5 CTP28 1 travel

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T RAV EL "So scared of getting older I'm only good at being young S o I play t he number s g ame t o find away t o say t hat life has ju st be gun

Had a talk with my old man Said help me understand He said turn 68, you'll renegotiate

Don't stop this train

Don't for a minute change the place you're in Don't think I couldn't ever understand I tried my hand John, honestly we'll never stop this train" Jo hn Mayer – S top th is train


I Found My Happy Soul in India TEXT/GIGI

I have studied in a Tibetan school in India for eight years. You might wonder, how come a Tibetan school would be in India and not in Tibet? Or you might not even know where Tibet is on a world map. Or you might have your jaws dropped at the idea of studying in India when it’s not even in your list of ‘Countries I want to visit’. The idea becomes all the more unappetizing when the images of dusty yellow roads and horrifying slums pop up. In fact, the infamous heat confirms that New Delhi is certainly not the place you want to be in summer, not to mention the recent alarming rape cases we hear from the news. Who wants to be in India?! Girl, you must be obsessed with Indian curry and Bollywood movies to be there! No, I’m not. Though I do enjoy some of the Indian savories sold by street hawkers, such as, Pani Puri and Aloo Tikki, I honestly am not a fan of masalas. But then again many things in life can hardly be planned, and studying in India was one of them. I remember I was determined not to like what became my school, from the very first day. It wasn’t hard because it was monsoon season then and everything was wet and gloomy. There weren’t any McDonald’s nearby nor were air conditioners available. Yet, just like the changing season, my feelings changed as I made friends and my tummy started to agree with the food I had. I fell in love with India. The little town where my school was in is called Dharamshala. It is a ten


hours’ roller-coaster-like bus ride from New Delhi. Indian bus drivers

to which you could just pop in and offer help. They constantly need

are “famous” for their driving skills; they are like stunt drivers out

volunteers to help teach English to the newly arrived Tibetans.

of movies. Ask any tourist who travelled in an Indian bus and they would agree with me. On the way to Dharamshala, one side of the

There is a huge variety of food choice in Dharamshala. You

narrow road would be a steep valley while the other side would be a

could definitely get the Indian curries and naan on the streets, they

rocky hillside, falling or crashing into either side would mean imme-

cost less than 30 rupees (around HKD $5-6) and the naan is provided

diate death. Yet, even though the drivers are driving in the night with

to you until you’re full, without extra charge. But if you’re tired of all

little street lights, accidents rarely happen.

the Indian food during your stay, there are Tibetan food to choose from, like Momos and Chowmein or Thukpa (Tibetan noodles).

In Hindi, “Dharamshala” basically means “a place to stay for

There are also Italian homemade pizzas, American Burgers, Chinese

pilgrims”. And true to its name, this place is a small haven for the

stir-fries and Korean kimchi in the area. Cafes and sweet shops are

Tibetan refugees who escaped from Tibet. It is also the current home

also around the corner. You will never get homesick when it comes to

of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the Dalai Lama. The town exudes

eating in this place.

Tibetan culture and tradition. The colorful prayer flags flutter high in the wind and the elders circulate the stupa with rosaries in hand. The

If you’re thinking of shopping in Dharamshala, McLeodganj,

cold breeze and the snowcapped mountains surrounding the town do

the main street of the small town offers a range of handicraft items.

resemble Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. Thus, Dharamshala is also

Most of the handicrafts are made by local artisan and reflects awe-

known as Little Lhasa by tourists around the world. It is a popular

some craftsmanship. Silverwares and jewelries are sold in little stands

place for Tibetan Buddhist pilgrims, backpackers and hippies to visit.

by the road and you could enjoy getting the item you want after

It is also a venue for many international volunteers to come offer a

bargaining for a lower price. You could find silk scarves and woolen

helping hand. There are also many Tibetan NGOs around the place

shawls for around 350-500 Rupees (HKD 60 to 90). There are also


Tibetan styled or Indian styled carpets in the shops for home and handmade recycled-paper notebooks make neat souvenir for friends. Dharamshala has many areas which are mapped into the National Forest Preservation area, therefore the 7-8 flats tall pine trees surrounded the town thickly. It is a very pleasant smell to wake up to every morning. In the summer, Dharamkot is a good place to hike up to and camp at. It is around 2 km away from the main town. When winter comes, the Dal Lake on the hill (11 km from the main town) would freeze up into a skating rink while the pine trees are heavily dusted with snow, an unforgettable sight. There is also a waterfall in Bhagsunag, where people walk to see and even swim in. The season is well-defined in Dharamshala. Since this town does not have any skyscrapers or mega-sized buildings, the night sky would be illuminated by the countless stars every night. Anyone interested in astronomy should come visit; a binocular won’t be needed to see the stars. One thing I always found interesting in Dharamshala are the religious buildings there. There is a huge Buddhist monastery, Tsuklhakhang, which is built like those in Tibet, complete with prayer wheels and colorful wall paintings. Then, if you walk a few minutes across the road, there is a very old Christian Church, St. John’s Church which was built during the colonial days of India. There are graveyards and tombstones beside the church, so ghost stories of the place are very popular, too. There are also Hindu temples nearby which have this sweet incense smell and a few wild monkeys that lingers around for food. There is a place called Norbulingka, it is a Tibetan styled Garden with a museum of Traditional Tibetan dolls and their history. It also has a Tibetan Temple in there and an institute where the Tibetan arts and crafts are taught and made. A beautiful place, somewhat like the Chinese Palace gardens, with lotus flowers blooming in the pounds and other seasonal flowers blossoming. I highly recommend it for a visit. I guess one of the most astonishing scenes in India is a cow walking along the center of the road, while the cars are waiting on either side patiently for it to walk pass. The drivers does not honk or yell for it to go away. I remember overhearing a conversation between a pair of foreigners when the road got congested and everyone was waiting quietly. ‘What’s happening? Is there some accident down the road?’ the foreigner asked her friend. Her friend stretched her neck to see what was happening and replied, ‘No, I guess there’s some cow blocking the road and they’re


waiting for it to walk pass.’ ‘Then why don’t they just pull it away?’ To which her friend answered with a shrug, ‘It’s incredible India!’ I heard the reason behind this was due to Hindu religion respecting cow as their God. And so it would be hard to find beef in Dharamshala too.

From India, I have learnt to not take things for granted and to appreciate every tiny thing I had. You’ll understand the same once you leave the bus and the street children in tattered rags surround you for money. You’ll understand more with every scene you see; village children helping their family in the fields, delivering milk early in the morning and also herding their animals; shoe cobbler mending shoes on the road and hawkers selling snacks to passer-by. They are poor but somehow they make the best from what they have from life and they are happy with what they have. Being able to go to school, having the leisure time to read, and having some proper clothes and shoes to wear or even to have a proper bath, these made me realize how lucky I am. It might sound tacky, but when you experience it in person, the impact of those images and realizations will make you a better person. Dharamshala is only a small town in North India where many cultures meet up. India being the seventh largest country has a lot more to discover. It is not a place to be described with words. This country is a place where you’ll not only see a lot, but also a place to think and learn. It is definitely a place worth visiting for a peace of mind.


發現一道曙光 高山日出團 文/穎恩


「好凍、好凍啊,幾時先有日出啊!」身一件穿羽絨 服、兩條長褲、八件襯衫的我,一邊等待那一道曙光,一邊抱 怨海拔三千九百米的高山天氣異常寒冷,一邊思索解說員說的 「真正日出」所謂何事。身邊的幾位朋友,一些正忙著拍照, 另一個身體不適,自顧不暇。 凌晨四點由民宿上車,在當地解說員的帶領下,我們從 阿里山走到附近的玉山國家公園。凌晨三點,多數人仍在夢 鄉,我跟朋友們卻已經起床。我根本睡不著,山上的溫度實在 太低了!入住阿里山的天主堂民宿,由於房間早已額滿,我們 六個人需要擠在一間只能容納四人的房間中。我徹夜未眠,心 情極差,夜半摸黑,從床上爬起來。


解說員早已在車上等候,我們緩緩地走到車上。包車團駕輕就 熟,風馳電掣地在山野中穿梭。每經過一個景點,都有一堆解說。 景點有時是一棵古樹,有時是一個山洞,有時是一塊石碑……每一 個景點都有日本政府的足跡,大概是因為臺灣曾經被日本統治過, 而阿里山的開墾亦是在日治時代開始的。身為交換生,對臺灣的種 種感覺既新鮮,也好奇。 解說員停在一座山峰上,然後帶領我們觀星去。綠色激光筆指 向夜空,穿透雲朵,伸向天上穹蒼。北斗七星、一個又一個的星座 閃現在大家眼前。身旁的朋友身體抱恙,星空在前也只能在一旁默 默嘔吐,萬分無奈。 一行人再上車前往欣賞雲海的景點,可惜天公不做美,只能看 到天空由黑色變成漫天通紅的「火燒雲」。在清晨,太陽剛出來的 時候,或者傍晚太陽落山的時候,天邊的雲彩常常是通紅一片,像 火燒似的。世人把這種通紅的雲,叫做火燒雲。天上蒼藍染雲霞, 林間桃花映山紅。看著蒼天由泛藍變橙紅色,天色時而朦朧,時而 湛藍,令人著迷。「火燒雲」把天空照得通紅,正在欣賞美景的我 們,突然被導遊急召上車。 解說員一邊開車,一邊把我們帶到另外一座山峰。此時天色 已經泛白,再不是亮麗的橙紅色。解說員強調要帶領我們去觀賞真 正的日出。此話何解?日出也有真假之分?解說員說:「真正的日出 是在天色泛白才會看到,太陽慢慢升起的時候就叫日出。」根據我


們的理解,日出是指天空由黑暗中轉向光明的一刻,太陽剛從地平線 徐徐昇起的一剎那。我們看著已經泛白的天空,心頭泛起一點無奈。 事與願違,我們都已經錯過了太陽在地平線昇起的一刻。一切已成定 局,究竟誰是誰非已不重要了。眾人手上拿著看濾光眼鏡,抬頭望青 天。最後,曙光在雲層中出現,所有人都發出讚嘆的驚呼聲,趕緊按 下快門,捕捉日出的一瞬間。 觀賞「日出」後,在阿里山稍作逗留。沿著森林鐵道,在神木站 巨木郡棧道閒逛。巨木郡棧道是一條蜿蜒在林間的木棧步道,全長六 百公尺,擁有二十棵高大聳天的千年巨木。神木幽靜,氣質清雅。山 中方一日,世上已千年,遠離一切俗世煩擾。 從沼平站前往姊妹潭的山路起起伏伏,聽說每年三月,這裡都 是賞櫻的必經之路。清晨的陽光映照著姊妹潭,倒映著入秋轉紅的樹 影,優雅脫俗。相傳一對鄒族姊妹愛上同一名男子,為不傷手足之情 雙雙投湖自盡,姊妹潭因而得名。姊潭中更有一相思亭,遊客可到湖 中觀賞景色。 包車團隨後經過奮起湖,帶我們遊覽電影《星空》劇組所搭建的 小木屋。此小木屋本來位於阿里山森林遊樂區,拍攝完畢後遷至奮起 湖。小木屋內部重現了電影劇情的擺設,營造出獨特的電影感。欣賞 過後,解說員送我們一行人回到嘉義。徹夜未眠的我們,在嘉義文化 路夜市中繼續吃喝玩樂,品嚐有名的特色小食,盡興而歸。



夢遊廈門 不想醒來 的夢 文/雞蛋+鴨蛋

「車來了!車來了!」。在友人歡呼聲中,我們終 於在九龍城碼頭,坐上了開往福建廈門的長途巴士。車 來得不算很遲,離車票上寫的17:30分,晚了10分鐘左 右。(有興趣的同學,可以去中旅社買車票,是窮遊必 備的交通工具。)在車上,疲勞與倦意席捲我的頭腦, 在昏睡中,我做了一個從沒有做過的夢,所有希望在廈 門看到的美景,都在夢中反復出現。 一夜舟車勞頓,夢醒,已是清早。天剛剛亮,街上 還沒有人的時候,我們就到了廈門集美區。一行人把行 李丟進「私人麵包車」之後,我們便在清晨的陽光和惺 惺的睡眼之中,跨過通往市中心的廈門大橋,來到了夢 寐以求的廈門島上。 竄過仙嶽山隧道,廈門給我的第一感覺是清新。 天是我們在香港看不到的那種青稚的藍,藍中帶點健康 的白雲。市區裏的感覺也很乾淨,雖沒有新加坡那種樸 素而華美的寧靜感,卻有著南方小島特有的優雅。路邊 的建築也隨著越來越接近市中心,而變得密集和高聳起 來。 在火車站匯合了另外兩位友人,我們又沿著湖濱東 路,回到仙嶽山隧道前,來到我們下榻的「七天湖濱東 店」(經濟實惠的全國連鎖酒店,又一窮遊必備)。雖 然外觀慘不忍睹(當時在裝修,弄得像建築工地一樣) ,內部還是挺不錯的,一坐電梯到樓上,電梯門一開就 是服務櫃檯。房間也很工整,雙人大床房,雙床房,獨 立廁所沐浴間,總的來說是一家很舒服很適合短期旅遊 的旅店。


吃過簡單的午飯,我們休息了一個下午,然後前 往位於思明區的千年古刹,南普陀寺。因為作為團長 的我覺得,通常旅遊第一天,應該去拜拜當地神靈, 保佑我們平平安安,而且,南普陀寺也是極具人文特 色的一個景區。 廈門的交通很完善很方便,只要不是去窮鄉僻 巷,坐公交車基本都能到達目的地。再次會合了兩個 就讀廈門大學的舊友,我們走進南普陀寺,拿了香 火,慢慢前往大雄寶殿。在寺內,沒有平時熱門景區 的那種吵雜,只聽見冥冥的鐘聲,稀稀的腳步聲,鳥 兒空靈的叫聲。原來披星戴月趕來廈門的勞累,不知 為什麼,在普陀寺內一掃而空,心也平靜下來。 拜過大雄寶殿內的如來佛像,又在寺內的荷花 池與報恩塔下留了影,我們從正門走出南普陀寺,來 到百聞不得一見的廈門大學大南校門。穿過被古樹和 極具南洋特色的教學樓所包圍的林蔭道,我們一行人 在鳳凰樹的縈繞下,來到了芙蓉湖邊的綠草坪上。芙 蓉湖位於廈門大學的中心,與湖西的嘉庚樓群相互輝 映,湖邊夕陽成一時佳話,是廈大不可多得的美景。 當夕陽落到嘉庚樓主樓的背面,餘暉輕輕的灑在湖面 上,兩隻黑天鵝在波光粼粼的湖面上愜意地遊戲著。 此時此景,可謂是人間不得幾回嘗啊。(輕輕的吐槽 一句,香港找不到的,要體驗這種大學生活,快快去 廈門大學走一趟。)

太陽落山以後,我們匆忙地感到芙蓉隧道前的芙蓉餐廳三樓:遊客專用樓層,享用廈門大學傳說中,實 惠又美味的海鮮大餐。果真是名副其實,我們花了50塊錢,相當於平時在香港一個人的晚餐價錢,就點了10 道 小 菜 , 幾 碗 甜 品 。 現 在 想 起 那 種 美 味 ──廈 門 廚 師 烹 調 出 來 的 海 鮮 和 美 食 ──半 夜 三 更 才 開 始 起 稿 的 筆 者 , 肚子又呱呱呱的叫了。 匆忙的第一天過去了,回酒店休息一晚後,匆忙的第二天便馬不停蹄地趕來了。我們坐上公交車,來到 思明區的輪渡碼頭。在這個還未到旺季卻已經有人山人海的碼頭裏,我們花了幾塊錢買了單程的船票,再登 上一眼望去只見密密麻麻的人頭的渡輪,前往那隔岸相望,迷你版加上南陽風情建築彌漫,有「海上花園」 之稱的鼓浪嶼。這,是我們是次旅程最初定下,也是最重要的景點。來廈門為什麼?就為了一睹這孕育了無 數中國當代藝術家、文學家、科學家的南方小島。 登上鼓浪嶼的海岸,第一道風景線就是碼頭外面的龍頭路,有鼓浪嶼心臟之稱。這兒,是購買當地風土 特產,探求新鮮創意產品,品嘗特色海鮮佳餚、傳統小吃的好地方!像黏牙而又香甜的葉氏麻糍、嚼勁十足 的林記鯊魚丸、賣完就打烊的小巷雞蛋麵、充滿復古氣息的趙小姐的下午茶店等等各式各樣特色店舖,灑滿 了龍頭路兩旁。鑽入它的分巷中,有更多的特色店舖,等待你去發掘。只能說,龍頭路上,沒有找不到,只 有想不到。


丟下女生們和她們那近乎瘋狂的購物情操,鑽進遠離人群的小巷,吵鬧聲漸漸從你的耳旁遠去,擦 亮你那雙早就被都市渾濁空氣污染的雙眼,看看這午後陽光穿過一棵棵大樹,映照在腳下的青石路上、身 邊的紅磚牆上、庭院裏的竹臥椅上、屋簷上鴛鴦眼的波斯貓身上、潔白的雞蛋花上。那一霎間,鼓浪嶼, 才是真真正正的鼓浪嶼。少了被現代都市污染的商業氣息,多了一份當代南陽的休閒爛漫。關掉你繁忙的 手機,只帶上鼓浪嶼的童話地圖,在小巷中穿行,你不經意間,就走過了「鼓浪嶼女婿」林語堂那座古 木掩映的英式小樓房,錯過了舒婷寫下無數詩篇的小院子,沒意識到林巧稚的故居就是你剛才看到的紅磚 房。 我覺得,來到廈門,最難忘的,就是那天下午我和幾位友人,丟下其他朋友,在鼓浪嶼的小巷裏穿 梭的情景。雖然地圖在手,但心卻在眼中,那一條條青石磚的老巷,一棟棟紅磚青瓦的南陽小樓,用某位 友人的話來總結鼓浪嶼,那就是我老了一定要住在這美得一塌糊塗的小島。不管是要我嫁給一個八十多行 將就木的南陽老太公,還是偷摸拐騙在瑞士銀行存下大量現金,我都要買一棟鼓浪嶼的房子! 到廈門的日子匆匆而過,去了廈大,鼓浪嶼,逛了中山購物路,去白城沙灘騎了自行車,旅途也在 大家的睡夢裏進入了尾聲。最後第五天,我們坐上回廣州的火車,向我們出發的地方前進。火車行駛在廈 門大橋的時候,我撥開窗簾,看著那座被昏黃的夕陽和粼粼的海水包圍的島嶼,我在想,我們又要重新投 入到原本的有些壓抑而不盡完美的生活中,夢,總有醒來的時候,鄭中基帶有磁性的「夢醒時分」在我耳 邊響起。但什麼時候,我才能再來廈門,再做一次,美麗的夢。


不為旅行的旅行 文/墨微


要麼旅行,要麼讀書,身體和靈魂,必須有一個在路上。 結束了一個學期的學業,或是因為厭倦了,或是因為內心總是放不下對雲南的情結,所以 拋下一切,毅然決然地,揹起背包,開啟了彩雲之南的苦遊之旅。 真的是苦遊,從小到大從未體驗過半夜坐著緩慢的火車在山野裏穿梭。窗外的夜黑暗而迷 茫,正是因為什麼都看不到,才會給人無限的空間,想自己,想未來,想像前面的風景。 很多人說,這個季節不適合去雲南;很多人說,雲南太多地方太過商業化,坑旅客,早已 喪失她的本心。但內心終究還是放不下,因為,雲南就在那裏。一路上有辛酸,有感動, 有歡笑,有無奈,每一次旅行似乎都是在體味另一番完全不同的微觀人生。不在路上,永 遠不會知道,不會懂。 我總想記錄些什麼,我怕自己的記憶流失得太快,忘記那一路給我的啟示,不會說感動我 一生,影響我一生。但是只是從每個人的人生態度,人生經歷中感悟到不同的活法。


麗江,或許是每個去雲南的人必去的地方吧,一米陽光的故事,茶馬 古道的馬鈴鐺,酒吧街的豔遇,在去之前早就被前人的經驗洗了腦。 漫步在那一條條街上,各式小店似曾相識卻各有不同,很容易就迷了 路。有個當地人告訴我,順水而去,就越走越深,若想回來,逆水而 行。在想著,千年前的納西人就是這樣吧,順應這簡單的規律,看 上去如迷宮的毫無規律的佈局,卻隱藏著最簡單的奧秘。步入麗江第 一刻,就覺得世界突然慢了下來。步調,節奏,生活方式,不追不強 求。小店的店主也不會刻意去招攬什麼生意,買或不買且隨意。店的 名字都是那麼詩意,一個個小木匾上述著諸如風花雪月等閒適淡雅的 名字。陽光照在身上暖暖的,高原的天空總是湛藍,少有雲朵,有時 甚至羡慕趴在門口上的小動物,靜謐地享受著歲月時光。哪像路過的 遊人,旅遊成了奢侈,即使出來也是到處找景點拍照,比出剪刀手, 顯示我到此一遊。那旅行的意義又何在? 是啊,什麼是旅行的意義呢?我邊走邊想。入夜,酒吧街開始喧鬧起 來。民族歌舞,絢麗的燈光,即使在外面經過,也會震得耳朵痛。總 覺得這並不是我想要的,想找個地方安安靜靜聽歌。輾轉輾轉,終於 找到了一家甚至都不在主街的小店,在二樓靜靜地藏著,猶抱琵琶半 遮面。 酒吧中央是個火爐,聽眾圍爐而坐,聽著小小舞臺上,歌者或粗獷或 安謐的歌聲。店主自己本是流浪歌手,年少的時候,一把破吉他,身 上沒帶多少錢,坐上了西去的火車,實在窮的時候乾脆用走,但仍 揹上始終沒有放棄的那把破吉他,那是他身上最重要最寶貝的東西。 幾年後他來到了麗江,和幾個志同道合同樣流浪的人組建起了這個酒 吧,並且作為駐唱歌手,每晚唱歌給大家聽,也給自己聽,總算給自 己的夢想一個落腳的地方。我沒有跟他正面交談,只是剛好在他登臺 前坐在他旁邊,他正和朋友小聲談論著生意上的分歧,利益上的衝 突。我才發現,看似不食人間煙火的低調的酒吧,也總得有向生活妥 協的一面。也許多了這一層理解,在他用粗狂的聲線唱著自己顛沛的 經歷,流浪的路途,失去心愛的姑娘的時候,才會更有感觸吧。不管 他一路失去了什麼,丟掉了什麼,那把吉他一直都在,音樂夢想一直 都在。 曾經做過旺角追夢人主題的作業,帶著相機,冒著小雨在旺角的街 頭,記錄著追夢人的腳步。簡單的樂器,露天的舞臺,也許更因為下 著雨,他們的用心歌唱才更為動聽。旺角是全世界人口密度最高的地 區之一,人來人往,晝夜不分,嘈雜的聲音掩蓋住了他們的歌聲。匆 匆走過的行人,有多少人會停下來聆聽他們的歌聲?有多少人有時間


讀懂他們背後的故事?又有多少人會出名呢?這些收入夠他們生活 麼?現實的殘酷撕破了陽春白雪般夢的華裳,剩下的只有衣不蔽體 的窘境。即使這樣,我依舊是天下第一最最富有的人,因為我肩上 還扛著夢想,我在做著我最想做的事。一曲終了,稀拉的掌聲,鼓 舞著我繼續前行,前方的夜未央,有夢照亮。 但夢是自己的,路是自己的,走在自己夢的天梯上的人,雖苦但是 要比早已淡忘自己夢想的庸庸碌碌討生活的人高出很多很多。即使 掉下來,亦不過是從頭再來。生而為夢,骨子裏的倔強,任憑滄海 橫流,歲月無常,一直行走在路上。

第二站:收穫正能量的小太陽 麗江的第二天,就跑去了束河古鎮, 遠離塵囂,束河像個慈祥的老媽媽, 看著時代的變遷,卻保持著自己的韻 味。不得不承認,一個個商業氣息濃 重的店鋪,讓我不勝唏噓,始終時代 在發展,一成不變是多麼不現實。但 還是會有讓你舒心的小店,簡單的幾 個小標誌,寫著聊天,上網,看書, 聽音樂,發呆,內心馬上就暖了起 來,這不就是我最嚮往的生活麼? 去麗江的另一個初衷,源於高中語文 練習一篇閱讀,故事很簡單,講束河 古鎮裏有個二十歲出頭的姑娘,開著 一家小小的鼓店,乍看跟散佈在麗江 古城裏星星點點的鼓店別無二致。有 所不同的是,如果你有什麼事情無處 傾訴,店主會帶你去二樓的閣樓,她 一邊敲打著鼓點,一邊給你一杯溫 暖的咖啡,在柔和的燈光下,聽你吐 露著生活的喜怒哀樂。有什麼無法跟 朋友家人講的苦楚都能一併傾訴,店 主做的只是小小的傾聽者。這個社會 太複雜,太快,沒有多少人願意靜下 來聽另一個人的故事,也許遇到了不 如意,你所需要的,也只是一個傾聽 者,一段靜靜的音樂,一顆沉下來的 心。說出來,就等於把心中的負擔放 下來,才有空間讓陽光照進心裏。店

主細水長流般默默地傳遞著一種正能 量,如向日葵般對著太陽綻放笑顏。 所謂的正能量,不過就是,在這個醜 聞不斷,事故頻發,悲劇充斥著各大 新聞版面,看似幾近瘋狂的世界,照 進一米陽光。雖不強烈,亦足以融化 心靈的堅冰?讓人們看到,活在當 下,真好。 坦白講,我沒能有幸見到那位姑娘, 我也不知道幾年過去了,她是否依然 還在。但是也許就是有了她,才覺得 整個古鎮,不僅有古色古香的建築, 依舊繾綣著的淳樸而善良的民風,和 人與人之間相處的關懷和善。外面的 世界很精彩,但外面的世界又有多少 無奈與蒼涼,有凍死在垃圾桶裏的 流浪孩,有摔倒在地卻因怕被訛錢而 沒人敢扶的老人。我始終相信人性本 善,只是一朝被蛇咬,再善良的人, 都會心寒。我們太需要這種正能量, 希望我回來,背包裏也能帶回來些。 一路上行走並不平坦,總計48個小 時的火車硬座,路上還曾因不懂路被 嚮導騙過,狠狠地被敲了一筆。我只 把他當成學費,行走一路學一路。也 正因為遇到陰暗面,才更懂得光的重 要。


回到現實,不再逃避,走了一路,體驗過另一種人生活法便足矣,總知道路上的一枝一葉,一個 行人不驚疑的對視,卻有可能是此生最後一次,把每次相遇每種經歷當成一種緣分,內心總會坦 然。 一位老師曾講過,佛家的頓悟,有時只是一瞬,靈光乍現,你看到了什麼,就突然領悟了。你看 開的,或許與你看到的毫無關聯,就如同我的旅行,也許在別人看來,只不過是幾個賣場的藝 人,一個換了種行銷方式的鼓點店主。但在我而言,卻是重拾夢想和正能量的旅行。讓我想起自 己,在生活和學習的壓力中不斷妥協,懷疑自己,質疑自己的能力,但至少從此以後,我會更勇 敢更積極地去守護自己的夢,走在自己的路上。 這,也許就是旅行的意義。



生 態 剪 影 攝/大魔法師 地點/香港濕地公園


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