ISSN 2250-1770
Effect of Different Salinity Levels on Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes During Germination Diriba Shankoa*, Itefa Degefab, Bula kerec and Gebayo Hayetod a,b c,Biology
Department, College of Natural and Computational Sciences (CNCS), Bule Hora University (BHU), P.O. Box: 144, Bule Hora, Oromia, Ethiopia dGraduate
student at Bule Hora University, Biology Department
*Corresponding author: Abstract Salinity is main threats to world food security, to ensure future food needs, production of salt tolerant crop varieties are necessary. This study was going to screen out the salt tolerant maize genotypes under salt stress condition. An experiment was performed as factorial under Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. The experimental treatments were contained four NaCl salinity levels (0, 80, 160 and 240 mM) and nine maize genotypes (61006, Mal-1, Mal.hybrid, 215065, MHQ, 207346, 227235, M-130 and 61036) were used in this experiment. Data was analyzed using SAS (version 16.0) statistical software and means were analyzed by least significance difference (LSD). Germination percentage (GP), Germination rate (GR), final germination percentage (FGP), radicle length (RL), plumule length (RL) and seed vigour (SV) were measured. The ANOVA for treatments, genotypes and their interaction was found to be highly significant (p<0.05) with regard to all parameters. Genotypes MHQ, 207346 and Mal.hybrid were salt tolerant genotype during germination but 227235 and 61036 genotypes were salt sensitive. The rest maize genotypes were intermediate in the salt stress condition. However, correlation analysis was demonstrated that positive correlation between GR and RL as well as between PL and RL, SV to salt stress. The results show that salt tolerant genotypes could be a better source for breeders for further evaluation on salt affected soil. This current study indicated that physiological indices are used as a selection tool for salinity tolerance in maize genotypes. Keywords: germination; NaCl; salinity; maize Received: 09th September 2016; Revised: 19thSeptember; Accepted: 22ndSeptember; Š IJCS New Liberty Group 2016 Introduction
Crop productivity is seriously affected by soil
concentration from the root zone of crop plants that
salinity throughout the world. The deleterious effects of
mainly happened due to the presence of high
salt stress are obvious in soil, in arid and semiarid
evaporation rate (Almasouri et al., 2001). In addition,
climate owing to poor soil and water management
the existing of soil salinity problems in crop production
activities (Azevedo et al., 2006). In these areas, there is
will become worse due to rapidly growing human
Diriba et al., 2016
population from time to time in many countries and the
(Khodarahmpour, 2011). It is used as food for human
increasing over limited water resources which are
consumption as well as food grain for animals (Moussa,
forcing growers to use poor quality water for irrigation.
2001). Maize is the most salt-sensitive crop among
Approximately 800 million hectares of land in the
cereals crops (Ashraf and McNeally, 1990). Therefore,
world is affected by soil salinity. Seed germination and
this study aimed to screen salt tolerant maize genotypes
seedling growth are major physiological indices to
under various salinity levels during germination stage.
establish a vigorous crop stand which can be utilized to
Materials and Methods
screen crop plant germplasm for salt tolerance (Ashraf et al., 2007).
An experiment was conducted in a Biology laboratory at Bule Hora University Oromia, Ethiopia
In salt affected soil, deleterious effects of soluble
from March-May, 2015. Nine maize (Zea mays L.)
salts on plant development are due to decrease of
genotypes were used in this experiment such as 61006,
osmotic potential in plants that ultimately decreases
Mal-1, Mal.hybrid, 215065, MHQ, 207346, 227235,
water availability to plants, ionic imbalance and
M-130 and 61036. These genotypes were obtained
specific ion toxicity (Ashraf and Harris, 2004). Mainly
from Melkassa Agricultural Research Center and
it causes hyper-osmotic stress and hyper-ionic toxic
Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (IBC).
effects, which leads germination and seedling growth
NaCl Solutions and Seed Treatments
inhibition (Hasegawa et al., 2000). Salt reduces the
ability of plants to utilize water and causes a reduction
hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution for 1 min (Sauer and
in growth rate, as well as changes in plant metabolic
Burroughs, 1986) at room temperature with 108 Petri
processes (Munns, 2002). So far, salt adversely affects
dishes. Petri dishes were washed and sterilized in hot
the plant growth and development, hindering seed
air oven at 700C for 36 hrs (Muhammad and Hussain,
germination (Dash and Panda, 2001). Seed germination
2010) and Whatman no.2 filter papers at 700C for 24
is usually the most critical stage in seedling
hrs. The petri dishes were lined with Whatman No. 2
establishment, determining successful crop production
filter paper and treated with 0, 80, 160 and 240 mM
concentrations of NaCl. The petri dishes were arranged
Bhattacharjee, 2008). It is a complex process which
in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in a
depends on the genetic and environmental factors, such
factorial combination with three replications (Gomez,
as temperature, light, and salinity (Mahmoud, 1985).
1984). Then, three seeds of each maize genotype for
So, salinity is one of the most important factors limiting
salt treatments were placed in a 90 mm uniform
plant growth and delaying seed germination as well as
distance Petri dish. The filter paper was moistened with
final germination percentage (Rahman et al., 2000).
distilled water for the controls. The Petri dishes were
Among cereal crops, maize (Zea mays L.) is the third
most important crop in the world after wheat and rice,
evaporation (Asgharipour and Rafiei, 2011) and then
and grows under a wide range of climatic conditions
carefully kept in a humidity chamber at a temperature
Diriba et al., 2016
of 25±1°C under 8hr/day length. Germination was
Radicle length
carried out in a germination chamber with 12hrs
The radicle length was measured from the point of
photoperiod. The numbers of germinated seeds were
first cotyledonary node to the tip of longest root and
counted every day for 12 days from the start of the
expressed in cm plant-1.
experiment. Treatment application with the same
Statistical analysis
amount of salt solution was continued every other day
Data analysis was carried out using SAS (version
and germination count started after 6 days of sowing
16.0) statistical software (SAS Institute Inc., USA)
and continued until the 12th day. The seeds were
where two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
considered to have germinated when both the plumule
correlation analysis was done. Whenever means of
and radicle have been emerged greater than 0.5 cm.
treatment differences were significantly at p<0.05,
Germination Percentage The germinated seeds were
which is separated by using the Least Significant
counted daily according to the seedling evaluation
Difference (LSD) test (Duzgunes et al., 1983).
procedure described in the Handbook of Association of
Official Seed Analysts. The number of germinated
Analysis of variance showed that there were
seeds was recorded every 24 hrs (AOSA, 1990).
significant differences between salinity stress levels.
Twelve days after germination, the germination
The results of this study revealed that various
percentage (GP) was obtained by dividing the number
concentrations of NaCl had a significant effect on the
of germinated seeds in any petri dishes by the total
all measured traits for maize genotypes. And also,
number of seeds, multiplied by 100 (Cokkizgin and
analysis of variance showed that interaction effects
Cokkizgin, 2010; Tanveer et al., 2010).
were significant for all investigated traits (Table 1).
Germination rate
Germination Rate
Germination rate (GR) which is the average
Analysis of variance exhibits significantly reduced
number of days needed for plumule or radicle
seed germination rate in all maize genotypes (Fig. 1a)
emergence was calculated using MAGUIRE’s equation
which resulted significant at (p≤0.05) variations in their
(Maguire 1962) as: GR (M) = n2/t2 + n4/t4 + n6/t6… +
interaction with respect to germination rate. The results
n12/t12; where n2, n4, n6 .., n12 represent the number
of this experiment indicated that genotype 227235,
of germinated seeds at times t2, t4, t6 …, t12 (in days).
Mal.hybrid and 207346 followed by M-130 and 61036
Plumule length
gave significantly higher mean germination rate than
Plant height was recorded by measuring the height
the other genotypes in all salinity levels. Genotypes
of the seedling from the surface of the soil to the tip of
the early seedling. This was recorded on 12th day after
significantly faster germination rate than the other
treatment and expressed in cm plant-1.
genotypes were tested in the 240 mM treatments.
Diriba et al., 2016
Germination percentage
is important for initiation of any breeding program
The differences between the means of genotype
because it provides a chance for selection of desirable
(Fig. 1b) and salinity stress levels were compared by
genotypes with desirable traits simultaneously (Ali
Duncan multiple range test. It was observed that in all
et al., 2009). Correlation coefficient between all
of genotypes, there was a decrease in germination
possible combinations was estimated and is shown in
percentage. Though, in this experiment different maize
the table 2.
genotypes had different response to the salinity stress.
Among the maize genotypes, MHQ and 207346 had the
The main purpose of this study was to identify salt
highest mean germination percentage at 160 and 240
tolerant genotypes in maize germplasm at germination
Mm NaCl levels. However, maximum reductions in
stages under different salinity levels. The analysis of
germination percentage of certain maize genotypes
variance for genotypes, NaCl levels and their
were observed at 240 mM of NaCl.
interaction was found to be significant for all
Radicle length
parameters; reflecting that all the genotypes responded
As it was clearly determined that there were
differently to salt stress with respect to all parameters.
significant differences between studied genotypes at
Increment in NaCl salinity level caused significant
salinity levels 80, 160 and 240 mM for the length of
reduction in germination rate (GR) of maize genotypes.
radicle. Among the maize genotypes, Mal. hybrid,
However, the reduction was sharp at 80, 160 and 240
MHQ and M-130 were scored the highest mean of
mM NaCl salinity levels. On the basis of germination
radicle length at 80 mM (Fig. 1d).
rate for the soils having 240 mM salinity, the genotypes
Seed Vigour
207346, MHQ and 61006 can be recommended
(Figure.1a). An effect of salt stress on seed germination
concentration of NaCl solution. The best level of seed
rate might be the same which has been reported in
vigour was achieved at control treatment of NaCl
previous studies (Ashraf and Abu-Shakra 1978). There
concentration (Fig. 1e). From all genotypes, MHQ
are many reports which indicate that the genotypes
produced highest seed vigour at all salinity levels.
which maintained higher germination rate under saline
Correlation analysis
conditions produced higher biomass and yield (Ashraf
Breeders always look for genetic variation among
et al., 2006; Krishnamurthy et al., 2007). Also, many
traits to select desirable types. Some of these traits are
results showed that increased salt concentration reduces
highly associated among themselves and with seed
germination rate, in several maize genotypes (Cicek
yield. The analysis of the relationship among these
and Cakirlar, 2002). The reduction in germination rate
traits and their association with seed yield is essential to
is due to toxic effects of certain ions and also higher
establish selection criteria for salt tolerant genotype
concentration of salt reduces the water potential in the
(Singh et al., 1990). And also, the information
regarding significant correlation among the characters
germinating seeds and thus reduces germination (Jamil
Diriba et al., 2016
et al., 2006). Higher salinity level retard seed
maintaining their proper nutritional requirements
germination and radicle emergence due to osmotic
necessary for their healthy growth (Krishnamurthy
effect which is deleterious and prevent the plants from
et al., 2007).
Table 1. Analysis of variance on Mean Squares of measured traits of maize genotypes under salinity stress Source of variance
Varieties 8 721.7** 0.02** 273.78** SL x varieties 24 184.1** 0.01** 487.22* Error 35 45.49 0 187.81 *, **Significant at 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively
0.36** 0.09* 0.02
0.65** 0.25* 0.21
76548.03** 46753.28** 4208.67
Fig. 1 (a-e). Effects of different salinity levels on Germination rate, Germination percentage, Final Germination Rate, Radicle length and Seed vigour of nine maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes
Diriba et al., 2016
Table 2. Correlation Coefficients of studied Traits of Maize Genotypes under Different Salinity Levels GR FG PL GP 0.887** -0.421* 0.875** GR 1 -0.395* 0.852** FG 1 -0.44** PL 1 RL SV *, ** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively,
RL 0.916** 0.927** -0.45** 0.902** 1
SV 0.882** 0.748** -0.385* 0.725** 0.747** 1 GP= Germination percentage, GR=Germination
rate, FG = Final germination, PL= Plumule length, RAL= Radicle length and SV= Seed vigor
replacement of Ca2+ with Na+ and leakage of K+ (Takel,
obtained at zero salinity level (Fig.1b). The results of
2000). The length of radicle is one of the most
this experiment also agreed with the results of Farsiani
important traits for salinity stress because roots are in
and Ghobadi (2009) and Khayatnezhad et al. (2010) in
contact with soil and absorb water from soil. For this
maize. This results accordance, with Rejili et al. (2010)
reason, the length of radicle provides an important clue
observed a decrease in germination percentage that
to the response of plants to salinity stress. A marked
resulted due to osmotic effect of salts present in the
reduction in the length of radicle, the length of plumule
growth medium. Salinity causes a decrease in radicle
and the growth of seedling of all genotypes of maize
and plumule growth, which increased with the increase
was observed due to salt stress. Among the maize
in salinity levels. Presence of salinity in the growth
genotype, MHQ, Mal.hybrid, Mal-1 and 207346 had
medium reduced the absorption of water due to
the highest length of radicle, while, 61036 had the
decrease in osmotic potential of the medium which
lowest length of radicle (Figure.1d). Maize genotype
adversely affects cell division and differentiation
MHQ and 207346 also had the highest length of
(Ashraf et al., 2005). This experiment also explains, the
plumule (Fig. 1c). Results of this study showed that
length of plumule and radicle are negatively affected by
length of radicle and plumule decreased with increasing
salinity. According to Kausar et al. (2012), the length
salinity levels in all genotypes. Also, it was clearly
of plumule and radicle retardation is due to salinity
effect and other reports also may be due to ionic
differences between studied genotype at salinity level
toxicity, disturbance in nutrients uptake (Akhtar et al.,
240 mM for the length of radical and plumule. The
2012), osmotic effects of salinity (Ashraf et al., 2005)
most effective levels in reducing these attributes were
and water absorption (Ashraf and Sarwar, 2002),
160 mM of NaCl. Best level of NaCl concentration in
resulting in reduction in biosynthesis of enzymes, plant
radicle length and plumule length was at control
hormones necessary for seedling growth (Bor et al.,
treatment. This results are in agreement with many
2003). The salinity stress imposed at germination stage,
researches (Mohammadkhani and Heidari, 2008;
damages cell membranes of the seedling due to which
Farsiani and Ghobadi, 2009; Jajarmi, 2009; Gholamin
cell membrane permeability increases, resulting in the
and Khayatnezhad, 2010; Khayatnezhad et al., 2010).
Diriba et al., 2016
Among the maize genotypes, 227235, M-130 and
each other, except the GP with GR, FG with PL, RL
61036 were highly affected by salinity stress at 160 and
and SV coefficients.
240mM salt levels; because it gave the highest
reduction rate for seed vigour (Figure.1e). The results
Our gratitude and thanks to Biology department
was agreed with the work studied by Mostafavi et al.
staffs for their unreserved help and assistance during
(2011) which showed that four maize varieties in
laboratory and field work. We would like to express
drought and salt stress conditions reported that hybrid
our heartfelt thanks to Bule Hora University for its
KSC704 produced the highest seed vigour. The results
financial assistance and for providing the research site
of correlation showed that germination percentage (GP)
and also the Melkassa Agricultural Research Center
had the most positive and significant correlation with
(MARC) and Institute of Biodiversity Conservation
radicle length (r=0.92**). Germination percentage (GP)
(IBC) for supplying all the maize genotypeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seeds.
depicted a negative and significant correlation with
final germination reduction (p<0.05). The positive
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