 11:23
Automatic Powder Dosing
A well-established Italian company since 1970, a worldwide excellence in industrial dispensing systems, providing state-ofthe-art technology in automatic dispensing systems for powder products, single and multiple weighing systems, granting dosing accuracy, repeatability, errors reduction, traceability, safety and know-how protection. Lawer, a flexible and trustable partner for every powder automatic dosing.
dosing & dispensing systems
LAWER S.p.A. - Via Amendola 12/14 - 13836 Cossato (Bi) ITALY
silicone iteMs
FooD&BeVerage technology
2016 edition
FooD&BeVerage technology catalogUe
.P.S. Srl is a young and dynamic Company specialized in the production of silicone items 100% platinic for the food industry, to meet the needs of bakers, pastry cooks , ice-cream makers, chocolate makers and restaurateurs. Our company aim is quality, therefore we’ve choosen to have a plant with technologically advanced production lines, selecting the best raw materials. We only use 100% platinic silicone that not only has an excellent temperature range from -40° C to 260 °C (-40 to 500 °F) but is also totally atoxic, inodorous and tasteless, complying with the various international legislations that specify the use of products meant for use/contact with food, ensuring the maximum health safety. Furthermore, to optimize the food properties, every single product undergoes a heat-treatment in special ovens. TPS has a skilled design and mould production workshop that enables the creation and manufacturing of own design as well as customers’ ideas. Our experience and professionalism make it possible to create from the most simple
to the most complex shapes in order to match the needs of even the most difficult customer. All production cycles are done within our plant in order to guarantee our customers the maximum discretion concerning those products especially done according to their design / demand. The main source of T.P.S. Srl is consolidated in the range of products MADE IN ITALY created on specific customer requests and manufactured with the use of silicone 100% platinic. Experience and professionalism have made TPS to become preferred partner of the most important companies in the food, medical and industrial sectors. To ensure the quality of our products, daily visual inspections and tests on finished items are done according to: D.M. n° 104 del 21-03-1973 (Italy), Arreté du 25-11-1992 (France),BfR (Germany), FDA (USA). Our commitment i s to satisfy our customers’ requests ensuring the best quality, pricing, experience and professionality.
a T.P.S. Srl è un’azienda giovane e dinamica specializzata nella produzione di articoli in silicone 100% platinico per l’industria alimentare, per soddisfare le esigenze di panificatori, pasticcieri, gelatieri, cioccolatieri e ristoratori.La nostra azienda punta principalmente alla qualità del prodotto, per questo abbiamo dotato le nostre linee di produzione con le più moderne attrezzature ad alta tecnologia ed effettuato una scelta accurata della materia prima.Utilizziamo esclusivamente Silicone 100% platinico, che oltre ad avere un’ottima escursione termica da -40° C a + 260° C, è completamente atossico, inodore ed insapore in conformità alle Leggi internazionali che regolano l’utilizzo dei materiali destinati al contatto ed/o uso alimentare assicurando la massima sicurezza per la salute. Per migliorarne ulteriormente le caratteristiche di alimentarietà ogni singolo prodotto subisce un trattamento termico in forni speciali. Disponiamo di un’officina per la progettazione e realizzazione degli stampi che grazie all’esperienza ed alla professionalità dei nostri esperti ci permette di realizzare prodotti a campione o su disegno, dalle forme semplici a quelle più
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complesse, con dimensioni massime di cm 60 x 40, e soddisfare così le richieste dei clienti più esigenti. L’intero ciclo di lavorazione si compie all’interno dell’azienda in modo da garantire ai clienti la massima riservatezza dei prodotti eseguiti su loro specifica richiesta.La ricchezza di T.P.S. SRL si consolida quindi nella gamma dei prodotti rigorosamente MADE IN ITALY realizzati su specifiche richieste della clientela ed ottenuti con l’impiego di Silicone 100% platinico.La nostra esperienza e professionalità ha fatto si che T.P.S. SRL sia stata scelta come fornitore di primarie aziende settoriali.Per garantire la qualità del prodotto vengono eseguiti quotidianamente controlli visivi e test sul prodotto finito, formulati secondo le normative: D.M. n° 104 del 21-03-1973 (legislazione italiana), Arreté du 25-11-1992 (legislazione francese), BfR (legislazione tedesca), FDA (legislazione USA). L’impegno e la serietà di T.P.S. SRL sono totalmente dedicati a soddisfare le richieste del cliente assicurando qualità, prezzo, esperienza e professionalità. 10/12/15 11:30
TPS adv expo.indd 3
08/04/15 11:46
BaKery anD pastry eQUipMent
FooD&BeVerage technology
2016 edition
FooD&BeVerage technology catalogUe
he story of Tecnopool is one born out from a big idea: design, manufacture and installation of machinery for the treatment and processing of food products. A story that began in 1980 with the patenting of Anaconda: the first conveyor belt conceived by the company’s founder, Leopoldo Lago. A winning and above all versatile product, suitable for all manufacturing processes where food products need to be thermally treated. It was the beginning of a success story that has never stopped, as the results achieved in the last 35 years have been testifying: growth of sales, an increasingly widespread presence on foreign markets, and an ongoing evolution of the products. The story of Tecnopool began in Padua, but today that story has crossed domestic boundaries to be told all over the world. From deep-freezing to cooling, from pasteurizing to proofing, from product handling all the way to baking and frying, the term flexibility goes hand in hand with all Tecnopool solutions. Before developing a plant, Tecnopool thinks of those who will use it, because flexibility for it is not only a mental factor, it’s above all a work approach. This is precisely the purpose of its design office: it helps to establish an exclusive relationship with the customers, based on straightforwardness, clarity and competence. A relationship built on the meeting and exchanging of ideas that starts early in the planning phase and ends with the construction of the system. This is how Tecnopool develops plants that are truly customized for each customer and for every type of space, plants that guarantee the maximum in terms of productivity and the minimum in terms of maintenance. The versatility of Tecnopool plants is proven by the sectors in which it is applied: it’s no coincidence that its technology is often behind the processing of a food product. Freezing The know-how Tecnopool has acquired allows it to guarantee a method that is absolutely avant-garde for the
80 TECNOPOOL CAT 2016.indd 1
treatment of packaged or bulk food products, which are conveyed on belt and deep-frozen in cabinets that have insulated walls with variable thickness. Cooling A system designed for two types of cooling: Ambient and with forced air in room. It is precisely this flexibility that makes it suitable for any manufacturing line and any kind of packaged or bulk food product. Proofing Such a delicate process deserves all attention. This is why Tecnopool has always developed plants that are perfectly calibrated that do not alter the properties of the food products and which therefore respect both the end product and the consumer. Pasteurizing To make the treated products reach the right temperature within the required time, it is essential to carefully cover every detail: it is no coincidence Tecnopool designs complex plants that use insulated rooms to treat the food products in accordance with parameters that are constantly monitored. Diathermic Oil Spiral Oven Tecnopool, faithful to its philosophy of simplifying production lines for mechanical and economic reasons, has completed its range of plants with a spiral cooking system which, thanks to its configuration, allows for space saving and a smooth production process. Tecnopool spiral oven makes it possible to save space, simplify the flow of the production line and save energy. Thermal Oil Fryer Tecnopool increases its product range with another processing machine that allows it to complete new production lines that meet customer requirements in the areas of meat, fish, bread and sweets, snacks, peanuts and even pet food: Tecnopool fryer. Tecnopool provides its customers of a test facility complete with makeup line, proofing chamber, spiral oven and deep-freezing room; by appointment, the facility is at the customers’ complete disposal to test the functionality and the quality of Tecnopool systems, as well as to evaluate the results of each step of the production on their own product. Everyone is invited. 30/12/15 10:56
AM TECHNOLOGY, AvANT-GArdE ANd CusTOMizEd HANdLiNG sYsTEMs ternational standards of food compatibility, with specific designs for the best cleaning and sanitation solutions, and in full compliance with International and European safety standards. Proofing - Cooling - Freezing - Pasteurization and Handling system are the processes that AM Technology faces daily, offering highly flexible solutions, customizing projects and proposing solutions tailored to customer needs. The professional know-how accrued by AM Technology during its experience has made it one of the most qualified actors in the food processing industry. Should you require additional information, do not hesitate to consult AM Technology’s website or contact us directly.
2016 edition
Technology Srl, is a modern and dynamic Italian company working in the field of industrial technology, which originated from the deep technical skills and experience recognized by the entire operative team. AM Technology designs and realizes avant-garde handling systems, offering complete and customized solutions to the specific needs. The quality of the products, the reliability of the technologies, and innovative solutions are the main objectives that the company aims to provide, alongside the best service to its customers. AM Technology’s portfolio includes several industrial process and handling systems for the food industry, which entail the exclusive use of materials that comply with in-
AM technology, iMpiAnti di MoviMentAzione All’AvAnguArdiA e personAlizzAti
Technology Srl, azienda italiana operante nell’ambito della tecnologia industriale, è una realtà moderna e dinamica, che nasce dalle profonde competenze tecniche e dalla riconosciuta esperienza dell’intero team operativo. AM Technology progetta e realizza impianti di movimentazione all’avanguardia offrendo soluzioni complete e personalizzate alle specifiche esigenze. La qualità dei prodotti, l’affidabilità delle tecnologie, e le soluzioni innovative, sono i principali obbiettivi che l’azienda si prefigge per poter fornire il miglior servizio alla propria clientela. Il portafoglio prodotti offerti da AM Technology include una vasta gamma di sistemi industriali di processo e movimentazione per l’industria alimentare, che prevedono l’impiego esclusivo di materiali che rispettano le norma-
82 AM TECHNOLOGY CAT 2016.indd 1
tive internazionali di compatibilità alimentare, con design specifici per ottenere la migliore pulizia e sanificazione, e nel pieno rispetto degli standard di sicurezza europei ed internazionali. Lievitazione - Raffreddamento - Surgelazione - Pastorizzazione e Movimentazione sono i processi che AM Technology affronta quotidianamente, offrendo soluzioni altamente flessibili, personalizzando i progetti e proponendo soluzione adeguate alle esigenze del cliente. Il Know-how professionale maturato da AM Technology durante la sua esperienza, l’ha resa una degli attori più qualificati nell’industria della lavorazione dei generi alimentari. Per ulteriori informazioni, non esitate a consultare il sito web di AM Technology, o a contattarci direttamente. 22/02/16 18:10
AM Technology S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica, 66 - 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) - Italy Tel: +39 0444 1323156 Fax: +39 0444 1835493 E-mail: Website: INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3
21/04/15 09:52
2016 edition
SMACH SPA is a company from Vicenza that has been producing dough processing equipment for almost fifty years, with the perfect mix of cuttingedge technology, sensitivity towards the environment, respect for tradition and enthusiasm for the future boundaries of fragrance. Esmach unites the past and the future in this spirit, re-inventing baking and revolutionising the ancient work of bakers. It simplifies the production process, maintaining the naturalness and quality of bread made as it used to be made, with mother yeast added to authentic flour, and forges a new model of baker who mixes dough by day, not by night any more, giving the advantage of a more “normal”, and undoubtedly sunnier, lifestyle. Through EsmachLab, the innovative bread, pizza and pastry laboratory that makes baking competitive and whose simplicity guarantees excellent finished product quality, the company addresses those who want to undertake a new business or model their own format while respecting the environment and energy saving, aiming for extremely high quality products. Created with the idea that the quality of life is important, and that the genuineness of the finished product is fundamental for business success, Even though EsmachLab shortens preparation and baking times, its products are fresh, healthy and delicious. It is a dynamic place, 32 or less, that transforms during the day. It produces naturally leavened oven-baked products when consumed most: breakfast, lunch, aperitif, and pizza. These multi-purpose environments of the “oven-pizzeria-restaurant-bar-pastry shop” type are extremely popular in today’s hard times, and they offer amazing business opportunities.
Esmach is the ideal partner for making your business a success because it blends equipment supply with consultancy and initial technical support, all of which are essential for starting and developing a business. Esmach is a reference point that can supply the most suitable solution for doughs, mother yeast, leavening (even for dough and pizza), yeast storage and lots more. The company’s extraordinary know how and its unique experience that has consolidated over years of study, research and innovation, means that Esmach can perfect cutting-edge technology suitable for a winning and competitive business. “In People and Mother Dough we trust” is Esmach’s philosophy, which includes continuous product, quality and service innovation while remaining faithful to the healthy principles of artisan savoir faire, made of people and passion. Our symbol is ancient and evocative: it takes its inspiration from the oriental Yin and Yang symbols, and in a modern key it dynamically represents the solution to problems, symbolised by the circling and “global” movement of the two po-
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wers. Esmach harmoniously blends hot and cold, rotation, completeness, balance and life. The reference to the circular movement of a mixer is immediate, recalling also the movement of the fluids and solids that are inside our machines. At the same time, it also communicates our values and objectives, expressing the efficiency of our machines and their ability to preserve the characteristics of the products that are mixed and worked, the diligence and responsiveness of our men. One of our new generation products is the SPI range of spiral mixers, which unites the technological development of each individual component with the cultural and traditional quality of the processed bread, pizza and pastry doughs. Esmach has placed its attention on controlling various parameters for managing and developing doughs; these parameters consider new tendency products, the rheology properties of the mixes, their duration, their end temperature and their versatility of use, with reference to minimum and maximum dough quantities. Even the aspect that protects the health of professionals has not been forgotten. The mixer tank is equipped with a double lid that acts as a guard to keep the flour inside, eliminating the dispersion of sensitising agents which can cause progressive breathing disturbances. The quality of the dough and the futuristic design make these mixers a unique product, without counterparts. They project from past to future and have colours that evoke what they process: intense olive green, like the wheat in spring and sun yellow, like the ripe wheat which is transformed into bread. The structural solidity of the SPI mixers, their external coatings, which are powder painted with an anti-corrosion treatment, their extreme versatility, reliability and excellent safety, their high working accuracy, ergonomics (in particular the control panel with control console that can be rotated both left and right), and captivating design exalt the best tradition of dough, projecting it into the future. The balanced ratio between bowl and spiral arm rotation, the geometry of the spiral arm which follows the bowl walls and the spiral arm and bowl speed are perfect for obtaining uniform, soft and refined mixtures, even with minimum quantities of dough, and greatly reduce the working time and dough heating content. The SPI range is available in 10 models, either electromechanical or electronic, that can be equipped with optional tools such as the built-in water dosing system and the dough temperature detector with infrared sensor. 29/01/16 14:24
ESMACH È NELL’ARIA Passione, tecnologia e tradizione. Tutto questo è il mondo delle attrezzature Esmach: le nostre apparecchiature e impastatrici racchiudono infatti cinquant’anni di esperienza nel settore della panificazione e sono costruite pensando alle esigenze e alle attività dei maestri della farina. Perché l’aria è così buona in uno spazio di lavoro firmato Esmach? Perchè utilizziamo nella progettazione delle nostre macchine le migliori tecnologie e materiali e perché abbiamo fatto
Scopri la potenza di SPI F su
nostre le norme europee atte a tutelare la salute dei professionisti del pane. Come l’impastatrice SPI F, che nei suoi 10 modelli unisce robustezza, design e versatilità, il tutto nella massima affidabilità e sicurezza grazie alla protezione a doppio coperchio che permette alla polvere di farina di rimanere al suo interno, eliminando le dispersione di agenti sensibilizzanti che, a tendere, possono causare disturbi respiratori. i Dai spazio alla tua creatività, Esmach è nell’aria!
Vieni a conoscere Esmach e la tecnologia delle sue impastatrici: visita per maggiori informazioni.
2016 edition
he company Z.matik has 30 years of experience in the production of pastry and bakery machinery, especially manual dough sheeters, croissant groups, working tables, planetary mixers, mixers and cutting rollers in AISI 304 steel. By choosing the most appropriate materials, Z.matik ensures sturdiness and user-friendliness for every machine. The Z.matik dough sheeters are designed to be functional, sturdy and easy to use, and thanks to their versatility, they can be used in small and medium-sized laboratories. The materials used and the minimum maintenance required to ensure good results make the Z.matik dough sheeter an effective and profitable asset. The Z.matik dough sheeters are supplied in various models: counter SF500BN, SF500BL (500x500, 500x750), with base SF500N, SF500L (500x750, 500x1000), SF600N, SF600L (600x1000, 600x1400) and SF600LT (600x1400 with cutting station). The SF600L model, the company’s flagship product, now features an in-
novative design. All Z.matik dough sheeters are equipped with pull-out shelves, dual control (foot pedal and rocker arm) cylinders, with 80mm diameter and 47mm opening. Upon request, the Z.matik dough sheeters can be supplied in AISI 304 stainless steel and a 2-speed motor or inverter can also be applied according to customer needs. The company’s latest innovation is the automatic dough sheeter, available in three versions: SF6514A (650x1400 mm), SF6516A (650x1600 mm), SF6520A (650x2000 mm). This type of machine allows the customer to choose the mode of operation (manual, semi-automatic or automatic). It also includes several optional features, such as a cutting station, a winder and a flour duster, in AISI 304 stainless steel. Thanks to a convenient 5.7” colour touchscreen panel, the customer can select the most suitable processing system and save 50 recipes.”
MAcchine sFogliAtrici z.MAtiK
’azienda Z.matik vanta un’esperienza trentennale nella produzione di macchine per panifici e pasticcerie, in particolare di sfogliatrici manuali, gruppi per croissant, tavoli da lavoro, planetarie, impastatrici e rulli di taglio in acciaio Aisi 304. Grazie alla scelta dei materiali più appropriati Z. matik garantisce robustezza e semplicità d’uso in ogni tipo di macchina. La funzionalità, la robustezza, la semplicità d’uso sono elementi essenziali delle Macchine Sfogliatrici Z.matik, la cui versatilità permette l’impiego in piccoli e medi laboratori. I materiali impiegati e la minima manutenzione necessaria per un buon risultato fanno della sfogliatrice Z.matik un valido ed economico collaboratore. Le sfogliatici Z.matik possono essere fornite in vari modelli: da banco SF500BN, SF500BL (500x500, 500x750), con basamento SF500N, SF500L (500x750, 500x1000), SF600N, SF600L (600x1000, 600x1400) e SF600LT (600x1400 con stazione di taglio). Il modello SF600L, prodotto simbolo
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dell’azienda, gode ora di un design innovativo. Tutte le sfogliatici Z.matik sono disposte di piani estraibili, doppio comando (pedale e bilanciere) cilindri diametro 80 mm e apertura 47 mm. A richiesta le sfogliatici Z.matik possono essere fornite in acciaio inox 304 ed inoltre si può applicare il motore a 2 velocità o inverter ad esigenza del cliente. L’ultima innovazione dell’azienda è la sfogliatrice automatica disponibile in tre versioni: SF6514A (650x1400 mm), SF6516A (650x1600 mm), SF6520A (650x2000 mm). Questa tipologia di macchina permette al cliente di scegliere la modalità di utilizzo (manuale, semiautomatico, automatico); essa conta anche la presenza di alcuni optional, tra cui la stazione di taglio, arrotolatore, sfarinatore, versione inox AISI 304. Il comodo pannello da 5.7” touch screen a colori consente di scegliere il sistema più adatto di lavorazione e memorizzare 50 ricette.” 22/12/15 17:12
The best quality for pastry machines Italian Quality
SF 6514A
SZ 507 BL
SF 600 L GC 200
SZ 507
Z.Matik Pastry Machines - Via Fiesso, 4 - 35020 Z.I. Arre (PD) Italy - Tel. (+39) 049 9599935 - Fax (+39) 049 9501482 Web site: - E-mail: - Skype: z.matik.pastry.machines
2016 edition
lba & Teknoservice srl designs and produces equipments for bakery and pastry industry as: croissant machines, make-up tables, dough billets preparing systems, laminating lines, ciabatta bread lines, multisize bread lines, pita, num bread, lavash lines, cracker lines, special lines and custom design machines. The high quality of these equipments is due to the great passion developed in over 30 years of experience. The founders of the company begin in 1982 their experience at renowned company in the industry and in 1992 open Teknoservice Snc, which begin dealing with servicing, repairs and interventions on their own or on behalf of major manufacturers. The founders’s experience gained as CIM and Teckno-matik technicians, a long-time leader companies in the field of machinery for pastry and bakery, leads them to develop projects increasingly complex and technologically advanced, and thanks to continued collaboration with their customers, they realize the first automatic groups for croissants, make-up tables, ciabatta, bread lines and crackers lines and a variety of customized automations. This ongoing attention to the needs of the customer and assistance in the development of its automations brings Teknoservice to grow more and more, until making the decision in 2005 to transform the company, originally founded as service / intervention, in a leading company in the market of machinery for pastry and bakery: so ALBA & Teknoservice Srl is founded.
ALBA & Teknoservice is present in all continents through its machinery, accessories and spare parts. Our technicians provide direct or phone assistance all over the world.
ATTENTION AND PROFESSIONALITY to evaluate the best intervention. ALBA & Teknoservice S.r.l. is careful to understand the needs of customers, to find the best way to meet them in their interests and to solve problems by careful analysis
88 ALBA&TEKNOSERVICE-CAT 2016-MEZZAtecnologie.indd 1
of its technicians to assess the best type of intervention according to the production. The company’s strength is based on many years of experience serving our customers, offering advice, projects and technology to companies of global significance, both manufacturers of machinery that manufacturers of pastry and bakery. ALBA & Teknoservice develops customized solutions and provides a service of great experience and readiness. It is also able to develop new recipes and new products with the aid of expert technologists. The sales department is assisted by an organization aimed at customization for the customer and an adequate technical development, able to process the data on time for both making the offer and to realizing the product. Last innovation in the market: ARTISAN PIZZA LINE Albaequipment introduces a new Artisan Pizza Line! As all its innovations the Line is highly customizable and allows to produce pizzas of different sizes, weights and with different topping. Who but an Italian company can achieve the most Italian product? Experience, passion, innovation and satisfaction are the cornerstones on which the philosophy of ALBA & Tenoservice is focused. All these factors have led Albaequipment to produce extremely performing and customizable Artisan Pizza Lines, which are enjoying great success worldwide. From a simple table to a complete line, Albaequipment can compose and draw with you the most suitable machine. Artisan Pizza Lines provide synchronized devices that ensure accuracy and consistency in the processing, as well as really innovative systems of pressing the balls, with the possibility of collecting the product by hand or feed panning systems, proofers, freezers. Artisan Pizza Line can be equipped with tomato distributors, spreading systems, cheese topping units and much more... 23/12/15 16:38
AlbA AlbA&&Teknoservice Teknoservices.r.l. s.r.l.- -Via Viadelle delleIndustrie, Industrie,26 26- -35010 35010VIllAFRANCA VIllAFRANCAP.NA. P.NA.(PD) (PD)ITAlY ITAlY Tel. Tel.+39 +39049.9070380 049.9070380- -Fax Fax+39 +39049.9074042 049.9074042- -e-mail: INGOMBRO INGOMBRO ADV.indd ADV.indd33 3 INGOMBRO ADV.indd
26/06/15 26/06/1513:07 09:49 09:49 26/06/15
TUBINI FORNI, TUNNel OveNs “cUsTOm-made”
Our strong point is the realization and supplying of goods which accede to client needs and preferences; as we design and build “custom-made”, both from a functional and aesthetic point of view.
Being a small business, we embody the utmost flexibility and reliability in all stages of production. The materials used are of the highest quality and reliable source. Over the years TUBINI FORNI has built a solid reputation on the territory, in Italy and abroad, maintaining its artisan characteristics of hard work, professionalism and honesty.
2016 edition
UBINI FORNI is located in province of Verona (Italy) to 1 km from the airport of Verona . We operate in the sector of tunnel ovens for over 50 years; so we have acquired a considerable experience in this specific sector.
UBINI FORNI è situata in provincia di Verona (Italia) ad 1 km dall’ aeroporto di Villafranca di Verona. Operiamo nel settore dei forni a tunnel da oltre 50 anni, abbiamo perciò acquisito una cospicua esperienza in questo specifico campo. Il nostro punto forte è la realizzazione e la fornitura di un bene che aderisca alle esigenze ed alle preferenze del cliente, dato che lo progettiamo e lo costruiamo “su misura”, sia dal punto di vista funzionale , sia dal punto di vista estetico.
90 TUBINI FORNI CAT 2016.indd 1
Essendo un’azienda di piccole dimensioni incarniamo la massima flessibilità e affidabilità in tutte le fasi di produzione. I materiali impiegati sono di primissima qualità e di provenienza sicura . Tubini Forni si è costruita negli anni una solida reputazione sul territorio, italiano ed estero, mantenendo le sue caratteristiche artigianali di operosità, serietà ed onestà. 02/03/16 12:17
TUBINI FORNI s.r.l. Via Staffali, 38 - Zona Artigianale - 37062 - DOSSOBUONO di VILLAFRANCA di VERONA - ITALIA Tel. (0039) 045 8600220 - Fax 045 8618259 E-mail: -
2016 edition
VENTICS is a globally active manufacturer of pneumatic components and systems. The brand values “passion”, “agile”, and “focused” reinforce AVENTICS’ brand essence and express the company’s mind-set towards work, customers and partners. Characteristics that made AVENTICS a big player in industrial pneumatics sector, offering customized services and solutions.
AVENTICS, formerly known as Rexroth Pneumatics, can count on 2.100 employees worldwide and has manufacturing sites in Laatzen (Germany), Bonneville (France), Eger (Hungary), Lexington (USA) and Changzhou (China) and sales offices in more than 40 countries around the world. AVENTICS products are used in the industrial automation sector, life science products, trucks, railway technology,
and the food & beverage and energy industries. For the food & beverage sector, AVENTICS is specialized in solutions for food processing and packaging. “Machine builders value easy to use, robust and reliable pneumatic components from AVENTICS. They require energy efficiency and safe solutions that comply with regulations” - explains Luigi Locatelli, Sales Manager of AVENTICS Italia. “This is the strength of AVENTICS: we focus on these requirements. By endorsing the use of modified polymers, the integration of electronics in pneumatics, and focusing on Industry 4.0, we give designers what they need. In this way we become advisors for clients, meaning that we offer customers the best product for their specific needs, giving a complete service, not just a component, but a solution”.
VENTICS è un’azienda produttrice di componenti e sistemi pneumatici che opera a livello mondiale. Passione, agilità e focus sono i valori AVENTICS che esprimono dinamismo, competenza nel settore, dedizione e orientamento al cliente. Caratteristiche che hanno fatto di AVENTICS un big player del business pneumatico che offre soluzioni e servizi personalizzati. AVENTICS, precedentemente conosciuta come Rexroth Pneumatics, può contare su 2.100 collaboratori in tutto il mondo e vanta stabilimenti di produzione a Laatzen (Germania), Bonneville (Francia), Eger (Ungheria), Lexington (USA) e Changzhou (Cina) e filiali commerciali in oltre 40 Paesi nel mondo. I prodotti AVENTICS trovano applicazione nei settori dell’automazione industriale, delle attrezzature medicali, veicoli mobili, tecnologia dei mezzi ferroviari e nell’industria alimentare ed energetica. Per il settore del food&beverage AVENTICS è specializzata in soluzioni
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per la lavorazione e il confezionamento dei generi alimentari. “I costruttori di macchine richiedono ad AVENTICS componenti pneumatici affidabili, robusti e facili da usare. Inoltre, cercano soluzioni ad alta efficienza energetica, che siano nel contempo sicure e conformi alle normative” - spiega Luigi Locatelli, Sales Manager di AVENTICS Italia. “È questo il punto di forza di AVENTICS: ci concentriamo proprio su queste richieste. Promuovendo l’impiego di polimeri modificati e l’integrazione dell’elettronica nella pneumatica in ottica Industry 4.0, diamo ai progettisti ciò di cui hanno bisogno. In questo modo diventiamo consulenti per i clienti, nel senso che offriamo loro i prodotti migliori per specifiche esigenze, garantendo un servizio completo: non solo un componente, ma una soluzione”. 29/01/16 16:04
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18/04/16 09:21
2016 edition
ontrinex is a leading manufacturer of sensors for factory automation. The Swiss company, headquartered in Givisiez near Fribourg (CH), has a unique and innovative range of products whose features far surpass those of standard sensors. Since its foundation in 1972 by Peter Heimlicher, Dipl Ing ETH, Contrinex has grown from a oneman operation to a multinational group with over 500 employees worldwide. More than 15 subsidiaries cover the core markets in Europe, Asia, North and South America. Contrinex manufactures its own sensors, safety and RFID systems in 4 production locations: Switzerland (since 1972), Hungary (since 1995), China (since 2003) and Brazil (since 2009). At a glance • Technology leading manufacturer of inductive and photoelectric sensors as well as safety and RFID systems • World market leader for miniature sensors, sensors with long operating distances and devices for particularly demanding operating conditions (allmetal, high-pressure and high-temperature resistant sensors)
• Represented in over 60 countries worldwide, headquarters in Switzerland • 8000 products INTELLIGENT SENSORS FOR THE 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: INDUSTRY 4.0 Fit for the future with IO-Link Intelligent sensors are the fundamental building blocks of modern smart factories. They enable sensor-supported production resources (machines, robots, etc.) to configure, control, manage and optimize themselves. Precise, reliable sensor data is now more essential than ever. Sensors from Contrinex, the leader in intelligent sensor technology, ensure excellent data quality. To communicate that data, all Contrinex inductive and photoelectric ASIC sensors will be equipped with IO-Link as standard. Customers use either the sensor’s binary PNP output or its intelligent IO-Link interface. Both are available in one and the same device.
ontrinex occupa un posto di primo piano tra le aziende produttrici di sensori per l’automazione industriale. Questa azienda svizzera, con sede principale a Givisiez, vicino a Friburgo (CH), può contare su un catalogo prodotti unico e innovativo, le cui caratteristiche superano ampiamente quelle dei sensori standard. Dal 1972, anno della sua fondazione da parte dell’ingegnere Peter Heimlicher, laureato al politecnico di Zurigo, Contrinex si è trasformata da ditta individuale a multinazionale, con più di 500 dipendenti nel mondo. Più di 15 filiali coprono i mercati principali di Europa, Asia, Nord e Sud America. Contrinex produce i sensori e sistemi di sicurezza e RFID in quattro stabilimenti: Svizzera (dal 1972), Ungheria (dal 1995), Cina (dal 2003) e Brasile (dal 2009). Panoramica • Azienda leader nel settore dei sensori induttivi e fotoelettrici, nonché nei sistemi di sicurezza e RFID • Leader mondiale nel campo dei sensori miniaturizzati, dei sensori con distanza di intervento elevata e dei dispositivi per condizioni di esercizio particolarmente complesse (sensori tutto-
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metallo, resistenti alle alte pressioni e alle alte temperature) • Rappresentanze in oltre 60 paesi in tutto il mondo, casa madre in Svizzera • 8000 prodotti SENSORI INTELLIGENTI PER LA 4° RIVOLUZIONE INDUSTRIALE: INDUSTRIA 4.0 Pronti per il futuro con IO-Link I sensori intelligenti sono i mattoni fondamentali delle moderne fabbriche intelligenti. Essi sono un valido supporto alla produzione (macchine, robot, ecc) per configurare, controllare, gestire e ottimizzare gli stessi. Avere informazioni precise e sicure dai sensori è oggi più che mai essenziale. I sensori della Contrinex, leader nella tecnologia dei sensori intelligenti, assicurano eccellenti qualità di dati. Per trasmettere i dati, tutti i sensori Contrinex induttivi e optoelettronici ASIC saranno equipaggiati con IO-Link di serie. I clienti possono utilizzare l’uscita PNP del sensore o la sua interfaccia intelligente IO-Link. 07/01/16 17:45
NEWS Inverno 2015 / 2016
NUOVA SERIE HIGH TEMPERATURE A LUNGHISSIMA DURATA, SENZA SILICONE Affidabilità eccezionale e durata molto estesa in cicli di temperatura da -25°C a +180°C
NEWS Inverno 2014/2015
Sensori induttivi e fotoelettrici miniaturizzati con elevate caratteristiche Advert _Two_News _It.indd 1
07.01.2016 14:26:33
2016 edition
ompany Specialized in the production of cleanroom it searces Innovations and devolpments always to improve its products. As the time this extraordinary event EXPO, collaborates launching your new and innovative Program, certainly from the Character and From Tradition of EVOserviceS, INNOVATORS with products and solutions which improve always the quality of work and the food produced from the most important italian companies, which since forever with honor and tradition maintain the highest levels QUALITY of Italian products in the World. Ghibli DOOR presents an innovative system latches for cleanroom patented, juntion free and therefore without a possible settlement of bacteria. Made of SOLID SURFACES with continue weld joints and a constant density. It’s a Panel which exceeds every minimal cracks due from aluminum outline and silicone joints, which characterize door and walls of the controlled contamination areas. The panel of the door is completely smooth and with
rounded edges, without INTERSTICES and extremely easy to clean. The raw material, with which it’s made, resists of Detergents, at high temperatures, it presents no alteration with water and is resistant of immersion Without any expansion. The panel is highly resistant of shock, and regenerated in case of scratches, marks or tears. Available in variation shutter or sliding, manual or automatic and at the option of realize panels in large sizes, moreover you can equip it with all typical accessories like perfectly planar glass, locks and access control. This new system of closures expandes significantly the technologic contained of closures cleanroom it’s the first system of doors which removes totally the aluminum outline resulting a monolithic impenetrable block.
zienda specializzata nella realizzazione di camere a contaminazione controllata che ricerca sempre innovazioni ed evoluzioni per migliorarsi. Contemporaneamente a questa straordinaria manifestazione EXPO, collabora lanciando il suo nuovo e RIVOLUZIONARIO programma, certamente dal carattere e dalla tradizione di EVOserviceS, INNOVATORI con prodotti e soluzioni che migliorano sempre la qualità del lavoro e del cibo prodotto dalle più importante aziende Italiane, che da sempre con lustro e tradizione mantengono ad altissimi livelli la QUALITA’ dei prodotti italiani nel mondo. GHIBLI DOOR presenta un innovativo sistema di chiusure per camere bianche brevettato, privo di giunzioni e perciò di possibili punti di deposito ed insediamento batterico. Realizzato in SOLID SURFACES con saldature continue e a densità costante. È un pannello che supera tutte le seppur minime fessurazioni dovute dai profili di alluminio e giunzioni siliconate, tipiche delle porte e delle pannellature di aree a contaminazione controllata.
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Il pannello è completamente liscio e dai bordi arrotondati, senza interstizi ed estremamente facile da pulire. La materia prima con la quale è realizzato resiste ai detergenti, alle alte temperature, non presenta nessuna alterazione con l’acqua e resiste all’immersione senza alcuna dilatazione. Il panello risulta fortemente resistente agli urti, e rigenerabile in caso di graffi, segni o rotture. Disponibile nelle versioni battente o scorrevole, manuali o automatiche e con la possibilità di realizzare pannelli di ampie dimensioni, sono inoltre dotabili di tutti gli accessori tipici come visive perfettamente planari, serrature e controllo accessi. Questo nuovo sistema di chiusure amplia sensibilmente il contenuto tecnologico delle chiusure di camere bianche ed è il primo sistema di porte che elimina totalmente i profili perimetrali risultando un monolitico impenetrabile. 16/02/16 15:43
24/04/15 11:26
RotRonic italia SRl, MEaSUREMEnt SolUtionS
2016 edition
or over half a century, Rotronic has manufactured and supplied measuring systems. Founded in 1965 by the Schroff family in Switzerland, the company rapidly grew to become an important player in its industry; the precision of its products brought it to a prominent role in the humidity and temperature measurement segment. Over time, Rotronic’s solutions evolved, remaining always on the cutting edge of technology, while the quality and reliability of its products, that led the Rotronic brand to its present worldwide notoriety, remained unaltered. The vast range of systems provided by Rotronic ensures extremely accurate performances; the company pays great attention to researching solutions that are increasingly responsive to the market’s demands, and recently enriched its offer with instruments for the measurement of carbon dioxide and differential pressure. From portable instruments to data loggers, from transmitters to laboratory solutions, Rotronic products are
idea for all industries where precise humidity and temperature measurements are required, such as, the food industry, pharma, drying processes and many other applications. Rotronic’s headquarters are near Zurich, in Switzerland, where the production units may also be found. The main elements of all Rotronic solutions are manufactured in plants owned by the company. This allows a very strict and constant quality control; the headquarters also host the quality control department and gauging laboratory. In such a specialised sector, the sales personnel’s technical skills are essential. From this standpoint, Rotronic experts stand out for their professional capabilities and their flexibility: they can suggest the most appropriate solutions for every situation and work along with the clients so as to define and implement the ideal solution.
RotRonic italia SRl, SiStemi Di miSuRa
a oltre mezzo secolo, Rotronic produce e distribuisce sistemi di misura. Fondata nel 1965 dalla famiglia Schroff in Svizzera, l’azienda ha rapidamente conquistato una notevole importanza nel suo settore grazie alla precisione dei suoi prodotti, diventando una delle più importanti realtà del segmento della misurazione di umidità e temperatura. Nel tempo le soluzioni Rotronic si sono evolute mantenendosi sempre all’avanguardia, ma è rimasta inalterata l’indiscussa qualità e affidabilità dei prodotti, che hanno portato il marchio Rotronic a diffondersi in tutto il mondo. La vasta gamma di strumenti offerta da Rotronic assicura prestazioni di estrema accuratezza; l’azienda pone una grande attenzione alla ricerca di soluzioni sempre più rispondenti alle esigenze di mercato, e ha recentemente arricchito la propria offerta con strumenti per la misurazione dell’anidride carbonica e della pressione differenziale. Dagli strumenti portatili ai data logger, dai trasmettitori alle soluzioni per il laboratorio, le soluzioni Rotronic sono
98 ROTRONIC - CAT 2016.indd 1
adatte a tutti i settori in cui sono richieste misurazioni precise di umidità e temperatura: in particolare l’industria alimentare, farmaceutica, i processi di essiccazione e molte altre applicazioni. La Casa madre di Rotronic ha sede nei pressi di Zurigo, in Svizzera, dove si trovano anche gli stabilimenti. Gli elementi centrali di tutte le soluzioni Rotronic sono realizzati in unità produttive di proprietà dell’azienda. Questo consente un controllo di qualità stringente e costante; presso la sede si trovano anche il reparto di controllo qualità e il laboratorio di calibrazione e taratura. In un settore così specializzato la competenza tecnica del personale commerciale è centrale. Da questo punto di vista gli esperti di Rotronic si distinguono per professionalità e flessibilità, proponendo le applicazioni più adatte per ogni situazione in modo da arrivare, collaborando con il cliente, alla definizione di soluzioni ottimali. 04/03/16 17:16
Soluzioni di misura per vari parametri UMIDITÀ
CO 2
Precisione svizzera ai massimi livelli Rotronic Italia srl Via Repubblica di San Marino 1, 20157 Milano - Tel 02 39007190 -
RIT Inserat_MV KatalogV17_A4.indd 1
1/28/2016 4:00:32 PM
2016 edition
elmotor SpA was founded in Bergamo in 1973 as a company specialized in electrical supplies and distribution of industrial automation products and brands. Telmotor gradually expanded its skills to the sectors of energy distribution, lighting, building & home technology and renewable energy, with a broad spectrum of integrated solutions for industry, infrastructures and tertiary areas. Divided among three major business units – Industry Automation, Energy Solutions and Light Consulting – today Telmotor has seven different branches and 280 employees, with a sales volume of more than 110 million euros. The company’s exceptional technical profile, highly professional technicians and constant updating staff, the problem solving philosophy, careful selection of hi-tech brands and products, its distribution philosophy, all-inclusive technical
advice and assistance and focus on market development are distinctive features that make Telmotor SpA the ideal partner to find the best possible solution in the shortest time. Telmotor is the only Siemens Distributor Solution Partner for the Industry Automation and Drive Technologies sector. The company’s philosophy is also recognized by other international partners, such as Rittal who gave Telmotor the Industry Solution Advanced Certification. Not just a simple supplier for its customers, Telmotor develops on-demand solutions in order to guarantee its partners highly specialized service and consultancy. A solid and successful company, committed to grow, who is planning two new openings in 2017 and a huge investment on a brand new warehouse to extend Bergamo headquarters.
elmotor SpA nasce a Bergamo nel 1973 come azienda specializzata nelle forniture elettriche e nella distribuzione di prodotti e marchi di qualità per l’automazione industriale. Negli anni Telmotor ha progressivamente ampliato le proprie competenze al settore della distribuzione di energia, all’illuminazione, alla building & home technology e alle energie rinnovabili, gestendo soluzioni integrate ad ampio raggio per il mondo dell’industria, delle infrastrutture e del terziario.
l’attenzione alle evoluzioni del settore sono i tratti distintivi della filosofia aziendale che hanno reso Telmotor un punto di riferimento del settore a livello internazionale.
Costituita da tre grandi Business Unit - Industry Automation, Energy Solutions e Light Consulting – Telmotor oggi conta ben sette diverse sedi aziendali e 280 collaboratori, raggiungendo un volume di affari superiore ai 110 milioni di euro.
Telmotor non si pone quindi come semplice fornitore di prodotti, bensì come sviluppatore di soluzioni, capace di garantire ai propri interlocutori servizio e consulenza altamente specializzati. Un’azienda solida, costantemente orientata alla crescita, con in programma due nuove inaugurazioni entro il 2017 e un imminente investimento per l’apertura di un nuovo capannone per ampliare la sede di Bergamo.
L’alto profilo tecnico dell’azienda, il personale qualificato e in costante aggiornamento, l’attitudine al problem solving, l’accurata e attenta selezione dei marchi e dei prodotti gestiti, la rapidità del servizio, la consulenza al cliente e
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Telmotor è l’unico Distributore Solution Partner di Siemens nel settore Industry Automation e Drive Technologies. La professionalità dell’azienda è inoltre riconosciuta da altri prestigiosi partner, come Rittal che ha assegnato a Telmotor la Certificazione Industry Solution Advanced. 04/03/16 11:24
FooD&BeVeRAGe tecHnoLoGY
Igus, specIalIzed In The developmenT of lubrIcaTIon free componenTs
2016 edition
he story of igus began over 50 years ago in Cologne, Germany, with Günter Blase and his wife, who started an activity of supplier for plastic moulded components. Observing his machines and those of his customers, Günter Blase realized that two areas in which he could do much to improve quality and functionality, were energy chains and self-lubricating bearings in high-tech plastic. Next to the quality, a fundamental point was the ability to produce standard products, put them on stock, making them available quickly to customers. A winning idea, since it was not so common to have quickly products of this kind.
chain” including chain, cables, connectors (and warranty), ready for installation, is now one of the strengths of igus. Next to chains and cables, another segment on which igus has worked over these years, is the one of self-lubricating bearings.
The first product has been energy chains, then specific cables for dynamic applications followed, so that the classical problem of poor reliability and durability of the whole system could be overcome. And so, in 25 years, igus has specialized in the development of specific cables for flexible use, also with connectors. The complete kit “ready-
The food industry is one example, but there is no industrial sector where igus can not offer a solution with its products and the quick availability.
They have been developed over forty five different types of materials and now there are on stock bearings with diameters from 3 to 150 mm. The same for linear bearings, suitable for industrial applications where the quality of movement and noise are important points, especially where it is not be possible to use grease or lubrication.
Quality products, with immediate availability even in small amounts, even online on website
igus, speciaLizzata neLLo sviLuppo di componenti senza Lubrificazione
a storia di igus inizia oltre 50 anni fa a Colonia in Germania per volere dei coniugi Blase che iniziarono un’attività di contoterzisti per lo stampaggio di materie plastiche. Osservando le sue macchine e quelle dei suoi clienti Günter Blase si rese conto che due aree in cui si poteva fare molto per migliorare qualità e funzionalità erano legate alle catene portacavi e ai cuscinetti autolubrificanti in materiale plastico ad alta tecnologia. Accanto alla qualità, un punto fondamentale era la possibilità di produrre prodotti standard, metterli a magazzino rendendoli disponibili velocemente alla clientela. Un’idea vincente, visto che non sempre si riuscivano ad avere in tempi rapidi prodotti di questo genere. I primi prodotti furono le catene portacavi seguite poi dai cavi specifici per posa mobile, affinché i problemi classici di scarsa affidabilità e durata dell’insieme potessero essere superati. è così che da 25 anni, igus si è specializzata nello sviluppo di cavi specifici per posa mobile, anche già
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connettorati. Il kit completo “readychain” comprendente catena, cavi, connettori (con garanzia), pronto per l’installazione, è oggi uno dei punti di forza di igus. Accanto a catene portacavi e cavi, un altro segmento su cui igus si è mossa nel corso degli anni è quello dei cuscinetti autolubrificanti. Sono state sviluppate oltre quarantacinque differenti tipologie di materiali e sono oggi disponibili a magazzino cuscinetti con diametri dai 3 ai 150 mm. Medesimo discorso vale per i cuscinetti lineari, indicati per le applicazioni industriali in cui la qualità del movimento e la silenziosità sono particolarmente importanti e soprattutto dove non sarebbe possibile immaginare di utilizzare cuscinetti o guide ingrassate. L’industria alimentare ne è un esempio, ma comunque non c’è comparto industriale e non in cui igus non possa esser presente con i propri articoli e soprattutto con la loro grande disponibilità in tempi rapidi. Prodotti di qualità, con disponibilità immediata di piccole quantità, anche online sul sito 29/02/16 12:23
IT-1053-foodtech 210x297_IT-1053-foodtech 210x297 17.05.15 20:25 Seite 1
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igus S.r.l. Tel. 039 59061 ®
plastics for longer life
dry-tech cuscinetti autolubrificanti ... the-chain semplicemente energia in movimento ®
GeAR motoRs
FooD&BeVeRAGe tecHnoLoGY
mInI moTor: a caTalogue“eXTended” To Thousands of applIcaTIons
2016 edition
FooD&BeVeRAGe tecHnoLoGY cAtALoGUe
ini motor four big categories combine to create a comprehensive and extended product catalogue. Mini Motor production consists in some ten thousands of products, considering numerous versions of equipment requested, capacities, reduction gear, connection type, protection level and optional (such as encoder and electromagnetic brake). Product versions are also made according to the applications they are meant for, upon which further variants such as particular paints, increased power, to name some but few, are proposed. All these versions combine to create a comprehensive and extended catalogue that is being constantly updated. That is further reason why Mini Motor has decided to group its production into macro categories, as follows: • Motors and Coaxial Gear Motors: Asynchronous three-phase and single phase motors with 2 or 4 poles from 9 to 740 W. Available in two sizes: 55 mm and 80 mm. • Worm screw gear motors. Worm screw gear motors, available in four sizes: with c/c distance 20, 26, 32, 38. Reduction ratios up to 475, torque up to 90 Nm (XCE 150 Nm). • Brushless gear motors and motors. Brushless 4-pole sinusoi-
dal motors from 32 to 880 W, with torque from 0.085 to 2.4 Nm. Planetary reduction units with reduction ratios up to 49 and torque up to 95 Nm. Worm screw reduction units with reduction ratios up to 80 and torque up to 9 Nm. • BLDC and Drivers. 230 Vac drives for brushless and asynchronous motors, with and without feedback for power ratings up to 750 W. 24/48 Vdc brushless motors and gear motors with integrated drive with absolute, multiturn encoder and range bus; power ratings up to 500 W. customization: the added value. Mini Motor added value can be seen in its capacity of going beyond standard offer and provide ad-hoc products that can truly meet peculiar requirements such as size, challenging application, extreme temperature conditions, etc. Owing to a potentially endless application field and market asking for increasingly customized and differentiated products, this skill turns out quite strategic as to be able to meet any requirement in real time and keep unchanged all the privileges of Mini Motor “absolute quality”.
mini motor: un cataLogo “esteso” per migLiaia di appLicazioni
uattro categorie per migliaia di articoli. Ad oggi la produzione Mini Motor conta alcune decine di migliaia di referenze, in considerazione di numerose varianti che non riguardano soltanto il tipo di apparecchiatura richiesta ma anche la gamma di potenze disponibili, i rapporti di riduzione, i tipi di connessione, il grado di protezione e gli optional (come encoder e freno elettromagnetico). Naturalmente le varianti del prodotto sono anche in funzione delle applicazioni a cui è destinato, in base alle quali intervengono altre variabili come vernici particolari, maggiorazioni di potenza, ecc. In questa moltiplicazione di articoli è quindi più appropriato parlare di “catalogo esteso” in continuo aggiornamento. Anche per questo motivo, Mini Motor ha opportunamente scelto di raggruppare la propria produzione in quattro grandi categorie: • Motoriduttori coassiali: Motori asincroni trifase e monofase 2 e 4 poli da 9 a 740 W. Motoriduttori coassiali ad ingranaggi, disponibili in due taglie: 55 mm e 80 mm. • Motoriduttori a vite senza fine: Motoriduttori a vite senza fine, disponibili in quattro taglie: interasse 20, 26, 32, 38. Rapporti di riduzione fino a 475, coppia fino a 90 Nm ( XCE 150 Nm).
104 MINIMOTOR CAT 2016-MEZZAtecnologie.indd 1
• Servomotori brushless: Motori brushless sinusoidali 4 poli da 32 a 880 W, con coppia da 0,085 a 2,4 Nm. Riduttori epicicloidali con rapporti fino a 49 e coppia fino a 95 Nm. Riduttori vite senza fine con rapporti fino a 80 e coppia fino a 9 Nm. • BLDC e Drivers Azionamenti 230 Vac per motori brushless e asincroni, con e senza retroazione per potenze fino a 750 W. Motori e motoriduttori brushless con azionamento integrato a 24/48 Vdc con encoder assoluto multigiro e bus di campo; potenze fino a 500 W. mini motor: il valore aggiunto. Da sempre, il valore aggiunto di Mini Motor si riconosce nella sua capacità di andare oltre all’offerta standard di mercato per fornire prodotti ad hoc in grado di soddisfare richieste peculiari riguardo a dimensioni, gravosità di applicazioni, condizioni di temperatura estreme, ecc. Con un campo di applicazioni potenzialmente infinito e un mercato che chiede forniture sempre più personalizzate e differenziate, questa capacità si rivela strategica per poter rispondere in tempo reale ad ogni richiesta mantenendo intatte tutte le prerogative della “qualità assoluta” Mini Motor. 10/12/15 11:26
r iPa d
IP67 small gearmotors for the packaging industry. -
sYstems FoR InDUstRIAL AUtomAtIon
FooD&BeVeRAGe tecHnoLoGY
neW lInmoT, consTanT QualITY In servo cappers
2016 edition
FooD&BeVeRAGe tecHnoLoGY cAtALoGUe
he linear and the rotary movements, and the complete capping process can be completely decoupled from carousel movement, thus guaranteeing constant process quality. LinMot linear rotary motors, distributed in Italy by Pamoco, can realize any arbitrarily combined linear and rotational movements. Motion profiles, linear or rotary speeds, press forces or tightening torques can be controlled completely independent from each other. In addition, the cap position can be monitored at the end of capping procedure in order to detect caps that did not reach their final position or slanted sitting caps. For this reason, linear-rotary motors are used in flexible cappers where the capping process is fully programmable. Together with the modular drive series M8050 the linear rotary motors allow easy and simple implementation of compact carousel multi head capping machines. Only motor, logic supply and communication bus have to be
supplied through slip rings on the carousel, to be wired to the individual multi head modules. As the motor cables are mounted fix, no moving cables or cable tracks are needed on the carousel, resulting in long live and long service intervals. The linear and the rotary movements and therefore the complete capping process can be completely decoupled from carousel movement. This guarantees a constant process quality also at different speeds or startup and shutdown of a machine. With strokes up to 300mm it is now also possible to use LinMot’s linear rotary motors in cappers for voluminous bottles or aerosols with pump or spray closure in which the long suction tube is inserted vertically together with the cap. For more details please visit the following website:
Linmot, QuaLitÀ costante neLLa servotappatura
movimenti lineari e rotativi, e tutti processi di tappatura possono essere totalmente disaccoppiati dal movimento della giostra, garantendo un processo con qualità costante I motori lineari rotativi di LinMot, distribuiti in Italia da Pamoco, permettono di combinare movimenti lineari e rotativi. I profili di moto, le velocità lineari o rotative, le forze di spinta e le coppie di serraggio possono essere completamente controllate in maniera indipendente una dall’altra. In aggiunta la posizione del tappo può essere rilevata alla termine della procedura di tappatura al fine di capire se il tappo non ha raggiunto la sua posizione finale oppure se si è inclinato. Per questi motivi il motore lineare-rotativo viene utilizzato per tappatrici flessibili ove il processo di tappatura è totalmente programmabile. Insieme all’azionamento modulare serie M8050 il motore lineare-rotativo permette una semplice implementazione di giostre multi testa di tappatura. Soltanto l’alimenta-
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zione del motore, l’alimentazione delle logiche ed il bus di comunicazione devono essere forniti i attraverso i “contatti rotanti” della “giostra” collegandoli direttamente ad ogni singolo modulo multi testa. Grazie al fatto che il cavo motore è fisso non ci sono cavi o catene portacavi in movimento sulla giostra, con il risultato di una elevata durata di vita e lunghi intervalli di manutenzione. I movimenti lineari e rotativi e tutti processi di tappatura possono essere totalmente disaccoppiati dal movimento della giostra; questo garantisce un processo con qualità costante anche a differenti velocità od in fase di partenza o di arresto della macchina. Con corse sino a 300 mm è ora possibile utilizzare il motore lineare rotativo in tappatrici per bottiglie di grandi dimensioni, aerosols o spray nei quali il lungo tubo di aspirazione è inserito verticalmente insieme al tappo. Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il sito Internet: 17/12/15 13:57
2016 edition
VAR. Industry Srl world leader as a manufacturer of industrial boilers, member of Zucchelli Group company, present on the market since 1956, designs and manufactures steam generators, diathermic fluid heaters and hot water boilers for residential, industrial and food use with high efficiency > 95 % and low NOx, constructing them with full respect of environment and energy saving. Our mission is to satisfy every need, creating customization based on the requests of each customer maintaining national and international regulatory standards. In fact all the proposed range has the required certificates and quality standards to enable us to offer our products in any EC country and outside the EC. A wide range of solutions with high level of technology both in design and production. Thanks to the use of the best materials and technologically advanced machines, we are able to manage internally all the processing stages
from laser cutting of sheets, to shaping, automatic welding by numerical control machines. We are also able to offer the “rental” service and the construction of “turnkey” plants. Our production covers most of capacities required by market keeping the energy saving as one of the main objectives. The range is divided into: hot water - superheated water - direct and indirect steam generators - diathermic fluid heaters - “special” engineering and construction (combustion air heat recovery, steam accumulators, steam producers, steam generator whit fluegas recovery, economizers). The offer is finally completed offering our customers a maintenance of boilers/generators, thanks to the knowhow of our highly specialized technicians, to ensure the extension of the useful life.
VAR. Industry Srl è leader mondiale come costruttore di caldaie industriali, Azienda del Gruppo Zucchelli presente sul mercato dal 1956 progetta e costruisce generatori di vapore e caldaie per fluido diatermico fino alle caldaie di acqua calda per uso residenziale, industriale e alimentare con alti rendimenti >95% e basso NOx, realizzandole nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente e del risparmio energetico. La nostra missione è quella di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza, realizzando personalizzazioni sulla base delle richieste di ogni singolo cliente pur mantenendo gli standard normativi sia nazionali che internazionali. Infatti tutta la gamma proposta possiede le certificazioni e gli standard qualitativi necessari per poter offrire i nostri prodotti in qualsiasi paese comunitario ed extra comunitario.Un’ampia offerta di soluzioni ad alto livello tecnologico sia nella progettazione che nella produzione. Grazie all’impiego dei migliori materiali e di macchine tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, siamo in grado di gestire
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internamente tutte le fasi di lavorazione, dal taglio lamiere al laser, alla sagomatura, saldatura robotizzata con macchine a controllo numerico. Siamo inoltre in grado di proporre il servizio di “noleggio” e la realizzazione di impianti “chiavi in mano”. La nostra produzione copre le maggiori potenzialità che il mercato richiede mantenendo tra gli obbiettivi principali il risparmio energetico. La gamma si suddivide in: acqua calda - acqua surriscaldata - generatori di vapore diretti e indiretti - caldaie a fluido diatermico - progettazioni e costruzioni “speciali” (recuperatori aria comburente, accumulatori di vapore, evaporatori, generatori di vapore a recupero fumi, economizzatori). L’offerta infine si completa proponendo ai nostri clienti la manutenzione delle caldaie/generatori, grazie al know-how dei nostri tecnici altamente specializzati, per garantirne il prolungamento della vita utile. 29/01/16 17:03
I.VAR. Industry Srl, La qualità di una vasta gamma di prodotti che comprende caldaie acqua calda, acqua surriscaldata, generatori di vapore e caldaie a olio diatermico al servizio di tutti i processi industriali alimentari. “La migliore qualità per una migliore efficienza” The quality of a big range of products including hot water boilers, superheated water boilers, steam boilers, diathermic oil heaters for any food industrial process. “The best quality for the best efficiency”
I.VAR. Industry Srl - tel. +39 045 66 800 82
25/05/15 14:30
Through electric and electro-technical abilities, SPK develops switchboards (control and distribution), emergency or parallel connections and the electricity grid as well. In
Possagno (TV) warehouse, activities such as production, assembling and test of generation and co-generation, switchboards assembling and equipment take place. SPK supplies multi-years maintenance services supported by modern and high-technological tele-control systems which allow best results for efficiency and continuity in plants production. SPK Power Generation is part of AUSTEP Group, leader in designing and building of biogas, bio-methane and wastewater treatment plants. SPK and Austep Group competences are able to guarantee a customized 360° solution really trustable and well known as well as a highly skilled H24 service.
2016 edition
PK Power Generation designs, sets up, supplies and manages Generation Power Station through endodermic motors. SPK PG proposes a complete range of co-generation motors fed by fossil or sustainable fuel such as natural gas, biogas from anaerobic digestion or from landfill and diesel, able to produce electric, thermic, freezing and steaming energy in generative, co-generative and tri-generative assets. One of the most important aspect is the mechanical design activity is to integrate standard endothermic motors with thermos-technical parts creating compact systems easy to maintain and very efficient.
PK Power Generation, progetta, realizza, fornisce e gestisce centrali di Generazione di Energia Distribuita con motori endotermici. Propone una gamma completa di macchine di cogenerazione, alimentate da fonti di tipo fossile o rinnovabile, quali gas naturale, biogas da digestione anaerobica o da discarica e diesel, in grado di produrre nei vari assetti generativi, cogenerativi e trigenerativi energia elettrica, termica, frigorifera e vapore. Particolarmente significativa è l’attività di progettazione meccanica, che consente di integrare i motori endotermici standard con la componente termotecnica realizzando sistemi compatti, semplici da manutenere ed efficienti. Grazie alle consolidate competenze in ambito elettrico ed elettrotecnico, SPK sviluppa sia la quadristica (comando, controllo e distribuzione) che il collegamento in emergenza o in parallelo tra gruppi, così come con la rete elettrica.
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Presso il centro produttivo di Possagno (TV) vengono svolte le attività di produzione, assemblaggio e test delle macchine di generazione e cogenerazione, dei relativi quadri elettrici e componenti accessori. SPK Power Generation eroga servizi di manutenzione pluriennali con l’impiego di moderni ed avanzati sistemi di telecontrollo che garantiscono i migliori risultati in termini di efficienza e continuità di servizio degli impianti SPK Power Generation appartiene al Gruppo AUSTEP, leader nella progettazione e realizzazione di impianti di produzione di biogas, biometano e trattamento acque industriali. Le competenze di SPK e del Gruppo a cui appartiene, sono in grado di garantire una soluzione a 360° “su misura” affidabile, referenziata e riconosciuta nonché un efficace servizio di assistenza post vendita H24. 20/01/16 12:23
is a multinational company based in Italy, recognized as one of the major players in the Distributed Power Generation Market. SPK Power Generation designs, manufactures and maintain Power Plants based on the technology of internal combustion engines. We offer a complete range of machines of the latest generation fuelled by natural gas, anaerobic digestion gas, landfill gas and diesel able to produce electricity, heat, cooling and steam in generative, cogenerative and trigenerative mode.
è un’azienda multinazionale con sede in Italia, riconosciuta come uno dei principali operatori nel mercato della Generazione di Energia Distribuita. SPK progetta, realizza e mantiene centrali di Generazione di Energia Distribuita basate sulla tecnologia di motori endotermici. SPK Power Generation propone una gamma completa di macchine di ultima generazione, alimentate da fonti di tipo fossile o rinnovabile, quali gas naturale, biogas da digestione anaerobica o da discarica e diesel, in grado di produrre nei vari assetti generativi, cogenerativi e trigenerativi energia elettrica, termica, frigorifera e vapore.
SPK POWER GENERATION SRL Via Mecenate, 76/45 20138 Milano
2016 edition
&G Depurazione Industriale Srl in an Italian company which has been designing and manufacturing plants for the treatment of industrial wastewater around the world for over 40 years, with the aim of providing clients with a complete, personalised service which fully respects the environment around us. The company has a team of engineers and highly specialised personnel that follows each client from the design to the construction and installation of the machine, including assistance and post-sales maintenance. C&G supplies machinery and support technologies to a wide variety of production sectors with one common objective: to treat and improve the quality of a particular liquid. The main sectors where our products are applied include galvanic industries, where it is possible to recover Chrome VI, Nickel, Brass, Copper and precious metals, while treating the wastewater produced by these industries. Other fields of application include graphic arts,
mechanical, chemical and petrochemical industries, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. C&G is a pioneer in vacuum evaporation technology, and offers a wide range of evaporator models all of which are characterised by low electrical consumption, the use of electricity or alternative energy sources, automatic 24 hour functioning, compact, robust design, constancy and quality in the results obtained, and absence of smell or vapours. The principal objectives of the C&G are: to reduce the disposal costs and water consumption costs of a company up to 90%, to recycle the water used in an industrial line; to recover precious metals, to eliminate any possible risk of sanctions by environmental control authorities, to modernise production and to improve the image of a company.
&G DEPURAZIONE INDUSTRIALE da 40 anni costruisce impianti per il trattamento di reflui industriali con lo scopo di fornire ai propri clienti un servizio integrale e personalizzato nella tutela e nel rispetto del patrimonio ambientale, considerando l’acqua come risorsa preziosa e indirizzando il suo lavoro verso la realizzazioni di progetti che ne prevedano il recupero e il successivo impiego. La ditta dispone di un team di ingegneri e di personale altamente specializzato che segue ogni cliente dal progetto e dalla costruzione della macchina, all’installazione (impianti chiavi in mano), fino all’assistenza e alla manutenzione post-vendita. C&G fornisce apparecchi e tecnologie di supporto a settori produttivi molto distanti tra loro, ma per raggiungere un obiettivo in comune: trattare e migliorare le condizioni di un determinato liquido. Pioniere nella tecnologia di eva-
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porazione sotto vuoto, la C&G mette a disposizione dei suoi clienti una vasta gamma di modelli di Evaporatori, tutti caratterizzati da un basso consumo energetico, alimentazione con corrente elettrica di rete o energia alternativa, funzionamento automatico in continuo sulle 24 ore, robustezza e compattezza, affidabilità e costanza nei risultati, e assenza di fumi e odori. Gli obiettivi primari che C&G si propone sono: ridurre il costo di smaltimento ed il consumo di acqua della vostra azienda, riciclare l’acqua usata nella linea industriale, recuperare materie prime, eliminare ogni rischio di incorrere in costose sanzioni da parte delle Autorità preposte alla tutela dell’ambiente, modernizzare la produzione, e migliorare l’immagine pubblica della vostra azienda. 26/01/16 17:03
Progetto grafico:
C&G Depurazione inDustriale srl Via i° Maggio, 53 - 50067 rignano s.arno - Firenze - toscana - italia - - tel. +39 0558303450 - +39 0558303454 - Fax +39 0558303368 C&G DEPURA ADV.indd 3
04/05/15 13:28
M.H. Material Handling Spa, Material Handling of goodS inSide factorieS
2016 edition
.H. Material Handling Spa is an Italian company founded in 1986, its mission is to engineer and produce turnkey solutions for material handling of goods inside factories. In the first years of activity it has consolidated its experience in the automotive and electromechanical markets, building free pallet lines to service work centers, machine tools and assembly stations. After a few years it has shifted its attention to the food and pharmaceutical packaging markets that require higher throughput speeds and a greater number of devices and accessories to complete the conveyor system supplied. Buffering systems, mergers, sorters, elevators and lowerators, rotation groups and handling of the product, trays densters are just some of the special devices that M.H. has developed in the course of its activities. M.H. has a competent engineering department with extensive experience that allows to support the demands of customers since the bidding stage by providing active
counseling for any need from the single application up to the complete turnkey plant, with the aim of improving production efficiency and get faster return on investment. It has also developed a comprehensive network of partners, working with the most important OEM manufacturers of automatic and packaging machines both Italian and foreign, to offer fully integrated solutions that take into account the operational needs of each item of plant. M.H. also offers a complete range of conveyor systems in assembly kit, designed with modular design easily modifiable and that can be integrated with existing lines. The M.H. transport systems are compatible with most of the commercial components available on the market, offering all the advantages of flexibility of an open construction standards.
M.H. Material Handling Spa , iMpianti di MoviMentazione interna
.H. Material Handling Spa è un’azienda Italiana fondata nel 1986 con la missione di progettare e costruire impianti chiavi in mano di movimentazione interna agli stabilimenti. Nei primi anni di attività ha consolidato la propria esperienza nel settore automotive ed elettromeccanico, con linee a pallet liberi per asservimento a centri di lavoro, macchine utensili e stazioni di assemblaggio. Dopo pochi anni ha spostato la propria attenzione al mercato del confezionamento alimentare e farmaceutico che richiedono velocità produttive più elevate e un maggior numero di dispositivi ed accessori a corredo dell’impianto di trasporto. Sistemi di accumulo, unificatori, smistatori, elevatori e discesori, gruppi di rotazione e manipolazione del prodotto, disimpilatori di vaschette sono solo alcuni dei dispositivi speciali che M.H. ha sviluppato nel corso della sua attività. M.H. dispone di un reparto di progettazione competente e con vasta esperienza che le consente di supportare le richieste dei clienti fin dalla fase di offerta, fornendo con-
114 M.H HANDLING CAT 2016.indd 1
sulenza attiva per qualsiasi esigenza dalla singola applicazione fino all’impianto completo chiavi in mano, con l’obiettivo di migliorare l’efficienza produttiva e ottenere il più rapido ritorno dell’investimento. Ha inoltre sviluppato una completa rete di partner, collaborando con i più importanti costruttori di macchine automatiche e di confezionamento Italiani ed esteri per poter offrire soluzioni perfettamente integrate e che tengano conto delle specifiche esigenze di funzionamento di ogni elemento degli impianti. M.H. propone inoltre una completa gamma di nastri trasportatori in kit di montaggio, progettati con design modulare facilmente modificabili e integrabili con linee esistenti. I sistemi di trasporto M.H. risultano compatibili con la maggior parte della componentistica commerciale disponibile sul mercato, offrendo tutti i vantaggi di flessibilità di uno standard di costruzione aperto. 01/03/16 12:17
26/02/16 17:45
2016 edition
ROXAUT was established in 1996 since the beginning developed software for automatic system, software dedicated to management, contr ol and supervision in the plant focusing on the handling and later on warehousing. PROXAUT answered to the growing up needs of the market, started to including the production of automatic guided vehicle with different type of navigation systems, laser, floor wire, magnetic spot. During nearly 20 years of activity in logistics and experience in the implementation of automated systems for factories producing consumer goods, they have given Proxaut the awareness of being a global provider of innovative solutions for intra-logistics and material handling to optimize the supply chain of warehouses, and production facilities worldwide. Strengths of Proxaut are modular solutions that can be installed step by step and this allows to implement the system without stoppage of production in existing plants, allowing you to improve efficiency both for the management of consumables for the activities of production and dispatch improving safety in the factory. The technologies used in our solutions are fully designed, engineered, manufactured and installed by Proxaut. This means that we have a complete mastery of the system. We produce a wide range of AGV models, we have extended engineering capabilities in studying and simulating automatic systems we provide effective systems of groundbreaking technology, in efficiency, reliability and safety. We design customized systems for our customer reference list and also for other industrial sectors where products must be handled and transferred in automatic. Today the changing market is increasingly demanding, for this reason we believe that integration, flexibility and security are key elements that respond to
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the needs of today but can adapt to follow the growth and changing customer needs in the future. PROXAUT draws of experience, expertise and know-how in automating handling systems and offers a comprehensive technical study with the scope of determining the appropriate integrated solution according to the customer’s needs. CASE HISTORY Previous situation Warehousing activities of picking up of the pallets through forklift drivers to operate in cold room at temperatures of -28° C. Operators, wearing protective work clothing to work at low temperatures, with the obligation to stay at least 30 min. at pleasant temperature after 90 min. permanent work in cold room. Customer’ needs • Eliminate the thermal stress to operators. • Improve the efficiency of the work cycle. • Reduce operating costs. • Increasing security and quality. Benefits • Efficiency. • Eliminating human mistakes origin,of damages to the products and the enviroment. • Space and internal logistics optimization (work flows). • Company’s innovative and technological growth. • Retun on investment (R.O.I.) in the medium / short term. Current situation The customer with the installation of an automatic handling system with AGV, performs all the operations of wharehousing and picking up of the pallets inside the cold room with racks 6 meters high at -28 ° C. 02/03/16 11:46
Progetto grafico:
automatic Guided Vehicle
Proxaut srl: Via Caduti sul lavoro, 8 41013 Piumazzo - Castelfranco Emilia - Modena (Italy) Tel. +39 059 934939 - Fax +39 059 935527 -
PROXAUT ADV CAT 2016.indd 3
01/03/16 15:16
handling systems
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy
2016 edition
he quality of the project, a passion for innovation, attention paid to the client. Since 1976, these are the traits that distinguish Cidiesse Engineering, a dynamic industry in the sector of internal handling and conveyor systems. With a consolidated presence both in Italy and abroad, Cidiesse is a model of a business that has grown through experience, evolving one step at a time thanks to constant investment in technical capacities and technological equipment, all with a view to offering the best in creative engineering and quality construction. Now we celebrate forty years in the business, Cidiesse in combining artisanal spirit with an industrial view for a range of high-profile solutions that include bucket elevators, conveyor belts, rotating tables, and continuous loading elevators for transporting raw materials and bulk products, such as, for example: pasta, dried fruit, flours and cereals, snacks, pet food, dairy products, seeds and feeds, mineral materials, chemical substances and pharmaceutical preparations.
The transport of the product without breakage or contamination also implies total safety for the operators. This has always been Cidiesse’s objective in seeking innovative and versatile solutions: an objective that has been reached repeatedly through the perfecting of advanced systems that can be applied to many sectors, including food, beverage, and others. Paying attention to the client’s needs is a cornerstone of Cidiesse philosophy when engineering products made-to-measure: every construction, functional, and performance detail is studied to meet individual and specific client requirements. This is why Cidiesse is a strategic, reliable, and competent partner: an extraordinary capacity for standing by their clients through personalised technical-commercial consultations, the proposal of bespoken projects, high-level production, and punctual installation, auditing, and after-sales services.
cidiesse, ci PReNdiAMO cURA deL VOsTRO PROdOTTO
a qualità del progetto, la passione per l’innovazione, l’attenzione al cliente. Sono questi i tratti distintivi che contraddistinguono Cidiesse Engineering, dinamica realtà industriale attiva dal 1976 nel settore degli impianti per la movimentazione interna. Con una presenza affermata in Italia e all’estero, Cidiesse è un modello d’azienda cresciuta attraverso l’esperienza, evoluta a piccoli passi grazie a costanti investimenti in competenze tecniche e dotazioni tecnologiche, finalizzati ad offrire la migliore creatività progettuale unita a qualità costruttiva. Quest’anno CIDIESSE ENGINEERING festeggia i quarant’anni d’attività, coniugando spirito artigianale e ottica industriale in una gamma di soluzioni d’alto profilo, che comprende elevatori a tazze, nastri trasportatori, tavoli rotanti ed elevatori a carico continuo, per il trasporto di materie prime e prodotti sfusi: ad esempio, pasta, frutta secca, semole e cereali, snack, latticini ed inoltre pet food, sementi e mangimi, materiali minerari, sostanze chimiche e preparazioni farmaceutiche. Il trasporto del prodotto senza rotture o contaminazioni
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durante i passaggi, ovvero in totale sicurezza anche per gli operatori, è da sempre l’obiettivo che orienta Cidiesse nella ricerca di soluzioni innovative e versatili: un obiettivo raggiunto più volte, attraverso la messa a punto di impianti evoluti che trovano applicazione in molteplici settori, food, beverage e no food. L’attenzione alle esigenze del cliente è un caposaldo di Cidiesse nella progettazione su misura: ogni dettaglio costruttivo, funzionale e prestazionale viene studiato per rispondere a singole e specifiche richieste da parte dell’industria cliente. Per questo Cidiesse è un partner strategico affidabile e competente: per la spiccata capacità di affiancare il cliente attraverso consulenze tecnico-commerciali personalizzate, proposte progettuali su misura, produzioni ai massimi livelli ed un servizio puntuale di montaggio, collaudo e assistenza post-vendita. 01/03/16 14:29
CIDIESSE_Pagina 2016 esec.indd 1
28/10/15 09:23
handling systems
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy
Penta, solutions for advanced turnkey raw materials automation systems
2016 edition
• • • • • • • • •
enta supplies: • off-loading systems for raw materials and additives supplied by bags, jumbo bags and tankers; aluminium and stainless steel silos and tanks; extraction aids for silos and hoppers; pneumatic and mechanic conveying systems; automatic de-dusting filters; electronically controlled metering and dosing units; batch and loss-in-weight electronic automatic process scales; devices for hazardous area, ATEX approved equipments; automatic feeding of mixers, kneader and dissolver; fully computerized PLC/PC electric panel and management systems supplied with dedicated software for driving and controlling the whole installations.
Expert in handling of: • crystal and milled sugar; • whole and skimmed milk powder; • wheat flour; • cocoa powder.
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Penta is a worldwide one-stop supplier of solutions for advanced turnkey raw materials automation systems. Via Uccellino, 75/77 44028 Poggio Renatico (FE) - Italy
PENTA ADV CAT 2016.indd 3
Penta_AvvisoA3_OK.indd 2-3
05/02/16 17:46
daiRy teChnOlOgies
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy
cad ProJect, a Perfect tailor made service!
2016 edition
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy CatalOgUe
ad Project Srl projects, manufactures and installs machines and plants for dairy and food industry. It is a dynamic company that works closely with the client as to meet every requirement. Every project is a perfect tailor made! It has a trained staff and qualified collaborators who are always ready to face new challenges, adapting to evolving technology and market. Machines and plants are modern, engineered and manufactured with practicality mind and limited maintenance. Thanks to use innovative and technological tools, Cad Project can grant tailored solutions.
Today Cad Project, leader in ultrasonic cutting and fixed weight, boasts a wide range of machines and plants. For the portioning it produces manual machines, semi-automatic machines and fully automatic lines. Depending on the type of cheese to be cut, can be used different types of blades; from traditional blades in stainless steel to the innovative and increasingly used ultrasonic blades, which allow a precise and clean cut. It is also possible to cut at fixed or variable weight, placing the slices into plastic containers and the connecting with packaging lines. For the seasoning different machines are manufactured such as brining and brushing machines, dry salting machines, punching machines and peelers machines.
The entire production cycle is done at the factory in San Pietro Mosezzo, allowing a 360° control of all the work phases.
To find out in detail all machines and plants of Cad Project log in the web site, or to follow them on the youtube channel.
cAd PROJecT, A PeRFecT TAiLOR MAde seRVice!
ad Project Srl progetta, realizza e installa macchine e impianti per l’industria casearia e alimentare. È un’azienda dinamica che lavora a stretto contatto con il cliente, in modo da soddisfare ogni sua esigenza. Ogni progetto è studiato su misura. Un perfetto tailor made! Cad Project si avvale di uno staff qualificato e di collaboratori scelti che sono sempre pronti ad affrontare nuove sfide, adeguandosi alla continua evoluzione della tecnologia e del mercato. Le macchine e gli impianti sono moderni, progettati e costruiti con criteri di praticità, di limitata manutenzione e di riduzioni dei costi produttivi. L’uso di strumenti tecnologici per la progettazione e la costruzione hanno permesso a Cad Project di affermarsi nel settore alimentare, specializzandosi nel settore caseario.
Oggi Cad Project, leader nel taglio a ultrasuoni e a peso fisso, vanta una vasta gamma di macchine e impianti. Per quanto riguarda la porzionatura, Cad Project realizza macchine manuali, semi-automatiche e linee completamente automatiche. A seconda della tipologia di formaggio da tagliare possono essere utilizzate diversi tipi di lame; dalle lame tradizionali in acciaio inox alle innovative e sempre più utilizzate lame a ultrasuoni, che permettono un taglio preciso e pulito. È inoltre possibile il taglio a peso fisso o variabile, se si preferisce o meno l’inserimento in vaschetta e l’allineamento con le linee di packaging.
L’intero ciclo di produzione avviene nello stabilimento di San Pietro Mosezzo, permettendo un controllo a 360° di tutte le fasi.
Per scoprire dettagliatamente tutti gli impianti realizzati da Cad Project Vi invitiamo a collegarVi al sito, o al canale YouTube.
122 CAD PROJECT - CAT 2016 tecnLATTIERO.indd 1
Per la stagionatura vengono prodotte invece diverse macchine come spazzolatrici, salinatrici, salatrici a secco, foratrici e pelatrici. 14/12/15 17:42
daiRy teChnOlOgies
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy
sordi, comPany’s caPaBility and vitality
2016 edition
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy CatalOgUe
stablished in 1881, SORDI has played up since then a leading role in the milk field, position still held thanks to the continuous search for innovative solutions. SORDI was one of the first companies in the world to offer the indirect heat exchange at high temperature for the UHT milk treatment, developed and realized perfected innovative lines for the production of cheese, mascarpone, ricotta, butter and margarine. Sordi used its experience and knowledge to make vanguard plants in related areas, such as the production and heat treatment of juices, ice cream mix, bakery and pastry products. During the last years Sordi a special attention was paid to the industry of vegetable milks (soy, rice and other cereals) designing and realizing efficient and flexible lines for the extraction of milk, for UHT milk processing (white or flavored milk), for the production of tofu and yoghurt. Sordi production range therefore includes: Milk reception and recombining units,
Indirect type, HTST, ESL pasteurizing lines, Indirect type UHT sterilizing lines, Sweetened, condensed milk lines, Sweetened and condensed milk production lines, Preparation and processing lines for creams, puddings, ice-cream mixes, Fermented milk production lines (set and stirred yoghurt, Kefir, Labneh, Laban etc.), Vegetable cream production lines, Preparation lines for fruit juices and drinks, Concentration lines by membranes (MF, UF, RO), Production lines for soft cheese, Production lines for pressed and hard cheese, Production lines for pasta filata cheese, Production lines for fresh cheese, Production lines for ricotta, Lines for “analogue cheese” (cheese from proteic concentrates), Extraction and production line for vegetable milks (soy, rice, oats etc.), Production lines for Tofu (soy cheese), CIP chemical cleaning lines for single units and plants.
sORdi, cOMPeTeNZA e diNAMiciTÀ
ondata nel 1881, la Sordi ha giocato fin dalla sua nascita un ruolo di primo piano nel mondo del latte, posizione mantenuta fino a oggi grazie alla ricerca continua di soluzioni innovative. SORDI è stata una tra le prime società nel mondo ad offrire lo scambio termico indiretto ad alta temperatura per il trattamento UHT del latte, ha sviluppato e messo a punto linee innovative per la produzione di formaggi, di mascarpone e di ricotta, di burro e di margarina. Ha utilizzato la sua esperienza e la sua conoscenza per realizzare impianti all’avanguardia in settori affini, quale la produzione e il trattamento termico di succhi di frutta, di gelati, di prodotti da forno e pasticceria. Negli ultimi anni Sordi si è dedicata con particolar impegno all’industria del latte di soia, di riso e di altri cereali, progettando e realizzando linee efficienti e flessibili per l’estrazione del latte, per il trattamento UHT di latte bianco o aromatizzato, per la produzione di tofu e per la produzione di yogurt.
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Pertanto la gamma di produzione Sordi prevede: Unità di ricevimento e ricostituzione del latte, Unità di pastorizzazione HTST, ESL di tipo indiretto, Linee di sterilizzazione UHT di tipo indiretto, Linee di produzione latte zuccherato e condensato, Linee di preparazione e produzione panne, budini, miscele da gelato, Linee di produzione latte fermentato (yogurt cremoso e compatto, Kefir, Labneh, Laban ecc.), Linee di produzione panna vegetale, Linee di preparazione succhi di frutta e bevande, Linee di concentrazione mediante membrane (MF, UF, RO), Linee di produzione formaggi molli, Linee di produzione formaggi pressati, Linee di produzione formaggi a pasta filata, Linee di produzione formaggi freschi, Linee di produzione ricotta, Linee di produzione di “analogue cheese” (formaggio da concentrati proteici), Linee di estrazione e produzione latte vegetale (latte di soia, riso, avena, ecc.), Impianti di produzione Tofu (formaggio di soia), Impianti di lavaggio chimico CIP per singole macchine e per impianti. 15/01/16 18:12
09/04/15 11:10
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy
orved, costant Professionalism and innovation
2016 edition
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy CatalOgUe
rved S.p.A. is a leading company in the design, manufacturing and distribution of state-of-theart, high-quality vacuum packing machines that are entirely Made in Italy. The company has been offering for many years a line of external vacuum packing machines, a vast range of vacuum chamber packing machines, trays thermosealing machines, vacuum bags, as well as sous-vide accessories and systems. Orved’s products stand out for their very high quality levels and cutting-edge technological solutions. The reliability and robustness of its machines have been recognized and confirmed by a thirty-year presence in world markets. Each and every one of Orved’s machine complies with the strictest international standards and is CE-ETL-ETL Sanitation certified. Orved’s entire internal quality management system, both of its packing machines as well as of its vacuum bags, is ISO 9001:2008 certified. All of its machines enjoy warranties combined with a fast and professional assistance, which is also ensured at an international level. Innovation is one of the most important value that distinguishes the company from the others present in the vacuum packing sector. Recently Orved has designed and developed the first vacuum packing machine able to vacuum pack products for the space. Orved is proud to have designed “Orved Argovac”, the packing machine that vacuum packs foodstuffs for astronauts. This machine was also used for vacuum packing foods sent into space for the “Futura Mission”, to which, among others, the Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti took part. Orved, for this mission, produced both the Orved Argovac vacuum packer as well as the special vacuum bags suitable for the packaging of the astronauts’ food. For 2016 Orved has developed a lot of product innovations that cast new light on the preservation, sealing and cooking field. The latest product is the new Bright Line characterized by a refined and innovative design, stainless steel bodywork and an exclusive Wi-Fi device present within the machine. The Wi-Fi allows the vacuum packing machine to communicate directly with the user. Thanks to the Wi-Fi technology the user can benefit of
126 ORVED CAT 2016_interaHoreca.indd 1
many advantages such as: remote programming by means of Pc, Tablet and Smartphone - fast technical assistance automatic update of the machine software and analysis of all machine functions. The new Bright line has been enriched with two new vacuum packing machines: Cuisson 31 and Cuisson 41. These two brand new machines represent the real innovation in the vacuum packing of liquid products thanks to the patented vertical chamber and the 9 deaeration programs and 11 preset programs, such as sauces, cream, ice-cream bases and pastry bases. These new programs make the vacuum packing of liquid products easier than ever and all people can be able to vacuum pack products even without the Chef supervision, thanks to the automatism of the programs. Orved is well known for satisfying all people’s needs, even the most difficult. Evox 25 is the new challenge that Orved has won with its new machine, Evox, the smallest vacuum packing machine with maximum vacuum performance. Fit for any space even in the smallest kitchen, Evox 25 is ideal for small restaurants, delicatessens, bars and all small shops. Orved is once again pleased to present an end result of absolute excellence and it is proud to launch in the market both the Evox 25 stainless steel built and its limited edition Evox 25 F1, characterized by an exclusive red colour. Evox 25 F1 is the ideal vacuum packing machine for all those people looking for a fast machine yet with a distinguishing avant-garde design. In the thermosealing field, Orved presents a new trays thermosealing machine, VGP 60n Skin. Vgp 60n Skin, is the new machine which renovates the concept of vacuum packing and sealing thanks to its exclusive “Skin Effect”: a particular system of vacuum packaging which enables a specific film fit for food contact to perfectly adhere to the product like a “second skin”. With VGP 60n Skin any product can be packed and their freshness, quality and above all aesthetic aspect better preserved. Nowadays Orved is growing day by day and has increased its presence in the world in 121 countries with 1248 dealers and importers. 14/01/16 15:40
VGP 60n SKIN With VGP 60n SKIN any product can be vacuum packed and their freshness, quality and above all aesthetic aspect better preserved!
Evox 25
SKIN Effect
The new vacuum packing machine can be fit for any space, even in the smallest kitchen. Evox 25 is solid, ergonomic and represents Orved’s answer to all those people looking for a simple and fast machine yet with a distinguishing avant-garde design.
Evox 25F1
Cuisson 41h Cuisson 41
Be SMART with ORVED! The new Bright line is equipped with an innovative Wi-Fi device which allows the machine to communicate directly with the user by means of PC, Tablet and Smartphone.
Cuisson 31
The machine is provided with NEW DEAERATION PROGRAMS for pastry and ice-cream bases and the NEW PRESET VACUUM PROGRAMS which are capable of increasing the quality of vacuum packaging of liquid and soft products.
ORVED S.P.A. Via dell’Artigianato, 30 - 30024 Musile di Piave (VE) ITALIA - tel: +39.0421.54387 - fax: +39.0421.332295 - e-mail:
14/01/16 17:31
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy
akomaG, Bottle wasHinG
2016 edition
FOOd&BeVeRage teChnOlOgy CatalOgUe
he automatic washing of returnable bottles has today reached a level of high specialization. AKOMAG is a young, flexible and dynamic company that bases its organizational strategy on Customer Satisfaction, the quality of its systems, its assistance services and technological innovation. The company has been working in the bottling sector for many years, and boasts a long construction experience, which allows it to guarantee maximum yields for the client, together with the highest level of operational practicality, minimum working costs and long lasting equipment, due mainly to the fact that the machines are built using certified, top quality materials. This experience and the company research are made available to the clients who demand only the best. The simple, modular structure of the company’s production range has allowed for the progressive increase in the functions and level of sophistication, including special washing and sanitization sections, automatic process parameter control,
system security devices, energy saving devices, the reduction of exhaust waste and automatic sanitization of the most important parts in terms of hygiene. During the design the utmost attention has been paid to ensuring the adoption of all details for health protection and operator accident prevention, along with all the necessary protective devices for noise reduction. Great efforts have also been made to reduce the size of these traditionally large and awkward machines, in order facilitate space optimization in bottling plants. The AKOMAG production range includes bottle washers, rinsers and sterilizers for glass and PET bottles and for large 3-4 and 5 gallon bottles, crate washers and various complementary machine accessories. The company’s operational site is in Soragna (PR), and has a covered surface area of more than 1,500 m2 for production, plus a spare parts warehouse and technical, administrative and sales offices.
l lavaggio automatico delle bottiglie di recupero, ha raggiunto ormai un livello di alta specializzazione. AKOMAG è un azienda giovane, flessibile e dinamica che basa la sua strategia organizzativa sulla soddisfazione dei Clienti, sulla qualità degli impianti, del servizio assistenza e delle innovazioni tecnologiche. Opera da diversi anni nel settore dell’imbottigliamento e vanta una lunga esperienza costruttiva, tale da ottenere e garantire al cliente il massimo rendimento, un’ottima praticità di conduzione, costi d’esercizio minimi ed una lunga durata dovuta principalmente al fatto che le macchine sono costruite con materiali di prima qualità, certificati. Tali esperienze e ricerche sono così a disposizione per clienti che vogliono il meglio. La struttura semplice e modulare della sua produzione, ha consentito di aumentare proggressivamente le funzioni e il livello di sofisticazione, inserendo sezioni di lavaggio speciali e di sanificazione, il controllo automatico dei parametri di processo, sistemi di sicurezza per l’impianto, il recupero energe-
128 AKOMAG - CAT 2016.indd 1
tico, la riduzione degli scarichi e la sanificazione automatica delle parti più importanti dal punto di vista igenico. Durante la fase di progettazione, non si è minimamente sottovalutato la necessità di adottare tutti gli accorgimenti atti alla salvaguardia della salute e alla prevenzione dei rischi dell’operatore, adottando tutte le protezioni necessarie anche in riguardo della riduzione del rumore. Notevole impegno è stato rivolto alla riduzione delle dimensioni delle macchine, tradizionalmente piuttosto grandi ed ingombranti, per risolvere i problemi di ottimizzazione degli spazi negli impianti di imbottigliamento. La produzione AKOMAG comprende lavabottiglie, sciacquatrici e sterilizzatrici per bottiglie in vetro, PET e per boccioni da 3-4 e 5 galloni, lavacasse ed accessori vari complementari alle macchine. La sede operativa è situata nel comune di Soragna (PR) con una superficie coperta di oltre 1.500 m2 adibita a produzione più un magazzino ricambi, ufficio tecnico, amministrativo e commerciale. 28/01/16 17:00
краткие новости
AKOMAG ADV IFM 2-14.indd 1
26/02/15 17:49
FooD&bEVERAgE tECHnologY
SMI: hIgh TeChnology, ConSTanT InnovaTIon anD Top flexIbIlITy
2016 edition
he role of producers of bottling and packaging technology, such as SMI, is particularly important for the success of companies operating in the food & beverage sector. Success that can only be achieved through an optimal combination of competitiveness, cost-effectiveness, efficiency and environment-friendliness of the manufacturing process. Creating systems and machinery that allow the achievement of that ideal “blend” is the main goal of SMI since the very beginning of its activity, dating back to 1987. With over 5,600 packaging machines installed worldwide, Italy-based SMI ranks among the top manufacturers of bottling & packaging machines as well as of systems for food & beverage, household cleaning and personal hygiene, chemical and pharmaceutical products, able to meet production needs up to 36,000 bottles per hour. SMI is a leading manufacturer of automatic packers for the secondary packaging in shrink film and corrugated cardboard and one of the top makers of rotary stretchblow moulders for the production of PET bottles. 97% of SMI systems, that are entirely produced in Italy, is exported to over 130 foreign countries. In almost 30 years of business, SMI has always distinguished itself on the market for the high level of technological innovation and operating flexibility of its range of machines and systems, that is constantly upgraded and expanded thanks to an intensive activity of Research & Development. These are the principles on which SMI most innovative studies are based and that came into effect in the realization of the new ERGON series of primary and secondary packaging machines. Ergonomics, technology, robustness and modularity are only some of the elements featuring the new ERGON series. SMI S.p.A., with its product divisions for blowing/filling and capping system and end of line packaging machines, is the flagship brand of the cluster of companies belonging to SMIGROUP S.p.A.
130 SMI GROUP CAT2016.indd 1
SMI and the importance of R&D investments Investments in advanced technology and breakthrough innovation are the main driving force for the success of SMI in the world. In order to maintain and further develop its technical expertise, SMI annually invest a significant share of its turnover in projects of Research & Development. In more than 25 years, those foregoing investments have enabled SMI to market a wide array of innovative bottling and packaging machines and systems whose high tech features and solutions have led in many cases to set new industrial standards in this sector. The commitment of SMI to the environmental protection is also proved by the fact that the company is UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 certified and that, therefore, an machine-manufacturing industry can be run in perfect harmony with the nature and the needs of an everchanging market. Complete solutions for any bottling & packaging need SMI designs and manufactures complete bottling & packaging systems for output needs from 3,600 to 36,000 bottles per hour requiring high efficiency, broad operating flexibility, low energy consumption and a good quality/price ratio. After careful analysis of the customer’s needs and the generation of feasibility study, a team of experts draws up a customized proposal in collaboration with the customer’s staff in order to fine tune the scope of supply. The range of turnkey systems proposed by SMI includes entry-level and compact lines as well as full optional and complex solutions, with a wide array of intermediate products that can satisfy customers’ current and future requirement in terms of output rate, product to be packaged, process automation and facility size. 03/02/16 16:13
FooD&bEVERAgE tECHnologY
velo aCCIaI, WIDe Range of TeChnICal SolUTIonS foR lIQUID pRoCeSSIng
2016 edition
FooD&bEVERAgE tECHnologY CAtAlogUE
ith the knowledge and the production plant in San Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV), as well as an established worldwide network of agents, distributors and assistance, VLS Technologies is able to provide a wide range of technical solutions for liquid processing. From consulting and designing, to testing and post-‐sales service spare and spare management, VLS Tech. is an reliable partner for all sectors of liquid processing. The core business of the VLS Tech. is developing technological solutions for liquid filtration. This is our area of expertise. We customize filtration solutions for each customers’ individual needs. Oenological, brewing, food and beverage, and chemical sectors are constantly evolving. Solutions for liquid
filtration require constant research, development and innovation. VLS Tech. is a leader in providing solutions for liquid filtration. Not only do we provide filtration technologies for these sectors, but we are also able to design and develop ad hoc solutions based on specific needs, new products and new markets. Historically, the oenological sector has always been our target. For that reason, VLS Technologies is able to design and supply the solution for the entire line, from vineyard to bottle. Thanks to familiarity with the world of wine and to the wide net of technological partners, we know how to propose the best solution for any wine processing need.
VeLO AcciAi, sOLUZiONi TecNOLOGicHe PeR i PROcessi di LAVORAZiONe dei LiQUidi
on le competenze e gli impianti della sede produttiva di San Zenone degli Ezzelini, nella Provincia di Treviso, e grazie a un network internazionale di agenti, rivenditori autorizzati e assistenza, VLS Technologies è in grado di offrire un servizio a 360 gradi nelle soluzioni tecnologiche per i processi di lavorazione dei liquidi. Dalla consulenza e progettazione attenta alle esigenze dei diversi settori serviti, fino al collaudo, all’assistenza post-vendita e alla gestione dei ricambi, VLS Technologies si propone come referente unico e partner tecnologico esperto, affidabile e completo. Il settore d’eccellenza di VLS Technologies è quello dello sviluppo di soluzioni tecnologiche per la filtrazione dei liquidi: in quest’ambito sappiamo esprimere al massimo tutte le nostre competenze e il nostro know-how. Realizziamo soluzioni personalizzate per la filtrazione generate dalle reali esigenze del cliente.
132 VELO ACCIAI- CAT 2016.indd 1
I settori dell’enologia, del brewery, del food & beverage e dell’industria chimica sono in continua evoluzione, e le soluzioni tecnologiche adottate per la filtrazione dei liquidi richiedono costanti processi di ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione. VLS Technologies è azienda leader nel settore delle soluzioni per la filtrazione, in grado non solo di fornire tecnologie di filtrazione per questi settori, ma anche di progettare e sviluppare soluzioni ad hoc basate su esigenze specifiche, nuovi prodotti, nuovi mercati. Il settore enologico è il target principale di VLS Technologies, infatti siamo in grado di progettare e realizzare la filiera dalla vigna alla bottiglia. Grazie alla familiarità con il mondo del vino e all’ampio network di partner tecnologici, sappiamo proporre sempre la miglior soluzione per qualsiasi esigenza di wine processing. 10/12/15 11:32
Thanks to our fully automatic crossflow filtration plants you will be able to treat all kinds of products: wine, beer and juices with polymeric membranes; products with an high concentration of suspended solids -like lees- with our plants with stainless steel membranes.
VELO ACCIAI S.r.l. Via S. Lorenzo, 42 Loc. Ca’ Rainati | S. Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV) Italia T+39 0423968966 | |
FRAMAX, yOuR PARtneR in the wORld
2016 edition
RAMAX specializes in the supply of machinery and complete “Turn Key” production lines for the bottling and packaging industry, covering primarily the beverage field but also catering for special needs in the food and chemical sectors. Our main objective is to provide Customers promptly with a custom-made solution, specifically designed to protect and guarantee the quality of the finished product with the use of the highest and most up-to date technology. Framax can supplying lines to suit a wide range of products such as mineral water, carbonated soft drinks, wine, beer, edible oils, mixed alcoholic beverages, liqueurs, fruit juices, sauces etc., into traditional or modern packaging, such as bottles made of Pet, Pen, Glass, HDPE, cans, bag-in box-etc. The key to our success is the “know how” gained in over 30 years of experience in this industry and the ability to supply equipment performance, competitive pricing and efficiency of after sales service and support. Framax can supply the following: • Depallettising systems suitable for glass bottles, PET bottles, cans, jars etc. • Synthetic bottle production (PET, PEN, PVC, etc.), single or double stage Pet blow-moulding and extrusion moulding. • Unscramblers for plastic bottles complete with silo storage systems and automatic extraction conveying to the bottling line.
134 FRAMAX CAT2016.indd 1
• • • • • • • • • •
• Bottle washing machines for returnable glass bottles. • Liquid rinsing/sterilizing machines with one or more treatments. • Filling machines using various technologies according to the products to be processed. Capping machines for all types of closures and seals. Labelling machines suitable for all kinds of modern packaging. Can filling and packaging lines. Packaging and palletizing machines. Wrap around pallet wrapping. Factory automation technologies. Water treatment plants. Beer brewing plants. Q.C. Inspection equipment. Premixes, ozone generators, carbonators, syrup plants, cap elevators, date coding, pasteurizing machines, conveying and handling systems. Project planning and Engineering of complete plants.
Project planning & engineering The main key to our success is the capability to offer customers a complete tailor-made solution according to specific technical requirements, starting from the initial budgetary proposal to the final project plan designed to fit within the space availability but also to fit the required budget, always keeping in mind the importance of looking after the product to be packaged. Primary objective is in fact to care about “THE PRODUCT”, making sure that its original characteristics are not altered throughout the bottling & packaging process. 26/05/16 16:22
A MIN 11816
Output: up to 1.500 cans hour
Fully automatic electronic canning machine Rinsing, isobaric filling and seaming Beer, Cider, Soft Drinks, Wine, etc.
For additional information visit:
FRAMAX srl - Via Marlianese, 31 51030 Serravalle Pistoiese (PT) Italy Ph./Fax +39 0573 51435 - Fax +39 0573 079907 email:
Bottling Packaging Tecnologies
Sturdy, Compact, Electronic, Reliable
Beer, Wine, Cider, Soft drinks
25/02/16 10:52
Dosing system
FooD&BeVeRAge teCHnoLogy
TS, equipmenTS for The doSage of liquid niTrogen in dropS
2016 edition
arises from the desire of some professionals to give quality answers to the problems of its clients. TS designs, manufactures and installs complete pipelines for the storage and transfer of cryogenic liquids and for the production and distribution of the relative gas, such as Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon, and other gases such as Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide, Methane. Based on innovative and flexible concept, combined with design criteria focused on standardization and modularization, but that does not rule out the customization required by the context, TS supports in a distinctive manner and identifies the most viable solutions for every Customer. Our product lines: • Transfer and Delivery of Cryogenic Liquids. • Distribution of Industrial, Medicinal and Special Gases. • Gas mixing systems. • Equipment: for cryogenic applications in the food industry, in different production lines: cryogenically grinding - cheese pasta processing - ice cream / frozen desserts production Cooling / freezing foods - Bottling.
TS has therefore created a series of equipments for the dosage of liquid nitrogen in drops, characterized by: • Small size and easy to use. • Metering valves and reserve accumulation liquid nitrogen and framework. • Simple Installation even on existing systems. They are based on a simple chemical principle: • Nitrogen is the main component of atmospheric air (78%). • 1 gram of LIQUID NITROGEN = 0.8 liters normal NITROGEN GAS (gas volume 700 times). The generated positive effects are many: • Elimination of oxygen, preserving over time the organoleptic characteristics of the product. • Increased product shelf life. • Increased mechanical strength of the vessel. • Cost Savings. For any information visit our website:
TS, aTTrezzaTure per il doSaggio di azoTo liquido in gocce
nasce dalla volontà di alcuni professionisti di dare risposte di qualità ai problemi dei propri Clienti. TS progetta, realizza ed installa impianti completi per lo stoccaggio e il trasferimento dei liquidi criogenici e per la produzione e distribuzione dei relativi gas, quali Azoto, Ossigeno e Argon, e di altri gas come Anidride Carbonica, Protossido di Azoto, Metano. Logica innovativa e flessibile, unite a criteri di progettazione in cui sono privilegiati i concetti di standardizzazione e modularizzazione, ma che non escludono la personalizzazione richiesta dal contesto, consentono di supportare in modo distintivo i Clienti e di individuare le soluzioni più vantaggiose. Le nostre linee di prodotto: • Trasferimento ed Erogazione dei Liquidi Criogenici. • Distribuzione dei Gas Industriali, Medicinali e Speciali. • Sistemi di miscelazione gas. • Apparecchiature: per applicazioni criogeniche nel settore alimentare, in diverse linee di produzione: - Criomacinazione - Lavorazione paste - Produzione gelati/semifreddi - Raffreddamento/surgelazione alimenti - Imbottigliamento.
136 TS ITALIA - CAT 2016.indd 1
TS ha perciò creato una serie di attrezzature per il dosaggio di azoto liquido in gocce, caratterizzati da: • Dimensioni ridotte e facile da utilizzare. • Valvola dosatrice e riserva di accumulo azoto liquido e quadro. • Istallazione semplice anche su impianti già esistenti. Si basano su un principio chimico semplice: • L’Azoto è il principale componente dell’aria atmosferica (78%). • 1 grammo di AZOTO LIQUIDO = 0,8 litri normali di AZOTO GAS (volume di gas 700 volte superiore). Gli effetti positivi generati sono molti: • Eliminazione dell’ossigeno, preservando nel tempo le caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto. • Aumento della vita commerciale del prodotto. • Aumento della resistenza meccanica del recipiente • Risparmio di costo sui recipienti. Per qualsiasi informazione visita il nostro sito: 22/02/16 17:40
...eliminates Oxigen
...reduces the plastic amount ...with benefits ..for the environment
...increases the resistance
...removes jams and deformations TS ITALIA ADV adattata.indd 3
TSV. DG. 2.2.5L
adattata.indd TS ITALIA ADV DT 4-15.indd 3
08/10/15 14:21
08/10/15 11:26 14:21 23/11/15
HEADS FOR INDUSTRIAL WASHING OF CONTAINERS aspects of integration with industrial systems and machines, above all in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, wine producing, transportation sectors, and in the urban and building cleaning industry, by using materials that are compatible with a large variety of products.
Particular care and attention has been devoted to the
It is impossible to overlook the detailed finishing touches that are applied to each and every aspect, hallmarks of truly innovative designs, and that are veritable technological treasures in each of the individual components.
2016 edition
hanks to a programme of product optimisation, resulting from a careful and meticulous client feedback process, the 1980s and 1990s witnessed the development, by the Officina Meccanica Bolondi lvano, of a large number of technical innovations in the washing head production sector. A comprehensive range of low and highpressure products designed to meet the needs of firms looking for products that are perfectly suited for sanitising and cleaning, from the smallest of containers to the largest of spaces.
Officina Meccanica Bolondi lvano sviluppa negli anni ‘80 e ‘90, grazie ad un processo di ottimizzazione della produzione nato da un attento e puntiglioso feed-back con i loro maggiori clienti, una grande quantità di innovazioni tecnologiche nel settore della produzione di testine di lavaggio. Una completa gamma di prodotti per bassa ed alta pressione in grado di soddisfare la richiesta di tutte le aziende che necessitano di un prodotto ideale alla sanificazione e alla pulizia, dal piccolo contenitore fino ad arrivare al grande ambiente.
138 BOLONDI IVANO- CAT 2016.indd 1
Particolarmente curato è stato anche l’aspetto dell’integrazione con macchine e impianti industriali soprattutto nel settore alimentare, farmaceutico, chimico, enologico, dei trasporti, della nettezza urbana ed edile, con un impiego di materiali compatibili con i più svariati prodotti. Non può essere tralasciata la particolare rifinitura di ogni singolo aspetto, che caratterizzati da un vero e proprio design innovativo sono veri e propri gioielli, tecnologicamente avanzati in tutti i singoli componenti. 16/02/16 14:55
18/05/15 16:17
2016 edition
GHIDINI was set up in 1978 and soon started its escalation in the production of stainless steel ball valves and fittings, striving to achieve key objectives such as product and service quality, in order to meet the ever more demanding needs of the domestic and global markets.
Technological innovation and on-going research have helped the company to gain a leading position in the industry by offering their own line of certified products able to fully cater for all types of applications they were designed and manufactured for. Thirty years of experience have allowed us to offer added value in terms of offer, product range, prompt delivery. All these benefits, together with our 100% made in Italy quality, make sure we can fully meet the expectations and requirements of our customers. The entire product range is designed and man-
ufactured in our factory located in Lumezzane (Brescia). 4G GHIDINI has been awarded certification to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard. Our ball valves are compliant with directive 97/23/CE “PED”, introduced to standardise the legislation enforced in the Members States on pressure equipment, and can be supplied on request in compliance with directive 94/9/CE “ATEX” for approximation of the legislation enforced in the Member States covering safety systems and equipment to be used in potentially explosive environments (II 2 G-D). All our products are designed, manufactured and, before being sold, fully tested by following the correct testing practice with cutting edge equipment, in order to ensure total quality and safety to all our final user.
GHIDINI, fondata nel 1978, ha da subito iniziato la sua escalation nella produzione di valvole a sfera e raccorderia in acciaio inox prefiggendosi come obiettivo principale la qualità del prodotto e del servizio per soddisfare le sempre più esigenti domande del mercato nazionale e internazionale. Ad oggi è punto di riferimento nel settore per qualità ed affidabilità, grazie ai costanti investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo e alla propria linea di prodotti certificati in grado di soddisfare pienamente ogni singola applicazione per i quali sono stati progettati e realizzati. La trentennale esperienza garantisce un valore aggiunto in termini di offerta, con disponibilità dei prodotti e conseguente tempestività nelle consegne che, unitamente alla qualità 100% made in Italy, consentono di soddisfare appieno le aspettative e le esigenze dei clienti. L’intera gamma di prodotti è progettata e costruita interamente presso lo stabilimento
140 4G - CAT 2016.indd 1
di Lumezzane (Brescia) 4G GHIDINI è certificata secondo la normativa UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. Le valvole a sfera sono conformi alla direttiva 97/23/CE “PED” per il riavvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri in materia di attrezzature a pressione e a richiesta possono essere fornite in conformità alla direttiva 94/9/CE “ATEX” per il riavvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative agli apparecchi e sistemi di protezione destinati ad essere utilizzati in atmosfera potenzialmente esplosiva (II 2 G-D). Tutti i prodotti sono progettati, realizzati e, prima di essere commercializzati, collaudati al 100% seguendo una corretta prassi costruttiva mediante l’ausilio di strumentazione all’avanguardia, per garantire agli utilizzatori finali la totale qualità e sicurezza. 27/01/16 10:13
25065 LUMEZZANE S.S. BRESCIA (ITALY) Via Ruca, 400 (Z. I.) Tel. 0039 030 8925953 - Fax. 0039 030 8922167 -
SPS IPC DrIveS ItalIa, ItalIan referenCe PoInt of InDuStrIal automatIon
2016 edition
PS IPC Drives Italia confirms to be the Italian reference point of Industrial automation, becoming the messenger of this sector development, grown by 9,5% in the first semester 2015 according the data shown by ANIE Automazione, with a reassuring seasonal +7%. From 24 to 26 may in Parma, SPS Italia enriches with contents and brand new events. Two exhibition pavilions, number 2 and 3, where to find the whole offer and the leading players of the market, and an entry pavilion, number 4, hosting a new demonstration area, the Know How 4.0, Industrial Software project and a spacious conference room for workshops and seminars. The external area, set up between the exhibition pavilions, will host the initiatives for visitors offered by some of the exhibitors. The admission ticket will display these initiatives in specific boxes. System Integrators will be located in a new area of pavilion 3. The most appealing news of the sixth edition is the Know How 4.0 area, a demonstrative space that wants
to turn the concepts of Industrie 4.0 and Smart Factory into reality by displaying real and virtual prototypes supported by media contents. Under the very eyes of visitors concepts such as process/product innovation, computerization, enabled technologies use, electronics and IT in general will be conjugated and proved practically, in a spirit of knowledge sharing aimed at putting forth a new corporate mentality and new relation and business models. This area meets the need for innovation knowledge and comprehension as well as the need for putting industry in contact with the opportunities provided by the latest technologies. This area will also host the Industrial software exhibitors, the young engineers coming from the Academic world and from Start-Up. In this perspective, the most interesting projects presented by students and fresh graduated engineers will turn into as prototypes, applications and products.
SPS IPC DrIveS ItalIa , Punto DI rIferImento Per l’automazIone InDuStrIale
PS IPC Drives Italia si conferma il punto di riferimento a livello nazionale per l’automazione industriale facendosi portavoce della crescita del comparto, cresciuto, nel primo semestre 2015, del 9,5% secondo i dati presentati da ANIE Automazione; con un confortante +7% complessivo.
Dal 24 al 26 maggio 2016, a Parma, SPS Italia si arricchisce di contenuti e di nuovi eventi. Due padiglioni espositivi, il 2 e il 3, dove trovare tutta l’offerta e i principali player e interlocutori del mercato, e un padiglione di ingresso, il 4, che ospiterà la nuova area dimostrativa Know How 4.0, il progetto Industrial Software e una spaziosa sala convegno per le Tavole Rotonde e i convegni. L’area esterna, allestita tra i padiglioni espositivi, ospiterà le iniziative di alcune aziende pensate per i visitatori e indicate nel biglietto di ingresso. Confermato anche il progetto dedicato ai System Integrator che si collocherà in una nuova area del padiglione 3. La più attrattiva delle novità della sesta edizione della fiera è lo spazio Know How 4.0, un’area dimostrativa che intende
142 SPS FIERA - CAT 2016.indd 1
dare sostanza ai concetti di Industrie 4.0 e Smart Factory con isole di lavoro reali e virtuali affiancate da contenuti multimediali. Concetti quali l’innovazione di processo / prodotto, la computerizzazione, l’uso di tecnologie abilitanti, l’elettronica e l’IT, saranno coniugati e dimostrati praticamente sotto gli occhi dei visitatori, in un clima di condivisione delle conoscenze teso a far circolare una nuova cultura di impresa e nuovi modelli di business e di relazione. Una risposta all’esigenza di conoscere e comprendere le innovazioni di settore e avvicinare il mondo dell’industria alle nuove opportunità messe a disposizione dalle tecnologie più moderne. Nello stesso luogo saranno presenti anche gli espositori del settore Industrial software, i giovani ingegneri del mondo universitario e le startup. In quest’ottica, i progetti più interessanti realizzati da studenti, laureandi e neoingegneri, potranno essere concretamente mostrati sotto forma di prototipi, applicazioni e prodotti. 04/02/16 18:02
2016 edition
contents 4G Ghidini Srl
Bbm Packaging
Chiaravalli Group Spa Socio Unico
Via Ruca 400 25065 Lumezzane - Bs Italy
Via Pregalleno, 24 24016 Bergamo Italy
Via Dante, 40 21040 Jerago Con Orago - Va - Italy
Akomag Srl
Bertuzzi Food Processing Srl
Cidiesse Engineering Srl
Frazione Diolo, 15/D 43019 Soragna Parma - Pr Italy
Corso Sempione, 212 Bis 21052 Busto Arsizio - Va - Italy
Via Dell’artigianato, 3 36013 Piovene Rocchette - Vi - Italy
Alba & Teknoservice Srl
Beumer Maschinenfabrik Gmbh & Co. Kg
Via Delle Industrie, 26 35010 Villafranca Padovana - Pd Italy
Oelder Strasse 40 59269 Beckum Germany
Altech Srl 36-37
V.Le A. De Gasperi, 72 20010 Bareggio - Mi - Italy
Contrinex Italia Srl Viale Gandhi, 7 10051 Avigliana - To - Italy Crsi - Centro Ricerche Sviluppo Impianti S.A.
Bizerba Spa
Via Industria, 7 Stabile Talea Ch-6807 Cadempino - Lugano Switzerland
Via G. Agnesi, 172 20832 Desio - Mb - Italy
Am Technology Srl 82-83
Bolondi Ivano Off. Mecc.
Via Della Tecnica, 66 36043 Camisano Vicentino - Vi Italy
Esmach Spa
Via A. Volta, 4 42027 Montecchio Emilia - Re Italy
Amd Electronic Srl
Via V. Veneto 143 36040 Grisignano Di Zocco - Vi Italy
Bondani Srl
Piazzale Martesana, 10 20128 Milano - Italy
Eurosicma Spa
Via Romanina, 3 43015 Noceto - Pr - Italy
Asc Automatic System Control
Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 4/6 20090 Segrate - Mi - Italy
C&G Depurazione Industriale Srl
Evo Services Srl
Via Della Locanda, 9 41036 Medolla - Mo Italy
Via I° Maggio, 53 50067 Rignano S.Arno - Fi - Italy
Via Costituzione, 25 42015 Correggio - Re - Italy
Aventics Srl
Cad Project Srl
Fbf Italia Srl
Piazza Maestri Del Lavoro, 7 20063 Cernusco S/N - Mi Italy
Via Leopardi, 19/E 28060 San Pietro Mosezzo - No Italy
Via Are, 2 43038 Sala Baganza - Pr Italy
INDICE CAT 2016_CORR.indd 1
02/12/16 12:18
2016 edition
contents Fiorini International Spa
Industrie De Nora S.P.A.
Via Maestri Del Lavoro,13 Zi Ponte Lucerta 60012 Trecastelli - An Italy
Via Bistolfi, 35 20134 Milano - Italy
Via Madonna Di Fatima, 35 84016 Pagani - Sa - Italy
Ivar Industry Srl
Microline Srl
Via San Pierino, 4 Zai 37060 Trevenzuolo - Vr Italy
Via Emilia, 33/C 40011 Anzola Dell’emilia - Bo Italy
Lawer Spa
Mini Motor Srl
Framax Srl 134-135
Via Marlianese, 31 51030 Serravalle Pistoiese - Pt Italy Gea Niro Soavi - Mechanical Equipment Italia Spa 66-67
Via Mario Da Erba Edoari, 29/A 43123 Parma Italy
Via Amendola, 12/14 13836 Cossato - Bi Italy
Via E. Fermi, 5 42011 Bagnolo In Piano - Re Italy
Navatta Group Food Processing Srl
General System Pack Srl Gsp
Via Trasimeno, 8 20128 Milano - Italy
Via Lago Di Albano, 82 36015 Schio - Vi - Italy I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.P.A.
Linpac Packaging Srl
Via Sandro Pertini, 7 43013 Pilastro Di Langhirano - Pr Italy
Via Monte Pastello, 40 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto - Vr Italy
Via Emilia, 428/442 40064 Ozzano Dell’emilia - Bo Italy
Mft Srl
M.H. Material Handling S.P.A.
Ocme Srl 22-23
Via Del Popolo, 20/A 43122 Parma Italy
Orved Spa 126-127
Via G. Di Vittorio, 3 20826 Misinto - Mb Italy
Via Sicilia ,10 41053 Maranello - Mo - Italy
Makro Labelling Srl
Icf & Welko Spa
Via Dell’artigianato, 30 30024 Musile Di Piave - Ve Italy
Pamoco S.P.A.
Via Don Doride Bertoldi, 91 46045 Marmirolo Mantova - Mn Italy
Penta Srl
Igus Srl
Messe Frankfurt Italia Srl
Via Delle Rovedine, 4 23899 Robbiate - Lc - Italy
Via Quintino Sella, 5 20121 Milano - Italy
Via Uccellino, 75/77 44028 Poggio Renatico - Fe Italy
Ifp Packaging Srl 20-21
Via Lago Di Alleghe, 19 36015 Schio - Vi - Italy
INDICE CAT 2016_CORR.indd 2
Via Riccardo Lombardi, 19/6 20153 Milano - Italy
02/12/16 12:18
2016 edition
Pfm Spa
Sordi Impianti Srl
Ts Italia Srl
Via Pasubio, 49 36036 Torrebelvicino - Vi Italy
Via Paolo Gorini, 9 26836 Montanaso Lombardo - Lo Italy
Via Dei Gelsi 41/43 20853 Biassono - Mb Italy
Pieralisi Spa
Spk Power Generation Srl
Tubini Forni
Via Staffali, 38 Za 37062 Dossobuono - Vr Italy
Via Don Battistoni, 1 60035 Jesi - An Italy
Viale Verdi, 94 20831 Seregno - Mb Italy
Pigo Srl 46-47
Via Pontaron, 30 36030 Caldogno - VI Italy Pnd Srl
Velo Acciai Srl Tecninox Di A. Namaziano Srl 48-49
Via Costa, 27 43035 Felino - Pr Italy
Via Brancaccio, 11 84018 Scafati - Sa - Italy Pompe Cucchi
Via S. Lorenzo, 42 CÃ Rainati 31020 S. Zenone Degli Ezzelini - Tv Italy Zambelli Srl
Tecno Pack Spa
Via Lago Di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - Vi - Italy
Via Ferrara, 35/41 40018 San Pietro In Casale - Bo Italy
Tecnopool Spa
Zanotti Spa
Via M. Buonarroti, 81 35010 S. Giorgio In Bosco - Pd Italy
Via Martin Luther King, 30 46020 Pegognaga - Mn Italy
Telmotor Spa
Zmatik Pastry Machines
Via Dei Pioppi, 39 20090 Opera - Mi - Italy Proxaut Srl 116-117
Via Caduti Sul Lavoro, 8 41013 Piumazzo Castelfranco Emilia Mo - Italy Rotronic Italia Srl
Via Zanica, 91 24126 Bergamo - Italy
Via Repubblica Di San Marino, 1 20157 Milano Italy
Tmg Impianti Spa
Via Fiesso, 4 35020 Arre - Pd Italy
Via Regia, 5 35018 S.Martino Lupari - Pd - Italy
Smi Spa Smi Group
Tps Srl
Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco - Bg Italy
Via Dei Videtti, 36/38 24064 Grumello Del Monte - Bg Italy
INDICE CAT 2016_CORR.indd 3
02/12/16 12:18
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EDITRICE ZEUS Via P. Ballerini, 66 20831 Seregno - MB, Italy tel. +39 0362 244.182 - 0362 244.186 - ADV ONDE ZEUS CAT2016.indd 1
10/03/16 15:48
10/03/16 15:52