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Do YouReallyWanna Win?

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“Bob” Allemand

“Bob” Allemand

Makethem showyouhowtheycan win foryou. Whatlevel andwhatthe expectation is forthem. It’s reallythatsimple.

On theflipsideif you’rethecompanyhiringblewsmokeuptheirass chances areyouaren’tgonna getthesameopportunities as thefamilywho works harderandjustflatoutgets it.

Youguys wanna makeit?Wanna win?Wantpeoplefrom all overthecountry to call youto comelookthrough theircalves becausetheyseetheprogress you’redoing?Here’s theadvice. Tableyourego.

Figureouthowto not bethesmartestperson in theroom andseewhatthat does.

Ihavesomeof thebestfriends on earth andsomeof thebestin this industry in a grouptextandIknowwithouta doubtI’m theloweston thetotem pole, butguess what?Thosefourguys havetaughtandshown meso much.

Bewillingto allowyourcustomers to workwith otherpeopleso theycan grow andmakethem moreaggressivein theirbreed. Ihadthatconvo earlierthis yearwith a customerof ours thatis in a breedI’m notfamiliarwith. Hook them upwith thefamilies thatwill helpthem succeedandstayhookedforthe ride. Watch them growandwatch youlearn andexpandyourknowledgein otherbreeds. Thenetworkexpands.

ThefactthatIknowIhaveso manyIcan lean on, askquestions andnotbe judgedforitis thebestfeelingon earth. Thoseareyourpeople. Thosearethe ones who wantto seeyoudo betterandtheytrulywantto seeyouwin. I promise.

Timeis a Thief

Isawa quotetheotherday“Timeis a thief.”

Thatis no lie.

Don’tliveyourlifetryingto makehappen foryouin 4years forwhattook others decades to achieve.

Yes, youdo onlyhavea certain timeframein yourjuniorcareerbutyoucan takeitfarther.

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