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Tariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Milano TAXE PERCUE (tassa riscossa) Uff. Milano CMP/2 Roserio - ISSN 1827-4102

Editrice Zeus - Vial Ballerini 66, 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 -

beverage & packaging processing and packaging


COP FP 5-16.indd 1












equipment and machines

Brushless worm servo gear motors totally made in stainless steel.

The excellence of Mini Motor IP69K

V is it u





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o is US A o, Il li n C h ic a g b e r 6 -9, 2016 m N o v e -87 2 2 E B o o th ,


n° 5-2016

14/10/16 11:21

Premiare la Smart Manufacturing Il concorso ‘Best Future Machine’ di Rockwell Automation è stato ideato per evidenziare la tecnologia delle macchine e riconoscere la creatività e l'innovazione apportata nel proprio settore industriale. Ogni macchina equipaggiata con le nostre soluzioni può essere ammessa al concorso. Le candidature possono essere presentate entro e non oltre il 31 Ottobre 2016. Verranno comunicati i finalisti entro il 31 Dicembre 2016.

Cliccate qui per registrare la vostra macchina al concorso events/interpack/ Copyright © 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. OEM-AD001A-EN-P.

31407 AD ENADV.indd Award CMYK INGOMBRO 3 V2a.indd 1

22/12/2015 10:10 14/10/16 12:14

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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ALTECH AdvAnced LAbeLLing TechnoLogies


LTECH is an Italian company, founded in 1991, who designs and manufactures industrial labelling machines and material identification systems. Recognized innovators in the identification, coding and traceability of materials, it operates worldwide through 80 resellers and three subsidiary companies in the United Kingdom, the United States and Argentina.

Strengths • Expert personnel with a true passion for engineering • Machines and systems designed to be modular and expandable ; all components are accessible and interchangeable. • Use of high-strength alloys, highreliability electronic and pneumatic components. • Compliance with safety requirements and good manufacturing practices. Range and solutions ALTECH standard range encompasses the following products: ALstep - low-cost applicator featuring


modular and flexible configuration. It is equipped with reels of 300 mm diameter and 100 mm

ALcode P

label length, granting speed 30m/min max of the S version (15 m/min for E version). ALritma - high-performance label applicator, which can be easily integrated in packaging lines where high yield and reliability are essential requirements. Reels with 300mm diam. Max labelling speed 40m/min for the standard version, and 90 m/min for the X version (with reels of diam. 400 mm). It is also available with thermal transfer printing group in the ALritmaT version, for print/apply applications. ALline – in-line labelling systems can be configured for labelling cylindrical, elliptical and rectangular products, or for the labelling of fast-moving or irregularly-shaped products. Its modular design, integrating ALstep and/or ALritma heads, can be config-

ured upon customer’s requirements. ALpharma – the ALpharma range is expressly designed for labelling and carefully checking medical vials, ampoules, cases and bottles and adapts to the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. The machines are tested and certified according to IQ/OQ validation processes. ALcode - print/apply units for label printing/applying in real time. The printing group (SATO or compatibles) can operate on-line from a PC for data transmission to be printed on the label to be applied on the product at once. The labels can be printed with different information, as it is for pallet labelling: ALcode P version is studied and built for pallet double-sided labelling up to 120 p/h.

2 ALTECH FP 5-16.indd 3

12/10/16 13:13

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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IRGO is the new OCME filling machine for Edible Oil, delivering high performance and efficiency. Thanks to its high degree of flexibility and the choice between neck & body handling options, the VIRGO can meet each and every need in terms of production speed and types of container. The VIRGO range is able to handle a wide variety of containers: • PET bottles: from 0.25 to 3 L or 5 L with Neck Handling • PET bottles: from 0.25 to 10 L with Body Handling. • Glass bottles: from 0.25 to 1 L with Body Handling only. • HDPE: from 0.25 to 10 L with Body Handling only. Two configurations are available on this machine: • Medium speed range. • High speed range Marco Botti, OCME Filler Product Manager, explains more: “Today, one of our customer’s challenges is to find an efficient filling system that guarantees a precise quantity of filled product: in this context we created the VIRGO. OCME’s new weight filler will be certified according to MID directives ensuring the quantity of filled product. With a weight filling system, VIRGO is able to ensure high filling precision, thanks to advanced electronic com-

ponents and algorithms, developed over the past 20 years. In addition to high precision of the machine, a reject system allows the expulsion of any anomalous containers, in order to ensure the absolute quality of the packaged product. By the end of the production process, all the product remaining inside the machine is recovered so as to reduce waste to minimum. OCME’s new filling solution aims at reaching a maximum efficiency in terms of productivity and performance for the customer.

A stainless steel enclosure, combined with tempered glass screens, guarantees a high standard of hygiene, which is a key priority in the food industry. It also allows excellent operator visibility and easy access for maintenance. Finally, thanks to the PC dedicated to the supervision and control of the machine, it is possible to monitor the weighing statistics and the archiving of data related to each container, so as to ensure an optimal control of the production “

Safety was one of our priorities during the machine’s design phase and a programmable control unit has been specifically designed for safety management purposes.

4 OCME FP 5-16_NUOVA.indd 3

07/10/16 14:31


20/07/16 11:31





HOUDIJK HOLLAND B.V. HOUDIJK first in biscuit feeding. pg. 34/36







Our vision, our mission and philosophy of excellence. pg. 61/63





N. 2-2016


EditricE ZEus - Vial Ballerini 66, 20831 - sErEGNO (MB) tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 - cop DT 2-16.indd 1

SOMMARIO FP 5-16.indd 2

13/05/16 09:03

12/10/16 13:33

editorial management and registered office: Via Ballerini, 66 20831 SEREGNO (MB) - ITALY Tel. +39 0362 244182 +39 0362 244186 web site: e-mail: portal: e-mail: skypeTM: editricezeus

Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry year XXVIII - issue n.5 - November 2016

ACm eNGINeeRING SPA ACM Engineering: high-quality motors and generators. pg. 69

managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni editorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni editorial production Sonia Bennati account dep. manager Elena Costanzo

SIGeP Une recherche du CRIGA défini les nouvelles frontières du bienfaits pour la santé du gâteau le plus bon du monde. pg. 74-75

project and layout design ZEUS Agency creative dep. ZEUS Agency translations C. Natalucci translator Muller Worldwide Links Srl printing Faenza Industrie Grafiche Italian Magazine Food Processing Europe: single issue: Euro 25 Annual (six issues): Euro 120 Outside Europe: single issue: US$ 30 Annual (six issues): US$ 170 Subscription payment can be made in the name of Editrice Zeus sas, by bank money transfer or cheque.

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SOMMARIO FP 5-16.indd 3

Italian Magazine Food Processing An outline of the suppliers of machines, plants, products and equipment for the food industry. Published: Bi-monthly Registration: Court of Milan no. 676 of 20-09-1989 Shipment by air mail art.2 comma 20/b law 662/96 - Milan Panorama dei fornitori di macchine, impianti, prodotti e attrezzature per l’industria alimentare Periodicità: bimestrale. Autorizzazione del tribunale di Milano, n°676 del 20-09-1989 Spedizione in a. p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 Filiale di Milano The reproduction of the articles and/or pictures published by this magazine is reserved (the manuscripts and/or photos sent to the Publisher will not be returned). The Editor declines all responsibilities for any mistake of photocomposition contained in the published papers of any magazine by EDITRICE ZEUS.

12/10/16 13:33

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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FP Packaging has been a solid reference point in the technology of packaging with heatshrinkable film for over 25 years. In late 2011, it joined the group Tecno Pack S.p.A., thus beginning a new journey of even greater technological, commercial and industrial development. Electronic continuous packaging machines, built on fully cantilevered structures, high performance, top operational reliability, simplified sanitisation, versatility of use and project customisation are just some of the strong points of the IFP Packaging offer. Automatic loading systems, bundling machines of all

sizes and complete end-of-line machines are totally customised by our knowledgeable and flexible technical department. The primary goal of IFP Packaging is to conform the maximum state of the art according to the special requirements of customers. At the same time, the company offers the market strong and versatile massproduced packaging machines, with an extremely interesting price/ quality ratio. With IFP Packaging, you will find the perfect tailor-made solution for any type of format: ranging from controlled atmosphere to highspeed, up to top automation levels, always ensuring the best achievable

result. Packaging, storing and protecting all food products, wrapping technical items (even large items as mattresses or radiators), creating and containing units of bottles or jars, presenting boxes in a shiny and invisible film, guaranteeing the correct number, weight and quantity in each pack: IFP Packaging machines have no limits in their scope of application. Currently industry leader, IFP offers a partnership that is useful and decisive for the success of each of its customers.

NEW DIAMOND 650 2 bEltS: NO COMPROMISES The name of the new IFP PACKAGING machinery is DIAMOND 650 2 belts and it offers the technology and electronics of latest generation with its cantilever structure and top-quality performances. This is the result of a state-of-the-art design, which allows a large range of companies (from a small craft business to a big company) to purchase a professional and long-lasting machinery that has high performances and stays at the target price. The IFP horizontal electronic FlowPack DIAMOND 650 2 belts centre folded film is extremely versatile. It is designed to package single products with or without a tray, using (not necessarily) heat shrink film. Its cantilever structure and the accessibility of its components makes the maintenance and cleaning easier to perform, and the coil placed in front of the operator facilitate its efficiency. This type of machine is able to satisfy all your needs and specific requests. It is available in painted or stainless steel. The size range and the con-

stantly rotating welding system enable the packaging of both small and long goods/products, for example splin( rofile) and unstable objects. It is equipped with a motorized standard belt conveyor and gives you the opportunity of packaging together multiple package lined up alone or in pairs. Its production capacity is of 60 ppm with the possibility of a further automatic upload. The version with the integrated heat shrink tunnel is particularly interesting and ready to be included in a (existing) packaging sys-

tem. The machine can be configured from the right to the left and contrary , in this way a single person is able to supervise two of them. The touch screen monitor can memorize up to 200 different programs, and is also present a motorized format changeover for various packaging needs. The time between installation and production is reduced to a minimum thanks to the checking mechanisms, which are practical and easy to understand.

8 IFP - FP 5-16.indd 3

12/10/16 12:06

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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a société IFP Packaging représente une solide référence en matière de technologie d’emballage sous film étirable à chaud depuis plus de 25 ans. En 2011, IFP Packaging s’est associée au groupe Tecno Pack S.p.A., connaissant ainsi un nouvel essor avec un important développement technologique, commercial et industriel. Les machines d’emballage continu électroniques, construites sur des structures complètes en porte-à-faux, dotées de hautes performances, d’une opérabilité extrêmement fiable, de procédés de désinfection simplifiés, d’une grande adaptabilité et personnalisation, sont quelques-uns des points forts de l’offre IFP Packaging. Les

systèmes de chargement automatique, les banderoleuses de toute taille et les machines fin de ligne sont totalement personnalisés par notre département technique, flexible et compétent. Le premier objectif d’IFP Packaging est de concilier les technologies les plus avancées avec les exigences spécifiques de ses clients. En même temps, la société met sur le marché des machines d’emballage de série, résistantes et adaptables, caractérisées par un excellent rapport qualité/prix. Avec IFP Packaging, vous trouverez toujours la solution idéale sur mesure pour n’importe quel type de format : de l’atmosphère contrôlée à la haute vitesse, jusqu’aux niveaux d’automatisation, en assurant

toujours le meilleur résultat possible. Conditionnement, stockage et protection de tous les produits alimentaires, emballage d’articles techniques (y compris des éléments volumineux tels que matelas ou radiateurs), modules pour bouteilles ou pots, boîtes de présentation sous film brillant et invisible, en garantissant toujours le nombre, le poids et la quantité exacts dans chaque emballage : Les machines IFP Packaging n’ont pas de limite quant au domaine d’application. Actuellement leader du secteur, IFP offre un partenariat efficace et décisif pour le succès de chacun de ses clients.

NEW DIAMOND 650 à 2 tAPIS: SANS CONCESSION Le nom de cette machine IFP PACKAGING est DIAMOND 650 à 2 tapis et elle offre technologie et électronique de dernière génération sur une structure en porte-à-faux, ainsi que des performances de très haut niveau. Elle est le fruit d’une conception avancée qui permet à un vaste éventail de sociétés (depuis les petites entreprises artisanales jusqu’aux grosses sociétés) de s’équiper d’une machine durable très performante à un prix très étudié. La Flow-Pack DIAMOND 650 à 2 tapis, à fonctionnement horizontal électronique et à film plié en son milieu est extrêmement adaptable. Elle est conçue pour emballer des produits individuels avec ou sans plateau, à l’aide (non nécessairement) d’un film étirable à chaud. Sa structure en porte-à-faux et l’accessibilité de ses éléments facilitent les opérations de nettoyage et d’entretien, et la bobine placée face à l’opérateur favorise son efficacité. Ce type de machine est en mesure de satisfaire tous vos besoins et vos exigences spécifiques. Elle est disponible en version peinte ou en

acier inoxydable. La gamme de dimensions et le système de soudage à rotation continue permettent l’emballage de produits/denrées de dimension courtes ou longues, par exemple des bûchettes, et des objets instables. Elle est équipée d’un tapis de transport standard motorisé et offre l’opportunité de réunir des emballages multiples alignés individuellement ou par paire. Ses capacités de production sont de 60 ppm, avec la possibilité d’intégrer une automatisation ultérieure. La version avec le tunnel chauffant de rétraction intégré est particulièrement intéressante et est prête à être incluse

dans un système d’emballage (existant). La machine peut être configurée de droite à gauche et inversement. De cette manière, une seule personne suffit pour en superviser deux. Le moniteur à écran tactile peut mémoriser jusqu’à 200 programmes différents, et il existe également un module motorisé de changement de format pour des exigences d’emballage varié. Le laps de temps entre l’installation et la production est réduit au minimum grâce aux mécanismes de contrôle, pratiques et faciles à comprendre.

9 IFP - FP 5-16.indd 4

12/10/16 12:06

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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NEW CSK ERGON PACKERS Advanced technology in little space for the packaging in shrink film


MI is a worldwide leader among the manufacturers of automatic machines for secondary packaging in shrink film, marketed both in “stand-alone” version and in high-tech integrated complete bottling lines. With over 5,300 packers delivered, SMI boasts a long-lasting expertise in the end-of-line packaging

industry for food & beverages, chemical and pharmaceutical products, detergents, cosmetics and many more sectors. Since the beginning, SMI has offered to both their well-established and potential customers a large range of cuttingedge, automatic packers distinguishing themselves for the advanced automa-

tion, the operational flexibility, energy saving and environmental protection. SMI has always been at the forefront in the introduction of innovative solutions for the packaging industry thanks to its annual investments in R&D; as a result,


Beaucoup de technologie en peu d’espace pour l’emballage sous film thermorétractable


MI est un des leaders au niveau mondial dans la production de machines automatiques pour l’emballage secondaire sous film thermorétractable, commercialisées soit en modalité “stand-alone” soit intégrées dans des lignes complètes d’embouteillage de haute technologie. Avec plus de 5.300 machines livrées, SMI vante une longue expérience et un know-how consolidé dans le secteur de l’emballage de fin de ligne de plusieurs produits alimentaires et

boissons, de produits chimiques et pharmaceutiques, de détergents, de cosmétiques et beaucoup d’autres. Dès le début de son activité, SMI propose à ses clients existants et potentiels une vaste gamme de machines automatiques de haute technologie, qui se distinguent par automatisation avanceé, souplesse opérationnelle, économie d’énergie et respect de l’environnement. Toujours en première ligne pour l’introduction de solutions d’emballage innovantes, SMI investit chaque année une partie considé-

rable de son profit dans des activités de Recherche et Développement, tout en réalisant des installations toujours plus efficaces et évolues, en état de satisfaire aux exigences de plus en plus diversifiées d’un large spectre d’entreprises moyennes et grandes. machines de conditionnement automatiques compactes et flexibles De la vocation de SMI à l’innovation continue est issu le projet de la nouvelle série CSK ERGON de conditionneuses sous film thermorétrac-

10 SMI GROUP FP 5-16_OK.indd 3

22/09/16 13:28

processing and packaging equipment and machines

SMI devises machinery and applications which are more and more efficient and advanced, fulfilling production requirements of a large range of both medium-sized and large companies. Compact and versatile automatic packers Arising from SMI vocation to constant innovation, the new CSK ERGON series of packers in shrink film packs a large variety of rigid containers in a more economical and competitive way if compared to the previous range of machines. The new series is composed of numerous models featuring a compact and ergonomic design, encompassing the best of technology for an efficient and flexible packaging with production rates up to 40 and 50 packs/minute (the maximum output depending on the container’s capacity and the format). The new CSK ERGON packers are suitable for the packaging of containers

table, en état d’emballer une vaste gamme de récipients rigides de façon plus économique et compétitive par rapport aux machines de la génération précédente. La nouvelle série se compose de plusieurs modèles compactes et ergonomiques qui vantent la meilleure technologie du secteur pour garantir un emballage efficace, souple et rapide jusqu’à 40 et 50 paquets par minute (cadence maximum, selon la capacité du récipient et le format). Les nouvelles fardeleuses CSK ERGON emballent des récipients en PET et en d’autres types de plastique, en verre, en aluminium et en carton et sont disponibles en version F/P/T pour l’emballage sous film seul (F), carton plan + film (P) ou barquettes en carton ondulé + film (T). Tous les avantages de la série csk ergon Pour le projet des nouvelles fardeleuses CSK, les ingénieurs de SMI

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in PET, plastic, glass, aluminum and cardboard and are available in F/P/T versions for packing in film only (F), cardboard pad + shrink film (P) or in corrugated cardboard tray + shrink film (T). the advantages of the csk ergon series For the design of the new CSK shrinkwrappers SMI engineers have treasured the various innovations introduced by the ERGON platform, applied

ont pu s’appuyer sur les nombreuses innovations introduites par la plateforme ERGON, appliquée pour la première fois il y a deux ans aux emballeuses automatiques SK et ensuite aux autres machines pour l’emballage primaire et tertiaire réalisées par SMI. Les fardeleuses CSK ERGON se distinguent par leur design typiquement ergonomique avec les portes de protection légèrement arrondies, ce qui autorise l’installation de tous les moteurs en position extérieure par rapport aux groupes mécaniques qu’ils conduisent; l’accès de l’opérateur de ligne pour les interventions de maintenance en résulte facilité. Le système de fermeture des portes, réalisées en aluminium vernis léger et résistant à la corrosion, est équipé d’un dispositif de freinage qui ralentit la phase finale de la course et accom-

two years ago for the first time to the automatic packers of the SK series and then to the other primary and tertiary packaging machines manufactured by SMI. The shrinkwrappers of the CSK ERGON series distinguish themselves for the ergonomic design with slightly rounded safety guards, enabling the motors to be placed externally to the mechanical groups they activate, thus facilitating maintenance interventions. Doors are corrosion-resistant and made of slightly

pagne la porte de façon harmonieuse. Les nouvelles machines pour l’emballage secondaire SMI sont équipées presque exclusivement de moteurs brushless, les moto-réducteurs traditionnels n’étant installés que sur le tunnel de thermorétraction et sur la montée cartons; cette solution assure une meilleure efficacité et précision des mouvements et minimise la dissipation énergétique. Moteurs brushless avec driver intégré Les machines de la série CSK ERGON sont équipées de nouveaux moteurs ICOS avec servo-actionnement digital (driver) intégré; cette solution innovante simplifie considérablement le cablâge de la machine et assure une meilleure efficacité énergétique, moins de bruit et usure réduite des composants.

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processing and packaging equipment and machines

painted aluminum; their closure system is outfitted with a device decelerating them for a smooth, final closure. The new secondary packaging machines by SMI are equipped with almost exclusively brushless motors, since traditional geared motors are installed only on the shrink tunnel and on the cardboard climb. This solution ensures more efficient and precise movements and reduced energy dissipation and consumption. Brushless motors with integrated driver The packers of the CSK ERGON series are characterized by new ICOS motors equipped with integrated digital servodrive. This innovative technical solution simplifies considerably the machine wiring and ensures more energy efficiency, lower noise level and reduced components’ wear. Moreover, thanks to integrated drivers, the machine’s electric panel heats up less if compared to the previous range, when digital servo-

En outre, le surchauffage de l’armoire électrique est réduit, grâce à l’intégration des drivers, par rapport aux servo-actionnements digitaux installés à l’intérieur de l’armoire; par conséquent, l’installation d’un climatiseur dans l’armoire électrique est nécessaire exclusivement en cas de températures supérieures à +40°C; donc, dans la plupart des cas, l’absence d’un dispositif de conditionnement de l’air autorise une réduction des consommations électriques. Les machines CSK ERGON sont équipées d’un panneau de contrôle POSYC, coulissant sur une voie tout au long de la machine, équipé d’interface graphique homme-machine très intuitive, écran sensible à la touche et fonctions avancées de diagnostic et de support technique en temps réel. Pour simplifier les opérations de gestion et maintenance, les machines SMI sont équipées de

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drives were installed inside the panel. As a consequence, the installation of a conditioner in the electric panel is now indispensable only when the working ambient temperature is higher than +40°C; therefore, in most cases the absence of an air-conditioning unit enables to reduce electrical consumption. CSK ERGON packers are outfitted with a POSYC control panel, sliding along the whole machine and equipped with a user-friendly man-machine interface, a touchscreen, advanced diagnostics and real-time technical support. Smooth and efficient packaging process The inlet section of the CSK ERGON packers is outfitted with a motorized system provided with oscillating guides which facilitate the proper channelization of loose containers on a conveyor belt featuring thermoplastic chains with low friction coefficient; in the following phase of the packaging process, loose containers are clustered in continuous

la logique softplc Diagos, qui permet à l’utilisateur final de faire des modifications limitées du logiciel de contrôle de la machine afin de personnaliser la gestion des convoyeurs externes. process de conditionnement fluide et efficace A l’entrée des machines de conditionnement CSK ERGON un système motorisé de guides oscillants facilite la canalisation des récipients en vrac sur un convoyeur avec chaînes en matière thermoplastique à bas coefficient de friction; ensuite les récipients en vrac sont regroupés en mode continu dans le format désiré, au moyen de doigts de sélection et de barres de division synchronisés électroniquement. Le magasin cartons de la machine, situé sous le convoyeur d’entrée, n’est disponible que dans la version à chargement manuel (par contre, dans les machines SK ERGON il est possible

motion in the selected format by means of electronically synchronized dividing bars. The machine’s cardboard magazine, placed beneath the infeed conveyor, is available only in the manual loading version. Cardboards are picked from the magazine by an alternate-motion picker made of a group of vacuum suction cups and situated at the beginning of the cardboard climb. The latter features a curved shape in its initial and final section to facilitate the pad or tray insertion underneath the products coming out of the electronic separator and to obtain a smooth, flawless packaging process. Another significant feature of the new CSK ERGON series is the film-cutting unit, characterized by a compact design and whose blade is managed by a brushless motor with direct-drive transmission enhancing both the precision and the accuracy of the cutting operation besides simplifying the maintenance operations.

d’installer le dispositif “Easy-Load” pour le chargement automatique). La découpe en carton est prélevée du magasin au moyen d’un dispositif de préhension à mouvement alterné, composé par un groupe de ventouses avec système d’aspiration à vide placé au début de la montée cartons; celle-ci a une forme curviligne au début et à la fin pour faciliter l’insertion d’une découpe ou d’une barquette au-dessous du regroupement de produits à la sortie du diviseur électronique, de façon à assurer un process de conditionnement fluide, sans interruptions. Un autre élément important de la nouvelle série CSK ERGON est l’unité de coupe film caractérisée par un design compacte; la lame est contrôlée par un moteur brushless à transmission directe “direct-drive” qui améliore les opérations de coupe et simplifie les interventions de maintenance.

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processing and packaging equipment and machines

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“Made in Mini Motor” drive and servo gear motor: two great products configured together for great reliability and improved performance


iniaction 300 drives offer the highest degree of flexibility in application and can be used with any brand of gear motor. However, they perform best when matched with Mini Motor PCFSS stainless steel gear motors. Miniaction 300 has been designed to control three-phase asynchronous electric motors and brushless AC

motors (BLAC) with a power of up to 0.75kW. The heart of the power section is an intelligent IGBT module (IPM) equipped with protective systems which ensure that the device is reliable and highly efficient, while (among other things) limiting the need for external components. The control logic consists of 32-bit microcontrollers with a set of instructions that is optimised for speed and is



Contrôleur et servo-motoréducteur «made in Mini Motor»: configurés ensemble, ils garantissent une grande fiabilité et de meilleures performances


es contrôleurs Miniaction 300 de Mini Motor offrent une souplesse d’application maximale et permettent une association avec des motoréducteurs de toutes les marques. L’association avec des motoréducteurs en acier inox PCFSS Mini Motor garantit des performances optimales.

et des moteurs brushless AC (BLAC) jusqu’à 0,75 kW de puissance. Le cœur de la section de puissance est un module IGBT intelligent (IPM) doté des protections nécessaires pour garantir la fiabilité et l’extrême efficacité du produit, en limitant notamment la présence de composants externes.

Miniaction 300 a été conçu pour commander des moteurs électriques asynchrones triphasés

La logique de commande intègre des microcontrôleurs à 32 bits, accompagnés d’une série

d’instructions optimisée pour la vitesse, et donc spécialisée dans le contrôle de moteurs de précision. Miniaction 300 est doté de : contrôle de vitesse à boucle fermée. Contrôle de position. Limitation de couple. 127 profils de mouvement enregistrables. 17 entrées et 5 sorties numériques. 2 entrées et 1 sortie analogique. Entrée pour codeur incrémental Line Driver. Entrée pour résolveur. Sortie 24 V pour

14 MINIMOTOR - FP 5-16.indd 3

06/10/16 14:13

processing and packaging equipment and machines

thus ideal for controlling precision motors. Miniaction 300 features: Closed-loop speed control. Position control. Limit on delivered torque. Stores up to 127 movement profiles. 17 digital inputs and 5 digital outputs. 2 analogue inputs and 1 analogue output. Input for a line drivertype incremental encoder. Input for resolver. 24 V output for control of holding brake. Output for connecting an external braking resistance. Builtin EMC filter (rated for a category C3 industrial environment). Keypad with removable display (optional).

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PCFSS is the latest development in Mini Motor servo worm gear motors. It consists of a brushless servomotor built entirely in stainless steel and meets EHEDG guidelines on hygiene. Brushless 4-pole sinusoidal motor, in closed form. Rotor with NdFeB magnets. Thermal cutoff. Class H winding. IP69K protection. Feedback with encoder, Hall probes or resolver. Roller bearings with reduced backlash and special grease for high temperatures. Worm gear reducer with die-cast aluminium body. 30 mm centre distance.

Bronze crown. Tempered steel screw with thread rotating on spherical ball bearings. Lubrication with special oil suitable for use with foodstuffs. Ten reduction ratios, from 5 to 80. Maximum rated torque: 18 Nm. Hollow output shaft, rotating on spherical stainless-steel ball bearings. Built in Aisi 304 steel mainly for highly critical applications in the food & beverage sector, and in Aisi 316 steel for the chemical-pharmaceutical sectors, PCFSS servo gear motors are totally resistant to acids and alkaline solutions, and also withstand extreme, frequent washing with highpressure nozzles. Thanks to IP69 protection, absence of ventilation and a special structure with surfaces that are completely smooth - without protrusions or grooves - these servo motors are very easy to wash and can be operated in conditions requiring total hygiene.

portent parfaitement les nettoyages les plus intenses et fréquents avec des lances à haute pression.

commande frein statique. Sortie pour connexion résistance externe de freinage. Filtre EMC intégré (environnement industriel C3). Clavier avec écran amovible (en option). PCFSS est l’évolution moderne des servo-motoréducteurs Mini Motor à vis sans fin. Il est composé d’un servomoteur brushless entièrement en acier inox conforme aux critères des lignes directrices EHEDG en matière d’hygiène. Moteur brushless sinusoïdal à 4 pôles à forme fermée. Rotor avec aimants NdFeB. Protection thermique de sécurité. Enroulement classe H. Protection IP69K. Rétroaction avec codeur, sondes Hall ou résolveur. Roulements à jeu réduit avec graisse spéciale pour hautes températures.

Réducteur vis sans fin: avec carcasse en acier inox. Entraxe 30 mm. Couronne en bronze. Vis en acier trempé avec filet tournant sur roulements à bille. Lubrification avec de l’huile spéciale alimentaire. Dix rapports de réduction, de 5 à 80. Couple nominal 18 Nm max. Arbre de sortie creux tournant sur roulements à bille en acier INOX. Réalisés principalement pour les applications les plus critiques dans le domaine des produits alimentaires et des boissons en acier Aisi 304 et pour les secteurs chimique et pharmaceutique en acier Aisi 316, les servo-motoréducteurs «PCFSS» garantissent une résistance totale aux substances acides et aux solutions alcalines, et sup-

Grâce à la protection IP69K, à l’absence de ventilation et à leur configuration particulière avec des surfaces entièrement polies, sans saillies ni cannelures, ces servomotoréducteurs facilitent les opérations de nettoyage et permettent de travailler dans des conditions d’hygiène absolue. PUISSANCE, RENDEMENT ET COMPACITÉ AVEC LA SÉRIE XC. Les motoréducteurs intégrés Mini Motor Série XC développent une puissance maximale d’1 Hp en seulement 288 mm de longueur: un résultat important pour une entreprise qui poursuit, depuis toujours et avec succès, l’objectif d’associer performances maximales et encombrement minimum.

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POWER, YIELD AND COMPACT DESIGN WITH THE XC SERIES Mini Motor XC Series integrated gear motors develop a maximum power of 1 HP, but have a length of only 288 mm: a great success for a company that has consistently sought to obtain maximum performance from a unit with minimal external dimensions. From the standpoint of performance, the most significant statistic is yield, which is 20% higher than gear motors of the same pow-

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er, even though XC Series gear motors are 30% smaller. Built with IP65 and IP67 protection, XC Series gear motors consist of an asynchronous, three-phase, closed form motor with 2 or 4 poles - each with three power levels - and with external ventilation, a class F winding and power ranging from 0.25 to 0.75 Kw. The gear motor with worm screw in tempered steel has a centre distance of 38 mm and features a case in die-cast aluminium, crown in caro bronze with a hardness of 120-160 HB and seal

rings in special, pure rubber to withstand high temperatures; lubrication is provided by a special, additive-enriched and long-lasting oil. The available ratios offer 7 options within a range from 5 to 100, while the rated torque reaches 35 Nm. 100% “Made in Minimotor” Quality. All Mini Motor products are entirely designed and manufactured in-house: This manufacturing choice, which is in line with a well-defined corporate philosophy, allows Mini Motor not only to offer a product that is truly unique for its quality, design and performance, but especially alternative solutions to current market standards, with devices built to custom based on the customer’s specifications, even when dealing with applications in particularly troublesome or taxing conditions.

Les rapports disponibles offrent 7 possibilités au sein d’une gamme qui va de 5 à 100, alors que le couple nominal va jusqu’à 35 Nm. Une qualité entièrement« Made in Mini Motor». Tous les produits Mini Motor sont entièrement conçus et réalisés au sein de l’entreprise.

Si l’on parle de performances, la donnée principale concerne le rendement des motoréducteurs XC, de 20 % supérieur aux moteurs de puissance égale, mais avec des dimensions de 30 % inférieures. Réalisés avec une protection IP65 et IP67, les mini motoréducteurs Série XC se composent d’un moteur asynchrone triphasé à forme fermée à 2 ou 4 pôles, chacun avec trois niveaux de puissance, avec ventilation externe, enroulement

classe F et puissances de 0,25 à 0,75 kW. Le réducteur à vis sans fin en acier trempé a un entraxe de 38 mm. Il est réalisé avec une carcasse en aluminium moulé sous pression, une couronne en bronze Caro d’une dureté de 120-160 HB et des bagues d’étanchéité en caoutchouc pur spécial pour les hautes températures; la lubrification utilise de l’huile spéciale avec additif longue durée.

Ce choix de production, représentatif de la philosophie de l’entreprise, permet à Mini Motor de proposer non seulement un produit possédant une qualité, un design et des performances incomparables, mais surtout des solutions alternatives aux produits habituellement disponibles sur le marché, avec des dispositifs spécialement adaptés aux demandes des clients, y compris pour des applications dans des conditions particulièrement difficiles ou exigeantes.

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processing and packaging equipment and machines

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TECNO PACK S.P.A.: “THE BEST FLOW PACK TECHNOLOGY FOR WRAPPING CHEESE” Qualità Leone, well-known dairy products company from 1966, choose Tecno Pack’s technology to wrap their cheese


talian best companies, even in the food industry, are internationally acclaimed. Italy counts hundreds of enterprises of different dimensions, whose products are just excellent. A strong tradition and the great care that these companies apply both in the manufacturing process and in the preservation and packaging procedures lead them to choose the most innovative, efficient and high-quality technology. For this reason, the dairy

company Qualità Leone has chosen an important partner in the flow pack machines sector such as TECNO PACK to wrap their cheese. Qualità Leone is an old company based in Villafranca, Verona. They took their first steps in the small and medium-scale distribution in 1966. This family-run company is specialized not only in packaging medium-hard cheese, but also in producing their own cheese such as Rigatel del Castel and Roverella.

Tecno Pack FP027 INOX packaging machine used by Qualità Leone is a horizontal, multi-axis wrapping machine specifically designed to wrap cheese in a modified atmosphere. Bavarian Emmental, Swiss Emmental, Maasdam, Fontal, Gouda, Pecorino, Ricotta salata, Rosa Camuna, Monte Veronese, Asiago. From foreign cheese to Italian cheese, as well as that one from the area of Villafranca and Monti

TECNO PACK S.P.A.: «LA MEILLEURE TECHNOLOGIE FLOWPACK POUR L’EMBALLAGE DU FROMAGE» L’entreprise Qualità Leone, bien connue pour ses produits laitiers depuis 1966, a choisi la technologie Tecno Pack pour emballer ses fromages


es meilleurs sociétés italiennes, y compris dans le secteur alimentaire, font l’objet d’une reconnaissance internationale. L’Italie compte des centaines d’entreprises de toute dimension, dont les produits sont tout simplement excellents. Une forte tradition, ainsi que l’attention extrême accordée par les

entreprises à la fois au processus de production et aux systèmes de conservation et de conditionnement des produits, font en sorte qu’elles choisissent des technologies d’avantgarde efficaces et garantissant un très haut niveau de qualité. C’est pourquoi la société de produits laitiers Qualità Leone a choisi un partenaire leader du secteur des ma-

chines flowpack pour emballer ses fromages, la société TECNO PACK. Qualità Leone est une entreprise de longue date située à Villafranca, près de Vérone. Cette société a fait ses premiers pas dans la moyenne distribution en 1966. Il s’agit d’une entreprise familiale qui s’est non seulement spécialisée dans l’emballage de fromages à pâte mi-dure, mais


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processing and packaging equipment and machines

Lessini: these are just a few of the over 120 portioned cheese which FP027 flow pack is able to wrap. FP027 is one of the four machines proposed by Tecno Pack for the dairy sector. It is suitable to pack cheese in bulk, which are transferred directly on the film, avoiding the problems of conveyer transport, thanks to the bottommounted reel. FP200 EVO has top-mounted reel instead and it is suitable for cheese portions packaged in tray. FP025EVO and FP025EVOBB complete the range. Cheese portioning, loading, collection of packs, palletizing: the horizontal packaging machines are placed at the centre of these passages. For this reason they have been designed to be combined with robotic systems, such as automatic product feeding, with the purpose of minimizing human work.

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Tecno Pack team always pays great attention to each customer needs and went to Qualità Leone to check the daily activity of this machine. In the FP027 any kind of cheese, after being aligned on the conveyer, is first detected by a barrier-photocell. This unit sends a signal to the front camera, verifying that every cheese is in phase. In the rare case of a cheese being out of phase, the machine either stops or sets off an alarm or simply skips a package. This control system is possible thanks to seven independent brush-

less engines and it is capable of closing the packages, using different materials: from film to paper it can create several wraps, suitable for many markets. Modularity is the key-word: rather than having one big conveyer, it is possible to include two, four or six timing devices combined with an automated-cut line. In this way, more pieces of cheese can be loaded at the same time, remarkably speeding up the process. This technology suits very well the trader’s needs who usually deals with small quantities and many formats.


FP027 at work FP027 is manufactured in Schio, near Vicenza, in the Tecno Pack S.P.A. plant.

qui produit également ses fromages, comme le Rigatel del Castel et Roverella. La machine Tecno Pack FP027 INOX utilisée par Qualità Leone est une machine d’emballage horizontale multi-axes spécialement conçue pour l’emballage du fromage sous atmosphère modifiée. Emmental de Bavière, Emmental suisse, Maasdam, Fontal, Gouda, Fromage de brebis, Ricotta salée, Rosa Camuna, Monte Veronese, Asiago. Des fromages étrangers aux fromages nationaux, y compris ceux de la région de Villafranca et de Monti Lessini : ce sont seulement quelques-uns des 120 fromages en portions que la machine FP027 flowpack est capable de conditionner. FP027 est l’une des quatre machines proposées parTecno Pack pour le secteur des produits laitiers. Elle est adaptée à l’emballage du fromage en vrac, qui est transféré directement sur le film, évitant ainsi les problèmes de

convoyage, grâce à la bobine placée dans la partie inférieure. FP200 EVO, quand à elle, possède une bobine montée dans la partie supérieure et est spécialement conçue pour les fromages portionnés emballés sur plateau. Les modèles FP025EVO et FP025EVOBB complètent la gamme. Conditionnement en portion des fromages, chargement, collecte des confections, palettisation : les machines d’emballage horizontales se situent au centre de ces passages. C’est pour cette raison qu’elles ont été conçues en vue de les intégrer à des systèmes robotisés, afin de réduire au minimum les interventions humaines. FP027 au travail La machine FP027 est fabriquée à

Schio, près de Vicenza, dans les établissements Tecno Pack S.P.A. L’équipe Tecno Pack prête une grande attention à chacun des besoins de ses clients, et s’est donc déplacée pour connaître les activités quotidiennes de cette machine. Avec la machine FP027, tous les fromages, parfaitement alignés sur le convoyeur, sont d’abord détectés par une photocellule barrière. L’unité envoie un signal à la caméra avant pour vérifier si chaque fromage est en phase. Dans les rares cas où un fromage n’est pas en phase, la machine s’arrête ou déclenche une alarme ou plus simplement, ignore un emballage. Ce système de contrôle est rendu possible grâce à sept moteurs brushless indépendants ; il est également en mesure de refermer les


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processing and packaging equipment and machines

Hence it is understandable why the FP027 is capable of satisfying also the needs of medium and large companies which, on the contrary, has fewer formats and big quantities. When building the FP027, Tecno Pack prioritized the possibility for the machine to close any type of film: from paper film, which allows seeing the inside of the package through a

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transparent window, giving a sense of “home-made”, to the simpler films. Nevertheless, using the same film for cheese wheels of several radial sections is a common mistake. This, beside worsening the look of the product, could lead to the deposition of an excessive amount of film over the package, which could in turn

cause the gases to escape, reducing the product’s shelf life. FP027 is capable of solving this problem thanks to its double reel case, which can move quickly from one reel to the other in case of necessity. The swarf-cut system also helps reducing the excessive amount of film over the product, by working with a reel up to 100 mm wider then the one suited for the product. Multifunctionality and versatility: Beside being a multifunctional machine, its amazing feature is the possibility to wrap fresh, undivided products, which encounter a foreseeable physiological reduction during the first ten days. Using the correct mixture of FP027 flow pack closure and the inclusion in the refrigeration circuits the reduction was 70% less. One of the first cheese to undergo this innovation was the Rigatel del Castel, which was produced using

emballages avec différents matériaux : du film étirable au papier, il peut créer plusieurs types d’emballage, selon les différents marchés auxquels ils sont destinés. La modularité est le maître-mot: au lieu de disposer d’un seul grand convoyeur à bande, il est possible d’intégrer deux, quatre ou six appareils de minutage associés à une ligne de coupe automatisée. De cette manière, plusieurs morceaux de fromages peuvent être chargés à la fois, accélérant ainsi notablement le processus. Cette technologie est parfaitement adaptée aux exigences des commerçants, qui ont souvent besoin de petites quantités et de nombreux formats. Ceci permet de comprendre pourquoi la FP027 est en mesure de satisfaire également les besoins des entreprises de moyenne et grande

taille qui, au contraire, ont besoin de moins de format mais de plus grandes quantités. Quand Tecno Pack a conçu la FP027, la priorité a été donnée à la capacité de la machine à fermer tous les types de film : depuis le papier-film, qui permet de voir l’intérieur de l’emballage grâce à une fenêtre transparente, donnant ainsi un style « fait maison » jusqu’aux films simples. Cependant, une erreur commune consiste à utiliser un seul et même film pour l’emballage de meules de fromages aux sections radiales différentes. Cette pratique, en plus de conférer une apparence inesthétique au produit, présente le risque d’un excès d’épaisseur de film qui nuirait à l’étanchéité de l’emballage et permettrait aux gaz de s’échapper, réduisant ainsi la durée de vie du produit.

FP027 est en mesure de résoudre ce problème grâce à son double portebobine qui permet de passer rapidement d’une bobine à l’autre en cas de besoin. Le système de coupe permet également de réduire la quantité excessive de film autour du produit, car il permet de travailler avec une bobine de 100 mm plus large que celle adaptée au produit. Multifonction et adaptation Les nombreuses aptitudes de cette machine ne se limitent pas à ses aspects multifonctionnels, mais englobent également la possibilité d’emballer des produits frais non conditionnés en portions, susceptibles de subir une réduction physiologique prévisible dans les dix premiers jours. Grâce à une alliance judicieuse associant la fermeture flowpack avec la FP027 et l’inclusion dans des circuits de refroidissement, la baisse a été réduite de 70 %.


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the milk from the Valeggio sul Mincio stables, not far from Villafranca. Versatility rhymes with diversity: the possibility to switch quickly from one type of cheese to the other, from cubes to entire wheels, wrapping up to 100 pieces a minute is definitely one of the most significant advantages of this machine, which allows it to operate in any country. Any variety of cheese, gas mixtures concentrations and film can be processed effortlessly by FP027, even when they are different from those commonly used in Italy. Tecno Pack main challenge regards foreign countries borders. Swiss and France for instance, will be served by our specialized assistance centres and by competent technicians, in order to provide the high quality assistance to foreign customers, as if they were based near Tecno Pack Italian headquarters.

L’un des premiers fromages à être soumis à cette innovation a été le Castel, produit à base de lait provenant d’établissement de Valeggio sul Mincio, non loin de Villafranca. Adaptabilité signifie également diversité: la possibilité de passer rapidement d’un type de fromage à un autre, des portions carrées à la tome entière, emballant jusqu’à 100 pièces par minute, ce qui est l’atout le plus significatif de cette machine, car il permet de satisfaire toutes les exigences et de l’utiliser dans n’importe quel pays. N’importe quelle variété de fromage, de concentration de mélange gazeux et de film peuvent être traités sans effort par la FP027, même en cas de différences avec ceux généralement utilisés en Italie. Le grand défi de Tecno Pack consiste à franchir les frontières des pays étrangers. La Suisse et la France, par exemple, seront prises en charge

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Shelf-life increase FP027 guarantees sealed joints, contributing this way to increase the product’s shelf life. This parameter is defined by the initial cheese microbial load, the film characteristics, the sanitization operations and by the gas mixtures and temperatures used in the modified atmosphere (MAP). Taking into account these variables, many tests carried out by Qualità Leone revealed how cheese shelf life increased from 90 days up to 120 days when using FP027. A concrete example of this result is the sardinian Pecorino seasoning, carried out by Qualità Leone. Leone carried out the seasoning of over 7000 cheese wheels. The trick that allowed the product preservation for months was the FP027’s flow pack. 2.5 kg cheese wheels appeared fresh as if they were just wrapped – no weight decrease, after 3 months.

par des centres spéciaux et des techniciens compétents afin de fournir la meilleur assistance possible aux clients étrangers, exactement comme s’ils se trouvaient à proximité des bureaux italiens de Tecno Pack. Augmentation de la durée de vie La machine FP027 garantit des soudures hermétiques et contribue ainsi à la prolongation de la durée de vie du produit. Ce paramètre est lié à la teneur microbienne initiale du fromage, aux caractéristiques du film, aux opérations de désinfection ainsi qu’au mélange gazeux et à la température de l’atmosphère modifiée (MAP). De nombreux tests effectués par Qualità Leone, à l’appui de ces variables, ont révélé une augmentation de la durée de vie des fromages allant de 90 à 120 jours, due à l’utilisation de FP027. Un exemple concret de ce résultat est la maturation du fromage de brebis de Sardaigne, prise en charge par Qualità Leone.

Enjoy discovering all the possibilities offered by the FP027: with the right amount of experimentation, they will be endless. Tecno Pack S.p.A. packaging experiences in various sectors allowed the company to build a wide know-how, which translates into wise advice to their customers.

7 000 meules de fromage ont ainsi été affinées dans les établissements Leone. L’astuce qui a permis de conserver le produit pendant des mois, ce fut le principe de flowpack de FP027. Des meules de fromage de 2,5 kg apparemment aussi fraîches que si elles venaient à peine d’être emballées - aucune perte de poids 3 mois après. Découvrez toutes les possibilités qu’offre la machine FP027 : avec les bonnes démarches expérimentales, les possibilités offertes sont vraiment infinies. La vaste expérience de l’emballage accumulée par Tecno Pack dans divers secteurs lui a permis de se construire un vaste savoir-faire qu’elle transmet à ses clients sous forme de nombreux conseils et recommandations. 21


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ambelli Srl was established in 1969 as a company to manufacture packaging machines in the mechanical deep-rooted tradition of the city of Bologna, famous worldwide as “The Packaging Valley”. In a few years the success of the technological solutions adopted has crossed the Italian borders and created a strong international customer base. Zambelli today range of machines is composed by: • shrink-wrappers • tray-packers • cartoners • case packers • pick & place and robotized palletizer

the parts in contact with the bottles. ance and can be immediately reset In addition to these benefits, Zambelli in case of an e-stop. The food sector has seen the latest de- has also given its LFT series of tray- • tunnel metal mesh belt without side drive chains; the removal of these velopments in technology and packag- packers shrink-wrappers features that chains that are highly sensible to the ing for Zambelli machines, with the in- allow the following advantages: troduction of pick’n’place systems with • reduced change over time cyclic heating and cooling through robots and multi-packaging lines, al- • “user friendly” operation the tunnel has reduced to zero the lowing easy-to-use integrated solutions • reduced machine footprint maintenance of all the tunnel. The stretching of the mesh belt is in fact capable of working with plastic/carton • reduced maintenance costs • higher production efficiency automatically compensated for by a trays / carton cases / shrink film. Zambelli’s machine design was devel- • better quality of the shrink packs counter weight assembly. oped to fulfill the expectations of op- Up-to-date technological solutions • servo driven film unwinding system to prevent any film stretching when erators and maintenance personnel, through Zambelli design with less movwho day-by-day test the reliability and ing parts, hence less wear and adjustpulled from the roll - allows a dramatic reduction of the film thickness the efficiency, and ultimately make the ments, extensive field testing, and with significant material savings success of a packaging system and a standardization of functional groups, machine manufacturer. have led to excellence in terms of relifor the end user. Furthermore the absence of stretching of the film inZambelli has followed this efficiency- ability and efficiency. creases the accuracy of the centerseeking approach with its LFT series of Tray-Packers/Shrink-wrappers starting Examples of these developments ing of the printed film on the bundle. from the engineering of the frame, fea- are: turing a cantilever design that allows • bottle separation system which al- Zambelli’s research has also lead to the operator total control of and acceslows to pack bottles of any format energy consumption savings for film sibility to all areas of the machine. The and diameter on the same machine shrinking and aesthetic improvement frame is also designed so that all the while maintaining optimal perfor- of the shrink pack. Zambelli unique energy saving heating tunnel design parts that need lubrication are gathmance conditions. ered in the back side of the machine. • wrapping bar assembly without drive has obtained perfectly shaped packs chains. This group has no part sub- without wrinkles by a tunnel of reduced This hygienic design maintains separaject to lubrication or wear, total ac- length hence reducing thermal waste tion between the lubricated parts and cessibility, operation with no resist- and machine footprint. 22 FP 5-16 - ZAMBELLI.indd 3

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Zambelli “user friendly” technology with less moving parts in the machine has a dramatic impact on reducing time needed for installation and commissioning, training customer’s personnel and carry out scheduled maintenance. All together these features reduce the machine’s total cost of ownership (TCO) that is the ultimate customer’s goal.

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has the right machine to help you driving down your production costs!

Great flexibility with so different product formats handled on the same machine system!

Examples of performance and good results of the LFT series are the recent Zambelli systems installed by Hain Daniels, UK and by Drogheria & Alimentari Spa, Italy.

Another Zambelli system, with an LFT 20s shrink-wrapper installed by Drogheria & Alimentari Spa, equipped with a lane divider, a case former, a scara pick’n’place robot, and a case Zambelli has installed at Hain Daniels a sealer, is a further example of great perfect example of its compact design flexibility offered by the LFT series. PlasThese are only some of the innovative philosophy: a dynamic lane divider to tic or glass jars, ranging from round to features shared by all the Zambelli LFT arrange reverse tapered plastic jars in bulge to taper, are packed in 6 packs, series of tray-packers and shrink-wrap- multiple lanes. A SCARA robot allows with shrink film unsupported, tray only, ping machines, throughout the widest easy pick’n’place of jars into the plastic tray+film or in a full wraparound case. range of capacity available from 15 up trays fed by a Zambelli de-nester. The Four different packages are available to 120 cycles per minute and capable Zambelli system, including an LFT20 on the same machine with the robot of running product in film only, pad + shrink-wrapper, runs at 12000 jars per loading the spice jars into the system, film or tray+film style. Zambelli certainly minute. with virtually no change over.

news in short

in short



inx Printing Technologies is launching a new opaque yellow pigmented ink that delivers excellent contrast on both light and dark substrates to ensure effective code visibility across a wide range of food packaging applications. In addition, the new Linx Yellow pigmented ink 1079 provides a fast drying time of within two seconds, allowing it to be used on fast-moving production lines or where products are handled soon after printing. The ink can be used with Linx’s Midi plus and Ultima plus printheads on the company’s Linx 5900 and Linx 7900 series printers to code a wide variety of materials including plastics, in particular PVC, PP and OPP, dry glass, card, and steel. For industrial environments, it provides broad chemical splash and rub resistance, as well as excellent

resistance to alkali, acid, water, alcohol, petrol and cutting fluid. Linx 1079 also offers superior lightfastness, making it particularly suitable for products and packs that are exposed to light for extended periods. The ink’s nine month shelf life is

longer than many competitor pigmented inks and enables companies to carry out effective stock management. Using the ink, printers can operate for up to 1400 hours between scheduled maintenance.

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his year, as usual, P.E. LABELLERS and PACKLAB will take part together to the exhibition organized by Fiere di Parma (from October 25 to 28, 2016), and they will show two of their labelling machines, one of P.E. LABELLERS, mod. MAYA ,and the other made by PACKLAB, mod. COMPACT. MAYA is an innovative machine for the application of sleeve labels on containers, empty or full, of any material, shape and size, with shrinkage percentage up to 80%: a compact, powerful, versatile machine, fully accessorized to meet the most varied marketing needs, that is able to work sleeves with reduced thickness compared to the standard, with consequent reduction in the cost of rolls, providing packaging that also meets the high quality standards of P.E. LABELLERS. MAYA is available for full-body, halfbody, tamper-evident and bi-pack promotional applications.

P.E. LABELLERS’ and PACKLAB’s staff are waiting for you at the booth H024 – hall 5. technological innovations by p.e. Labellers for menz & gassser One of the latest installation in the Italian food excellence market, has been for Menz&Gasser S.p.A. The company specialises in making and packing jams and fruit preserves. Its portfolio of products also includes honey in various formats, from single portions to classic glass jars, syrups for refreshing drinks, crushed-ice drinks, cocktails and the latest product on the market, “Nocciolino”, its hazelnut spread. The new order commissioned to P.E. LABELLERS is a 1730mm MODULAR

TOP labelling machine with servomotors, fitted with cold-glue and selfadhesive trolleys, which can be interchanged according to the buyer’s specific requirement. Menz&Gasser S.p.A. precisely asked for a highperformance machine, which is why a labelling machine that reaches a production speed of 36,000 BPH was designed. The labelling machine is fitted with universal stars designed by P.E. LABELLERS and interchangeable modular units for mixed cold glue and adhesive applications. The need to have 2 kinds of labelling methods stems from the variety of labels that need to be applied, namely stamps, capsule covers and fabric covers with an automatic joiner on the infeed star. Moreover, the label-

The advantage of the sleeve label is that it allows the use of the entire surface of the container to present the features of the product, in addition to making the packaging thoroughly modern and appealing. PACKLAB presents a flexible selfadhesive linear labelling machine model COMPACT RPC FBW60 available for speed up to 12.000 p/h, suitable to apply wrap-around body label on cylindrical containers and partial front and back labels on oval and shaped containers. In particular, this labeller is equipped with an innovative motorized orbital centering device, to increase the lining-up precision especially on oval formats.

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ling machine was designed to allow for the insertion of tamper-evident seals and centring performed with BBULL cameras in future. All these innovations and changes made to the labelling machine’s project show how P.E. LABELLERS is always very focused on

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the specific needs of each client and tries to find the best solution to meet them. more appointments for this fall Considering the great success of the previous editions, P.E. LABELLERS will expose in 2016 (8th-10th November) at Nurnberg exhibition BRAU BEVIALE, focused on beverage world. In this occasion, P.E. LABELLERS will exhibit two of their labelling machines Maya and Rollmatic. ROLLMATIC 540 is a latest generation roll-fed labelling machine, with hot melt labelling system; the displayed model in particular has been designed to handle big containers and is suitable to label round plastic bottles up to 20 lt.

Recently, the roll-fed labelling machines by P.E. LABELLERS have been completely updated achieving the following results: • greater versatility for the user • guarantee of better glue distribution with greater savings • new film tensioning system • increased ergonomics of the labelling module • new transmission system to guarantee lower noise and zero maintenance • latest generation electronic software Our staff will be waiting for you at hall 7 – stand 7-337, and especially for national customers, also on PROCME Gmbh stand (7-539).



Labelling solutions for every need. Cold glue Self-adhesive Roll-fed Hot melt Print & Apply systems Sleever

Hall 5 – Stand H024 P.E. LABELLERS S.p.A


PACKLAB SRL Hall 6 – Stand G029

P.E. LABELLERS FP 5-16.indd 4

22/09/16 13:22

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“Each labEl, a new story”


ne year ago LABELPACK® moved to the new headquarters in BRUGHIERO (MB) ITALY, where we started a new phase of the development of our activity. Triplicating the size of the production and offices spaces allowed us to hire new technicians, salesmen and managers. LABELPACK® growth prospects are ambitious, following the international success of our brand, which is widely appreciated for its quality, efficiency and competitiveness. The objective for the future is to increase our presence on international markets which, thanks to the collaboration of more than 36 retailers in 25 countries, currently represent more than 50% of our turnover. The vast array of LABELPACK® products includes the LABELX® labelers series, equipped with high efficiency hybrid stepped motors, and with an operator interface capable of applying labels of 140-250-350 mm width. The LABELX® RM models are best suited for high speed applications, as they are equipped with a double motor capable of speeds up to 80 mt/ min and frequency up to 900 p/min. The LABELX® JR model completes the LABELX® series, being best price/quality automated labeler available for industrial applications. All the LABELX® labelers are fitted for the integration with dye-sublimation printing units, as well with the classic thermal coders. Furthermore a vast range of pneumatic applicators is available for customization and ready to use formats. The X-STICKER® model is available for entry-level applications. Our innovative “low-cost” design is a breakthrough for labeling machines, combining simplicity, solidity, ease of use with a very interesting price. LABELX® and LABELX® JR are the core of the labelling systems integrated

with the series MODULAR and COMPACT, which address labelling necessities using ergonomic, simple and reliable solutions. MODULAR systems are based on a stainless steel open frame structure, which are integrated with the LABELX® series modules for applying labels on the upper and the inferior sides of bowls. In order to make format change easier, the system is equipped with a touch screen panel and a PLC control system, running speeds are all electronically synchronized and all setup regulations are visualized using numeric indicators. MODULAR systems can integrate different transport systems, which are designed on the basis of the size, weight and shape of the container to label. All the transport systems are integrated on the “gallery” position, which allows cleaning easily under the machine while avoiding liquid or product spills in areas which are difficult to reach during cleaning. The intrinsic modular structure of our systems allowed us to realize successful labelling projects in every industrial sector. Particularly we built custom-

ized systems for the food, cosmetics, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. COMPACT is our “entry level” series, it includes 8 standard models, and many customizable solutions. COMPACT systems are equipped with a LABELX® JR 140 ER labeling unit, but can be integrated also with superior models, depending on the size of the label and the application speed. Transport modules are customizable depending on the production line necessities. We realized for the pharmaceutical sector specific solutions which addressed the sector’s necessities for safety and process validation. MASTER systems series responds to these necessities and represent LABELPACK® top products. MASTER systems are modular designs which can manage high performance applications while integrating sophisticated verification systems, such as variable data reading cameras, label presence and application visual control systems and automatic eject of unfit products. We provide on request, together with

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these systems, all the validation documents IQ/OQ/PQ e CFR21-Part. 11. Our reliable print & apply PandA series is best suited for the product identification and wrapping at the end of the line. PandA is a print & apply unit

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equipped with a base module which can integrate all the thermal transfer printing modules from Datamax, Zebra, Sato, Avery, Carl Valentin e Cab. Printing modules can print variable data with small characters, mono and bi-dimensional bars, in the highest possible quality. Data sending is easy to manage thanks to the BarTender software, which allows creating and saving the labels, while including in them data from managing, weighing and other automated systems. Thanks to the vast array of available applicators, PandA is easy to integrate on processing, packaging, wrapping and pelleting automations, and allows applying labels on one or more sides of the product. PandA® is managed via PLC, with a touch screen panels interface. LABELPACK® proposes also the widest and most efficient array of dyesublimation industrial printing machines. All the models are based on a solid aluminum die casted mechani-

cal structure, and are equipped with most advanced electronic solutions. Since 1992 LABELPACK® distributes DATAMAX products and, thanks to the considerable experienced gained during these years, is capable of offering a vast array of solutions and a competent assistance and replacement service. Printings from the most widespread companies, such as AVERY, ZEBRA, SATO, TOSHIBA TEC, INTERMEC, are also available. For a correct use of our print & apply systems and for label printers we provide high quality substrates, such as black and colored tapes for dye-sublimation printing, neutral and printed adhesive labels, enduring print heads. We pay much attention to our post-sale service, which guarantees a perfect state of efficiency of our machines, working together with our customers and retailers to achieve the best result and satisfaction.

07/10/16 15:56

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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eneral System Pack is a world-renowned company which produce different types of packaging machines. Technology is undoubtedly their strong point in addition to the high-quality standard of the machines they produce. General System Pack’s packaging lines are all automated, extremely robust, enduring and easy to operate. Adopting targeted solutions for each circumstance, these machines are designed to better respond to the most severe ergonomic and hygienic requests The wide range of models that the General System Pack offers, always provides excellent solutions for all the flow pack wrapping sectors, including the automatic feed and the end-of-line

systems. With General System Pack any product will find its “tailored suit” - the company offers numerous solutions including controlled atmosphere, high speed and the most extreme automated processes, always ensuring the best performances. General System Pack is second to none. General System Pack’s packaging machines and systems treat the client’s

product with the same care and attention that the client has during the manufacturing process. The company offers packaging lines that are best suited for small and medium-sized companies that intend to give an industrial slant to their packaging. General System Pack is a reliable, solid and versatile partner who significantly contributes to the success of their clients.



eneral System Pack est une société mondialement connue, qui produit différents types de machines d’emballage. Leurs caractéristiques technologiques, alliées à un très haut niveau de qualité sont certainement leurs points forts. Les lignes d’emballage General System Pack sont toutes automatisées, extrêmement robustes et résistantes, et d’un fonctionnement aisé. Adoptant des solutions ciblées pour chaque cas, ces machines sont conçues pour répondre au mieux aux exigences

ergonomiques et hygiéniques les plus rigoureuses. La vaste gamme de modèles proposée par General System Pack fournit toujours des solutions excellentes dédiées à tous les secteurs de l’emballage flowpack, y compris l’alimentation automatique et les systèmes de fin de ligne. Avec General System Pack, chaque produit trouvera son «emballage sur mesure» - la société offre de nombreuses solutions, y compris l’atmosphère contrôlée, la haute vitesse et les processus les plus automatisés, tout en assurant d’excellentes performances.

General System Pack est sans égal. Les machines et les systèmes d’emballage General Pack System traitent le produit du client avec le même soin et la même attention que le client lui réserve au cours de sa fabrication. La société propose des lignes d’emballage, parfaitement adaptées aux entreprises de petite et moyenne taille désirant se munir d’un système industriel pour leur emballage. General System Pack est un partenaire fiable, solide et flexible qui contribue efficacement au succès de ses clients.

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Below some examples of packaging lines and automated lines Ci-dessous, figurent quelques exemples de lignes d’emballage et de lignes automatisees GSP 55 EVO: Electronic wrapper, versatile and reliable, very flexible in the formatchange, suitable for food and non-food products, both for single-dose and for multiple packages. Its cantilever structure and easy accessibility, together with its sanification regulations, easy maintenance and safety, all this allows this wrapper to stand out. Conditionneur électronique, adaptable et fiable, très flexible sur le plan des changements de formats, adapté aux produits alimentaires et non-alimentaires, à la fois en doses individuelles et en emballages multiples. Il se distingue par sa structure en porte-à-faux et son accessibilité aisée, sa facilité d’entretien, ses caractéristiques de désinfection et de sécurité.


GSP 65 BB: The electronic horizontal pack wrapper with a long-time sealing system, model GSP65EVO BB, has been designed to create airtight packaging in a controlled atmosphere. It is suitable for all those products that are difficult to carry or that need extra care as well as for those that cannot tolerate any shock during the convey and the film insertion. This is only one of the many solutions that GSP can offer to their clients in order to increase the Shelf Life of the food products within a perfectly stylish bag, which also offers a mechanic protection to its content. Le conditionneur horizontal électronique muni d’un système d’étanchéité à long terme, modèle GSP65EVO BB a été conçu pour créer un emballage hermétique sous atmosphère contrôlée. Il est adapté à tous les produits difficiles à transporter ou nécessitant un soin extrême ainsi qu’à ceux ne pouvant tolérer aucun choc durant leur transfert et la pose du film. Il s’agit seulement de l’une des nombreuses solutions que GSP peut offrir à ses clients afin d’augmenter la durée de vie de leurs produits alimentaires dans un emballage à la fois raffiné et parfaitement conçu pour une protection mécanique efficace du contenu.


GSP 50 EVO: High-tech electronic horizontal pack wrapper GSP50EVO – fast, versatile, easy and reliable. This machine combines high technology, value for money and high performances all in one. Conditionneur horizontal électronique high-tech GSP50EVO adaptable, rapide et simple d’utilisation. Cette machine réunit haute technologie, bon rapport qualité-prix et excellentes performances.

29 GSP - FP 5-16.indd 4

12/10/16 17:05

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herti, Your brand tomorrow is our business todaY


erti is a leading European manufacturer and reliable partner for developing new products and distinguishing trade-marks in unison with the company’s slogan “Your brand tomorrow is our business today”. Founded in 1993 as a start-up company specialized in metal packaging and producing only two kinds of aluminum caps, Herti is now a public company with five daughter companies in the UK, France, Germany, Romania and Bulgaria. Herti offers more than 40 different sizes of closures and also advises on packaging solutions to clients producing wine, spirits, non-alcoholic beverages, olive oil and pharmaceutical products. The company focuses on creating innovative solutions and close collaboration with clients at every stage of development of their products and brands, combining unique design and high-quality appearance with functionality. The company does not make any compromises with the quality and strictly controls every step of the production process. Herti applies ISO 9001:2008 to guarantee the hygiene and safety of the closures and strives to eliminate or minimize any potential risk for consumers’ health. The company is certified by BRC/ IOP – The global standard for packaging materials. Every year the production sites and premises are audited by a certain certification organization to check and confirm the compliance with these standards. Herti offers a wide range of aluminum and composite closures for bottling spirits with

capacities from 50ml to 4.54 l. Closures with EPE liner, typical for the alcohol drinks, have numerous possibilities for decoration. They give perfect air-tightness and contribute for the attractive appearance of the bottle. For brand safety and to avoid the risk of counterfeits Herti offers composite closures and aluminum closures with non-refillable pourers that prevent the bottles from refilling. Following the world trend in the wine industry Herti researched and invested in innovative products for the wine producers. The company offers different liners as saranex and tin-saran which are typical of the wine sector and preferred by producers. They ensure perfect air tightness and control of OTR according to the chosen liner. “VINSTAR” is the trade mark under which Herti sales its wine designed aluminum closures, among which is “VINSTAR SMART” – an innovative product, first of its kind on the market with PVC-free granulate gasket VinTellox, suitable for still and fizz wines(such as frizzante, perlwein, and cider), and compatible with existing equipment for capping wine bottles. The liner is suitable for pasteurization and keeps the internal pressure up to 0.8 MPa-the most suitable liner for a wide range of fizz wines. Herti provides the two most preferred sizes PP30x60 mm BVS and PP 28x44 mm. Recently, more and more popular for bottling wines become other sizes of aluminum screw caps that Herti can offer: PP25x33 mm, PP22x30 mm, PP25x43 mm, 30x24 mm. For the market area of bottled mineral waters, carbonated drinks and juices, Herti provides different solutions – aluminum and plastic closures – 28х15.5mm; 30х25mm; PCO; 48×41mm and plastic handles as well as our latest innovative composite closure named DORADO. The aluminum closure with safety plastic

ring that is tamper-evident and protects from injuries is designed for capping high and middle class quality still and sparkling mineral waters in glass bottles. This solution is suitable for ozone and sensitive waters as the compound it uses is PVC-free. Raw materials used to manufacture plastic caps meet EU regulations that guarantee origin and have organoleptic characteristics. Herti offers aluminum closures PP28x15.4 mm with PVC or PVC free compound and with or without side-split. Both types are suitable for pasteurization of juices and carbonated drinks. All plastic caps produced by Herti could be used for bottling mineral and table still waters, while PCO closures find application for sparkling waters and carbonated soft drinks. Our new closure “Vinstar Smart” in sizes PP28x44 mm and PP30x60 mm can be an elegant decision for sealing not only wines, but also water, juice and other beverages. Herti produces olive oil caps in several sizes: PP31.5x24 mm, PP31.5x44 mm and PP31.5x60 mm with different pourers. The closures could be used also for capping vinegar, sauces or liquid spices. The numerous possibilities for offset

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03/10/16 15:33

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and foil printing and glossy, matt or semi matt finish, contribute to the premium look of the bottle. For the pharmaceutical industry Herti offers mainly plastic caps PSO, aluminum caps with special liners and plastic measure caps. In the course of many years our R&D specialists work in close collaboration with customers in pharmaceutical industry at every stage of the development of new products, selection of materials, creating designs, ensuring reliable information for the chemical stability and sterilization suitability. They give advice and provide all necessary certificates at each step required for medical and pharmaceutical needs for approving a product. The long standing partnership with famous Bulgarian medicine manufacturers helps Herti to better understand the needs of the industry and to improve its products and services.

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The modern production facilities and machinery of the company are situated on 8 hectares own land, that provide for the full production cycle, meeting all business and ecological requirements. Herti constantly invests in new technologies that boost energy efficiency and improve environmental performance. Herti’s management is committed to the idea of creating innovative products and finding original decisions for its customers. The driving force of the Company is the growth of intellectual property. The R&D and quality assurance department puts efforts to organize and to improve all processes connected with developing new products, explore new materials and technologies and implementing them in production. The understanding, determination and leadership of the management have secured strong commitment by the employees of the company. The gained experience is a basis for originating innovative products, ideas, technologies

and managing processes. The knowledge management is of high priority and is kept in an information system, innovative by itself. The understanding and executing this approach contribute for the competitiveness, sustainable development and contentment of the clients and the employee of the company. The management is convinced that following the responsible and ethical business practices in the supply chain, maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, protecting the environment and supporting social projects will help to build a strong and steady company and ensure constant growth. As a SEDEX member Herti uses responsibly sourced materials from suppliers with ethical business practices. Being a shareholder and a partner in Ecopack Herti follows all principles for protecting and recovering the nature. More information about Herti could be found in

03/10/16 15:33

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ackaging manufacturers are working smarter than ever before to develop packs that are lighter, stronger and more recyclable. Packs also need to be fit for purpose in terms of protecting, preserving and presenting bakery products. But what is the best material to use? Fresh food packaging manufacturer LINPAC takes a look at the benefits of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) for the bakery sector. The challenge for packaging manufacturers is to develop pack solutions that address the protection and presentation needs of delicate bakery and patisserie products, whilst minimising their environmental impact. Ana Fernandez, LINPAC innovation director, said: “Consumers expect fresh, well-presented morning goods, appetising patisserie and stand-out celebration cakes. Once a consumer purchases a product, they expect it to survive the journey home and be good enough to present at the table.” LINPAC believes the packaging material that provides the best presentation and protection to fresh, chilled and delicate bakery products is crystal clear PET. PET is renowned for being a strong, lightweight and high barrier material that is fully recyclable. Bakers and retailers are looking for lightweight packaging solutions that do not affect a pack’s rigidity and protective qualities for transit. PET is a food safe and robust packaging material that will not shatter and cause a hazard if broken or damaged in store.

PET is cost effective to manufacture. All production scrap is fully recyclable in-house minimising manufacturer waste. It is also a versatile material being molded, extruded, cast and blown into a range of packaging formats.

PET packs can be recycled alongside standard drinks bottle waste. LINPAC utilises up to 95 per cent recycled PET in its new LeanBake family - solutions for the bakery and patisserie sector. Significantly, the company has invested in in-house super cleaning across its manufacturing sites to process rPET flake. This guarantees its use of recycled material is totally food safe under all circumstances.

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The use of both PET and rPET is rising thanks to its strength, barrier performance, aesthetics and food safe properties, as well as its recyclability. Many leading brands today make a point of identifying their packaging solutions are made of post-consumer recyclate.

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Ana Fernandez continued: “There are numerous packaging formats available to the bakery sector, from plastic or carton containers and hinged boxes, to trays and paper bags, but the use of rigid PET containers is increasingly popular. Many bakers and

retailers use these innovative packaging solutions to ensure the crystal clear presentation of their delicate goods, as well as maintain the freshness expected from their ranges.”

The LINPAC LeanBake® packaging portfolio for the bakery and patisserie sector is manufacturered with high levels of rPET. Included in the range are hinged, airtight and semi airtight pack designs. Hinged boxes can also be designed in an airtight format, allowing sponge based products to retain their moisture within the pack. Packs are also available slightly vented on three sides to allow air to circulate and ensure that pastry products, such as croissants, retain their crispiness.

fresh thinking

Bakery Solutions from LINPAC Manufactured using up to 95% LINPAC supercleaned recycled rPET - approved under EC 282/2008 and guaranteed food safe to EC 1935/2004 LINPAC bakery range is fully recyclable alongside standard fizzy drink and mineral water bottles Lightweight to reduce carbon footprint without compromising functionality Drive retail sales with this stylish and innovative range offering excellent clarity and all round visibility

LINPAC Packaging Verona s.r.l. | Via Monte Pastello 40 | San Giovanni Lupatoto | 37057 VR | Italy t: +39 045 92 16 411 e: LINPAC FP 5-16.indd 4

06/10/16 12:57

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oudijk has been at the forefront of biscuit feeding for the last 50 years. With recent developments like the houdiJk capper™, houdijk is setting new standards for high speed biscuit feeding in combination with a low cost of ownership, hygienic designs and vertical startups. In the HOUDIJK CAPPER™ two technologies meet: base cake handling & cream preparation and depositing. Houdijk offers a turnkey solution with market leading technologies. The HOUDIJK CAPPER™ is a state of the art system, in which the design is focused to maximize: • overall performance & efficiency • repeatability of all settings for product changeovers • operator friendliness • overall system safety • high hygienic and sanitation standards • uncompromised food safety production standards The Houdijk Capper™ has a modular design. The system can be composed of modules to configure the right solution for present and future requirements. It includes 10 features, which makes this system unique in its kind:

feature 1. automatic balancing Regular cappers require a balanced infeed to avoid empty lanes and broken or incomplete sandwiches. But imbalance occurs regularly by taking away products upstream (for quality measurements) or misbakes. Re-balancing then requires manual intervention, by adding new products to the line. Not any longer. Houdijk offers fully automatic re-balancing. Missing products will only stop their own lane. When it is replenished, the lane will start again in synchronization with the other lanes. feature 2. no product, no deposit The Houdijk Capper features a revolutionary, new manifold/depositor. With individually controlled squeeze nozzles. So no mechanically or pneumatically operated pistons and no mechanical adjustments. Any missing or broken base cake will be detected automatically through the Houdijk vision system and will not be deposited (the ‘half’ sandwich can be discharged by feature 6.) feature 3. side-alignmentsystem To keep rectangular biscuits in control for a properly sidealigned sandwich, regular cappers use narrow channels. Creating potential blockages by small crumbs. The Houdijk Capper has wider and more forgiving

channels. And a realignment device that pushes rectangular and square base cakes sideways to their exact position. This will ensure a properly aligned sandwich. feature 4. real-time motion adjustment Any capper features many mechanical movements. When properly synchronized, they create a perfect sandwich. However, the base cakes and the cream are subject to small daily (even hourly) changes. Requiring small mechanical adjustments to properly set the equipment. The Houdijk Capper features an allservo system, in which all important motions can be adjusted via the HMI in real-time. Right when the equipment is in production: no tools, no mess. The adjustments are intuitive and can be done by a regular operator. feature 5. real-time deposit weight adjustment Each nozzle of the Houdijk Manifold can be tuned individually to a 1/100 second (through the HMI) for a perfect deposit shape and weight. Because of its unique way of opening and closing the valve (1-500 times per minute) round, rectangular and odd-shaped deposits are possible, as well as encapsulated deposits.

34 HOUDIJK HOLLAND FP 5-16.indd 3

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PACK EXPO International November 6-9, 2016 Chicago, Illinois USA Booth: S-2295, South Building


MAXIMIZES YOUR OUTPUT Our Next Generation Capper has 10 stunning features that were especially designed to help you produce as efficiently as possible.


Just enter code 0704 and discover your benefit at

Maximize your capacity. Minimize your cost of ownership.

16-0258 HH Adv-PackExpo A4.indd 1

26-08-16 09:18

processing and packaging equipment and machines

feature 6. incomplete product discharge At the exit of the Houdijk Capper, incomplete or broken sandwiches can be discharged automatically and individually. Based on information gained by the vision system for the no-product-no-deposit feature. feature 7. poka Yoke change-over From round to rectangular, from 12 lanes to 14 lanes…Whatever the required change-over, it should be done quickly and effortlessly. Houdijk features a Poka Yoke change-over requiring no tools, no mechanical adjustments, no finetuning, no tweaking. The only things required are an HMI recipe setting and lightweight change-over parts, which already have the correct and fixed settings designed into them. A change-over that can be done by an operator – no engineer or mechanic is required.

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feature 8. Vertical start-up after change-over A typical change-over will take 15 minutes – no further adjustments or tweaking is necessary. A vertical start-up is essential to meet today’s efficiency requirements. feature 9. cleaning time The Houdijk Capper has a completely open, hose-down design with no hidden corners or spaces. And easily removable change-parts, with designated trolley for storage. This allows for a very short cleaning time, facilitating a quick return to full production. The manifold is provided with a COP-ready trolley and controls for proper HACCP cleaning.

feature 10. manning level Low maintenance is required for the Houdijk Capper because of state-ofthe-art design and first class commercial components. In the unlikely event of a malfunction, most faults can be traced through the HMI. Using commercial components ensure local availability and local support. A closely positioned cream kitchen will make sure that the Houdijk Capper can be manned by a single kitchen/capper operator. You can calculate your savings based upon your own manufacturing figures. Just enter code ‘0704’ and calculate your benefit online at

news in short

in short



PC Promens Innocan has launched a range of PET containers that are ideal for the edible oil sector, offering a variety of benefits for both manufacturers and consumers.

The excellent clarity of PET and the wide labelling area of the pack enable manufacturers to maximise brand image and on-shelf appeal, while the material’s inherent barrier properties help to deliver a long shelf life. For consumer convenience, the lightweight, ergonomic design ensures safe and easy handling, and the overall strength of the container means no outer pack is required. The central neck also allows easy pouring with no glugging. The lightweight, stack-

able containers deliver excellent pallet utilisation (for example.45 x 20 litre containers per Europallet) to maximise loads and minimise costs. In addition, the lower transport costs, which mean a lower carbon footprint, and the fully-recyclable containers provide valuable sustainability benefits. The container is available in a range of standard sizes - 2, 5, 10, 15, and

20 litres – allowing companies to create family ranges to meet their requirements, with no tooling costs.

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tarting from 1973 and with over than 40 years of experience, we offer the designing and the manufacturing of filling and capping machines and accessory machines for liquid products, creams, hot-fil and powders into rigid and unstable containers such as vials, bottles, jars for the Food, Cosmetics,, Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industry. We are present in the italian and international market, through an extensive network of distributors and we participate to the most important trade shows of these industries worldwide. The traditional strong points and the steady growth on which are based our business principles allowed the company to pursuit and obtain the certification of the quality management ISO 9001:2008 for the designing and manufacturing of filling and capping machines, together with the certification of the environmental management ISO 14001:2004, through the organism TUV. The complete production chain is entirely managed internally: the mechanical workshop, the carpentry and the assembly departments. Another important innovation related to our structural growth is the extension of our plant in Cerro Maggiore that will occupy a surface of 10000 square meters. During the last exhibitions we have presented the NEW machine Mod. MTR: automatic filling & closing machines for metal, polythene and laminates tubes with a speed of 75 bpm, proposed in different versions with the automatic orienting and insertion of the tube as options available. Solid frame with mechanical movement, easy to clean design and low


maintainance, with the possibility of electronical adjustment by servomotor and wide range of options on demand. TURBOMIX is a complete and indipendent mixing and emulsifying under vacuum unit with the heating system integrated endowed with scraping blades counterotating and homogeneizer with turbine positioned on the bottom of the tank. This system is suitable for the complete and reproductive process of preparation of dense and creamy products uniformly mixed with subsequent dispersion of fat and active principles into the mass of the production batch. The main typical products obtained are: creams, sauces, pastries and pesto sauces.

The wide range continues with the fully heated lines for hot filling products into bottles or jars with multilane removable filler for a complete and sharp cleaning and sanitization; cooling tunnel and capping Monobloc machines on which the adjustment of the filling, the diving of the nozzles and the capping screw unit can be electrically driven by servomotors. In addition they are noteworthy also the automatic bottle blowers endowed by sterile air or the washing machines with sterile water; depyrogenization tunnel, labelling machines, infeed, outfeed and intermediate turn tables and semi-automatic machines for small productions batches as well as samplings.

37 OMAS FP 5-16_DEFI.indd 3

12/10/16 17:08

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obody delivers complete services and solutions like Federal Package. From formula development, compounding and filling to decorating and retail-ready packaging, let us put our technology, creativity and experience to work for you. For more than 40 years, Federal Package has been the preferred contract manufacturer for many of the leading personal care companies. Due to our extensive capabilities and dedication to quality products and services, Federal Package has become the goto source for companies in the health, beauty and cosmetic industries searching for all aspects of contract manufacturing including research and development; formulation; blending and filling; decorating and packaging; and health and beauty containers. capabilities • Research & Development: As an end-to-end contract manufacturer specializing in personal care formulation, our chemistry staff with over 60 years of combined experience conducts extensive research and formulation development for our clients. Our onsite FDA-registered laboratory allows us to reduce time-to-market by expediting the cosmetic formulation and manufacturing process. All formulations are tested extensively according to the highest quality standards using state-of-the-art equipment and technology. We are also well known for our ability to re-formulate difficult cosmetic formulations or revise and enhance existing formulations. If you need assistance with reformulation or developing a new formula, contact one of our solution experts. • Analytical & Microbiology Lab: Federal Package offers analytical and microbiology laboratory services for the assessment of personal care

product formulas in our state-of-theart manufacturing facility. Our fully instrumented FDA registered laboratory has the capability to perform a broad range of analyses on both incoming materials and finished formulations. Combined with our robust internal controls and protocols your brand is assured of full claim compliance. • Formulation: Using our extensive personal care product experience, Federal Package is well qualified to help you develop your personal care formulations for a wide variety of health and beauty products including Skin Care Products, Health and Beauty Products, and Lip Care. We begin with your expectations for a new formulation or to enhance your current formulation. Our R&D staff will then evaluate and select ingredients according to your product requirements to produce the desired personal care formulation. • Blending & Filling: At Federal Package we have the equipment and capability to blend all types of personal care products with an emphasis on quality control at every step. After blending, we’re able to fill a variety of container sizes and types including: - Squeeze Tubes - Sunscreen Containers - Cream and Lotion Containers - Lip Balm Containers

- Plastic Jars and Bottles - Multi-use Specialty Containers • Decorating & Packaging: At Federal Package our team is ready to partner with you to create a specialty container look for your personal care products to help you stand out in the market. Many different effects can be achieved using a variety of decorating methods. Federal Package can also provide a retail-ready package to your exact specifications. Containers At Federal Package, we design and manufacture a variety of stock and custom container styles and sizes, from .07 oz. to .65 oz., including propel-repel containers and a wide variety of caps. All injection molding and automated assembly is done on site at our FDAregistered facility in Chanhassen, MN. All of our containers can be molded in any color combination including clear, natural and shimmers. Containers can be finished with a variety of decorating options for a product that really stands out. Our engineering staff can help create your own custom container if you need something unique. We can also source containers that support your brand marketing.

38 FEDERAL PACKAGE FP 5-16.indd 3

22/09/16 13:26

We are experts at providing total solutions for the global personal care industry. Research & Development • Analytical & Microbiology FDA Registered • Cosmetic and OTC Formulations Decorating & Packaging • Custom Containers • Blending & Filling

8100 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, MN. 55317 877-547-2256 | | INGOMBRO ADV.indd 3

20/06/16 16:42

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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HigH-speed solutions for confectionery sector


he increasing speed of production of process lines and in primary packaging machines (typically flow pack) in the confectionery sector, is a constant challenge that our company has to deal with. A task made even more onerous by the nature of the products, which are often fragile and need to be treated with extreme caution to prevent them from reaching damaged the final consumer, thus creating an image damage to the costumers companies. Ready to respond to the needs of the market, M.H. Material Handling SpA has developed in recent years advanced systems to manage the products output from the primary packaging machines; in order to unify them on a single line, or split them on multiple tracks, depending on the chosen solution for secondary packaging.

currently able to manage over 400 pieces per minute. The unification of the group presented by MH is designed to be interposed between two or more primary packaging machines and a secondary packaging machine. Each track input is constituted by 2 or 3 conveyors with medium friction belt driven by brushless motors, the number varies depending on the speed required by the output line; increasing the speed, can be necessary the use of vacuum aspiration systems to avoid the slipping of the products on the belts during the acceleration phase. The purpose of these transporters is to ensure the proper phasing of

Recently, MH has presented two new systems, one sorter and one merger, in order to overcome the already high production rates achieved in the past: the new devices are able to handle production capacities of up to 600 products per minute on single row, 150 mm long, corresponding to a nominal speed of 90 m/min. Merging groups The unification groups are an essential accessory when the secondary packaging machine is a Racetrack type with a robotic arm for multiple picking up. The best machines available on the market are

40 M.H HANDLING FP 5-16.indd 3

06/10/16 16:34

processing and packaging equipment and machines

incoming products so that they cannot collide with each other on the subsequent unification tape. The unification conveyor is a further conveyor belt where the products are carried in a single row using one or two guides posed like a funnel. At the speeds provided it is necessary to overcome the concept of the fixed guide, as any slowdown of products in contact with the guide would result in a loss of timing and risk of interlocking. Event that with high production cadence that would have catastrophic effects and would lead to immediately block of the upstream machines. For this reason, the chosen solution is to replace the fixed guides with

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motorized vertical belt conveyors that they can adapt the speed to that of the underlying tape. The system is designed to unify the incoming productions from two lines into single row with products about 150 mm long at a rate of 300 ppm for each row: the result is a final output of 600 ppm on a single row; the actual output speed of the products by the system is between 110 and 140 m/min, depending on the characteristics of the products and the needs of the downstream secondary packaging machine. The machine is manufactured with the highest construction standards, the phaser conveyors are equipped with easy-change system without tools. The standard control system is a Siemens PLC with color operator panel, as well as inverters, brushless and related drives are Keb or Elau, gearboxes and asynchronous are SEW. On request, it is possible to install Rockwell Allen-Bradley electronic. An important feature that distinguishes the MH compared to other systems on the market is the ability to control the output step of the products to obtain a regular cadence. Conversely, many competitors offer a management of the products in trains, in fact forcing a complete re-phase of the products before entering the secondary machine, with consequent increase of costs. MH has recently acquired a major order for a leading manufacturer in the confectionery industry in the Middle East. The supply comprises three merger systems 2 in 1 and a merger system 3 in 1 accompanied by all the connection conveyors with

the flowpack machines upstream of the system. Sorter groups In the case where the solution chosen for the secondary packaging is the multi robot type with a vision system, the need is to direct the products on multiple lines from the output of the primary packaging machines. MH offers a wide range of solutions, from a mobile channel systems to those multi paddle, all moved by brushless motors. The novelty is constituted by a discontinuous movable guide system. The group consists of a battery of two phasing blet conveyors controlled by brushless motors, which step in a regular manner the products directed to the conveyor on which the sorting occurs. The division from 1 to 2 lines is performed using a motorized vertical belt conveyor, superimposed on the sorting conveyor, on which are mounted some flights with the required length that, on alternate paces, accompany the products towards the outside track. As the shift occurs gradually and at the same speed of the underlying belt, there are no strong stresses on the product and the system is particularly suitable for fragile products. Even in this case, as for the mergers, the cadence of the products at the exit of the machine it is guaranteed and does not require another phase before the secondary packaging machines. The production speed reached are identical to those already mentioned for the mergers. Visit:

41 M.H HANDLING FP 5-16.indd 4

06/10/16 16:34

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE PACKABLE At booth E10221 at the pack Expo Chicago exhibits CPS Case packing Systems the new CLP case packer to pack MAP trays at high speed in carton trays.


he in-feed system is even capable of turning products, or leaving them in their original orientation, with a huge variety of packing patterns as a result. The pick-up head grasps the Map tray, punnets or other products. The retracting conveyor under the products opens and the P&P head places a complete layer of products in the box, crate or carton tray, placing the products in the product carrier only involves a downward movement. The system offers extreme levels of reliability in combination with high capacity because each complete layer is placed in a single operation. The P&P head operates at a relatively low speed, meaning that fragile products can also be packed without problems. The CLP shown at the Pack Expo exhibition is packing live Map trays in a carton tray at the booth. The Map trays will be loaded using an articulating head. This gives us the opportunity to place the trays under the stacking shoulders of the carton tray. After picking up a complete layer of trays, the trays will be placed under an angle by the articulating head during the downward movement to the carton tray and placed under the stacking shoulders of the carton tray. Because of the dimensions of the Map trays and carton tray is it possibly to make any packing pattern in more than one layer in the carton on customers request. Beside that the CLP case packer is executed with a vision system which reads the QR codes at the MAP tray. The information hidden

in the code has a lot of opportunities. The information can collected or transmitted to upper layer software systems for management purposes or other packing machines downstream the line. This improves the traceability enormously and increases the food safety in the future. Our present product range includes casepackers to pack flexible, semi flexible or solid products (bags or trays) horizontal as well as vertical into corrugated trays, reusable plastic trays and corrugated American cases. In recent years the different industries place heavy demands for improving food safety, machine performance and reliability of the casepacker lines. With our range of casepackers we meet these requirements with high

capacity, lower investments costs, reduced packaging costs and an over all improved load stability and display effect for optimum branding of the products at the retailer. Integrated tailor made software solutions provide the information necessary to allow our customers to improve all aspects of the end of line packaging casepacker system. Many different combinations options enable the customer to be supplied a tailor made casepacker line. CPS Case Packing Systems can supplied a solution, no matter what the requirements and whether the product is fresh, frozen, pasty or liquid. Since 1988 CPS Case Packing Systems situated in Stramproy Holland has been one of the leading companies in the field of the de-

42 CPS - FP 5-16.indd 3

11/10/16 10:41

Making the impossible packable

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processing and packaging equipment and machines

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sign, manufacture and installation of complete end of line packaging solutions, primarily for the (frozen) food and confectionary industry. CPS Case Packing Systems innovates and develops individual solutions helping customers to achieve their performance goals in a very competitive marketplace. CPS has focused on fully automatic case packing systems with a special emphasis on flexible products and trays. CPS is uniquely proficient in packing products of this type rapidly and efficiently. And there are other benefits as well. CPS machines pack products more compactly than is possible by hand and therefore achieve substantial cost savings. Packing in shelfready boxes has also become an important aspect. CPS uses this expertise and experience to produce high-quality case packers. Flexible bags, MAP trays or flowpacks in all shapes and sizes are packed fully automatically and at high speed in RSC boxes, cardboard trays, crates and even pallet boxes and wheeled containers. In order to supply customer-specific case packer lines, CPS integrates X-ray scanners, metal detectors,

checkweighers, coding systems and case erectors in its case packing systems. The total case packer line, ranging from the complete product and box supply systems, possibly including merging and buffer systems, to final discharge of the sealed box, is designed and constructed by CPS in house CPS currently produces a complete range of professional case packers. Making the Impossible Packable!

CPS is in the USA is very strong in packing (frozen) French fries. Simplot Boise, Idaho have 6 lines to pack French fries at high speed either horizontal as vertical in one machine. The CPSL gravity and sideloader case packer has been specifically developed for horizontally and vertically packing deep-frozen products in boxes at high speed, in combination with a highly compact footprint. Typical products include frozen French fries, vegetables, meat and fish. Our CPSL and CP201 case packer is capable of greater kg/m3 packing performance than any other machine. This is done in accordance with pre-programmed packing patterns.. Various options are available for the Case packer line; these can be selected in order to adapt the line to product requirements and customer preferences.

44 CPS - FP 5-16.indd 4

11/10/16 10:41

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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BM Service is an Italian Company with a long-term and widely renowned experience in the beverage market, specialized in the supply of TURN-KEY plants for water and soft drinks. Our mission is focused on delivering high technical services and values. We are not traders of machines, we are a proven skilled team able to deliver effective and value-added technical solutions tailor made on your real needs, granting the results you expect from us. You can count on an all-round support: from preliminary analysis of the business opportunity, through engineering and design of the production plant, then supply of recognized European quality brand new or used-refurbished machines, offering maximum flexibility in terms of budget requirements, performance and efficiency. Our specialists can provide necessary recommendations and reliable answers based on the understanding of your local market trends and consumer’s demand, thus provide costeffective and flexible solutions able to suit your business plans within the timeline you foreseen. You can count and rely on an unique contractor able to manage a turnkey package throughout all stages, from the preliminary project till the final commissioning at your site. our structure internaL engineering diVision Our experience and know-how can help you achieve your goals. We can support you in designing and building your customized solutions for any applications in the beverage field, offering maximum flexibility in terms of construction, performance and cost.

4.100 m2 shoWroom Where our range of refurbished machines can be audited, inspected and tested with your products. A great opportunity to be sure of what you are going to invest your money for, before signing any agreement, thus controlling them during the progress of the activities till the factory acceptance test. 1.800 m2 Warehouse Where held a wide stock of genuine and alternative spare parts for different machines, ready to be quickly delivered when you need them. eXperts on fieLd Our team of over 50 qualified engineers experienced on processes and machines are available round-theclock to assist you throughout your machines’ lifecycle: - on-site installation, - on-line & on-field technical assistance, - preventive maintenance, - diagnostic visits. something more We can do for You When the line is laid down, you need a skilled team of professionals engineers to make it run efficiently.

We will assist you for the life cycle of the machines. • Hotline support. Our hotline assistance will help you to rapidly identify the malfunctioning therefore will drive your skilled engineers step by step for immediately fix it. • On-site field technical service. You can rely on our team of more than 50 qualified engineers to join you on field to solve the emergency and make your machines run again in the shortest possible time. • Full-service maintenance agreement. Keeping the performance at the top for the whole lifecycle of your machines. training & skiLL-sharing Get proactively involved your people is critical to the success of your business. We are glad to share our know-how with your team. You can benefit from our technical on-site trainings: our skilled engineers will convey precious information to help your staff to operate the machines on their own, to detect malfunctions and quickly fix them, to run the machines more efficiently. reLocation of pLant and machines BBM’s logistics engineering services

45 BBM PACKAGING FP 5-16.indd 3

22/09/16 13:25

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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are turnkey programs that comprise preliminary design, planning and management of activities at different stages and means, start-up and commissioning of the production line at known times and costs. • Design of new production line layouts.

• Planning and management of relocation activities. • Organization and management of logistic means.

wear and tear, BBM represents a valid alternative source for spare parts characterized by a wide range of items available in stock, quick delivery and competitive prices. BBM supplies both genuine and compatible spare parts for the leading international manufacturers’ machines. A valid alternative source that frees you from constraints and helps you solve problems quickly. If you are looking for a cost-effective alternative option instead of buy new parts, you can benefit from our additional services: • Refurbishment and rebuilding of your parts. • Exchange of overhauled assemblies. • Tailor made parts manufacturing.

spare parts Whether for emergencies or normal

news in short

in short

eVent Will proVide roAdMAp to tHe sMArt MeAt fActory Pantone® 877 C


he key steps meat companies need to take to achieve a smart factory in line with Industry 4.0 will be the major focus of a series of Meat Business Days being held by food IT software specialist CSB-System in Karlsruhe, Germany from 12th – 16th September. As well a series of presentations from industry experts from Fraunhofer IAO, Multivac and CSB-System, the event will also include tours of state-of-the art meat producers in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, each of whom has already taken great strides

in becoming a smart meat factory. The Meat Business Days event is dedicated to innovative technologies and solutions for meat production of the future. The focus will be on software, automation and image processing solutions to make the digital transformation a successful one. With business models, value-added chains, processes and consumer behaviour all becoming increasingly digitally connected, more efficient and more transparent, the event will examine which investments in digitalisation and automation are necessary to fully exploit the potential of the

Pantone® 2758 C

intelligent factory and the benefits these will bring to the meat industry. For the factory tours, participants can choose to visit Wolf Wurstspezialitäten GmbH, EDEKA Südwest Fleisch GmbH or Fleischhof Rasting GmbH in Germany, ProMessa BV in the Netherlands; or Veviba S.A. in Belgium.

46 BBM PACKAGING FP 5-16.indd 4

22/09/16 13:25

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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groWtH tHrougH innoVAtion


urosicma is one of the most important Italian company manufacturing automatic packaging machines for food, cosmetic and pharma products. Highly specialized in horizontal flow wrapping systems, the company developed a certain know how that allows to diversify its portfolio in order to serve the producers of bakery, sugar-based and chocolate products. At the beginning, Eurosicma supplied mainly stand-alone wrapping machines, while nowadays the core business is developing complete packaging lines with integrated feeding systems. This allows customers to produce with the highest level of automati-

zation and efficiency in order to ensure the top quality of products and packs to the consumers. The first applications were for candies and chewing gums. During the years, the development of new machines has allowed to serve also producers of biscuits, cakes, wafers and any kind of other snacks. Among the customers, located in more than 85 countries worldwide, there are companies, which are well known to all the consumers of sweets, plasters and cotton buds. During the years, Eurosicma has changed a lot, becoming an industrial group able to manage and develop independently, thanks to its owned companies, the me-

chanical, electrical and software architecture, the mechanical manufacturing, the assembling, the fine-tuning and the start-ups of the equipment. Customer orienting and long-term relationships established all over the world allow Eurosicma to acquire new customers, to consolidate the business and build up loyalty with the existing ones providing know how, seriousness and machines able to perform and generate emotions. Every day Eurosicma works with companies and multinationals, it grows and gets the Rating Dun & Bradstreet 1 as index of maximum reliability, while keeping its original family business approach.

3d layout of a custom made application, successfully realized. The packaging line consists of a fully automated primary flow wrapping system for biscuits in pile, it includes: - Distribution systems for biscuits coming out from the processing line - Stacking systems - Buffering unit - Dedicated piling systems integrated into the flow wrappers.


Layout 3d d’une application sur mesure réalisée avec succès La ligne d’emballage est constituée par un système flow pack entièrement automatisé pour biscuits en piles, qui comprend: Systèmes de distribution pour biscuits sortant de la ligne de production Systèmes d’empilage Buffer Chargeurs dédiés pour biscuits en piles intégrés aux machines flow pack.


urosicma est un des plus importants fabricants italiens de machines automatiques d’emballage pour produits alimentaires, cosmétiques et pharmaceutiques. Hautement spécialisé dans les systèmes horizontaux flow pack, la société a développé un savoir-faire spécifique pour diversifier son offre et servir les producteurs des produits de la boulangerie, à base de sucre e chocolat. À l’origine, Eurosicma a fourni principalement machines d’emballage individuelles, mais aujourd’hui le secteur d’affaires central est développer lignes complètes d’emballage avec systèmes d’alimentation intégrés. Ce qui permit aux clients de produire avec le plus haut

niveau d’automatisation et efficience afin d’assurer haute qualité des produits et des emballages aux consommateurs. Les premières applications étaient pour bonbons et chewing gums. Au cours des années, le développement des machines nouveaux a permis de servir aussi producteurs des biscuits, gaufrettes, gâteaux et snacks en général. Parmi les clients, situés dans plus des 85 pays, il y a des entreprises qui sont très bien connus par tous les consommateurs de produits de confiserie, pansements et coton tiges. Au cours des années, Eurosicma est changé beaucoup, devenant un groupe industriel capable de gérer et développer indépendamment, grâce à ses socié-

tés détenues, l’architecture mécanique, électrique et de logiciels, la fabrication, l’assemblage, l’activité d’essai et de mise en marche de l’équipement. Orientation aux clients et relations à long terme dans le monde entier permettent à Eurosicma l’acquisition des nouveaux clients, la consolidation de l’activité et la création de la fidélité avec les clients existants fournissant savoir-faire, sérieux et machines qui sont capable de performé et générer des émotions. Tous les jours Eurosicma travaille avec des entreprises et des multinationales, se grandit et obtient le Rating Dun & Bradstreet 1 comme indice de fiabilité maximale, tout en conservant son approche familiale.

47 EUROSICMA FP 5-16.indd 3

27/09/16 12:44

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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tmg impianti, end of line packaging systems


stablished in 1976, TMG has been successful on several global markets, thanks to a continuous research and a professional experience that allowed to gain a qualified technological know-how, to apply in the end of line systems all over the world. The direct contact with the customers is a chance of constant innovation of our packing machineries range, resulting progressively suitable for any needs and different applications. The products range comprises carton erector, carton packer, carton sealer, pallettisers, depallettisers and robot. These machines are often combined together to supply complete turnkey solutions of automated packing systems endof-line. In the latest years, TMG has realized many palletizing and packaging systems of different products, especially in the beverage and chemical markets, in which it has satisfied many international customer’s needs. Nowadays TMG produces around 200 palletisers per year and has installed almost 7000 palletising systems all over the world since 40 years. MARKET INDUSTRIES TMG Impianti is specialized in handling bottles and containers, both glass and plastic (like PVC and PET) for the food sector, beverage (water, juices, etc.), chemical and home and care industry (shampoo, detergents, washing powders) and special applications like mineral oil and edible oil.

one of European leading company in the sacks - big bags palletisation with several applications around the world in this industry. 40 YEARS OF EXPERTISE In 2016 TMG Impianti celebrates its 40th anniversary. Without any doubt this is a great achievement that explain many TMG features. If the expertise in the end of line packaging machines is strength and able to satisfy the custom needs of the most important companies all around the world, another key factor in this long path is the passion and the job devotion of the people who are part of this recognized Italian company.

The Know-How developed in these 40 years of history could be translate into the TMG people’s professional skills: they projected, developed and designed products with an high level of reliability, longevity and performance. With a company business view focused to the next future challenge, TMG’s feeling is “FREE TO BE” as remembered in the 40th anniversary logo’s payoff, free to be what the history has wrote until today, conscious of the fact that many other pages are going to be written by the TMG’s people.

Another important industry where TMG Impianti is present is the “big bags and sacks”. The company is

48 TMG IMPIANTI - FP 5-16.indd 3

03/10/16 15:15


11/10/16 11:16

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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AT2E, quality control equipment for packaging


T2E has been developing quality control equipment for packaging since 1989. Since then, it has served hundreds of customers around the world in the beverage, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and industrial/scientific industries. Its clients include the leading companies in their respective fields such as Coca Cola, Nestlé, L’Oréal, Pfizer, Procter and Gamble, Intel, and others. Based in the village of Pontcarré, just outside of Paris, France, AT2E has grown over the years to cover all the regions of the world, with a fast-growing presence in North and South America. Committed to designing the most cutting-edge technologies in packaging quality control, AT2E has developed dozens of proven machines over the years. AT2E’s quality control products include torque testers, leak and seal testers, vacuum and pressure testers, crown and cap testers, burst testers, as well as machines that determine enamel rating, can measurements, force measurements (compression and dynamometers), CO2 measurements, stress applications, and dimensional measurements. One of the most important points of AT2E’s philosophy is to seek feedback from its customers to re-design and improve its existing product lines. Recently, AT2E has launched its updated Touchscreen Electronic Torque Tester, the TMV7. The unit is widely used for testing the amount of torque necessary to open a bottle cap while negating most non-

CO2-CS | Automatic CO2 Calculating Machine coaxial and top-load influences on the measurement. The seventh iteration of the popular TMV torque tester line, it features improvements such as an enhanced sensor for even higher accuracy levels, sample stability improvements, and a higher resolution display. For customers interested in an even simpler and more accurate torquetesting solution, the ADATMV-ECO and ADATMV5 systems provide semi-automatic and automatic measurements, respectively, both

of which comply with the FDA –CFR 21-11 requirements. With adjustable rotating speeds and a touchscreen display, the units also allow for storing products and operators in the memory for more efficient operation. AT2E also offers solutions for torque testing on the production line itself. The ADATMV5-S, built directly onto the line, offers operator-free torque testing (and optional bubble point control). With dozens of customizable features, the ADATMV5-S is

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11/10/16 16:45

processing and packaging equipment and machines

UBPT-3 | Universal Bottle Perpendicularity Gauge

designed to fit the samples’ specifications and the client’s particular quality assurance needs. Another popular device by AT2E is the Hot Wire Bottle Cutter system. The unit is used to cut cross-sections of PET bottles to accurately determine whether the bottle has been blown properly and to ensure that every section matches the predetermined range. AT2E has developed two versions, the HWBC-1 and HWBC-2. The former is manually operated with a handle to press the hot wires down to cut the bottle. The HWBC-2 is fully automatic and completely enclosed

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to avoid operator influence on the measurement and to ensure the fumes are directed away from the operator. Each unit is custom-built to the sample’s specifications. Vacuum testing is another area in which AT2E’s products excel. Its VLT series of vacuum boxes is used around the world to measure a product’s leak points. Made with transparent PMMA polished acrylic, the Vacuum Leak Tester (VLT) is rugged and ready to hold vacuums down to -999 mb. With the clamp pressure option included, it can even be pressurized up to 1 bar. AT2E has developed three versions of its VLT systems: VLT-ECO, VLT-ST, and VLT-PLC. All the systems are built to spec and come in various sizes. The ECO system is controlled manually via a 3-direction valve while the ST and PLC versions come with a touchscreen control box that allows the operator to pull and hold vacuums. They are capable of storing product information and measurements, as well as operator preferences, for maximum efficiency and replicability. For extremely accurate thickness measurements, AT2E has designed its AMTG2, the Accurate Magnetic Thickness Gauge. Using a small steel ball and probe, the AMTG-2 can measure non-magnetic material up to 8 mm in thickness, with a resolution of 0.001 mm. Through the Hall Effect method, the ball and probe system offers a reliable, precise, and efficient measurement solution for packaging, allowing the user to find deformities and weaknesses in a sample. Other thickness measurement devices include the Preform Thickness Gauge (PTG-D) and the Glass Bottle Wall Thickness Gauge (BTG-D). AT2E has also developed a system for the quality control of doubleseam cans. SeamCheck, its Automatic Double Seam Projector, helps with the critical process of inspect-

ing a can’s seam length, body hook length, end hook length, overlap, seam gap, overlap rate, body hook lapping rate, end hook lapping rate, and seam thickness. With some additional equipment, the measurements can be extended even further and with a higher accuracy. With satisfied companies around the world using AT2E’s packaging quality assurance technologies every day, AT2E is constantly working to improve its existing products, develop new techniques for precision testing, and provide useful support and guidance to prospective and current clients.

TCT-2 | Traction and Compression Tester

51 AT2E - FP 5-16.indd 4

11/10/16 16:45

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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induStrial Bonding & aSSemBly


Rclad® industrial pressuresensitive adhesive (PSA) tapes from Adhesives Research offer design benefits and manufacturing efficiencies without the problems associated with glues, rivets, spot welds and other traditional fastening methods. Often the lowest-cost solution, ARclad® PSA bonding tapes may be the best way to assemble, fasten, bond, attach, seal or cushion in your application or process. Some applications where ARclad® tapes are used include: • Sport goggles

• Appliance trim • Name plates • Air fresheners • Fixture mounting • Screw anchors • Wire harnesses • Bumpers • Decorative & protective trim

news in short

Choose from the following ARclad® product chemistries: • Rubber-based adhesives • Acrylic-based adhesives • Silicone-based adhesives Heat-activated adhesives in short

iglidur HSd350: New high-performaNce plastic for coNtiNuous use iN steam


ree of lubrication, maintenance and corrosion, the new igus material introduces itself as a low priced alternative to metallic options With iglidur HSD350 the motion plastics specialist now has a low-cost all-rounder in the product range for steam sterilisation during autoclaving. Particularly in the food and medical industries, the new plain bearing material clearly displays its advantages over metallic bearings. Autoclaving is one of the most important methods for killing bacteria during the production of foodstuffs, medicines and in the cleaning of medical products. In the standard method, heating to 121°C at 2 bar takes place in the pressure vessel for 15 to 20 minutes, or to 134°C for 2 to 3 minutes at 3 bar steam pressure with particularly resistant bacteria. A challenge for the individual parts of the machine, as well as for the bearing. For metallic bearings a special autoclavable

lubrication is often necessary. However, the sterilisation affect is reduced significantly for product that use grease. Therefore polymer bearings are offered as a lubrication-free and maintenance-free alternative, whose materials are resistant to heat, pressure and moisture.

As standard and as a customised special part An all-rounder in the igus product range is iglidur HSD350, which is suitable for the hygienic continuous use even for regular sterilisation. The new material can withstand temperatures up to 180°C continuously and temporarily up to 210°C. Because of the corrosion-free property, iglidur HSD350 is ideal for use in wet areas and displays a low moisture absorption and thermal expansion there. The new material also proves to be extremely resistant to media and doesn’t get ruined even in hot steam sterilisation. The new

The iglidur HSD350 material is the new all-rounder for use in hot steam sterilisation: Low priced, corrosionproof and maintenance-free. (Source: igus GmbH)

material thus proves to be extremely resistant to media and does not get ruined even in hot steam sterilisation. This provides the customer with the opportunity of designing bearings and joints so that perfect cleaning results can be achieved in more complex, non-separable units. iglidur HSD350 is now available from a quantity of one piece and available for immediate delivery from 24 hours.

52 ADHESIVE RESEARCH - FP 5-16.indd 3

11/10/16 16:18


13/10/16 10:43

processing and packaging equipment and machines

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Cama group presents its latest innovations belonging to the break-through generation, on show at exhibitions in 2016 in usa, in europe and in middle east




t PackExpo International 2016 (Chicago IL, USA, Nov 06-19) Cama’s new IF318 ROBOTIZED MONOBLOCK LOADING UNIT will be shown. IF318 includes the latest technological innovations by CAMA Group and marks an industry milestone with the highest standard of Research & Development in packaging automation. On booth # 8523 in Lakeside Upper Hall, Cama Group (Cama North America) will present a world preview of the fully robotized IF318 monoblock carton forming/loading/closing system, resulting from a yearlong CAMA internal R&D project. The system features the most innovative CAMA technologies, which defines a new standard in the world of secondary packaging into paperboard or corrugated carton or case, including lean design, cabinet free technology, ergonomic features and user-friendly controls. Such character-

istics are standard on the full range of CAMA machines and systems. The most innovative features of the CAMA system displayed at Packexpo include the following: - Pitchless box indexing system, the heart of the whole system, allowing 3 independent phases (forming, loading, closing) from each other. - Innovative variable box handling device, which allows automatic changeover for all required carton/ case size along the track, notwithstanding their shape and size, thereby making size changing useless! - 100% Fool-proof size changing, allowing the operator tooless format changes for both robot heads and machine components, in a safe and unmistakable manner. Moreover, the CAMA machine has been engineered to further reduce energy consumption, focused on minimizing the use of compressed air.

CAMA, with this last innovation, introduces to the world market the first secondary packaging system that has true hygienic design! A FLExIbLE & ComPLEtE LoAdINg & CArtoNINg SyStEm At FACHPACk IN NUrEmbErg ANd At ALL4PACk (EmbALLAgE) IN PArIS Visitors to the CAMA GROUP stands in Europe (Fachpack 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany, in September, and All4Pack/Emballage in Paris, Nov 14-17, Hall 5A, stand g036) could view another complete flexible line for the bakery industry, show-casing Cama’s latest Break-Through Generation (BTG) systems. Let’s see what are the impressive features of all the new BTG models, the reasons why Cama has been able to make a step change in innovation in secondary packaging machinery. The very last technological innovations by CAMA Group mark a milestone in Research & Development,

54 CAMA FP 5-16.indd 3

12/10/16 13:46

processing and packaging equipment and machines

focus on

This line is a great example of Cama’s Unique Selling Proposition, providing Experience, Technology and Service combining 4-axis robots and high-speed cartoners under the same hardware and software platform.

A CAMA GROUP complete flexible BTG system raising the standards in packaging automation: – Higher Hygiene Standard • No closed hollow sections • No horizontal surfaces • Easy cleaning – Open profile • No bundle cabling (ICR) – Safe «Easy Entry» • Zero «unsafe» Access – Flexible Frame • No fixed modules configuration • Frame composed of flexible modules, more easily adaptable to layout requirements The BTG system shown on the Cama exhibition stands in Germany and in France, in particular, is a complete system for handling of flow-packed crispy bread in piles into pre-glued cartons. The exhibited machine, shown with agreement by Cama’s Customer, a global leader in the food sector, incorporates a Cama Triaflex Delta robot top-loading unit (IT280)

with a high-speed continuous motion cartoner (CL156). The combined system is designed to handle 2 different product formats in several loading configurations. Flowpacks are delivered up to 300 cpm to the CAMA line, where they are received by a vertical race track. The Cama Delta robot picks the flow wraps and places them in the right orientation onto the conveyor of the cartoning machine. The robot creates the necessary loading pattern, giving the opportunity to handle flat and on-edge configurations, with or without product rotation into the carton. The Continuous motion cartoner sideloads the groups of flowpacks into preglued skillets. Speed can range, according to the different products and configuration, from 80 to 150 cartons per minute. A key differentiator for the customer is the ability to future proof the guaranteed return on investment (ROI) through the modular construction of the line, use of off-the-shelf and standardized components, and the capability to have the addition of a second loading unit in the future - providing an easy upgrade for additional production capacity.


Versatility, reliability and ease of size change are standard components for a Cama installation.

IF316: tHE brEAk-tHroUgH gENErAtIoN moNobLoCk LoAdINg UNIt oN SHow IN Uk ANd IN UAE Visitors to the Cama Stand in Birmingham (PPmA totAL Show 2016) and to the Cama Stand in Dubai (Stand Z3-b89, Za’abeel 3 Hall, gULFood mANUFACtUrINg, 7 – 9 Nov, dubai, UAE) will be able to view IF316, the BTG compact monoblock loading unit with integrated box forming loading and sealing. The most impressive features of this flexible, outstanding small footprint packaging system are the following ones: integrated box forming; loading and closing all in one frame; no hollow body structure; soft touch buttons; offthe-shelves electronics; PLC less technology and external cabinet free (integrated in the machine frame). The use of a Cama Triaflex “Delta Style Robot”, as a loading unit, broadens the standard configurations usually used for monoblock units equipped with 2-axis robots. This new unit is equipped with highly accurate carton handling, appealing ergonomics and improved accessibility. In addition, the flat blank magazine is at waist level in order to facilitate the carton loading operation. At the machine exit, the innovative box closing manipulator ensures both a quick and accurate closing with simplified carton handling.

55 CAMA FP 5-16.indd 4

12/10/16 13:46

processing and packaging equipment and machines

focus on

FachPack 2016 se termine sur un succès


e FachPack a fermé ses portes le 29 septembre à l’issue de trois journées de salon réussies et fait maintenant son année de pause traditionnelle avant de se présenter de nouveau du 25 au 27 septembre 2018 au public professionnel du secteur de l’emballage. Au total, 41 0141 visiteurs professionnels ont profité de cette occasion pour s’informer sur les nouveautés en matière d’emballage, de technologie, d’ennoblissement et de logistique. En tout, 1 5411 entreprises ont exposé leurs produits dans onze halls. Le FachPack s’internationalise de plus en plus : mis à part l’Allemagne, les exposants venaient des cinq principales nations exposantes, à savoir l’Italie, les PaysBas, l’Autriche, la Suisse et la République tchèque. «L’atmosphère dans laquelle baignait le FachPack était excellente, les halls étaient remplis et tant les exposants que les visiteurs étaient satisfaits». Tel est le résumé fait par Heike Slotta, chef de projet à la NürnbergMesse à l’issue de ce salon qui se concentre sur trois jours. «Le FachPack s’est maintenu à son niveau élevé et nos attentes ont été entièrement comblées. Nous avons pu montrer une fois de plus que le FachPack est la rencontre majeure des experts de l’emballage dans le contexte européen» a poursuivi Slotta. La responsable du salon n’est pas la seule à être de cet avis. Selon les résultats d’un sondage mené par un institut d’études de marché indépendant, environ 80 pour cent des visiteurs professionnels approuvent l’orientation du FachPack en tant que salon de l’emballage réalisé dans l’espace éco-

• Halls remplis, bonne atmosphère, exposants satisfaits • Centré sur l’industrie de l’emballage en Allemagne et en Europe de l’Est • Le programme cadre a remporté un grand succès • Les nouveautés et tendances soulignent la capacité d’innovation

nomique Allemagne/Autriche/Suisse (DACH) et européen. Ceci se reflète également dans les chiffres se rapportant aux visiteurs: 25 pour cent d’entre eux venaient de l’étranger, notamment de la République tchèque, d’Autriche, de Pologne, d’Italie, des Pays-Bas, de France et de Suisse. Le pourcentage d’étrangers parmi les visiteurs a ainsi augmenté de deux pour cent par rapport à l’année précédente. Le visiteur typique du FachPack Le FachPack propose des solutions

complètes se rapportant à toute la chaîne des processus d’emballage et est donc intéressant pour tous ceux qui produisent et emballent des biens de consommation ou industriels. En 2016, les visiteurs professionnels étaient essentiellement issus du secteur agroalimentaire et des denrées de luxe, de l’industrie du papier et de l’imprimerie, de l’industrie chimique, de la logistique, de l’industrie automobile et du domaine pharmaceutique et médical. On comptait un nombre encore plus élevé de visiteurs issus des secteurs suite à la page 58

Les données relatives aux visiteurs, aux exposants et aux surfaces de ce salon sont relevées et certifiées selon les critères uniformes de la FKM, Société de Contrôle Volontaire des Statistiques des Salons et Expositions.


56 FACH PACK comunicato2pag.indd 3

13/10/16 13:23

in cooperation with


P&G EXHIBITIONS MARKETING MEDIA Via A . Costa, 2 · 20131 Milano Tel +39.02 33402131 Fax +39.02 33402130


processing and packaging equipment and machines

focus on

suite de la page 56

de l’agroalimentaire, des denrées de luxe et de l’industrie chimique que l’année précédente. Le visiteur typique du FachPack est masculin (74 pour cent) et a passé en moyenne 1,2 journée au salon. Plus de la moitié des visiteurs du salon ont un poste de cadre dans leur entreprise. 87 pour cent d’entre eux participent aux décisions d’achats et approvisionnements. Au total, 13 pour cent du public professionnel appartient à la gestion administrative, à la direction de l’entreprise ou de l’usine. En 2016, on a accueilli à Nuremberg encore davantage de visiteurs issus des secteurs de la logistique, de la gestion de l’approvisionnement et des stocks et du transport (15 pour cent par rapport à 14 pour cent l’année précédente). De même, 15 pour cent d’entre appartenaient aux domaines de la fabrication, de la production et du contrôle de la qualité, de la vente et de la distribution. Près de la moitié des visiteurs étaient venus à Nuremberg dans le but de s’informer sur les nouveautés. Environ un tiers d’entre eux ont profité de leur visite au salon pour entretenir leurs relations d’affaires. L’échange d’expériences et d’informations était également une motivation importante pour 28 pour cent d’entre eux. Arrivait ensuite le désir de se per-

fectionner et d’approfondir ses connaissances (26 pour cent) et de se procurer un aperçu général du marché (25 pour cent). Il pouvait y avoir des recoupements. Près de la moitié des visiteurs du salon ont mentionné qu’ils s’intéressaient essentiellement aux matériaux d’emballages et emballages. Plus d’un tiers du public professionnel était attiré par les machines d’emballage. La logistique présentait un grand intérêt pour un quart des visiteurs, suivie du matériel d’emballage, de l’impression, de l’ennoblissement et des machines et appareils périphériques intégrés à l’installation d’emballage, étant entendu qu’il pouvait y avoir des recoupements. Les exposants se sont montrés satisfaits Le FachPack 2016 a été un succès non seulement pour les visiteurs mais aussi pour les entreprises exposantes qui le considèrent comme un salon réussi ayant pignon sur rue. 95 pour cent d’entre eux ont fait un résumé général positif de leur participation au salon et 94 pour cent ont fait savoir qu’ils y avaient touché leurs principaux cœurs de cible. Caroline Knapp de la société Kartonveredelung KNAPP GmbH a fait l’éloge de la qualité des exposants du FachPack dans le secteur des machines d’emballage. Ceci a été confirmé

par Heiko Wenka de la société ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG pour qui « Le FachPack est d’une manière générale l’un des salons les plus importants dans le secteur de l’emballage ». Les exposants ont également porté un jugement positif sur les visiteurs venus à leur stand. Alors que Valeska Haux de l’entreprise MULTIVAC était très heureuse d’avoir accueilli un grand nombre de visiteurs sur son stand notamment le premier jour du salon, Sabine Gauger de la société OPTIMA packaging group GmbH, est, quant à elle, surtout très satisfaite des multiples entretiens menés. Au total, 85 pour cent des visiteurs s’attendent à des retombées commerciales positives du fait des contacts et des relations d’affaires entamées durant le salon. Plus de 90 pour cent des entreprises exposantes ont l’intention de prendre de nouveau part au FachPack. Répartition de la gamme du salon En 2016, 1 541 entreprises ont exposé au FachPack et y ont présenté sous un même toit des produits et services se rapportant à toute la chaîne des processus d’emballage. 711 entreprises ont présenté leur gamme dans le secteur des emballages, 547 exposants dans celui de la technique. L’ennoblissement était représenté par 255 exposants et la logistique par 339. Environ un cinquième des entreprises ont exposé des produits et services se rapportant à plusieurs segments. 21 start-up n’ont pas manqué cette occasion de se présenter et de montrer leurs innovations à un public hautement qualifié dans le cadre des deux stands collectifs subventionnés réservés aux jeunes entreprises innovantes. Noter les dates: Le FachPack fera sa pause traditionnelle en 2017. Les deux prochains salons FachPack auront lieu du 25 au 27 septembre 2018 et du 24 au 26 septembre 2019 à Nuremberg.

58 FACH PACK comunicato2pag.indd 4

13/10/16 13:23

1 - Reinforced air bag or standard air bag for palletization and depalletization boudin gonflable standard ou renforcé pour palettisation et dépalettisation 2 - Vacuum plates for palletization and depalletization plaques à vide pour palettisation et dépalletisation 3 - Foam belts for inspection machines Courroies en mousse pour machines d’inspection 4 - Roller bearings for inspection machines Galets pour machines d’inspection 5 ; 6 - Foam rotation wheel Galets de rotation en mousse




5 6 2

4 1 2


13/10/16 12:29

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in short



he automatic washing of returnable bottles has today reached a level of high specialization. AKOMAG is a young, flexible and dynamic company that bases its organizational strategy on Customer Satisfaction, the quality of its systems, its assistance services and technological innovation.The company has been working in the bottling sector for many years, and boasts a long construction experience, which allows it to guarantee maximum yields for the client, together with the highest level of operational practicality, minimum working costs and long lasting equipment, due mainly to the fact that the machines are built using certified, top quality materials. This experience and the company research are made available to the clients who demand only the best. The simple, modular structure of the company’s production range has allowed for the progressive increase in the functions and level of sophistication, including special washing and sanitization sections, automatic process parameter control, system security devices, energy saving devices, the reduction of exhaust waste and automatic sanitization of the most important parts in terms of hygiene. During the design the utmost attention has been paid to ensuring the adoption of all details for health protection and operator accident prevention, along with all the necessary protective devices for noise reduction. Great efforts have also been made to reduce the size of these traditionally large and awkward machines, in order facilitate space optimization in bottling plants. The AKOMAG production range includes bottle washers, rinsers and sterilizers for glass and PET bottles and for large 3-4 and 5 gallon bottles, crate washers and various complementary machine accessories.The company’s operational site is in Soragna (PR), and has a covered surface area of more than 1,500 m2 for production, plus a spare parts warehouse and technical, administrative and sales offices.

60 AKOMAG - FP 5-16.indd 3

12/10/16 14:34

news in short

in short

Our visiOn, our mission and philosophy of excellence


n a country with food manufacturing potentials, food manufacturing has to be set as one of the pillars of technological and economical progress. PIGO set a goal to become an initiating force in technological and consequently economical progress in food processing industry, a leader in country and in the world in manufacturing of food processing machines from its program. Today, PIGO has established itself as a world-class leader in the design and manufacture of high technology freezing, freeze drying and drying equipment, as well as fruit and vegetable processing equipment, with an extensive experience in both freezing and fruit and vegetables processing. PIGO can proudly say that its machines achieve excellent operating characteristics and energy efficiency, while being user friendly, thus guaranteeing many advantages and privileges to the company’s buyers. Main products PIGO has specialized in building fluidised bed freezers, EASY Freeze, the most suitable for IQF freezing all variety of fruits, vegetables and numerous sea, meat and cheese products, redefining IQF Technology With Adaptable Air Flow. EASY Freeze technology is providing perfect shape of IQF product and no clumps - Full controlled fluidisation method keeps the product constantly suspended above the belt in a cushion of air. The result is the immediate crust freezing and efficient core freezing of individual pieces, regardless of type, variety or condition of product. Maximized freezing efficiency for

“Our philosophy is very simple: Give our best for people who expect the best” (D.Z.) each unique product, whether the product is heavy, light, soft, sticky or fragile, thanks to Variable speed control of all fans and belts, allowing on-the-fly optimization of air flow conditions. Interior video monitoring allows for real-time supervising of operating conditions, allowing the complete control and adjustments of the entire process from outside, without necessity to entering into the freezer. EASY Freeze is considered as the freezer with the most superior sanitation, giving the possibility to user to freeze different products one after the other without risk of cross – contamination. EASY Freeze is ENERGY SAVING and TROUBLE FREE solution for all your freezing needs. Within the freezing equipment product line, PIGO also manufactures the innovative EASY Freeze SPYRO, the latest generation of spiral freezers giving utmost advantages to the us-

ers in terms of energy efficiency, hygienic conditions and advanced technological caracteristics, such as: • Belts gear motors are positioned outside the insulated cabin (no lubrication inside the freezer) avoiding any risks of contaminations due to some oil leakages; • The unit doesn’t have any mezzanine floor and or intermediary platform, to avoid any dirtiness accumulation (presence of any mezzanine floor or intermediary platform are making more difficult the cleaning operations) – the absolutely highest hygienic standards; • Freezer design is made according to max. thermal load and max. surface occupied on the belt by the different products foreseen; • Low maintenance cost and low spare parts cost due to utilisation of high quality commercial components; • Low pressure fans to higher air speed. In order to obtain a quick freezing process EASY Freeze SPYRO is designed for high speed circulation (4 -10 m/sec) of cold air in contact with the product, on the whole length of the spiral conveyor;

61 PIGO FP 5-16.indd 3

10/10/16 14:27

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in short

• Very low weight loss, which is two times less then with vertical air flow • Hitting the incoming product with the coldest air; the product is therefore immediately “crusted” and snow formation diminished; PIGO freezers are built in modular sizes and all components are made entirely of stainless steel, capable to provide perfectly frozen product even for delicate products like cooked rice, raspberries, etc. PIGO also designs, fabricates and assembles sophisticated freeze dryers, EASY Freeze DRYER - LYOPHILIZER, product line which includes a broad range of standard and custom units, aplicating low temperature work and shorter cycle time. The freeze drying - dehydration technology allows to save delicate aromas while drying the frozen product under vacuum, producing premium quality product. Premium sensorial properties for finished product, absolutely superimposable to those of the fresh product. Machine execution is entirely in stainless steel (Chamber, doors, hinges, shelf modules, etc). In the EASY Freeze Drying concept Shelf modules and vapour condenser are contained inside chamber, giving as final result much shorter freeze drying time then any other freeze drying FAIR TRADE

technology. Viewing ports are provided in the doors, allowing observation of both the vapour condenser and product trays during the drying cycle. Each unit is equipped with complete refrigeration plant of corresponding size, including also refrigeration condensing unit is purpose-built with capacity control to allow economical use of refrigerant. Includes condenser unit. Besides EASY Freeze, EASY Freeze SPYRO, and EASY Freeze DRYER – LYOPHILIZER, one of the company’s main machines is automatic Pitting machine PG103 having up to five times higher capacity than other pitting machines on the market. Experience of all PIGO’s clients confirms work with 0,00% of remained stones when adequate quality and





10.-14. okt 2016


Hall 2


25.-28. okt 2016


Paviljon 5


7.-9. nov 2016


Za'abeel Hall 3


1.-3. nov 2016

M 9894


6.-8. dec 2016




delimo stand sa VR

IPPE, Atlanta, USA

31.jan-2.feb 2017


Hall B


8.-10. feb 2017

nema jos broj

Hall 4.1




19.-22. sept 2017 1485

North Hall

preparation of the fruit (clean, calibrated product with adequate ripeness) is provided. EASY DRY PG 054 multistage belt adiabatyc dryer, with separate zones temperature and humidity control is sophisticated solution for air drying, even for delicate products. For extraordinary blanching results and efficiency is recomended SUPER STEAM Flow blancher-cooker. PIGO systems are concepted to create a “High Added Value Fruit” production plant, which contains dozens of small innovations and a few large improvements for a more reliable system, all together also improving natural fruit characteristics. In the field of different drying technologies, PIGO is aslo providing CONTINUOUS INFUSION TECHNOLOGY and KNOW-HOW to it’s clients, giving possibility to improove also natural furit properties, as well as extended shelf life. To get a better idea of what PIGO does, please visit the website www. or just send an e-mail to info@, they will be very glad to send their detailed offer, and also a presentation with plenty of videos with its machines in the work. Short video clips of PIGO machines in operation are available on, look for PIGOsrl.

62 PIGO FP 5-16.indd 4

10/10/16 14:27


10/10/16 10:23

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in short

PROXAUT: solutions for intralogistics and material handling


ROXAUT was established in 1996 since the beginning developed software for automatic system, software dedicated to management, contr ol and supervision in the plant focusing on the handling and later on warehousing.PROXAUT answered to the growing up needs of the market, started to including the production of automatic guided vehicle with different type of navigation systems, laser, floor wire, magnetic spot. During nearly 20 years of activity in logistics and experience in the implementation of automated systems for factories producing consumer goods, they have given Proxaut the awareness of being a global provider of innovative solutions for intra-logistics and material handling to optimize the supply chain of warehouses, and production facilities worldwide. Strengths of Proxaut are modular solutions that can be installed step by step and this allows to implement the system without stoppage of production in existing plants, allowing you to improve efficiency both for the management of consumables for the activities of production and dispatch improving safety in the factory. The technologies used in our solutions are fully designed, engineered, manufactured and installed by Proxaut. This means that we have a complete mastery of the system. We produce a wide range of AGV models, we have extended engineering capabilities in studying and simulating automatic systems we provide effective systems of groundbreaking technology, in efficiency, reliability and safety. We design customized systems for our customer reference list and also for other industrial sectors where products must be handled and transferred in automatic. Today the changing market is increasingly demanding, for this reason we believe that integration, flexibility and security are key elements that respond to the needs of today but can adapt to follow the growth and changing customer needs in the future. PROXAUT

draws of experience, expertise and knowhow in automating handling systems and offers a comprehensive technical study with the scope of determining the appropriate integrated solution according to the customer’s needs. CASE HISTORY Previous situation Warehousing activities of picking up of the pallets through forklift drivers to operate in cold room at temperatures of -28° C. Operators, wearing protective work clothing to work at low temperatures, with the obligation to stay at least 30 min. at pleasant temperature after 90 min. permanent work in cold room. Customer’ needs • Eliminate the thermal stress to operators. • Improve the efficiency of the work cycle. • Reduce operating costs. • Increasing security and quality. Benefits • Efficiency. • Eliminating human mistakes origin,of

damages to the products and the enviroment. • Space and internal logistics optimization (work flows). • Company’s innovative and technological growth. • Retun on investment (R.O.I.) in the medium / short term. Current situation The customer with the installation of an automatic handling system with AGV, performs all the operations of wharehousing and picking up of the pallets inside the cold room with racks 6 meters high at -28 ° C.

64 PROXAUT FP 5-16.indd 3

04/10/16 12:03

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in short



GHIDINI was set up in 1978 and soon started its escalation in the production of stainless steel ball valves and fittings, striving to achieve key objectives such as product and service quality, in order to meet the ever more demanding needs of the domestic and global markets. Thirty years of experience have allowed us to offer added value in terms of offer, product range, prompt delivery. All these benefits, together with our 100% made in Italy quality, make sure we can fully meet the expectations and requirements of our customers. 4G valves are suitable for applications in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Ball valves are subdivide in 2 or 3 way, T or L Port, with the following connections: ISO 228, NPT, SMS, DIN 11851, CLAMP DIN 32676, KF, GAROLLA, VICTAULIC, for head welding, side welding, EN 1092-1 and ANSI 150RF flanges. 4G ball valves are made from Aisi 304L and Aisi 316L stainless steel bars or from ISO 5211 compliant mounting bases, with provision for pneumatic or electrical controls. The raw materials used to manufacture 4G products are only purchased from European certified suppliers and, on request, are always available materials certificates comply with UNI EN 10204 3.1.

4G GHIDINI has been awarded certification to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard and all ball valves are compliant with Technical Regulation EAC TR CU 010/2011 e EAC TR CU 032/2013 (ex Gost certifications). Our ball valves are compliant with directive 97/23/CE “PED”, introduced to standardise the legislation enforced in the Members States on pressure equipment, and can be supplied on request in compliance with directive 94/9/CE “ATEX” for approximation of the legislation enforced in the Member States covering safety systems and equipment

to be used in potentially explosive environments (II 2 G-D). All our products are designed, manufactured and, before being sold, fully tested by following the correct testing practice with cutting edge equipment, in order to ensure total quality and safety to all our final user.

65 4G FP 5-16.indd 3

13/09/16 13:19

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in short



ARTEN PACKAGING is the market leader and frontrunner of technology across the metal and plastic container industry in Turkey,Middle East,South Eastern Europe,North Africa.“We have approximately 2500 employees in our 15 factories and offices,2200 in Turkey and 300 working abroad.Sarten is the manufacturer of 3pcs.welded and 2 pcs.drawn metal containers for a variety of industries including canned foods, cooking oil, aerosols, pesticides, engine oils, paints.In plastic containers supplies, Sarten offers products made of PET, PE and PP for the lubricants, agricultural chemicals (COEX), paints, ketchup,mayonnaise etc. (COEX), cleaning materials and cosmetics industries. Our market share in the Turkish food can market is approximately 60% and in ready meals sector it is more than 80%. We also have approximately 35% of the canned edible oil market.Twist caps offered by SARTEN in a wide range of diameters (38 mm to 100 mm) and different types , are ideal for various requirements of customers and they meet the demands of food industry. Twist Caps are suitable for hot , cold , aseptic filling , pasteurisation and sterilisation of various food and beverage applications.Sarten offers a wide range of diameters (38 mm to 100 mm) and different types of twist caps.Easy-open ends and twist caps are mainly used in the food industry. Plastic containers and bottles are used for packing;dairy products,ketc hup,mayonnaise,mustard the food industry. We are very active in sales of metal food cans and plastic bottles and jars to Europe and USA with special focus to geogaphically closer markets mainly in the south eastern europe. We are producing more and more conventional and shaped food cans with thinner but stronger materials with special panelling formats

down gauging is continuing in all sizes.CTP platemaking,digital preprint proofing,streamlining of artwork to proofing then to ink mixing and then ink control in presses via one common language software is creating very good results in print quality and repeatability of jobs.In house central manufacture of toolings provides uniformity in all operations in all our factories.Improvements to all metal food can making machinery and seamers at ours and our customers plants as well as plastic containers moulds are esigned,manufactured,assembled and tested at our R&D department. Quality control and assurance are clearly crucial in our line of business. Our

accreditations include ISO 9000,ISO 14001,ISO22000,GMP,Lean Enterprise and Manufacture and 5S is practised in all our sites. Latest investments include 6 colours UV printing line,UV coating line,,CTP plate making,shaped food cans and aerosols lines.5 liters rectangular for edible cooking oil,motor oil,chemicals etc. cans manufactured with thinner and stronger material with specially designed panels on the body to increase axial load carrying and stackability of these cans was succesfully introduced with collaboration of one of our major client.UN certification for the transportaion of dangerous goods was obtained for this can.

66 SARTEN FP 5-16.indd 3

29/02/16 10:52

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in short

Tecnopool, the best choice


he story of Tecnopool is one born out from a big idea: design, manufacture and installation of machinery for the treatment and processing of food products. A story that began in 1980 with the patenting of Anaconda: the first conveyor belt conceived by the company’s founder, Leopoldo Lago. A winning and above all versatile product, suitable for all manufacturing processes where food products need to be thermally treated. It was the beginning of a success story that has never stopped, as the results achieved in the last 30 years have been testifying: growth of sales, an increasingly widespread presence on foreign markets, and an ongoing evolution of the products. The story of Tecnopool began in Padua, but today that story has crossed domestic boundaries to be told all over the world. From deep-freezing to cooling, from pasteurizing to proofing, from product handling all the way to baking and frying, the term flexibility goes hand in hand with all Tecnopool solutions. Before developing a plant, Tecnopool thinks of those who will use it, because flexibility for it is not only a

mental factor, it’s above all a work approach. This is precisely the purpose of its design office: it helps to establish an exclusive relationship with the customers, based on straightforwardness, clarity and competence. A relationship built on the meeting and exchanging of ideas that starts early in the planning phase and ends with the construction of the system. This is how Tecnopool develops plants that are truly customized for each customer and for every type of space, plants that guarantee the maximum in terms of productivity and the minimum in terms of maintenance. The versatility of Tecnopool plants is proven by the sectors in which it is applied: it’s no coincidence that its technology is often behind the processing of a food product. Freezing The know-how Tecnopool has acquired allows it to guarantee a method that is absolutely avant-garde for the treatment of packaged or bulk food products, which are conveyed on belt and deep-frozen in cabinets that have insulated walls with variable thickness.

Cooling A system designed for two types of cooling: Ambient and with forced air in room. It is precisely this flexibility that makes it suitable for any manufacturing line and any kind of packaged or bulk food product. Proofing Such a delicate process deserves all attention. This is why Tecnopool has always developed plants that are perfectly calibrated that do not alter the properties of the food products and which therefore respect both the end product and the consumer. Pasteurizing To make the treated products reach the right temperature within the required time, it is essential to carefully cover every detail: it is no coincidence Tecnopool designs complex plants that use insulated rooms to treat the food products in accordance with parameters that are constantly monitored. Diathermic Oil Spiral Oven Tecnopool, faithful to its philosophy of simplifying production lines for mechanical and economic reasons, has completed its range of plants with a spiral cooking system which, thanks

67 TECNOPOOL - FP 3-16.indd 3

03/10/16 15:11

news in short

to its configuration, allows for space saving and a smooth production process. In this way, it is possible to avoid the use of row gear up/gear down systems, which are very common in the pan lines used in tunnel ovens. This is not something new; however, this spiral configuration makes it possible to make the best of the heating system designed by Tecnopool for this oven. The absence of forced ventilation and the favourable balance of air/product volume in the cell, compared to a tunnel oven, makes it possible to work with room temperatures between 10° and 15°C lower than those used by tunnel ovens (cooking times being equal). In special cases, according to Tecnopool’s experience, these differences can reach 30°C. Anyway, also in some specific cases in which it is necessary, forced ventilation is also installed in order to increase the convective effect. The technical decision leading Tecnopool to choose a radiator system, together with the special configuration afforded by the spiral, comes from the results obtained after years of trials with all types of products and in very different working conditions, which

in short

show a higher thermal performance, thus improving the results compared with other systems. The thermal fluid that runs through the tubes is diathermic oil, a system that has been chosen on account of its high thermal performance and its very low risk. It must be taken into consideration that the performance of a diathermic-oil boiler ranges between 87% and 91%, compared to 60% of an air-heating system or 30% of a direct-flame heating system. Tecnopool spiral oven makes it possible to save space, simplify the flow of the production line and save energy.

- Increase the rate of response and adjustment of the temperature; - Keep the frying oil as static as possible. Fume extraction hood with fat separation filters, high-efficiency turbine and glazed perimeter fence: - To facilitate the extraction of fumes and steam, prevent any condensation dripping back into the frying oil causing contamination; - To permit the visual inspection of the production; - To separate and condense the oil in suspension present in the fumes, to avoid odour.

Thermal Oil Fryer True to its philosophy of constant evolution and growth, Tecnopool increases its product range with another processing machine that allows it to complete new production lines that meet customer requirements in the areas of meat, fish, bread and sweets, snacks, peanuts and even pet food: Tecnopool fryer.

Frying pan completely removable: - For easy and fast cleaning during maintenance work of the machine; - To permit the elimination of scrap as solids; - To use the frying pan as a decantation filter of the oil.

Why choosing a Tecnopool fryer? Thermal oil exchanger submerged in the frying pan to: - Reduce to a minimum the difference in temperature between the heat source and the required frying temperature of the oil;

In short, the best choice for Tecnopool’s customers.

68 TECNOPOOL - FP 3-16.indd 4

03/10/16 15:11


iNduSTrial ElECTrONiCS

ACM EnginEEring: high-quality motors and generators


CM Engineering is an Italian company based in Bardello (Varese), Lombardy. It is a leading company in the engineering manufacturing of the following products: 1) Compact brushless servomotors. 2) Hollow-shaft servomotors. 3) Direct drive servomotors. 4) Torque servomotors. 5) Roller table motors. 6) Generators for wind turbines. 7) Permanent-magnet synchronous motors and generators for naval applications. 8) Motors and generators for automotive applications. Features: In addition to its standard production, ACM Engineering is able to produce customized products for any customer demand, also in limited series. The Company is ISO 9001-2000 and UL certified.

ACM products can be used in the following sectors: • Industrial automation. • Machines tools. • Textile and clothing machinery. • Wood working machinery. • Sewing machines. • Packaging machinery. • Glass machinery. • Printing machinery. • Flexographic printing machinery. • Roller brushless motors for conveyor systems. • Jewellery machinery. • Agricultural and food machinery. • Plastic machinery. • Marble processing machinery. • Serigraph printing machinery. • Sheet metal processing machinery. • Wind turbine plants. • Automotive applications. • Naval applications.

Direct drive servomotors

Hollow-shaft servomotors

Torque servomotor


Direct Drive servomotors

brushless servomotors

hollow-shaft servomotors

compact brushless servomotors

torque servomotor

ACM ENGINEERING Srl 21020 BARDELLO (VA) - Via Don A. Camera, 25 - ITALY - Phone +39.0332.731088/731064 - Fax +39.0332.730380 Website: - Email: ACM FP 5-16_testo ok.indd 3

03/10/16 11:35


iNduSTrial ElECTrONiCS

Planetary gear units for cooling

Heinen Freezing benefits from SEW-EURODRIVE products


einen Freezing, a manufacturer of industrial pasteurizing, cooking, cooling and freezing systems, uses planetary gear units from SEW-EURODRIVE in its equipment. The company thus benefits from a high torque but also complete solutions from a single source, an extensive service network and a modular system that enables short delivery times and high product availability. The freshly baked rolls straight from the oven smell delicious, as always. Helge Pahl, Managing Director of Varel-based Heinen Freezing GmbH & Co. KG, explains the process that the products undergo beforehand: “The baked goods or bake-off products are frozen in an arctic a10 spiral freezer, for example, ensuring consumers can look forward to crispy, oven-fresh rolls at any time.” The torque required for the spiral freezer is provided by a planetary gear unit from the P series supplied by SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG, Bruchsal. This series comprises eleven sizes covering the torque range from 25 to 630 kNm and is required where heavy masses need to be moved at low speed. As well as process engineering, the areas of application for these large planetary gear units include mining, hydraulic steel engineering and parts handling equipment. Requirements for planetary gear units The most important requirement that Heinen Freezing places on planetary gear units is their ability to combine

very high torque and compact installation dimensions, thereby enabling gear units to be installed in the smallest of spaces and removed quickly and easily for servicing. They also need to run in spiral freezers at minimal speed, i.e. 1 rpm. Michael Tappe, responsible at Heinen Freezing for automation, browses the brochure for the arctic a10, a flexible spiral system with a maximum height of around eight meters for cooling and freezing foodstuffs such as baked goods, meat products, fish and pizza. The arctic series is available in various widths and spacings and numerous layout versions, with options for medium to large capacities. The single-tower version is the most popular choice, with the dual-tower version being selected in special cases where the user needs more time for freezing or the room height is insufficient. “Regardless of which of our products

we install a planetary gear unit in, the wide temperature range that the gear units are exposed to presents a particular challenge. This extends from -35 degrees Celsius during operation to +30 degrees Celsius during cleaning of the spiral freezer. In contrast, in our proofline – a spiral system with a precisely configured multizone environment for continuous cooking – the planetary gear units operate continuously at high temperatures and humidity levels, which also poses a challenge.” Additionally, the planetary gear units are equipped with a reinforced bearing and their output shaft is fixed to the frame of the conveyor system, so that the gear units also act as locating bearings and can support the entire load. A common oil chamber is also integrated for the planetary gear unit and helical-bevel gear unit upstream. This allows the food-grade oil, which

70 SEW EURODRIVE - FP 5-16.indd 3

13/09/16 15:13

SEW-EURODRIVE–Driving the world

No Matter What You Move: We Drive It.

Settori industriali diversi, sfide diverse e un unico partner competente: SEW-EURODRIVE. La nostra tecnica innovativa degli azionamenti vi offre la massima qualità e vi aiuta a ridurre i costi di impianto. Le nostre soluzioni soddisfano già oggi i requisiti di efficienza energetica del futuro. Sviluppiamo sistemi di azionamento all'avanguardia per tutte le industrie e abbiamo la soluzione giusta anche per la vostra.

SEW_Food_210x297_IT.indd 1

14.01.14 10:23


SEW has selected in line with food industry regulations, to be changed quickly and cleanly. SEW also tailors its planetary gear units to the food industry’s needs by applying resistant coatings that do not flake off. Complete drive system from a single source Heinen Freezing and SEW joined forces to develop the know-how for these solutions. “It was a process where both we and our partner SEW regularly contributed our experience,” says Pahl, adding: “The optimizations were mainly focused on the relevant environment, such as the special temperature conditions. We also wanted a complete drive system from a single source.” Using a drawing, Tappe shows why this kind of request and the technical advice by SEW are crucially important for his company. “Here you can see the interaction between the planetary gear unit and the gear motor con-

iNduSTrial ElECTrONiCS

nected directly upstream, which thus eliminates the need for large and expensive couplings, intermediate flanges and adapter flanges. SEW advises us and works with us to design the planetary gear unit with regard to the range of configurable speeds and throughout times, tailoring it to meet the needs of the specific product and thus eliminating interface problems. Yet the partnership isn’t just involved with planetary gear units. We also use other drive and inverter technology from SEW.” Prompt and professional service A key factor for Tappe in choosing a supplier is service. “SEW is committed to prompt and professional service. What’s more, the products aren’t prone to faults, which means we don’t usually need any service at all.” According to Tappe, SEW’s modular system also helps ensure high availability. Other suppliers would manufacture gear units specifically for Heinen

Freezing, which would involve lengthy delivery times. He says SEW can meet almost all needs with the same parts using the modular system. Varel-based Heinen Freezing GmbH & Co. KG, founded in 1856, has been a partner to the national and international food industry for over 30 years with its industrial pasteurizing, cooking, cooling and freezing systems. The company currently employs around 70 people and achieved sales of 25 million euros in 2014. It supplies high-quality standard models, which can be modified to meet specific customer needs, and fully customized solutions. The company sells its systems worldwide.

72 SEW EURODRIVE - FP 5-16.indd 4

13/09/16 15:13 VENUE:


exhibitions meetings


Une recherche dU crIGA défInI les nouvelles frontières du bienfaits poUr lA sAnté dU GâteAU le plUs bon dU monde Moins de sucre, des graisses saturées et calories dans le gelato artisanale du futur


intérêt croissant du consommateur vers une alimentation plus saine et la forte poussée de la part des institutions vers des produits alimentaires plus équilibrés du point de vue nutritionnel a inspiré en 2013 la création du CRIGA (Centre de recherche et d’innovation sur le Gelato Artisanal) avec l’objectif d’explorer toutes les innovations possibles applicables au gelato artisanal du point de vue nutritionnel, sensoriel et structurel afin de définir les développements futurs possibles. La dernière recherche, qui vient d’être publiée, à voulu vérifier si la préparation d’un “supergelato” à contenu bas en calories est-il possible grâce à l’utilisation d’édulcorants alternatifs tels que la stévia et des graisses hautement insaturés tels que les organogel à base de phytostérol qui sont considerés bénéfiques pour le cholestérol. Il est connu, en effet, comme on a tendence dans le régime alimentaire à reduire la consommation de sucre et de graisses saturées. Dans le gelato le sucre et la graisse sont une composante essentielle et leur réduction doit nécessairement passer par l’utilisation de produits édulcorants et graisses alternatifs. Dans ce cas, pour régler le point doux en éliminant le sucre saccharose a été choisi d’appliquer une combinaison entre un édulcorant d’origine naturel à zéro calories (érythriol) , una fibre

(polydextrose) et un édulcorant intensif, d’origine naturel, la stévia peruvienne. Les résultats de la recherche ont montré qu’il est possible un remplacement total des sucres et obtenir une structure et une duceur adaptée. Mais en réduisant drastiquement les calories et, surtput, en gardant le goût et la qualité del gelato. La recherche à montré que l’addition de phytostérols (produits naturels dérivés du qualène avec un pouvoir antioxydant) ) dans les huiles végétales crée facilement un type de graisse solide qui se comporte d’une manière similaire à la crème chantilly. On obtient, ainsi, une graisse acide insaturé ‘crémeux”-’ et riche en antioxydants et en hypocholestérolémiants plus facile d’assimilation. Le produit obtenu, soit ‘ le gelato du futur’ parfaitement équilibré du point de vue nutrionnel (moins de sucres, moins de graisses saturés) est comparable

d’un point de vue structurel à un gelato standard. Bien que il gelato soit un produit italien très traditionnel, largement connu par le consommateur dans ses recettes actuelles, il a été engagé un parcours de recherche pour produire la même chose avec des valeurs toujours meilleurs en essayant de maintenir inchangé le goût et le plaisir de le consommer. A partir des résultats de la recherche obtenus, a été mis en évidence que cette voie est non seulement possible, mais pourrait être bénéfique pour la structure du gelato, comme on la connait aujourd’hui,, avec la simple application des ingrédients pas difficiles à trouver et faciles à appliquer dans les laboratoires. SIGEP /AB TECH – 38° Salon International du Gelato, Pârisserie, Panification Artisanaux et du Caffé - Rimini (Italie), 21 – 25 janvier 2017.

74 SIGEP comunicatoFra - FP 5-16.indd 3

11/10/16 11:33

002/2015 BTCH15S1



Sinonimo di qualità Mark of quality

east europe

meeting • events •



russia • china middle east • asia


семинары • asia • middle east • east europe

2016 SiGeP

23-27/01/2016 riMiNi International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.


31/01 - 03/02/2016 COLOGNe The international supplier fair for the confectionery industry.


03-05/02/2016 BerLiN International fair for fruit and vegetables.


05-09/02/2016 PAriS International show for the bakery and confectionery Industry.


08-10/03/2016 reNNeS The show of food industry suppliers.


07-12/05/2016 FrANKFUrT International trade fair for the meat processing industry.


09-12/05/2016 PArMA International food exhibition.



24-26/05/2016 PArMA Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector.


14-16/09/2016 riMiNi International exhibition of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.


27-29/09/2016 NUreMBerG Trade Fair for Packaging solutions.


08-11/10/2016 LAS VeGAS International fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.


16-20/10/2016 PAriS International exhibition and conference on technologies for Food&Beverage and food products.



22-25/10/2016 STUTTGArT International fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.


25-28/10/2016 PArMA International fair about Food&Beverage technology.


06-09/11/2016 CHiCAGO International packaging trade fair.


08-10/11/2016 NUreMBerG Fair of raw materials, technologies, logistics for production of beer and soft drinks.


14-17/11/2016 PAriS Exhibition about packaging technology.


29/11-01/12/2016 BOrDeAUX International exhibition for vine growing, wine-producing and bottling industry.


19-20/10/2016 VerONA International exhibition for food processing. FIERTUTTE_ING_09_2016.indd 1

03/10/16 16:57

Fiere Fiere Fiere - exhibitions Fiere 2017 2017 2017

Fiere - exhibitions


21-25/01/2017 riMiNi International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.


29/01-01/02/2017 COLOGNe The international supplier fair for the sweets and snacks industry.

FrUiT LOGiSTiCA 2017 08/10/02/2017 BerLiN International fair for fruit and vegetables.


14-17/02/2017 SArAGOZZA Fair of wine and oil, for innovation and internationalization.


19-22/02/2017 MADriD Bread baking, confectionery and related industries show.

iBATeCH 2017

09-12/03/2017 ANKArA The international trade fair for bread, patisserie machinery, ice cream, chocolate and technologies.







09-12/04/2017 VerONA International wine & spirits exhibition. 12-13/04/2017 PArMA International food exhibition. 04-10/05/2017 DÃœSSeLDOrF Technology fair for packaging, packing, bakery, pastry.

11-15/09/2017 MUNiCH International exhibition for vine-growing, wine-producing and bottling industry. 07-11/10/2017 COLOGNe International exhibition of Food& Beverages. 20-24/10/2017 MiLAN Show for bakery, fresh pasta, pizza industry.



08-11/05/2017 MiLAN International B2B show dedicated to food & beverage.


10-12/05/2017 riMiNi Exhibition of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.


23-25/05/2017 PArMA Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector.


20-23/03/2018 COLOGNe International food and beverage technology exhibition.

CiBUS 2018

07-10/05/2018 PArMA International food exhibition.


29/05-01/06/2018 MiLAN Exhibition for the packaging industry.


15-20/09/2018 MONACO Fair for the bakery and confectionery industry. FIERTUTTE_ING_09_2016.indd 5

03/10/16 16:57

Fiere Fiere Fiere - exhibitions

Fiere - exhibitions



21-25/02/2016 DUBAi Annual food and hospitality international show.


18-21/04/2016 ALGerS Meeting place for companies operating in the agro-food sector.


26-28/04/2016 LAGOS International on instrumental and process analysis and laboratory technology.


16-18/05/2016 DUBAi Exclusive exhibition and conference for the beverage industry in the Middle East and North Africa Region.


29/05-01/06/2016 TeHrAN International food, beverage & packaging technology trade fair.


02-05/11/2016 iSTANBUL Leading showcase for packaging machinery, production, processing, technology, printing, design and equipment.


07-09/11/2016 DUBAi International exhibition on processing and packaging technology and Food&Beverage plants.


26-02/02-03/2017 DUBAi Annual food and hospitality international show.


29-31/03/2017 UZBeKiSTAN Food exhibition for suppliers, manufacturers, dealers and professionals.


22-25/05/2017 TeHrAN International food, beverage & packaging technology trade fair.


2017 DUBAi International exhibition and conference on instrumental and process analysis and laboratory technology.


26-29/01/2016 MOSCOW International packaging machinery exhibition.


14-17/03/2016 MOSCOW International trade fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients.


13-15/09/2016 MOSCOW International trade fair of food industry suppliers.


10-14/10/2016 MOSCOW International trade exhibition of machinery and equipment for agroindustrial industry.

SiMei@China Brew-China Beverage

11-14/10/2016 SHANGHAi International exhibition for vine-growing, wine-producing and bottling industry.


24-27/01/2017 MOSCOW International packaging machinery exhibition.


28/02-02/03/2017 MOSCOW International trade fair for the beverage industry.


13-16/03/2017 MOSCOW International trade fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients.. FIERTUTTE_ING_09_2016.indd 6

03/10/16 16:57


11/10/16 10:19

we’ve talked about. we’ve talked about... companies



4G Ghidini srl 65 Via Ruca, 400 25065 Lumezzane - BS Italy

eUrOsiCMA sPA 47 Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 4/6 20090 Segrate - MI Italy

M.h. MAteriAl hAndlinG s.P.A. 40-41 Via G. di Vittorio, 3 20826 Misinto - MB - Italy

ACCO internAtiOnAl ltd 79 40-B Peremogy Ave. 03680 Kiev Ukraine Russia

FederAl PACKAGe netwOrK inC. 38-39 8100 Powers Blvd MN. 55317 Chanhassen Minnesota USA

Messe dUsseldOrF GMBh 73 Stockumer Kirchstr.61 40474 Dusseldorf Germany

ACM enGineerinG sPA 69 Via Don A. Camera, 25 21020 Bardello - VA Italy AKOMAG srl 60 Frazione Diolo, 15/D 43019 Soragna - PR Italy AlteCh srl 2-3 V.le A. De Gasperi, 72 20010 Bareggio - MI Italy At2e – UsA 49/51 15071 Esther Ln 49701 Mackinaw City Michigan USA BBM PACKAGinG srl 45-46 Via Pregalleno, 24 24016 San Pellegrino Terme - BG Italy CAMA GrOUP 54-55 Via Como, 9 23846 Garbagnate Monastero - LC Italy CPs CAse PACKinG systeMs B.V. 42/44 Industrieweg 24 P.O. Box 3175, NL-6039 ZH Stramproy 6039 AP Stramproy The Netherland

GsP IV COV-28-29 Via Lago di Albano, 82 36015 Schio - VI Italy herti JsC 30-31 38, Antim I Str. 9700 Shumen Bulgary hOUdiJK hOllAnd B.V. 34/36 Trawlerweg 2-4, NL-3133 KS Vlaardingen The Netherlands iCe 53 Via Liszt, 21 00144 Roma Italy iFP PACKAGinG srl 1-8-9 Via Lago di Alleghe, 19 36015 Schio - VI - Italy iGUs 52 Via delle Rovedine, 4 23899 Robbiate - LC - Italy lABelPACK trAde srl 26-27 Via Monte Cervino, 51/F 20861 Brugherio - MB - Italy linPAC PACKAGinG srl 32-33 Via Monte Pastello, 40 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto - VR Italy

Mini MOtOr srl I COV-14/16 Via E. Fermi, 5 42011 Bagnolo in Piano - RE Italy nürnBerGMesse itAliA srl 56-58 Via Camillo Hajech, 45 20129 Milano - Italy OCMe srl 4 Via del Popolo, 20/A 43122 Parma - PR - Italy OMAs teCnOsisteMi srl 5-37 Via Edison, 39 20023 Cerro Maggiore - MI - Italy PACKlAB srl 24-25 Via A. Volta, 16 46030 S. Giorgio Di Mantova - MN Italy Pe lABellers sPA 24-25 Via Europa, 25 46047 Porto Mantovano - MN Italy

riMini FierA 74-75 Via Emilia, 155 47921 Rimini - Italy rOCKwell AUtOMAtiOn B.V. II COV Rivium Promenade 160 2909 LM Capelle a/d IJssel The Netherlands sArten AMBAlAJ San. ve Tic. a.Ş. 66 Balmumcu Mah. Zincirlikuyu Yolu Sok. No:4 80700 BeŞiktaŞ - Turkey sew eUrOdriVe sAs 70/72 Via Bernini, 14 20020 Solaro - MI - Italy sMi sPA - sMi GrOUP 10/13 Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco - BG Italy systeM res 59 1009 Chemin Vert 59760 Winnezeele France teCnO PACK sPA 17/21 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - VI - Italy teCnOPOOl sPA 67-68 Via M. Buonarroti, 81 35010 S. Giorgio in Bosco - PD - Italy

PiGO srl 61/63 Via Pontaron, 30 36030 Caldogno - VI - Italy

tMG iMPiAnti sPA 48 Via Regia, 5 35018 S. Martino Lupari - PD Italy

PrOXAUt srl 64 Via Caduti sul lavoro, 8 41013 Piumazzo Castelfranco Emilia - MO - Italy

ZAMBelli srl 22-23 Via Ferrara, 35/41 40018 San Pietro in Casale - BO Italy _INDICE FP 5-16.indd 1

14/10/16 12:41

‫‪www.zet a g i-it‬‬

‫‪Plants for processing‬‬ ‫‪Milk and Ice Cream‬‬

‫الطحن لتصالقولبة‬


‫‪Pasteurisation Unit‬‬

‫‪ZION‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪A‬‬ ‫‪R‬‬ ‫‪IN T‬‬

‫طحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن‬ ‫لتصالقولبة وماكينات الينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات االلطحنلتصالقولبة وماكينات الينات‬ ‫الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات االلطحن لتصالقولبة لتصالقولبة لتصالقولبة لتصالقولبة وماكينات‬ ‫الطحن لتصولبة وماكينات الطحن لت‬

‫‪Pasteurisation Unit pre-assembled on a tubular stainless steel. Monitoring‬‬ ‫‪and logging to a PLC. Pasteurizers for the application of milk intended for‬‬ ‫‪cheese, yoghurt, drinking milk, leben. Ability to apply online homogeneizer/‬‬ ‫‪degaser/separator‬‬

‫القولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة‬ ‫وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة‬ ‫وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة‬ ‫وماكينات الطحن لتصالقن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة‬ ‫وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينانات الطحن‬ ‫لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن‬ ‫لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات‬ ‫الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات الطحن‬ ‫لتصوماكينات الطحن لتصالقولبة وماكينات‬

‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬ ‫‪O‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪Z‬‬ ‫‪RADU‬‬

‫‪IN T‬‬

‫‪Zetagi Impianti Srl is a young and dynamic company in the North of Italy which is born by twenty years of experience in the‬‬ ‫‪manufacture of plants to produce dairy products and ice cream.‬‬ ‫‪The important knowledge acquired making innovative plants in the world makes Zetagi a company which is able to plan and‬‬ ‫‪produce high quality and reliable productive systems.‬‬ ‫‪At the base of the success of Zetagi there is a highly specialized team of technicians, productive capability and cooperation‬‬ ‫‪with its customers. This means realization of plants or part of them which perfectly answers to any needs of the customer and‬‬ ‫‪to the strictest sanitary rules of any country.‬‬

‫‪Zetagi Impianti srl • 36016 Thiene - Vicenza / Italy - via Marco Corner 19/21 • T +39 0445 820090 •‬‬ ‫‪13/10/16 15:35‬‬

‫‪ZETAGI ADV - ARABO.indd 3‬‬

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