1 minute read
Sharing Knowledge with Barbados
from Heritage Test
by iuGO Digital
Executive Team members from Heritage Petroleum Company Limited (Heritage), Mr. Kerry Rampersad (Business Development Leader), Mr. Nigel Campbell (Chief Financial Officer), and Mr. Richard Jebodhsingh (Subsurface Leader, Ag.), recently travelled to the Woodbourne facility in Barbados, to meet with their counterparts at the Barbados National Oil Company Limited (BNOCL). Following Heritage’s ongoing success in boosting oil production through its Enhanced Oil Recovery programme, the discussion explored the possibility of collaborating on a joint secondary recovery programme at Woodbourne Oilfield.
As the Heritage delegation shared details of the Company’s experience, the discourse centred around its onshore and offshore assets and operations, competencies in managing mature assets, and its implementation of a robust Operations Management System which brought about improvements in safety and efficiency, and resulted in strong financial results.
The Executive Team also shared information on Heritage’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, with its focus on sustainability, protecting the environment, building community capacity, supporting economic development, and empowering future leaders.
These talks about a joint secondary recovery initiative between the two companies, focused on increasing oil and gas production from the Woodbourne Oilfield, comes on the heels of the recent review of Heritage’s 2022 results and 2023 business plans by the Honourable Stuart Young, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, and his mandate to the Heritage Board and Leadership to “continue to identify opportunities to grow the business”.