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EDITRICE ZEUS - Via Cesare Cantù, 16 - 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 - Tariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Milano TAXE PERCUE (tassa riscossa) Uff. Milano CMP/2 Roserio - ISSN 1827-4102

beverage & packaging

n° 5-2017

COP FP 5-17.indd 1

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editorial management and registered office: Via Cesare Cantù, 16 20831 SEREGNO (MB) - ITALY Tel. +39 0362 244182 +39 0362 244186 web site: e-mail: portal: e-mail: skypeTM: editricezeus

Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry­­­­­­ year XXIX - issue n.5 - November 2017 managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni e­ ditorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni


editorial production Sonia Bennati account dep. manager Elena Costanzo project and layout design ZEUS Agency creative dep. ZEUS Agency


translations C. Natalucci translator Muller Worldwide Links Srl printing ZEUS Agency Italian Magazine Food Processing Europe: single issue: Euro 25 Annual (six issues): Euro 120 Outside Europe: single issue: US$ 30 Annual (six issues): US$ 170 Subscription payment can be made in the name of Editrice Zeus sas, by bank money transfer or cheque. Italian Magazine Food Processing

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SOMMARIO FP 5-17.indd 3

An outline of the suppliers of machines, plants, products and equipment for the food industry. Published: Bi-monthly Registration: Court of Milan no. 676 of 20-09-1989 Shipment by air mail art.2 comma 20/b law 662/96 - Milan Panorama dei fornitori di macchine, impianti, prodotti e attrezzature per l’industria alimentare Periodicità: bimestrale. Autorizzazione del tribunale di Milano, n°676 del 20-09-1989 Spedizione in a. p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 Filiale di Milano The reproduction of the articles and/or pictures published by this magazine is reserved (the manuscripts and/or photos sent to the Publisher will not be returned). The Editor declines all responsibilities for any mistake of photocomposition contained in the published papers of any magazine by EDITRICE ZEUS.

14/12/17 12:09





he three companies from the Schio area exhibited at the 2017 edition of Interpack in a unique exposition area, where the public could experience first-hand examples of technological integration, applied to automation needs in packaging of user companies.


The new products and innovations were numerous. Tecno Pack presented a fully automated line able to pack with primary



nternehmen aus Schio werden auf der Interpack 2017 auf einer Ausstellungsfläche vertreten sein, auf welcher der Öffentlichkeit Beispiele für moderne technologische Integration präsentiert werden, die auf die Bedürfnisse der Automatisierung von Verpackungsunternehmen abgestimmt sind und die hier bestaunt und auch angefasst werden können. Zu sehen gibt es viele Innovationen und Neuheiten. Techno Pack stellt eine vollautomatische Linie vor, die bis zu 72.000


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flow pack and secondary robotised pack machines up to 72000 biscuits/hour. Companies visiting the stand were able to appreciate an application at the top of the current state-of-theart, applied to industrial packaging. In this plant, we integrated the new FP 100 E horizontal flow pack machine, the result of dozens of years of technological evolution, used day after day by Tecno Pack S.p.A. The experience gained by serving the



major players in the global market has enabled the Vicenza company to propose the most demanding users an even more advanced variation of horizontal flow pack machines. This combination provides markets with a fully electronic packaging machine with highly-sanitised cantilever frame, motorised film unwinding calender, side-sealing unit with two separate motors, transversal sealing units, both long dwell (with the innovative, fast changeover system) and high-speed box motion. The box motion version is currently the fastest prolonged sealing system with square motion of this type in the world; it combines the typical operating velocity of traditional D-like motion cut-seal machines, also known as long dwell, with the versatility of translating cut-seal machines, aptly known as box motion.


Diamond Tunnel

Kekse/Stunde bei der primären Verpackung in Schlaubeutel abpackt und anschließend robotergesteuert umverpackt. Unternehmen, die den Stand besuchen, werden sicherlich von einer Anwendung begeistert sein, die auf dem aktuellen Stand der Technik der Industrieverpackung ist. Denn in diese Anlage haben wir eine neue horizontale Schlauchbeutelverpackungsmaschine FP 100 E integriert, das Ergebnis von Jahrzehnten des technologischen Fortschritts, der Tag für Tag bei Tecno Pack S.p.A. gelebt wird. Die Erfahrungen, die den wichtigsten Akteuren des Weltmarktes zugutekommen, erlauben dem Unternehmen aus Vicenza seinen anspruchsvollen Kunden noch fortschrittlichere

horizontale Schlauchbeutelverpackungsmaschinen anzubieten. Diese liefern den Märkten vollelektronische Verpackungsmaschinen mit freitragenden Konstruktionen für zuverlässige Hygienisierung, motorisierter Folienzuführung, Längssiegelungseinheit mit zwei unabhängigen Motorisierungen, Quersiegelungseinheiten sowohl Long Dwell (mit innovativem Schnellwechselsystem) als

auch mit Box Motion mit hoher Geschwindigkeit. Die Box Motion-Version ist derzeit das schnellste Versiegelungssystem dieser Art, mit quadratischer Bewegung; es kombiniert die typische operative Geschwindigkeit der Schneide- und Versiegelungsmaschinen mit „D“ Bewegung, der sogenannten Long Dwell, mit der Vielseitigkeit der Schneideund Versiegelungsmaschinen mit


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Ultimate operational precision, design and solutions studied for high sanitization, ergonomics, mechanic and electronic stability, high-speed for prolonged sealing, controlled atmosphere (MAP), manometric dosing of liquids (alcohol and antimould), integration into advanced print systems, upstream and downstream interaction with any integrated system, easy and user-friendly touch screen, reliability and long service, make the new FP 100 packaging machine, designed to be integrated into automatic lines, the best top-of-the-range alternative for food companies that require the highest


quality and performance standards. Visitors were also able to see a vertical pillow pack machine based on the FV 210 model, a packaging machine completely made in stainless steel, equipped with an innovative cantilever frame, completely driven by brushless motors and able to produce 4-sided sealing bags with double gusset. IFP Packaging revealed the TWIN T 75 N 90 automatic shrink-wrapping machine, which was integrated into the FV 210 vertical system with the task of automatically grouping the

vertical bags and wrap them with shrink film, thus obtaining the socalled “secondary” packaging. A line for the automatic packaging of AFH industrial paper rolls in high-speed shrink film, based on the electronic continuous horizontal packaging machine – DIAMOND BOX – has made the visitor appreciate high technical profile solutions for the tissue industry. General System Pack offered the public three electronic horizontal flow pack machines, including the GSP55EVO INOX L.D., specifically


Translation, auch bekannt als Box Motion. Absolute Genauigkeit während des Betriebszyklus, Design und Lösungen für hohe Hygienisierung, Ergonomie, mechanische und elektronische Stabilität, High-Speed für längere Versiegelungszeiten, kontrollierte Schutzgasatmosphäre (MAP), manometrische Dosierung von Flüssigkeiten (Alkohol und gegen Schimmelbildung), Integration von fortgeschrittenen Drucksystemen, vor- und nachgeschaltete Interaktion mit jedem integrierten System, einfacher und benutzerfreundlicher Touchscreen, Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit machen diese neue Verpackungsmaschine FP 100, die entwickelt wurde,



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designed for packaging small and medium pieces of cheese in a modified atmosphere and ready to be positioned and to work in hostile environments.

chine with great potential and excellent cost-quality- performance ratio; the excellent solution for worldwide medium-sized and artisan businesses – baking, for example.

The GSP65EVO for packaging food products in trays in a controlled atmosphere, followed by heat shrinking and the achievement of an excellent aesthetic and shelf life result. The presentation finished with the versatile and quick GSP50EVO, an electronic horizontal flow pack ma-

INTERPACK 2017 visitors have received targeted responses, dedicated studies and extremely toplevel solutions from the team of the three companies, to solve all issues with packaging in the most varied application fields. The group of companies headed by Tecno Pack

S.p.A. is confirmed as worldwide leader in the industry of machine manufacturers and packaging plants dedicated as “tailor-made clothing” to companies that entrust their success in this excellent Italian business.


um in automatische Linien integriert zu werden, zur besten hochwertigen Alternative für Lebensmittelunternehmen, die Spitzenqualität und -leistungen verlangen. Die Besucher können auch ein vertikales Schlauchbeutelverpackungssystem auf der Basis des Modells FV 210 kennenlernen. Eine Verpackungsmaschine komplett aus Edelstahl mit innovativer Schwingarmstruktur, die vollständig von bürstenlosen Motoren gesteuert wird und in der Lage ist Faltenbeutel mit quadratischer Form herzustellen. IFP Packaging präsentiert eine automatische Bündelmaschine TWIN T 75 N 90, die in das vertikale System FV 210 integriert wird und die Aufgabe hat, die Beutel automatisch vertikal zu bündeln und mit einer Schrumpffolie, für die „sekundäre“ Verpackung, zu umwickeln. Eine auf der elektroni-

schen horizontalen Verpackungsmaschine Modell DIAMOND BOX aufgebrachten Linie für die automatische Verpackung von Industriepapierrollen AFH mit Schrumpffolie für höhere Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeiten wird das Interesse der Besucher wecken, die hohe technische Lösungen im Tissue-Bereich schätzen. General System Pack bietet dem Publikum hingegen drei elektronische horizontale Schlauchbeutelmaschinen, darunter die GS P55 EVO INOX L.D., die speziell für die Verpackung von mittelgroßem und kleinem Käse unter Schutzatmosphäre entwickelt wurde und auch in aggressiven Umgebungen betrieben werden kann. Die GS P65 EVO dient dem Verpacken von Lebensmitteln unter Schutzatmosphäre in Schalen mit anschließender Schrumpfung, dadurch erhält man äußerst ästhetische Ergebnisse von

hervorragender Haltbarkeit. Die vielseitige und schnelle GS P50 EVO schließt die Präsentation ab. Eine elektronische horizontale Schlauchbeutelverpackungsmaschine mit großen Potenzial und einem hervorragenden Verhältnis von Preis, Qualität und Leistung; die optimale Lösung für den Mittelstand und das Handwerk, wie zum Beispiel für Bäckereien. Die Besucher der INTERPACK 2017 erhalten von den Teams der drei Unternehmen gezielte Angebote, spezielle Studien und hochwertige Vorschläge für die Lösung aller Probleme bei der Verpackung in den verschiedenen Industriebereichen. Die Gruppe von Unternehmen, unter der Führung von Tecno Pack S.p.A., bestätigt sich international als Marktführer unter den Maschinen- und Verpackungsanlagenherstellern, mit Angeboten, die speziell auf die Unternehmen abgestimmt sind, die sich an diese erfolgreichen italienischen Firmen wenden.


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Barry Callebaut focuses on the BEUMER packaging line:


The packaging system at a glance: as general contractor, BEUMER Corporation has installed a complete packaging system, conveying systems and a bagging system.


arry Callebaut, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of cocoa and chocolate products, required a packaging system at its Eddystone, PA facility that ensured safe transport of the cocoa powder filled in paper bags and stacked on pallets. The packaging of the bag stacks must combine low packaging costs with sufficient weather protection and high stack stability during transport and storage especially when the paper bags are stacked on pallets of two different sizes. Barry Callebaut engaged BEUMER to develop an end-of-line packaging system for these specific requirements. Barry Callebaut AG with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland is a fully integrated company that masters nearly all steps from the sourcing of cocoa beans right up to the finished products sold on store shelves. As supplier of industrial and specialty chocolates, the company serves industrial and artisanal customers. The American subsidiary in Eddystone fills bags with cocoa powder, pal-

The BEUMER robotpac in use: the palletised stacks are characterised by an excellent stack quality.

letises and packages them. The bags are then loaded into containers or trucks and transported to distributors such as chocolatiers, pastry chefs or bakeries in North America or Europe.

baut and BEUMER already cooperated successfully for a French facility. For this reason, the manufacturer of cocoa and chocolate products once again engaged the intralogistic specialist.

High requirements for the packaging system To ensure that the cocoa powder arrives to customers in perfect condition, it must be transported in a safe and protected manner. For this reason, the packaging system must work at a high performance level. The goals for Barry Callebaut were to increase automation and thus process reliability, improve the product presentation and use less packaging material. In addition, the packaging had to be able to protect the cocoa powder against high temperature and air humidity. As both the Euro pallet (800 mm x 1,200 mm) and the GMA pallet (Grocery Manufacturers of America) (1,015 mm x 1,215 mm) are used, the packaging system must be customisable for different pallet sizes. Barry Calle-

Modernisation of the packaging line As general contractor, BEUMER Corporation in Branchburg, New Jersey (USA) installed a complete packaging system, various conveying systems as well as a bagging system. With partner Behn + Bates America, a division of Haver Filling System, Inc., BEUMER equipped the line with the Integra system, a fully automated, completely premounted bagging system for bulk materials in the food industry. This system fills bags with cocoa powder and seals them. As part of the quality control process, the BEUMER belt conveyors transport the bags to a metal detector and a checkweigher. Here, bags containing metal or over- and underweight bags are rejected. After the palletising process, the stack press removes residual air from the bags, thus


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increasing the stack stability. When designing the packaging line, the handling of different batches on different-sized pallets was one of the challenges. For this reason the high-capacity BEUMER robotpac was installed providing excellent stack quality and load stability. Commissioning of the high-capacity packaging system The innovative BEUMER stretch hood is also part of the scope of supply. This high-capacity packaging system pulls a stretch hood over the palletised bag stack to protect the products against wind, rain and dust while providing ultimate safety during transport. The bag stack is completely packaged and transported to the take-away post. Thanks to the permanent tension force of the film in vertical and horizontal direction, the bag stack provides high stability - even if the cocoa powder settles in the bags, thus reducing the bag volume. Sensors on the BEUMER stretch hood measure the height of the pallet. This automation allows for the calculation of different stacking heights as well as the optimisation of film consumption. The film is then cut and sealed. The formed hood is pulled over the complete bag stack forming a stable unit. More safety and less film consumption Since the modernisation, the workflow at Barry Callebaut’s packaging facility runs without any problems. The products are protected against wind, rain and dust. Besides the packaging capacity, the stretch hood technology provides improved visibility of the palletised products thanks to the smooth surface of the film hood. The material costs for packaging have been reduced since five to ten per cent less material is required, making this solution not only more cost effective for Barry Callebaut but an important contribution toward safeguarding the environment.

Packaging line of the year In 2009 Barry Callebaut LLC became the fifth recipient of PMT’s annual Packaging Line of the Year Award for its endof-line packaging solution. Companies from the packaging industry, which use innovative and sophisticated packaging lines, are awarded with this prize. The award-winning packaging line designed by BEUMER and Behn + Bates is an example for good cooperation with suppliers worldwide. The result is pioneering technology, environmental consideration and innovative design. Barry Callebaut LLC accepted the award at a special conference at PACK EXPO in Las Vegas. Organiser and sponsor of the prize is the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI). This organisation consists of more than 540 companies, which manufacture packaging systems and packaging-related machines in the United States and Canada.

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he strongest point of Sacchital Group, Italian leading company in the flexible packaging sector, is its long experience gained in 70 years of activity. The company was founded in Rho (Milan) in 1945 and now has three production sites located between Lombardy and Piedmont – they are: Sacchital, Neophane and Akerlund&Rausing. These production plants stretch over a covered surface of 60,000 sqm and over a total area of 87,000 sqm. The company counts 250 employees and 28,000 tons of flexible packaging produced per year, 50% of which is destined to the Italian market and the other 50% is to be sold to the foreign market (the company exports to Europe, Central and Northern America, Africa, Maghreb, Middle East and Asia). Thanks to these important markets, the company offers a very high-quality standard and very reliable delivery time, with a complete back-up coverage.

The company’s experience and knowhow, a dynamic and young management, a company philosophy that firmly believes in service as a “tailored-suit” for each customer – all this allows Sacchital to successfully satisfy the broadest clientele and develop new solutions for the packaging. Thanks to the constant innovation it offers, the company has important customers such as Rana, Ferrero, Barilla, Unilever, and it creates solid relationships with the customer’s sales office and with both the internal marketing department and R&D department. In addition to the more traditional solutions (double and triple packaging, double-wall, paper packaging with see thru window, etc.), Sacchital is always ready to develop new packaging solutions together with its clients. A constant flow of investment assures the highest technological level in production and the most updated production plants and technologies. The company uses paper (starting from 18 gr/sqm), aluminium, polyester, polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon and cellophane. Here’s an extensive recap of Sacchital Group’s offer: •Roto-Gravure print (up to 10 colours) •Flexo print (up to 8 colours) •DIGITAL PRINT with water ink suitable for food •Wax lamination, solvent and solvent-less lamination, water lamination (max width 1400 mm) •Wax spreading, hot melt, cold seal, thermal sealing lacquers applications •Matt and/or hi-gloss varnishing

•Anti-fog, anti UV •Aluminium applications (overstrip and understrip) •High gloss metallization •Hot gold stamping •Embossing •Laser pre-cut easy opening •Die cut windows

ID: Family-run business Founded in 1945 Core business: Roto-gravure print, flexo and DIGITAL print for flexible packaging for the food industry; production of mono film and multilayer film laminates up to 5 ply (solventbased, water-based, solvent-less, wax spreading) with special finishings (paper packaging with see thru window, embossing, hot gold stamping, etc.) Materials Paper, aluminium, any kind of plastic film (Pet, Pe, PP, Opa, cellophane) in hot-melt, cold seal and thermal sealing lacquers applications Yearly production: 260 million of m2 2016 Turnover: €80 million Export performance: 50% Number of employees: 250 Production sites: Three in total: two of them are located in Milan and one is based in Lanzo Torinese Certifications: Iso, Brc, Fsc.


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01/12/17 11:09



Intelligent complete solutions for plastic and rubber processing machines Baumüller presents sustainable systems, components and services for the plastics industry at K 2016


n international audience will gather at the K trade show in Düsseldorf from October 19 to 26, 2016 to get information about trends and innovations in the plastics and rubber industry.

services for the plastics industry in hall 11 at booth A 41. In its hardware and software development, some of which features web capability and a variety of interfaces, Baumüller always considers the networking of the machines and systems.

The automation expert from Nuremberg presents a product portfolio to get new and existing machines fit for Industry 4.0. Baumüller provides a comprehensive offer for automation and drive

As one of the leading automation and drive manufacturers, Baumüller will present its solutions in the form of systems, components and

Intelligente Komplettlösungen für Kunststoff- und Kautschukmaschinen

Baumüller präsentiert zukunftssichere Systeme, Komponenten und Services für die Kunststoffbranche auf der K 2016


uf der Messe K in Düsseldorf kommt vom 19. bis zum 26. Oktober 2016 ein internationales Publikum zusammen, um sich über Trends und Neuheiten für die Kunststoff- und Kautschukindustrie zu informieren. Baumüller präsentiert in Halle 11 auf Stand A41 als einer der führenden Automatisierungs- und Antriebshersteller seine Lösungen bestehend aus Systemen, Komponenten und Services für die Kunststoffbranche. Baumüller hat sowohl

bei der Hardware- als auch bei der Softwareentwicklung, u.a. mit Webfähigkeit und Schnittstellenvielfalt, stets die Vernetzung der Maschinen und Anlagen im Blick. Mit seinem Produktportfolio macht der Nürnberger Automatisierer Neu- und Bestandsmaschinen somit fit für Industrie 4.0. Baumüller bietet der Kunststoffindustrie ein umfassendes Angebot rund um die Automatisierung und Antriebstechnik. Als global agieren-

des Familienunternehmen bietet Baumüller sowohl lokale Nähe als auch internationale Liefer- und Servicefähigkeit. Baumüller ist somit Partner für Maschinenbauer und Maschinenbetreiber gleichermaßen und das über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Maschine. Automatisierung und Industrie 4.0 Als ein Highlight erwartet die Besucher auf dem Messestand eine Industrie 4.0 Lösung präsentiert


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technology for the plastics industry. As a globally active family business, Baumüller offers local proximity as well as the capacity for international deliveries and service.


Experience Industry 4.0 live: The automation and drive specialist Baumüller shows this at K 2016 with an innovative handling unit. Based on integrated condition monitoring, the application is also ready for Service 4.0

This makes Baumüller a partner for both machine manufacturers and machine operators for the entire lifecycle of the machine. Automation and industry 4.0 As a highlight, visitors at the trade show booth can see an Industry 4.0 solution presented on a 3-axis handling unit, which can be conceived as a complete system in combination with an injection molding machine. The control of the handling unit can be integrated into existing as well as new production systems via a Euromap 67 interface or it can be operated as a self-contained system with its own controls. The user can then conveniently access the

an einer 3-Achs-Handlingeinheit, welche zusammen mit einer Spritzgießmaschine als Komplettsystem konzipiert werden kann. Die Steuerung der Handlingeinheit kann über eine Euromap 67-Schnittstelle sowohl in bestehende als auch neue Fertigungssysteme integriert oder als autarkes System mit eigener Steuerung betrieben werden. Bei Bedarf kann der Anwender so bequem über Smartphone und Tablet auf die Visualisierung der Fertigungsdaten zugreifen. Baumüller bietet mit einem integrierten Condition Monitoring System zudem ein Konzept um die Verfügbarkeit von Maschinen zu verbessern und die Kosten für Service und Wartung zu reduzieren. So ist u.a. eine unkomplizierte Überwachung, Diagnose und Fehlerbehebung über die Bedienoberfläche möglich.

Industrie 4.0 live erleben: Der Automatisierungs- und Antriebsspezialist Baumüller zeigt dies auf der K 2016 mit einer innovativen Handlingseinheit. Aufbauend auf einem integriertem Condition Monitoring ist die Anwendung zudem Service 4.0 fähig

Antriebstechnik speziell für Kunststoffmaschinen Eine weitere Produktneuheit kommt aus der Steuerungstechnik. Mit der neuen Generation an leistungsstarken Box-PCs ermöglicht Baumüller seinen Kunden Hardware unabhängig Softwarefunktionen modular und zukunftsfähig zu realisieren und damit optimal an die jeweilige Anwendung anzupassen. Bei den Systemkomponenten stellt Baumüller als Neuheit im Bereich der Umrichter u.a. den Mehrachsregler b maXX 5800 vor. Dieser ermöglicht die Regelung von bis zu sechs Antriebsachsen zum Beispiel für Robotik- und Handlinganwendungen sowie elektrischen Spritzgießmaschinen. Der neue Regler ist sehr kompakt gebaut und kann individuell und vollkommen flexibel konfiguriert werden. Das bedeutet,

der Anwender kann die Achsleistungen im Regler frei kombinieren. Er kann also für jede Einzelachse die genau passende Achsleistung integrieren und erhält so ein Gerät, das exakt die Anforderungen seiner Anwendung erfüllt. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt liegt in den Safety-Funktionen des Mehrachsreglers. So kann jede Achseinheit mit unterschiedlichen Sicherheitsfunktionen ausgestattet werden. Mit den Weiterentwicklungen der dezentralen Umrichter der b maXX 2500 Serie sowie den neuen HMIs werden im Rahmen der b maXX-Serie weitere aktuelle Entwicklungen für effiziente und zukunftsfähige Automatisierung vorgestellt. Im Motorenbereich gibt es zahlreiche Neuheiten, die speziell auf die kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie


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visualization of the production data on a smartphone or tablet whenever needed. With an integrated condition monitoring system, Baumüller also offers a concept to improve the availability of machines and lower the costs for service and maintenance. This enables uncom-


plicated monitoring, diagnosis and troubleshooting via the user interface, among other things. Drive technology specifically for plastics machines Another new product comes from control engineering. With the new

The clear, IoT-capable visualization is particularly interesting for machine operators. It is provided in its entirety by Baumüller and enables convenient access via smartphone and tablet

generation of high-performance box PCs, Baumüller makes it possible for its customers to autonomously realize software functions in a modular and sustainable way and adapt them optimally to the respective applications. One of the new products for system components that Baumüller is introducing in the inverter field is the multi-axis controller b maXX 5800. It enables the control of up to six drive axes, e.g. for robot and handling applications as well as electric injection molding machines. The new controller has a very compact design and can be configured individually and fully flexibly. This means that users can freely combine axis powers in the controller. They can also integrate exactly the right axis power for every single axis. The result is a device

Besonders interessant für Maschinenbetreiber ist die übersichtliche, IoT-fähige Visualisierung, die ebenfalls komplett von Baumüller bereitgestellt wird und den bequemen Zugriff über Smartphone und Tablet ermöglicht

zugeschnitten sind. So zeigt Baumüller mit seiner innenverzahnten Welle bei den Servomotoren der Baureihen DSC, DSP, DSD2 und DS2 eine Schnittstellenvariante, die zu Kosteneinsparungen und Bauraumoptimierungen bei MotorPumpenkombinationen führt. Vorteil ist hier, dass andere kostspielige Übertragungselemente wie Kupplungen oder Pumpenträger einfach entfallen. Außerdem werden Servomotoren und High Torque Motoren in neuen

Varianten, z.B. mit höheren Drehzahlen oder in neuen Baugrößen, präsentiert. Ein besonderes Highlight stellt der elektrische Auswerferantrieb DSC 135 dar. Dieser hat eine spezielle Sonderlagerung zur Kompensation axialer Kräfte und besticht durch sehr gute dynamische Eigenschaften. Damit lassen sich in diesem Sektor neue wirtschaftliche Lösungen generieren. Für maximale Effizienz in Kunststoffmaschinen bietet Baumüller mit

seinem Hardware- und Softwarepaket für Servopumpenlösungen eine leistungsstarke Antriebsvariante, die die Vorteile der hydraulischen Leistungsübertragung mit den Vorteilen der elektrischen Servo-Antriebstechnik kombiniert. Service rund um den Globus Als Unternehmensgruppe deckt Baumüller neben der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Automatisierungskomponenten zahlreiche Serviceleistungen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau sowie für Maschinenbetreiber ab. Beginnend bei der Projektierung und Konstruktion über die Inbetriebnahme, bis hin zu Instandhaltung, Retrofit und Verlagerung bietet Baumüller damit Unterstützung über den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Maschinen und Anlagen hinweg.


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that meets the requirements of their application perfectly. Another advantage consists of the safety functions of the multi-axis controller. Every axis unit can be equipped with different safety functions. With the further developments of the decentralized inverters in the b maXX 2500 series and the new HMIs, additional current designs for efficient and sustainable automation are presented in the scope of the b maXX series. Numerous new arrivals that are specifically tailored to the plasticsprocessing industry are available in the motor area. By presenting the internally toothed shaft for the servo motors in the series DSC, DSP, DSD2 and DS2, Baumüller offers an alternative interface that will re-


sult in cost reductions and assembly space optimizations for motorpump combinations. The advantage here is that other costly transfer elements such as couplings or pump carriers can simply be omitted. Servo motors and high torque motors are also presented in new variants, e.g. with higher rotational speed or in new assembly sizes. The electric ejector drive DSC 135 is a particular highlight. It has a special mount for the compensation of axial forces and stands out with its excellent dynamic properties. This makes it possible to generate new economic solutions in this sector. For maximum efficiency in plastics machines, Baumüller’s hardware

and software packet for servo pump solutions is a high-performance alternative drive that combines the advantages of hydraulic power transmission with the benefits of electric servo drive technology. Service around the globe In addition to developing and manufacturing automation components, Baumüller as a corporate group also covers numerous services for machine and systems construction as well as for machine operators. Starting with the project planning, design and commissioning all the way to maintenance, retrofitting and relocation, Baumüller offers support throughout the entire lifecycle of machines and systems.

With the DSC 135, Baumüller presents a motor that is optimized specifically as an ejector drive for plastics machines at the K trade show 2016

The new alternative interface with internal toothing eliminates expensive transfer elements such as couplings and pump carriers. This option is available for the servo motor series DSC, DSP, DSD2 and DS2; it lowers costs and optimizes the assembly space

Mit dem DSC 135 präsentiert Baumüller auf der K Messe 2016 einen speziell als Auswerferantrieb für Kunststoffmaschinen optimierten Motor

Bei der neuen Schnittstellenvariante mit Innenverzahnung entfallen kostspielige Übertragungselemente wie Kupplung und Pumpenträger. Diese Option ist für die Servomotorenreihen DSC, DSP, DSD2 und DS2 erhältlich, sie spart Kosten und optimiert den Bauraum


BAUMULLER - FP 1-17.indd 6

17/01/17 11:24





he non-pharmaceutical part of IMA Group, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of automatic machines for the packaging of tea, coffee, confectionery, dairy, food, beverage, personal & home care products. IMA’s core business in the dairy and food sector is managed by IMA DAIRY&FOOD. IMA DAIRY&FOOD is a world leader in the design and manufacture of automatic machines for the packaging of countless dairy and food products. A high technological profile, the ability to offer tailor-made solutions to satisfy the most sophisticated requests and special attention to service are the pillars that support IMA DAIRY&FOOD’s lasting partnership with the industry’s leading brands. Consisting of seven specialised companies (Benhil, Corazza, Erca, Fillshape, Hassia, Hamba and Gasti), all capable of rapidly meeting customer demands, IMA DAIRY & FOOD offers comprehensive, integrated and marketing-oriented solutions. IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza, with an installed base of more than 4,200 machines worldwide is the world’s leading name for dairy and convenience food packaging equipment, covering requirements that go from dosing to wrapping. A specialist for marketing-oriented technical solutions, IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza is also renowned for prompt and reliable customer service. The machine portfolio also comprises secondary and end-of-line packaging solutions. Today IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza manufactures complete packaging lines for: • Fresh, processed & cream cheese • Butter • Yeast • Paste & pressed bouillon cube. Customers can contact IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza for a customized solution to any

special or particular primary and/or secondary packaging requirement. A dedicated and highly specialized engineering team in our R&D department is at the disposal of our customers to evaluate and develop custom-built solutions from single unit applications to full “turn-key” solutions. The leadership of IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza is focused on a wide range of equipment covering all market capacity requirements, marketing oriented technical solutions, prompt and reliable customer service to solve the problems linked to the whole machines life. Our team is available for all our customers helping them in improving their operational efficiency, acquiring and retaining market share, enhancing competitive advantage. FOCUS ON FF4: DOSING & WRAPPING MACHINE FOR PROCESSED CHEESE High-speed dosing & wrapping machine IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza introduces the latest development for the packing of processed, cream or fresh cheese. The IMA DAIRY&FOOD Corazza FF4 provides you with the latest technol-

ogy for your traditional products. The machine is designed for the packaging of triangular, square or rectangular portions. It has a filling system with formation of wrapping shells from reel-fed sealing aluminum foil and application of heat sealing alufoil lid inside the filled shell for subsequent portion closing and sealing. Each wrapping includes an internal “consumer-friendly” easy opening tear strip and an external paper brand label. The portions are finally gathered in the required bundle configuration and carried onto the outfeed conveyor. A perfect line combined with a cartoning machine: Corazza offers the possibility to combine the FF4 machine with a cartoning machine. There are different models available which change according to the product shape: triangular, square or rectangular.


IMA INDUSTRIE FP 5-17.indd 3

31/10/17 14:58



ALTECH Advanced Labelling Technologies


LTECH is an Italian company, founded in 1991, who designs and manufactures industrial labelling machines and material identification systems. Recognized innovators in the identification, coding and traceability of materials, it operates worldwide through 80 resellers and three subsidiary companies in the United Kingdom, the United States and Argentina.

Strengths • Expert personnel with a true passion for engineering • Machines and systems designed to be modular and expandable ; all components are accessible and interchangeable. • Use of high-strength alloys, highreliability electronic and pneumatic components. • Compliance with safety requirements and good manufacturing practices. Range and solutions ALTECH standard range encompasses the following products: ALstep - low-cost applicator featuring


modular and flexible configuration. It is equipped with reels of 300 mm diameter and 100 mm

ALcode P

label length, granting speed 30m/min max of the S version (15 m/min for E version). ALritma - high-performance label applicator, which can be easily integrated in packaging lines where high yield and reliability are essential requirements. Reels with 300mm diam. Max labelling speed 40m/min for the standard version, and 90 m/min for the X version (with reels of diam. 400 mm). It is also available with thermal transfer printing group in the ALritmaT version, for print/apply applications. ALline – in-line labelling systems can be configured for labelling cylindrical, elliptical and rectangular products, or for the labelling of fast-moving or irregularly-shaped products. Its modular design, integrating ALstep and/or ALritma heads, can be config-

ured upon customer’s requirements. ALpharma – the ALpharma range is expressly designed for labelling and carefully checking medical vials, ampoules, cases and bottles and adapts to the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. The machines are tested and certified according to IQ/OQ validation processes. ALcode - print/apply units for label printing/applying in real time. The printing group (SATO or compatibles) can operate on-line from a PC for data transmission to be printed on the label to be applied on the product at once. The labels can be printed with different information, as it is for pallet labelling: ALcode P version is studied and built for pallet double-sided labelling up to 120 p/h.


ALTECH FP 1-17.indd 3

16/01/17 14:55





hot stamping foil from brand enhancement specialist API is adding texture and sophistication to the bottle of a unique new bourbon. Hopes & Dreams, which wittily satirises stereotypical handcrafted whiskey marketing in its promotion, features API Copper Kettle foil on its vintage label. Differentiating itself from other bourbon brands, Hopes & Dreams publicises itself with such underwhelming pull-quotes as ‘Meh’ and ‘It’s good… enough’, and is squarely aimed at millennials, as well as any whiskey drinkers who don’t take themselves too seriously. On the drink’s attractive Wild Weststyle label, the API hot stamping foil creates a subtly luxurious feel. It forms the ‘Hopes & Dreams’ lettering, provides a double-line trim around the perimeter, and adds

gleam to two sardonic seals of approval that, upon close inspection, boast ‘Unlimited release’. “I selected the Copper Kettle foil because of its stand-out, gorgeous tone, which had an authenticity that paired nicely with the label design,” says Chad Michael, whose studio designed the label. “As the entire brand is about a ‘boilerplate’ bourbon that has been ‘machine-crafted’, the glamour of the foil might seem ironic – but of course, even a satirical bottle has to look great.” The foil is printed onto the label by Clove St. Press using an Original Heidelberg press and a copper plate.

“The printer told us the API foil laid down beautifully against our rather toothy paperstock selection,” continues Chad. “From start to finish, the whole job ran very smoothly, with no setbacks encountered, which is testament to the quality of API’s service and product.” Based in Dallas, Texas, Chad Michael Studio specialises in unique branding, package design, and product innovation. Chad Michael has received numerous accolades since the studio opened in 2014, including Awards of Excellence from Communication Arts magazine, and is a recent recipient of the Young Gun 15 award.


FP 5-17 - API.indd 3

24/11/17 15:45





T2E has been developing quality control equipment for packaging since 1989. Since then, it has served hundreds of customers around the world in the beverage, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and industrial/scientific industries. Its clients include the leading companies in their respective fields such as Coca Cola, Nestlé, L’Oréal, Pfizer, Procter and Gamble, Intel, and others. Based in the village of Pontcarré, just outside of Paris, France, AT2E has grown over the years to cover all the regions of the world, with a fast-growing presence in North and South America. Committed to designing the most cutting-edge technologies in packaging quality control, AT2E has developed dozens of proven machines over the years. AT2E’s quality control products include torque testers, leak and seal testers, vacuum and pressure testers, crown and cap testers, burst testers, as well as machines that determine enamel rating, can measurements, force measurements (compression and dynamometers), CO2 measurements, stress applications, and dimensional measurements. One of the most important points of AT2E’s philosophy is to seek feedback from its customers to re-design and improve its existing product lines. Recently, AT2E has launched its updated Touchscreen Electronic Torque Tester, the TMV7. The unit is widely used for testing the amount of torque necessary to open a bottle cap while negating most non-

CO2-CS | Automatic CO2 Calculating Machine coaxial and top-load influences on the measurement. The seventh iteration of the popular TMV torque tester line, it features improvements such as an enhanced sensor for even higher accuracy levels, sample stability improvements, and a higher resolution display. For customers interested in an even simpler and more accurate torquetesting solution, the ADATMV-ECO and ADATMV5 systems provide semi-automatic and automatic measurements, respectively, both

of which comply with the FDA –CFR 21-11 requirements. With adjustable rotating speeds and a touchscreen display, the units also allow for storing products and operators in the memory for more efficient operation. AT2E also offers solutions for torque testing on the production line itself. The ADATMV5-S, built directly onto the line, offers operator-free torque testing (and optional bubble point control). With dozens of customizable features, the ADATMV5-S is


AT2E - FP 5-17.indd 3

25/10/17 12:26


UBPT-3 | Universal Bottle Perpendicularity Gauge

designed to fit the samples’ specifications and the client’s particular quality assurance needs. Another popular device by AT2E is the Hot Wire Bottle Cutter system. The unit is used to cut cross-sections of PET bottles to accurately determine whether the bottle has been blown properly and to ensure that every section matches the predetermined range. AT2E has developed two versions, the HWBC-1 and HWBC-2. The former is manually operated with a handle to press the hot wires down to cut the bottle. The HWBC-2 is fully automatic and completely enclosed


to avoid operator influence on the measurement and to ensure the fumes are directed away from the operator. Each unit is custom-built to the sample’s specifications. Vacuum testing is another area in which AT2E’s products excel. Its VLT series of vacuum boxes is used around the world to measure a product’s leak points. Made with transparent PMMA polished acrylic, the Vacuum Leak Tester (VLT) is rugged and ready to hold vacuums down to -999 mb. With the clamp pressure option included, it can even be pressurized up to 1 bar. AT2E has developed three versions of its VLT systems: VLT-ECO, VLT-ST, and VLT-PLC. All the systems are built to spec and come in various sizes. The ECO system is controlled manually via a 3-direction valve while the ST and PLC versions come with a touchscreen control box that allows the operator to pull and hold vacuums. They are capable of storing product information and measurements, as well as operator preferences, for maximum efficiency and replicability. For extremely accurate thickness measurements, AT2E has designed its AMTG2, the Accurate Magnetic Thickness Gauge. Using a small steel ball and probe, the AMTG-2 can measure non-magnetic material up to 8 mm in thickness, with a resolution of 0.001 mm. Through the Hall Effect method, the ball and probe system offers a reliable, precise, and efficient measurement solution for packaging, allowing the user to find deformities and weaknesses in a sample. Other thickness measurement devices include the Preform Thickness Gauge (PTG-D) and the Glass Bottle Wall Thickness Gauge (BTG-D). AT2E has also developed a system for the quality control of doubleseam cans. SeamCheck, its Automatic Double Seam Projector, helps with the critical process of inspect-

ing a can’s seam length, body hook length, end hook length, overlap, seam gap, overlap rate, body hook lapping rate, end hook lapping rate, and seam thickness. With some additional equipment, the measurements can be extended even further and with a higher accuracy. With satisfied companies around the world using AT2E’s packaging quality assurance technologies every day, AT2E is constantly working to improve its existing products, develop new techniques for precision testing, and provide useful support and guidance to prospective and current clients.

TCT-2 | Traction and Compression Tester


AT2E - FP 5-17.indd 4

25/10/17 12:26


11/10/16 11:16



MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE PACKABLE At booth E10221 at the pack Expo Chicago exhibits CPS Case packing Systems the new CLP case packer to pack MAP trays at high speed in carton trays.


he in-feed system is even capable of turning products, or leaving them in their original orientation, with a huge variety of packing patterns as a result. The pick-up head grasps the Map tray, punnets or other products. The retracting conveyor under the products opens and the P&P head places a complete layer of products in the box, crate or carton tray, placing the products in the product carrier only involves a downward movement. The system offers extreme levels of reliability in combination with high capacity because each complete layer is placed in a single operation. The P&P head operates at a relatively low speed, meaning that fragile products can also be packed without problems. The CLP shown at the Pack Expo exhibition is packing live Map trays in a carton tray at the booth. The Map trays will be loaded using an articulating head. This gives us the opportunity to place the trays under the stacking shoulders of the carton tray. After picking up a complete layer of trays, the trays will be placed under an angle by the articulating head during the downward movement to the carton tray and placed under the stacking shoulders of the carton tray. Because of the dimensions of the Map trays and carton tray is it possibly to make any packing pattern in more than one layer in the carton on customers request. Beside that the CLP case packer is executed with a vision system which reads the QR codes at the MAP tray. The information hidden

in the code has a lot of opportunities. The information can collected or transmitted to upper layer software systems for management purposes or other packing machines downstream the line. This improves the traceability enormously and increases the food safety in the future. Our present product range includes casepackers to pack flexible, semi flexible or solid products (bags or trays) horizontal as well as vertical into corrugated trays, reusable plastic trays and corrugated American cases. In recent years the different industries place heavy demands for improving food safety, machine performance and reliability of the casepacker lines. With our range of casepackers we meet these requirements with high

capacity, lower investments costs, reduced packaging costs and an over all improved load stability and display effect for optimum branding of the products at the retailer. Integrated tailor made software solutions provide the information necessary to allow our customers to improve all aspects of the end of line packaging casepacker system. Many different combinations options enable the customer to be supplied a tailor made casepacker line. CPS Case Packing Systems can supplied a solution, no matter what the requirements and whether the product is fresh, frozen, pasty or liquid. Since 1988 CPS Case Packing Systems situated in Stramproy Holland has been one of the leading companies in the field of the de-


CPS - FP 5-17.indd 3

25/10/17 12:20



sign, manufacture and installation of complete end of line packaging solutions, primarily for the (frozen) food and confectionary industry. CPS Case Packing Systems innovates and develops individual solutions helping customers to achieve their performance goals in a very competitive marketplace. CPS has focused on fully automatic case packing systems with a special emphasis on flexible products and trays. CPS is uniquely proficient in packing products of this type rapidly and efficiently. And there are other benefits as well. CPS machines pack products more compactly than is possible by hand and therefore achieve substantial cost savings. Packing in shelfready boxes has also become an important aspect. CPS uses this expertise and experience to produce high-quality case packers. Flexible bags, MAP trays or flowpacks in all shapes and sizes are packed fully automatically and at high speed in RSC boxes, cardboard trays, crates and even pallet boxes and wheeled containers. In order to supply customer-specific case packer lines, CPS integrates X-ray scanners, metal detectors,

checkweighers, coding systems and case erectors in its case packing systems. The total case packer line, ranging from the complete product and box supply systems, possibly including merging and buffer systems, to final discharge of the sealed box, is designed and constructed by CPS in house CPS currently produces a complete range of professional case packers. Making the Impossible Packable!

CPS is in the USA is very strong in packing (frozen) French fries. Simplot Boise, Idaho have 6 lines to pack French fries at high speed either horizontal as vertical in one machine. The CPSL gravity and sideloader case packer has been specifically developed for horizontally and vertically packing deep-frozen products in boxes at high speed, in combination with a highly compact footprint. Typical products include frozen French fries, vegetables, meat and fish. Our CPSL and CP201 case packer is capable of greater kg/m3 packing performance than any other machine. This is done in accordance with pre-programmed packing patterns.. Various options are available for the Case packer line; these can be selected in order to adapt the line to product requirements and customer preferences.


CPS - FP 5-17.indd 4

25/10/17 12:20





shida multihead weighing and checkweighing technology, supported by the company’s IDCS II advanced checkweigher data capture system, are helping to deliver speed and accuracy and boost productivity for around 1,000 different mushroom products at leading German supplier Bayerische Pilze & Waldfrüchte Uwe Niklas GmbH.

While the weighers deliver an output of up to 3,000 packs per hour, their primary benefit, according to managing director Uwe Niklas, is their excellent weighing accuracy to a maximum of 0.1g above the nominal weight. “One kilogram of our dried product costs up to €300, so obviously we need to be precise during filling,” he explains. Ishida’s latest generation DACS-G checkweighers provide effective quality control at the end of the packing lines, with their wide weighing range and quick format changes ideal for Niklas’s requirements.

The company operates five packing lines, all featuring Ishida multihead weighers, handling a range of fresh, frozen and dried mushrooms packed into sealed trays, polybags and plastic cups with screw tops, at weights from 5g to 2.5kg. The weighers have been adapted for the many different applications and product types. Surfaces with corrugated sheet metal, for example, allow difficult processing of dried mushrooms cut into large slices, while gentle discharge chute angles and short product fall distances through the weighers allow the handling of the most delicate mushrooms In view of the enormous variety of products offered by Niklas, it is crucial that the company’s packing systems are flexible. The manufacturer also handles many small orders, such as gourmet items where a production run usually lasts for only half a day. The simple and quick set-up of the Ishida weighers and their easy-clean, hygiene-friendly design ensure changeovers can be carried out very speedily.

The checkweighers feature a high-speed load cell with an accuracy of 0.2 grams, while a special anti-floor vibration system compensates for any external floor vibrations. The extremely robust machines also have a function that automatically disconnects the weigh sensor from the belt in the event of disturbances from outside. Integrated metal detectors offer protection against foreign bodies. Equally important, the checkweighers are able to collect valuable production data such as downtime, product giveaway, performance and quality, using Ishida’s

pioneering IDCS II (Ishida Data Capture System). The data for each individual pack can be analysed and shown on graphs or in tables based on product batches, shifts, operators, products, machines or lines. Displays and reports are user-defined and adaptable, with the parameters accessed online at any time during ongoing production, and monitored in real time. Information is also available via mobile devices. IDCS II is compatible with systems such as SAP or SCADA, and data transfer can be carried out without any problems in programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe PDF. “The IDCS II software is a small investment that has brought a large benefit, as it directly increases our productivity,” says Uwe Niklas. “We regard the overall package with checkweighers and data analysis as an important control function for our head of production, which is very informative from a business management point of view. If the values are not satisfactory, we will immediately make the appropriate adjustments, implement changes to the settings and carry out maintenance work or arrange training.” Ishida has worked with Bayerische Pilze & Waldfrüchte Uwe Niklas GmbH since the installation of the company’s first multihead weigher in 1999. products/multihead_weighing_ machines/multi_head_weighers/


ISHIDA com FP 5-17.indd 3

04/12/17 15:23

1 - Reinforced air bag or standard air bag for palletization and depalletization boudin gonflable standard ou renforcé pour palettisation et dépalettisation 2 - Vacuum plates for palletization and depalletization plaques à vide pour palettisation et dépalletisation 3 - Foam belts for inspection machines Courroies en mousse pour machines d’inspection 4 - Roller bearings for inspection machines Galets pour machines d’inspection 5 ; 6 - Foam rotation wheel Galets de rotation en mousse




5 6 2

4 1 2


13/10/16 12:29



High-speed solutions for confectionery sector


he increasing speed of production of process lines and in primary packaging machines (typically flow pack) in the confectionery sector, is a constant challenge that our company has to deal with. A task made even more onerous by the nature of the products, which are often fragile and need to be treated with extreme caution to prevent them from reaching damaged the final consumer, thus creating an image damage to the costumers companies. Ready to respond to the needs of the market, M.H. Material Handling SpA has developed in recent years advanced systems to manage the products output from the primary packaging machines; in order to unify them on a single line, or split them on multiple tracks, depending on the chosen solution for secondary packaging.

currently able to manage over 400 pieces per minute. The unification of the group presented by MH is designed to be interposed between two or more primary packaging machines and a secondary packaging machine. Each track input is constituted by 2 or 3 conveyors with medium friction belt driven by brushless motors, the number varies depending on the speed required by the output line; increasing the speed, can be necessary the use of vacuum aspiration systems to avoid the slipping of the products on the belts during the acceleration phase. The purpose of these transporters is to ensure the proper phasing of

Recently, MH has presented two new systems, one sorter and one merger, in order to overcome the already high production rates achieved in the past: the new devices are able to handle production capacities of up to 600 products per minute on single row, 150 mm long, corresponding to a nominal speed of 90 m/min. Merging groups The unification groups are an essential accessory when the secondary packaging machine is a Racetrack type with a robotic arm for multiple picking up. The best machines available on the market are


M.H HANDLING FP 6-16.indd 3

10/01/17 13:23


incoming products so that they cannot collide with each other on the subsequent unification tape. The unification conveyor is a further conveyor belt where the products are carried in a single row using one or two guides posed like a funnel. At the speeds provided it is necessary to overcome the concept of the fixed guide, as any slowdown of products in contact with the guide would result in a loss of timing and risk of interlocking. Event that with high production cadence that would have catastrophic effects and would lead to immediately block of the upstream machines. For this reason, the chosen solution is to replace the fixed guides with


motorized vertical belt conveyors that they can adapt the speed to that of the underlying tape. The system is designed to unify the incoming productions from two lines into single row with products about 150 mm long at a rate of 300 ppm for each row: the result is a final output of 600 ppm on a single row; the actual output speed of the products by the system is between 110 and 140 m/min, depending on the characteristics of the products and the needs of the downstream secondary packaging machine. The machine is manufactured with the highest construction standards, the phaser conveyors are equipped with easy-change system without tools. The standard control system is a Siemens PLC with color operator panel, as well as inverters, brushless and related drives are Keb or Elau, gearboxes and asynchronous are SEW. On request, it is possible to install Rockwell Allen-Bradley electronic. An important feature that distinguishes the MH compared to other systems on the market is the ability to control the output step of the products to obtain a regular cadence. Conversely, many competitors offer a management of the products in trains, in fact forcing a complete re-phase of the products before entering the secondary machine, with consequent increase of costs. MH has recently acquired a major order for a leading manufacturer in the confectionery industry in the Middle East. The supply comprises three merger systems 2 in 1 and a merger system 3 in 1 accompanied by all the connection conveyors with

the flowpack machines upstream of the system. Sorter groups In the case where the solution chosen for the secondary packaging is the multi robot type with a vision system, the need is to direct the products on multiple lines from the output of the primary packaging machines. MH offers a wide range of solutions, from a mobile channel systems to those multi paddle, all moved by brushless motors. The novelty is constituted by a discontinuous movable guide system. The group consists of a battery of two phasing blet conveyors controlled by brushless motors, which step in a regular manner the products directed to the conveyor on which the sorting occurs. The division from 1 to 2 lines is performed using a motorized vertical belt conveyor, superimposed on the sorting conveyor, on which are mounted some flights with the required length that, on alternate paces, accompany the products towards the outside track. As the shift occurs gradually and at the same speed of the underlying belt, there are no strong stresses on the product and the system is particularly suitable for fragile products. Even in this case, as for the mergers, the cadence of the products at the exit of the machine it is guaranteed and does not require another phase before the secondary packaging machines. The production speed reached are identical to those already mentioned for the mergers. Visit:


M.H HANDLING FP 6-16.indd 4

10/01/17 13:23





ackaging not only protects your product: they also take care of the presentation and keep your product fresh. Mol d’Art is for over 35 years the specialist in the production of food packagings. In addition to an extensive standard range of blisters, ballotins, pads and air cushions for the protection of delicate delights, Mol d’Art designs and produces customized packaging material. We are located in Belgium en distribute worldwide! Our products are made through thermoforming. We have four high quality production lines and a team of experienced operators who continuously monitor the quality of your produc. Mol d’Art makes packaging for any type of food. Our quality department is happy to find out what type of material best suits your product and purpose. We Mol d’Art also develop and manufacture chocolate machines. As a result, we have specific experience in the development of packaging for the chocolate. Departing from your product and creative packaging ideas, Mol d’Art is entitled to the development and pro-

duction of the appropriate packaging, consisting of boxes, suitable trays and air cushions. Even with a simple image, we can get started because we work with modern 3D technology. On the basis of a design, prototypes are made of blisters and overcases. Mol d’Art has its own team of product developers and mold makers. These people have many years of experience in the food packaging industry. They provide substantiated advice and go into development during consultation with the customer. The delivery period of a prototype is one day. Once the prototype is discussed approved, production can be started. For this purpose, molds are first made with a CNC machine. The ultimately produced blisters are cut with rounded R5 corners and are all identical. For example, they can be easily processed by pick-up robots. Or take a look in our own range... Maybe we already have what you’re looking for in our standard range? Take a look at our website. After all, we have a standard range of blisters that you may be interested in. These products are usually out of stock and can be delivered quickly!

In concrete we have a number of packages for pralines and presentation dishes for patisserie. n addition to the looks of our products, we consider food safety extremely important. In recent years, a number of quality standards have been issued on the packaging materials market. We therefore found it no more than normal to go for the most renowned: the BRC-Packaging standard. We are always working with high-quality raw materials that we purchase from carefully selected suppliers. A large number of our products are manufactured from Apet. This material is qualitative, good to thermoform and can be recycled almost completely. Our company is lokated in Webbekom, in the center of Belgium. Belgian food en food related products are known as high quality.We fully anticipate this.


MOLDRAT FP 5-17 - ENG.indd 3

03/11/17 14:46



MULTIVAC takes over the slicer division of VC999



ith effect from 1 December 2017, MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG will take over the slicing activities of VC999. Thanks to this further strategically important step in the direction of “Better Processing”, the packaging specialist is now in a position to be able to offer complete packaging lines for sliced products such as cheese, sliced meats and ham from one single source.

The slicer division of VC999 is a comparatively young business unit, founded just five years ago as part of the VC999 company, which has been operating successfully for many years in the packaging machine sector. The slicer divi-sion manufactures state-of-the-art slicer solutions for use on an industrial scale, which meet the highest hygiene requirements and have a modular design. VC999 has decided for strategic reasons to divest itself of this business unit. After the takeover has been completed, MULTIVAC will continue to use the current VC999 slicer production site at Buchenau (Dautphetal) as the Devel-opment Center and manufacturing location for prototypes. The mass produc-tion of slicers will take place at MULTIVAC’s headquarters in Wolfertschwenden. Extensive investment for this in a highly modern produc-tion site is currently being planned, and this will include a state-of-the-art facil-ity for application technology. With immediate effect, complete slicer lines will also be available at the Wolfertschwenden site for carrying out customer trials.   Slicer lines in all output categories The acquisition is an important step for

MULTIVAC in the slicer sector. It means that MULTIVAC is now able to offer its customers complete slicing and packaging lines in all output categories. To round off the slicer range, MULTI-VAC has recently completed further strategic alliances with industrial part-ners. The BIZERBA slicer portfolio in the smaller output range has been part of the MULTIVAC Group’s offer worldwide in recent times, and this range of slic-ers perfectly complements the Group’s portfolio of packaging machines for the production of small and medium-sized batches. In order to meet the re-quirements in the high-output sector, MULTIVAC will in future market FORMAX slicers from PROVISUR in selected regions. Worldwide sales and application support The step into slicing is not new territory for MULTIVAC, since the MULTIVAC organisation has many years of experience in the sales and service of similar products. This will enable the Group to ensure that sufficient sales and service capacity, as well as a comprehensive supply of spare parts, will be provided for the range of slicers in all the relevant markets. This also applies of course to all the partner products. Slicer solutions with maximum efficiency With its entry into the slicer business, MULTIVAC is fulfilling an essential precondition in optimising the degree of slicer integration in automated packaging lines, with the aim of not just reducing the footprint of automatic slicer lines but also increasing the output capability of these solutions.

be operated via a unified control platform. The first solutions for the efficient linking of slicers and thermoforming packaging machines were presented by MULTI-VAC as far back as IFFA 2015.

MULTIVAC is one of the leading providers worldwide of packaging solutions for food products of all types, life science and healthcare products as well as industrial items. The MULTIVAC portfolio covers virtually all customers’ requirements in terms of pack design, output and resource efficiency, and it in-cludes vacuum packaging machines, traysealers, thermoforming packaging machines, labellers, quality control systems and automation solutions - right up to turnkey lines. The MULTIVAC Group has approximately 5,200 employ-ees worldwide, with some 1,900 based at its headquarters in Wolfertschwenden. With over 80 subsidiaries, the Group is represented on all continents. More than 1,000 sales advisors and service technicians through-out the world use their know-how and experience to the benefit of customers, and they ensure that all installed MULTIVAC machines are utilised to their maximum. Further information can be found at:

In future all MULTIVAC products, including slicers and loading equipment, will


MULTIVAC com FP 5-17.indd 3

04/12/17 16:01




The Fratelli Faccia slaughterhouse in Ceva (CN)


he brand-new Fratelli Faccia slaughterhouse in Ceva extends for 15,000m2 and includes a 7,000m2 indoor space. The factory’s floor was entirely realized by a company based in Caravaggio (BG) named Mombrini, for many years the undisputed leader in the manufacture of flooring for the food industry. In the meat processing industry, the choice of an adequate floor is crucial for carrying out the work smoothly. In these factories it is particularly important that the floor does not become slippery during the processing of the meat and can be easily washed. When several livestock units arrive at the slaughterhouse every

hour, the need for a safe, clean and fast slaughtering process is well understood. The staff who carries out the various steps of the work must be able to move around without worrying about slippery floors, especially in the slaughter room. Furthermore, the floor must be cleaned perfectly and quickly at the end of the work. The Klinker floor with epoxy resin sealing is certainly the best choice in this context. In the slaughter room, capable of processing 50,000 livestock units every year, the flooring plays a vital role, especially at the upper floor. Here, cattle from the whole Piedmont plain area arrive, mostly belonging to the breeds Piemontese cattle, Blonde

EIN MOMBRINI PROJEKT Der Schlachthof der Gebrüder Faccia in Ceva


er neue Schlachthof der Gebrüder Faccia in Ceva erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 15.000 Quadratmetern, von denen 7000 Quadratmeter komplett von Mombrini aus Caravaggio gefliest wurden, seit Jahren unangefochtenes Unternehmen für Bodenbeläge in der Lebensmittelindustrie. Insbesondere im Bereich der Fleischverarbeitung ist die Wahl des richtigen Bodenbelags von größter Bedeutung, weil nur so die Arbeit reibungslos durchgeführt werden kann. In diesen Betrieben ist eine der wichtigsten Anforderungen, dass der Bodenbelag in den verschiedenen Stadien der Verarbeitung rutschsicher

und abwaschbar ist. Wenn innerhalb von ein paar Stunden in einem Schlachthof Hunderte von Rindern zusammeströmen, dann kann man verstehen, dass der Schlachtzyklus sicher, hygienisch und schnell ausgeführt werden muss. Die an den verschiedenen Phasen der Verarbeitung beteiligten Mitarbeiter, vor allem im Schlachtraum, müssen sich sicher, dass sie sich ohne die Gefahr des Aus- oder Abrutschens bewegen können. Und, genauso wichtig, am Arbeitsende muss sich der Boden schnell und sauber reinigen lassen. Der Boden aus Klinker, mit Epoxidharz, erfüllt zweifellos am besten beide Anforderungen. Im Schlachtraum,

in dem 50.000 Einheiten/Jahr bearbeitet werden, ist der Bodenbelag von entscheidender Bedeutung, vor allem in der oberen Etage, wo die Viehherden zusammen kommen, die aus der piemontesischen Ebene stammen und deren Hauptrassen folgende sind: Piemontese, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Limousine, Charolaise und deren Kreuzungen. Die Fotos zeigen hier deutlich, dass vor allem im Schlachtraum, der Reinigungsvorgang absolut keine triviale Angelegenheit ist: Der Bodenbelag von Mombrini - dank des eigens entwickelten Reinigungs-Kits - wird nach jedem Arbeitszyklus in kurzer Zeit wieder wie neu.


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d’Aquitaine, Limousine and Charolaise. The pictures attached here clearly show that, especially in the slaughter room, cleaning is not an easy task: Mombrini’s flooring – also thanks to the cleaning kit provided by the company – turns impeccably clean after each cleaning cycle. Besides the slaughter room, which is located on two floors, the factory has all the other departments that guarantee that the meat’s freshness and quality arrive unaltered to the consumer: • cold chain with carcass rapid cooling tunnel at the end of the slaughter; 0°C refrigerated rooms for half carcasses stocking (130,000kg capacity); 0°C refrigerated rooms for carcasses quarters stocking (50,000kg capacity); 0°C refrigerated rooms for offal conservation; 0°C and -20°C refrigerated rooms

Neben dem Schlachtraum auf zwei Etagen, ist die Anlage mit allen anderen Bereichen ausgestattet, die dafür sorgen, dass das Fleisch frisch und perfekt zerlegt den Verbraucher erreicht: • Die Kühlkette mit Schnellkühltunnel für die geschlachteten Tiere; Zellen für die Lagerung der Tierhälften bei 0°C (Fassungsvermögen von 130.000 kg); Zellen für die Lagerung von Tierviertel bei 0° C (Fassungsvermögen von 50.000 kg); Zelle für die Konservierung von Innereien bei 0° C; Zelle für die Lagerung von verpackten Produkten bei 0° C; Schneller Gefriertunnel für verpackte Produkte bei -40° C; Zelle für die Lagerung von verpackten Produkten bei -20° C; Zelle für die Konservierung von Hackfleischprodukten bei -4° C; Zelle für die Konservierung von Kutteln bei 0° C. • Der Raum zum Entbeinen und Portionieren mit einem Fassungs-


for packaged products conservation; -40°C rapid freezing tunnel for packaged products; -4°C refrigerated room for ground meat conservation; 0°C refrigerated room for chitterlings conservation; • cutting and boning room with a capacity of 20,000 kg per day for vacuum-sealed anatomical cuts, and for 18,000kg per day for bowls and portions in MAP; rooms for ground meat processing and production of hamburgers in polystyrene bowls MAP packages; • shipping room for boned and packaged meat with 5 loading docks.

vermögen von 20.000 kg/Tag für anatomische Schnitte im Vakuum und 18.000 kg/Tag für Schalen und Portionen unter Schutzatmosphäre verpackt. Räume für die Verarbeitung von Hackfleisch zur Herstellung von Hamburger und Hackfleischportionen, die unter Schutzatmosphäre in Styroporschalen verpackt werden. • Der Versandraum für Fleisch und Knochen und verpackte Produkte, der mit fünf Laderampen ausgestattet ist. Nur eine vorherige und genau Analyse des Projekts eines so komplexen

Thanks to our renowned expertise and only after careful consderation of such a complex design, we can guarantee that the flooring withstands the various types of workloads it is subjected to. The material of the tiles is very important and an accurate installation and sealing are also fundamental. However, before that, the surface gradient and the outlets design need to be carefully assessed as well as the screed. All these processes are tightly interlocked and only a highly qualified technical research can guar-

Systems kombiniert mit einer großen Erfahrung in diesem Bereich kann garantieren, dass der Fußboden nach der Verlegung den verschiedenen Arbeitsbelastungen auch gewachsen ist. Dabei ist das Fliesenmaterial von entscheidender Bedeutung, ebenso wie die fachgerechte Verlegung und die Abdichtung, die Berechnung des Gefälles und die Dimensionierung von Ein- und Ausleitungen sowie der Estrich. Alle voneinander abhängigen Vorgänge kann nur ein technisch erfahrenes Studio in vollem Umfang garantieren: in diesem Fall das Unternehmen Mombrini, dessen Bodenbeläge aus säurebeständigem


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antee its success: Mombrini do the trick. Its Klinker acid-resistant floorings occur in Italy since 1962 and this year the company has reached its 50th year of activity. Under the leadership of the founder, Gianni Mombrini, and his son, Carlo, 15 teams of tilers guarantee that the “Mombrini flooring system” will always be designed and installed with the best technique and expertise. Thousands of customers have already chosen to install our floor-


ing, from the dairy companies to the meat and fish processing companies, from the food companies to the wine industry and so on. Working in so many sectors made us realise how essential is the flooring cleaning. Fratelli Faccia realised it too because working in accordance with the Italian and European regulations is a matter of priority. Here the staff realises hygienically safe products in accordance with

the manufacturing instructions and the company policy, caring about the company environmental impact and monitoring their carbon footprint and the correct waste disposal. In accordance with the IPPC directive, Fratelli Faccia have adopted a system for the prevention and integrated reduction of pollution through regular controls. Their strong work ethic leads them to apply the health and safety regulation in all work places, to train their staff to health and safety at work and to decline any service or supply that could imply the workers exploitation. In order to comply with the present Quality Policy, every year they set strict targets to reduce anomalies and to get better hygienic and working conditions. And the Mombrini flooring has a fundamental role to make them reach these targets.

Klinker seit 1962 in ganz Italien zu finden sind und das in diesem Jahr die beachtliche Zahl von fünfzig Jahren Tätigkeit überschritten hat. Unter der ständigen Führung von Gianni Mombrini, dem Gründer, und seinem Sohn, Ingenieur Carlo sorgen 15 Teams von Fliesenlegern dafür, dass das «Bodensystem Mombrini» immer mit der bewährten Kombination von Innovation und Erfahrung verlegt wird. Hunderte von Kunden haben schon ihre Einrichtungen und Anlagen mit ihren Bodenbelägen verfliest, vom Milchsektor zur Konservenindustrie, von der Fleischverarbeitung zu der von Fisch, von der Nahrungsmittelbranche bis zur Weinwirtschaft, und so weiter ... Gerade weil wir in all diesen Bereichen arbeiten, wissen wir von Mombrini, dass die Sauber-

keit unserer Bodenbeläge eine der grundlegenden Anforderungen ist. Auch beim Schlachthof der Gebrüder Faccia denken wir in dieser Weise, eben weil die Einhaltung der Anforderungen der einzelstaatlichen Rechtsvorschriften und der Gemeinschaftsvorschriften ein Garantieschwerpunkt darstellt. Hier arbeitet das gesamte Personal daran, eine sichere und hygienische Produktion zu erreichen, unter Anwendung der Bestimmungen der Verarbeitungshinweise und der Betriebsvorschriften. Es achtet folglich auf die Umweltauswirkungen seiner Tätigkeiten, kontrolliert sorgfältig die Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Grenzen der Emissionen und kümmert sich um die ordnungsgemäße Entsorgung von Abfällen. Mit der Anpassung

an die IVU-Richtlinie hat das Unternehmen ein System zur Prävention und zur integrierten Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung durch regelmäßiges Monitoring implementiert und verfolgt die Einhaltung der Arbeitsethik, indem es sich um die Eignung des Arbeitsplatzes sowie um die Ausbildung des Personals in Sachen Hygiene und persönliche Sicherheit kümmert, auch durch die Weigerung Dienstleistungen, Lieferungen oder Zulieferungen zu akzeptieren, bei denen oder deren Herstellung die Ausbeutung der Arbeitnehmer angenommen werden kann. Um die Umsetzung dieser Qualitätspolitik zu ermöglichen, setzt man sich jedes Jahr die praktischen Ziele der Hygiene, der Reduzierung von Fehlern und der Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen. Und der Bodenbelag von Mombrini spielt eine wichtige Rolle, um alle diese Ziele zu erreichen.


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24043 CARAVAGGIO · BG · Via Leonardo da Vinci, 218 Telefono 0363 50449 · 0363 50049 · Fax 0363 350714 www. · e-mail:


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ai Dubai LLC is a new, exciting and daring commercial initiative in the mineral water bottling sector and launched its production business at the beginning of 2014. This new company’s goal is to quickly reach positions of primary importance in the industrial reference overview. For this reason Mai Dubai LLC is planning major investments in technology and people, which will enable it to obtain a product that will live up to the reputation of the brand that produces it. Dubai is one of the richest cities in the world, where glitz coexists with tradition and skyscrapers overlook the desert. Dubai is the city of greatness and challenges. This is why DEWA (acronym for Dubai Electricity

& Water Authority) – decided to build a plant from scratch to bottle drinking water, for the production of 12,000 bottles per hour. The development of the entire project, which was named Mai Dubai, was entrusted to the SMI Group in San Giovanni Bianco (Italy) as sole supplier. The task entrusted to SMI designers soon turned into a big challenge: to design, implement and install a complete turnkey system comprising the entire process, filling, storage & distribution technology as well as all the relating management and control systems. SMI proposed itself as the sole supplier to handle all the major stages regarding the design and construction of the plant, with the primary objective of providing a first-class product and demonstrating its technical and managerial skills to the customer.

Three production lines for three market needs The agreement between DEWA and SMI was signed in 2013 after a long selection process that took place through a bid issued by the Emirates. In the end, the latter deemed that SMI was the supplier that best reflected the qualitative, economic and technological characteristics required by the invitation to tender. The turnkey solution proposed by SMI for Mai Dubai also includes, besides the actual bottling plant, all the ancillary equipment necessary to run the production lines, from the desalinated water treatment system to the palletizing of the finished packs. With this new investment, Mai Dubai Water aims to become one of the leading companies in this


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sector. The company’s goal is to win significant market shares both from the private consumer – to which the 12,000 bph PET line is dedicated for the bottling and packaging of 1.5-liter, 0.5-liter and 0.33-liter PET bottles – and from the industry and service sector – to which the production of bottled water in 5-gallon containers is intended. Finally, Mai Dubai also aims at the airlines’ niche sector through the production of the line that packages water in small plastic cups. ”Blue gold”: an important source of wealth The production of drinking water is undoubtedly the biggest challenge for a place like Dubai, which does not have a river system and has limited rainfall; challenge that DEWA decided to face, to expand in the promising market for the production and bottling of the so-called “blue gold”. The Mai Dubai project is part of a broader strategic vision of the company’s mission of providing products and services of high quality. Desalinated water is now the main source of drinking water in the United Arab Emirates, the demand for which is growing rapidly, and therefore requires massive investment in advanced systems and technologies. Since sea water is desalinated using special equipment owned by the customer, SMI’s supply begins from the treatment that makes desalinated water potable and ends with the palletizing of the finished packs, ready to be distributed and sold on the market. “Customer priorities: meeting deadlines and quality excellence” Mai Dubai commissioned SMI both for the technical design of the bot-

tling line and the construction of the plant that houses the line, supervised by the SMI Group’s QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety & Environment). The priorities highlighted by the company in the bid mainly concerned the timing involved in the implementation and start-up of the new production lines as well as the technological content of the machinery making up these lines; all this to achieve a state-of-the-art plant in the UAE that would ensure constant and efficient production flows of excellent quality in all three bottling lines installed in the new plant of 22.123 m². Visit:


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he story of Tecnopool is one born out from a big idea: design, manufacture and installation of machinery for the treatment and processing of food products. A story that began in 1980 with the patenting of Anaconda: the first conveyor belt conceived by the company’s founder, Leopoldo Lago. A winning and above all versatile product, suitable for all manufacturing processes where food products need to be thermally treated. It was the beginning of a success story that has never stopped, as the results achieved in the last 30 years have been testifying: growth of sales, an increasingly widespread presence on foreign markets, and an ongoing evolution of the products. The story of Tecnopool began in Padua, but today that story has crossed domestic boundaries to be told all over the world. From deep-freezing to cooling, from pasteurizing to proofing, from product handling all the way to baking and frying, the term flexibility goes hand in hand with all Tecnopool solutions. Before developing a plant, Tecnopool thinks of those who will use it, because flexibility for it is not only a

mental factor, it’s above all a work approach. This is precisely the purpose of its design office: it helps to establish an exclusive relationship with the customers, based on straightforwardness, clarity and competence. A relationship built on the meeting and exchanging of ideas that starts early in the planning phase and ends with the construction of the system. This is how Tecnopool develops plants that are truly customized for each customer and for every type of space, plants that guarantee the maximum in terms of productivity and the minimum in terms of maintenance. The versatility of Tecnopool plants is proven by the sectors in which it is applied: it’s no coincidence that its technology is often behind the processing of a food product. Freezing The know-how Tecnopool has acquired allows it to guarantee a method that is absolutely avant-garde for the treatment of packaged or bulk food products, which are conveyed on belt and deep-frozen in cabinets that have insulated walls with variable thickness.

Cooling A system designed for two types of cooling: Ambient and with forced air in room. It is precisely this flexibility that makes it suitable for any manufacturing line and any kind of packaged or bulk food product. Proofing Such a delicate process deserves all attention. This is why Tecnopool has always developed plants that are perfectly calibrated that do not alter the properties of the food products and which therefore respect both the end product and the consumer. Pasteurizing To make the treated products reach the right temperature within the required time, it is essential to carefully cover every detail: it is no coincidence Tecnopool designs complex plants that use insulated rooms to treat the food products in accordance with parameters that are constantly monitored. Diathermic Oil Spiral Oven Tecnopool, faithful to its philosophy of simplifying production lines for mechanical and economic reasons, has completed its range of plants with a spiral cooking system which, thanks


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to its configuration, allows for space saving and a smooth production process. In this way, it is possible to avoid the use of row gear up/gear down systems, which are very common in the pan lines used in tunnel ovens. This is not something new; however, this spiral configuration makes it possible to make the best of the heating system designed by Tecnopool for this oven. The absence of forced ventilation and the favourable balance of air/product volume in the cell, compared to a tunnel oven, makes it possible to work with room temperatures between 10° and 15°C lower than those used by tunnel ovens (cooking times being equal). In special cases, according to Tecnopool’s experience, these differences can reach 30°C. Anyway, also in some specific cases in which it is necessary, forced ventilation is also installed in order to increase the convective effect. The technical decision leading Tecnopool to choose a radiator system, together with the special configuration afforded by the spiral, comes from the results obtained after years of trials with all types of products and in very different working conditions, which


show a higher thermal performance, thus improving the results compared with other systems. The thermal fluid that runs through the tubes is diathermic oil, a system that has been chosen on account of its high thermal performance and its very low risk. It must be taken into consideration that the performance of a diathermic-oil boiler ranges between 87% and 91%, compared to 60% of an air-heating system or 30% of a direct-flame heating system. Tecnopool spiral oven makes it possible to save space, simplify the flow of the production line and save energy.

- Increase the rate of response and adjustment of the temperature; - Keep the frying oil as static as possible. Fume extraction hood with fat separation filters, high-efficiency turbine and glazed perimeter fence: - To facilitate the extraction of fumes and steam, prevent any condensation dripping back into the frying oil causing contamination; - To permit the visual inspection of the production; - To separate and condense the oil in suspension present in the fumes, to avoid odour.

Thermal Oil Fryer True to its philosophy of constant evolution and growth, Tecnopool increases its product range with another processing machine that allows it to complete new production lines that meet customer requirements in the areas of meat, fish, bread and sweets, snacks, peanuts and even pet food: Tecnopool fryer.

Frying pan completely removable: - For easy and fast cleaning during maintenance work of the machine; - To permit the elimination of scrap as solids; - To use the frying pan as a decantation filter of the oil.

Why choosing a Tecnopool fryer? Thermal oil exchanger submerged in the frying pan to: - Reduce to a minimum the difference in temperature between the heat source and the required frying temperature of the oil;

In short, the best choice for Tecnopool’s customers.


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28/08/17 17:35





ood extrusion is one of those black box technologies that many approach with a trialand-error mentality. Although there is certainly some tweaking and overall fine-tuning necessary to dial in the proper extrusion settings for a given product concept, there is also a more direct way to generate the right product the first time. Starting with laboratory scale equipment before scale-up and understanding the interrelationship between the extruder set-up, process conditions, and product properties can lead to vastly improved results and faster delivery of a new product concept. High protein extruded products are an example of a new product concept that can be easier to explore and develop with laboratory scale extrusion. Standard thinking around formulating with protein revolves around understanding protein functionality in different systems. However, most standard protein functionality tests require some degree of protein solubility in order to establish functionality. If there is no solubility, there is no functionality. Or so

Figure 1. The extrusion process triangle

the thought process goes. Laboratory extrusion offers product developers a way around this functional constraint by giving them the ability to work with insoluble proteins under real conditions to explore nontraditional aspects of protein functionality that could not otherwise be developed into viable concepts. The biggest drawback is that prod-

uct developers are generally constrained by the need to test new product concepts on pilot scale extruders. The cost and time associated with a failed run at even this scale can quickly add up. Starting with laboratory scale equipment is more cost effective for testing new product concepts. Reduced raw material requirements and faster turnaround time between runs means


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ences the other two in a continuous feedback loop. We’ll start with independent parameters, specifically those under the direct control of the operator. We can put the independent variables into 3 basic categories:

Figure 2. Different types of screw elements

more time spent exploring and refining the process for optimal scale-up later. Another key advantage to using laboratory extrusion for the development process is that running production is not interrupted, thus there is no loss in turnover. This is important for basic research on completely new products while existing products are still manufactured and sold. Laboratory scale extrusion follows the same principles and design of experiment as its pilot and commercial scale counterparts. The basic extrusion process can be described as a triangle of 3 interrelated components: extruder set up, process conditions, and product properties (Figure 1). Each one influ-

Figure 3a. Example of a cooling die

1) Extruder set up, 2) Raw material, and 3) Direct process controls. It is vital to fully understand the correlations between all three to move away from a trial-and-error approach to a mechanistic and structured approach. Extruder set up includes the type of extruder (i.e., single screw vs. twin screw), the L/D ratio, screw design, and die design. Selecting the right extruder set up allows for proper mixing, hydration, and energy input while avoiding excessive material degradation, scorching, and process instability. The product concept will generally dictate the type of extruder, L/D ratio, and overall die design. For example, texturized vegetable protein products with fat content of ~6.5% will be more suitable for a twin screw extruder with a L/D ratio >20 and a special cooling die to allow for

development of non-expanded laminar product structure. Screw design requires careful consideration because it cannot be changed once the extrusion process is started. Working with a laboratory extruder in the initial stages of product development can provide more time to assess different screw configurations and select the optimal arrangement for scale up. An essential component of screw design is understanding the different functional sections of the extruder. The extruder can be divided into 3 conceptual sections. Each section requires different types of screw elements (Figure 2) depending on the product being made: • Feed section: The screw elements in this section must strike a balance between distributive mixing and conveying efficiency. More rapid feeding requires screw elements with greater fill capacity (i.e., longer pitch) whereas an emphasis on mixing requires some back flow or other distributive mechanism (e.g., cut flight, reverse pitch, or kneaders). • Compression section: Screw elements in this section are dictated by the desired degree of biopolymer degradation. Elements in this section are commonly selected to generate a desired degree of compression and shear (e.g., shorter pitch, shallower depth, and/or mixing disks). • Metering section: The screw elements in this section control pressure and material flow through the die. The emphasis here is to achieve any final physical and/or chemical transformations in the product while keeping the materi-


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al moving forward through the die at a given pressure. Screw depth will be the shallowest in this section. It is important to note that feed/compression/metering sections are very strictly divided for single-screw extruders. However, the screw design for twin screw extruders is more flexible, albeit complex. For example, we can have more than one feeding or mixing section, several compression sections (e.g., before a venting port), or sections where the degree of fill is higher followed by one that is lower before it is increased again (e.g., in front of the die). In our example of texturized vegetable protein, the screw configuration is dictated by the transformations that must occur in each section. Water is added to the raw material via a pump directly to the feed section. The screw elements in this section will need to be selected to ensure homogeneous

Figure 3b. Product exiting a cooling die

distribution of this added water in the feed section. As the material feeds into the compression section, the material will be worked into a dough through an increased degree of fill and mixing disks. Protein hydration should be finished

before leaving this section. The screw elements in the metering section will need to further increase the compression ratio enough to impart sufficient shear to achieve a temperature increase before entering the cooling die (Figures 3a,b). This temperature increase creates the conditions for necessary for generating laminar anisotropic structure typical to meat analogs (Figure 3c). The major changes take place at the protein aggregate level. Shear forces, heating and cooling follow a pattern of de-structuring and re-structuring the proteinaceous mass via protein denaturation, unfolding, alignment and cross-linking.

Figure 3c. Fibrillar structure exhibited by the product

One benefit to exploring screw configurations in laboratory extruders is the ability to shut down the extruder once the process has reached steady state to evaluate how the material is changing in each screw section (Figure 4a) and make adjustments accordingly. This can be done with instruments that split the liner horizontally (i.e., clam shell liners), with the additional advantage of making subsequent clean out


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tein molecules to facilitate alignment and cross-linking. It likewise makes the entire protein mass more pliable, thereby facilitating transport through the barrel, structuring of the proteins and shaping of the product at the die. However, it also serves to reduce or dissipate the necessary mechanical energy input necessary for successful texturization. Laboratory scale extrusion makes it easier to explore the water content range that successfully balances mechanical energy input with raw material physical and chemical transitions.

Figure 4a. Material transformation in an extruder barrel after shutting down in steady state

easier (Figure 4b). Screw configuration software can be purchased to track screw configurations across different applications (Figure 5).

extrusion to achieve a better degree of mixing. A greater moisture content is desirable in wet texturized vegetable proteins because it limits expansion and sufficiently plasticizes pro-

Direct process controls include feed rate, screw speed, and barrel temperature, and the impact on the raw material can be seen again by shutting down the extruder during steady state conditions and opening the liner for analysis (Figure 4a). For example, a high feed rate to achieve a specific minimum throughput at a given screw speed

Raw material parameters under the operator’s control include the formulation and water content. The formulation and water content will be determined by the type of product (i.e., carbohydrate or protein-based), desired nutritional profile, structure, and sensory characteristics for the product. For example, fat and fiber contents will affect expansion rate and often determine whether a single screw or twin screw extruder is required. Laboratory scale extruders offer the most flexibility to explore alternative raw material sources (e.g., pulse proteins for texturized vegetable protein vs. soy protein concentrate or wheat gluten) and formulations during the product development stage. The water content has probably the biggest impact on the final product from a formulation and processing standpoint. In some products it is easier to dissolve salt, sugar, and/or other minor ingredients in the water prior to

Figure 4b. Example of a twin-screw extruder with a horizontally split liner (i.e., clam shell design)


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means greater fill in the extruder. This can increase product temperature due to more frequent particle collisions while decreasing product viscosity and die pressure. A similar effect in the product is observed by increasing the screw speed. Of these, barrel temperature tends to have the least effect on the process. Hence in our example of texturized vegetable protein, mechanical energy input and optimal protein hydration dominate the extrusion process as opposed to direct heat input. The above mentioned independent parameters influence the process conditions across a range of dependent parameters. These parameters include material pressure and temperature, residence time, specific mechanical energy input, and melt viscosity. As you can see from the previous paragraph, these can be influenced most directly during the extrusion process by changing operator controlled settings on the extruder. Extruder setup and raw materials can be selected to make the extrusion process more robust (i.e., a relatively wide range of process control settings will work) or more sensitive (i.e., a relatively narrow range of process control settings will work) in order to achieve specific product properties.


error approach. Laboratory scale extrusion will allow for a more detailed exploration of the correlations, and over time product developers can fine-tune these correlations for different product formats. This will allow for faster development of products through fewer required trials, faster turnaround time, and a better understanding of how the product will scale up. Understanding the relationships among the extruder set up, process conditions, and product properties can make designing the extrusion process for a new product concept more predictable. It starts with defining how the extruder is or will be used in the application. Is the extruder meant to be a continuous cooker (e.g. cooking a protein mass into a continuous viscous mass) or a structuring agent where hydration and mechanical factors are more important (e.g. texturized vegetable proteins)? Defining this along with the desired raw materials/formulation makes it easier to design trials that quickly zero in on the appropriate process controls.

As it is frequently said, all experiments are designed – the degree of success is determined by how well they are designed. Laboratory extrusion provides an excellent framework for successfully designing new product concepts. Visit: Adapted, with permission from AACC International, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A., from an article by the authors published in Cereal Foods World, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp 151-155, 2017. DOI: Join AACC International for free or discounted access to AACCI Approved Methods, the AACCI Check Sample Program, Books, Cereal Foods World, Cereal Chemistry, and the AACCI Grain Science Online Library. Connect with colleagues in your area of specialization through the AACCI Divisions, including Milling & Baking and Engineering & Processing. Visit for more information on the benefits of AACCI membership.

Various iterations of these settings during the extrusion process can be explored more easily on a laboratory scale extruder, often within the same trial. Table 1 shows some of the complex relationships governing the (inter-/in-) dependent parameters. Because there are so many options, it’s a good rule to first select the extruder setup and raw materials before moving on to direct process controls. It’s necessary to fully understand the correlations in Table 1 to prevent the process from reverting to a trial-and-

Figure 5. Example of screw configuration management software


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01/12/16 16:18




Errepan is one of Italy's leading producers of baking pans and metal baking equipment for the confectionery and bread-making industries.


ove for the perfect form Over 25 years of passion for the perfect form have allowed Errepan to position itself on the Ita¬lian podium of metal pan and equipment manu¬facturers for the confectionery and bread-making industries. Technological evol¬ution, innovation and determina-tion have done the rest to satisfy an increasingly diversified and heterogeneous demand, borne of the international comm¬ercial relationships that the company has developed over the years.

Certified quality Errepan has been ISO 9001 certified since 1998 for its system of quality, guar¬anteeing respect for operational proc¬edures throughout the entire

production process. Complementing the company's certified quality is the quality of its daily inter¬actions with clients, with a part¬icular focus on meeting their needs.

International trade shows In addition to Italian events, Errepan has long had a pres¬ence in the biggest international trade shows to reach local mar¬kets and give potent¬ial clients the chance to "see with their own eyes" the reality that excell¬ence in the field currently represents.

The products With a broad, comprehensive line of products, Errepan is able to sati¬sfy every need of the confect¬ionery and

bread-making industry. The range of available forms is constantly expanding, motiva¬ted by (among other things) the push from clients, which the marketing department (with inim¬itable support from the technical office) then takes as its own and transforms into perpetually new products and solutions. Pans for croissants, plum cakes, muf¬ins, tarts, the most original soft cakes, but also for pan¬bauletto, pan carré, and sand¬wich bread. The tray with self-carrying paper cup holders is an inter¬esting and innovative solution. It can be used as a pan on the produc¬tion line or as a support in the product proto¬typing phase, with a consequent reduction in cost.


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14/11/17 13:46



Loaf pan with ridged containers

Pan for croissants on a single aluminium tray or sheet

Flat sheet for high output machines

Semi-spheric form with highly non-stick Teflon.

Slotted loaf pan with automatic cover lock

Sheet for hamburgers for up to 125mm in diameter

Tray with self-carrying paper cup holders

Pan for muffins with a large selection of shapes and diameters

Stackable pan for panbauletto


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14/11/17 13:46





ood chain actors know that materials and object that will be in contact with foodstuffs have to respect sensorial and chemical inertia towards the food products they will be in direct or indirect contact with (Regulation EC No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council). In addition all food contact materials should be manufactured according to good manufacturing practices (GMP) as regulated by Regulation (EC) 2023/2006.

Regulation EC No 1935/2004 was created for all materials and articles designed to contact directly or indirectly food substances (not just packaging but also production machines, storage facilities, valves, conveyor

belts, kitchen utensils, and so on), it introduces also the following: • Safety Standard for the Health of consumer • Traceability • Report of compliance of all FCM In the European Community, only ceramic, plastics and regenerated cellulose have specific harmonized legislations. Other materials (just like paper, aluminum and stainless steel) have national provisions. Moreover some cases of not specifically regulated materials exist (just like wood and some alloys). In every case Regulation EC No 1935/2004 is in force. Sensorial and chemical inertia towards the food products can be verified by analytical tests that depend on materials and formulations. For

plastic materials overall migration (OM) and specific migration (SM) tests are added to the compositional assessment. The OM test is the first requirement that needs to be respected: the packaging must not leach matter into the foodstuff it contains. More specifically, the SM tests aims to quantificate the migrated packaging constituents (monomers, additives,….). Foodstuffs are complex matrices and so problems could arise by trying to detect migrated substances. For these reasons food simulants were designated in order to simulate the molecules transfer from plastic materials and object to foodstuff. These simulants aim to


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represent the food main chemical physical properties. (Regulation EU n.10/2011). However, validated test methods can be used in order to perform SM tests directly onto food. These tests and their use are justify both from an analytical point of view and, consequently, from a legislative one: food simulants work differently from the food in the packaging interaction mechanisms. Article 18 pt. 6 of the cited Commission Regulation EU n.10/2011 – on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food - reports that “The results of specific migration testing obtained in food shall prevail over the results obtained in food simulant […]”. It is clear that the analytical statistical parameters for these kind of into-food-migration tests have to be validated for each molecules and for each food moiety.




Here two short abstracts of Specific Migrations into food are reported: specific migration of Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalic acid esters (phthalates) respectively in beer and ham. Since beer cans have become captivating again, there’s been increasing coverage in the media of the exposure from the minimal amounts of BPA, a component in the plastic epoxy lining of beer cans – and many other cans as well – for the purpose of preventing the contents from reacting with the aluminum. Media have recently reported on the alleged dangers of BPA in aluminum beer cans. BPA is also regularly linked to health risks ranging from obesity to diabetes and cancer. Phthalates (PAE) are organic lipophilic compounds mostly used as plasticizers to increase the flexibility of plastic polymers. Other applications include printing ink and var-

nishes. Humans are mostly exposed to phthalates via food; such exposure can have adverse effects on health. Migration tests performed directly into foodstuffs represent a powerful approach to assess the compliance of a food contact material (FCM). The analytical difficulties arising for treating a complex food matrix are not insuperable even if they required specific studies and validations. On the other hand such kind of results allow to consider the real behavior in the contact FCM/food without adopting the food simulants. BPA specific migration into beer (bar graph n. 1) Packaging: coated metal can Food: beer Molecule: BISPHENOL A 8005-7 Extraction method: alcholic solvent dilution Test method: LC QQQ LQ: 0.01mg/kg Recovery: 0.98 Phthalates specific migration into ham (bar graph n. 2) Packaging: multilayer plastic tray with plastic lid Food: Parma ham Molecules: • DIISOBUTHYLPHTHALATE 84-69-5 • DIBUTHYLPHTHALATE 8474-2 • DI ETHYLHEXYLPHTHALATE cas. no 117-81-7 • BENZYLBUTHYLPHTHALATE cas. no 85-68-7 • DIISONONYLPHTHALATE 28553-12-0* • DIISODECYLPHTHALATE 26761-40-0* Extraction method: QuEChERS Test method: GC QQQ LQ: 0.01 mg/kg - 2 mg/kg* Recovery: 0.99. Visita:


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24/10/17 12:36





t Powtech 2017, MTI Mischtechnik presents an all-new line of laboratory mixers developed for the pharmaceutical and foodstuffs sectors. The design corresponds to these industries’ very exacting hygiene requirements; the systems can nevertheless be flexibly adapted to the special needs of diverse applications. The model shown at stand 1-254 in hall 1 was configured at the request of an industry leader who will use it for recipe development in dairy processing. A further highlight is MTI’s UT 250 vertical universal mixer having a working volume of 205 liters; this unit, too, is built to a very high standard. In addition, MTI presents the latest capacity expansion of its R&D Center that will provide further flexibility gains in developing customer-specific machine configurations and in implementing pilot production runs. New laboratory mixer for elevated hygiene requirements The MTI laboratory mixer premiered at this year’s Powtech fulfils elevated hygiene requirements, whether in homogenising different recipe ingredients or as a friction mixer for carrying out thermal processes. The energy input is adjustable over a wide range via the machine’s rotational speed and hence, the pe-

At Powtech 2017, MTI Mischtechnik premiers its newly developed line of laboratory mixers for the foodstuffs and pharmaceutical industries. The version presented at the trade fair is tailormade for dairy processing needs on behalf of an industry leader. © MTI Mischtechnik

ripheral velocity of the mixing tool. Moreover, the mixture can be tempered by water via the mixer’s double jacket. Thus, the application range of the new laboratory mixer covers broadly diverse process tasks, including coating, agglomerating and vacuum drying. The food-grade model displayed at Powtech provides a vessel volume of 10 liters at a working volume of 2 to 8 liters. The laboratory mixer’s

design allows an easy scale-up to industrial operation for recipes and processes developed to volume production standard. Its outer parts and all surfaces in contact with the mixture are made of stainless steel 1.4541, with the latter industrially ground to a grit 1200 high-quality finish. At a drive capacity of 5.5 kW, the rotational speed of the individually configurable mixing tool can be variably selected between 300 rpm and 3,000 rpm adequate to circumferential speeds between 3.7 m/s


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and 37 m/s. For additional flexibility in the laboratory the mixer can be moved on casters. As has been standard on MTI products for many years, the new laboratory mixer features a clearly structured touch panel and a Siemens S7 control for manual and automatic operation. Still more versatility in developing for and with customers For a number of years, MTI – with its excellently equipped in-house R&D Center – has been on record as a particularly efficient partner in the development of tailor-made mixer technology. With its most recent expansion, the company’s laboratory provides more scope, e.g., for trials on a larger production scale, as well as a dedicated area for testing under ATEX conditions plus special rooms for mixing products subject to a high contamination risk. Since October 2016, MTI’s experienced team has been reinforced by process engineer René Weiffen, who brings additional expertise to the task of resolving R&D challenges for, and with, MTI’s customers. Ulrich Schär, General Manager at MTI, comments: “With the launch of the new laboratory mixer for particularly exacting hygiene requirements

Determined to leave no mixing problem unresolved, MTI Mischtechnik continues to expand its R&D Center (left). In process engineer René Weiffen (right), customers now have a further expert at their service. © MTI Mischtechnik

and the ongoing expansion of its R&D capabilities, MTI emphasises its role as a leading innovator in the mixing industry. Already, our standard line-up of machines meets the conditions for integration into Industry 4.0 environments. But we place an equally strong focus on individu-

al developments addressing highly specific customer objectives. With our ambition not to leave any mixing problem unresolved, we have gained a strong market position among the world’s leading mixer manufacturers in recent years.”

MTI Mischtechnik International GmbH, established in 1975, is an internationally leading manufacturer of mixing and processing equipment for the plastics processing, chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. With a staff of more than 50 employees working at its headquarters site in Detmold, Germany, the company manufactures mixer systems noted for their outstanding mixing performance as well as energy and cost efficiency. The portfolio includes vertical high-speed mixers, horizontal mixers, heating/ cooling mixer combinations, universal mixers, laboratory mixers as well as tailor-made systems. With an export rate of around 80%, MTI Mischtechnik is globally aligned and, as an owner-managed family business, relies on quality that is “Made in Germany”.


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25/10/17 16:00

news in short

in short

PROXAUT: solutions for intralogistics and material handling


ROXAUT was established in 1996 since the beginning developed software for automatic system, software dedicated to management, contr ol and supervision in the plant focusing on the handling and later on warehousing.PROXAUT answered to the growing up needs of the market, started to including the production of automatic guided vehicle with different type of navigation systems, laser, floor wire, magnetic spot. During nearly 20 years of activity in logistics and experience in the implementation of automated systems for factories producing consumer goods, they have given Proxaut the awareness of being a global provider of innovative solutions for intra-logistics and material handling to optimize the supply chain of warehouses, and production facilities worldwide. Strengths of Proxaut are modular solutions that can be installed step by step and this allows to implement the system without stoppage of production in existing plants, allowing you to improve efficiency both for the management of consumables for the activities of production and dispatch improving safety in the factory. The technologies used in our solutions are fully designed, engineered, manufactured and installed by Proxaut. This means that we have a complete mastery of the system. We produce a wide range of AGV models, we have extended engineering capabilities in studying and simulating automatic systems we provide effective systems of groundbreaking technology, in efficiency, reliability and safety. We design customized systems for our customer reference list and also for other industrial sectors where products must be handled and transferred in automatic. Today the changing market is increasingly demanding, for this reason we believe that integration, flexibility and security are key elements that respond to the needs of today but can adapt to follow the growth and changing customer needs in the future. PROXAUT

draws of experience, expertise and knowhow in automating handling systems and offers a comprehensive technical study with the scope of determining the appropriate integrated solution according to the customer’s needs. CASE HISTORY Previous situation Warehousing activities of picking up of the pallets through forklift drivers to operate in cold room at temperatures of -28° C. Operators, wearing protective work clothing to work at low temperatures, with the obligation to stay at least 30 min. at pleasant temperature after 90 min. permanent work in cold room. Customer’ needs • Eliminate the thermal stress to operators. • Improve the efficiency of the work cycle. • Reduce operating costs. • Increasing security and quality. Benefits • Efficiency. • Eliminating human mistakes origin,of

damages to the products and the enviroment. • Space and internal logistics optimization (work flows). • Company’s innovative and technological growth. • Retun on investment (R.O.I.) in the medium / short term. Current situation The customer with the installation of an automatic handling system with AGV, performs all the operations of wharehousing and picking up of the pallets inside the cold room with racks 6 meters high at -28 ° C.


PROXAUT FP 5-16.indd 3

04/10/16 12:03

„We have been at your side with know-how and expertise as a sealing partner for many decades“

» PTFE seal without Extrusion and cold flow » For process temperatures from -210 ° C to +260 ° C » Wide range of approvals » Resistance to all known aggressive and corrosive chemicals


Segment Leader Food & Pharma, Stephen Doherty

In the pharmaceutical and food processing industries, down time is not desirable. Sterilization cycles are carried out in the shortest possible time with high concentrations of the chemicals, high temperatures and increased flow through velocities. With these requirements the limits of the elastomer sealing properties are quickly reached. GYLON BIO-LINE® offers a new sealing material for all temperatures and processes.

Leaders in Sealing Integrity | | © 2016 Garlock Family of Companies. All rights reserved. Garlock is an EnPro Industries, Inc. family of companies (NYSE: NPO).


25/02/16 10:10




FAM Brings New Technology To The Table


ast month FAM launched the FAM TridisTM 240, a high capacity dicer for the frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry and the latest addition to FAM’s product line of industrial cutting machines. In the last two years, since the spring of 2014, FAM has introduced 8 new machines into its product line. Innovation is clearly an important key driver for the Belgian based company, but where can innovation be found in the food processing industry? Food processing at the core The processing industry has changed in many ways since its inception. Starting out with the main focus on canning, evolving later into frozen foods and moving on now to include ready meals, fresh cut vegetables and fruit and even hypes such as pulled meat. With those shifts in focus, the demands of the industry have altered as well. In the canning industry capacity took the lead and quality came in second. In the fresh vegetable and fruit industry there is no higher demand than the one for the best cut quality possible. Diamond shaped dices of pepper in your salad just will not do. Not only the visual aspect of the end product matters, the industry has increased its demands in other areas as well. Hygiene has taken a more prominent role, because consumers, regulatory agencies and health organizations demand more transparency. From stainless steel motors, to sanitary seals and electro polishing of all product contact surfaces, experience has taught the food industry

to be as careful as possible when it comes to sanitation. Another type of innovation is the surge of new cutting shapes and dimensions. Hype products such as pulled meat have entered the market, together with variations to existing products such as new shapes for potato chips and waffle fries. The competition in the retail market is fierce and this sources a demand for new, different and exclusive products as well a desire to process as efficiently as possible. How to cut better The cutting machine plays a vital role in the processing line and can make a significant difference in product value. To give an example: in the fresh vegetable and fruit industry the shelf life of a product can diminish or increase the value of the product. The longer the fruit and vegetables stay fresh, the better the product will

be received. The cutting process has a direct influence on that. The better the product is cut, meaning the fewer cells are damaged in the process, the longer the shelf life will become. Another example can be found in the potato chips industry. Recent studies have signaled that acrylamide has a direct negative influence on our health. Acrylamide can be formed when amino acids interact with sugars in the presence of heat. In a potato processing line this happens in the fryer, when uncooked potato slices get baked at a high temperature. When the potato slice gets cooked at a too high temperature it forms acrylamide. To prevent this, the temperature of the fryer has to remain as stable as possible. By cutting the potato into equal and stable slices the fryer needs to be adjusted as little as possible.


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02/08/16 14:44


Investing in the future FAM has been a part of the food industry for more than 70 years, and is represented in more than 72 countries worldwide. In the last couple of years FAM has made significant investments in production machinery, R&D development, new offices and test laboratories worldwide. These investments have led to a total of eight new machine launches, including a completely new product line. What do these new products bring to the market? The NECST step Specifically for the potato industry FAM has developed a new technology including a complete line of new cutting machines: NECSTTM. NECST is an acronym and stands for: Next Evolution in Centrifugal Slicing Technology. The patented NECST technology tackles the predominant issues in the potato processing industry such as scrap rate, tapered slices and starch loss. Together with its sister company Stumabo, who supplies


the knives, FAM developed a completely new cutting head, impeller wheel and a line of machines. For 50 years people have been using the now called ‘first generation’ cutting head. This head needs to be adjusted every hour to remain accurate and weighs 22 kg. The new GapSetTM cutting head sets a new standard for operator-friendliness with a weight of only 12 kg, almost half of the first generation head that also reduces the number of parts by 20%. The GapSet technology allows you to change the slice thickness, is more accurate and ensures knife stability without any adjustments while processing. Once the cutting heads are assembled, the GapSet Technology ensures constant slice accuracy throughout. Set it and forget it, the cutting heads are (and remain) accurate. A new product line Together with the new GapSet technology, FAM started developing a line of centrifugal slicers and shredders. The Centris product line was launched in 2014 with the smallest family member: the Centris 315. A new centrifugal slicer & shredder with a high-quality execution and the smallest footprint of any industrial centrifugal shredder in the market. Afterwards the FAM Centris 315P was launched, specialized in potato processing, followed by the FAM Centris 400: “The big brother of the Centris 315 and Centris 315P, respectively launched in 2014 and 2015.”

The Centris line has a patent pending cutting head technology at the heart of it, which has doubled the amount of cutting stations compared to the first generation cutting heads of the competition. This means the machine can run at a much lower velocity, thus protecting the product from damage, but still keep the same high capacity the market demands. This principle drastically improves the shelf life, starch loss and product damage. The FAM Centris line has another big innovation at the core: the Direct Drive System. The Direct Drive System replaces the expensive gear box that complicates maintenance and exists out of a carbon reinforced drive belt and two taper locked pulleys. For more information on the NECST Technology, visit:


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02/08/16 14:44





rinted code quality and machine reliability are the major benefits of two Linx 8920 Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) printers installed at Decantae Mineral Water, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of premium bottled waters. Using specialist Linx Black bottling ink 1058, the Linx 8920s print batch and best-before information onto both glass and PET bottles. Importantly, the ink is able to print through any condensation on the bottles with a fast drying time, avoiding the danger of smudging and ensuring a high clarity, quality code in keeping with Decantae Mineral

Water’s premium brand positioning. The reliable operation of the two Linx CIJ printers, handling up to 11,000 bottles per hour on lines that run from around eight to 11 hours each day, is in direct contrast to the printers they have replaced. These were so unreliable that an engineer was in almost constant attendance and spare printers were kept on-hand to act as a back-up when one failed on the line. The consistent, trouble-free operation of the Linx 8920s with minimal intervention has therefore been of huge benefit to Decantae Mineral Water, enabling the company to maintain output and meet demand, particularly vital during the busy summer months, as well as freeing up the engineer to carry out his regular duties. With the company filling a wide range of bottle sizes (330ml, 500ml and 750ml in glass and seven sizes in PET from 250ml to 2 litres) there are frequent changeovers on the lines. The Linx 8920s’ intuitive interface enables setup to be carried out quickly and easily by any operator. The printers provide service intervals of 18,000 hours or 24 months. In addition, the unique Advanced System Monitoring provides a continual check of their opera-

tion in terms of ink system running parameters and environmental conditions. This enables the Linx 8920s to identify simple actions that users can take to prevent unscheduled stoppages, helping to ensure continuous reliable operation and avoid unplanned downtime. “We are delighted with the Linx 8920s,” comments Decantae Mineral Water’s factory manager Mark Maberly. “In terms of code quality, this is exactly in keeping with our brand values as a premium product, while the reliability of the printers helps to ensure that production throughput is consistently maintained.”


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04/12/17 15:27










ISO 9001:2008









oisture is a major threat to raw materials and finished goods of all kinds - particularly those made of metal and prone to rust and corrosion. Greases and oils sometimes used as lubricants or rust preventatives on metal components add another problem by threatening to leak through packaging and contaminate surrounding areas. Waxed or polycoated papers are traditional moisture-resistant packaging options for problems like these. However, such coated papers pose an environmental problem because they are not recyclable and repulpable. Even if recycled back into the pulp and paper stream, they would first have to go through a costly process

of separating the paper base from the coating. To avoid this environmental problem, Cortec® Corporation has developed an environmentally acceptable replacement to unrecyclable polycoated and waxed papers.

Cortec’s new high gloss EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard relies on a water-based moisture barrier coating for moisture resistance. The technology makes the paper fully recyclable and repulpable without requiring costly processes to remove the coating from the paper. In addition to recyclability, Cortec’s EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard demonstrated better water vapor barrier properties than polycoated paper and waxed paper during testing. To evaluate the moisture resistance of EcoShield® Super Barrier and Linerboard, the barrier paper was tested against a comparable polyethylene coated paper and a commercial waxed paper according to ASTM E-96 at 73°F (23°C) and


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01/12/17 16:18



► Protecting moisture sensitive components ► Wrapping oily or greasy parts ► Lining wood pallets or corrugated boxes ► Packaging products ► Keeping work surfaces clean with a disposable cover EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard is available in custom sizes and as sheets or perforated rolls for the convenience of the user.

50% relative humidity. The EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard showed a water vapor transfer rate of 0.32-0.37 grams per hour on a square meter of paper. A polycoated paper in the same test allowed slightly more water vapor to pass through in the same time frame, at the higher rate of 0.47-0.71 grams per hour.

protects against the ingress of moisture or grease into a package, but it also protects against the leaching of oil and grease out of a package. This is important when manufacturer’s specifications require the use of greasy rust preventatives, or when the metal equipment being wrapped, packaged, or shipped contains lubricated parts.

Whether moisture threatens from the inside or the outside of a package, EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard is a more environmentally friendly way to protect against damage from moisture, grease, and oil. By coating water based barrier technology onto biobased material, Cortec® has made a fully recyclable, environmentally acceptable, and competitively performing replacement for polycoated and waxed papers.

The waxed paper was much less resistant to water vapor, allowing it to transfer at a rate of 6.5-6.9 grams per hour on the same size of paper.

EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard can discourage these oils and greases from seeping out of the package and causing packaging failure or contamination of nearby materials.

To find out more about EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard, please visit: Barrier_Paper.pdf

The versatility of EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard as a flexible, moisture barrier material allows it to be used for a variety of packaging applications and beyond:

To find out more about Cortec’s innovative packaging products, please visit:

Though it is not intended for applications involving constant water contact, the shiny side of EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard also has the ability to repel liquid water. Its TAPPI T-441 Cobb Water Absorption rate is less than 0.3 grams of water per square meter in 2 minutes. EcoShield® Super Barrier Paper and Linerboard also has excellent oil and grease resistance. It registers a high kit test value of 12, representing the highest amount of an aggressive liquid solution to remain on the paper surface without causing the paper to fail. The high gloss paper not only


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01/12/17 16:18



ECOLAB FOOD SAFETY EXPERT SAYS DIGITIZATION AND DATA INTELLIGENCE ARE KEY ENABLERS IN “BURYING THE FOOD BUG” Dr. Ruth Petran, Ecolab Inc.’s Vice President of Food Safety & Pubic Health, addresses industry leaders at Dubai International Food Safety Conference 2017


ubai, UAE – 19 November 2017: Dr. Ruth Petran, one of the world’s foremost leaders in food safety, has revealed the adoption of new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) Big Data and Data Science will ensure food safety, improve sustainability and help “bury the food bug”. Petran, the Vice President of Food Safety and Public Health at Ecolab Inc., was speaking to a gathering of regional food safety champions at the 2017 Dubai International Food Safety Conference, organised by Dubai Municipality and held today at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). “Data is a powerful tool for monitoring, controlling and verifying the causes and issues that lead to

foodborne diseases,” said Dr. Petran. “Mitigating food safety risks requires a holistic approach, from considering sustainability or questions surrounding local sourcing, to the inherent logistic complexities of today’s global supply chain. Ecolab has developed solutions that use digitization and data intelligence to construct strong, sustainable food safety programs – these solutions can help us, as an industry, bury the food safety bug once and for all.” With foodborne illnesses responsible for 420,000 deaths a year worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), Ecolab Inc. - the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technology services - has partnered with Dubai Municipality for this year’s Conference to explore

how new digital technologies are impacting global food safety. Although foodborne diseases rank amongst the global community’s most preventable illnesses, a recent WHO report reveals that almost one in 10 people contract a food-related illness every year. Astonishingly, the loss of otherwise healthy life years attributed to premature death and disability caused by food-related illness is 33 million years annually. As the global public health concern deepens, Ecolab is leading the way in exploring or adopting increasingly sophisticated digital tools and platforms to meet the challenges of food safety. The organisation helps to ensure the quality and safety of more than a quarter (27%) of the world’s processed food at 5,000 food and


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beverage plants around the world every year. The company also helps support kitchens serving 45 billion restaurant meals and helps clean 31 billion hands per year with its hand hygiene solutions. As one of the world’s most respected voices in food safety, Dr. Petran used her address to discuss using data to identify valid controls, and how to pull relevant insights to drive food safety and ensure focus on relevant global risks. Dr. Petran revealed how clean environments, safe food, visibility and compliance, and training and awareness are all key components within a strong food safety program, and underlined the importance of understanding how the complex connections between these elements can impact food safety and quality. “As the Middle East’s food service trends place greater emphasis on new technology adoption, the role of data as a tool to help stakeholders properly address hazards and verify the effectiveness of food safety programs has never been more prevalent,” added Dr. Petran. “Ecolab and Dubai Municipality will work closely together to support safety initiatives across the region.” Noura Al Shamsi, Head of Permits and Applied Nutrition Section at Dubai Municipality and Chairperson of Dubai International Food Safety Conference added: “Dubai Municipality’s Food Safety Department is committed to the protection of public health and this year’s International Food Safety Conference is a timely and important platform for exploring opportunities to optimize food safety using the latest technologies and innovative solutions such as data analytics. Ecolab’s role as strategic programme partner of the Conference adds tremendous value and expertise to our collective exploration of opportunities to enhance food safety methods across a wide stakeholder group of industry professionals, regulators, academics, policy-makers and students.“


About Ecolab A trusted partner at more than one million customer locations, Ecolab (ECL) is the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services that protect people and vital resources. With 2016 sales of $13 billion and 48,000 associates, Ecolab delivers comprehensive solutions and on-site service to promote safe food, maintain clean environments, optimize water and energy use and improve operational efficiencies for customers in the food, healthcare, energy, hospitality and industrial markets in more than 170 countries around the world.


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01/12/17 16:23





EA has recently been selected to supply an extended pasta filata cheese production line for BMI in Jessen, Germany. With this exemplary project GEA brings together its joint cheese-making expertise, resulting from its acquisition of de Klokslag and CMT in 2014 and 2015 respectively, with GEA’s flow and processing experience to provide a single offering for this prestigious customer. BMI (Bayerische Milchindustrie eG) was founded over 60 years ago. The organization brings together independent dairies and milk-supplying cooperatives to produce a variety of fresh dairy products including over 60 million tonnes of cheese every year. The GEA plant will expand BMI’s production capability of pizza cheese by around 2.5 tonnes/ hour for the supply of pizza cheese in 15kg Euroblocks to industry worldwide. The contract with GEA is for the extension of one of BMI’s three cheese lines. The scope of supply includes: the revision of the existing salt system, cooker and stretcher; two GEA

Brining system installed at Dairy Ammerland (Germany)

Brining system installed at Dairy Ammerland (Germany)

CMT DMC modules; and a GEA de Klokslag brining system. The individual components will be brought together to form a continuous production line using GEA piping, engineering and control systems. Assembly work will begin on site in January 2018 and GEA engineers will commission the project in March 2018. BMI already has experience of working with GEA equipment and is currently working with the company on another project for the production of Cheddar cheese. This familiarity and experience of working with GEA was undoubtedly a contributing factor in the decision to use GEA technology and expertise however, according to Carsten Müller-Stein, GEA Project Manager, it is GEA’s ability to bring together the different elements of the project, from a single source, with the necessary engineering work, project management and commissioning, that is the key to GEA’s offering to the dairy industry.

“Now we have the opportunity of working with our other cheese specialists in GEA on a combined project in this way,” explained Carsten Müller-Stein. “Because we know each other and the relevant technologies so well, and understand fundamentally how they can be engineered to provide a seamless system, our customers can be guaranteed the outcome they require. We take total ownership of the project and we are ultimately responsible for delivering. The customer has only one point of contact for everything.” GEA’s combined cheese-making experience and scope of supply provides for the mechanization of the production processes for fresh mozzarella, pizza cheese, provolone, scamorza, kashkaval and a wide range of hard and semihard cheeses. This, combined with GEA’s extensive engineering experience and research capabilities, provides a unique offering for cheese manufacturers worldwide.


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01/12/17 16:36

ANDRITZ extractor screens Get a fruitful yield from your extraction process





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us today for a quotation!

lent value for money. Designed for trouble-

Visit us at Anuga FoodTec Hall 5.1 Booth D-041 INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3

ES 10/06/15 17:23





ARCK Spa manufactures plants for the food and beverage industry with a particular attention to the storage, heating/cooling, pasteurizing and concentration of the fruit juice and milk/whey. FARCK concentration plants can be used with excellent results both for pure and rectified musts and for fruit juices and can be coupled with all desulphurization columns with a very high energy saving. FARCK uses the principle of the Vapour Thermal Recompression and manufactures plants with reduced consumptions (less than 1 Kg. of steam to evaporate 10 Kg. of water). The circulation of the product is “falling film”, with vertical pipe bundle exchangers, condensate separation with elimination of non-polluting liquids and cleaning of the plant by means of forced circulation in short time. The capacity of the evaporators varies from 1.000 or 2.000 lt. of evaporated water to 50.000 lt/h of evaporated water (big plants with 3-6 effects). An important characteristic of FARCK evaporators is the centralization of all controls into a control synoptic board that allows the driving of the plant by one operator alone. All FARCK evaporation plants are realised in monobloc in order to be transported and installed in short time. Thanks to many years of experience in this sector FARCK Spa can design and manufacture plants with very low consumptions thus respecting the environment. FARCK Spa manufactures also plate exchangers, heaters coolers and pasteurizers for food liquids. Our technical office is able to calculate the exact number of plates and sections necessary to guarantee the best energy saving by respecting the product to treat; the plate exchangers are completely manufactured with AISI 304 and 316 stainless steel and have a capacity from 500 to 40.000 lt/hour, with one or

more cooling or heating or pasteurisation sections, with or without holding tubular sections , provided with temperature control board and positioned on bedplates in order to reduce space and time assembly. FARCK Spa is also specialised in the manufacturing of S/steel tanks with capacity up to 200.000 lt. for the storage, cooling or mixing in general. It is possible to add special stirrers for the movement of high density and viscosity products, manholes with micro-switch, breathers, rotating cleaning balls, manifolds, gangways, railings; everything realised following all accident prevention regulations. Thanks to the high level of its technicians. FARCK Spa manufactures also Spray- drying plants for the pulverisation of the concentrated liquids coming

from evaporators and their transformation into powders with a long-life conservation. Compared to traditional dryers, the product coming from a FARCK plants has better qualitative characteristics : lower density, no hygroscopicity, better solubility, no hardening in packaging and so a better use in the industry. Thanks to the high level experience of its technicians, FARCK Spa is able to manufacture and supply complete « turnkey » plants in Italy and all over the world. The transport, positioning and assembly also of voluminous and complex plant’s components are always made directly by its own skilled staff and its means of transport, offering also a good after-sale service.


FARCK - FP 5-17.indd 3

25/10/17 15:27





models for harvesting white asparagus • “EIMA Technical mention” awarded in 2004 as first asparagus harvester working on mounds with arches. • First machine in the world equipped with automatic “stop&go” sensors (2003). • 2016 patent for sensor detecting the presence of the operator according to Machinery Directive bagioni A4 12-12-2016 11:49 Pagina 1 2006/42/EC.

• 2016 patent for device aiding in filling the pockets of the protection film. • On-board computer to automatically manage all the machine functions. The first machine in the world to cut runners from field-grown strawberry plants. • Electrically operated with speed adjustment (max speed 1 km/h). • 3 cutting systems. • 2 driving wheels. C

BAGIONI - FP 4-17.indd 3





• Safety systems and devices detecting the presence of the operator. • On-board computer to automatically manage all the machine functions. 6 models for harvesting green asparagus to best suit different cultivation systems: • 2 patents filed • Film lifting system for harvesting in presence of arches and small tunnels. CY CMY


05/09/17 12:29





ETECTRONIC is a privately owned company with production facilities based in Denmark. We develop, manufacture and market industrial food inspection systems - including metal detectors, checkweighing systems, multi check systems, X-Ray systems as well as grading and sorting solutions. We have experienced rapid growth and expansion over the last decade. Today, we are present on all continents in the World, which enables us to provide prompt and effective services to meet the requirements of our customers globally. High Quality Solutions DETECTRONIC has been producing metal detectors since the mid 80`s and a vast majority of the first produced machines are still fully operating almost 30 years later.

This underlines our high quality and the great craftsmanship which DETECTRONIC delivers year after year. DETECTRONIC metal detectors are supplied in glass blown stainless steel. The machines are easy to clean and fulfil all the demands set by today’s food industry. The modern micro process controlling system and the newly developed Super Sensitive detecting system makes the DETECTRONIC metal detectors among the most sensitive and effective machines on the market. Also precision and speed is a benchmark for Detectronic check weighers, with speeds up to 260

Metal detector systems

pcs/min and a precision of 0,2 gram they are among the fastest and most effective ion the market. Due to its rational and cost effective construction, the machine has also proven ultra competitive with a very high performance/cost ratio. Providing Higher Standards for Food Safety Working with the food processing industry means having to deal with foreign objects such as bones and metal that can be introduced into the product during processing; such foreign materials can act as choking hazards that can endanger the consumers.Cutting tools used during processing, such as knives, can also find their way into the final product, and are some of the most dangerous contaminants for the products. We aim to help our customers provide higher standards for food safety.

Xray systems

Strong partnership We care about our customers’ food responsibility - and therefore we are very passionate about providing our customers with the best quality solutions within industrial food inspection systems. We believe that strong innovation starts by forming strong partnerships with our customers. Our history proves, and we will continue to keep an eye on the future and provide innovative solutions for our customers that reach into the next decade. Contact We have many years of industrial knowledge, we focus on our customers needs and we can provide you with flexible solutions that will save you time and money. Lean more on

Weighing systems


DETECTRONIC - FP 4-17.indd 3

05/09/17 12:15





irex (, whose headquarters are located in Sedico, Belluno province, close to the Natural Park of the Belluno Dolomites, has accumulated nearly forty years of experience in the design and construction of cooking equipment dedicated to the foodservice sector and large scale. Recently the company has expanded their premises, a new production lines and as well new spaces dedicated to new technical and commercial offices, we have invested heavily in acquiring laboratory equipment of the latest generation in support of the hard work of research and development.

electronically controlled static and tilting, multi-purpose mixer cookers, universal kettles with lifted baskett or tilting mechanism, vacu-

um cookers. The study of the needs of food industries leaded us to realize machines and accessories that complement each other and which

The offer, articulated on equipment of various sizes and capacity, from 30 to 600 liters, includes cookers


FIREX FP 5-17.indd 3

25/10/17 15:21

PRESERVING INDUSTRY VEGETABLE realize a real process line based on the high technology of each device and on the flexibility of function. Firex think of the transformation of raw materials, such as fruit, to produce food ready-for-sale, a process that affects the small food industries, but also agricultural producers who can jump into the direct sales market. Firex is able, therefore, to follow you step by step, to find, among the different lines produced, the machinery most suitable for the needs of the food industries. In the specific case of the production of jams, for example, the company is able to offer equipment for all processing stages: from the equipment for the washing and the drying of the fruit to the multi-purpose machine for cutting and

vacuum cooking, until the pasteurizing machine for the jars. Example of small process line for the production of fruit jams or canned vegetables: 1 Wash the fruit with Vegetable washer. The tank compartmented allows you to wash different products at the same time, while the vortex of the water is controlled depending on the needs. Each phase is automatic and programmable. The basket, practical and light, allows easy extraction of clean product. 2 Drying with the centrifuge. Before cooking it eliminates the excess water with the centrifuge specification for fruits and vegetables, which facilitates the work


and saves time. The speed is adjustable depending on the product, while the basket is easily extractable. The steel structure and the base rubber for the stability and the absorption of vibration, make the centrifugal Firex a professional appliance. 3 Inserting the fruits washed still whole in the vacuum cooking machine “High-P”. It’s the new born at Firex that, thanks to its patented multipurpose mixer, can cut the whole fruit, mix it and mix all ingredients. High-P makes jam only with ingredients such fruit and sugar: with the vacuum cooking, in halved cooking times, maintaining color, fragrance and taste of fresh fruit. In 15 minutes you can realize up to 20 kg of jam. 4 With the pasteurizing machine Fixpan, the product into jars lasts longer. After packing proceed to pasteurization in water of jam jars with Fixpan. In four moves your product is ready for sale! Vacuum cooking is also fast and maintains maximum nutritional value of foods .The cooking technique under vacuum allows to transform the foods at lower temperatures than with the open lid open. For example, fruit boil already at 80 ° C avoiding so the usual oxidation of the product. In this way, the colors and the organoleptic qualities of foods are kept intact and the end result is great and quick. In fact the last born in Firex, High-P is a cooker capable of using the vacuum in static or dynamic form and so to produce 20 kg of jam in less than 15 minutes or 50 kg of meat sauce in 35 minutes , considerably reducing the processing times and keeping unchanged the organoleptic properties of foods. Here with tools Firex you can get high quality food, genuine, shortening the supply chain and making the 100% products of our territory.


FIREX FP 5-17.indd 4

25/10/17 15:21

CUCIMIX More than a small cooker Safety, reliability, better quality of the finished product, greater availability of human resources, savings in time and money can be summed up in one word: CUCIMIX. It is a gas or electric mixing cooker with direct heating, designed for big labs and industry.

Equipment with electronic control


Courtesy of Italian Gourmet, from the book “CROSTATE” by Gianluca Fusto, 2014 Photo by Giovanni Panarotto


Cucimix is a truly versatile, compact all-in-one multifunctional industrial cooker that allows you to work automatically, without requiring constant control on the part of staff and occupying less than 2 cubic meters, with 30 or 70-litre capacity, in electric and gas versions. Praline, sugar cooking, caramel, custard, syrups are just a few examples of the potential of this machine. For more information about the Cucimix electric or gas cookers contact us. 04/09/15 13:10





n a country with food manufacturing potentials, food manufacturing has to be set as one of the pillars of technological and economical progress. PIGO set a goal to become an initiating force in technological and consequently economical progress in food processing industry, a leader in country and in the world in manufacturing of food processing machines from its program. Today, PIGO has established itself as a world-class leader in the design and manufacture of high technology freezing, freeze drying and drying equipment, as well as fruit and vegetable processing equipment, with an extensive experience in both freezing and fruit and vegetables processing. PIGO can proudly say that its machines achieve excellent operating characteristics and energy efficiency, while being user friendly, thus guaranteeing many advantages and privileges to the company’s buyers. Main products PIGO has specialized in building fluidised bed freezers, EASY Freeze, the most suitable for IQF freezing all variety of fruits, vegetables and numerous sea, meat and cheese products, redefining IQF Technology With Adaptable Air Flow. EASY Freeze technology is providing perfect shape of IQF product and no clumps - Full controlled fluidisation method keeps the product constantly suspended above the belt in a cushion of air. The result is the immediate crust freezing and efficient core freezing of individual pieces, regardless of type, variety or condition of product.

Maximized freezing efficiency for each unique product, whether the product is heavy, light, soft, sticky or fragile, thanks to Variable speed control of all fans and belts, allowing on-the-fly optimization of air flow conditions. Interior video monitoring allows for real-time supervising of operating conditions, allowing the complete control and adjustments of the entire process from outside, without necessity to entering into the freezer. EASY Freeze is considered as the freezer with the most superior sanitation, giving the possibility to user to freeze different products one after the other without risk of cross – contamination. EASY Freeze is ENERGY SAVING and TROUBLE FREE solution for all your freezing needs. Within the freezing equipment product line, PIGO also manufactures the innovative EASY Freeze SPYRO, the

“Our philosophy is very simple: Give our best for people who expect the best” (D.Z.)

latest generation of spiral freezers giving utmost advantages to the users in terms of energy efficiency, hygienic conditions and advanced technological caracteristics, such as: • Belts gear motors are positioned outside the insulated cabin (no lubrication inside the freezer) avoiding any risks of contaminations due to some oil leakages; • The unit doesn’t have any mezzanine floor and or intermediary platform, to avoid any dirtiness accumulation (presence of any mezzanine floor or intermediary platform are making more difficult the cleaning operations) – the absolutely highest hygienic standards; • Freezer design is made according to max. thermal load and max. surface occupied on the belt by the different products foreseen; • Low maintenance cost and low spare parts cost due to utilisation of high quality commercial components; • Low pressure fans to higher air speed. In order to obtain a quick freezing process EASY Freeze SPYRO is designed for high speed circulation (4 -10 m/sec) of cold air


PIGO FP 3-17_OK.indd 3

18/05/17 11:08



in contact with the product, on the whole length of the spiral conveyor; • Very low weight loss, which is two times less then with vertical air flow • Hitting the incoming product with the coldest air; the product is therefore immediately “crusted” and snow formation diminished; PIGO freezers are built in modular sizes and all components are made entirely of stainless steel, capable to provide perfectly frozen product even for delicate products like cooked rice, raspberries, etc. PIGO also designs, fabricates and assembles sophisticated freeze dryers, EASY Freeze DRYER - LYOPHILIZER, product line which includes a broad range of standard and custom units, aplicating low temperature work and shorter cycle time. The freeze drying - dehydration technology allows to save delicate aromas while drying the frozen product under vacuum, producing premium quality product. Premium sensorial properties for finished product, absolutely superimposable to those of the fresh product. Machine execution is entirely in stainless steel (Chamber, doors, hinges, shelf modules, etc). In the EASY Freeze Drying concept Shelf modules and vapour condenser are contained inside chamber, giving as final result much shorter freeze dry-

ing time then any other freeze drying technology. Viewing ports are provided in the doors, allowing observation of both the vapour condenser and product trays during the drying cycle. Each unit is equipped with complete refrigeration plant of corresponding size, including also refrigeration condensing unit is purpose-built with capacity control to allow economical use of refrigerant. Includes condenser unit. Besides EASY Freeze, EASY Freeze SPYRO, and EASY Freeze DRYER – LYOPHILIZER, one of the company’s main machines is automatic Pitting machine PG103 having up to five times higher capacity than other pitting machines on the market. Experience of all PIGO’s clients confirms work with 0,00% of remained stones when adequate quality and

preparation of the fruit (clean, calibrated product with adequate ripeness) is provided. EASY DRY PG 135 multistage belt adiabatyc dryer, with separate zones temperature and humidity control is sophisticated solution for air drying, even for delicate products. For extraordinary blanching results and efficiency is recomended SUPER STEAM Flow blancher-cooker. PIGO systems are concepted to create a “High Added Value Fruit” production plant, which contains dozens of small innovations and a few large improvements for a more reliable system, all together also improving natural fruit characteristics. In the field of different drying technologies, PIGO is aslo providing CONTINUOUS INFUSION TECHNOLOGY and KNOW-HOW to it’s clients, giving possibility to improove also natural furit properties, as well as extended shelf life. To get a better idea of what PIGO does, please visit the website www. or just send an e-mail to info@, they will be very glad to send their detailed offer, and also a presentation with plenty of videos with its machines in the work. Short video clips of PIGO machines in operation are available on, look for PIGOsrl.


PIGO FP 3-17_OK.indd 4

18/05/17 11:09




Developing breakthrough technologies, from automated pomegranate handling, to sulfur-free lychee treatment, Juran continues to innovate and green the food industry


ignificantly impacting agrotechnology and the food industry worldwide, Juran has been coming up with new ideas for streamlining traditional methods of farming, harvesting, and produce handling since its inception in 1966. From automated packing houses to unique technologies for greening food processing practices, Juran’s R&D achievements caught the attention of the Agricultural Engineering Institute of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture, as well as of EU R&D institutes. In thriving partnerships over 40 years, their joint activities have yielded innovative R&D projects and many jointly registered patents.

The pomegranate handling breakthrough A prime example, and a flagship Juran product, is the ArilSystem™, an automated system for extracting the juicy seeds from pomegranates. The pomegranate is one of nature’s most remarkably health enhancing fruits. Higher in antioxidants than wine or cranberries, it promotes heart health, reduces blood pressure, enhances healing, and has even been shown to inhibit tumor growth. Yet consumption of this healthful and tasty fruit has been far from commensurate with its value. This is largely due to the messy and time consuming process of extracting the arils. Consumers find the fruit less than user-friendly.

Even when the juicy seeds are provided ready extracted, consumers do not rush to buy them due to their high cost, based on the labor-intensive extraction process. Hence the general public has failed to avail itself of the health benefits of this remarkable fruit. Juran set out to change all that. Researching the problem, Juran developed the ArilSystem™. It can process hundreds of pomegranates per hour, supervised by just one or two workers. It boasts a 95% efficiency level, bringing aril damage down to 3%5%, compared with previous industry standards of 20% wastage.

The extracted arils are gently washed, filtering out peels and fruit membranes. The end result is pure arils, cleaned and packaged, untouched by human hands. ArilSystem™ The pomegranate breakthrough • Labor-Saving - 1-2 workers replace 45! • Minimal waste - 95% efficiency • Better Taste - Tannin-free tastier juice • Higher Quality - Hygienic Food Safety Standards • Industrial capacity - Up to 56 fruits/minute Aside from the obvious advantages of low labor costs and increased output, the ArilSystem™ yields


JURAN - FP 4-17_corr_DEFI.indd 3

05/09/17 12:35


a far more hygienic, higher quality product. This is reflected in its significantly increased shelf life. A further benefit is afforded the beverage industry. Most pomegranate juices are obtained by squeezing the whole fruit, including peel and membrane, which gives the juice a bitter taste due to their high tannin and phenol content. The ArilSystem Juicer obtains pure pomegranate juice from the arils alone, producing a far tastier beverage. And as an extra bonus, the seeds, efficiently extracted during the juicing process, are a sought-after byproduct utilized by the cosmetics and pharmaceutics industries, yielding additional revenue.

Today’s ArilSystem™ is available in 4 models handling 10, 20, 28, or up to 56 fruits per minute. A rate of 56 fruit/minute, or 1,680 kg fruit/ hour, can yield over 550 kg/hour of superior quality arils, all from a single production line. Since the first ArilSystem was installed in Israel, there are currently ArilSystems operational in the USA, Spain, Turkey, India, South Africa, Australia and others. Now affordably available, the presence of this wonder fruit is growing in the Fresh-Cut market as well as the Food & Beverage Industries, Pharmaceutics, and Cosmetics.


But the big winners are the consumers. Juran’s marketing director, Avner Galili says, “There is an increasing market demand for pomegranate products. We’re pleased to enable our customers to offer a superior product to the growing number of pomegranate consumers worldwide.” Greener methods for redder lychees Making food processing more natural and putting healthier products on the market is a main Juran objective. Today, fresh lychees are a tricky commodity. Starting out an attractive red, they lose their vibrant color within 2 or 3 days, becoming an unappealing brown. To overcome this marketing drawback, lychees are subjected to a sulfur treatment that helps them maintain their color for a longer marketing window. However it offers the consumer a product that is, literally, soaked in chemicals. “There is an attitude of resignation among lychee growers,” Avner Galili says, “that sulfur treatment is a necessary evil. Sulfur is a toxin, and it may penetrate the flesh of the fruit. Careful testing is then required to ensure compliance with allowable levels. The good news,” Avner tells us, “is that lychees needn’t be soaked in toxins to keep them market-red.”


JURAN - FP 4-17_corr_DEFI.indd 4

05/09/17 12:35


Juran has developed a Sulfur-Free Lychee Treatment and Packing House. In a unique process based on nothing more than a temperature regulated water and salt treatment, the beautiful rich red color of lychees is preserved for up to 4-5 weeks!


Today Avner Galili is pleased with Juran’s steady growth.

tional on five continents. It keeps me busy,” he concludes.

“From marketing their equipment to the small local market, Juran has grown into a company with a worldwide presence, whose technologies and systems are opera-

That represents a very significantly extended marketing window and shelf life. This computerized, all natural process maintains the lychee’s delicious flavor along with its vibrant lasting color. The unique natural treatment process is integrated with a sorting and packing system. Moving along a state-of-the-art motorized conveyor, the lychees undergo a sorting & grading process including an automatic sizer with five size/ grading groups compliant with EEC and USA market requirements. With a packing capacity limited only by customer demand, Juran Lychee Treatment Systems and Packing Houses have been installed in China, Thailand, Israel and Australia. Juran’s Sulfur-Free Lychee Treatment & Packing House • Maintains vibrant red color for 4-5 weeks • Greatly increases marketing window • All natural process • Tested and field-proven With the company for over 8 years, Avner Galili is Juran’s Business Development and Marketing Director, and by now like one of the family of this family business. Formerly on the Board of Directors of the Israel Export Institute and the National Agricultural Research Institute of the Volcani Center, he also served as advisor to the Israel Agricultural Ministry’s Genetic Engineering Consortium.


JURAN - FP 4-17_corr_DEFI.indd 5

05/09/17 12:35 JURAN ADV 2017.indd 3

09/01/17 10:51





amozzi Spa realizes solutions for industrial automation for more than 50 years and has grown throughout the years up to becoming one of the main international companies operating in the sector of pneumatic components for industrial automation. Total quality of products, efficient production processes, flexibility and continuous research in technology are the pillars on which the company is based and which are declined in terms of miniaturization, energy efficiency, plug&play solutions and mechatronic devices that are able to operate in the context of Industry 4.0.

The strategy of Camozzi is based on the development of sector-specific expertise along with a multi-technological approach integrating pneumatics, electrical actuation and proportional technology. Camozzi is a leading multi-technological supplier of industrial automation, starting with the conviction that in automated systems there is no driving technology that is absolutely better than another, but each application has different requirements that can be satisfied thanks to the use of a specific technology which can be pneumatic, proportional or electric. In order to complete its offerring, Camozzi created C_Electrics; a new division dedicated to the development of electric actuation, proposing solutions that include electromechanical cylinders and axes with auxiliary motors, drivers and accessory components, combined in configurable systems in order to guarantee maximum flexibility to the user. As a result of the work of this Division we can name the Series 6E electromechanical cylinders, the Series 5E

electromechanical axes, the Series MTS brushless motors, the Series MTB stepper motors and respective drivers with the newest DRCS driver, especially studied for stepper motors. Using the microstepping technology (up to 1/128 step) it is possible to considerably reduce the natural resonance of the motor. Moreover, eight input modalities are available that allow to realize a table of 256 commands, for each of which it is possible to set position, speed, acceleration and deceleration. The Series DRCS drivers are equipped with a CANopen serial protocol through which you can run commands for motion control and monitoring of the driver’s state. The operation can be configured wireless or through a USB cable, according to the Bluetooth standard (BL-BLE). Part of the C_Electrics range is also the Series 6E which is a mechanical actuator with rod in compliance with standard ISO15552, among which the new versions with protection class IP65 can be found, suitable to be used also in dusty environments or in presence of strong water jets. The wide range available, their high precision and easy assembly make the Series 6E the ideal solution for the most diverse applications, in which control of position and/or of

dynamic movement is required, like for example Pick & Place, sorting, palletizing, tensioning, pressing and lifting. To make the transition from pneumatic to electromechanic actuation easier, Camozzi has developed QSET, a software that allows to easily configure the motor system and the electomechanic actuator. QSET interfaces with the Camozzi drivers and enables to program these very easily, without necessarily knowing complex parameters and options that would increase set-up times, at the expense of other activities with a high added value. The development phase of the man-machine interface has been the subject of a dedicated research: the aim is to have an intuitive program that is easy to use, in order to considerably reduce the configuration times through simple and quick guided choices.


CAMOZZI ENG FP 4-17.indd 3

29/08/17 16:29





CM Engineering is an Italian company based in Bardello (Varese), Lombardy. It is a leading company in the engineering manufacturing of the following products:

Features: In addition to its standard production, ACM Engineering is able to produce customized products for any customer demand, also in limited series.

1) Compact brushless servomotors. 2) Hollow-shaft servomotors. 3) Direct drive servomotors. 4) Torque servomotors. 5) Roller table motors. 6) Generators for wind turbines. 7) Permanent-magnet synchronous motors and generators for naval applications. 8) Motors and generators for automotive applications.

The Company is ISO 9001-2000 and UL certified. ACM products can be used in the following sectors: • Industrial automation. • Machines tools. • Textile and clothing machinery. • Wood working machinery. • Sewing machines. • Packaging machinery. • Glass machinery.

• Printing machinery. • Flexographic printing machinery. • Roller brushless motors for conveyor systems. • Jewellery machinery. • Agricultural and food machinery. • Plastic machinery. • Marble processing machinery. • Serigraph printing machinery. • Sheet metal processing machinery. • Wind turbine plants. • Automotive applications. • Naval applications. Visit:







ACM ENGINEERING Srl 21020 BARDELLO (VA) - Via Don A. Camera, 25 - ITALY - Phone +39.0332.731088/731064 - Fax +39.0332.730380 Website: - Email: ACM ENG FP 4-17.indd 3

29/08/17 16:36






et on product innovation by offering high quality and service standards is the winning choice to be competitive in the global market.” Starting from this statement of intent, TRAMEC is opening up a new frontier in the field of power transmission and more specifically in the world of GEARBOXES, where TRAMEC is considered to be among the leaders. Strong in its experience and quality of its products, the company located in Bologna area is launching on the international markets the innovative technology called GHA, the debut of which has taken place recently.Starting on the AUSTRALIAN and NEW ZEALAND markets, the first ACTIVE GEARBOX for the FOOD AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY with its patented “G.H.A.” technology has paved the way for a new type of reducers. This special surface treatment, applicable to all aluminum-based alloys, consists of an anodic oxidation, with a thickness of 1 to 100 μm, followed by sealing of micro porosity by silver ions. Anodic oxidation generates a very hard, heat-resistant and non-removable ceramic coating layer, while the porosity of anodic oxide crystals, otherwise considered a defect, become valuable once galvanically sealed with silver ions. The high hardness of anodic oxide, coupled with the extraordinary properties of silver ions, gives the treated surface


biotechnological properties of extreme interest for many applications. TRAMEC’S ACTIVE REDUCER also has the ability to act only when needed, that is if and only if bacteria are formed on its surface, otherwise it remains “dormant”. Also thanks to this feature, the “GHA Classic” product has obtained the HACCP Australia certification and ISO 22196:2011 certification. The success currently reached so far from Italy by this product totally “MADE IN ITALY”, will be the “bridgehead” to new markets such as the Asian, American and European ones. Because of its antibacterial, anticorrosion and anti-lime properties, the new technology used by TRAMEC also eliminates the highly polluting and hazardous caustic soda from the cleaning process of food industry plants, thus allowing the use of products with reduced environmental impact , as foreseen by current regulations. Starting next 2018, the launch of the new “GHA Premium” line, an “enhanced” reducer, redesigned with features that will enable greater penetration into the FOOD AND PHARMACEUTICAL market as well as in the MARINE market , will be one of the novelties that will be presented by TRAMEC. The MARINE Industry is showing an interest beyond expectations for the anti-corrosive feature of the TRAMEC ACTIVE “ GHA” GEARBOX , whose latest “ Saline Spray ” tests have not yet been completed but have already exceeded 1000 (thousand) hours showing that the next goal could be soon that of 2000 hours. Furthermore, the latest tests carried out by TRAMEC’s trading partner on the

THE GHA GEARBOX ability of the “GHA” treatment to reduce the motors’ heat emission by transforming this energy into infrared radiation, proved to be “ exciting” with temperatures below 65 ° (sixty-five degrees). The availability of a patented gearmotor with these characteristics, namely: “TOTALLY RECYCLABLE, attentive to pollution and nature issues, with costs below the equivalent made of INOX steel”, will be the innovation that markets will talk about over the next few years. In addition to the commitment to innovation, the company located in “Calderara di Reno” has made significant investments in the field of human resources in the last year, incorporating new high-profile professional figures within the company’s business structure and in the field of technology by investing in “INDUSTRY 4.0”. TRAMEC clearly knows what the future will be... follow the “BLUE WAY”! Visit: Info mail: or



TRAMEC - FP 5-17.indd 3

31/10/17 15:57

Your Partner in Elastomere. Worldwide.




RICO Elastomere Projecting GmbH Am Thalbach 8, A-4600 Thalheim/Wels

iquid silicone (LSR) dosing membranes are frequently used to ensure that viscous fluids can be dispensed cleanly. These membranes are particularly common in the food industry, where they are used to stop products such as ketchup and honey from leaking or dripping. Dosing membranes can also be found in shampoo bottles. Thanks to the technology, bottles can be turned upside down without the contents leaking out. Fluids can be dispensed, usually through a cross-shaped slit in the membrane, by squeezing the bottle.

Simtec Silicone Parts LLC. 9658 Premier Pkwy. Miramar, FL

The production of dosing membranes involves combining elastomers and thermoplastics. In a onecomponent (1K) process, the elastic dosing membrane is molded out of silicon and then modified in a number of stages depending on the required application. Two-component (2K) procedures are used to join the elastic membrane with a solid plastic ring. This makes it easier to work and fit the membrane. Precision mold production technology is the most decisive factor in this process, although considerations such as the right choice of material as well as automation also play

Silcoplast AG Luchten 75, CH-9427 Wolfhalden

HTR Härtereitechnik GmbH Am Thalbach 7, A-4600 Thalheim/Wels

an important part. Innovations such as temper-free materials mean that there is an ever-stronger focus on 2K processes. Based in Thalheim bei Wels in Austria, RICO Elastomere Projecting GmbH has spent years developing the required mold manufacturing technology, and is firmly established as an expert partner for custom elastomer projects. 1K – the standard technique Membranes are still commonly produced using 1K injection molding. This requires complex assembly stages following production, such as attaching the membrane to the bottle closure. The drawbacks of this procedure are clear. After production, the parts drop into a container below the machine. The next step involves postoperational processes such as tempering and talc-powdering of the LSR membrane, in order to stabilize the material, extract excess siloxane and stop the individual parts sticking together. Then the membranes are separated so that they can be positioned and fitted on the closure. This is followed by slitting the membrane.



05/09/17 13:26


The entire production procedure is time-consuming and also cost-intensive due to the various processing stages. Controlled processing of elastic parts increases the cost and time required still further. 2K processes: unrivalled precision in mold production technology Rico has been producing membranes using a 2K process for more than a decade. Two injection technologies are combined in a single mold: in one half, a ring is produced, from polyamide (PA) for example, using a conventional injection molding approach, while in the other half, the LSR membrane is mounted on the thermoplastic ring using a liquid injection molding or LIM technique. This 2K process demands special know-how in mold design. Precise temperature control and accurate separation of the mold’s cooled thermoplastic side and heated LSR side are essential. Rico has built on the comprehensive expertise of its RICO GROUP partner HTR. The heat treatment specialist advises Rico on the options for refining the various types of high-quality steel that Rico uses in its molds. This guarantees outstanding product quality and long useful lives. Choice of material a decisive factor The choice of materials is especially important when it comes to elastomer processing. Rico has access to materials data collected over the past 20 years, and also works closely with raw material producers, meaning that newly developed materials can also be taken into consideration. When using temper-free materials that comply with food safety regulations, a slit can be made in the LSR membrane immediately after injec-


tion molding. This removes an entire work step, with the slit made straight after the production process. The combination of LSR and a solid plastic ring as a means of support simplifies processing of the membrane during the manufacturing process, right through to the final assembly of the sealing cap. Effective automation concept The PA rings are made using a hot runner nozzle over a sub-runner. An automated rotary mold carries the premolds to the LSR side of the mold, where the components are injected directly onto the PA ring, using a single cold runner nozzle for each component. At the end of each cycle, the 2K membranes are removed from the mold under controlled conditions by a handling system, which allows the form to close again, meaning that production can continue. There is enough time during the subsequent closing and injection process to make cross-slits in the membranes outside the machine. For this purpose, a removal robot carries the molded parts to a special cutting and punching device. After the parts have been centered “online”, the slit is made. This procedure is suitable for both 2K components and pure LSR articles. Finally, the parts are removed from the processing unit on a conveyor belt. This approach removes the

need for assembly and processing later on, as the dosing membrane is ready for application and can be mounted directly in the bottle closure. With a view to further innovation and the interlinking of industrial manufacturing processes in accordance with Industry 4.0 principles, industry leader Rico is also considering connecting the production of sealing caps and dosing membranes. In line with the group’s strong reputation for production efficiency, this would mean that most of the required processes were carried out during production.



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stone of dosing membrane production. Depending on the number of items, stable and automated processes almost always outperform semi-manual solutions on account of their superior quality standards and by removing the need for subsequent assembly work. Greater investment in such equipment often pays dividends in the short term, if all of the related variables are taken into account.

The use of 2K technology to manufacture dosing membranes makes implementing such a highly automated process far simpler. A number of possible design proposals are already on the drawing board.

to take advantage of the complete service portfolio. Clients can either manufacture parts themselves or have them produced at one of the RICO GROUP’s high-end production facilities.

Development and construction as basis for production In this context, Rico is also concentrating on production-driven serial and assembly construction, providing customers with end-to-end project support in its role as a primary contractor. Shrinkage and distortion can be calculated in advance for a wide range of materials with the help of simulations. Finite element method (FEM) calculations, which are best known for their aerospace applications, are also used. These calculations allow for realistic simulations of parts, such as assembled seals, on a screen, as well as component optimization. All developments are assessed and tested by means of manufacturability checks before the parts are produced. Customers also receive support and training during the commissioning and handover of production plant, enabling them

Favorable outlook in niche market Specialized plastics processing – the automated production and refining of 2K LSR parts – is growing in importance, especially in the packaging industry. The group is focusing on the combination of plastics and conventional elastomers such as silicone and rubber. There are only a handful of processors worldwide with such specialist knowledge. This is an attractive, high-potential market – demand for such combinations is rising in more and more industries, such as the automotive and medical technology sectors, and materials manufacturers are constantly bringing new materials with higher performance standards onto the market. Summary Mold manufacturing technology and top-quality materials are the corner-

About the RICO GROUP The RICO GROUP is a premium, full-service global supplier for custom elastomer and plastics projects. The group forms a powerful international technology and production network with a total of four sites in Austria, Switzerland and the US. Its portfolio ranges from production of injection molds and advice on developing components right through to serial production of customized components. The focus is on processing elastomers, in particular liquid silicone (LSR) and solid high temperature vulcanizing silicone (HTV). Components are produced using one-, two- or multi-component injection molds, including LSR + thermoplastic, rubber + thermoplastic, LSR + metal, LSR + LSR, and thermoplastic + LSR + metal inserts. Molds and molded parts are used in a host of different sectors, such as the medical technology, automotive and plumbing supplies industries. Although the components are not visible at first glance, they are central to product functionality and safety. For further information, visit



05/09/17 13:26


industrial electronics



he Atlanta site of Sidel in the US has now joined Sidel’s four main manufacturing sites in successfully passing a Sedex audit, again with 100% compliance in the key areas of labour standards, health & safety, the environment and business ethics. This demonstrates Sidel’s focus on continuous sustainability improvement and is part of its commitment to contributing to sustainable partnerships with transparent exchange of information throughout the supply chain. Independent auditing of good practice A non-profit organisation, Sedex - the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange - is the largest collaborative platform for sharing ethical supply chain data. The gaining of yet another perfect score in the Sedex audit, with its 100% compliance of critical non-conformities, underlines Sidel’s continuing commitment to engaging in open dialogue and information exchange. The company collaborates closely with its partners in order to contribute to the growth of a sustainable industry. Nicholas Bloch, Executive Vice President for Communications at Sidel, comments – “From raw materials to recycling and at every stage in between, we constantly look for opportunities to continue improving sustainability practices at Sidel to benefit our world, our customers and ourselves. Through initiatives such as Sedex, we are able to share information easily with our partners in the supply chain to help develop

a more sustainable approach to beverage production.” Sidel’s site in Atlanta was independently audited by Bureau Veritas, world leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) services, using the SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) four-pillar framework covering the key areas of labour standards, health & safety, the environment and business ethics. The audit of the Sidel site in Atlanta follows the successful result achieved in Parma, Italy along with Beijing, China in 2013, Octeville in France in 2014 and Mantova in Italy earlier this year (2015). Members of Sedex cover 150 countries and 30 industry sectors and include many global companies within the food and beverage industry such as PepsiCo and Danone. Developing relationships through sustainable partnerships Together with its customers, suppliers, other external partners and the communities in which it does business, Sidel aims to create shared value through sustainable partnerships. One such recent industry partnership

was the BioHub® programme in which Sidel consulted with its PET packaging expertise on a research project in plant-based polymer chemistry. Sidel has also created a neutral platform to encourage industry dialogue: KNOWLEDGEshare™ gives senior beverage industry players and thought leaders an event at which they can discuss common aims, challenges and the direction in which the market is heading. Sustainability is at the heart of these ongoing partnerships and Sidel’s commitment to sustainability was recently independently evaluated in terms of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with the company placed within the top 30% of the 20,000 businesses assessed in 2015. Eco Vadis - the sustainability rating platform used to understand, track and improve environmental, ethical and social performance worldwide - awarded Sidel a silver rating for its good sustainability practices. Further information at


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18/04/16 09:54

State-Of-The-Art Thermal Solutions That Give You A Competitive Advantage

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industrial electronics

Flat Tubular Heaters Boost Efficiency for Fryer Technology By Roly Juliano Watlow

An example of a flat tubular heater – the FIREBAR from Watlow


rom fryers to griddles to ovens, heat is an important component in most foodservice applications. When it comes to the heat source for frying, not all heating elements are created equal. Electric fryer heaters can be segmented into two broad categories - round tubular heaters, and flat tubular heaters. When first introduced, fryer heaters were round tubular. But engineers found that a flat tubular design offered many benefits - the most important being that the shape lifts the oil into the cook zone

far better than round heaters. An innovation was born. Flat Surface Geometry Because of its design and geometry, flat tubular heaters will heat viscous fluids from ambient temperature faster than round tubular elements with the same wattage and at a lower sheath temperature. The benefit of this shape is the enhanced flow of liquid past the surface of the heating element. The round tubular has a much more erratic flow pattern (see graphic). Note the currents swirl around and trap

heat next to the sheath. This is due to the tubular’s round shape, which causes a wider and less efficient flow of liquid around the heater surface. The flow pattern around the flat tubular heater is streamlined; the flat surface has less restriction on the liquid as it moves up and past the heater sides. This efficient and faster flow pattern permits the liquid to move heat away from the sheath very quickly, resulting in the flat tubular heater’s lower operating sheath temperature (see graphic).


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10/06/16 12:45


industrial electronics

faster than the round heater. The end result – the flat tubular gets the heated liquid into the work zone faster than when using a round tubular. The flat tubular heater has about a 50 percent greater surface area than a round tubular. This surface area design improvement is the key to lowering watt density for the same length heater or reducing the heater size while maintaining the same watt density.

Flat tubular heaters are ideal for fryer applications because their shape lifts the oil into the work zone better than round heaters.

Greater Buoyancy Force This natural convection phenomenon partially depends on the ratio of a buoyancy force to the viscous force of the fluid being heated. The buoyancy force or the flow of liquid up and across the heater surface is mainly determined by the length of the heater sides. The side of a flat tubular heater is typically 1 in. (25 mm), compared to the 0.43 in. (10.9 mm) or less dimension of a round tubular element. The flat tubular heater’s smaller edge and longer side creates a buoyancy force up to ten times greater than a round tubular heater depending on the material being heated.

Faster Heat Up Flat surface technology provides faster heat up and recovery times than round tubular heaters. Their unique shape minimizes coking and oil degradation, and enhances the flow of the oil past the element’s surface, helping to pull heat away from the heater sheath. Compacted magnesium oxide (MgO) insulation transfers heat away from resistance wire to sheath material and media more efficiently, shortening heat-up time. In addition, the heater lasts longer because it runs at a significantly lower sheath temperature than an equal watt density round tubular. This also prolongs the life of the oil which shortens and reduces costs from frequent changing.

Smaller Dimension Normal to Flow This feature refers to the width dimension of the heater that the liquid flows around. Typically, a narrower dimension will give a smoother and faster liquid flow. For example, the round tubular’s wide dimension, nearly a half-inch, inhibits the flow of liquid. It causes currents which disrupt the flow and the flow rate is somewhat slower.

If coking is a problem, it is an indication that the sheath temperature is too hot and is burning the oil. A flat tubular heater will provide a lower sheath temperature than a round tubular element, without reducing wattage or watt density. Coking is also reduced by the wiping action that occurs as the heated liquid flows past the heaters surface. The result is less liquid degradation and longer liquid life.

The flat tubular heater, on the other hand, has a much thinner dimension 0.235 in. (5.97 mm), which reduces the drag forces on the liquid flowing past the heater. This allows the liquid to move past the flat heater

Watlow’s flat tubular heater, called FIREBAR®, has long been a standard in the foodservice industry. An independent study that adhered to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, called


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“Prototype Element Performance Test,” revealed that the FIREBAR flat heating element was the first to consistently return the oil to the 171°C (340°F) reload temperature. FIREBAR also maintained the highest average cook zone temperature of the heating elements tested, recorded the fastest pre-heat time and offered one of the lowest pre-heat energy consumption levels ever tested. During the performance comparison test of the FIREBAR heater versus an equivalent kW round tubular heater, per ASTMs test method F1361-7, the FIREBAR heater’s fast recovery allowed cooking of six heavy loads of french fries versus five heavy loads of an equivalent tubular or a 20 percent capacity improvement (see below). Reduced Watt Density Flat tubular heaters can be operated at a higher watt density than a round tubular heating element

industrial electronics

without increasing the sheath temperature. Flat tubular heaters also allow more wattage into the application at the same watt density with a shorter heating element. Both types of heaters can have the same wattage, but the flat tubular will operate at a lower sheath temperature than the round tubular. In tests conducted to demonstrate this phenomenon, both heater types had a watt density of 30 and were immersed in a light liquid shortening. The flat tubular element heated the oil faster from ambient temperature than the round tubular. At 149°C (300°F), the flat tubular element heated the oil to temperature in 11 minutes where as the round tubular took 18 minutes. Plus, the flat tubular heater’s average sheath temperature was

10°C (50°F) lower than the round tubular. Customizable, Easy to Install FIREBAR can be wired 3-phase, making installation easier and cheaper while reducing the size of the heating assembly. FIREBAR heating elements can be formed into virtually any shape for an immersion application. This flat tubular heater can be configured with a variety of wattage and voltage ratings, terminations, sheath materials and mounting options to satisfy the most demanding foodservice applications. The FIREBAR is typically constructed with epoxy or silicone seals to combat moisture contamination from environmental kitchen conditions.


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10/06/16 12:45



EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS ARE GVF IMPIANTI SRL KEY-WORDS GVF Impianti Srl is a reliable partner specialized in the design, production and supply of machines, equipment and plant for Bulk Material handling since 1964.


ith more than 50 years of experience, GVF Impianti Srl is the ideal partner able to supply quality solutions for bulk material handling and for industrial auto- mation in sectors like food, pharma, chemical, pet-food and construction materials. The wide range of production full of transversal pro- ducts characterizes the company organization, which is divided in 6 main divisions: dense phase pneuma- tic conveying systems, bulk material handling systems and equipment, mixing and dosing technology, filtra- tion systems, recycling systems and foundry machineries and plants. Each company division represents the know-how and the experience gained in each sector of application, making the company become able to design and pro- duce components, complex machines as well as complete turn-key plants. The main feature which distinguishes the company production is the search for the quality, following both the plant’s efficiency and the effectiveness of the adop- ted solution.

quality and innovation, which makes the customer’s job easier and which gua- rantees a fast return on investment.

dustrial ma- chineries’ market, companies need to provide Mis- sion-Driven Machines which are smarter, more functio- nal and easier to maintain.

INNOVATIVE AND EFFICIENT SYSTEMS Together since 1964 to solve bulk material handling problems To be successful in today’s global in-

The market expects maximum durability, not only on a day-to-day basis, but also in the long term, in order to remain productive for years. That is why GVF Impianti’s main objective

GVF Impianti Srl’s objective is to supply advanced solutions combining


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has always been satisfying customer’s needs, even if it requires high levels of product’s customization and quality. The company has a long story of positive results. It was founded in 1964 by three partners, and thanks to the experience they gained in building and designing machineries and plants in the USA, they firstly began to serve the foundry sector. Year after year the company has slowly improved the production range, by supplying products in more and more sectors of application, such as food, pharma, chemical and pet-food sectors, and to different types of customers. In 2000 the company becomes a family-owned com- pany, and with the ownership also the company view changed, in order to become more and more customer oriented. Recently the company has enlarged its target markets abroad, by suppling goods and establishing business relationships in many European countries. For the coming years its main goal is to continue to supply high quality solutions to its customers, with the support of its selected partners. Efficiency and Effectiveness are the key-words. “Ideas, Projects and Solutions in order to provide our customer with the best possible product.”

IN-HOUSE ENGINEERING One of the most powerful strength of the com- pany is its ability to design and produce in-house stan- dardized and customized products, in order to satisfy each possible customer’s need.

simulation systems. Engineers interact with the mechanical production department, and fol- low all the production phases up to the assembling, the start-up and the commissioning of the machine in customer’s premises.

The company studies each production process of its customers, in order to provide them with the best solu- tion, not only in terms of productivity, but also in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. This allows GVF Im- pianti to be able to project the entire systems’ functio- ning and management logic.

PED COMPLIANT PRODUCTS In order to improve the production quality and to control all the production processes internally, GVF Im- pianti Srl has decided to request and obtain the WPS (Welding Procedure Standard) certification.

The engineering department uses the most up-to-date design and 3D

The company is now able to produce PED com- pliant vessels for its pneumatic conveyors, certified by TÜV (CE0948).


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Indeed, the management strongly believes that the in-house production of products is part of the company’s strength, because it allows products customi- zation and quality controls for the entire production system. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT GVF Impianti is also able to provide a complete service of in-house industrial automation, for its machineries and its complete turnkey plants, thanks to an internal software development department, which follows and studies all projects in order to provide the best solutions. The software development department takes care of the software project and the mechani- cal automation project. It also follows the creation and assembly of control, power and monitoring panels. Moreover, in order to offer the best possible solution in terms of industrial automation, our company has established some important partnerships with major global powerhouses such as Siemens. This resulted in a fundamental quality guarantee and improvement. DENSE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING SYSTEMS The dense phase pneumatic conveying system transports the product at low speed, using a small amount of air and reducing the energy consumption. GVF Impianti’s technology prevents contamination between the transported materials thanks to a process control that executes cleaning cycles every product’s change. DISTINCTIVE MARKS OF GVF PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS GVF Impianti Srl has developed during the years mainly four types of pneumatic conveyors, which sati- sfy different needs: GA, GC, GA COMBO and GA-A. GA type is


suitable for the transport of normal wearing materials, is designed with an inlet butterfly valve and is supplied complete of electro-pneumatical panel in box. GC type has been developed to convey particu- larly abrasive material, thanks to the special inlet cone valve designed by GVF Impianti, which guarantees a high resistance to wear. The conveyor is supplied complete of its electro-pneumatical panel in box too. GA COMBO type has the same features of GA type but it is studied to be compact, economical and modular, really useful if the available space is reduced. Its distin- ctive mark is the electro-pneumatical panel installed on board the vessel. Finally, the GA-A type is suitable if it is necessary to weigh the product before the transport. Indeed, it is equipped with load cells and with a load control unit, which allows to create batches of product just before the transport.

high temperatures and high performan- ce pneumatic conveyors HP type, for long distances and big hourly capacities. Finally, all GVF Impianti’s pneumatic conveyors offer the following advantages: automatic execution, low wear, reduced product breakages and un-mixing, low air consumption, efficient product/air ratio, low opera- tional and maintenance costs. PNEUMATIC CONVEYING COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENT In the pneumatic conveying systems’ production range GVF Impianti produces also all the pneumatic conveying components (such as pipeline’s boosters, pinch valves and wear-resistant bends) and diverter valves (two-ways diverter valves and multi-ways diver- ter valves).

But, what distinguishes all these pneumatic conveyors from the competitors is the special design of some components and the unique air distribution system. Indeed, all GVF Impianti’s pneumatic conveyors are equipped with outlets made in cast iron, and further strengthen by a thermal treatment. In addition, the out- let unit is equipped with spilt flanges made in cast iron too, which allow to have an easy directing of the outlet pipe.

Indeed, very interesting are the two-ways diverter val- ves which are mainly divided in 3 types: DAS, DP and Y. The two-ways diverter valves DAS type are studied to be installed on the top of the silos, in order to divert the product between more silos or to become a ter- minal box made in a wear-resistant material. DP type allows to divert the material from one to two ways, and is particularly suitable for abrasive products. Y type is equipped with two pinch valves, and allows to select between two ways.

Very important in terms of performance is also the exclusive uniform air distribution system, which di- stributes the compressed air in three main parts of the vessel: in the outlet, laterally and in the central part.

But, if the number of ways in which the product should be sent is higher than two, GVF Impianti has developed a very interesting multi-ways diverter valve DS type, which allows to divert the material flow up to 12 destinations.

GVF Impianti Srl can supply on request also pneumatic conveyors for



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25/10/17 15:53





nuga FoodTec has been experiencing considerable growth for years: Between 2009 and 2015 the attendance figures rose up to over 45,000 (+35 percent), over the same period of time the number of exhibitors increased up to approx. 1,500 (+25 percent). Last, but not least Anuga FoodTec confirmed its reputation as a business and innovation platform for all sections of the global food industry with the presence of the top ten most important food companies on the visitor front and as a result of its high level of internationality: The number of foreign trade visitors was over 54 percent, the share of international exhibitors was 56 percent. The visitors at Anuga FoodTec 2015 came from 139 countries. As such, the exhibitors had the opportunity to meet up with all international customers at one trade fair. THE NEXT ANUGA FOODTEC WILL TAKE PLACE FROM 20 TO 23 MARCH 2018 IN COLOGNE. Among others, the following exhibitors have already confirmed their participation at Anuga FoodTec 2018: Albert Handtmann, Almac, Andritz, Alpma, Auer, Beckhoff, Bizerba, Bruker, Cabinplant, CFT, Della Toffola, Ecolean, Exxon Mobil, Florin, Frontmatec, GEA, Gouda, IPI/Coesia, JBT, Konica Minolta, Kronen, Krones, Lagafors, Linde, Maja, Mettler, Mohn, Multivac, PHT, Rühle, Schur, Sealpac, Siemens, SPX Pöppelmann, Taghleef, Tecnal, Trepko, Weber and Vemag. Furthermore, the following companies will be exhibiting at the Cologne fair grounds from 20 to 23 March for the first time or af-

ter a long break: A+F Automation, Atlas Copco, Barry-Wehmiller, Contitec, Cuddon Ltd., Dienst Verpackungssysteme, Espera, FBK, G. Monidin, Inox Meccanica, Perfinox, SSI Schäfer, Synerlink, Talsabel, Tavil, Twin Pack and Zudek. The early confirmation by Van Hees in

the exhibition section Ingredients is particularly pleasing. Whereby Van Hees is not merely participating as a ‘classic’ exhibitor, but also as an exclusive partner for the theme “Kebab” at the coming Anuga FoodTec. An appropriate own supporting programme including


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ity: Exhibitors from more than 39 countries had already registered by the end of the early bird campaign. In addition to the excellent result of the exhibition space booked and the high level of internationality, diversity and top quality are also guaranteed at Anuga FoodTec 2018: Across all exhibition sections, nearly all of the market leaders and further renowned companies have confirmed their participation at an early stage. Thanks to these very promising results after the first registration period, all the signs indicate that Anuga FoodTec 2018 will continue on its growth course. expert lectures will also be offered at the world’s most important supplier fair of the food and beverage

industry. Anuga FoodTec is also on track regarding the level of international-

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AFT_2018_Anzeige_Food_Processing_INT_180x120mm_Int_GB.indd 1 ANUGA FOODTEC - FP 6-17.indd 4

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eeting Point of the Sectorial Professionals In 2016, IBATECH Istanbul hosted thousands of visitors from Asia, Europe and Africa. Opening its doors once again for the world’s leading brands to show their latest products, IBATECH Istanbul will represent the present and the future of the industry. IBATECH ISTANBUL 2016 has broken its own visitor record by a total number of 74.563 from 114 countries. The efforts have been continuing for record breaking number of participation. The trade fair was held for the first time in five exhibition halls covering a gross exhibition area of around 50,000 square metres. After the record figure in 2014, the amount of exhibition space therefore increased once again by 5,000 square metres. IBATECH Istanbul 2016 also attracted a record number of exhibitors. A total of 366 companies from 18 countries, i.e. a marked increase of just under 27 per cent compared with 2014, took part in the trade fair. For example, a large number of international market leaders presented their latest technologies and products.
Visitors rated their attendance at the trade fair as extremely positive. Due to their satisfaction, nearly every visitor (98 per cent) also wanted to come back to the trade fair in 2018. 99 per cent of respondents were intending to recommend the event to work colleagues, superiors or business associates while 90 per cent believed that the trade fair would become more important in future. Confectioners represented the largest visitor group at

47 per cent (2014: 45 per cent), followed by bakers at 21 per cent (2014: 33 per cent). There was a substantial rise in the proportion of manufacturers of chocolate and confectionery (15 per cent compared with 9 per cent in 2014) and ice cream producers (17 per cent compared with 7 per cent in 2014). 
 In general, visitors demonstrated a high propensity to invest. 80 per cent of them were involved in purchasing and procurement intentions. In the official trade fair survey 82 per cent of visitors said they would definitely or probably make investments.

Visitor delegations from numerous countries such as Azerbaijan, Usbekistan, Kosovo, Tunisia, Oman, Cameroon, Bulgaria, etc. came to the trade fair to obtain information and were welcomed at the opening ceremony by Cevdet Yılmaz, the Turkish Minister of Development. The next IBATECH Istanbul will be held in Istanbul from 12 to 15 April 2018. Be part of this success story and shape the future of the rising market with us! More information


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07/11/17 15:06


09/10/17 16:15




PACKAGING A PUNCH FOR A GREENER FUTURE! GULFOOD MANUFACTURING 2017 SHINES LIGHT ON SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR MIDDLE EAST’S FAST-GROWING PACKAGING INDUSTRY Shift in consumer trends and lifestyle choices driving demand for more sustainable packaging solutions in multi-million dollar sector


nvironmental protection, responsible natural resource management and animal welfare are increasingly weighing on the minds of consumers as the global food industry strives to continue producing enough food to service a rapidly growing global population that is estimated to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. According to an international survey by Unilever earlier this year, 33 per cent of consumers are now choosing to buy only from brands they believe are doing social or environmental good. With the UAE holding the largest market share in the Middle East and Africa’s (MEA) active and intelligent packaging market, according to a report by Mordor Intelligence, this week’s Gulfood Manufacturing 2017 played an important role in showcasing how providers are meeting the evolving consumer demand for more sustainable, resourceefficient products.

a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.23 per cent to reach USD504.76 million by the end of 2021 and exhibitors at Gulfood Manufacturing are eager to show they have the answers to satisfy the expanding sector.

The same Mordor Intelligence report states the region’s packaging market is poised to grow at

KHS, a leading German manufacturer of filling and packaging systems for the beverage, food

and non-food industries - recently launched a new lightweight polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle that weighs in at just 5 grams. The new lightweight bottle has resulted in a reduction of materials by about a third in comparison with the previous lightest bottle on the international market, which will significantly reduce the firm’s carbon footprint.



01/12/17 17:04



Meinhard Fischer, Head of Technical Sales and Project Planning, said: “Our customers are becoming more and more environmentally conscious and we work closely with both our customers and partners to develop sustainable packaging solutions that reduce weight, cut costs and protect the environment.” With sustainable packaging being one of the biggest disruptors in the industry over the next decade, major Saudi Arabia player Napco National has returned to this year’s show to exhibit a range of food and beverage sustainable packaging solutions and engage with food and beverage manufacturers about packaging raw materials and recyclable products. ROTOPAK debuted its new BOX-toGO line, a ready-packaging solution serving the food takeaway and

delivery industries. The innovative line is paper-based, eco-friendly, food-contact safe and has been designed for small to medium sized takeaway companies requiring ready printed packaging or plain packaging with customized labels. It is not just traditional food and beverage manufacturers driving the desire for sustainability across the industry. Automotive manufacturers are exhibiting how they are leading the way in powering sustainable transport solutions in the supply chain. Ford is showcasing its versatile Transit Custom chiller van at Gulfood Manufacturing 2017. Working closely with RTS, Thermo King’s distributor in the UAE, Ford has retrofitted the Transit Custom with refrigerator solutions, demonstrating its suitability for a range of applications, from meat and seafood transportation, to floral delivery and more.

diesel engine. Low running costs and the class-leading fuel economy of 14.2 km/l for Ford’s Transit Custom refrigerated van offers significant savings in fuel costs and is a perfect partner for any business, supporting Gulfood Manufacturing 2017 sustainability solutions.”, said Terry Rayner, director of Commercial Vehicles at Ford Middle East and Africa. Gulfood Manufacturing 2017 featured more than 1,600 local, regional and international suppliers and industry service providers from 60 countries and 30 official country pavilions. Visit:

“The Ford Transit Custom is equipped with a powerful, yet economical, 2.2-litre Duratorq TDCi



01/12/17 17:04





n 2018, the new edition of Europain will introduce a simplified structure segmented into three sections – MANUFACTURING – SELLING – MANAGING - which will make it easier to identify the latest services, products and equipment. How to manage a business? Optimise organisation? Treat customers? In an industry that is experiencing deep transformations. it is essential to make the right choices and find the best solutions. Europain brings together in one place all the major players concerned with the management of businesses in the bakery pastry industry SELLING: A FRIENDLY LIVING SPACE Today, when entering the shop customers want to find more than a simple baguette or a cake. They want to be able to sit down and enjoy a pleasant moment, find hot beverages, delicacy snacks to take away or savoury products at meal times. For professionals in the industry, creating a coffee corner or a workspace, as well as optimising design and layout are some of the opportunities available to help boost sales, but they also represent challenges to keep up with the customers and the market.

The exhibitors attending Europain 2018 will present a varied offering including cafeteria products, ingredients and finished products for bakery catering, but also small equipment, appliances and services to help professionals transform local shops into versatile places where customers can come to eat and exchange. SELLING: THE CONNECTED SHOP Digital is also affecting consumer habits significantly throughout the whole Food Service industry, including bakery pastry naturally. From checking opening hours to online sale, mobile payment and click & collect, new technology is changing the business and the services that customers have come to expect, in particular the millennials. All the players who can help professionals ensure the transition will be present at Europain: advice, dedicated technology and equipment etc., with an emphasis on central questions such as online ordering and managing unsold products.

dressed: legal support, insurance, accounting, production planning, and of course, training and human resources management. Visitors will find for instance software packages covering all the facets of staff management. Many technological solutions designed to save time and optimise sales will also be featured: automatic debit, stock management and staff turnover are among the many examples together with numerous other services proposed to professionals in the bakery pastry industry, regardless of the size of their business. Finally, in the heart of the “Managing” section, the Schools street presents training programmes for all the trades in the sector. The industry is flourishing and many types of training programmes are available today: basic training, continuous training, online, short-track, etc. Students or entrepreneurs retraining in the sector will find here information on the training programmes available and possibly future collaborators.

MANAGING: MANAGEMENT MADE EASY All the aspects related to running a bakery pastry business will also be ad-


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Approved Event



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At the expo, the sector’s world leader, the event program is being finalized - Fiera di Rimini, 20-24 January 2018


nternationality, training and business. The three historic aspects of SIGEP, the world’s most important artisan confectionery expo, organized by Italian Exhibition Group, will be carried even further, from Saturday 20th to Wednesday 24th January 2018, at Rimini Expo Centre. It’s impossible not to start with the events of an international nature, which are the expo’s pulsating heat. So here are those of the Gelato sector.

GELATO WORLD CUP The biennial competition that sums up the best of the world’s artisan gelato schools is returning. Following selections in the various countries, the line-up of the 12 teams who will compete at SIGEP 2018 has been set: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, France, Japan, Morocco, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and United States. The Gelato World Cup will be held from 20th to 23rd January in the

South Foyer at the centre of the Rimini expo venue. It promises to be a spectacular edition with 60 contestants, 14 judges and 8 competition tests (decorated tub of gelato, decorated sundae, mystery box, artistic

SIGEP 2018: MEHR PLATZ FÜR INTERNATIONALITÄT, WETTBEWERBE UND DIE PROFIS IHRES FACHS Das Veranstaltungsprogramm dieser Ausgabe wird noch mehr Events und Wettbewerbe beinhalten. „Ein ständiger Anreiz sich zu verbessern“ bestätigt der Meister Iginio Massari. Fokus sind die Initiativen für die berufliche Entwicklung der jungen Patissiers - Messe Rimini, 20.-24. Januar 2018


ie 39. Ausgabe der SIGEP, welche von der Italian Exhibition Group ausgerichtet wird, ist eine Internationale Fachmesse für Gelato, Konditoren- und Bäckerhandwerk sowie der Welt des Kaffees. Neben den zahlreichen Wettbewerben und Events steht unter anderem im

kommenden Jahr der Bereich der Konditorei mit seinen Pastry Events im Vordergrund. Den Stellenwert des Veranstaltungsprogramms, welches von der Messeleitung der SIGEP jedes Jahr weiterentwickelt wird, unterstreicht auch Iginio Massari. „Sigep ist vordergründig eine persönliche, aber nationale und

internationale Herausforderung: Ein ständiger Anreiz sich zu verbessern. An einem so renommierten Wettbewerb teilzunehmen, bedeutet den Zeitfaktor nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren, seine Fehler zu korrigieren und stressige Situation beherrschen zu können. Der Gewinner ist nicht der einzelne Teilneh-


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gelato cake, gourmet entrée, artistic items and gelato snacks, as well as the final grand buffet. i.e. the presentation of all the entries). Numerous prestigious sponsors are involved in the contest: Platinum Sponsors: Comprital (gelato ingredients), Valrhona (chocolate), Electrolux (equipment); Gold Sponsors: Carpigiani (gelato making machinery), Capfruit (frozen fruit); Silver Sponsors: Ifi (showcases), Medac (paper cups), Silikomart (moulds); Technical sponsors: Eurovo (eggs), Ostificio Prealpino (cones), Sara Creazioni (work-wear), Sosa (spices), Caffè Camardo (coffee), Granarolo (milk); Mystery sponsor: Muzzi (panettone), Vicentini (fudge); Supporters: Sculture di Ghiaccio (ice), Metalmobil (furnishings and fittings); Media Partners: Punto.It and Pasticceria Internazionale.


are also very high-profile. The “Memorial Alberto Pica” international contest reserved for gelato makers, promoted by the Association of Italian Gelato Makers and IEG and held with the expo since its debut in 1980, is returning with a great new feature.

In fact, at SIGEP 2018, an international contest dedicated to “sorbets” with a focus on internationality will also be held: it will be possible to use fruit from all over the world, to highlight the participation of the numerous foreign contestants, who will be

habe sie die Möglichkeit gehabt sich beruflich weiter zu entwickeln und sich bestmöglich auf den Wettbewerb vorzubereiten. Laut Boldetti sei es ein wichtiger Aspekt, dass die Frauen für die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb sich selbst vertrauen und versuchen ihre eigenen Ziele zu erreichen.

Senioren für den Bereich Konditorei stattfinden, welcher von der Messeleitung der SIGEP und Conpait organisiert wird. 17 Konkurrenten aus ganz Italien stellen sich dieser Aufgabe. Die Teilnehmer sollen drei verschiedene Spezialitäten kreieren: eine Kreation aus Schokolade und ein Tellergericht, eine Kreation aus Zucker und als Schokoladenkuchen sowie eine Kreation aus Eis und als Eiscremetorte. Im Wettstreit für den Bereich Eis stehen: Roberto Rinaldi, Andrea Restuccia, Luca Bernardini, Domenico Di Clemente und Valerio Vullo; für den Bereich Zucker: Davide Malizia, Alessandro Petito, Marco Tateo, Alessandro Comaschi, Lorenzo Puca, Roberto Miranti, Alessandro Bertuzzi und Michele Zeolla; für den Bereich Schokolade: Massimo Carnio, Sebastiano Vinciguerra; Mattia Cortinovis und Carmelo Sciampagna. Die drei Gewinnerinnen bilden das Team das Italien beim Coupe du Monde des Lione 2019 vertreten wird. Es handelt sich um einen Wettbewerb von hohem Stellenwert – bemerkt Alessandro Dal-

ALBERTO PICA MEMORIAL All the gelato sector appointments mer oder das Team sondern eine ganze Nation. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass die Wettbewerbe der Sigep zur Förderung und Verbesserung des Berufszweigs beitragen.“ PASTRY QUEEN 2018: 12 KONDITORINNEN AUS DER GANZEN WELT Am 22. und 23. Januar 2017 findet die 4. Ausgabe der Weltmeisterschaft für Konditorinnen statt, welche sich einer zwölfköpfigen Jury stellen müssen. Die Teilnehmerinnen kommen in diesem Jahr von den Philippinen, aus den USA, Australien, Brasilien, Kolumbien, Frankreich, Japan, Indien, Marokko, Russland und Thailand. Ehrenpräsident ist Roberto Rinaldi, Ideengeber des Wettbewerbs. Auch Silvia Boldetti, Präsidentin der Jury und wiederkehrender Champion bestätigt, dass im Fokus des Wettbewerbs die lange Vorbereitung und die Verwirklichung am Tag der Veranstaltung steht. Aufgrund der Vorbereitungen während des ganzen Jahres, so die Jurypräsidentin der Pastry Queen,

„Pastry Queen ist die einzige Meisterschaft, die Frauen mehrere berufliche Möglichkeiten bietet. 55% der weltweiten Studenten der Berufsschule für Konditoren sind Frauen, aber nur 35% finden eine feste Anstellung. Aus diesem Grund ist der Titel Pastry Queen der Traum für alle Teilnehmer, die erfolgreiche Konditorinnen werden wollen“, erklärt der Meister Roberto Rinaldi. DIE ITALIENISCHEN MEISTERSCHAFTEN DER SENIOREN FÜR DEN BEREICH KONDITOREI: DIE MEISTER UNTER EINEM DACH Vom 20.-21. Januar 2017 werden die Italienischen Meisterschaften der


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able to make use of the typical fruit of their country of origin. “Cake of the year”, “Hazelnut flavour gelato” and “A thousand ideas for a new flavour - the gelato of the year”: these will be the categories of the traditional contest in which the gelato masters will fight it out to the last drop of… sweetness. The best ten


gelatos classified will receive awards. The winners of the hazelnut flavour gelato and 1,000 ideas for a new flavour will compete for the title of “Gelato maker of the year”. FUNCTIONAL AND HEALTHY GELATO: Then there’s functional healthy ge-

lato, ready to meet all requirements. This is the revolution of the “balance in nutrients”, carried on by the Italian Gelato Masters, who have combined passion, research, science and knowledge of functional healthy gelato since 2014. FOCUS ON SIGEP 2018 Dates: 20 - 24 January 2018; Organizers: Italian Exhibition Group SpA; edition: 39th; frequency: annual; classification: international; admittance: trade members only; hours: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm, last day 9:30 am – 3:00 pm (3:00 – 5:00 pm only with online tickets); Italian show director: Patrizia Cecchi; group brand manager: Flavia Morelli; brand managers: Gabriella de Girolamo (gelato), Giorgia Maioli (confectionery/ pastry and bakery); visitor info: +39 0541 744111; Web site: www.sigep. it - #Sigep2018.

masso, der italienische Präsident des Club Coupe du Monde und Präsident des Wettbewerbs: „Die Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb ist für die Karriere eines Konditors eine renommierte Anerkennung. Der Italienische Wettbewerb der Senioren dient als Motivation für kontinuierliche Weiterbildung, nicht nur für den Einzeln sondern auch für das Team. “ DIE ITALIENISCHE JUNIOREN-WELTMEISTERSCHAFT DER KONDITOREI: DREI PROBEN ZUM THEMA „STERNE UND LEGENDE“ Am 20. Januar 2018 organisieren Conpait, Sigep und Ampi die italienische Meisterschaft für den Bereich Konditorei und Schokolade für Jugendliche: eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für die jungen Talente der Konditoreikunst. Die Teilnehmer des Wettbewerbs müssen 3 kulinarische Proben zum Thema „Sterne und Legende“ bestehen und der Gewinner hat die Möglichkeit an der Weltmeisterschaft der Konditorei, die 2019 in Rimini stattfindet wird,

teilzunehmen. Somit repräsentiert der Gewinner das Land Italien. SIGEP UND DAS THEMA AUSBILDUNG Sigep 2018 fördert die Ausbildung der jungen Talente und bietet am 24. Januar Raum für einen weiteren Wettbewerb der Konditorei: die Pastry Arena. 12 Berufsschulen, die aus ganz Italien kommen, werden antreten um die beste Zucker- oder Schokoladekreation zu realisieren. Diese soll 60 Zentimeter hoch sein und eine knusprige, Mürbeteig ähnliche sowie cremige Basis haben für einen Kuchen mit mehreren Schichten. Unter dem Vorsitz von Eliseo Tonti wird die Jury die Kreationen der Teilnehmer bewerten. JUNIOR SIGEP: EIN TREFFPUNKT UM ZU LERNEN UND ZU WACHSEN Das Projekt Sigep Junior bietet Schülern die Möglichkeit ein Praktikum, unter der Aufsicht eines Tutors, bei berühmten Unternehmen während der Messe zu machen und so einen Ein-

blick in die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. Samuele Calzari, der Koordinator des Projekts, behauptet, das Projekt fördere die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen, Schülern und Lehrern. In kürzester Zeit hat sich eine Großzahl an Jugendlichen zum Wettbewerb angemeldet, welcher Raum für Fortbildung und berufliche Entwicklung bietet. SIGEP IM LAUFENDEN JAHR: ENDE SEPTEMBER WIRD DAS PASTRY CAMP STATTFINDEN Das Pastry Camp (25. –29. September), wird von IEG, Roberto Rinaldi, Pasticceria Internazionale, Ampi, Conpait und Cast Alimenti organisiert. Laut Vittorio Santoro, dem Schuldirektor, ist das Ziel des Projekts neue Talente zu fördern. Pastry Camp steht nicht nur für Bildung sondern auch für das Training der jungen Talente. Die Meister ihres Fachs teilen während dieser Veranstaltung ihre Erfahrungen und Leidenschaft mit der jüngeren Generation.


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ANDINA PACK 2017 TOP POSITION OF THE LEADING PROCESSING AND PACKAGING TRADE FAIR FOR THE ANDES REGION AND CENTRAL AMERICA EXPANDED - For the first time more than 500 exhibitors - 53 percent international exhibitors - 18062 trade visitors - Extensive event programme for trends and innovations


ndina Pack has once again impressively confirmed its position as the leading trade fair for processing and packaging technology in the Andes Region and Central America. From 7 to 10 November 2017, 503 exhibitors, 17 percent more than at the last Andina Pack, from 27 countries presented their products and solutions for the food and drink, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries in Bogota (Colombia). With a share of 53 percent, an increase of 32 percent in comparison to the previous edition, more companies came from abroad than ever before. 18062 trade visitors from 30 countries profited from the unique access to solutions, market innovations and trends. The exhibitors underlined in particular the high, again increased quality of trade visitors, the significant growth in internationality as well as the potential for concrete business deals. The exhibition space of Andina Pack grew by a total of 18 percent, while the share of companies booking

from outside of Colombia increased by 17 percent.

of Koelnmesse GmbH summarised the success of the trade fair.

“The increase in internationality and the good results of the event on the whole clearly show that Andina Pack is the most important trade and communication platform for the attractive, striving growth markets in Colombia and the region”, is how Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer

“Andina Pack convinces decision makers and buyers as the central industry meeting point for successful business and offers the ideal access to the latest market trends and innovations.” Andrés López-Valderrama, President and Chief Executive Officer of Corferias Bogotá, positively sum-


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marised the trade fair: “This sector is a great driving force of the country’s economy and continuously presents an optimal growth, which made Andina Pack 2017 an important business platform and a space that presented the best market and business opportunities and delivered outstanding results for both national and international exhibitors.” Andina Pack was organised for the first time in 2017


jointly by Koelnmesse and Corferias Bogotá; it has taken place every two years since 1991. Growth in international exhibitors The increase in internationality at Andina Pack shows that, in addition to the national exhibitors, international companies also recognise the potential and are opening up the growing

market for their business activity. The forecasts of renowned market research institutes certify a strongly growing demand for Colombia and the neighbouring countries of the region in numerous areas of daily life, for example, in the use of processed foods, in the health and cosmetics markets. A significantly increasing need for modern processing and packaging machinery and new technologies is therefore expected. For this reason, the list of participants of Andina Pack included, besides many top companies from Colombia, renowned international manufacturers from 26 other countries. For many international companies and their foreign branch offices and representations, Andina Pack 2017 was a premiere and the step toward accessing the growth markets in Colombia and Central America. The strongest participating foreign countries were Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, France, India, Italy, Mexico, Spain and the USA. Top brands like BASF, Bosch Group, DuPont, Gerresheimer, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, Multivac, Owens Illinois, Sartorius, Smurfit Kappa and Tesa Tape (Beiersdorf AG) presented their products and solutions. A total of 12 international pavilions from Argentina, Brasil, China, Germany, France, India, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Spain and from the United States were represented at Andina Pack. For the first time there was a German pavilion at Andina Pack at the request of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Under the “Made in Germany” umbrella, AZO Liquids,


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Barth, Baumer hhs, Bericap, Kronen, Optima consumer, Rovema, Stephan Machinery, Treif Maschinenbau, Witt- Gasetechnik and VEMAG Maschinenbau presented the broad range of their products and services. Future-oriented event and congress programme The comprehensive event programme and the “Innovation Capsule” also celebrated their premiere. Both offerings focused on futureoriented new products and developments for the industry and convinced exhibitors and trade visitors. On the agenda were the latest global industry trends and their implications and possibilities for transfer to the market and the industry in Latin America. Four renowned cooperation partners presented an extremely relevant and high quality programme. In addition to the Instituto Argentino del Envase and the Asociación Colombiana de Ciencia y Tecnologá de Alimentos, the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación del Plástico y del Caucho participate in cooperation with Acoplásticos and the Asociación Colombiana de la Industria de la Comunicación Gráfica (Andigraf). Many exhibitors also made use of the opportunity offered by the “Speakers Corner” to present their new products and solutions to an interested trade public in short sessions. “Innovation Capsule”: Special event for product innovations For the first time, the organisers presented an “Innovation Capsule” and honoured the 22 best innovations of the exhibitors. Companies could submit new products and innovations to a committee of representatives from the Innovation Centre of the Universidad de los Andes (Innovades).

The awarded new products were presented in a special exhibition area during the trade fair.

EXHIBITOR OPINIONS “When we noticed that Koelnmesse was organising Andina Pack, we had many expectations that the 2017 edition would be very special in terms of internationalisation, organisation and communications. We can say that Andina Pack met our expectations. Not only in positioning our brand, but also with important sales of technology. It was an excellent show for us.” MULTIVAC, Jairo A. Rodriguez Taylor, Director General Colombia & Ecuador “The customers and companies that have come to visit us have demonstrated very active interests in 2018 opportunities.” BOSCH, Mario Pino, Sales Director – Latin America

“REDA is specialised in all liquid food treatments. The Colombian market is very important for us and very receptive. We noticed that Andina Pack is an important meeting point for our customers, especially in the dairy sector.” REDA, Alessandro Marcato, Area Export Manager “The key people from the industry are here. I was suprised to see many people from Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica here.” UNITHERM, Francisco Sierra, Latin America Sales The next Andina Pack takes place from 19 to 22 November 2019.


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REGISTRATION WINDOW FOR UPAKOVKA 2018 NOW OPEN After successful premieres this year: special shows innovationparc and SAVE FOOD once again to be part of the trade fair in Moscow


nterested companies can now register for upakovka 2018, to be held at AO Expocenter Krasnaja Presnja in Moscow from 23 to 26 January 2018. Exhibitors already signed up for the coming trade fair include Sollich, Krones, Konica Minolta, TMI and Comexi. There will once again be an official German federal participation in 2018 with a registration deadline of 22 September of this year. Despite the current political climate Russian food production is expanding and both Russian and international companies are continuing to invest in setting up and developing local production capacities. The resulting upswing at the last edition of upakovka with considerable rises in visitor numbers and satisfied exhibitors is now impacting companies’ general registration behaviour: there is a clear trend towards enlarged stands. As part of Messe Düsseldorf’s international interpack alliance, upakovka benefits from the successful and established special themes at interpack as the world’s most important event in the packaging sector and related process industries. For instance, the last upakovka saw the innovationparc celebrate its highly regarded premiere. The forum for this parc was very well attended on all days of the trade fair with trade visitors appreciating this opportunity to gather information on selected innovations and discuss creative and future-oriented packaging solutions. The focus at the forthcoming innova-

tionparc, like the special theme at interpack 2017, is the topic of Industry 4.0. It generated a great deal of interest in Düsseldorf. Visitors in Moscow can now expect application examples of solutions from the packaging machinery and process technology sector that open up new dimensions in terms of safety, tracking, protection against copying and plagiarism as well as custom packaging. The area of the special show organised in collaboration with t h e food processing and packaging machinery association within the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) is set to grow in size compared with last year. Also part of the supporting programme again – after the launch of the initiative in Russia at the last

upakovka – is the special topic SAVE FOOD featuring a presentation of new projects on the first day of the trade fair (23 January). The Russian office of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) headed by director Eugenia Serova invited high-ranking representatives from ministries and industry to the 2017 premiere to focus on food loss and waste in Russia and to present solutions. Amongst others, the Dairy Union of Russia and the Food Bank “Rus” joined the SAVE FOOD initiative. The programme for SAVE FOOD at upakovka 2018 is currently under preparation. Exhibitors can register for upakovka 2018 at:


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23–26 JANUARY 2018 TO




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he leading processing and packaging exhibition in Asia, has attracted the greatest amount of attention from exhibitors since its inauguration. Just over 600 overseas and domestic exhibitors participated in the event held from Nov. 7-10, including Multivac, HPRPC and other leading processing and packaging manufacturers. 20,053 visitors from nearly 80 countries and regions, such as China, the USA, Russia, South Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam and Malaysia came to the SNIEC fairgrounds to see latest innovations. The 4-day large-scale exhibition was organized by Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

(MDS), Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. Visitors also benefited greatly from the event, learning not only about cuttingedge innovative technologies but also about the status of the packaging market. Whether in terms of exhibition topics, concurrent conferences or exhibitor demonstrations swop 2017 focused on innovation much more compared with the previ-

ous exhibition. In particular, the SAVE FOOD initiative, with its debut in China,



ie führende Verarbeitungsund Verpackungsfachmesse in Asien, konnte die größte Ausstellerbeteiligung seit ihrer Eröffnung verzeichnen. Knapp über 600 Aussteller aus China und Übersee nahmen an der Veranstaltung vom 7. – 10. November teil – darunter Multivac, HPRPC und andere führende Hersteller aus dem Bereich Verpackung und verwandte Prozesse. 20.053 Besucher aus knapp 80 Ländern wie China, den USA, Russland, Südkorea, Japan, Indien, Vietnam und Malaysia kamen zum Messegelände SNIEC, um die neusten Innovationen zu sehen.

Die viertägige Messe wurde von der Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd (MDS) und Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. veranstaltet. Die Besucher profitierten in erheblichem Maße von der Veranstaltung, da sie sich nicht nur über die neusten technologischen Innovationen informieren konnten, sondern auch über die Marktlage im Verpackungssektor. Sowohl im Bezug auf Messethemen, als auch auf zeitgleich laufende Konferenzen oder Ausstellerpräsentationen legte die swop 2017 einen wesentlich größeren Schwerpunkt auf das Thema Innovationen als die vorhergehende Messe. Vor allem die In-

itiative SAVE FOOD und ihr Debut in China sowie die aufgewertete FMCG Future Zone erhielten branchenweiten Zuspruch. „Die Nachfrage nach modernen Verarbeitungsverfahren und Verpackungen in China wächst mit der immer rasanteren Urbanisierung und dem steigenden Konsum der Mittelschicht. Die swop mit ihren vier Messen und innovativen Sonderthemen ist die Plattform für modernste Technologien und Ideen aus einer Hand“, sagte Hans Werner Reinhard, Geschäftsführer der Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.


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and the newly upgraded FMCG Future Zone have been widely acclaimed. “With the acceleration of urbanization and the rising consumption level of the middle class, the demand for modern processing and packaging in China is also on the rise. swop, with its four exhibitions and innovative themes, is the one-stop platform for the most advanced technologies and ideas”, said Mr. Hans Werner Reinhard, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. “As one of the newly-launched membership exhibitions of the interpack alliance based on interpack, the world’s leading trade fair for processing and packaging, swop has undoubtedly gained more exposure in the global market and attracted more top industry experts to visit China,” commented Mr. Bernd Jablonowski, Global Portfolio Director Processing and Packaging, Messe Düsseldorf. “This year, swop continues to feature the entire value chain of packaging,

from packaging materials production and processing, primary packaging, secondary packaging, logistics/e-commerce packaging to packaging materials and containers, all in one fair. Also the exhibition serves eight industries mainly: food, beverage, bakery, confectionary, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, non-food consumer goods and industrial commodities. This makes swop the first ever one-stop sourcing platform covering the entire value chain”, said Mr. Stanley Chu – Chairman of Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.

„Als eine der neu eingeführten Messen der interpack alliance, der Messefamilie der interpack als Weltleitmesse für Processing und Packaging, hat die swop zweifelsohne nun mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf dem Weltmarkt erregt und mehr führende Branchenexperten nach China gelockt“, kommentierte Bernd Jablonowski, Global Portfolio Director Processing and Packaging, Messe Düsseldorf.

Sourcing-Plattform, die die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette abdeckt“, sagt Stanley Chu – der Vorsitzende von Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.

„Auch in diesem Jahr hat die swop wieder die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Verpackung abgebildet – von der Packstoffherstellung und -verarbeitung, über Primär- und Sekundärverpackung sowie Logistik-/E-Commerce-Verpackung bis zu Verpackungsmaterial und -behältern – alles unter dem Dach einer Messe. Die Messe bedient zudem im Kern acht Branchen: Lebensmittel, Getränke, Backwaren, Süßwaren, Kosmetika, Pharmazeutika, Non-Food Konsumgüter und Industriegüter. Damit wird die swop zur ersten One-Stop

Innovation in exhibits: Industry 4.0, intelligent, digital and sustainable In following the “Made in China 2025” blueprint, the intelligent manufacture of packaging is the trend of the times and many exhibitors have embodied this. For example, the connection of intelligent software with machines better meets individualized needs. At the exhi-

Innovation bei den Exponaten: Industrie 4.0, intelligent, digital und nachhaltig Nach dem Vorbild von „Made in China 2025“ liegt die intelligente Verpackungsproduktion im Trend und viele Aussteller haben dies aufgegriffen. So kann zum Beispiel die Verbindung von intelligenter Software mit Maschinen individualisierten Bedarf besser decken. Auf der Messe war außerdem das Thema nachhaltige Entwicklung omnipräsent. Zahlreiche Unternehmen präsentierten ihre Anstrengungen zur Verringerung der Verpackungsmaterialstärke, zur Senkung des Ressourcenverbrauchs und Optimierung der Produktionsverfahren. Darüber hinaus liegen ‚grüne‘ und umweltfreundliche Verpackungsmaterialien stark im Trend.

bition venue, the theme of sustainable development was everywhere. Many companies have demonstrated their efforts in terms of reduced thickness of packaging materials, lower resource consumption and improved manufacturing processes. In addition, green and eco-friendly packaging materials have become an important trend. SAVE FOOD debut show in China yields brilliant results Six years since its introduction, the SAVE FOOD initiative by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, organizer of interpack, has grown into a broad-based international coalition with more than 850 international members covering relevant industries, associations, non-govern-

Ausgezeichnete Premiere von SAVE FOOD in China In den sechs Jahren seit ihrer Einführung hat sich die SAVE FOOD Initiative der Welternährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) und der Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, dem Veranstalter der interpack, zu einer breiten internationalen Koalition mit über 850 internationalen Mitgliedern entwickelt, zu denen wichtige Branchen, Verbände, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Forschungseinrichtungen gehören. SAVE FOOD feierte sein China-Debut als Sonderthema auf der swop 2017 im Ausstellungsbereich der Halle W2 zeitgleich mit dem internationalen Summit am zweiten Messetag. Vincent Martin, der Vertreter der Welternährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen für China und Nord-


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mental organizations and research institutions. SAVE FOOD premiered as a special theme at swop 2017 and was featured within the exhibition area in Hall W2 along with an international summit on the second day of the show. Vincent Martin, China and North Korean representative from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, was invited to visit the scene and deliver a speech on “Reducing global food waste through innovation and partnership.” Martin pointed out that, “the lack of proper and sustainable packaging solutions in the Asia Pacific region is one of the major causes of food

korea, hielt eine Rede mit dem Thema „Reduktion der weltweiten Lebensmittelverschwendung durch Innovationen und Partnerschaften.“ Martin unterstrich „(…) dass das Fehlen geeigneter und nachhaltiger Verpackungslösungen in der Region Asien-Pazifik zu den Hauptgründen für Lebensmittelverschwendung gehört und Verpackung für ihre Senkung entscheidend ist. Dazu muss die Lebensmittelbranche eng mit der Verpackungsindustrie zusammenarbeiten.“ Gleichzeitig stellte Multivac seine „MultiFresh“ Folienverpackung vor, eine neue Verpackungsform, bei der die Folie wie eine zweite Haut über dem Produkt liegt und seine ursprüngliche Form intakt hält, was besonders geeignet für die Verpackung von Frischfleisch ist. TOMRA Sorting zeigte, wie man Verluste beträchtlich senken, Kosten einsparen und die Rentabilität von Lebensmittelunternehmen durch schnelle und energieeffizi-


waste and packaging is critical to reducing that. In order to do so, the food industry must work closely with the packaging industry.” At the same time, Multivac exhibited its “MultiFresh” skin packaging, an emerging packaging that affixes film as tightly on the surface of the product as a layer of skin, keeping the original product’s shape intact which is especially suitable for packaging fresh meat. TOMRA Sorting showed how to significantly reduce losses, save costs and improve profitability of food companies through fast and energy-efficient sorting technology. The US MOCON, Xiamen Changsu and Beijing Lantsai shared the modified atmosphere packaging testing equipment, high-barrier BOPA, smart labels and other cutting-edge products and technologies from the perspective of improving packaging and extending food shelf life. The international summit debut in China attracted nearly 200 professional participants from the

food industry and the event was spoken of highly.

ente Sortiertechnik erhöhen kann. US MOCON, Xiamen Changsu und Beijing Lantsai präsentierten ein MAP-Prüfgerät, BOPA-Folien, intelligente Etiketten sowie andere hochmoderne Produkte und Technologien aus dem Blickwinkel optimierter Verpackung und Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln. Die Premiere des internationalen Summits in China lockte fast 200 Branchenprofis aus der Lebensmittelbranche an und wurde durchweg gelobt.

Zone, dieses Mal komplett aufgewertet, bot Raum für die neusten Produkte von über 200 bekannten Herstellern aus China und Übersee. Ausgestellt waren verschiedene Packstoffe und Produkte auf einer Fläche von 10.000m² in Halle W3 wie z.B. RPC’s WaveGrip – integrierte Lösungen für Dosengetränke oder die Eat-Go-Lösungen von EasySnacking. Zahlreiche Verpackungsprodukte von Berry Plastics für Lebensmittle, Getränke, Körperpflege und die Medizinbranche demonstrierten eindrucksvoll den Trend zu besseren Barriere-Eigenschaften, geringerem Gewicht, Umweltschutz und Individualisierung von Verpackungen. Shenzhen Yutong, Chinas größter Anbieter von Papierverpackungen, zeigte seine sonderangefertigten Kartonprodukte für gehobene Marken wie Kung Fu Tea oder Luzhou Laojiao und erhielt großen Zuspruch. Die Halle W3 wimmelte nur so vor Besuchern – ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass die langfristige strategische Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Ver-

Innovation beim Verpackungsmaterial: Aufgewertete FMCG Future Zone erntet viel Lob Gegenüber Verarbeitungs- und Verpackungsmaschinen und Anlagen verzeichnen Verpackungsdesign und Packstoffe kürzere Innovationszyklen und auch die Anwenderindustrie zeigt steigendes Interesse an Packstoffen und Produkten. Die FMCG Future Zone erfreute sich eines größeren Zuspruchs als die vorherige „Packaging Materials and Products Zone“. Die FMCG Future

Innovation in packaging materials: upgraded FMCG Future Zone highly acclaimed Relative to processing and packaging machinery and equipment, packaging design and packaging materials feature shorter innovation cycles. The industry also shows increasing interest in packaging materials and products. The FMCG Future Zone enjoyed great popularity compared with the previous “Packaging Materials and Products Zone”. The FMCG Future Zone, a complete upgrade this time, accommodated cutting-edge products from more than 200 well-known overseas and domestic manufacturers of various packaging materials and products on its 10,000m2 in Hall W3, such as RPC’s WaveGrip integrated solutions for canned beverage and EasySnacking’s Eat-Go packaging solutions.


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Many packaging products suitable for food, beverage, personal care and the medical industry from Berry Plastics fully demonstrated the trend of high barrier, lightweight, open resistance, environmental protection and customization in packaging. Shenzhen Yutong, China’s largest paper packaging supplier, displayed its customized carton products for high-end brands such as, Kung Fu Tea and Luzhou Laojiao and won high acclaim. Hall W3 was swarmed with visitors, further proof that the long-term strategic cooperation between the organizer and Packaging Family, a pioneering packaging exchange platform with 500-plus FMCG members, was successful. Innovation in topics: Concurrent events and conferences with high visitor interest In addition to the trade fair, a number of large-scale and multi-faceted professional forums were held simulta-

anstalter und der „Packaging Family“, eine vorausschauende Plattform für den Austausch mit über 500 FMCG-Mitgliedern, von Erfolg gekrönt war. Innovation bei den Themen: Parallelveranstaltungen und Konferenzen mit großem Besucherinteresse Zeitgleich mit der Messe fanden eine ganze Reihe großer und vielseitiger Branchenforen statt zu solchen Themen wie Lebensmittelverarbeitung, intelligente Verpackung, ‚grüne‘ Verpackungen, Verpackungsdesign & -innovation, E-Commerce & Logistik-Verpackung. Die Sessions waren sehr gut besucht und die Stimmung exzellent. Viele Teilnehmer sagten, die Themen der Foren seien neu für sie und von hoher Qualität gewesen. Das Forum „Packaging, Intelligence and Future” am ersten Tag war zum Beispiel so überfüllt, dass die Besucher bis auf den Gang standen. Der SAVE FOOD-Gipfel am zweiten Tag


neously, covering topics such as food processing, smart packaging, green packaging, packaging design & innovation, e-commerce & logistic packaging. The meeting was packed and the interaction enthusiastic. Many participants said that the topics of the forums were very new and of high quality. For example, the “Packaging, Intelligence and Future” forum held on the first day was crowded with visitors even along the corridor. The SAVE FOOD summit meeting on the second day attracted nearly 200 visitors from the food industry interested in how to extend food shelf life through innovative packaging. Moreover, The Global Aluminium Foil Roller Initiative, representing more than 50% of global foil production, met during swop. 35 representatives from Chinese aluminium foil rolling members and their customers like aluminium container manufactures discussed opportunities to further increase their presence in the

lockte fast 200 Besucher aus der Lebensmittelbranche an, die sich für die Verlängerung des Haltbarkeitsdatums durch innovative Verpackung interessierten. Die „Global Aluminium Foil Roller Initiative“ (GLAFRI), die knapp über 50% der weltweiten Folienproduktion vertritt, traf sich auf der swop. 35 Vertreter von chinesischen Aluminiumfolienherstellern und ihre Kunden wie Hersteller von Aluminiumbehältern diskutierten Möglichkeiten, ihre Präsenz auf dem wachsenden Verpackungsmarkt in China zu verstärken. Zudem wurden täglich Nachmittagsseminare von der „Packaging Family“ veranstaltet. Mehrere ausgezeichnete Vorträge kamen von Verpackungsspezialisten von Beiersdorf, Danone, Johnson sowie anderen bekannten Verpackungsunternehmen, die von den Besuchern mit reichlich Applaus bedacht wurden. Um den Ausstellern den Kontakt mit potentiellen Kunden zu erleichtern, wurde ein sogenanntes „Business

growing packaging markets in China. In addition, there were daily afternoon seminars organized by Packaging Family. Several excellent speeches were given by packaging experts from Beiersdorf, Danone, Johnson and other well-known packaging companies which won warm applauses from visitors. In order to help the exhibitors find high-quality potential buyers, buyers groups, consisting of nearly 100 industry associations and enterprises, and a “business pairing” program were organized. This was a major feature of the exhibition and highly appreciated by the exhibitors. swop 2019, to be held from November 25-28, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, is under planning and will introduce innovative themes with expanded pavilions.

Pairing“-Programm ins Leben gerufen und “Buyers Groups“, bestehend aus beinahe 100 Industrieverbänden und Unternehmen, organisiert. Dieses Angebot erwies sich als starker Pluspunkt der Messe und kam bei den Ausstellern sehr gut an. Die swop 2019 vom 25.-28. November auf dem Messegelände Shanghai New International Expo Centre ist bereits in Planung. Sie wird erneut mit innovativen und erweiterten Sonderthemen aufwarten.


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The event articulates an ecosystem around packaging with the convergence of innovation, industry and market

HISPACK 2018 FUSES PACKAGING, PROCESS AND LOGISTICS IN AN EDITION MARKED BY GROWTH • With six months to go, the show is already bigger than in 2015 • Hispack expects to bring together more than 700 direct exhibitors • Held at the same time as FoodTech Barcelona (8 - 11 May)


ispack is preparing an edition marked by growth in line with the strong performance shown by the packaging industry, which is rapidly consolidating its recovery. From 8 to 11 May, Hispack will host the largest packaging ecosystem in the Iberian market, adding process and logistics to its offering and activities, showcasing worldclass innovation and attracting professionals from different sectors that are users of package and packaging solutions. Thus, the show expects to bring 700 direct exhibitors to three halls in Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via Exhibition Centre in 35,000 square metres net of exhibition space, which will mean a 15% growth in the number of stands and a 12% growth in the area occupied compared with the last edition three years ago.

Hispack will be offering bespoke packaging, processing and logistics solutions to manufacturers and distributors of food, drinks, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, perfumes and drugstore products among other industrial and consumer sectors.

With six months still to go, the prospects are excellent, as Hispack has exceeded the area occupied in 2015 and, at this moment, has confirmed the presence of 500 direct exhibitors from 19 countries.

At the same time, Hispack will once again share its dates and venue with FoodTech Barcelona, the new name for the trade fair for food industry technologies that will be showcasing every aspect of food manufacturing. Food

industry professionals will be able to find solutions at this double trade fair, to everything from ingredients to production processes via packaging and arrival at the point of purchase. Javier Riera-Marsá, President of the Organizing Committee, explains that Hispack 2018’s proposal “offers a strategic, multidisciplinary approach to packaging that encompasses its entire life cycle and its interconnections with other processes and with the supply chain, and also involving different professional profiles”.


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Thus, Hispack 2018 will present packaging as an economic driving force and a key ingredient in industry’s digital transformation, putting the spotlight on four major challenges that the package and packaging industry needs to address: sustainability, automation and digitisation, logistics and user experience. These challenges will be reflected both in the trade offering and in the programme of activities.

A broader offering and internationality As is customary, the sectors specialising in machinery and accessories used to manufacture packages and packaging and processing, bottling or coding and marking equipment make up more than half of the show’s exhibitors. However, this year, Hispack is promoting particularly the presence of raw materials, logistics and automation suppliers, which already account for 40% of the confirmed stands. There is also strong growth in the presence of companies in the Premiumpack area, reserved for suppliers of materials, finishes and packaging for mid to top-of-the-range products, particularly in the gourmet food, beverages, cosmetics, perfumes and pharmacy segments. POS, engineering, consulting and services companies, associations and organisations, and also recovery and recycling firms complete the show’s trade offering. At the same time, Hispack plans to grow in internationality, with almost one third of its direct exhibitors coming from abroad. After Spain, the country that is contributing most companies so far is Italy, followed by Turkey, Germany, France, Holland, Portugal and China.


in each of these areas and, on the other hand, to build with us Hispack’s programme of activities, giving tangible form to packaging innovations and knowledge and offering answers to the needs raised by the demand sectors and also by very diverse professional profiles”. The presence of more international brands confirms the renewed appeal of the Spanish packaging market for its dynamic demand and Hispack’s role and capacity to draw professionals from other markets abroad that are geographically and culturally close to Spain, mainly from Europe (led by Portugal), Latin America and Mediterranean countries. As Xavier Pascual, the show’s manager, explained, together with FoodTech Barcelona, Hispack is undertaking direct promotion activities in 14 countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Poland, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom), to identify buyers with specific projects that could be invited to the show. It is also organising trade missions in another 7 markets with growth potential (USA, Argentina, Iran, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Ghana). The aim is to attract about 4,000 foreign professionals to the show. Together with FoodTech Barcelona, Hispack expects to exceed 38,000 visitors in total. New content generated from shared knowledge In order to encompass the entire packaging ecosystem, Hispack has formed four collaborative task groups for each of the main challenges defined for this year (sustainability, automation and digitisation, logistics and user experience), whose members include more than 45 experts among representatives from the supply, demand and industry organisations. According to Xavier Pascual, these groups perform a two-fold function: “on the one hand, to define Hispack’s value proposition

Hispack will also include the Graphispag area, which will show the latest contributions by the printing industry to the packaging world. Here, suppliers will show examples of printed applications and specific finishes for packages, packaging and POS, together with graphic services companies. The show will also have a Lecture Corner specialised in packaging and retail, run by the Graphispack Asociación, where experts will talk about trends, success stories and solutions. In addition, the award-giving ceremony for the recently decided Liderpack Awards 2017 will be held as part of Hispack. Lastly, Hispack has signed cooperation agreements with some 50 professional associations, clusters, technology centres or foundations from around Spain that represent the transversality of the packaging industry, from both the supply and demand sides. The aims is to structure an ecosystem that encompasses innovation, industry and market and facilitating knowledge exchange and professional networking, not only during the show but also between editions through the Pack Experience agenda.


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21-25/01/2017 RIMINI Fair for the artisan production of icecream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.


29/01-01/02/2017 COLOGNE Fair for the sweets and snacks industry.





12-13/04/2017 PARMA International food exhibition.


06/04/2017 ROME Exhibition on Energy efficiency.


08/10/02/2017 BERLIN International fair for fruit and vegetables.

19/04/2017 MILAN Exhibition on solutions and applications for automation, instrumentation, sensors.



14-17/02/2017 SARAGOZZA Fair of wine and oil, for innovation and internationalization.


19-22/02/2017 MADRID Bread baking, confectionery and related industries show.


09-12/03/2017 ANKARA Fair for bread, patisserie machinery, ice cream, chocolate and technologies.


09-12/04/2017 VERONA International wine & spirits exhibition.

19/04/2017 MILAN Exhibition on technology for the Food&Beverage industry.


04-10/05/2017 DÃœSSELDORF Technology fair for packaging, packing, bakery, pastry.


08-11/05/2017 MILAN International B2B show to food & beverage.


10-12/05/2017 RIMINI Exhibition of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.



08/06/2017 PORDENONE Fair on design and production management of glass bottle and containers.


21-22/06/2017 VIENNA International savoury snacks and nut trade fair.

mcT COGENERAZIONE 29/06/2017 MILAN Conference and Exhibition on applications of cogeneration.


11-15/09/2017 MUNICH International exhibition for vine-growing, wine-producing and bottling industry.


26-28/09/2017 NUERNBERG The trade fair for powder processing


07-11/10/2017 COLOGNE International exhibition of Food& Beverages.


20-24/10/2017 MILAN Show for bakery, fresh pasta, pizza industry.

23-25/05/2017 PARMA Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector. FIERTUTTE_ING_2017_12.indd 5

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20-24/01/2018 RIMINI Fair for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.


28-31/01/2018 COLOGNE Fair for the sweets and snacks industry.


03-06/02/2018 PARIS International show for the bakery and confectionery Industry.


07-09/02/2018 BERLIN International fair for fruit and vegetables.


20-23/03/2018 COLOGNE International food and beverage technology exhibition.


05/04/2018 MILAN Exhibition on technology for the Food&Beverage industry.



07-10/05/2018 PARMA International food exhibition.


08-11/05/2018 BARCELONA Exhibition for the packaging industry.



15-20/09/2018 MONACO Fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.


25-27/09/2018 NUREMBERG International packaging trade fair.

09-11/05/2018 RIMINI Exhibition of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.



13-15/11/2018 NUREMBERG Fair of raw materials, technologies, logistics for production of beer and soft drinks.

22-24/05/2018 PARMA Fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector.


29/05-01/06/2018 MILAN Exhibition for the packaging industry.

14-17/10/2018 CHICAGO International packaging trade fair.



26-29/11/2018 PARIS Exhibition about packaging technology.


13-14/06/2018 BRESCIA Fair on design and production management of glass bottle and containers.



15-18/04/2018 VERONA International wine & spirits exhibition.

26-29/06/2018 SÃO PAULO Exhibition for product from packaging materials industry.



03/05/2018 ROME Exhibition on technology for the Food&Beverage industry.


28/06/2018 MILAN Conference and Exhibition on applications of cogeneration. FIERTUTTE_ING_2017_12.indd 6

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26-02/02-03/2017 DUBAI Fair for food and hospitality.


07-09/03/2017 DUBAI Fair for the beverage industry.


29-31/03/2017 UZBEKISTAN Fair for suppliers, manufacturers, dealers and professionals.


10-13/04/2017 ALGERS Fair for companies operating in the agro-food sector.


17-19/05/2017 LAGOS Fair for food, beverage&packaging technology.


23-26/05/2017 TEHRAN Fair for food, beverage&packaging technology.


31-10-02/11/2017 DUBAI Fair on processing and packaging technology and Food&Beverage plants.


09-12/04/2018 ALGERS Fair for companies operating in the agro-food sector.


14 -15/04/2018 DUBAI MARINA Café & Restaurant show in Dubai.


24-27/06/2018 TEHRAN Fair for food, beverage&packaging technology.


06-08/11/2018 DUBAI Fair for processing and packaging technology and Food&Beverage plants.


24-27/01/2017 MOSCOW International packaging machinery exhibition.


28/02-02/03/2017 MOSCOW International trade fair for the beverage industry.


13-16/03/2017 MOSCOW Fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients.


12-14/09/2017 KIEV International packaging machinery exhibition.


23-26/01/2018 MOSCA International packaging machinery exhibition.


27/02-01/03/2018 MOSCOW International trade fair for the beverage industry.


12-15/03/2018 MOSCOW Fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients.


09-12/05/2018 SHANGHAI Fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.


18-22/02/2018 DUBAI Fair for food and hospitality. FIERTUTTE_ING_2017_12.indd 7

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2019 2019 2019 INTERSICOP

23-26/02/2019 MADRID Salone di panetteria, pasticceria e affini.


4/9/2019 - 4/11/2019 NUREMBERG The trade fair for powder processing.


04-09/05/2019 FRANKFURT International trade fair for the meat processing industry.


06-09/05/2019 MILAN International B2B show to food & beverage.


05-09/10/2019 COLOGNE International exhibition of Food& Beverages.


27-28/06/2019 BARCELLONA International savoury snacks and nut trade fair. FIERTUTTE_ING_2017_12.indd 8

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ACM ENGINEERING SRL 75 Via Don A. Camera, 25 21020 Bardello - VA Italy ALTECH SRL 17 V.le A. De Gasperi, 72 20010 Bareggio - MI Italy ANDRITZ FIEDLER GMBH 61 Weidener Straße 9 93057 Regensburg - Germany ARISTON MEDIA SERVICE GMBH 88-89 Max Planck Strasse 27/A 50858 Cologne Germany BAGIONI ALFIERO SNC 63 Via Bologna, 100 47121 Forlì - FC Italy BAUMULLER ITALIA SRL 12/15 Viale Italia, 12 20094 Corsico - MI - Italy BEUMER 8-9 Oelder Strasse 40 59269 Beckum Germany BRABENDER® GMBH & CO. KG IV COV-38/42 Kulturstrasse 51-55 47055 Duisburg Germany CAMOZZI SPA 74 Via Eritrea, 20/I 25126 Brescia Italy

CSI S.P.A.- IMQ GROUP 46-47 Viale Lombardia, 20 20021 Bollate - MI Italy DETECTRONIC A/S 64 Roejbaekvej 3 9640 Farsoe - Denmark DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE - DWTC 92-93 P.O. Box 9292 Dubai - Emirati Arabi ERREPAN SRL 43/45 Via Terracini, 4 24047 Treviglio - BG - Italy FARCK SPA 62 Via Roma, 94 26010 Pianengo - CR Italy FIRA DE BARCELONA 108-109 Gran Via Exhibition Centre, Av. Joan Carles I, 58 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcellona - Spain FIREX SRL 65/67 ZI GRESAL, 28 32036 Sedico - BL Italy

IMA INDUSTRIA MACCHINE AUTOMATICHE S.P.A. 16 Via Emilia, 428/442 40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia - BO Italy ISHIDA EUROPE 24 Via San Giovanni Bosco, 26 20010 Pogliano Milanese - MI - Italy ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP SPA 95/98 Via Emilia, 155 47921 Rimini - Italy JURAN METAL WORKS LTD 70/73 23 Shmotkin Street 7536326 Rishon Lezion - Israel KOELNMESSE GMBH 99/101 Messeplatz, 1 50679 Koeln - Germany M.H. MATERIAL HANDLING S.P.A. 26-27 Via G. di Vittorio, 3 20826 Misinto - MB Italy MESSE DUSSELDORF GMBH 102/107 Stockumer Kirchstr.61 40474 Dusseldorf - Germany

GARLOCK GMBH 51 Falkenweg 1 41468 Neuss Germany

MESSE STUTTGART ARES FUARCILIK LTD. ŞTI. 90-91 Tekstilkent A-11 Blok No:51 34235 Esenler - İstanbul - Turkey

GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ITALIA S.P.A. 60 Via Da Erba Edoari, 29 43123 Parma Italy

MOL D’ART I COV-28 Industriepark A2 n°16 3290 Webbekom (Diest) Belgium

CORTEC 56-57 Ivana Lucica, 5 10000 Zagreb - Croatia

GENERAL SYSTEM PACK SRL - GSP 4/7 - 11 Via Lago di Albano, 82 36015 Schio - VI - Italy

CPS SRL 22-23 Via Montecassino, 47 40050 Funoi di Argelato - BO Italy

GVF IMPIANTI SRL 85/87 Via Milano, 6/A 42048 Rubiera - RE Italy

MOMBRINI SRL 30/33 Via Leonardo da Vinci, 218 24043 Caravaggio - BG Italy MTI MISCHTECHNIK INTERNATIONAL GMBH 48-49 Ohmstr. 8 32758 Detmold Germany

PIGO SRL II COV-68-69 Via Visan, 46-48 36034 S. Tomio di Malo - VI - Italy PROXAUT SRL 50 Via Caduti sul lavoro, 8 41013 Piumazzo - MO - Italy RICO ELASTOMERE PROJECTING GMBH 77/79 Am Thalbach 8 - A-4600 Thalheim bei Wels - Austria ROBOX SPA 55 Via Sempione, 82 28053 Castelletto Sopra Ticino NO - Italy SACCHITAL SPA 10 Via Castellazzo, 7/15 20010 Pregnana Milanese - MI Italy SALONI INTERNAZIONALI FRANCESI SRL 94 Via Caradosso, 10 20123 Milano - Italy SIDEL SPA PARMA 80 Via La Spezia 241/A 43126 Parma - Italy SMI SPA - SMI GROUP 34-35 Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco - BG Italy TECNO PACK SPA 1-4/7 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - VI - Italy TECNOPOOL SPA 36-37 Via M. Buonarroti, 81 35010 S. Giorgio in Bosco - PD - Italy TRAMEC SRL 76 Via Bizzarri, 6 40012 Calderara di Reno - BO - Italy WATLOW ITALY SRL 81/84 V.le Italia, 52/54 20094 Corsico - MI - Italy _INDICE FP 5-17.indd 1

11/12/17 17:29


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02.11.2017 11:23:36

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