IUDI - DNCR : City, Culture & Creativity Competition - Artworks & Results

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City Culture &

Creativity IUDI Delhi NCR competition details & jury results

City, Culture & Creativity organised by

iudi delhi ncr Institute of Urban Designers India, Delhi NCR Chapter Registered Address: B-10, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi - 110065 Organising Committee Chairman - Vikas Kanojia || Secretary - Nidhi Dandona || Treasurer - Anamika Contact Us Aarushi Gupta || Priyanka Gayen || Navanil Chattopadhyay || Satyajit Mal

iudidncrccc@gmail.com IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity


Urban design is about making connections between people and places, movement and the built environment, nature and the built structures. Urban design draws together the many elements of place-making, environmental concerns, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity. Place-making is the creation of a setting that imparts a ‘sense of place’ to an area which is actively used by people. A place which is open and accessible to all the people qualifies to be a public space. A person trained as an artist, architect or a designer captures the essence of these places through sketches, paintings and digital graphics through various mediums. IUDI values these visual units or frames and is interested to open an activity to the interested people. 3

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

City, Culture & Creativity

“Slice Delhi through the middle and, like an archaeologist’s dream, the strata of the city’s, and India’s, history are revealed. William Dalrymple has tellingly described this discovery as peeling away the layers of an onion, removing each of the city’s seven incarnations before reaching its core – the site of the ancient Pandava city of Indraprastha, founded in the millennium before the birth of Christ; and, even before that, to a sacred legend in which Lord Brahma recovered the sacred knowledge at the very site of Delhi on the river Yamuna.” The Book of Cities, by Philip Dodd and Ben Donald 5

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

From the narrow galis(streets) and bazaars(markets) resonating a typical Indian feel, to the grandeur of the Rajpath leading on to the India Gate with a more Haussmann-ish feel of space; the city has witnessed transitions from the ancient to colonial to the post-colonial structure of city building. It’s a cosmopolitan in the true sense of the term, where people from all over the country and beyond have found a place of their own and continues to do so. It’s a place of cultural integration, ganga-yamuna tehzeeb, along with varying socio-economic conditions. It’s a city, with which everyone would have a different experiential attachment. Thus, Delhi could be easily said as a place stitched together of various living pockets, with different anthropology that essentially grows on you with time, as it has been doing over centuries. It is home. “Dil-o-Dilli dono agar hai kharab P’a kuchh lutf is ujde ghar mein bhi hai” (My heart and my Delhi may both be in ruins There are still some delights in this withered home) – Mir Taqi Mir 7

Competition Details IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Competition Details Introduction As the world continues to urbanise and globalise, cities are becoming the predominant form of human settlement and the scale at which many of the most pressing societal issues are engaged. Cities are places to explore culture & creativity. Delhi is very peculiar in multiple ways and takes a lot to get used to – the loudness, roughness and now of course the pollution. On the other side, we have a rich history, arts, culture, diversity and large green spaces.

Themes City Culture & Creativity is art-based competition which encourages to describe your own city of Delhi . . Dilli . . Feel free to be creative about how you tell the story. Your concertina might include sketches/graphics/illustrations of the experience. You may submit one piece of artwork/graphic works that are based on the themes below. 9

Theme 1: Nature A quality landscape and a sense of urbanism can, and should, go hand in hand. By nature, we mean many things; it is the open spaces; parks, maidan, river banks, to the scale of kitchen garden and sparrow’s nest in our todays living conditions. It is water bodies; from rivers, lakes, to the historically indispensable kunds or step wells scattered all around in Delhi. It is parks, small open green spaces commonly found in many of the post-independence designed urban precinct in the city, the wild shrubs that one sees sprouting out at intervals around the road, and at the same time it is also the designated urban green forests found throughout the city. It is also the vast geographical conditions we can see, the chilly winters we feel and the sweltering summers we have lived to, in this city of ours. Let’s not limit ourselves to a certain type of knowledge we have when we hear the word Nature!

Theme 2: Streets Towns exist for interaction. They depend upon movement systems - roads, streets, footpaths and public transport routes, which make urban life possible. From the galis and kuchas old Delhi to the avenues of New Delhi; from the Fatehpuri Bazaar to the Lajpat Nagar main market; from one edge of the city to another, we would find a street with definite character of the place narrating us stories of the past and present, or at times the future. It would tell us about ways a life on it behaves, how it interacts with us and so on. These connections provide us with a canvas to imagine and rethink spaces in sync with the wider world. IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Theme 3: Settlement Settlement refers to the pattern or arrangement of streets, buildings, open space and landscape which make up urban areas. It could be mohallas, katras, havellis or sector planned settlements, gated communities, kothis; regardless of the socio-economic conditions, all these types and many more have a juxtaposition of the similar elements required for being a successful liveable space. Thus, it is the interrelationship between all these elements, rather than their particular characteristics that bond together to make a place. It does not imply any particular kind of urbanism: it applies equally to the centre and to the suburb, and everything in between; and of course it applies equally to the city, the town and the urban village.

Theme 4: Experiential Experiential qualities of space are something which cannot be quantified, or seen at times. They are rather the intangible experiences we gather from a space, which may stimulate the senses. It could relate to us through touch, smell or sound of a particular place. The experience of a place can be heightened by the aromas of a certain coffee, or sounds of wind rustling through, or may be the touch of the dried leaves on an autumn evening while walking on the avenues of Lutyens Delhi.


IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

“Perhaps this dialogue of ours is taking place between two beggars nicknamed Kublai Khan and Marco Polo; as they sift through a rubbish heap, piling up rusted flotsam, scraps of cloth, wastepaper, while drunk on the few sips of bad wine, they see all the treasure of the East shine around them.� - Kublai Khan Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino


IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity


The entries for the competition were invited under 4 themes of; Nature, Streets, Settlement and Experiential. A remarkable number of entries, both national and international were received, portraying Delhi in ways our mind not often imagines it to be. From old to new, traditional to modernity, or realism to satirical, it’s an assemblage of art works we are eager to share with one and all. 15

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Global Entries

Love for the city of Delhi has been an integral part for the evolution of the city through ages, and it’s not unknown to any. It’s a wonderful feeling to see that, the story continues to be the same. Thus, receiving entries from participants sitting at other ends of the globe miles away, who had enough zest and have had the persisting love and connection with the city, gave us utmost pleasure. 17

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Winning Entries

s r e n n i W

Out of all the brilliant entries we received, top three artworks were judged as the winners. Nonetheless, it has been an incredible journey for all of us involved to get exposed to such intriguing pieces of work, each one of them. We believe, each one has been a winner. 19

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Delhi - River Yamuna & Tangled Electric Post a metaphoric witness of an Urban Palimsest Medium: Ink Pen


Vivek V

Architect /Urban Designer, Asst. Prof. M.CAP

Delhi, a city of aspiration from walled city to world city. A city of hope, anxiety and pain… Eternal city of Delhi keeps changing.. Changing its mood from Shimmering lights of the Bungalow zones, To the shady corner of the cities backyards – the Slum. The river Yamuna and the electric post Witnessed the eternal city of Delhi. And yes it witnessed Invaders and conquerors, Merchants and immigrants, Regulations and violations, Constructions and Demolitions, From Palaces to mausoleums Politicians to policemen. Office bears to slum dwellers, Streets of Delhi has seen its phase, through the faces of different Phase. Whispers of the River Yamuna and the buzz of the electric post have stories to tell about the city of different creeds. Layer by layer adding to the palimpsest…. The walls of the Lodhi colonies paints “We love Delhi”, Even between the chaos and Pollution, Crimes and rapes. It’s the colonial power that has now transformed into people’s arena around India Gate, Which embraces cities love and dust, its trust and rust. From old Delhi to Lutyens Delhi, From Connaught place to Humayun's tomb, From Gated colonies to Slum quarters, The city has addressed its contrast. Yet we love Delhi, for its warmth and care, for its Dynamicity and Ethnicity. 21

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Capital city & its fragments: Conflicts & Co-existence Medium: Fusion (Hand sketch + Digital rendering)


Debayan Chatterjee

Urban Designer & Architect

Delhi, being one of the fastest-growing Third World cities, is wellknown for its heterogeneous character. It is a city of fragments, “where urbanization takes place in leaps and bounds, creating a continuously discontinuous pattern”. (McFarlane, 2012) The fragments are: the historic city, the colonial centre, planned districts, unauthorized settlements and slums; and all of them fall under two broad categories: formal and informal settlements. These settlements are different in characters, and my illustration showcases how they are physically juxtaposed but architecturally and socially distinct. My artwork further illustrates the relationship between formality and informality and how the perception differs for various stakeholders. Decision maker’s viewpoint: believes in binaries, stresses on “formalization” or “otherness”; Common man’s viewpoint: believes in flexibility, considers the city as a backdrop for activities; [Note: Viewers are free to choose the way they want to orient the painting based on their own viewpoint.]


IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Transcendental Epoch - A journey through DILDAR DELHI Medium: Hand Drawn and Mixed Media

3 PRIZE rd

Shubhajit Bagchi

Urban Designer & Architect

Soumyajit Bagchi Architect

No one belongs to Diili, yet Dilli belongs to everyone. It’s not just a city; it’s a feeling, a voyage between distinct eras of time. From the nostalgic narrow lanes of Old Delhi to the grandeur of colonial era of Rajpath, tracing aspirations from the modernist Connaught place to the sleek and seductive essence of Cyber Hub, Delhi simply makes you travel in time. Its beautiful juxtaposition recites a tale and when a lone traveller hears it, he uncovers his missing pieces and envisages it as his home. This artwork portrays a euphoric expedition of medieval era folks in the current age of millennials, which gives a satirical picture of bumping of different epochs of past and present and the old ones getting perplexed in this new generation’s digital era, representing a rigid dichotomy of old and new lifestyles.


IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Lutyen's Delhi Travels to Madhubani - An Experiential Journey of the Built and Nature Medium: Hand drawn using poster paints and black pen on canvas


ation Commend

Meghana Patel

Architect, Urban Designer

Built in 1911, Lutyen's Delhi has been one of the brightest spot of India's modern architectural history. This painting is a confluence of architectural drawing and Madhubani painting style. The layout and the river in the background resembles the plan of Lutyen's Delhi, overlayed by Madhubani style tree, resembling the generous green cover that the precinct offers. Amidst the pollution that Delhi has been grippling with the recent times, Lutyen's Delhi has not only been a visual relief, but also been a breath of fresh air for Delhietes, with its generous green cover and open spaces. The tree is also a metaphor for the tree of wisdom, that the various think-tanks housed in the area offer. With the government's new proposal of re-imagining the iconic area, we can only imagine a responsive solution reinforcing Lutyen's and Baker's vision for the national capital. The painting is a small effort to celebrate this modern piece of Architecture and Urban Design, which has also become a beautiful identity of the Indian political and administrative system. 27

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Unlocking Memory Lane through Mental Mapping Medium: Pen Rendering


ation Commend

Anita C. Jakkappanavar Architect & Urban Designer

The illustration is inspired by the reading of the city form through experience of urban spaces through its architecture and through senses like sight, touch, feel, smell, and sound. Delhi is made up of complex matrix of old and new fabric of urban form which translates a strong memory of urban spaces. And these memories are not erased. An urban memory entangles with its history and the city itself, which keeps the marks of its constant processes of transformation and permanence. The intent of the illustration was to create a memory map and interpret a story of the city tale which conveys collective memory to understand its present and past which are closely related to identity of the place.The illustration is an attempt to read the urban landscape which is composed of many complex layers in reference to time. Without the memory of the past, we can’t lay the foundation of the future, so the illustration is the collection of memories through experience wrapped in time through our rich cultural heritage intertwined with new waves of urbanisation that stress the importance of an experience without erasing our own history. 29

* Note: All the entries listed from next page are in the order of registrations received.

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Shortlisted Entries

s e i r t n e d e t s i l t r sho

Apart from the winning entries, 13 entries * have been shortlisted as part of this vivid collection. It has an array of work in different mediums and thought processes. 31

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Illusions of Delhi Medium: Hand Drawn + Watercolours + Digitally Edited

Nandini Mohan

Architecture Student

The Illusions of Delhi show us how misguiding a city can be. A choking river that runs through the heart of the city, with pollution so dark that our eyes lay misguided. Scorched summers and frozen winters, trees falling and towers emerging. Dead fish and Baolis that lay dry, with Industries poisoning the water like children blowing bubbles and running around with balloons on sunny winter afternoons at India Gate. So innocent. Or so foolish? Delusional. And yet, we rejoice. The beauty of Delhi lies not in it the dying city, but its people. Irrespective of how dark the background may be (literally), they don’t stop till they reach for the stars. 33

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Ganga-Jamuni Medium: Mixed Media

Sohini Maiti

Urban Designer

Taking a stroll in the old city of Delhi is an experience in itself. This image is an attempt to express this unique juxtaposition of old world architecture along with the smell of food, countless activities on the streets, sound of mosque, honking of cars – hustle and bustle of ‘Purani Dilli’, the heart of Delhi. A city has the power to shape its people – in the current political context of India it might be a good idea to relive the Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb ingrained in the streets of the core of this capital city. Even the smallest of elements, like the names of the sweet shops adorning the streets authenticate this one of a kind cultural fusion. 35

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

The New Age Street Medium: Mixed Medium

Surya Srinivas and Ashima Garg

Urban Designers

Towns exist for interaction. The human interactions with streets that we choose to plan today, results in a sea of red lights waiting to fade. This street has a distinct character of separating various activities at different levels. This diminishes the chances of interaction which is the soul of ‘streets’. The artwork depicts one of the major roads from the working district of Gurugram. Here is the typical experience of any individual on a chai break from the balcony of his glass block – THE NEW AGE STREET. 37

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Hindrance Medium: Lithograph (49 x 63)

Ritika Dhingra

Visual Artist

This artwork is done in technique of LITHOGRAPHY. As, The TITLE suggest barrier, destruction . Similarly the thought which hold you back is either to move forward or backward. Stairs and Pillars depict the struggle in life. Going Upstairs often represent you are making progress but if you are just standing still on the stairs in your dream that means you are struggling to proceed. But the Pillars depict the strength. I always express the thoughts, feelings and emotions , The struggle of choosing the path or ways are some of the themes that appear throughout in my work . 39

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Blocked In Ways Medium: Etching (Viscosity), 35x49

Ritika Dhingra

Visual Artist

My work ‘ BLOCKED IN WAYS’ is done by using the method of ‘ VISCOSITY ‘ . All my ideas start with something seen outside and between the forms. We humans get confused in our own ways . With each peek , is revealed a face which is defined by the blocks around . The constant desire to attain balance through the ways and the uniqueness of each struggle is depend on choosing the ways. 41

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Dilli to Delhi-Gender and Culture Medium: Artwork

Ankita Karmakar & Abhishek Dey


Dilli has its protruding cosmo-cultural language embedded in its daily life, women being its central chauffeur. The nation perceives Dilli as a platform for every woman’s leeway, from the front to the rear seat of possibilities; be that work-space, to politics, to fame-light. It’s when one experiences Dilli, one realizes how they aren’t just the cultural driver, but the fuel for the capital’s cultural ignition. The city-streets are rooted with such highlights all over, with woman being its binding DNA as a front-running intertwined identity. Spaces of religious believes, from Kalibari to Nizamuddin; nodes of creative expressions, from art to politics in Mandi-house to Shaheen Bagh; the zeal for shopping, from Connaught to Sarojini. The understanding of the cityscape culture changes dramatically in its nightlife where a little party never hurts anybody! The city never sleeps as it keeps rolling with the rhythm of its celebrative vibes. And such is the diversity that it beholds the juvenile future of the nation in its universities, where women lead the way from literature to policy-debates to prom-fiesta. Digesting the capital’s essence, women seem to be guardian of its culture and upholders of society. The change in Delhi’s culture stands out because of its strong empowerment of women. Thats what delineates the identity of our capital, its transformation over time reflecting the sense of aapna shaher, from Dilli to Delhi.


IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Delhi Flows Medium: Hand Drawn and Mixed Media

Shubhajit Bagchi & Soumyajit Bagchi Urban Designer & Architect

The cosmopolitan culture of Delhi is what that makes the capital stand apart from others. The cozy settlements of Old Delhi with its cranky lanes and nostalgic havelis owned by different communities and the larger than the life statue of God Hanuman symbolizing Hindu community, depicts the perfects harmony in which these two settlements live. This harmony which is then trembled by the release of unconstitutional laws of CAA and NRC documents. The youth which are depicted by polychrome shades portrays their vigor and spirit to go against these unconstitutional laws and be the forbearers of the new and liberal India with Delhi being the first benchmark in it. The most intriguing part of the sketch is the portrayal of Mahatma Gandhi from a God’s perspective and his keenness in finding any remains of constitutional rights practiced in Delhi through magnifying glasses. 45

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Looking at The Marvels of The Lodhi Empire through the Veil of Opium Poppies... Medium: Hand Rendered in Watercolour, Digital Editing

Divyajyoti Sharma & Shubhrum Pun

Landscape Architect & Designer

The artwork depicts a beautiful spring day at Delhi’s Lodhi garden which comes alive with all the flower blooms during the months of February and March creating a veil of beauty over the stark yet strikingly astonishing architecture of the Saiyyad and the Lodhi dynasty. Flower beds of different shapes and sizes span across or edge line the rolling lawns of the garden and hundreds of people each day, flock into the gates for day picnics, casual meetings or just lazy strolls. The visitor’s eye cannot fail to capture the cornflowers, daisies, pansies, nasturtiums, dahlias, gazanias and the show stopper –The Red Opium King “Poppy”. The Oriental poppy is an annual that blooms in spring and takes a height of about 24-36 inches displaying a multitude of hues converting the bloomsite into a dreamy garden! The artwork captures one such moment in the hustle and bustle of Delhi where the architecture and the nature blend in beautifully to create a magical spell of enchantment! 47

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

In the Middle of the Street Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Shivangi Kalra

Student at College of Art, Delhi

I have tried to showcase the plight of those in Delhi who are suffering due to lack of space. We all know that the city is way over its capacity, and has become a glass full of water, now waiting for the tap to be closed. It is not just the street animals, but everything else has come to the streets. Amidst the rush of vehicles and the noise of machines, the city is managing to bloom with life and at the same time, dying itself. 49

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

A Walk through Mehrauli Medium: Watercolours and Pen-and-Ink

Disha Sahu

Urban Planner and Architect

The artwork named a walk through Mehrauli was painted from live observation on the eve of New Year’s of 2020 at Mehrauli. The portal visible in the drawing is a courtyard of a massive haveli from the Mughal era which today hosts a chaotic fruits and vegetable market. What caught my attention while painting it was its cusped arches which are adorned with floral ornamentation in lime plaster. Although, the lime plaster work in the rest of the haveli is in state of ramshackle, the frontal deori’s plaster work seems to have undergone recent conservation efforts. 51

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Memoir of Yamuna Medium: Mixed media

Vaibhavi Mehta

Architect, Urban Designer

This artwork is based on nature theme, establishing connection between Yamuna and Delhi in a unique way. The memoir of Yamuna begins by celebrating its existence as Goddess. As she begins her journey from the Himalayas, she beholds celebrations of cultural diversity. This artwork rejoices the existence of Krishna’s Yamuna and the faith of her devotees as she radiates in bright blue colour. Aquatic life narrates the memoir as she witnesses pristine architecture along the banks of Delhi. From Indraprasth to Shahajanabad, Yamuna ensured Delhi remained famine free. Today, before one can see or hear the river roar, one can smell the stench from a distance. Yamuna looks like a sewer. It is a testimony to the balance between urban development and conservation of natural assets. The memoir ends with Yamuna turning sallow and the death of the fish, thus provoking its spectators to decide the fate of Yamuna. 53

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Nazarein Medium: Digital Sketch

Anmol Tewari Architect

Walking through Connaught Place was routine during my internship. A red Ferrari was not uncommon sight amongst posh restaurants, offices and outlets of expensive brands- flaunting elegance and luxury- amidst the constant stir of indifferent pedestrians or busy vendors. Gradually, the place revealed more of itself every-day. The magnificence was soon punctuated and juxtaposed by scenes of homeless drug-addicts- found sitting at dingy corners, blind spots, and drawn shutters intoxicating themselves out of misery. There were certain everyday faces that didn’t utter, but spoke of apathy, craving and contempt- trapped in shackles of vicious addiction. I was overwhelmed by mixed feelings of compassion and rage- for the victimized; and immense gratitude- in acknowledging the gift of my own life. It seemed as if these poor souls had become part of the architecture of Connaught Place- ornamenting the dark side of our social backdrop- not ceasing to exist in it's vicinity. 55

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

The Ray Medium: Hand Sketching – Pen and Ink + Photoshop (1 Shade Layer)

Himanshu Sanghani

Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Sushant School of Art and Architecture

The artwork is categorically placed under the theme – streets. Street – often called as passage – is equivocally and commonly marked as a medium that allows access, but streets are more than just gaining access. Streets are the place-making space where the moods of society are reflected. The convoluted, narrow and wide spectrum of its nature allows each individual to find its space, whether in silence or in clamour. It allows to make eye-contact, it allows to be focused, it allows to see the colour, it allows to see the sky and hope, it allows to stand confident among the people who think they own the street. If the light can find its way amidst the disarray to shine the place, there is ‘The Ray’ of hope for its user to capture and be strong. The disarray within street makes one stronger. 57

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Other Entries

All entries received have had a sense of surprise and innovation in itself. Each one displaying different aspect of the city, through a diverse canvas of thought and art. 59

My episodic life as a woman in the city Medium: Hand Drawn(Paper), Watercolour

Darshna Khokhar & Sushil Bhorya Artist

Mrigtrishna: the twin souls Medium: Hand Drawn(Canvas), Acrylic

Darshna Khokhar & Sushil Bhorya Artist

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Detailing dilli ka delhi Medium: Hand drawn & Watercolour

Akash C R


Informal Dilli Medium: Mixed Medium

Sunny Gupta & Sankarshan Paul

Student 61

Anand Wadwekar

Architect - Urban Designer Bhopal

Gopika Chowfla Graphic Designer Goa / New Delhi

Mark Warner

Architect - Visualiser Delhi NCR

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Architect-Urban Designer Anand Wadwekar teaches at School of Planning and Architecture Bhopal. He did his doctoral studies in Urban and Regional Design from Hokkaido University, Japan. He was selected as part of 50 international scholars to do international courses on Globalization and Environmental Change at United Nations University, Tokyo. Anand’s interests are postmodern urban design theories, distinctive urbanism of South Asian cities. Anand is keen on identifying the processes that generate distinct urban form of Indian cities. He is an avid sketcher. He believes urban sketching challenges the way we experience cities and therefore needs to be inculcated in our continuous search for celebrating cities.

Gopika is an alumnus of the Faculty of Fine Arts, M. S. University, Baroda. She is one of the leading graphic designers in the country and has received significant recognition and accolades for her achievements in the industry as a creative professional which spans over 35 years. Gopika is currently the principle partner at GCD Studio, an all women team, where she takes a keen interest in mentoring young designers. Gopika creates personal as well as collaborative artistic projects. Her works have been exhibited at shows and festivals around India including at the Serendipity arts Festival, Sensorium Festival, United Art Fair and several group shows. An architect, visualiser and an educational facilitator by profession, Mark has been an active part of the academia for last three decades. Mark has been instrumental in shaping students across the country, being part of numerous architecture and design institutes including TVB School of Habitat Studies, NIFT, School of Planning and Architecture, Sushant School of Art and Architecture & Pearl Academy. He is currently the ‘Professor Design Chair and Track Director’ at Sushant school of Art & Architecture, Ansal University. His subjects of expertise are Drawings & Communication and Art & Graphics. Mark is also a passionate photographer, and continues to capture life through his ever-so keen eyes.

Jury Comments The CCC competition gave an opportunity to rekindle what has been lacking in our consciousness of contemporary urbanism. As cities are being reduced to a mere technological problem under various development programs, we need to reclaim cities through creativity to keep the human aspects alive in our discourse on urbanism we practice. All the entries received in CCC essentially takes the point forward that the act of representing the imagined and experienced cities through drawings, texts, images unfolds the tremendous possibilities of rebuilding and rethinking about our collective urban sense. These entries uniquely celebrate the spirit of Delhi through its peace, turmoil, chaos and tranquility, especially the winning entries reinstate the fact that a city like Delhi can’t be seen from one perspective only, Delhi inhabits the infinite possibilities of experience, imagination and perception and hence remain elusive and invisible too. Congratulation to all winners, participants and special kudos to IUDIDNCR and CCC organization team for celebrating Delhi and its spirit. Anand

To invite designers and artists to interpret their city though art is a wonderful idea. Beyond planning, architecture and politics, it is important to bring in other voices and perspectives into the building of our cities and this is a good initiative towards that. It was great to see the work that came in and I congratulate all the winners of this competition.


It was a delight to see the works of this competition. The insights into Delhi and therefore cities in general made one think. Graphically very well conceived entries .



City, Culture and Creativity, an art based competition was organized for expressing an image of Delhi through various mediums. While we are entangled in our everyday lives, this competition gave a fresh breath of air and freedom of expression to all the participants. It has been an enriching and an intriguing experience to see a wonderful portrayal of Delhi through multiple perspectives. Delhi has many facets and has been recognized as a multi layered city, cities within a city, a cosmopolitan city etc. The entries by the participants of the competition showed sensitivity, understanding and a sense of appropriation to built and natural environments. The diverse entries pose a larger meaning and raise concern with respect to human discourse and his relationship to settlements, streets and nature. They bring alive the busy, hectic, chaotic yet beautiful colours of Delhi and celebrate the scenes of daily urban life captured in frames. The scenes remind us of the rich heritage amalgamated with the landmarks of modern era, the icons of today playfully posing with the icons of yesterday, the troubles of the city perfectly coexisting with the opportunities it offers. They connect everybody through images of common experiences, views & beliefs. From the flavour of the street food to the warmth of the people, from the excitement of the festive mood to the symbols of patriotism, it enchants all our senses to fall in love with Delhi once again. It has been our pleasure and fortune to look at some of the spectacular and thought provoking creative works by the participants for the 'City of Delhi'. We hope this activity rediscovers new ways and means to connect people of this city to their very own "Dilli".

IUDI Delhi NCR - City, Culture & Creativity

Organisers Vikas Kanojia

Chairman, Delhi-NCR Chapter

Founding Partner of Studio Code

Aarushi Gupta

Architect & Urban Designer

Architectural Journalist in ReThinking the Future

Manu Mahajan

Navanil Chattopadhyay

Assistant Professor of Urban Design, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi

Urban Designer at BDP New Delhi Studio


Program Coordinator

Nidhi Dandona

Secretory, Delhi-NCR Chapter Program Head of Urban Design, Sushant School of Art & Architecture

Priyanka Gayen

Architect & Urban Designer

Phd Scholar at School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi

Satyajit Mal

Program Coordinator Urban Designer at BDP New Delhi Studio


City, Culture & Creativity organised by

iudi delhi ncr

Institute of Urban Designers India, Delhi NCR Chapter Registered Address: B-10, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi - 110065


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