6 minute read
Emilina Rebello
With 35.8K subscribers and counting, Emilina Rebello, the founder of the popular YouTube channel “Onlyemilina”, is one of the many Goan youngsters who have tasted success as a digital content creator. Recently, she made Goa proud by representing her home state in the “Creators for Change” campaign organised by YouTube India. In a brief chat with Its Goa, Emilina gave us an insight into her life, her journey as a YouTube influencer, her future plans and lots more.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born and brought up in Navelim. I was raised by a single mother. Growing up, I realized that I would have to work a little harder than the rest if I want to make it in life and make my mother proud. I did my schooling at Perpetual Succour Convent High School in Navelim itself (navelkars make some noise!). After completing my SSC, I decided to shift to Mumbai to complete my higher education. In 2020, I graduated from St. Andrews College, Bandra with a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media. At the same time, I had my full-time job since I was 17. Thanks to that job, I was able to pay my college fees on my own. I used to be this overthinker with no confidence. I have faced the traditional skinny shaming by society. But now things have changed and my success as a YouTuber has contributed in a big way to that change of mindset!
You are currently based at: I am currently based in Zalor in South Goa.
What was your childhood ambition?
As funny as it sounds, I first wanted to become an astronaut. Later, I was inspired to become a commercial air pilot. But as you can clearly see, life had other plans for me. But whatever would be my career choice, one of my major goals in life has been to buy my own house and I am still working towards it!
What inspired you to start “Only Emilina”? Give us a detailed insight into your journey as a YouTube influencer.
I always wanted to create videos since the first video I ever came across in my life. But I never thought I was suited for such a thing. As I mentioned earlier, I wasn't confident enough. Two individuals who are the source of inspiration for me to start my own YouTube channel are Lily Singh and GaryVee.
In April 2020, during the first lockdown, I put out my first video on YouTube. The video was pathetic, especially the technical aspects, but it gave me a sense of fulfilment. The video got around 245 views, so I decided to continue making more videos. In just 2 months, I hit 10K subscribers after a couple of my videos including that Goan aunty, North Goan vs South Goan, and the Catholic wedding series went viral. All of this helped me to understand my audience. Currently, I have garnered around 35k subscribers with over 2 million views on my channel. Then came along the brand collaborations, newspaper articles and features and my favourite part, my fans and viewers. So far, I am overwhelmed with the love, appreciation and support shown by my audience and I have a long way ahead. I recently got an opportunity to represent Goa in the "Creators for Change" campaign organised by YouTube India. I had taken a break for around 6 months due to personal reasons and I'm still not consistent enough, but I'm slowly getting back.
Were your parents and friends supportive of you when you started your YouTube channel?
The elder generation wasn't that keen and I cannot blame them as it is something that they were not familiar with. Hence I received comments like, “You should sing Konkani songs instead of making comedy videos because being a girl, singing would suit you better!”. On the other hand, my cousins are my biggest cheerleaders and my close circle of friends are very supportive of me and continue to motivate me to make better content.
What's the biggest challenge you face when pursuing this full time?
Inconsistency in views and income as well as the pressure of putting out content all the time are two of the biggest challenges that I face as a YouTuber.The pressure of deciding what topic to make a video on sometimes affects my mental peace. You think something would work but it doesn't and then you put out something that wasn't even made with so much of a thought and is suddenly a hit. Honestly, I don't do YouTube full time anymore. Currently, I have a job as a digital marketing manager because I have to support myself as I have moved out on my own.
Give us the names of a few people whom you consider to be your role models and why? My cousins, Tina and Tracy are my role models.

I admire Tina the way she handles strong matters with calmness, her hardworking nature, her discipline and her patience. I admire Tracy for her easy-going and fun mindset, her kind and helpful nature and her assertive behaviour as well. Moreover, I feel both of them have made their lives better by working towards their goals. As a little child, I have always fan-girled them and continue to do so till today. They inspire me and teach me a lot about how to deal with life.
Any celebrity that you would like to meet someday?
Lilly Singh and Gary Vee no doubt!
Do you intend to venture into the world of films someday?
Not really. I might try acting here and there someday, but I definitely don't see myself as a full-time film actress.
Finally, what advice would you give to all our Goan youngsters out there?
My advice for all Goan youngsters like me is to work hard, to be independent, to follow your passion with a plan and to always be unconditionally kind. Don't doubt yourself as it is only going to delay your success. Your talent will only take you so far but with discipline and hard work, you can do wonders. We often find ourselves complaining about the lack of resources to do something but trust me, if you just take one step towards your dream, the rest of it is all going to work out. I started my YouTube channel with just my Vivo phone. I hadn't invested in a mic till I got my channel monetized. If I had waited for the perfect camera or set up, there would probably be someone else instead of me and that's the truth!
Well, it was really a pleasure talking to you Emilina. We hope and pray that your YouTube channel continues to grow in the years to come and we wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours. Thank you so much. Thank you also once again for reaching out to me! I really enjoyed doing this interview. I hope that Its Goa reaches greater heights and amplifies more voices and stories of inspiring Goans in the years to come.