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Investing in the Next Generation
Student centeredness is not a finish line we will cross. It’s a road we are traveling.
While working toward our future, in 2022 we accomplished a lot of things that show how putting students first is––and always will be––a priority at IUP. From things like establishing the Learning Commons inside the library to offering the Crimson Scholars Circle to help students with educational barriers get prepared for college to awarding more than $15 million in scholarships and financial aid and reducing undergraduate tuition, we put students first. We approached all of our work by asking one question: Will this benefit students? If the answer was yes, we tried to do it. If the answer was no, we looked for another solution.
Our alumni and friends showed their support of what we’re doing by continuing to donate their time and resources to help the next generations of students have opportunities for the same life-changing experience they had.
There’s no doubt the work we are doing today for our students will benefit generations of students to come, and they are the ones who will go on to impact the world in some truly amazing ways.
LEARNING COMMONS: The Hub of Student Centeredness
In September, the IUP Libraries unveiled the redesigned Learning Commons, which is a one-stop location for students to find many resources, including the Career and Professional Development Center, the Center for Teaching Excellence, the Kathleen Jones White Writing Center, and the University College.