1st Circular Letter of the 3rd EntreASPAS

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CIRCULAR 1 PREAMBLE The EntreASPAS is a meeting promoted by the Association of Researchers on Sequential Art (ASPAS) with the objective of gathering associates, researchers, students every two years in the city of Leopoldina, headquarters of ASPAS. The ASPAS was constituted due to many researchers involved in the Sequential Art universe and the emergence of studies of several areas of knowledge that used comics as objects of their analysis. However, “sequential art” here is understood in a much more elastic sense than that one originally attributed by Will Eisner, also involving cinema, animations, and other formats of “sequential art”, although comics occupy a prime place in the discussion. In addition to being a scientific event, the EntreASPAS is also an administrative meeting, that is, part of the programming will be reserved for ASPAS internal issues, such as the general assembly of the association. Part of its programming will be focused on tables and debates about the future direction of ASPAS and the research on Sequential Art in Brazil.

ABOUT REGISTRATION Associates of the ASPAS, as well as other professionals or students who develop activities or have an interest in developing activities involving sequential arts (comics, animation, cinema), may participate in the 3rd EntreASPAS. Participants will be able to register as listeners or as presenters. In both cases, participation certificates will be conferred. Although the official language of the event is Portuguese, presentations may be also held in English. Translation English-Portuguese-English will be provided for participants of other countries. It is a very cozy event, with a very intense gathering together.  At the beginning of the event, a fee of R$ 75.00 (approximately US$ 25) will be charged. To register, one should send an email to aspascontato@gmail.com, sending the following data:


Name: Associate of ASPAS? ( ) Yes ( ) No Institutional bond (Institution, Faculty, University): Profession: Research field: Do you want to present communication/paper? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, please indicate below: Title of the communication: Abstract (single paragraph with up to 250 words summarizing the theme): Keywords (up to five): If you are not associated, please answer the following questions: 1. How did you become aware of ASPAS? 2. Do you intend to associate? Why?

CONSIDERATIONS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION (PAPERS)  The presentation may reflect ongoing researches, as well as reports of experience or pedagogical practice, as long as they are related to sequential art;  The number of places for oral presentation is limited;  The organization of the event will send a letter of acceptance directly to the proponent;  The complete text shall be sent after the event, and the rules of technical-scientific presentation, deadlines and other information will be communicated directly to the registrants who presented their work at the event.

DATES and DEADLINES (FOR FOREIGN PARTICIPANTS) Registration for oral presentations (papers)

Up to March 20th 2017

Listeners registration

Up to April 20th 2017

Registration of workshops

Up to March 20th 2017

Acceptance Letter shall be send

Up to March 30th 2017

Full texts shall be send

Up to July 20th 2017

More information about the program, accommodation options, how to arrive, will be present in the 2nd Circular.

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