IUSD II Welcome Guide Tunis

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Ain Shams University

Federal Ministry of Education

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Suistainable Design (IUSD)

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Suistainable Design (IUSD)

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

Ministry of Higher Education

“This publication would not have been possible without the effort of IUSDASU team, and the support of DAAD, BMZ, BMF, MOHESR, UCAR, MESRS and IUK in cooperation with IUSD-STUTT team”

© 2013 IUSD Masters program, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without perimssion in writing from the publisher. First Edition, 2013

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Suistainable Design (IUSD)

Welcome Guidebook TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction Welcome Note Getting Started Arrival to Tunisia Introductory Week Timetable Host University - Welcome to UIK ‘University Ibn Khaldoun’ Excursions and introductory sessions Tunisia map Tunisia Living in Tunisia Tunis and Around Transportation Safety and Health guidelines Useful Contacts Educational & Emergency Embassies Banks Notes Personal Obligations Personal Security

References Fig.1 : General map, Tunisia Situation Source: Google Maps

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Getting Started



Welcome to MSc IUSD & Tunisia

MSc IUSD Third Semester – 2013 On the occasion of your arrival to Tunisia to start your first course for the second year of the IUSD master Program, you will be attending a one week introductory programme starting on the 18th of October to smooth your arrival. This week aims to familiarize you with the culture and traditions in Tunisia, to help you settle in, and start off your academic year. During this introductory week the students will be introduced to the context through 1st internal exposure on international cases followed by Tunisian cases. They will visit the Case Study Site : ‘Hay’ Ibn Khaldoun. An excursion day is planned to discover the Medina of Tunis, its architecture and urban fabric, then Sidi Bou Said village. A meeting with DAAD will take place within the day.

Ahlan wa Sahlan! Asslama ! Welcome to the third semester of MSc. IUSD in the MENA region organized by Ain Shams University in Cairo ASU, and Hosted in Tunisa by the University of Ibn Khaldoun UIK. This guide will provide you with general guidlines about your stay in Tunisia, and should give you an insight of the introductory week starting from the 18th until the 25th of october. This introductory week is designed mainly to enhance your overseas educational experience, and the welcome guide is an assisting tool, which highlights most of what you will most probably need to know upon your arrival to Tunisia and after you settle down. The Integrated Case Study Team would be pleased to support you with any of your questions or additional requirements Enjoy these pages!

Throughout the introductory week, students will find assistance from the IUSD Tunisian staff. A welcome guide with Tunisia maps are also handed upon arrival to provide further useful information. At the 2nd and 3rd of November the students will participate in the third version of the IUSD Master Thesis Workshop Administrative Affairs: Concerning the students’ administrative affairs, the Inetgrated Case Study staff in collaboration with volunteers from the UIK and IUSD Alumni can help you with any necessary documents and in facilitating any pending issues.

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Getting Started

University Ibn Khaldoun



Pick up Service (upon arrival) IUSD Alumni will pick you up at the airport to facilitate your commuting to your accommodation; in order to introduce you to the surrounding area services and nearby transportation

Information on the University

Welcome Event (October 21st) A welcome note will be presented by the Director of UIK Lotfi Cherif followed by a word of Prof. Mouldi as a program coordinator in Tunisia. Later, an introductory meeting will be held for all the IUSD students, coordinators and academic staff. A guided tour in the UIK buildings will take place showing the most important facilities and whereabouts that are relevant to the program. Details on this tour and meeting point will be defined upon your arrival.

Fig.1 : General map, University Ibn Khaldoun‘s Location (in red)

The university Ibn Khaldoun, its director and founder, all have expressed their support and didn’t hesitate to collaborate with Ain Shams University and offer to host the IUSD 3rd semester in Tunisia. Its teaching is based on huge collaboration between teachers, staff and students to guarantee a high quality education and to particpate in building the knowledge of future generations. UIK is a modern university that seeks always to widen its network of partners and to be always open to the outside world opening new horizons for her students. Dr.Lotfi Cherif UIK director talking about UIK reclaims that “ The sense of responsibility and humanism guide all our actions” (uik.ens.tn). please find commuting details on UIK on page 20 Campus Safety All entrances to the university campuses are monitored and secured.

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Excursion Studio


Tunisia and Prof. Mouldi

-1st Assignement

housing in Cherif Dirctor of UIK

coordinator in Tunisia

planning and in UIK with Mr. Lotfi


Connecting together

Site visit

Case study Lectures on Orientation session Settling Down and


Chaabani As program

25 24 23 22 21 19 18


Sat. Fri.

The UIK have moved since the 23rd of September to its new buildings located at La Soukra in Ariana Governorate.




The main Entrance of UIK new Buildings



The UIK have moved since the 23rd of September to its new buildings located at La Soukra in Ariana Governorate.

(To Be Con-

Introductory Week


University Ibn Khaldoun

Fig.2 University Ibn khaldoun (source: https://www.facebook.com/UikUniversiteIbnKhaldoun)

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Excursions: Excursions are scheduled to include two urban Safaris within Tunis with the help of a professional tour guide, to what are considered essential parts of Tunis, the city or the ‘medina’. Students will be visiting Dar Lasram, a typical Tunisian house headquarter of ASM “Association de Sauvegarde de la Medina”. The second site will be the village of Sidi Bou Said, recently registered as UNESCO heritage site. The two areas are chosen to introduce different urban fabrics and architecture in relation to the contextual settings of the local community. A visit to DAAD Tunis office is scheduled within the day.

Tunisia Captital: Tunis Currency: Tunisian Dinar President(Temporary): Moncef Marzouki Official language: Arabic Government: Semi-presidential Regime

Time Table for Excursions: To be confirmed Master Thesis Workshop: Students will be attending and presenting in the Master Thesis workshop for two days (November 2nd, 2013 and November 3rd, 2013).

fig.3 Tunisia and greater Tunis

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About Tunisia Tunisia is the smallest country in North Africa, it is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. It covers a superficie of 165.000 skm with 10.7 million inhabitants. Its capital is Tunis. Tunisia is devides into 24 governorates. „In 2011, a revolution resulted in the overthrow of autocratic President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and the first free elections in the country were held. Since then, Tunisia has been consolidating its young democracy“.(Wikipedia, 2013)

-Pligrimage at “The Griba” Synagogues in Djerba (May) -The arab throughbred horse Festival of Maknassi, Sidi Bouzid (June) -Tabarka Jazz Festival (July) -El Jem International Fastival of symphonic Music (August) -Regatta “Roads of jasmin” -Carthage cinema and theatre Days (October) -Tozeur Oasis Festival (November) -Douz Sahara Festival (December)

Administrative Division Tunisia is subdivided into 24 governorates. Each governorate is divided into 264 delegations or „districts“. Cultural informations The culture diversity of Tunisia is the product of more than three thousand years of history and an important multi-ethnic influx. Different cultures, civilizations and multiple dynasties contributed to the culture of the country over centuries. Tunisia culture is the fruit of Carthaginian, Roman, Vandal, Jewish, Christian, Arab, Islamic, Turkish, and French, in addition to the Berbers. „The important elements of Tunisian culture are diverse and represent a unique, mixed heritage. This heritage can be experienced firsthand in: museums such as the Bardo Museum, the contrast and diversity of city architecture such as Sidi Bou Said or the medina of Tunis, cuisine such as cheeses and French croissants, music reflecting Andalusian and Ottoman influences, literature, cinema, religion, the arts, and sports and other areas of Tunisian culture“ (Wikipedia,2013) For Festivals and Cultural events here is following a list of some during the year: -Medina Festival (Ramadan Month) -Mountain Oases Festival (March) -”Ksour” International Festival (April) Page 12

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Suistainable Design (IUSD)

Climate “Tunisia’s climate is temperate in the north, with mild rainy winters and hot, dry summers. The south of the country is desert. The terrain in the north is mountainous, which, moving south, gives way to a hot, dry central plain. The south is semiarid, and merges into the Sahara. A series of salt lakes, known as chotts or shatts, lie in an east-west line at the northern edge of the Sahara, extending from the Gulf of Gabes into Algeria. The lowest point is Shatt al Gharsah, at 17 metres (56 ft) below sea level and the highest is Jebel Chaambi, at 1,544 metres (5,066 ft).” (Wikipedia, 2013) Religion Islam is the main official religion of Tunisia with a rate of around 99% of the population. The Tunisian Constitution provides for the free exercise of religion as they do not affect public order. The tunisian are known by being tolerant and open to other cultures. Gastronomy One of the famous dish in Tunisia is the CousCous. It is a typical meal prepared mainly in the weekend and for special religious days. It can be dressed with meat, chicken, fish or only vegetables of the season. The brick is an entrance which is a fine circular pastry stuffed with egg, parsley and thuna, or meat. A big variety of delicious Tajines is also a tunisian speciality. Big variety of omelettes, tartes, stuffed flaky pastry.

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Suistainable Design (IUSD)

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The tunisian specialities are also the roast mutton, variety of fish dishes. The desserts are mainly walnuts, dates and amond based. The green mint tea is commonly served after lunch.

Tunis is the capital of Tunisia and also of Greater Tunis. It is the largest city of the country with 2.3 million inhabitants. It is situated on the Mediterranean Sea gulf, behind the Lake of Tunis and the port of la Goulette. Beyond the district of Tunis lie the suburbs of Carthage, la Marsa, and Sidi Bou Said, overlooked by the Hill of Gammarth.

Currency and Exchange Rates The national Currency is in the Tunisian dinars which is about 0.61 US $ worth. Change is possible in banks, in the airports and in some hotels. Electrical Current and Equipment Voltage : 220 Frequency : 50 Cell/Mobile Phones International students often want to know if they can use their home country cell phones. n Tunisia. The answer is yes, if it is a tri-band cell phone or you have international roaming on your phone. In Tunisia we have several phone companies the most known operators are : Tunisie Telecom (www.tunisietelecom.tn) Tunisiana (www.tunisiana.com) Orange (www.orange.com)

fig.4 Mobile Phone companies Page 14

Tunis is described as being a city full of history and characterized by its dynamism. It is composed by the Medina (Historical city), the Colonial town and the urban extensions of the city. It is fundamental to see: - La place de l’indépendance (Indepence plaza) -The great Ezzitouna mosque -Tourbet el Bey -The Kasbah quarter -Bardo Museum -Sidi Bou Said -La Marsa

fig.5 The Kasbah. Tunis. crédit image : Malek Khadhraoui | nawaat.org MSc Integrated Urbanism & Suistainable Design (IUSD)

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Railways: Much of the Tunisian railway network is inherited from the French colonization. In 2008, Tunisia has 2165 km rails and they are connected to Algeria. Light Rail Tunis is the only African and Arab city to build a light rail . It is active since 1985, the network was expanded gradually to today include six main lines and two partial lines ( about 32 kilometers ) and 66 stations equipped with 136 oars. TGM The Tunis - Goulette - Marsa (TGM ) is a former railway line which connects Tunis to La Marsa ( northern suburbs ) via La Goulette. Its length is 19 km. BUS Urban transport is managed by various regional transport companies. Intercity transportation is provided and it is provided by public operators such as the National Society of intercity transportation (SNTRI) and twelve regional transport companies. In 2013, four private urban and suburban public transport are operating in the region of Tunis: 1- Society of passenger transportation (TCV); 2- Urban Transport Company of Tunis (TUT); 3- Public transport company (STC), which operates under the “Transportation City” brand; 4- The TUS : urban and suburban transport (TUS). Taxi The shared taxi is common in Tunisia, where it is also called “ Louage” (Lease). Small Vans assure the transportation between major cities. The vans with blue stripes serve the outskirts of a city, while those with red stripes are for long distances. There are five types of taxi. fig.6 Tunis Maps ( source: google Map)

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1 -Taxi Tourist: a taximeter is used. For longer trips (inter - governorate ) , a fixed fee shall be paid without using the meter. It can move across Tunisia.

Precautions for your Personal Security Valuables such as cash, jewellery and electronic items should not be left unsecured in hotel rooms or unattended in public places. Victims of crime should report the incident to the tourist police immediately. Failure to do so before you depart Tunisia may make it impossible to seek prosecution at a later date. Although the streets of Tunis are among the safest of any large city. Random violent crime is rare except for the occasional pickpocket or purse snatchers who will take your money and/or passport. Some neighbour hoods in Tunis remain safer than others. During the winter season, it is safer not to stay outside late at night, at least is recommended to not stay alone.

2 - Taxi or “ petit taxi “ It can carry four passengers. A taximeter is used. Each governorate has its own taxis and it must not exceed these limits with the exception of Greater Tunis where small taxis can move between four governorates. 3 - “Louage” with red strips : This inter- communal taxi connects the cities (eg Sfax, Sousse ). Rates are set by UTICA depending on the number of kilometres, eight passengers and a station is dedicated for. 4- “Louage” with blue strips: It works on the same principle as the “Louage” red strips, except that it is an international delegations hire (e.g. MonastirJemmal ). 5 - Collective Taxi: This vehicle can carry eight passengers. It is concentrated in urban centres .

Demonstrations could occur at any time. If you are inadvertently caught up in a protest you should either leave the area immediately, if it is safe to do so, or stay indoors. EL Kasba, Habib Bourguiba Avenue, Bardo square and their immediate surrounds have become the focus of protest activity in Tunis. You should avoid these locations if demonstrations starts. Please follow as much as possible the news through Radios and news that you can find online. Laws Always remember that you, as well as every other international student, and staff member, are guests in Tunisia. however you are subjected to all local laws. Possession of even small quantities of illicit drugs in Tunisia can lead to long prison sentences and huge penalties. Under Muslim custom, homosexuality and sexual relations outside of marriage are considered immoral. Penalties for immorality include imprisonment. Also refrain for drinking alcohol or beer in public space.

fig.7 Different Public transportation modes in Tunis

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Useful Contacts

Useful Contacts



-Ibn Khaldoun University Website: http://www.uik.ens.tn/ Email: info@uik.ens.tn Phone:+216 71 90 17 21 Fax: +216 71 90 14 07 The new UIK campus is located ‘Rue Jawdat Alhayat - La Soukra, Chotrana - 2036 Ariana, Tunisia, 6 km far from down town. -University of Carthage http://www.ucar.rnu.tn/ -DAAD Tunis Website: http://www.daad.de/ https://www.daad.de/miniwebs/ictunis/de/ Adress:Immeuble KOOLI - 14, 18 Janvier 1952 Street, 5th floor, Tunis Email: info@daad.tn / schindler-kovats@daad.tn phone:+ 216 71 240 833 Fax:+ 216 71 240 831 -National Library of Tunisia Website: www.bnt.nat.tn -Tunisia Phonebook: 1200 Website: http://www.pagesjaunes.com.tn/

1- Egyptian Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia Av. Med V, Montplaisir, 1002 Tunis Belvédère Phone: +216 79 22 33 +216 84 11 92 Fax: +216 (1) 79 43 89 2- German Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia 1, r. Hamra, Mutuelleville, B.P. 35, 1002 Tunis Belvédère Phone: +216 78 64 55 +216 79 34 99 Fax: +216 78 82 42 3- Jordanian Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia 10, r. Chankati, 1082 C. Mahrajène Phone: +216 78 08 75 +216 78 58 29 Fax: +216 78 46 61 4- Syrian Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia 119, r. A. Rebaï, 2092 Manar II Phone: +216 88 80 18 +216 88 79 55 Fax: 88 79 89

-Transportation Website: www.transport.tn/ www.sntri.com.tn/ www.transtu.tn/titre_de_transport/tickets.php?type=17

6- Iraq Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia 10, av. T. Ben Achour, 1004 Menzah Phone: +216 89 01 16 +216 89 03 47 Fax: +216 79 99 49

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Useful Contacts

Useful Contacts


BANKS Al Baraka Adresse : 88, Avenue Hedi Chaker 1002 Tunis Té : +216 71 790 000 Fax : +21671 780 235 Email : contact@albarakabank.com.tn Site web : http://www.albarakabank.com.tn/

Banque financement Pet. et Moy. Entreprises Adresse : 34, Rue Hédi Karray Centre Urbain Nord El Menzah 4 - 1004 Tunis Té : +216 70 102 200 Fax : +216 70 102 202 Site web : http://www.bfpme.com.tn/

Amen Bank Adresse : Avenue Mohamed V 1002 Tunis - Tunisie Té : (+216) 71 148 000 Fax : (+216) 71 833 517 Site web : http://www.amenbank.com.tn/

Banque Franco-Tunisienne Adresse : Rue 8365 Cité Ennassim Montplaisir - 1002 Tunis belvédère Té : +216 71 890 355 Fax : + 216 71 890 624

Arab Banking Corporation onshore Adresse : ABC Building - Rue du Lac d’Annecy - 1053 Les Berges du Lac Té : (216) (71) 861 861 Fax : (216) (71) 860 921 Email : abc.tunis@arabbanking.com Site web : http://www.arabbanking.com

Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Adresse : 70/72, Av Habib Bourguiba - BP 520 - 1080 Tunis Cédex - Tunisie Té : (+216) 71 340 733 Fax : (+216) 71 342 820 Email : reclamation@biat.com.tn Site web : http://www.biat.com.tn/

Arab Tunisian Bank Adresse : 9 rue Hedi Nouira 1001 Tunis - Tunisie Té : (+216) 71 35 11 55 Fax : (+216) 71 34 28 52 Site web : http://www.atb.com.tn/

Banque Nationale Agricole Adresse : Rue Hedi Nouira 1001 Tunis - Tunisie Té : (+216) 71 831 000 / (+216) 71 831 200 Email : bna@bna.com.tn Site web : http://www.bna.com.tn/

Attijari bank Adresse : 95, avenue de la liberté 1002 Tunis - Tunisie Té : +216 71 141 400 Fax : +216 71 782 663 Email : courrier@attijaribank.com.tn Site web : http://www.attijaribank.com.tn

Banque Tunisienne de Solidarité Adresse : 56, Avenue Mohamed V 1002 Tunis Té : (+216) 71 844 040 Fax : (+216) 71 847 487 Email : BTS@Email.ati.tn Site web : http://www.bts.com.tn

Banque d’Habitat Adresse : 18 avenue Mohamed 5 1080 Tunis - Tunisie Té : (+216) 71 110 000 Fax : (+216) 71 784 417 Email : banquehabitat@bh.fin.tn,contact@bh.fin.tn Site web : http://www.bh.com.tn/

Banque Tuniso-Koweitienne Adresse : 10 bis Avenue Mohamed V – 1001 Tunis Té : +216 71 340 000 Fax : +216 71 343 106 Email : contact@btknet.com Site web : http://www.btknet.com/

Banque de Tunisie Adresse : 2, rue de Turquie - 1001 Tunis Té : +216 71 332 188 Fax : +216 71 349 477 Site web : http://www.bt.com.tn

Banque Tuniso-Libyenne Adresse : 25, Avenue Khereddine Pacha 1002 Tunis BP 150 Montplaisir 1073 TUNIS Té : +216 71 901 350 Fax : +216 71 902 808 Email : btl@gnet.tn Site web : http://www.btl.com.tn

Banque de Tunisie et des Emirats Adresse : 5bis, rue Mohamed Badra 1002 Tunis - Tunisie Té : 71 783 600 Fax : 71 783 756 Site web : http://www.bte.com.tn/

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Useful Contacts BANKS

Integrated Case Study ICS Module 2013-Ain Shams University

Banque Zitouna Adresse : 2. Boulevard qualité de la vie 2015 le Kram - Tunisie Té : +216 81 10 55 55 Email : contact@banquezitouna.com Site web : http://www.banquezitouna.com Citi-Bank Tunis Branch onshore Adresse : 55, Avenue Jughurta BP 72 1002 Tunis Té : (+216) 71 790 066 Fax : (+216) 71 785 556 North Africa International Bank Adresse : Avenue Kheireddine Pacha Ennassim Montplaisir, 1002 TUNIS Té : +216 71 950 800 Fax : +216 71 950 840 Site web : http://www.naibbank.com/ Société Tunisienne de Banque Adresse : Rue Hédi Nouira - 1001 Tunis - Tunisie Té : (+216) 71 340 477 Email : stb@stb.com.tn Site web : http://www.stb.com.tn/ Stusid Bank Adresse : 32, Rue hédi Karray - cité Mahragène 1082 Tunis - P.O Box 20 - 1002 Tunis Té : +216 71 718 233 Fax : +216 71 719 233 Site web : http://www.stusidbank.com.tn

Teaching Staff from Dr. Mohamed Salheen Dr. Marwa Abdellatif Eng. Ebtihal Zakaria Eng. Mona Mannoun Eng. Nouran Azouz IUSD Alumni from Tunisia Eng. Insaf Hamrouni Eng. Zainab Madiouni References Wikipedia Google maps http://www.uik.ens.tn/ Credits Contributed and supervised by: Dr. Mohamed Salheen Edited by: IUSD TEAM Production and Design: IUSD TEAM

Tunisian Qatari Bank Adresse : Rue de la cité des sciences - B.P. 320 - 1080 Tunis Cedex Té : +216 71 750 000 Fax : +216 71 235 611 Site web : http://www.tqb.com.tn/ Union Bancaire Commerce et Industrie Adresse : 139, Av. de la liberté 1002 - Tunis - Belvédère Té : (+216) 81 100 000 Fax : (+216) 71 843 814 Site web : http://www.ubci.tn/ Union Internationale de Banques Adresse : 65, Av. Habib Bourguiba TUNIS CP : 1002 - Tunisie Té : 71108500 Fax : 71108502 Site web : http://www.uib.com.tn

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