Know About Your Health Astrology By Your Birth Chart
The human body has a deep connection with diseases. Diseases are part of our lives, some people suffer from serious diseases, and some face normal ones. As per medical astrology, each planet and each sign are related to a particular type of disease. The best online Vedic astrology course makes people understand astrology's complex concepts easily.
By analyzing the birth chart, we can also say that if the planets are weak, the person might get affected by a specific type of disease. Although, he doesn't have to suffer from all the diseases. But a certain type of disease possibly harms you. So in this context, let us talk about 12 astrology houses and their related diseases.
Which house is seen for health?
In astrology, the 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are responsible for causing diseases. Out of these houses, the 6th house is the deciding factor for the diseases. Any activity in the 6th house demonstrates a planetary combination of diseases.
A person can suffer from specific medical issues if the planets in these houses are weak or debilitated. The 6th house shows diseases, the 8th house is the house of surgery, and the 12th house shows hospitalization. The best Vedic astrology course online will give you deep insight into astrology.
Which planet is seen for health?
Planets that are considered for health are the Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant of a person. If these three are strong on the chart, one will likely enjoy good health. The Sun signifies immunity in a person, so if a person has an afflicted or weak sun, he or she is likely to have a weak immune system and fall ill often. The astrology courses online in India make people understand astrology predictions.
Similarly, the Moon signifies our mental and emotional health. A strong moon in the chart will help a person overcome several life obstacles with ease. This helps a person enjoy sound health.
The ascendant is your personality, and if the ascendant or ascendant Lord is under a malefic presence, then a person can't enjoy a healthy life. Unfavorable influence of the planets like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, and Ketu to the Moon, Sun, or the ascendant signs can cause major health problems to a person. It is essential to check the position of the 6th house in the chart and its Lord to detect any medical issues present in a Kundli.
Health issues can sometimes be beyond repair or involve exorbitant expenses; both have far- reaching impacts. Learn more on how to see health from a birth chart. It is crucial to get your health horoscope checked well in time. It can cost you some money, but in the long run, you will still stand to gain from it immensely. The Vedic astrology courses in India will make people read a chart of their own and analyze health.
Each of the zodiac signs has some association with our body parts. However, in unfavorable conditions, some zodiac signs lead to the disease, which can be prolonged, chronic, and tedious. Apart from this, each sign has specific quality and specification and plays a very vital role in the structure of our body.
Zodiac signs and Related Body
Aries: People with arise zodiac signs are likely to have head, brain, and face diseases. There are chances of baldness and physical and mental stress. Which in the future may lead to headaches, migraines, and strokes.
Taurus: People with the Taurus zodiac sign are more prone to have diseases related to the ears, neck, and throat. There are chances of a sore throat, cold and cough, and ear problems.
Gemini: In this zodiac sign, people can have problems with their hands, lungs, arms, and shoulders. There is also the possibility of fever, cold, and cough. Issues related to nerves, anxiety, and insomnia are also common in this sign.
Cancer: People with cancer zodiac signs can have chest, breast, and stomach problems. They can also suffer from some mental issues like depression and emotional imbalance. Because of their liking for food, Cancerians often turn obese.
Leo: In this zodiac sign, people face problems related to the spine, heart, and back. Leos are prone to blood-related diseases. They can suffer from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and blocked arteries. The distance learning astrology courses in India, people can learn astrology at home.
Virgo: People with Virgo zodiac signs can have health issues related to the abdomen and intestines. Virgos also have to face challenges related to weight management. Either they are overweight or underweight. Constipation, ulcers, and acidity are common in their zodiac sign.
Libra: These people may have kidney, adrenal glands, and skin problems. They may also face indigestion and constipation. The diseases related to the bladder, rectum, genitals, ovaries, and tests can trouble them a lot.
Scorpio: Scorpios might have sexual diseases or diseases in their private parts.
Sagittarius: People in the Sagittarius zodiac sign may have health issues related to their hips, thighs, and vision. Impaired vision may lead to accidents.
Capricorn: People with Capricorn zodiac signs may have health issues related to knees, bones, skin, teeth, and joints. Capricorn folks can also suffer from fragile bones.
Aquarius: In this zodiac sign, people are prone to have problems with their lower legs and ankles. They may have weak ankles and have a higher chance of having varicose veins.
Pisces: Pisceans people often suffer from weak immunity. They are prone to have bunions, corns, and athlete's feet.
Sun: Stomach, bone, right eye, heart, skin, belly, the head constitution of the body. Moon: Heart, lungs, mind, blood, left eye, breast, alimentary canal, water in the body. Intestines, lymph, kidneys.
Mars: Blood, marrow, energy, neck, veins, genitals, red matter in the blood, rectum veins, female organs and vitality, nose.
Venus: Face, eyesight, genital organs, semen, urine, body luster, throat, water in body and glands, chin.
Mercury: Chest, nerves, skin, navel, nose, spinal system, gallbladder, veins, lungs, tongue, arms, mouth, hair.
The Vedic astrology institute will help you to understand astrology, and you can read charts and predict actions.
Jupiter: Kidney, thighs, ear, fat, brain, memory, lungs, liver, tongue and spleen, semen. Saturn: Bones, gall bladder, skin, joints, teeth, spleen, legs, joint bones, muscles, limbs, hair. Knees, ears.
Rahu: feet, breathing, neck, mind
Ketu: Belly, feet
12 Astrology House and Disease
First House
This place is responsible for the head, mind, hair, and skin. The first house also governs physical ability and general health and shows the native's physical stature, vitality, and vigor.
Second House
This house controls the tongue, the right eye, teeth, brain, nose, voice, and nails. The weakening of this house can cause a bone fracture, leprosy, internal fever, high fever, disease of the heart, stomach, and skin, and brain trouble.
Third house
3rd house controls the neck, collar bones, hands, throat, breathing, and body growth. And this house covers the diseases of female organs, bone fractures, tumors, cancer, piles, menstrual disorder, ulcer, dysentery, rectal diseases, chickenpox, etc.
Fourth House
4th house governs women's chest, heart, lungs, blood pressure, and breast. The Vedic astrology classes online will make you understand astrology while staying at your place. Fifth house
Areas that come under the 5th house are the vitality, intestines, intelligence, upper abdomen, heart, gallbladder, thinking, sperm, and womb. This house is also called the house of cure or absence of sickness.
Sixth House
The sixth house governs our kidney, uterus, digestive system, and anus. In Astrology, the Sixth House is the 'house of sicknesses.'
Seventh House
The 7th house controls the ovaries, sperm, uterus, and prostate gland. Sexual incompetence, impotency, dropsy, fever, and diseases of glands are also caused by this house.
Eighth house
The 8th house governs long external illness, accident, genitalia, organ mutilation, and sex. 8th house affects misfortune, mental anxiety, surgery, etc.
Ninth house
The ninth house governs joints, knees, thighs, bones, etc. This house has diseases related to mental worry, wounds, paralysis, teeth, skin, blindness, hysteria, tumors, and baldness.
The tenth house
The tenth house has almost the same function as the ninth house. However, it is usually responsible for diseases like joint pain, stomach pain, blindness, bone fractures, wounds, etc.
Eleventh House
The eleventh house shows the left arm, calves, left ear, buttocks, etc. 6th house is related to chronic diseases as horoscopes of sick people reveal that the Lord of the eleventh house governs the diseases they are experiencing.
Twelfth House
The 12th house is responsible for our left eye, the balance of mind, disability, foot, insomnia, death, physical pleasure, and sorrow.
Each person has a different birth chart, and the planet's position is different for each. No two charts are identical. No planet itself can positively or negatively influence a native's health. The Vedic astrology online course is one way to understand astrology and will help to understand personalities.
It depends upon the planet's combination, the house they are sitting in, and who is the Lord of the house they are sitting in. It also matters that by sitting in that house on which house they have direct sight.
One planet might give a hard time to one person because of its position, whether for another person it might be good. There are different types of signs which are needed to be considered before concluding. The Sun sign, The Moon Sign, and The Ascendant are all critical in kundali.
Kundali predictions require deep analysis. So it is crucial to consult a good astrologer. And it is even much better if you learn astrology on your own. So you can do a deep analysis for yourself and your family.