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Tariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane spa - Spedizione in abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art.1, comma 1, DCB Milano TAXE PERCUE (tassa riscossa) Uff. Milano CMP/2 Roserio - ISSN 1827-4102

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31.05.12 10:19


26/04/12 17.34

Zeus Advertising

Since 1961 machines for pasta and pastry: our art for your art

SANDORÈ via Monte Summano 58, 36010 ZANÈ - (Vicenza) Italy Tel. +39-0445.314388 Fax. +39-0445.314358 -

SANDORè FP 4-12.indd 1

31/08/12 11.23

Pagina Pubblicitaria English:Layout 1 31/08/12 13:40 Pagina 1



Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry­­­­­­ year XXIV - issue n.4 - September 2012


managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni e­ ditorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni editorial production Sonia Bennati account dep. manager Elena Costanzo



project and layout design Dario Ficarazzi graphic and paging ZEUS Agency translation Nexo Translations printing Italian Magazine Food Processing Europe: single issue: Euro 20 Annual (six issues): Euro 110 Outside Europe: single issue: US$ 27 Annual (six issues): US$ 160 Subscription payment can be made in the name of Editrice Zeus sas, by bank money transfer or cheque. Italian Magazine Food Processing An outline of the suppliers of machines, plants, products and equipment for the food industry. Published: Bi-monthly Registration: Court of Milan no. 676 of 20-09-1989 Shipment by air mail art.2 comma 20/b law 662/96 - Milan Panorama dei fornitori di macchine, impianti, prodotti e attrezzature per l’industria alimentare Periodicità: bimestrale. Autorizzazione del tribunale di Milano, n°676 del 20-09-1989 Spedizione in a. p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 Filiale di Milano The reproduction of the articles and/or pictures published by this magazine is reserved (the manuscripts and/or photos sent to the Publisher will not be returned). The Editor declines all responsibilities for any mistake of photocomposition contained in the published papers of any magazine by EDITRICE ZEUS.

Preserving Industry 112-122

News 123-128

Exhibitions 129-132



. WP BAKERYGROUP 36-38 iba 2012 “Discover the WP Treasures“

editorial management and registered office: Via Ballerini, 66 20831 SEREGNO (MB) Tel. +39 0362 244182 +39 0362 244186 web site: e-mail: portal: e-mail: skypeTM: editricezeus

SITEP 6-7 Save time = Save money!

Visit: EUROSICMA 70-73 The world of bakery at Eurosicma

the only one in ten languages. Technology for food&beverage industry Check our brand new website

GSP 90 GSP packaging equipment: focus on GSP 45 EVO

editrice zeus. com

FRACCHIOLLA 122 Passion, internationalism, research and substance

We’ll exhibit at...


OLI 126-128 New range of vibratory motors for food processing

He who seeks for a pasta machine,

finds +600.000 visits a year 177 countries visiting 3428 companies +4000 keywords in the first Google pages

The most visited website of the sector in the world Do you want to be found? Magazines and more

pubblicitaria itfoodonline pasta machine.indd 1

08/06/12 10.28

FOCUS ON: Bakery, Confectionery technologies

IBA CO SPECIALE FP 4-12.indd 1

01/06/12 13.58




itep has always worked in research for technological innovation, directing their efforts at new products that can optimize the hard work of bak-

ers and confectioners. The counting of the water to use for the dough is a very useful application to save several hours of work. The operator who provides for the refilling of the water usually spends about 5/7 minutes for each dough;using an electronic water-meter the time will be saved. If the Sitep water-meter is a modern unit as the GT30MIX, the operator can add to the savings in time the using of comfortable applications in order to facilitate his ordinary work like:

quantity of water, the percentage of water for the

1)Â counting of the right temperature;

first dispensing, the time between the first dispensing

2) make statistics counting all the water used;

and the subsequent and choose how many steps the

3) automatic re-calculation of the ingredients which

operator wants to dispense the remaining 30% enter-

makes a recipe.

ing the time of the pause between one and the other.

Explanations of points 1 and 3:

Save time = save money!

1) this is possible thanks to a formula the plc performes; if the operator wants that the dough is at

New water cooler: to optimize


specific temperature,entering the temperature envi-

and confectionery processing

ronment and the temperature flour, it calculates how

So, in addition to the above mentioned GT30MIX,

temperature shall be the water.

the last six months Sitep has created a new water

3) this point is better explained with an example:

cooler that revolutionizes the system used up to now!

some dough need more than 75% of water, but it

The system, patented by Sitep, consists of a hermetic

has not put in the mixer all at once. This water has

tank pressurized anti-bacteria, supplied by electronic

to be subdivided: first the 70% and mixed for about

water-meter with PLC control and touch screen dis-

10/15 minutes in order to amalgamate it with the


flour. The remaining 30% it has to be put little by little; only in this way the flour is able to merge the

As this unit is required for food use, it has not to have

water. The plc of our water-meter allows to set the

any deposit of stagnant water in containers, because SITEP FP 4-12.indd 1

28/06/12 14.06


the stagnant water contained in not sealed contain-

Our patented system is different becuase allows the

ers creates a bacterial proliferation which makes the

dispensing of all the water in the container comes

water unusable all the time.

out in pression from the water network, so without

Some builders have walked the path of cooling water, making water run to be refrigerated in a im-

bacterial flora formation. All the water dispensed comes out at the tempera-

mersed serpentine inside a tank of

ture set thanks to a special sys-

cold water, which allows the cool-

tem that prevents the mixing of

ing of water contained into the ser-

the incoming warm water

pentine. At this point, the benefit

with the outgoing cold one.

is not to create of bacterial flora

It’s possible to set the tem-

but the disadvantages are several:

perature at the minimum tem-

Not all the water comes out at

perature of 2 degree without

the set temperature, but only the

any freezing chance.

water contained in the serpentine.

Only 15 minutes cooling

The waterminimum temperature

time from a dispensing and

that can be set is +5 degree and

the next one.

not less, because otherwise the same water will freeze inside the tube. The time of cooling, between a dispensing of water and the other, is at least a 45 minutes

Magazines focusing on food&beverage technologies SITEP FP 4-12.indd 3

07/09/12 17.10

SPECIAL LEADER IN QUALITY FLOW PACKAGING FOR BAKERY... NOW AND FOR THE FUTURE. 7000 Flowpack Machines 900 Automatic Feeders Made in Italy Since 1965


FÜHREND BEI QUALITÄTSSCHLAUCHBEUTELMASCHINEN FÜR BACKWAREN… JETZT UND IN DER ZUKUNFT. 7000 Verpackungsmaschinen 900 automatische Zuführsysteme Hergestellt in Italien seit 1965

pack, with plastic film, of foods products and particu-


larly of bakery. The presence in the main world markets

sonders für Backwaren, geworden.

has brought the Italian company to export 97% of its

Die Präsenz im weltweiten Markt führte dazu, dass die

production, with 7000 flowpack machines and 900

italienische Firma 97 % ihrer Produktion exportiert hat.

automatic feeding systems sold, thanks also to the an-

Verkauft wurden 7000 Verpackungsmaschinen und 900

nual presence in over 20 field exhibitions.

automatische Zuführsysteme, auch dank der jährlichen

The plant is situated in the north of Milan, near the

Ausstellungen auf über 20 Messen. Der Betrieb befindet

Como Lake, in one of the European most industrialized

sich im Norden von Mailand, in der Nähe des Comer

areas, and this has allowed Record to develop a part-

Sees, an einem von Europas größten Industriestandorten.

nership with different suppliers specialized in machine

Dieser Standort ermöglicht es Record, Partnerschaften

components, gaining a Made in Italy “High Quality”.

mit verschiedenen Herstellern von Maschinenkompo-

After the loss of the founder, at the beginning of this

nenten einzugehen. Das gemeinsame Ziel ist beste

year, the company has completed its change of gen-

Qualität „Made in Italy“. Nach dem Tod des Gründers

eration, which was already in program, by the nomina-

Anfang des Jahres, hat die Firma den Generationswech-

tion of the daughter, Mrs. Monica Fioravanti, as Sole

sel, welcher bereits in Gang war, komplettiert. Mit der

Director, helped by a management who has great ex-

Nominierung der Gründertochter Monika Fioravanti zum

perience in this field, setting a new organization that

Alleinvorstand, unterstützt durch ein Management mit re-

will guarantee a prosperous future. The aim of the next

icher Erfahrung, wurde eine neue Organisation geschaf-

years is ambitious with a prevision of constant growth,

fen, welche eine erfolgreiche Zukunft garantiert.

thanks to new products and to new markets on which

Das Ziel der nächsten Jahre ist hochgesteckt, mit der

ecord S.p.A., founded in 1965 by Mr Giuseppe Fioravanti, in its 47 years of activity has become an international reference for the packing in flow

cord S.p.A., gegründet 1965 von Herrn Giuseppe Fioravanti, ist in den 47 Jahren seines Bestehens eine internationale Referenz für Folien-Verpackungen

mit Schlauchbeutelanlagen im Bereich Lebensmittel, be- RECORD FP 4-12ok.indd 1

03/08/12 16.57


Vorhersage von stetigem Wachstum aufgrund von neuen Produkten und neuen Märkten, an welchen die Firma mit the company is working with care.

großer Sorgfalt arbeitet.

Thanks to the constant research, that allows a continu-

Dank ständiger Recherchen, welche eine kontinuierli-

ous technological evolution, and to the high coopera-

che, technologische Entwicklung ermöglichen, und dank

tion with its own clients, Record develops each year

bester Zusammenarbeit mit den eigenen Kunden, erarbe-

new ideas and solutions.

itet Record jedes Jahr neue Ideen und Lösungen.

In the last decade the company had affirmed itself as

Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sich das Unternehmen als Herstel-

producer of completely automatic packaging systems

ler von vollautomatischen Verpackungssystemen, welche

that take products directly from the production plant

die Produkte direkt nach der Herstellung gruppiert und

and deliver them grouped and packed. An example

verpackt liefern, bestätigt. Ein Beispiel einer neuen An-

of a new application is the line to pack irregular and

wendung ist eine Linie, die ungleichmäßiges und zerbre-

fragile biscuits (cookies) that are taken at the exit of the

chliches Gebäck (Cookies), welches direkt dem Ofen

oven, sorted at high speed on a belt system and on an

entnommen wird, bei hoher Geschwindigkeit auf einem

automatic stacking system without accumulation. The

Bandsystem sortiert und automatisch ohne Anstauungen

system allows the packing of one to 4 products of vari-

stapelt. Das System ermöglicht die Verpackung von

ous dimensions, piles them in 2 layers, with a delicate

einem bis vier Produkten verschiedener Größe, gestapelt

manipulation that avoids the breaking of biscuits which

in zwei Lagen. Filigrane Führungen verhindern das Zer-

would have occurred with a traditional system with ac-

brechen des Gebäcks, was bei anderen Systemen mit

cumulating feeders.

Stapel-Zuführung eventuell passieren könnte. Anlässlich

On occasion of the IBA exhibition the company will pre-

der IBA wird das Unternehmen interessante Verpackung-

sent interesting “packing solutions” in the bakery field

slösungen für Bäckereien präsentieren, beginnend beim

going from the new entry level machine to the complete

Einstiegsmodell bis hin zu kompletten Verpackungssyste-

packaging system in modified atmosphere.

men. RECORD FP 4-12ok.indd 3

03/08/12 16.57




asted is a world-class supplier of bakery and confec-

get an idea of the handling of their specific masses using

tionery extruders, depositors and ovens, chocolate

Aasted equipment, as well as to be inspired by new and

enrobing and cooling equipment as well as choco-

innovative thinking within product development.

late tempering and moulding equipment. In recent years the product portfolio of Aasted has been enlarged, and Aasted is able to tailor-make turnkey solutions for production lines within the bakery, confectionery and chocolate industries. We consider it a major benefit for the customer and the supplier having a scope of delivery as one complete turnkey solution – being expedient before, during and after installation and start-up of an extensive produc-

On display at our booth A6-450 at IBA:

tion line.


Our wide product program includes:


Extruders and depositors for bakery and confectionery

Alice 1000 Compact and Alice 400 double head

Chocolate tempering equipment


Cooling tunnels and conveyor belts

Conny Convection Oven Sections width 3100 mm

Chocolate depositors and enrobers


Chocolate moulding lines

Nielsen Master 1050

Industrial ovens

Nielsen Junior 620

Enrobing lines


In Aasted technology center we have extensive options of

Nielsen Cooling tunnels, Standard and Sanitary Design

combining various processes within bakery, confectionery


and chocolate equipment enabling us together with our

SuperNova Energy tempering machine, type 1000.

customers to find the perfect solution for their individual products. Our competent R&D team has many years of experience within the bakery and chocolate industries. Many customers find it reassuring to visit our technology center before production start-up to AASTED FP 4-12.indd 1

11/07/12 16.23



Pagina 1

Š 2010 Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO


Pagina 05 inglese 21x29,7

SINCE 1921... AND WE STILL LOVE IT For more than eighty years, we at Costacurta have been constantly and resolutely committed to the development and manufacture of special steel wire and plate components used in many different industrial processes. Every day at Costacurta, we work to improve the quality of our products and services and the safety of all our collaborators, paying ever-greater attention to the protection of the environment. Within the wide range of Costacurta products you will





also find METAL WIRE AND FLAT WIRE CONVEYOR BELTS, some of which are used specifically in the food industry in spiral cooling, freezing and proofing towers, in tunnels in continuous pasteurisation lines, in bread, pizza and biscuit ovens, in continuous pasteurisers and driers used for fresh pasta production. For more information visit our website or contact the division 'B' conveyor belts at

Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO via Grazioli, 30 20161 Milano, Italy tel. +39 fax: +39

Management systems certified by LRQA: ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS 18001:2007




t Sandorè they are proud to bring us through an

wished,with multiple accessories:

overview of their machines and show us their new

decorations of product’s surface. The designing mould

products. “Discover why every year a greater

can be heated by an electrical resistance with tempera-

amount of factories choose us for machines that product filled gnocchi, fresh pasta either short and long, and encrusted filled product of every kind”, they said us.

ture regulator. product shaping with a cutting device of the “guillotine” type for cookie bar shapes, equipped with a pressing roll and flat or inclined rifling, cutting of extremities

Sandorè, the company The factory was born in 1961 in Zanè, in the upper part of Vicenza, an industrial area particularly rich and

with open or closed edges. touch screen regulations Controls of the MC60 machine are:

advanced of North-East Italy.

number of products per row

Nowadays they are one of the most innovative Italian

number of rows per baking tin

constructors of pasta machines. The core-business of the

distance between singular units of product

company consist in the production of all kinds of pasta

product’s length that has to be cut with the “guillotine”

machines, static drier and filled gnocchi machines.

mould’s temperature

Diamond point of the activity remains however the filled

selection and “save with name of product” of 20 dif-

gnocchi machines “New Fantasy” which is the result of

ferent recipes (each one with 8 functioning parameters)

years of study and work of the family founder, Mister Carlo Marini, who has dedicated a large part of his life, with the support of his sons, designing all the machines which are still entirely produced within the factory. Focus on MC60 The automatic MC60 cutting equipment allows the automatic product discharge on baking tin (dim. 60 x 40 or 60 x 80 cm) with a retractable belt device, pressing and decoration of the product. The MC60 group can be equipped, depending on the type of final product

SANDORè FP 4-12.indd 1

30/08/12 09.54


focus on new magic confectionery

with different consistencies: creamy ones, soft, strong

Equipped with automatic cutting group, it is particular-

and with sliced pieces in them.

lyusable for production of filled shortbread biscuits with

Multiline is entirely made of stainless steel AISI 304 “best

spherical shape (“grisbì type) with automatic diaphragm

quality” certificated.

cutting-closing device.

Every single part directly in contact with the product can

The discharge on baking tin (dim. 60x40 cm.) takes

be dismounted and washed with water.

place automatically.

Touch screen regulations.

The space variations between singular units and rows

Controls of the Multiline

of product are controlled and regulated via the main

co-extruder are:

control panel unit of the machine.

quantity of dough

The accessory devices of the New Magic machine are:

quantity of filling

third filling co-extrusion’s head,

cutting length

co-extrusion’s head for bicolour filled products.

discharging belt speed selection and “save with name of product” of 20 different recipes (each one with 4 functioning parameters) direct alimentation with tunnelled ovens automatic discharge of the product on the baking tin with combination of the baking tin device Accessory devices: cutting group of the “guillotine” type with open or close extremities cutting decorations/pressing group for the surface of the product with flat, rifled, inclined rifling roll moulding group of product’s surface. The designing

Focus on multiline A six rows co-extruder designed for automatic realization of co-extruded filled products of various nature with different ingredients for both external dough and filling. The uniques lobed pumps allow the injection of filling

SANDORè FP 4-12.indd 3

30/08/12 09.54


mould can be heated with an electrical resistance with temperature regulator

main body structure entirely made of stainless steel

cutting device for baking tins of 60cm

and mounted on moving wheels

three holes cutting and shaping group (for bigger products maximum exiting diameter 50mm)

dough and filling tanks made of stainless steel, easy to disassemble for cleaning dough’s extrusion group of the double screw type

Technical specifications: six resin screws dough’s extruding group with bridgebreaker

made of resin with bridge-breaker made with stainless steel controlled via speed regulator

six resin screws filling extruding group with bridgesix holes diaphragm cutting group

exiting product conveyor belt with speed regulator

adjustable exiting conveyor belt (dim. 600mm) maximum exiting diameter 32mm production

cutting group timed for product length regulation diaphragm closure of the product

breaker and three lobed pumps


Technical specifications:


(optional) product discharge either manual or automatic based


(500/600kg/hr) electro-pneumatic starting motor 220/400V.50/60Hz. -6 BAR maximum dough/filling tanks capacity 30kg

on given devices maximum production 7200 pieces/hour (100kg/hr) maximum dough/filling tank capacity 8kg electro-pneumatic starting motor 220/400V.50/60Hz. -6 BAR electrical absorption 1,5kW

Focus on New Magic Co-Extruder New Magic is the co-extruder per excellence, result of decades of experience in designing and constructing extruders by Sandorè - Italy. It realises and makes co-extruded filled-products of various nature with different ingredients for both external dough and filling. The system based on the principle of the endlessscrew allows the extrusion of various doughs, while the filling’s extrusion takes place thanks to a unique pump system which in its turn permits the extrusion of fillings with different consistencies: creamy ones, soft, strong and with little sliced pieces in them. Entirely made with stainless steel AISI 304 “best quality” certificated, New Magic is strong and reliable, easy to use and clean. Thanks to the accessory components, it is able to make products with various shapes, cuts, pressings and decorations.

SANDORè FP 4-12.indd 5

30/08/12 09.54

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Pagina 1









certificated materials and technologically advanced


machinery allows the company to propose a wide

nenanlagen ermöglicht der Firma, eine breite Auswahl

range of products in order to satisfy any particular or

an Produkten anzubieten die im Grade sind, jeglichen

specific request of its customers. Beside the classic pro-

Anforderungen der Kundschaft entgegenzukommen. Aus-

ducts (pan for croissant, plum-cake, single snacks, set

ser den klassischen (sie Bleche für Croissants, Pflaumenku-

for sliced bread moulds, etc…), Errepan now proposes

chen, Jausen, Formen für Toastbrot, usw), bringt Ihnen Er-

significant newness:

repan einige bemerkenswerte Neuigkeiten:

ounded in 1987, Errepan works in the area of equipment for confectionery and bread-making’s industry with passion and competence. The use of

the new pans with “little bear” moulds for dropped product, the set of minitoasts and minirusks moulds (mould section 40x40mm),

987 gegründet,

handelt Errepan im Bereich der

Süssigkeiten-und Brotindustriegeräte mit Leidenschaft und Kompetenz. Die Anwendung von garantierten

Materialen und technologisch fortgeschrittenen Maschi-

Die neuen Bleche mit Bärenform für geschmolzenes, Die Serie mit Formen für Minitoast und Minikeksscheiben (in den Grössen 40x40mm) Die Bleche für rechteckige und quadratische Pflau-

the pans for rectangular and square plum-cake with

menkuchen mit kleinen Papierformen, angepasst Protot-

paper, suitable for prototypes and available in any si-

ypen und bezüglichin jeder Papiergrösse (nicht unbe-

zes of paper (it is not necessary pressed die),

dingt gedruckt-gestempelt),

the possibility to manufacture products with specific

Die Möglichkeit, auf Nachfrage Produkte mit Sonder-

trade-marks on request.

marken herzustellen.

The process of production of Errepan s.r.l.

Der Herstellungsprozess der Errepan s.r.l. besitzt die

is certificated by UNI EN ISO 9001:2008

Beurkundung UNI EN ISO 9001:2008

High Quality System .

High Quality System.



Set for sliced bread

Formreihe für Toastbrot


Technische Eigenschaften:

Technical features: Outer frame

Trageblech mit abgerunde-

with rounded corners without welding, made off

ten Ecken und ohne Schweissnaht,

metal sheet or tubular. Moulds formed, possibly with

in Blech oder Rohrenförmig.

holes on the bottom or/and on the frame for uniform

Einige Löcher auf dem Grund und/oder auf dem Blech

heat distribution.

für eine einheitliche Hitzeverteilung.


follows to page 18




Pagina 1



Mould for hamburgers


Technical features: Outer frame with rounded corners

Technische Eigenschaften: Trageblech mit abgerundeten

without welding made in metal sheet with anticut rims

Ecken und ohne Schweissnaht, in Blech mit eingefalle-

or drawn flat. Moulded strip forms in aluminium sheet

nem Rand gegen Schnitte oder mitnahtloser Fläche. Ge-

or stainless steel.

streifte Formen in Alu-Blech oder rostfreiem Stahl.

Pan for pizza and focaccia (flat bread)

Pizzen-und Focacciableche

Technical features: outer frame with rounded conrners

Technische Eigenschaften: Trageblech mit abgerundeten

withou twelding, made in sheet with anticuts flap, in

Eckenund ohne Schweissnaht, in Blech mit eingefalle-

drawn plate or tubular. Moulds formed in strips made

nen Rand gegen Schnitte, mit nahtloser Fläche oder roh-

off alusteel or stainless steel. Size of single moulds from

renförmig. Gestreifte Formen in Alu-Blech oder rostfre-

140mm until 500mm; size of mouldson strips from

iem Stahl. Grösse dereinzelnen Form von 140mm bis

65mm until 200mm.

500mm; Grösse der gestreiften Formen von 65mm bis

follows from page 16


Croissant baking pan


Technical features: Outer frame with rounded corners

Technische Eigenschaften: Trageblech mit abgerundeten

without welding made in metal sheet with anticut rims,

Ecken und ohne Schweissnaht, in Blech mit eingefalle-

in plate or tubular. Moulds formed in strips or in single

nen Rand gegen Schnitte, flach oder rohrenförmig. Ge-

plate, made off alusteel or stainless steel. Available on

streifte Formen oder einzeln in rostfreiem Stahl oder Alu-

automatic line.

Blech. Für automatische Fertigungsstrassen erhältlich.

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Pagina 1


Via Repubblica 8/A - 22075 Lurate Caccivio (CO) ITALIA Tel. +39 031 490.457 - Fax: +39 031 390.231 390.110




ay after day, bread, bread rolls, pastries and


many other baking goods are made from high

Very useful in bakery shops. Practi-

quality raw materials.

cal spray which is always ready to

After baking, in order to remove these bakery goods

use in no time. Contains 600 ml.

from their pans, sheets, production molds or conveyor belts, and to enable further processing, a separating

SG Oel Spray

agent is needed. The very first releasing agent had

Cutting oil spray. Optimal solution for

been invented by Horst Groneweg over 50 years ago.

bread slicers, dough funnels, bread

Over the years, due to diverse eating cultures and lo-

cutting machines and cutting rolls. Contains 600 ml

cal varieties of baked goods, a multitude of separating

agents, cutting and lubricating oils have been devel-

Releasing agents for any requirements

oped, fulfilling all technical requirements.

Releasing agents for any requirements and any cus-

In addition to classic separating agents, the company

tomer’s demands. DÜBÖR releasing agents are made

has further developed and expanded their applications

from pure natural raw materials. Our products are ad-

in the area of spraying technologies.With this range of

hering inside the loaf pans and are generating a thin

products, DÜBÖR has grown from a small family enter-

adhesion preventing film.

prise to become a globally respected manufacturer and

Furthermore our products are releasing without any

supplier of high-quality products for the world’s baking

debris. DÜBÖR products are odourless and neutral in

industry. Adequate spraying units for bakeries and confectioneries Releasing agent sprays: For use in bakeries and industrial bakeries DÜBÖR.indd 1

20/07/12 10.52


taste. Our releasing agents are being produced since

TSA 280

1961. The label TRENNAKTIV is reputed very well for

Perfect for small bakeries, confec-

innovation in bakery technology. DÜBÖR releasing

tioneries and bakery shops. For

agents: • Made from pure vegetable oils and waxes

spraying of releasing agents from

• GMO free • non-resinous

low viscosity to high viscosity on baking moulds, trays in baking

Construction of spraying machines

racks containing 15 – 20 trays. Ready to use, no com-

We develop, construct and produce spraying ma-

pressor needed, airless-spraying, for 3 and 15 litre

chines for bakeries and computer controlled ma-

cans, for a demand of 2 – 4 weeks.

chines for fully-automated industrial bakeries. Every spraying machine is adjusted for the customer’s pro-

TSA 200 on a trolley

cess of baking so there is a release without any de-

with 20 litre container

bris and very little releasing agent’s fog. If there is

Is beeing refilled with 15 litre cans. Very

any cover needed it can be cut and welded from a

mobile, no hose needed, the pression in the

stainless sheet metal plate.

supply tank has to be refilled very seldom.

We produce and construct on our custom-


er’s demands

Portable spraying unit with 5 litre

Our employees develop, construct and produce on

high-quality steel tank. Thanks to

individual demands according to an optimal process

its compact dimension it is always

of our customers. We aim to integrate individually the

ready to use and very easy to clean.

spraying machine into the customer’s process. TSA 10 DÜBÖR’s know-how

Portable spraying unit with a 10 litre

Since we are always in contact with our custom-

high-quality steel tank. Thanks to its

ers and because of our know-how we are able to

compact dimension it is always ready

develop innovative products and modern technolo-

to use at any place. All control systems

gies. Due to our experience referring to the devel-

and the pressure container are fitted into a stainless cas-

opment of releasing agents we are able to deliver

ing to ensure safe function.

for every customer the matching product. Because we are always in contact with our cus-

TSA 800 - Built-on nozzle

tomers, our laboratory is able to develop releasing

holder with separate control

agents which are referring to the individual cus-

system unit

tomer needs. Thanks to our own production and

Can be installed on a already exist-

suitable spraying machines we are an international

ing conveyor belt. Every nozzle hold-

leading producer of releasing agents and spraying

er may be refitted with an outer cas-

machines for decades.

ing and centrifuge for aspirating. DÜBÖR.indd 3

20/07/12 10.52




S. snc has been operating in the market since 1980, keeping the structure of the company unchanged over the years. Over the years, the

company has evolved and developed considerably, manufacturing and offering the most varied types of food packaging machines on the market. Among these are the new complete rotary, linear, automatic and semi-automatic lines for the filling for different sized and material lasagna trays, with a minimum productivity of 10 units/min and a maximum of 50 units/min.



ie 1980 gegründete Firma B.S. snc ist ihrem Betriebsaufbau seither treu geblieben. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich die Firma jedoch beachtlich

verändert und weiterentwickelt und ist Anbieter von Lebensmittelverpackungsmaschinen


The main feature of our highest performance line is the Art, darunter auch drehende, lineare, voll- und halbfact that it can run fully automatically by robot.

automatischen Anlagen zur Füllung von Lasagne in

All line types can be composed of multiple machines in Schalen unterschiedlicher Formate mit Produktionsleisorder to fully satisfy customer requirements.

tungen von mindestens 10 St./Min. bis maximal 50

Format changes are managed directly by a single op- St./Min. erator panel, considerably facilitate and significantly Das Hauptmerkmal der leistungsstärksten Linie ist ihre reduce downtime for production changeovers.

Möglichkeit zur vollautomatischen Robotersteuerung. Alle Linien können je nach kundenspezifischen Wün-

Parallel to this, if necessary, the conveyor belt is posi- schen aus mehreren Maschinen zusammengesetzt tioned for the feeding of pasta to be inserted into the werden. trays. This conveyor has a rapidly removable belt, even Die direkt über ein einziges Bedienfeld gesteuerten Formatwechsel gestalten den Produktionsvorgang deutlich einfacher und reduzieren die zum Produktionswechsel erforderlichen Ausfallzeiten der Maschinen. Gegebenenfalls wird die Fördereinrichtung der Teigwaren, die in die Schalen kommen, parallel dazu positioniert. Das Förderband lässt sich selbst bei über 10m Länge schnell abmontieren. Direkt am Fördergestell sind ein oder mehrere, programmierbare Dosierer für Béchamel- oder Fleischsauce angebracht, die


follows to page 24



follows from page 22

though it exceeds 10 metres in length. One or more stets für eine gleichmäßige Verteilung des Produkts programmable white sauce or meat sauce dispens- und ein konstantes Gewicht in der Schale sorgen. ers are positioned directly on the belt structure. These Anschließend sorgt eine Spezialvorrichtung für die help to always arrange the product evenly and with a durchgehende Reinigung der oberen Schalenränder consistent weight inside trays. A special device, whose mit aufsaugendem Material, das über eine Spule aufunction is the continuous cleaning of the upper flap of tomatisch ab- und aufgewickelt wird, wodurch die trays, is arranged at the end of these structures.

Schalen besser und effizienter versiegelt werden können. Zu den besonderen Vorteilen der Anlage zäh-

This cleans with absorbent material and with the au- len sicherlich die Dosierer DM100 für Mayonnaise, tomatic unwind and rewind of the reel, thus ensuring Saucen und warme Produkte (wie Hackfleisch- und improved, more effective sealing. One of the certainly Béchamelsauce…) und DB100 für Butter und Ähnremarkable advantages that this line has to offer is that liches, die mit innovativen und gezielten Methoden the DM100 dispensers for mayonnaise, sauces and von B.S. konzipiert, gefertigt und angeboten werden, hot products (meat sauce, white sauce) and DB100 for da sie eigenständig funktionieren und auch anderen butter or similar, designed and manufactured using the Maschinen, beispielsweise zum Belegen von Sandmost innovative and targeted methodologies that B.S. wiches, Panini, usw. angepasst werden können. has to offer, are independent and can be adapted to other machines for the filling of sandwiches, rolls or other similar products.

Diese Dosierer können direkt am linearen Produktionsband von BS verankert oder auf



These dispensers can be



Ein weiterer Vorteil liegt darin,





the BS production lin-

dass die Dosierungsmerkmale di-

ear belt, or else assem-

rekt über ein Bedienfeld eingestellt

bled on special mobile stands.

werden können. Dank der Speicherfunktion für Rezepte lassen sich diese auch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt problemlos abrufen.

Another important privilege is the possibility of adjusting dosage characteristics using

Beim Dosierer DB100 wird das Produkt durch eine entsprechende Wärmevorrichtung und Rüttler stets in

a panel with a recipe storage function, allowing them flüssigem Zustand gehalten. Er besteht aus einer Dopto be recalled for future use. The product is always kept pelkammer mit Möglichkeit, Wasser strömen zu lasfluid in DB100 dispenser through the use of special sen, und einem Trichter mit Rüttler, in dem das Produkt heaters and agitators, thereby presenting a dual cham- durchgemischt wird. ber where water can be circulated and an agitator in the hopper can mix the product.

Als Bereicherung unseres Maschinenangebots und um den Kundenanforderungen umfassender und gezielter

To increase the diversification of the types of our ma- entsprechen zu können, hat unsere Firma den neuen


chines and thus offer customers a wider and more Vakuum-Volumendosierer DVS50 zur Dosierung von detailed product range, our company has developed Fertiggerichten (Gemüse, Reissalat, Nudelsalat, Paelthe new DVS50 Volumetric vacuum dispenser for dos- la, usw.) entwickelt. ing ready to eat dishes (vegetables, rice salad, pasta salad, paella, etc.).

Als besonderes Merkmal erfolgt die Beschickung dieses Dosierers wahlweise manuell oder automatisch:

The dispenser offers a special feature, in that it can




be fed manually or automatically: the manual type

versorgt ein Bediener die Ma-

feed is powered by an operator through a

schine über einen Trichter mit

hopper to the tray located at the

Platte, die über dem Dosierer

top of the dispenser, while

angebracht ist; Bei der auto-

the automatic model in-

matischen Ausführung gewähr-

cludes a hopper with a 100

leistet ein Trichter mit 100l

litre capacity in order to en-

Fassungsvermögen einen ei-

sure operating autonomy.


The product arrives in the loading

Produkt wird über ein Förder-

hopper by means of the elevator

band oder eine Förderschne-

belt or auger, both run by inde-

cke mit jeweils eigenem Mo-

pendent motors.

torantrieb in den Ladetrichter



befördert. The maximum potentiality of the machine is apDie Maximale Produktionsleis-

proximately 45 pieces per minute, with the possibility

of obtaining any type of weight or format, in order to tung der Maschine beträgt ca. 45 Stück pro Minute, better distribute the product inside the tray or container Grammgewicht und Format können beliebig eingeto be filled. If desired, a dual-head machine can also stellt werden. So erhält man in der Schale oder in be created in order to alternately dose the two trays dem Behälter, der gefüllt werden soll, ein möglichst side by side.

gleichmäßig verteiltes Produkt. Des Weiteren besteht auch die Möglichkeit zur Fer-

The DVS50 is small in size, allowing for easy handling tigung einer Doppelkopfmaschine, mit der abwechand permitting use of the machine on different lines, or selnd zwei nebeneinander liegende Schalen gefüllt else synchronising it with a sealing machine.

werden können.

The B.S. company always takes hygiene into consideration and, for this reason, all machines it offers on Die DVS50 ist besonders kompakt und ermöglicht sothe market also feature an innovative cleaning system mit ein problemloses Handling. which is so rapid, efficient and so comprehensive that Sie kann an unterschiedlichen Anlagen eingesetzt all components in contact with product can be removed oder mit einer Schließmaschine synchrongesteuert without the aid of wrenches.





achines for cappelletti, ravioli, gnocchi, gargan-

building the machines and our innovative technology.

elli, orecchiette. But also boilers, dryers, pasteur-

The range includes more than 100 different types of

izers and presses: the techniques for the transfor-

machine, with productions that range from 20 kg/h to

mation of pasta hold no secrets for Dominioni

1,000-2,000 kg/h in the larger systems. The machines

Dominioni Punto&Pasta has been active on the interna-

can also produce a wide range of pasta shapes, includ-

tional market for forty years now, and is specialised in

ing special pastas that are typical of regional produc-

the construction and installation of machinery and

tion. Currently the company exports their tech-

systems for fresh or dry pasta, in particular for the

nology all over the world to all sectors of food

following types of products: filled pasta such as

production but in

tortellini, cappelletti, ravioli, fagottini or saccottini;

particular in the

gnocchi, sheet pasta such as tagliatelle, long and

following catego-

short pasta (both fresh and to be dried), cannel-

ries: food indus-

loni, lasagne and pre-cooked pasta. The Head Of-



fice is located in Lurate Caccivio (Co), with a subsidiary

and small pasta makers, restaurants, bakeries, delicates-

in Senigallia (An) and operative centres worldwide.

sens, canteens, supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The brand is already well-known in Europe, Canada, Argentina, the United States, Brazil, Australia and Russia

Lines for cannelloni and lasagne

both for the quality of the machinery as well as for the

As well as a wide standard range of products, the com-

technical assistance we supply. “Our main goal is to pro-

pany can also produce made-to-measure industrial sys-

vide our clients with a global consultancy service”, says

tems built according to client specifications.

the owner Pietro Dominioni, “accompanying them step

The lines are created to satisfy the needs of all our cli-

after step in the various phases of the project, beginning

ents and even the smallest pasta shop, and include all

with the elaboration of the initial idea until the final sup-

the phases of mixture, cooking

ply of the systems”. One of the fundamental


istics of the

and packaging. They



lines, that can be







of lasagne and


sented by the quality materials used when


cannelloni as well as for cooking short and filled pasta. DOMINIONI FP 4-12.indd 1

28/06/12 14.11




aschinen für Cappelletti,

der beim Bau der Maschinen be-

Ravioli, Gnocchi, Gargan-

nutzten Materialien in Kombina-

elli, Orecchiette, aber auch

tion mit innovativer Technologie.

Kessel, Trockengestelle, Pasteu-

Die Palette umfasst mehr als 100

risierer und Pressen: Die Nudel-


bearbeitung hat für Dominioni

mit Produktionsmengen, die von

keine Geheimnisse

den 20 kg/h bis zu den 1000-

Seit 40 Jahren auf dem interna-

2000 kg/h der größeren Anla-

tionalen Markt präsent, ist die

gen reichen. Sehr breit gefächert

Firma Dominioni Punto&Pasta auf

ist auch die Art der erzeugten

die Konstruktion und die Installa-

Nudelformate die auch die spe-

tion von Maschinen und Anlagen

ziellen typischen Nudelsorten der

für frische oder trockene Nudeln

regionalen Produktion einschließt.

spezialisiert, vor allem für die fol-


Derzeit exportiert die Firma ihre Tech-

genden Produktkategorien: gefüllte Nudeln wie Tor-

nologie weltweit in jeden beliebigen Sektor der Leb-

tellini, Cappelletti, Ravioli, Fagottini oder Saccottini;

ensmittelproduktion, vor allem aber in den folgenden

Gnocchi, gezogene Nudeln wie Bandnudeln, lange

Kategorien: Lebensmittelindustrie, handwerkliche Ferti-

Nudeln, frisch und zum Trocknen, Cannelloni, Lasa-

gungsstätten und Geschäfte, Restaurants, Bäckereien,

gne und vorgekochte Nudelgerichte. Der Hauptfir-

Großküchen, Kantinen, Super- und Hypermärkte.

mensitz ist in Lurate Caccivio (Co) mit einer Filiale in Senigallia (An) und Zentren weltweit. Die Marke ist in

Linien für Cannelloni und Lasagne

den Ländern der EU, Kanada, Argentinien, den USA,

Außer einer breiten Standardpalette realisiert das

in Brasilien, Australien und Russland bekannt - nicht nur

Unternehmen auch Industrieanlagen nach Maß, die

für die Qualität der Maschinen, sondern auch aufgr-

gemäß den speziellen Anforderungen des Kunden

und des technischen Kundendiensts.

gebaut werden. Diese Linien entstehen, um die Bedür-

“Unser wichtigstes Ziel ist es, den Kunden einen um-

fnisse aller Kunden zu erfüllen, auch der kleinsten

fassenden Beratungsservice zu bieten”, so der Inhaber

Nudelfabriken, und umfassen alle Phasen der Teigbe-

Pietro Dominioni, “und sie dabei Schritt für Schritt in

reitung, des Garens und der Verpackung.

den verschiedenen Phasen des Projekts zu unterstüt-

Es handelt sich um Mehrzwecklinien, die sowohl für

zen, ausgehend von der Ausarbeitung der Anfang-

die Fertigung von Lasagne und Cannelloni als auch

sidee bis hin zur Endlieferung der Anlagen. Eines der

zum Kochen von kurzen Nudelsorten und gefüllten

wichtigsten Merkmale der Installation ist die Qualität

Teigwaren benutzt werden können. DOMINIONI FP 4-12.indd 1

03/09/12 15.54





maximum efficiency, reduced overall dimensions and low consumption

Maximale Leistung und minimaler Platzbedarf, perfektes Backergebnis und geringe Kosten

from all over the world in this important food sec-


tor. The new rotary oven Boss combines innovation

spekt für Traditionen bilden die Grundlage zu dem neuen

and researches with the yearly experience and tradi-

rotierenden Stikkenbackofen Boss. Ein Ofen, der keine

tion of the company thus making Boss the reference

Kompromisse eingeht, einzigartige Vorteile kombiniert und

model of its category.

so zum Vorbild seiner Klasse wird. Maximale Leistung und

Maximum efficiency, reduced overall dimensions and

minimaler Platzbedarf, perfektes Backergebnis und ger-

low consumption are the key features that allow the

inge Kosten: mit dem rotierenden Stikkenbackofen Boss

user to save energy and space, reduce the cost of

spart man nicht nur Energie, Platz und Wartungskosten,

maintenance and improve the result on the baked

man steigert auch die Qualität der eigenen Produkte.


Um ein gutes Backergebnis sicherstellen zu können, muss

A good ventilated baking for a rotary oven consists

der rotierende Stikkenbackofen nicht nur eine gleich-

in the correct distribution of the heat and in the ability

mäßige Hitzeverteilung garantieren, sondern das Produkt

to bake the product with a gentle and abundant flow

auch ausreichend mit einem sanften Luftstrom versorgen.

of air: this is the only way to equal the baking of a

Nur so können mit Umluft dieselben Ergebnisse wie mit

static oven.

Ober- und Unterhitze erzielt werden. Ebenso wichtig ist,

Another ultimate point is the ability of the oven to

dass der Ofen in kürzester Zeit große Mengen an Dampf

or more than 50 years Real Forni has been working in the development of ovens and equipment for the baking sector supporting the professionals

eit 50 Jahren steht Real Forni den Vertretern der Backkunst aus aller Welt mit der Entwicklung von Öfen und Geräten für diese wichtige Lebensmittelbranche zur

Seite. Innovation, Forschung, Erfahrung und höchster Re-


follows to page 30 REAL FORNI FP 4-12.indd 1

03/09/12 15.37

Zeus Advertising REAL FORNI pubblicitaria zeus adv.indd 1

01/08/12 14.43



produce a great quantity of

erzeugen kann und gleichzeitig

steam in a very short time

in der Lage ist, sich auf den

and to regenerate it for the

nächsten Backvorgang vorzu-

following baking. Thanks to

bereiten. Mit seinem Schwade-

the steamer positioned in the

napparat, der inmitten des

middle of the air flow, the

Luftstroms angeordnet ist, gar-

oven Boss guarantees quick-

antiert der Ofen Boss für kurze

ness and power to obtain

Backzeiten und hohe Leistung,

crumbly products with a crisp

die ihrerseits für innen weiches


und außen knuspriges Gebäck

In the planning stage we


have worked hard on the

Besonders intensiv wurde bei

consumption and the results

der Entwicklung auch am En-

are real, indeed the oven

ergieverbrauch gearbeitet, mit

Boss 60.80 heats up very

greifbaren Ergebnissen. Trotz

quickly and it needs only

raschem Temperaturanstieg be-



darf der Ofen Boss 60.80 ein-

This is possible thanks to a

er installierten Heizleistung von

follows from page 28


system of baking endowed with two powerful fans

nur 50.000 kcal/h. Möglich macht dies ein Backsystem,

and an heat exchanger with triple turn of fumes and

das mit zwei leistungsstarken Ventilatoren und einem Drei-

to a system of insulation consisting in three layers of

fach-Wärmetauscher ausgestattet ist. Für eine effiziente

rock wool compressed panels.

Isolierung sorgen komprimierte Steinwollplatten, die in drei

As for the consumption, this system is extremely virtu-

Schichten rund um das Backsystem angeordnet sind. Das

ous and with the addition of reduced overall dimen-

System erweist sich dabei nicht nur als besonders ener-

sions it is possible to position the oven side by side

gie- sondern auch als überaus platzsparend, da nur eine

on its three sides.

Front des Ofens frei bleiben muss. Im Vergleich zu allen an-

These features give you the possibility to save a huge

deren zurzeit auf dem Markt erhältlichen Öfen lassen sich

quantity of space inside your place in comparison to

in Backstube oder Geschäftslokal so Unmengen von Platz

any other oven in commerce.

einsparen. Erhältlich ist Boss als „kleiner“ 50.70, für Stik-

The range starts from the smallest 50.70 which is

kenwägen von 40x60, 40x80, 50x70 oder 18”x26” mit

able to contain a trolley of 40x60, 40x80, 50x70

16/18 Blechen. Dank seiner geringen Größe kann dieser

or 18”x26”of 16/18 trays, its reduced dimensions

Ofen vollmontiert transportiert und geliefert werden. Für

allow the transportation of the oven completely as-

60x80-Bleche gibt es dann den Boss 60.80 in klassischer

sembled. For trays 60x80 we can offer the classic

Ausführung für 18/20 Bleche oder in Niedrigausführung

Boss 60.80 with 18/20 trays or the “reduced” Boss

für 16/18 Bleche (Boss 60.80 R), ideal für Räume von

with 16/18 trays (Boss 60.80 R) which is perfect

geringer Höhe. Das Sortiment umfasst auch den 60.100

for places not so high. The range includes also the

für Stikkenwägen von 60x90, 60x100 und 80x80 sowie REAL FORNI FP 4-12.indd 3

03/09/12 15.37


60.100 model for trolleys 60x90, 60x100 and

den „großen“ Boss 80.100. Alle Modelle können mit Gas-

80x80 and the largest Boss 80.100.

brenner, Ölbrenner oder als Elektroofen betrieben werden.

All models are available with gas or gas-oil burner or

Die Öfen sind im unteren Bereich mit einer Rotationsplat-

electric power supply. The ovens are provided with

tform ausgestattet, die ein einfaches Einschieben des Stik-

a lower platform for the rotative trolley in order to

kenwagens ermöglicht. Außerdem verfügen sie über eine

have an easy entry of the trolley, a motorised flue

motorisierte Klappe zum Entschwaden der Backkammer

valve and stainless steel

und seitliche Abdeckungen

side panels.

aus Edelstahl. Auf Wunsch

You can choose, as an op-

kann der Rauchabzug an

tional feature, the fume ex-

der Hinterseite angeord-

haust from the rear wall of

net und der Ofen mit einer

the oven or an advanced


LCD display programmer.

mierbaren Steuerung auf

There is also the brand

LCD-Bildschirm ausgestattet

new innovative and spec-


tacular “Panorama” ver-


sion which has a glass

innovativ ist auch die neu-

on the back side that en-

este Version Panorama, die

able the direct view of the

über eine Glasrückwand

baking process inside the

den direkten Blick auf die

oven, which is realized

Backkammer freigibt. Die

with a double inside glass


with a very high insula-

garantiert dabei für höch-

tion and with an external

ste Isolierung, während die





curved and openable glass for maximum safety,

geschwungene Außenverglasung geöffnet werden kann

cleaning and beauty.

und für eine sichere Handhabung sowie ein sauberes

This oven is perfect to separate the laboratory from

und ansprechendes Erscheinungsbild sorgt. Als ideales

the sale zone and it can be a great attraction both

Trennelement zwischen Backstube und Verkaufsraum zieht

in shopping centers and in small bakeries because it

Panorama sowohl in Einkaufszentren als auch in kleinen

guarantees a privileged view on the baking process,

Bäckereien alle Blicke auf sich. Mit seiner Glasrückwand

keeping a clear division between laboratory and

bietet der Ofen einen einzigartigen Blick auf den Backvor-

commercial zone.

gang und sorgt gleichzeitig für eine klare Trennung zwis-

A LCD display inserted on the top, exposed to the

chen Backstube und Verkaufsbereich. Darüber hinaus ist

public, is also available. This LCD display shows

auch ein LCD-Bildschirm verfügbar, der über der Glasfront

the state and the type of product which is baking

angebracht werden kann und den Kunden zusammen mit

(Baguette - ready in 11 minutes) with photos in high

einem Foto in hoher Auflösung über Backzeit und Produkt


(Baguette - in 11 Minuten fertig) informiert. REAL FORNI FP 4-12.indd 5

03/09/12 15.37




achinery for artisan bakeries must be cha-

pan’s production characteristics. Corporate strategy

racterized by operational simplicity and ease

is aimed at the consolidation and at the strengthe-

of maintenance combined with reliability and

ning of its image both in Europe and in the other

quality. The equipment proposed by Italpan fully sa-


tisfies these characteristics, so much so that some of the models have become reference for the market in

Simple yet functional and reliable machines

which they operate.

The strong points of Italpan’s production are the flour

Established in 1988 in the town of Zanè (Vicenza),

sifters and the bread-stick machines.

Italpan operates in the artisan bakery machinery sec-

ge from counter models to automatic models capa-

tor specializing in flour sifters, moulding machines,

ble of producing 60-70 Kg of bread-sticks per hour.

bread-stick machines, “taralli” warmers, dough she-

In addition, these machines are also applied in the

eters. These units are characterized by their clean

production of “taralli”, a typical product of Southern

structure and ease of operation offering, nonetheless,

Italy, a sector firmly occupied by Italpan. For its en-

reliability and quality.

tire production the company pays great attention to

The company, whose machines are suitable for inclu-

all safety related aspects, in compliance to all norms

sion in already existing facilities, is targeted mainly

required for EC certification.

for a market that ranges from the small craftsman to

The machines are very functional and present no

the medium size industry. Within the natio-

complication from a maintenance or operational

nal level, the trademark is well-known not

point of view, being, therefore, very reliable; even

only because of its products’ reliability,

if possible repair events should become necessary

but particularly because of its marke-

the operations to be performed are extremely simple.

ting approach that aims, as its primary

In short, the machinery produced by

The latter ran-

objective, at the customer’s satisfac-

Italpan, combining aesthetic

tion. The national market is closely

and functional qualities, re-

followed by the two owners, Edoardo

presents a valid and effective

and Luca Rizzato, aided by the col-

work tool for the final user.

laboration of qualified agents with a

Some of the most significant

long-term experience in these specific

models are illustrated below.

product sectors.

The foreign market

develops either through telecommuni-

Flour sifter SF-100

cations or through foreign agents that

The SF-100 model flour sifter

seek customers most interested in Ital-

is mounted on wheels with lo- ITALPAN FP 4-12.indd 1

24/07/12 14.00




Pagina 1


cking devices and is equipped with a revolving exit

ving parts possess double screened bearings. The

system. In the basic model the flour exits 104 cm

unit is also provided with an entrance conveyor belt

above floor level, but the height can be modified on

for the automatic introduction of dough into the cylin-

request. It can be opened and inspected on both

ders and a simple device allows for the stopping of


the upper belt transforming the machine in a sheeter

Its sifting capacity is 100 Kg of flour in a 5 min pe-

for smaller dough quantities.

riod, eliminating all impurities and oxygenating the

With the ITP/500-600 sheeter moulder it is possi-

flour itself. This equipment is mainly requested abro-

ble to produce different formats ranging from 30 to

ad, specially in Eastern European countries, in Latina

750g and at the end of the processing cycle the

America and in Northern Africa.

finished product can return towards the operator. The machine also comes with regulation compliance

Sheeter moulder ITP/500-600

accident prevention devices and a 24V push-button

The ITP/500-600 sheeter moulder, available with


500 or 600 mm wide cylinders, has a painted steel


Furthermore, the electrical system is easily

Automatic bread-stick machine GR/25 e L The automatic bread-stick machine is manufactured in two models: GR/25 and L. The machine, whose trolley assembly system has been designed so as to have a minimum overall dimension when in rest position, comes standard with an adjustable rolling press

base, anodized aluminum flanks and is mounted on revolving wheels. The base of the equipment is at a considerable height from the floor and is protected by a netting so as to ease cleaning and avoid animals access. The unit is provided with rolling cylinders which are calibrated and steel chromium-plated and all revol- ITALPAN FP 4-12.indd 1

24/07/12 14.00


in order to make the dough’s thickness uniform upon

Kg/h. With the bread-stick machine it is also possi-

entering the die. Besides the provided die (which

ble to produce “taralli” and, therefore, this equipment

must be specified upon ordering) other models are

is mainly requested by the Italian southern market. But

available on request with diameters ranging from 6

recently, a rediscovery of the handcrafted bread-stick has occurred also on Northern Italian markets and, consequently, requests for these machines are in from the regions of Piedmont and Lombardy as well. “Taralli” warmer ST The “taralli” warmer ST model is entirely made of stainless steel and is supplied with a methane or LPG burner to be specified upon ordering. The machine is manufactured in four versions and has capacity for 18 trays 15 mm in height and with dimensions ranging from 400mmx600mm to 800mmx800mm. It is supplied with an automatic shutting down device should the discharge pipe become obstructed and with automatic gas shutoff in case the flame goes out. The end market of the “taralli” warmer is mainly Sou-

to 24 mm. The die, which can be easily interchan-

thern Italy.

ged, has a dough scraper and must be inserted at the rear. The cutting mechanism is equipped with an independent motor. Model L is provided with 73 mm diameter dies for easy dough passage, 1900 mm delivery belt so that several cuts can be carried out before stopping the machine for unloading and a 900 mm roller conveyor for loading. All surfaces in contact with the dough are either in stainless steel, in Teflon or in food certified paint (white epoxypolyesther BT). Cutting of the dough can be executed by manual electric control or programmed through a timer for continuous production, and the speed of the delivery belt is adjustable so that every kind of product can be adapted in order to avoid stretching or accumulation of the dough, whose production can reach 50 ITALPAN FP 4-12.indd 1

24/07/12 14.00




he new quality labels CleanTec, GreenEnergy, Smart-

to be visible and easy to remove. At this year’s iba exhibi-

Control and BakingQuality are part of the numerous

tion, WP presents another step of their CleanTec philoso-

innovations presented by the WP BAKERYGROUP at

phy: the automation of dough production with connected

this year’s iba expo 2012 in Munich, Germany. At first

cleaning, increased use of water and innovative compo-

sight, the striking labels show the special qual-

nent packages which are specially designed

ity standard of the WP machines, lines and

for increasing hygiene standards. “Especially

concepts. Behind the high standard of quality

in the process of cleaning, we put high empha-

is the know-how of the ten companies who belong to the WP BAKERYGROUP. Being market leaders in

sis on the transfer of knowledge. How a machine is correctly and time effectively

their segments, the experts in the different fields of bakery

cleaned according to hygienic standards can be taught

technology have developed several innovations for the

through descriptive films and instruction material which we

modern production of high quality baking goods. Under

supply”, says Henk Snellink, CEO of WP Haton

the slogan: “Discover the WP Treasures”, these innovations are shown live at iba.

GreenEnergy – minimal Energy, maximal Ef-

The treasures are versatile. One can be the saving at


the percentage of fat and the simultaneous avoidance

Bakeries belong to the most energy intensive businesses

of food waste – possible with the WP Kemper Evolution

in the artisan field. The ovens have the highest amount of

line for the production of fat reduced donuts. Moreover

energy consumption with 50 to 70 percent.

the line reduces the amount of scrap dough to a

At iba, the WP BAKERYGROUP presents systems which

minimum. Another treasure is the bread crust –

save and use energy more efficient. The Mata-

nice and crispy due to the Aroma Method

dor oven with its Zyklotherm

and the performance of the Matador

heating system is a good ex-

ovens. Other treasures can be

ample because it needs up to

found in the newly developed WP

30 percent less energy than compa-

business areas Blue Value Service,

rable ovens. “Ovens, which are marked

WP Green and WP Food.

with our GreenEnergy label, save money for the baker.

CleanTec – Machines with

At the iba 2012, we will demonstrate

hygienic design

live, that energy which has been pro-

The basic idea behind the WP

duced once, should not just vanish but

CleanTec concept is: dirt should not

can be used for further operation”, says

occur! If it cannot be avoided, it has

Ulrich Hirsch, Product Manager Ovens.


follows to page 38 Werner and Pfleiderer FP 4-12.indd 1

03/09/12 15.39


iba Live-Stream:



Bakery Technologies

Industrial Bakery Technologies



SmartControl – easy and standardized op-

fore the first day of production over the complete lifecy-

eration for WP machines

cle”, describes Lars Gey, Manager Customer Care at WP

Corresponding to the claim “think process”, the WP

Kemper the comprehensive Blue Value service concept.

BAKERYGROUP looks at every single step of the baking

Blue Value stands for a continuously reliable in operation

goods production, as well as the operation of production

machinery. A special component is Blue Control. It is the

lines, as an integrated process. Large production ovens,

first integrated remote service system for the baking indus-

roll lines, cooling devices and instore ovens: customers

try. WP machines which are in operation in bakeries are

can find the same touchscreens with identical pictograms,

worldwide and 24/7 connected via telecommunication

colors and menus at the WP machines. At iba, the newest

networks with the WP Service. In the case of emergency,

SmartControl innovations will be presented, such as the

WP experts can access the machines via internet and

further development of the Navigo control, the operation

webcam within short time. This reduces machines down-

software Oven Control and the INUS control for roll lines.

times to a minimum.

BakingQuality – Baking with unique quality

WP Green – the new energy provider for the

Machines or lines, which bakers can produce special


quality with, are marked with the BakingQuality label.

The effect of efficient production equipment is blown out

A historic example is the WP Matador oven. Since the

if the individual components are not combined into an

1950, the Matador sets the standard in baking. Bakers in

integrated systems for energy saving.

more than 130 countries use the oven in order to produce

The new business field WP Green is concerned with eve-

state-of-the-art crusts and taste.

rything connected to energy management of bakeries,

At iba, the traditional oven will shine in a new light. This

concretely the use of heat storage tanks in combination

high level of baking can also be achieved in instore bak-

with ovens in order to make operation measurable and

ing – with the Matador store. The “little” brother of the

energy efficient. At iba 2012, the new business field will

traditional WP Matador will also be displayed in a com-

be presented for the first time live.

follows from page 36

plete new, surprising look. WP Food – the new business for integrated Blue Value Service – Security through the

retail solutions

complete lifecycle

Manufacturers of baking goods are facing increasing

The initial investment of a production line is only the fa-

challenges: customers expect bakeries with full assortment

mous tip of the iceberg. If one takes a look at the complete

of good and snacks, also in the evening and always fresh.

lifecycle, the biggest part of the costs is spare parts, main-

Gas stations, super markets or cafés are ideal platforms

tenance and abrasion. If these costs are not

for snacks on the go.

kept in mind for the investment, an assumed

Also this new product segment, WP Food, is

bargain offer can turn into an expensive in-

a new part of the WP BAKERYGROUP port-

vestment over the years.

folio. It presents complete and integrated solu-

“With the Blue Value concept, the WP BAK-

tions for different retail scenarios for the first

ERYGROUP supports the customers even be-

time at iba 2012. Werner and Pfleiderer FP 4-12.indd 3

03/09/12 15.40




Pagina 1

FIRST forming machine for filled products with of interchangeable dies system; filling feeding without pistons


D250/D540 - TECNO The machine allows to work with soft fillings Technical Data: - Possibility to work with any type of die - Hourly output: min. 45 kg - max 150 kg - Dough sheet width: 250/540 mm - Machine completely washable

Via Repubblica 8/A - 22075 Lurate Caccivio (CO) ITALIA Tel. +39 031 490.457 - Fax: +39 031 390.231 390.110




the most visited blog about machines and technology for the food industry we talk about a selection of machines for bakery and pastry Universal B2

Main characteristics:

feeding belt with automatic roller clutch; adjustable lamination by stainless steel rollers; flour duster into lamination unit; cutting unit from 1 to 4 rows by stainless steel to satisfy every needs without shape and weight limits; digital orientable control panel; electronic weight from 5 to 800grs; speed control; stainless steel drawers for flour keeping; adjustable conveyor belt with side exit; I and II moulding machine SIMPLEX 4 cylinders with antidischarge device on spring frame; II moulding machine detachable; stainless steel frame and painted covers (stainless steel on request); machine on wheels; CE certificate.

This group is born from the Universal technology,

humidity and in the shapes more and more diversi-

technology which has defined Bertuetti’s efforts pro-

fied without altering the characteristic of each bread

ducing more and more versatile machine respecting


each dough type raised and with high percentage of

Dimensions (90°): mm 1800x1460xH1700 speciale panificazione FP 4-12.indd 1

02/07/12 15.44


Automatic groups for bread-making 1 row The main feature of these groups is the combining of a rotary divider and two moulders in just one machine, guaranteeing a high level production rate of various forms of rolled bread in considerably reduced spaces. Thanks to the innovative solutions , these modern latest generation groups work both hard dough and softer dough , with a wide

For the models designed for industrial scale produc-

range of weights to choose from. A wide range of

tion, a PLC controls the machine functions. A system

accessories is available on request to obtain any form

for placing the dough automatically in baking pans is

of rolled bread or just cut bread such as ciabatta rolls.

also available with a loading trolley for 15 pans.

spiral mixer silver au line SAU line of overturnable mixers is available in model of 120 • 160· 200 • 280 kg of doogh. These mixers enable to automatically empty the dough from the bowl onto a table or in a divider. Designed to suit to a specific conflguration, these modeIs offer a cost efficient solution to reduce the need of man labour during dough processing. SILVER LINE MIXERS WITH FIXED BOWL These mixers are highly professional for bakery workshops and industries.

dustrial bakery.

All the models are equipped with two motors (one for

Very reliable and sturdy, with 2 motors and electrome-

the spiral and one for the bowl).

chanical control panel with rubber gaskets.

With solid and sturdy construction and with great

The bowl is blocked by a high-powered electromag-

power reserve. Best ability to knead both small and

netic system that reduces noise and wear during

large quantities of dough perfectly.




Available in the models from 80 up to 300 kg of

It is the most powerful mixer of our range.

dough, these machines have been planned for the in-

The double spiral allows to mix big quantity of dough speciale panificazione FP 4-12.indd 3

02/07/12 15.44


in very short time. It is used mainly in the big automa-

of 120 • 160· 200 • 280 kg of doogh. These mix-

tised industry and the model VE 330 is able to knead

ers enable to automatically empty the dough from the

up to 3 tons per hour. The bowl is blocked by a system

bowl onto a table or in a divider. Designed to suit to

of electromagnets and the hydraulic control unit con-

a specific conflguration, these modeIs offer a cost effi-

trols the head lifting and the descent.

cient solution to reduce the need of man labour during

SAU line of overturnable mixers is available in model

dough processing.

Fully automatic production of bread and rolls RONDO is the specialist when the manufacture of

the desired width us-

artisan bread production lines is involved. Gentle

ing oscillating movements

dough discharge, high flexibility, great product

A satellite head with 10 freely rotating upper

variety, short re-equipping times, high level of user

rollers and, unique on the market, with two lower

friendliness and a great deal more are the features

rollers. Thanks to the two lower rollers integrated in

of RONDO industrial systems. Whether high-perfor-

the system, two-stage rolling of the dough sheet is

mance monolines or a line with a broad mix of prod-

achieved before the traverse roller. This reduces the

ucts, RONDO offers the right solution.

rolling force and preserves the gluten structure.

OSCAR (“0” – Stress Calibrating Adjustable Rollers) In a manner of speaking, the heart of the system is

Cross roller

the RONDO bread dough-sheet pre-former OSCAR.

The cross roller is used primarily to set the dough

The dough sheet pre-former patented by RONDO

width, whereby a side effect is that the dough ten-

meets the required high standards with regard to

sion is additionally reduced. It is important here that

gentle discharge of pre-leavened, highly hydrated

the cross roller leaves no traces on the dough sheet.

doughs. As the OSCAR touches the dough as little as

For this reason, the RONDO cross roller has a very

possible during forming of the dough sheet and the

large chamfer on the feed side. The large diameter

properties of the gluten structure are not changed, it

helps improve the degree of shaping.

guarantees the highest quality of the products. Its main features are:

Calibrating unit

Two hexagonal rollers that carefully draw the

To get the dough sheet to the de-

dough out of the small hopper and feed it to the two

sired final thickness, the dough

finely grooved rollers.

sheet runs through one calibrating

Two flour dusters that apply flour to the rollers to prevent the dough from sticking Two pressing paddles that set the dough sheet to

unit or two calibrating units. Diameter or the rollers: 220 mm Roller gap: 0.5 – 20 mm speciale panificazione FP 4-12.indd 5

02/07/12 15.44


The dough thickness can be set using the handwinding wheel of the modern control system. Maximum degree of shaping: 2:1

the surfaces so that the seeds adhere. As an option, RONDO offers an automatic seed return to the hopper. The entire system is mounted on wheels, which means it is very easy to integrate into the line or

Slitting and spreading

move away.

Calibration is followed by the shaping and designing

Moulding system for baguettes

of the product itself. Slitting

and sandwiches

cutters cut the dough sheet

If you want to produce

into strips and these are


then fed on the downstream separation belt to the

of bread such as ba-

guillotine. The separation belts are very easy to set

guettes, hot dog rolls

and setting requires no tools. Templates ensure the

or rolled bread, you

correct position of the separation belts in the event

use the RONDO long-moulding system. Interchange-

of product changes.

able moulding plates enable a wide variety of


shapes to be produced in the long-moulding system, for example tapered baguettes or round baguettes. Guillotine

The long-moulding system is moveable and can eas-

The guillotine is used to cut

ily be replaced by the seeding unit or an intermedi-

the products to the desired

ate conveyor belt.

length. Guillotines made by RONDO are travelling


guillotines and can also

Depending on the product, whether rectangular

be used with different stamps with round, oval and

ciabattas or moulded baguettes, various panning

other shapes. As required, different cutting technolo-

systems are used. The classical drawing-off tables

gies can be used to stamp tapered baguettes or also

are used above all for cut or stamped products. For

round baguettes in the guillotine. The high-perfor-

baguettes or other rolled products, accurately posi-

mance industrial guillotines achieve stroke rates of

tioned panning is important. This panning system is

significantly higher than 120 strokes per minute.

integrated in the long-moulding system; it places the products accurately in recessed baking trays.

Seeding unit Everyone knows how popular and healthy wholemeal seed rolls are. The RONDO seeding system can be used to apply seeds to the top and bottom of rolls, depending on the size. Water is applied to speciale panificazione FP 4-12.indd 7

02/07/12 15.44


@IBA: Latest developments in bakery processing


ndustrial bakers visiting iba will want to check

now with the latest in hygienic design making it

out the new bakery production lines presented at

easy to clean and preventing the build-up of crumbs.

Tanis Food Tec.

Visitors are most welcome to attend the demonstra-

The innovative Dutch processing equipment specia-

tions that are held throughout the day.

list introduces a brand new line for cake, brownies and muffins as well as a newly designed Bakery Fil-

Cake and batter

lings Line that will run aerated cream deposits onto

The new Cake processing line delivers from bat-

the Cookie Capper of Machine Builders & Design

ter preparation to oven-ready product. It is a high

who join them in their stand (hall B4 – 171).

capacity production line at 5000 kg per hour of brownies or 3500 kg of cake batter.

Fillings and sandwiched biscuits

The machine on show is designed to make cake

The new continuous fillings line has the smallest

products with inclusions: brownies with chocolate

footprint ever (approx 2,5 m2). Achieved by inte-

chips, cake bars with dried fruit pieces and cake

grating the aeration mixing head in the RotoTemp

with broken nuts. The line consists of premixers, buf-

scraped surface heat exchanger and fitting these

fer tanks, aeration systems, tempering devices and

together with 5 water systems into one machine.

dry ingredients mixers, as well as a depositor and

With premixer and buffer tank on a separate fra-

inclusive cleaning system.

me all is designed according to EHEDG hygienic

Again this is on one compact frame. This flexible

criteria. The line is especially suited for creams for

machine has the option to process the batter either

sandwiched cookies or wafers and general icings.

aerated or non-aerated and with or without inclu-

At iba it operates with the proven Cookie Capper,

sions. All recipes run on one PLC system. TANIS FP 4-12.indd 1

31/08/12 13.54



and confectionery products. The processing of

Also on show is their RotoCompact: an all-purpose

base material puts food producers in control: from

aerator with a small footprint.

texture and taste to a longer shelf life. With the ad-

The system is designed for smaller production loca-

ded benefit of a minimum use of ingredients and a

tions or for the need of flexibility in use, for instance

higher food safety level of the production line.

one day making batters, while the next day making

Processing equipment portfolio ranges from basic

mousses, fillings or toppings. The capacity range

ingredient weighing and preparation, via mixing,

runs from 20 to 400 kg per hour.

tempering, aeration, crystallizing, and depositing, to finishing & decoration.

R&D needs

Cleaning in Place systems can be included. Tanis’

For the capacity range of 5 to 50 kg per hour the

equipment range is designed according to EHEDG

RotoPilot is an aeration machine specially designed

criteria of which they are a member.

for product development purposes, training and ge-

Tanis Food Tec works with industrial bakeries and

neral R&D. It can run all bakery products that can

candy manufacturers around the globe.

be aerated.

Activities include the design and engineering, manufacturing, start-up and after-sales of the equipment;

Profile Tanis Food Tec

assisting the customer with his recipe and desi-

Dutch food equipment manufacturer Tanis Food Tec

gning the required process for the desired finished

specialises in continuous process lines for bakery

product. Test lab facility available in Lelystad,

fillings, cakes & gateaux

The Netherlands. TANIS FP 4-12.indd 3

31/08/12 13.54




oung and bold, Helpan Forni offers to their cli-

to big pastry shops and mini bakeries by presenting its

ents quality, simplicity and reliability through the con-

potential clients a premium oven for fresh or frozen prod-

vection ovens they manufacture. The company was

ucts. The line is remarkable through the series of avail-

born from the desire to offer quality industrial solutions

able standard characteristics: digital controls, three-layer

using the vast experience of their designers and sales

glass door, 2 speeds, stainless steel 304 structure, 5/8



They started with the pastry convection ovens and

Powersnack especially created for bars and hot

they grew broadening their range towards gastronomy.

spots can be equally used as an additional economic oven

Now, Helpan Forni offers to their clients a complete

in a restaurant thanks to its double tray support allowing the

range of convection ovens beginning with small size ovens with Gn 2/3 trays and getting to 16 tray ovens for pastry/bakery or 20 trays for gastronomy. The strong points that helped Helpan Forni win the clients’ respect are the quality of our products, the flexibility to market requests and the care and respect to all the customers. They want to grow both as a company and as individuals by respecting the core values: trust, respect, quality, efficiency, teamwork, value and practical solutions. The product lines are: Vento proposes a line of ovens especially developed for big pastry laboratories and mini-bakeries. Besides its exceptional baking uniformity, it distinguishes itself through modularity and the introduction of the tray from its smaller side permitting thus the use of narrow production spaces. It is perfect for all types of pastry and bakery products including pre-baked and frozen products. Its flexibility consists both in choosing the type of control panel and the type of tray used: 40x60 or 40x80. Versions: 4,6,10 or 16 trays, electric or on gas. HF Red Red completes the range of products addressed


follows to page 48 hellpann.indd 1

10/09/12 09.24

Zeus Advertising RECORD.indd 1

19/07/12 15.00



follows from page 46

introduction of both GN1/1 and 60x40 trays .It is warmly recommend for the baking or just warming of pastry products and gastronomy dishes. Versions: 2,3 or 4 trays. MiniSnack is the newest line addressed to small bar or coffee shop that wants to delight its clients with freshly baked products. It is an economic oven that occupies little space and adds value to your business. It is ideal for the baking of morning pre-baked or frozen brioches. HF Gastro - Its exquisite results and also its design, functionality and reliability recommend these ovens as one of the best of its category. The line presents different versions of combined ovens, with boiler or direct steam, on gas or electrical. Also the various accessories like the washing system, the core probe and the programs card with several phases make the line more complete. FOCUS ON: VENTO The line introduces an elegant and reliable oven ideal for pastry shops, supermarkets or small bakeries. Its robust structure and the design make it ideal for shops where consumer can see the products bake and for labo-

Available models:


Electric: 4,6,10 or 16 trays

Designed with attention to professional use, Ven-

Gas: 10 trays

to line by Helpan Forni offers a professional oven with

Tray formats: 400x600, 460x660 or 400x800 mm

maximum versatility, intuitiveness and ease of use and


exceptional cooking results. It’s the ideal oven for a big



pastry or a small bakery. Available in electric or gas, with 4,6,10 or 16 trays, Vento® is made entirely of AISI 430

RECTANGULAR SHAPE - the ovens are designed for

stainless steel and is equipped with a standard humidifier

the tray to be introduced from its narrower side diminish-

and tempered glass door.

ing thus the surface covered by the hot air and insuring

The most special feature is its air distribution system in-

a more uniform bake. Its particular shape makes it an

side the cooking chamber, that ensures baking on all

oven suitable for most diversified production spaces and

types of pastries and bakery, fresh or frozen.

furnishing requirements.

Another Vento important feature is the particular form giv-

MODULARITY - the structure of the ovens allows them

en by the introduction of the tray from the narrowest part:

to be assembled or placed one over the other according

this makes it suitable even for little spaces of production.

to the production requirements and space limitations.

® hellpann.indd 3

10/09/12 09.24


ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT - its supporting feet are adjust-

DOUBLE GLASS DOOR - keeps the exterior glass at

able in height and easily removable making it possible

lower temperature even when the oven is working at the

for the ovens to be conveniently positioned on any type

highest temperature.

of surface.

SNAP-CATCH DOOR CLOSING in order to make

UNIFORMITY OF BAKING - given by the perforated

opening or closing easier even with hands full.

laterals, the smaller surface to be covered by the hot air


and by the bi-rotation of the fans.

can be configured with one of the 3 available control

HUMIDIFIER - it is standard for all models of the line.



POWERSNACK Dual Line 4 trays 600x400 mm PowerSnack Dual Line offers an elegant and practical

stainless steel, baking chamber with rounded corners

electric convection oven, ideal for bars,pastry shops,

for easy cleaning, central water and fat discharge,

coffee shops, supermarkets hot points or as an additio-

halogen 40W internal lamp with protection against

nal small gastronomy oven in restaurants.

thermical shocks, door with double window to main-

The ovens can be succesufully used with fresh pastry,

tain lower external temperature, intuitive commands,

prebaked or frozen products and with gastronomy di-

removable tray supports,internal window that opens

shes proving each time the same optimal results.

for cleaning and electric door closing.

The line is available in 2 versions according to the

FLEXIBILITY - easy adaptation from pastry to gastro-

type of tray used: pastry format 600x400 mm and

nomy format and viceversa , reversible door with

GN 1/1 format for gastronomy. The novelty of the

closing either on the right or on the left according to

line consists in the easy adjustment from one format

production space requirements.

to the other. Available also in 2 and 3 trays 60x40 format ELEGANT AND MODERN DESIGN - the simplicity of the line and the style ensure the easy fit of the oven in a variety of interiors. HUMIDIFIER - included in all versions. ATTENTION TO DETAIL - door with double window to maintain lower external temperature, intuitive commands, easily daily maintenance: removable tray supports and internal window that opens for cleaning. RELIABILITY - robust structure made entirely in hellpann.indd 5

10/09/12 09.24




ono Equipment will be installing the very first

correct machine and templates to suit his business

Omega Confectionery Depositor in Sudan at

needs. Indeed Mr Magid, who also distributes Eu-

Karkoj Bakery; a well-established bakery in

ropean flour and additives in Sudan is hoping to

Khartoum which produces a range of mouth-watering

generate further interest in the Omega Confectionery

biscuits and confectionery products.

Depositor amongst his clients.

Until now all the biscuits and confectionery products were painstakingly manufactured by hand; a very

About MONO Equipment

labour intensive process considering the volumes of

MONO Equipment is a specialist designer and man-

items produced on a daily basis.

ufacturer of innovative bakery equipment for the bak-

The Omega Confectionery Depositor was selected

ing, confectionery and foodservice industries.

by bakery owner, Mr Hasab Magid, during his visit

With over sixty years experience developing and im-

to Europain. Mr Magid recently visited our premises

proving an extensive product range MONO Equip-

to receive technical training on the confectionery de-

ment has established an enviable reputation for the


quality, reliability and longevity of its products.

He thought the visit gave him a clear insight into the

This foundation of integrity combined with superb

depositor’s full capabilities and he throughly enjoyed

British craftsmanship, the use of high quality mate-

his visit.

rials, and pro-active product innovation means that

Mono Equipment worked closely with bakery owner,

MONO Equipment now exports to an international

Mr Hasab Magid, to ensure that he purchased the

market reaching to the four corners of the globe. MONO FP 4-12.indd 1

25/07/12 17.24




Pagina 1

Semiautomatic pasta machine suitable for hand finished product



Semiautomatic pasta machine suitable for hand finished product. This machine can be manufactured according to Customer’s needs. The standard version includes a calibrator with adjustable dough thickness, an adjustable cutter, a synchronized doser delivering perfectly centred filling on pasta strips and an extra belt area for product hand closing.

Via Repubblica 8/A - 22075 Lurate Caccivio (CO) ITALIA Tel. +39 031 490.457 - Fax: +39 031 390.231 390.110




hree decades have passed since in the early 80’s, in

gistic production needs.Since 2011 the continuity of our

a small factory located on the outskirts of Schio, two

work is ensured in a new 6000 m² site also situated in the

eager and enthusiastic engineers began to try their

traditionally hard-working town of Schio, industrially nick-

hand at used packaging machines, with a view to restor-

named “the little Manchester of Italy” since the second half

ing them to an acceptable working condition.

of the nineteenth century. Machine after machine, system

This operation was called an overhaul, a term which has

after system the story continues, inevitably entwined with

now gone out of use in today’s “disposable” world. It

professional and personal affairs without, however, affect-

was exactly this constant disassembling, replacing, modi-

ing the company’s ideological continuity which has been

fying and testing of old machinery that led to the deci-

guaranteed over time by constant investment and commit-

sion to create new and modern machines. In 1985 the

ment in research and innovation, the solid genesis of suc-

first packaging machines of the newly established Tecno

cess which led Tecno Pack to qualify as a full-fledged mar-

Pack were introduced on the market, immediately enjoy-

ket leader. Tecnopack is pleased to inform that during IBA

ing great appreciation among the clientele.

2012 it is presenting the vertical pillow-pack machines on

Thus began the company’s long journey, focused on re-

completion of its already wide range of machinery.

sponding promptly and professionally to the ever more demanding needs of the market, advancing with courage

Tecno Pack S.p.A. the best technology for the

and determination down the challenging road of automat-

packaging of food in CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE

ic packaging systems. These were years of commitment,

The present of food industry offers products as diverse in

sacrifice and constant research, but also great satisfaction

relation to the geographical area of production. Even a

and growth. In the meantime, Tecno Pack moved to a

short distance can ‘determine significant differences pe-

new headquarters in the Schio industrial zone, an area

culiar to the final product. Tecno Pack S.p.A. provides its

better suited for the company’s evolving and growing lo-

technology summit with FP 027 BB create a tailor made


follows to page 54 TECNOPACK FP 4-12.indd 1

03/09/12 15.44

THE LONG RUN TO THE TOP From our FP095 hi-line rotary flow-wrapper (up to 350ppm)

to our FP110 with 13 servos (up to 800ppm). From our hi-line box-motion flow-wrapper FP210 (90ppm)

to our top-line FP220 (120ppm).

From a 2 - robot line

to complete system with primary and secondary packaging up to case-packing.

YOUR CONSULTANT FOR PACKAGING APPLICATIONS Via Lago di Albano, 76 路 36015 路 Schio (Vicenza) 路 路



for each type of food . The packaging system can be ob-

SANITATION: The cantilevered construction of the

tained with flow pack machines Tecno Pack can ‘ensure:

packaging Tecno Pack, also known as cantilever, allows

SHELF LIFE: a long lifetime of the product while main-

a complete separation between the groups in movement

taining the quality ‘initial

of the machine, the motors and the electrical system, this

PROTECTION: an armored box that also protects the

system allows the end user an easy and quick cleaning

product from external shocks and movements such as me-

and sanitizing of machinery

chanical and


TRACKING‘: coding systems of printable film and la-

The wide range of Tecno Pack packaging, and fittings

beling will assure the correctness and completeness of

in various versions, offers the following options:

follows from page 52

sensitive data: - Weight, price, barcode, time and shift

Flow pack or classic for all sizes: three seals with

packaging, expiry etc etc.

central fin with or without a vacuum


effect in MAP.

Tecno Pack FP 027 BB

Flow pack or “L” for medium and

ALL SIZES: FP 027 allows a flex-

small cuts, three welds with side fin

ible ‘can range in a few minutes

with or without a vacuum effect in

in the same horizontal packaging


machine totally servo.

Flow pack or open and close:

PERFORMANCES: high speed

three seals with zips recommended

‘and great operational flexibility’

for medium and small cuts in MAP

allows us to depend formats, to

Envelope or “L” thermo retracted: film-

package your product at rates up

to-skin three seals on the product to

to 100 packs per minute.

present to protect the consumer and

COST‘: realizing envelopes per-

not typing MAP.

fectly sealed on three sides by barrier film is packaging has a cost much lower than any other system such as, for example, thermoforming. LONG LIFE TO YOUR PRODUCT: The flow pack packaging in controlled atmosphere tested and proven certainties guarantee long preservation of the product thanks to the preheating of the gas injected into the envelope and the tightness of the welds. TWO DRESSES AT THE SAME PRICE: thanks to the high precision control of the gas temperature Tecno Pack can guarantee the achievement, with the same machine, the packaging is aesthetically usual, that the version with a vacuum effect.

Simply... New Entry FV-025 multi axis IBA 2012 Munich - Germany HALL B1 - STAND 511 TECNOPACK FP 4-12.indd 3

03/09/12 15.44




ekno Stamap is now celebrating its 30th anniver-

ideas of the users (as pastry chefs and bakers), giving

sary, as worldwide leader in manufacturing ma-

to the machines an ergonomically and friendly design,

chinery for pastry and bakery.

which became a reference also for competitors.

Research and development

Commercial network

Each machine is totally designed by our R & D depart-

To the obvious importance of the reliability of the prod-

ment, so we can have the complete knowledge and

uct, Tekno Stamap combines the vastness of its commer-

control of all the details for each of our machines. Tekno

cial network, which allows it to be directly or indirectly

Stamap machines are based on the experience and

present in over ninety countries across five continents.

PRODUCTS Lamination line

20 till 100 cm/sec; AUTOSMART, with touch screen for easier and


faster programming, in order to set different work

They’re both manual sheeters, LAM is conceived spe-

cycles in succession. The belts work at a program-

cifically for the needs of HO.RE.CA. For industrial

mable speed from 20 till 120 cm/sec. Last but not

production we’ve realized LAM6500, with more wide tables, increasing the machine dough capacity. EASY is a manual dough sheeter that takes into account the small dimensions, suitable for medium,small productions. SMART/ AUTOSMART As well as the manual, the automatic sheeters are available in two models: SMART is ideal for medium productions. In the basic version we offer a belt speed from 20 till 85 cm/sec. For huge production we have INDUSTRIAL SMART, with belt speed from


least: AUTOSMART 123, with cylinders of 123mm


diameter, which can laminate a very hard dough into a very thin one.

Mixer line

REFINER Machinery of ancient origins, with its cylinders in stone allows users to refine different types of ingredients:like hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds. Can


also be used to laminate thin sheets of chocolate.

These planetary mixers do not require any type of maintenance and have a low operating cost.


The capacity of C-LINE is from 10 till 60 liters, more

Ideal for typical Italian tradition dough as “panet-

suitable for small to medium productions, while TEK-

tone”, “pandoro” and “colomba”, is very suitable

NO MIXER is ideal for medium to large produc-

for other types of mixtures rich of water, like biscuits

tions, with bowls from 40 till 120 liters.

mixtures. Its typical movement allows to work the

Croyssant machines and Tekno Line

yeast of dough in a better way. MOULDERS


The new moulders for tradi-

With the CROYMAT technology, complete with

tional bread and baguettes,

calibrator, cutting devices and rolling-up system,

are ideal for small and medium

it is possible to produce croissants from 12 till

bakeries. Reliable and robust

150 grams.

machine, it requires virtually no

The production lines TEKNO LINE offers

maintenance. It’s perfect to pro-

many configurations and solutions, for the

duce rolled bread, sliced bread

production of a wide range of products.

and stretched bread.

Tekno Stamap s.r.l. Telephone: +39 0444 41 47 35 Fax: +39 0444 41 47 19




the most visited blog about machines and technology for the food industry we talk about a selection of ovens Modular Soleo

The advantages Configurable oven depending on user’s needs Baking quality comparable to that of traditional masonry ovens Oven stand on castors for easy moving into place Upgradable Can be mounted on a stand, BFA reach-in retarder-proofer or manual S/S proofbox, depending on the model Very efficient independent steam generator Deferred startup of the oven 3 years warranty on heating elements in baking chamber May be combined with a Krystal convection oven Use

Operating principle

Soleo is an electric Modular type deck oven designed

Good distribution of heating elements, dual Top & Bot-

to bake all types of breads, pastries and Danish prod-

tom heat regulation, refractory concrete hearth plates

ucts. Available in 2, 4 or 6 trays 400x600 mm or

20 mm thick make it an oven of it’s own or usable as

3 trays 460x660 / 460x760 mm trays, it can be

a back-up oven capable of competing with any large

configured according to the user’s needs: number of

deck oven / setter oven in terms of baking quality.

decks, deck height, with or without steam, on stand

Important notes:

or on a proofer.

The BFA retarder-proofer is directly derived from the

It’s modular conception allows the oven to be upgrad-

standard reach-in retarder-proofer line, with same OP-

ed at a later time.

TICOM controls & functions. SPECIALE FORNI FP 4/12.indd 1

02/07/12 15.45


8.84 MG

The advantages Fitted with “soft flow” technology for gentle and effective ventilation Ideal for baking bread and pastry products New heat exchanger for improved profitability Enhanced productivity Increased baking capacity for limited floor space Unrivalled ergonomics and hygiene Possibility of being fitted with the new ‘Intuitiv’ controls New stainless steel and glass design Use

opment software. It offers all the features needed for

8.84 MG is a fuel-oil/gas rotaring rack oven for

modern baking in bakeries, pastry shops and catering

bakers, pastry chefs and caterers.

operations. Redesigned, slow air flows guarantee mul-

Operating principle

tipurpose, reliable and flexible use. The “ESG” steam

The latest Bongard technological breakthrough, the

generator, a cast-iron element patented by Bongard,

8.84 was designed with state-of-the-art product devel-

guarantees generous steam production.

Mistral Series Electric steam ovens for baking bread and pastry Model - 5T · 10T - 6TTR · 10TTR Mistral is a fully automated steam oven with baking cycles which can be programmed with up to 10 different phases, including temperature, baking time, fan speed, steam injection, chimney opening and starting up of extractor fan. Installation is simple, just connect

proven and baked in less than 30 minutes.

to mains electricity and water supply.

The low heat-emission glass window enables the

Pratical and versatile

various baking stages to be viewed and reduces the

Mistral is ideal for use with frozen products as well as

amount of heat being radiated to the outside.

with pre-cooked and fresh dough goods.

Also, the internal glass panel can be opened for easy

Two steam generators enable goods to be defrosted,

cleaning. SPECIALE FORNI FP 4/12.indd 3

02/07/12 15.45


Hi-tech yet simple The controls with their bright, modern design are easy to understand and follow while functions are simple

Automatic washing system Detail showing control panel

and easy to programme.

Taniche porta detergenti

Mistral is also equipped with an automatic internal

Rotating nozzle washes the

cleaning system which can be operated when the oven is not working or at night.

inside of the oven Attachments for filling can-

The new display enables all the baking parameters


to be controlled and regulated and information about


the production cycle to be received immediately at

The oven is available in ver-

any time.

sions housing 6 to 10 tins de-

Digital control panel

pending on your requirements.

Control panel at 20 programs – with pictogramms

Because it is compact and

Control panel at 100 programs

modular, Mistral fits in with

The entire washing cycle (up to drying) lasts between

your space requirements and

45 and 90 minutes, depending on which cleaning

all the other cooking and preparation equipment that

mode (delicate, normal or intensive) has been elec-

are an essential part of professional bread and pastry-

tronically set

making environments.

Techno ACTIVE The TECHNO ovens are manufactured with a particular care to the details, showing the perfect mix between the heavy-duty components and the quality of the product. TECHNO is an investment for the future, manufactured with artisan care, fully designed and produ-ced in Italy.

The Techno ACTIVE oven is very easy-to use thanks to the handy IBAS electronic control panel and to the “SLEEP fun-ction”, allowing to stop the oven automatically after a set time of inactivity, optimising the

Better Sealing

use for energy saving.

Special stainless steel combined with silicone rubber gasket ensure a long life of parts, avoiding the crash-

TECHNO ACTIVE is available either in the RSX ver-

ing due to accidental shocks, and as-

sion with access to the burner (heating elements)

suring no steam leakages all around

from the lateral / rear side, or the FSX version with

the door, with elevant higher energy

front access, the ideal solution with three sides free.

consumption. SPECIALE FORNI FP 4/12.indd 5

02/07/12 15.45


Control Panel IBAS

ensures performances above 90% (*) and lower en-

The easy operation is the main feature of

ergy consumption. (*)Value calculated with Mondial

the IBAS control panel, where each button

Forni’s measurement protocol

has a direct and intuitive function. A perfect Wiew High Insulation

Cleaning is easy and

A double layer of high density (100

quick; the door glass can

kg/cu.m.) rockwool mattress encom-

be opened as a book, al-

passes the oven perimeter avoiding

ways ensuring a perfect

thermal brigdes and ensuring the

view of the product inside

maximum insulation and durability, al-

the oven. The lighting fitted between the door

lowing a higher energy saving.

glasses allows a quick Mximum Efficiency

replacement of the lamps

A new stainless steel heat exchanger

in case of need.

703 Multi Rack Oven Standard Platform only Computer or Digital Controls Unique airflow design High volume steam system 85% thermal efficiency Options Computer controls for 500 recipes Automatic damper Full enclosure oven hood for top of oven

Technical Data Dimensions gas/oil: 116.5” W x 102” D x 100.4” H Dimensions electric: 116.5” W x 95.7” D x 100.4” H Net Weight: 5950 lbs. skidded Heating Capacity: gas/oil 560,000 BTU/H Heating Capacity: electric 208/220 275AMPS Holds up to 4 single racks or 2 double racks Max tray size 20” x 30”


new control panel so efficient you will not need any in-

An important property is the interface i.e. the control pan-

structions prior to use. It only has 4 arrows; up, down, left

el, which has always been a technical challenge

right + 1 edit button to choose and one on/off button. It

for the oven industry trying to come up with

also has Ethernet, Internet, USB and external screen con-

a reliable, functional and simple solution.

nections and as extra option an almost unlimited base for

Revent has now launched a

recipes and pictures of your products SPECIALE FORNI FP 4/12.indd 7

02/07/12 15.45


HVS High Volume Steam

Wedge system

Revent’s patented HVS steel ball

The Revent Wedge System is a unique as-

steam system was designed upon

sembly design that is not only very strong

the fact that the sphere has the

but also saves time and money.

greatest surface area to volume ra-

The Revent Wedge System makes assembly quick and

tio of any geometrical form.

easy. Revent ovens are delivered in sections that are eas-

The large surface area guarantees maximum steam gen-

ily assembled at the bakery in a matter of a few hours,

eration during the baking process. This allows the dough

not the days needed for ovens that are screwed and bolt-

to increase to a large volume in the beginning of the

ed together. Additionally, the wedge system simplifies the

bake and creates a shiny crust at the end of the bake.

disassembly process and reduces costs for relocation if

The spherical surface of the ball is also perfectly de-

the need arises.

signed to absorb heat, so the steam generator does also serve as a heat accumulator. This heat (energy) is used

Heat exchanger

to shorten the recovery time in the beginning of the bake

Revent heat exchangers are de-

and between the bakes.Test results speak for themselves.

signed to have a very high ef-

For example the Revent 724 transforms 8.5 l of water

ficiency. When designing heat

into steam in 20 seconds. Temperature recovery is within

exchangers many parameters

3 – 5 minutes depending on the product and oven model

must be considered. First of all the heat exchanger needs to be efficient. Secondly it has

TCC Total Convection Control

to withstand forces and movements of the material. These

– air distribution system

are only a couple of many important parameters.

Since 1958 Revent has pioneered

The Revent heat exchanger technology of today is a

convection-heating in Rack ovens.

result of long experience in designing heat exchangers

Controlling and steering the air flow

with high demands on energy efficiency.

in a convection oven is essential for the outcome of the baking result. First


of all even heat transfer, from top to

Use Breadseeker every time you have

bottom of the rack and from the outer edge to the center

a sudden craving for great bread. It

of the baking tray, is very important. Secondly low air

automatically lists bakeries near you,

velocity with a large air volume is essential for even bak-

and you can filter these shops in terms

ing without dehydration. Revent’s unique world-leading

of ratings, distance or what kind of

air distribution system, TCC, directs air flow and volume

bread or pastry you’re currently hunt-

to produce an even heat transfer throughout the rack. Air

ing. Then, add bakeries yourself as

flows hit each tray at an upward angle to create enough

you go along. All venues are collect-

bottom heat to add volume and rise to your bread. TCC

ed by the bread loving general public

produces more bread volume in every loaf, more even

as well as local bread businesses. Rate it, share it, use

baking and less waste.

it. Enjoy it. SPECIALE FORNI FP 4/12.indd 9

02/07/12 15.45




Pagina 1

SPECIAL THE ENDURING BENEFITS OF ECCENTRIC DISC PUMPS More Than A Century After Its Invention, Andre Petit’s Eccentric Movement Principle Continues To Set The Global Standard In Efficient And Consistent Liquid-Product Transfer By Christophe Jovani

Nearly 70 years after the company’s founding in 1906, in 1974 Mouvex® relocated its eccentric disc pump manufacturing operations to a 100,000-square-foot facility in Auxerre, France, a suburb of Paris.


s the 20th century dawned, the second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, was moving ahead full steam. The Besse-

mer steel process had become the first inexpensive way to mass-produce steel from pig iron, which resulted in a building boom. Automobiles were on the way to be-

Originally used in the tar, asphalt and bitumen industries, Mouvex’s family of eccentric disc pumps has evolved to the point where they are ideal for handling any type of liquid efficiently and effectively, from water to slurries.

coming a more common sight on the streets of major cities than horse-drawn carriages. The gas lamp was

water and other produced liquids out of gold mines.By

making way for the more efficient and safer incandes-

1906, he had perfected the answer, which he called

cent light bulb.

the “eccentric movement principle” of pump operation,

At that time, Frenchman Andre Petit had just graduated

which he proved would succeed where other pump

from the renowned Ecole Centrale Engineers’ College

technologies fail.

in Paris with a degree in engineer-

Petit was so confident in the potential of this new pump

ing. Taking a job in the gold-

technology that he formed his own company,

mining industry, he found himself

which he named Mouvex® and head-

traveling throughout central Asia,

quartered in Paris, France. More

even as far as China.

than a century later, Mouvex,

He also found himself wondering how

which relocated its operations

he could improve the operational per-

in 1974 to a 100,000-square-

formance and reliability of the industrial pumps that were used to transfer

Mouvex C Series eccentric disc pumps.

foot manufacturing complex in the city of Auxerre, southeast of Paris, MOUVEX.indd 1

31/07/12 15.49


remains a global leader in outfitting a wide array of

To the Rescue

industries with eccentric disc pumps for use in transfer

Petit identified those challenges that the users of gear

applications that require constant flow rates, leak-free

and lobe pumps were facing in optimizing their opera-

operation and accurate dosing.

tions and found a solution in the eccentric movement principle. Basically, Petit’s eccentric disc pumps feature

Surveying the Field

a disc that is placed inside a pump cylinder. The disc

As Petit began the search for a better pump design, in-

is driven by an eccentric bearing that is installed on the

ternal gear and lobe-style were the preeminent pump

pump shaft, thus creating four distinct pumping cham-

technologies. These workhorse pumps proved perfectly

bers that increase and decrease in volume as the disc

capable of handling basic liquid-transfer operations, but

is rotated by the eccentric bearing, producing both suc-

both styles featured shortcomings that would ultimately

tion and discharge pressures as the chambers move in

compromise an operation’s efficiency, reliability, and

pairs that are 180 degrees apart. This method of op-

cost-effectiveness over time. Gear pumps use the mesh-

eration ensures that the fluid passes through the pump

ing of their gears to pump fluids by displacement. Be-

at a constant and regular flow rate.

cause of this style of operation, from day one the pump’s

In CIP applications, the pumps can be arranged in a

gears are constantly contacting each other as they move

series to take advantage of their unique “disc/cylinder”

the fluid. This causes the gears to wear, which increases

design. Because the pressure at the pump inlet is higher

the clearances between the gear teeth, in the process re-

than at the outlet, the disc lifts from the pump cylinder,

ducing the pump’s flow capacity and volumetric consist-

permitting passage of the water or cleaning solutions to

ency while increasing the probability that efficiency- and

flow through the pump, thoroughly cleaning the pump

energy-robbing product “slip” will occur.

chambers. This unique feature eases the cleaning process and reduces cycle times so the pump can be put back into operation as quickly as possible. In 1997, Mouvex was purchased by global manufacturer Dover Corporation and incorporated as a subsidiary to American pump manufacturer, Blackmer®, Grand Rapids, MI. In 2008, Mouvex, along with

Today, Mouvex eccentric disc pumps are a first-choice component in critical product-transfer applications in the global Chemical, Energy, Sanitary and Military markets. MOUVEX.indd 3

31/07/12 15.49


Blackmer, became a part of the Dover Corporation’s

“sealed” by a double stainless-steel bellows, resulting

Pump Solutions Group (PSG®), a conglomeration of

in a reduced number of pump components and easier

the world’s leading pump manufacturers. In conjunction

maintenance. Volumetric performance sustains high ef-

with these changes, Mouvex has continued to refine

ficiency levels, consistent flow rates and gentle liquid-

Andre Petit’s eccentric movement principle. Today, the

handling over the life of the pump. 3A, EHEDG, ATEX

company offers several families of eccentric disc pumps

and TUV certified.

that have proven reliable in a wide range of applications, including: C-Series – Designed without mechanical seals, packing or magnets, which eliminates

Micro-C Series – Stainless-steel construction meets the sanitary requirements of 3A and EHEDG. Small footprint allows easy integration into existing production setups. Leak-free operation without the need for

product leakage and cost-prohibitive

magnetic couplings or mechanical

maintenance and downtime. Self-

seals. Self-adjusting for mechanical

priming and dry-run capable with

wear with excellent self-priming,

outstanding volumetric efficiency

line-stripping and dry-run capa-

at low linear speed. Output not

bilities. Operation is not affected

affected by variations in product viscosity. Clean-in-place capabil-

Mouvex SLC Series eccentric disc pumps.

ity allows the pump to be flushed and cleaned in place without disassembling. De-

by viscosity and pressure variations. ATEX certified in dry operation.

CC20 – An excellent vehicle-mounted solution

signed per EHEDG recommendations and carries 3A

for loading and unloading road tankers. Constant and

approval and conformity with ATEX certification.

smooth delivery allows total draining of hoses, even

A-Series – Features exceptional self-priming capabilities that enable dry-running and pipe-clearing. Auto-

over long distances. Versatile enough to also be used as a ground-based unit.

matic clearance make-up system maintains initial performance level over time without the need for adjustment.


Constant output maintained even as product viscosities

While the first industries that embraced Petit’s eccentric

and delivery pressures vary. Can handle viscous, non-

disc technology were those that produced tar, asphalt

lubricating, volatile or delicate liquids with no shear.

and bitumen, over the years the eccentric disc pump

S-Series – Zero-leakage operation thanks to a de-

has proven to be a reliable piece of equipment for use

sign that features no mechanical seals, packing or mag-

in a wide range of industries. Today, Mouvex eccentric

netic drive. The transmission is protected by an FDA-

disc pumps are a prominent component in critical prod-

approved tasteless, high-resistance elastomer sleeve.

uct-transfer applications in the global Chemical, Ener-

Designed for clean-in-place or cleaning by hand thanks

gy, Sanitary and Military markets. Andre Petit’s dream

to easy-opening operation. Ideal for base-frame mount-

of developing a more efficient and reliable pumping

ings due to small size and low weight. 3A and ATEX

technology has resulted in the creation of a pump style


that, in some way, continues to benefit the world’s in-

SLC-Series – Totally seal-less design with shaft

habitants more than a century after its invention. MOUVEX.indd 5

31/07/12 15.49




he challenge of the rice and cereals

outlet 0.7 mm.


Punching round holes (from 0,4 mm) and slot holes

The world of cereal and rice processing is fac-

(0,6 mm x 16 mm on 1,6mm sheet) with hole size

ing a new challenge: to increase the productivity

equal to or lower than the thickness of the sheet.

with fewer resources and maximizing the effectiveness of inputs use. This challenge also involves the

Black shield

functions of research and development of the com-

The last result of the research and development team

panies that provide equipments and machinery for

is represented by an innovative product that makes

the milling industry. One of these companies is the

the screens used in the operation of pre-cleaning,

GAUDENZI. It was founded in 1891 and has a

cleaning and processing of various types of cereals

broad technological background and experience in

much more efficient and more linear.

the processing of metallic materials. Over time

production has

concentrated on perforated



woven wire mesh to size and design of the customer. Gaudenzi has been able to accept the challenge of optimizing the production inputs in cereals sector through the development of production

We are speaking of Black Shield, a line of perforat-

processes. Investments in research and development

ed sheets produced by a hardening treatment, that

have brought the company to top positions thanks to

substantially raises their resistance to rubbing.

some technologically advanced processes:

Hardness testing

Laser micro-perforation that allows the realization of

measuring the effects produced by a material (eg.

products to design with micrometric tolerances.

a hammer) on the surface of another material. One

Water jet perforation that can produce holes tapered

of the best known measurements is the “Vickers�.

oblong slot whose measures are much different be-

Among the most common materials with lower hard-

tween the two sides of the plate e.g.:4mm inlet and

ness, there is Gold (22 Vickers) while diamond is

of metals are done mainly by GAUDENZI FP 2-12.indd 1

10/09/12 10.03


the opposite extreme (8400 Vickers).

The output of the production quality is higher for two

Black Shield can get 1300/1400 Vickers, depend-

main reasons:

ing on the material.

First because the Black Shield sheets have low roughness. This feature makes the outside of the screened

Why black shield

material affected by minor surface stress.

Tests carried out in collaboration with our operation-

In this way the parts that are

al partners have shown the decrease of downtime

time of the selection process and which continue

not extracted at a the path of screening are more resistant



stressed by the previous steps. The



vantage of the output is to be found in



of the material in which are

the made.

screens Being

a material more resistant to abrasion, resulting output will contain fewer  residues, as  the BLACK SHIELD is also selflubricating. Thanks



and a significantly higher quality of the output.

SHIELD treatment, it is possible to obtain plates with

The decrease of machine downtime occurs when

slotted holes, oblong and round holes in different

there is a continuous passage of material and then

thicknesses (also 2 mm thickness) starting from dif-

a continuous consumption.

ferent metals that optimize the production process.

High hardness means that sheets are more durable

An interesting

and there is less need for replacement, with obvious

found on the wire filter/clusters in the machines

advantages of operating costs.

that work the rice .

Black Shield treatment improves the resistance to

filters represent a solution which renews the produc-

corrosion and therefore can be used even in critical

tive tradition of the past and show their potential in


the future.

application of the Black Shield is GAUDENZI FP 2-12.indd 1

10/09/12 10.03

SPECIAL: packaging, labelling, wrapping systems


01/06/12 14.02




urosicma is an Italian company playing an important

chine SAMA and the flow wrapper EURO 88. Regarding

role in the automatic machines’ field. The portfolio of

enrobed products, Eurosicma has developed appropriate

the company includes handling, feeding, wrapping

distribution systems, that can be highly customized according

machines and automatic lines for the bakery, confectionery,

to the space available and the quantity of products coming

cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors. Founded in 1965, it

from the production line. This systems transfer products, at a

is now present in more than 80 countries worldwide with

high speed and in a gentle way, to the HSF8, High Speed

over than 4000 machines installed.Today, Eurosicma is an

Feeder and Timing System, a completely pressureless high-

industrial Group of companies whose core business is repre-

performance feeding system, specially designed to handle

sented by flow and fold tailor-made wrapping solutions for

difficult products such as small cakes with irregular shapes,

the horizontal packaging both primary and multipack of a

sticky bars and nougats. This feeder grants gentle handling

wide range of products such as plain, sandwich and filled

of products at an extremely low and monitored pressure and,

biscuits, wafers, crackers, snacks, candies, chewing gums,

if required or needed, can also avoid any contact between

bubble gums chocolate and sweets in general.

the products. Such sophisticated feeding system is equipped

To serve the bakery industry and satisfy the most various

with auto-tensioning and auto-centering belts’ system. Ex-

needs, Eurosicma offers several applications from the single

tremely easy and fast tool-free cleaning for plates, belts and

machine to complete wrapping systems. Modularity is one of

transmission rollers are assured.

the key point. The EURO 88 is a flow wrapper model avail-

Furthermore, Eurosicma can offer special feeding applica-

able in different configurations and it can be linked to several

tions for wafers: the STF, Side Transfer Feeder, a system com-

feeding systems to handle different products and sizes. For

pletely servo-motorized that allows the transfer of products

biscuits in stacks, both plain and sandwich, Eurosicma offers

from the multi-belts feeder into the chain of the flow wrap-

the EURO 88 UNIVERSAL which can be connected to the

per. The most advanced

“P.W.F” and “V.M.”, two models of vertical gravity feeders

version of the STF is also

ideal for biscuits. For biscuits on edge, the most suitable solution is the version EURO 88/EDG, while for biscuits on edge in flow pack style Eurosicma proposes the EUROFOLD Machine Model. Both machines can be combined with Automatic Portion Feeders, Counting or Volumetric Version. For sandwich biscuits, Eurosicma can offer both sandwiching and packaging, thanks to the combination of the sandwiching ma-

Eurofold Machine Model combined with Automatic Portion Feeder Volumetric Version


follows to page 72 EUROSICMA FP 4/12.indd 1

11/09/12 10.00

Handling? Feeding? Packaging? Sandwich or Plain?

Edge or Stack?

Fold or Flow pack?


the answer! we make sandwich, we feed, we pack AS YOU NEED!

• Sandwich machine model Sama: 1,2,3,4 rows available • Automatic portion feeder: volumetric and counting solution available • Horizontal packaging machine: Euro 88, Eurofold

Eurosicma S.p.A. • Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 4/6 • 20090 Segrate (Mi) • Italy • Tel. +39 02 218961 • e.mail:



follows from page 70

available: the SSTF, Soft Side Transfer System, having an additional servo motor, is able to feed the chain following its movement at high speed and in the gentlest way. Both the devices can be supplied also in twin version and eventually with self-cleaning unit. To strengthen its commitment to the bakery field, Eurosicma decided to set up the company Eurotekna to be able to supply, autonomously as the only center of responsibility, complete wrapping lines and turnkey solutions. Such strong joint-venture was born after a long

Double cream deposit sandwiching machine SAMA 2 combined with the EURO 88 flow wrapper

collaboration between Eurosicma and Tekna. Thanks to the

system is independently servo-driven. The sophisticated dos-

accurate experience gained by both Eurosicma and Eurotek-

ing system employed, grants the deposit of the correct quan-

na staff in the biscuits machine field in over twenty years of

tity of cream also in case the filling machine has to manage

activity, the companies are able to offer a wide range of ma-

many different formats with very different portions of cream.

chines for biscuits and bakery products, such as sandwich-

The machine is also equipped with automatic self-cleaning

ing machines wire-cut technology: SAMA 1, SAMA/2 and

system for chains. Direct connection with the EURO 88 flow

SAMA/4, and automatic feeding systems for biscuits to be

wrapper is possible thanks to a phasing transfer device that

wrapped on edge, both Volumetric and Counting Versions.

can be employed both for single and overlapped biscuits. In

At IBA 2012 in Munich, Eurosicma will exhibit the wrapper

order to meet the most various packaging needs, Eurosicma

Eurofold Machine Model connected with the Au-

Group can also provide a wide range of equipment to han-

tomatic Portion Feeder Volumetric Version. This

dle products from the sandwiching machine or oven end

kind of feeding system is an efficient solution to handle both

to the packaging line. For biscuits on edge wrapping, star

dry and sandwich biscuits; it is completely servo-motorized,

shape stacker allows biscuits turning and it transfers them,

driven and controlled by the wrapper and capable of reach-

already placed on edge, on belts in order to be stored and

ing a speed of 25 cycles per minute. Thanks to the specific

if requested linked to the automatic portion feeders, availa-

technology employed this slugs feeder is able to grant an ex-

ble in Eurotekna’s machinery range. According to customers’

treme gentle handling of the products with an easy and fast

needs, rows multipliers and customized collecting systems

change size. The machinery range includes complete line for

are available. At PackExpo 2012 in Chicago, Eurosicma

sandwiching and packaging for biscuits and crackers. These

will exhibit the compact complete wrapping line

are two successful results coming from this fruitful join-venture. The sandwiching Machine Model SAMA combined with the EURO 88 flow wrapper is an integrated line composed of

Smart Distribution System for products coming in rows

two machines which are connected in real-time. Such synchronization and control system grant high levels of efficiency and out-put. The cream tank is designed to feed the cream to portion and equipped with a jacketed water circulation system for temperature control, a shaker and a pump. Each EUROSICMA FP 4/12.indd 3

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Model EURO 88/CF3 for chocolate bars, wa-

products automatically at controlled pressure, granting a pro-

fers, candy sticks and regular shape products

gressive separation of them to make gentle and efficient the

to wrap in flow pack style. The EURO88/CF3 is de-

loading phase of the wrapper’s infeed chain. The EURO88/

signed to receive long-side leading products, placed in sin-

CF3 can reach a speed up to 400 packs/min, depending

gle line. It is equipped with a 3-belts feeding system, placed

on product’s and wrapping material’s specifications.

at 90° or 110°. Each belt is driven by an independent

Today, Eurosicma together with Eurotekna, is able to offer

brushless motor. The EURO88/CF3 handles products with

its clients a wide array of customized solutions to satisfy the

extremely low and carefully monitored pressure. The feeder

requests of the market and relate to its customers with a part-

is able to recover empty spaces on upstream flow, buffer

nership approach.

FIRMENPROFIL 1965 gegründet, Eurosicma hat eine wichtige Rolle in dem

qualifizierten. Eurosicma kann heute ihren Kunden person-

LebensmittelSektor seit den siebziger Jahren gespielt und ist

alisierte Lösungen anbieten, die jede Bedürfnisse erfüllen

ein der Italienischen Unternehmen, das spezialisiert sich auf

können. Mit qualifizierten Departemente wird jede Phase

automatische horizontale Verpackungsmachinen, sowohl auf

der Produktionsprozess, von der Planung zu der gesamten

dem italienischen Markt als auch dem internationalen Markt.

Herstellung, von der Qualitätskontrolle bis zu der After-Sales

Eurosicma entwickelt und herstellt eine breite

Service, mit Professionalität und Wissen geführt. Eurosicma

Palette von Verpackungslösungen für Nah-

ist ein zuverlässiger Partner und hat konkrete und beweis-

rungsmittel, Gesundheits- und Hygieneartikel

bare Merkmalen, die verschieden sich selbst von anderen

und Pharmazeutika. Für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie

Unternehmen der dieselben Sektoren.

bietet Eurosicma sowohl Flow-Pack als auch Fold-Pack Stil

Ernst und Erfahrung, gesichert von über 45 Jahre

für horizontale Primär-, Mukltipacks- und auf Anfrage auch

und über 4000 verkaufte Maschinen in 80 Länder weltweit.

Zweitverpackung. Das Unternehmen herstellt Verpackungs-

Kunden, die Eurosicma wählen, sind nie al-

und Handlingsystemen für verschiedene Produkte wie

lein gelassen dank der wirkenden After-Sales Service

Süβigkeiten, Kekse, Waffeln, Backwaren, Schokolade

sowohl mit Support von Italien als auch von Ort, wo qualifi-

und Snacks. Für die Sanitär- und Pharmaindustrie bietet Eu-

zierte Ingenieurequipe werden ausgebildet.

rosicma Lösungen für die Herstellung und Verpackung von Pflastern, Wundverbänden und Wattenstäbchen. Diese

ProduktQualität, gesichert von der “Handmade in Italy” Produktion und von strenge Qualitätskontrolle.

Maschinen können auch mit der Cartooning-Unit geliefert

Eurosicma ist ein flexibles Unternehmen, sow-

werden. Eurosicma startet mit 30 Mitglieder und

hol in den Verbindungen mit ihren Kunden als auch in den

heute hat 150 Mitglieder und erreicht einen

Produkte. Eurosicma will immer ihr Wissen teilen und herstellt

Gesamtumsatz über 30 Millionen Euro. Die

personalisierte Lösungen, die spezifische Bedürfnisse führen.

gesamte Produktion zählt 4000 Maschinen,

Eurosicma ist ein zuverlässiges Unternehmen,

verkauft in über 80 Länder weltweit.

das technische und kommerzielle Garantie sichert, um

Aus diesem Gesichtspunkt kann sich Eurosicma wie „Multi-

alle Kundenbedürfnisse zu erfüllen, von dem kleinen Un-

spezialisierter Hersteller von automatischen Maschinen“

ternehmen zu dem multinationalen Konzern. EUROSICMA FP 4/12.indd 5

11/09/12 10.01




m-drogerie markt GmbH & Co. KG has put their new

curely stored on pallets are packaged in containers and

logistics centre in Weilerswist, near Cologne, into

cardboard boxes, and then commissioned and shipped.

operation. The 50,000 square metre facility will act

A total of 12,500 items are distributed through the centres

as the central distribution centre, relieving the existing dis-

in Waghäusel and Weilerswist.

tribution centres for cardboard goods in Weilerswist and small goods in the near-by town of Meckenheim. High

Secure pallet protection

demands are placed on the packaging technology, to

Around 2,500 pallets with goods arrive in Weilerswist

ensure the palletised goods are transported safely to in-

daily. They are recorded and inspected. Via a convey-

dividual stores. Therefore, the general contractor tasked

ing line, they are sent for intermediate storage to a fully-

BEUMER with installing suitably powerful high-perfor-

automatic high-rack warehouse, which can hold 18,000

mance packaging systems.

pallets. Commissioning is the heart of the distribution cen-

Positive corporate development has caused the need for

tre. Empty pallets move along 22 aisles on approximately

logistical support for the 1,180 existing dm stores to grow.

200 overhead tracks and automated guided vehicle sys-

Since the mid-1980s, the drugstore chain has operated

tems. A light signal indicates which product, and how

its own distribution centres. Today, goods are transported

many, are to be placed on the pallet. In order for the

from the location in Waghäusel, which opened in 2004, and the new location in Weilerswist to the dm stores. The distribution centre in Weilerswist was built in several stages between Autumn 2009 and Summer 2010. “We had a number of reasons for a new location”, said Joachim Lück, Coordinator of the dm-drogerie markt distribution centres in Karlsruhe. “However, the main reason was that both of the old locations in Weilerswist and in Meckenheim were showing their age and the technology was no longer upto-date.” The new distribution centre, costing more than 140 million euros, is the largest single investment in the company’s history. It is one of the most advanced logistics centres in Europe. In both of the distribution centres, the employees prepackage cardboard goods for the stores. In Weilerswist, there is also the so-called small parts distribution centre. Here, small and individual products that cannot be se- BEUMER FP 4-12.indd 1

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packaged. They are highly stable, thanks to the lasting vertical and horizontal tension force of the film. Each day, 2,500 pallets are prepared for shipping. Lorries bring the shops their goods approximately 72 hours after ordering. Looks good, too The systems have been running smoothly since commissioning in the summer of 2010. Besides the packaging capacity, the stretch hood technology provides improved visibility of the palletised products thanks to the goods to arrive at the dm

smooth surface of the film hood. Also, these sys-

stores in perfect condition,

tems offer a higher level of availability compared

they must be secured and

to stretch wrappers.

protected during transpor-

And one more thing makes the BEUMER packag-

tation. Therefore, high de-

ing systems stand out. At dm’s request, they were

mands are placed on the packaging systems. The general

painted in several colours. They now fit perfectly with

contractor gave the intralogistics expert BEUMER the job

the harmonious colour concept of the distribution centre.

of supplying and installing two high-performance packag-

“Yellow, orange, green, blue and purple – these primary

ing systems.

colours extend throughout the whole design”, said Mariott Stollsteiner, from Stollsteiner art&business, who is re-

Energy-efficient and economical with materials

sponsible for the unusual colour selection. “These colours

The BEUMER stretch hood® S high-performance packag-

symbolise to the employees that all individual processes,

ing systems are designed to package 100 pallets per

all working steps, are intertwined. The idea behind this is

hour. In Weilerswist, the systems pack 90 pallets per hour.

for the people and from the people – at a workplace that

Using ultrasound, the height of the pallets is measured.

would otherwise be forgotten.”

This allows for the fully automated processing of pallets of varying heights, as well as optimisation of film consumption. The recyclable film, with a thickness of 60 micrometres, is automatically cut and sealed. The stretch hood formed in this process is pulled over the palletised goods. The goods are protected on five sides without needing an additional film sheet and without a top film sheet. The packaging protects the goods from atmospheric influences, dust and moisture and ensures a high level of transport stability. Carriers and goods form one stable unit. The energy-efficient BEUMER systems use only 0.04 kilowatthours per pallet. After this step, the pallets are completely BEUMER FP 4-12.indd 3

28/06/12 15.57




or decades the packaging industry has struggled

es, corrugated cardboard boxes and displays at their

for standardisations beyond the bounds of compa-

disposal. Thanks to the innovative parameterisation

nies. The specifications of machine manufacturers

module DVSMAP special catalogues for envelopes,

facilitated this only in parts. More than 25 years ago

CD and DVD packagings can be created on demand

the DVS company had already started to combine tech-

according to client specifications. Today the main cata-

nical know-how of the machine manufacturers` specifi-

logues have approximately 420 standards which are

cations with human experiences in a catalog of criteria. With the help of a simple question answer dialogue for form, execution and checked formulas it became feasible to obtain an almost identical construction only when the 3 dimensional main measurements (length, width, height) and the materials of the packaging were specified. This is regardless of what packaging developer was confronted with this task. While this collection of for-

only the tip of the iceberg for several

mulas was only avail-

million sub-constructions.


For several years packedia web-pro



and then only on paper

in its previous form offered these

fortunately the appearence

possibilities as prototypes for testing. From

of the personal computer in the

July 2011 this commercial version of packedia

middle of the 1980s allowed this

web-pro has also appeared in the English language

to become so much easier. Now even a non profes-

available for prospective customers who do not want

sional could create standard packaging samples with

to install software in their own companies or do want

almost no errors within minutes.

to participate in the centrally managed catalogues from

In time, the range of possibilities was extended and

all over the world as SAAS (software as a service). This

adapted to the specifications of the big packaging

can be found free of charge at :

manufacturers` associations (ECMA, FEFCO) including

packedia web-pro as well as packedia pro supply re-

their norm labels and constructions. Complex sub-con-

sult data to the processing for CAD or DTP programs.

structions have also been created even beyond those

The widely spread and standardised data format of the

specifications. Using packedia pro today, packaging

DXF serves as a vector interface. Calculation data for

developers have standard catalogues for folding box-

the transfer is optionally provided. PACKEDIA FP 4-12.indd 1

28/06/12 17.34

DVS System Software GmbH & Co. KG FreiligrathstraĂ&#x;e 6-6a D-58636 Iserlohn Germany Fon Fax

+49 (0) 23 71 - 43 79-0 +49 (0) 23 71 - 43 79-79



The perfect tool for packaging-design!

DVS System Software located in Iserlohn Germany, was founded in 1985, and develops Software for the packaging and the printing industry. DVS provide software for packaging development (packedia) which is easy to handle. An online dialog tool with pictures enables several million different forms of packaging items to be created. Even an untrained worker is able to create a perfect construction in less than one minute. Furthermore DVS offers a sheet optimization (DVSOPT). packedia pro and DVSOPT supplies optimized results. The user is able to make a quick calculation and a quick offer.

See more informations on

See product-video on Youtube




fter the fine debut in the first edition, Packology re-

initiatives that will not begin well before the actual trade

turns to the calendar on 11-14 April 2013. This

show dates. This is a tangible sign of the organizers’ de-

trade show dedicated to the universe of packaging

sire to depart from the usual trade show formula and make

and processing is organized by Rimini Fiera with the sup-

the event an ongoing point of reference for businesses in

port of UCIMA, the national association of Italian manu-

the sectors of packaging and packaging materials.

facturers of automatic machinery for packaging and packaging materials.

The activities will also include direct and press

The modern fairgrounds of Rimini will host the

communication and participation in major inter-

latest innovations technology has to offer, with

national shows to promote Packology through-

particular focus on machinery and technology

out the world.

for primary and secondary packaging as ap-

After the recent participation at Plast in Milan,

plied in the food, beverage and consumer products fields.

SPS in Parma, EUROCARNE in Verona and Rosupack in

The show will also include a section on the packing world.

Moscow, the next appointments will be in the European

The success of the event will be ensured by the presence

and American markets, specifically IBA in Munich, FACH-

of the most important Italian companies in each category,

PACK and BRAU BEVIALE in Nuremberg, PACK-EXPO in

which are confirming their interest in the project by book-

Chicago and EMBALLAGE in Paris.

ing large exhibit areas. This is also catalyzing the interest of major groups and smaller firms from abroad. To make the show a not-to-miss event for sector end-users and professionals, the organizers are also working to form important partnerships with national and international entities and institutions, international promotional organizations and chambers of commerce, professionals, leading companies and prestigious consultants. Packology 2013, in fact, intends to combine an exhibition of the latest technologies for packaging and packaging materials with events, conferences and business meetings that will draw the attention of the leading international buyers. Packology 2013 will therefore represent an imperative opportunity for professional updating on the latest trends in the sector through an impressive calendar of events and PACKOLOGY FP 4-12.indd 1

27/06/12 10.49

2 Exhibition of Technology for Packaging and Processing nd

June 11- 14 2013

Rimini Expo Center - Italy

Organized by


Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association




roduction volumes demand new technologies

with transparent or coloured films and single or twin

CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP is the leading meat

tray packs. The entire inspection solution is required to

processing company in Europe. Formed from a

fit within the existing thermoformers and guarantee the

merger of the Group Smithfield Europe and Campof-

100% detection of defective products.

rio (Spain), CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP has adopted a new manufacturing policy targeted at achieving

The solution proposed by Luceo

significant gains in productivity. One of the results of

CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP were immediately re-

this policy has been a decision to increase production

assured by the extensive and relevant experience of

capacity and production volumes.

Luceo, who have already installed their inspection sys-

The ultimate objective is to raise the production rates

tems on many similar production lines.

on the high volume lines by a

Their proposal was based

factor of three, and this can

on the use of the ThermoSe-

only be achieved through au-

cure T100 system, integrat-


ed into the thermoformers.

The requirements of CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP

This computer vision system inspects the seals on modi-

The improvements will be made at two Spanish sites,

fied atmosphere trays, and also detects empty trays

Burgos and Torrijos. Full automation of the packag-

and misaligned film. Whenever a defective tray is de-

ing lines without the use of visual inspection to guar-

tected, the vision system sends a signal to a marker,

antee irreproachable quality is inconceivable The re-

instructing it to mark the type of defects on the tray.

quirements of CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP in terms of quality are commendable. “It is not possible for us to deliver trays of slices of cured and cooked meats with seals that are less than perfect. In carrying out this project, we need a partner capable of applying absolute quality standards to the CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP manufacturing process”, explains Fernando Baños García, Project Manager in the Engineering Department of CAMPOFRÍO FOOD GROUP based in Burgos. The challenge for equipment providers is to increase the production rate to 200 trays per minute, while maintaining a solution that is flexible enough to cope with production runs of many different products


follows to page 82 LUCEO FP 4-12.indd 1

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ThermoSecure Full inspection of packs by vision

Detection of sealing contamination

Date, barcode, price and weight reading

Label inspection: position and matching

Let’s discuss how we may help you:

Detection of empty packs

email: Tel: +33 (0)2 99 62 86 11

improve quality control on your packing lines, reduce customer returns dramatically



The marked tray is ejected at the end of the line for re-

the commitment of Luceo, from pre-sales information

work in accordance with the type of defect detected.

through to after-sales service. Moreover, I can confirm

In order to ease the work of the operators, an alarm

that we have experienced no problems due to the

is triggered if a misalignment of the plastic film is de-

geographic distance separating our companies, or to

tected, enabling them to correct the adjustment of the

the language barrier. »

follows from page 80

thermoformer immediately.Each line carries production runs of between two and six different products every

Immediately visible results for CAMPOF-

day, and the Luceo solutions are remotely configur-


able. At each change of product, a member of the

“We are constantly seeking to improve the upstream

maintenance team reconfigures the product, and the

process in order to avoid the loss of packaging and

inspections to be carried out. This can be done from

production capacity, and we can now make use of

the office (usually when creating a new product con-

the statistics provided by the ThermoSecure T100” ex-

figuration) or on the line itself where the appropriate-

plains Fernando Baños García. Previously, the number

ness and correct configuration of the inspections can

of operators on the line varied according to the type of

be checked and verified.

product being packed. Now we have a totally flexible

In order to guarantee that no defective package is al-

system that can quickly be adapted to our production,

lowed through, 100% of the defective packages are

regardless of the production rate, colour or type of tray. In addition, “The accuracy of the Luceo systems is wonderful. The ThermoSecure T100 finds everything that is detectable, and we sometimes have to decrease the detection sensitivity. The adjustment is finely optimised to ensure that there is no risk of leakage in the products reaching the market”, continues Mr. Baños García. Previously, the operators were unable to detect small defects. With its computer vision inspection systems, Luceo guarantees that 100% of defective packages are detected and ejected. The ThermoSecure system generates automatic periodic production reports that

ejected at the end of the line. The caser system ignores

include statistics and production logs. These reports

the defective packages identified by the traceability

also contribute to an improvement in process control


with a more accurate and reliable collection of real-

The final point in the proposal submitted by Luceo con-

time production data.

cerns service. This recognises that the entire production line would come to a halt is a problem occurred

“We now have a system capable of guaranteeing the

in the Luceo system. “In this respect”, states Mr. Ba-

total quality of our packages that eliminates product re-

ños García, “we have a partner capable of provid-

turns and penalties, and enhances our brand image”,

ing a continuous service. We have truly appreciated

concludes Fernando Baños García. LUCEO FP 4-12.indd 3

03/09/12 15.49




urope’s leading multi-material packaging manu-

forward direction and ‘future focus’.

facturer, LINPAC Packaging, will present a series

René Christensen, Managing Director and General

of ‘mini’ Fresh Thinking seminars on global trends

Manager North West Europe, from LINPAC Packag-

and their impact upon the packaging industry at

ing, said: “Innovation, not only in our product de-

FachPack 2012.

velopment, but in the way we work with customers,

LINPAC’S executive team will comment on how the

employees and suppliers has been put at the forefront

industry can respond and adapt to the economic vol-

of our long-term strategy. FachPack presents us with

atility throughout Europe in order to remain efficient

a great opportunity to engage with the wider sup-

and competitive. They will also discuss the chang-

ply chain to offer our take on what is in store for the

ing retailing landscape, affected by changing de-

industry and also gauge the opinion of others too.

mographics, and how this impacts on product and

“While the industry has already seen a great deal

materials innovation now and in the future.

of change, it is clear that more is to come; in 2011,

FachPack is one of the biggest packaging exhibitions in Europe, with more than 1,400 exhibitors taking part and 35,000 visitors. It runs September




Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, in Germany, and brings together individuals and organisations from every corner of the packaging world. LINPAC’s exhibition seminars will include excerpts from the successful Fresh! seminars which were held across

the global consumer packaging market was worth

Europe in autumn last year and marked the launch

approximately $400 billion globally and dominated

of the company’s Fresh Thinking strategy. The Fresh

by the food and beverage market (69%). Forecasts

Thinking philosophy has been applied to every as-

show that this sector will grow by at least 4% by

pect of their business, both internally and externally,

2015. Change within the plastics industry is coming

and is about creating optimal ways of thinking and

at a faster rate than ever before. Between new prod-

doing to build a sustainable business which has a

uct introductions, changing legislation and the rapid LINPAC FP 4-12.indd 1

22/06/12 15.20


advancement of new technologies, just keeping up is mentation of these major changes is a must if you are

Fresh thinking on catering and fast food...

to survive in today’s highly competitive environment.”

Your customers in restaurants, takeaways, outside catering,

He added: “Add to this, changes to some of the key

delicatessen or institutional foodservice industries under-

becoming a monumental task. Managing the imple-

stand that good food needs the right packaging. So, at LINPAC Packaging we make sure it is presented in the best way possible, and also protected so the food tastes as good when it is eaten as it did when first cooked. Our fresh thinking means that we continuously deliver solutions which help you to minimise the amount of storage space needed for your packaging. We also help you to maximise your speed of service by ensuring the packaging is as user friendly as possible. LINPAC has a team of dedicated packaging professionals who can guide you through our wide range of packaging products, services and solutions for the catering and fast food markets. LINPAC has a trends which drive our business – the rise in single-

wide choice of films and trays for caterers and fast food

person households, an ageing population, a rise in

establishments to choose from to help keep food fresh and

consumer awareness of issues like food safety and

free from damage during transit from shop to home. A ran-

security, a drive to reduce costs across the supply

ge of dispensers and films, from standard household rolls to

chain and environmental factors – and we realised

specialist films which are microwaveable, oxo-degradable

that we could not expect to operate in the same way

or ovenable, are available. In addition to their EPS catering

that we have always done if we are to stay ahead

trays, which come in a variety of sizes making them suita-

of the competition.

ble for all types of fast food, from chips to curry, LINPAC

Developing and implementing our Fresh Thinking

offers the HOTpac range – hinged boxes which are ideal

strategy has injected new methods, products, ideas

for food-on-the-go. Like catering trays, HOTpacs are made

and innovation into LINPAC Packaging.”

from EPS, and customers have a choice of sizes and styles

Senior executives at the company have recently

to choose from – from single to multiple compartments, ma-

warned that the packaging industry is failing to com-

king them easy to fill and providing excellent presentation

municate the crucial role packaging plays in modern

and accurate portion control. For the industrial pizza ma-

society. Director of Innovation Alan Davey, speaking

nufacturer, LINPAC can supply both discs and trays which

at the European Plastics and Composites Innovation

allow the pizza to be displayed in different ways to ensure

Days, organised by the European Plastic Converters

high quality presentation and maximum shelf appeal. The

Association, told delegates: “We have a very good

trays also have protective qualities; preventing the pizza

case to make for plastics and plastics packaging but

from being damaged during transit.

as an industry we are punching below our weight LINPAC FP 4-12.indd 3

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food waste and deliver environmental benefits.” Between the seminars, visitors to LINPAC’s stand will be able to see some of the latest products to be developed by the company, including their range of split packs which allow contents to be divided into separate portion-size compartments in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) meaning consumers can store food in the fridge for longer without compromisand need to work harder to show retailers and con-

ing food safety, and the Rfresh MB/LINtop Star – the

sumers the benefits of packaging for preserving and

ultimate film/tray combination in sustainability and

storing food at a time when food waste is one of the

performance. The Rfresh MB trays are made from

biggest environmental issues facing Europe.

rPET and contain up to 95% food grade post-con-

“We need to address the challenges facing the indus-

sumer recyclate while the LINtop Star range of films

try including the changing needs of the market; the

represent a new generation of premium quality high

effectiveness of packaging; the need to drive down

barrier shrink lidding films.

Fresh Thinking on display at FachPack 2012

For some fresh ideas on packaging solutions visit LINPAC Packaging FachPack 2012 Hall 9 Booth 9-635 // @LINPACPackaging LINPAC FP 4-12.indd 5

22/06/12 15.20




avanna Packaging USA Inc. - a subsidiary of Cavanna Packaging Group S.p.A. - has celebrate the grand opening of its North American headquar-

ters operations near Atlanta. The opening of Cavanna Packaging USA and its 1.950 square foot building – leased at 2150 Northmont Parkway, Suite A in Duluth – represents the company’s efforts to expand its customer base and market share in North America. Cavanna Packaging Group, with global headquarters in Prato Sesia (in the North of Italy), is leader in the flowpack wrapping systems field. The family-owned business started in 1960 by Mario Cavanna made efforts to open a location in the U.S. in 2011 and ultimately chose Gwinnett because of its business-friendly environment, the proximity to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta

to significantly grow as production increases. “As an

International Airport, and the area’s skilled workforce.

effort to continue to support our increasing customer

This company designs, produces and distributes world-

base and to grow our market share we have estab-

wide automatic machines and turnkey systems for single

lished a new operational facility in Duluth – Atlanta,

pack and multipack wrapping of food, pharmaceutical

GA. In addition to providing our customers with a great

and non food products. It’s a safe and reliable part-

technical support, we are pleased to provide complete

ner the customer can turn to with absolute confidence

wrapping machines and wrapping systems.”, said from

to study and create together custom-made packaging

the headquarters. This facility will complement the two

solutions. Cavanna is on the U.S.A. market for over

manufacturing facilities in Italy as well as the successful

30 years with over 500 installations. The need to be

Brazilian manufacturing facility. “As a company with a

closer to American customers to better serve them and

52 year successful history of providing complete wrap-

the strategic importance of this market has meant that

ping machines and systems, we are pleased to bring

Cavanna has made the decision to be on the market

our services and products to North America,” - said Ric-

with an assembly plant and construction of its packag-

cardo Cavanna together with his sister Alessandra Ca-

ing technologies, highly suitable to a quality market like

vanna, both of them CEO, Cavanna Packaging Group

that of U.S.A.. The grand opening also highlighted Ca-

S.p.A. - “Upon recommendation from a fellow business

vanna Packaging USA’s year-end employment projec-

owner to consider Duluth for Cavanna’s expansion, our

tion totaling 12 initial jobs with that number expected

own review has shown this insight to be correct.” CAVANNA FP 4-12.indd 1

07/09/12 16.46






Customer packaging requirement was to get stacks of

Even the carb-conscious get tempted

3/4 biscuits each, depending on the size of the prod-

by so delicious chocolate biscuits. And,

uct. Biscuits were arriving flat to the wrapping line at a

with the market demand running high, one of the world’s

speed of 700 ppm and had to be stacked before being

largest bakeries sought an automated system that would be

wrapped. The solution needed by the customer was there-

more productive. The system needed to handle 900/1000

fore a high speed integrated wrapping system able to

pieces per minute coming from the process line.

handle different product sizes with a high rate of flexibility.

Products arrived in plastic moulds ■ each containing 30 products (chocolate coated biscuits)

How can you stack biscuits arriving flat at a high speed?

■ and had to be flowpacked in piles of two (450/500 SOLUTIONS/STRENGTHS

packages per minute).

Cavanna presented an electronic programmable stacking

How is the automated line to be configured to face a

system. This innovative device provides three main clear

demand of increased production?

benefits: ■ the number of products per stack is programmable electronically ■ it is definitely user friendly (extremely easy to set) ■ lower possibilities of failures during the stacking process The line can wrap products of several sizes with very quick changeovers. It is also to point out that the product is handled individually and stacked before being wrapped. This enables a better product handling which guarantees lower microshocks. RESULTS/BENEFITS


The Cavanna solution granted an efficiency higher than

To meet the needs, Cavanna designed and supplied a

99%. With great flexibility in quick changeovers, the sys-

new packaging solution just for the bakery, consisting of

tem was successfully integrated in the line achieving best

transport system, double intake of moulds, axial handling

performances also at high speeds.

system, evacuation and recycling of empty moulds, superimposed pile-forming device, wrapping machine Cavanna Zero 5. The killer application of the solution developed by Cavanna is the AXIAL HANDLING SYSTEM, consisting of two heads. They are run by five brushless motors to perform the following movements simultaneously ■ backwards and forwards (1 motor) CAVANNA FP 4-12.indd 3

07/09/12 16.46


■ upwards and downwards (2 motors) ■ products’ chasing (2 motors) The system simultaneously takes and releases two rows of products from two moulds (12 products/mould/head = 48 products). Given a production of 900/1000 ppm, the axial handling system works at approx. 20 cycles per minute. RESULTS/BENEFITS With a rising market demand, production could no longer

21.000 pieces). The SDR is a conveyor belt system pla-

be managed manually nor discontinuously. As a result of the

ced between the processing line and the horizontal loa-

introduction of the automated system and high-speed packa-

ding system. Its function is to receive products in aligned

ging line, the bakery has seen an increase in productivity

rows and distribute them orderly. The STREAM is a ho-

to 900/1000 ppm. The obtained line efficiency is 98%.

rizontal loader composed of a series of belt conveyors,


each with its own drive, having the function to receive the products from the processing line and deliver them to the wrapping machine. The storage unit is a three-level


horizontal BUFFER with automatic search of loading and

Among the most difficult items

discharging levels. It is equipped with 3 storage belts with

to handle in packaging there

step-by-step movement and loading photocells.

are sticky products. Dealing with them is even harder when they arrive to the wrapper


at a high speed and in a high number of rows. That was

Cavanna’s line reached a more than 99% efficiency at

the case of our customer which needed to wrap cere-

a speed of 660 ppm. t flexibility thanks to its capacity in

al bars one by one at a speed of more than 600ppm.

handling 28 different sizes. These results are outstanding

Moreover he requested a flexible line able to deal with

considering that the line deals with sticky products.

several sizes. How to deal with sticky products coming in

High level of sanitation and cleanability.

a high number of rows? SOLUTIONS/STRENGTHS





Cavanna supplied a packaging line featuring a row pieces multiplier in order to reduce the number of incoming rows by increasing the number of pieces per row. The line is equipped with: ■ row distributing system -SDR■ an in-line loading system -STR■ a storage unit with a capacity of 7/8 minutes (about




07/09/12 16.46


Top Packaging Summit 2012 by Packbridge



ackaging Beyond Recession – what is the future like?

and the 18th of October in Lund, Sweden. Also this time

The European FMCG industry is facing a formidable

we can offer an extraordinary list of speakers including

test, maybe the most challenging one yet. The un-

representatives from Unilever, Rexam, IKEA and AR Pack-

predictable economies and the volatility of the financial

aging Group, just to mention a few. We will also have

markets are unsettling the Eurozone as consumer demands

speakers from South Korea’s leading food manufacturer CJ

on products and packaging are increasing. Sustainable

CheilJedang and from Foodpolis a major Asian centre for

development and environmental issues are on top of the

food and packaging development. The theme of the year

agenda. Then add to the list the consum-

is Packaging Beyond Recession and the

ers’ never ending need for novelty, call

speakers will share their views on the fu-

for convenience, stress on safety and

ture, all from a packaging perspective.

pressure for price.

We will talk about trends, materials and

The food and beverage industry is an ob-

financial cycles. Subjects that will be dis-

vious example of an industry addressing

cussed include “The rise of store brands”,

all the above issues. Since 70% of all

“The increased use of packaging to posi-

consumer packaging produced are des-

tion your brand”, “What are the consum-

tined to this industry it is natural for also

ers expecting from packaging?”, “Is the

the packaging industry to engage in the challenge. Con-

future still in plastics?” and “How packaging innovation is

sumer demand for good looking, safe, smart, functional

affected by financial cycles.”

and convenient packaging puts us continuously to the test.

“Competition has never been more intense. The pressure

Some of these topics, but far from all, were discussed dur-

for lower prices is harder. Increased demand and scarce

ing last year’s Top packaging Summit 2011 arranged in

resources is increasing cost for suppliers. Still innovation is

Malmö, Sweden. We had global brand owners, retailers

perceived to be the only way forward.But how does this

and packaging suppliers on the stage and more than 220

equation work? What are the solutions that fit into the new

people representing around 130 companies and organi-

business environment where austerity goes hand in hand

sations from more than a dozen countries in the audience.

with need for differentiation and creative ways to serve your

Top Packaging Summit 2011 was last year the largest

customers? These are questions that we hope will get an-

and probably the most influential packaging conference in

swers at Top Packaging Summit 2012 by Packbridge, says

Europe. This year the conference is taking place the 17th

Per-Stefan Gersbro, managing director, Packbridge. Top Packaging Summit FP 4/12 .indd 1

07/09/12 16.48




SP 45 EVO is the result of our machines’ evo-

a twenty year experience in the packaging field. Our

lution and of many experience’s years in the

technical and commercial staff is at your disposal to

field of horizontal products’ packaging.

show you concretely our professional capabilities.

Electronic Horizontal Pillow Pack Wrapper, versatile and reliable, very flexible in the format-change, suitable for food and non food products, both for

OPTIONS Printing unit for expiry date Photo electric cell for print register

single-dose and for multiple packages.

Casters under the machine

Cantilever frame and easy accessibility, together

Gear shift for short/long pitch

with sanitation (sanification) principles, easy maintenance and safety, it has been constructed for, allows this wrapper to distinguish itself. TECHNICAL FEATURES PRODUCTION SPEED: Up to 150 ppm PRODUCT DIMENSIONS: Width: 20÷200 mm Height: 1800 mm Length: 50÷600 mm REEL DIMENSIONS: PACKAGING MATERIALS:


Reel width max 520 mm Outside diameter: 350 mm Core diameter: 68÷75 mm Heat-sealable Coated Cold-sealable Polyethylene Length: 3200 mm Width: 890 mm Height: 1800 mm 500 kg

Double reel holder Polythene version Infeed extension Zig-zag knives Euroslot punch No product no bag Automatic feeding Many other solutions can be proposed ELECT. FEATURES AND CONT. SYSTEM Motion control with PLC Interface through 3,7” touch screen Working programs memorization Machine diagnostic Temperature control through touch screen Power 3 KW

Choosing a flow-pack packing machine is an important step and asks for a serious reflection in order to get a machine capable of meeting any requirements. Therefore, it is fundamental to entrust to a dynamic and flexible manufacturer, capable of giving immediate and precise answers. General System Pack has all these qualities together with a skilled staff and GSP FP 4-12.indd 1

01/08/12 14.25




ABELX® WORLD is the result of several years of

vated solutions for the automatic labeling which the

work dedicated to an idea developed by a team

LBX MODULAR DS system epitomizes at best as it is

with imagination, expertise and pragmatism who

realized for applications in the cosmetics, chemical,

wanted to bring something really innovative to the

and pharmaceutical sectors with ergonomic, reliable

automatic labeling market.

and user-friendly solutions.

The product series LABELX® is represented by reno-

All of the systems of the Modular series are characterized by balcony-like structures that grant the utmost accessibility for cleaning the floor underneath the machine, by the control panel equipped with a Touch Screen interface and housed in a hanging position. For the pharmaceutical industry, a typical end-of-packaging line is represented where a stamping system mod. LBX MODULAR TS-PHARMA is ideal. Such a system has been realized in compliance with the pharmaceutical industry needs. A print & apply system of the new PandA ®4 also completes the equipment. PandA® represents the new generation of print & apply systems, originating from the experience gained in over 20 years LABELPACK.indd 1

26/07/12 16.33


of activity. It can also be combined with a complete series of applicator modules fit for the most diverse labeling and identification requirements. The electronic control of the new PandA® series has a PLC with a Touch Screen operator interface. X-STICKER® is the latest, introduced during Ipack-ima 2012 that revolutionized the manufacturing concepts of automatic labelers. X-STICKER® combines real low-cost technology with an attractive design and technical solutions able to meet with the

to control applications up to 80 m/min at a rate of

request for low-speed label application solutions.

more than 900 labels per minute.

For high-speed applications, the new models LA-

The second model is provided with an industrial print

BELX® RM e LABELX® PE4 really outstand.

engine that can personalize labels in line while adju-

The first model is equipped with double motorization

sting to the most extreme of packaging speeds.

THE DIFFERENCE IS IN the detail Labellers Print & Apply Labelling systems ™

20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) - ITALY

Tel. +39 02 6125495 - Fax: +39 02 6600919 - - e-mail:


10/09/12 10.11




cma – a company of the Coesia Group – supplies complete lines that are able to cover the entire packaging and bottling process, produc-

ing the automatic primary and secondary packaging machines directly in-house, for the food, home &

and high speeds, for heat or cold sealable materials.

personal care, chemical and tea industries.

SP1 is designed for the bakery, confectionery and

In 2012, Acma was integrated, from a commercial

chocolate industries and is offered with modular-row

point of view, by Volpak, another company of the

distribution systems and infeeds with special belts for

Coesia Group and leading manufacturer and sup-

the different types of product to be wrapped.

plier of flexible package (pouch) forming and filling machines.

The new SP flowpack series can be equipped with

Acma and Volpak still maintain their own brand iden-

a recently developed system called “Acma Energy

tity, but they work synergistically on the marketplace

Management”: the aim of this system is to offer a re-

as one joint enterprise that is able to develop complete line projects, including the design of innovative packaging solutions. The product range offered by Acma-Volpak covers five different centres of competence, in relation to the individual merchandise sectors, such as FB Food & Beverage, PC / Personal Care, HC / Home Care, C / Chemical and P / Pharma. Acma will present at PMMI - Chicago - the latest version of its SP1 horizontal flowpack machine for single products or multipacks that works at medium ACMA.indd 1

31/07/12 16.20


markably energy-efficient

and SP2; the latter

machine that guarantees

features a pneumatic

tangible improvements in

film tensioning system

the use of the end custom-

that offers high per-

er’s power utilities, thus

formances compared

optimising consumptions,

with the conventional

reducing energy wastes,

roller tensioners; it is

cutting costs, maximising

also particularly suit-


able for fine and deli-





cate films.

without compromising the overall efficiency: in other

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago, c/o

words a “responsible” use of the production line.

Coesia’s stand in the South Hall, Booth no. 1201,

Acma’s flowpack range is completed by models SP0

from 28th to 31st October.











Integrated Flow Wrapping Systems PMMI CHICAGO 2012 28-31 October - Chicago Illinois - USA HALL - BOOTH A Company of Mezza Pagina ACMA.indd 3 Food Processing.indd 1

30/07/2012 31/07/12 10:51:12 16.20




hermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in

which feature a large variety of models, sizes and

serving science, today launched a new rapid

options, are known worldwide for their proprietary

availability checkweigher program in North

touch screen controls, ease-of-use and reliability.

America and Europe under its Yes! banner. Earlier

Until now, food processors facing immediate pro-

in the year, the company unveiled a similar program

duction issues have been forced to either find a

for its Thermo Scientific APEX metal detectors.

used checkweigher or borrow one from a different

Thermo Fisher developed the rapid delivery program

manufacturing line or facility.

to address a variety of time-critical issues ranging

The rapid availability program lets food processing

from crisis response for recalls to production disrup-

facilities take delivery of a configured checkweigher

tions due to equipment failure.

in approximately four weeks instead of the eight to

Manufacturers can order checkweighers from either

twelve weeks common industry-wide.

the Thermo Scientific VersaWeigh or Versa GP line,

“Food processors do not have the luxury of waiting

depending on where their production facility is lo-

more than a month to receive equipment to address


their checkweighing issue.

The VersaWeigh and Versa GP checkweighers lines,

When a problem presents itself, it is critical that a solution be found immediately. This is why we have expanded the YES! program to include checkweighers,� explained Volkert Jan Hage, product manager, checkweighers, Thermo Fisher. In addition to addressing crisis issues, the YES! rapid availability program helps minimize the impact of production line shutdowns or startup delays due to checkweigher supply issues. The VersaWeigh is available in 12 different configurations and belt widths ranging from 100mm to 400mm. The Versa GP is available in four configurations (including a pharmaceutical model) in belt widths up to 200mm. Thermo Fisher Scientific FP 4-12 .indd 1

20/07/12 10.51


Machines and complete systems for the food industry


ECHNO D, designs and produces directly every product that sells, and it’s independent of any

TECHNO D has 2 distinct departments: STANDARD production , where delivery speed is guaranteed

commercial group.

This skill allows to create customized machines and

CUSTOM production, where we project ma-

plants, that every day show a great reliability and

chines and systems meet your ideas. Today the

maintenance savings from our many satisfied cu-

company can boasts a great experience on food

stomers. TECHNO D high quality construction is

packaging, weighing and processing. TECHNO D

certified with 24 month manufacturer’s guarantee,

designs and builds individual machines and com-

which covers all components.

plete systems for all FOOD industries.


MAP packaging plant

Multihead weigher for fresh and stuffed pasta

Semiautomatic weigher for pasta

Trays MAP packaging TECHNO D FP 4-12.indd 1

10/09/12 11.21


PACKAGING MACHINES FOR BAKERY Semiautomatic weighing plant for bakery

Inclined plant with multihead weigher

Packaging machine for taralli

Packaging machine for bakery


07/09/12 17.14


KOMPAKT SMALL integrated solution is the right so-

The plant is available in vertical or inclined 40° ver-

lution for small and medium companies who wants

sions, made in painted or stainless steel.

a complete and compact packaging line (thanks to M1 or S1 weigher that is directly mounted on the vertical form fill seal packaging machine) or simply for anyone who is new to the automatic packaging and weighing’s world. The plant enclosed all the available features and options mounted on the big packaging lines and also incorporates high quality standards that guarantee perfect packs, weighing precision, low maintenance and easy management of the line. The use of CEE components and equipments are a guarantee and a TECHNO D prerogative for a better quality product.


We show it in 3D. promote your product display its features demonstrate its benefits Magazines and more TECHNO D FP 4-12.indd 5

07/09/12 17.16



FILLING MACHINES The MPF volumetric fillers deposit par-

MPFSC-120-01 Model Filling machine

faster changeover, tighter accuracies, and increased cleanliness

ticulate products such as: cooked pasta

of fill, resulting in less down time.

(short & long goods: spaghetti, linguini,

The systems can be installed ei-

macaroni, couscous, etc.), cooked/IQF

ther over an horizontal or vertical

rice, various fruits and vegetables, re-

bagging machine such as vertical

frigerated salads, surimi, etc. into many


types of containers (trays, plates,

in line or rotary pouch machines

cups, bowls, cans, bags, jars, etc.)


at speeds from 10 to 120 containers

as well as numerous horizontal

per minute. It is well suited to run in the

pouch thermo-form systems where

environment found in plants producing

multiple pockets (pouches) come

frozen dinners and entrees as well as fresh

up each cycles.


The Multi-Fill filling systems are the

machines; pre-formed

horizontal pouches;

The filling systems have been developed with the

most versatile and flexible systems on the market

food processors in mind. The compact design re-

both for products handled and for various pouch

sponds to the needs of food processors with limited

equipment manufacturers.

space on their production lines. The systems can be

The systems can be installed either over an hori-

quickly cleaned in minutes, ready to fill a different

zontal or vertical bagging machine such as verti-

product with no or few change parts. The incorpora-

cal form-seal machines; horizontal in line or rotary

tion of new technology into the MPF fillers allows for

pouch machines utilizing pre-formed pouches; as well as numerous horizontal pouch thermo-form systems where multiple pockets (pouches) come up each cycles. Also on display will be our NEW Precision Volume Adjustment Option for the MPF fillers. This enhancement allows 20

MPFMP-060 Model Semi-Automatic Filling Machine

times more resolution thus increasing accuracy by fine tuning the adjustment of the fill volume. Conversions fit all existing Multi-Fill MPFS knife assemblies, and can be done easily in the field. The machines multi-fill FP 5-12.indd 1

11/09/12 12.07









速 C

Makes Light Work of Hard-to-fill Products / Building B, 4343 West 7800 South West Jordan, Utah 84088 USA Phone 801. 280.1570 / Fax 801. 280.4341 See us at Pack Expo, Chicago, IL (USA) Oct. 28-31, 2012, Booth E-7903 EMBALLAGE, Paris (France) Nov. 19-22, 2012, Stand 5a D128


have been redesigned to better respond to evolving

SC fillers or as a stand alone

customers and industry standards to improve sani-

unit in combination with a scal-

tation, cleaning, safety, maintenance, and opera-

ing/weighing or counting ma-

tional efficiency.

chine as an example.



Multi-Fill has recently developed and installed in

The bulk product feeding system is designed to pro-

the UK, France, Ireland, Spain and the USA sev-

vide a method for controlled dispensing of a prod-

eral models, MPFSC-120-01, with 2 and 4-position

uct in bulk, such as a 200 liter bucket, into a fill-

as well as a10-position distribution systems to fill

ing machine or conveyor. It is flexible and can run

noodles, fried rice, surimi and many other products

products from cooked rice, couscous, cooked pasta

into containers in various multiple lanes conveyor

(short goods) at an output of zero to 3,600 pounds


per hour, depending upon the nature of the product. The bulk feeder can be fed with a post dumper, conveyor, or chute from a second floor or high platform supplied by the customer. Coordinated with the filling machine, the bulk feeder system deposits the right amount of product onto the belt. It speeds up and slows down as the filler and whole line increase or decrease in speed, maximizing the amount of product deposited onto the belt. A product level sensor can be positioned in the filler hop-

MPFSC-120-01 with Bulk feeder for cooked rice

per to detect the level of product . Benefits of adding a bulk feeder include: No screws to damage the product Reduction in problems such as tunneling and damage to the product common with augers or convey-

They efficiently distribute the products into the con-

ors and other bulk product transport devices

tainers at up to 13 to 15 cycles per minutes. From

First in, first out product flow through the feeder

one discharge point, the doses are distributed into

Easy-to-clean design with lift out parts, lift off drip

2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 pouches depending on the pat-

pans, swing away safety covers, and major compo-

tern selected. This principle can also be applied to

nents remain attached in cleaning position (no tools

the in-feed supply of a series of vertical pouch ma-


chines. The distribution systems can be used with our MPF-

Quick release components and guards for easy access. multi-fill FP 5-12.indd 3

11/09/12 10.14


LANEX PACKAGING A reliable partner for the food industry


s a specialist with personal approach, we can

house test shop where it is possible to perform all tests

boast of many innovations in our product groups

of mechanical properties of input materials. Audits of

which have arisen from requirements of our cus-

suppliers, performed regularly according to defined

tomers as well as in-house invention, development and

criteria, are a matter of course. All components of the


bags are made of “virgin” polypropylene or polyethylene.

Food industry

Our standard is a specific inspection of every single

One of the industrial branches that we provide with

bag intended to be used with foodstuffs. This inspec-

our products is the food industry. We react to the

tion includes not only a thorough examination of the

needs of this industry by taking special measures as

bag on an illuminated table but also an inspection

continual improvement of the level of cleanliness and

with metal detector.

hygiene in the production shops, increase of qualification and training of employees, new certifications, but also thorough continuous inspection of all production processes in terms of maximum prevention of contamination of our products. No less important activity is the careful and consistent selection of suppliers of input materials for our production. In order to maintain cleanliness of production shops, we work in conformity with standards that are known in the world as the 5S system. As to the minimization of the risk of product contamination, we follow internal methodical instructions that are in conformity with HACCP standards, both in the field of personnel (hygienic clothing, catering, personal hygiene, training of employees) and in the field of identification and control of the so-called critical points. The aspects of the internal arrangement of the plant have also been solved – as, for instance, a closed circuit of personnel migration within the production plant, the so-called Hygienic Loop. Lanex Packaging is equipped with an accredited in- LANEX.indd 1

24/07/12 14.37


Thanks to the measures already taken, Lanex Packag-

that bag. This way of individual responsibility for work

ing holds a Certificate of Sanitary Safety for its prod-

is an important and effective tool in the quality assur-

ucts which already includes requirements of the Com-

ance process.

mission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011. In our effort to meet the requirements of the market

Manufacturing programme

as much as possible, we are continuously improving

Lanex Packaging is able to meet the requirements

our work. One of the intensively pursued objectives

even of the most demanding customers. In addition to

taken for this year is the certification according to EN

standard bags made of polypropylene and LDPE lin-

15593 (Production of Packaging for

ers, we can


offer also inner liners with barrier

stuffs) the realization of which is ex-

properties. These are liners with

pected in the second half of 2012.

EVOH, polyamide or aluminium

Our efforts get back to us in form

layer which lends barrier proper-

of successful audits by many cus-

ties as moisture, oxygen and gas

tomers who express their utmost

proofness to the bag. These mul-

satisfaction with the results of their

tifunctional barrier properties of

audits. Lanex Packaging can be

the sheets are achieved by co-ex-

found in lists of approved suppliers

trusion of combinations of special

of many leading food-processing

polymers used in the sheets. Thanks


to them, the sheets are resistant, do not let oxygen, gas and moisture

Quality assurance

through, and have good mechani-

We realize that assurance of con-

cal properties: strength, flexibility,

stant quality of production is a top

formability. The sheets are carefully

priority matter, so we pay maximum

selected, purchased, formed and

attention to this question. In addition to

designed for our products by us.

the ISO 9001 certificate which we consider to be

Bags with such sewn-in, inserted or glued-in liners are

the lowest possible level for manufacturers of pack-

suitable for packaging of products with requirement

agings not only for foodstuffs, Lanex Packaging has

for resistance to the environment, especially packag-

taken, by means of internal rules, additional measures

ing of food additives and feed, or hygroscopic granu-

leading to achievement of the best results in this field.

lates and other chemical products.

In addition to the three-level inspection of quality of

LANEX Packaging with its team is ready to supplement

production, Lanex Packaging has applied the system

the range of flexible containers offered by it with ad-

of the so-called full traceability. It means that it is pos-

ditional products that will be manufactured in conform-

sible to trace back to every single material that had

ity with requirements that need specialized approach,

been used for production of any particular bag by

invention and involvement and thanks to which the

means of the SAP system. It is possible also to find all

company remains an important player in the industry

persons who had been involved in the production of

of technical textiles. LANEX.indd 3

24/07/12 14.37

Leading European manufacturer of flexible packagings designed for specifically arduous applications with 25 years of experience • Development, production and sale of four-point flexible intermediate bulk containers, container liners, bags for liquids, sewing threads and woven webbings • Production of flexible containers with LDPE liners and inner liners with barrier properties – with EVOH, polyamide or aluminium layer • Geographical position in the heart of Europe contributes to prompt deliveries just in time • Food approval production according to ISO 9001 and in conformity with HACCP standards • Personal approach and high quality.

LANEX Packaging s.r.o., Hlučínská 93, 747 23, Bolatice, Czech Republic, Phone: +420 553 751 111, Fax: +420 553 751 347, E-mail: padákové šnůry.indd 1

7/23/12 7:48 AM




CM Engineering, placed in Italy in Bardello (Varese), produces high quality synchronous permanent magnet motors and generators in

the following merchandise categories: 1) Compact brushless servomotors 2) Hollow shaft servomotors 3) Direct drive servomotors 4) Torque servomotors

Hollow shaft motor

5) Axial shifting shaft servomotors


6) Synchronous permanent magnet roller servomotors

In addition to standard production ACM Engineering

7) Generators for wind turbines

is able to produce customized product on customer

8) Permanent magnet synchronous motors and genera-

demand, in limited edition also.

tors for naval applications

The Company is ISO 9001-2000 and UL certified.

9) Motors and generators for automotive

ACM products could be used in the following fields: Industrial automation Machines tools Robotic and servocontrols Textile machines Wood manufacturing machines Sewing machines Packaging machines

Direct drive torque motor

Machines for glass processing Printing machines ACM FP 3-12.indd 1

31/07/12 17.13


Serigraphic machines Machines for sheet metal processing Generators for wind farms Motors for automotive applications Motors for naval applicationsd. Torque servomotor Flexographic machines Roller brushless servomotors for conveyor belts Machines for gold processing Machines for food industry and farming Machines for plastic processing Machines for marble processing

Brushless servomotor


Produces high quality synchronous permanent magnet motors and generators in the following merchandise categories: Compact brushless servomotors, Hollow shaft servomotors, Direct drive servomotors, Torque servomotors, Axial shifting shaft servomotors, Synchronous permanent magnet roller servomotors,Generators for wind turbines, Permanent magnet synchronous motors and generators for naval applications, Motors and generators for automotive DIRECT DRIVE TORQUE MOTOR





ACM ENGINEERING SPA 21020 BARDELLO (VA) - Via Don A. Camera, 25 - ITALY - Phone +39.0332.731088/731064 - Fax +39.0332.730380 Website: - Email: ACM_ing.indd 1

12/04/12 09.14 ACM FP 3-12.indd 3

31/07/12 17.13




ecla Schizzarotto President and CEO of Schib

I have chosen to do so with few words and many

Packaging says: “Welcome to the world of

images. Words are not necessary: we must leave


room for sensations, for emotions. When you finish

I would like to help you appreciate all its nuances.

reading this, I would be happy if you said: “It wasn’t

I would like to help you perceive the spirit, the com-

what I expected”.”

mitment, and the enthusiasm behind our work. I would like to be able to accompany you through


the pages of this magazine and pique your curiosity.

Electronic biscuit feeder designed to receive the incoming products and transfer the piles of biscuits into the in-feed conveyor of the wrapping machine. Speeds up to 400 packs per minute.

SCHIB PACKAGING S.P.A. produces horizontal flow-packing machines as well as automatic feeders and automated wrapping systems. They offer innovative and reliable solutions tailored to customer’s actual needs. FOCUS ON: CHOCOLATE BARS Modules with vision system for rows of chocolate bars. They have developed applications for the food and confectionery industry, focusing on candy, lollipop, chocolate, biscuits, snacks, bread and bakery products, through to other food industries such as meat, fish, sausages and cold cuts, cheese and produce. Their range includes Modified Atmosphere Packaging machines. SCHIB FP 4-12.indd 1

07/09/12 17.20




he market leader of deep-frozen foods reinforces its

duces a wide range of deep-frozen paste, i.e. natural

production security by incorporating all-in-one solu-

products based on fish and seafood. Product quality

tions consisting of metal detectors and checkweighers

and the production itself is prime concern of CONGAL-

of the OCS Checkweighers company. CONGALSA´S

SA. During the production, CONGALSA performs con-

clients in the field of distribution guarantee top product

stant controls, i.e. with OCS checkweighers detecting

quality and therefore offer full protection of the brand im-

contamination via metal detectors and X-ray systems. All

age. The benefit is obvious: 100% statistical production

processes are audited and CONGALSA is ISO 9000,

control and the rejection of defective products guarantee

BRC, ISO 14000 and EMAS certified. Just recently,

maximum reliabil-

CONGALSA has incorporated two new OCS check-

ity. As a result, with

weighers, the HC-MDi, which both combine product

OCS equipment,

weighing and metal detection. Due to their logical sys-


tem menus which can be operated from the control unit,


these checkweighers are very easy to handle while pro-




duction, reporting and statistics are covered in one step.

OCS checkweigh-

The checkweighers dispose of two independently work-

ers reliably work in

ing rejection systems; one is responsible for the weight,

environments with low temperature and a high degree

the other for metal detection. The weight control function

of humidity. CONGALSA started at the beginning of

of the HC series is very exhaustive. The Weigh Cell is

the Nineties and is a specialist in the development of

mounted on a massive block and the frame consists of

pre-cooked products based on fish. Since then, CON-

a massive construction

GALSA’s has become an excellent manufacturer thanks

that guarantees the

to the policy of constant investment and continuous prod-

stability of the product

uct improvement. A very capable team of experts with

and absorbs possible

their large know-how together with a good infrastructure


and advanced machinery (like the checkweighers of the

The whole unit is made

OCS company) made CONGALSA a pioneer amongst

of stainless steel. The

the Spanish companies in this sector. Permanent innova-

patented conveyor belts also absorb possible external

tion and commitment for quality and best service con-

disturbances and the servomotors guarantee a silent,

tributed to their presence in the most discerning markets.

quick and secure transport. Thus, these checkweighers

Today, more than 60 active clients in more than 25

with sizes of 290 x 130 x 28mm, weight of 500g and

countries are part of their customer base. CONGALSA

a velocity of 90 products per minute have been rated

is manufacturer of pre-cooked products and also pro-

with great satisfaction. The principal element

vibrations. WIPOTECK + INTERPACK FP 4-12.indd 1

14/06/12 16.00


HC-MDi – combination of checkweigher and metal detector

of the machine, the

the HC series can be extracted by a USB port, loaded/

Weigh Cell is based

saved on a memory stick, pen drive, hard disc, etc.

on EMFR technology

and then downloaded on a conventional computer for



reading. When Mr Eric Larguet, Industrial Director of

Force Restoration) surpassing basic strain gauge from

CONGALSA, decided for checkweighers on a high

other fabricants by far. With this technology, CONGAL-

tech-nological level, he did not hesitate to contact OCS

SA can easily adjust the margin of discarded products

Checkweighers: “We based our decision on the veloc-

by assuring the reliable rejection of incorrect products

ity, the precision, the stability of weighing, the low main-

and thus obtaining stable product weights. The main

tenance costs, the documentation of the process and

function of the checkweighers in the production of

the technical service.” And these are exactly the keys

wafers and deep-frozen paste can be resumed as fol-

to success! Furthermore, the involvement of the opera-

lows:100% of the production process can be controlled

tor in the new technology took place without difficulties:

statistically; traceability of the weights; real-time informa-

the graphic visualisation of the color touch screen helps

tion of adjustments in the production line.

the production staff to familiarise rapidly with this new

The whole merged information in the checkweighers of


INTERPACK 2014 WITH A NEW TRADE FAIR PRESIDENT Friedbert Klefenz, Chairman of the Managing Council of the Packaging Technology Division of Robert Bosch GmbH, is the new interpack President. He was unanimously elected President at the first meeting of the interpack 2014 Advisory Council. The positions of Vice President are held by Christian Traumann, Managing Director of MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. KG, and Bernhard Borgardt, Managing Director of Ostedruck Bernhard-J. Borgardt GmbH &Co. KG, President of European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and board member of Industrievereinigung Kunstoffverpackungen e.V. (German Plastics Packaging Industry Association) and Gesamtverband Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie e.V. (Federation of the German Plastics Processing Industry). The constitutive meeting of the Advisory Council of the world’s most important event for the packaging sector and the related process industries marks the start of the phase of preparing the specific themes of the fair and of its strategic orientation. “Interpack owes its prominent position not least to the excellent and constructive cooperation with the Advisory Council. Thanks to its close contacts with the sector, the fair accurately targets

the needs of exhibitors and visitors alike,” says Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, President and CEO of Messe Düsseldorf. Two of the already approved themes of the programme accompanying interpack 2014 are the INNOVATIONPARC PACKAGING (IPP) on the subject of SAVE FOOD and the METAL PACKAGING PLAZA. At the IPP 2014, packaging designers and industry will come together to work on intelligent solutions to help reduce global food loss. After its premiere at interpack 2011, the METAL PACKAGING PLAZA will again be a point of convergence for the international metal packaging sector and the associated supply industry. The subject of SAVE FOOD was expressly welcomed by the members of the interpack Advisory Council. “In the coming years, the packaging sector will be strongly affected by growing internationalisation. This also implies an even closer meshing of machines and systems with packaging materials. SAVE FOOD is the chance to demonstrate the sustainability of packages – in terms of technology and materials – on the international level,” Klefenz underlined in his inaugural address as interpack President. WIPOTECK + INTERPACK FP 4-12.indd 3

14/06/12 16.00




uf der FachPack in Nürnberg demonstriert GEA

ger effizient umgesetzt werden können. Die Tiefzie-

Food Solutions auf rund 110 m2 in Halle 8, Stand

hmaschine ist für mittlere Produktionskapazitäten bis zu

8-335, investitionssichere Konzepte rund ums Be-

150 Packungen in der Minute ausgelegt. Sie punktet

laden, Aufschneiden und Verpacken. Außerdem wird

durch eine hohe Maschinenverfügbarkeit, Flexibilität und

GEA Food Solutions als Teampartner der Robotik-Pack-

Bedienerfreundlichkeit. Darüber hinaus erfüllt sie höchste

Line im Rahmen einer Sonderschau in der Halle 3, Stand

Hygieneanforderungen. Die Maschineneffizienz kann

3-233, zeigen, welche Rolle eine Tiefziehmaschine und

sicht- und messbar gemacht werden. Dadurch lassen

ein Linienvereiniger bei der Synthese von Robotik und

sich hohe Kosteneinsparungen im sechsstelligen Bereich

Automation im Produktionsprozess übernehmen können.

pro Jahr realisieren. Der modular aufgebaute Linienver-

Die Sonderschau auf der FachPack steht diesmal unter

einiger zeigt als sogenanntes ‘End-of-line’-Aggregat die

dem Motto, wie vielgestaltige Convenience-Produkte

Linienkompetenz des Hauses. Er wird für den wirtschaftli-

hygienisch einwandfrei hergestellt und marktgängig ver-

chen und schnellen Abtransport der Packungen von einer

packt werden können. Das gehört zu den schwierigsten

Tiefziehmaschine wie der CFS PowerPak eingesetzt und

Aufgaben, die in der Lebensmittelindustrie zurzeit zu be-

kann damit an Stelle des klassischen Abtransportbandes

wältigen sind.

eingesetzt werden. Mit dem vollautomatischen Linienver-

Die Teampartner der Robotik-Pack-Line haben eine vol-

einiger werden Maßstäbe in Sachen Leistung, Kostenef-

lautomatische Fertigungslinie konzipiert, bei der ver-

fizienz und hygienischem Design gesetzt.

schiedene Vereinzelungs-, Dosier-, Kontroll-, Abpack-, Versiegelungs- und Kennzeichnungssysteme mit Robotern Hand in Hand arbeiten. Bis hin zur fertig verpackten und für den Weitertransport gesicherten Palette wird alles automatisch erledigt. Der


GEA Food Solutions zeigt anhand eines Thermoformers erPakRT



mit einem Linienvereiniger PowerGuide wie unterschiedliche Anforderungen bei einem Linienvereini-

Wirtschaftliche Verpackungskonzepte von GEA Food Solutions: Thermoformer PowerPak RT mit Linienvereiniger PowerGuide GEA FP 4-12.indd 1

03/09/12 15.59

Preserving industry



COMPACT LETTUCE DRYING TUNNEL DELIVERED TO MALAYSIA, HIGH-LEVEL LETTUCE CULTIVATION Sormac has become one of the leading suppliers for leafy vegetable processing equipment in the world. One of the major disciplines of leafy vegetable processing is the drying of the leaves


nyone who mentions Genting Highlands in Ma-

Low moisture content and little damage

laysia, immediately thinks of the well-known Ca-

During a visit to a lettuce processor in his native coun-

sino, the only place in the country where gam-

try, Julian Roe saw a Sormac air drying tunnel. Instantly,

bling is allowed.

he was convinced that this was the ultimate solution to

However, Genting Highlands has more to offer: at

his problem. Drying using dry air at a low temperature,

an altitude of 4,000 feet and scarcely 400 km from

also with respect to thin kinds of leaf, achieves lower

the equator, pioneering spirit, ingenuity, but above

moisture percentages than can be achieved through

all perseverance have achieved something special.

mechanical drying. Damage caused by mechanical

Since 1994, the com-

drying is prevented leaving

pany Genting Garden,

a fresh looking leaf, and

under the inspiring lead-

not a withered one as hap-

ership Julian Roe, who

pens when heat is used to

was born in England,

dry. Julian Roe: “Genting

has cultivated various


varieties of lettuce here

that is served in the first

under exceptional cir-

class of prominent Asian



airline companies. As far

greenhouse hydropon-

as quality is concerned,

ics under tropical condi-

no compromise is accept-

tions is not exactly com-



However, there were also

In parallel with the culti-

complications. Air drying

vation of lettuce, Gent-

tunnels are big and the

ing Garden also paid

special transport route to

much attention to pro-

the highlands of Malaysia



cessing it. The lettuces grown here are high-quality,

set limits to the width of the tunnel. For this reason,

but they are more delicate than elsewhere in the

Sormac was asked to restrict the width of the tunnel

world. Both washing and drying this tender lettuce,

to maximum 2.40 m. This was no easy task for the

therefore, has to be done with the highest possible

Sormac engineers, but they succeeded in building a


compact and yet well-accessible tunnel within the re-

Consequently, mechanical drying by centrifuge is not

quired width. The upper and lower parts could also

the obvious option.

be separated enabling transport in 40ft containers. SORMAC FP 3-12.indd 1

07/09/12 17.26

Preserving industry



Practice In September 2011, the 1,000 kg/h capacity tunnel, together with a new Pulstar 100 washer and a number of belts, was installed by a Sormac technician. The required cooling equipment was supplied by a local firm. After some modifications to the operating software, the line was put into operation. From the start, the expectations with regard to a low moisture content were fulfilled. Also with light varieties of lettuce such as romaine and rocket, mois-

convenience market with the best quality and we will

ture values under 1% were measured. But certainly

continue this way.” With these convincing words, Ju-

equally important: the lettuce looks wonderfully fresh

lian Roe said goodbye to Sormac Area Sales Man-

and attractive. “This result is the basis for us to further

ager Roy Lemmen at Kuala Lumpur airport.

expand our marketing policy, namely supplying a premium-quality product to our demanding customers.

How does an air drying tunnel work?

The initial reactions from the market were enthusias-

The product is first de-watered on a de-watering belt.

tic, confirming that this risky step has been the right

Then it passes through the drying tunnel in an up-

decision. You can only win over a developing, fresh

wards directed air stream, floating between two mesh belts. Moisture is extracted from this current of air in a cooler. In a second heat exchanger, the air is heated slightly enabling it to absorb water from the lettuce when it passes. Due to the evaporation of the moisture on the surface of the leaf, the lettuce hardly heats up. During the last part of the process, the lettuce is cooled once again, leaving the tunnel at a temperature of approximately 3°C. An external heat pump cools and heats the air. SORMAC FP 3-12.indd 1

20/04/12 11.35

Preserving industry vegetable




hanks to forty years of experience, F.B.L. is now a leading company in the glass and metal packaging industry (jars, bottles and tins) for food products such

as jam, honey, tomatoes and tomato products (sauces, pureed tomatoes, tomato paste, ketchup), foods preserved in oil, pickles, fruit juices, mayonnaise, etc… F.B.L. is specialized in the manufacture of the following machine: Automatic depalletizer totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, for empty containers as metal cans, glass jars and glass bottles. Blower machine (universal or twist model) totally bu-

Rotative vacuum filler totally build-up in stainless steel

ild-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable to clean by

AISI 304 and AISI 316 in the parts in contact with

air or water or steam injection, the inside part of empty

food product, suitable to fill under vacuum preserving

containers as metal cans, glass jars and glass bottles.

liquid as olive oil, sunflower seed-oil, saltwater, vinegar,

Linear vibrating filler machine totally build-up in

syrup, etc…

stainless steel AISI 304, suitable to fill glass jars and

Rotative piston filler totally build-up in stainless steel

metal cans with food products as olives, small onions,

AISI 304 and AISI 316 in the parts in contact with food

cucumbers, artichokes, capers, mushrooms, cherries,

product, suitable to fill thick or semi-thick food products

mixed vegetables, fruit salad, etc…

as jam, tomato paste, honey, sauces, cream, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc… Linear capping machine totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable to close under vacuum by steam injection, glass jars/bottles provided by twist-off metal caps of different size. Tunnel pasteurizer-cooler totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable for the thermic treatment of metal cans, glass jars, glass bottles filled by fruit juice, beer, jam, tomato paste, vegetables sauces, pickles, etc… Vacuum detector suitable to check if glass jars/bottles provided by twist-off metal caps with “safety button” are well closed with vacuum. FBL FP 3-12.indd 1

10/09/12 09.37

Preserving industry





bo Magyar has extended her range of products with a new metering system.

The new generation is called V 80 SPEED and was already introduced successfully at

is positively increased and useful for fuel saving and

the market. The measuring equipment has a licensing

therefore contributes to the protection of the environ-

up to 1.333 l / Min [80 m ³ / H] for steady pumping

ment . The continuous variable steering by mean of a

capacity and an upraised priming. Numerous custo-

Siemens S7 processor with own developed program

mers could make a picture to themselves from the speed

offers numerous costumers tailored extensions such as

increase and the time profit resulting from it. Milk collec-

data acquisition and transfer, automatic sampling system

ting trucks with the V80 SPEED measuring equipment

of different kinds... Driving of the equipment is perfor-

are since now more than ¾ years successfully in service

med either by means of a joystick type touch screen

in Germany and abroad. For priming, the measuring

or pushbutton panel. Sampling bins in different dimen-

system is equipped with an air-ejector placed at the hi-

sions, heated and/or cooled are also parts of the wide

ghest point of the arrangement, so that a foam separa-

range of our complementary products. Beside the new

tor can be cancelled. Through this technology payload

V80 SPEED metering system, further more reliable equipment’s are offered such as the V1000 S. system equipped with a vacuum pump and Max. Capacity of 1,000 l / min. , 60 m ³ / H. The continuous variable steering by mean of a Siemens S7 processor is also delivered on this system with all parameters registered on a SD chip. The same complementary equipment as for the V80 Speed are also available for this system. EC-Type examination certificate for the measuring system for milk. Certificate of conformity for the measuring system for milk

Preserving industry vegetable




onfirming itself as a recognized leader in the

2. A special section of separation of the stem and the

planning and realization of installations for the

inside core with the relative seeds, drawing so only

production of “harissa” pepper sauce, the Pella-

the pulpy part of the pepper;

cini Sergio & Figli has recently furnished a completely

3. The partial concentration of the puree, got by the

automatic plant for the workmanship of 9.000 kg/h

refining machine with an automatic continuous evapo-

of fresh pepper to a note Firm of the North Africa,

rator, working to low temperature, in degree to exactly

specialized in such type of product, destined both to

check the parameters of trial, avoiding excessive times

the individual consumption and to the industrial sale,

of exposure to the heat, typical of the systems of tradi-

as semiworked.

tional cooking; 4. The automatic mixing of the pepper concentrate

In the case in matter, in accord with the Client, has

with the typical (pasta of garlic, spice and salt in dust)

been studied a notable updating of the traditional

ingredients, managed by programmer with PLC;

technology of process, in degree to satisfy the norma-

5. The following de-aeration of the product, so got,

tive more advanced in subject, and particularly those

and the consequent aseptic sterilization managed by

sent forth by the American organism of control FDA,

PLC so to automatically regulate the temperature de-

allowing the Client to commercialize the same product

pending from the mutable value of product pH, with-

on all the most important international markets in such

out adding chemical correctives, maintaining so the


product conforming to its natural formulation;

Strongly of the experience acquired in over fifty years in this kind of workmanships, to the point to be become a point of sure reference, on the international market, for all the Producers of “harissa”, the Pellacini Sergio & Figli has so set up a new technology of process, whose salient points are constituted from: 1. The pell-mell unloading of fresh pepper directly from trucks into waterless receiving tanks, i.e. without hydraulic transport, equipped of transfer belt with relevant system of advancement; PELLACINI FP 1-11.indd 1

21-03-2011 11:13:58

Preserving industry



put in metallic drums, both for “harissa” sauce that the simple pepper concentrate as semiworked product destined to industrial uses. In both cases the parameters of the aseptic Sterilizer, relative particularly to the cooling of the product, are planned in operation according to the type of used packaging: with exit of the product to 90-92 °C for tubes and metallic cans and to 30 °C for aseptic bag/drum. The line develops the cycle of process 6. The management of the aseptic cooling according

in automatic and in continuous, in which the various

to the different kind of final packaging;

phases are constantly checked: this allows to clearly get a spicy sauce with a degree of optimal and

The line so furnished, installed and commissioned near

constant concentration and with superior qualitative

the Client, has furnished a product deprived of seeds

standard to those gotten in the past with the traditional

with natural red colour, creamy and appetizing to the


taste, maintaining intact its fragrance of tastes, appreciated a great by the Client.

Nowadays these systems of traditional workmanship, developed in semi-automatic and put again to the indi-

From the initial pepper, of the characteristic red qual-

vidual ability of the employed operator, are still broad-

ity, having lengthened dimension of around 13-15

ly diffused; in such operational contexts, it is sure that

cm. for 3 cm. of diameter, have been got 4.000 kg /

the risks of contamination, the summary preparation of

h of sauce of “harissa”, ready to be sent to the filling

the pepper, as the system of crushing constitutes some


potential risks of lowering of the final quality of the product with consequent possible losses and remark-

All the parts of trial in contact with the product have

able economic damages.

been realised in stainless steel AISI 316. The new realization of line, projected and manufacBesides the characteristic packaging in metallic can of

tured by the Pellacini Sergio & Figli, establishes there-

1/6, ?, 4/4 and in aluminium tubes of 70 and 140

fore a new point of reference for this type of workman-

gr., destined to the domestic consumption, has been

ship, favouring the demands of modernity and quality

furnished the filling plant into aseptic bag by 200 kg.,

needed from the International Market at today. PELLACINI FP 1-11.indd 1

21-03-2011 11:14:01

Preserving industry vegetable




ellacini Sergio & Figli S.a.s. is a manufacturing Company of machinery and process lines for fruit, vegetable and tomato well known world-wide for

the quality and reliability of its products. The Company is organized to develop three basic activity: the production of process machinery, plant engineering and

bit the new Centrifugal Extractor “MELTEMI� for

technological support.

cold processing of products with red skin and with

The proposed programme is able to meet all production

high tendency to oxidation. This machine is the result of the technological process developed from Pellacini Sergio & Figli S.a.s. allowing the cold-extraction of the juice without use of expensive inert gases, thus reducing the technological costs distinguishing the systems already present on the Market. Finally, on the side of aseptic filling, will be presented the new integrated aseptic system for half-thick and dense products with capacity of up to 6000 kg/h including two absolute innovations: An universal Filling Head that can use almost all aseptic

needs by offering the most appropriate technological

caps present on the Market.

solutions for the specific exigencies of the Market in

The possibility to configure two of said Filling Heads on

which the Customers has to compete.

aseptic mono-bloc to fill at the same time either 1.000

For the 2011 Edition of Cibus Tec, the Company will

litre bag or 220 litre bag thus solving the age-old pro-

present a preview of some innovations in the field of

blem to obtain high capacity and production flexibility

centrifugal separation and aseptic filling.

at low-cost.

In the first case we speak about a rotanting sieve Centrifugal Separator/Extractor, specific for high density products such as garlic, artichokes, potatoes, vegetables, berries and the similar products; such products, up to now difficult to refine with centrifugal separators, will be now processed at low cost and in condition of high efficiency by reducing significantly the waste rate. In the field of the centrifugal separator will be also exhi-

Preserving industry vegetable


BACONSLICER 702: SPECIAL HIGH-TECH SOLUTION FOR SECURE AND PERFECT PORTIONING OF BACON at the Anuga FoodTec 2012, Weber Maschinenbau presented a pioneering involute blade technology system to meet the demand for sliced bacon increasing throughout the world


n the Anglo-American area, bacon varying in nature

Balance further increases the yield

from country to country is part of the standard of the

A particularity of the Baconslicer compared with other

respective culinary culture. In Asia, it is even consi-

slicing systems is the fact that the machine can do com-

dered a delicacy. In Central Europe and in other parts

pletely without product grippers. This allows for loading

of the world the product enjoys an increasing popula-

the slicer continuously and with only minimum spacing

rity. To enable the food processing industry to react to

from the backside. Consequently, intervals in loading

this increasing demand for sliced bacon appropriately,

new products are all past history. The slicing throat width

Weber developed Baconslicer 702.

of up to 380 mm enables the processing also of broad products. The portioning unit of the system guarantees an absolute control over positioning and alignment of the sliced products. The slices can be arranged in most varied portion designs. As all Weber slicers, the 702 is controlled via an intuitively usable touchscreen. A maximum of food safety is realized by Weber by the ‘Weber Hygienic Design’. The housing of the slicer is designed in a way that impurity can be removed fast and conveniently and water can easily drain away. The loading conveyors can easily be removed for cleaning without the use of tools. To achieve even higher performance and flexibility, Baconslicer 702 can be

Interested visitors were welcome to convince themselves

extended by a lar-

of the outstanding performance of this system during the

ge number of mo-

Anuga FoodTec held in April in Cologne.

dules in the Weber

Baconslicer 702 is Weber’s response to the particular


challenges related to the slicing of bacon. Its involute

- ranging from the

blade technology based system achieves a performan-

Weber Food Robot

ce of up to 1,500 cuts per minute in idle cut mode. The

WFR to the Under-

system permanently monitors the gap between blade

leaver. For more

and slicing bar and automatically adjusts it when neces-

information about

sary. This ensures that portions of maximum precision

Weber, please visit

are produced with minimum give-away.

our website www.

The extension by additional modules such as the Visual

portfolio WEBER FP 3-12.indd 1

23/04/12 16.19

Preserving industry vegetable





sons, who are strongly motivated to develop their

certified, is a leading company in Italy as well a

family business.

well-established International reality, specialized

Prompt and timely response to all customers’ urgent

in design and manufacturing of process equipment

requirements are the company’s top- priority matters,


possible thanks to an efficient and qualified techni-


cal assistance assuring maintenance also during holidays.

Storage and Process Tanks:

Latest processing techniques, care for details and

Beer fermenters, crystallizers, dissolution vessels,

product reliability are some of factors that made “

heated and refrigerated mixing tanks, for any capac-

INDUSTRIE FRACCHIOLLA S.r.l.” worldwide famous

ity, for pasty, liquid, semi-.liquid, granulated products

and also a continuous increase of export.

and powder products. For over 40 years, passion, internationalism, research and substance have been the pillars on which the company has built its success. Industrie Fracchiolla is masterly managed and can count on: Manpower consisting of 100 employees; 20.000 m² industrial facility; Fleet of machines consisting of 40 vehicles and 4truck cranes; Comprehensive range of technologically advanced machines; The Company is run by the three Fracchiolla brothers and their Fracchiolla FP 4-12.indd 1

31/08/12 11.34

Italstand: via Pizzo Camino, 47 - 24060 Chiuduno (BG) Tel. +39 035 4427228 Fax. +39 035 4427225 Italstand 2 : zona industriale - Francavilla Fontana (Br) Tel. +39 0831 843640 Fax. +39 0831 84360 Italstand commercial Espana : Elche (E) Tel. +34 677990308 Italstand - Teko stand France : St - Denis La Plaine (F) T el. +0033 148224766


in short

in short



lready making use of machines Gasti

from and

into the combined lidding and


packing machine. Snap-on


lids are applied and the

Hamba, the English food pro-

completed cups then placed

ducer Premier Foods is now

into preformed plastic trays,

making use of another piece

known as “flimsies”. If a tray

of equipment that handles

is not loaded completely, it is

everything up to final packa-

automatically rejected and tran-

ging, this time from OYSTAR A+F.

sferred to a removal station. In

Kirchlengern, Germany, July 9,

addition, the packaging system also

2012. Almost every family in Great Britain is familiar with custard produced by the Premier Foods brand “Ambrosia”. Founded in 1917, the

allows for the handling of other types of cups, for example cups without a snap-on lid into a variety of tray formats.

company is one of the best known food producers in the UK and is famous for its desserts. Since its launch,

Quality Assured

“Ambrosia Puds” have been filled into cups and sealed

The flimsy trays can then be packed in either shrink wrap

by OYSTAR Group packaging machines at the company

or flow wraps films. To ensure that the product can be

site in Lifton (Devon), England. As of now, Ambrosia Des-

subsequently tracked, the products are automatically la-

serts products will also be packed into trays and palle-

belled and inspected for legibility. Before the trays are

tized by OYSTAR machines, prior to distribution to the

fed into the layer plate type palettizer, a final examination


using an X-ray inspection device ensures the highest pos-

The new, final packaging machinery from OYSTAR A+F

sible product quality.

takes the custard filled cups from an upstream OYSTAR

In addition to the OYSTAR A+F and OYSTAR Hamba

Hamba filling and sealing machine and places them

machines, Premier Foods also plans to make further use of an existing aseptic filling machine from OYSTAR Gasti, which is currently used for the production of the Ambrosia Puds. Based on the positive experience Premier Foods has enjoyed with all three OYSTAR suppliers, a new contract was awarded to OYSTAR A+F in April 2012, namely to develop and supply, as a turn-key solution, a complete final packaging line for new products to market in early 2013. OYSTAR FP 4-12.indd 1

31/07/12 13.54


in short

in short

VARVEL, MULTIPURPOSE GEARBOXES modularity-inspired series RN-RO-RV


ualifying features of VARVEL’s RN-RO-RV gear-

modules allows a variety of inputs to fit a common

boxes (shaft mount, horizontal and vertical

output module and

to get the desired complete

bevel/helical) are:

unit in a few minutes.

six sizes, made of pres-

Recently launched and

sure cast aluminium and

marketed in more than

grey cast iron; two and

65 countries, the Series



RN-RO-RV outlines the

ratios in 30 standard ra-

strategic production of

tios; output torques from

VARVEL, aiming for high-

180 up to 3200 Nm;

er torques and lower ef-

case hardened gears,

ficiency losses through a

shaved or ground to the

continuous research and







modularity and fitting to

ment. The widely used

any motor type with easy

worm boxes score a low

and simple operation.




These the leading sales concept of VARVEL prod-

to 50% while bevel/helical drives are able to re-

ucts while on the technical side, the kit-concept

place them with a sensible saving with their 94% efficiency. A further on topic advantage was introduced by VARVEL: the flexible coupling type “G” replaced the usual key/keyway fit on motor coupling avoiding fretting corrosion, misalignment, angular backlash and did not alter gearbox overall dimensions, increased torsional rigidity and operational lifetime. VARVEL FP 4-12.indd 1

31/07/12 13.53


in short

New range of vibratory motors for food processing


in short

LI Group is the world leader in vibration technology, with more than 250.000 industrial vibrators sold every year, that can be

used in numerous fields

Neue Elektrische Außenvibratoren speziell für die Lebensmittelindustrie


ie OLI Gruppe ist globaler Marktführer im Bereich der Vibrationstechnologie, mit jährlich über 250.000 verkauften Industrievibratoren,

die Ihre Anwendung in den verschiedensten Be-

of application, e.g.,

reichen finden, wie z.B. Vibration-

vibrating equipment

sausrüstung oder Material-

or flow aids systems.


Thanks to its global



Präsenz mit 7 Produktion-





manufacturing plants,

sanlagen, 16 Filialen und

16 trading subsidiaries and

36 Lagern, kann OLI gän-

36 warehouses, OLI is able to

zlich auf die Bedürfnisse

meet the customers’ needs in terms of quality, availability and support, any time, any




Qualität, Verfügbarkeit und Service eingehen -


egal wann, egal wo.

Since its foundation in 1961, OLI has been com-

Die Entwicklung marktorientierter Produkte hat seit

mitted to delivering market-oriented products.

Gründung des Unternehmens im Jahr 1961 ober-

The food processing industry has become an im-

ste Priorität.

portant business partner, and a good customer

die Jahre zu einem wichtigen Geschäftspartner

base is involved in research and development of

herangewachsen, und OLI kann einen guten Kun-

So ist die Lebensmittelindustrie über

continuous improved and specific

denstamm aufweisen, der stets in



As a result, valuable OLI products

besserer und spezieller Lösungen

have found their application on

einbezogen wird. So wurden z.B.


Anwendungen auf Förderungs-, Füt-






and sorting equipment.

terungs- und Sortieranlagen entwick-

In this sense, OLI is proud to pre-

elt. In diesem Sinne ist die OLI stolz

sent its new range of vibratory motors, specifi-

darauf, eine neue, speziell für die Lebensmittelverar-

cally designed for food processing applications.

beitung designte Baureihe präsentieren zu können.

Main features:

Haupt- Eigenschaften:

CLEAN: Special corrosion resistant construction

SAUBER: Korrosionsbeständige Konstruktion mit


follows to page 128 OLI FP 4-12.indd 1

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in short

in short


follows from page 126

with stainless steel mass covers; SAFE: ExII2D Atex certification for use in hazard-

ous locations; FLEXIBLE: Wide range of voltages available in 50Hz, 60Hz and single phase;

Edelstahl-Deckeln; SICHER: ExII2D Atex Zertifizierung zur Anwendung in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen; FLEXIBEL: Vielzahl an Ausführungen in 50Hz, 60Hz und Einphasenstrom;

PROTECTED: IP66 enclosure, tropicalized;

GESCHÜTZT: IP66 Schutz, tropenfest;

RELIABLE: Class F insulation class;


The new range covers applications that are not

Die neue Baureihe ist speziell ausgerichtet auf An-

perfectly suitable for the standard range, such as

wendungen, bei denen die Standardbaureihe nicht

use in salty atmospheres, operation of aggressive

geeignet ist, wie z.B. Nutzung in salzhaltigem Kli-

detergents, or applications that require highest hy-

ma, Verwendung aggressiver Putzmittel oder mit Ein-

giene standards.

haltungspflicht eines hohen Hygienestandards.

RPC SHARES A MOMENT WITH THORNTONS RPC Containers Blackburn and Halstead are supplying a bespoke jar and lid as a Christmas gift pack for Thorntons premium twist wrap brand ‘Moments’ - a selection of favourite flavours smothered in delicious milk chocolate, ideal for sharing but even better as a sneaky treat for yourself. There are six different varieties in this new pack format. Included are Soft Caramel, Creamy Fudge, Double Chocolate Croquant, Crunchy Praline, Orange Crisp and Chocolate Truffle, so it’s tough to pick a favourite. The 600g PET jar, conceived by Thorntons in conjunction with RPC Design, echoes the look of a traditional cookie jar to create on-shelf differentiation and promote the sharing nature of the brand. At the same time the glass-like clarity of the PET enhances the appearance of the attractive multi-coloured wrapped chocolates, which reflects the quality of the Moments chocolates. The jar has been designed to rest at a 45° degree angle making the large opening more accessible. The black polypropylene cap from RPC Halstead features a co-

lourful label and there are also labels in two recessed panels at either side, supplied by Thornton Print and applied on line by RPC Blackburn. A unique feature of the jar is that it is stackable in this angled position, enabling Thorntons to maximise in-store display in retail outlets, with pallets of the product positioned near entrances. To enable the jars to stack correctly, a recess in the base and a raised area on the top has been integrated into the design. “The twist wrap confectionery market is highly competitive, especially at Christmas, so we wanted to create a pack format that was modern and fresh with a nostalgic feel that would appeal to customers. It was also important that the pack format, conveyed the quality image with which Thorntons and the Moments brand is so closely associated,” explains Hannah Legg, Brand and Customer Marketing Director at Thorntons. “The RPC solution delivers on all these points and we are sure it will make an important contribution to the continued success of the Moments range.” OLI FP 4-12.indd 3

03/09/12 15.51


ifere • Выставки china

h i b i ti

meeting • events • fairs

middle east • asia

семинары • china • asia • middle east


Z 21-25/01/2012 RIMINI Salone Internazionale gelateria, pasticceria e panificazione artigianali International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery




east europe



east europe


Z 8-11/05/2012 MILANO Convegno Mostra Internazionale dell’Automazione, Strumentazione e Microelettronica Conference International Exhibition of Automation, Instrumentation and Microelectronics



Z 16-21/09/2012 MONACO Salone Internazionale per l’ind. della panificazione e della pasticceria International Fair for the Bakery and Confectionery Industry



ZEUS 29/01-01/02/2012 COLONIA Salone internazionale della subfornitura per l’industria dolciaria The international supplier fair for the confectionery industry

Z 14-18/05/2012 BARCELLONA Manifestazione Internazionale su Macchine, Impianti e Tecnologia per il Packaging International Packaging Exhibition

ZE 23-25/09/2012 DÜSSELDORF Fiere internazionali per i prodotti lattiero-caseari, alimenti surgelati, gelati, tecnologia, carne e salsiccia International Trade Fairs for Dairy Products, Frozen Food, Ice Cream, Technology, Meat and Sausage




15-18/05/2012 ZEUS BARCELLONA Salone per le tecnologie, i macchinari, le materie prime per l’industria alimentare, delle bevande e del packaging Fair for Technologies and Machines for the Food, Beverage and Packaging Industry

25-27/09/2012 NORIMBERGA Salone Internazionale su soluzioni e tecnologie per il confezionamento International Exhibition of technologies and solutions for the packaging


ZEU 26-28/09/2012 CESENA Mostra Intenazionale di macchinari e impianti per l’industria ortofrutticola International Exhibition of Machinery and equipment for the Fruit and Vegetable processing




28/02-03/03/2012 MILANO Mostra Internazionale per l’industria del confezionamento International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry



03-07/03/2012 PARIGI Salone Internazionale sulla tecnologia per la panificazione e la pasticceria International Show for the Bakery and Confectionery Industry



27-30/03/2012 COLONIA Salone Internazionale delle tecnologie alimentari e delle bevande International Food and Beverage Technology Exhibition



ZE 22-24/05/2012 PARMA Salone delle Tecnologie per l’Automazione Industriale Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector

EUROCARNE 24-27/05/2012 VERONA Manifestazione Internazionale sulle tecnologie per l’industria della carne International Trade Fair for the meatprocessing industry




IPA 21-25/10/2012 PARIGI Salone internazionale dei processi alimentari International exhibition for food processing FIERE EU- RA_1-11.indd 1

30/08/12 10.41

east europe

middle east • asia



ifere • Выставки china

h i b i ti

meeting • events • fairs семинары • china • asia • middle east






east europe


24-25/10/2012 VERONA Mostra Convegno delle Soluzioni e Applicazioni Verticali di Automazione, Strumentazione, Sensori International exhibition for food processing

12-15/02/2013 ZARAGOZA Salone Internazionale del Macchinario ed Attrezzature per Cantine e Imbottigliamento International Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment Winery and Bottling




13-15/11/2012 NORIMBERGA Fiera delle Materie Prime Tecnologie, Logistica e Vendita per la produzione e commercializzazione di birra e bevande Fair of Raw Materials, Technologies, Logistics and Marketing for production and sales of beer and soft drinks

EMBALLAGE 19-22/11/2012 PARIS NORD VILLEPINTE Salone Internazionale dell’imballaggio Exhibition for Packaging




27-29/11/2012 BORDEAUX Fiera internazionale sulla filiera vitivinicola International exhibition for vinegrowing and wine-producing sector



21-25/01/2013 RIMINI Salone Internazionale gelateria, pasticceria e panificazione artigianali International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery

24-27/04/2013 STOCCARDA Fiera internazionale delle tecnologie per vino, frutta e succhi di frutta Technology fair for wine, fruit and fruit juices





16-21/09/2013 MONACO Salone Internazionale della tecnologia per l’industria delle bevande International Show for the Beverage Industry Technologies



11-14/06/2013 RIMINI Salone delle tecnologie per il packaging e il processing Exhibition of Technology for Packaging and Processing


4-9/05/2013 FRANCOFORTE Manifestazione Internazionale sulletecnologie per l’industria della carne International Trade Fair for the meatprocessing industry

05-09/10/2013 COLONIA Salone Internazionale delle tecnologie alimentari e delle bevande International Exhibition of food and beverages



21-23/05/2013 VERONA Mostra internazionale delle produzioni e delle tecnologie per le attività dell’igiene ambientale International exhibition of products and technologies for environmental hygiene

SIAB 25-29/05/2012 VERONA Salone Internazionale per l’ind. della panificazione e della pasticceria. International Fair for the Bakery and Confectionery Industry

18-22/10/2013 MILANO Salone tecnologico per la panificazione e la produzione di pasta e pizza Show for Bakery and Fresh Pasta and Pizza Industry



12-16/11/2013 MILANO Fiera internazionale sulla filiera vitivinicola e sulle tecnologie per l’industria dell’imbottigliamento International exhibition for vine-growing,wine-producing and bottling industry FIERE EU- RA_1-11.indd 3

30/08/12 10.41


ifere • Выставки china

h i b i ti

meeting • events • fairs

middle east • asia

семинары • china • asia • middle east

s 24-27/01/2012 MOSCA Salone Internazionale delle macchine per imballaggio International Packaging Machinery Exhibition

SINO-PACK/CHINA DRINKTEC 07-09/03/2012 GUANGZHOU Fiera internazionale per il confezionamento, l’imballaggio e le bevande International fair for packaging, packing machines and beverage technology

INTERFOOD 03-05/04/2012 S. PIETROBURGO Salone Internazionale di prodotti alimentari, di bevande e ingredienti International Exhibition for food beverages and ingredients




east europe



east europe

MODERN BAKERY 13-15/06/2012 MOSCA Salone internazionale delle attrezzature per la panetteria e degli ingredienti alimentari International trade fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients ZEUS

ROSUPAK 18-22/06/2012 MOSCA Saloni internazionali per l’imballaggio alimentare ed industriale International Food and Industry Packaging Exhibition

PROPACK China 18-20/07/2012 SHANGAI Mostra internazionale delle tecnologie per l’industria alimentare e per il confezionamento International exhibition for the food industry and for packaging technologies


WORLD FOOD MOSCOW 17-20/09/2012 MOSCA Salone Internazionale dei prodotti alimentarie delle bevande International Exhibition for Food and Drink products

AGROPRODMASH 08-12/10/2012 MOSCA Salone Intern. dei macchinari e delle attrezzature per il settore agroindustriale International Trade Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for Agroindustrial industry

WORLD FOOD UKRAINE 31/10-02/11/2012 KIEV Salone Internazionale dei prodotti alimentarie delle bevande International Exhibition for Food and Drink products


18-21/04/2012 GUANGZHOU Mostra internazionale sull’industria delle materie plastiche International Exhibition on plastic and rubber industries

18-20/07/2012 SHANGAI Salone Internazionale della produzione di bevande e della tecnologia per l’imbottigliamento International Exhibithion for the beverage production and bottling technology




10-12/05/2012 SHANGHAI Fiera internazionale della panificazione e dell’industria dolciaria in Cina International Trade Fair for the Bakery and Confectionery Trades in China

11-14/09/2012 MOSCA Fiera Internazionale sulle tecnologie per l’industria alimentare International Specialized Trade Fair of Equipment and Technologies for Food Processing Industry

06-09/11/2012 NOVOSIBIRSK Salone Internazionale sulle tecnologie per l’industria alimentare e del packaging International Food Industry Exhibition

29/01/2013- 01/02/2013 MOSCA Salone Internazionale delle macchine per imballaggio International Packaging Machinery Exhibition FIERE RU-12.indd 1

10/05/12 16.03


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e ta v ’ e

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ACM ENGINEERING SPA 106-107 Via Don A. Camera, 25 21020 Bardello - Varese - Italy ACMA 74/95 Southlake Boulevard Richmond - USA BAKE OFF ITALIANASRL 59 Via Castelbolognesi, 6 44100 Ferrara - Italy BERTUETTI S.P.A. 40 Via Industria, 22, 24 24050 Torbole Casaglia Brescia - Italy BEUMER GMBH & CO. KG I COVER - 74/75 Oelder Strasse 40 59269 Beckum - Germany BS 22/25 Via Minozzi, 3/A 43100 Parma - Italy BONGARD, S.A.S 58/59 32 route de Wolfisheim 67810 Holtzheim - France CAVANNA S.P.A. 86/88 Via Matteotti, 104 28077 - Prato Sesia - Novara - Italy COSTACURTA 11 Via Grazioli 30 20161 Milano - Italy DOMINIONI PUNTO & PASTA SAS 15-19-26/27-39-51 Via della Repubblica 8/A 22075 Lurate Caccivio - Como - Italy

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GAUDENZI SRL 67-68 Via Marco Polo, 29 35020 Albignasego - Padova - Italy GEA FOOD SOLUTIONS 111 P.O. Box 1 5760 AA Bakel - The Netherlands GENERAL SYSTEM PACK SRL 90/91 Via Lago di Albano, 82 36015 Schio - Vicenza - Italy HELPAN FORNI ITALIA 46-49 Via dell’Elettronica, 20 36016 Thiene - Vicenza - Italy

ITALPAN 32/35 Via Monte Pasubio 170 36010 Zanè - Vicenza - Italy ITALSTAND 123 Via Pizzo Camino, 47 24060 Chiuduno - Bergamo - Italy LABELPACK SRL 92/93 Via Ciaikovsky, 29 20092 Cinisello Balsamo Milano - Italy LANEX A.S. 103/105 Hlucínská 1/96 747 23 Bolatice - Czech Republic

DÜBÖR 20/21 Grüner Sand, 72 32107 Bad Salzuflen - Germany

LINPAC GROUP 83/85 3180 Park Square Birmingham Business Park Birmingham B37 7YN - UK

DVS SYSTEM SOFTWARE 76/77 Freiligrathstrasse 6-6a 58636 Iserlohn - Germany

LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LTD 100 Burrel Road, St Ives Cambridgeshire PE27 3LA - UK

ERREPAN 16-18 Via Terracini, 4 24047 Treviglio - Bergamo - Italy

LUCEO INSPECTION WORLDWIDE 80/82 Zart des Perrières 35770 Vern sur Seiche - France

EUROSICMA S.P.A. 70-73 Via Michelangelo Buonarrotti, 4/6 20090 Segrate - Milano - Italy

MAGYAR SA 116 13, Avenue Albert 1er 21004 Dijon Cedex - France


MONDI 102 Via Balilla, 32 24085 Romano di Lombardia Bergamo - Italy MONDIAL FORNI 60 Via Dell’Elettronica 1 37139 Verona - Italy MONO EQUIPMENT QUEENSWAY 50 Swansea West Industrial Park, Swansea, SA5 4EB. - UK MOUVEX 64/66 ZI la Plaine de Isles, 2 rue des Caillottes F-89000 Auxerre - France MULTI-FILL INC. 101 4343 West 7800 South Building B 84084 West Jordan - Utah - USA

OLI GROUP 126/128 Via Canalazzo, 35 41036 Medolla - Modena - Italy OYSTAR HOLDING GMBH 124 Lorenzstrasse, 6 76297 Stutensee - Germany PELLACINI OFF. MECC. SAS 117/120 Via Provinciale, 38 43038 Sala Baganza - Parma - Italy

PIETRO BERTO S.P.A. 41 Via V. Veneto, 43 36035 Marano Vicentino - Vicenza - Italy REAL FORNI 28-31 Via Casalveghe, 34 37040 Gazzolo d’Arcole - Verona - Italy RECORD SPA 8/9 Via Italia, 46 23846 Garbagnate Monastero, Lecco - Italy REVENT 61/62 PO Box 714 SE 194 27 Upplands Väsby - Sweden RONDO BURGDORF AG 42/43 Heimliswilstrasse, 42 3400 Burgdorf - Switzerland SANDORÈ SNC II COVER, 12/14 Via M. Summano, 58

36010 Zanè Vicenza - Italy SCHIB PACKAGING SRL 108 Via Sile, 22/28 ZI 36030 - Monte di Malo - Vicenza - Italy SIGMA 41/42 Via Artigianato, 85 25030 Torbole Casaglia - Brescia - Italy SITEP 6/7 Viale Enzo Ferrari, 6 44019 Voghiera Ferrara - Italy SORMAC 112/113 Huiskenstraat, 68 3848 Harderwijk - The Netherlands TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. 44/45 Zuiveringweg 26 8243 PZ Lelystad - The Netherlands TECNO PACK SPA 52/54 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - Vicenza - Italy THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. 96 81 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02454 TECHNO D SNC 97/99 Via Marche, 19 27029 Vigevano - Pavia - Italy TEKNO STAMAP S.R.L. IV COVER 55/56 Via Vittorio Veneto, 141 36040 Grisignano di Zocco - Vicenza - Italy TRAFILE TURCONI S.R.L. 63 Via Pisqurei 6 22020 Parè - Como - Italy WARVEL SPA 125 Via 2 Agosto 1980 n. 9 40056 Crespellano - Bologna - Italy WERNER & PFLEIDERER 36/38 von-Raumer-Str. 8-18 91550 Dinkelsbühl - Germany WEBER 121 Formeerstrasse 3 D-35236 Breidenbach - Germany WIPOTEC 109-110 Adam-Hoffmann-Strasse 26 67657 Kaiserslautern - Germany **INDICE FP 4-12.indd 1

10/09/12 12.24

Senza titolo-1 1

19/03/12 10.11

Innovation and Technology since 1982

CONTACTS Tekno Stamap s.r.l. - Unipersonale Via Vittorio Veneto,141 - 36040 Grisignano di Zocco (VI) - Italy Tel: +39 0444 41 47 35 - Fax: +39 0444 41 47 19 - E-mail:

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