4 minute read
Common Myths And Misconceptions About Homeopathy.
Have you ever had anyone tell you that theirHomoeopathic Doctor took nearly two hours at thetime of their first session? Let's start this byexplaining why.For a Homoeopath, it is important to understand thecore being of every patient that comes to them; theirunique nature, personality, behaviour, interests,hobbies, dreams and fears; every aspect thatcharacterizes an individual as a unique being. Thereis no other medical system in the world that does itthis way, journeying with the patient to reach hisdeepest core, thus bringing about a paradigm shiftcontributing to healing. As Homoeopaths, we believethat a peaceful heart leads to a healthy body andfacilitates the patient to tap into that source ofhealing where they experience peace and in turn ahealthy body, now that is what we aim for!According to the World Health Organization (WHO),Homoeopathy is the second largest system ofmedicine in the world and despite its popularity.Homoeopathy as science is met with a lot of criticismdue to a few myths and misconceptions surroundingit. Lets take a step to understand the truth behindthis wonderful science by busting 5 mythssurrounding it.
1. Homoeopathy is slowThis is one of the most common myths surroundingHomoeopathy! That it is slow acting and cannot beused for acute conditions. Well, the truth is,Homoeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective mode ofhealing that can work in a brilliant way, in the fastestpossible time when the correct remedy isadministered. It works well in cases of headachestomach ache, diarrhoea, allergies and even fevers.The response to the remedy given depends on howchronic (old) the complaint is. Illnesses like psoriasisor autoimmune disorders like SLE take a long time totreat and hence Homoeopathy is labelled as slowacting. However, the next time you have atoothache, injury or sprain, I would recommendtrying a Homoeopathic remedy for it and I assure youthat you wouldn't be disappointed!2. Homoeopathy is placeboHomoeopathy as a proven science belongs to therealm of energy medicine that works towards thebalance of the mind-body-spirit. There are heaps ofclinical trials and scientific studies which prove theefficacy of Homoeopathy in adults, children, infantsand pets alike. The curative effects of Homoeopathy

are observed in all living beings, including plants! Thus, saying that ‘Homoeopathy is a placebo,’ is irrational.
3. Life-threatening illnesses cannot be helped with Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy has proven its effectiveness in treating patients diagnosed with illnesses like cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tuberculosis and stroke. In such cases, Homoeopathy acts as an adjuvant, palliating the symptoms, and providing a better quality of life to the patient. There are also multiple documented cases where there is a reversal of structural pathology, thus proving the depth Homoeopathic remedies works at.
4. Homoeopathic medicines cannot be used along with other conventional treatments Most patients who approach Homoeopaths for various health issues are already on conventional medicines. Homoeopathic medicines are absolutely safe and can be taken along with these medicines as Homoeopathic remedies and other drugs act at different molecular levels within the body. If there is a certain drug that is known to interfere with the course of action of the well-selected Homoeopathic remedy, your Homoeopath will make it known to you and adjust the dosage of the remedy accordingly.
5. There are dietary restrictions when you take Homoeopathic medicines. Recent research studies show that if you follow the basic half-hour rule then you can eat whatever you like. The rule basically states that you must not eat or drink anything half an hour before and after having the medicines. It is an important point to note that the right Homoeopathic remedy will not be an antidote by having coffee, chocolate or onions.
About The Author:
Dr Denise Rodrigues is a dedicated Homeopath, Pediatric Nutritionist and Guidance Counsellor. A Gold Medalist from Goa University, she currently practices at Evolve Homoeopathic Clinic at Raia, South Goa. Every Friday, she consults at Menezes Polyclinic, Panaji. You can write to her at drdenise.evolve@gmail.com or call on 0832-2776965 for appointments. Follow her on Instagram @evolvehomoeopathy