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Yeats Library
Located at the heart of the campus, the Yeats Library is an architectural space with student focus at the core of its design. Spread over three floors, this world-class facility provides all the resources a student needs to excel in their programme of study.
Library services available for Online students:
NOTE: As the integration of ATU proceeds, you may be informed of changes to some of the web addresses below
Access our online services on the Yeats Library website. Go to this link: https://www.atu.ie/library then click on ATU Sligo.
When accessing Yeats Library online, you may be prompted to login using your ATU Sligo email address (studentnumber@atu.ie) and ATU Sligo password.
The EOLAS search provides a facility to search our collection of print and electronic books and journals. There is also a separate Online Catalogue to search our print book collections. To facilitate online students there is a postal loan service for print books. Included on the Yeats Library website are the following:
• Information on student ID cards. • Online helpdesk (Libask) and live chat (Libchat) facility for library queries. • Library FAQs on Libask. • Libguides with guidance on many library resources and services. • Guidance on Referencing.
Introductory tutorials will be provided by Library staff to get you started using the Library.
You may also make an appointment with a faculty liaison librarian via the Libask or Libchat facility.