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Live Classroom
Our live classroom is a virtual learning platform for online learners to access, watch and interact with lectures.
HOW TO ACCESS THE LIVE CLASSROOM? Access for your live classroom will be available from your module page on Moodle. At ATU Sligo, we use a software called ‘Adobe Connect’ for delivery of live classes and/or ‘Microsoft Office Teams’ depending on the individual lecturer. No matter which software your lecturer chooses to use, a link to your live lecture will always be placed on each module page in Moodle.
Please use the test links provided to make sure that your PC or laptop is set up correctly, particularly your audio. This will ensure you can hear the lecturer speaking prior to any live class. Please note, you will need to download ‘Adobe Connect’ prior to your first lecture. For instructions on how to do this, please visit - www.atu.ie/sligoonline-digital-learning HOW TO ACCESS RECORDED LECTURES? All live lectures will be recorded and uploaded to your module Moodle page. These will be stored under the relevant learning week and will remain here until the end of semester/year. Lecturers will also add links to any resources or reading material that may be relevant to that live lecture or topic.
At ATU Sligo, some lecturers use a software called Panopto to record live classes. If you are unable to attend a live class, you can view the recording at another time that suits you. If your lecturer records your class, the recording will most likely be stored in the ‘Panopto block’ on the top left-hand side of each of your Moodle module pages. The main benefit of Panopto is that it enables downloading of live class recordings to different devices for your study. All recorded classes will be stored under ‘Completed Recordings’. If your lecturer records your class using Microsoft Teams, you will find the recording in your Teams channel for that class.
If you need further assistance on any of the above, IT Services helpdesk will be able to help you - www.atu.ie/sligohelpdesk