Amiga Programmers Guide to Arexx - eBook-ENG

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Programmer's Guide to ARexx''

Commodore-Amiga, Inc.


Commodore-Amiga, Inc. West Chester, Pennsylvania

Written and designed by:

Eric Giguère


William Hawes, Willy Langeveld, Mike Sinz, and Tom Rokicki


Dan Baker

Copyright © 1991 by Commodore Electronics Limited. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and Commodore-Amiga was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps. Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc., Amiga 500, Amiga 1000, Amiga 2030, Amiga 3000, AmigaDOS, Workbench, and Kickstart are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Commodore and the Commodore logo are registered trademarks of Commodore Electronics Limited. AUTOCONFIG is a trademark of Commodore Electronics Limited. 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, and Motorola are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. ARexx is a trademark of Wishful Thinking Development Corp. Aztec C and Manx are trademarks of Manx Software Systems. CAPE and Inovatronics are trademarks of Inovatronics, Inc. Centronics is a registered trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corp. Hisoft and Devpac Amiga are trademarks of HiSoft. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Lattice is a registered trademark of Lattice, Inc. SAS/C is a registered trademark of SAS Institute, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

First printing, July 1991


Preface The ARexx Bandwagon No one could have predicted the success of William Hawes' ARexx when he first released it in 1987. His implementation of the REXX programming language fits naturally on top of the Amiga's operating system and is arguably the cleanest and most elegant implementation available for any system. Developers were quick to see the potential of ARexx, just as users were quick to exploit the benefits of a standard macro language. The words "includes ARexx support" grew from a being a simple marketing slogan to a necessary feature in commercial products. The bandwagon grew so large and so loud that Commodore had to take notice. ARexx is now an official part of the Amiga system software. With the release of Workbench 2.0, Commodore has made the power of ARexx available to all Amiga users. ARexx is also available in its original form for those present Amiga users who have yet to upgrade to 2.0. Join the bandwagon now!

Production of this Book This book was produced entirely on an Amiga 2000 system running both Workbench 1.3 and 2.0, with an A2630 accelerator card to help speed things up. The text was written and edited using ASDG's CygnusEd Professional text editor. Formatting and previewing of the text was done using Radical Eye Software's AmigaTEX, an implementation of the TEXformatingsyehAa.Indxigwsoethadfrwe makeindex system. C program examples were compiled and tested with both the SAS/C Amiga C Compiler, version 5.10, and the Manx Aztec C Compiler, version 5.0e. The complete system, of course, was tied together through the use of ARexx programs and macros. Only Amiga!




Acknowledgements A lot of work and sleepless nights go into the writing of a book, especially when there is both programming and writing involved. At this point I would like to take some time to acknowledge and thank those without whose help this book could not have been written: • First and foremost, Bill Hawes, the Father of ARexx and patient answerer of questions

• Tom Rokicki, of Radical Eye Software, both for his wonderful implementation of TEX and his help with ARexx questions • And of course the many proofreaders who pored over this book looking for those niggling mistakes that I inevitably made, including Willy Langeveld, Michael Sinz, Andy Finkel and Dan Baker, my editor at Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my parents Jean-Claude and Marie-Joelle, my grandparents Yvette and Auguste, and my sister Anik. Eric Giguère

Contents 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4

1. Introduction Purpose Of This Book ARexx vs. REXX Audience ARexx Skills C Skills Amiga Skills Conventions Programming Style C Compilers Organization Of This Book Part 1: Using ARexx Part 2: The ARexx Interface Appendices

Part 1: Using ARexx 2. An ARexx Roadmap The Amiga Environment Tasks and Processes Inter-Process Communication Shared Libraries The Resident Process Duties of the Resident Process Finding the Resident Process ARexx Ports Function Hosts and Libraries Function Libraries Function Hosts Public Resources The Library List The Clip List Putting It All Together

9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13

3. Standard ARexx Functions








40 41 41 41 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 59 60 61 62 62 62 63 63 63





64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67

4. Commands and Macros Definitions Host Addressing The Default Host Switching Hosts AmigaDOS Commands Host Validity Sending Commands Command Format Command Results Command Debugging Pitfalls

69 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 74 74

5. Console Input/Output Definitions Consoles and ARexx Standard ARexx Streams Tracing Output

77 77 77 78 78

Part 2: The ARexx Interface 6. The ARexx System Library Description Accessing the Library Calling Library Functions Header Files Stubs and Pragmas Data Structures Argument Strings: RexxArg ARexx Messages: RexxMsg ARexx System Library Functions ClearRexxMsg CreateArgstring CreateRexxMsg DeleteArgstring DeleteRexxMsg FillRexxMsg IsRexxMsg LengthArgstring 7. The Basic ARexx Port Naming and Creating a Port

81 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 93 93


Using an ARexx Port Receiving ARexx Messages Sending ARexx Messages The Passive Interface What to Expect Command Interpretation Sending Results Summary A Simple Passive Host

94 95 95 95 96 96 97 98 98

8. Advanced Port Handling Talking to the Resident Process Action Codes and Modifier Flags Programs and Functions Starting ARexx Programs Calling ARexx Programs as Functions Getting Results Search Order and the rm_PassPort Field Other Messages to the Resident Process Modifying the Library List Modifying the Clip List Modifying the Global Tracing Console Host-to-Host Communication The REXX Variables Interface Using RVI Checking Message Validity Getting A Symbol's Value Setting A Symbol's Value A Sample Active Host

105 105 105 106 106 109 110 111 111 111 112 112 112 113 113 113 114 115 115

9. SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface Using SimpleRexx SimpleRexx Functions AddFuncHost ARexxBase ARexxFree ARexxInit ARexxName ARexxSignal CallARexxFunc FreeARexxMsg GetARexxMsg IsARexxReply RemFuncHost ReplyARexxMsg SendARexxMsg The SimpleRexx Header The SimpleRexx Module

127 127 128 128 129 129 129 130 130 130 131 131 131 132 132 133 133 134

10.ARexx Standards The Need For Standards Port Naming Errors

151 151 151 151




Command Shells Returning Data Suggested Command Standards A Minimal Set of Commands Other Suggested Commands Function Hosts and Libraries

152 152 153 153 154 155

11.Function Hosts Function Host Implementation What's My Call? Function lmplementation Summary A Function Host Skeleton

157 157 157 158 159 159

12.Function Libraries Function Library Implementation Shared Libraries Reentrancy The Dispatch Function Register Conventions Setting Results Creating Function Libraries With SAS/C Creating Function Libraries With Aztec C

171 171 171 172 173 173 173 173 175

Part 3: Appendices A. ARexx Language Quick Reference


B. ARexx Error Messages


C. Header Files storage.h errors.h rxslib.h rexxio.h

197 197 201 203 205






Introduction This chapter explains the purpose of this book, the assumptions that are made about you, the reader, the conventions used throughout the book, and the book's organization.

Purpose Of This Book The Amiga Programmer's Guide to ARexx is designed to allow the Amiga programmer easy access to the power of ARexx. This includes how to make effective use of ARexx, how to conform to development standards, and how to interface Applications to the ARexx environment. Both casual and advanced users will find topics of interest in this book.

ARexx vs. REXX ARexx is an implementation of the REXX programming language, but it's also much more. ARexx is also a macro language that can be used to extend an application's capabilities and integrate it with other applications. (A macro is a small program that can be started from within an application. Macros allow users to extend an application's capabilities beyond what the software developer has implemented.) ARexx also defines a set of inter-process communication standards. REXX was first developed and used on mainframe computers running the VM/CMS operating system. It is still in widespread use and, like ARexx on the Amiga, ties together applications like text editors and C compilers. REXX has since migrated to other microcomputer and minicomputer platforms, but has gained its strongest foothold on the Amiga, where it fits naturally into the Amiga's multitasking environment. REXX is not a "toy" language. Though it is used mostly for macro processing and "quick 'n dirty" programs, it has also been used to write large applications such as spreadsheets and bulletin board systems. REXX programs aren't as fast as compiled programs, but the interpreted nature of REXX (along with powerful tracing facilities) shortens the programming cycle. REXX is also a much more "user friendly" language than many others, notably the C programming language, and can serve as a good introduction to programming concepts in general. ARexx implements the REXX language as described in the first edition of The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to Programming by M. F. Cowlishaw. Most of the ARexx



Chapter 1 — Introduction

built-in functions are identical to the REXX built-in functions described in that book, with some additions specific to the Amiga environment.

Audience Every book is written with a certain audience in mind, and this book is no exception. The following assumptions are made about the typical reader of the Amiga Programmer's Guide to ARexx:

ARexx Skills This book is not a tutorial on the REXX language, nor does it show you how to install and activate ARexx. This information can be found in Using The System Software for Workbench 2.0 users. If you have yet to upgrade to 2.0, ARexx must be purchased separately from your dealer and the information can be found in the ARexx User's Reference Manual that accompanies the software. A few books on general REXX programming are also listed in the bibliography. Please remember, though, that most of these books are not Amiga-specific and may not accurately describe ARexx's capabilities. When in doubt, always consult the official ARexx documentation. If you are not using Workbench 2.0, please ensure that you've upgraded to at least version 1.15 of ARexx. There are very few differences between this version of ARexx and the version that is distributed with Workbench 2.0.

C Skills Program examples in the C programming language are used extensively throughout this book. If you don't feel comfortable with the C language, there are many introductory books available on the market today. You will also need to purchase a C compiler and learn how to use it. The C compiler you use should support the major ANSI C features, as the examples in this book make extensive use of features such as function prototypes. Why are (non-ARexx) programming examples written in C? C is, for better or for worse, the programming language used the most for serious program development on the Amiga. The Amiga operating system is easily accessible from C, and the commercial C compilers available include the necessary support for creating ARexx-compatible programs.

Amiga Skills Portions of this book also assume a certain familiarity with Amiga programming in general. For example, functions from the Exec operating system layer are used extensively in C programming examples. At the very least you should have access to the following Amiga reference books from Commodore: • Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries • The AmigaDOS Manual

Chapter 1 — Introduction

• Amiga User Interface Style Guide Remember: part of a programmer's skill-set is knowing when and where to look things up. Other books of interest to the Amiga programmer are listed in the bibliography.

Conventions Programming Style Programming styles differ greatly from person to person. The examples in this manual have been formatted with an emphasis on clarity of presentation. All examples are set in a typewriter (fixed-width) font. Long examples are marked off using horizontal rules and given a listing number. Some of the ARexx examples make use of the ARexx support library, as described in Chapter 3. Rather than always checking for the library's existence, you should load it into memory at the start of your programming session. See the directions on page 17 for details on how to do this. — The arexx.h header file To save space and simplify program examples, C listings in this book always start by including the arexx.h header file, shown in Listing 1 on page 5.

C Compilers C program examples in this book have been compiled with the following compilers:

• SAS/C Amiga C Compiler, version 5.10 • Manx Aztec C Compiler, version 5.0e These compilers include most of the features of ANSI C and support Workbench 2.0, including the necessary header files. Other compilers are available but may not have the necessary features required for some of the more advanced program examples. In some cases the necessary 2.0 header files must also be licensed directly from Commodore.

Organization Of This Book The Amiga Programmer's Guide to ARexx is about programming with ARexx on the Amiga. The material in this book splits naturally into two parts.



Chapter 1 — Introduction

Part 1: Using ARexx The first part deals with concerns specific to ARexx programming on the Amiga. An alternate title for this section could be Navigating in the ARexx Environment. The chapters are organized as follows: • An ARexx Roadmap describes the components of the ARexx environment and shows how everything fits together: the resident process, ARexx ports, function libraries, resources and more. • Standard ARexx Functions lists all the standard ARexx functions with examples of their use. • Commands and Macros explains the tricks of writing useful and effective ARexx command macros. • Console Input/Output discusses console input and output as used by ARexx programs.

Part 2: The ARexx Interface The second part of this book deals with interfacing to the ARexx environment from external programs or libraries. The chapters are organized as follows: • The ARexx System Library describes the special support routines and data structures needed to interface your own programs with ARexx. • The Basic ARexx Port describes how to setup your own ARexx port to receive command messages. • Advanced Port Handling looks at the more advanced use of ARexx ports, including starting ARexx programs and the REXX Variables Interface. • SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface presents an elegant ARexx interface to easily add ARexx support to a C program. • ARexx Standards summarizes the ARexx programming standards defined in Amiga

User Interface Style Guide. • Function Hosts describes the implementation and use of ARexx function hosts. • Function Libraries describes the implementation and use of ARexx function libraries.

Appendices The appendices summarize some useful information for the ARexx programmer: • ARexx Language Quick Reference is a quick glance at the features of the ARexx language and its differences from other REXX implementations. • ARexx Error Messages lists the complete set of ARexx error messages. • Header Files lists the standard ARexx header files.

Chapter 1 — Introduction

Listing 1: The arexx.h header file

/* * arexx.h -- Standard header file to be included by all C programs in the Amiga Programmer's Guide to ARexx. */ #ifndef AREXX_H_INCLUDED #define AREXX_H_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include

<exec/types.h> <exec/memory.h> <exec/nodes.h> <exec/libraries.h> <exec/ports.h>

/* * Note: INCLUDES_2 should be DEFINEd by users who wish to use * Commodore's official header files for 2.0 */ #if defined( INCLUDES_2 ) /* Use 2.0 includes */ #include <clib/exec_protos.h> #include <clib/dos_protos.h> extern struct MsgPort *CreatePort( UBYTE *name, ULONG pri ); /* Here you have to insert the pragma files you've built for your compiler from Commodore's 2.0 .fd files */ #elif defined( AZTEC_C ) /* Aztec C */ #include <clib/exec_protos.h> #include <clib/dos_protos.h> extern struct MsgPort *CreatePort( UBYTE *name, ULONG pri ); #ifndef __N0_PRAGMAS #include <pragma/exec_lib.h> #include <pragma/dos_lib.h> #endif #elif defined( LATTICE ) || defined( __SASC ) /* SAS/C */ #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #endif #ifndef NULLCHAR #define ' NULLCHAR '\0 #endif #endif /* AREXX_H_INCLUDED */


P AR T 1

Using ARexx


An ARexx Roadmap This chapter provides an overview of the ARexx programming environment and describes the individual pieces that give ARexx its power and flexibility.

The Amiga Environment As was mentioned in the introduction, this manual assumes that you have a certain level of experience in programming the Amiga. It's hard to be an expert at everything, though, so this section is intended to serve as a refresher on the Amiga environment. The emphasis is on Exec, the foundation of the operating system. For more information on the topics discussed in this section, please refer to the following books: • Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries • The AmigaDOS Manual, 3rd Edition

Tasks and Processes A task is a program in execution. The Amiga is a multitasking system, capable of keeping multiple tasks in memory and scheduling the processor between them literally hundreds of times a second. It's this scheduling that allows programs to run seemingly simultaneously. Only one task is actually running at any given moment. This task is known as the active or running task. All other tasks are either ready to be executed (ready) or waiting for an external event (waiting or blocked). A process is a special kind of task. While they share all the usual properties of tasks, processes are the only tasks that can communicate with AmigaDOS. The functions described in The AmigaDOS Manual can only be accessed from a process. Because of this, most programs are run as processes and not as simple tasks. ARexx programs are all run as processes. (Note that in many operating system textbooks the words task and process are often used as synonyms. Remember that on the Amiga there is a difference.) Each task or process has a priority associated with it. Generally, the higher the priority, the more often the task or process gets executed in any given time interval. There are times when a task or process needs to be notified of an event, or to synchronize itself with another task. A signal can be sent to a task in such cases to notify it.



Chapter 2 — An ARexx Roadmap

Inter - Process Communication Tasks and processes communicate through the Amiga's inter-process communication (IPC) facilities (actually, the term inter-task communication is more accurate, but IPC is the term in common use). Exec provides IPC support through the use of ports and messages. A message is an arbitrary piece of data to which a special header is attached. The header contains the information that Exec needs to deliver the message to another task. A port is a queue to which messages are delivered. Any task that wishes to receive a message must create a port. Ports can be given names. When a message arrives at a port, the task that owns the port (a task may create more than one port) is usually notified by a signal. It is then up to the task to retrieve the message from the queue and interpret its contents. Ports can be public or private. A public port is known to (and accessible by) all tasks on the system. The task that sends a message to a port is known as the sender. The task that receives the message is the receiver. In many cases the receiver will send an answer or acknowledgement back to the sender as a reply message.

Shared Libraries A shared library is a collection of routines that can be accessed by several tasks. The library is usually stored on disk and is only loaded into memory when a task requests it, and can be flushed from memory when no tasks require it. The main advantage of shared libraries is that only one copy of the library needs to be in memory even if several tasks are using the library. All Amiga system routines, including those of Intuition and AmigaDOS, are accessed through shared libraries. The ARexx interpreter is itself a shared library. Note A shared library differs from a compiler (or link) library. A compiler library is a set of routines to which you link your object files to create an executable file. Shared libraries are accessed dynamically, at run-time. Unless otherwise noted, the term library is used throughout this book to refer to shared libraries, not compiler libraries.

The Resident Process The heart of ARexx is the resident process, the master ARexx control program. The resident process runs as a background process and manages the ARexx environment; it must be active before any ARexx programs can be executed.

Duties of the Resident Process The resident process has two main duties:

Chapter 2 — An ARexx Roadmap

• Program launching. All ARexx programs are started by the resident process. The

resident process creates a new process, loads the ARexx program into the new process, and invokes the ARexx interpreter. • Resource management. Besides keeping track of all currently-executing programs,

the resident process also manages ARexx resources, including the Clip List and the Library List, both described in a later section. When an ARexx program terminates, the resident process ensures that the program's resources are returned to the system. Note that the resident process is also an ARexx host application, a program that can send and receive ARexx messages.

Finding the Resident Process On the typical Amiga system the ARexx resident process is always active, launched from within the system startup file using the rexxmast command. Sometimes this isn't the case. Your application programs should always ensure that the resident process is active before using or accessing the ARexx environment. The check is simple: the resident process is active if the "REXX" port can be found by Exec's FindPort() function. If the resident process cannot be found, your application should disable its ARexx features. You may also wish to inform the user that ARexx is not available.

ARexx Ports An ARexx port is a named, public port to which ARexx messages can be sent. An ARexx message is a message protocol (described later in the book) used by programs in the ARexx environment. It's an extension of the Exec message format. ARexx ports are defined using the Exec function CreatePort(). Note that a port name must be supplied. More details on ARexx port creation and naming can be found in Chapter 7. An ARexx port is typically used by a host application to send a command to the resident process. An ARexx macro program may be started in this fashion, and the results of the macro will be returned to the application via a reply message to its ARexx port. ARexx programs can also send commands to an application using the ADDRESS instruction. Commands will be sent to the ARexx port matching the ADDRESS name string. (The exception to this is the ADDRESS COMMAND instruction, which will send commands to AmigaDOS instead of an ARexx port. Details can be found in Chapter 4.)

Function Hosts and Libraries ARexx's functionality can be easily expanded through the use of function hosts and function libraries. These are mostly used from within an ARexx program, but are also available to any application with an ARexx port.



Chapter 2 — An ARexx Roadmap

Function Libraries An ARexx function library is a shared library containing one or more functions that can be accessed from ARexx. The function library includes a special dispatch entry point that is used to match a function name with a function in the library. Note that a function library is not an ARexx program, but a special Amiga shared library following the format described in Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries. It is typically written in C or assembler (normally used only by ARexx. You cannot use a normal Exec library in this fasion). Function library creation is described in Chapter 12. To access the functions in a function library, the library is first added to the Library List (described below) using the ADDLIB() built-in function. See Chapter 3 for more information. The Library List entry for a function library includes its name, a search priority, the dispatch point offset and a version number. Note that the library itself must be stored as a file in the LIBS: directory, and the library name must match the filename. The ARexx support library is an example of a function library. Other libraries are available from third-party sources.

Function Hosts A function host is an application which will accept ARexx function calls. The function call is sent as a special ARexx message to the application's ARexx port. The application then processes the message to extract the function name and any arguments to that function. The result of the function call is returned as an ARexx message. Unlike a function library, the internals of a function host are unknown to the resident process or any program that wishes to use it. A function host could conceivably link to another computer across a network in order to complete a request. Also, a function host does not have a dispatch point. It alone processes the messages at its port and decides whether or not it supports the requested function. Function host creation is discussed in Chapter 11. As with function libraries, a function host is added to the Library List (described below) using the ADDLIB() built-in function. See Chapter 3 for more information. N ote

The ARexx resident process is itself a function host, and is installed in the Library List with a priority of -60. It has two names: "REXX" and "AREXX". The use of these ports is discussed in Chapter 8.

Public Resources The resident process maintains public resources for use by all ARexx programs and application hosts.

Chapter 2 — An ARexx Roadmap

The Library List The Library List is the list of function libraries and function hosts that are currently accessible. Entries in this list are ordered by priority. When a function call cannot be resolved within an ARexx program or with a built-in function (see page 18 for the search rules), the entries in the Library List are tried in order, starting with the highest priority entry. (Entries at the same priority level are searched in the order they were added to the Library List.) Function libraries are checked at their dispatch point and function hosts are sent a message. If the library or host has no function that matches the given name, the search continues with the next library or host in the list. Libraries and hosts are added to the Library List with the ARexx ADDLIB() function and removed using the REMLIB () function. The Library List can be examined using the SHOW() function. See Chapter 3 for more details.

The Clip List The Clip List maintains a list of pairs of strings for data sharing between applications and ARexx programs. Each entry in the list consists of a name and a value, both of which are strings. The name is used to identify and search for the entry (searching is case-sensitive). The Clip List is a public list. Entries are changed using the ARexx SETCLIP() function. The GETCLIP() function will search for an entry by name and retrieve its value string. See Chapter 3 for more details on these functions. — Sharing Data There are no restrictions as to what the value string of a name-value pair in the Clip List can hold. One potential application is to use the Clip List for loading predefined constants into an ARexx program. For example, say the following string was stored under the name constants: pi=3.14159; e=2718; sqrt2=1.414 Any ARexx program could then use the GETCLIP() function to retrieve this string and use the INTERPRET command to execute the assignments: numbers = getclip( 'constants' ) interpret numbers

Be creative!

Putting It All Together To help clear things up, let's consider a typical ARexx scenario: the user has started an application program that supports ARexx and wishes to invoke an ARexx macro from within that application. The application might be a text editor; the macro might save the current file and compile it. We'll use the short ARexx program in Listing 2 as our sample macro program. It just displays the contents of the RAM: directory twice, but it's enough for our purposes.



Chapter 2 — An ARexx Roadmap

Listing 2: A Simple ARexx Program /* Load in support library if not already installed */ if( "show( '1', 'rexxsupport.library' ) )then do if( "addlib( 'rexxsupport.library', 0, -30, 0 ) )then do say "Could not open ARexx support library." exit 10 end end /* Send a CLI command */ address command 'dir ram:' /* Call a support library function */ say showdir( 'ram:', 'a' ) exit 0

Let's assume that the application has created an ARexx port. The first step in starting an ARexx macro is to search for the resident process. If the resident process does not exist, the application must cancel the macro invocation. Once the resident process has been located, the application sends it a message asking it to start the ARexx macro. The resident process searches for the program (using the rules listed in Chapter 8) and starts it as a new process. The reply message will be returned to the application only when the ARexx program exits.' The application should, in most cases, wait for the reply message before continuing with other tasks. The ARexx macro has now begun execution. It first uses the built-in function SHOW() to determine if the ARexx support library is installed; if not, it installs it using ADDLIB(), another built-in function. (See Chapter 3.) If the library could not be installed, the macro exits with an error code, which will be passed back to the application. Assuming that the library was installed, the ARexx program proceeds to use the ADDRESS instruction to send a command string to the AmigaDOS Shell (CLI). (We are assuming here that a Shell is available, as is console output.) The ADDRESS command will send the string "dir ram:" to AmigaDOS and wait for AmigaDOS to finish executing the command. When the ARexx macro continues execution, it encounters a call to the SHOWDIR() function. is not a built-in function, so (using the rules described in Chapter 3) the ARexx program searches the Library List for a function library or function host that has a SHOWDIR() function. SHOWDIR() is a support library function, so the ARexx program calls that function and then displays the result string. SHOWDIR()

1 This is the usual behaviour. You may instead request that the reply message be sent back immediately as discussed in Chapter 8.

Chapter 2 — An ARexx Roadmap

At this point the ARexx program terminates and returns an error code of 0 (no error) back to the application. The application then continues with its normal processing. This example was necessarily quite simple. ARexx macro invocation can be tricky, since an ARexx macro may send commands to other programs, including the application that started it. Error-handling can be non-trivial in such cases. See Chapters 7 and 8 for details.



Standard ARexx Functions Function calls form the core of any non-trivial ARexx program. This chapter describes the standard ARexx functions -- almost a hundred of them!

Built-In Functions The ARexx interpreter itself includes a large list of useful functions, known as built-in functions. The descriptions for these functions form the bulk of this chapter. Most of the built-in functions are dedicated to input/output and string handling. They are based for the most part on the REXX built-in functions described in M. F. Cowlishaw's The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to Programming. Because they are part of the interpreter, the built-in functions are always available for use by ARexx programs. The built-in functions have also been optimized to work with ARexx's internal data structures and in general execute much more quickly than any equivalent interpreted or external function, so their use is highly recommended.

Support Functions A set of useful Amiga-specific functions is also available to ARexx programs through the ARexx support library. The support library is a function library that is supplied with the ARexx interpreter. It can be found in your LIBS: directory as the file rexxsupport.library. Installing the Support Library

To use the support library functions, the support library itself must first be added to the ARexx Library List. This is done using the ADDLIB() built-in function: call addlib 'rexxsupport.library' , 0, -30, 0

The dispatch offset for the support library is -30.



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

If several of your ARexx programs use the support library, you may wish to add the following Shell (CLI) command to your Amiga's startup sequence: rx "call addlib 'rexxsupport.library', 0, -30, 0"

The support library will be added automatically to the Library List when you boot your machine. For your convenience, the rxlib command will perform the same operation: rxlib rexxsupport.library 0 -30 0

ARexx programs that use the support library should always ensure that the library is installed before calling any of its functions. The SHOW() built-in function can be used for this purpose: /* Check to see if the support library is installed. If it isn't, add it to the library list. */ if( "show( 'L', 'rexxsupport.library' ) )then do if( "addlib( 'rexxsupport.library', 0, -30, 0 ) )then do say "Could not open ARexx support library." exit 10 end end

The current support library functions are: ALLOCMEM(), BADDR(), CLOSEPORT(), DELAY(), DELETE(), FORBID(), FREEMEM(), GETARG(), GETPKT(), MAKEDIR(), NEXT(), NULL(), OFFSET(), OPENPORT(), PERMIT(), RENAME(), REPLY(), SHOWDIR(), SHOWLIST(), STATEF() and WAITPKT(). In the function descriptions that follow, support library functions are marked with a dagger (+). All other functions are built-in functions.

Search Order When a function call is encountered, the ARexx interpreter searches for a function definition that matches the function name (symbol or string). That search follows a very strict order: 1. Internal functions are matched first. The ARexx program source is examined for a label that matches the function name. If a match is found, a new storage environment is created and control is transferred to the label. See the note below about strings as function names. 2. Built-in functions are searched next. All of these functions are defined by uppercase names and the built-in library has been organized to make the search as efficient as possible. 3. Function libraries and functions hosts are then searched. The available libraries and hosts are listed in the Library List, sorted by priority. The search starts at the highest-priority library or host and continues until the function is found or the end of the Library List is reached. (See the preceding chapter for a description of how function libraries and function hosts work.)

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

4. External ARexx programs are searched last. A message is sent to the ARexx

resident process, which then searches for an ARexx program whose name matches the function name. The search begins at the current directory and follows the same search path as the original ARexx program invocation. Name matching is not case-sensitive. If the function is not found, an error is generated and the evaluation of the current expression is terminated. Note that the name matching may be case-sensitive for some of the search steps but not for others. In particular, the matching procedure used in a function library or function host is left to the discretion of the library/host designer. Important: Functions defined with mixed-case names must be called using a string for the function name, since symbol names are always translated to uppercase before the function search begins. Internal functions can only be defined using symbol names. If a string is used as a function name, the first step in the search order will be skipped. This allows internal functions to use the names of external or built-in functions while still being able to access those functions, as in the following example: CENTER: parse arg string, length return 'CENTER'( string, min( length, 60 ) )

Remember that the case of a function name is important when using strings to call a function.

Function Definitions The rest of this chapter lists the various ARexx built-in and support functions. Some general conventions: Arguments are shown with emphasis within the text and the syntax description: ABS( number )

Some arguments are optional and are shown within square brackets: COMPRESS( string, [ list ] )

If an optional argument is omitted in a function call, a default value (described in the text) is supplied. Legal (and mutually exclusive) values are separated using the <=> symbol: ARG( number, 'Exists' <=>'Omitted' ) While internal functions can be called with any number of arguments, other functions are limited to a maximum of 15 arguments.



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

Pad character arguments only use the first character of the argument string. If a null string is supplied, the default character (usually a blank) will be used. Keyword arguments, as shown above in the ARG() function, also only use the first character of the argument string. Case is ignored. For example, the "Exists" keyword shown above may be passed as 'E', 'e', 'Exists', or even ' ent er ' . I/O support functions use a "logical name" or handle to reference files. See the OPEN()

function for details. Bit - manipulation functions implement extended bit-testing on character strings. Bits

are defined such that bit 0 is the low-order (rightmost) bit of the rightmost byte of the string.

ABBREV ABBREV( full, abbrev, [ length ] )


Returns 1 if abbrev is an abbreviation of full and abbrev is at least length characters long. If length is not specified, it defaults to 0. Examples

abbrev( 'fullname , 'ful' ) abbrev( 'almost', 'alm' , 4 ) abbrev( 'any' , " )

returns 1 returns 0 returns 1

ABS ABS( number )


Returns the absolute value of number, which must be numeric. Examples abs ( -5.35 ) abs( 10 ) See Also: MAX(), MIN(), SIGN()

returns 5.35 returns 10

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

ADDLIB ADDLIB( name, priority )

or ADDLIB( name, priority, offset, version )


Adds a function library or a function host to the Library List maintained by the resident process. The name argument is case-sensitive and specifies the name of a function library or the name of the public message port associated with a function host. Libraries must be located in the LIBS: directory to be found by the system. The library or host will be added to the Library List with the search priority specified by priority, which must be an integer between -100 and 100 inclusive. Function hosts only require that name and priority be specified. Function libraries must be added using the second form of ADDLIB(). The offset is the integer offset to the library's dispatch entry point and version is an integer specifying the minimum acceptable release level of the library. ADDLIB() returns 1 if the operation was successful. If a library is specified, the library is not

actually opened until it is required. Similarly, function hosts are not accessed until required. Examples addlib( "rexxsupport.library", 0, -30, 0 ) call addlib "EtherNet", -20

returns 1


The correct offset value for a function library is not necessarily -30, as it is for the ARexx support library. Use the value supplied in the library documentation. See Also: REMLIB(), SHOW(), SHOWLIST()



Returns the current host address string. The host address is the message port to which commands will be sent. ADDRESS() does not check the validity of the host address — use SHOW() to list known hosts. Examples address()

returns 'REXX '



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

Notes The resident process' host addresses are "REXX" and "AREXX". See Also: SHOW(), SHOWLIST()


length, [ attribute ] )


Allocates a block of memory of the specified length from the system's memory pool and returns its address as a 4-byte string. The optional attribute must be a standard Exec memory allocation flag, supplied as a 4-byte string: PUBLIC CHIP


'0000 0001'x '0000 0002'x '0000 0004'x '0001 0000'x

The default attribute is for PUBLIC memory (not cleared). ALLOCMEM() returns '00'x if the allocation request failed. This function should be used whenever memory is allocated for use by external programs. It is the programmer's responsibility to release the memory space when it is no longer needed. Examples mem = allocmem( 1000 ) chip = allocmem( 50, '0000 0003'x ) Notes +ALLOCMEM() is a support library function. See page 17.

Use caution with this function! Unless you need CHIP or PUBLIC memory, it is best to use GETSPACE() to allocate memory for use by your ARexx program, as this memory will be freed automatically when your FFREEMEM(), program s. If your program calls ALLOCMEM() and terminates before calling FREEMEM(), he memory that was al ocated wil be lost until the system is rebooted. See Also: GETSPACE(), FREEMEM(), FREESPACE(), STORAGE()

Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions

ARG ARGO or ARG( number ) Or

ARG( number, 'Exists' <#.'Omitted' ) Summary

The first form of ARG() simply returns the number of arguments supplied to the current environment. This number includes omitted arguments. The second form of ARG() returns the string corresponding to argument number number. Argument numbering starts at 1. The third form of ARG() checks for the existence or omission of a given argument. The "Exists" option will return 1 if a string for argument number was supplied. The "Omitted" option will return 1 if a string was not supplied. Examples it = arg() say "Arguments:" n do i = 1 to n if( arg( i, 'e' ) = 1 )then say "Argument" i "is: '" || arg( i ) || "'" else say "Argument" i "was omitted" end Notes

A null string does not necessarily imply that an argument was omitted.

BADDR+ BADDR( bptr ) Summary

Converts a BCPL style pointer (BPTR) into a C style pointer. -


Notes +BADDR() is a support library function. See page 17.



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

B2C B2C( string ) Summary

Converts a string of binary digits (0,1) into the corresponding (packed) character representation. The conversion is the same as though the argument string had been specified as a literal binary string (e.g. '1010'B). Blanks are permitted in the string, but only at byte boundaries. Examples

returns 3 returns a

b2c( '00110011' ) b2c( '01100001' )

Notes This function is particularly useful for creating strings that are to be used as bitmasks. See Also: C2B(), X2C()

BITAND BITAND( string1 , string2, [ pad ] ) Summary

Returns the bit-by-bit logical AND of string1 and string2, with the result length being the longer of the two operand strings. The shorter string is padded on the right with pad, if present; otherwise the AND operation terminates at the end of the shorter string and the remainder of the longer string is appended to the result. Examples bitand( '0313'x, 'FFFO'x ) bitand( '13'x, '5555'x, '74'x ) bitand( 'abcd', ", 'DF'x )

returns '0310'x returns '1154'x returns 'ABCD'


BITCHG BITCHG( string, bit )

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Changes (flips) the state of the specified bit in the argument string. Bit numbers are defined such that bit 0 is the low-order bit of the rightmost byte of the string. Examples

returns '00303'x

bitchg( '0313'x, 4 )


BITCLR BITCLR( string, bit )


Clears (sets to zero) the specified bit in the argument string. Bit numbers are defined such that bit 0 is the low-order bit of the rightmost byte of the string. Examples bitclr( '0313'x, 4 )

returns '0303'x


BITCOMP BITCOMP ( string1 , string2, [ pad ] )


Compares string1 to string2 bit-by-bit, starting at bit number 0 (the low-order bit of the rightmost byte). The returned value is the bit number of the first bit in which the strings differ or -1 if the strings are identical. Examples bitcomp( '7F'x, 'FF'x ) bitcomp( 'FF'x, 'FF'x ) See Also: BITAND(),BITOR(),BITXOR()

returns 7 returns -1



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

BITOR BITOR( string1 , string2, [ pad ] )


Returns the bit-by-bit logical OR of string1 and string2, with the result length being the longer of the two operand strings. The shorter string is padded on the right with pad, if present; otherwise the OR operation terminates at the end of the shorter string and the remainder of the longer string is appended to the result. Examples bitand( '0313'x, '003F'x )

returns '033F'x


BITSET BITSET( string, bit )


Sets the specified bit in the argument string. Bit numbers are defined such that bit 0 is the low-order bit of the rightmost byte of the string. Examples

returns '0313'x

bitset( '0313'x, 2 )


BITTST BITTST( string, bit )


Returns the state of the specified bit in the argument string. Bit numbers are defined such that bit 0 is the low-order bit of the rightmost byte of the string. Examples bittst( '0313'x, 4 ) See Also: BITCHG(),BITCLR(),BITSET()

returns 1


Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

returns -1 returns 256

c2d( 'FFFF'x ) c2d( 'FF0100'x, 2 ) See Also: C2B(), C2X(), D2C()

C2X C2X( string ) Summary

Converts the string argument from its character representation to the corresponding hexadecimal number, expressed as the ASCII characters 0-9 and A-F. Examples

returns 616263

c2x( 'abc' ) See Also: C2B(), C2D(), D2X(), X2C()

CENTER/CENTRE CENTER( string, length, [ pad ] ) Or

CENTRE( string, length, [ pad ] )


Centers the string argument in a string with the specified length. If the length is longer than that of the string, pad characters (or blanks if pad is not supplied) are added as necessary. Examples center( 'abc', 6 ) center( 'abc', 6, '+' ) center( '123456', 3 )

returns ' abc ' returns '+abc++' returns '234'


CLOSE CLOSE( handle )

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Closes the file specified by handle, the logical name that was specified to the OPEN() function call that opened the file. If the file was not open then 0 is returned, otherwise it is closed and 1 is returned. Examples

returns 1 or 0

close( 'input' )




Closes the message port name, which must have been allocated by a call to OPENPORT() within the current ARexx program. Any messages received but not yet replied are automatically returned to their sender with the return code set to 10. Examples call closeport myport Notes +CLOSEPORT() isasup ortlibrayfunction.Se page17. See Also: OPENPORT(), REPLY()

COMPARE COMPARE( string1 , string2 , [ pad ] )


Compares two index strings and returns the index of the first position in which they differ, or 0 if the strings are identical. The shorter string is padded on the right as required with pad or blanks if pad is not specified. Examples compare( 'abcde', 'abcce' ) compare( 'abcde', 'abcde' ) compare( 'abc+++', 'abc', '+' )

returns 4 returns 0 returns 0



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

COMPRESS COMPRESS( string, [ list ] ) Summary

If the list argument is omitted, all leading, trailing and embedded blanks are removed from string. If list is specified, the characters in list are removed from string instead. Examples compress( 'why not ' ) returns 'whynot' compress( '+ + 12-34-+' , '+-' ) returns '1234 ' See Also: SPACE(), STRIP(), TRIM()

COPIES COPIES( string, number ) Summary

Creates a new string by concatenating number copies of string. If number is zero, the null string is returned. Examples

returns ' abcabcabc' returns ''

copies( 'abc' , 3 ) copies( 'yo', 0 ) See Also: CENTER(), OVERLAY()

D2C D2C( number ) Summary

Returns a character string that is the ASCII representation of the decimal number, which should be an integer. Examples d2c( 65 ) d2c( 31 )


returns ' A' returns '1F'

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

See Also: C2D()

D2X D2X( number ) Summary

Returns the string that is the hexadecimal representation of the given decimal number. Examples

returns '100'

d2x( 256 ) See Also: C2X(), X2C(), X2D()

DATATYPE DATATYPE( string, [ option. ) Summary

If option is not specified, DATATYPE() tests whether string is a valid number and returns 'NUM' if it is, 'CHAR' if it isn't. If option is specified, DATATYPE() returns a boolean value indicating whether string is of the given type. Valid keywords for option are: Keyword 'Alphanumeric' 'Binary' 'Lowercase' 'Mixed' 'Numeric' 'Symbol' 'Upper' 'Whole' 'X'

Characters Accepted Alphabetics (A-Z, a-Z) or Numeric (0-9) Binary digits only Lowercase alphabetics (a-z) Alphabetics (A-Z, a-z) Valid number Valid ARexx symbol Uppercase alphabetics (A-Z) Integer number Hexadecimal digits only

Examples datatype( '123' ) datatype( 'la f2', 'x' ) datatype( 'aBcde' , 'L' )

returns 'NUM' returns 1 returns 0



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

DATE DATE( [option], [ date ] , [ format ] )

Summary In its simplest form, DATE() returns the current date in the format specified by option.

Recognized options are: Keyword 'Basedate' 'Century' 'Days' 'European' 'Internal' 'Julian' 'Month' 'Normal' 'Ordered' 'Sorted' 'USA' 'Weekday'

Date format

number of days since January 1, 0001 number of days since January 1 of the current century number of days since January 1 of the current year current date in form DD/MM/YY internal system days current date in form YYDDD current month (mixed case) te in form current da DD MMM YYYY current date in form YY/MM/DD current date in form YYYYMMDD current date in form MM/DD/YY current day of the week (mixed case)

If option is omitted it defaults to 'Normal'. If date is specified, DATE() will use that date instead of the computer's current date in its calculations. system If (internal) format is days. not specified, then date is assumed to be in bfIeoristhmp'acdn,lformat'Sidesnor (YYYYMMDD) format. Examples date() date( 'M' ) date( 's' ) date( 's', date( 'i' ) + 21 ) date( 'w', 19901117, 's' )

returns '17 Oct 1990' returns 'October' returns 19880420 returns 19880609 returns 'Saturday '

See Also: TIME()

DELAY+ DELAY( ticks )

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Waits for the specified number of ticks, units of 1/50th of a second. Use this function when you need to suspend the execution of an ARexx program for some amount of time. Notes +DELAY() is a support library function. See page 17.


DELETE( path )


Delete the file or directory given by path. Notes +DELETE() is a support library function. See page 17.


DELSTR DELSTR( string, n, [ length ] )


Deletes the substring of string beginning with the nth character for the specified length in characters. The default value for length is the remaining length of the string. Examples delstr( '123456', 2, 3 )

returns '156'

See Also: INSERT() , LENGTH() , SUBSTR()

DELWORD DELWORD( string , n, [ length ] )



Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions


Deletes the substring of string beginning with the nth word for the specified length in words. The default length is the remaining words of the string. The deleted string includes any trailing blanks following the last word. Examples delword( 'Tell me a story', 2, 2 ) delword( 'one two three', 3 )

returns 'Tell story' returns 'one two '




Returns the current NUMERIC DIGITS setting. Examples numeric digits 6 say digits()

returns 6

See Also: FORM(), FUZZ()

EOF EOF( handle ) Summary

Checks to see if end-of-file has been reached for the file specified by handle, the logical name that was specified to the OPEN() function call that opened the file. If the end-of-file has been reached, 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned. Examples eof ( 'input' )

returns 1 or 0


Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions



Returns the error message associated with the specified ARexx error code n. The null string is returned if the number is not a valid error code. Examples

returns 'Invalid expression'

errortext( 41 )

EXISTS EXISTS( filename ) Summary

Tests whether an external file of the given filename exists. The filename may include all normal Amiga device and directory specifications. Examples exists( 'c:cd' )

returns 1

Notes EXISTS()

can also check for the existence of a device or directory, not just a file.


EXPORT EXPORT( address, [ string ] , [ length ] , [ pad ] )


Copies data from the optional string into a previously-allocated memory area, which must be specified as a 4-byte address. The length specifies the number of characters to be copied. The default is the length of string. If string is not supplied, then a value for length must be provided. If length is longer than the string, the remaining area is filled with the pad character, or nulls ('00'x) if pad is omitted. The returned value is the number of characters copied.



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

Examples export( '0004 0000'x, 'The answer' )

returns 10

Notes Use extreme caution with this function! Any area of memory can be overwritten using EXPORT(), possibly causing a system crash or failure of other applications. Task switching

is forbidden while the copy is being done, so system performance may be degraded if long strings are copied. See Also: FREESPACE(), GETSPACE(), IMPORT(), STORAGE()

FIND FIND( string, phrase )


Locates a phrase of words (phrase) in a larger string (string) of words and returns the word number of the matched position. Examples find( 'Now is the time', 'is the' )

returns 2


Forbids task switching until a call to PERMIT() is encountered. Calls to FORBID() and PERMIT() can be nested — task switching will only be re-enabled when the outermost PERMIT() is executed. Task switching is automatically re-enabled when an ARexx program terminates, regardless of nesting level. The return value is the current nesting count, or -1 if task switching is enabled. Notes

Disabling task switching is very unfriendly in the Amiga's multitasking environment. If you must disable task switching, do it for the shortest possible amount of time. +FORBID() is a support library function. See page 17.

See Also: PERMIT()

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Summary Returns the current NUMERIC FORM setting. Examples numeric form scientific say form()

returns 'SCIENTIFIC'

See Also: DIGITS(), FUZZ()

FREEMEM+ FREEMEM( address, length )

Summary Returns a block of memory to the system memory pool. Note that address should be the address of a block that was allocated by a prior call to ALLOCMEM(). The length of the block must agree with the length that was passed to ALLOCMEM(). FREEMEM() returns 1 if the memory block was freed successfully. Examples mem = allocmem( 50 ) freemem( mem, 50 ) Notes +FREEMEM() is a support library function. See page 17. FREEMEM() cannot be used to release memory allocated using GETSPACE(). Use FREESPACE() instead. See the notes under ALLOCMEM() for important information on memory use.


FREESPACE FREESPACE( address, length )



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Frees a block of memory that was obtained from the interpreter's internal memory pool using a call to GETSPACE(). The address must be the 4-byte string that was returned by GETSPACE() for that particular block of length bytes. The return value is 1 if the block was freed successfully. Examples block = getspace( 32 )

returns 1

say freespace( block, 32 )


It isn't always necessary to release internally-allocated memory, since it will be released to the system when the program terminates. If a very large block has been allocated, however, returning it to the interpreter's pool as soon as possible may avoid memory space problems. See Also: EXPORT(), FREEMEN(), GETSPACE(), IMPORT(), STORAGE()



Returns the current NUMERIC FUZZ setting. Examples numeric fuzz 3 say fuzz()

returns 3

See Also: DIGITS(), FORM()

GETARG+ GETARG( packet, [ n ] )


Extracts a command, function name, or argument string from a message packet. The packet must be a 4-byte address obtained from a prior call to GETPKT() . Each packet has 16 slots, numbered 0 to 15. If n is specified, the string will be extracted from the nth slot. The default value for n is 0, and n must always be less than or equal to the actual argument count for the packet.

Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions

Commands and function names are always found in slot 0. Function packets may also have argument strings in slots 1 to 15. Examples /* Get a command */ command = getarg( packet ) /* Get function name */ function = getarg( packet, 0 ) /* Get first argument */ arg1=et(pck,) Notes

The message packet passed to GETARG() is expected to be a RexxMsg message structure as described in Chapter 6. +GETARG() is a support library function. See page 17. See Also: GETPKT(), WAITPKT()

GETCLIP GETCLIP( name ) Summary

Searches the Clip List for an entry matching name and returns the associated value string. The name matching is case-sensitive and the null string is returned if name is not in the Clip List. Examples say setclip( 'numbers', 'pi=3.14159' ) say getclip( 'numbers' )

returns 1 returns 'pi=3.14159'

See Also: SETCLIP()

GETPKT+ GETPKT( name ) Summary

Returns the next message packet queued at the port name, which must have been opened by a prior call to OPENPORT() within the current ARexx program. The returned value is the



Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions

4-byte address of the message packet or '0000 0000'x if no packets are available. The function returns immediately whether or not a packet is enqueued at the message port. If there is no useful work to be done until the next message packet arrives, the program should call WAITPKT() instead to allow other tasks to proceed. Examples packet = getpkt( 'MyPort ' )

Notes +GETPKT() is a support library function. See page 17.




Allocates a block of memory of the specified length from the interpreter's internal memory pool. The returned value is the 4-byte address of the allocated block, which is not cleared or otherwise initialized. Examples say c2x( getspace( 32 ) )

returns '0003BF40'x

Notes Internal memory allocated with GETSPACE() is automatically returned to the system when the ARexx program terminates, so this function shouldn't be used to allocate memory for use by external programs - use ALLOCMEM() instead. See Also: ALLOCMEM(), EXPORT(), FREESPACE(), IMPORT(), STORAGE()

HASH HASH( string )


Returns the hash attribute of a string as a decimal number and updates the internal hash value of the string.

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


returns 49

hash( '1' )

IMPORT IMPORT( address, [ length ] ) Summary

Creates a string by copying data from the specified 4-byte address address. If length is not supplied, the copy terminates when a null byte is found. Examples extval = import( '0004 0000'x, 8 ) See Also: EXPORT() , FREESPACE(), GETSPACE(), STORAGE()

INDEX INDEX( string, pattern, [ start ] )


Searches for the first occurrence of pattern in string, beginning at the specified start position. If start is not specified, the default start position is 1. The returned value is the index of the matched pattern or 0 if the pattern was not found. Examples index( '123456', '23' ) index( '123456', '77' ) index( '123123', '23', 3 )

returns 2 returns 0 returns 5

See Also: LASTPOS(), POS(), VERIFY()

INSERT INSERT( new , old , [ start ] , [ length ] , [pad] )



Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions


Inserts the new string into the old string after the specified start position. The default starting position is 0, which inserts new in front of old. The new string is truncated or padded to the specified length as required, using the supplied pad character or blanks. If start is beyond the end of the old string, the old string is padded on the right. Examples insert( 'ab', '12345' ) insert( '123', '++', 3, 5, '-' )

returns ' ab12345' returns '++-123--'


LASTPOS LASTPOS( pattern, string, [ start ] )


Searches backwards for the first occurrence of pattern in string, beginning at the specified start position. The default starting position is the end of the string. The returned value is the index of the matched pattern, or 0 if the pattern was not found. Examples lastpos( lastpos( lastpos( lastpos(

'2', '1234' ) '2', '1234234' ) '2', '1234234', 4 ) '5', '1234' )

returns returns returns returns

2 5 2 0


LEFT LEFT( string, length, [ pad ] ) Summary

Returns the leftmost substring of string with the specified length. If the substring is shorter than length, it is padded on the left with the supplied pad character or with blanks. Examples left( '123456', 3 ) left( '123456', 8, '+' ) See Also: RIGHT(),SUBSTR()

returns '123 ' returns '123456++'

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions



Returns the length (in characters) of string. Examples length( 'three' )

returns 5

LINES LINES( handle ) Summary

Returns the number of lines queued or typed ahead for the logical file referenced by handle, which must be an interactive stream. Examples push 'a line' push 'another one' say lines( 'stdin' )

returns 2


The number of lines is returned as a secondary result of the AmigaDOS call WaitForChar().



Creates the new directory specified by path and returns a boolean result. The function will only fail if the directory could not be created, and not if it already exists. Notes +MAKEDIR() isauportlibayfunctio.Sepag17.

See Also: DELETE(), RENAME()



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

MAX MAX( number, number, [ number, ... ] ) Summary

Returns the maximum of the supplied arguments, all of which must be numeric. At least two arguments must be supplied. Examples

returns 3

max( 2.1, 3, -1 ) See Also: ABS(), MIN(), SIGN()

MIN MIN( number, number, [ number, Summary

Returns the minimum of the supplied arguments, all two arguments must be supplied.

must be numeric. At least


returns -1

min( 2.1, 3, -1 ) See Also: ABS(), MAX(), SIGN()

NEXT+ NEXT ( address, [ offset ] )


Returns the four-byte value at the address (which is expected to be a four-byte string) plus offset if specified. It canan be used to linked follow list forward or backward. Exec Examples nextaddr = Next( addr ) /* go forward */ prevaddr = Next( addr, 4 ) /* go backward */

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


+NEXT() is a support library function. See page 17.

NULL+ NULL () Summary

Returns a null pointer as a four-byte string '0000 0000'x. Notes +NULL() is a support library function. See page 17.

OFFSET+ OFFSET ( address, displacement ) Summary

Computes a new address as the signed displacement from a base address. The address must be a four-byte string, and the displacement argument is a decimal integer. This function provides a convenient way to compute the address of a field in a data structure without requiring calls to C2D() and D2C(). Notes +OFFSET() is a support library function. See page 17.

OPEN OPEN ( handle, filename, [ 'Append' <=>'Read' <=>'Write' ] ) Summary

Opens an external file for the specified operation. The handle argument defines the logical name by which the file will be referenced in subsequent calls to ARexx functions. The filename is the external name of the file and may include all normal Amiga device and directory specifications. The three modes are: • " Read" opens the file for reading only. If the file does not exist then the open will fail.



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

• "Write " opens the file for writing only. If the file does not exist, it will be created if

possible. If the file exists, its previous contents will be deleted. • " Append" opens the file for writing only, but if the file exists the previous contents

will be preserved and any new data will be appended to the file. If no mode is specified, OPEN() defaults to " Read ". OPEN() returns a boolean value that indicates whether the operation was successful. There

is no limit to the number of files that can be open simultaneously and all open files are closed automatically when the program exits. Examples open( 'MyCon', 'CON: 160/50/320/100/MyCon' ) open( 'outfile', 'ram:temp', 'w' )

returns 1 returns 1


OPENPORT+ OPENPORT ( name ) Summary

Creates a public message port with the given name. The returned value is the 4-byte address of the ARexx port resource structure or '0000 0000'x if the port could not be opened or initialized. An initialization failure will occur if another port of the same name (names are case-sensitive) already exists or if a signal bit couldn't be allocated for the port. The message port is allocated as a port resource node and is linked into the program's global data structures. Ports are automatically closed when the program exits and any pending messages are returned to the sender with the return code set to 10. Examples myport = openport ( 'MyPort ' ) Notes +OPENPORT() is a support library function. See page 17.


OVERLAY OVERLAY ( new , old , [ start ], [ length ] , [ pad ] )

Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions

Summary Overlays the new string onto the old string beginning at the specified start position, which must be positive. The default starting position is 1. The new string is truncated or padded to the specified length as required, using the supplied pad character or blanks. If the start position is beyond the end of the old string, the old string is padded on the right as well.

Examples overlay( 'bb', 'abcd' ) overlay( '4', '123', 5, 5,


returns 'bbcd' returns '123 4----' -




Enables task switching when disabled by a previous call to FORBID(). Calls to FORBID() and PERMIT() can be nested — task switching will only be re-enabled when the outermost PERMIT() is executed. Task switching is automatically re-enabled when an ARexx program terminates, regardless of nesting level. The return value is the current nesting count, or -1 if task switching is enabled.

Notes Disabling task switching is very unfriendly in the Amiga's multitasking environment. If you must disable task switching, do it for the shortest possible amount of time. 17. isauportlbyfnc.Sepag +PERMIT° See Also: FORBID()

POS POS( pattern, string, [start]] ) Summary

Searches for the first occurrence of pattern in string, beginning at the position specified by start. The default starting position is 1. The returned value is the index of the matched string or 0 if the pattern wasn't found.



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

Examples pos( '23', '123234' ) pos( '77', '123234' ) pos( '23', '123234', 3 )

returns 2 returns 0 returns 4


PRAGMA PRAGMA( option, [ value ] )


This function allows an ARexx program to change various attributes relating to the system environment within which it executes. An environmental attribute must be specified as the option. The value is the new attribute value to be installed, if any. Valid options are: • "Directory" specifies a new current directory. The current directory is used as the

root for filenames that do not explicitly include a device or path specification. If value is omitted or a null string, the current directory is unchanged. The return value is the previous value of the attribute. • "Id" returns the task ID (the address of the task block) as an 8-byte hex string. This

value cannot be modified. The task ID uniquely identifies the particular invocation of an ARexx program and may be used to create a unique name for it. • "Priority" specifies a new task priority for the ARexx program. The priority value

must be an integer in the range -128 to 127, but the practical range is much more limited: ARexx programs should never be run at a priority higher than that of the resident process, which currently runs at priority level 4. The return value is the previous priority level. • "Stacksize" sets the stack size to be used for commands run via the ADDRESS COMMAND instruction. • "WindowPtr" controls the task's WindowPtr field, which enables or disables AmigaDOS requesters. If value is set to 'Null', requesters are disabled. To re-enable requesters set value to 'Workbench'. The return value is 1 if the operation was suc-

cessful. • "*" defines the specified logical name to be the current console handler, thereby allowing the user to open two streams on one window. If value is omitted, the console handler is set to that of the program's process. The return value is 1 if the operation was successful. Examples /* Set a new priority */ pragma( 'priority', -5 ) /* What is current directory? */

returns 0

Chapter 3 - Standard ARexx Functions

currdir = pragma( 'd' ) /* Change to a new directory, then switch back */ old = pragma( 'd', 'ram:' ) call pragma 'd', old /* Turn off AmigaDOS requesters */ call pragma( 'w', 'Null' ) /* Redefine console handler */ call pragma '*', 'stdout' Notes AmigaDOS will display a requester when a device cannot be found, for example when calling the OPEN() or EXISTS() functions. The "WindowPtr" option is useful disabling those requesters.

RANDOM RANDOM( [min ] , [ max ] , [seed ) Summary

Returns a pseudo-random integer in the interval specified by min and max. The default minimum value is 0 and the default maximum value is 999. The interval max — min must be less than or equal to 1000. The random number generator can be re-seeded by supplying a seed value. Examples

thisroll = random( 1, 6 ) nextroll = random( 1, 6 ) call random ,, 875 Notes If a greater range of random integers is required, the values from the RANDU() function can be suitably scaled and translated. See Also: RANDU()

RANDU RANDU( [ seed ] )



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Returns a uniformly-distributed pseudo-random number between 0 and 1. The number of digits of precision in the result is always equal to the current NUMERIC DIGITS setting. The random number generator can be re-seeded by specifying a seed value. Examples firsttry = randu() numeric digits 3 tryagain = randu()


With the choice of suitable scaling and translation values, RANDU() can be used to generate pseudo-random numbers on an arbitrary interval. See Also: RANDOM()

READCH READCH( handle, length )


Reads the specified number of characters from the given logical file specified by handle and returns them as a string. The length of the returned string is the actual number of characters read and may be less than length if the end-of-file was reached. Examples instring = readch( 'input', 10 ) See Also: CLOSE(), EOF(), OPEN(), READLN(), SEEK(), WRITECH(), WRITELN()

READLN READLN( handle ) Summary

Reads characters from the logical file specified by handle into a string until a "newline" character is found. The returned string does not include the "newline". Examples instring = readln( 'input' )

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

Notes Before a call to READLN(), call EOF() to see if the end-of-file has been reached. See Also: CLOSE() , EOF(), OPEN(), READCH(), SEEK(), WRITECH(), WRITELN()



Removes an entry with the given name from the Library List maintained by the resident process. The boolean return is 1 if the entry was found and successfully removed. Note that this function does not make a distinction between function libraries and function hosts, but simply removes a named entry. Examples remlib( 'rexxsupport.library' )

returns 1 or 0

Notes REMLIB() does not remove an entry immediately if other programs are using it.


RENAME+ RENAME( oldpath, newpath )


Renames the file or directory specified by oldpath as newpath and returns a boolean result. Notes +RENAME() is a support library function. See page 17.


REPLY+ REPLY( packet, rc )



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Returns a message packet to its sender, with the primary result field set to the value given by rc, the return code. The secondary result field of the packet is cleared. Note that packet must be a 4-byte address returned by GETPKT() and that rc must be a whole number. The function returns 1 if the packet was returned successfully. Examples packet = getpkt( 'MyPort' ) call reply packet, 10 Notes +REPLY() is a sup ort libra y function. Se page 17. See Also: GETPKT(),OPENPORT(),WAITPKT()



Reverses the sequence of characters in the string. Examples reverse( '?ton yhw' )

returns 'why not?'

RIGHT RIGHT( string, length, [ pad ] )


Returns the rightmost substring in string with the specified length. If the substring is shorter than the requested length, it is padded on the left with the supplied pad character or blanks. Examples right( '123456', 4 ) right( '123456', 8, '+' ) See Also: LEFT(),LENGTH(),SUBSTR()

returns '3456' returns '++123456'

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

SEEK SEEK ( handle, offset, [ 'Begin' <=> 'Current' <=>'End' ] )


Moves to a new position in the file identified by the logical file name handle. The position if specified as an offset from an anchor position. The default anchor position is "Current". The returned value is the new position relative to the start of the file. Examples /* Move to the beginning of the file */ call seek 'input', 0, 'b'

/* Move 24 ahead of the current position */ new_pos = seek( 'input', 24 ) /* Figure out the file length */ file_length = seek( 'input', 0, 'e' ) See Also: CLOSE(), EOF(), OPEN(), READCH(), READLN()

SETCLIP SETCLIP( name, [ value ] ) Summary

Adds a name-value pair to the Clip List maintained by the resident process. If an entry of the same name already exists (names are case-sensitive), its value is updated to the supplied value. If value is omitted, the entry for name is removed from the Clip List. SETCLIP() returns 1 if the operation was successful. Examples /* Set a value */ setclip( 'path', 'df0:s' )

returns 1

/* Remove an entry */ setclip( 'path' )

returns 1

See Also: GETCLIP()



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

SHOW SHOW( option, [ name ], [ pad ] ) Summary

Returns the names in the resource list specified by option, or tests to see whether an entry with the specified name is available. Valid options are: • "Clip" examines the names in the Clip List. • "Files" examines the names in the list of currently open logical file names. • "Internal" examines the names in the internal Ports List. • "Libraries" examines the names in the Library List, which are either function li-

braries or function hosts. • "Ports" examines the names in the system Ports List. Iinsomated,fhucrnsatigwheourcnamsptdby blank space or, if it was supplied, the pad character. If name is supplied, SHOW() returns a boolean value indicating whether the name exists in the resource list. Name entries are case-sensitive. Examples

/* Get the current list of installed libraries */ liblist = show( 'l' ) /* Is the resident process up and running? */ ok = show( 'p', 'REXX' ) See Also: ADDLIB() , ADDRESS() , OPENPORT() , REMLIB() , SHOWLIST()

SHOWDIR+ SHOWDIR( directory, [ 'All' <=> 'File' <=> 'Dir' ] , [ sep ] )


Returns the contents of the specified directory as a string of names separated by blanks, or by the sep separator character if specified. The second parameter is an option keyword that selects whether the list will include all entries, only files, or only subdirectories. Examples

showdir( 'df1:c' ) showdir( 'df1:c',,';' )

returns 'rx is to hi tco tcc' returns 'rx;is;to;hi;tco;tcc'

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Notes +SHOWDIR() is a support library function. See page 17.

See Also: EXISTS()

SHOWLIST+ SHOWLIST( list, [ name ], [ sep ] , [ 'Address' ] )

Summary If name is not supplied, SHOWLIST() returns the node names in the selected system list in a

string, with the names separated by the sep character, or blanks if sep is not specified. If name is specified, the function returns 1 if the specified system list contains a node of that name. Name matching is case-sensitive. Valid system lists are "Assign" (directories), "Devices", "Handlers" (devices), "IntrList", "Libraries", "MemList", "Ports", "Ready", "ResourceList", "SemaphoreList", "Volumes", "Waiting". The list is scanned with task switching forbidden.

Note that list can also be the absolute (4-byte) address of a list header. SHOWLIST() will check to ensure that the given address is indeed a list header and then return the names in the list. If the fourth argument is given, SHOWLIST() will return the address of the node matching name, which must be specified. All addresses are returned as machine addresses, not BPTRs. Note that DOS node names are always uppercase. Examples

showlist( 'p' ) returns 'REXX MyCon' showlist( 'p', 'REXX' ) returns 1 CON RAW showlist( 'handlers' returns DF0 DF1 CNC showlist( 'M' ,, '; ' )) expansion ram;Chip Memory showlist( 'a', 'FONTS' ) returns 1 showlist( 'l', 'exec.library' ,,returns 'a') returns '0000 0676'x'

Notes +SHOWLIT() isauportlibayfuncto.Sepag 17.


SIGN SIGN( number )


Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

Summary Returns 1 if number is non-negative (positive or zero) and -1 if number is negative. The argument must be numeric. Examples

returns 1 returns -1

sign( 12 ) sign( -33 ) See Also: ABS(), MAX(), MIN()

SOURCELINE SOURCELINE ( [ line ] ) Summary Returns the text for the specified line of the currently executing ARexx program. If line is omitted, the function returns the total number of lines in the program file. Examples /* A simple test program */ say sourceline() say sourceline(1)

returns 3 returns '/* A test program */'

Notes This function is often used to embed "help" information in a program.

SPACE SPACE ( string, n, [ pad ] ) Summary Reformats string so that there are n blank characters between each pair of words. If pad is specified, it is used instead of blanks as the separator character. Specifying a value of 0 for n will remove all blanks from the string. Examples space( 'Now is the time', 3 ) space( 'Now is the time', 0 ) space( '1 2 3', 1, '+' ) See Also: COMPRESS(), STRIP(), TRIM()

returns 'Now is the returns 'Nowisthetime' returns '1+2+3'


Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

STATEF+ STATEF( filename ) Summary

Returns a string containing information about an external file. The string is formatted as:

type length blocks protection days minutes ticks comment The type is either ' DIR ' or ' FILE ', length is the file length in bytes, blocks is the file length in blocks, protection is the list of AmigaDOS protection flags for the file, days is the number of days since January 1, 1978 in the file's timestamp, minutes is the number of minutes since midnight, ticks is the number of ticks (1/50th of a second) in the minutes, and comment is the AmigaDOS comment for the file, if any. The protection flags are always in the order HSPARWED with a dash ('-') if the attribute isn't present. Examples statef ( 'libs: ' )

returns 'FILE 1880 4 ----RWED 3456 1234 12'

Notes +STATEF() is a support library function. See page 17.


STORAGE( address, [ string ] , [ length ] , [ pad ] )


The first form of STORAGE() returns the available system memory. The second form of STORAGE() is used much like the EXPORT() function. STORAGE() copies data from string into the memory area indicated by address, a 4-byte string. The number of bytes to be copied is specified by length, which defaults to the length of string. If string is omitted, or length is longer than the string, the remaining area is filled with the pad character (if pad is omitted, null characters — '00'x — are used instead). The returned value is the previous contents of the memory area. The returned string can be used in a subsequent call to restore the area's original contents. Examples /* Figure out how much memory is free */ freemem = storage()



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

/* Do some copying */ oldval = storage( '0004 0000'x, 'The answer' ) call storage '0004 0000'x,, 32, '+' Notes

Use extreme caution with this function! Any area of memory can be overwritten using STORAGE(), possibly causing a system crash or failure of other applications. Task switching is forbidden while the copy is being done, so system performance may be degraded if long strings are copied.

See Also: EXPORT(), IMPORT()

STRIP STRIP( string, [ 'Both' <=> 'Leading' <=> 'Trailing' ] , [ pad ] )


Removes blanks (or pad characters, if specified) from string. STRIP() can remove leading, trailing or both leading and trailing characters. The default option is "Both". Examples strip( ' say what? ' ) strip( ' say what? ' ) strip( '++123+++', 'b', '+' )

returns ' say what?' returns 'say what? ' returns '123'


SUBSTR SUBSTR( string, start, [ length ] , [ pad ] )


Returns the substring of string beginning at the specified start position for the specified length. If length is omitted, it defaults to the remaining length of string. The start position must be positive. If the substring is shorter than the requested length then it is padded on the right with blanks or with the specified pad character. Examples substr( '123456', 4, 2 ) substr( 'myname', 3, 6, '=' )

returns '45' returns 'name=='

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


SUBWORD SUBWORD( string, n, [ length ] )

Summary Returns the substring of string beginning with the nth word for the specified length in words. The default length is the remaining length in words of the string. The returned string is stripped of leading and trailing blanks. Examples subword( 'Nov is the time', 2, 2 )

returns 'is the'




Summary Tests whether name is a valid ARexx symbol. If name is not a valid symbol, the function returns the string 'BAD' . Otherwise the returned string is 'LIT' if the symbol is uninitialized or 'VAR' if it has been assigned a value. Examples j=6 drop x symbol( '3' ) symbol( 'x' ) symbol( '++' )

See Also:

returns 'VAR' returns 'LIT' returns 'BAD'


TIME TIME( [ option ] )



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


If option is not specified, returns the current system time in the form HH:MM:SS. Valid options are: Keyword 'Elapsed' 'Hours' 'Minutes' 'Reset ' 'Seconds'

Description Elapsed time in seconds on timer clock Current time in hours since midnight Current time in minutes since midnight Resets the timer clock to zero Current time in seconds since midnight


/* Suppose that the time is 1:02 AM */ returns 1 say time( 'Hours' ) returns 62 say time( 'm' ) returns 3720 say time( 'S' ) /* Reset timer clock */ call time 'R' say time( 'e' )

returns .020


The timer clock is separate from the system clock and is unique for every ARexx program. See Also: DATE()

TRACE TRACE( option )


Sets the tracing mode to that specified by option. Valid options are: Keyword

'All' 'Commands' 'Errors' 'Intermediates' 'Labels' 'Normal' 'Results' 'Scan' These options are identical to those used by the TRACE keyword. Consult your ARexx language reference for details. TRACE() will also accept the '?' and '!' prefixes used by the

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

TRACE keyword. The returned value is the mode in effect before the call to TRACE() . This allows the previous trace mode to be restored later. Examples /* Assume tracing mode is ?ALL */ say trace( 'Results' )

returns '?A'

Notes The TRACE() function will alter the tracing mode even during interactive tracing, when

TRACE instructions in the source program are ignored.

TRANSLATE TRANSLATE( string, [ output ] , [ input ] , [ pad ] )


This function constructs a translation table and uses it to replace selected characters in string. If only string is given, it is translated to uppercase. If an input table is supplied, it modifies the translation table so that characters in string that occur in the input table are replaced with the corresponding character in the output table. Characters beyond the end of the output table are replaced with the specified pad character or a blank. The result string is always the same length as the original string. The input and output tables may be of any length. Examples translate( 'abcde', '123', 'cbade', '+' ) translate( 'low' ) translate( '0110', '10', '01' )

returns ' 321++ ' returns 'LOW' returns '1001'

Notes TRANSLATE() can be used to reorder characters in a string by supplying constant strings for

string and input and by specifying the string to be reordered as output. For example translate( '45123', 'abcAB', '12345' )

will return the string 'ABabc See Also: UPPER()



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

TRIM TRIM ( string ) Summary

Removes trailing blanks from string. Examples

returns 'a phrase'

trim( 'a phrase ' ) See Also: COMPRESS(), SPACE(), STRIP()

TRUNC TRUNC ( number, [ places ] )


Returns fthe integer part The of number followed by the specified number o decimal places. default for places is 0 and the number is padded with zeroes as necessary. Examples trunc( 123.456 ) trunc( 123.456, 4 )

returns 123 returns 123.4560

UPPER UPPER ( string ) Summary


string to uppercase. This function is slightly sl faster for shorter strings than Translte() .ates

Examples upper( ' One fine day' ) See Also: TRANSLATE()

returns 'ONE FINE DAY'

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

VALUE VALUE( name ) Summary

Returns the value of the symbol name, which must be a valid ARexx symbol name. Examples j = 12 say value( 'j' )

returns 12


Any valid expression which evaluates to a valid ARexx symbol can be used as the argument to VALUE(). See Also: SYMBOL()

VERIFY VERIFY( string, list, [ 'Match' ] )

Summary If "Match" is omitted, the function returns the index of the first character in string which is not contained in list or 0 if all characters are in the list. If "Match" is supplied then the function returns the index of the first character of string which is in list or 0 if none of

the characters are in list. Examples

verify( '123456', '0123456789' ) verify( '123a56', '0123456789' ) verify( '123a45', 'abcdefghij', 'm' ) See Also: INDEX(), LASTPOS(), POS()


returns 0 returns 4 returns 4



Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


Waits for a message to be received at the port name, which must have been opened by a prior call to OPENPORT() within the current ARexx program. The returned boolean value indicates whether a message packet is available at the port. Normally the returned value is 1, since the function waits until an event occurs at the message port. Once a packet arrives, it should be removed from the port by a call to GETPKT() and should be returned eventually using REPLY () . Any message packets received but not returned when an ARexx program exits are automatically returned to the sender with the return code set to 10. Examples call waitpkt 'MyPort' Notes +WAITPKT() is a sup ort library function. Se page 17. See Also: GETPKT(), OPENPORT(), REPLY()

WORD WORD ( string, n ) Summary

Returns the nth word in string or the null string if there are fewer than n words. Examples word( 'Now is the time', 2 )

returns 'is'




Returns the starting position (in characters) of the nth word in string or 0 if there are fewer than n words. Examples wordindex( 'Now is the time', 3 )

returns 8

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions


WORDLENGTH WORDLENGTH( string, n ) Summary

Returns the length (in characters) of the nth word in string. Examples wordlength( 'one two three', 3 )

returns 5


WORDS WORDS( string ) Summary

Returns the number of words in string. Examples word( 'You don't say!' )

returns 3


WRITECH WRITECH( handle, string ) Summary

Writes string to the logical file specified by handle. The returned value is the actual number of characters written. Examples writech( 'output', 'Testing' )

returns 7




Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

WRITELN WRITELN( handle, string ) Summary

Writes string, with a "newline" appended, to the logical file specified by handle. The returned value is the actual number of characters written. Examples writeln( 'output', 'Testing' )

returns 8


X2C X2C ( string ) Summary

Converts a string of hex digits into the (packed) character representation. Blank characters are permitted in string, but only at byte boundaries. Examples x2c( '12ab' ) x2c( '12 ab' ) x2c( 61 )

returns '12ab'x returns '12ab'x returns 'a'

See Also: B2C(), C2X()

X2D X2D( hex, [ digits ] ) Summary

Converts a hexadecimal number hex to decimal. If digits is specified, the number is padded on the left with zeroes or truncated on the left to fit into the specified number of digits. Examples x2d( 'if ' ) See Also: D2X()

returns 31

Chapter 3 — Standard ARexx Functions

XRANGE XRANGE( [ start ], [ end ] )

Summary Generates a string consisting of all characters numerically between the specified start and end values. The default for start is '00'x and the default for end is 'FF'x. Only the first bytes of start and end are significant. Examples xrange() xrange( 'a', 'f ' ) xrange( , '10'x )

returns '00010203 ...FDFEFF'x returns 'abcdef ' returns '0001020304050607080910'x



Commands and Macros This section describes how ARexx commands work and how to create and use ARexx macro programs.

Definitions An ARexx command is, quite simply, an ARexx expression that the ARexx interpreter doesn't understand. Others languages would consider this a syntax error of some kind, but ARexx simply passes the expression to an external host application for processing. The host application is responsible for interpreting and acting on the expression. A host application is a program can accept commands from an ARexx program. It does this by creating an ARexx port to which ARexx programs direct commands using the ADDRESS instruction. Execution of the calling ARexx program is suspended while the host application processes a command. When the host finishes the command processing, it sets a return code (and possibly a result string) and allows the ARexx program to continue. The program can then check the return code for errors. A macro program is an ARexx program that is started by a host application. Macros are typically short programs, and they often use the ARexx command facility to communicate with one or more host applications. It is usual for a macro program to send commands to the application that started it and to exchange data with that application. In this way a user can extend an application's capabilities.

Host Addressing Before a command string can be processed, a host application must be specified. The host application is known by a host name or host address.



Chapter 4 — Commands and Macros

Case-Sensitivity of Host Names Host names are case-sensitive in ARexx. Consider a fictional application with FooPort as the name of its ARexx port. The instruction: address 'FooPort'

is correct, but the form: address FooPort

will not work because the symbol name FooPort will first be transformed to FOOPORT and its literal value will be used instead. To avoid the problem of case-sensitivity, application developers should follow the ARexx standards discussed in Chapter 10 and use only uppercase letters when naming their ARexx ports.

The Default Host For most ARexx programs, the default host application on program startup is the resident process ("REXX"), not AmigaDOS. Shell (CLI) commands must be sent to AmigaDOS using the ADDRESS COMMAND instruction, described below. Macro programs launched from an application will typically use the host application's own ARexx port as the default host address. (The default address is set by the host when it starts a macro.)

Switching Hosts The ADDRESS instruction is used to specify a new host application. The most common form of the ADDRESS instruction is: ADDRESS name

where name is the name (a string or symbol) of a host application's ARexx port. If name is specified as a symbol, it will first be translated to uppercase and the resulting string used as the port name. Note that the symbol literal is used, not its value. An alternate form of the ADDRESS instruction uses the VALUE keyword followed by an expression: ADDRESS VALUE expression

The expression will be evaluated and the resulting string will be used as the host address. The difference between these two forms can be seen in the following example: hostname = 'FooPort' address hostname /* Sets host to 'HOSTNAME' */ address value hostname /* Sets host to 'FooPort' */

The second form is useful with host addresses obtained using the built-in ADDRESS() function.

Chapter 4 — Commands and Macros

Once a host has been specified, commands from that point on will be sent to that host, the current host, until the host address is overriden with another ADDRESS instruction. A third form of the ADDRESS instruction is available to send isolated commands to an application host: ADDRESS name expression where name is a symbol or string and expression is a valid ARexx expression. The expression will be evaluated and the resulting string sent immediately to the host specified by name. The current host address remains unchanged.

AmigaDOS Commands A special form of the ADDRESS instruction can be used to send Shell (CLI) commands to AmigaDOS. The form is: ADDRESS COMMAND which sets AmigaDOS as the current host, or alternatively: ADDRESS COMMAND expression which sends the expression to AmigaDOS immediately. Note that AmigaDOS is not really a host application, but ARexx knows how to execute Shell (CLI) commands.

Host Validity ARexx will not check for the validity of a host address until it must send a command. This is because a host application may remove (close) its ARexx port at any time while an ARexx program is running. If ARexx cannot find a host address, it will generate a syntax error: Error 13: Host environment not found If the error is not caught, the ARexx program will be terminated. The simplest way to check the validity of a host address is to use the built-in function SHOW() to verify the existence of the application's ARexx port: /* Is 'Foo' up and running? */ if( "show( 'p', 'FOOPORT' ) )then do say "Please start Foo first!" exit 1 end If the ARexx port could not be found, the application probably isn't running, or isn't ready to accept commands. The ARexx program should exit or start the application itself.



Chapter 4 — Commands and Macros

Checking for the ARexx port's existence at the start of your program isn't enough, however, since the port may disappear at any time. ARexx has a SIGNAL facility to trap syntax errors, including host environment errors. The skeleton ARexx program in Listing 3 demonstrates how to trap invalid host addresses. When an error occurs, control will be transferred to the SYNTAX : label and RC will hold the ARexx error number. A host environment error is error 13 (the full list of ARexx error values can be found in the appendices). The text of the error can be retrieved using the built-in function ERRORTEXT( ). Note that the SIGL symbol's value will be set to the line number on which the error occurred; the built-in function SOURCELINE() can be used to retrieve the source text for that line.

Sending Commands Once the host address has been assigned, you're now ready to send commands to the host application and to interpret the results.

Command Format ARexx imposes no restrictions on the format of a command other that it must be a valid ARexx expression. ARexx will simply evaluate the expression and send the resulting string to the host application. While the host processes the command, the ARexx program sleeps, waking only when the host replies with a return code. A typical command format is a keyword followed by one or more argument strings. For example, a text editor might support a command to move its window to the front of the screen: address 'editor' 'windowtofront' A more complicated command would include parameters to be evaluated. For example, in Foo when an error occurs the location of the error can be stored in the Clip List for retrieval by a macro: /* Tell Foo to put the error location in the Clip variable "Foo.ErrorLoc" */ address FOOPORT "ErrorLoc" /* Get the value and parse it into file, line and column values */ error = getclip( "Foo.ErrorLoc" ) parse var error file line column /* Now tell the editor to jump to that

location in the file */ address "editor" "load" file "jumpto" line column

Chapter 4 — Commands and Macros

Notice how this macro manages to communicate with two host applications and act as a kind of "glue" linking them together. It's easy to integrate applications using ARexx! (Don't forget to have your macros check the validity of any host addresses they use and to exit gracefully if a host can't be found.) The exact commands a host application supports are described in the documentation for that application. The Amiga User Interface Style Guide lists a suggested minimal command set for applications, but older applications will support different commands. See Chapter 10.

Command Results When a host application finishes the processing of a command, the ARexx program that sent the command is allowed to proceed. The host application always returns a special return code that indicates whether the command succeeded, and an optional result string for returning results. The return code, an integer, will be placed in the special ARexx variable RC. A zero value is assumed to mean that no error occurred, while a positive value indicates an error condition: /* Tell Foo to move to a non-existent directory */ address FOOPORT "cd ram:no_dir_here" if( rc ~= 0 )then do say "Directory not found" exit rc end These aren't rigid rules, only suggestions for developers to follow. Some applications use RC to return integer results which aren't necessarily error codes. If a command has succeeded, it may return a result string to the ARexx program. The result string will be stored in special ARexx variable RESULT. Result strings are optional, however, and not all commands will return them. Also, results will only be returned if the OPTIONS RESULTS' instruction has been executed before the command was sent to the host: /* Request that result strings be sent */ options results /* Send a command and check the result */ address "editor" "status" if( result = "dormant" )then

/* check result string */

If a command can fail, always check for a zero value in RC before checking the value of RESULT. A result string will probably not be set if an error occurred. 1

The instruction is OPTIONS RESULTS, but the variable is RESULT

singular, not plural.



Chapter 4 — Commands and Macros

Multiple result strings can be passed to an ARexx macro using either the Clip List or the REXX Variables Interface (RVI) facility. The command can store its results as a series of entries in the Clip List, which the ARexx program can then access using the built-in GETCLIP() function. Or a command can use the RVI facility to directly set the values of one or more ARexx variables in the ARexx program. Both methods are discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.

Command Debugging A special tracing mode, the command inhibition mode, is useful for debugging commands. When this mode is active, commands are evaluated but not sent to the current host application. The return code is set to 0. This mode is useful for testing programs that use potentially dangerous or time-consuming commands. Command inhibition mode is toggled using the instruction: TRACE !

See your ARexx language reference manual for more details. — Debugging Hint The SAY instruction is one of ARexx's most powerful debugging features. Use it to check the command string that is actually being passed to a host application. You might be surprised at what's being sent!

Pitfalls Potential command pitfalls include: Quoting of strings. If a command parameter contains embedded spaces, it should be passed as a quoted string, since the host application usually considers spaces to be parameter separators. But in evaluating the command, ARexx strips the outer set of quotation marks from all strings. For example, the command: newwindow "My new window"

will be seen by the host application as: NEWWINDOW My new window

The solution is to use an extra set of quotation marks, so that: newwindow '"My new window"'

will be passed as: NEWWINDOW "My new window"

Recall that either apostrophes (') or double quotes (") can be used to delimit a string.

Chapter 4 -- Commands and Macros

Variables with embedded spaces. This is a variation of the string quotation problem.

Recall that an expression is fully evaluated before being passed to the host application. Variables whose string value includes embedded spaces face the same problem as strings with embedded spaces, so that: title = "My new window" newwindow title

will pass the string: NEWWINDOW My new window

to the host application. The solution is to concatenate the string values with quotation marks on each side, as follows: title = "My new window" newwindow '"' | | title | | '"'

to result in: NEWWINDOW "My new window"

Note that the quotation marks must themselves be quoted. The concatenation bars can be dropped if the quotation marks are moved alongside the variable: newwindow '"'title'"'

which can be confusing if there are several variables on a line. Again, the SAY instruction can be used to debug such confusing command expressions. Command case sensitivity. A well-written host application should accept mixed-case commands, since the following commands: -

tofront "tofront" "ToFront"

all send different strings. Variable substitution. Beware of using variables or keywords in a command string. If a

variable has been assigned a value, that value will be substituted in the command string. A variable's value defaults to its name in uppercase, and most command names correspond to unassigned variables. To be safe, either enclose the command name in quotation marks or use the DROP instruction to restore a variable to its default state.



Chapter 4 — Commands and Macros

Listing 3: Skeleton for handling host environment errors

/* * Skeleton ARexx program for trapping host environment errors */ signal on syntax /* Enable syntax error trapping */ /* Put ARexx program here... for example purposes we'll use a bogus ADDRESS statement to trap a host environment error */ address 'bogushost' 'a command' exit 0 /* * This is where syntax errors will be trapped.

*/ syntax: if( rc = 13 )then do say "Host environment could not be found." end /* Other ARexx errors should be trapped here as well, or ignored. */ exit 0


Console Input/Output This section describes the console input and output methods used by ARexx programs.

Definitions A console is a window which emulates a simple ASCII terminal, including display and movement of a cursor. Consoles use a special Amiga device, the console device, to perform this emulation. Consoles are used for line-oriented keyboard input and text output. AmigaDOS makes extensive use of consoles. The Shell (CLI) window at which you type AmigaDOS commands is a console. The AmigaDOS CON: and NEWCON: devices open console windows for interactive input and/or output. More detailed information on consoles can be found in Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices (the console device in general) and in The AmigaDOS Manual (the CON: and NEWCON: devices).

Consoles and ARexx ARexx programs are by nature console-oriented: the PULL instruction reads a string from a console; the SAY instruction writes a string to a console; and tracing information is displayed to a console. ARexx seems to have been designed for interactive usage. Actually, ARexx is stream-oriented: input comes from a "standard input stream" and output goes to a "standard output stream". An input or output stream can be any valid AmigaDOS device; it's just that in most cases an ARexx program's standard input and output streams are attached to a console. The input and output streams can be easily redirected using the usual AmigaDOS redirection facilities: rx >ram:ports "say show('l')"



Chapter 5 — Console Input/Output

The streams can also be redirected from within an ARexx program, as shown below. An ARexx program inherits (uses) the standard input and output streams of the program that started it, unless specifically redirected as shown above.

Standard ARexx Streams When an ARexx program is started, the standard input and output streams are assigned the logical names STDIN and STDOUT, respectively. The logical names are assigned as if they were files opened by calling the OPEN() function. The STDIN and STDOUT streams are used by the ECHO, PULL, PUSH, QUEUE and SAY instructions. Thus these two statements are in fact identical: /* Equivalent statements! */ call writeln 'STDOUT', "Hello." say "Hello." The streams can easily be redirected by calling CLOSE() and then OPEN(): /* Redirect output to a new console window */ call close 'STDOUT' call open 'STDOUT', 'CON:160/50/320/100/MyConsole', 'W' When redirecting, be sure to open the new stream with the correct mode.

Tracing Output Tracing output can also be redirected. If global tracing is not enabled, tracing output is by default directed to the STDOUT stream. If you wish to redirect the tracing output to a different stream without redirecting STDOUT, simply open a STDERR stream for writing. This is in fact how global tracing is implemented: when global tracing is enabled, ARexx opens a global tracing console, and each active ARexx program without a STDERR stream defined is assigned a STDERR stream attached to this console. Tracing input shares the tracing output stream, so the tracing output stream should always be a console whenever interactive tracing is enabled.


The ARexx Interface


The ARexx System Library This chapter explains how to use the ARexx system library, information you'll need in the chapters that follow. On the first reading you should concentrate on the interface details — how to invoke the functions in the system library. Examples in later chapters will clarify the use of the data structures that are described below.

Description The ARexx system library is a shared library of routines used by the ARexx interpreter to convert between data types, perform AmigaDOS input/output, manage resources and manipulate strings. This library, found in the LIBS: directory as the file rexxsyslib.library, can be used by your own programs as well. In particular, the system library can be used to prepare and to decode ARexx messages, as will be demonstrated in the chapters that follow. You don't have to use the ARexx system library when writing a program that interfaces with ARexx, but using it gives you the benefits of a shared library and ensures that your interface is correct.

Accessing the Library Like any shared library, the ARexx system library must be accessed using a call to the Exec OpenLibrary() function. This call loads the library into memory (if necessary — only one copy is kept in memory, even if several programs access the library) and returns a pointer to its location. This pointer is then used to call the functions in the shared library. This indirect method allows the library to be loaded on demand only, and wherever space is available. Listing 4 demonstrates the opening of the ARexx system library. If the library cannot be opened (OpenLibrary() returns NULL), no ARexx communication should be attempted.



Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library

Listing 4: Accessing the System Library #include "arexx.h" struct Library *RexxSysLib = NULL;

/* Open the library.

Always check for NULL after the call! */

RexxSysLib = OpenLibrary( "rexxsyslib.library", 0 );

/* Close the library. Do this only when done accessing the functions in the library. */ if( RexxSysLib ) CloseLibrary( RexxSysLib );

In the listing, the pointer returned by OpenLibrary() is stored in a global variable RexxSysThe name is important because of its use by the #pragma statements described below. Storing it as a global, however, presents problems when trying to create reentrant programs (programs that share the same code and data spaces), so Chapter 8 demonstrates an alternate method for storing the library pointer.


struct RxsLib vs. struct Library

When you open the ARexx system library, the pointer returned by OpenLibrary() is actually a pointer to an RxsLib structure instead of a Library structure. The RxsLib structure is an extension of the Library structure and is defined in the header file rexx/rxslib.h. None of the examples in this book access the data in the structure (which is private) so for simplicity RexxSysBase is treated as a pointer to a Library structure.

When your program is finished with the library, it should notify Exec by calling the CloseLibrary() function.

Calling Library Functions Header Files The data structures and constants used by the ARexx resident process and the ARexx interpreter can be found in four header files. These header files are provided by Commodore or your compiler vendor and should be installed in the rexx subdirectory of your main

Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library


header file directory:


Constants for the various error messages described in Appendix B.


Data structures and constants for ARexx input/output.


The structure of the ARexx system library.

storage.h Data structures for communicating with ARexx programs and the resident pro-

cess. The actual header files are listed in Appendix C for reference purposes. Of the four header files, only storage.h is of interest to most programmers. Two of its important data structures are described below and will be used in examples in later chapters.

Stubs and Pragmas Shared libraries were designed for direct assembly language access, not for access as C functions. Before calling the ARexx system library, then, your C program must create a compatible environment. There are two ways of doing so. The first way is to create a set of special stub functions, in C or assembly language, that are then linked to the program executable. The stub functions ensure that function parameters are stored in the correct assembly language registers and then execute the shared library function by using the library pointer to jump to the correct location within the library. When done executing the shared library function, a stub function restores the C program's environment and allows execution to continue as before. The second method, used throughout this book, is to use special #pragma statements' to tell the C compiler how to call a given shared library function. These #pragma statements are unfortunately non-portable and may have to be customized for each compiler. Listing 5, on page 90, presents pragmas for Manx C and SAS/C in the form of the arexxsyslib.h headrfil.Itwbusnpogramexlitchprs. Pragmas and the Library Pointer The #pragma statements used in both the Manx and SAS compilers explicitly reference a global variable, RexxSysBase , which is assumed to hold the library pointer for the system library. If you use a different variable, be sure to alter the #pragma statements in Listing 5 appropriately.

Once pragmas and function prototypes have been declared, and the library has been opened, the functions can be called like any other C function.

Data Structures 1 A pragma is a way of passing information to the C compiler by using special preprocessor commands that start with #pragma.


Chapter 6 - The ARexx System Library

Argument Strings: RexxArg The fundamental data type in ARexx is the string. As you can imagine, a great deal of effort has been devoted to making string operations as efficient as possible. All ARexx strings are stored in a special RexxArg structure, defined in rexx/storage.h:


ra_Size; ra_Length; ra_Flags; ra_Hash; ra_Buff[8];

/* total allocated length /* length of string /* attribute flags /* hash code /* buffer area

*/ */ */ */ */


This structure is actually a variable-length structure. For strings longer than 8 characters (including the terminating null byte), the size of the ra_Buff character buffer is increased. The ra_Size field always holds the actual length (in bytes) of the complete structure. Your application should not allocate a RexxArg structure directly, but rather call the CreateArgstring() function described below. This is because the ra_Flags and ra_Hash ARexx fieldsothrucmbesopialvufrehndigbyt interp . The return value from CreateArgstring() will be a pointer to the buffer area ra_Buff of the RexxArg structure instead of the start of the structure that was allocated. This pointer is known as an argstring. Since strings are stored in the RexxArg structure as C-style nullterminated character arrays, you can simply treat the argstring as a normal C string pointer. Note that the LengthArgstring() and DeleteArgstring() functions expect to be passed an argstring parameter — they will access the other fields in the RexxArg structure by using negative offsets from the argstring. Remember to release argstrings with DeleteArgstring() when they're no longer needed.

ARexx Messages: RexxMsg Messages are used to pass data between the resident process, ARexx programs and your own applications. All messages are described by the RexxMsg structure, an extension of the Exec Message structure, also defined in rexx/storage.h :

struct RexxMsg { struct Message APTR APTR LONG LONG LONG STRPTR

rm_Node; rm_TaskBlock; rm_LibBase; rm_Action; rm_result1; rm_Result2; rm_Args[16];

/* EXEC message structure /* global structure (private) /* library base (private) /* command (action) code /* primary result (return code) /* secondary result /* argument block (ARG0-ARG15)

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */

Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library

/* Extension fields (not modified by ARexx) */ struct MsgPort *rm_PassPort; STRPTR rm_CommAddr; STRPTR rm_FileExt; LONG rm_Stdin; rm_Stdout; LONG LONG rm_avail; };

/* /* /* /* /* /*

forwarding port host address (port name) file extension input stream (filehandle) output stream (filehandle) future expansion

*/ */ */ */ */ */

Like RexxArg, the RexxMsg is a complex structure that should only be allocated by the CreateRexxMsg function and released by the DeleteRexxMsg function. The first three fields are private and will be set by CreateRexxMsg to the appropriate values. The use of the remaining fields will be discussed in the following chapters, but here are brief summaries:


Specifies whether the message is to be interpreted as a command or as a function call, along with several modifier flags. Other interpretations are available when sending messages to the resident process, including adding items to the Clip List and manipulating function libraries and hosts.


Corresponds to the RC variable, holds the return code (an integer) from a function call or command invocation. If zero, the next field is assumed to hold an argstring.


Corresponds to the RESULT variable, holds the result string (if any) of a function call or command invocation. If there is no result, it will be set to zero, otherwise it will point to an argstring if the primary return code is zero.

rm_Args Specifies the command/function name and arguments, stored as an array of argstring pointers. For functions, the first slot (referred to as ARGO), holds the function name and the remaining fifteen slots the arguments. For commands, only the first slot is used —- it holds the complete command string, of which the first word is assumed to be the command name (the interpretation, however, if left to the program that receives the command). The following fields are extension fields, used when asking the resident process to start an ARexx program. They override system defaults. ARexx itself will never modify these fields: rm_PassPort Specifies a message port (by address, not by name) to which the message can be forwarded if the search by the resident process for a command or function fails. rm_CommAddr Sets the initial host address of the program. This will usually be the name of the sender's own ARexx port. rm_FileExt

Sets the default file extension to use when search for ARexx programs. If not specified, it defaults to "rexx".


Sets the input stream for the program, and must be a valid AmigaDOS file handle. If not specified, the program will inherit the sender's input stream, if any.



Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library


Sets the output stream for the program, and must be a valid AmigaDOS file handle. If not specified, the program will inherit the sender's output stream, if any.


Reserved for future expansion.

— Argument Slot Names

The arguments in the rm_Args slot are often referred to by the names ARG0 (rm_Args[0]), ARG1 (rm_Args[1]), and so on.

ARexx System Library Functions The ARexx system library is composed of over fifty functions, of which only eight are useful to the average programmer, the rest being intended for use by the resident process and the ARexx interpreter. This section describes those eight functions, for which prototypes and pragma declarations can be found on page 90. These functions will be used in later chapters. A note for assembly language programmers: the library offsets and register conventions you'll need to interface to these functions can be obtained from the pragmas for the Aztec C compiler in the arexxsyslib.h header file. All values are returned in the D0 register.

ClearRexxMsg void ClearRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg, ULONG numargs )

Summary Releases one or more argstrings from the rm_Args field of a RexxMsg structure. Each argstring will be cleared using the DeleteArgstring() function and replaced with a null pointer. No action is taken if the argument slot already holds a null pointer. Set numargs to the number of argstrings to clear — a value of 16 will clear all slots. This function is usually called to free the contents of a message that were set using FillRexxMsg(). See Also: FillRexxMsg()

CreateArgstring char *CreateArgstring( char *str, ULONG length )

Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library


Allocates a RexxArg structure and copies the string str into it. CreateArgstring() returns an argstring, a pointer to the string buffer in the RexxArg structure that is allocated. The argstring can be treated like a normal C string pointer and is the pointer passed to the DeleteArgstring() and LengthArgstring() functions. See Also: DeleteArgstring(), LengthArgstring()

CreateRexxMsg struct RexxMsg *CreateRexxMsg( struct MsgPort *replyport, char *extension, char *hostaddress ) Summary

Allocates a RexxMsg for use in communicating with the resident process, ARexx programs and other host applications. The replyport argument must point to a valid Exec message port, which will be used by a receiving process to return the message to the sender. The default file extension can be overridden by supplying a non-null aenxdthfsuilo, host address overridden by supplying a non-null ROhtoersxfialdMng. structure, including the argument strings, may be set as required once the structure has been allocated. See Also: DeleteRexxMsg(), FillRexxMsg(), IsRexxMsg()

DeleteArgst ring void DeleteArgstring( char *argstr ) Summary

Releases a RexxArg structure previously allocated by the CreateArgstring function. Note: argstr must point to an argstring, not to the beginning of a RexxArg structure. See Also: CreateArgstring(), LengthArgstring()

DeleteRexxMsg void DeleteRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg )



Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library


Releases a RexxMsg structure previously allocated by the CreateRexxMsg function. Any argument strings in the message must be released before calling this function. See Also: ClearRexxMsg(), CreateRexxMsg(), IsRexxMsg()

FillRexxMsg long FillRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg, ULONG numargs, ULONG mask ) Summary

Converts and installs up to 16 argument strings into a previously-allocated RexxMsg structure. The numargs argument specifies how many of the argument slots — starting with the rm_Args [0] field — are to be converted. Each slot to be converted should hold an integer value or a pointer to a character string. Bits 0-15 of the mask argument specify whether the corresponding argument is a string pointer or an integer value — if cleared, it is a string, if set, an integer. FillRexxMsg() will then convert each of the specified arguments into argstrings and store the pointers in the RexxMsg structure. These argstrings must later be released by calling ClearRexxMsg() or DeleteArgstring() . FillRexxMsg() returns -1 if all the arguments were successfully converted and installed. Otherwise 0 is returned and no argstrings are allocated. See Also: ClearRexxMsg(), CreateRexxMsg()

IsRexxMsg long IsRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg ) Summary

Tests whether the message msg came from an ARexx pointer. ARexx marks its messages with a pointer to the static string "REXX" in the rm_Node.ln_Name field. The function returns -1 if the message came from ARexx, 0 otherwise. See Also: CreateRexxMsg(), DeleteRexxMsg()

LengthArgstring ULONG LengthArgstring( char *argstr )

Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library


Returns the length of the argstring argstr. Note that argstr must point to the buffer of a RexxArg structure, as returned by CreateArgstring(). See Also: CreateArgstring(), DeleteArgstring()



Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library

Listing 5: Pragmas for the System Library

/* * arexxsyslib.h -- Header file to use when accessing the public * functions in the ARexx system library (rexxsyslib).

*/ #ifndef AREXXSYSLIB_H_INCLUDED #define AREXXSYSLIB_H_INCLUDED #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H #include <exec/types.h> #include <exec/nodes.h> #include <exec/lists.h> #include <exec/ports.h> #include <exec/memory.h> #endif #ifndef REXX_STORAGE_H #include <rexx/storage.h> #include <rexx/rxslib.h> #include <rexx/errors.h> #endif /* * When you open the rexxsyslib library, store the library pointer in If you use another variable, be sure to change the * this variable. Don't forget to actually define the variable * pragma statements below. * in one of your source files... */ extern struct Library *RexxSysBase; /* * Prototypes for the public functions. * * * *

These differ from the official Commodore prototypes on the Includes and Autodocs distribution disks. People using V36 and later versions of the OS should consider using #include "clib/rexxsyslib_protos.h" instead of these protos but example code will have to be adjusted for this to work.

*/ extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern

char *CreateArgstring( char *str, ULONG length ); void DeleteArgstring( char *argstr ); ULONG LengthArgstring( char *argstr ); struct RexxMsg *CreateRexxMsg( struct MsgPort *replyport, char *extension, char *hostaddress ); void DeleteRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg ); void ClearRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg, ULONG numargs ); long FillRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg, ULONG numargs, ULONG mask ); IsRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg ); long

Chapter 6 — The ARexx System Library

/* * This section defines the pragmas required to access the functions Note that Manx and SAS use different syntax. * in the shared library.

* * Pragmas should be generated from Commodore's FD files found on the The pragma syntax differs * Includes and Autodocs distributions disks. * depending on which compiler is used.

*/ #if defined( AZTEC_C ) #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma

amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase, amicall( RexxSysBase,

0x9c, 0x7e, 0x90, 0x84, 0x96, 0xa2, 0xa8, 0x8a,

ClearRexxMsg(a0,d0) ) CreateArgstring(a0,d0) ) CreateRexxMsg(a0,a1,d0) ) DeleteArgstring(a0) ) DeleteRexxMsg(a0) ) FillRexxMsg(a0,d0,d1) ) IsRexxMsg(a0) ) LengthArgstring(a0) )

#elif defined( LATTICE ) #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma #pragma

libcall libcall libcall libcall libcall libcall libcall libcall

RexxSysBase RexxSysBase RexxSysBase RexxSysBase RexxSysBase RexxSysBase RexxSysBase RexxSysBase

ClearRexxMsg 9c 0802 CreateArgstring 7e 0802 CreateRexxMsg 90 09803 DeleteArgstring 84 801 DeleteRexxMsg 96 801 FillRexxMsg a2 10803 IsRexxMsg a8 801 LengthArgstring 8a 801

#endif #endif / * AREXXSYSLIB_H_INCLUDED */



The Basic ARexx Port At this point you're ready to add an ARexx interface to your own programs. This chapter shows you how to create and use a passive ARexx port, the most basic interface, while the next chapter shows you how to communicate with the ARexx resident process.

Naming and Creating a Port An ARexx port is a named Exec message port, created with the CreatePort() function: struct MsgPort *port; port = CreatePort( "My_Port", 0 ); The first parameter to CreatePort() is the name of the port, and the second parameter is its priority in the list of public ports. The port must be named so that other processes can find it. Note that CreatePort() does not allocate storage for the name, so be careful when using statically-allocated buffers: /* Don't do this! */ static char name[80]; strcpy( name, "portname" ); port = CreatePort( name, 0 ); /* And then, later on... */ strcpy( name, "other data" ); /* changes name! */ The priority field determines the priority at which the port will be added to the public port list. When searching for public ports using the FindPort() function, higher priority ports are always found first. In most cases you should set the priority to zero. Perhaps the hardest decision to make when creating an ARexx port is what name to give it. You must choose a name that is unique and that identifies its purpose or owner. The simplest



Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

scheme is to use the application name, stripped of spaces and transformed to uppercase (this is to make life simpler for the user — see Chapter 4). If several copies of an application can be run simultaneously, each program should open its own ARexx port. Names are resolved in this case by adding a number to the end of the application name — two copies of the "MyEditor" program would open ARexx ports named "MyEditor.01" and "MyEditor.02". ARexx ports can also be used to ensure that only one copy of an application is running, by calling FindPort() when the application starts execution. The example function RegisterPort() in Listing 6 can be used for this purpose. RegisterPort() uses the Exec Forbid() Permit() functions to ensure that no other process creates a port of the same name and between the calls to FindPort() and CreatePort() . As always, be sure to call DeletePort() to remove any ARexx ports your program allocates.

Listing 6: Registering a unique ARexx port

/* * RegisterPort -- Like CreatePort, but will not register a port if the name is already Returns NULL or a pointer to the port. in use.

*/ struct MsgPort *RegisterPort( UBYTE *name, LONG pri ) { struct MsgPort *port; port = NULL; Forbid(); if( FindPort( name ) == NULL ) port = CreatePort( name, pri ); Permit(); return( port ); }

Using an ARexx Port Once an ARexx port has been created, you can use it to create your ARexx interface. Whether you're sending or receiving messages, the steps to follow are very precise and outlined below.

Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

-- Send-Receive-Reply All normal ARexx messaging follows the send-receive-reply model, in which the receiver of a message is expected to return the message to the sender. Resources allocated by the sender are in general released by the sender (exceptions will be noted).

Receiving ARexx Messages 1. Wait for a message to arrive at the program's ARexx port using Wait() or WaitPort 0.

2. Retrieve the RexxMsg structure using GetMsg(). 3. If the rm_Node.mn_Node.ln Type field is set to NT_REPLYMSG, the message is a reply to a message that was sent previously. (This is true only for active ports.) Process as described in the section below on sending messages. 4. Otherwise a command or function call must be processed, as specified in the rm_Action field of the structure with the arguments in the rm_Args fields. 5. When finished processing, store any requested results in the structure and send it back using ReplyMsg().

Sending ARexx Messages 1. Allocate a RexxMsg structure with a call to the system library function CreateRexxMsg(). 2. Set the rm_Act ion field of the structure to the appropriate action code and modifier flags. 3. Create any needed argstrings and set the rm_Args array to point to the argstrings. 4. Locate the destination port using FindPort 0 and send the message using PutMsg(). 5. Wait for the reply message. Release any argstrings that were allocated. Release the RexxMsg structure.

The Passive Interface A host application's ARexx interface can be one of two types: • passive - the application processes messages that are sent to it, but does not send any of its own • active — the application not only receives messages, it also sends messages A passive interface receives messages from ARexx programs and perhaps other applications; an active interface also sends messages to the resident process and perhaps other applications.



Chapter 7 -- The Basic ARexx Port

All interfacing is done using ARexx ports and the RexxMsg structure discussed in the previous chapter. One ARexx port can be used for both sending and receiving messages — the distinction between passive and active ports lies in how they are used, not how they are created. For now we'll restrict ourselves to the passive interface.

What to Expect Once your port has been created, you can use it to receive and process commands from ARexx programs. Say your application's ARexx port is named "PASSIVE" and you then start an ARexx program that executes the following statements: address passive "yo!"

When the ARexx interpreter encounters the second statement, it does the following: • Evaluates the expression to form a string. • Allocates a RexxMsg structure, setting the rm_Action field to RXCOMM (a flag defined in rexx/storage.h) and storing a pointer to the string in the ARG0 field. • Sends the RexxMsg structure to the current host address, in this case the "PASSIVE" port. If the port doesn't exist an error occurs. • Waits for the message reply — the ARexx program's execution is suspended until the reply arrives. • After retrieving the reply message, the interpreter sets the RC variable and optionally the RESULT variable and then continues execution of the ARexx program. As you can see, it's important for you to process command messages from an ARexx program as quickly as possible in order to let the program continue. — Private Data

When an ARexx program sends a command message, most of the fields in the RexxMsg structure are either private or undefined. It's important that you not modify any of these fields, or free the argstring in ARG0. The only fields you can freely modify are rm_Result1 and rm_Result2, for sending results (discussed below) back to the ARexx program.

Note that other host applications can also send commands to your ARexx port. If they're careful to follow the same steps as the ARexx interpreter -- and your program only looks at the rm_Action and ARG0 fields of a message -- their messages will be indistinguishable from an ARexx program's.

Command Interpretation The concept of a "command" in ARexx is really a very fuzzy thing. The interpreter evaluates an expression and then passes the resulting string to the current host application: "Here, you deal with it." It's up to the host to interpret the string, perform whatever actions are appropriate, and then return a result.

Chapter 7 -- The Basic ARexx Port

Since an application host has total control over the command requests it receives, you can be creative in deciding what commands to support. The typical command format is a command word followed by one or more arguments: "open main. c" Be prepared to handle uppercase and lowercase command names; what you do with the arguments is up to you. Suggestions for basic commands every host application should support can be found in Chapter 10 and in the Amiga User Interface Style Guide.

Sending Results Once you've processed a command you must set a return code before replying to the command message. The return code is an integer value (not a string) which you store in the rm_Result1 field of the RexxMsg structure. The return code will be converted into a string and assigned to the RC variable when the reply message is received by the ARexx interpreter. The return code should be zero if the command executed without error, otherwise it should be a positive error severity level. The most common return codes are defined in rexx/errors.h:

#define #define #define #define


/* success */ 0 5 /* warning only */ 10 /* error */ 20 /* severe error */

The OPTIONS FAILAT statement can be used within an ARexx program to trap — or ignore — non-zero command return codes.' In many cases a simple return code is not sufficient. You can return a result string by converting it into an argstring and storing the pointer to the argstring in the rm_Result2 field. There are two important caveats, however: 1. The command sender must have requested a result string. If this is true, the RXFF_RESULT flag in the rm_Action field will be set. (An ARexx program will set this flag if the OPTIONS RESULTS statement has been encountered.) 2. The return code in rm_Result1 must be zero. In all other cases you should set the rm_Result2 field to NULL. Ifyoudreplwithasng,eARxitrpwlsoehaingt RESULT variable. The sender of a command is responsible for freeing any result string it

receives in reply. 1 Some applications return error codes that aren't really error codes, but result values. This behaviour is discouraged.



Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

Summary Here are some code fragments that outline the steps involved in receiving and processing ARexx commands: 1. When a message arrives, retrieve it from the

ARexx port.

msg = (struct RexxMsg *) GetMsg( port );

2. Make sure it's a command message by checking for the RXCOMM action code. (A bitwise AND with the RXCODEMASK value masks out any modifier flags.) if( ( msg->rm_Action & RXCODEMASK ) == RXCOMM ) { /* process the command message */ }

3. Interpret and process the command string stored in ARG0. ProcessCommand( (char *) msg->rm_Args[0] );

4. Set the return code. msg->rm_Result1 = (LONG) RC_OK;

5. If a result string was requested and the return code is zero, set the result string. (Set it to NULL if no result string is available.) if( ( msg->rm_Action & RXFF_RESULT ) != 0 && msg->rm_Result1 == RC_OK ) { msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) CreateArgstring(...); }

6. Reply to the message. ReplyMsg( (struct Message *) msg );

That's all there is to it!

A Simple Passive Host Listing 7 presents a simple application which opens a passive ARexx port and displays any command messages it receives. The program can be stopped by sending it a break signal (either by pressing control-c or by using the AmigaDOS break command). You can use the ARexx program in Listing 8 to send the program command strings. The example presented here shows you how to build an ARexx interface from scratch. The examples in subsequent chapters will be using the SimpleRexx routines (described in Chapter 9) to streamline the interface.

Listing 7: A Sample Passive Host: passive.c .

Chapter 7


The Basic ARexx Port

/* This program * passive.c -- Demonstrates the "passive" ARexx port. is NOT reentrant and expects to be started from a CLI.

* * This is a very simple example, but it shows the basics of setting * up an ARexx port:

* * * * * *

-- Setting up -- Waiting for messages to arrive -- Interpreting the commands -- Setting result values and replying -- Cleaning up


*/ #include "arexx.h" #include "arexxsyslib.h" #define DEFAULT_NAME "PASSIVE" "Passive says hello." #define REPLY_STR #define REPLY_LEN 19 /* * Globals for the library base and our port */ struct Library *RexxSysBase = NULL; struct MsgPort *ARexxPort = NULL; /* * Forward references */ struct static static static static

MsgPort *RegisterPort( UBYTE *name, LONG pri ); void Usage( void ); void Quit( char *str ); void Process( void ); void ShowRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg );

/* * Main -- Open the system support library, setup our ARexx port and then loop to process messages. */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *name; /* Get the port name to use */ name = DEFAULT_NAME;



Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

if( argc == 2 ) name = argv[1]; else if( argc != 1 ) Usage(); puts( "Passive starting..." ); /* Open the system library, abort if we can't. */ RexxSysBase = OpenLibrary( (UBYTE *) "rexxsyslib.library", 0L ); if( !RexxSysBase ) Quit( "Could not open ARexx system library (rexxsyslib.library)." ); /* Create a port. */ ARexxPort = RegisterPort( (UBYTE *) name, 0 ); if( !ARexxPort ) Quit( "Could not open port." ); /* Process messages. */ Process(); /* Cleanup and exit. */ Quit( "Passive exiting." ); } /* * Process -- Wait on the ARexx port for messages to arrive, print their contents and reply with no error. Also aborts if a break is sent. */ static void Process( void ) { ULONG port_mask, signals; struct RexxMsg *msg; port_mask = ( 1L << ARexxPort->mp_SigBit ); while( 1 ){ /* Here we wait for a message to arrive or for the user to send a break. If your application has one or more Intuition windows open, this is where you would wait for Intuition messages as well. You check the return value from Wait() to see which ports have messages waiting. */ signals = Wait( port_mask | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C );

Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

/* Quit if user hits CTRL-C or sends an AmigaDOS BREAK */ if( signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ) Quit( "Passive aborting --- break detected." ); /* Otherwise check for messages and reply... */ if( signals & port_mask ){ while( ( msg = (struct RexxMsg *) GetMsg( ARexxPort ) ) != NULL ){ ShowRexxMsg( msg ); ReplyMsg( (struct Message *) msg ); } }

/* * ShowRexxMsg -- Print out the contents of the RexxMsg structure we've received, then set the result fields. */ static void ShowRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *msg ) { ULONG action_code; /* Get the action code using the mask defined in rexx/storage.h */ action_code = msg->rm_Action & RXCODEMASK; /* It should be RXCOMM -- if it isn't, ignore the message */ if( action_code == RXCOMM ){ printf( "RXCOMM: '%s'\n", msg->rm_Args[0] ); msg->rm_Result1 = RC_OK; /* defined in rexx/errors.h */ if( msg->rm_Action & RXFF_RESULT puts( " [a result string was requested]" ); /* Don't forget to allocate space for the null byte! */ msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) CreateArgstring( REPLY_STR, REPLY_LEN ); } } }

* RegisterPort -- Like CreatePort, but will not register a port if the name is already in use. Returns NULL or a pointer to the port. */ struct MsgPort *RegisterPort( UBYTE *name, LONG pri ) { struct MsgPort *port;



Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

port = NULL; Forbid(); if( FindPort( name ) == NULL ) port = CreatePort( name, pri ); Permit(); return( port ); } /* * Usage -- Print out usage info. */ static void Usage( void ) { puts( "Usage: passive [name]" ); puts( "\n Starts a passive ARexx port to which messages can be sent" ); puts( " from within an ARexx program. If the port name isn't given" ); puts( " it defaults to 'PASSIVE'." ); exit( 0 ); } /* * Quit -- Clean things up before quitting. */

Prints optional string.

static void Quit( char *str ) { struct RexxMsg *msg; if( str ) puts( str ); if( ARexxPort Forbid();


/* Get rid of any waiting messages then delete the port */ while( ( msg = (struct RexxMsg *) GetMsg( ARexxPort ) ) != NULL ){ msg->rm_Result1 = RC_FATAL; msg->rm_Result2 = NULL; ReplyMsg( (struct Message *) msg ); } DeletePort( ARexxPort ); Permit(); }

Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

if( RexxSysBase ) CloseLibrary( RexxSysBase ); exit( 0 ); /* should really be non-zero if error occurs */ }



Chapter 7 — The Basic ARexx Port

Listing 8: Sending commands to the passive port

/* * sendcommand.rexx -- Get commands from the user and send them to PASSIVE. */ port_name = "PASSIVE" if( arg() >= 1 )then port_name = arg(1) if( "show( 'p', port_name ) )then do say "Please start the host application first." exit end address value port_name do forever say "Please enter your command: ('quit' to exit)" parse pull command if( command = 'quit' )then break else if( command = 'results' )then do options results say "Requesting results..." end else do command say name "replied: RC =" rc || ", RESULT =" result end end exit


Advanced Port Handling In the last chapter we discussed how to implement a passive ARexx interface. A more interesting interface is one that not only receives command messages, but sends messages to the resident process. This chapter tells you how to implement such an active interface. The example program found at the end of this chapter also demonstrates the use of the SimpleRexx ARexx interface routines discussed in Chapter 9.

Talking to the Resident Process Almost every host application will have reason to talk to the ARexx resident process, whether to start an ARexx macro program or to add entries to the Clip List. Only those programs with a "passive" ARexx port (a program that receives and replies to ARexx messages, but doesn't send any of its own) will not be communicating with the resident process. The resident process has two ARexx ports ("REXX" and "AREXX") to which host applications can send their requests. Requests can be made to start an ARexx program, call an ARexx function, add or delete a function host or library, modify the Clip List, or change the global tracing console's status.

Action Codes and Modifier Flags Requests to the resident process are made by storing an action code in the rm_Action field of the RexxMsg structure. The action codes can be modified by a series of modifier flags. The bitwise OR operator is used to combine the action code with any modifier flags before the message is sent. All codes and flags are defined in rexx/storage.h. Actions codes are described in the sections that follow. (We've already encountered the RXCOMM action code.) The modifier flags are:


Used with the RXCOMM and RXFUNC action codes, this flag suppresses inheritence of the host's input and output streams (as set in the rm_Stdin and rm_Stdout fields of the RexxMsg structure) by an ARexx program.



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

RXFF_NONRET Used with any action code except

RXCOMM and RXFUNC, this flag tells the resident process not to reply to the message and return it to the sender. The resident process will release it instead. This mode of communication is unusual, as the sender has no way of knowing if a particular request succeeded.

RXFF_RESULT Used with the RXCOMM and RXFUNC action codes, this flag requests that the called program return a result string. If the program EXITs or RETURNs with

an expression, the expression result is converted to an argstring and returned in the reply message's rm_Result2 field. It is the caller's responsibility to release this argstring. RXFF_STRING Used with the RXCOMM and RXFUNC action codes, this flag requests that the the command or function name in slot ARG0 be executed as a string file rather

than being interpreted as a filename. A string file is an ARexx program stored as a string. This feature can be used to build ARexx programs in memory and have then executed without storing them on disk. RXFF_TOKEN

Used with the RXCOMM action code, this flag requests that the argstring in slot ARG0 before being passed to an ARexx program; see below for details.

Programs and Functions An ARexx program can be invoked from a host application in two ways: as a command or as an external function call. The difference in the two methods lies mostly in how the arguments to the program, if any, are passed.

Starting ARexx Programs In the command mode of program invocation (action code RXCOMM), a single argstring is stored in ARG0. If the RXFF_TOKEN and RXFF.STRING flags are not set, the resident process parses the string to extract the name of the ARexx program to start and passes the remainder of the string as the (only) argument to that program. For example, if ARG0 is set to the string: showargs a b "c d" 'e f' "'g'" '"h"'

and the action code set to RXCOMM, then ARexx will search for and start showargs.rexx are given below). The latter will then (seLitng9—rulfopamsechrd display its argument strings: Argument 1: [a b "c d" 'e f' "'g'" '"h"']

As you can see, the remainder of the string was passed to showargs , unchanged, as the program's only argument. The name of the ARexx program to invoke is the first token (a sequence of characters other than blanks, tabs or newlines) of the string. It must be unquoted, because quote characters around the first token imply that the RXFF.STRING flag is set and that the argstring is to be interpreted as a string file. If you wish, the resident process can also parse the remainder of the ARG0 string by setting the RXFF_TOKEN flag. ARexx will then tokenize the complete string, using white space

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

Listing 9: ShowArgs /* showargs -- print the args */ n = arg() do i = 1 to n say "Argument" i || ": C" || arg(i) || "]" end

(blanks, tabs, newlines) to separate arguments to the program. Setting the RXCOMM action code and the RXFF_TOKEN flag and passing ARexx the same string as before: showargs a b "c d" 'e f' "'g'" '"h"'

will start showargs and display the following sequence: Argument 1: [a] Argument 2: [b] Argument 3: [c d] Argument 4: [e f] Argument 5: ['g '] Argument 6: ["h"]

Notice how quoting can be used to change argument tokenization. The items delimited by a set of single (') or double (") quotes are considered to be one argument, though the quotes are removed before the argument is passed to the program. Double quotes can be used within single quotes, and vice-versa. An implicit quote at the end of the string is assumed if the string ends in the middle of a quoted argument. There is no limit to the number of arguments passed to an ARexx program using the RXFF_TOKEN flag. A command can be executed as a string file by setting the RXFF_STRING flag (in which case no parsing is done at all) or by starting the command with a quoted string. In this case the first token is assumed to be a series of one or more REXX clauses and the remaining tokens are its arguments. For example, sending the command: "do i = 1 to arg(); say arg(i); end" "a string" also

will print: "a string" also

and sending the same string with the RXFF_TOKEN flag set will print: a string also

Whenever possible, use string files in place of temporary disk files.



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

Once the command string is in ARG0 and the action code and desired modifier flags are set, the RexxMsg structure is sent to the resident process using the Exec PutMsg() function. It's always safest to first do a FindPort() before the PutMsg() (within a Forbid()/Permit pair) to ensure that the resident process is still active. A function like the one in Listing 10 demonstrates the method.


Listing 10: Safely sending a message #include "arexx.h" /* * SafePutMsg -- Make sure that the port we want to send to exists before sending the message. Returns FALSE if the port was not found. */ BOOL SafePutMsg( char *port_name, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { struct MsgPort *port; Forbid(); port = FindPort( (UBYTE *) port_name ); if( port ) PutMsg( port, (struct Message *) msg ); Permit(); return( port != NULL ) ; }

Command messages can be sent to one of two message ports owned by the resident process. A command message received at the "REXX" port is returned only after the ARexx program it starts has exited. Upon exit, the ARexx program will set the return code and optionally the result string (if the RXFF_RESULT modifier flag was set). If the resident process could not start the program, the message is returned immediately with an error code, unless the rm_PassPort field is set (see below). A command message received at the " AREXX" port is returned immediately with no indication of success or failure — the ARexx program will be executed (if possible) but no message is sent (and hence no return code or result string) when it exits. Any program that is started by a message sent to the "AREXX" port will inherit the resident process' input and output streams, extension name and default port, not the ones set by the host application (unless the RXFF_NOIO flag is set to disable stream inheritance). Most command messages will be sent to the " REXX " port. Typical behavior for an application is to have only one outstanding command message at any given time. For example, a text editor may send a command message to invoke an ARexx macro program. The text editor will then wait for this macro to finish execution before starting a second macro pro-

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

gram. The text editor isn't idle while it waits for the reply message — it should still respond to user input (though perhaps only offering limited functionality), and it should respond to command strings sent from the ARexx program itself. Running multiple ARexx program simultaneously is unusual and requires careful bookeeping on your part. —

Steps For Sending Commands

To summarize: 1. Create a message with CreateRexxMsg(). Set the reply port and any extension fields. 2. Transform the command string into an argstring with CreateArgstring() and store it in ARG0. 3. Set the action code to RXCOMM and set any modifier flags. 4. Send the message to the "REXX" or "AREXX" port. 5. Wait for the reply message, interpret the results (see below). Free the command string (and any result string) and then free the message. With the SimpleRexx interface (described in Chapter 9) these steps are accomplished using the SendARexxMsg(), GetARexxMsg() and FreeARexxMsg() functions.

Calling ARexx Programs as Functions An ARexx program can also be invoked as an external function by using the RXFUNC action code. The function (program) name is stored as an argstring in ARG0. The arguments are not parsed from this string, but must be stored by the host application as argstrings in ARG1, ARG2, and so on. Because there are only sixteen elements in the rm_Args array, a maximum of fifteen argument strings can be passed to an external program using an RXFUNC message. Once the argument strings have been stored, the number of of arguments must also be stored in the rm_Action field as the lowest four bits: msg->rm_Action |= ( nargs & RXARGMASK ); RXARGMASK is a macro defined in rexx/storage.h.

Modifier flags may also be set in the rm_Action field. If RXFF_STRING is set, the string in ARG0 is assumed to be a string file, and the strings in AR11 to ARG15 its arguments. When all the fields have been filled in, the RXFUNC message is sent to the resident process as described above. Like command messages, RXFUNC messages can be sent to either the "REXX" or "AREXX" ports, however since functions are meant to return results (discussed below) it rarely makes sense to send such a message to the "AREXX" port.



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling


Steps For Calling External Functions

To summarize: 1. Create a message with CreateRexxMsg(). Set the reply port and any extension fields. 2. Transform the function name into an argstring with CreateArgstring() and store it in ARG0. 3. Set the action code to RXFUNC and set any modifier flags. 4. Transform any argument strings into argstrings and store them in ARG1, ARG2, and so on up to at most ARG15. 5. Store the number of arguments in the lower four bits of the rm_Action field. Be careful to use the RXARGMASK mask to preserve the action code and modifier flags. 6. Send the message to the "REXX" or "AREXX" port. 7. Wait for the reply message, interpret the results (see below). Free the command string (and any result string) and then free the message. With the SimpleRexx interface (described in Chapter 9) these steps are accomplished using the CallARexxFunc(), GetARexxMsg() and FreeARexxMsg() functions.

Getting Results When you start an ARexx program by sending an RXCOMM or RXFUNC message to the " REXX" port, you have the option of receiving a result string when that program finishes execution. This will happen only if you set the RXFF_RESULT modifier flag in the action field of the message. In this case the result string will be the expression in the EXIT or RETURN instrucohaemdARxprogam. If an ARexx program does return a result string, two things will be true: rm_Result1 will be zero, and rm_result2 will be non-NULL. The result string will be stored as an argstring in rm_Result2. You are responsible for freeing this argstring. Result strings become the property of the host application. If an error occurs then the return code in rm_Result1 will be non-zero. In this case the value in rm_Result2 is the integer error code, not an argstring. You will corrupt memory and perhaps crash your system if you blindly assume any non-zero value in rm_Result2 is an argstring. Note that if you invoke an ARexx program without setting the RXFF_RESULT modifier flag, ARexx will convert the EXIT or RETURN expression into an integer and use that as the return code for the program. in this case the rm_Result2 field will be zero.

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

Search Order and the



When the resident process receives a command or function invocation message, it follows a very specific search order to find the program file: • The command or function name is separated into path, filename and extension components. • If an explicit path (device and/or directory) is specified, only that directory is searched. Otherwise the current directory will be searched, followed by the system REXX: directory. • For each directory in the search, first the filename with the current extension appended will be searched for, then the unmodified filename by itself. If an extension was supplied, then only that specific file will be searched for. The search stops when the first file is found, or if no matching file is found. If a file is found, it must start with an ARexx comment to be executed as an ARexx program. Some examples: s: sargs ced:fa.ced sargs fa. ced

searches for s:sargs.rexx , s:sargs searches for ced:fa.ced searches for sargs .rexx , sargs, rexx: sargs rexx , rexx: sargs searches for fa. ced, rexx:f a. ced

If a program could not be found and the rm_PassPort field is NULL, the message is returned with an RC_WARN return code and an integer error code of 1. If the rm_PassPort field is nonNULL, it is assumed to be a pointer to a message port (not the name of a port) and the message is forwarded to that port instead. The process that owns that port can then perform other searches as necessary.

Other Messages to the Resident Process Host applications can also send messages other than RXCOMM and RXFUNC to the resident process. These other messages modify system resources. Note that the argument slots in the RexxMsg structure hold integer values in many cases, not pointers to argstrings.

Modifying the Library List To add a function host to the Library List, set the action code to RXADDFH, place a pointer to the null-terminated host name string in ARG0 and store the search priority (an integer between -100 and 100) in ARG1. A new function host node will be added to the Library List, though no check is made to determine if the host port exists. If a library or host of the same name already exists in the Library List, the return code will be non-zero. To add a function library to the Library List, set the action code to RXADDLIB, place a pointer to the null-terminated library name string in ARG0, store the search priority (an integer between -100 and 100) in ARG1, store the library entry point offset in ARG2, and store the library version number in ARG3. A new function library node will be added to the



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

Library List, though no check is made to determine if the library exists and can be opened. If a library or host of the same name already exists in the Library List, the return code will be non-zero. To remove a function host or function library from the Library List, set the action code to RXREMLIB and place a pointer to a name string in ARG0. The Library List will be searched for a node matching the name. If found, the node is removed and released, unless currently in use by an ARexx program. If no match was found, the return code will be non-zero.

Modifying the Clip List To add an entry to the Clip List, set the action code to RXADDCON, store a pointer to the null-terminated name string in ARG0, store a pointer to the value string in ARG1, and store the length of the value string in ARG2 (the length is required because the value string may hold one or more null bytes). The name will be added to the Clip List if not already there, and its value set to the new value string (a copy will be made). To remove an entry from the Clip List, set the action code to RXREMCON and store a pointer to the null-terminated name string in ARG0. If the name could not be found in the Clip List, the return code will be non-zero.

Modifying the Global Tracing Console To open the global tracing console, set the action code to RXTCOPN. Once the console is open, all active ARexx programs will divert their tracing output (and any tracing input) to the global console. Only one console can be open at any given time; in subsequent requests the return code will be non-zero. To close the global tracing console, set the action code to RXTCCLS. The console window will closed immediately unless one or more ARexx programs are waiting for input from the console, in which case the window will be closed as soon as the active programs are no longer using it.

Host-to-Host Communication An ARexx interface can also send commands directly to other host applications instead of the resident process. Messages that are sent this way should look like command messages sent from an ARexx program, as described in Chapter 7: • The action code is set to RXCOMM. • The RXFF_RESULT modifier flag is set if a result string is expected. • The command string is stored in ARG0. When the destination host receives the message, it will process it as a normal ARexx command and set the return code (and result string) before replying to the message.

Chapter 8 -- Advanced Port Handling

The REXX Variables Interface The REXX Variables Interface (RVI) is a set of functions written by Bill Hawes, ARexx's creator, to allow a host application to manipulate an ARexx program's symbol table. The functions allow an application to retrieve the values of existing variables, to change symbol values, and to create new symbols. The variables interface is a convenient way to pass complex information to an ARexx program. RVI functions can only be used when a host application has received a command (RXCOMM) message from a running ARexx program. 1 While the ARexx program waits for a reply, its symbol table is in a stable state. All RVI calls for a given ARexx program must be complete before the reply message is sent. For RVI, it's important to distinguish command messages that are sent from an ARexx program and command messages that are sent from an application. The RVI facility only works on commands from ARexx programs. The ARexx interpreter sets certain private data fields in the RexxMsg structure, which the RVI routines then use to manipulate the ARexx program's symbol table. The interface includes a routine for ensuring that a given message was sent from an ARexx program.

Using RVI RVI is typically used whenever two or more result strings are needed. An ARexx program issues a command to an application and passes the names of one or more ARexx symbols, or perhaps the stem of a compound symbol. The application uses RVI to store the results of the command request in those symbols, which the ARexx program then checks as soon as it receives the command reply. Examples on how to use and specify variables from a command environment can be found in Chapter 10. User documentation is very important, especially if your program modifies specific symbols outside of the user's control. When calling an RVI routine from within your application, all ARexx variable names must be null-terminated strings and proper REXX symbols, and all alphabetic characters must be in uppercase. A variable is treated as a literal string, and no substitution for compound symbols is performed. To call any of the RVI functions listed below, you must link your application with the rexxvars.o file supplied by Commodore and available through a number of sources. It isn't necessary to define the ARexx system library base pointer (RexxSysBase) before calling the functions, as each function opens the library when needed.

Checking Message Validity The first function has the following prototype: BOOL CheckRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg *message ) 1 RVI can also be used by function hosts when processing an RXFUNC message, though such behaviour is unusual.



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

CheckRexxMsg() returns TRUE if message is a valid RexxMsg structure from a running ARexx program. This check should be performed on a message before calling the other RVI functions. Examples

/* Get an ARexx message... */ struct RexxMsg *msg; msg = if( CheckRexxMsg( msg ) ) /* can set/get variables */

Getting A Symbol's Value To next function has the following definition: LONG GetRexxVar( struct RexxMsg *message, char *symbol, char **value ) GetRexxVar() retrieves a symbol value from the ARexx program that sent the given message. The symbol name should be passed as the second parameter (symbol), and a pointer to a pointer as the third parameter (value). The value of the symbol will be retrieved as an argstring, but can be treated as an ordinary string in most cases. The return string is read-only — it shouldn't be modified or freed under any circumstances.

The function returns zero if the value was successfully retrieved and non-zero otherwise — the return code will be 10 if message is an invalid ARexx message. Examples

struct RexxMsg *msg; char *value; long err;

/* Get the current value of 'myport' */ err = GetRexxVar( msg, "MYPORT", &value );

/* Get the current value of '' */ err = GetRexxVar( msg, "LIST.FRED.PHONE", &value );

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

Setting A Symbol's Value The final function is: LONG SetRexxVar( struct RexxMsg *message, char *symbol, char *value, LONG length ) sets symbol's value to value in the ARexx program that sent message. Since value can hold arbitrary data, including null characters, the length of the data to be stored should be specified in the length parameter. Storage will be allocated by the ARexx interpreter and the data copied into the new buffer area. The interpreter will also create a new symbol entry if necessary. SetRexxVar()

The function returns zero if it was successful, and non-zero if it failed: 3 if memory could not be allocated, 9 if the string is too long, and 10 if message is invalid. Examples

struct RexxMsg *msg; /* Set several stem values (ignore errors) */ SetRexxVar( msg, "LIST.JOE.PHONE", "555-5555", 9 ); SetRexxVar( msg, "LIST.JOE.FAX", "555-5555", 9 ); SetRexxVar( msg, "LIST.JOE.BIRTHDAY", "June 3", 7 );

A Sample Active Host The listings at the end of this chapter demonstrate how to set up and use an active ARexx interface. For simplicity, the interface is implemented using the SimpleRexx set of interface routines, which are described in Chapter 9 (page 127). The active host is called active and consists of three C files. Listing 11, active.c, sets up the interface and does cleanup on exit. Listing 12, send.c, prompts the user for a message to send to the resident process and waits for any replies. Listing 14 gets user input from the console. When you start active, it opens an ARexx port ("ACTIVE" is the default name, but you can specify another name as an argument to the program) and prompts you: Command, Function, or Quit: (c/f/q) At this point type c to send an RXCOMM message, f to send an RXFUNC message, or q to quit. When sending an RXCOMM message, active will prompt you for the command string and ask whether you want the RXFF_RESULT, RXFF_STRING and RXFF_TOKEN flags set. For RXFUNC messages, active will prompt you for the function name, the number of arguments, the argument strings, and whether you want the RXFF_RESULT and RXFF_STRING flags set. Both message types can be sent to either the "REXX" or "AREXX" ports of the resident process. After each message is sent, active waits for the reply message and prints the return



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

code and any result string or error code. The following makefile for Aztec C will compile the active program:

# Manx Aztec C makefile for 'active'.


= = = = = = = =

cc 1n

-lc arexx.h arexxsyslib.h simplerexx.h active active.o scan.o send.o simplerexx.o

# Target

all: $(EXE) *echo "Done"

# active

active: $(OBJS) $(LN) $(LNOPTS) -o active $(OBJS) $(LNLIBS) active.o: active.c CH) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) active.c scan.o: scan.c scan.h $(CC) $(CCOPTS) scan.c send.o: send.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) send.c simplerexx.o: simplerexx.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) simplerexx.c

The equivalent lmkfile for SAS/C is:

# SAS/C lmkfile for 'active'.

CC = lc CCOPTS =

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling


= arexx.h arexxsyslib.h simplerexx.h = active = active.o scan.o send.o simplerexx.o

# Target

all: $(EXE) echo "Done"

# active

active: $(OBJS) blink lib:c.o, $(OBJS) to active lib lib:lc.lib active.o: active.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) active.c scan.o: scan.c scan.h $(CC) $(CCOPTS) scan.c send.o: send.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) send.c simplerexx.o: simplerexx.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) simplerexx.c

Both files assume that all files are in the same directory.

Listing 11: active.c

/* This program * active.c -- Demonstrates the "active" ARexx port. is NOT reentrant and expects to be started from a CLI.

*/ #include <stdio.h> #ifdef LATTICE #include <dos.h> #endif #include #include #include #include

"arexx.h" "arexxsyslib.h" "simplerexx.h" "scan.h"




Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

ARexxContext Context = NULL; extern void Process( void ); extern void _abort( void );

/*Forwadefncs */ static void void

Usage( void ); Quit( char *str );

/* * Main -- Open the system support library, setup our ARexx port and then handle user input. */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *name; #if defined( LATTICE ) || defined( __SASC ) onbreak( (int (*)(void)) _abort ); #endif /* Get the port name to use */ name = DEFAULT_NAME; if( argc == 2 ) name = argv[1]; else if( argc != 1 ) Usage(); puts( "Active starting..." ); ScanInit(); Context = ARexxInit( name, "REXX", TRUE ); if( !Context ) Quit( "Could not open an ARexx context." ); printf( "Port name = "%s'\n", ARexxName( Context ) ); /* Process messages. */ Process(); /* Cleanup and exit.

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

Quit( "Active exiting." ); }

/* * Usage -- Print out usage info. */ static void Usage( void ) { puts( "Usage: active [name]" ); Starts an active ARexx port from which messages can be" ); puts( "\n sent to the resident process." ); puts( " exit( 0 ); }

/* * Quit -- Clean things up before quitting. */

Prints optional string.

void Quit( char *str ) {

if( str ) puts( str ); if( Context ) ARexxFree( Context ); ScanFini(); exit( 0 ); /* should really be non-zero if error occurs */ }

/* * _abort -- Called when the user presses CTRL-C. */ void _abort( void ) { Quit( "Caught break signal --- aborting!" ); }

Listing 12: send.c /*

* send.c -- Demonstrates the use of an active ARexx port to send commands * to the resident process.

*/ #include<sto.h> #include<strg.h> #include<stb.h>



Chapter 8-Advanced Port Handling

#include #include #include #include

"arexx.h" "arexxsyslib.h" "simplerexx.h" "scan.h"

#define BUFFERSIZE 161 #define NULLCHAR '\0' extern ARexxContext Context; /* * Forward references */ static static static static static

int Ask( char *prompt ); char *Prompt( char *prompt ); void SendCommand( void ); void SendFunction( void ); struct RexxMsg *WaitForReply( void );

/* * Process -- Prompt the user for input and form a message to send to the resident process, then wait for the reply. */ void Process( void ) { BOOL ok; char *str; ok = TRUE; while( ok ){ str = Prompt( "Command, Function, or Quit: (c/f/q) " ); if( *str == 'c' || *str == 'C' ) SendCommand(); else if( *str == 'f' || *str == 'F' ) SendFunction(); else if( *str == 'q' || *str == ) ok = FALSE; else puts( "Unrecognized option!" ); } } /* * SendCommand -- Send an RXCOMM message to the resident process. */ static void SendCommand( void )

Chapter 8 - Advanced Port Handling

{ *str, *port_name; char result; BOOL flags; ULONG struct RexxMsg *msg; command[ BUFFER_SIZE ]; static char = 0; flags result = FALSE; str = Prompt( "Please enter the command string to send: " ); strncpy( command, str, BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ); command[ BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ] = NULLCHAR; if( Ask( "Do you want a result string? (y/n) " ) == 'y' ){ flags |= RXFF_RESULT; result = TRUE; } if( Ask( "Is this a string file? (y/n) " ) == 'y' ) flags |= RXFF_STRING; if( Ask( "Do you want tokenization? (y/n) " ) == 'y' ) flags |= RXFF_TOKEN; if( Ask( "'REXX' or 'AREXX' port? (r/a) " ) == 'a' ) port_name = "AREXX"; else port_name = "REXX"; puts( "Sending command message..." ); if( SendARexxMsg( Context, port name, command, flags ) ){ msg = WaitForReply(); printf( "-- Reply code %d\n", msg->rm_Result1 ); if( result && msg->rm_Result1 == 0 && msg->rm_Result2 != NULL ) printf( " Result string '%s'\n", (char *) msg->rm_Result2 ); else printf( " Error code %d\n", (int) msg->rm_Result2 ); FreeARexxMsg( Context, msg ); } else { puts( "Error sending message! Is the resident process running?" ); } } /* * */ SendFunction -- Send an RXFUNC message to the resident process.



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

static void SendFunction( void ) { *str, *port_name; char result; BOOL i, nargs; LONG flags; ULONG struct RexxMsg *msg; static char args[ 16 ] [ BUFFER_SIZE ]; flags = 0; result = FALSE; str = Prompt( "Please enter the external function to invoke: " ); strncpy( args[0], str, BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ); args[0][ BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ] = NULLCHAR; do nargs = atoi( Prompt( "How many arguments? (0 to 15) " ) ); while( nargs < 0 || nargs > 15 ); for( i = 1; i <= nargs; ++i ){ str = Prompt( "Argument: " ); strncpy( args[i], str, BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ); args[i] [ BUFFERSIZE - 1 ] = NULLCHAR; } if( Ask( "Do you want a result string? (y/n) " ) == 'y' ){ flags |= RXFF_RESULT; result = TRUE; } if( Ask( "Is this a string file? (y/n) " ) == 'y' ) flags |= RXFF_STRING; if( Ask( "REXX' or 'AREXX' port? (r/a) " ) == 'a' ) port_name = "AREXX"; else port_name = "REXX"; puts( "Sending function invocation message..." ); if( CallARexxFunc( Context, port_name, args[0], flags, nargs, args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10], args [11] , args[12], args[13] , args[14], args[15] ) ) { msg = WaitForReply(); printf( "-- Reply code %d\n", msg->rm_Result1 ); if( result && msg->rm_Result1 == 0 && msg->rm_Result2 != NULL ) Result string '%s'\n", (char *) msg->rm_Result2 ); printf( " else

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

printf( " Error code %d\n", (int) msg->rm_Result2 ); FreeARexxMsg( Context, msg ); } else { puts( "Error sending message! Is the resident process running?" ); } } /* * WaitForReply -- Wait for our reply message to arrive. * to all other messages. */


static struct RexxMsg *WaitForReply( void ) { struct RexxMsg *msg, *reply; reply = NULL; while( reply == NULL ){ Wait( ARexxSignal( Context ) ); while( !reply && ( msg = GetARexxMsg( Context ) ) != NULL ){ if( !IsARexxReply( msg ) ){ printf( "** Got a message: '%s'\n", msg->rm_Args[0] ); printf( "** Action code %x\n", msg->rm_Action ); ReplyARexxMsg( Context, msg, RC_OK, "A reply string", 0 ); } else { reply = msg; } } } return( reply ); } /* * Ask -- Ask a question, return the first character of the answer. */ static int Ask( char *prompt ) { char *str; str = Prompt( prompt ); while( isspace( *str ) ) ++str; return( isupper( *str ) ? tolower( *str ) : *str ); }



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

/* * Prompt -- Ask the user a question and get the reply string. */ static char *Prompt( char *prompt ) { unsigned len; char *str; fputs( prompt, stdout ); fflush( stdout ); str = GetScanLine( stdin, &l en ); return( str != NULL ? str : "" ); }

Listing 13: scan.h /* * scan.h -- Header file for scan.c */ #ifndef SCAN_H_INCLUDED #define SCAN_H_INCLUDED extern void ScanInit( void ); extern char *GetScanLine( FILE *fp, unsigned *len ); extern void ScanFini( void ); #endif /* SCAN_H_INCLUDED */

Listing 14: scan.c /* * scan.c -- Get a line of text from a file. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "scan.h" #define SCAN_LENGTH 257 #define NULLCHAR '\0' #define NLCHAR '\n' static int ScanLength; static char *ScanBuffer = NULL; /* * ScanInit -- Get ready for scanning.

Handles any length of line.

Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

*/ void ScanInit( void ) { ScanLength = SCAN_LENGTH; ScanBuffer = (char *) malloc( ScanLength ); } /* * GetScanLine -- Gets a new scan line from the input file. Returns NULL when the end-of-file is reached, otherwise returns a pointer to an internal buffer holding the line and stores the length of the string in the second parm. Strips the newline. */ char *GetScanLine( FILE *scan_file, unsigned *len ) { register int templen; register char *tempbuf; /* Some initialization */ if( scan_file == NULL || len == NULL ) return( NULL ); ScanBuffer[ 0 ] = NULLCHAR; *len = 0; /* EOF means that fgets returns NULL */ if( !fgets( ScanBuffer, ScanLength, scan_file ) ) return( NULL ); /* Now get the length */ *len = strlen( ScanBuffer ); /* Is buffer too small? Read a whole line in, not just part of one. */ while( ScanBuffer[ *len - 1 ] != NLCHAR ){ templen = ScanLength; ScanLength += ScanLength; tempbuf = ScanBuffer; ScanBuffer = (char *) malloc( ScanLength ); strcpy( ScanBuffer, tempbuf ); free( tempbuf ); if( !fgets( &ScanBuffer[ *len ], templen, scan_file ) ) break; *len = strlen( ScanBuffer ); } ScanBuffer[ *len - 1 ] = NULLCHAR;



Chapter 8 — Advanced Port Handling

--(*len); return( ScanBuffer ); } /* * ScanFini */

Clean things up.

void ScanFini( void ) { if( ScanBuffer != NULL ) free( ScanBuffer ); ScanBuffer = NULL; ScanLength = 0; }


SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface This chapter presents an adaptation of SimpleRexx, a set of C routines by Michael Sinz of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. for creating and maintaining an ARexx port in a safe, reentrant fashion.

Using SimpleRexx SimpleRexx does much of the gruntwork associated with the creation and use of an ARexx port. To use it, you simply link your program to the SimpleRexx module (a listing is found at the end of this chapter) and call SimpleRexx routines to create an ARexx port, retrieve ARexx messages, send ARexx messages and reply to ARexx messages. In general you follow these steps: 1. When your application starts, call ARexxInit() at some point in its initialization. This will create your ARexx port and return an ARexx context. The ARexx context is a pointer to private data that other SimpleRexx routines need. Keep the pointer around, but don't modify it or its contents. You may call ARexxInit() more than once to allocate two or more ARexx ports, with each call returning a different context. 2. Wait for messages to arrive at your ARexx port(s). When one arrives, use GetARexxMsg() to retrieve it. When done processing, call ReplyARexxMsg() or to reply to or free the message. (You free the message if it was a FreARxMsg() reply to a message you sent out.) 3. Send messages to the resident process whenever you want to by calling SendARexxMsg() or CallARexxFunc(). SimpleRexx keeps track of the number of outstanding messages and will decrement the count whenever a reply message is retrieved using GetARexxMsg(). 4. When your application exits, call ARexxFree() for each context that was obtained by calling ARexxInit(). ARexxFree() will wait for any outstanding reply messages before returning.



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

One useful feature about the SimpleRexx routines is that they can be used even when the ARexx resident process is not running-- you don't need special code to enable or disable your ARexx interface. If the system library couldn't be found, no ARexx ports will be allocated by ARexxInit() and the other functions will simply return without performing any actions. If the destination port isn't found, no messages will be sent by SendARexxMsg() CallARexxFunc() .

SimpleRexx is also safe for use in resident programs since it doesn't use global variables. Pragma Trick

As you scan through the SimpleRexx code, you'll often see lines like this: RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; This is a trick used whenever a call to the ARexx system library must be made, since the #pragma statements in the arexxsyslib.h header file reference the variable RexxSysBase . In most cases RexxSysBase is a global variable assigned the result of the OpenLibrary() call that opens the ARexx system library, but SimpleRexx is designed to be reentrant, so no modifiable global variables can be used. Instead, the library pointer from the current ARexx context is assigned to the local variable RexxSysBase . Lattice C users can #define RexxSysBase context->rexxbase; to accomplish the same end.

SimpleRexx Functions This section describes the SimpleRexx functions in detail. Most of the functions reference a datatype called ARexxContext , which is defined in simplerexx.h and should be treated as a private data type.

AddFuncHost BOOL AddFuncHost ( ARexxContext context, LONG priority ) Summary

Adds the ARexx context's port name to the Library List as a function host with the given priority. This function is meant for use by function hosts only. See Also: RemFuncHost()


Chapter 9 -- SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

ARexxBase struct Library *ARexxBase( ARexxContext context ) Summary Returns the ARexx context's library pointer, which will be NULL if the call to ARexxInit() that created the context failed. This function should be used to assign a value to the RexxSysBase variable before calling any ARexx system library function directly. See Also: ARexxInit()

ARexxFree void ARexxFree( ARexxContext context ) Summary Frees an ARexx context that was allocated with the ARexxInit() function and closes the ARexx port associated with that context. See Also: ARexxlnit()

ARexxlnit ARexxContext ARexxInit( char *name, char *extension, char *multiple ) Summary Creates a new ARexx context for use in sending and receiving ARexx messages. The name must be supplied and will be used to form the name of an ARexx port, and extension will be used as the filename extension on any message sent to the resident process (if NULL, the extension defaults to "REXX"). Returns an ARexx context to be used with other SimpleRexx routines. The contents of the context are private and should not be modified. The name you supply will be translated to uppercase and truncated to 16 characters, and any extension will be truncated to 8 characters. If multiple is FALSE, ARexxInit() will try to open the port name you supply without any further translation, otherwise it will append a period and numbers from 01 to 99 to the name until it can open a port. The name of the port that was actually opened can be had using the ARexxName() function, and the signal mask for the port can be had using the ARexxSignal() function. See Also: ARexxFree(), ARexxName(), ARexxSignal()



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

ARexxName char *ARexxName( ARexxContext context ) Summary Returns a pointer to the name of the context's ARexx port. The name string must not be modified. Returns NULL if no ARexx port exists. See Also: ARexxInit()

ARexxSignal ULONG ARexxSignal( ARexxContext context )

Summary Returns the signal bitmask for the context's ARexx port. Use this mask in the call to Wait() to be signalled when a message arrives at the port. See Also: ARexxInit(), GetARexxMsg()

CallARexxFunc struct RexxMsg *CallARexxFunc( ARexxContext context, char *port_name, ) char *function, ULONG flags, int num_args, Summary Sends an ARexx function invocation message ( RXFUNC ) to the given port with function as the function name. If port_name is NULL, the message will be sent to the resident process' "REXX" port. The flags can be any combination of RXFF_NOIO, RXFF_RESULT and RXFF_STRING, or zero if no modifier flags are to be set. Set num_args to the number of argument strings. If num_args is non-zero, it should be followed by a list of num_args pointers to strings, which are the argument strings themselves. The CallARexxFunc() allocates a RexxMsg structure, an argstring for the function name, and argstrings for any arguments, all of which must be freed (along with any result string) when the reply message is received.

CallARexxFunc() returns a pointer to the message that was sent if the destination port was found and the message was sent successfully, NULL otherwise. This pointer should be considered read-only. A count of all outstanding messages is automatically kept for each ARexx context.

Chapter 9


SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

See Also: FreeARexxMsg(), SendARexxMsg()

FreeARexxMsg BOOL FreeARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) Summary Frees an ARexx message received with GetARexxMsg() as a reply to a m essage sent by SendARexxMsg(). FreeARexxMsg() will free any argument and result strings before freeing the message itself. If the message is not a reply message, FreeARexxMsg() will fail and return FALSE. See Also: GetARexxMsg(), SendARexxMsg()

GetARexxMsg struct RexxMsg *GetARexxMsg( ARexxContext context ) Summary Retrieves the next ARexx message from the context's port, or NULL if no message is available. IsARexxReply() should be used to distinguish between a reply to a message that was sent with SendARexxMsg() and a new message from another program. After processing an ARexx message, reply messages should be freed using FreeARexxMsg() and other messages should be replied to using ReplyARexxMsg(). Any reply messages received via GetARexxMsg() decrements the outstanding messages counter for that ARexx context. See Also: FreeARexxMsg(), IsARexxReply(), ReplyARexxMsg(), SendARexxMsg()

IsARexxReply BOOL IsARexxReply( struct RexxMsg *msg ) Summary Returns TRUE if the given message is a reply message to a message that was sent using FALSE otherwise. SendARxMsg(),



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

See Also: GetARexxMsg(), SendARexxMsg()

RemFuncHost BOOL RemFuncHost( ARexxContext context ) Summary

Removes the ARexx context's port name to the Library List. The port name should have been previously added to the list with the AddFuncHost() function. This function is meant for use by function hosts only. See Also: AddFuncHost()

ReplyARexxMsg BOOL ReplyARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg , LONG return_code, char *result_string, LONG error_code ) Summary

Replies to an ARexx message that was received using the GetARexxMsg() function. The return_code must be supplied, but the result_string may be NULL and the error_code may be zero. The secondary result field (rm_Result2) will be set to either a result string or an integer error code. A result string will be set only if the following conditions are met: • return_code is zero, • result_string is non-NULL, and • the sender of the message requested a result string by setting the RXFF_RESULT flag in the rm_Action field. If set, the result string is converted into an argstring. If return_code is non-zero, the integer error_code will be stored as the secondary result instead. ReplyARexxMsg() returns TRUE if the message was successfully replied to.

Reply messages received in response to a previous SendARexxMsg() call should not be passed to ReplyARexxMsg(), but should be freed using FreeARexxMsg() instead. See Also: FreeARexxMsg(), GetARexxMsg(), SendARexxMsg()

Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

SendARexxMsg struct RexxMsg *SendARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, char *port_name, char *string, BOOL flags ) Summary Sends an ARexx command message ( RXCOMM ) to the given port with string as the command string. If port_name is NULL, the message is sent to the resident process' "REXX" port. The flags can be any combination of RXFF_NOIO, RXFF_RESULT, RXFF_STRING oRaXF_nTOKENrd, zero if no modifier flags are to be set. It allocates a RexxMsg structure and an argstring for the command, both of which must be freed (along with any result string) when the reply message is received. SendARexxMsg() returns a pointer to the message that was sent if the destination port was found and the message was sent successfully, NULL otherwise. This pointer should be considered read-only. A count of all outstanding messages is automatically kept for each ARexx context. See Also: CallARexxFunc(), FreeARexxMsg(), Get ARexxMsg(), ReplyARexxMsg()

The SimpleRexx Header /* * SimpleRexx.h -- Header file for the SimpleRexx ARexx interface routines. * * * SimpleRexx orginally created by Michael Sinz. This version * adapted by Eric Giguere.

*/ #ifndef SIMPLEREXX_H_INCLUDED #define SIMPLEREXX_H_INCLUDED #include <stdarg.h> #ifndef AREXXSYSLIB_H_INCLUDED #include "arexxsyslib.h" #endif /* ARexxContext is private to SimpleRexx.c... other files only need to see it as a void pointer. */ #ifndef AREXXCONTEXT #define AREXXCONTEXT typedef void *ARexxContext;



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

#endif /* Prototypes for the SimpleRexx functions. file for documentation. */ extern ARexxContext extern void extern extern extern extern

See the simplerexx.c

ARexxInit( char *name, char *extension, BOOL mult ); ARexxFree( ARexxContext context );

*ARexxName( ARexxContext context ); char ULONG ARexxSignal( ARexxContext context ); struct Library *ARexxBase( ARexxContext context ); IsARexxReply( struct RexxMsg *msg ); BOOL

extern struct RexxMsg *GetARexxMsg( ARexxContext context ); extern BOOL FreeARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ); extern BOOL ReplyARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg, LONG return_code, char *result_string, LONG error_code ); extern struct RexxMsg *SendARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, char *port, char *string, ULONG flags ); extern struct RexxMsg *CallARexxFunc( ARexxContext context, char *port, char *function, ULONG flags, int num_args, ); extern BOOL AddFuncHost( ARexxContext context, LONG priority ); extern BOOL RemFuncHost( ARexxContext context ); extern BOOL SetARexxLastError( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg, char *error ); #endif /* SIMPLEREXX_H_INCLUDED */

The SimpleRexx Module /* * SimpleRexx 2.0 -- A set of simple routines for adding a working ARexx port to any C program. These routines can be called without error even if ARexx itself is not running. The code is fully reentrant and self-contained. * *

SimpleRexx orginally created by Michael Sinz. adapted by Eric Giguere.

This version

*/ /* * Important include files. Prototypes and pragmas for the system * library functions are found in arexxsyslib.h. Prototypes for * Exec functions are found in arexx.h. */

Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

#include "arexx.h" #include "arexxsyslib.h" #ifdef RVI #include "rvi.h" #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_PORT_NAME 16 #define MAX_PORT_LENGTH 24 #define MAX_ERROR_NAME 28 #define MAX_EXTENSION 8 #define NULLCHAR '\0' /* * The following structure is PRIVATE! Its contents are known only * to the routines in this file. Outside functions that call the * routines in this file only see (and pass back) a "void *". */ struct ARexxContext { struct MsgPort *arexx_port; /* Program's ARexx port */ struct Library *rexx_base; long outstanding; char port_name[ MAX_PORT_LENGTH + 1 ]; char extension[ MAX_EXTENSION + 1 ]; #ifdef RVI char error_name[ MAX_ERROR_NAME + 1 ]; #endif }; /* This is important... we define ARexxContext to be a pointer to * struct ARexxContext, and set AREXXCONTEXT so that the SimpleRexx.h * header file won't try and set it to a "void *"... */ #define AREXXCONTEXT typedef struct ARexxContext *ARexxContext; #include "SimpleRexx.h" static char *StrNUpper( char *dest, char *src, unsigned int len ); static char *UiToStr( unsigned num, char *buf ); /* * ARexxInit -- Call this routine once at the start of your application to prepare your ARexx port. ARexxInit will then return a pointer to a private data type holding the information



Chapter 9 - SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

This pointer must it needs to satisfy ARexx requests. be passed to all the other routines in this file. Note that ARexxInit will return a valid pointer even if ARexx isn't running --- the other routines can still be called in this situation. Arguments: * -- The name of the application, which will be used as the basis for creating a port name. It will be truncated to MAX_PORT_NAME characters and then upper-cased. Spaces will be changed to underscores. extension -- The default file extension to use. If this pointer is NULL, "REXX" (the "." is automatic) is assumed. multiple -- If FALSE, a suffix of the form ".NN" will be automatically appended to the port name, where NN will be replaced with a number from 01 to 99. name

*/ ARexxContext ARexxInit( char *name, char *extension, BOOL multiple ) { struct Library *RexxSysBase; struct MsgPort *port; context; ARexxContext count; unsigned *ptr; char /* Allocate memory for the private data structure. */ context = AllocMem( sizeof( struct ARexxContext ), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR ); if( !context ) return( NULL ); /* Open the ARexx system library */ RexxSysBase = OpenLibrary( (UBYTE *) "rexxsyslib.library", 0L ); if( RexxSysBase ) { context->rexx_base = RexxSysBase; if( !extension ) extension = "rexx"; StrNUpper( context->extension, extension, MAX_EXTENSION ); ptr = StrNUpper( context->port_name, name, MAX_PORT_NAME ); #ifdef RVI strcpy( context->error_name, context->port_name );

Chapter 9 -- SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

strcat( context->error_name, ".LASTERROR" ); #endif /* Make sure we have a unique port name... */ Forbid(); if( multiple ) { *ptr++ = '.'; /* null char inserted by UiToStr */ for( count = 1; count < 100; ++count ) { UiToStr( count, ptr ); port = FindPort((UBYTE *)context->port_name ); if( !port ) break; } } else { port = FindPort( (UBYTE *) context->port_name ); } if( !port ) context->arexx_port = CreatePort( (UBYTE *) context->port_name,0); Permit(); } if( !context->rexx_base || !context->arexx_port ) { ARexxFree( context ); context = NULL; } return( context ); } /* * ARexxFree -- Free an ARexxContext structure allocated by ARexxInit. Call this when your application is shutting down, or you are done with ARexx interfacing. */ void ARexxFree( ARexxContext context ) { struct RexxMsg *msg; struct Library *RexxSysBase; if( !context ) return;



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

/* Setup the RexxSysBase variable for the pragmas */ if( context->rexx_base ) { RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Change the port name so it can't be found. */ context->port_name[0] = NULLCHAR; /* Wait for any outstanding messages we sent out to come back. */ while( context->outstanding > 0 && context->arexxport != NULL ) { WaitPort( context->arexx_port ); while( ( msg = GetARexxMsg( context ) ) != NULL ) { if( !FreeARexxMsg( context, msg ) ) ReplyARexxMsg( context, msg, 100, NULL, 0 ); } } /* Any other messages just get cleaned out... */ if( context->arexx_port ) { Forbid(); while( ( msg = GetARexxMsg( context ) ) != NULL ) ReplyARexxMsg( context, msg, 100, NULL, 0 ); DeletePort( context->arexx_port ); Permit(); } /*Closethibray*/ CloseLibrary( RexxSysBase ); } FreeMem( context, sizeof( struct ARexxContext ) ); } /* * ARexxName -- Returns the name of the ARexx port that was actually allocated by ARexxInit. You can only look at this string. Returns NULL if there is no ARexx port. */

Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

char *ARexxName( ARexxContext context ) { if( context ) return( context->port_name ); else return( NULL ); } /* * ARexxSignal -- Returns the signal mask that the ARexx port is using. This mask should be used in your Wait() loop to know when an ARexx message arrives at your port. */ ULONG ARexxSignal( ARexxContext context ) { if( context ) return( 1UL << context->arexx_port->mp_SigBit ); else return( 0 ); } /* * ARexxBase -- Returns the library pointer stored by the context. Don't close this library! Use it if you need to access some of the system library functions directly. */ struct Library *ARexxBase( ARexxContext context ) { if( context ) return( context->rexx_base ); else return( NULL ); } /* * IsARexxReply -- Returns TRUE if a RexxMsg is in fact a reply message to a command we've sent. */ BOOL IsARexxReply( struct RexxMsg *msg ) { if( msg ) return( msg->rm_Node.mn_Node.ln_Type == NT_REPLYMSG ); else return( FALSE ); } /* * GetARexxMsg -- Return the next message waiting at the given ARexx port, NULL if there is no message. Reply messages decrement



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

an internal count of outstanding messages. * * NOTE: After the message is received, it must either by replied to or the message contents must be freed! */ struct RexxMsg *GetARexxMsg( ARexxContext context ) { struct RexxMsg *msg; if( !context ) return( NULL ); msg = (struct RexxMsg *) GetMsg( context->arexx_port ); if( !msg ) return( NULL ); if( IsARexxReply( msg ) ) --context->outstanding; return( msg ); } /* * FreeARexxMsg -- Frees an ARexx message that was allocated by a call to SendARexxMsg, after its return as a reply message. Returns TRUE if everything went OK. */ BOOL FreeARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { struct Library *RexxSysBase; if( !context || !msg ) return( FALSE ); if( !IsARexxReply( msg ) ) return( FALSE ); /* Setup the library pointer for the pragmas */ RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Free the argstrings */ ClearRexxMsg( msg, 16 ); if( msg->rm_Result1 == 0 && msg->rm_Result2 != NULL ) DeleteArgstring( (char *) msg->rm_Result2 ); /* Free the message */

Chapter 9


SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); return( TRUE ); } /* * SendARexxMsg -- Prepares and sends an RXCOMM message to the given port ("REXX" if port_name is NULL). The fourth parm can be used to set the RXFF_NOIO, RXFF_STRING, RXFF_RESULT and RXFF_TOKEN flags if desired. * If a message was sent successfully, returns a pointer to the message that was sent, or NULL if no message was sent. TREAT THIS POINTER AS READ-ONLY! A pointer is returned so you can keep track of several messages sent out simultaneously. */ struct RexxMsg *SendARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, char *port_name, char *command, ULONG flags ) { struct MsgPort *port; struct RexxMsg *msg; struct Library *RexxSysBase; if( !context || !command ) return( NULL ); if( !port_name ) port_name = "REXX"; /* Setup the library pointer */ RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Get a new message packet */ msg = CreateRexxMsg( context->arexx_port, context->extension, context->port_name ); if( !msg ) return( NULL ); /* Make sure any flags that are set are OK for use with RXCOMM... */ flags &= ( RXFF_NOIO | RXFF_RESULT | RXFF_STRING | RXFF_TOKEN ); /* Set the action code (+ flags) and the command string */ msg->rm_Action = RXCOMM | flags; msg->rm_Args[0] = (STRPTR) CreateArgstring( command,



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

strlen( command ) ); msg->rm_Result1 = 0; msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) NULL; if ( ! msg->rm_Args [0] ) { DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); return( NULL ); } /* Find the port */ Forbid(); if( ( port = FindPort( (UBYTE *) port_name ) ) != NULL ) { PutMsg( port, (struct Message *) msg ); ++context->outstanding; } else /* no port, clean up... */ { DeleteArgstring( (char *) msg->rm_Args[0] ); DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); msg = NULL; } Permit(); return( msg ); } /* * CallARexxFunc -- Prepares and sends an RXFUNC message to the given port ("REXX" if port_name is NULL). The fourth parm can be used to set the RXFF_NOIO, RXFF_STRING, and RXFF_RESULT flags if desired. Set the fifth parm to the number of arguments you want to pass, and then pass the exact number of pointers to strings required. * If a message was sent successfully, returns a pointer to the message that was sent, or NULL if no message was sent. TREAT THIS POINTER AS READ-ONLY! A pointer is returned so you can keep track of several messages sent out simultaneously. */ struct RexxMsg *CallARexxFunc( ARexxContext context, char *port_name, char *function, ULONG flags, int num_args, . { va_list


Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

struct MsgPort *port; struct RexxMsg *msg; struct Library *RexxSysBase; quit; BOOL int i; *arg; char if( !context || !function || num_args < 0 ) return( NULL ); if( num_args > 15 ) num_args = 15; if( !port_name ) port_name = "REXX"; /* Setup the library pointer */ RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Get a new message packet */ msg = CreateRexxMsg( context->arexx_port, context->extension, context->port_name ); if( !msg ) return( NULL ); /* Make sure any flags that are set are OK for use with RXFUNC... */ flags &= ( RXFF_NOIO | RXFF_RESULT | RXFF_STRING ); /* Set the action code (+ flags) and the command string */ msg->rm_Action = RXFUNC | flags; /* Now store the number of arguments... */ msg->rm_Action |= ( num_args & RXARGMASK ); /* Store the function name... */ msg->rm_Args[0] = (STRPTR) CreateArgstring( function, strlen( function ) ); msg->rm_Result1 = 0; msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) NULL; if( !msg->rm_Args[0] ) { DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); return( } NULL );



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

/* Get and store the argument strings */ va_start( argptr, num_args ); for( i = 1, quit = FALSE; i <= num_args && !quit; ++i ) { arg = (char *) va_arg( argptr, char * ); if( !arg ) arg = ""; msg->rm_Args[i] = (STRPTR) CreateArgstring( arg, strlen( arg ) ); if( !msg->rm_Args[i] ) quit = TRUE; } va_end( argptr ); if( quit ) { ClearRexxMsg( msg, 16 ); DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); return( NULL ); } /* Find the port */ Forbid(); if( ( port = FindPort( (UBYTE *) port_name ) ) != NULL ) { PutMsg( port, (struct Message *) msg ); ++context->outstanding; } else /* no port, clean up... */ { ClearRexxMsg( msg, 16 ); DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); msg = NULL; } Permit(); return( msg ); } /* * ReplyARexxMsg -- Reply to an ARexx message received with GetARexxMsg. Pass it the return code in the third parm. If the return code is 0 and the sender of the message

Chapter 9 - SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

requested a reply string, pass that in the fourth parm (NULL if no string). If the return code is non-zero, pass the error code in the fifth parm instead. * Note: Always call IsARexxReply before this routine to make sure you're not replying to a reply of one of your own messages. */ BOOL ReplyARexxMsg( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg, LONG return_code, char *result_string, LONG error_code ) { struct Library *RexxSysBase; if( !context || !msg ) return( FALSE ); if( IsARexxReply( msg ) ) return( FALSE ); /* Setup the library pointer */ RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Set the results */ msg->rm_Result1 = return_code; msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) NULL; /* If no error and result was requested, set the result string */ if( result_string != NULL && return_code == RC_OK && ( msg->rm_Action & RXFF_RESULT ) != 0 ) { msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) CreateArgstring( result_string, strlen( result_string ) ); } else if( return_code != RC_OK ) { msg->rm_Result2 = error_code; } ReplyMsg( (struct Message *) msg ); return( TRUE ); } /* * AddFuncHost -- Adds the context's port name to the Library List as a function host with the given priority. */



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

BOOL AddFuncHost( ARexxContext context, LONG priority ) { struct RexxMsg *msg; struct Library *RexxSysBase; struct MsgPort *port; if( !context ) return( FALSE ); /* Setup the library pointer */ RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Get a new message packet */ msg = CreateRexxMsg( context->arexx_port, context->extension, context->port_name ); if( !msg ) return( FALSE ); /* Tell the resident process to add the port name to the Library * List... we don't expect a reply so we don't increase the count * of outstanding messages. */ msg->rm_Action =RXADDFH | RXFF_NONRET; msg->rm_Args[0] = (STRPTR) context->port_name; msg->rm_Args[1] = (STRPTR) priority; /* Find the port */ Forbid(); if( ( port = FindPort( (UBYTE *) "REXX" ) ) != NULL ) { PutMsg( port, (struct Message *) msg ); } else /* no port, clean up... */ { ClearRexxMsg( msg, 16 ); DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); msg = NULL; } Permit(); return( msg != NULL ); } /*

Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

/* RemFuncHost -- Remove the context's port name from the Library List. */ BOOL RemFuncHost( ARexxContext context ) { struct RexxMsg *msg; struct Library *RexxSysBase; struct MsgPort *port; if( !context ) return( FALSE ); /* Setup the library pointer */ RexxSysBase = context->rexx_base; /* Get a new message packet */ msg = CreateRexxMsg( context->arexxport, context->extension, context->port_name ); if( !msg ) return( FALSE ); /* Tell the resident process to remove the port name to the Library * List... we don't expect a reply. */ msg->rm_Action = RXREMLIB | RXFF_NONRET; msg->rm_Args[0] = (STRPTR) context->port_name; /* Find the port */ Forbid(); if( ( port = FindPort( (UBYTE *) "REXX" ) ) != NULL ) { PutMsg( port, (struct Message *) msg ); } else /* no port, clean up... */ { ClearRexxMsg( msg, 16 ); DeleteRexxMsg( msg ); msg = NULL; } Permit(); return( msg != NULL ); } /*



Chapter 9 — SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

* SetARexxLastError -- Uses RVI to set an error string in a calling ARexx program. The string is stored in the variable <appname>.LASTERROR. Will only work if RVI is #defined -- you must also link to the rexxvars.o file. */ BOOL SetARexxLastError( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg, char *error ) { #ifndef RVI return( FALSE ); #else if( !context || !msg || !error ) return( FALSE ); if( !CheckRexxMsg( msg ) ) return( FALSE ); return( SetRexxVar( msg, context->error_name, error, strlen( error ) ) == 0 ); #endif } /* * StrNUpper -- Like strncpy, but also does a toupper and inserts a NULLCHAR after the last character. */ static char *StrNUpper( char *dest, char *src, unsigned int len ) { for( ; *src != NULLCHAR && len-- > 0; ++src ) { if( islower( *src ) ) *dest++ = toupper( *src ); else *dest++ = *src; } *dest = NULLCHAR; return( dest ); } /* * UiToStr -- Convert an integer less than 100 into a two-character string. */ static char *UiToStr( unsigned num, char *buf ) { num %= 100;

Chapter 9 - SimpleRexx: A Simple ARexx Interface

but [0] = ( num / 10 ) + '0' ; buf [1] = ( num % 10 ) + '0' ; buf [2] = NULLCHAR; return( but ) ; }



ARexx Standards This chapter discusses the implementation of the ARexx standards outlined in the Amiga

User Interface Style Guide.

The Need For Standards ARexx allows the typical Amiga user to customize and integrate their application programs through its command facility. In effect, ARexx becomes the application's macro language. And the need for standards becomes even more apparent: integration is easier and less confusing if all applications support a common set of commands and a standard command syntax.

Port Naming The naming of ARexx ports was briefly discussed in Chapter 7. The rules are simple: 1. A port name should be based on the application's name. 2. A port name should not be too long, should include no spaces, and should be in uppercase. 3. Applications that can open two or more projects simultaneously can open a separate ARexx port for each project. Each port will then have a "slot number" appended to its name to distinguish it from the other ports belonging to the application. Note that these criteria are satisfied if you use the SimpleRexx interface described in Chapter 9 to create your ports.

Errors When your application replies to a command message, it must always set an error code as an integer value in the rm_Result1 field of the RexxMsg structure that held the command string. The error code will be converted into a string by the ARexx interpreter and stored in the calling program's RC variable. Use the following conventions: • If no error occurs, return an error code of 0 (RC_OK).



Chapter 10 — ARexx Standards

• If a minor error occurs, return an error code between 1 and 9. The usual warning code is 5 (RC_WARN). • If a major error occurs, return an error code of 10 (RC_FAIL) or greater.

Command Shells An alternative way of receiving commands is for your application to open a command shell into which the user types in the commands directly. The application processes the commands as if they had been received at one of its ports. A command shell should either resemble Workbench 2.0's Execute Command window (for entering single commands) or a basic Shell (console) window (for entering multiple commands). Command errors should always be reported to the user.

Returning Data Some commands may return result strings if the following conditions hold: • The OPTIONS RESULTS command was issued in the ARexx program that send the command. (This sets the RXFF_RESULT flag in the rm_Action field of the RexxMsg structure.) • The command returns an RC_OK error code. (rm_Result1 is set to zero.) • An argstring is created and returned as the secondary result in rm_Result2. If these conditions hold, the argstring that is returned will be assigned to the RESULT variable by the ARexx interpreter. In some cases it may be more convenient for the user to override this default assignment by specifying a variable in which to store the result string: /* Get current line */ options results "getline var currline" Commands that support the VAR switch should use the RVI facility described in Chapter 8 to set the given variable directly. (If the assignment fails, return the value as a normal result string.) Multiple result strings can easily be returned by using the STEM switch to a command. For example, say you wished to return the following three strings: Letter to John Doe Notes on Standards Addresses of the Stars If the user had sent the command: getattrs documents stem DocList. then your application should assign the number of strings returned to the variable DOCLIST.COUNT and assign each string in turn to DOCLIST.0, DOCLIST. 1, and DOCLIST.2.

Chapter 10 — ARexx Standards

These assignments are also done using RVI. If no STEM switch is specified, then you should return the single string: "Letter to John Doe" "Notes on Standards" "Addresses of the Stars" instead. Use quotation marks (or any other reasonable separator) to separate the individual strings. Don't use separators when assigning strings to individual stem variables.

Suggested Command Standards When adding ARexx support to an application, the hardest part is deciding which commands to support. The sections that follow briefly summarize the suggested commands an application should support. For detailed descriptions and syntax, please refer to the ARexx chapter in the Amiga User Interface Style Guide.

A Minimal Set of Commands • Project-related commands NEW

Creates a new project and work area.

CLEAR Clears the current project and its work area. OPEN

Opens the specified project (or prompts the user for one) into the current work area.


Saves the current project to the current filename. If no current filename exists, prompts the user for one.

SAVEAS Saves the current project to the specified filename. CLOSE Closes the current project and its window. PRINT Prints the currently specified object/project. QUIT

Exits the program, allowing the user to save modified data if necessary.

• Block-related commands CUT

Removes the currently selected block of information from the project and places it in the clipboard. COPY Places a duplicate of the currently selected block into the clipboard.

PASTE Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the project at the currently active point. ERASE Clears the currently selected block from the project. • Miscellaneous commands HELP Displays user help for your application. FAULT Returns the text message assigned to an error number. RX

Allows the user to start an ARexx macro as if they were using the rx command from the Shell (CLI).



Chapter 10 — ARexx Standards

Other Suggested Commands • Cursor positioning commands GOTOLINE

Moves the cursor to the specified line.


Moves the cursor to the specified column.


Moves the cursor in the given direction.


Moves the cursor up or down from the current line.


Moves the cursor left or right from the current column.


Moves the cursor to the next element (word, sentence, paragraph or page).


Moves the cursor to the previous element.


Remembers a cursor location.

GOTOBOOKMARK Returns the cursor to a previous bookmark location. POSITION

Moves the cursor to the given location.

• Find and replace commands FIND

Searches for the text that matches the specified string.

FINDCHANGE Searches for and replaces text. FINDNEXT

Moves to the next occurrence of the current search string.

• Other text-related commands TEXT

Allows text to be entered from within a macro.

LOWERCASE/UPPERCASE/SWAPCASE Swaps the case of a letter or letters. FONT

Changes fonts.


Undoes the last change.


Undoes the UNDO command.

• Window-related commands MOVEWINDOW

Changes the position of a window.


Changes the size of a window.


Changes both the size and position of a window.

WINDOWTOFRONT Moves a window to the front. WINDOWTOBACK

Moves a window behind all others.


Shrinks a window if zoom gadgets are supported.


Unshrinks a window.

• Telecommunications commands BAUD

Sets the baud rate.


Sets the parity.

STOPBITS Sets the number of stop bits.

Chapter 10 — ARexx Standards


Sets the duplex mode.

PROTOCOL Sets the upload/download protocol. SENDFILE

Sends a file.


Opens a capture buffer to receive a file.


Dials a phone number.


Redials the last phone number.


Sends a text string.


Waits for a text string.


Sets the timeout value for waits.

Function Hosts and Libraries If you plan on implementing a function host or a function library (as described in Chapters 11 and 12), please keep the following fact in mind: Once added to the Library List, the functions in a function host/library are immediately available to all other ARexx programs. When implementing a host/library it's therefore important to be careful in choosing function names to minimize the chances of conflict. In particular, don't use names of built-in functions or functions in the ARexx support library.



Function Hosts This chapter discusses how to implement function hosts in C using the SimpleRexx interface.

Function Host Implementation A function host is an application which will accept ARexx function calls, and they are simple to implement. But first, let's summarize what was discussed in Chapters 2 and 3: • When an ARexx program comes across a function call, it first searches for internal or built-in functions that match the function name. • If no match is made, ARexx then searches each function host or function library in the Library List, starting with the library or host of highest priority. • Each function library is called through a special dispatch point to see if it supports a given function. Each function host is sent a message to which it must reply. • The search continues until a library or host is found with a matching function, or until the end of the Library List is reached. • Then external ARexx programs are searched for. As you might suspect by now, a function host is merely an application with an ARexx port that knows how to deal with function call messages! Why use a function host as opposed to a function library? A function host can be used in situations when a shared library cannot. A function host is also another way of adding features to an application that already has an ARexx port: the application can then accept both commands and function calls. Unlike a function library, however, a function host must be explicitly started before it can process any messages. SimpleRexx can be used to implement a function host, as the example at the end of this chapter demonstrates. Your function host can use the AddFuncHost() and RemFuncHost() functions to add or remove itself from the Library List, or you can let ARexx programs do it themselves using ADDLIB() and REMLIB().

What's My Call? The message a function host receives is nothing mysterious: it's a RexxMsg structure with an RXFUNC action code and the RXFF_RESULT modifier flag set. The function name is an



Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

argstring in ARG0, and the parameters (if any) are found in ARG1 to ARG15, with the number of arguments passed stored in the the low order byte of the rm_Action field. Don't be surprised if this seems familiar — didn't we already state that the resident process was also a function host? A function host has complete control over any function invocation request it receives. It must examine the string in ARG0 to determine if it supports the requested function, and if it doesn't it should reply to the message immediately to allow the search through the Library List to continue. — Rejecting a request

If your function host does not support the requested function, it should set the rm_Result1 field to RC_WARN (5) and the rm_Result2 field to 1 before replying to the message. The search will then continue with the next function host or function library in the Library List.

It's important for your function host to process function requests — or at least any rejections — as quickly as possible to avoid delaying an ARexx program. Of course, the program that sent a request isn't necessarily an ARexx program (it might be a host application), but you should assume it is.

Function Implementation Once your host determines that it does in fact support the requested function (perhaps by comparing the string in ARG0 to a list of strings in a table), the host must then execute the code that implements the function. This code can do whatever you want it to. Eventually, however, the original message must be replied to and a result string returned. Set the rm_Result1 field to zero, convert the result string into an argstring and store it in rm_Result2 — the same way a host application returns command results. The contents of the result string depend on the nature of the function, of course. The name of the function to call will be stored in ARG0. Remember that in most cases the function name will be in uppercase because function calls in REXX are usually done with symbols and not strings, and symbol names are always converted to uppercase. To be safe, your matching routine should be case-insensitive. The arguments to your function will be found in the fifteen argument fields after ARG0. The actual number of arguments passed can be had by checking the rm_Action field: nargs = ( msg->rm_Action & RXARGMASK );

You function code should ensure that the correct number and types of arguments have been passed to it. Note that one or more of the rm_ArgsentrismaybNUL,whcseyou should use a default value for that argument. If an error occurs while processing your function (this includes checking for the correct number of arguments), set rm_Result1 to RC_ERROR (10)andreplytohck(vaue in rm_Result2 is ignored). The ARexx program that made the function call will receive an error return from function error.

Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

If the function terminates correctly, set rm_Result1 to RC_OK (0), store the result string in rm_Result2 and reply to the message.

Summary Here are some code fragments that outline the steps involved in receiving and processing ARexx function invocation requests: 1. When a message arrives, retrieve it from the ARexx port. msg = (struct RexxMsg *) GetMsg( port );

2. Make sure it's a function invocation message by checking for the RXFUNC action code. if( ( msg->rm_Action & RXCODEMASK ) == RXFUNC ) { /* process the function invocation */ }

3. Check the function name in ARG0 against the list of functions you support. In most cases the comparisons should be case-insensitive. If you don't support the function, set rm_Result1 to RC_WARN, set rm_Result2 to 1 and then immediately reply to the message. 4. Otherwise execute the code for the requested function. The number of parameters is given by: nargs = ( msg->rm_Action & RXARGMASK );

and the arguments themselves are stored in ARG1, ARG2, and so on. 5. When done, set the return code to zero (RC_OK): msg->rm_Result1 = (LONG) RC_OK;

and if a result was requested (you should always check for the RXFF_RESULT flag first), create and store a result string: if( ( msg->rm_Action & RXFF_RESULT ) != 0 && msg->rm_Result1 == RC_OK



msg->rm_Result2 = (LONG) CreateArgstring(



6. Reply to the message. ReplyMsg( (struct Message *) msg );

A Function Host Skeleton The listings that follow implement a simple function host, RGB, for setting and retrieving the values of the Amiga's colour registers. When started, the function host opens a port named "RGB" and accepts the following function calls from an ARexx program: • GETRGB( register ) returns the current value of the given colour register as a triplet

of comma-separated RGB values.



Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

• SETRGB( register, r, g, b ) store a new RGB value in the given register and returns a boolean result. • RESETCOLOURS() or RESETCOLORS() will reset the colour register values to what they were when the function host was started and returns a boolean result. • QUITRGB() terminates the function host and returns a boolean result. Listing 16 is a set of general-purpose routines for implementing a function host using the SimpleRexx module described in Chapter 9, while Listing 17 is the actual implementation of the RGB host that demonstrates the use of those routines. The following makefile for Aztec C will compile the RGB host:

# Manx Aztec C makefile for 'active'.


= = = = = = = =

cc ln

-lc arexx.h arexxsyslib.h simplerexx.h funchost.h rgb rgb.o funchost.o simplerexx.o

# Target

all: $(EXE) @echo "Done"

# rgb

rgb: $(OBJS) $(LN) $(LNOPTS) -o rgb $(OBJS) $(LNLIBS) rgb.o: rgb.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) rgb.c funchost.o: funchost.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) funchost.c simplerexx.o: simplerexx.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) simplerexx.c

The equivalent lmkfile for SAS/C is:

Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

# SAS/C lmkfile for 'active'.


= = = = =

lc arexx.h arexxsyslib.h simplerexx.h funchost.h rgb rgb.o funchost.o simplerexx.o

# Target

all: $(EXE) @echo "Done"

# rgb

rgb: $(OBJS) blink lib:c.o, $(OBJS) to rgb lib lib:lc.lib rgb.o: rgb.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) rgb.c funchost.o: funchost.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) funchost.c simplerexx.o: simplerexx.c $(H) $(CC) $(CCOPTS) simplerexx.c

Both files assume that all files, including the SimpleRexx files, are in the same directory.

Listing 15: funchost.h #ifndef FUNCHOST_H_INCLUDED #define FUNCHOST_H_INCLUDED #define FH_ERR_PARMS 17 typedef struct fh_entry{ char *name; int min_args; int max_args; void (*fp)( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ); } fh_entry; extern fh_entry *FH_Match( struct RexxMsg *msg, fh_entry *list, BOOL (*cmp)( char *, char * ) );



Chapter 11-- Function Hosts

extern fh_entry *FH_MatchMixed( struct RexxMsg *msg, fh_entry *list ); extern fh_entry *FH_MatchExact( struct RexxMsg *msg, fh_entry *list ); extern BOOL extern BOOL extern BOOL

FH_NotFound( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ); FH_OKReturn( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg, char *result ); FH_ErrReturn( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg );


Listing 16: funchost.c /* * Skeleton code for an ARexx function host.

* * This file uses the SimpleRexx module for the ARexx interface, so * you should link it with the simplerexx.c file.

*/ #include <ctype.h> #include "arexx.h" #include "arexxsyslib.h" #include "simplerexx.h" #include "funchost.h" static BOOL StrEq( char *a, char *b ); static BOOL StrIEq( char *a, char *b );


*/*FHMatch -- Given a message, search for the matching function.

fh_entry *FH_Match( struct RexxMsg *msg, fh_entry *list, BOOL (*cmp)( char *, char * ) )

{ if( !mpg || !list || !cmp ) return( NULL ); if( IsARexxReply( msg ) ) return( NULL ); if( ( msg->rm_Action & RXCODEMASK ) != RXFUNC ) return( NULL ); /* Now search through the function list. Long tables should use a binary search instead. */ for( ; list->name != NULL; ++list ) if( cmp( (char *) msg->rm_Args[0], list->name ) ) return( list );

Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

return( NULL ); } /* * FH_MatchMixed -- Match a function against a list using a case-insensitive matching function. */ fh_entry *FH_MatchMixed( struct RexxMsg *msg, fh_entry *list ) { return( FH_Match( msg, list, StrIEq ) ); } /* * FH_MatchExact -- Match a function using an exact matching function. */ fh_entry *FH_MatchExact( struct RexxMsg *msg, fh_entry *list ) { return( FH_Match( msg, list, StrEq ) ); } /* * FH_NotFound -- Reply to a message and set the codes so that the search can continue. */ BOOL FH_NotFound( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { return( ReplyARexxMsg( context, msg, RC_WARN, NULL, 1 ) ); } /* * FH_OKReturn -- Reply to a message and set the result string. */ BOOL FH_OKReturn( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg, char *result ) { return( ReplyARexxMsg( context, msg, RC_OK, result, 0 ) ); } /* * FH_ErrReturn -- Reply to a message with an error so that the search does NOT continue. */ BOOL FH_ErrReturn( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { return( ReplyARexxMsg( context, msg, RC_ERROR, NULL, 12 ) ); }



Chapter 11 - Function Hosts

/* * StrEq -- Returns TRUE if two strings match. */ static BOOL StrEq( char *a, char *b ) { return( strcmp( a, b ) == 0 ); } /*

* StrIEq -- Like StrEq, but case-insensitive. */ static BOOL StrIEq( char *a, char *b ) { #ifdef LATTICE return( stricmp( a, b ) == 0 ); #else while( *a != NULLCHAR && *b != NULLCHAR ) { if( tolower( *a ) != tolower( *b ) ) return( FALSE ); ++a; ++b; } return( *a == *b ); #endif }

Listing 17: rgb.c /* * RGB -- Function host example. Link with funchost.c and simplerexx.c. * * This file implements a function host which can be used to get * and set colour register values. It adds itself to the ARexx * Library List when started and removes itself when it quits. */ #include #include #include #include

"arexx.h" "arexxsyslib.h" "simplerexx.h" "funchost.h"

#include <graphics/gfx.h> #include <intuition/intuition.h> #if defined( INCLUDES_2 ) #include <clib/intuition_protos.h> #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>

Chapter 11 -- Function Hosts

#elif defined( AZTEC_C ) #include <clib/intuition_protos.h> #include <clib/graphics_protos.h> #elif defined( LATTICE ) || defined( __SASC ) #include <proto/intuition.h> #include <proto/graphics.h> #endif #define ArgValue(msg,arg) ((msg)->rm_Args[arg]==NULL?"0":(msg)->rm_Args[arg]) /* * Setup the list of functions this host supports. */ static static static static

void void void void

SetColour( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ); GetColour( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ); ResetColours( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ); QuitRGB( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg );

static fh_entry FunctionList[] = { 4, 4, SetColour, "SetRGB", 1, 1, GetColour, "GetRGB", "ResetColours", 0, 0, ResetColours, "ResetColors", 0, 0, ResetColours, 0, 0, QuitRGB, "QuitRGB", NULL }; /* * Variables. */ struct GfxBase struct IntuitionBase ARexxContext struct Window struct ViewPort int

*GfxBase *IntuitionBase Context *DummyWin *WbVP NumColours

= NULL; = NULL; = NULL; = NULL; = NULL; = 0;

/* We'll open a dummy window so we can locate the Workbench screen. * This also forces the screen to stay open... */ static struct NewWindow DummyNewWin = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, WBENCHSCREEN }; static UWORD SaveColours[32];



Chapter 11 -- Function Hosts

/* * Our exit function */ static void

Quit( char *str );

/* * main -- Open an ARexx context, then wait for messages. */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { *which; fh_entry signals; ULONG struct RexxMsg *msg; nargs; LONG int i; GfxBase = (void *) OpenLibrary( (UBYTE *) "graphics.library", 0 ); if( !GfxBase ) Quit( "RGB: Could not open graphics library." ); IntuitionBase = (void *) OpenLibrary( (UBYTE *) "intuition.library", 0 ); if( !IntuitionBase ) Quit( "RGB: Could not open intuition library." ); DummyWin = OpenWindow( &DummyNewWin ); if( !DummyWin ) Quit( "RGB: Could not open dummy window." ); /* Get and save the current colourmap */ = &DummyWin->WScreen->ViewPort; WbVP NumColours = 4; if( WbVP->ColorMap ) NumColours = WbVP->ColorMap->Count; for( i = 0; i < NumColours; ++i ) SaveColours[i] = GetRGB4( WbVP->ColorMap, i ); /* Note: only one function host should ever be running, so we try to open our ARexx port in 'single' mode only. */ Context = ARexxInit( "RGB", NULL, FALSE ); if( !Context ) Quit( "RGB: Could not open an ARexx port." );

Chapter 11— Function Hosts

AddFuncHost( Context, 0 ); while( 1 ) { signals = Wait( ARexxSignal( Context ) | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ); if( signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ) Quit( "RGB: Break caught." ); while( ( msg = GetARexxMsg( Context ) ) != NULL ) { which = FH_MatchMixed( msg, FunctionList ); if( which ) { nargs = ( msg->rm_Action & RXARGMASK ); if( nargs < which->min_args || nargs > which->max_args ) FH_ErrReturn( Context, msg ); else which->fp( Context, msg ); } else FH_NotFound( Context, msg ); } } Quit( NULL ); } /* * Quit -- Clean up. */ static void Quit( char *str ) { if( str ) puts( str ); puts( "RGB: Exiting." ); if( Context ) { RemFuncHost( Context ); Delay( 50 ); /* Wait a bit... */ ARexxFree( Context ); } if( DummyWin ) { if( NumColours ) LoadRGB4( WbVP, SaveColours, NumColours );



Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

CloseWindow( DummyWin ); } if( IntuitionBase ) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *) IntuitionBase ); if( GfxBase ) CloseLibrary( (struct Library *) GfxBase ); exit( 0 ); } /* * GetColour -- Get a colour for an RGB register. Returns a string of three digits separated by commas. */ static void GetColour( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { long reg; long rgb; static char buf[] = "xxx,xxx,xxx"; reg = (long) atoi( (char *) ArgValue( msg, 1 ) ); if( reg >= NumColours ) FH_OKReturn( context, msg, "0,0,0" ); rgb = (long) GetRGB4( WbVP->ColorMap, reg ); sprintf( buf, "%d,%d,%d", ( rgb & 0x0F00 ) >> 8, ( rgb & 0x00F0 ) >> 4, rgb & 0x000F ); FH_OKReturn( context, msg, buf ); } /* * SetColour -- Sets an RGB register. */

Returns a boolean value.

static void SetColour( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { long reg; UWORD r, g, b; reg = atoi( (char *) ArgValue( msg, 1 ) ); if( reg >= NumColours ) FH_OKReturn( context, msg, "0" ); r

= atoi( (char *) ArgValue( msg, 2 ) ) % 16;

Chapter 11 — Function Hosts

g = atoi( (char *) ArgValue( msg, 3 ) ) % 16; b = atoi( (char *) ArgValue( msg, 4 ) ) % 16; SetRGB4( WbVP, reg, r, g, b ); FH_OKReturn( context, msg, "1" ); } /* ResetColours -- Reset the colours to their original values. Returns a boolean result. */ void ResetColours( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { if( NumColours ) LoadRGB4( WbVP, SaveColours, NumColours ); FH_OKReturn( context, msg, "1" ); } /* QuitRGB -- Quits.

Returns a boolean value.

*/ static void QuitRGB( ARexxContext context, struct RexxMsg *msg ) { FH_OKReturn( context, msg, "1" ); Quit(} NULL );



Function Libraries All that's left now are ARexx function libraries, and this chapter shows you how to create your own libraries using either Aztec C or SAS/C, with minimal assembly language coding required.

Function Library Implementation Like function hosts, function libraries add functionality to an ARexx program. Unlike function hosts, function libraries require much more care in their creation.

Shared Libraries An ARexx function library is a standard Amiga shared library that follows the conventions described in this chapter. Specifics on general library creation can be found in Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries, but to summarize: • All programs using a shared library are sharing the same code — only one copy of a shared library is in memory. • A program must call the OpenLibrary() function before calling any of the functions in the shared library. If the library is not already in memory, it will be loaded from the LIBS: directory. • OpenLibrary() returns a pointer to a library base, which is used (via compiler #pragma statements) to call the functions in the library. A jump table is found at

negative offsets from the library base. Each function in the shared library that is callable from an external program has a slot in the jump table (the offsets are given as part of the #pragma statements), and four of those slots are reserved for use by Exec. The first free slot is at offset -30. • When done with the library, a program calls CloseLibrary(). If the system is low on memory and no programs are using a particular shared library, Exec will expunge the library to free up more memory. Setting up a shared library requires some assembly language coding, but both the Aztec and SAS compilers supply library entry and initialization files that do the dirty work for you, which includes setting up the offset slots that are required by Exec. All you have to do is write the library functions and define the library identification data (a name, a revision number, and a version string).



Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

Installing New Shared Libraries A program accesses a shared library by using the Exec OpenLibrary() function. If the library isn't already in memory, it will first be loaded from the LIBS: directory. Once in memory, a shared library will not be unloaded (expunged) until all the programs that have accessed the library call CloseLibrary() and memory is running low. So when you're developing a shared library, installing a new version of the library in LIBS: isn't enough - you must also expunge the in-memory copy if you want any changes you made to take effect. Under 2.0, you can force an expunge of all non-open libraries by typing: avail flush at the Shell (CLI) prompt. Earlier versions of AmigaDOS have no equivalent option, but the same effect can be achieved in one of two ways. The first way is to use the stack command to set your stack to a very large value and then immediately reset it to the normal value you use: stack 20000000 ; huge! ! stack 10000 ; use your normal value here

The second way is to modify your s:startup sequence file to load the Workbench in debugging mode: -

loadwb -debug

which adds two hidden menu items to the Workbench menubar, one of which ("flush libs" ) expunges any non-opened libraries.

Reentrancy A shared library has its own dataspace, but can be called at any time by any number of programs. If possible, you should make your function library reentrant, with modifiable data allocated dynamically or off the stack. If you need to change global data, you should ensure that your function library has a lockout mechanism to allow only one program to access the library at a time, otherwise your data's integrity may be compromised. The example library in this chapter is reentrant. Accessing Other Libraries If you wish to access non-Exec functions (Intuition and AmigaDOS functions, for example) from within your library, you must first open the appropriate shared li brary. The function library skeleton at the end of this chapter shows you one way to do this, because it must access the ARexx system library functions. Another way to do this would be to modify the library startup code to open the required libraries when the function library is first opened and to store the library base pointers in the function library's base pointer structure. The latter method requires extensive modification of the library startup code and is not presented here.

IMPORTANT: Many of the C functions in your compiler's standard library are not reen trant!

Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

The Dispatch Function As far as ARexx is concerned, a function library only has one entry point — the dispatch function (sometimes called the query function). The offset of the dispatch function in the function library is passed to ARexx when the library is first installed in the Library List. The dispatch function will be called by ARexx when the latter is searching for a function. The dispatch function will then compare the data ARexx passes it against a list of functions it supports. If found, the dispatch function will then call that function directly. Otherwise an error code is passed back so that ARexx can continue searching the Library List. The data passed to the dispatch function is a pointer to a RexxMsg structure following the same conventions as the messages passed to a function host. The difference in this case is that the message is passed to the function library directly instead of being sent to a message port. As with function hosts, the name of the function is found in ARG0 and any arguments in ARG1 to ARG15. (Remember to watch out for null pointers, which indicate an omitted argument — use a reasonable default value for these. Always check the action field for the actual number of arguments.) Unlike function hosts, however, the return code and result string are passed back to ARexx by storing them in assembly language registers.

Register Conventions The examples in this chapter take care of setting the assembly language registers properly for use by ARexx, but for those that are interested in the details: • When the dispatch function is called, register A0 holds the RexxMsg pointer, and register A6 holds the library base pointer. • When the dispatch function returns, register D0 must hold the integer return code. If D0 is zero, register A0 must hold a result string. Result strings should always be created with the CreateArgstring() function, hence an ARexx function library must also access the ARexx system library.

Setting Results If an ARexx function library does not support a function, the dispatch function should set register D0 to 1 and return as quickly as possible to allow the function search to continue. No result string should be set in this case. If an error occurs while executing a function, return an error code (greater than 1) in D0. Otherwise, supported functions should set D0 to zero and always return a result string in register A0. ARexx will return the result string as the result of the function.

Creating Function Libraries With SAS/C Note: The instructions in this section apply exclusively to the SAS/C compiler. Here are the simple steps required to build an ARexx function library:



Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

1. The SAS/C compiler includes two files for creating shared libraries, libent.a and libinit.c (they are found in the source directory of the 5.10 compiler). Copy these files into the directory where you are building your function library. (Don't change the original files.) 2. No modifications need to be made to either file except to adjust the MYREVISION macro whenever you create a new version of your library. 3. Create the file sasglue.a as shown in Listing 18. This is the dispatch function that ARexx will be calling. All it does is push parameters onto the stack and then call a C function we will be defining shortly. 4. Create the file arexxlib.fd with these five lines: ##base _ARLibBase ##bias 30 ##public Dispatch(msg)(A0) ##end 5. Create the file arexxlib.c as shown in Listing 24, and the header file arexxlib.h as shown in Listing 23. This is a skeleton for you to modify. The dispatch function in sasglue.a will call the ARLibDispatch() function with the RexxMsg pointer as the first parameter and a pointer to a string pointer as the second parameter. ARLibDispatch() is described in detail below. 6. Create an linkfile as shown in Listing 19. Modify the ID macro to hold an appropriate identifer string. 7. Invoke link to create the function library, arexxlib.library. Copy it to the LIBS: directory before using it. Adding functions to the function library is merely a matter of modifying the skeleton file, arexxlib.c. The FunctionList array holds the names of the functions the library supports, the minimum and maximum number of arguments to those functions, and a C function that implements the function. Modify this list to add your own functions. Each C function listed in this table should have the following prototype: LONG MyFunc( struct Library *RexxSysBase, struct RexxMsg *msg, char **result_string ); When ARLibDispatch() is called, it will search through the list of function names in FunctionList. If a match is found, it calls the entry's C function with the ARexx system library base pointer in the first parameter, the RexxMsg pointer in the second parameter, and a pointer to a string pointer as the last parameter. The C function must return an error code when it is done. If the error code is 0, then a result string should be set before leaving the function: *result_string = (char *) CreateArgstring( ... ); The result string will be passed back to the dispatch function, which will in turn store it in the A0 register before returning to ARexx. If no match is found, ARLibDispatch() returns 1 so that ARexx can continue searching other function libraries or function hosts.

Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

Creating Function Libraries With Aztec C Note: The instructions in this section apply exclusively to the Manx Aztec C compiler. Here are the simple steps required to build an ARexx function library: 1. The Manx Aztec C compiler includes two files for creating shared libraries, libstart.asm and libsup.c (they are found in the res._lib directory of the 5.0e compiler). Copy these files into the directory where you are building your function library. (Don't change the original files.) 2. Create the file aztecglue.asm as shown in Listing 20. This is the dispatch function that ARexx will be calling. All it does is push parameters onto the stack and then call a C function we will be defining shortly. 3. Modifications have to be made to libsup.c and the modified version is shown in Listing 21. Many of the changes are cosmetic: mylibbase becomes ARLibBase, and most of the functions are renamed. The important modification is to add our assembly language dispatch routine, Dispatch, to the LibFuncTab table. You should also modify the MYREVISION macro, and the myname and myid strings as appropriate. 4. Although it isn't necessary for creating the library itself, you should create the file arexxlib.fd with these five lines: ##base _ARLibBase ##bias 30 ##public Dispatch(msg)(A0) ##end 5. Create the file arexxlib.c as shown in Listing 24, and the header file arexxlib.h as shown in Listing 23. This is a skeleton for you to modify. The dispatch function in aztecglue.a will call the ARLibDispatch() function with the RexxMsg pointer as the first parameter and a pointer to a string pointer as the second parameter. ARLibDispatch() is described in detail below. 6. Create a makefile as shown in Listing 22. 7. Invoke make to create the function library, arexxlib.library. Copy it to the LIBS: directory before using it. Adding functions to the function library is merely a matter of modifying the skeleton file, arexxlib.c. The FunctionList array holds the names of the functions the library supports, the minimum and maximum number of arguments to those functions, and a C function that implements the function. Modify this list to add your own functions. Each C function listed in this table should have the following prototype: LONG MyFunc( struct Library *RexxSysBase, struct RexxMsg *msg, char **result_string ); When ARLibDispatch() is called, it will search through the list of function names in FunctionList. If a match is found, it calls the entry's C function with the ARexx system library base pointer in the first parameter, the RexxMsg pointer in the second parameter,



Chapter 12 -- Function Libraries

and a pointer to a string pointer as the last parameter. The C function must return an error code when it is done. If the error code is 0, then a result string should be set before leaving the function: *result_string = (char *) CreateArgstring(


The result string will be passed back to the dispatch function, which will in turn store it in the A0 register before returning to ARexx. If no match is found, ARLibDispatch() returns 1 so that ARexx can continue searching other function libraries or function hosts.

Listing 18: sasglue.a (SAS only) ; sasglue.a • • • •

This is the actual dispatch routine that will be called. It pushes arguments on the stack and then calls our C dispatch function, storing the result string in A0. Link this with libent.a and the C code for the library. ; section code xref

LIBDispatch: movem.l subq.l move.l move.l jsr addq.l movea.l movem.l rts xdef


d2/d3/d4-d7/a2-a6,-(sp) #4,sp sp,-(sp) a0,-(sp) ARLibDispatch #8,sp (sp)+,a0

; Create temporary variable ; Push return pointer ; Push argument ; D0 = error code ; Restore stack ; Result string




Listing 19: lmkfile (SAS only) # SAS/C lmkfile for creating an ARexx function library called # 'arexxlib.library'

PREFIX= _LIB ID = "mylib 1.0 (May 91)\r\n"

# prefix for library functions # ID string

Chapter 12

FD = arexxlib.fd LIBS = lib:lc.lib ARLIB = arexxlib.library


Function Libraries

# FD file # libraries to link with, if any # name of library

# Add object files to this list... OBJS = libent.o sasglue.o libinit.o arexxlib.o

# Create the library...


# Customize arexxlib.c to add your functions

arexxlib.o: arexxlib.c lc -ml -v -d_USEOLDEXEC_ arexxlib.c sasglue.o: sasglue.a asm -u sasglue.a

# Copy these files from the 'source' directory in your SAS volume

libinit.o: libinit.c lc -ml -v -d_USEOLDEXEC_ libinit.c libent.o: libent.a asm -u -iinclude: libent.a

Listing 20: aztecglue.asm (Aztec only) ; aztecglue.asm This is the A ctual dispatch routine that will be called. It pushes arguments on the stack and then calls our C dispatch function, storing the result string in A0. public _Dispatch public _ARLibDispatch public _geta4 _Dispatch:



Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

movem.l jsr subq.l move.l move.l jsr addq.l movea.l movem.l rts

d2/d3/d4-d7/a2-a6,-(sp) _geta4 #4,sp sp,-(sp) a0,-(sp) _ARLibDispatch #8,sp (sp)+,a0

; Create temporary variable ; Push return pointer ; Push argument ; D0 = error code ; Restore stack ; Result string



Listing 21: libsup.c (Aztec only)

/* * libsup.c -- Support routines for setting up an ARexx function library, based on the libsup. c file included with Aztec C.

* * The changes that have been made to this file are actually quite * minor, though we've renamed MyLibBase to ARLibBase... */ #include #include #include #include

"arexx.h" "arexxsyslib.h" "arexxlib.h" <exec/resident.h>

extern void myInit( void ); /* if you change this name, change libstart.asm */ LONG ARLibOpen( void ); LONG ARLibClose( void ); LONG ARLibExpunge( void ); #pragma amicall( ARLibBase, 0x06, ARLibOpen() ) #pragma amicall( ARLibBase, 0x0c, ARLibClose() ) #pragma amicall( ARLibBase, 0x12, ARLibExpunge() ) /* library initialization table, used for AUTOINIT libraries */ struct InitTable { unsigned long it_DataSize; void **it_FuncTable; void *it_DataInit; void (*it_InitFunc)( void );

}; void *LibFuncTab[] = { ARLibOpen, ARLibClose,

/* /* /* /*

library data space size */ table of entry points */ table of data initializers */ initialization function to run */

Chapter 12 — Function Libraries


ARLibExpunge, NULL, Dispatch, /* <==== Our dispatch routine */ (void *) -1L }; struct InitTable myInitTab = { sizeof( struct ARLibBase ), LibFuncTab, /* will initialize my data in funkymain() 0, myInit }; #define MYREVISION


/* would be nice to auto-increment this

char myname[] = "arexxlib.library"; = "My ARexx Library 1.0\r\n"; char myid[] extern struct Resident myRomTag;

* _main -- Called from myInit when the library is first loaded into memory. */ LONG _main( struct ARLibBase *ARLibBase, ULONG seglist ) { ARLibBase->ml_SegList = seglist; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Type = NT_LIBRARY; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name = (char *) myname; = LIBF_SUMUSED | LIBF_CHANGED; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Flags = myRomTag.rt_Version; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Version ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Revision = MYREVISION; = (APTR) myid; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_IdString }

/* ARLibOpen -- Increment the library open count and get rid of any delayed expunge flag. */ LONG ARLibOpen( void ) { struct ARLibBase *ARLibBase; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_OpenCnt++; ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Flags & = ~BF_DELEXP; return( (LONG) ARLibBase ); } /*




Chapter 12 -- Function Libraries

* ARLibClose -- Decrement the library open count, and expunge if no one has it open and the delayed expunge flag is set. */ LONG ARLibClose( void ) { struct ARLibBase *ARLibBase; retval = 0; LONG if( --ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_OpenCnt == 0 ){ if( ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Flags & LIBF_DELEXP ){ retval = ARLibExpunge(); /* return segment list } }


return( retval ); } /* * ARLibExpunge -- Remove the library if no one is using it, otherwise mark it for a delayed expunge. */ LONG ARLibExpunge( void ) { *ARLibBase; struct ARLibBase unsigned long seglist = 0; libsize; long extern struct Library *DOSBase; if( ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_OpenCnt == 0 ){ seglist = ARLibBase->ml_SegList; Remove( &ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Node ); libsize =ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_NegSize+ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_PosSize; FreeMem( (char *)ARLibBase-ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_NegSize, libsize ); CloseLibrary(DOSBase); /* keep the counts even */ } else { ARLibBase->ml_Lib.lib_Flags |= LIBF_DELEXP; }

return( (LONG) seglist );

Listing 22: }makefile (Aztec only) # Sample Aztec C makefile for building an ARexx function library called # 'arexxlib.library'.

Chapter 12窶認unction Libraries

.c.o: cc $(CFLAGS) -o $0 $*.c .asm.o: as -icc:asm -o $0 $*.asm

# Important: don't change these flags unless you know what you're doing! # In particular, -sn and -so cause problems... CFLAGS=-r6 -safmpr

# Add your object files here.

OBJ = libstart.o aztecglue.o libsup.o arexxlib.o arexxlib.library: $(OBJ) ln -o arexxlib.library $(OBJ) -lc install: copy arexxlib.library libs: clean: delete arexxlib.library

Listing 23: arexxlib.h (SAS and Aztec) /* * arexxlib.h */ #ifndef AREXXLIB_H_INCLUDED #define AREXXLIB_H_INCLUDED #include <exec/libraries.h> #ifndef AREXXSYSLIB_H_INCLUDED #include "arexxsyslib.h" #endif typedef struct fl_entry { char *name; int min_args; int max_args; LONG (*fp)( struct Library *, struct RexxMsg *, char ** ); } fl_entry; #if defined( AZTEC_C )



Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

extern LONG ARLibDispatch( struct RexxMsg *msg, char **result_string ); extern LONG Dispatch( struct RexxMsg *msg ); #pragma amicall( ARLibBase, Ox1e, Dispatch( a0 ) ) struct ARLibBase { struct Library ml_Lib; unsigned long ml_SegList; long ml_value; }; #elif defined( LATTICE ) || defined( __SASC ) extern LONG __saveds __stdargs ARLibDispatch( struct RexxMsg *msg, char **blart ); #endif #endif

Listing 24: arexxlib.c (SAS and Aztec)

/* * arexxlib.c -- Skeleton code for creating an ARexx function library. This file is common to both SAS/C and Manx Aztec C. */ #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "arexx.h" #include "arexxsyslib.h" #include "arexxlib.h" #if defined( LATTICE ) || defined( __SASC ) #define AREXXDISPATCH LONG __saveds __stdargs #else #define AREXXDISPATCH LONG #endif #define NULLCHAR '\0' #define PROG_NOT_FOUND ERR10_001 #define BAD_NUM_ARGS ERR10_017 #define FUNC_ERR ERR10_012 static BOOL StrEq( char *a, char *b ); static BOOL StrIEq( char *a, char *b ); static LONG TestFunc( struct Library *RexxSysBase, struct RexxMsg *msg, char **result _string )

Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

{ *result_string = (char *) CreateArgstring( "blart", 5 ); return( RC_OK ); }

static LONG Test2( struct Library *RexxSysBase, struct RexxMsg *msg, char **result_string ) { char *str; str = (char *) msg->rm_Args[1]; *result_string = (char *) CreateArgstring( str, strlen( str ) ); return( RC_OK ); }

fl_entry FunctionList[] = { { "testf", 0, 0, TestFunc }, { "testg", 1, 1, Test2 }, { NULL } }; /* * ARLibDispatch -- This is the "query" function for the function library. It receives a function request in the form of an RXFUNC message. It returns the return code in D0 and an argstring, if any, in A0.

*/ AREXXDISPATCH ARLibDispatch( struct RexxMsg *msg, char **result_string ) {

fl_entry *fl; LONG retval; int nargs; struct Library *RexxSysBase; *result_string = NULL; if( !msg || msg->rm_Action & RXCODEMASK ) != RXFUNC ) return( PROG_NOT_FOUND ); RexxSysBase = (void *) OpenLibrary( (UBYTE *) "rexxsyslib.library", 0L ); if( !RexxSysBase ) return( PROG_NOT_FOUND ); for( fl = FunctionList; fl->name != NULL; ++fl ) if( StrIEq( (char *) msg->rm_Args[0], fl->name ) ) break;



Chapter 12 — Function Libraries

if( fl ){ nargs = ( msg->rm_Action & RXARGMASK ); if( nargs < fl->min_args || nargs > fl->max_args ) retval = BAD_NUM_ARGS; else retval = fl->fp( RexxSysBase, msg, result_string ); } else { retval = PROG_NOT_FOUND; } /* A function call should always return an argstring if it returns 0 */ if( retval == RC_OK && *result_string == NULL ) *result_string = (char *) CreateArgstring( "", 0 ); CloseLibrary( RexxSysBase ); return( retval ); } /* * StrEq -- Returns TRUE if two strings match. */ static BOOL StrEq( char *a, char *b ) { return( strcmp( a, b ) == 0 ); } /* * StrIEq -- Like StrEq, but case-insensitive. */ static BOOL StrIEq( char *a, char *b ) { #ifdef LATTICE return( stricmp( a, b ) == 0 ); #else while( *a != NULLCHAR && *b != NULLCHAR ){ if( tolower( *a ) != tolower( *b ) ) return( FALSE ); ++a; ++b; } return( *a == *b ); #endif }




ARexx Language Quick Reference ADDRESS [ [symbol | string] [expression]

| [VALUE expression] ]

Specifies a host address for sending commands. Can also be used to send a command to a host without changing the current host address.

ARG [template [, template ... ] ] A shorthand form of PARSE UPPER ARG.


Exits from the current DO instruction (even if non-iterative) or from within an INTERPRETed string. Compare to LEAVE.

CALL name [ expression [, expression ... ] ]

Invokes an internal or external function. The function name may be a string or a literal symbol. Any expressions that follow are evaluated and passed to the function as its arguments. The value returned by the function is stored in the RESULT variable.

DO [var = expr [TO expr] [BY expr]] [FOR expr] [FOREVER] [WHILE expr | UNTIL expr]

Begins a block of instructions that are to be executed as a group. The block ends with an END instruction.

DROP variable [variable ...]

The specified symbols are reset to their uninitialized states.

ECHO [expression]



Appendix A — ARexx Language Quick Reference

A synonym for the SAY instruction.

ELSE [;] [conditional statement]

The alternative conditional branch of an IF statement.

END [variable]

Terminates the range of a DO or SELECT instruction. The optional variable will be compared to the index variable of the iterative DO statement.

EXIT [expression]

Terminates the ARexx program and returns the result of the expression to the caller.

IF expression THEN [;] [conditional statement]

Test the given expression and executes the conditional statement if the expression returns 1.

INTERPRET expression

Evaluates the expression and then executes the resulting string.

ITERATE [variable]

Terminates the current iteration of a DO instruction and begins the next iteration. LEAVE [variable]

Terminates the execution of the iterative DO instruction. The optional variable can be used to exit from within nested loops.


Does nothing. Provided as a placeholder for use with certain instructions.


Sets options relating to the current numeric precision and format.


Appendix A -- ARexx Language Quick Reference

Sets various internal defaults. The FAILAT expression sets the limit at or above which command return codes will be signalled as errors. The PROMPT expression provides the prompt to be used with the PULL instruction. The RESULTS keyword requests result strings from host applications when sent a command. The CACHE keyword controls the state of the internal statement cache. The NO keyword can be used with all these options to reset the various defaults.

OTHERWISE [;] [conditional statement]

Specifies the statement to be executed when all the WHEN clauses of a SELECT instruction have failed.

PARSE [UPPER] inputsource [template [, template ... ]]

Used to extract one or more substrings from a string and assign them to a variable. PROCEDURE [EXPOSE variable [variable ...]]

Used within an internal function to create a new symbol table. All variables altered by the function will not be altered in the caller's environment, except for those that are explictly EXPOSEd.

PULL [template [, template ... ]]

Shorthand for PARSE UPPER PULL.

PUSH [expression]

Stacks the expression onto the STDIN stream.

QUEUE [expression]

Like PUSH, but queues expressions in a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order. RETURN [expression]

Exits a function (or the program if not in a function) and returns the given expression as a result.

SAY [expression]

The result of the expression is written to the output console with a newline character appended.




Appendix A — ARexx Language Quick Reference

Begins a group of WHEN instructions that are evaluated in turn until one succeeds. If none succeed, an options OTHERWISE instruction is evaluated.

SHELL [symbol | string] [expression]

A synonym for the ADDRESS instruction.

SIGNAL [ON | OFF] condition SIGNAL [VALUE] expression

Controls the state of internal interrupt flags or transfers control to the label given by the expression.

THEN [;] [conditional statement]

The conditional statement is evaluated if the preceding IF or WHEN expression evaluated to 1.

TRACE [symbol | string | [ [VALUE] expression] ]

Sets the internal tracing mode.

UPPER variable [variable ...]

Converts the given variable values into uppercase.

WHEN expression THEN [; ] [conditional statement]

Similar to IF, but only valid within a SELECT instruction. Each WHEN expression is evaluated in turn until one of them returns 1, in which case the conditional statement is evaluated and all other WHEN statements are skipped.


ARexx Error Messages When the ARexx interpreter detects an error in a program, it returns an error code to indicate the nature of the problem. Errors are normally handled by displaying the error code, the source line number where the error occurred, and a brief message explaining the error condition. Unless the SYNTAX interrupt has been previously enabled (using the SIGNAL instruction), the program then terminates and control returns to the caller. Most syntax and execution errors can be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt, allowing the user to retain control and perform whatever special error processing is required. Certain errors are generated outside of the context of an ARexx program, and therefore cannot be trapped by this mechanism. Associated with each error code is a severity level that is reported to the calling program as the primary result code. The error code itself is returned as the secondary result. The subsequent propagation or reporting of these codes is of course dependent on the external (calling) program. The following pages list all of the currently-defined error codes, along with the associated severity level and message string. Error: 1 Severity: 5 Message: Program not found

The named program could not be found, or was not an ARexx program. ARexx programs are expected to start with a "/*" sequence. This error is detected by the external interface and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 2 Severity: 10 Message: Execution halted

A control-C break or an external halt request was received and the program terminated. This error will be trapped if the HALT interrupt has been enabled. Error: 3 Severity: 20 Message: Insufficient memory

The interpreter was unable to allocate enough memory for an operation. Since memory space is required for all parsing and execution operations, this error cannot usually be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 4 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid character

A non-ASCII character was found in the program. Control codes and other non-ASCII characters may be used in a program by defining them as hex or binary strings. This is a



Appendix B — ARexx Error Messages

scan phase error and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 5 Severity: 10 Message: Unmatched quote A closing single or double quote was missing. Check that each string is properly delimited.

This is a scan phase error and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 6 Severity: 10 Message: Unterminated comment

The closing "*/" for a comment field was not found. Remember that comments may be nested, so each "/*" must be matched by a "*/." This is a scan phase error and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 7 Severity: 10 Message: Clause too long A clause was too long for the internal buffer used as temporary storage. The source line

in question should be broken into smaller parts. This is a scan phase error and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 8 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid token

An unrecognized lexical token was found, or a clause could not be properly classified. This is a scan phase error and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 9 Severity: 10 Message: Symbol or string too long

An attempt was made to create a string longer than the maximum supported by the interpreter. Error: 10 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid message packet

An invalid action code was found in a message packet sent to the ARexx resident process. The packet was returned without being processed. This error is detected by the external interface and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 11 Severity: 10 Message: Command string error A command string could not be processed. This error is detected by the external interface and cannot be trapped by the SYNTAX interrupt. Error: 12 Severity: 10 Message: Error return from function

An external function returned a non-zero error code. Check that the correct parameters were supplied to the function. Error: 13 Severity: 10 Message: Host environment not found

The message port corresponding to a host address string could not be found. Check that the required external host is active. Error: 14 Severity: 10 Message: Requested library not found An attempt was made to open a function library included in the Library List, but the library

could not be opened. Check that the correct name and version of the library were specified when the library was added to the resource list. Error: 15 Severity: 10 Message: Function not found A function was called that could not be found in any of the currently accessible libraries, and

could not be located as an external program. Check that the appropriate function libraries have been added to the Libraries List.

Appendix B -- ARexx Error Messages

Error: 16 Severity: 10 Message: Function did not return value A function was called which failed to return a result string, but did not otherwise report an error. Check that the function was programmed correctly, or invoke it using the CALL

instruction. Error: 17 Severity: 10 Message: Wrong number of arguments A call was made to a function which expected more (or fewer) arguments. This error will

be generated if a Built-In or external function is called with more arguments than can be accomodated in the message packet used for external communications. Error: 18 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid argument to function

An inappropriate argument was supplied to a function, or a required argument was missing. Check the parameter requirements specified for the function. Error: 19 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid PROCEDURE A PROCEDURE instruction was issued in an invalid context. Either no internal functions were active, or a PROCEDURE had already been issued in the current storage environment. Error: 20 Severity: 10 Message: Unexpected THEN or WHEN A WHEN or THEN instruction was executed outside of a valid context. The WHEN instruction is valid only within a SELECT range, and THEN must be the next instruction following an IF or WHEN. Error: 21 Severity: 10 Message: Unexpected ELSE or OTHERWISE An ELSE or OTHERWISE was found outside of a valid context. The OTHERWISE instruction is valid only within a SELECT range. ELSE is valid only following the THEN branch of an IF

range. Error: 22 Severity: 10 Message: Unexpected BREAK, LEAVE, or ITERATE

The BREAK instruction is valid only within a DO range or inside an INTERPRETed string. The LEAVE and ITERATE instructions are valid only within an iterative DO range. Error: 23 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid statement in SELECT A invalid statement was encountered within a SELECT range. Only WHEN, THEN, and OTHERWISE statements are valid within a SELECT range, except for the conditional statements following THEN or OTHERWISE clauses. Error: 24 Severity: 10 Message: Missing or multiple THEN

An expected THEN clause was not found, or another THEN was found after one had already been executed. Error: 25 Severity: 10 Message: Missing OTHERWISE None of the WHEN clauses in a SELECT succeeded, but no OTHERWISE clause was supplied. Error: 26 Severity: 10 Message: Missing or unexpected END

The program source ended before an END was found for a DO or SELECT instruction, or an END was encountered outside of a DO or SELECT range. Error: 27 Severity: 10 Message: Symbol mismatch The symbol specified on an END, ITERATE, or LEAVE instruction did not match the index variable for the associated DO range. Check that the active loops have been nested properly.



Appendix B — ARexx Error Messages

Error: 28 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid DO syntax

An invalid DO instruction was executed. An initializer expression must be given if a TO or BY expression is specified, and a FOR expression must yield a non-negative integer result. Error: 29 Severity: 10 Message: Incomplete IF or SELECT An IF or SELECT range ended before all of the required statements were found. Check whether the conditional statement following a THEN, ELSE, or OTHERWISE clause was omitted. Error: 30 Severity: 10 Message: Label not found A label specified by a SIGNAL instruction, or implicitly referenced by an enabled interrupt, could not be found in the program source. Labels defined dynamically by an INTERPRET

instruction or by interactive input are not included in the search. Error: 31 Severity: 10 Message: Symbol expected A non-symbol token was found where only a symbol token is valid. The DROP, END, LEAVE, ITERATE, and UPPER instructions may only be followed by a symbol token, and will generate

this error if anything else is supplied. This message will also be issued if a required symbol is missing. Error: 32 Severity: 10 Message: Symbol or string expected

An invalid token was found in a context where only a symbol or string is valid. Error: 33 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid keyword A symbol token in an instruction clause was identified as a keyword, but was invalid in the

specific context. Error: 34 Severity: 10 Message: Required keyword missing

An instruction clause required a specific keyword token to be present, but it was not supplied. For example, this message will be issued if a SIGNAL ON instruction is not followed by one of the interrupt keywords (e.g. SYNTAX.) Error: 35 Severity: 10 Message: Extraneous characters

A seemingly valid statement was executed, but extra characters were found at the end of the clause. Error: 36 Severity: 10 Message: Keyword conflict

Two mutually exclusive keywords were included in an instruction clause, or a keyword was included twice in the same instruction. Error: 37 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid template

The template provided with an ARG, PARSE, or PULL instruction was not properly constructed. Error: 38 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid TRACE request

The alphabetic keyword supplied with a TRACE instruction or as the argument to the TRACE ( ) Built-In function was not valid. Error: 39 Severity: 10 Message: Uninitialized variable

An attempt was made to use an uninitialized variable while the NOVALUE interrupt was enabled.

Appendix B — ARexx Error Messages

Error: 40 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid variable name An attempt was made to assign a value to a fixed symbol. Error: 41 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid expression An error was detected during the evaluation an expression. Check that each operator has the correct number of operands, and that no extraneous tokens appear in the expression. This error will be detected only in expressions that are actually evaluated. No checking is performed on expressions in clauses that are being skipped. Error: 42 Severity: 10 Message: Unbalanced parentheses

An expression was found with an unequal number of opening and closing parentheses. Error: 43 Severity: 43 Message: Nesting limit exceeded

The number of subexpressions in an expression was greater than the maximum allowed. The expression should be simplified by breaking it into two or more intermediate expressions. Error: 44 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid expression result

The result of an expression was not valid within its context. For example, this message will be issued if an increment or limit expression in a DO instruction yields a non-numeric result. Error: 45 Severity: 10 Message: Expression required

An expression was omitted in a context where one is required. For example, the SIGNAL instruction, if not followed by the keywords ON or OFF, must be followed by an expression. Error: 46 Severity: 10 Message: Boolean value not 0 or 1

An expression result was expected to yield a Boolean result, but evaluated to something other than 0 or 1. Error: 47 Severity: 10 Message: Arithmetic conversion error

A non-numeric operand was used in a operation requiring numeric operands. This message will also be generated by an invalid hex or binary string. Error: 48 Severity: 10 Message: Invalid operand

An operand was not valid for the intended operation. This message will be generated if an attempt is made to divide by 0, or if a fractional exponent is used in an exponentiation operation.



Header Files These are the standard ARexx header files. You'll find them in the rexx subdirectory where your compiler header files are stored. For programs in this book, see also Listing 5 on page 90.

storage.h #ifndef REXX_STORAGE_H #define REXX_STORAGE_H /* ** $Filename: rexx/storage.h $ ** $Release: 2.0 revision 2$ ** $Revision: 1.2 $ ** $Date: 90/07/12 $ ** ** Header file to define ARexx data structures. ** ** (C) Copyright 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 William S. Hawes ** All Rights Reserved */ #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H #include "exec/types.h" #endif #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H #include "exec/nodes.h" #endif #ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H #include "exec/lists.h" #endif #ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H #include "exec/ports.h" #endif #ifndef EXEC_LIBRARIES_H #include "exec/libraries.h" #endif



Appendix C — Header Files

/* * * * *

The NexxStr structure is used to maintain the internal strings in REXX. It includes the buffer area for the string and associated attributes. This is actually a variable-length structure; it is allocated for a specific length string, and the length is never modified thereafter (since its used for recycling).

*/ struct NexxStr { ns_Ivalue; LONG UWORD ns_Length; ns_Flags; UBYTE ns_Hash; UBYTE ns_Buff[6]; BYTE J;

/* /* /* /* /* /*

integer value length in bytes (excl null) attribute flags hash code buffer area for strings size: 16 bytes (minimum)

*/ */ */ */ */ */

/* offset plus null byte #define NXADDLEN 9 #define IVALUE(nsPtr) (nsPtr->ns_Ivalue)


/* String attribute flag bit definitions 0 /* #define NSB_KEEP 1 /* #define NSB_STRING /* #define NSB_NOTNUM 2 /* #define NSB_NUMBER 3 /* #define NSB_BINARY 4 5 /* #define NSB_FLOAT 6 /* #define NSB_EXT /* #define NSB_SOURCE 7

*/ permanent string? string form valid? non-numeric? a valid number? integer value saved? floating point format? an external string? part of the program source?

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */


/* The flag form of the string attributes #define NSF_KEEP (1 « NSB_KEEP ) #define NSF_STRING (1 « NSB_STRING) (1 « NSB_NOTNUM) #define NSF_NOTNUM #define NSF_NUMBER (1 « NSB_NUMBER) #define NSF_BINARY (1 « NSB_BINARY) #define NSF_FLOAT (1 « NSB_FLOAT ) #define NSF_EXT (1 « NSB_EXT ) #define NSF_SOURCE (1 « NSB_SOURCE)




/* * * *


The RexxArg structure is identical to the NexxStr structure, but is allocated from system memory rather than from internal storage. This structure is used for passing arguments to external programs. It is usually passed as an "argstring", a pointer to the string buffer.


Appendix C-- Header Files

struct RexxArg { ra_Size; LONG ra_Length; UWORD UBYTE ra_Flags; UBYTE ra_Hash; BYTE ra_Buff[8];


/* /* /* /* /*

total allocated length length of string attribute flags hash code buffer area /* size: 16 bytes (minimum)

*/ */ */ */

*/ */

/* The RexxMsg structure is used for all communications with REXX It is an EXEC message with a parameter block appended. * programs. */ struct RexxMsg { struct Message rm_Node; rm_TaskBlock; APTR rm_LibBase; APTR rn_Action; LONG rm_Result1; LONG rm_Result2; LONG STRPTR rm_Args[16]; struct MsgPort *rm_PassPort; STRPTR rm_CommAddr; STRPTR rm_FileExt; LONG rm_Stdin; rm_Stdout; LONG LONG rm_avail;


/* /* /* /* /* /* /*

EXEC message structure global structure (private) library base (private) command (action) code primary result (return code) secondary result argument block (ARG0-ARG15)

/* /* /* /* /* /*

forwarding port host address (port name) file extension input stream (filehandle) output stream (filehandle) future expansion /* size: 128 bytes

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

*/ */

/* Field definitions #define ARGO(rmp) (rmp->rm_Args[O]) #define ARG1(rmp) (rmp->rm_Args[1]) #define ARG2(rmp) (rmp->rm_Args[2])

/* start of argblock /* first argument /* second argument

*/ */ */ */

#define MAXRMARG 15

/* maximum arguments


/* Command (action) codes for message packets /* a command-level invocation #define RXCOMM 0x01000000 #define RXFUNC OxO2000000 /* a function call /* close the REXX server #define RXCLOSE 0xO3000000 /* query for information #define RXQUERY OxO4000000 /* add a function host #define RXADDFH 0xO7000000 #define RXADDLIB OxO8000000 /* add a function library #define RXREMLIB 0xO9000000 /* remove a function library #define RXADDCON OxOA0OO000 /* add/update a ClipList string #define RXREMCON OxOB000000 /* remove a ClipList string #define RXTCOPN OxOC0O0OO0 /* open the trace console #define RXTCCLS OxOD000000 /* close the trace console

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

/* Command modifier flag bits #define RXFB_NOIO 16

*/ /* suppress I/O inheritance?





#define #define #define #define

Header Files


17 18 19 20

/* /* /* /*

result string expected? program is a "string file"? tokenize the command line? a "no-return" message?

*/ */ */ */ */

/* The flag form of the command modifiers #define RXFF_NOIO (1L << RXFB_NOIO ) #define RXFF_RESULT (1L << RXFB_RESULT) #define RXFF_STRING (1L << RXFB_STRING) #define RXFF_TOKEN (1L << RXFB_TOKEN ) #define RXFF_NONRET (1L << RXFB_NONRET) #define RXCODEMASK 0xFFO00000 0x000000OF #define RXARGMASK

Each node /* The RexxRsrc structure is used to manage global resources. * has a name string created as a RexxArg structure, and the total size The REXX systems library * of the node is saved in the "rr_Size" field. If special * provides functions to allocate and release resource nodes. * deletion operations are required, an offset and base can be provided in * "rr_Func" and "rr_Base", respectively. This "autodelete" function will * be called with the base in register A6 and the node in A0. */ struct RexxRsrc { struct Node rr_Node; WORD rr_Func; APTR rr_Base; rr_Size; LONG LONG rr_Arg1; LONG rr_Arg2; };

/* /* /* /* /* /*

"auto-delete" offset "auto-delete" base total size of node available ... available ... size: 32 bytes

/* Resource node types #define RRT_ANY 0 #define RRT_LIB 1 #define RRT_PORT 2 #define RRT_FILE 3 #define RRT_HOST 4 5 #define RRT_CLIP

/* /* /* /* /* /*

any node type ... a function library a public port a file IoBuff a function host a Clip List node

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

/* The RexxTask structure holds the fields used by REXX to communicate with * external processes, including the client task. It includes the global * data structure (and the base environment). The structure is passed to * the newly-created task in its "wake-up" message. */ #define GLOBALSZ 200

/* total size of GlobalData


struct RexxTask { BYTE rt_Global[GLOBALSZ]; struct MsgPort rt_MsgPort;

/* global data structure /* global message port

*/ */

Appendix C — Header Files


rt_Flags; rt_SigBit;

It task flag bits It signal bit

*/ */


rt_ClientID; rt_MsgPkt; rt_TaskID; rt_RexxPort;

/* It /* /*

*/ */ */ */


rt_ErrTrap; rt_StackPtr;

It Error trap address /* stack pointer for traps

*/ */

/* It /* It It

Environment list Memory freelist Memory allocation list Files list Message Ports List

*/ */ */ */ */

/* /* It It /* It

external trace flag external halt flag suspend task? trace console in use? waiting for reply? task completed?

struct struct struct struct struct };

List List List List List

rt_Header1; rt_Header2; rt_Header3; rt_Header4; rt_Header5;

/* Definitions for RexxTask flag bits #define RTFB_TRACE 0 #define RTFB_HALT 1 2 #define RTFB_SUSP #define RTFB_TCUSE 3 #define RTFB_WAIT 6 #define RTFB_CLOSE 7

the the our the

client's task ID packet being processed task ID REXX public port

/* Definitions for memory allocation constants It quantum of memory space #define MEMQUANT 16L #define MEMMASK OxFFFFFFF0 It mask for rounding the size #define MEMQUICK (1L << 0 ) #define MEMCLEAR (1L << 16)


*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

It The SrcNode is a temporary structure used to hold values destined for * a segment array. It is also used to maintain the memory freelist. */ struct SrcNode { struct SrcNode *sn_Succ; struct SrcNode *sn_Pred; APTR sn_Ptr; LONG sn_Size; }; #endif

errors.h #ifndef REXX_ERRORS_H #define REXX_ERRORS_H /*

/* next node It previous node /* pointer value It size of object /* size: 16 bytes


*/ */ */ */ */


Appendix C — Header Files

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** */

$Filename: rexx/errors.h $ $Release: 2.0 revision 2$ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 90/07/12 $ Definitions for ARexx error codes (C) Copyright 1987,1988,1989,1990 William S. Hawes All Rights Reserved

#define ERRC_MSG 0 #define ERR10_001 (ERRC_MSG+1) #define ERR10_002 (ERRC_MSG+2) #define ERR10_003 (ERRC_MSG+3) #define ERR10_004 (ERRC_14SG+4) #define ERR10_005 (ERRC_MSG+5) #define ERR10_006 (ERRC_MSG+6) #define ERR10_007 (ERRC_MSG+7) #define ERR10_008 (ERRC_MSG+8) #define ERR10_009 (ERRC_MSG+9)

/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

*/ error code offset */ program not found execution halted */ no memory available */ invalid character in program*/ unmatched quote */ unterminated comment */ clause too long */ unrecognized token */ symbol or string too long */

#define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define

ERR10_010 ERR10_011 ERR10_012 ERR10_013 ERR10_014 ERR10_015 ERR10_016 ERR10_017 ERR10_018 ERR10_019


/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

invalid message packet */ command string error */ error return from function */ host environment not found */ required library not found */ */ function not found no return value */ wrong number of arguments */ invalid argument to function*/ invalid PROCEDURE */

#define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define

ERR10_020 ERR10_021 ERR10_022 ERR10_023 ERR10_024 ERR10_025 ERR10_026 ERR10_027 ERR10_028 ERR10_029


/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

unexpected THEN/ELSE unexpected WHEN/OTHERWISE unexpected LEAVE or ITERATE invalid statement in SELECT missing THEN clauses missing OTHERWISE missing or unexpected END symbol mismatch on END invalid DO syntax incomplete DO/IF/SELECT

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

#define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define

ERR10_030 ERR10_031 ERR10_032 ERR10_033 ERR10_034 ERR10_035 ERR10_036 ERR10_037


/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

label not found symbol expected string or symbol expected invalid sub-keyword required keyword missing extraneous characters sub-keyword conflict invalid template

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

Appendix C — Header Files

#define ERR10_038 (ERRC_MSG+38) #define ERR10_039 (ERRC_MSG+39)

/* invalid TRACE request /* uninitialized variable

*/ */

#define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define

(ERRC_MSG+40) (ERRC_MSG+41) (ERRC_MSG+42) (ERRC_MSG+43) (ERRC_MSG+44) (ERRC_MSG+45) (ERRC_MSG+46) (ERRC_(SG+47) (ERRC_MSG+48)

/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

invalid variable name invalid expression unbalanced parentheses nesting level exceeded invalid expression result expression required boolean value not 0 or 1 arithmetic conversion error invalid operand

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

/* * Return Codes for general use */ #define RC_OK 0L #define RC_WARN 5L #define RC_ERROR 10L #define RC_FATAL 20L

/* /* /* /*

success warning only something's wrong complete or severe failure

*/ */ */ */

ERR10_040 ERR10_041 ERR10_042 ERR10_043 ERR10_044 ERR10_045 ERR10_046 ERR10_047 ERR10_048




rxslib.h #ifndef REXX_RXSLIB_H #define REXX_RXSLIB_H /* ** $Filename: rexx/rxslib.h $ ** $Release: 2.0 revision 2$ ** $Revision: 1.3 $ ** $Date: 90/07/12 $ ** ** The header file for the REXX Systems Library ** ** (C) Copyright 1987,1988,1989,1990 William S. Hawes ** All Rights Reserved */ #ifndef REXX_STORAGE_H #include "rexx/storage.h" #endif #define RXSNAME "rexxsyslib.library" #define RXSDIR "REXX" #define RXSTNAME "ARexx" /* The REXX systems library structure. This should be considered as /* semi-private and read-only, except for documented exceptions. struct RxsLib {

*/ */


Appendix C -- Header Files

struct UBYTE UBYTE APTR APTR APTR LONG LONG LONG LONG struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct STRPTR

Library rl_Node; rl_Flags; rl_Shadow; rl_SysBase; rl_DOSBase; rl_IeeeDPBase; rl_SegList; rl_NIL; rl_Chunk; rl_MaxNest; NexxStr *rl_NULL; NexxStr *rl_FALSE; NexxStr *rl_TRUE; NexxStr *rl_REXX; NexxStr *rl_COMMAND; NexxStr *rl_STDIN; NexxStr *rl_STDOUT; NexxStr *rl_STDERR; rl_Version;

/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

EXEC library node global flags shadow flags EXEC library base DOS library base IEEE DP math library base library seglist global NIL: filehandle allocation quantum maximum expression nesting static string: NULL static string: FALSE static string: TRUE static string: REXX static string: COMMAND static string: STDIN static string: STDOUT static string: STDERR version string

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */


rl_TaskName; rl_TaskPri; rl_TaskSeg; rl_StackSize; rl_RexxDir; rl_CTABLE; rl_Notice;

/* /* /* /* /* /* /*

name string for tasks starting priority startup seglist stack size REXX directory character attribute table copyright notice

*/ */ */ */

struct UWORD LONG struct WORD struct WORD struct WORD struct WORD struct WORD

MsgPort rl_RexxPort; rl_ReadLock; rl_TraceFH; List rl_TaskList; rl_NumTask; List rl_LibList; rl_NumLib; List rl_ClipList; rl_NumClip; List rl_MsgList; rl_NumMsg; List rl_PgmList; rl_NumPgm;

/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

REXX public port lock count global trace console REXX task list task count Library List header library count ClipList header clip node count pending messages pending count cached programs program count

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */


rl_TraceCnt; rl_avail;


*/ */ */

/* usage count for trace console */

/* Global flag bit definitions for RexxMaster #define RLFB_TRACE RTFB_TRACE /* interactive tracing? #define RLFB_HALT RTFB_HALT /* halt execution? #define RLFB_SUSP RTFB_SUSP /* suspend execution? #define RLFB_STOP 6 /* deny further invocations #define RLFB_CLOSE 7 /* close the master

*/ */ */ */ */ */

Appendix C -- Header Files

#define RLFMASK


allocation quantum expression nesting limit task priority stack size

*/ */ */ */ */

/* Character attribute flag bits used in REXX. /* white space characters #define CTB_SPACE 0 /* decimal digits 0-9 #define CTB_DIGIT 1 /* alphabetic characters #define CTB_ALPHA 2 /* REXX symbol characters #define CTB_REXXSYM 3 /* REXX operator characters #define CTB_REXXOPR 4 /* REXX special symbols #define CTB_REXXSPC 5 /* UPPERCASE alphabetic #define CTB_UPPER 6 /* lowercase alphabetic #define CTB_LOWER 7

*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */

/* Attribute flags #define CTF_SPACE #define CTF_DIGIT #define CTF_ALPHA #define CTF_REXXSYM #define CTF_REXXOPR #define CTF_REXXSPC #define CTF_UPPER #define CTF_LOWER


/* Initialization constants #define RXSCHUNK 1024 32 #define RXSNEST 0 #define RXSTPRI #define RXSSTACK 4096

/* /* /* /*

(1 << CTB_SPACE) (1 << CTB_DIGIT) (1 << CTB_ALPHA) (1 << CTB_REXXSYM) (1 << CTB_REXXOPR) (1 << CTB_REXXSPC) (1 << CTB_UPPER) (1 << CTB_LOWER)


rexxio.h #ifndef REXX_REXXIO_H #define REXX_REXXIO_H /*

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** */

$Filename: rexx/rexxio.h $ $Release: 2.0 revision 2$ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 90/07/12 $ Header file for ARexx Input/Output related structures (C) Copyright 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 William S. Hawes All Rights Reserved

#ifndef REXX_STORAGE_H #include "rexx/storage.h" #endif



Appendix C -- Header Files

*define RXBUFFSZ 204


/* buffer length

/* * The IoBuff is a resource node used to maintain the File List. Nodes * are allocated and linked into the list whenever a file is opened. */ struct IoBuff { /* structure for files/strings */ struct RexxRsrc iobNode; /* read/write pointer */ iobRpt; APTR */ /* character count iobRct; LONG /* DOS filehandle iobDFH; */ LONG */ /* DOS lock iobLock; APTR /* buffer length */ LONG iobBct; /* buffer area */ iobArea[RXBUFFSZ]; BYTE /* size: 256 bytes */ }; /* Access mode definitions #define RXIO_EXIST -1 0 #define RXIO_STRF #define RXIO_READ 1 #define RXIO_WRITE 2 #define RXIO_APPEND 3

/* /* /* /* /*

an external filehandle a "string file" read-only access write mode append mode (existing file)

*/ */ */ */ */


/* * Offset anchors for SeekF() */ #define RXIO_BEGIN -1L /* relative to start */ 0L /* relative to current position */ #define RXIO_CURR */ 1L /* relative to end #define RXIO_END /* The Library List contains just plain resource nodes. #define LLOFFSET(rrp) (rrp->rr_Arg1) #define LLVERS(rrp) (rrp->rr_Arg2)

/* "Query" offset /* library version

/* * The RexxClipNode structure is used to maintain the Clip List. * string is stored as an argstring in the rr_Arg1 field. */ #define CLVALUE(rrp) ((STRPTR) rrp->rr_Arg1)

*/ */ */

The value

/* * A message port structure, maintained as a resource node. The ReplyList * holds packets that have been received but haven't been replied.

*/ struct RexxMsgPort { struct RexxRsrc rmp_Node; struct MsgPort rmp_Port; struct List rmp_ReplyList;

}; /*

/* linkage node /* the message port /* messages awaiting reply

*/ */


Appendix C — Header Files

* DOS Device types */ #define DT_DEV 0L #define DT_DIR 1L #define DT_VOL 2L

/* a device /* an ASSIGNed directory /* a volume

*/ */ */

/* * Private DOS packet types */ #define ACTION_STACK 2002L #define ACTION_QUEUE 2003L

/* stack a line /* queue a line

*/ */



Bibliography [1] John Thomas Berry. Inside the Amiga. Howard W. Sams & Co., Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A., 1986. [2] Commodore-Amiga, Inc.. The AmigaDOS Manual. Bantam Books, New York, NY, U.S.A., 1987. [3] Commodore Business Machines, Inc.. Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 1991. [4] Commodore Business Machines, Inc.. Amiga User Interface Style Guide. AddisonWesley, Reading, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 1991. [5] M. F. Cowlishaw. The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to Programming. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1985. [6] William S. Hawes. ARexx User's Reference Manual. Wishful Thinking Development Corporation, Maynard, MA, U.S.A., 1987. [7] Robert A. Peck. Programmer's Guide to the Amiga. SYBEX, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., 1987.


Index A

use of, 11, 69, 70 validity, 71 ADDRESS() built-in function, 21 ALLOCMEM() support function, 22 Amiga reference books, 2 AREXX port name, 12, 22, 105, 108, 109 ARexx support library, see support library ARexx context, see SimpleRexx ARexx port, see also port creating, 93, 127, 129 definition, 11 example, 13 naming, 93, 151 removing, 94, 129 ARexx system library, see system library arexx.h header file, 3, 5 ARexxBase() SimpleRexx function, 128 ARexxFree(), 127 ARexxFree() SimpleRexx function, 129 ARexxInit(), 127 ARexxInit() SimpleRexx function, 129 ARexxName() SimpleRexx function, 130 ARexxSignal() SimpleRexx function, 130 arexxsyslib h header file, 83, 86, 90, 128 ARG() built-in function, 23 argstring, see RexxArg structure argument parsing, 106

ABBREV() built-in function, 20

ABS() built-in function, 20 action code, see action flags action flags, see also RexxMsg structure RXADDCON, 112 RXADDFH, 111 RXADDLIB, 111 RXARGMASK, 109, 110 RXCODEMASK, 98 RXCOMM, 96, 98, 106, 107, 109, 110,

112, 113, 133 RXFF_NOIO, 105, 130, 133 RXFF_NONRET, 106 RXFF_RESULT, 97, 106, 108, 110, 112,

130, 132, 133, 152, 157 RXFF_STRING, 106, 107, 109, 130, 133 RXFF_TOKEN, 106, 133 RXFUNC, 105, 109, 110, 130, 157 RXFUNC, 113 RXREMCON, 112 RXREMLIB, 112 RXTCCLS, 112 RXTCOPN, 112

active interface, 95, 105, 115 AddFuncHost SimpleRexx function, 128 ADDLIB use of, 12, 13, 17 ADDLIB() built-in function, 21 ADDRESS, see also commands, host address case-sensitivity, 70 COMMAND, 70, 71 message structure, see RexxMsg structure syntax, 70

B B2C() built-in function, 24 BADDR() support function, 23 BITAND() built-in function, 24 BITCHG() built-in function, 24




BITCLR() built-in function, 25 BITCOMP() built-in function, 25

BITOR() built-in function, 26 BITSET() built-in function, 26 BITTST() built-in function, 26 BITXOR() built-in function, 27 built-in functions, see functions

C C programming language required skills, 2 supported compilers, 3 C2B () built-in function, 27 C2D() built-in function, 27 C2X() built-in function, 28 CallARexxFunc(), 127 CallARexxFunc() SimpleRexx function, 130 case-sensitivity of commands, 75 of host addresses, 70 CENTER() built-in function, 28 CENTRE() built-in function, 28 CheckRexxMsg() RVI function, 114 ClearRexxMsg() system library function, 86 Clip List definition, 13 GETCLIP function, 39 modifying directly, 39, 112 SETCLIP function, 53 sharing data, 13, 53, 74 CLOSE () built-in function, 28 CLOSEPORT() support function, 29 commands address, see host address AmigaDOS, 71 case-sensitivity, 75 dangers of variable substitution, 75 definition, 69 embedded spaces, 75 inhibition, 74 interpretation, 96 results, 73, 97, 110 search order, 111 sending from ARexx, 72, 104 standards, 151 starting a program, 106 string quoting, 74 supported by an application, 73, 96, 151, 153

COMPARE() built-in function, 29

compilers supported, 3 COMPRESS() built-in function, 30 CON:, see console console ARexx instructions, 77 definition, 77 inheritance, 78, 108 redirection, 77 setting new handler, 48 STDERR, 78 STDIN, 78 STDOUT, 78 streams, 77 console device, see console COPIES() built-in function, 30 Cowlishaw, 1, 17 CreateArgstring, see RexxArg structure CreateArgstring() system library function, 86 CreateRexxMsg, see RexxMsg structure CreateRexxMsg() system library function, 87 current directory, 48 current host, 71

D D2C() built-in function, 30

D2X() built-in function, 31 data structures RexxArg, 84 RexxMsg, 84, 96, 113, 130, 131, 157 DATATYPE() built-in function, 31 DATE() built-in function, 32 debugging an ARexx program, 74 command inhibition, 74 with SAY instruction, 74 DELAY() support function, 32 DELETE() support function, 33 DeleteArgstring, see RexxArg structure DeleteArgstring() system library function, 87 DeleteRexxMsg, see RexxMsg structure DeleteRexxMsg() system library function, 87 DELSTR() built-in function, 33 DELWORD() built-in function, 33 DIGITS() built-in function, 34 dispatch point, see function library


DROP instruction, 75

E ECHO instruction, 78 EOF() built-in function, 34

error constants, 83 error standards, 151 errors .h header file, 83, 97 ERRORTEXT() built-in function, 35 Exec description, 9 reference book, 9 EXISTS() built-in function, 35 EXPORT() built-in function, 35 extension fields, see RexxMsg structure external functions, see functions

F file manipulation closing, 28 deleting, 33 directory creation, 43 end-of-file, 34 exists, 35 file information, 57 opening, 45 reading, 50 renaming, 51 seeking, 53 writing, 65, 66 FillRexxMsg() system library function, 88 FIND() built-in function, 36 FORBID() support function, 36 FORM() built-in function, 37 FreeARexxMsg(), 127 FreeARexxMsg() SimpleRexx function, 131 FREEMEM() support function, 37 FREESPACE() built-in function, 37 function host adding to Library List, 111 definition, 12, 157 implementation, 157 naming, 155 removing from Library List, 112 search order, 18, 157 skeleton, 159 function library adding to Library List, 111

calling conventions, 173 definition, 12 dispatch point, 173 implementation, 171 naming, 155 removing from Library List, 112 search order, 18, 157 support library, 17 functions built-in ABBREV(), 20 ABS(), 20 ADDLIB(), 21 ADDRESS(), 21 ARG(), 23 B2C(), 24 BITAND(), 24 BITCHG (), 24 BITCLR(), 25 BITCOMP(), 25 BITOR(), 26 BITSET(), 26 BITTST(), 26 BITXOR(), 27 C2B(), 27 C2D(), 27 C2x(), 28 CENTER(), 28 CENTRE(), 28 CLOSE(), 28 COMPARE(), 29 COMPRESS(), 30 COPIES(), 30 D2C(), 30 D2X(), 31 DATATYPE(), 31 DATE(), 32 DELSTR(), 33 DELWORD(), 33 DIGITS(), 34 34 EOF(), ERRORTEXT(), 35 EXISTS(), 35 EXPORT(), 35 FIND(), 36 FORM(), 37 FREESPACE(), 37 FUZZ (), 38 GETCLIP(), 39 GETSPACE(), 40 HASH(), 40 IMPORT(),41




INDEX(), 41

Set RexxVar (), 115 search order, 18, 111, 157 starting new programs, 109 support ALLOCMEM(), 22 BADDR(), 23 CLOSEPORT(), 29 DELAY(), 32 DELETE(), 33 FORBID(), 36 FREEMEM(), 37 GETARG(), 38 GETPKT(), 39 MAKEDIR(), 43 NEXT(), 44 NULL(), 45 OFFSET(), 45 OPENPORT(), 46 PERMIT(), 47 RENAME(), 51 REPLY(), 51 SHOWDIR(), 54 SHOWLIST(), 55

INSERT(), 41 LASTPOS (), 42 LEFT(), 42 LENGTH(), 43 LINES(), 43 MAX(), 44 MIN(), 44 OPEN(), 45 OVERLAY(), 46 POS(), 47 PRAGMA(), 48 RANDOM(), 49 RANDU(), 49 READCH(), 50 READLN(), 50 REMLIB(), 51 REVERSE(), 52 RIGHT(), 52 SEEK(), 53 SETCLIP (), 53 SHOW(), 54 SIGN(), 55 SOURCELINE(), 56 SPACE(), 56 STORAGE(), 57 STRIP(), 58

SUBSTR(), 58 SUBWORD(), 59 SYMBOL(), 59 TIME(), 59 TRACE(), 60 TRANSLATE(), 61

TRIM(), 62 TRUNC (), 62 UPPER(), 62 VALUE(), 63 VERIFY(), 63 WORD(), 64 WORDINDEX(), 64 WORDLENGTH(), 65 WORDS(), 65 WRITECH(), 65 WRITELN(), 66

X2C(), 66 X2D(), 66 XRANGE(), 67 external, 109 matching, 19 RVI CheckRexxMsg(), 114 GetRexxVar(), 114



FUZZ() built-in function, 38

G GetARexxMsg(), 127 GetARexxMsg() SimpleRexx function, 131 GETARG () support function, 38 GETCLIP use of, 13, 74 GETCLIP() built-in function, 39 GETPKT() support function, 39 Get RexxVar () RVI function, 114 GETSPACE() built-in function, 40

H HASH() built-in function, 40

host address, 21, 69 case-sensitivity, 70 validity, 71 host application definition, 11, 69 host name, see ADDRESS, host address host-to-host communication, 112


I ID of an ARexx program, 48 IMPORT() built-in function, 41

index you're reading it , 105 INDEX() built-in function, 41 inheritance of console, see console input stream, see console input/output, see console, file manipulation INSERT() built-in function, 41 inter-process communication definition, 10 host-to-host, 112 internal functions, see functions IPC, see inter-process communication IsARexxReply() SimpleRexx function, 131 IsRexxMsg() system library function, 88

L LASTPOS() built-in function, 42 LEFT() built-in function, 42 LENGTH() built-in function, 43 LengthArgstring, see RexxArg structure

LengthArgstring() system library function, 88 Library List ADDLIB function, 21 definition, 13 modifying directly, 111, 112 REMLIB function, 51 search order, 18, 155, 157 Library structure, 82 LINES() built-in function, 43

M macro definition, 1, 69 example, 13 MAKEDIR() support function, 43 MAX() built-in function, 44 memory functions allocation, 22, 40 available memory, 57 copying, 35, 41, 57 freeing, 37

message, see also RexxMsg structure definition, 10 private data, 96 receiving, 95 sending, 95, 104 message port, see port MIN() built-in function, 44 modifier flags, see action flags multiple result strings, see RVI multitasking, see task

N NEWCON:, see console NEXT() support function, 44 NULL() support function, 45

0 OFFSET() support function, 45 OPEN() built-in function, 45 OPENPORT() support function, 46

OPTIONS FAILAT, 97 OPTIONS RESULTS, 73, 97, 152 output stream, see console OVERLAY() built-in function, 46

P passive interface, 95, 99, 105 PERMIT() support function, 47 port, see also ARexx port definition, 10 from ARexx closing, 29 getting message, 39 opening, 46 replying, 51 waiting for a message, 63 message description, see RexxMsg structure POS() built-in function, 47 pragma definition, 83 in SimpleRexx, 128 use of, 83 PRAGMA() built-in function, 48 priority of a task, 9 of an ARexx program, 48 PULL instruction, 77, 78 PUSH instruction, 78




Q query function, see dispatch point QUEUE instruction, 78 quoting conventions, see commands

R RANDOM() built-in function, 49 RANDU() built-in function, 49

RC, see return code READCH() built-in function, 50 READLN() built-in function, 50

redirection of streams, see console reentrancy definition, 82, 172 in shared libraries, 172 SimpleRexx, 128 register conventions, see function library RemFuncHost() SimpleRexx function, 132 REMLIB use of, 13 REMLIB() built-in function, 51 RENAME() support function, 51 REPLY() support function, 51 ReplyARexxMsg(), 127 ReplyARexxMsg() SimpleRexx function, 132 resident process as function host, 12 Clip List, 13 definition, 10 finding, 11 Library List, 13 message structure, see RexxMsg structure RexxMsg structure, 85 search order, 111 using, 105 resources, 12 Clip List, 13 Library List, 13 RESULT, see result string result string, see also commands, see also OPTIONS RESULTS definition, 73 multiple results, 113 requesting, 97, 110 setting, 97 setting via RVI, 113

stored in RESULT, 73, 96, 97, 152 results, see commands return code, see also commands, see also RexxMsg structure definition, 73 from result string, 110 meaning, 73, 97 setting, 97 stored in RC, 73, 96, 97, 151 REVERSE() built-in function, 52 REXX port name, 12, 22, 105, 108, 109, 129, 130, 133 programming language, 1, 17 REXX Variables Interface definition, 113 naming of variables, 113 rexxvars o file, 113 use of, 74, 113, 152 RexxArg structure allocating, 84 CreateArgString, 84 DeleteArgstring, 84 description, 84 freeing, 84 LengthArgstring, 84 rexxio.h header file, 83 rexxmast command, 11 RexxMsg structure actions, 105 allocating, 85, 130 CreateRexxMsg, 85 DeleteRexxMsg, 85 description, 84, 96, 157 extension fields, 85 freeing, 85, 131 inheritance, 108 needed for RVI, 113 result string, 85 return code, 85 rm_Action field, 85, 95-97, 105, 109, 132, 158 rm_Args field, 85, 95, 109 rm_CommAddr field, 85 rm_FileExt field, 85 rm_PassPort field, 85, 108, 111 rm_Result1 field, 85, 96, 97, 110, 151, 158 rm_Result2 field, 85, 96, 97, 110, 132, 158 rm_Stdin field, 85 rm_Stdout field, 86


rexxsupport.library, see support library

RexxSysBase, see system library rexxsyslib.library, see system library rexxvars.o object file, see RVI RIGHT() built-in function, 52 RVI, see REXX Variables Interface RXADDCON, 112 RXADDFH, see action flags RXADDLIB, see action flags RXARGMASK, see action flags RXCOMM, see action flags RXFF_NOIO, see action flags RXFF_NONRET, see action flags RXFF_RESULT, see action flags RXFF_STRING, see action flags RXFF_TOKEN, see action flags RXFUNC, see action flags rxlib command, 18 RXREMCON, see action flags RXREMLIB, see action flags RxsLib structure, 82 rxslib.h header file, 82, 83 RXTCCLS, see action flags RXTCOPN, see action flags

S SAY instruction, 74, 75, 77, 78 search order, see functions SEEK() built-in function, 53 send-receive-reply model, 95 SendARexxMsg(), 127 SendARexxMsg() SimpleRexx function, 133 SETCLIP use of, 13 SETCLIP() built-in function, 53 SetRexxVar() RVI function, 115 shared library definition, 10, 171 function library, 171 installing, 172 other libraries, 10 SHOW use of, 18, 21, 71 SHOW() built-in function, 54 SHOWDIR() support function, 54 SHOWLIST() support function, 55 SIGN() built-in function, 55 signal definition, 9 SIGNAL instruction, 72

SimpleRexx AddFuncHost(), 128 ARexxBase(), 128 ARexxCont ext, 128 ARexxFree(), 127, 129 ARexxInit(), 127, 129 ARexxName(), 130 ARexxSignal(), 130 CallARexxFunc(), 127, 130 context, 129 FreeARexxMsg(), 127, 131 GetARexxMsg(), 127, 131 IsARexxReply(), 131 RemFuncHost(), 132 ReplyARexxMsg(), 127, 132 SendARexxMsg(), 127, 133 using, 127 simplerexx.h header file, 128 SOURCELINE() built-in function, 56 SPACE() built-in function, 56 standards errors, 151 port naming, 151 setting results, 152 suggested commands, 153 starting an ARexx program, 106, 109 STATEF() support function, 57 STDERR, see console STDIN, see console STDOUT, see console STORAGE() built-in function, 57 storage .h header file, 83, 84, 105 stream, see console string, see RexxArg structure string file description, 107 STRIP() built-in function, 58 stub functions, 83 SUBSTR() built-in function, 58 SUBWORD() built-in function, 59 support library definition, 17 installation, 17 SYMBOL() built-in function, 59 system library accessing, 81, 83 base pointer, 82, 83 ClearRexxMsg(), 86 CreateArgstring(), 86 CreateRexxMsg(), 87 DeleteArgstring(), 87 DeleteRexxMsg(), 87




description, 81 FillRexxMsg(), 88 IsRexxMsg(), 88 LengthArgstring(), 88 prototypes and pragmas, 86 RexxSysBase, 82, 128, 129

T task ARexx program console handler, 48 ID, 48 priority, 48 requesters, 48 definition, 9 forbid/permit, 36, 47 TIME() built-in function, 59 token, see argument parsing tokenization, see argument parsing TRACE() built-in function, 60 TRACE instruction, 74, 78 tracing output, 78 TRANSLATE() built-in function, 61 TRIM() built-in function, 62 TRUNC() built-in function, 62

U UPPER() built-in function, 62

V VALUE() built-in function, 63

variables, see REXX Variables Interface VERIFY() built-in function, 63

W WAITPKT() support function, 63 WORD() built-in function, 64 WORDINDEX () built-in function, 64 WORDLENGTH() built-in function, 65 WORDS() built-in function, 65 WRITECH() built-in function, 65 WRITELN() built-in function, 66

X X2C() built-in function, 66 x2D()built-nfco,6 XRANGE() built-in function, 67

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