Ics2014 ezbet bekhiet presentation revised

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MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD)

The Integrated Case Study Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt Process & Roles Ezbet Bakhiet Cairo - Egypt 2014/2015

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD)

Disclaimer ‘The Integrated Case Study - Informal Areas' Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles’ is produced as a part of the Integrated Case Study (ICS) module.

© IUSD Masters Program, 2014 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of IUSD-ASU, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. All rights reserved The ICS and associated publications would not have been possible without the support of variety of donors and partners organizations, which are thanked collectively as follows: IUSD is funded by DAAD, BMZ, BMF, MoHE The ICS 2014/2015 is generously supported by the MOURIS The ICS 2014/2015 is held at Ain Shams University - Egypt Federal Ministry of Education

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

Ministry of Higher Education

Contacts: MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design www.iusd.uni-stuttgart.de Ain Shams University

Faculty of Engineering El Sarayat street 1, Abbassia, Cairo-Egypt Fax: 0020222728225 Email: iusd@eng.asu.edu.eg

“Ezbet Bekhit” Team Aly El Sayed Charlotte Watermann Maram Sha’ban Yasmine Halawa

Ain Shams Teaching Staff Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen Assistant Prof. Marwa Abd Al Latif Dr. Hassan ElMouelhi Ain Shams Assisting Team Eng. Aya El-Wagieh Eng. Mohammed Alfiky Achnowledgement We would like to achnowledge the input of: Mr. Khalil Shaat; Mr. Mohamed Abou Samra; Mr. Yahia Shawkat; Ms. Nagwa Raouf; Dr. Raghda El-Ibrashy and Dr. Sherif Algohary

Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

MAPPING AL-EZBAH Location and overview

her o Ot ion t er areas t c e n Con hiet Nass s Man

tre rs xo Lu et

Macro-scale: In black Manshiet Nasser in Cairo

to ieka De w


la h



Zoom in: Ezbet Bakhiet


MN 10 ead

City of the d

d dr

tra os t Au

Azhar Park


the higher the building the richer in the inhabitants

MN 3

Rockfall MN 4


MN 5

Population of Ezbet Bekhit: 37.000 (2003) 75 % of the residents are from Upper Egypt 86% of the buildings are out of bricks and concrete 52 % are lierate (piffero 2009) 45,7 % are below the lower egyptian poverty line. 85 % are self- employed; 55 % work within the area 57 % of the units are rented

MN 2

MN 6

ser Manshiet Nas MN 8

MN 7 MN 9


60% tap water acess Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Micro-scale: In black Ezbet Bakhiet in Manshieh 4

Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

MAPPING HISTORY Ezbet Bakhiet and the whole manshieh was a mountain used for lime stone extractions till the 60s. Therefore it has its current typography in that form. People since the Mamluk times were living in what is nowadays as dead Cairo and this mountain was only approached for stone-work.


Mid 90s

Mid 80s

Dweiqa’s rock fall resulting in the death of many from the Manshieh residents.

After Manshieh was full, people started to move to Dweiqa, spontanous planning since late 80s.

Suzan Mubarak’s organization opened in Zarayeb as the first developmental org. - attracted development movements.

Planning building capacity

Masaken Suzan Mubarak

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Cultural and Youth centers


More people attracted to live in the area.

The vegtables market started in Al Manshieh, which is now the parallel market to the Autostrad.


Families started to call their relatives from other spots in Egypt, for shared living and business. Area streets and districts started to be named on their villages and people.

Opening king Khaled bridge, and the Autostrad Pavement, in addition to making public transportation (Autobies 65) inclusive.


Facilities (water and sewage) were provided to ezbeh through public taps. Named therefore after Jamal Abd Al Nasser due to this decission.

Establishment of Al-Ashira al Muhamadieh which is the participatory platform for the service provision Mosque, kindergarten..).


More tribal people started to join these new emerging settlements especially from upper Egypt for low-cost living.

After the war, more people started to immigrate to the area from Suez and other areas in Egypt for its cheap residency (almost free) and being close to the “city center” for their work.

Mid 70s

1967 Some People were moved from their zarayeb in the Fatimid Cairo (around Salah Salem) to al manshieh area due to road developmental plan.








ENSSR Spanish company Almost initiated garabage recycle project

SHAIKH ZAYED Hospital and school Opening at the borders of Ezbet Bekhiet

GTZ two buildigs


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

MAPPING INFORMATION Interviews and methodology

Tools for data collection Local Active member at Yaci | contractor for GTZ infrastructure project: Ahmed

Telephone interviews

Kelma wahda Local co-founder & deputy: Ahmed

One-to-one interview Group interviews

Masria lel tanmieh al shamla | Head of projects: Muna

Reports, maps and documents

YACI Head of projects: Amal CBO local member: Amaal

Ministry of social affiars- Local unit of Ezbet Bakhiet: Hassan

Shabab Manshiet Naser lel tanmia | HR developer: Taghreed Contact person Ana Masri foundation: Hani

Remal Foundation Junior architect: Shadi

Unstructured interviews with People

AL-Ashira al muhamadieh CBO

Unstructured Interviews Random sample from the locals (around 20 people)

Cairo Governorate advisor from GIZ: Khalil Shaat


Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet


Locating and categorizing different interventions

D.P 1 Sewage System implementation D.P 2 Youth and cultural centers rehabilitation

D.P 1

D.P 3 Two association buildings

D.P 8

D.P 4 Twelve building rennovation

D.P 7

D.P 5 Green open space D.P 6 Shiekh Zayed hospital & school

D.P 3

D.P 7 Sons of Banga community hall D.P 6

D.P 8 Kids Playground

D.P 4 D.P 2

D.S 2 Child & mother support & services D.S 3 Anti- sexual harrassment campaign D.S 4 Micro- credit loans




D.P 5

D.S 1 Vocational & Capacity building & seed fund



D.P 6


R D.P 2

Relief Ramadan food distribution Case by case support

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Categorization of interventions

S.C Social Cooperative Funeral prep. Holding weddings Hosting public meetings


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet


Detailed intervention analysis Intervention





Participatory Urban Development of Manshiet Nasser distrcit D.P 1 Sewage system implementation D.P 2 Youth and cultural centers rehabilitation D.P 3 Two association buildings D.S 1 Vocational & Capacity building & seed fund

Shiekh Zayed hospital and school

Remal foundation for urban development initiative D.P 4 Twelve building rennovation

Resala Intervention

green space

D.P 5 open

Private donations

Private donations


Soft development of local community

D.S 1 Vocational & Capacity building & seed fund D.S 2 Child & mother support & services D.S 4 Micro- credit loans

European Union intiative

D.S 1 Vocational & Capacity building & seed fund D.P 4 building rennovation


Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Ů?Ana El Masry


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet


Luxor Sons league

Osman Group

Ministry of Education

based E.B NGOs


we po em

International donors

Autho ris

ice y serv t i n u Comm ground ck on ba

Manshiet Nasser Youth

Ward Masir NGO

El Salam NGO

Bedaya NGO



Unhealthy Competence

Lack of trust

Egyptian Foundation for inclusive development


Amal (hope) NGO

External NGOs

t en m r

e op o C



The Europian union Sheikh Zayed foundation

Ministry of social affiars- Local unit of Ezbet Bakhiet

Ezbet Bekheet Local community

Specialist Authorization


Ana El Masry

d an n tio ra

Care foundation



Private companies



Save the children

Banga Sons league (Sohag)

Municipality Ministry of Social affairs

Ministry of Health


Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Cairo Governorate



Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

MAPPING BOTTOM-UP APPROACH GTZ approach and framework

Kelma Wa7da Elslam

Ward Misr Egyptian association for holistic development

E.B existing NGOs


Local Active member at Yaci | contractor for GTZ infrastructure project: Ahmed

Community activists

150 of his community network Semi-volunteers they calculated labourship: offered half price salary for labour, and half goes for the impleentation

Ezbet Bekhiet Sons


Shabab Manshiet Nasser for development

Youth association for community enhancement YACI

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Sewage project Infrastructure

Youth Center Upgrade

Cultural center recreational upgrading


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

MAPPING BOTTOM-UP APPROACH Local NGOs approach and framework

The Europian union

Ministry of Social affairs

Save the children

Rotary foundation

Community Donations


Minister of Urban Renewal & Informal Settlements

Cairo Governorate

Shagara foundation i the Egyptian organisation

Remal Foundation

Shabab Manshiet Naser for development

Osman Group Sponsors hiring 60 Youth

300 Local community Youth memeber (18 - 30 Yrs)

Local community Youth

Local community Youth

12 Renovated houses owners and one with green rooftop by Shagara Foundation

Private German company Sponsors hiring 60 Youth

Cooperation and linkage Fund donations

Private companies Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Employment opportunities

Start ups


Training & capacity building


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet


Unstructured interviews with random samples of people from the street resulted as the following: Women group mentioned health programs and education support without mentioning exactly from which NGOs they were profiting. A group of men were convinced that the sewage system has not been done by the GIZ but by the Municipality. Moreover they were skeptical towards NGOs as they believe that they would only grasp the surface of the problems and as it is many corruption. By talking to 14-years old girls we could understand that they did not know anything about the GIZ project. Yet, they mentioned the hospital and the school built by the Sheikh Zayed.

Unstructured Interviews Random sample from the locals (around 20 people)

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

MAPPING PROBLEMS Lack of real participatory method, exclusion, and fatal competence between NGOs



le co LOCAL ct io m SELECTIVES n m preh

nal benifits

seeking perso

PEOPLE Lack of trust bubble

roa pp

Active volunteerism base





P an erm d iss au io th n or isa t

U co nhe m alt pe hy te nc e

all e to s usiv incl s, NGO not st tic i and ctiv ed par nted les, a ot Orie ty circ fake ro e soci evels l and on i ipat




Sel e (co cted c ntr irc cat a ion cts ar les of e s) e fak not b mploy e ro a m ote sed o ent nq dp u art icip alifiatio n

h peolationship wit re al re t ec ir No D GOs hed through N ple - approac d conan ted database Means, Orien tact list

e ho siv do e s lo egy




nd tion a nship a r e p o o No co ratic relati c o r beu

from h c ion ivat pproa a mot No ing the ment t p shif develo into No comprehesive developmental plan but singular implementations No participation with community


Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Well established NGO’s (Even if not networked yet)


Active CBO’s in the social cooperative zone

Most experienced for Donors and implementation methodologies A part of al manshia, the oldest and one of the biggest informalities in Cairo which made it most popular internationally


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Bakhiet

RECOMMENDATIONS Establishing a unified framework methodology based on community networking and stakeholders

Learning from regional casestudies

The infrastructure and camps improvement department (ICIP) in UNRWA (United nation for relief and work agency for Palestinian refugees): providing a practical tool set for the development and implementation of Camp Improvement Plans in the camps.

The camp improvement plan

Initial contact

Action plan

Integrated needs assessment

Project implementation

Integrated diagnosis

Monitoring/ evaluation

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Establishing an opened mixed platform from community locals, local figures, NGOs, CBOs, Ezbit bakhiet unit (governorate) and other interested stakeholder that remains as a working opened base in the Ezbeh for whoever is interested. This platform will act as a self-organized working platform in the Ezbeh, that will start to attract the new donors after loosing popularity. Forming a well organized structure that networks all the NGOs in the area together, where they become members of the mother-NGO. NGOs then with same field of work will have to collaborate together and not compete when funds flush to the ground. evaluation system will have to be provided in order to monitor the performance of each member each year and only support those that remain active. CBOs become a part of this network and shift their approach from relief to development. 14

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