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How do Competitions Work?
Competitions are run over the course of 4 weeks.
Week 1: Competitors are provided the fact scenario
Week 2: Heats Begin
Week 3: Semi-Finals Begin
Week 4: Grand Final
All competitors have approximately one week with the fact scenario before competing in each round.
In the heats, all the teams that apply are filtered into time slots. Sometimes, this will be against another team, and others you will compete alone in front of a judge or bench.
Competitors are scored against a rubric which is marked by the supervising judge(s). The top four scoring teams out of all the heats progress to the semi-finals. This means in competitions where you 'win' against your direct component, you are not guaranteed a spot to the next round; it depends on your score against all other competitors.
Don't let this stop you from applying! All competitions provide valuable experiences and feedback, and some even help with assessments!
The Semi-Finals are conducted in the same manner as the heats, with the top two teams progressing to the Grand Final.
All dates are confirmed prior to the commencement of the competition. By competing, you agree to be available for the dates required.