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Chandreyi Bandyopadhyay, Venisha Hiroji, Flexcia D Souza, Isha Hiroji, Eli Smitt

A newly launched premium mixer, BLIND GILT withits classic cocktail mixers is soon going to be ahousehold name across people's homes. Introducing

six flavored variants; Basil Smash, Paloma, Penicillin, Appletini, Espresso Martini, Spiced Margarita

The guests grooved to the music and enjoyed the Cocktails and scrumptious Mexican delicacies by MEXICOLA. A special DIY counter, where guests had a hands-down experience to make their own cocktails.

Swati Sharma, Co-Founder of Blind Gilt says, “We are planning to launch a very exclusive festive season special mixer in December which we are very excited about. We will also be coming up with a new feature on our website where customers can customize their boxes of 3 and 6 mixers which will allow them to pay only for the mixers they like and want to have more”

About Blind Gilt:

The name 'BLIND GILT' comes from folklore of the prohibition era. It's a tale of a young female pig who, despite her impaired vision, was a sharp, mindful and intelligent little pig. Her inability to see heightened her other senses, especially her sense of taste. Over time, she quickly learned how to play with flavours and ingredients and balance them to produce some of the finest cocktails, As the word spread, slowly and steadily, she rose the ranks and became the first female pig to be the head bartender. Long after the prohibition, she retained her position until a few years

later when she opened her bar and called it *BLINDGILT' Even today, it specialises in quality cocktailswhere the philosophy is to use the finest ingredients that will transport you to places of origin and inspire memories of good old times. Here's a fun fact: speakeasies were also known as blind pigs back in the day, and 'gilt' is what we call a

Swati Sharma; Co-Founder BlindGilt, Pallavi Naidu; Founder Alcobuzz, Manu Mahalwar;Social Media Consultant, Shrishti Bhardwaj; Co-Founder The Design Bugs
Alusha Fernandes and Setriya
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