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Preserving industry

• Technical assistance in the pre-production season & during the production period

• Supply of Original & Adapted Parts


“Hub from the Earth to packaging”

As in any other sector, the entire agrifood chain follows specific rules and dyna-mics. Only a careful analysis of the interaction between its phases can give con-crete results. Here sensitive factors come into play, such as tradition and excel-lence, values that need special attention. The cohesion of all activities (from harvesting to packaging) together with constant innovation making the final product a successful product.

For some time now, we have been studying a new agro-business development concept called “Hub from the Earth to packaging”. The aim is to combine en-vironment, production and social aspects in development areas. Because we firmly believe that man and the environment must remain at the center of an ethical business.


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The citrus fruit pulp, as known, is a by-product of the food processing industry consisting of lemons and oranges waste subjected to the extraction of juice and essential oils. From a chemical-physical point of view, the “pastazzo” is made up of residues of peels (60 ÷ 75%), pulp (30 ÷ 35%) and seeds (on average 0 ÷ 9% depending on the quality of oranges and lemons undergoing transformation).

Our mission as ORION ENGINEERING S.R.L. company is to make the reuse of this resource usable, through our technology under development, to give the opportunity not only to large industrial processing plants but to many others. The synergy of our growers and all the players involved in this supply chain is one of the keys of success of the process.

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