Mul]umiri. Thanks: Alexandru Al@moreanu, Virgil Pop, Bogdan Br^nza}, Iuliu {tefan Duma, Ionel-Nicu Drago} Lucrarea a fost tip@rit@ cu ajutorul Funda]iei Culturale Antropos }i Consiliului Local al Municipiului Cluj-Napoca. This book has been printed with the kind support of the Antropos Cultural Foundation and the Cluj-Napoca City Council.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a Rom$niei DUMA, IULIU De la p@m$nt la cer: Cluj-Napoca / Duma Iuliu. - Cluj-Napoca: Studia, 2004 ISBN 973-8390-16-8 908(498 Cluj-Napoca)
400129 Cluj-Napoca, b-dul Eroilor 18 tel./fax: +40-(0264)-41.09.46,
De la p@m$nt la cer. Cluj-Napoca. eseu vizual. Lucrarea se axeaz@ pe cele dou@ sensuri ale conceptului de ora}: cel de ansamblu arhitectural }i cel de totalitate a locuitorilor s@i. Sunt dou@ componente care coexist@ }i care se influen]eaz@ reciproc. Expunerea vizual@ se face evolutiv, ^n desf@}urare, dup@ o regul@ riguroas@ }i clar@ ^n idee, dar volatil@, fractal@ }i exploziv@ ^n reprezentare. Succesivitatea imaginilor este determinat@ de mai multe criterii. Se porne}te de la subsol, din ora}ul subteran. Vizunea se continu@ cu nivelul solului, al u}ilor, ferestrelor, apoi acoperi}urilor }i cerului. Se urm@re}te o traiectorie, se c@l@tore}te ^n plan vertical prin ora}. Este un vector aspira]ional, o tendin]@ firesc@, o devenire natural@, care este ^n mod genetic ^n firea omului. Deasemenea, se porne}te de la ruine, de la r@d@cini, }i se ajunge la sticl@ }i metal, ^n@l]ate tot mai sus. Este o trecere de la vechi }i trecut, la nou, modern, viitor, de la moarte, ^ncremenire, degradare, la via]@, dinamism, eternitate. Jos e trecutul, sus e viitorul, iar la mijloc este situat prezentul. Acesta este punctul magic din care se poate privi cu egalitate }i ^napoi, }i ^nainte. O alt@ desf@}urare evolutiv@ este aceea care ]ine de materie }i de structura sa. P@m$ntul este profund texturat, cu vibra]ii formale accentuate. Cerul este plin, lin, f@r@ accidente de detaliu. De la nisip }i pietri} se ajunge la cer }i nori. De la detaliu se ajunge la ansamblu, de la particular la general. Traiectoria formal@ ^ncepe cu neregularitate, accident, organic, }i ajunge la rigurozitate, re]ea, anorganic. Desf@}urarea eseului are }i un scenariu de factur@ cromatic@. Negru, gri, brun, ocru, portocaliu, ro}u, verde, albastru. Privirea porne}te de la p@m$nt, de sub p@m$nt, unde este ^nchis@, obturat@, ^nc@tu}at@, }i se ridic@, trece prin spectrul amintit }i se opre}te sus, la albastru cerebral al cerului. G$ndul, mintea, imagina]ia ^}i ia zborul, se dezvolt@, cre}te. De la negrul imobil }i static se ajunge la albastrul dinamic }i infinit. Am marcat astfel limitele ^ntre care se desf@}oar@ ac]iunea eseului. La mijloc explodeaz@ concertul, pornit de undeva de jos }i al c@rui ecou se pierde undeva ^n sus. Spectacolul este ^n desf@}urare. Por]i, ziduri, oameni, ma}ini, col]uri, semne, culori, mi}care, noduri, capace, clan]e, ornamente, texte,... La mijloc este omul, via]a, colorat@ ^n nuan]e calde. Fotografiile sunt luate de la nivelul omului care str@bate ora}ul, ^ns@ nu gr@bit sau absent. Se uit@ atent }i dornic de a descoperi, de a vedea cu al]i ochi aspecte care p$n@ acuma nu i-au spus nimic. Fiec@rei imagini luate din realitate ^i corespunde un simbol, materializat ^ntr-un p@trat pixelat con}tient, manual. Acesta deriv@ din imaginea respectiv@ }i o esen]ializeaz@. Este un fragment de informa]ie din codul genetic al ora}ului. %nl@n]uirea acestor simboluri purt@toare de informa]ie vor alc@tui codul genetic, esen]a, specificul ora}ului. Imaginea fotografic@ este redus@ la simbolul simplu }i totodat@ puternic vizual, iar din aceast@ s@m$n]@ se poate genera imaginea foto. Simbolul esen]ializeaz@ formal }i cromatic imaginea sau imaginea este esen]ializat@ cromatic }i formal de c@tre simbol. Aceste dou@ elemente sunt poten]ate de o explica]ie dubl@: un cuv$nt }i o imagine alb-negru. Cuv$ntul red@ conceptul iar imaginea ^l explic@, ^l pune ^n valoare. Cuv$ntul d@ imaginii fotografice ^n]elesuri multiple, fiecare percep$nd ideea ^n func]ie de structura }i forma]ia sa psihic@ }i cultural@. Lucrarea este un eseu vizual, o alternativ@ la monografiile despre Cluj existente. Se dore}te crearea unei atmosfere, a unei senza]ii, a unei impresii. Se aduc ^n prim plan imagini simple, ^nc@rcate de mesaje. Fiecare spune ceva. Sunt cadre accesibile oricui. From Earth to Sky. Cluj-Napoca. visual essay. The work is based on the two meanings of the word “town”: one means “the architectural assemble” and the other “the totality of the people that live in that town”. There are two components that coexist and influence each other. The visual exposure is made step by step, by a rigorous and clear rule, which is also volatile, fractal and explosive. The successively of the images is determined by several criterions. It starts from the underground, from the subterranean town. The vision continues to the ground level, to the level of the doors, of the windows, of the roofs and than reaches to the sky. A trajectory is followed, a vertical trajectory through the city. It is about an inspirational vector, a natural tendency, which is genetically in the human being. Also, it starts from the ruins, from the roots and it gets to the glass, to the metal, which are put higher and higher. It is a passing from old to new, to the modern, to the future, from the death, from the degradation to life, dynamism, eternity. Down there lies the past, up there is the future and in the middle there is the present. That is the magic point where from you can look, equally, forward and backward. Another evolving development is the one concerning the matter and its structure. The earth is profoundly textured with accentuated formal vibrations. The sky is full, peaceful, without detail accidents. From sand and stones you can reach to the sky and the clouds. From detail you can get to whole, from particular to general. The formal trajectory starts with irregularities, accidents, organics and gets to the rigourosity, to the net, to the inorganic. The essay development also has a chromatic screenplay. Black, gray, brown, orange, red, green and blue. The sight starts from the earth, from the underground, where it is locked, fettered, and it rises, it passes through the spectrum and it stops up there, at the cerebral blue of the sky. The thought, the mind, the imagination flies, develops, grows. From the static and immobile black, it gets to the dynamic and infinite blue. So, we've marked the limits within the essay action takes place. In the middle it is explored the concert that started from down somewhere, and who's echoes fades, up somewhere. The show develops. Gates, walls, people, cars, corners, signs, colors, moving, knots, lids, door handles, ornaments, texts…. In the center there is the man, the life, colored in warm shades. The photos are taken from the level of the person that passes through the town, but not an absent or hurried person. The person looks around attentively and willingly of knowing, of seeing from different corners some aspects that didn't mean a thing for him until then. To every image corresponds a symbol, materialized in a manual pixel square. This square derives from the image and gives it a meaning. It is a fragment from the genetic code of the town. The tangle of these information-carrying symbols will compose the genetic code, the essence, and the specific of the town. The photographic image is reduced to a simple but also strongly visualized symbol, and this seed can generate the photo image. The symbol underlines formal and chromatic the image or the image is chromatic and formal underlined by the symbol. These two elements are powered by a double explanation: a word and a black and white image. The word shows the concept and the image explains it. The word gives multiple senses to the photographic image so that every person understands the idea according to his cultural acknowledges. The work is a visual essay, an alternative to the existing monographs about Cluj. The result of this work is to create an atmosphere, a sensation, an impression. There are presented simple images, full of messages. Every image says something. There are frames accessible to everybody.
P~M#NT cyan: 0%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 100% GROUND cyan: 0%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 100%
P~M#NT cyan: 0%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 100% GROUND cyan: 0%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 100%
FUNDA[IE funda]ie de piatr@ la subsolul cl@dirii din str. Georges Clemenceau nr. 2 FOUNDATION base of structure from the undercroft of the building from 2 Georges Clemenceau Street
SALT scara spiralat@ a subsolului cl@dirii din str. Memorandumului nr. 23 LEAP the turret steps from the undercroft of the building from 23 Memorandumului Street
SPIRAL~ scara spiralat@ a subsolului cl@dirii din str. Memorandumului nr. 23 SPIRAL the turret steps from the undercroft of the building from 23 Memorandumului Street
PURIFICARE grilaj metalic la u}a cl@dirii din b-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 nr. 21 PURIFICATION metallic grate at the door of the building from 21st 21 Decembrie 1989 Boulevard
SPIRAL~ scara spiralat@ a subsolului cl@dirii din str. Memorandumului nr. 23 SPIRAL the turret steps from the undercroft of the building from 23 Memorandumului Street
PURIFICARE grilaj metalic la u}a cl@dirii din b-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 nr. 21 PURIFICATION metallic grate at the door of the building from 21st 21 Decembrie 1989 Boulevard
PIC~TUR~ capac de canal ĂŽn pia]a Unirii DROP canal lid on Unirii Square
ACCES capac de canal pe trecere de pietoni ĂŽn pia]a Avram Iancu ACCESS canal lid on pedestrian passing on Avram Iancu Square
[INT~ capac de canal pe trotuarul str@zii Hermann Oberth GOAL canal lid on Hermann Oberth Street's pavement
PIAN trecere de pietoni ĂŽn pia]a Avram Iancu PIANO pedestrian passing on Avram Iancu Square
MAREE pavaj din piatr@ cubic@ ĂŽn str. Eremia Grigorescu FLOODING cubic stone pavement on Eremia Grigorescu Street
PLOMB~ pavaj din lemn de stejar ĂŽn gangul din b-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 nr. 3 FILLING oak wood pavement on 3rd 21 Decembrie 1989 Boulevard's gangway
GRIL~ grilaj metalic la r@d@cina unui copac din pia]a Unirii GRID metalic netting at a tree's root on Unirii Square
AMALGAM resturi ĂŽn urma demol@rii cl@dirii din str. Avram Iancu nr. 23 AMALGAM remains after the demolition of the building from 23 Avram Iancu Street
LINI{TE c@]el ĂŽn pia]a Unirii SILENCE little dog on Unirii Square
PERECHE ferestre la un cavou din Cimitirul Central din str. Avram Iancu nr. 26 COUPLE windows at a burial vault in the Central Cemetary from 26 Avram Iancu Street
LINI{TE c@]el ĂŽn pia]a Unirii SILENCE little dog on Unirii Square
PERECHE ferestre la un cavou din Cimitirul Central din str. Avram Iancu nr. 26 COUPLE windows at a burial vault in the Central Cemetary from 26 Avram Iancu Street
RAM~ pisic@ ĂŽn subsolul cl@dirii din str. Memorandumului nr. 2 FRAME cat in the basement of the building from 2 Memorandumului Street
COMPOZI[IE utilaje pentru repararea str@zilor pe b-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 COMPOSITION streets repairing equipments on 21 Decembrie 1989 Boulevard
PAUZ~ cafeneaua din str. Regele Ferdinand nr. 37 INTERLUDE coffee shop on 37 Regele Ferdinand Street
CULOARE clan]a por]ii Liceului de Coregrafie }i Art@ Dramatic@ “Octavian Stroia” din str. Mo]ilor nr. 5 COLOR the door handle of the “Octavian Stroia” Dramatic Arts and Choreography High School's gate from 5 Mo]ilor Street
MECANISM autoutilitar@ pe platoul S@lii Sporturilor MECHANISM truck near Sports Hall
CUNOA{TERE clan]a por]ii cl@dirii din str. Memorandumului nr. 20 INTELLECTION the door handle of the gate from 20 Memorandumului Street building
ÎNTÂLNIRE stâlpi ai gardului bisericii Sf. Mihail din pia]a Unirii MEETING pillars of the St. Mihail Church's gate in Unirii Square
ALEGERE por]i de acces ĂŽn cl@direa din str. Samuil Micu nr. 8 CHOICE access gates to the building from 8 Samuil Micu Street
MIJLOC c@rucior cu de}euri de hârtie în calea Doroban]ilor MEANS barrow with paper offals in Doroban]ilor Street
GENERA[II zid al cl@dirii din str. I.C. Br@tianu nr. 10 GENERATIONS wall of the building from 10 I.C. Br@tianu Street
SPECTACOL paravan ĂŽn pia]a Mihai Viteazul PERFORMANCE screen in Mihai Viteazul Square
HART~ sec]iunea trunchiului unui copac din curtea Facult@]ii de Chimie }i Inginerie Chimic@ din str. Arany Janos nr. 11 MAP section of a tree's stump from the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Faculty's yard from 11 Arany Janos Street
SOARE element decorativ pe poarta cl@dirii din b-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 nr. 14 SUN th decorative element on the building's gate from 14 21 Decembrie Boulevard
NASTURE element metalic ĂŽn zidul cl@dirii din str. Matei Corvin nr. 18 BUTTON metallic element in the wall of the building from 18 Matei Corvin Street
SUNET sonerie ĂŽn peretele cl@dirii din str. I.C. Br@tianu nr. 33 SOUND electric bell in the wall of the building from 33 I.C. Br@tianu Street
MASC~ desen pe poarta }colii Simion B@rnu]iu din calea Doroban]ilor nr. 72 MASK drawing on the Simion B@rnu]iu School's gate from 72 Doroban]ilor Street
SUNET sonerie ĂŽn peretele cl@dirii din str. I.C. Br@tianu nr. 33 SOUND electric bell in the wall of the building from 33 I.C. Br@tianu Street
MASC~ desen pe poarta }colii Simion B@rnu]iu din calea Doroban]ilor nr. 72 MASK drawing on the Simion B@rnu]iu School's gate from 72 Doroban]ilor Street
SCRISOARE r@m@}i]ele unui anun] pe poarta cl@dirii din str. Universit@]ii nr. 10 LETTER the remains of an announcement on the gate of the building from 10 Universit@]ii Street
SUGESTIE avertizare pe poarta cl@dirii din str. Clinicilor nr. 41 HINT warning on the gate of the building from 41 Clinicilor Street
LEG~TUR~ ferestrele unei cl@diri din str. Baba Novac CONNECTION the windows of a building from Baba Novac Street
PASIUNE grafitti pe peretele cl@dirii po}tei din pia]a Lucian Blaga PASSION grafitti on the wall of the post office building from Lucian Blaga Square
VOIN[~ poarta cl@dirii din str. I.C. Br@tianu nr. 34 PURPOSE the gate of the building from 34 I.C. Br@tianu Street
STA[IE b@trân în fa]a cl@dirii din str. Regele Ferdinand nr. 15 STATION old man in the front of the building from 15 Regele Ferdinand Street
PRIM~VAR~ b@trân@ în pia]a Unirii SPRINGTIME old woman in Unirii Square
TRAFIC grup la un semafor din pia]a Mihai Viteazul TRAFFIC group at a traffic-lights from Mihai Viteazul Square
CONTACT grup de tineri pe b-dul Eroilor CONTACT group of young people on Eroilor Boulevard
MOTIV un Beetle pe str. Baba Novac REASON a Beetle on Baba Novac Street
SINCRONIZARE trec@tori pe b-dul Eroilor SYNCHRONIZATION pedestrians on Eroilor Boulevard
RO{U grup la un semafor din pia]a Unirii RED group at a traffic-lights in Unirii Square
ĂŽMPREUN~ familie pe str. David Ferenc TOGETHER family on David Ferenc Street
STUDIU grup pe trecere de pietoni ĂŽn pia]a Mihai Viteazul STUDY group on the pedestrian passing in Mihai Viteazul Square
INSPIRA[IE copii ai str@zii pe o trecere de pietoni din pia]a Mihai Viteazul INSPIRATION homeless children on a pedestrian passing from Mihai Viteazul Square
CUR~[ENIE femeie s@rac@ ĂŽn pia]a Avram Iancu CLEANING poor woman in Avram Iancu Square
LUMIN~ gang ĂŽn str. Memorandumului nr. 4 LIGHT gangway in 4 Memorandumului Street
PRETEXT festival pe b-dul Eroilor OCCASION festival on Eroilor Boulevard
LUMIN~ gang ĂŽn str. Memorandumului nr. 4 LIGHT gangway in 4 Memorandumului Street
PRETEXT festival pe b-dul Eroilor OCCASION festival on Eroilor Boulevard
DESCHIDERE nr. 34 din str. Avram Iancu OPENING 34 Avram Iancu Street
CIRCUIT s창rm@ pe un st창lp din pia]a Avram Iancu CIRCUIT wire on a pillar from Avram Iancu Square
SENS indicator l창ng@ Turnul Pompierilor din str. Tipografiei SENSE pointer nearby Firemen Tower from Tipografiei Street
SIMBOL emblem@ a ora}ului pe bastionul din str. Baba Novac SYMBOL city emblem on the bastion from Baba Novac Street
LIBERTATE firid@ ĂŽn cl@direa din b-dul Eroilor nr. 46 FREEDOM niche in the building from 46 Eroilor Boulevard
DORIN[~ plant@ ĂŽntr-un zid din str. Nuferilor AMBITION plant in a wall from Nuferilor Street
CREDIN[~ detaliu din intrarea principal@ a Bisericii Iezuite din str. Universit@]ii FAITH detail from the Jezuit Church's main entrance from Universit@]ii Street
DESCOPERIRE indicator rutier ĂŽn pia]a Avram Iancu FINDING road pointer in Avram Iancu Square
TRANSPAREN[~ fereastr@ ĂŽn zidul unei cl@diri din str. Matei Corvin TRANSPARENCY window in the wall of the building from Matei Corvin Street
TUR~ cl@direa sec]iei Pictur@ a Academiei de Art@ }i Design, Parcul Central PAINTING the building of the Arts and Design Academy's Painting Section, Central Park
TRANSPAREN[~ fereastr@ ĂŽn zidul unei cl@diri din str. Matei Corvin TRANSPARENCY window in the wall of the building from Matei Corvin Street
TUR~ cl@direa sec]iei Pictur@ a Academiei de Art@ }i Design, Parcul Central PAINTING the building of the Arts and Design Academy's Painting Section, Central Park
MOMENT ceas pe cl@direa din str. Mihail Kog@lniceanu nr. 16 MOMENT clock on the building from 16 Mihail Kog@lniceanu Street
SERENAD~ balcon la cl@direa din str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 13 SERENADE balcony at the building from 13 Iuliu Maniu Street
SUS[INERE nod electric pe cl@direa sec]iei Design a Academiei de Art@ }i Design, str. F.D. Roosevelt nr. 8 SUPPORTING electrical knot on the building of the Arts and Design Academy, the Design Section, 8 F.D. Roosevelt Street
NOD st창lp din pia]a Avram Iancu NODE pillar in Avram Iancu Square
ĂŽMBINARE zid al Cl@dirii Telefoanelor CONNECTION wall of the Telephones Building
VECTOR fa]ad@ a BRD din b-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 VECTOR facade of the BRD from 21 Decembrie 1989 Boulevard
TRECERE intrarea ĂŽn biserica Sf. Mihail din Pia]a Unirii PASSING the entrance of St. Mihail Church from Unirii Square
VIRAJ cl@direa din str. Emil Isac nr. 24 TURN the building from 24 Emil Isac Street
TRECERE intrarea ĂŽn biserica Sf. Mihail din Pia]a Unirii PASSING the entrance of St. Mihail Church from Unirii Square
VIRAJ cl@direa din str. Emil Isac nr. 24 TURN the building from 24 Emil Isac Street
CULT Biserica Iezuit@ din str. Universit@]ii CULT the Jezuit Church from Universit@]ii Street
PLAS~ fa]ada Bibliotecii Academiei Rom창ne filiala Cluj-Napoca din str. Mihail Kog@lniceanu nr. 12-14 NET the facade of the Romanian Academy Library, Cluj-Napoca branch, from 12-14 Mihail Kog@lniceanu Street
CAP~T cl@direa din str. Avram Iancu nr. 7 END the building from 7 Avram Iancu Street
RACORD fa]ad@ a Bisericii Minorite din b-dul Eroilor JOINT facade of the Minorith Church from Eroilor Boulevard
RITM cl@direa din str. Regele Ferdinand nr. 36 RHYTHM the building from 36 Regele Ferdinand Street
AVĂ‚NT hornuri ale cl@dirii Facult@]ii de Chimie }i Inginerie Chimic@ din str. Arany Janos nr. 11 SOARING chimneys of the building of the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Faculty from 11 Arany Janos Street
ECHILIBRU felinar }i col] de acoperi} ĂŽn str. Vasile Alecsandri nr. 10-12 EQUILIBRIUM lantern and roof corner in 10-12 Vasile Alecsandri Street
VEDERE fereastr@ ĂŽn zidul unei cl@dirii din pia]a Mihai Viteazul VIEW window in the wall of a building from Mihai Viteazul Square
SCAR~ fa]ada unei cl@dirii din pia]a Mihai Viteazul LADDER the facade of a building from Mihai Viteazul Square
VĂ‚RF col]ul cl@dirii Facult@]ii de Construc]ii din str. George Bari]iu nr. 25 PEAK the corner of the building of the Constructions Faculty from 25 George Bari]iu Street
SPERAN[~ nori ĂŽn 1 mai 2003 HOPE clouds on the 1st of May 2003
AER cer ĂŽn 16 iunie 2003 AIR sky on the 16th of June 2003
CER cyan: 100%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 0% SKY cyan: 100%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 0%
CER cyan: 100%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 0% SKY cyan: 100%, magenta: 0%, yellow: 0%, black: 0%