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Antonette Fernandes
Antonette Fernandes is a successful Instagram influencer and model from Kapileshwarim in Ponda. Ever since she was a child, Antonette always had a passion for dancing and always enjoyed being in the limelight. After completing her graduation, she worked at different places in various positions, including as a DTP operator, an accountant, and even as a receptionist. However, she always had a strong desire to do something different with her life.
In 2018, during the days leading up to her wedding, Antonette started making TikTok videos, just out of her love for dancing and to keep herself busy and happy. Many people used to discouraged her from posting those videos. However, what kept her going was the belief that even if there are people who discourage you, there are also a lot of people in this world who will encourage and support you.
After Antonette delivered her first child in January 2020, she again started making videos on TikTok. Later, when TikTok got banned, she was shattered. Instagram Reels came to her rescue and she began posting videos over there. Antonette posted her first Instagram reel in August 2020 and since then, there has been no looking back for her.
Antonette bagged her first collaboration deal with a skincare brand in 2021. Since then, she has continued to receive offers from various brands to promote their products. She now makes videos for many different apps and earns herself a good revenue stream. Today, even her baby gets a lot of offers for collaboration and even got featured on

Antonette’s child Angel featuring in a brand collaboration for FirstCry.com

Antonette with the Mrs People's Choice of Goa title at the Mrs. Queen of Goa beauty pageant
Last year, Antonette participated in the Mrs. Queen of Goa beauty pageant. Participating in the event took a lot of courage and willpower, but Antonett went ahead and won two titles at the contest- Mrs Popular Queen of Goa and Mrs People's Choice of Goa.
Antonette never got any support from her parents during her journey as an influencer because her parents didn’t know much about social media. When it comes to friends, she never found anyone at her side when she needed them the most. This led to her becoming her own pillar of support. She motivated herself and gave herself the required push whenever she needed it.
Antonette shoots her videos at home, all by herself. She does all of this when her baby is asleep. With time, as she learnt more about making and editing videos, she started implementing certain changes to the style of her videos and improved a lot as she went forward in her journey as an influencer.
Antonette's plans for the future include meeting andworking with more creators and growing hermodelling career by participating in various beautypageants.The mantra that she abides by and urges people tofollow is "Be of helpful to others and support eachother, because no matter how much you grow andsucceed, it is important to always stay kind andhumble.