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The Smile Keepers Foundation
The Smile Keepers Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Vasco. It is composed of a group of youngsters who aim to provide basic necessities like food and clothing to the poor and the underprivileged in Goa.
The founder of the organisation, Mr. Younus Sheikh, a Mechanical Engineering student at PCCE, Verna noticed how people struggled for basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. He felt the need to step in and do anything within his means to alleviate poverty.
The idea of starting Smile Keepers Foundation was born in Younus’ college canteen in September of 2019. Younus, along with some of his college friends, started discussing the idea of starting a youth-centric organisation that would work to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and the marginalised. Ever since then, the group continues to work for the underprivileged in Goa. The NGO was officially registered on 25th March 2021.
How did SmileKeepers come about?
Beginning with the realisation of being hypocrites and no better than the people who yell at the television whenever Virat Kohli gets out, exclaiming what he did wrong, “all we do is point out things a particular person or the government has not done!”, says Younus. “That’s how our NGO was born. We didn’t want to be a part of the problem anymore; we wanted to be the solution. We wanted to be the reason that people didn't sleep hungry or cold; be the voice to the ones who’ve never been heard, be the ones who are kind, the ones who care”, he says.
Currently, the NGO has a team of 62 members, who are young, brilliant minds, determined to be the change they want to see in the world. Most of them have a background in the fields of engineering and medicine. The members of the NGO are from Goa, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
Activities and Projects
The many social welfare activities that the Smile Keepers Foundation indulges in include distribution of food and clothing, and helping create a better learning environment for children living in the slums.
They are also involved in the development of a school in Gadag, Karnataka.
Two of the projects they are currently involved in are ‘Mission Apne’ and ‘Mission Saath’ - the foundation's crusade to provide food and basic amenities to people in need. They have helped over 5,000 people in the last 3 years as part of their mission.
The meet-ups of their members happen at planned locations to organize events which may include orphanages, old age homes, or slums. Their aim is to spend time with people living in these places, play games with them, conduct workshops for them and try to impart knowledge to them in whatever way they can.
Challenges Faced
Younus says that the major challenge his organisation faces is the recurring thought that maybe, they aren't doing enough; “Maybe, if we had a little more funds or little more resources, we would be in a much better position to do more for society,” he says. “So, we’re in that constant pursuit of ‘a little more’ and hopefully someday, we’ll have enough,” he adds.
Future Plans
In the next few years, the foundation aims to set up its own orphanage/special school and an old age home. “Well it's kind of a long shot from where we are right now, but where we are now would have been a long shot 3 years ago”, says Younus. “So, we hope that things go as planned”, he says.
Message For the Youth
When asked what message he would like to share with our readers, this is what Younus had to say: ''Be a little kind, be a little considerate. Too often we underestimate the effect a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, or the smallest act of care has on a person. These small acts of kindness have the potential to turn a life around,” he says.
Younus recalls an incident when he had lost his wallet and had no money to pay the bus fare. Seeing that he had no money, a person, who was a complete stranger to him, reached out and offered to pay his bus fare. “I have come across many people in my life who chose to be kind to me. Our NGO is the direct result of their choice,” he says.

“So, do not underestimate a moment of your kindness; it has the power to change lives in ways you may never know,” he adds.
Volunteer with Smile Keepers Foundation
Anyone who desires to volunteer for an event organised by the Smile Keepers Foundation may get in touch with the NGO using the details given below:
WhatsApp: 8007171911
Email: org.smilekeepers@gmail.com
Instagram: @smilekeepers_foundation
If someone wishes to become a member of the foundation, they can do so by filling up the membership form which can be found on their website.
Website: https://smilekeepersfoundation.github.io/ site/