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Pastoral Care Service
Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy Service:
Ray Cotter T: 071 930 5215 M: 085 859 0471 E: pastoralcare.sligo@atu.ie / ray.cotter@atu.ie
Fr. Hugh McGonagle T: 071 930 5215 M: 086 839 7342
Rev Patrick Bamber T: 071 914 6513 M: 083 365 8066 E: rector@calry.ie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/itsligo. chaplaincy.1
Where to find us
The Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy Office (Room H1016) and The Sanctuary (Room H1012) are located upstairs in the Student Services Centre. However, you don’t have to be on campus to make contact. If it is more convenient for you please telephone, email or find us on Facebook, itsligo.chaplaincy.1 or Instagram, itsligochaplaincy/
What is the Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy Service about?
The Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy team has a special interest in your total well-being whilst studying here at ATU Sligo. We value you as a person with a unique contribution to make to college life. We aim to create a sense of community by reaching out to students and encouraging them to develop their inner strengths in ways that contribute to the life of the University and wider community. The Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy team support students in their spiritual and personal growth during their time in university and help students experiencing illness, trauma or bereavement. Students are always welcome to drop into the office for a chat or to make an appointment. The Service is available to students of all faiths and to those who have none.
The Sanctuary – Room H1012
The Sanctuary is the University multifaith prayer room. It is open during regular college hours for students and staff to escape the rush of life and create a space for quiet reflection and prayer.