2 minute read

Psa Project

The purpose of this project was to learn how to successfully distribute an important message through a Public Service Announcement (PSA). Through the announcement, we inform people of an important issue that is going on. Its purpose is to make the public realize that they have to take action regarding the issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Through this project, we learned how to display visual hierarchy appropriately and were limited to only two different kinds of fonts. These posters have different reasons to be hung up, they can educate, warn, encourage, etc of different issues around your community or the world.

It was challenging to only be limited to text only. I was eager to add color and some pictures that would emphasize the meaning of my announcement. I added some lines to my PSA poster and at one point I felt like it would not look good because I had the mindset that it was supposed to be text only. It was challenging not to add some little images that would make the poster more cheerful and happy.


I first started to sketch out mini PSA posters just to get an idea of where I wanted which information to see if it would look good. Then I decided to make a bigger version of the ones with the pink “x” at the bottom.

The three rightmost pictures show my sketches from the text that my client provided me with. I was playing around on a bigger scale to see which one would look more appealing. The first picture shows a class practice PSA poster. I noticed that as I practiced and doodled more, my posters were starting to look more appealing.

Some skills that I learned through this project that I could take forward to other work is the ability to not add illustrations to text. I am able now to create a poster that is pure text that would be attention-grabbing without the help of pictures. Some ideas that I got from this project is to add speech bubbles/lines to some of the text to make it more appealing compared to the other text.

I used scale in my poster by using hierarchy with the phrase “I love you” because that was what I wanted the audience to pay attention to first. It also was the most important part of the PSA poster since the rest of the poster would be based on that phrase. I used opacity by making the line behind the dots lighter than the rest of the text. I felt like it gave some sort of variation to the dark text around it. I used rhythm in my poster by aligning the text on the left side of the poster with the text on the right side of the poster. That way the eyes could flow through the PSA. The text was the same size showing hierarchy to the I love you phrase at the top. Orientation was shown by placing bigger letters at the top so people would look there first and then keep reading down on the vertical paper. Negative space was used in between the text phrases to show what was more important compared to everything else.

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