Hi from Publisher Hi guys, how are you? Have you ever heard of It’s Peppers Sims? If not, let’s introduce ourselves... It’s Peppers Sims is a magazine of Sim world entertainment. It was released on November 4th, 2015, and well, we had only two editions until we entered in hiatus (which lasted more than a year), we already had projects to return, but many of them ended up being canceled, but we finally decided to come back with it and this time is for real. Formerly it was only in the simbook community, but now we expanded to simblr as well. YES!! It will have version for the Tumblr people. It will be two magazines with the same content but in two languages. What will come in the next pages will not only be things about the simbook or simblr, it goes beyond that. We seek to bring entertainment, diversified materials, personalized content, news about the Sim world and general news, curiosities and more. Have you ever thought how heaven would be in other planets? And you’ve asked yourself “what if ...”? “What if... The teleportation existed? “ If you have ever wondered how things would be, if it were different, here we answer some of your questions.
What if . . we live on Mars? There would be no different races, the fauna and
world of one continent, this separation would not
flora would be less diversified and our body would
happen. And new species would not come up that
be covered by hairs.
often. The result would be a poor planet in plants
The world would be a little world. Mars is much
and animals. There, the nights have two moons.
smaller than Earth. To make matters worse,
There would be some important differences
an ocean would extend over almost the entire
in our way of life. It’s colder on Mars than on
northern hemisphere and a southern part - the
Earth. And gravity there is only 1/3 of Terran.
planet was like that billions of years ago, according
Flying would be easier: many animals would
to a University of Colorado study. Mars is reddish
develop wings throughout evolution, and flying
because it is covered with rusty dust, which is
would be cheaper and more practical. We’d have
suspended in the atmosphere. But despite this, it
to watch out for heaven. Mars attracts less meteors
is possible that it has housed life, millions of years
than Earth. But all reach the planet, because the
ago. And only under these conditions could we
rarefied atmosphere does not protect it. A torment
live there, since we need water. In the end, the
would be the sandstorms, whose winds go at 300
habitable area would amount to 18% of the Earth’s
km / h, more than any hurricane here, and last for
surface. It would be a pain to split this space.
months. Because of the sandstorms and meteors,
To maintain Earthly standards - a density of 13
the houses would have to be reinforced. We would
inhabitants per square kilometer - we would add
live underground, in caves sealed to trap the air.
only 2 billion on Mars.
To complete, if everyone lived as much as today,
For life to develop, it takes water, carbon, and
the average expectation would be 35 years. Calm
nitrogen. By adding a stable planet and sunlight,
down, we would not die sooner. It is that a year
the first forms of life would appear. On Mars, they
there has 668 Martian days, or 687 Earth days.
would be similar (if not identical) to those that appeared on Earth. We would have, however, little diversity of fauna and flora. One of the main incentives for evolution is the isolation of groups of the same species, which leads one group to differentiate itself from the other over time. In a
What if.. The teleportation existed? And who said he does not exist? Scientists are
Teleportation would not make traveling so much
already able to teleport atoms. But not in that Star
easier. But it would change forever the way we see
Trek scheme, where one thing disappears in one
each other
place and reappears in another like magic. The actual teleportation has more to do with sending
a photo by email. You do not send the image
The teleportation machine kills you. Just by
itself. What travels are instructions that make
shredding your body it can scan their particles,
another computer create a copy of the photo on the
translate them into data form, and send them to the
screen of it. To teleport a body like yours is equal.
destination. There you are rebuilt from raw material
You need to scan the exact position of each of your
containing the same chemical elements that form
6.7 billions of billions of billions atoms (and each
any living being, such as carbon atoms and water.
particle that forms each), send it over the internet
Your original body? Goes to the trash.
and print a copy of you on the other side. The “paper” is the raw material of our body - in this case,
a barrel full of water plus carbon atoms, calcium,
The individual that emerges is a collection of
iron ... The “printer” is a machine that is able to take
atoms that takes the form of a body identical to
this shred and mold it, In the exact form of your
yours, with the same memories and the same
body, following the instructions that came through
consciousness. It is you. Weird? Not so much:
the net. With today’s technology, the most you can
today almost all its atoms end up being replaced
do is scan the information from a single atom and
every 10 years. You are already just a set of
transmit it to another. Little. But there are plenty of
information, like an mp3 song. In a world with
optimists. “In a decade we will teleport molecules.
machines that can read this information, you can
In two, maybe even cells, “says American physicist
take people on the iPod.
Michio Kaku. But, for you to step on the teleport below, only in a few hundred years. At least.
there is one variable left: the price of the material to
Traveling to other planets would still be
rebuild the bodies in teleportation. To achieve the
complicated - they would have to take teleportation
35 pounds of carbon that exist in a person of 154
booths there. Mars would be a quiet destination,
pounds, for example, it takes 19 liters of oil. In other
since there is H2O and much CO2 - out of that gas
words, getting to know the Middle East would be
would be the carbon for the reconstruction of the
cheaper than a fast trip to Buenos Aires.
bodies. But it would not be cheap to build all this so far. And the ticket would cost an amount capable of leaving its bill as red as the Martian landscape.
4. SAVE OUR SOUL When you destroy your body in the teleportation machine, what happens to your soul? If you do not believe in soul or have already sold yours, skip this part. If you are a practicing Catholic, there is no way: you will have to do the extreme unction before the teleportation and have the new body baptized in the destination.
5. CLONE When you enter the machine, your body turns a set of bits to be materialized in the destination, right? But nothing prevents this process from happening several times. That is: use this to make instant clones, and profitable.
6. MILLING PLAN What determines the price of a plane trip is distance. In teleportation, this does not exist. But
What if.. Nobody died? To live forever is not a dream so far away.
pill of eternal life. Without deaths from heart disease
Already there is a lot of scientist aiming for
or cancers, diseases directly linked to aging, the
planet would lose 32 million people annually - and
Researchers at the National Cancer Research
still receive the 150 million that come naturally to
Center in Spain injected an enzyme into mice that,
the world every year.
by improving the effectiveness of cell division, increased the life expectancy of guinea pigs by
There are 32 million people a year that will
50%. Others investigate stem cells and hope that
continue living - and overpopulated the planet.
they will help in the eternal renewal of cells. But no
If today we explore the planet beyond its
matter which way it comes, as soon as the remedy
capacity for renewal, with the immortals, the way
of immortality is developed, it will be the privilege of
would be to control the birth rate and liberate
millionaire people.
abortion. Just as in populous countries, each couple could only have one child. Brothers,
There are already drugs that cost $ 1 million
uncles and cousins would be extinct. But
a year (like a rare syndrome, where the immune
families would increase: we would live to the end of
system destroys the patient’s red blood cells
life with grandparents and great-grandparents.
overnight), and perhaps a pill of eternal life would not come out for less money. Still, part of the
world’s 9 million millionaires would buy it. And in
ecological disaster will be inevitable. But the threat
20 years’ time, when the drug patent expired, the
can be good. If everyone is alive when the planet
generic pill of immortality would be accessible to
collapses - that is, when the distant future becomes
everyone. That means that in a few decades, more
reality - it is possible that environmental awareness
than half of people who die every year from heart
and planetary preservation are taken seriously.
disease or cancer - evils that will be avoided with the
medicine of immortality - would stop beating their
Social security, which supports the old with
boots. In the early years, only the rich will enjoy the
the work of young people, is already in crisis
with the aging of the population. “If everyone lives
100 years in retirement, it will be expensive,” says
After centuries, being immortal will be a burden.
Antonio dos Santos, professor of economics at
Those who have seen everything will have no
PUC-SP. That is, people will live forever - but they
reason to remain alive. Without this motivation, the
will also spend the rest of eternity working.
natural cycle of life will be tempting. Suicide would be an alternative. But most likely people would
The human brain has a storage limit. “We’ve forgotten about information we do not use when we learn new things,” says gerontologist Aubrey de Grey. In immortals, the same thing would happen: entire centuries would be erased from limited memory. They will live, but they will not remember to tell the story.
“There is time to be born and time to die,” says the Bible. The Church would not approve a drug that would prolong life indefinitely. And do not expect
Without the threat of death, for many people it would not make sense to remain religious even because religions are based on the idea of rewarding the human being in the afterlife.
With so much time in their hands, humans will want new experiences. Engineers will become doctors, who will become firefighters, who will be astronauts. The same will happen with weddings. The “until death do you part” will not make sense. Ex-wives and ex-husbands are going to pop out
simply stop taking youth medicine and grow old again.
What if.. The human race suddenly disappears Have you ever wondered what would happen
food will soon die, and consequently most of them
if, in a heartbeat, all humanity disappeared from
will starve. In the few cases in which they can
the face of the earth? Ignore, for a moment, the
escape and survive, the law of the strongest will
reasons that would lead to such a phenomenon
and try to imagine only the succession of events through which our planet would go through. If you think the task is too difficult, do not worry. The #MindWarehouse channel produced a video that tallies this hypothetical scenario - from the exact moment of our disappearance to the next few hundred million years (you can watch it at the end of this text).
energies will begin to evaporate, causing a series of explosions far greater than those of Fukushima and Chernobyl. Whole
radioactivity and will succumb to cancer. After a little more than a year, the surviving animals will contemplate a “strange rain of stars”.
The chronology of the facts is fascinating. In just
No, we are not talking about natural stars, but
a few hours, the world will feel the first effects of
rather the fall of satellites put into orbit by us.
man’s absence. As most of our energy matrix is
Without human activity, they will fall like meteors
still generated from fossil fuels, the lights will soon
on Earth.
go out due to lack of supply, throwing the planet in
the shadows.
flooded, as the pumps that protect them from groundwater will stop working. The
vegetation. Others, like Dubai and Las Vegas, will
In a few days, entire subway stations will be
be swallowed up by the desert sand. In
constructions, such as the Eiffel Tower, and iron be
dramatic for domestic animals and for those who
In just one month, the water from nuclear
have been trapped on farms. Without their owners,
bridges will collapse due to the corrosion of their materials.
The video, which may just seem like a fictional
constructions? Unexpectedly, those erected and
journey, ends with a strong message. “As you can
carved with stones, such as the pyramids of Egypt,
see, the Earth can live very well without us. We can
the wall of China and Mount Rushmore, in the
not live without it. “
United States In 50 million years, the last traces of human civilization will be the plastic bottles and pieces of glass, proof of our amazing capacity to produce garbage. In another 50 million years, however, even those residues will have disappeared. After that, without the impact of man’s action, nature will take over everything again. And if, in 300 million years, a new rational species arises, it will never know of our
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How is the sky on other planets? Varies a lot, of course. Basically, there are four
Soviet probes in the 1970s show an orange color.
factors involved: composition of the atmosphere, lighting of nearby stars, airborne particles and
reflections of soil components. So it is possible to
The atmosphere rich in CO2, the reddish surface
make estimates about what you would see if you
and the intense dust leave the predominant scarlet
could be on another planet and look up. But you
tone. At sunrise and sunset, the sky turns pink, and
better take it easy. To date, few probes have visited
the areas closest to the Sun turn blue. More or less
places outside the Earth and the cameras they
the opposite of what happens on Earth.
carried contained filters that favored observing other details, more interesting to scientists. So there is still plenty of room for speculation. And piracy.
JUPITER Where the sky is clear, the dirty yellow would dominate. But in the regions of storms, which are so common that are reflected in the bands
MERCURY The planet of the noivagos. Because it has no atmosphere, its sky is always black, with stars -
of the planet seen from space, substances like ammonia hydrosulfide would spread orange, reddish and brown tones.
including a huge, the Sun (after all, Mercury is the first solar system). So, the Mercurian sky would be similar to te one that the astronauts saw in the Moon.
SATURN On clear sky days, the rings would be breathtaking, just like the great moon Titan, which is dark orange. The problem is that almost
VENUS The atmosphere is very dense, to the point that the sun does not appear. Clouds of acids, such as sulfuric, cause astronomers to assume that the
sky is yellowish-white, but images of the Venera
always the clouds of ammonia and hydrosulfide of ammonia would leave the sky like Jupiter’s but whiter.
URANUS The large amount of methane gas would leave the uranian sky with a cyan hue. It is speculated, however, that the effect is not so bright in practice, as the sun is far away, making it difficult for light to reach the planet.
NEPTUNE As in Uranus, blue is also prevalent because of the existence of methane gas on the planet. The difference is that the even greater distance from the Sun would make the tonality of the Neptunian sky darker to the human eyes.
OTHER PLANETS HD 189733b, 63 light-years from Earth, would
atmosphere is filled with a type of glass that would spread radiation.
The HAT-P-11b (120 light-years) is illuminated by a red dwarf star and therefore would have sky in that color.
GJ 504b (57 light-years) however, has methane and stays in a new system and therefore hot. Her sky would be pink.
Moonlight | Review Main Indie movie of the Oscar bets on non verbalized dramaturgy
Chiron, appears on the scene when he sees in
Independent movie most recognized by the
Juan a necessary father figure, goes through three
2017 Oscar, with eight nominations, Monnlight is
distinct moments of his life with the viewer, and
in between the eminently narrative cinema that
in each of these moments the comparisons are
the academy appreciates and the most ruminant
renewed and reorganized: with the drug dealer,
style that usually takes over the festivals. It is
with his mother, with a friend, with enemies, with
another women, in the day by day drama,
becoming clear that this veiled dispute between
stant game of comparisons. The main character,
of formation.
the narrative and the contemplative is the main
By proposing questions of alterity that are not
nervous point of the movie of the scriptwriter and
always verbalized, what Jenkins seems to reach
director Barry Jenkins.
for is a style of cinema way much closer of the
The movie starts with an ordinary street scene,
contemplative, that resolves itself not by verbs
in a suburban neighborhood of Miami, with three
but physically. There are movies that goes on this
men at the scene: the boss of drug trafficking of
way and, through the impressionism, transcends
the neighborhood, a young adult (still hesitating,
the limited capacity of the word, like Beau Travail,
one of the his employees) and an amiss old man,
the influent 1999 Claire Denis’ master piece.
relative of the boy. Actor of undeniable scene
The great tradition of the american cinema is the
presence, Mahershala Ali plays the drug dealer,
narrative, however, with well established themes,
Juan, in this brief triangle of the three phases
and with no doubts moonlight has it: the
that of a man’s life, in an environment marked by
homosexuality theme, the parental abandon, the
determinism. Moonlight doesn’t need much to make
refugee in crime.
it clear that, among them three, Juan is at the top,
When it comes to articulate these more critical
even if that top eventually turns out momentary.
conflicts, Jenkins seems to temporize it, in
Moonlight’s dramaturgy is established from
sometimes insufficient visual solutions to handle
there: in contrast to different types, in a con-
the intensity of this conflicts - it could be in a hug,
a dramaturgy of the bodies, which after all are all physicality; The addicted mother whose power over the child decreases as her body deteriorates is a prime example of this. Jenkins often appeals to slow motion at such times to sharpen the strength of the gestures. The journey of the protagonist in these three acts would be no other than the achievement of
exchanges the shame of his long, thin arms for the self-esteem of the gangsta style. Jenkins
choreography and Moonlight does have some very inspired scenes, like when Chiron (re) dresses to find a friend: the symbolic character of covering with the T-shirt, of taking refuge in the car, of in the silence of a song or in a joint shared by two.
putting and then taking the protection. If this dance of modesty and approximations - which
If the cause-and-effect relationships that link
the camera registers with no abrupt movements -
Moonlight’s dramaturgy seem a little precarious at
has some value, it is to materialize without words
the distances that separate us and unite us, in a
supported by a great casting, To fill this gap by
film that, although it seems insufficient, has its dor-
betting everything on the gesture. The director’s
mant potential.
camera circulates the actors and invests in close-ups in the expectation that this will perspire
La la Land | Review Whiplash
Hollywood without losing sight of the new audience
in one breath. We are then presented to two of these aspirants. Two romantics fighting for their place in the sun. An irascible and purist jazz pianist (Ryan
Damien Chazelle, director of the acclaimed
Gosling) - remembering the devotion of J.K.
Whiplash, defies himself as few in La La Land.
Simmons’ character in Whiplash - and an actress
At age 31, the filmmaker, in his second widely
(Emma Stone) who works as a barista at Warner
distributed film, opts for a completely different
Bros. While doing his casting tests. Both filled with
length than his expected: a musical.
dreams and trapped in the difficult phase of life of
The film opens with an impressive sequence on
their construction. From their casual encounters
a highway heading to Los Angeles.Hundreds of
comes a dose of energy to propel them into
cars caught in one of the traffic jams so common
to the city. Little by little young people start to leave
Stone is delighted at what should be the best
the vehicles and sing.They are aspiring artists who
job of her career. Especially because her effort to
are pilgrims from all over the world towards the
sing and dance is clear. The actress does not have
dream of a career in the Mecca of cinema - a met-
this classic training, after all, just like Gosling - who
aphor that will return later. In the first sequence,
barely sings, but convinces much as a pianist.
Chazelle already silent the critics who debated if he
Chazelle knows what she’s doing, though. He could
would be a success of a single film. The
have casted artists who gave more power and
director walks through the traffic while the young
validation to the musical scenes. But hesitation is
people dance, sing and tap dance. A van opens up
part of the charm here.
revealing a band, the party is complete - all without a
After his opening sequence, Chazelle slows
noticeable cut.Transit opens and everyone returns
down. There are more singing sequences, but
to their vehicles. The dream is nearer now. But
nothing on this scale. The music continues
there are miles of these people - in an impressive
though. Be it in his passionate explanations,
takeover that integrates the scene into the city, still
or in the pleasant voice that sells her designs.
The interesting thing is that the director - who a connection between two eras, thinkalso wrote
ing of the public. And why not? La
been film
his absence in a very hard and sad sequence,
exceptional final scene. Sunny and absurdly colorful, the musical all the time uses images of the past, recorded on the walls of Hollywood,
billboards of the kitschy city. The greats of yesteryear, the classics, watch the protagonists all the time. They are like saints of a religion. Chazelle is always looking at the classics, which are also referenced in locations and small gestures, absolutely respectful and reverent to them. But the great virtue of La La Land, one that integrates the very essence of the script, is to be like the bridge from the beginning of the film...
Go to the bowling alleys with The Sims 4 Bowling Night Stuff Pack! Is your Sim ready to take on a new fun hobby?
and it will light up, leaving your Sim Playful and
Bowling may be perfect for this! In The Sims ™ 4
increasing the fun it gets from bowling. And it would
Night of Bowling Stuff Pack your Sims can enjoy
not be bowling without the classic shoes, clothes
a casual evening with friends, go to the bowling
and neon lights!
alleys on a hot date or have fun with the family! And while Mansion Barons may prefer to install a set of
private lanes to their homes, ordinary Sims want a
decorations add a great aesthetic touch that gives
local bowling lane where they can meet. The Oa-
that bowling retro feel to any lot. There are also Top
sis Bowl of Oasis Springs is ready to be put into
and Bottom Pieces inspired by rockabilly fashion
your world, or you can convert any bar, nightclub or
so your Sim dresses at character. Of course, there
salon into a fully functional venue.
are also the traditional bowling league jerseys, if you want to form your own team!
Adults and children will be able to develop their Bowling ability by using the alley with up to four other Sims. This five-level skill will reward you in every step with access to additional bowling balls, incredible pitches and more. Sims that are starting can play the ball anywhere but the pins, but those who continue training will be rewarded by sending the pins to all sides while pursuing the perfect score!
Maybe you want something even cooler for your Sim! Maybe something that stands out even in the dark. How about the excitement of Moonlight
Bowling? Activate this option on your bowling alley
STRIKE! The Sims™ 4 Bowling Night Stuff Pack is now available!
EA PLAY 2017 WILL HAVE STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT AND NEED FOR SPEED NEWS Electronic Arts has unveiled plans for EA Play
this year. The second edition of the event, as it did in 2016, will precede E3 - the world’s largest
Generally there is a free accreditation for press
gaming fair - and will be held June 10-12 in Los
and blogs specialized in games. BitBlog has
Angeles. On the occasion will be shown the new
covered EA Play 2016 straight from Los Angeles
sequence of Star Wars Battlefront, which will be
and will try to return to the event this year. For
playable for those present. Other highlights of EA
players who are willing to spend out money and
Play 2017 will be FIFA 18, NBA Live 18, Madden
travel to the United States, there are paid tickets.
NFL 18 and a new Need for Speed. There is the
Electronic Arts will start selling tickets for EA Play
possibility that other games will be revealed by
2017 on April 20, starting at 13:00 GMT. Usually
surprise during the event, which will still feature live
they run out fast. If you are interested in
competitions and broadcasts to create that hype
purchasing a ticket for EA Play 2017, subscribing to
that is indispensable to the gaming industry.
the event newsletter may be a good idea. One way or another, staying home will be covered by BitBlog
and EA itself, with live broadcasts and updates on social networks.
It’s an Electronic Arts event that will have its second edition in 2017. Like E3, it happens in Los Angeles, United States, but just before the traditional fair at the LA Convention Center. The idea is to create a dedicated and immersive environment for fans of EA franchises, as it is a time when we are bombarded with release information.
Call of Duty must return to World War II in 2017 Call of Duty will return to World War II in 2017. Assumed leaked footage from the upcoming game of the franchise - apparently called Call of Duty: WWII - appeared on The Family Video Gamers on YouTube. Now, Eurogamer confirmed their veracity with site sources.
The game marks the first return of the series to World War II since Call of Duty: World at War, made by Treyarch in 2008. Call of Duty: WWII is developed by Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare studio.
Activision - had already promised that in 2017, Call of Duty would return to its roots. It makes sense, then, the return to World War II, since this was the conflict presented by the first three games of the series.
In 2016, the CD Projekt group - which includes developer CD Projekt Red and the game sales platform GOG - had 584 million PLN (Polish currency) of sales income and 251 million net profit. The sales of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt were one of the great catalysts for this. The RPG earned 1 billion PLN in a year and a half in the market for the company and took the franchise to the impressive mark of 25 million units sold.
“For years, we have consistently prioritized quality and focused on a limited range of products.” The persistently strong sales of The Whole Witcher series vindicate our strategy and contribute to the long-term appeal of our releases. And by the end of 2016 we have sold over 25 million copies of The Witcher games, “said Adam Kicinski, president of CD Projekt.
The next releases of CD Projekt are the card
game Gwent: The Witcher Card Game and the
The Witcher | Franchise exceeds 25 million units sold CD Projekt released its financial report for the last fiscal year on March 30, revealing great numbers for the Polish company, led by its main
franchise, The Witcher.
futuristic RPG Cyberpunk 2077.
The last game of The Witcher franchise was Wild Hunt, which last year received its latest expansion, Blood and Wine. The game is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Inside the Headlines In march 24, one of the most expected events
the the readers rising at the page, I decided to
of the year happened: the launch of Headlines
make it a digital magazine, today, I see Headlines
magazine! And we couldn’t not talk about this
as a entertainment magazine and not just a gossip
total success event, of course. Our dear Katharina
page as it was suppose to be... We focus so much
Lockwood had a nice conversation with the chief
more at the magazine and update the page every
editor of Headlines, Clarice Lewis, who told us a
day, so we don’t let the readers outdated, but our
little bit more about the successful project!
main point of focus is to bring the magazine in the specifics date for every single edition.
• So, let’s talk about the first Headlines event! Was it all you expected? A: Way more than expected (laugh), mostly
• Hum, should we talk about the future plans for Headlines?
because I had postponed the event so many times
A: I guess (laugh). Lately we’ve been really
and I got scaredthat no one would come because
focused on the magazine, like I told you before.
of it, but till march 24th the number of confirmed
We have the proposal to bring more interaction to
people was getting higher and higher, and, at the
simbook, besides, we had to enlarge our staff to
event day, over 100 people saved the date. So it
reach more entertainment, issues, different stuff
was beyond all of our expectations, and filled all the
and more news. We’re bringing important figures
possible needs, it was a success.
at the The Sims 4, 3 and 2 world, not just people at the simbook community, but out of it too. We want
• What was your perspective about Headlines
to deliver a lot of different news.
before and how is it now? A: Well, Headlines was created with the pur-
• What was your favorite part of the event?
pose of bringing something new for simbook, and,
A: The favorite and most emotional was when
at first, it would be just a page about gossip and
I started to present the magazine and I saw
diverse subjects. With the amount of issues and
every one, with their eyes fixed at the big screen
picturing every page of Headlines and see the
• Headlines has accomplished success in a short
gratitude, the kind words, the comments about the
amount of time, how do you feel about it?
magazine, see that all of it was worth it, that was
A: I feel proud!!! At first, everything was created without any expectations of succeeded, no notion
about it, I learned everything as I edited the magazine, • Getting back at the beginning of it, what was your
while I was working in every single detail of it with the
inspiration to create Headlines?
staff. So, all of it, all the success we’ve got, was a huge
A: So, since when I get off of the Make Me a
surprise and a lot of pride.
Superstar 3’s house, I got the idea of starting something new but, I didn’t want something related to the music scene, which I am not good at (laugh), neither something focused on series, nothing like that, I wanted something different, innovator. That was when I had a talk with my fiancé and both of us came up with the idea of creating the magazine. I could say that she was my inspiration?! But yeah, she gave me the final push, that helped me and motivated me, even that she’s no longer at the staff, but she always been a fundamental part of it, besides all of the friends, staff, every one that supported me
Headlines was a dream that came true, too fast.
Clarice Lewis at the blue carpet Headlines’ event
• How long will be the timing of the magazine’s editions? A: I still don’t know it for sure, but we intend to launch a new one every two months, so, we’ll have about 60 days to prepare all the details at the magazine. But it is not
The cover of the magazine Headlines with Sayuri Nitta
confirmed yet, it can be less.
• What was the best thing Headlines gave to you? A: This is a hard one to answer, but for sure, the most important thing Headlines gave me was the gratitude of every one, the good and bad things it teaches you, the knowledge, the social involvement and a lot of other things that is just too hard to describe. I am really grateful to have Headlines in my life.
• What inspires you to keep bringing new content? A: Our staff and the gratitude of every one that reads the magazine, their tenderness, the motivation we have and the new content tips that the people call to our office making requests, what they would like to see at the magazine. My staff is amazing and I own them too much and it is because of them that the new content gets to the magazine.
Bunny tail by iliketodissectsims, Easter Toddler Shirts by lilacprettysims, Accessories by sketchbookpixels.