Iva Stanisheva

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IVA STANISHEVA Architectural Portfolio

Oxford School of Architecture MArchD in Applied Design in Architecture Selected Works (2009-2014)

Thesis Project - The Eelosystem

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1. Entrance/Exit and main walkway 2. Eel cell 1 3. Eel cell 2 4. Eel cell 3 5. Eel food storage 6. Eel pool 7. Fish belt 8. Pie ‘n’ mash restaurant 9. Outside seating area


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Thesis Project - The Eelosystem

Light The light and its’ qualities are specifically managed in order to create a dark atmosphere for the eel ponds as the young eels have to be protected from direct sunlight

Sound Because of the size and the shape of the space an echo effect is expected. The visitors will hear loudly there footsteps, the splashing water and the movement of the large eels

Materials The materials are kept to a minimum. The structures are made of in situ concrete with steel reinforcements and steel truss construction for the roof

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10 m

Thesis Project - The Eelosystem

Key diagram explaining the relationship between the eel and the human cycle upon which the programme of the

complex is designed, where the interaction between the two paths creates a series of pivotal spots along the visitors’ exploration-al journey. 1











Part of the mature eels are released into the canal

Caught from the local tributes and canals or/and from lab on site

Glass eels


(those stages of the eels development require darkness or no direct sunlight)

Yellow eel

Silver eel

Thesis Project - The Eelosystem

Concept Eelosystem eatery is developed to compliment the Eel farm experience and comes as a natural conclusion of the visitors’ journey. The serving is heavily influenced by the fresh produce supplied on site by the fish farm.

Eelosytem The eel deal eatery

The concept brings together two aspects of East London. Trendy present catalyst for creativity and working class past full of character, flavour and authenticity. Design The surroundings and architectural specifics of the site shape it into a unique and beautiful interpretation of a traditional Pie and Mash shop. The modern design combines reinvented elements of Victorian and Georgian design. Culture In addition of being a wonderful place to explore original food staples, such as pie and mash, the restaurant acts as an ambassador, promoting East London’s rich culture. Eeelosystem is a refined version of a Pie and Mash shop. It offers simple, yet sophisticated space in which the diners could enjoy the tradition of East London.

Service Emphasis will be placed on the cockney no fuss style of service. Menu The menu is structured around the signature dish of Pie and Mash plus daily specials exploring world eel recepies. Beverage As an addition it also offers great artisan coffee and tea in a modern East London barista style. The alchoholic selection of drinks is sourced from the local micro breweries, which are a grwoing trend in East End. Feature elements • Reclaimed Thames Brick Bar The feature bar/food counter is constructed of washed up bricks from the Thames riverbed. • Marble Tables • Victorian inspired floor tiles • Bookshelf with East London publications and periodicals Inspiratinal imagery overleaf

Daily specials smaple menu * Creamy smoked eel pate served with sour dough bread or crackers


* Charcoal grilled fillet of eel glazed with tare served on fragrant steamed rice seasoned with Japanese pepper.

‘I’ll give ya a great jelly on it’

Tasting menu Private dining concept

Eel soup dumpling

The Eel dumpling is prepared using the same method as the traditional Chinese soup dumpling. Cut up eel jelly is encased in a dumpling pastry. Once steamed the heat bring the eel jelly to a liquid state turning it into soup. The dumpling is served on heated Thames riverbed pebble.

Seasoned baby eel

Grilled eel on Thames brick

A spin on the Japanese grilled eel on rice. This version is served on chunky mashed potato topped with parsley liquor buttor block.a

Eel pate

Eel pate with horseradish butter and crackers served on styrene

Glass eel in its purest form. Lightly seasoned and fresh as far as fish goes. The seasoning is crushed in an improvised mortar and pestle

Eel soup dumpling The Eel dumpling is prepared using the same method as the traditional Chinese soup dumpling. Cut up eel jelly is encased in a dumpling pastry. Once steamed the heat bring the eel jelly to a liquid state turning it into soup. The dumpling is served on heated Thames riverbed pebble.

Seasoned baby eel Glass eel in its purest form. Lightly seasoned and fresh as far as fish goes. The seasoning is crushed in an improvised mortar and pestle

Grilled eel on Thames brick A spin on the Japanese grilled eel on rice. This version is served on chunky mashed potato topped with parsley liquor butter block.

Eel pate Eel pate with horseradish butter and crackers served on styrene

The restaurant branding


0 cm


20 m

10 cm

1. Eelosystem entrance 2. The belt - brings fresh eels from the pool 3. Sitting area - 82 seats 4. Bar - 14 seats 5. Catering area 6. Kitchen 7.Cleaning&gutting eels 8. Preparation area

9. Washing area 10. Cold kitchen 11. Storage 12. Staff office 13. Staff room 14. Toilets 15. Wastage & recycling 16. Outside seating area 17. Walkway


West End Play-Ce Oxford

Initially developing the masterplan, three main nodes were identified. In the initial Masterplan Development Initially developing the masterplan, threewere main nodes sketch, the three nodes that out-were identified. In the initial sketch, the three nodes that were outlined are: lined are: Transport, leisure and historTransport, leisure and historical. One of the main considerations ical. One of themasterplan main considerations in accessiin developing a final was to ensure pedestrian bility between the the city centre. developing a nodes final and masterplan was to enn 5 key themes. sure pedestrian accessibility between the nodes and the city centre.



vices and

From the outlining of the main nodes, through creating design actions, a preliminary masterplan was developed (shown in sketch 2). This initial masterplan required improvement to the residential block structure in order to create a more legible relationship between public and private space.

n the West of Oxford


public use

Carrying out the necessary changes and ensuring that all of the objectives defined in the vision for the west end were adavelling between dressed, this initial idea was transformed n into the final masterplan.

by road or by rail est of Oxford, so that

rail o that

fig.7: Initial sketch map of the main nodes and linking routes

fig 65(a) Main nodes of Oxfords west end


rt use


fig.7: Initial sketch map of the main nodes and linking routes


fig 65(b) Preliminary masterplan sketch


fig. 65 (c): Final masteplan for Oxford’s west end

4th Year Urban Design Specialisation

VISION is to create a playful, vibrant and creative new area of Oxford with a strong sense of community and character. OBJECTIVES • to slow down • play-ce to stay • active behavior • reconnection with the nature

The space syntax analysis for the proposed masterplan shows how connectivity has been improved with the addition of new pedestrian The space spacesyntac syntaxanalysis analysisfor forthe theproposed proposed The streets perpendicular to Oxpens Road, which itmasterplanshows showshow how connectivity masterplan connectivity has has beenbeen self has become more connected. improvedwith withthe theaddition addition new pedestrian improved of of new pedestrian

4th Year Urban Design Specialisation

streets perpendicular perpendiculartotoOxpens Oxpens Road, which itstreets Road, which itself has become more connected. self has become more connected. Land Use POLICY CP.5 - MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTS Planning permission will only be granted for development which maintains or enhances the mix of uses which are appropriate to that particular area.

TYPE A - Studio apartment TYPE B - 2 bedroom apartment TYPE A - Studio apartment TYPE C - 3 bedroom apartment TYPE B - 2 bedroom apartment TYPE D - Family house TYPE C - 3 bedroom apartment TYPE D - Family house

POLICY HE.9 - HIGH BUILDING AREA /not to scale/ Planning permission will not be granted for any develPOLICY HE.9 - HIGH BUILDING opment within a 1,200 metre AREA radiuspermission will not Planning of Carfaxfor which exceeds be granted any devel18.2 m opment within a 1,200 metre radius of Carfax which exceeds 18.2 m

max 15m hight

max 15m hight

Sensory richness & Landscape

/not to scale/

Year Out Professional Placement

Year Out Professional Placement

Bachelors Degree - Year 3 KeyKey Sections Sections Key Sections

The sections are showing key aspects The sections are showing key aspects of my design in relation with the site of my design in relation with the site The sections are showing key aspects and its surroundings. In the first drawing and its surroundings. the first of my design in relationInwith the drawing site (Section BB) we can see how the (Section BB) we can see how and its surroundings. In the first drawing the housing and we thecan business housing and the business block (Section BB) see howblock the continue the line of Tower Bridge but continue line business of Tower Bridge housing andthethe block but with the idea of ‘following’ it, with the idea of ‘following’ it, not continue the line of Tower Bridge not but ‘competing’. The second drawing secondit, drawing with ‘competing’. the idea of The ‘following’ not (Section DD) DD) shows the the housing in in (Section housing ‘competing’. The shows second drawing relationship to Tower Bridge RoadRoad and relationship to Tower (Section DD) shows theBridge housing in and the idea of pushing back the block in the ideatoofTower pushing back the and block in relationship Bridge Road order to give more space and order to give more space the idea of pushing back the block in and possibilities views of the bridge. The The possibilities for more views ofspace the bridge. order to for give and street space created gives opportunity street space created opportunity possibilities for views of thegives bridge. The for more active space with shops and for more active space with shops street space created gives opportunity and cafes. cafes. for more active space with shops and cafes.

Section BB BB Section Section BB





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Bachelor Degree - Year 2 Integrated Design - Sports Centre

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