8 minute read
Nishita Pandit.
It was glitz and glamour at the mega finale of the Mr, Miss & Mrs. Fashion World 2021 onboard the Big Daddy Casino, Panjim. Stars descended on the riverside venue to join the participants from across the country as judges decided to select the best emerging talents. Nitisha Pandit from Mapusa deservedly won the title of Miss Fashion World 2021 to the delight of the crowd.
Nitisha, tell us about yourself…
I am Nitisha Pandit. My loved ones call me by many names but most commonly “Niti”. I’m from Mapusa and I am an Instagram Influencer cum Fashion Blogger, who also wears the mittens to bake & shake a leg dancing. My Instagram handle is @nitishapandit.
What was that one moment that changed everything?
I was a stage kid from my childhood. Loved dancing and acting from the very beginning but when it came to my college it wasn’t just dancing and acting but it was also fashion that caught my eyes or you could say caught my heart so when that hit me, that was the time I stepped into modelling. I started off with a small platform i.e. participating in my college events and fashion shows and that’s how I got my recognition in modelling and this way my journey in modelling began.
I was never a girl who had stage fear. So one of the designers suggested I participate in a beauty pageant and give it a shot so I took it into consideration and there was my first beauty pageant Miss Rosary Queen and guess what, I WON and that’s where everything changed.
I would say it’s not that I adapted to fashion but fashion was always inside me. I wanted people to know me and recognize me for what I do and who I am & what better platform than Instagram. I started learning and upgrading myself in this field and Instagram is such a platform where you can do much more than you think. Hence, my journey as an Influencer cum Fashion Blogger began along with my dancing career.
Any funny or inspiring childhood story or memory you want to share that shaped your life… Well, yes… I still remember the first time I was up on stage for my school gathering (U.K.G) and my partner decided not to show up but I did not give up nor stepped out, I decided to dance without a partner all
alone grabbing all the attention from other kids. This incident helped me realise that it’s your road, yours alone. Others will or can walk with you but no one can walk it for you. Being a single parent was not quite an easy task for my mother due to the mentality of our society but here I am, a strong independent woman. She raised two strong kids who are proud to be her daughters.
Everything you see is all because of her. My mother is my biggest fan & my biggest supporter. She is the reason why I am WHO I AM. So now you know from where I get the strong, brave and independent genes.
What’s the biggest challenge when pursuing this full-time?
I would say my biggest challenge was to walk hand in hand with my work, my studies and my Passion. It wasn’t easy to take all of these and walk together forward. And there came a time when I had to give up on something and giving up on my job wasn’t an option as I was the only earning head in my family. They say if you want something, want it bad enough and if it’s really important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse, and I found a WAY. I recently started my own outlet Peach Blush keeping. We take orders for cakes, desserts & savouries. Still struggling with the new startup but everything will just be fine as time passes. It’s a challenge to balance my life with work, influence, dance, modelling, baking (@peachblush) & family responsibility but when you love what you do, somehow things just work out and fall in place.
A bit about your role models. I have just one role model and that is my MOTHER because strong women aren’t simply born, they are forged through the challenges of life. With each challenge, they grow mentally and emotionally. They move forward with their head held high and strength that cannot be denied. “She is water; powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you and deep enough to save you. She is truly a warrior and who better a role model than your own MOTHER.
What role did family and friends play? Any quick incident you recall?
Well, I am truly blessed to have such a supportive family and awesome friends. They are both like pillars of my life. Equally strong and equally important. They have been there & support me in every step I take. A few years back I took the decision of quitting my job as ( Dance Instructor/Coordinator) and wanted to step into the corporate world. And like always nothing is as easy as it sounds or seems to be. It was a big and difficult decision that I had made but my family and friends helped me get through it. My family helped me by telling me the pros and the cons of our corporate and economic world and my friends motivated me towards it. They told me I must go on adventures to find out where I truly belong. Whether dancing, modelling or influencing, my family & friends have always been very supportive.
What would you tell yourself if you went back in time?
If I go back in time, I would tell myself how proud I am today of what she has become. I would tell her not to blame herself for the wrongs happening around her, that it’s not her fault. Would tell her never to doubt herself and anytime you do remember, you are a strong soul who shines after any storm. You can literally get through anything and you have demonstrated that time and time again. Keep going. Keep shining! You got this. And most importantly, I will tell her that she’s the strongest woman I came across and her mother is so proud of her.
Any person/celeb from the past you’d want to meet? Why?
Not really… Never actually gave it a thought. But now as I’m asked about it and given a chance I would really like to meet Sadhguru Ji, not for any other reason but just because his outlook towards life and situations is very much different from ours. I don’t follow him as such but listening to him is so pleasing and relaxing sometimes. And not to forget I would LOVE to meet Salman Khan. The reason being, he’s been my favourite from the start.

What is the legacy you want to leave behind? And for whom?
I want every individual to know that it is OK to be scared, it is OK to cry. Everything is ok but giving up should not be an option. They always say that failure is not an option. I say, Failure should be an option because when you fail you get up and then you fail and then you get up and that’s what keeps you going. That’s how humans are strong. FAILURE IS AN OPTION, SHOULD BE AN OPTION but GIVING UP IS NOT. NEVER. I do want to leave a legacy and want to be remembered not just for who I am but also for what I am in terms of my work, my nature, my thoughts, my values & not just by my loved and dear ones but by everyone. We all work hard and we all want to make money, who doesn’t want to but we do it all for ourselves. That’s not life. You go out, you seek people who need your help, and you make their lives better. You become that sponge that can absorb all the negativity and you become that person who can emit beautiful positive vibes and when you realise that you have changed someone’s life or because of you this person didn’t give up, that is the DAY when you live, ALWAYS. Helping someone can be in whichever way possible for you, it may be by simply listening to them or by just saying IT IS OK, YOU WILL BE FINE. It may not be something big because sometimes doing something small for someone can turn out to be the biggest help.