7 minute read
Chelmsford Library
Easter is fast approaching and, along with all our regular library events and activities, we have some exciting events for children coming up, so do take a look!
Oldest Angry Young Man
The whole sordid story can be found in a Daily Mail investigation published Saturday August 27th 2022. For the RAF it was not pleasant reading, but it does reveal the depth of ‘wokeness’ permeating every corner of our country. Two years ago, it emerged that the Ministry of Defence employs more Diversity and Equality officers than the Royal Navy has warships (44). Also, the ministry was looking to recruit a Diversity and Inclusion Director on a £110.000 annual salary, which is more than the total earned by an army colonel who commands an army battalion of 800 soldiers. Meanwhile, it emerged that all three armed forces were signed up to Stonewall’s Diversity Champion’s Programme. How did that happen? How stupid can you get? I am ex-RAF (recruited on merit) and am appalled at the way the RAF has rolled over to have its tummy rubbed by the diversity fanatics, and this ‘woke’ disease.
It is worth quoting here one of the key lines from the RAF Diversity and Inclusion Directive: ‘The RAF is intent on increasing diversity across all minority groups, including race, religion and beliefs, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and reassignment marriage/civil partnership, socio economic representation and neuro-diversity.’ Note, nowhere in this box-ticking list is there mention of ‘ability’ or the ‘best person for the job’, a bizarre omission. Pick the bones out of that lot of rubbish.
Sadly, thousands of brave young airmen (sorry, aviators) will be turning in their graves. I would urge the RAF to toss this nonsense into the nearest dustbin and get back to recruiting on ability and merit when consigning Stonewall and its deluded fanatics to the history books. Despite all this nonsense I am still proud to be ex-RAF.
A fun session introducing money maths on Tuesday 4th April from 11am to 12 noon at Chelmsford Library. This relaxed and fun session will be run by experts from HSBC who will introduce young children to basic money maths with the help of Hoot the Owl, Dotty the Ladybird and Savvy the Squirrel. Suitable for children aged 3-7 years. Just come along - no booking required.
On Sunday 16th April from 11.30am to 12.30pm, come and join us at Chelmsford Library for a wonderful production of The Velveteen Rabbit. This beautiful tale is brought to life on stage by two actors, inventive puppetry and original songs. A joyful and uplifting tale of magic, friendship and hope, this is a show for all the family! Suitable for ages 3+. Everyone attending will require a £6.50 ticket.

Warm Welcomes Community Tea Times
Every Wednesday from 10.30am - 11.30am and on alternate Saturdays from 2pm - 3.30pm. Next dates: 4th March and 18th March.
We invite you to come and join us for a hot drink and refreshment. As well as providing a warm, comfortable space, we have information about help during the cost-of-living crisis and can direct you towards any additional advice you may need. There will always be somebody to talk to and somebody to listen.

Full details of all our events and services, including dates and times and how to book your place, are on our website - there are too many to list here! You can also search for us and follow us on Facebook or Twitter, or subscribe to our newsletter. All details are on our website.
About Us
Other halves is a charity that provides contact for those close to loved ones with dementia, to share experiences and to support one another. It can be those currently living with a relative who has dementia or now living alone. Anyone who has experienced living with dementia is welcome.
We are a regional project coveri ng Mid-Essex with local people organising activities and supporting one another. We meet weekly for a mixture of events, activities, and sometimes just coffee.

We aim to offer support and friendship to each other in a peer network of dementia carers.

Friday 17th
Central Park - The 3foot People Festival Party
Chelmsford Theatre - Cinderella: The Chelmsford Ballet Company
Hot Box - Model Man
Saturday 18th
Central Park - The 3foot People Festival Party
Central Park - Fling Cabaret Extravagasm
Chelmsford Theatre - Cinderella: The Chelmsford Ballet Company
Chelmsford Theatre - Making Headway
The Swan (Bicknacre) - Music Bingo
The Village Hall (CM8 3JZ) - Wickham Bishops Jazz ClubAlan Gresty and Friends with Pete Neighbour (6.30pm for 7.30pm - email wickhambishopsjazzclub@gmail.com, or call 07548 775 777)
Sunday 19th
Chelmsford Theatre - Making Headway
Hylands Estate - Open Day with Hot Box Live
Monday 20th
Hot Box - Chelmsford Chess Club night
Sandon School - Scottish Country Dancing (7.30pm - 9.30pmwww.sandonscotdance.org.uk - sandonscotdance@gmail.com)
Tuesday 21st
Central Baptist Church (Victoria Road South) ECC Retirement Fellowship monthly meeting (2-4pm) new members welcome.
Chelmsford Theatre - The Adventures of Mr Toad
Christ Church - The Chelmsford and District Diabetes Group (Sara Backhouse-Wood from Medical Detection Dogs speaking about their organisation and their work - 8pm. New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0AW)
Bardswell Social Club - Spike’s Place Jazz Club: Renato d’Aiello Quartet (8pm 01245 420 475 www.spikesplace.co.uk. Weald Road, Brentwood, CM14 4TJ)
Widford Village Hall (turn left at Chandlers) - Country Dancing (barn dance - 7.50pm - £2 - 01245 475 660)
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 22nd
Chelmsford Theatre - The Adventures of Mr Toad
Thursday 23rd
Chelmsford Theatre - Lipstick on Your Collar
Chelmsford Theatre - The Adventures of Mr Toad
Friday 24th
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: The Post Floyd Dream + Rostock
Chelmsford Theatre - Frankie’s Guys
Chelmsford Theatre - The Adventures of Mr Toad
Hot Box - Radical Dance Faction
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Chair yoga
Saturday 25th
Chelmsford Theatre - The Adventures of Mr Toad
Hot Box - Letherette
The Jazz Centre UK - Spike’s Place Jazz Club: Leon Greening Trio (2pm start, 01245 420 475, www.spikesplace.co.uk.
(Beecroft Art Gallery, Victoria Avenue, Southend, SS2 6EX2)
The UB - 80s Night: Paul Dupree + Chris Piper
The Woolpack - Poptarts Podcast Presents: All Tribes Go to War
Sunday 26th
Chelmsford Theatre - Turandot
Chelmsford Theatre - Pschycology of Serial Killers
Hot Box - Folk Sunday
The Jacks Centre (Latchingdon Bowls Club) - Open Day (10am4pm, www.jackscentre.co.uk)
Monday 27th
Chelmsford Theatre - Back to the Theatre
Tuesday 28th
Chelmsford Theatre - Back to the Theatre
Widford Village Hall (turn left at Chandlers) - Country Dancing (barn dance, £2 - 7.50pm - 01245 475 660)
Hot Box - Country & Americana Night
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 29th
Friends Meeting House (Rainsford Road) - CRAG Retirement Group (monthly meeting - 9.30am - First visit free)
Hot Box - The Round Up: The Jackson Line
Rettendon Lodge (Battlesbridge) - Belvedere Jazz & Music
Supper Club: The Rag & Bone Club Swing Septet (7.45pm - to book phone Phil on 07850 607 075)
Thursday 30th
Chelmsford Theatre - Eshannn Akbar: The Pretender
Chelmsford Theatre - Twirlywoos Live!
Hot Box - Hip Hop Live Collective ft Shao Dow
The Lion Inn - Chelsmford Comedy Club
Friday 31st
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: Bamboozle + 251s
Chelmsford Theatre - NT Live: Life of Pi
Chelmsford Theatre - A Country Night in Nashville
Hot Box - The Return of the Rub Brothers
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Chair Yoga
Saturday 1st
Chelmsford Social Club - The Koolkatz @ 9 Lives
Fox & Hounds - Wayne’s World Karaoke
Hot Box - Codex Serafini + Guranfoe
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Coffee morning (10am to 1pm)
Sunday 2nd
Hot Box - The Utopoiates
Monday 3rd
Hot Box - Chelmsford Chess Club Night
Sandon School - Scottish Country Dancing (7.30pm - 9.30pm - www.sandonscotdance.org.uk, sandonscotdance@gmail.com)
Star & Garter - One Tree Hillbillies
Tuesday 4th
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 5th
Riverside - The Little Mermaid on Ice
Chelmsford Theatre - Dinosaur Adventure Live
Friends Meeting House (Rainsford Road) - CRAG Retirement Group: monthly meeting (9.30am - first visit free)
Hot Box - Abba Night
Patch - Humans Returning to the Moon Talk (7pm - email info@ chelmsfordcivicsociety.co.uk to book)
Rettendon Lodge (Battlesbridge) - Belvedere Jazz & Music
Supper Club: The Essex Hot Five (7.45pm - to book, call Phil on 07850 607 075)
Thursday 6th
Acanteen - A Comedy Night
Chelmsford Theatre - Ray Bradshaw: Deaf Com 1
Hot Box - Open Mic Night II
Riverside - The Little Mermaid on Ice
Woolpack - Easter Beer Festival
Friday 7th
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: Jeff Beck a tribute and celebration of his life
Chelmsford Theatre - The Sensational 60s Experience
Hot Box - Hothaus Drag Presents: The Retro 80s Ball
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Chair yoga
Friday 7th (continued)
Riverside - The Little Mermaid on Ice
Woolpack - Easter Beer Festival + Oink!
Saturday 8th
Chelmsford Theatre - 9 to 5 The Musical
Chelmsford Theatres - Goldilocks & the Three Bears
Hot Box - Jamie Williams & the Roots Collective
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Coffee morning (10am to 1pm)
Woolpack - Easter Beer Festival
Sunday 9th
Hot Box - Two Year Break
Woolpack - Easter Beer Festival
Monday 10th
Hot Box - Chelmsford Chess Club Night
Tuesday 11th
Chelmsford Theatre - Cinderella
Chelmsford Theatre - Milkshake Live
Hot Box - Joose Keskitalo + Kadonnut Manner (from Finland)
Sandon School - Scottish Country Dancing (7.30pm - 9.30pmwww.sandonscotdance.org.uk - sandonscotdance@gmail.com)
Tuesday 11th (continued)
Widford Village Hall (turn left at Chandlers) - country dancing (barn dance, £2 - 7.50pm - 01245 475 660)
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 12th
Hot Box - Music Quiz
Rettendon Lodge (Battlesbridge) - Belvedere Jazz & Music
Supper Club: Ben Holder & Julian Stringle Quintet (7.45pm - to book phone Phil on 07850 607 075)
Thursday 13th
Chelmsford Theatre - Dance, Sing, Clap
Friday 14th
Chelmsford Theatre - Dance, Sing, Clap
Hot Box - Transmission - Billy Hunt & T MC + Snakes + The Wicked Ravens
Woolpack Marvlus Soul Club
Saturday 15th
Chelmsford Theatre - Thanks Abba for the Music
Hatfield Peverel Village Hall - Local Bands Night
Sunday 16th
Hylands Estate - Open Day with Hot Box Live