1 minute read
Who is Involved in Witness Examination?
Party Role
To examine the Defences' witness and their own witness for the detail of events.
To examine the Prosecution's witness and their own witness for the detail of events
2x Witnesses
Two students who will know the fact scenario and be the witness (one for prosecution, one for defence) Judge
To ask any questions, give teams a score and assist as required. The judge will make a decision as to whether an objection will be sustained or dismissed DLSS
Key Dates
Trimester 2 Week 2
Trimester 2 Week 4
Trimester 2 Week 5 (Week starting 7th August)
Trimester 2 Week 6 (Week starting 21st August)*
Trimester 2 Week 7
*Semi-Finals are held after the mid-trimester break
Structure of Competition
1. Opening by the Prosecution and Defence
Both the Prosecution and Defence will outline and signpost the facts, introduce the narrative that will be argued, and highlight the elements of the crime in contention. The Defence should focus on issues within the facts and how they cannot be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
2. Examination in Chief by the Prosecution
One member of the Prosecution will examine the Prosecution’s witness. The sequence of the facts will be discussed with the witness aiming to obtain evidence that supports the Prosecution’s narrative.
3. Cross Examination by the Defence
One member of the Defence will cross-examine the prosecution’s witness with the aim of undermining their credibility. It is important to ask questions that may highlight any inconsistencies with the witness and the goal is to have them concede to the narrative you are establishing rather than the other teams.
4. Examination in Chief by the Defence
The other member of the Defence will examine the Defence’s witness with the same intention outlined above.
5. Cross Examination by the Prosecution
The other team member of the Prosecution will cross-examine the Defence’s witness.