July 3, 2019

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New vaxx law could impact camps PAGE 3


A breath of fresh air PAGE 11




Event celebrates unity

City Centre’s open, with more to come

Annual event cools down the heat







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10 newspapers in print and online

Newsline Data Hubbub

Vaxx Attack

Cayuga Power New vaxx laws won’t impact Plant files summer camps… yet deactivation papers with state W


he Cayuga Power Plant’s future took another step towards clarity last week, as Cayuga Operating Company officially filed its deactivation notice with New York State. The move makes official the plant’s intentions to shut down its Lansing-based power plant in 90 days, according to a press release from the company. As was announced publicly at an assortment of board meetings over the last few months, Cayuga Operating Company intends to repurpose the power plant as a data storage center called the Empire State Data Hub, pairing it with a similar coal-fueled power plant in Somerset, New York. According to the announcement, that is still the company’s goal, but the deactivation notice was necessary to prepare union representation and state officials in case that plan falls through, particularly since Cayuga Power Plant is a peaker power facility, so New York State must measure how its closure would impact the overall power grid. “It is our hope that we can bring the Empire State Data Hub proposal to fruition. It would enable us to address the Governor’s environmental policy goal of eliminating coal while also transitioning to a new greener economy in New York,” said Michael Enright, managing director of Beowulf Energy, which manages the Cayuga facility. “However, while we continue to work with our stakeholders on determining the path forward, we were compelled to file a deactivation notice now to properly notify all parties and prepare in the event that the repurposing is not possible continued on page 5

ith outbreaks of preventable diseases making headlines around New York State, the state government stepped in to repeal the non-medical vaccination exemption provision, which allowed parents to claim their religious or moral beliefs prevented their children from receiving vaccinations. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law on June 13, drawing starkly different reactions from invested parties: some rejoiced, calling it a victory for science, while anti-vaxxers, including several in the Ithaca area, took to social media to decry the decision as governmental overreach. Children can obviously still receive a medical exemption if, for whatever reason, their health would be endangered by a vaccination in the opinion of a medical professional. The bill’s exact language is concise: it repeals Subdivision 9 of the Public Health Law, which formerly stated

“this section shall not apply to children whose parent, parents, or guardian holds genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the practices herein required, and no certificate shall be required as a prerequisite to such children

being admitted or received into school or attending school,” clearing the path for vaccination exemptions for non-medical reasons. But the law’s language only pertains to schools, and while the final impact on local schools is unclear yet, other entities with programming for children, like summer camps, must now either make their own policies or look for

T a k e ▶▶ Fireworks - : Many people can come together over one of the main tenets of the Fourth of July: blowing small things up. It’s colorful, it’s loud, and barring injury, it’s fun. We’re easy to please here. ▶▶ 4th of July Birthday Bash - Is being held as a late commemoration of

VOL.X X XIX / NO. 45 / July 3, 2019 Serving 47,125 readers week ly

Ruth Lucas of Lucas Winery

Walk and Talk ����������������������������� 13

NE W S & OPINION Newsline ��������������������������������������������������3-9 Sports �������������������������������������������������������� 10 Personal Health ������������������������������������11

ART S & E N T E RTAINME N T Dining ���������������������������������������������������������14 Books ��������������������������������������������������������� 15 Stage �����������������������������������������������������������16 Events ���������������������������������������������������������17 TimesTable ������������������������������������������ 18-21 Classifieds ������������������������������������������22-24 Cover: Ruth Lucas of Lucas vinyards. Coverstory on Page 8 (Photo:provided)

ON T HE WE B Visit our website at www.ithaca.com for more news, arts, sports and photos. Call us at 607-277-7000 M a t t B u t l e r , M a n a g i n g E d i t o r , x 224 E d i t o r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m J a i m e C o n e , E d i t o r , x 232 SouthReporter@flcn.org E d w i n J . V i e r a , S ta f f R e p o r t e r R e p o r t e r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C a s e y M a r t i n , S ta f f P h o t o g r a p h e r P h o t o g r a p h e r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , C a l e n d a r E d i t o r , x 217 A r t s @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m A n d r e w S u l l i v a n , S p o r t s E d i t o r , x 227 Sports@flcn.org Steve L awrence, Spo rts Co lumnist St e v e S p o r t sD u d e @ g m a i l .co m M a r s h a l l H o p k i n s , P r o d u c t i o n D i r ec t o r / D es i g n e r , x 216 P r o d u c t i o n @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m A u s t i n L a mb , C o p y e d i t o r , S o c i a l M e d i a AL a m b @ i t h a c a t i m e s . c o m Maryan Zafar , Inter n M Z a f a r @ i t h a c a t i m e s . c o m E r i n S t e w a r t , A cc o u n t R e p r ese n ta t i v e , x 220 E r i n @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m L i s a B i n g a m a n , A cc o u n t R e p r ese n ta t i v e , x 218 l i s a @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , C y n d i B r o n g , x 211 A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chris Eaton, Distribution J i m B i l i n s k i , P u b l i s h e r , x 210 j b i l i n s k i @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m L a r r y H o c h b e r g e r , A ss o c i a t e P u b l i s h e r , x 214 l a r r y@ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m F r e e l a n c e r s : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Dave Sit, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman


continued on page 12

N o t e

Independence Day on Saturday, July 6 from 12 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. at the American Vineyards Winery in Interlaken. There will be a fireworks display to end the night, preceded by five bands playing two hour sets each, accompanied by food and drinks. Adult tickets are $5, kids under 13 get in free.

Lioness of Cayuga �������������������������� 8

guidance from local governments. That situation is playing out locally, as local summer camps seem to be taking their cue from the Tompkins County Health Department, which has become the de facto leader on the topic here. The Ithaca Youth Bureau, Cornell University and Ithaca College, three of the largest summer camp operators in the county, have each elected to follow the Health Department’s lead for upcoming camps. But the changes will not necessarily influence summer camps in Tompkins County at all, according to Department of Health spokesperson Samantha Hillson. She said camps that are registered with the department must still request immunization histories for each child in the camp, but those records will only be used in the case of an actual outbreak. In the future, she said rules for summer camps “could come into closer realignment” with the new state laws, but that wouldn’t be the case for at least this year. Camp directors are allowed to refuse certain children entrance into the camps after reviewing their immunization records, Hillson said, but that would not be a Health Department mandate at this time. “Camps directors/health

▶▶ The 11th Annual DJ Cookout - will be held at the Haunt on July 7, starting at 1 p.m. and stretching until 1 a.m. The event features over 30 different DJ sets on two different stages and is kid-friendly with supervision until 8 p.m. There is no entry charge, and the event is presented by DJ Rob Haze.

Ju ly

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All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $69 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classified. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the first insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972-1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973-1978), combined in 1978. F o u n d e r G o o d T i m e s G a z e tt e : Tom Newton

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“What are YOU really thinking right now?” -Holland Taylor

“What are you doing about the fact that Trump is operating concentration camps in America? -Karl Gregory

“When was the last time you cried in the shower? -Cara Campbell

N e w s l i n e

Albany Action

of disclosure. “If it happens outside the home, abuse is most likely to be perpetrated by someone that the child knows and trusts,” Dion said. “So, a predator, it’s hard for them to molest a child without help. They get that help from the institutions that hire them as employees and bring Jeff Dion, CEO of the Zero Abuse Project, speaks to a crowd gathered them on at the Tompkins County Public Library. (Photo by Casey Martin) as volunteers. That’s this year and closing on Aug. why we have to hold the insti13, 2020, any victim of child tutions accountable, because sexual assault in New York they can’t turn a blind eye to State, regardless of age, will the fact that there are predators be able to file a civil lawsuit that are intentionally trying to against either an abuser or infiltrate their organization for an institution which covered the purpose of getting access to for an abuser. This window of opportunity is allowing anyone kids to sexually abuse, though. And so that’s why everybody to file a civil case against an has to be vigilant and everyabuser regardless of whether or not the statute of limitations body has to be aware.” The new law is designed has run out. to hold institutions accountJeff Dion, the CEO of the able for secrecy; they could be Zero Abuse Project, led a presentation detailing several facts found liable for any knowledge that an employee or volunteer about the new Child Victims Act. He spoke about how the committed sexual acts against culture of negligence within children. Tompkins County some institutions has to end District Attorney Matt Van and should be replaced by one Houten attended the meeting

as well and spoke about some of the legal aspects of child sexual assault cases. In trying these cases, he said, it can often be difficult to convict an abuser beyond a reasonable doubt. Bridie Farrell, the founder of the non-profit NY Loves Kids, is a child sexual assault survivor. Farrell was a nationally ranked speed skater by the age of 13. At age 15, she was sexually abused by speed skating teammate and Olympic silver medalist Andy Gabel, age 33 at the time. Sixteen years after the abuse ended, in 2013, Farrell disclosed the trauma to National Public Radio (NPR). Gabel later acknowledged that he engaged in an “inappropriate relationship” with a minor. Farrell described how child sexual assault in New York State can be similar to a public health crisis. “One in four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused by the time they’re 18,” Farrell said. “It’s just a problem that for reasons, known reasons, that it’s just still, unfortunately, a taboo subject or something that’s in the shadows. We’re trying to just illuminate how prevalent child sexual abuse is so that two things can happen: one, that survivors can heal and communities can recover, and [two,] choose that perpetrators can be identified so that the cycle and stop.”•

follow-up feasibility study, which has been conducted over the last several months to more deeply assess demand and need for a conference center downtown. A study was already completed in 2017 that indicated the Ithaca market could indeed support a conference center. More specifically, the one proposal with a conference center would include nine stories of residential housing, with 218 units total, plus a two-story ground-floor conference center that would be 49,000 square feet, a significant increase in size over what had been originally requested of developers by the city, which was around 30,000 (the rise, according to the meeting’s agenda, was due to financial feasibility assessments). The

other two options, which exclude a conference center, are essentially large and small versions of each other: both have 9,000 square feet of commercial space (“anchored by local grocery”) that would take up a single story, but one has seven stories and 173 units on top of that, while the other has 11 and 273, respectively. Just like when Vecino was picked, all the units would be considered affordable housing, rented to people making 50-80 percent of the area median income. In an interview, IURA Economic Development Chair Chris Proulx said the city has not cooled on the idea of a conference center, but simply wants to prepare for the possibility that the center, particu-

Seminar teaches community members about new Child Victims Act


n January, New York State passed the Child Victims Act (CVA), which opened up New York’s previously strict criminal and civil statute of limitations on child sexual assault allegations. Instead of the criminal statute beginning at age 18 and ending at 23, the statute now begins when a person turns 23 and ends at age 28. For the civil statute of limitations, victims had to file before the age of 23. Now, the statute for any child sexual assault after Feb. 14, 1996 can file a lawsuit before the age of 55. This is just one of many differences to come from the new legislation. On June 25, at the BorgWarner Room of the Tompkins County Public Library, the Zero Abuse Project and NYS Assembly member Barbara Lifton sponsored an event to teach people about the law’s new parameters. Lifton was hopeful that local organizations who deal with sexual assault victims would be able to take this information and help their clients. The seminar did reveal that a window for most if not all child sexual assault cases to be opened will come up later this summer. Starting on Aug. 16 of

Green Street Garage

Three options emerge for Green Street Garage’s future


he talks between the City of Ithaca and development firm Vecino Group will continue until the end of July after the two parties agreed on an extension of the original negotiation period about the Green Street Garage’s redevelopment future. The Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA) will meet at the end of the month to approve the development and disposition agreement (DDA) regarding the Green Street Garage, which will then be passed back to Vecino for

“Are you hitting on me?” -Ben Janes

“What did Karl Gregory say?” -Dean Robinson

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consideration. If they agree, the development process starts in earnest, moving through the IURA, than Planning Board, etc. The primary aspect of the proposal that is currently hanging in the balance is the oft-discussed conference center. As it stands now, Vecino will propose three different plans to the City of Ithaca for review, one that includes a conference center and two that do not. Which of those plans advance for consideration may rest on the results of the

E dw i n J. Vi er a

continued on page 12

N e w s l i n e POWER PLANT Contin u ed From Page 5

and Cayuga becomes a straight plant closure.” The announcement on Monday said that the decision was based on “stricter new state air emission regulations designed to eliminate coal in New York and deteriorating market conditions.” “Riesling [which owns Cayuga Operating Company] is committed to working with the state and other key stakeholders to try and advance the proposal and has applied to procure renewable energy from the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and economic assistance from the Empire State Development Corp. (ESD) to power the two large, powerintensive data centers with on-site solar electric generating capacity,” the statement said. “The company is also seeking state support for employee retraining resources.” Reinventing itself as a data center will likely be the end of a rather bizarre string of occurrences for the power plant. With state regulations tightening in an effort to make New York less reliant on fossil fuel energy, it was first proposed last year that the plant would repower one of its turbines with natural gas instead of coal. Environmental advocacy groups who have long criticized the plant weren’t satisfied, though, arguing that if a conversion to natural gas were in the works, then Cayuga Operating Company could expend the extra effort and money to convert fully to solar power. Then, in a surprising move, the company announced in May that they would be pivoting away from the natural gas plan entirely, much to the delight of those same advocacy groups. This announcement further claimed that the data hub proposal would provide union electric jobs, obviously of concern to the local IBEW chapter that had over 30 members working at the plant but which does support the data center plan. • -M a t t B u t l e r

Rising high above downtown, City Centre will soon have residential and business tenants moving into its stories and groundfloor commercial space. (Photo by Casey Martin)

City Centre

City Centre opens for residents and businesses


fter months of construction and sidewalk closures along East State Street and South Aurora Street, City Centre has officially opened for renters. The ground floor retail spaces are open for businesses to move in, though the new tenants won’t be actually moving in until later this year. The building’s exterior layout bears some resemblance to New York City’s iconic Flatiron Building. Though the views facing East State Street and South Aurora Street are of the neighboring buildings, the best view is from the top, the eighth-floor terrace to be exact. It’s a modestly-built enclave complete with outdoor grills, tables and chairs, and moderately scattered foliage, but this is only half the reason to visit. From there, residents can see for miles over the Ithaca skyline. There have been talks to have events there, though they would likely be for residents only. Marc Newman, a managing member of Newman Development Group, found the community received the project well and saw a great deal of positive feedback, particularly after the failure of the last project to gain any traction among the public. The building was always aiming for a June 1 opening, since most leases

began by then. With onebedroom apartments starting at $1,735 and two-bedrooms starting at $2,840, the building certainly was not aimed at the city’s affordable housing-needy community, adding instead to the local luxury housing stock. Despite this, Newman found that the development had the usual assortment of challenges on the journey to its opening but he found the city was helpful in getting the building done. “Every building always has its challenges with respect to just getting things built and approvals by the city, the fire department, and making sure everything is in compliance,” Newman said. “And that all went very well. So, I wouldn’t really call it a challenge, I think that’s just part of the job on every project that we do.” During the project’s time under review by the City’s Planning and Development Board, several residents spoke against the project. Some found the project to be out of style with the surrounding neighborhood, while others weren’t sure how the project would help the city reach its energy reduction goals, though the project made several strides to become more energy-friendly during its construction. According to Newman, as of

July 1, 90 percent of the 193 total units are rented, with some residents looking to move into the building this month. The building boasts plenty of amenities for residents, and its ground-floor will soon host Collegetown Bagels (CTB) and Ithaca Ale House. Both will be moving from their nearby locations on Aurora Street. Initially, CTB was set to move into the space in February and move into City Centre to have an opening on June 1. However, because their space wasn’t ready yet, they’ve just recently acquired the property and won’t be re-opening in the new location until Oct. 1. The Ithaca Ale House’s John O’Leary was unavailable for comment, but it sounds like the new location will open new opportunities for CTB, at least according to owner Gregor Brous. “We’ll have a bar that has beer and wine as well as numerous other beverages so that it can be a full-service bar, morning and night,” Brous said. “During the day, there will be smoothies and juice drinks, and health drinks to go along with it. And then that’ll transition a little bit as it gets later. We’ll have a bar in the middle that has some hot and cold beverages on it as well as some hot food. And then we’ll have a station to build your own salads and other like items, full service on the line.” Since the building they are currently in is looking to be redeveloped, CTB had to find a new place to go. For Brous, the best place was City Centre, since it seems primed to become a hub of action in the city. As with caterpillars, businesses have to evolve in order to survive and CTB is no different, Brous said. “I think one of the strengths and excitement of our business is being able to evolve and change over time,” Brous said. “So, sometimes we do that with small things like menu items or systems, either in front or back in the line and when it comes time to transfer locations. Then, that’s just even a bigger opportunity for us to really look at ourselves and look at the market and think about what ways we can grow.” •


▶▶ Thumbs Up - Cayuga Street’s 200 block has been reopened! This is good news for virtually everyone who has to drive through the city of Ithaca. Hopefully, it also alleviates some of the burden on the DeWitt Mall businesses, which have said they’ve been suffering since the road closed. ▶▶ Thumbs Down- Kinney Drugs announced they stopped selling e-cigarettes and vaping products out of a fear that children and teenagers were finding ways to get them instead of their intended audience, which is ostensibly people trying to quit smoking tobacco. Why not keep them around for people who are trying to quit? Implement a check-ID system for the products so that they can’t be bought by crafty youths, and keep them around for people who they’re at least supposed to help. Or just don’t sell tobacco at all.

▶▶ Seen- Democratic primaries were held in both Danby and Enfield last week, determining who will be contending on the Democratic ticket in November elections, so congrats to all the winning candidates, including both supervisor candidates Beth McGee and Joel Gagnon. The Ithaca Times has also heard that Amanda Kirchgessner has dropped out of the Enfield Town Supervisor race after losing the Democratic nomination to the incumbent McGee. ▶▶ The most popular stories on Ithaca.com this week are… 1. Board reconsiders not renewing Newfield coach’s contract 2. BOOM: Recapturing the spirit of Schoellkopf at Stewart Park 3. New York State Trooper finds crystal meth in Easter egg 4. Planning Board’s criticisms don’t hold back upcoming developments 5. Democratic primary results from Danby and Enfield


What’s your favorite holiday tradition? 16.7% Fourth of July fireworks 12.5% Ithaca Fest hangover 8.3% Easter egg hunts 62.5% Thanksgiving dinner

-E dw i n J. Vi er a Ju ly

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N ext Week ’s Q uestion :

What would you pay to live in the City Centre building? Visit ithaca.com to submit your response.

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Cady Fontana in the Makerspace C

Cordial Candidates

By M a rjor i e O l d s

ady Fontana, a fifth-generation Ithacan, was born to coordinate the Makerspace in the Tompkins County Public Library 28 years later.

“Reference librarians meet people searching for something. We ask questions and find out what the searcher needs.”

Growing up in Fall Creek, Cady still carries the TCPL card she received when she turned five. Her parents would pull her and her books in her red wagon. Every evening, Cady’s mom, Chris, would read books with her, and a love of books has been a constant throughout Cady’s life. Cady also loved making things. “My Grandmother Kaaren Hoback taught me how to sew and make all kinds of things,” she says. “I’ve always been a maker: my Grandmother’s varied craft interests have inspired me to dabble and learn many creative skills.” By the time Cady was in high school, she was a TCPL regular, and it was logical that she would be one of the founding members of the Teen Advisory Board. “ I rounded up friends, and with guidance and support from Adelle, then-TCPL teen librarian, we enjoyed a teen book club and worked together to encourage high schoolers to visit the library.” Art was another theme in Cady’s youth which resonates in her work with the Makerspace: In high school, Cady chaired the 2008 Youth Empowerment Festival, themed Rock the Arts. “For one day, we continued on page 7

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By St e ph e n P. Bu r k e


right, there aren’t many nicer nor more he 2016 presidential election was no- earnest. table for many things, but from the Adam is a far-leaning, Sanders-style start, for both major parties running leftist, which does not play poorly in candidates whom a majority of citizens Ithaca. Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary decidedly disliked. Clinton handily here in New York’s 2016 In the weeks leading up to the election, Democratic presidential primary. both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (Fans of Ithaca trivia will note that the had historically low favorability ratings, city’s mayor from 1989-95, Ben Nichols, around 40 percent. like Sanders was a member of the DemoThe 2019 mayoral election in Ithaca cratic Socialists of America; and like looks to be just the opposite, with two Adam was a hirsute, XL guy from Staten candidates so likable you hate to vote Island.) against either. Politically, Svante and Adam are probSvante Myrick is the incumbent, runably more alike than different. ning for a third four-year term, which Stylistically, there are similarities would make him Ithaca’s longest-serving (both are upbeat and energetic), but also mayor, a measure of his popularity. He contrasts (the incumbent is generally cool won his last campaign with 89 percent of and circumspect; the challenger, largely the vote. unguarded and ebullient). His opponent now is Adam Levine, a The electoral scene in Ithaca mirrors newcomer to electoral politics. that of the Democrats in both our nation Originally from New York City, Adam and state. has a gregarious personality, perfect for With 20 candidates for president in a job he has held as a Downtown Ithaca televised debate in June, generally agreeAlliance business ing philosophically on group “ambassaissues such as health dor” on the Comcare, climate change, mons, and maybe militarism, immigrawell-suited for a tion, and economic “The electoral scene longshot challenge relief for the middle in Ithaca mirrors that needing coverage. and working classes, He is running on of the Democrats in progressive Democrats the newly-created both our nation and had plenty to like and We Party line, little to reject. state [...] For most in a campaign For most Democrats Democrats nationwide, prompted by nationwide, as for mayfriends and comas for mayoral voters in oral voters in Ithaca, munity members. Ithaca, each candidate each candidate is probThe Siege of ably acceptable. is probably acceptable.” Niceness between In some ways Svante and Adam Adam’s candidacy par(each is generallels that of Alexanally referred to by dria Ocasio-Cortez for first name around Congress last year. town) erupted even before the competiOcasio-Cortez, a political neophyte tion began, with an act of cordiality who identified as a Democratic Socialist, responsible for a contested election even ran an underdog campaign in her New happening. York City district with little money or Adam’s campaign, even the thought of mainstream support; but her aggressively it, started late, and he only began collectprogressive stances galvanized voters ing signatures to place him on the ballot a and she defeated a ten-term incumbent, a few weeks before the May 31 deadline. presumed impossibility. In a statement on deadline day, the (With an unflinchingly leftist tenure mayor said that Adam’s petition fell about so far, AOC (as she is now widely known) 90 short of the required 339 signatures; has emerged as a leader of her party; she but that he would decline to challenge the currently has nearly 4 million Twitter folpetition, allowing Adam to appear on the lowers, more than House Speaker Nancy ballot. Pelosi.) “He seems like a nice and earnest guy,” These parallels, such as they are, the mayor said. apparently don’t daunt Ithaca’s mayor. Maybe it takes one to know one, at In fact, he stands as the single greatest least (especially?) in politics. benefactor of an idealistic dark horse who I don’t know Svante personally, but happens to oppose him, in a candidacy in general he seems to know of what he that would already have failed if not for speaks, and particularly here, about altru- his own active support. ism and selflessness. Democracy is alive and well in Ithaca. I know Adam fairly well, and Svante is

CADY FONTANA Contin u ed From Page 6

rented the Commons and had teens playing music, acting and dancing. It was a blast.” Setting her sights on the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Cady and her mother worked every weekend preparing scholarship applications. This financial project proved successful, and after graduating from Ithaca High School, Cady headed off to Boston to earn her bachelor’s degree in fiber art. For a summer, Cady joined Kelly, a TCPL youth services librarian, for Storytime in the Park and

Cady Fontana

helped with summer reading outreach. By the time Cady graduated, she knew she wanted to combine her love of books and her love of art, so she headed to SUNY Buffalo to become a librarian. Cady’s master’s in library science went well, and best of all, she met her husband, Cap Cooke, while there. A bluegrass banjo player, Cap, too, is involved with TCPL nowadays. Cap’s band, The Flywheels, will be performing at the Creekwalk behind the library on Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m. After three years working as a librarian at a small rural library in Ovid, Cady knew she had made the right call on her profession. When she was offered a job in adult services at TCPL, Cady enthusiastically accepted. One year in, Cady was offered the assignment of developing and coordinating the Makerspace. Libraries are all about access. People can come and read books, borrow some for a while, look at the permanent and visiting exhibits, check out movies and CDs. Most of us take for granted the wide array of valuable materials we can access. But now TCPL is making tools available, with instruction offered by enthusiastic staff: 3D Print-

ers, sewing machines, a laser cutter, and plenty of craft supplies and hand tools. Patrons can use the tools and work on projects or join programs to make art and learn skills with others in group sessions. “Reference librarians meet people searching for something,” Cady says. “We ask questions and find out what the searcher needs. Then we create a solution together. It’s the same with the Makerspace; art can inform other parts of our lives. As we talk through a creative idea with someone in the Makerspace, we figure out the tools needed and then help the maker take the next steps. I’m all about inspiring creative confidence, and love that my job gives me the opportunity to coach people artistically.” A few exciting projects that folks have created so far: IC students created puppets for a presentation, an inventor prototyped puzzles that are now being mass produced, a local artist laserprinted artwork that was shown in Costa Rica, and a scientist even 3D-printed a scale model of the human esophagus. Makerspace programs are popular, free and fill up quickly. “This is about making creative education through art available to more people,” Cady says. “We increase access to lifelong learning opportunities to anyone who comes to the library. Our goal is to equalize access, and get people excited about learning new things.” Keep an eye on the programs coming up in the Makerspace by checking out the events calendar on TCPL.org. Upcoming highlights include: A puppet-making workshop with community artist Scott Hitz (for adults on Aug. 6, for families on July 25), a new art club for adults with developmental disabilities, All Access Art (eight weeks beginning on Tuesday, July 2, 1:30-3:30 p.m.), Teen Maker Thursdays (3-5 p.m. weekly), and tri-weekly ages 12-plus open hours (Mondays 12-4 p.m., Wednesdays 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Fridays 2-6 p.m.). Also available from home: TCPL is offering unlimited access to the Creativebug database, which offers thousands of online art and craft video classes. You can access this library-funded service for free with your TCPL library card. Visit the Creativebug database to try it out.


ithaca com YOUR LETTERS Response to “Smart is as Smart does”


would like to reply to the “Smart is as Smart does” article. When my exhaust rusted out it was cheaper to buy an after-market one. My new exhaust has given me better gas mileage which is better for the planet. Less gas wasted. People in parking lots can hear me better because it is a little louder but that is safer. My new exhaust is also stainless so it will never rust and I’ll never have to buy another. I would like to argue this loss in IQ because I did these things. I have a Yaris and it gets about 45 miles per gallon on the highway now. The Prius gets 52 on the highway but cost 12,000 more to buy. I argue his loss of 9 points. Jason Peter Ithaca, NY

How Green Are Fireworks?


fter reading the extended season’s schedule of local fireworks events in our watershed communities I am compelled to share my thoughts. My concern surrounds the toxicity of fireworks and subsequent impacts on our Finger Lakes Watershed. Fireworks emit heavy metals and other problematic wastes into the air, onto the land, and into our waters causes me to question whether these events outweigh the damaging effects? It is also of concern that fireworks disrupt nesting birds and nocturnal animals. Have the various fireworks committees discussed with their vendors these risk factors and the availability of alternative products that are environmentally friendlier? Can we enjoy celebratory traditional seasonal events with assurance to the community that we are not intentionally denigrating the health and well being of life on land, and life below water at risk? Cannot the fireworks funds raised by communities be spent in a way that is indeed beneficial to all? Gertrude Noden Trumansburg, NY

Response to “Dryden bridges could cost taxpayers” Finally, a reporter who includes the whole story and gets most of the numbers right. One mistake, however, is in the last sentence, “The board chose to replace the bridge because it would cost $5,000 per year to fix it and that there could be an increase in the risk of flooding with the current state of the bridge.” The board convinced itself that it would take $5000 Ju ly

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a year to MAINTAIN the bridge AFTER fixing it. “Fixing it” would cost about $2 million if it was made to handle trucks of any weight. Keeping it at a weight limit of 15 tons (all it really needs) would undoubtedly cost considerably less, but the board chose not to even find out what that cost might be. If anything, the replacement bridge could increase the flooding potential by narrowing the flood channel by almost 20%, filling in a portion of the protected wetland beneath the bridge. David Weinstein, via Ithaca.com

Response to “Planning Board’s criticisms don’t hold back upcoming developments” Well at least there will be more apartments for rent for locals in the area. Tired of not being able to find anything. Jasmine Somers, via Facebook

Response to “BOOM: Recapturing the spirit of Schoellkopf at Stewart Park” “I was on someone’s shoulders with a firehose at Schoekopf way back when…” Robyn Wishna, via Facebook

Response to “200 block of North Cayuga Street officially re-opens” “4 months and they fixed the 200 block. That failed infrastructure incident must have been a doozie!” Brian Parks, via Facebook

Response to “Kinney Drugs to stop selling e-cigarettes and vapes” “Why not take out all tobacco products as well? Too lucrative, eh?” Paul Hubert, via Facebook

Response to “Speakeasy: J.R. Clairborne, new Tompkins County Office of Veterans Services Director” “Couldn’t find a better choice.” Lynnette Scofield, via Facebook

Response to “Tompkins County Government mourns death of fallen soldier from Trumansburg” “Thank you for your service and sacrifice. RIP....Godspeed.” Mike Foster, via Facebook

Write to us! Say something or respond to an article by writing editor@ithacatimes.com. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number. We do not publish unsigned letters. Letters may be edited for length and readability. To the Editor, Ithaca Times, 109 N Cayuga St., Ithaca, NY 14850

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The Lioness of Cayuga Lake

Ruth Lucas du r ing her first season i n 1 9 7 5 ( P h o t o : P r ov i d e d)

The Life and Times of Ruth Lucas


B y D av e S i t ne day in 1973, Ruth Lucas, a stay-at-home mom of three young children, was trying to comprehend her husband’s surprising proposal. Bill wanted to move the family from Long Island to live in a farm upstate. Born Ruth Lewis in 1943 in the South Bronx, Ruth was the fifth of six kids. When she was 18, an older brother introduced her to Bill Lucas, a neighborhood friend, who she then married the following year. Ruth quickly gave birth to three children: Ruthie in 1963, Billy in 1965 and Stephanie in 1968. When Ruthie was one, the burgeoning family moved from New York City to Long Island. Ruth hadn’t farmed a single day in her life. Her husband’s only farm experience was working a few summers at a dairy farm as a teenager. Since then, Bill had dreamed of living in a big farm in the countryside. A tugboat captain, he wanted a healthier life for his family. For Ruth, who spent her entire childhood and early adulthood in the South Bronx, leaving the city was unfathomable. Life in New York City in the ‘60s and ‘70s was no picnic. Beneath the veneer of vibrancy and wealth, the city was crum8  T

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bling and had begun its dramatic downward spiral. Violent crime and urban decay began to flourish, driving many families from the homes they had built there. In 1973, Ruth and the children moved to Ithaca. Ruth took a job at a bank, as they looked to purchase a farm. Bill’s maritime work schedule alternated weeks, and the plan was for him to go to the Finger Lakes during his off weeks, then move there full-time after five years of commuting, as they needed his income for a while. In 1974, they took a mortgage from Citizens Bank and bought a 68-acre farm in the town of Interlaken on the west side of Cayuga Lake. The transition from living in a major metropolitan area to a farming hamlet in the Finger Lakes was not easy. With Bill being just a part-time presence, Ruth took on most of the duties at the farm, as well raising three near-teenagers. “I was 10, living in Smithtown, Long Island, in a neighborhood where we could come and go as we pleased, with everyone looking out for one another,” said Ruthie, the oldest of their children. “It was like heaven. Next thing you know we are living in a big farm, without even a traffic light in town. To the kids here, we sounded different. It was tough.” New to farming, Ruth and Bill need3–9,

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ed guidance on what to grow. Help came from Bill Brown at Cornell’s Cooperative Extension in Geneva. He advised them that the 40 acres of tillable land were probably too small to grow corn or soybeans, but they would be suitable to grow a more profitable crop, wine grapes, to sell to the then high-flying Taylor Wine Company. And just like that, Ruth Lucas became a farmer. By 1974, hundreds of vineyards dotted the Finger Lakes. There were few wineries, as it was exorbitantly expensive and complicated to license one. The growers supplied large commercial wineries, especially the Taylor Wine Company in Hammondsport. Life was good for those growers back then, as Taylor paid a good price for wine grapes, providing them with a steady income. They felt they were part of the Taylor family, with a bright future of economic security. Ruth and Bill started their vineyard with four acres of Dechaunac, a popular French hybrid grape that was the main ingredient of many of Taylor’s sweet red wines. “It was a lot of work,” Ruth reminisced. “We didn’t realize how much work growing grapes took. The kids were very helpful in planting and taking care of the vines.” They followed with the planting of Cayuga White, a hardy and vigorous hybrid grape created at Cornell. Chardonnay and

riesling were next. By 1979, they were selling as much as 34 tons of grapes to Taylor. “I thought it was money coming from heaven!” Ruth recalled. The Taylor Wine Company was one of America’s most prominent wine producers during its heyday, riding on the national popularity of sweet wines. At one time, it was the fourth-largest wine company in the nation. As it grew, big national conglomerates viewed Taylor as a potential acquisition target. In 1977, it was sold to the Coca Cola Company. The change of ownership contributed to the confluence of events and trends that spelled big trouble for the Finger Lakes growers. By the end of the ‘70s, dark clouds were gathering for the Finger Lakes wine industry. Competition from California, in the form of drier viniferas wines, began to cut into wine sales of Finger Lakes companies such as Taylor and Widmer, as well as a national health movement to reduce sugar intake. Together, they pushed the sweet red wines into disfavor in just a few years. Sales plummeted. Whilst the former family-owned Taylor Wine Company took a paternalistic approach to its growers, the Coca-Cola corporate bean counters were more focused on the diminishing bottom line. It was a rude awakening for growers such as Ruth and Bill. In August of 1980,

just a few months before harvest, Coca Cola announced that they would only purchase 50 percent of the grapes they had contracted. Overnight, and with little notice, their income was cut in half, and their vineyards suddenly saddled with grapes of decreasing demand. But the growers had a lifeline. The state had recently passed the Farm Winery Act of 1976, greatly reducing the onerous regulations and cost for growers to produce and sell wines directly to the public. With their surplus grapes, Lucas Vineyards in 1980 became the first licensed winery on Cayuga Lake to make and sell their own wine. Its first tasting room was located in the farm’s dairy barn. Selling wine in the nascent Finger Lakes winery business was challenging. Without an established distribution system, the wines were sold mostly at the wineries and local wine stores. “We made 400 cases the first year and sold them out in three months,” Ruth remembered. “We thought we could easily sell a lot more. So, we made 2,000 cases the next year. But most of them wound up unsold. With a big mortgage to pay for, things were pretty grim until a wine store in Ithaca rescued us with a ‘Save a Winery’ campaign.” During Lucas Vineyards’ first couple of vintages, the wines were made with the help of Dave Bagley from Poplar Ridge, a winery that was also founded in 1980. That marked the beginning of Ruth’s on-the-job training as a winemaker. Books and online classes occupied much of her time. She was one of the first female winemakers in the region. “When I went to wine conferences and seminars, I was the only woman there most of the time,” Ruth recalls. She was meticulous in her growth as a vintner, incessantly curious and always looking for answers to problems found in the vineyard and winery. “Mom used to have these plastic bags with leaves or tendrils in them,” Stephanie explained. “When she found something in the vineyard she didn’t understand, she would bag it and have it tested.” Ruth would also bring jars of her wines to the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva to have them evaluated and tasted. For a former housewife who had no formal wine training, it was remarkable that Ruth managed the vineyard and made, marketed and sold the wines, all while raising three children as the only full-time parent. She often had to mediate between Bill and the kids through

A Yo u n g R u t h L u c a s i n t h e Wi n e ry L a b ( P h o t o : P r ov i d e d) their teenage years and had to periodically repair relationships with local wine stores. “Let’s just say Bill was tough to deal with,” one local retailer confided, noting

To them, going to school was almost a relief from the hard work in the vineyard. After leaving home after college, the two daughterseventually returned to the family

R u t h L u c a s S t o m p i n g G r a p e s ( P h o t o : P r ov i d e d)

Ruth was well-liked by everyone. “Ruth had to make peace sometimes afterwards. What she did—I frankly don’t know how she did it.” The words “great” and “nice” are universally used to describe Ruth. Bill did also instill in his children a strong sense of work ethic. They all pitched in and made a significant contribution to the business.

winery’s fold. Years went by. The fledgling Finger Lakes wine industry’s struggles continued into the ‘90s. Although some vineyards had been replanted with vinifera grapes, the regions still suffered from a mixed reputation of a place for mostly sweet red wines. Ruth’s winery was no different. Ju ly

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“I remembered we had to cut our own wood so we could heat the house,” Stephanie said. “We were always worried about money.” With such financial pressure, Bill couldn’t afford to quit his job. He never moved upstate full-time. Ruth says the turning point for Lucas Vineyards happened in the late ‘90s, when visitors started showing up in numbers, as the region’s reputation as a fine wine region and tourist destination rose. By then, Ruthie had been managing the winery’s business operations, with Stephanie running the tasting room, events and marketing—jobs well-matched to their personalities. Ruth and Bill’s long-running commuter marriage finally ended when they divorced in 1997. Stephanie’s husband, Jeff Hauck, a restaurant manager with long work hours, joined the winery in 1995 so he could spend more time with his wife and children. Ruth took him under her wings and trained him in all facets of the winery. He is now the winemaker. Today, Lucas Vineyards produces about 20,000 cases of wine a year. The vineyard is planted with 50 percent hybrid and 50 percent vinifera grapes. Its hybrid wines still have a strong loyal following, accounting for about 65 percent of sales, but its vinifera portfolio is growing. Their 2017 Dry Riesling is particularly impressive, as it is full of character and sports a clear Finger Lakes riesling signature. At age 76, Ruth still works half-time on the winery’ s business, and she enjoys greeting long-time customers at the winery. When people talk about the early iconic figures responsible in jump-starting the Finger Lakes wine industry, Ruth’s name is seldom mentioned. But listen to what one of those icons, Hermann Wiemer, has to say about her: “Ruth was a true pioneer who deserves more credit than she has gotten. Quality was important to her. She made a great contribution to Finger Lakes wines.” Wife, mother, farmer, winemaker, businesswoman, pioneer—all embodied in a small woman named Ruth Lucas. Today’s female winemakers in the Finger Lakes especially owe Ruth some measure of gratitude for opening the door for them 39 years ago. Finger Lakes wines are finally earning their accolades. As you enjoy a glass of its wines today, remember that it was cultivated from a foundation of toil and perseverance built by a handful of early trailblazers. Ruth Lucas was one of them.

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Big names highlight Racker Rivals Big Red once again `By Ste ve L aw re nc e


recall walking around the Cornell campus one sultry July day about 20 years ago, when my two oldest daughters, who were four and seven at the time, stared wide-eyed at the huge mound of snow outside Lynah Rink. “Dad,” they said, “why is there snow here in July?” I told them that Cornell was so high on the hill that it snowed year ‘round. That might have cost me the Father of the Year Award that year. Of course, the pile of snow was there because the ice at Lynah Rink can be removed and reinstalled any time of the year, and on Saturday, July 13, the famed venue will be packed once again for one of Ithaca’s favorite summer extravaganzas. The fifth annual Racker Rivals Big Red will give locals something fun to do, and as always, hockey fans of all ages will love seeing this convergence or skills, personalities and generosity. Truth be told, I am not the biggest hockey fan, but I love going to this event. I am, however, a big fan of the relationship that Cornell Hockey has cultivated with our community for 50-plus years, and I love the fact that local hockey fans can attend this event and interact with Stanley Cup winners, current NHL players and even NHL Hall of Famers. Head coach Mike Schafer and the folks at Racker are well aware of the bond between the program and the community, and Schafer, having played in Lynah Rink as a popular Big Red captain, knows how much it means to fans to be able to experience that bond first-hand. For example, Joe Nieuwendyk, the Cornell alum and NHL Hall of Famer, has not skated in a Big Red uniform in over 30 years, but still gets a thunderous ovation every time he makes

an appearance. (Joe will not lace up the skates this year, but will serve as an honorary coach.) I asked Coach Schafer what he will expect from his Big Red teammate in the coaching box, and he said he hopes Nieuwendyk handles his line changes well. I said, “I can imagine it would be quite the mismatch if Greg Hartz [the top dog at the Tompkins Trust Company] was out there with Dustin Brown [the Ithaca native and two-time Stanley Cup winner with the LA Kings.]” Schafer replied, “Hartz could be matched up against the Big Red Bear, and he’d still have a tough time.” While the older fans love seeing players like Nieuwendyk and Schafer and many other alums of a similar vintage, younger fans are stoked (speaking their language) to see players like Dustin Brown. Dustin is still putting up serious numbers as an NHL star in his 14th season with the Kings, and fellow NHL players Cole Bardreau (who is a Fairport, NY native, a Big Red alum and plays for the Philadelphia Flyers) and Alex Tuch (Vegas Golden Knights player) will join him on the ice, as will AHL player Anthony Angello. There are quite a few other people who suit up for the game, and when people like Tompkins Financial’s Greg Hartz and meteorologist Wayne Mahar put on the skates, it is only fair to remember that they are playing with and against some of the best hockey players in the world. While the non-pros can’t quite match up with the elites, a closer, honest look conveys that they are nonetheless pretty damn good skaters and hockey players, and they do not embarrass themselves out there. The festivities will get underway at 3:30

The Racker Rivals Big Red features everyone from NHL players to local financial executives and has become one of Ithaca’s favorite events. (Photo provided)

p.m. with the Cargill Friends and Family Open Skate, a free event that enables locals to skate on the famed surface. The puck drops for the main event at 5:30 (tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door and kids under 7 get in free), and the Ithaca Mites youth hockey teams will play an exhibition at the half. Again, this is a great event for many reasons. Cornell hockey tickets are a hot commodity, and many games are sold out. There are many people in our community who would love to get to a game and be a part of it all, but cannot do so. Racker Rivals Big Red gives many such fans an opportunity to see some of these “larger than life” players up close, perhaps meet some of them, and come away with some autographs. We can grow a little numb to some amazing things, such as the fact that

Dustin Brown was born in Ithaca, came up through Ithaca Youth Hockey, led Ithaca High to a state championship, and is now a 14-year NHL veteran with two Stanley Cups. That’s still a big deal. It is also a great event because Racker is a local treasure, and the agency has provided support and opportunities for individuals with disabilities (and their families) for over 50 years. “It’s fun for us to get the NHL guys back here, and it’s nice to do it during the summer, when we have a break,” Schafer said. “It’s a fun event and it benefits a great organization, so that’s a plus.” For updates on who will be playing in the Racker Rivals Big Red, and for information on how to donate, visit www. racker.org/hockey.

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Personal Health

A Breath of Fresh Air E dw in J. Vie ra

Kristina Engel, of O2 Ithaca, (Photo provided) Georgia@ithacatimes.com 607-277-7000 x220



edicinal alternatives are on the rise throughout the country and one such alternative turns breathing into a hangover cure, a study aid, and in some cases, aromatherapy. Oxygen bars are places where people go for satisfaction through olfaction, aiming to find some relief after 10 minutes of breathing in oxygen. Kristina and Kevin Engel, the owners of O2 Ithaca, have found that a breath of fresh air can do more than

just keep you alive, but can bring mental and physical health benefits with it too. During a trip to Las Vegas in 2018, Kevin discovered oxygen bars as a new wave of treatment in alternative medicine. He learned they were sprouting up around the city and were touted as remedies for hangovers. While there, he learned more about some of the claimed medicinal properties and heard more about the growing number of oxygen bars throughout the rest of the country. His wife, Kristina, said the bars aren’t like traditional medicine, but rather delve deep into the mind-body experience. “It’s kind of similar to that of essential oils, exercise, and those types of things that can provide aClient: lot of health benefits,” Kristina said. “This is one of those things that works how you want to work it. It’s been touted to help with sleep, but it has also been touted to help with synergy [...] It depends on what you’re looking for. If you want to add aromatherapy, you can add in frankincense, that would help with breathing.” O2 Ithaca has been in operation since June of 2018, although the Engels took

Ithaca Times/Fingerlakes News

some time off after having their first child when they decided to start the business. O2 Ithaca uses an oxygen concentrator, which makes their oxygen different from the air used in medical establishments since it doesn’t need to be compressed. It’s also different from what people breathe in because the concentrator rids the oxygen of any chemicals. Kristina likened it to taking a walk and breathing “nice, amazing deep breaths,” but without any of the normal pollutants that are ever-present in our air. “Instead of having all the extra chemicals in the oxygen, our oxygen concentrator takes everything else out of it,” Engel said. “The oxygen in the air you breathe is only about 20 to 21 percent, believe it or not. The oxygen concentrator brings it up to 90 percent. The benefits of oxygen are not new to anybody. You go outside and take a walk and of course, that’s going to be helpful. But, this is just something where it concentrates it and gives you so much more of the good stuff and way less of the bad.” Much like when they first discovered oxygen bars in Las Vegas, Kristina has found one of their most popular uses is indeed as a hangover cure. When someone is drinking, the brain doesn’t circulate enough oxygen to the brain, causing a person to become dehydrated. Using the oxygen bar would get more oxygen flowing through the brain, leaving a person less likely to experience symptoms of a hangover. As for the future of O2 Ithaca, the

Kendal at Ithaca

Vital for Life

Engels would like to establish a location of their own on the Commons, which would have a spa-like atmosphere. They are also interested in going around to bars as a means of preventive medicine for anyone suffering from early hangover symptoms. Until recently, the Engels rented out their oxygen bar to others, but a partnership with Chiropractic Health Care (CHC) on State Street, run by Dr. Rebecca VonBergen, has given them a home. VonBergen was interested in partnering with them after seeing O2 Ithaca at several summer festivals last year. Their first set of hours will be some time during mid-July. Working with VonBergen has allowed the company to acquire a decent supply of essential oils to add flavor to their oxygen, and according to Engel, their most popular ones are peppermint, lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus, and citrus fresh, which is a blend of different citrus oils. “They’re good for a lot of different things, but number one, peppermint is good for digestion, which is the stomach, which is where a lot of the hangover relief can come from,” Engel said. “So, it’s good for that. The lemongrass is good for mindset and grounding. That one is used a lot for calm and focus. Eucalyptus is for breathing, asthmatics, sleep apnea, or people suffering from a cold. My husband and I have put the cannulas on when we have a cold. That helps so much. Then, the citrus fresh is for energizing, vitality, and to wake you up. And lavender is good for sleep.” SIGN UP TODAY!




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GREEN STREET Contin u ed From Page 4

larly at its new and larger size, could end up financially impossible for Vecino. “I think what will happen after the feasibility study is complete, is all the parties involved [will be] looking at what is the appropriate governing structure, what is the appropriate legal structure and the appropriate financing structure to ensure that the conference center is a ‘go,’” Proulx said. “We’re open for whatever you guys want—we’re here to build affordable housing,” Vecino Group President Rick Manzardo said during last week’s IURA meeting, at which the proposal was discussed at length. IURA Executive Director Nels Bohn said having a conference center is the first choice at this point, but wants an alternative laid out as well should the conference center aspect fall through. “It would be helpful by next month if we can determine which alternative is preferred,” Bohn said. Proulx did broach the possibility of having too many affordable housing units coming on at the same time, a thought that probably seems ludicrous to anyone that’s followed City of Ithaca issues over the last few years, but is of legitimate concern to city officials. As noted in an evaluation by Bohn of the project’s different alternatives, the 273-unit proposal

could satisfy the city’s affordable housing demand for people making 50-60 percent of the area medium income, which would be beneficial; simultaneously, the city uses that demand to cull funds from the Low Income Housing Tax Credit for other projects, which could hurt other projects around town. “We want more affordable housing, but what happens if we bring too many in at one time?” Proulx said. “If you look at the numbers, you say, ‘Great, we’re getting 273 units, but are they 273 of the right units?’” Alderperson Laura Lewis, an outspoken affordable housing advocate and former member of the Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services board, agreed with Proulx, though she admitted it felt odd to ask for a lower number of units. “Right now, I would still lean towards the smaller, which is 173 units,” Lewis said. Manzardo said the property manager Vecino has engaged with for the project could attend next month’s meeting to answer questions and allow IURA members to familiarize themselves with the group. While there was brief discussion of the new Ithaca Properties proposal, which would bring an 11-story, 182-unit apartment building to the other side of the Green Street Garage, at this stage it does not sound as if that project and the Vecino development, if both approved, would interfere with each other. • M att Butler

SUMMER CAMPS Contin u ed From Page 3

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directors have full discretion once they have reviewed immunization records and exemptions,” Hillson wrote in an email. “Camps need to have on file all immunization records, but they are not bound to the same requirements as schools and day cares.” As for the other large camp program providers in the area, their answers were largely the same as Hillson’s: while nothing has changed yet, it does sound like there’s an appetite for tighter vaccination requirements in the future. “For its summer programs, Ithaca College asks for immunization information,” Ithaca College spokesperson Dave Maley wrote in an email. “If a parent states that their child is exempt from being vaccinated for religious or medical reasons, the college has accepted that. That has not changed at this time. Going forward, the college will consider what policy changes will need to be made based on new laws/ regulations as they go into effect.” The Ithaca Youth Bureau referred questions to the Tompkins County Health Department. Jennifer Davis is the camp director for Youth and Teen Programs at Cornell, and said students this year will be accepted in accordance with how the health depart-

ment has decided to handle the situation and because Cornell’s camps attract a significant amount of international students. They would be left in quite a bind if they were turned away from camps this soon before they begin, and they may be from countries with different immunization schedules than the United States. There haven’t been any preventable disease outbreaks at Cornell camps in the past, Davis said. Davis also said, though, that changes could come sooner rather than later. She said that while Cornell would consider how the health department’s policies address non-medical exemptions going forward, she imagines that Cornell’s camps will likely require a medical exemption for non-vaccinated children at some point and won’t accept non-medical exemptions. “I do think it will be in place by next year,” Davis said. “If this continues to be a serious threat to our students, I absolutely think we will make a more definitive decision about allowing kids [without vaccinations] in camps.” M att Butler

Historic Ithaca continues walk and talk tours for third year in a row


By E dw i n J. Vi e r a

n Tompkins County, people pass by buildings with significant historic value every single day. From sites like the William Austin House in Trumansburg to the Southworth Library in Dryden, there are different pieces of history that people see often, yet they may know very little about them. For the third year in a row, Historic Ithaca is offering their summer walk and talk tours to highlight such hidden gems. Municipal historians from towns, cities and villages across Tompkins County have partnered with Historic Ithaca over the last few years for a series of tours around the county. Christine O’Malley, Historic Ithaca’s preservation services coordinator, said the tours were initially planned as a one-year event for the Bicentennial of Tompkins County in 2017. But once the series finished, people began asking what the next set of tours would entail. Not long after this, Historic Ithaca received funding from the Tompkins County Tourism Grant Program as well as a sponsorship from Tompkins Trust Company. Historic Ithaca allows the municipal historians to craft their own tours, while they inform people of where to meet for the tour.

O’Malley said the next tour, held on July 20, is of a family farmstead in the Town of Dryden on Peruville Road. She added that there’s an additional tour of the Grove Cemetery near Trumansburg that is available from historian John Wertis, who is conducting his third tour. This year’s last session is a tour of a church in Caroline, a nationally registered 19th century gothic revival church. “So, some of the stuff like if it’s on the National Register, we’re trying to highlight it,” O’Malley said. “But, if it’s just an interesting spot that people want to know more about then we’ll select them [...] We try and mix it up between different spots throughout the county, different types of places.” The selections are based on what each of the municipal historians is willing to do, and if there is a date that works. Once all that locks into place, then the tour can be added. Despite only being able to cover a limited geographical area, O’Malley has found there are so many hidden historical treasures around the county there is never a shortage of tour ideas. She explained the program’s philosophy and just how they keep people enticed to return. The only parameters are that it should start at 11 a.m. on Saturday and last around an hour, both of which O’Malley said help keep the tours free of charge. Other than that, the tour is in the hands of the historians. Including O’Malley and Historic Ithaca Executive Director Susan Holland, there were 52 people who attended this season’s first tour, of the White Park section of Cayuga Heights, led by Cayuga Heights historian Bea Szekely.

O’Malley found herself shocked after attending a tour, led by Ulysses Municipal Historian John Wertis, of the abandoned County Home Building in Ulysses. “I always wondered, what’s the story there, why is that building sitting there like that?” O’Malley inquired. “Essentially, it was an almshouse. It was a place where the county looked after the poor and indigent.” Wertis has previously done tours of the Trumansburg Conservatory and 19th century affordable housing sites. As for potential future tour targets, both O’Malley and Holland would love to have a tour done about the former Chainworks Building on South Hill, among many others. The most popular tour to date, according to O’Malley and Holland, with 61 people on it, was of Rogue’s Harbor in Lansing. Lansing municipal historian, Lousie Bement, conducted the tour and took people to parts of the historic inn they’d never seen before. “[Bement] basically did a tour of the history of the building and a lot of people know the bar and the restaurant area down on the bottom,” O’Malley said. “They let us go up to the next level, where they rent out rooms, like an inn. What was really cool about that was there are lots of old photos up on walls, which was fantastic, people love that. And then we went up to the very top room, which was like a big ballroom where they would have dancing and stuff in the 19th century.” More information about the remaining tours of the summer can be found on Historic Ithaca’s webpage. Ju ly

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Take a Walk

Historic Ithaca’s Walk and Talk series has begun its third year, led by Executive Director Susan Holland. (Photo by Casey Martin)

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Hakacha: Ithaca’s newest Asian-inspired restaurant By He nr y Stark


he first sociated with Italian thing you cuisine. might I’ve ordered an notice when you apappetizer of fried proach Hakacha is chicken ($3.99) and the large parking lot received a plate of offering lots of free, six pieces of rather off-street parking. heavily-breaded The restaurant tenders. They were itself is long and flavorful already, narrow and is decobut the server also rated with festive brought tasty dipceiling string lights ping sauce. and a black-andI’ve tried several white checked entrées from the floor. The booths, pasta section. Seatables and chairs food pasta ($17.99) were formerly included three scalHakacha has taken over the space on Third used by Istanbul, lops, three shrimp Street previously occupied by a litany of other the restaurant that and three clams in restaurants. (Photo by Casey Martin) preceded it. Several their shells mixed in tree branches on with the spaghetti the wall add a bit and tomato sauce. of a rustic interest. Music, usually guitar It was fine, except I would have liked the and piano jazz, plays unobtrusively in the clams to have been cooked longer. Anbackground. The restaurant itself is relaother entrée was mushroom soy sauce buttively small, with a capacity of about 30. ter pasta ($13.99). The mixture of shiitake Like many restaurants in the greater mushrooms with the spaghetti was most Ithaca area, this is one of several incarnaenjoyable. Among the half-dozen pasta tions that previously served customers on entrées is a vegetarian pasta with eggplant, the same site: Istanbul, Mira, and Dijon carrots and tomatoes. immediately come to mind. For Hakacha, There are three desserts, all homemade. this is just the beginning. They opened I had the black tea cheesecake. It was their doors to the public in May and have dense and on the heavy side. been making several changes as they Service is attentive and polite. Problearn more. For example, during the first lem: When I ordered an appetizer and an week in June, I went there for dinner and entrée, the server brought one in one hand ordered from the dinner menu. Two days and one in the other. later I arrived for lunch and expected to order from the lunch menu but was informed there was no lunch menu. Instead of depending on their previous flexible policy of telling customers that they could They don’t expect to have a liquor license for “five or order lunch entrées at dinner or dinner six months” and when one is received management entrées at lunch, they simply combined will not be offering cocktails or mixed drinks, only wine both menus into one. This turns out to be and beer. In the meantime, I have purchased bottles a big advantage for the customer. Another from the Red Feet wine store just a short walk from the change upcoming will be their receipt of a restaurant. Red Feet has a well-stocked refrigerator liquor license, which will hopefully be in with chilled white wines as well as an excellent selecthe next few months. tion of reds. Hakacha is open from 11:00 a.m. About glasses: Water is served from a pitcher on the to 9:00 p.m. every day except Tuesday, table and ceramic mugs, not glasses. The only other and stays open throughout the day and place I’ve encountered this is in restaurants in Japan. evening. This means the prices remain Since they aren’t serving wine yet, the only glass they constant and don’t rise at dinner time. can offer, at least at the moment, is a narrow chamHakacha, which is named for the pagne flute for either the white or red wine you bring owner’s grandchildren, specializes in Asian yourself. It is expected that management will be able food with pasta. I understand that noodles to offer more appropriate glasses when the license is go way back in the history of Asian cuireceived. sine, but the pasta here is usually cooked in a tomato sauce, which I have always as-


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Lamar Herrin’s newest novel is an homage to storytelling By Barbara Ad am s


recent New Yorker cartoon shows a librarian admonishing a curious preschooler in a reading circle: “Let’s save all our questions about the story’s veracity until after it’s over.” That tension between imagination and reality, fantasy and fact, is perhaps always at the heart of fiction. It’s certainly there in local author Lamar Herrin’s recent novel, “Fishing the Jumps.” What unfolds is a veritable fish story, tall tale, shaggy dog story, rambling family history, and above all paean to the art of storytelling. Two old friends have escaped to a cabin in the foothills of the Adirondacks for a few days’ fishing; Jim, the elder by 10 years, is the narrator. Herrin tends to leave his central male characters less defined, the careful observer of others whose own vagueness permits the reader to slip into his skin, assume his perspective. Walter Kidman, a lawyer, is his audience, eager but exacting, constantly asking for more specific details—names, dates, verifiable facts. His “prosaic court of law” eventually elicits “primal secrets,” which get a “poetic pass.” The pragmatic lawyer and the lyrical raconteur make a charming odd couple, with Walter’s attentiveness drawing out Jim’s tale, which is wandering, hesitant, ambling down unpredictable paths, possible dead ends. But in the hands of a master storyteller like Lamar Herrin, there are no dead ends, no wasted words. The pace of the story is leisurely, unrushed, like the men’s retreat; I found myself restless for the first 20 pages or so until I accepted the halting rhythm and its purpose. Jim’s multiple forays are to hook us, to maximize the catch. He shares memories, at first fragmentary, as they bubble up, because for him fishing will always recall the lake adventures of his youth, in the deep South, with a cousin he admired for his skill, grace, and worldly success. The wider story that Jim revisits—casting and re-casting memory’s net, feinting, testing reality—is about this man, Little Howie Whalen, his beautiful life and homely end; about Jim’s mother and her sisters, all strong and distinct in different ways, and their fate and that of their offspring. Jim had moved north, tried to disentangle the knots of family, never fully succeeding. Now he reluctantly dredges up pieces of the past—“a sad story and one that had

worn me out.” Jim and Walter have come to escape their lives for a long weekend, but there’s no escaping memory’s persistent tugs. So Jim finds himself facing his past, tallying losses, weighing promises made and broken, trying to find meaning in it all—when “every step of the way,” he knows, life itself is devastation. Storytelling is a way to shut out the night, the encroaching blackness; your story mixes with the currents and goes out into the world, perhaps with an agency that you lacked. In their travels, the two men see and make frequent reference to the still-sturdy WPA constructions, cabins, bridges, that suggest our actions can have purpose, be of use, serve, last. Story is a slenderer, less stable service, but it’s what Jim can offer. As Herrin himself so ably does, like a mesmerist reanimating this extended family, charting their warmth and griefs so richly you’ll feel you’ve visited with them. He also plays continually, lightly, with metaphor: storytelling as fishing, as sport, as card playing, as struggle. And even as religious experience: Walter becomes the father confessor “sworn to secrecy,” who listens without judging, offers the blessing of “peace”; their impromptu trip down South to Jim’s family home is an act of faith, “the faith of a fool, of a pilgrim whose day has passed.” Herrin’s descriptions can catch your breath: whether observing people (“other couples with two young kids to care for and egos to trim”); the man-made (cabins “small and low-built with patchy screen porches, the screens like luffing sails, no longer taut”); or the luxurious natural world that underpins and justifies everything here (“A swath of moonlight lay down the center of the lake, then scattered out on the margins to a mosaic of silvered scales.”) Jim discovers that, risky as it is, you can go home again, slip momentarily back into boyhood wonder, “fish the jumps”—racing into the fray where the bass are wildly feeding on minnows and fiercely compete. Adventure, tall tale, and rebirth splendidly accomplished, paradise re-glimpsed, faith made whole, with just the right degree of ambiguity.



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Barbara Adams, a regional arts journalist, teaches writing at Ithaca College. Ju ly

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“Into the Woods” another Hangar success story


By Barbara Ad am s


110 North Cayuga St., Ithaca repstudio.com • 607-272-4292

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hit, a palpable hit! That’s the Hangar Theatre’s current production of “Into the Woods,” the award-winning 1986 musical with charming music and clever lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine. Strong, high-energy ensemble work emerges under the inspired direction of Michael Barakiva, assisted by choreographer Andrea Leigh-Smith. In case you haven’t memorized this classic, it’s a mishmash of traditional European fairy tales, with characters from several stories all intersecting in the magical woods. Everyone has wishes and desires–– Jack and his mother to prosper, Cinderella to attend the festival, Rapunzel to escape her cloistered life, Red Riding Hood to outwit the Wolf, the Baker and his Wife to finally have a child. And lo! eventually all their prayers are answered. That’s act one, if you recall; act two’s considerably more like real life –– be careful what you wish for; it may come true. The first thing you’ll notice about this production is that Shoko Kambara’s set (lit by Miriam Nilofa Crowe) looks an awful lot like a junkyard, or, more kindly, a chaotic yard sale. Discards are piled everywhere –– a rusty radiator, truck tire, basketball backboard, broken air conditioner, mangled lawn chairs, even a Corinthian capital to a long-lost column. The list goes on and on. Once treasured, now trashed. Perhaps a metaphor for life’s debris, a hint of the second act’s disillusionment? In perfect tongue-in-cheek sync with this setting are Megan Rutherford’s myriad 3–9,

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costumes, diverse and outrageous, made from all sorts of “found” and re-purposed materials, with an emphasis on plastic bags. (Yes, Cinderella and her sisters can look ravishing in polymers.) Fairy tales are make-believe, after all, so let’s play dressup. The spirit of play persists in the props (blood-burst sunglasses when birds peck out eyes; Rapunzel’s industrial-strength braid; hanging apple-green umbrellas to signify the forest (eventually torn and tattered post-giant invasion). And of course a tall metal ladder ascends into the sky; Jack will be climbing that beanstalk. The most stunning costume is the Witch’s green leafy dress; yes, remember her? Aggrieved years earlier, she cursed the baker’s lineage and now sets nearimpossible tasks to lift the spell. A dozen actors, some playing multiple roles, unfurl the intertwining stories. Herndon Lackey is the so-chill narrator, natty in a chartreuse glitter suit. Bretana Turkon pines as Rapunzel, seeming sadder once saddled with twins. Her constraining mother here is the vengeful Witch, played with inexhaustible fury by Talia Thiesfield. Miles Gutierrez-Riley is a winsome Jack in short pants; grieving for his lost cow (a white bicycle with odd attachments) or his mother, he’s incredibly present. Jane Blass is wonderfully funny as his worried mother, adding another distinct personality to this mix. The longing and mistakes of parenting are a main theme here; “children don’t listen” is a common refrain. Which brings us to the pivotal Baker and Wife, who long for a child and will go

The cast of the Hangar Theatre’s “Into the Woods,” which runs until July 13. (Photo by Rachel Philipson)

to almost any lengths to have one. Aundre Seals is compassionate and heartbreaking as the husband, always trying to do what’s right; an eloquent Erica Steinhagen is the wife who holds him up and talks sense. In all the mayhem, they’re a marvelous and stable duo to watch. The romantic characters are inevitably the most comical: Aline Mayagoitia’s Cinderella, who can’t really decide if she wants or needs a man; Graham Stevens and Jared Brendon Hopper as the two smug princes, rolling around delightfully on lit-up Segways, also doubling as the competitive evil stepsisters; and a saucy Sandrinne Edstrom as Little Red, absurdly eager for the fray once she’s tasted blood. (Zoe Zimin is her Granny and the snotty stepmother; Stevens also has two sexy scenes as the Wolf.) The comedy is both broad and subtle; you can’t take your eyes off these actors. And all the voices do justice to Sondheim’s songs, from the princes’ amusing “Agony” duet to the moving lyricism of “No One is Alone.” Thiesfield’s Witch tends to shrillness in her fast numbers, unfortunately; but Mayagoitia’s singing is spellbinding. Daniel Lincoln’s orchestra, barely hidden behind all the garbage, handsomely supports them all. This fast-paced show, though three hours long, is so wildly entertaining you may want to see it again—to catch every glance and strut, every double entendre and hard-won emotional truth.

Hangar Theatre “Into the Woods,” music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, book by James Lapine. Directed by Michael Barakiva. At the Hangar Theatre, through July 13. Tickets at 607-273-2787 or HangarTheatre.org. Barbara Adams, a regional theatre and arts writer, teaches writing at Ithaca College.


A new approach to July 4

Inclusive celebration at the Haunt on July 5th By M at t Bu tl er



Award Winne d Design an Statewideal Contest ri Edito April 2019

ithaca com

Finger Lakes Community Newspapers

BEST FRONT PAGE SECOND PLACE Marshall Hopkins; An intriguing array of layout presentations that shows a passion for creativity. Each page is notably different than the others, yet they each offer something dynamic in terms of grabbing the attention of readers. When I saw the layouts, I could tell they were among the best.

COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Interdependence Day is the brainchild of DJ Tori Vee, who wants to create a day for those who might not feel comfortable with the Fourth of July festivities. (Photo provided)


veryone has a different favorite part of the Fourth of July. For some people, it’s the jingoist patriotism. Some people like the food and the booze. Others like having a day off work. Others still just like when it’s over. For Victoria DeBerry, also known as local DJ Vee Da Bee, the holiday boils down to a celebration of separation; its name, after all, is Independence Day. So, she thought, why not have an additional day celebrating togetherness? And thus Interdependence Day was born, with the inaugural event taking place July 5 at the Haunt. “Celebrate diversity, our differences, the colorful nature that the world is saturated with,” she said. “It started when Cosmic Theo, Alex Chiano and I were going to play a show together. But we thought ‘You know what? Let’s do something, something family-friendly because the kids are all out of school.’ Let’s celebrate the separation the day before, and celebrate how we come together the day after.” The celebration will start at 5 p.m. and feature live music, a water balloon fight (parents vs. kids), and more. The event runs until 11 p.m., and tickets are on sale for $10 for adults, with children 12 and under allowed in free. At the event, the organizing team will pick a charity or cause’s name out of a hat, chosen from a pool of organizations gathered via Facebook question, to determine where 10 percent of the money from Interdependence Day will be donated. Featured speakers will be Rahmel Mack, of the Greater Ithaca Activities Club (and Ave Mack of the Empire Kings), as well as Heather Sanford of the Piggery, who will talk about farming. There will

also be an appearance from the unicorn that rose to prominence during the Ithaca Fest parade. Inclusivity is the paramount goal of Interdependence Day, though Vee acknowledged that it’s always tough to include everybody, especially when the organizing team is so small and in its first year. But she said to make sure the vulnerable populations she’s aiming to welcome feel comfortable, she is trying to recruit speakers from a diverse background and to include activities that anyone can participate in, like the water balloon fight. For future events, she’d like to build a larger roster of speakers and hopefully assemble a larger group of organizers to gather more ideas and attract more people. She wants the event to be devoid of politics, to serve as a break from the daily onslaught of news and opinions, even as such a prospect seems more and more impossible in today’s political environment. “I know a lot of people are in a weird spot these days when it comes to politics and all of that,” she said. “So put the red, white and blue down for a second and explore the other aspects of the rainbow.” But, acknowledging the difficulty some people face these days when trying to reconcile celebrating America while the country goes through another phase of overt nationalism, Vee said she wants to provide a space for those people to enjoy a holiday, too. “It’s a way for people who aren’t necessarily happy with where America’s at right now to still participate in those summer activities without having to sacrifice their moral integrity, and to promote togetherness instead of separation,” Vee said.

HONORABLE MENTION Marshall Hopkins; Making it simple for young people and everyone else in the community to register to vote is fulfilling a civic duty every newspaper should endorse and try in their own communities.

THOMAS G. BUTSON AWARD FOR INVESTIGATIVE/IN-DEPTH REPORTING SECOND PLACE Matt Butler; Good reporting and strong corroboration throughout the piece.

NEWS STORY SECOND PLACE Matt Butler; Complete reporting using multiple sources. Topic challenging but efforts paid off. HONORABLE MENTION Nick Reynolds

FEATURE STORY THIRD PLACE Nick Reynolds; The story is well-written, dives into the nuance of the situation and includes a range of voices. Using lines from the musical instead of subheads was clever, and each fit its spot well. Great work. HONORABLE MENTION Austin Lamb; This is a great story. The reporter did an excellent job of showing the reader how Oxford’s life has changed, and how it’s not all roses. Oxford gets frustrated with his situation and his abilities. That he acknowledges those struggles make him human, and that really shines through in this piece.

EDITORIAL CARTOON SECOND PLACE Marshall Hopkins; The Bingo game board is a fun way to comment on national bike sharing company LimeBike dropping 200 brand new yellow and green bikes all over Ithaca. If everyone in town wasn’t already buzzing about the event, this editorial cartoon surely got them talking. Great originality!

BEST SPECIAL SECTION COVER FIRST PLACE Ithaca Times, Marshall Hopkins; Great shot for the Apple Harvest Festival. There was no question about what it was for.

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Lucky Old Sun | 4:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett Bound for Glory - Ross Hollow | 8:00 PM, | Anabel Taylor Hall, Ithaca

7/8 Monday Canaan Jam Session | 7:00 PM, | Canaan Institute, Brooktondale Open Mic | 8:30 PM, | Agava, Ithaca


Kurt Riley+Praxis | 7:00 PM, | Boathouse Beer Garden, Romulus | $5


Zydeco Trail Riders | 8:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett

7/3 Wednesday

Interdependence Day ft. Vee Da Bee, Cozmic Theo, Alex Cano | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $10

Concerts in the Park: The Kirby Band | 7:00 PM, | Hickories Park, 359 Hickories Park Rd., Owego Open Mic | 7:00 PM, | Ithaca Coffee Company, Ithaca Andrew Alling | 7:00 PM, | Stonecat Cafe, Hector Zingology | 7:00 PM, | Sacred Root Kava Lounge & Tea Bar, Ithaca

7/4 Thursday Noon Fifteen| 6:00 PM, | Six Mile Creek Vineyard, Ithaca Michael Francis McCarthy | 6:00 PM, | Grist Iron Brewing, Burdett Stereopticon| 6:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett The Hip Hop Lounge - hosted by Gunpoets | 9:00 PM, | Casita Del Polaris, Ithaca


Terrapin Station | 6:00 PM, | Ellis Hollow Community Center, Ithaca

Under Construction | 4:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

Professor Tuesdays Jazz Quartet | 6:30 PM, | ZaZa’s Cucina, Ithaca

7/10 Wednesday

Blue Eyed Soul | 5:00 PM, | Boathouse Beer Garden, Romulus

Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Honey Cave | 6:00 PM | Mill Park, Newfield

Free Range Strange | 6:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

Not From Wisconsin | 6:00 PM, | Ithaca Beer Co., Ithaca

IU: Tender Cruncher, The Mountain Carol, gina | 7:00 PM, | Sacred Root Kava Lounge & Tea Bar, Ithaca

Feed the Fire | 7:00 PM, | Stonecat Cafe, Hector

Bad Alibi | 7:00 PM, | Grist Iron Brewing, Burdett

Concerts/Recitals Peter Frampton FINALE - The Farewell Tour | 7:30 PM, 7/3 Wednesday | Lakeview Amphitheater, 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse |

Dapper Dan | 8:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett Moyenei Valdes | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

Cortland Main Street Music Series | 5:30 PM, 7/5 Friday | Cortland Main Street Music Series, 64 Main St., Cortland | The Alternate Routes, Fall Creek Brass Band, and Lonnie Park.

7/7 Sunday Payton Bird | 1:00 PM, | Treleaven Wines, King Ferry

Sandbox - CD Release Party | 6:00 PM, | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, Freeville

Diana Leigh Trio | 2:00 PM, | Six Mile Creek Vineyard, Ithaca

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billy Rays | 3:00 PM, | Brand Park,

Ithaca Jazz and Blues Jam | 4:00 PM, | Mix Kitchen and Bar, Ithaca

7/6 Saturday

Purple Valley | 6:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

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Steve Southworth & The Rocka-

7/9 Tuesday

Kang Party ft. Lucas Ashby and Andrew Klein | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

Bert Salmirs - Jazz Piano | 1:00 PM, | Red Newt Cellars Inc, Hector

Dylan Doyle Band | 7:00 PM, | Grist Iron Brewing, Burdett

Beer Garden, Romulus

Horns and Ivory | 4:00 PM, | Scale House Brewery, Hector

Okkervil River: “Rarities & Request” Trio Tour, 2019 w/ Lip Talk | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $20 ñ $25

7/5 Friday

Letizia & the Z Band | 6:00 PM, | Treleaven Wines, King Ferry

Big J Blues | 3:00 PM, | Boathouse

Heather Pierson Acoustic Trio | 2:00 PM, | 6 On The Square, Oxford Ithaca Folk Song Swaps | 2:00 PM, | Tompkins County Workers’ Center, Ithaca

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STEVE SOUTHWORTH & THE ROCKABILLY RAYS Sunday, July 7 at 3:00 PM | Brand Park, 301-311 Maple Ave, Elmira | Steve Southworth and the Rockabilly Rays have been pumping audiences up with their high-octane ‘50s and ‘60s inspired rock and roll, rockabilly and swing for many decades. See them on the Brand Park bandstand this weekend as part of the Brand Park Summer Concert Series. (photo: provided)

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Vince Neil w/ Skid Row & Lita Ford | 7:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Tag’s, 3037 State Route 352, Big Flats | | $30 Swamp College Brass Quintet | 4:00 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Lodi Historical Society Building, Main Street, Lodi | Shinedown | 6:30 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Lakeview Amphitheater, 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | Little Big Town | 7:00 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center (CMAC), 3355 Marvin Sands Dr, Canandaigua | Taughannock Falls State Park Summer Concert Series | 7:00 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Purple Valley -Blues, swing and rock ‘n roll | $5 parking KIDZ BOP World Tour 2019 | 4:00 PM, 7/7 Sunday | Darien Lake Amphitheater, 9993 Allegheny Road, Darien Center | Richie Stearns and the Finger Lakes Old-Time All Stars | 7:00 PM, 7/9 Tuesday | Cornell University, Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium, Klarman Hall, Ithaca | Richie brings along Aaron Lipp on stand-up bass and other guests to perform fresh and spirited Americana, old-time, and folk brimming with soul. Busy Bird Bluegrass Festibal | All Day 7/11 Thursday thru 7/14 Sunday| Busy Bird Bluegrass Festival, 231 Ketchumville Rd, Berkshire | Ithaca Concert Band presents: Concert in DeWitt Park | 7:00 PM, 7/11 Thursday | DeWitt Park, Cayuga St., | Bring a lawn chair and toes to tap. Weird Al Yankovic: The Strings Attached Tour | 7:30 PM, 7/11 Thursday | Landmark Theatre, 362 S Salina St, Syracuse | | $29 and up

Maddy Walsh & The Blind Spots | 7:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Cornell University Arts Quad , Ithaca | Rain location: Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium in Klarman Hall.

Rhiannon Giddens | 8:00 PM, 7/11 Thursday | Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St, Auburn | $45.00 - $55.00

Summer Gods Tour 2019 | 7:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center (CMAC), 3355 Marvin Sands Dr, Canandaigua | ft. Third Eye Blind, Jimmy Eat World, and RaRa Riot

Cortland Main Street Music Series | 5:30 PM, 7/12 Friday | Cortland Main Street Music Series, 64 Main St., Cortland | Todd Hobin Band, The Cousins, The Beaushesnes.

Saturday | Ti-Ahwaga Community Players, 42 Delphine St., Owego | | $25

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Luke Bryan | 7:00 PM, 7/12 Friday | Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center (CMAC), 3355 Marvin Sands Dr, Canandaigua | Road Man | 7:00 PM, 7/12 Friday | Cornell University Arts Quad , Ithaca | Rain location: Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium in Klarman Hall Hank Williams Jr. w/ Montgomery Gentry | 7:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Tag’s, 3037 State Route 352, Big Flats | $40 Lynyrd Skynrd | 7:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center (CMAC), 3355 Marvin Sands Dr, Canandaigua | Taughannock Falls State Park Summer Concert Series | 7:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Taughannock Falls State Park| The Sim Redmond Band | $5 parking

Stage Into The Woods | 7:30 PM, 7/3 Wednesday | Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca | Thru 7/13 The Wedge 2019 Season: The Revolutionists | 6:00 PM, 7/4 Thurs-

day & 7/5 Friday | Cherry Artspace, 102 Cherry St., Ithaca | by Lauren Gunderson, directed by Amanda McRaven.

is forced to make a terrible choice. Showpiece arias such as Sempre libera.

Legally Blonde | 7:30 PM, 7/4 Thursday | Little York Lake Pavilion, 6799 Little York Lake Rd, Preble | Thru 7/6.

Grand Hotel | 7:30 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, 6877 E Lake Rd, Auburn . 1928. Berlin. The city is the epicenter of nightlife and frivolity and home to one of the greatest crossroads of intrigue, luxury, romance, mystery and crime ñ the Grand Hotel. Adapted from the novel and the famous film.

The Return of the Calamari Sisters | 2:00 PM & 8:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St, Auburn | Delphine and Carmela Calamari return with their unique brand of hilarity, failed dishes, and food fights as the larger-than-life sisters perform their live “broadcast” of a public access cable cooking show Cooking with the Calamari Sisters. Thru 7/13 Showboat | 1:30 PM, 7/6 Saturday | The Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown | Thru 8/24. Revolutionary for its exploration of serious themes, Show Boat blends humanity and humor with hit tunes as we follow Cap’n Andy Hawks and his extended family on a journey of love and heartbreak. La Traviata | 1:30 PM, 7/7 Sunday | The Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown | Thru 8/24. The Parisian courtesan Violetta leaves a life of extravagance when she falls in love with Alfredo. But soon she

Mamma Mia! | 7:30 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | Little York Lake Pavilion, 6799 Little York Lake Rd, Preble | Thru 7/27. An enchanting musical about love, laughter and friendship, set against the backdrop of the Greek islands and underscored by ABBA’s timeless songs. Pericles, Prince of Tyre | 6:00 PM, 7/11 Thursday | Robert H. Treman State Park - Upper Entrance, 129 Upper Park Road, Newfield | An epic journey around the Mediterranean and across the decades, chronicling one man’s triumphs and tragedies over the course of his life. ComedyFLOPS | 7:00 PM, 7/11 Thursday | The Haunt, 702 Willow Ave, Ithaca | $5 s.d

Art The Other Side - Charles, Caesar, Harry, Sam, Pompey, Lon, and Isaac | Ongoing | Women’s Rights National Historic Park, 136 Fall St, Seneca Falls | Women’s Rights National Historical Park presents this solo exhibition, a series of photographs by New York artist Xiom·ro. The first artistic photographic collection to examine the slave cemetery at the William Floyd Estate in New York.


The Ghost of Versailles | 8:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | The Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown | Thru 8/23. The ghost of Marie Antoinette is upset about her untimely ending, so her favorite playwright, Beaumarchais, attempts to amuse her with a new work.

Spamalot | 7:30 PM, 7/11 Thursday thru 7/14 Sunday | Smith Center for the Arts, 82 Seneca St, Geneva | Geneva Theatre Guild Presents SPAMALOT, lovingly ripped off from the motion picture Monty Python and the Holy Grail. A Midsummer Night’s Dream | 6:00 PM, 7/12 Friday | Robert H. Treman State Park - Upper Entrance, 129 Upper Park Road, Newfield | Shakespeare serves up quarreling lovers, feuding fairies, a mischievous hobgoblin, love potions gone wrong, and a hapless band of wanna-be actors stumbling around in the forest. The Producers | 8:00 PM, 7/12 Friday | The Central New York Playhouse, 3169 Erie Blvd. E., B201 , Syracuse | Based on Mel Brooks’ classic cult comedy film turned Broadway musical. Contact theater for additional showtimes. | $28-30

“Form and Feeling,” a show by Ethel Vrana | State of the Art Gallery, 120 W. State St. , Ithaca | These paintings explore the emotive quality of form. Reception for the artist, Friday, July 5, 5-8pm. World Picture: Travel Imagery Before and After Photography | Ongoing | Hirshland Exhibition Gallery, Kroch Library, 161 Ho Plaza, Cornell University, Ithaca | Ivy Stevens-Gupta, Infinite Hues | All Day 7/5 Friday | The Bookery & Gallery, Dewitt Mall, 215 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca | Stevens-Gupta’s latest work focuses on the joy of color that can be found in nature. She carefully mixes acrylics and oils with inks and polymers on stretched canvas and birch board to create unique color combinations.

2nd Annual One-Minute Play Festival | 8:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Kitchen Theatre, 417 W State St, Ithaca | Buy online at kitchentheatre.org or by phone at (607) 272-0570. | $20

First Friday Art Night at the Museum - Trisha Koomen | 5:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Museum Of The Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Rd, Ithaca | Visit the Museum of the Earth’s Gift Shop to see the new exhibit of works by Trisha Koomen and participate in our art activity “Making a Statement Through Art”. The Museum will be open for extended evening hours.

It Was a Very Good Year - A Tribute to Frank Sinatra | 8:00 PM, 7/13

First Friday Gallery Night | 5:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Downtown Ithaca, Center

Ithaca, Ithaca | Downtown Ithaca explodes with talent in different shops, restaurants and hotels. Nearly 20 businesses downtown become the home to different local artists and sometimes global ones, as well. Gallery Night: Stan Bowman, photography and Rachel Kaufmann, watercolors | 5:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | CAP ArtSpace in the Ithaca College Gallery, 110 N. Tioga St, Ithaca | Two person exhibit: Stan Bowman - Paris Contrasts, and Rachel Kaufmann Landscapes and Dreamscapes: Watercolor Explorations. The Ink Shop Member Exhibit 2019 | 5:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Ink Shop Studio Gallery, 330 E.State / MLK Street, 2nd floor of CSMA building, Ithaca | Features Ink Shop artists using a wide range of printmaking techniques Tompkins County Public Library Introduces New Exhibits at Gallery Night | 5:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | The next exhibits in the 2019 “Space” theme will also include dance performances, a preview of a documentary, and a Pop Up Open Art Hive. Featuring Infinity in a Box, Space for Recovery, 234 Paintings, Dance Performance, & Ithaca is Murals documentary. 53rd Annual Keuka Lake Art Show | 10:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Keuka Lake Art Show, On the Village Square, Hammondsport | The ‘oldest outdoor show in the Finger Lakes,’ is a fine art show featuring watercolor, oils & acrylics, drawing & graphics, photography, pottery, jewelry, and sculpture. A category for high school and college students’ art work with cash awards is included in the show.† Live music is included during both days. See the website for more info, or 607-776-7774 First Saturday on the Greater Ithaca Art Trail | 11:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Individual Artist Studios in Tompkins County!, Tompkins County, Ithaca | Art studios are open to you! No cost - just visit! Find the list of artists participating this month, and learn tons more at www.Arttrail.com. All Access Art Club | 1:30 PM, 7/9 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public



Various locations in downtown Ithaca / Museum of the Earth | This month’s Gallery Night offerings include new shows and exhibits at State of the Art Gallery (Ethel Vrana’s “Form & Feeling”), The Bookery in DeWitt Mall (“Infinite Hues” from Ivy Stevens-Gupta), and works from Trisha Koomen at the Museum of the Earth. Enjoy an aesthetically pleasing summer evening and support local art! (photo: Facebook)

Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca | The Hangar continues its children’s series this weekend with a show that deals with themes of discrimination, refugees and hope. On a distant planet, two civilizations have been waging war for centuries, and no one can remember why. Lily, a child of both cultures, bridges the divide, and plants a magical garden where broken toys grow into beautiful plants of memory, imagination, and optimism. (photo: Rachel Philipson)

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concessions, as well as local craft items available at an additional cost. | $5, kids <13 free

Heads UP

Sterling Renaissance Festival | 10:00 AM, Saturdays & Sundays | Sterling Renaissance Festival, 15385 Farden Rd, Sterling |

B r o a d wa y i n t h e F i n g e r L a k e s


uburn’s Merry-Go-Round Playhouse Theatre features a popular series of musicals every summer, billing itself as “Broadway in the Finger Lakes.” After beginning the season with one popular show turned into an even more popular movie in 1978 (Grease), the next offering reaches even farther back with a Tony Award-winner based on a 1932 film. Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford made Grand Hotel famous and MGP brings the classic to the stage in lavish, charming, funny, suspenseful, and undeniably romantic production.

It is 1928 Berlin. The city is the epicenter of nightlife and frivolity and home to one of the greatest crossroads of intrigue, luxury, romance, mystery and crime – the Grand Hotel. Music plays. Champagne flows. Passions ignite. Check into the lavish establishment where the hopes and dreams of ten hotel guests collide, including a fading prima ballerina; a fatally ill Jewish bookkeeper, who wants to spend his final days living in luxury; a young, handsome, but destitute Baron; a cynical doctor; an honest businessman gone bad, and a typist dreaming of Hollywood success. Fueled by an epic score and

Fireworks & Festivities | 9:30 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Taughannock Farms Inn, 2030 Gorge Rd, Trumansburg | All day picnic BBQ, beer & wine available, and the festivities are kid-friendly.

stylish choreography, the stories intertwine with seamless style and grace. The show’s 1989 Broadway production garnered 12 Tony Award nominations, winning five, including best direction and choreography

for Tommy Tune. Big-name cast replacements, including Cyd Charisse and Zina Bethune, helped the show become the first American musical since 1985’s Big River to top 1,000 performances on Broadway.

Photo cation: Grand Hotel ran from November 12, 1989 until April 25, 1992 at the Martin Beck Theatre in New York City. (Photo credit: Martha Swope

Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | Art Club Series for People of All Abilities. Teen and adult artists are invited to this weekly inclusive art experience led by Laura Rowley.

Film Cinemapolis Subversive Shorts | 7:00 PM, Thursday 7/4 | Five locally-produced short films that will upend all that is “right” with America. Week of Friday, July 5 through Thursday, July 11. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New films listed first*. Funan* | The survival and the struggle of a young mother during the Khmer Rouge revolution, to find her 4-year-old son, torn from his family by the regime. | 84 mins NR Echo In the Canyon | A look at the roots of the historic music scene in L.A.’s Laurel Canyon featuring the music of iconic music groups such as The Byrds, The Beach Boys, Buffalo Springfield, and The Mamas and the Papas. | 82 mins PG-13

The Last Black Man in San Francisco | A young man searches for home in the changing city that seems to have left him behind. | 121 mins R Pavarotti| A look at the life and work of opera legend Luciano Pavarotti. | 114 mins PG-13 Booksmart | On the eve of their high school graduation, two academic superstars and best friends realize they should have worked less and played more. Determined not to fall short of their peers, the girls try to cram four years of fun into one night. |102 mins R The Dead Don’t Die | The peaceful town of Centerville finds itself battling a zombie horde as the dead start rising from their graves. | 105 mins R Finger Lakes Drive-In Movies run Fridays - Sundays at 9:05 PM. Second film immediately follows first. Spider-Man:Far From Home and Men In Black: International | July 5 – 7.

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Wednesday 7/3 through Tuesday, 7/9. Contact Regal Ithaca for showtimes. New films listed first. * Spider-Man: Far From Home*| Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever. | 129 mins PG-13 Midsommar* | A couple travels to Sweden to visit a rural hometown’s fabled mid-summer festival. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult. |140 mins R Yesterday | A struggling musician realizes he’s the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate timeline where they never existed. |116 mins PG-13 Annabelle Comes Home | While babysitting the daughter of Ed and Lorraine Warren, a teenager and her friend unknowingly awaken an evil spirit trapped in a doll. |106 mins R Toy Story 4 | When a new toy called “Forky” joins Woody and the gang,

a road trip alongside old and new friends reveals how big the world can be for a toy. |100 mins G Child’s Play | A mother gives her son a toy doll for his birthday, unaware of its more sinister nature. |90 mins R Men in Black: International | In this new adventure, the MIB tackle their biggest threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization. |115 mins PG-13 The Secret Life of Pets 2 | 86 mins PG Aladdin |128 mins PG Avengers: Endgame | 181 mins PG-13

Special Events Kitten Karnival | 4:00 PM, Wednesdays thru September | SPCA of Tompkins County, 1640 Hanshaw Rd., Ithaca | Weekly Wednesday Kitten Karnival - 4-7 PM. | $25 per Kitten Ithaca Rotary Community Fireworks | 6:00 PM, 7/3 Wednesday | Stewart Park, 1 James L. Gibbs Dr., Ithaca | The celebration will also be


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Friday, July 5 at 7:00 PM

Cornell University Arts Quad, Central Campus | The Blind Spots return to Ithaca this summer following a national tour supporting their fourth studio album, “Talk.” These local favorites are sure to bring a high-energy performance to Cornell’s (free!) Summer Event Series. In case of thunderstorms or heavy rain, the concert will take place in the Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium in Klarman Hall. (photo: Facebook)

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held at Cass Park. Rain date July 5. Stewart Park is where the entertainment (including music by the Smoking Loons), family fun and food vendors unfold.Check out musical acts, get your faces painted, and joke around with Crossroads the Clown while nibbling on some of your favorite local food truck fare! 28th annual Great Blue Heron Music Festival | All Day 7/5 Friday thru 7/7 Sunday | The Heron Farm and Event Center, 2361 Wait Corners Rd, Sherman | Featuring performances by The Wailers, 10,000 Maniacs, Donna the Buffalo Sarah Shook and the Disarmers, The GunPoets, and Vancouver Celt-rockers The Town Pants. Spud Chuckin’ Weekends | 9:30 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Varick Winery, 5102 Varick Road, Romulus | Now through August. 4th of July Birthday BBQ Bash | 10:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Americana Vineyards, 4367 E Covert Rd, Interlaken | A fun-filled day of wine, beer, music, and local food trucks, all capped off with the most spectacular fireworks display in the Finger Lakes (seriously). Wine, food, and other

Christmas in July 5K Walk/Run | 10:00 AM, 7/7 Sunday | JM McDonald Sports Complex, 4292 Fairgrounds Drive, Cortland | Registration starts @ 9:00 AM. Raffles, Prizes, T-Shirts & More!Dress festive for a chance to win best costume! | $25 Cortland County Jr Fair | All Day 7/9 Tuesday thru 7/13 Saturday| Cortland County Fairgrounds, 4849 Fairground Ave, | Come visit us and see the hard-work ethic of out ag families and our 4-H kids that showcase their hardwork, all striving for excellence. 16th Annual Tioga State Bank Car & Truck Show | 5:30 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | East Waverly Park, Waverly | Ask Amy: Answers! | 7:00 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | Call Auditorium, Kennedy Hall, Cornell, Ithaca | Advice columnist Amy Dickinson distills the life lessons she has accumulated in almost 20 years of giving advice to a national audience. Finger Lakes Wine Festival presented by Yancey’s Fancy | All Day 7/12 Friday | Watkins Glen International , 2790 Cty Rte 16 , Watkins Glen | Watermusic/Dancing on the Trail | 5:30 PM, 7/12 Friday | Stewart Park, 1 James L. Gibbs Dr., Ithaca | c Fly Through the Finger Lakes: Regional Aviation Heritage Bus Tour | 9:00 AM, 7/13 Saturday | Come fly through the Finger Lakes this summer!(Passengers may elect to bring their own packed lunch for a reduced price of $55 per adult or $30 per child.) | Pricing includes museum admissions, bus, lunch, and snacks. $75 adult, $50 child, recommended for ages 8 and up Escape The Courtroom | 11:00 AM, 7/13 Saturday | Papa Bear Building


Americana Vineyards, 4367 E. Covert Rd., Interlaken | Pack up family & friends, blankets or lawn chairs, and enjoy a fun-filled day of wine, beer, music, and local food trucks, all capped off with a spectacular fireworks display. With music from The Uncommons, Backtalk Band, NEO Project, City Limits, and Iron Horse. (photo: provided)

(Ovid Courthouse), 7175 Main St., Ovid | Suggested participation donation of $25/team Sixth Annual Lavender Harvest Festival | 1:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Rue Claire Lavender Farm, 9403 Rte 414, Lodi | Additional information may be found at www.rueclaire.com Jacksonville Community Assoc. Fundraiser | 3:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts, Congress at McLallen St, Trumansburg | Dubbed Woodstock 1869, and featuring Laila Belle, Treleaven’s 5th Annual Kings of Summer! | 4:00 PM, 7/13 Saturday | Treleaven Winery, 658 Lake Road, King Ferry |

Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | w/ Stiller Zusman. Children aged 3 to 6, along with their caregivers, are invited to celebrate summer and create masterpieces at this drop-in program. Babysitter Training Course | 10:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | This 5 hour course will teach kids (ages 11 and older) the basics of child care and the responsibilities of a babysitter.† A certification card will be given to those completing the course.†

and all creations are displayed at the Library for one week. Hands-On Storytelling Series | 10:00 AM, 7/8 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | A four-part hands-on storytelling series with Jay Leeming for children of all ages. From† Monday through Thursday. Being Awesome | 10:30 AM, 7/8 Monday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | What makes you great? Join Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes and the Seneca

Tuesday Morning Story Hour | 10:15 AM, 7/9 Tuesday | Candor Free Library, 2 Bank St, Candor |

Heights Fire Station, 194 Pleasant Grove Road, |

Family Story Time | 10:30 AM, 7/9 Tuesday | Newfield Public Library, 198 Main St. , Newfield |


Stories in the Park | 11:30 AM, 7/9 Tuesday | DeWitt Park, Cayuga St., | Cuddle-up Infant & Toddler Library Time | 10:00 AM, 7/10 Wednesday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | “Maker Kids” at TCPL | 3:45 PM, 7/10

KIDDSTUFF: Lily Plants A Garden | 10:00 AM, 7/4 Thursday thru 7/6 Saturday| Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca | 2nd show at Noon. by Jose Cruz Gonzalez. | $9

Ovid Farmers Market | 3:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Papa Bear Building (Ovid Courthouse), 7175 Main St., Ovid | Unveiling Ithaca’s Living Past Tour | 4:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Tompkins Center for History and Culture, 110 N Tioga St., Ithaca | Focuses on elements of living, working and playing in and around what we now know as The Commons from both historical and current perspectives.

Lego Club | 5:30 PM, 7/4 Thursday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 N Main St, Ovid | All ages welcome. Weekly challenges provided. Craft & Chat | 6:00 PM, 7/4 Thursday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 N Main St, Ovid | For ages 12+. Meet monthly for a new craft or art project. Please register.

Preschool Storytime at Southworth Library | 10:00 AM, 7/5 Friday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | Baby Storytime | 10:30 AM, 7/5 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | Story Time | 10:30 AM, 7/5 Friday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 N Main St, Ovid | Astronaut Training Camp (Grades K-2) | 12:30 PM, 7/5 Friday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | Join us for a fun, active camp that includes crafts, activities and more! Must preregister. Summer Children’s Art Fun | 2:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Tompkins County

Candor Farmers Market | 3:30 PM, 7/4 Thursday | Candor Town Hall Pavilion, 101 Owego Road, Candor | 18 Vendors with fresh produce, baked goods, jams, maple syrup, honey, tea, herbs, plants, soaps, hand crafts, tool sharpening and more! MUMC Check-It-Out Thrift Shoppe | 9:00 AM, 7/5 Friday | Check It Out Thrift Shop, 6609 Turnpike Road, Mecklenburg | High quality used items at reasonable prices.Each Friday and Saturday this summer.


Toddler Free Play | 9:30 AM, 7/5 Friday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 N Main St, Ovid |

Smith Opera House Tours | 10:00 AM, Wednesdays | Smith Center for the Arts, 82 Seneca St, Geneva |

Car Pride of Ithaca Open Club Meet - Trumansburg | 5:00 PM, 7/5 Friday | Trumansburg Shur-save, 2085 State Route 96, Trumansburg |

CORTLAND COUNT Y JR. FAIR Begins Tuesday, July 9 and runs through Saturday, July 13 | Cortland County Fairgrounds, 4849 Fairgrounds Drive, Cortland | Enjoy midway rides and activities, the Youth Animal Show, agricultural exhibits, barnyard games, music and of course – fair food!! Celebrate the efforts and achievements of local 4-H young people. (photo: Facebook)

Space is limited.† Preregistration is required by calling the Seneca Falls Library at (315) 568-8265 x2. Family Fit Yoga & Fantastic Food | 10:30 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden |

Falls Library for some fun and crafts while we talk about what makes you awesome! For kids entering 1st to 4th grades.

Family Storytime | 11:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca |

Costume Couture Workshop for Teens at TCPL: Resin Casting | 4:00 PM, 7/8 Monday | For teens in grades 6-12. Learn to cast epoxy resin to create gemstones at this workshop. Space is limited, please register.

LEGO Building Program | 3:00 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | The Library provides building bricks,

Miss Judy’s Musical Adventure Series | 4:00 PM, 7/8 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca |

Wednesday | Each session will provide a range of activities for varying ages and ability levels; the program is most well suited to children ages 5 to 12. No registration required. TCPL Tween Book Club | 3:45 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | Discuss The Amazing Flight of Darius Frobisher, by Bill Harley. Children ages 9 to 12 are welcome. Please register. Movie Nights at the Cayuga Heights Fire Station: Ice Age | 6:00 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | Cayuga

Lodi Festival Day | 9:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Lodi Historical Society Building, Main Street, Lodi | Bake Sale, Book Sale, & More! Guided Tours at Historic Southworth Homestead | 10:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Southworth Homestead, 14 North Street, Dryden | Tours are held the first Saturday of the month from May to October. Tours begin at 10, 11, and Noon. | Donation $10 ($8 for members)

Saddle Up for Jesus Horse Riding Club | 7:00 PM, 7/6 Saturday | Brooktondale Baptist Church, 2311 Slaterville Road, Ithaca | Contact Lawrence Canfield at 607-539-6440. Caring for Community: Seneca County Suicide Prevention Coalition | 12:00 PM, 7/7 Sunday | Finger Lakes Christian Fellowship, 83 Auburn Road, Seneca Falls | Get to know the Seneca County Suicide Prevention Coalition and their mission to discusses suicide without stigma and to offer hope and healing to those affected by suicide. Dances for Everyone: Merce Cunningham’s Field Dances | 1:00 PM, 7/7 Sunday | Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts, Congress at McLallen St, Trumansburg | Two Free Workshops -Kids 12 and under 1-2pm | Adults over 12 2:30-4pm. Beginners and experts are welcome! Free Adult Tutoring Services | 10:00 AM, 7/9 Tuesday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | Learn reading, writing, math and job-related skills.† Drop-ins welcome.† Teachers provided by the Literacy Volunteers of Seneca County. Car Pride of Ithaca Open Club Meet | 5:00 PM, 7/9 Tuesday | Ithaca Wal-Mart parking lot, Memorial fairgrounds parkway, Ithaca | Civil Service Workshop | 10:00 AM, 7/10 Wednesday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | Learn how to look up exam and vacancy information for various forms of government jobs. Also look at the application process and provide an understanding of navigating the process Template Resumes 101 | 1:30 PM, 7/10 Wednesday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | Learn the important dos and don’ts of resume writing, when



Taughannock Falls State Park, Route 89, Trumansburg | Spend an evening by the lake with some blues, swing and rock songs from Purple Valley. Stick around after the show for the amazing fireworks set off from the Inn property right across the road. Get there early, though, room on the grass is sure to fill up quickly! (photo: provided)

The Heron Farm and Event Center, 2361 Wait Corners Rd, Sherman, NY | If a road trip feels more your style this weekend, head west towards Lake Erie and discover the music festival where some of your favorite local bands such as Donna the Buffalo and GunPoets will be performing alongside internation-

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Beginner Bird Walks | 8:30 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca | Guided bird walks every Saturday and Sunday morning, sponsored by the Cayuga Bird Club. For more information, go to the club’s website, http://www. cayugabirdclub.org/calendar

Lodi in July | 11:00 AM, 7/6 Saturday | Elizabeth G Delavan Library, 8484 Main St, Lodi | Come Celebrate Summer in the Village of Lodi. Music, Chicken BBQ, Children’s Activities and Tribute to First Responders during Last Summer’s Floods. Activities are centered around the Elizabeth G. Delavan Library and the Lodi Historical Society on Main St.

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140/Cars Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. We offer free towing and your donation is 100% tax deductible. Call: 315-400-0797 Today! (NYSCAN)

200/Buy / Sell / Trade

BRIMFIELD’S Famous Outdoor Antique/ Collectibles Show, 4,000 Dealers, starts Tuesday July 9th. Info on 20 individual show openings - www.brimfield.com. July 9 - 14, 2019. (NYSCAN)

245/Garage Sales GARAGE + YARD SALE

Fri. & Sat. & Sunday 9am-5pm. 60 Rte 79 west of Richford, Tompkins & Tioga Line. There are so many items to list all items unpacked everyday as dug out. Used tires, tools, chain saws, PLUS, tire machine, car dolly, Trailers/Boat/flat truck. Bumper guards, Household items., Antiques, furniture guitar/keyboard, etc.

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400/Employment The U.S. Census Bureau

is now recruiting thousands of Census Takers in your area. Nobody knows your community better than you! Visit 2020census.gov/jobs to learn more! (NYSCAN)


DEERFIELD, MAneeds 6 temporary workers 7/1/2019 to 9/15/2019, work tools, supplies, equipment provided without cost to worker. Housing will be available without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day. Transportation reimbursement and subsistence is provided upon completion of 15 days or 50% of the work contract. Work is guaranteed for 3/4 of the workdays during the contract period. Workers not required to work extra hours offered. $13.25 per hr. or applicable piece rate. Applicants apply at, Franklin/Hampshire Career Center 413-774-4361 or apply for the job at the nearest local office of the SWA. Job order #11987737. Work may include, but not limited to: Plant, cultivate and harvest various crops such as, but not limited to, shovels, hoes,pruning shears, knives, and ladders. Duties may include but are not limited to, tilling the soil, applying fertilizer, transplanting, weeding, thinning, pruning, cutting, cleaning, sorting, packing, processing and handling harvested products. May set up, operate and repair farm machinery, repair fences and farm buildings. Work is usually performed outdoors, sometimes under hot or cold and/ or wet conditions. Work requires workers to bend, stoop, lift and carry up to 50lbs on a frequent basis. Duties may require working off the ground at heights up to 20ft. using ladders or climbing. Requires 30 days experience in fruit and vegetable duties listed.


$18 P/H NYC - $15 P/H LI- $14.50 UPSTATE NY. If you currently care for your relatives or friends who have Medicaid or Medicare, you may be eligible to start working for them as a personal assistant. No Certificates needed. (347)462-2610 (347)565-6200 (NYSCAN)


Holliston, MA needs 1 temporary worker 08/01/2019 to 12/17/2019, work tools, supplies, equipment provided without cost to worker. Housing will be available without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day. Transportation reimbursement and subsistence is provided upon completion of the 15 days or 50% of the work contract . Work is guaranteed for 3/4 of the workdays during the contract period. $13.25 per hr. Applicants apply at: Employment & Training 201 Boston Post Rd., Suite 200. Marlborough MA 01752 or apply for the job at the nearest local office of the SWA. Job order #12181240. General farm work on a diversified farm, including but not limited to planting, harvesting, and processing fruits and vegetables. Clearing land, cleaning fruits and vegetables, felling trees, burning brush, picking stones, splitting wood, some poultry work. May use hand tools such as shovel, pruning saw, hoe,one month experience in duties listed.

Seeking a Night Cleaner

for Ithaca Tops Markets; 6 nights/week; call 315-254-5175


OCM BOCES TEAM Program has the need for a Special Education Teacher at Grimshaw Elementary School in LaFayette. Successful candidate will prove educational services to elementary students identified as having multiple disabilities by local CSE’s. Experience in PECS systems, behavioral management program development and life skills programming preferred. NYS Special Education certification required. Experience working with students with multiple disabilities preferred. Register and apply by 7/10/19 at: www.olasjobs.org/ central For more information, visit our website at www.ocmboces.org EOE

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Professional Installation are you starting a business? A FULL LINE OF Custom VINYL made & manufactured AREPLACEMENT FULL LINE OF VINYL WINDOWS by… Let Us help You! REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Call for Free Estimate & Call for Free Estimate & Professional Installation 3/54( We have been in business since 1980 specializing in streaming Professional Installation Custom made & manufactured Custom made & manufactured 3%.%#! audio and video. Our team of experts can build you a website by… by… with features such as search engine optimization, tracking 6).9, web site visitors, listing on Facebook. Check us out on Romulus, NY 3/54( 3/54( 315-585-6050 www.ithacawebsitedesign.com 3%.%#! 3%.%#! or Toll Free at Call us at 607-272-9175 we are open Monday to Friday 9am. 6).9, to answer your questions. 6).9, 866-585-6050

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610/Apartments Available NOW

2 bedroom apartment. 973-747-4099


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Beautify your home! Save on monthly energy bills with beautiful NEW SIDING from 1800 Remodel! Up to 18 months no interest. Restrictions apply 855-773-1675 (NYSCAN)


EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no-slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 888-657-9488. (NYSCAN)



SITE! Virus Removal, Data Recovery! 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE, In-home repair/On-line solutions . $20 OFF ANY SERVICE! 844-892-3990 (NYSCAN)

Denied Social Security Disability?

Appeal! If you’re 50+, filed for SSD and denied, our attorneys can help get you

approved! No money out of pockets! Call 1-844-218-7289 (AAN CAN)


Uncontested divorce papers prepared. Only one signature required. Poor person Application included if applicable. Separation agreements. Custody and support petitions. 518-274-0380 (NYSCAN)

REPLACEMENT A FULL LINE OF VINYL Ithaca WebsIte DesIgn Manufacture To InstallREPLACEMENT WINDOWS REPLACEMENT Do you have a business? WINDOWS We Do Call It forAll Free Estimate &

www.SouthSenecaWindows.com Romulus, NY Romulus, NY 315-585-6050 or 315-585-6050 Toll Free at I t h a c a 866-585-6050 Tori m e sFree / at July 3–9, Toll


NEEDHAM, MA needs 3 temporary workers 7/15/2019 to 12/20/2019, work tools, supplies, equipment provided without cost to worker. Housing will be available without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day. Transportation reimbursement and subsistence is provided upon completion of 15 days or 50% of the work contract. Work is guaranteed for 3/4 of teh workdays during the contract period. Workers not required to work extra hours offered. $13.25 per hr. or applicable piece rate. Applicants apply at. Employment & Training Resources, 449 Newtonville Ave. Newtown, MA or apply for thejob at the nearest local office of the SWA. Job order #1212597-. Workers will need 1 months experience in all aspects of vegetable production. Duties include, but may not be limited to, the following. Attach, adjust drive, operate, and maintain farm implements and tractors . Drive tractors to the field to prepare the soil, plant, cultivate, maintain, prune and harvest both fruits and vegetables. Drive farm trucks and equipment over public roads to maintain and harvest Crops. Wash and pack both fruits and vegetables. Maintain and harvest crops using hands and hand held equipment Setup irrigation systems and know when to irrigate crops using methods appropriate for the crop and location. Identify crops, pest and weeds to determine the most appropriate Selection and application method of pesticides and fertilizers. May mix spray solution, apply general use or any restricted use pesticide under the direct supervision of a certified applicator, spray crops and apply fertilizers. Transplant, more, can space plants to and from greenhouse floors, benches and trucks. May clean and breakdown greenhouse, barns, farmstand.

805/Business Services





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607.272.1504 Lawn maintenance, spring + fall clean up + gutter cleaning, patios, retaining walls, + walkways, landscape design + installation. Drainage. Snow Removal. Dumpster rentals. Find us on Facebook!

1800Remodel! Up to 18 months no interest. Restrictions apply. Call Now 1-855-900-7192 (AAN CAN)


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OCM BOCES TEAM Program has the need for a Special Education Teacher at Grimshaw Elementary School in LaFayette. Success candidate will provide educational services to elementary students identified as having multiple disabilities by local CSE’s. Experience in PECS systems, behavioral management program development and life skills programming preferred. required.

NYS Special Education certification Experience working with students with

multiple disabilities preferred.

Register and apply

by 07/10/19 at: www.olasjobs.org/central. For more information, visit our website at www.ocmboces.org

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