4 CTP28 1 voice

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文 / 羅 翎 瑋


寫文章時「我」字是個禁忌,也許因為談自己是大家都有的欲 望,職業寫作的人以職業之便津津樂道於他自己,易遭沒有話語權 的讀者忌恨;而讀者,讀者就是衣食父母呵。大眾的心理好像是不 高興有人享受自己的職業,一個醫生享受手術臺上的殺伐決斷,一 個老師享受學生的恭順,一個演員享受目光的洗禮,這些都似乎不 大正派,絕不能像一個中世紀的牧童享受他的孤獨一樣昂然自得。 為了迎合這種心理,一般演員上節目總以訴苦為主調,怎樣拍落 水的戲,怎樣吃盒飯,怎樣兩地分居……我媽綜藝節目看多了,堅 決的對我說,「演員這工作不是人看的」。其實哪個職業都有辛苦 之處,一般的職業沒有那麼多的機會上電視說給你聽而已。再說演 戲到底是有趣的。表演欲是廣泛存在的欲望,看小女孩們遊戲就知 道,「我們來假裝……」「假裝你是……」「我是……」;節目裡的 女明星低眉輕語「為了藝術啊」;又如母親對孩子的嬌嗔責怪「都 是為了你」。其實要是眼前的孩子忽然死掉了,她多半得想方設法 地再弄一個來,重新過上晝夜操勞的日子。所以與其多嫌著現在的 這個孩子,不如高高興興承認晝夜操勞乃母性本能。

寫作的動機當然在於「我」字,為了表達這一個渺小的軀殼裡湧 動的情與思。自我表達是第一動因,沒有別的能和它比肩。奧威爾 在《Why I


自問,我覺得它們在我身上都不夠強,三樣加在一起,也不足夠讓 我寫出一篇一寫完就丟進抽屜的政論文──因為丟進抽屜所以不能影







來也覺得有我是劣等的嗎?也許因為荷馬史詩的傳統?但《奧賽 羅》裡盲詩人的形象何嘗不是濃墨重彩的?至於我們中國嘛,我













i hate you !

K ar men C h eun g

William Shakespeare!


I burst into tear because I fell into your brutal hug! William Shakespeare, the most cunning man in the world! You taught me what love is in the most graceful and yet ridiculous way. Youth, beauty, virginity. They are not the food of love. They are nothing but a lure to devastation. No love is ever-green, you despicable conman. How could you show me heaven and then dump me into hell? How could you deprive me of hope, pushing me into the abyss of darkness? Now the stars can no longer light up my world. Music is torturing like the sound of a scratched CD. You took away my tranquility as I wept and wept all night. When I first fell for you, you looked easy. Singing and dancing gracefully on stage. Saying the most beautiful words out of your genuine heart, like a play. The time I spent with you was pleasurable. That was the first time I peeked into the mysterious world ever. Full of wonder and puzzles! A world which drove me crazy and drove away my common sense! Every word you whispered tasted sweet for no reason. I remember the time you let me play Juliet in our bedroom. The gullible me wept for the ever-young boy who would die for me, a fourteen-year-old teen who he had just met. Liar! Both Juliet and Romeo, they were just attracted by the beauty of their masks. Why did you lure me into wearing this mask of venom? Oh William! What a legendary figure whom everybody admires. You could bring us fortunes, fame and desire but you did not. You stabbed my back and dropped my shattered body into the SEA. Graded as a loser, I lost my light in my world. Everything is so fucked up now. I hate YOU! William Shakespeare. How can I heal from the scar you made? You are a man bearing your sin. You made the world dumb. Everyone acts as foolish as you, just you without your graceful manner. Oh! I am so sick of those dramas. Yet those dramas mirrored you, the naked you. If you did not know a shit about literature, you would be just like them. The foolish world praises your childish perspective of love, and I was punished for knowing you are nothing. Screw you, William Shakespeare! Fuck off!


B lo om By michelle ho

On the white bed sheet Our very first time Our utopia

You make me high You make me fly Your kisses make me feel sixteen, Forever.

Your skin like porcelain Electric Your long lashes Entranced Under the starry night We sparkle


面 試

文 / K

兩年前,我坐在這裡, 等 待 面 試 , 緊 張 着 ; 兩年後,我坐在這裡, 幫 忙 面 試 , 仍 是 緊 張 着 。

又一次的入學I nter v ie w, 角 色 不 同 了 , 心 態 亦 不 同 了 。 看 着 面 試 的 同 學 , 有 苦 笑 的 , 有 自 信 的 , 有 緊 張 的,有戰戰兢兢地坐在 我 面 前 … … 我 看 見 當 年 當 刻 的 自 己 。 強 裝 成 熟 的 西 裝 , 以 微 笑 掩 飾 恐 懼 的 面 貌 , 少 少 的運氣和僅有的自信, 我 被 錄 取 了 。

面試吧,我們隨着成長 , 自 願 地 , 被 逼 地 經 歷 了 不 少 。 我 在 想 , 短 短 的 3 分 鐘 就 能 反 映 出 我 的 人 格 和 優 點 嗎?自我介紹是我的心 聲 , 還 是 世 俗 想 聽 到 的 標 準 答 案 ? 我 一 生 的 成 就 難 道 就 是 那 幾 段 C V 上 的 白 紙 黑 字 嗎?

對不起。面試要知道的 , 是 您 人 生 中 不 同 章 節 的 結 果 , 不 是 過 程 ; 對不起。電腦程式看不 明 客 觀 內 容 以 外 的 東 西 ; 對不起。握手,關門, 微 笑 , 發 問 , 和 取 悅 是 加 分 位 , 沒 有 做 的 , 請 回 家 等 通 知 ; 對不起。您的說話太真 , 真 得 讓 人 感 到 虛 偽 , 同 情 分 為 零 。

就是這樣,我們經歷了 無 數 場 有 潛 規 則 的 「 公 平 競 賽 」 , 被 一 段 等 待 杯 麵 熟 透 的 時 間 評 論 了 我 們 一 生 的 成 就 和性格。

最終勝出的,其實,得 到 了 又 贏 到 甚 麼 ? 看似失敗的,其實,沒 甚 麼 真 的 輸 了 吧 。

每一位勇敢的挑戰者, 祝 您 們 好 運 吧 。 輸 掉 面 試 不 要 緊 , 至 少 不 要 輸 掉 您 的 人 格 和 修 養 。 其 實 , 能 順 利 完 成 面試,不論結果如何, 也 值 得 鼓 掌 , 值 得 驕 傲 。


A Short Story:

how to tame a

Neon Tiger by : hanna

So I came in with the others. There we were: boat full of newbies.

Oh, you made it so very sure that I kept my head down. All I remember

You immediately started calling us names. Others you called Banan-

from the beginning was climbing the endless uphill in heat, while piling

as, because despite being yellow on the outside (Chinese) they were

endless pile of tasks on my shoulder. And every time I tried to lift my head

overseas born and thus too white on the insides. One group you called

from the bow, you would scratch me with your claws and try to bite my

Eggs, because they clearly weren’t Chinese on the outside, but tried

head off while screaming to me in a language I don’t understand only to

so hard to be Chinese (yellow) on the inside. Me you just called ghost,

leave me all alone and puzzled by what just happened. At the end of the

because I was very white from inside out. I put all that aside, because

first circle some of the others decided to leave for good, because they

immediately was mesmerized by the beauty of your lights and couldn’t

thought you were too harsh and I agreed. I mean you never even bothered

believe my luck that I had the chance to live in your territory. The

to try to call me with my real name and actually kept making fun of it. I still

others kept taking pictures of you and bragging to people back their

thought that we might become friends one day if we gave time to it and

homes that you smell like “big money”. I just thought you smelled like

decided to stay anyway.

something exciting I didn’t understand, like an adventure and endless drive and tried to grab your attention to say “hi” and get to know you.

The second cycle started, again, the other ghosts, eggs and bananas kept

You didn’t seemed to care, didn’t even gave me a glance. However I

treating your territory like a giant amusement park. I felt even more distant

decided to try to settle in anyway.

from them and was ashamed how they were my people and still had very little respect towards you. During my time away between the cycles I real-

The others went drinking on other parts of your territory and mostly

ly learned to see I could never in a million years tame you, but I was really

hung out with other ghosts, eggs and bananas. I decided not to, be-

optimistic of us becoming friends. I mean, you just had to remember me

cause I knew that it was not your real territory that you value and is

from the previous cycle – right? Turns out, I couldn’t be more wrong. Even

the real deal and if I ever wanted to get to know you, I had to hang out

though I had learned to eat with chopsticks, understood that everyone

where you do. Since the friendly approach didn’t work, I decided to try

has to scream all the time and how giggle was a totally acceptable answer

the tactic from the Harry Potter books on how they deal with Buckbeak

to a serious question, all you still did was to point out how I was different

the hippogriff. In order to win the respect of the creature, a non-hip-

from you and still didn’t speak your language. So uphill in the heat it was

pogriff has to bow to the animal, the hippogriff bows back and then you

again with more things on my shoulders. What was different this time was

can climb on its back and fly. But one really has to bow first, otherwise

that even though I kept dropping and breaking them at accelerating rate,

the creature will feel disrespected and will try to hurt you to protect its

somehow towards the end of the cycle I learned how to juggle with multi-

ego and there is no hope for flying. No matter how humiliating it felt at

ple things at the same time and didn’t drop that many things. I wanted to

times, I tried to bow first for every occasion.

leave so bad, but realize it was too late so I had to stay anyways.

The last cycle and I couldn’t describe my relief; everything will come to an

to get the prize and to make you a rug in front of their fireplace and to

end. I didn’t even bother to try to meet the egg-ghosts and listen to their

put your head on the wall as a trophy. White very often means death and

stupid comments on how they cannot find the capital of Singapore from

some of them has no sympathy whatsoever on restraining your beauty.

the map. My strategy to deal with you for the rest of the time was to hang out on the parts of the territory that were some kind of neutral ground: not

So just make sure that the next generation of tigers won’t sell you and

the amusement park part, but the ones that weren’t your true, real ground

your territory to the hunters for some quick profits. Your traditions, cul-

either. Occasionally you would still keep screaming at me, how I wasn’t

ture, rivers and beauty worth more than that, they are some of the most

like you and how I should change even my very core value in me in order

beautiful things I have ever seen. The colorful festival lights, the family

to become like you, so you could accept me, but I didn’t bother to care

gatherings, the endless drive to perfection, the respect for past gener-

anymore. I also got used to how you always closed me out from everything

ations, the healthy values, holistic approaches and the echoes of an-

by only speaking your language and wasn’t offended anymore when the

cient civilizations from the old stone walls are things that the hunters and

only times you approached me was to show me off to other tigers on the

amusement parkers could really learn from, if they would just open their

territory, that you have this ghost on yours, because I guess it is somehow

eyes and see that they are no superior to you in any way. But the truth

cool. I was just trying to enjoy the good bits and was counting the days to

is that they might never open their eyes and see that, like you never saw

the end when I would finally leave.

me right in front of you. You are far too pure and bold to let others divide you to pieces ever again and the only way to stop it from happening is to

Why is it so, that I still am mesmerized by your beauty every time you blink

open your eyes – you are worth it.

your beautiful neon lights like I was on the first day when I arrived? And why am I missing you so bad when I will have already left when you would

Even though I have no idea how to tame you - heck, I have never learned

read this, my dear Neon Tiger? Because during my time wandering on your

the tricks to even live beside you in a way that would make you accept

territory, I really saw who you are when the showcase lights are off and the

me - my deepest wish is that you never let the others change you one bit.

worn off parts could be seen, despite how hard you tried to hide your true self from me. Seeing that, I fell in love with you even more. I also noticed that the ghosts and eggs going to amusement park were not the worse group you have let into your territory. Everywhere, there are hunters just optimizing the opportunities to exploit you as efficiently as they can. There really is a massive price on your head and some of the hunters have no respect towards you whatsoever. They are willing to do whatever it takes

With this story, which was inspired by the song called Neon Tiger by my all-time favourite band The Killers, I wish to thank CityPrint for the wonderful three years I had the opportunity to be a writer for the magazine. I want to give my special thanks to Brian and Veronica, who saw beyond my skin colour and mother tongue and took me as part of the CityPrint family.



昨晚不經意抬頭仰望星空, 意外地發現夜空中不知什麼時候早已佈滿了星星。 上次仰望星空時, 我還能夠數清星星的數量, 而半個多月後的今日, 夜空中已經變得密密麻麻了。 我 似 乎 聽 得 到 它 們 興 奮 的 喧 鬧 ,絕 然 不 同 於 塵 世 的 喧 囂 , 卻 是 清 越 的 聲 音 在 靈 魂 中 激 蕩 。 它們似在一起狂歡, 演奏著一支穿越億萬年的樂曲, 穿越茫茫宇宙, 穿越無數的星系, 直抵每一個膜拜夜空的人的靈魂深處。

康德的話是亙古不變、顛撲不滅的真理。 的 確 , 唯 有 心靈 受 到 星 空 震 撼 的 人 , 才 是 純 淨 的 、 高 尚 的 、 超 凡 脫 俗 的 , 才是宇宙的傑作,萬物的靈長。 多麼希望從今夜起, 每個晚上都是晴朗的, 灑滿了鑽石一般的星星, 使我有機會每個晚上都能夠懷著朝聖者一般虔誠的心情, 與它們進行靈魂的對話, 從而賦予我能夠繼續作為這偌大宇宙中的一分子前進的力量。



夜空掀起了她的帷幕, 即將呈現一場華麗的演出。 繁星是琴鍵,每分每秒的閃爍間, 都能夠感覺到有輕柔的音樂在汩汩流淌。 於是, 耳 邊 的 一 切 聒 擾 都 被 世 間 的 純 淨 過 濾 , 只 剩 宇 宙 與 我 的 對 話 。

夜空中最可 愛 的 事 物 莫 過 於 雙 星 了 , 宛若親密的朋友 , 給 予 人 的 , 不 僅 是 和 諧 , 而 且是 溫 暖 。 恰到好處的距離 , 絕 無 過 分 的 親 狎 , 只 有 寧 靜 與 默 契 。 又似在喁喁私語, 傾 訴 著 兩 顆 心 之 間 秘 而 不 宣 的 情 誼 。 突然有種強烈的感覺 , 那 漫 天 的 繁 星 , 簡 直 是 宇 宙 給 人 類 最 大 的 恩 賜 。 正如蘇子所言, 「惟江上之秋風,與山間之明月,耳得之而為聲, 目遇之而成色,取之無盡,用之不竭, 是造物者之無盡藏也,而吾與子之所共適。」

陽光與甘霖,是對人類肉 體 的 滿 足 , 而 星 空 , 在 淺 薄 粗俗 的 人 面 前 只 不 過 像 家 中 的 天 花 板 一 般 平 淡 無 奇 , 而在內心富有的人面 前 , 卻 勝 過 了 一 切 奇 觀 勝 景 。 星辰那縹緲的清輝, 似 溫 柔 的 眼 神 , 治 癒 著 心 靈 的 創 傷 , 那渺小的軀體,填 補 著 心 靈 的 殘 缺 。 仰 望 星 空 之 時 , 似 乎 千 瘡 百 孔 的 心 完 全 為 繁 星 所 填 補 , 完整的心靈承載 著 軀 體 冉 冉 升 起 , 直抵宇宙的那一 端 … … 忘卻了塵世 , 忘 卻 了 周 遭 的 一 切 , 只 剩 在 宇 宙 的 宏 大 面 前 暈 眩 。


我去等待流星雨, 卻一無所獲。 絕 望 之 時 抬 起 頭 , 意 外 地 看 到 夜 空 中 鑲 嵌 著 比 鑽 石 還 要 閃 耀 的 星星。 這是一個何其美麗的夜晚! 所有的星星,無論是我熟悉的還是不熟悉的,都悉數到場。 這是一片新開發的礦藏呵!盡是無價的鑽石,奇珍異寶,數不勝數。 如果無法得到鋼琴,就請繁星作琴鍵吧; 如果沒有修長靈巧的手指,就讓我的靈魂來彈奏吧; 如果沒有聽眾, 就讓整個宇宙在靜謐的夢中聆聽吧。


葉 翠 花 紅,李桃相映醉玲瓏。杜宇倩來誰共伴,臨晚,冉冉斜陽遮暮傘。



桃源樓觀景 薛頌斯


城 園美,天景映詩書。翠竹千峰淩水外,斜陽一抹戀芙蕖。啄影羨游魚 。

憶 江 南.

城 大 剪 影 李沛昱


盲僧 文 / 汶山








業.三章 文 / 李蕭若

VO I CE 睡美人 心聲的不在 世間無常的魔法 沒有一絲僥倖 美麗的珠寶 離世的妝容 放肆的春意盎然

凝視 擋不住的晨光 乳白色的輕霧 嗒

吧 嗒 吧 嗒 吧 嗒 吧 嗒 文 / 陳天曦 吧 嗒 吧 嗒 吧 嗒 吧 嗒

你心臟的強度 再次牽起我 走入夕陽的迷宮 雞蛋 鮮魚 檸檬 花 空氣中橘色的色彩 滿天滿地的小妖精 樂呵呵的抱抱 柔軟的年月 千言又萬語 萬語又千言 法中的命 請飛向高遠和熙的天空

飽經歲月摧殘的手, 輕輕的, 匍匐在柔軟的泥土上, 尋找著生命中的開端。

柔軟無比嬌嫩的手, 悄悄的, 攀爬在曲折的小徑上, 期盼著生命中的末端。

恆常溫暖無比的手, 靜靜的, 穿越在兩端的峽道上, 交替著生命中的差異。

文 / 等待

手與手之間的牽手, 慢慢的, 沉沒在平坦的大道上, 重疊著生命中的剪影。


文 字


文 / 昱湲





勁,或纖巧,或飄逸,或質樸,無不在訴說著一段段悲與歡,離 與合。它們,是我無與 倫 比 的 財 富 。

那是舊上海,是徐志摩與陸小曼的上海,是兵荒馬亂的上海, 是煙花似錦的上海。我總是會在那裡嗅到二三十年代的氣息,











重,演繹多少是非善惡 , 陰 晴 圓 缺 。

海城融進她的文字。每當我讀著她的文字,總覺得我手中捧著 的,是一件價值連城的寶物。

有一種變遷叫滄海桑田,有一種變遷叫物是人非,有一種變遷叫 化繭成蝶。而亙古不變的,是那流傳至今的一闋闋詞,一首首








在飛花輕似夢」的千縷憂;忘不了柳永「停燈向晚,抱影無眠」 的悲切傷痛。嫣然搖動,冷香飛上詩句。好一處楊柳岸,好一滴







手中生花;也可以使精心打磨出的文字流光溢彩;也可以在文 字的寶庫中留下自己不多的一點印記。


漂 泊 . 西 南

攝 / 吳從云


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