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Stakeholder Agency Profiles/ Contact Information
Stakeholder Agency Profile
Contact Info

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO CREATIVE INDUSTRIES COMPANY LIMITED (CREATIVE TT) A state agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, responsible for the stimulation and facilitation of business development and export activities of the Creative Industries to generate national wealth in 3 niche areas and subsectors under its purview – Music, Film, Fashion.
47 Long Circular Road, Port of Spain 1-868-622-1455 info@creativett.co.tt https://creativett.co.tt
ECO-INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF TOBAGO (E-IDCOT) LTD An agency established under the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) with responsibility for the development and diversification of the Tobago economy. E-IDCOT promotes and manages a number of eco-industrial parks in Tobago, the first of which is the Cove Eco-Industrial and Business Park (Cove Tobago).
First Floor, Isaac T. McLeod Building, Sislyn Thomas-Craig Road, Cove EcoIndustrial and Business Park, Canoe Bay Road, Tobago. 1-868-660- Cove (2683) or 1-868-635- Cove (2683) Contact Us | E-IDCOT https://e-idcot.co.tt EVOLVING TECKNOLOGIES AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED (e TecK) A state agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, with responsibility for the development of light industrial parks/economic zones for the growth of businesses in the non-oil and gas sector in Trinidad and Tobago.
Flagship Complex, 9-15 eTecK Blvd., Tamana InTech Park, Wallerfield 1-868-224-1989, 1-868-224-1980, info@eteck.co.tt, https://eteck.co.tt/
MARITIME SERVICES DIVISION A Division under the Ministry of Works and Transportation that facilitates the growth of the national maritime sectors and provides maritime administration for Trinidad and Tobago. It is responsible for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of vessel source pollution.
Ministry of Works and Transport, Head Office, 2-4 London Street, Port-of-Spain 100623 1-868-625-1225; communications@mowt.gov.tt http://www.mowt.gov.tt/Divisions/ Maritime/ MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY The Government ministry responsible for promoting and growing trade, business and investment.
Nicholas Tower, 62-65 Independence Square Port of Spain, Trinidad 1-868-623-2931-4 1-868-627-0002 info@tradeind.gov.tt www.tradeind.gov.tt
THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NAMDEVCO) A statutory body with a mandate to create, facilitate and maintain an environment conducive to the efficient marketing of agricultural produce and food products through the provision of marketing services and the stimulation of business investment in the agro-industrial sector of Trinidad and Tobago.
Address: Head Office S.S. Erin Road, Debe 1-868-647 -3218/ 3467/3866/1340/ 2368 1-868-647-6087 contact@namdevco.com www.namdevco.com /www.namistt.com
NATIONAL ENERGY CORPORATION OF TRINIDAD & TOBAGO A wholly owned subsidiary of The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) with responsibility for the development of infrastructure to support the energy industry, while providing quality service in the area of natural gasbased development.
Cor. Rivulet and Factory Roads, Brechin Castle, Couva Trinidad & Tobago, P.O. Box 1127, Port of Spain 1-868-636 8471 1-868-636 2905 National Energy Contact https://www.nationalenergy.tt/
TOBAGO TOURISM AGENCY LTD A wholly owned private limited liability company established by the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) with responsibility for driving the rejuvenation and competitiveness of tourism in Tobago; attracting tourism investment in Trinidad; and promoting education, awareness and co-operation in advancing economic expansion through tourism.
Pleasant House, Corner of Bacolet Ext. Road and Hamilton Street, Scarborough, Tobago 1-868-612-8825 Info@tobagotourism.org https://www.visittobago.gov.tt/ corporate/about-tobago-tourism TOURISM TRINIDAD LIMITED A state agency aligned to the Ministry of Tourism responsible for the development and marketing of Trinidad’s tourism offerings and promotion of destination Trinidad.
1A Wrightson Rd, International Waterfront Complex, Tower D, Level 18, Port of Spain, Trinidad 1-868-612-7412 https://visittrinidad.tt/contact/: https://visittrinidad.tt/
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CENTRE A state agency under the remit of the Ministry of Finance, responsible for the development and expansion of the financial services sectors through the integration and application of Financial Technology.
15th Floor, Tower D International Waterfront Centre P.O. Box 735, 1 Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago 1-868-627 3081 / 1-868-225 6009 1-868-624 0794; info@ttifc.co.tt www.ttifc.co.tt