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Hello, and welcome to ITFORCE, A Company that Specializes in providing Hire, Train & deployment solutions and building competency for your IT Projects. Any IT company will have its own share of problems in terms of getting the right resources for the projects. Let’s see few challenges that an IT company faces and how we, ITFORCE can assist you in addressing those challenges. It is not uncommon to see Campus hire dropouts in excess of 50%, as few will get to choose from multiple offers they have and few will drop the offer for higher studies. Access to ‘Project Ready’ resources have become the deciding factor for success of all I T projects. It has been well established that lack of project ready resources are a major source of project delays and cost escalations that affects both the bottom and top lines of enterprises. Decades of internal trainings of campus hires have not made them Project Ready. Substantial money and time are being wasted to get resources Project Ready; at the expense of top line revenues! We, ITFORCE, will try assisting you in addressing these challenges. We believe enterprises must focus on growing their core business & business metrics. We help Enterprises meet the dynamic demand for Project Ready resources. Here is how it works: Enterprises give us periodical Competency Specific Forecasts. We will: Identify the Talent. Hire them. Train them per your project needs and make them Project Ready! You deploy them on your projects at your will. Hire, train, deploy, reward and retrain... FOR HASSLE FREE ACCESS TO PROJECT READY RESOURCES, PARTNER WITH US!

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