Curriculum Vitae CV
име и презиме: Ива Бекић датум рођења: 22.12.1987 место рођења: Загреб, Р.Хрватска адреса: Цариградска 20, Београд телефон: 011/3340-342 мобилни тел.: 064/ 22 44 560 е-маил:
// Конкурси /
// Радно Искуство /
- Учествовање у архитектонском конкурсу за Киоск – Булевар, Београд 2011;
- Сценографија за модну ревију : Непроживљена Игра, дипломски рад костимографа Соње Јоцић, Београд, 2009;
- Похвала у архитектонском конкурсу за реконструкцију Националног Музеја Кикинда, 2011; - Учествовање у архитектонском конкурсу за реконструкцију Музеја у Смедереву, 2011;
// Образовање / - Прва београдска гимназија (2002 2006), Београд; - Основне академске студије архитектуре (БАрх), Архитектонски факултет Универзитета у Београду (2007 - 2010), Београд; - Завршене Основне академске студије, темом Становање : Простор Између, ментор асс.мр Татјана Стратимировић, оценом 9 (2010); - Дипломске Мастер академске студије (МАрх), Архитектонски факултет Универзитета у Београду (2010 - 2012), Београд. - Завршене дипломске Мастер академске студије, темом SKY HOTEL Београд : Супермен и две Афродите, ментор доц.др Владимир Миленковић, оценом 10 (2012).
- Учествовање у архитектонском студентском конкурсу “ISOVER MultiComfort House” Regeneration and Community Development, у организацији компаније ISOVER, 2012; - Учествовање у конкурсу за павиљон државе Србије, тринаестог архитектонског бијенала у Венецији, са темом Саопштавање, 2012; - Учествовање у архитектонском конкурсу eVolo 2013 Skyscraper Competition, у организацији америчког eVolo часописа, 2013; - Учествовање у конкурсу израде решења ентеријера Фирме Вега ИТ Сурсинг (Vega IT Sourcing Doo) из Новог Сада, 2013. // Изложбе /
// Радно искуство на Факултету / - Студент сарадник у настави на Архитектонском Факултету Универзитета у Београду, Студио : Простор и Облик, два семестра : јесен/ пролеће (2011-2012) на првој години Основних академских студија (1ОАС) код асс. Давор Ереш.
- Самостална изложба : 3 Сата Ефективног Програма, у оквиру групе О Н Е, УК Пароброд, 14.10.2011;
- Ентеријер, Илустрација, за ETHNOGYM, Beоград, 2009; - Креативни координатор и дизајн изложбе : Информације, Галерија ОЗоне, током трајања Б-линк Фестивала : Фестивал Нових Комуникација, Београд, 2011;
// Реализовано / - Дизајн Ентеријера : Камензинд Редакција, главни архитекта са м.арх Тамаром Поповић / Ангажоване од стране BHSF Architekten, из Цириха / реализација објекта у склопу пројекта ревитализације области Савамале, Урбан Инкубатор : Београд и Гете Институт, Београд, Март 2013; - „Stash Table” : Израда стола, Дизајн намештаја, ре-дизајн, 2013. // Публикације, Објаве / - Две године УК Пароброд : Перформанс и Видео, стр. 88-91, 145; Установа културе Пароброд градске општине Стари Град, Београд, 2012;
- Самостална изложба : АА (Почетак и Крај), у оквиру групе О Н Е, УК Пароброд, Београд, 23.12.2011;
- Фотографија Хумка за истраживачки пројекат : Архитектонски час, арх. Групе НОА, Крагујевац / категорија Истраживање / изложена у склопу годишњег Салона Архитектуре, Београд, 2013;
- Самостална изложба : Мимоилажење, у оквиру групе О Н Е, УК Пароброд, Београд, 21.03.2012;
- Топ Десет [10] на Archinet интернет страници / категорија : изванредан дизајн ентеријера, са пројектом Камензинд, 2013;
- Изложба радова у оквиру Београдске Недеље Дизајна : Иновација2, 100% Future Serbia – Young Designers, са пројектом Камензинд – дизајн ентеријера, Београд, 2013. // Радионице / - „Београдски Сан : од колективне до приватне утопије”, Магацин у Краљевића Марка / Министарство Простора, Београд, 2012; - “Camenzind goes Belgrade : Exteriors”, Week one : The Front Line, Радионица записивања и обраде звука у сврху радио емитовања, као и писање чланка за истоимени часопис / BHSF Architekten из Цириха, Робин д Фог (Robyn the Fog, BBC Radio 1). Београд, 2013.
// Познавање језика / - Енглески, University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations : First Certificate in English (FCE), 2004; Council of Europe Level B2; - Француски (средњи ниво знања); - Немачки (почетни ниво знања); // Знање рада на рачунару / - Одлично познавање Microsoft Office пакета - Одлично познавање Adobe пакета - Одлично познавање CAAD програма
// www /
2013 / Lol! Pantheon! —+ CAMENZIND OFFICE
eXHIBITION 3H EF PROGRAMA / aa / мимоилажење
selected student projects
Housing : The Space in Between
Poetika našeg prostora
Urban Compression : re/forma/tiranje @
Super_Use : Нови Културни Пејзаж Београда @
Sky Hotel Belgrade : Superman and Two Aphrodites @
_ Competition 2013 / eVolo $
2012 / Biennale tryout $
2011 / Smederevo $
2011 / Kikinda $
_ Urban Exercise Urbani Dzepovi OD-DO _ research MISTAKES
82-85 86-91
CAMENZIND OFFICE “> “Lol! Pantheon!” / type {work space} CAMENZIND office | Kraljevica Marka 8 | Belgrade with : m.arch Tamara Popović Belgrade>Serbia 45 m² XXS $ YYYY - 2013 _
photography : Relja Ivanić [2013]
interior design CAMENZIND office | Kraljevica Marka 8 | Belgrade with : m.arch TAMARA POPOVIĆ Belgrade>Serbia 45 m² XXS $ YYYY - 2013 _ photography : RELJA IVANIĆ _ source : SUPER PROSTOR / POGLEDAJ.TO / ARCHLAB / URBAN INCUBATOR:BELGRADE //
The GOETHE INSTITUTE and URBAN INCUBATOR : BELGRADE initiative bring together a unique project supporting the re-vitalization of the Savamala district of Belgrade, Serbia. Alternative Swiss architectural magazine CAMENZIND (a research platform of BHSF Architekten, Zürich) were invited to transfer disciplinary knowledge between Switzerland and Serbia. They will have an office where they will organize salons, workshops and document all the project’s events during a period of six[6] months. The magazine workspace is situated in the <3 of Savamala. We were comissioned by the editing board in Zurich to come up with a design solution for the interior. It was a rather interesting situation where architects were asked by architects to design their new office. Previously on ” Project Camenzind” The new office residency was previously an old household build in 1837, then re-build in 1852. It belonged to an old jewish merchandise family. The ground floor and cellar were used as stockrooms which were connected with the river Sava by water. Recently, the ground floors were used as gallery space for a cultural institution Dom Omladine. -
(Building The Dome / Faking The Dome) The space itself was a real treat for the architects, meaning us. The curvy space and the existing arches unintentionally impose themselves as an imperative. It was an illustration of the absence of a Dome. So, the next reasonable thing was to build it. We combined graphics and photography, making an interpretation of the Dome on the ceiling and a 3D illusion making the space almost as of sacral importance. -
_ “If You build it…” Considering all of the given conditions (low budget) we were not able to predict nor control the final result. In limited conditions, decisions were made in that moment and the solutions were improvised with us – the architects – often in the role of a handy-man. -
Others said : “The wanted separation of the space : working space and the saloon, were supported by a simple yet witty improvised furniture which state the difference in the way you use the space.” – SUPER PROSTOR “Without changing the architecture of the building and predominantly using recycled materials, the two young architects have shown how a space can be changed both speaking of function and aesthetics and with minimal funds. For that reason, the space for the thinking and re-thinking of the Savamala issue has become an image of what creative industries can do for the revitalization of city-quarters.” – POGLEDAJ.TO _
“Lol! Pantheon!” / interior design : “Camenzind” office type {work space}
2007 : 2007 : 2011 : 2011 : 2012 : 2013 : 2013 : 2013 :
Underground : Abovetheground : AA 3H of effective program Warriors dance ! A room to be / evolo Wedding Shapeshifting
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
Изложба -
EXHIBITION type {performance & video art} > > This was a series of exhibitions made spontaneously due to the given s p a c e and t.i.m.e. In accordance with UK Parobrod of Belgrade’s municipality Stari Grad, we did three [3] separate exhibitions. It eventually became a study of the space through three [3] different stands. >
Each exhibition lasted for three hours [3h]
- solo exhibition -
exhibition>3hefektivnogprograma UKParobrod/Belgrade>Serbia.14102011 with : Irena Gajić/Tea Beličev/Sonja Dedić/Olga Lazarević/Olivera Lazarević -
The exhibition is based and experiences of events of UK Parobrod, with the kind of perception of the what surrounds it.
on the observations held in the facilities aim of creating a new exhibition space and
Twisting the perspective tural exhibitions
on classical architec(settings), O N E does
- solo exhibition -
“Let’s go smoke outside, but inside.”
not expose objects of architecture and space, but emphasize the event and the time instance as equally important figures. “Let’s go smoke outside, but inside.” // 00
foto : Nemanja Zdravkovic
The Space | Between |
Prostor o: Kada govorim iz pozicije subjektivnog dozivljavanja prostora I same misaone celine, sta on jeste, dozivljavamo ga kao sferu postojeceg kroz pokret. Odnosno, kretanje cini prostor. Svako kretanje ustvari pravi prostor, telo kada se krece ono pravi proctor, odnosno, istovremeno pravi I dogadjaj. /
Tema kroz PROZIMANJE kao KRETANJE prostora I dogadjaja. Oba su definisana kretanjem, Mada je prostor definisan kako kretanjem, tako i dogadjajem. To su dakle prostor I vreme. Telo I vreme koje prave kretanje zapravo kreiraju prostor I dogadjaj.
Tema kroz PROZIMANJE kao KRETANJE prostora I dogadjaja. Oba su definisana kretanjem, Mada je prostor definisan kako kretanjem, tako i dogadjajem. To su dakle prostor I vreme. Telo I vreme koje prave kretanje zapravo kreiraju prostor I dogadjaj.
ARHITEKTURA KAO KOMUNIKACIJA Fenomenološko posmatranje našeg odnosa sa arh. objektom pokazuje da mi arhitekturu obično shvatamo kao komunikacioni čin, iako ne isključujemo njenu funkcionalnost. Prema Rolandu Bartu “od trenutka u kome postoji društvo, svaka primena pretvara se u znak te primene”.
Односи Актуелности веза
Неодређеност Динамичност Прожимање
Суперпонирање Диференцијација
Зашто Ђоконди цртамо бркове?
Наићи ћемо на још мноштво њих. Што је сасвим у реду. То значи да је живо.
Тако стварамо једну врсту слојевитости. Постижемо сталну промењљивост.
Привлачно у својој незграпности и неспретности. /
Ово је основни полигон. Полазиште за промењљивост.
Ово јесте врста утилизације неупотребљивости.
Нејасно, шаљиво, сирово..
“Али онда то..” То је прва грешка.
Ж (Мета) Ж
Ж (Мета) Ж
SUPER_USE: НОВИ КУЛТУРНИ ПЕЈЗАЖ БЕОГРАДА ментор : проф. арх. Михаило Тимотијевић 2011
(Un)conceivable New Belgrade, is a choice of a kind of movement. How to manage, how to find, how to get to, with what to get to. Most conceivable from the air. Unfinishedness The potential lies in the undefined relation : full/empty – in the tipology of hybrids by superpositioning the emptiness in all it’s pure form and the emptiness of what was left in space. Architecture of unfinishedness : a state of unfinishedness as a part of it’s urban destiny, today represents it’s up-to-date transformation. (Prototip 16 Blade, Neoarhitekti) Avoidance The paradox between surface and houses (swamp + concrete), and the finitude in the occurrence of the object of intervention, entails a natural desire for unblocking it (decay) and digging it. This act establishes the foundations for a permanent renaming and utilization of uselessness, and leaves room for reexamination of program options - the subject in question becomes the sphere above the end line of housing units, as well as below the ground surface. Culture/Voyage Culture is dynamic and can be taught, making her a potentially rapid form of adaptation to the change of physical conditions. We did not go into the analytical process of determining the said notion or categorization of the same, but the viewing plane is set so that the culture itself is placed at one point. Point - a man. Further meaning, culture is not by the means of content, nor program,
but as a travel. In this sense, the relationship was taken given the location (New Belgrade) and the set concept (cultural landscape). The possibility of seeing the “same” thing from a different position. Culture as an experience of a place - bricolage. [Transition: movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc.., To another, change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood]
Supermen and Two Aphrodites >
for where is a better place to build a hotel for monks than in the heart of Belgrade, beside the biggest church on the Balkanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, the church of St.Sava.
* Смешно? Није смешно. Гледај! Није ли чудно? Погледаш на ову страну, крајолик се креће са десна на лево. А на овој страни, са лева на десно. Завртеће ми се. Најбоље је да се сакријем. *
[*from the movie: Maškarada, (1971). Bostjan Hladnik]
SKY HOTEL BELGRADE : SUPERMAN AND TWO APHRODITES > SKY HOTEL BELGRADE : Superman and Two Aphrodites mentor : doc.dr Vladimir Milenković 2012 The task was to define and create a sky hotel in the area of the city of Belgrade, Serbia. I found my starting point in questioning and defining the term s k y and referring to what a h o t e l is to be. A hotel is a house. The_Sky has several forms of manifestation. It is, due to the laws of physics and it shows itself in it’s unbearable lightness of being.The sky as we know it has a geometrical shape, a sphere shape; a shape that man has adopted to be in the cause of a better understanding of the unknown. Thus, there exists the i/d/e/a of the Sky. Images that represent the Ideal of the notion in question, and take shape of different forms in the domain of art. The locus I find is a “match made in heaven” is to be found in a church Dome. The_Dome as a sphere with it’s circle basis. The archetype of circle. The idea of the sky found in the flamboyant in-side of the sphere. Gods on clouds. The imagery above, showing gods as opposed to what are the propositions to leading an honest and modest life on Earth. The paradoxal church thought. A miscarriage.
The intention was to create a hotel for monks. Beside the BIGGEST church, the church of St. Sava (Belgrade). A house which base is the dome base, where the imagery/image, becomes the programe, while the center is left open and filled with water (swimming pool) where now we don’t have an interpretation of the sky, but a real image, a reflection – doubled.
There are two Aphrodites, goddesses of love - an ethereal, sublime love and an earthly, lustful one.
Asylum 9 One Saturday morning (or was it really Saturday?), they counted 30 people outside looking in…
magnitude and complexity of the issues arising from the flow of asylum seekers globally obtains huge challenges for the world’s destination countries. Exiled people seek of Asylum that is no longer available on planet Earth itself. Asylum is only feasible in Earth’s atmosphere, in un_c_o_n_t_r_o_l_l_ ed and unrestricted air space where physical contact with Planet Earth is non-existent. It is rather conceived as a large layer, an offset from the ground, an artificial landscape. It is to be seen as a new independent space which does not represent any extension of the Earth.
The Asylum embodies the
perfect solution for migration: newcomers do
not have to make any adjustments, for there is ‘nothing’ to adapt to. Where there is nothing, everything is possible. Where there is architecture, nothing (else) is possible.(Rem Koolhaas, SMLXL) The result is a deserted high-tech area for observation and possible seduction of self-similar who are invited to create and recycle common and private fantasies and pursuit their desires.
The Platform of Asylum is a continuous parade of released personalities that can invent and test new forms of behavior.
ja/march.Vladimir Radulović
with : march.Tamara Popović/march.Tijana Stevanović/march.Nemanja Crnobrn
..cover it’s eyes to become invisible Script: The visitor is in the pre-space asked to utter something to the recording device. He/she is given the same recording device as a pass. (It is set on repeat mode) The visitor finds himself in a space completely lacking sound and light, relying only on the sound from their recording devices and the devices of others and experiencing the space through other senses. (The recording device has a little light signal which emphasizes the whole visual experience)
At a time when change is constant, people need understanding and good communication. The idea is that, in the moment when quick changes are constant, the required architecture is light and transformable, as well as friendly to user needs and their independent development. In such conditions, we turn to the fact that architecture is internally connected – it becomes a space for communication. The surrounding is such that participants in it can communicate, not necessarily exchanging views, but sharing their feelings or ideas. Participants are enveloped by light, soft surrounding in which they can feel trust so that they can willingly express themselves. The basis of the concept is that for communication and ideal surrounding it is necessary to have confidence which needs to be restored. The intention was to create such architectural surrounding that would provide the feeling of pleasure. The aim is to express oneself in a group. This is the reason why the visitors for the Pavilion are exposed to some kind of a trick that mostly looks like child’s play in which the child cover it’s eyes to become invisible.
LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA / ARCHITECTURE / 2012 13th International Architecture Exhibition Common Ground competition for the serbian pavillion with : Irena Gajić 2012
| смедерево |
| смедерево |
SMEDEREVO MUSEUM > Competition for the Reconstruction of the Museum in Smederevo with : Irena Gajić Tea Beličev (2011)
KIKINDA MUSEUM > honorable mention Competition for the Reconstruction of the National Museum of Kikinda with : Irena Gajić / Olga Lazarević / Milan Dragić (2011)
ОД-ДО / THE EVENT Zita Kis, Bojana Gocanin, Iva Bekic / Зита Киш Бојана Гочанин, Ива Бекић
типолошка дислокација
typological displacements
како се афирмише карактер града онда када он негира сам себе?
how to assert the caracter of a city at the very point where it negates itself?
међупростор: ни унутра ни споља; преостали простор, сачињен од случајности јесте простор неочекиваних догађања. неизбежан сукоб простора и употребе би значио да је архитектура константно нестабилна, на ивици промене. нови догађај је непрекидан процес програмског преклапања. насумично постављени, простор и догађаји, са сталним релацијама од-до, постају међусобно замењљиви. - програмска неизвесност - артикулисање са : између
In-between: neither inside nor outside, a residual space, made of accidents – the place of unexpected events. the inevitable confrontation between space and use means that architecture is constantly unstable, on the verge of change. The new event is produced through crossprogramming and transprogramming. This is the architecture of the event. randomly placed, space and events become interchangeable. -Programmatic uncertainties -Articulating the in-between
структура комбинацију различитих стуација смо претворили у композитни арх. елемент (отворени рам). на крају крајева, комбинација нових спацијалних артефакта и нове програмске комбинације тежи да произведе један арх. догађај који има за циљ могућност новог читања историјског окружења.
Structure we “staged” a combination of various situations into a new composite architectonic element(an open frame). Ultimately, the combination of a new spatial artifact and a new programmatic mix aims to produce an unprecedented architectural event and suggests a new reading of historic surrouding.
тип: скелетна конструкција елементи: модуларни елементи (16x2x4m) стратегија: мултипликација (n) кретање: лифт, степенице, терасе
Type: skeleton construction Elements: modular element (16x2x4m ) Strategy: multiplication (n) Movement: elevators, stairs, catwalks
просторне секвенце су независне од значења које евоцирају код појединца; мноштво догађаја без јасне класификације или хијерахије охрабрују више могућих значења објеката у граду.
Spatial sequences are independent of the meaning they evoke; a multiplicity of events without classification or hierarchy, encouraging multiple meanings for buildings in the city.
M i s -
Week One : The front Line {interview} > here we have a transkript of “mistakes”, made during Camenzind’s workshop, hosted by BHSF Architekten and english radio producer and artist Robyn the Fog.
mr Theophilus : “Let’s talk about architectural mistakes. Now we have a chance to interview one of them. A mistake in person. This mistake is not a person but has its name. Everyone is wondering: Who is Petter Mueller? Petter Mueller has become the ghost of Camenzind’s work space. Always there, never present. Quiet by nature, we wanted to get an insight into the new local. So we sat down on him and asked him a couple of questions.”
/ the transkrip is made of mistakes wich were a necessity for the spoken language to be “correct”. meaning, it was the other way around: we had a written txt which we used for the interview.
Rose : So, tell us about the early beginnings of Peter Mueller. P.M. : Vor a while, wasserdrops were falling from the ceiling in Geozavod. Then, one day, you came and liked the way my name sounds.
we only used the computer (audio translation).
Rose : You’re the favorite one around here. How do you like your Savamala star status?
P.M : Yes, eyeve heard some stories about me but eye do nat talk too much. mistakes are evident
mistakes are a risk
mistakes do not have minimum, nor maximum
mistakes are plural
mistakes are always true
mistakes do not adjust
mistakes set new rules
mistakes are present
mistakes are progressive
mistakes hurt
mistakes can be hidden
mistakes need their space
mistakes are not always obvious
mistakes are relative
mistakes mask
mistakes are overrated
a mistake is an exception
mistakes are a luxury mistakes are not wise mistakes can be funny
mistakes provoke
mistakes require an audience
Rose : Are you glad that you are a mistake given all the attention? P.M : Do nat forget it was an intentional mistake. Being a mistake makes you more relevant. Yes,but it’s funny eye caught everyone’s eye. Rose : You are obviously more involved in the space than the architects themselves. Are you an architect by mistake? P.M : Well,eye support a lot ov architekten. Rose : What do you think would happen if we hide you, who are a mistake? P.M : That would bee your biggest mistake ever. So please, stand up off me.
mistakes always