Ics2014 ezbet el lamoon presentation revised

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MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD)

The Integrated Case Study Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt Process & Roles Ezbet Al Lamoon Cairo - Egypt 2014/2015

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD)

Disclaimer ‘The Integrated Case Study - Informal Areas' Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles’ is produced as a part of the Integrated Case Study (ICS) module.

© IUSD Masters Program, 2014 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of IUSD-ASU, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. All rights reserved The ICS and associated publications would not have been possible without the support of variety of donors and partners organizations, which are thanked collectively as follows: IUSD is funded by DAAD, BMZ, BMF, MoHE The ICS 2014/2015 is generously supported by the MOURIS The ICS 2014/2015 is held at Ain Shams University - Egypt Federal Ministry of Education

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

Ministry of Higher Education

Contacts: MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design www.iusd.uni-stuttgart.de Ain Shams University

Faculty of Engineering El Sarayat street 1, Abbassia, Cairo-Egypt Fax: 0020222728225 Email: iusd@eng.asu.edu.eg

“Ezbet Al Lamoon” Team Ahmad Abayazeed Nada Jouni Lisa Gaensbauer

Ain Shams Teaching Staff Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen Assistant Prof. Marwa Abd Al Latif Dr. Hassan ElMouelhi Ain Shams Assisting Team Eng. Aya El-Wagieh Eng. Mohammed Alfiky Achnowledgement We would like to achnowledge the input of: Mr. Khalil Shaat; Mr. Mohamed Abou Samra; Mr. Yahia Shawkat; Ms. Nagwa Raouf; Dr. Raghda El-Ibrashy and Dr. Sherif Algohary

Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Area Profile 2.1 Location 2.2 History 2.3 Urban aspects 2.4 Inhabitants profiles 3. Mapping Interventions 3.1 Description 3.2 Stakeholders analysis 3.3 Impact of interventions 4. Discussion and Recommendations

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

1. Introduction & Methodology • Ezbet Al Lamoon is an area located in the North-East of Cairo and South within the district of Matareyya. • It is one of Matareyyas’ four informal settlements • It contains some social housing, a mosque and Matareyya Sportclub on its boarder.

Site Visits 1. Mohammad Abdel-Wahed (GOPP) Observations GOPP Report 2. Om Aya, Hag Mohammad and Mohammed Hamdy Housevisit 3. Osama Hamdy Informal interviews 4. Hag Mohammad Informal interviews Telephone interviews

Social Housing M

Market Mataraya Sportclub


School and Hospital


Ministry of Health M

2 1 © google maps

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© google maps


3. Mapping Interventions

arders/Connections to City/Context Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles Youssef Kamal Palace Stakeholder

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // Location

Ezbel Al Nakhl

Al Matarawy

Ain Shams



Metroline Al Zaitoon

Matareyya district within Greater Cairo

© google maps





© google maps

© google maps

Location of Matareyya District within the Location of Ezbet Al Lamoon Area within the Boarders and Entrances of Ezbet Al Lamoon Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region Matareyya District. Size: 4581 feddans

Size: 20 feddans Population: 5.000 Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams 416 University - Phase I Density: people/feddans

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North: Social housing and walls of the Matareyya club East: Metro line 1 South: El-Horeya Street West: Al Matarawy Street © www.faroukmisr.net


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // History

0 B.c. Village, Maria and Jesus stayed three months at a well.

1960 -1970

The farmers started to split their land and sell it. First people from Upper Egypt started to arrive and settle. Electricity and water infrastructure was installed by the municipality.

1970 -12014

Growth The whole area was built and the density increased. New highrise buildings arise. Old houses reached the limit of capacity.

1909 Prince Youssef Kamel Palace. Agricultural land with lemons and oranges. Some farmhouses were built.

52 Revolution

1952 Revolution. A new law made the splitting of land possible. Each farmer had his own land. Sewage network was installed by the British camp.

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Cairo/Matareyya/Size/Boarders/Connections to City/Context 2. Area Profile // Urban Aspects

Physical Aspects

© google maps

Conditions of buildings

Matareyya district within Greater Cairo

Urban fabric

Houses have no obvious cracks, some are plastered. Dense urban fabric with narrow streets and paths. Not all windows are glassed; some are only openings and Many dead-end streets. others are covered by curtains only. Houses are 3-5 stories high. Some houses host small shops in the ground floors, which are often 50cm elevated. In the upper floors, horizontal extensions are added, balconies are turned into rooms and the sky is barely visible

© Lisa Gaensbauer

Open spaces Only one large open space exists in the area, where vendors sell their goods and cars are parked. The narrow streets are used for playing games, selling goods and social interactions.

in the alleys.

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // Urban Aspects Socio-cultural Aspects Origin of people Small villages from Upper Egypt

Process of settling After finding a shelter as well as a job, the men called for their families to follow them. Until today relatives and former neighbours are living in the area together.

Owners vs. residents Owners and renters live together in the area. The inhabitants know each other.

Constellation of houses Often one family shares one room in a building. 30-50 people may live in one building with shared bathroom and kitchen. Only some people have television as well as computers.

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© Lisa Gaensbauer

Perception inside and outside People from outside don’t go to the area; they consider it as unsafe, full of drug-dealers and crime. Some inhabitants fear the drug-dealing in the area and are ashamed of its conditions. They hope to move out as soon as possible. The drug dealers benefit from this neglected situation.


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // Urban Aspects Economic Aspects


© Lisa Gaensbauer

Construction labor

© Lisa Gaensbauer

© Nada Jouni

©Ahmed Abayazeed

© Lisa Gaensbauer

Close by large market Video-game room

Small shops

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Peeling vegetables

© Nada Jouni

© www.shutterstock.com


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // Inhabitants profile

Om Aya

Age ~35


Age ~35

Om Abdou

Age ~60

Occupation Unemployed

Occupation Bucher Bread seller

Occupation Sewing

Income 200-300 EP subsistence

Income N.A.

Income 200-300 EP subsistence 5 EP / dress

Living Conditions Rented room in a shared apartment with shared toilet. No natural gas. Family Members 5 (4 daughters, go to school) Needs Natural gas. Lightening in the street. New apartment. Monthly money.

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Living Conditions Owned apartment (owner of the building) No natural gas. No stable occupation. Family Members 5 (2 daughters, one goes to school. 1 unemployed son) Needs Natural gas. Lightening in the street. Stable job. Monthly money.

Living Conditions Rented room in a shared apartment with shared toilet. No natural gas. Family Members 4 (1 divorced daughter, 2 grand-daughters) Needs Monthly money. Big business and workers.


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // Inhabitants profile

Abou Amira

Sayida Abd Alwaly Ibrahim

Age ~65

Occupation Former driver Shop for kids’ video games

Occupation Unemployed

Income 200-300 EP subsistence N.A. EP shop

Income 3000 E.P (husband’s income)

Afaf Kamel

Living Conditions Rented apartment No natural gas Family Members 6 (4 educated daughters; 2 married) Needs Leave the area Eliminating troubles and drug dealers Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Age ~30

Living Conditions Rented apartment No natural gas Family Members 6 (4 kids, go to school) Needs Natural gas Lightening in the street Clean neighbourhood Decrease in electricity bills and grocery costs

Age ~40

Occupation Unemployed divorced Income 200-300 EP subsistence

Living Conditions Rented room in a shared apartment with shared toilet No natural gas Sewage in the apartment Cracks in the walls Family Members 3 (2 sons; old unemployed, young goes to school) Needs New apartment/Moving Monthly money Decrease in electricity bills


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

2. Area Profile // Inhabitants profile


Age 15

Abbas Radwan

Age ~65

Occupation Secondary school student

Occupation Unemployed

Income No income

Income 200-300 EP subsistence Subsidised treatment by government

Living Conditions Owned apartment with his family Family Members 4 (father, mother, and sister) Needs Clean streets Eliminating drug dealers and gangs Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Living Conditions Owned apartment Suffers from kidney problems Undergoes regular treatment Family Members 2 (1 son)

Summary of problems No local leaders or community based organizations are existing on site. The number of people living in Ezbet Al Lamoon is relatively small. The unorganized community structure leaves the society weak against external influences The inhabitants are grateful for the donations they are getting.

The main problems: • • • • • •

lack of money no gas connection high electricity bills sewage in the house due to breaking pipes drug dealers and troublemakers unemployment

Needs Monthly money Eliminating troubles, fights and drug dealers 13

Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Description This is an overview of the stakeholders in Ezbet Al Lamoon. The active stakeholders in the area are charity organizations and a sport club. The most active stakeholders on site are Matareyya Sport Club and Al Sabeel Mosque. AYB, Resala, Al Shari’ya Society as well as the Municipality of Matareyya are external stakeholders influencing the site. Further General Organization of Physical Planning (GOPP), Youssef Kamal Palace and Meriam Tree Department are three potential stakeholders.

Meriam Tree Department

Matareyya Sport Club

Youssef Kamal Palace


The Municipality

Al Sabeel Mosque

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Al Shari’ya Society


Resala - NGO

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder Al-Matareyya Club

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Providing sport and recrational activities

Ministry of ‫‏‬Sport and Youth


Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type: Active stakeholder. Starting year: 1970s Role and activities: Providing sport and recreational activities, as well as spaces for charity events. Organization: Ministry of Sport and Youth. Intervention: Different sport schools. Around 50 % of the children and youth joining the club are from Ezbet Al Lamoon. Daily ticket 5 LE Full membership for one family 8.000 LE

The main playground in the Matareyya club © Lisa Gaensbauer

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder Al Sabeel Mosque

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Place for prayer and charity activities

Ministry of Endownments


Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type: Active stakeholder. Starting yea : 1976 Role and activities: Providing a place for prayers and organizing some charity activities for the area. Organization: Ministry of Endownments and Donations by the Al Shari’ya Society. Intervention: Providing food and some money for the poor people in the area. There were some trials to organize a literacy classes but it failed because only 3-4 people joined.

Al Sabeel Mosque © Lisa Gaensbauer

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder Resala NGO

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Providing food and clothes

Matariya Club

Location Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type : Active stakeholder Starting year : 1999 Role and activities : Organizing charity activities like providing food and clothes for people in need. Organization : Under the umbrella of Ministry of Social Affairs. Intervention : They provide food in Ramadan and distribute new clothes in the feasts. Therefore they cooperate with Matareyya club, which provides the space for the events.

Distributing clothes by Resala NGO Š Resala NGO

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder Alashanek Ya Balady

Literacy classes, courses and small loans

Ezbet Al Lamoon


Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type : Active stakeholder Starting year : 2002 Role and activities : Organizing literacy classes, behaviour and educational courses, as well as providing loans for small businesses. Depend on donations from huge organization and apply financial sustainabile strategies. Organization :Under the umbrella of Ministry of Social Affairs. Intervention: Some people started their own business (eg. small shops) and around 100 children benefited from the courses so far.

Giving loans for small businesses Š AYB NGO

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder General Organization for Physical Planning - GOPP

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Report on Matarayia District 2006

Ministry of Housing



Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type : Active stakeholder Starting year: 1973 Role and activities: Setting the main urban policies and preparing the urban development plans in Egypt. Organization: Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Housing. Intervention: Producing a report about the detailed plan of Matareyya District in 2006.

Ezbet Al Lamoon Sample-blocks and land plots in their future situation by GOPP Report Š GOPP 2006 Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder MeriamTree Department

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Ministry of Antiquities


Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type : Potential stakeholder Starting year : 2-10 AC Role and activities: Conserving the tree area, as it is considered as an attraction point for the Christians in religious events. Organization: Belongs to the Ministry of Antiquities. Intervention: None

Meriam Tree Š Ahmed Abayazeed

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder The Municipality

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Cairo Governerate

Providing services and infrastructure


Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type: Potential stakeholder Starting year: Splitted from West-Cairo Municipality in 1991 Role and activities: Providing the district with services and infrastructure; putting and applying the building regulations within the district. Organization: Cairo Governerate Intervention: Installation of infrastructure network, (water, sewage and electricity) except of gas connection. 40s: Sewage system by British camps 60s: Electricity and water-networks by the municipality

A sewage system cover Š Lisa Gaensbauer

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder Youssef Kamal Palace

Ezbet Al Lamoon

Ministry of Culture


Veto Players

Active Stakeholders


Potential Stakeholders Interventions

Type: Potential stakeholder Starting year: Converted into a museum in 1996 Role and activities: A museum, containing the Prince Waheed Al-Deen Saleem’s belongings. Organization: Ministry of Culture Intervention: None

Youssef kamal Place © www.faroukmisr.net

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Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions Stakeholder Interrelation and Organization Cairo Governerate

Ministry of Antiquities

Matareyya Sport Club


The Municipality

Meriam tree deaprtment

Endowments Minstry



Youssef Kamal Palace



Minstry of Culture

lin ks


X o

ns nat io

Reaching people in need

Reaching people in need

Some of the richer people in the area give donations for the poor

Pe Information source (eg. Om Aya)


Al Shari’ya Society



s kid , s r e fo ss cla urses y o ac ter and c i l AYB - NGO ing oans z i an gl org vidin pro N







X No l in



rep the ut abo ge led now ation gk p kin tici es Lac par iti o iv /N ct la








Providing Infrastructure

The housing minister


Ministry of Sport and Youth

The inhabitants

Hag Mohammad (information source)




Al Sabeel Mosque





Ahmad Abayazed - Lisa Gaensbauer - Nada Jouni Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

3. Mapping Interventions

Inhabitants perceptions and feedback



Impact and Feedback the Inhabitants Inhabitants Perceptionsby & Feedback

Matareyya Sport Club


The Municipality

Meriam Tree department

Sport Activities

GOPP Report

Services & Infrastructure

Cultural & Religious Coservation

In need / participation

Lacking knowledge / no participation

Missing links / Proud

Gas pipes to be connected / Sewage system to be fixed in some places/ Electricity became so expensive / Problems in Garbage collection

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I

Youssef Kamal Palace



Cultural Coservation

Money Food & Clothes

Classes & Courses

Missing links

In need / grateful

In need / participation

Al Sabeel Mosque

Al Shari’ya Society

Money & Food

In need / grateful


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

4. Discussion

The housing minister

Cairo Governerate

Ministry of Antiquities

Matareyya Sport Club


The Municipality

Meriam tree deaprtment

Endowments Minstry



Youssef Kamal Palace



Minstry of Culture

X ks




s ion nat

Reaching people in need

Reaching people in need

Some of the richer people in the area give donations for the poor

Pe Information source (eg. Om Aya)

Al Shari’ya Society



s kid , ses s for s a cl urse o acy ter and c i l AYB - NGO g s n n i niz g loa a g or vidin pro N


Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I





Community The small size and lack of community structure leaves it in a weak possition. In case of problems and pressures from outside the inhabitants are negleted and weak. Furthermore, there is no overview of organizations and possibilities existing within the community.


X No l



Potential Stakeholders Meriam Tree Department and the Youssef Kamal Palace are two potential stakeholders, which are not active within the community.


rep the ut abo ge led now ion t a gk p kin tici es Lac par iti o iv /N ct la na








Active Stakeholers Three charity organizations are supplying and working in the area. They offer food, clothes, money and some cultural and language classes. There is no empowerment that is taking place moreover their capacity is limited, in terms of space likewise the money. Furthermore, they are not interlinked with each other and are not monitoring their actions.

Ministry of Sport and Youth

Providing Infrastructure

GOPP Report Was conducted in 2006. Whilst neglecting some serious conditions in the area no action was taken after the report was finished.

The inhabitants

Hag Mohammad (information source)




Al Sabeel Mosque





Ahmad Abayazed - Lisa Gaensbauer - Nada Jouni


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

4. Recommendations

Community Mobilize the community. Form a Community Based Organization (CBO). A CBO could work as mediator between the NGOs and the government.

Ministry of

The housing minister

Cairo Governerate

Sport and Youth

Ministry of Antiquities

Minstry of Culture

Endowments Minstry

GOPP Report New report should consider the inhabitants and they should participate in the report. Active Stakeholders Interlink the three major charity organizations and set-up monitoring. Potential Stakeholders Activate the potential stakeholders and mobilize them to get involved in the area.


Informant (e.g. Om Aya)

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


The inhabitants

Hag Mohammad (informant)


Informal Areas‘ Development Approaches in Egypt - Process & Roles

Ezbet Al Lamoon

We need you!

Integrated Case Study - IUSD III - Ain Shams University - Phase I


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