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Do YouReallyWanna Win?

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“Bob” Allemand

“Bob” Allemand

Youcan achievemorethan youeverdreamed, youjusthaveto allowyourself thespace, andtheabilityforyourself as well as yournetworkto grow.

Askanyonewho is successful in this business, “Didyouwantto quit?”“Did youwantto giveup?”

Theywill saytheyabsolutelydidbuttheycouldn’tandtheywouldn’t. Sidenote, getthekindof friends thatcan giveyoua peptalkass chewinganda you’redoingwhatyouneedto speech all in one. She’s oneof thebestatit. Ican tell youthecelebrations mean morewhen theworkandthesweatand thetears havebeen dumpedinto it.

Ican tell youhowawesomethepatentedNeal Thompson high fiveis afterthe champion slap.

When youtextyourfriends thatyouwon somethingandtheycall youin tears becausetheyarehappyforyou, that’s when youknowyougottheright people.

Jealousyis hardnotto havein this business. Ialso thinkcovetingis hardnot to do as well.

But, howmanytimes didyouputyourself in theirshoes?

Howmanyof youguys diditbecauseyouwantedthewin?

Ordidyouwantthewin ordidyouwantthenotoriety?

Again, didyoupayyourdues?

Thereis a reason thereareoperations andsales thrivingthewaytheyare. Theyhadthepriorities there. Theymadeitaboutthecattle, thecustomer, the success of theircustomers –notthesuccess of them.

You’ll beamazedathowmanyin this industrycan beso dominatingandso humble. To paraphraseJames Brown, “didyoupaythecostto betheboss?”

Don’tsurroundyourself with thewrongpeople. Don’tbea victim. Onewin doesn’tconstituteyouas an expert, andalways bewillingto sacrificethe things you’ll forgetto achievethethings you’ll neverforget.

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