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Do YouReallyWanna Win?

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“Bob” Allemand

“Bob” Allemand

Somewill neverunderstandtheabovebecausetheylivein this fantasythat becauseof theircountyfairtourtheyexpectthesamerewardand expectation of thefamilywho has given everythingto win a juniornational or a bigopen showsomewhere.

Stop. Getin whereyoufitin.

Youcan achievethatsuccess, butyouhaveto worktowards itandit’s not overnight.

ItoldsomeoneonetimeIalmostfeel likeyougotta letpartof yourself dieto getto thenextlevel. There’s also someIfeel metthedevil atthecrossroads in Clarksdale, Mississippi, butthat’s foranothertime. (Googleit, its interestingif youdon’tknowwhatI’m talkingabout).

Iseefamilies wantingto befriends with otherfamilies becauseof thecloutor thehype, andits kinda sad, in factdown rightpathetic. It’s onethingto surroundyourself with friends andfamilies who win becauseyousharethe samepath, vision, goals, andwantthosepeoplein yourlife, its anotherto be friends so youcan lookcool.

On thesametoken, if youhangoutwith peoplewho don’twin andsharethe samephilosophyof callingthosewho win-cheaters, political, etc.,…. Well I hateto sayitbutyoufolks arelosers, becauseyouhaveno idea thesacrifice someof thesefamilies havegiven andwhattheygaveupto achievethe success theydid, whileyourass was laidupon a beach oratthelakeall summer.

Youwanna win…showmethesacrifice, showmetheinfrastructureyoubuilt to makeyourself win, andIwouldventureto guess mostpeoplecan’tshow metheplan, orthepath theychoseto getthere. Theyjustboughtthecalf from a guybecausehesaidhecouldmakeyouwin even though hedoesn’t knowhowto win becauseapparentlyunderstandingbasicstructureof an animal is outthedooranymore.

Lookatitlikethis, buyinga calf is a lotlikea jobinterview. Makethem show youon paperwhattheyarecapableof. Idon’tcareabouthowmanyposts theymakeaboutgoingto shows orclippingorfitting..

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