Selsey DMP

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Selsey Destination Management Plan 2014-2019

This Destination Management Plan is designed to look at the positive aspects of Selsey and the negative aspects that require attention and are in need of improving. This includes looking at three key themes: The overall visitor experience of Selsey, this goes in areas such as how visitors engage with Selsey, the level of customer service, managing the overall quality of Selsey and market research. Destination Marketing, how visitors perceive Selsey in their own eyes and the way marketing can attract new customers and retain existing ones. Industry Competitiveness, dealing with the requirements for a variety of businesses in Selsey in terms of support and advice on how they can improve themselves and by doing so, develop a sustainable tourism industry.

Foreward 2

Contents Situation Analysis………………….……..………………...p.4 SWOT Analysis………………………...…..………………...p.5 Stakeholders…………………………….....………………...p.6 Vision……………………………………….………….………...p.7 Goals…………………………………………….………..……...p.8 The VICE Model……………………………….…………....p.13 Priorities…………………………………………….………....p.15


Situation Analysis The situation of Selsey is that it has the potential to become a high quality, well-known seaside destination. It is said to be the sunniest spot in Britain because of its unique weather patterns with clear skies that could provide possible opportunities for star gazing tourism in the future if circumstances permit it. Selsey’s fishing heritage has made its fishing industry of crab, lobster and other shellfish a strong industry which makes Selsey a prime spot for fisherman to visit. However, there is a need to make this industry more sustainable to accommodate the needs of fisherman which are said to be unsatisfied due to its popularity. Selsey is said to have a rustic charm with a sense of community and identity behind it, there is a quiet atmosphere that is celebrated as a strength plus it is situated next to the known nature reserve Pagham Harbour. Selsey’s attractions include its famous lighthouse on the coast as well as its many local heritage sites that have been awarded with blue plaques as part of its heritage trail. There are also events that are hosted at certain times of the year, there is the Selsey Festival that takes place in the Summer for the course of a three week period and SeaSelsey that celebrates its maritime heritage. However despite these strengths, Selsey is said to be the most deprived area in the Chichester District in terms of income generated because of the low income residents and unemployed. There is also the need to protect from climate change and there is also the redevelopment of Selsey’s sea defences against the coast as part of Selsey Town Council’s commitment to the Manhood Peninsula Partnership which promote sustainable development against climate and promote co-ordination with those in the Manhood Peninsula area.


Strengths • • • • •

Sunny like weather Quiet atmosphere e Selsey festival Good transport links Rustic charm of a seaside town

Weaknesses • • • 

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Needs tidying up Renovations needed to restaurants Weak brand Negatives thoughts about Selsey on social media Litter problems Poor quality of the beach Poor signage Better co-ordination needed for different groups



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Astronomy tourism East beach development Better promotion under the new visit Chichester website Annual calendar of events Art exhibitions Viewing points- telescopes Cycle paths To rebuild selsey as an unique destination on the south coast because of its geographical location and coastal heritage

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SWOT Analysis

Different groups want different things Lack of appeal to return Comes short compared to other seaside towns Not resistant to shocks such as recessions The tide Cost to update sea defences Mostly surrounded by water


Visitor Profiles The recent Selsey visitor survey undertaken by Tourism South East (2010) highlights specific aspects about the profile of those visiting the Manhood Peninsula area with focus on Selsey, and perceptions of the visitor experience. Indicative results are presented in this section.

Overall , the age profile of visitors to Selsey suggests a strong presence of families with children 15 years old or younger. 39% of visitors were children aged 0-15 years A sample of Selsey in 2006 highlighted a proportional of visitors aged 55 or more but this has fallen in 2010 by 13%. Because of the younger profile of visitors

Domestic visitors account for 99% of visitors to Selsey. The highest proportion of visitors came from Surrey (20%), Hampshire (13%), Greater London (11%), Berkshire (9%) and West Sussex (8%). Day visitors most likely came from Surrey (32%), Hampshire (21%) and West Sussex (21%). However a small number of visitors came from further away.

Out of the 178 people interviewed, the highest proportion stayed in their caravan (35%) 33% stayed in a rented caravan. While 12% stayed in a touring caravan. 4% stayed in service accommodation (1% in hotels and 3% in B&B’s)

Reason for Visiting 96% of visitors described their visit as a holiday or leisure based, 4% were Visiting families and friends 23% said there were visiting for the first time. While the remaining 77% said they have visited before. 25% of visitors stayed for more than 1 day.


Stakeholders This Destination Management Plan for Selsey will require the participation of the many stakeholder of Selsey that aim to make Selsey a prosperous seaside town. This include:

Town Council

Fisherman- Selsey Fishermen’s Association

Pub owners

Public transport- buses

Shop owners in high street

The Parish of Selsey

Lifeguard station+

Holiday park

Local residence including disabled, low income families, unemployed

Medmerry Stakeholder Advisory Group


Selsey Coastal Trust

Sussex Biodiversity Partnership

Accommodation providers

Selsey Business Partnership

Chichester District Council

Diving community


Manhood Peninsula Steering Group

East Beach Pond Group

Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group


Vision The aim of this Destination Management Plan is highlight the aims and objectives in developing Selsey as a sustainable tourism destination. These include: To create an environment in which businesses in Selsey can grow sustainably without any barriers holding them back To raise the standards set for the overall quality in the visitor experience To promote co-operation with other seaside destinations that are nearby Selsey including Chichester To create new opportunities in product and market development for businesses in the rural, urban and the protected landscapes that border with Selsey To help create a catalyst that stimulates growth in existing businesses and the development of new businesses in Selsey To ensure that the integrity of Selsey’s environment is protected and management especially around the coast edges of Selsey To contribute to sustaining and enhancing local communities and improve the sense of identity


Goals Goal 1: To enhance profile and visitor experience Objectives: To maximise opportunities for walking and cycling To enhance business competitiveness To raise awareness of attractions of Selsey Action Steps Business workshops supported by the University of Chichester Raise events profile by providing information for the new Visit Chichester website Promoting walking around the Medmerry via Visit Chichester website Implement the use QR codes and Geocaching around Selsey Improve the quality of signage around Selsey with up to date and clear information Introduce a touch screen information point for the tourism information centre The Isle of Wight Walking Festival It boasts 16 days of unbeatable, exciting, informative and healthy walks in May, and four days in October. It is suitable for a variety of visitors and it said to be the biggest walking event in the UK and Europe. Reference: Isle of Wight Walking Festival (2014) http:// about-the-walking-festival-the-uks-largestwalking-festival-16th-anniversary.aspx

Reference: http://

Southport Seaside Stroll A 2 mile walk that goes over the main attractions of the town. starts and finishes at the Tourist Information Centre at the Lord Street/Eastbank Street junction, near the Library and Town Hall

South Downs National Park QR Codes Heritage Research Project

Visit England Alternative Information Delivery Models

Bringing an innovative way of presenting information to visitors who have smartphones easily with up to date information.

New touch screen information points as part of their new in-house face to face services for the tourism information centres.

Reference: KBST Consulting (2014) http:// SDW.htm


Reference: Visit England (2014) http://

Goal 2: To have an annual calendar of events

Bournemouth Arts by the sea Festival

Objectives To raise profile for events To reinforce the culture of Selsey To increase the number of visitors at events

A multi form arts festival to enhance and market the arts offer of Bournemouth to visitors. Reference: Arts Bournemouth (2014)//

Action Steps Promote events on the Visit Chichester website, newspapers, Visit Selsey website Host art festivals to celebrate the artistic side of Selsey- Patrick Moore via the Visit Chichester and online brochure Plan an art trail similar to what Littlehampton does Create a crafts market similar to St Ives

Littlehampton Art Trail

St Ives Craft Market

An art trail from Bognor Regis to Littlehampton showcasing the public art Littlehampton has to offer.

A collection of small workshops and studios where the craftsmen at work, as well as buy their goods

Reference: Visit Littlehampton (2014) http://

Reference: St Ives Community TV (2014),


Goal 3: To renovate the condition of Selsey Objectives To promote co-operation with the local community To improve the quality of Selsey To renovate the run down areas of Selsey Action Steps Encourage volunteering to clean up Selsey Renovate old buildings such as the cinema and pubs Consult with shops on how to improve the quality of the street market Increaser the number of floral displays

Tewkesbury Borough Council

Regeneration of Coastal Towns

A litter picking scheme in co-operation with the local community to target areas of town and keep it clean.

A report on supporting the regeneration of coastal towns in England

Reference: Tewkesbury Borough Council (2014) CHttpHandler.ashx?id=2815&p=0

Reference: English Heritage (2014) Coastal-Towns-Report3.pdf


Goal 4: To capitalise on being the sunniest spot in Britain Hove Water sports

Objectives To promote Selsey as a sunny seaside destination To promote water sports such as diving, surfing and Kayaking To improve the quality of the beach To attract visitors from West Wittering

Activities include Activities available Yacht sailing , power boating, dinghy sailing , windsurfing, wakeboarding, SUP, Stand up Paddle boarding , Fitness classes and kayak hire. Reference: Lagoon Water Sports (2014)

Action Steps Promote lifeboat tours To use brochures, leaflets, Visit Chichester to promote summertime in Selsey Raise the profile of the Selsey festival Introduce water tours around the Medmerry Increase activity around the beach with beach sports and food stalls/ facilities

Weymouth Guided Lifeboat Tours

Chichester Harbour Tours

Guided tours on a lifeboat in Weymouth which most recently became available throughout the whole year instead of lifeboat week

Guided water tours around the harbour, good for bird watching. Reference: Chichester Harbour Water Tours (2014) http://

Reference: RNLI (2014) Pages/Guided-tours-of-Weymouths-RNLI-allweatherlifeboat-now-available.aspx


Goal 5: To attract various visitors to Selsey Objectives To enhance the number of accommodation providers in Selsey To provide more variety for visitors in the evening

Action Steps Encourage more B&B’s and self-catering by promoting the benefits of being an accommodation provider Provide incentive to encourage the community to accommodate visitors Promote night sky tourism Increase the number of restaurants and pubs around Selsey

LEADER Programme

Northumberland Dark Sky Park

Helps to support local businesses by providing advice and investment to start up businesses

The home to the largest area of protected night sky in Europe, the first in its kind in England. Councils, residents, businesses and tourism agencies working together to make it happen.

Reference: LEADER (2014)

Reference: Northumberland National Park (2013) http:// parklive/news/news-pages/europes-biggestdark-sky-park-unveiled-in-northumberland


VICE Model The VICE model is a simple tool to make tourism an integrated part of sustainable development for a destination such as Selsey. The model can help bring out a sense of community and identity, resilience from internal and external pressures that would affect a destination and a degree of financial independence away from relying on government money to cover the costs of operating a tourism industry for a destination.

Sustainability is a fundamental part of this destination management plan for Selsey as it focuses on strengthening Selsey as a destination in the long run. The VICE model defines sustainable destination management as the fair interaction of the VICE models key components of a destination, the visitors and the overall visitor economy, the industry that services and caters to their need, the community that act as a host to welcome the visitors to the destination and the environment is the destination and the impact that the other three groups have on the environment.

The aim of this Destination Management Plan is draw inspiration from the VICE model and use its structure as a basis to work with Selsey’s tourism industry in order to create a strategy that would: Welcome visitors to Selsey, involve them in the attractions of Selsey, educate them in the local history that Selsey has been blessed with and satisfy their needs no matter how diverse they might be. Allow businesses in Selsey to be thrive and grow successfully in an industry that promotes profitability, high quality in service to customers, co-operation to make Selsey a high quality destination and opportunistic for new businesses to start up in. Create a community that has a sense of identity, committed to engage with each other as well as visitors and that works together to make Selsey a great destination. Protect, preserve and enhance the local environment that Selsey has against all threats that seek to destroy Selsey’s beauty and atmosphere.


Priorities Artistic development of Selsey Create arts festivals that celebrate and reinforce the artistic side of Selsey that has longed been underappreciated. Highlight the local artistic talent in Selsey in the brochures, leaflets and the relevant websites such as Visit Chichester Create a series of art festivals that are spread out through the year instead of focusing on the peak periods Uphold Selsey’s heritage by organising events to raise awareness and provide a venue to promote and sell homemade crafts such as jewellery and paintings to visitors similar to the Sloop Crafts Market in St Ives Reinforce the sense of identity around the local community of Selsey Create an art trail showing the heritage of Selsey to bring in visitors and the community together similar to what Littlehampton does Focus on making Selsey the hero behind the artistic culture and highlight the key players that contribute towards it.

Customer Service and Quality Management Increase the number of accommodation in Selsey and assess the overall quality similar to the Visit Chichester Assessment Scheme Support participation in the industry in nationally recognised schemes Work with partners and offer training and advise to support the increase in quality Recognise and reward best practice across Selsey through an annual awards programme similar to the LEADER programme Identify businesses that do best practice and make them mentors in quality management Deliver high quality information with the implementation of a touch screen information point to enhance the quality of the visitor experience Update the signage around Selsey and add QR codes for quality visitor experience


Marketing and Communication Develop a marketing strategy to maintain the pro-active marketing and promotion of Selsey as a high quality seaside destination focusing on the brand and thematic-led activity Link a range of information to the new Visit Chichester website Develop online content through the use of social media and provide the basis for user generated content Explore opportunities to develop the day visits and short breaks based around itinerary planning Work with businesses in Selsey and support their development Promote new activities in Selsey such as walking tours around the Medmerry and water sports

Business Support Develop an industry portal on the Visit Chichester website to help cater the industry’s best practice and act as a networking hub for businesses Support industry participation in nationally recognised training programmes such as Welcome to Excellence Work with the University of Chichester to provide training and business development support, and receive benefits from student placements, research, managerial projects and event management support To capitalise on available funding to introduce training opportunities in Selsey


Special thanks to Dr Andrew Clegg, Head of Visit Chichester and lecturer of the University of Chichester and Sam Tate, Tourism Officer for Selsey for their contributions to this DMP.

Written and designed by Timothy Hern Yeseul Kim Ivan Ivanov

University of Chichester Upper Bognor Road Bognor Regis PO21 1HR 17

References Arts Bournemouth (2014), about us, date accessed 11/05/2014 from English Heritage (2007), An Asset and a Challenge; Heritage and Regeneration in Coastal Towns in England, date accessed 11/05/2014 from asset-challenge-heritage-regeneration-coastal-towns-england/Coastal-Towns-Report3.pdf Chichester Harbour Water Tours (2014), About us, date accessed 11/05/2014 from Isle of Wight Walking Festival (2014), About the Walking Festival, the UK's largest walking festival - 16th Anniversary, date accessed 11/05/2014 from http:// KBST Consulting (2014), South Downs National Park, date accessed 11/05/2014) from Lagoon Water Sports (2014), Welcome to Lagoon Watersports, date accessed 11/05/2014 from LEADER Programme (2014), Welcome to LEADER, date accessed 11/05/2014 from Northumberland National Park (2013), Europe's biggest Dark Sky Park unveiled in Northumberland, date accessed 11/05/2014 from parklive/news/news-pages/europes-biggest-dark-sky-park-unveiled-in-northumberland RNLI (2014), Guided tours of Weymouth RNLI all-weather lifeboat now available, date accessed 11/05/2014 from St Ives Community TV (2014), The Sloop Crafts Market, date accessed 11/05/2014 from Tourism South East (2010), Selsey and East/West Wittering Visitor Survey 2010 Report of Key Findings, date accessed 11/05/2014 Tewkesbury Borough Council (2014), Volunteer Litter Picking Scheme, date accessed 11/05/2014 from Visit England (2014), Visit England Alternative Information Delivery Models, date accessed 11/04/2014 from 20VE_FINALREPORT_jan2012_tcm30-30794.pdf Visit Littlehampton (2014), Art & Culture, date accessed 11/04/2014 from


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