1 minute read
Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. Everything is a diary. — Chuck Palahniuk, "Diary"
This portfolio aims to tell about three different places with their own unique qualities. Being located far from each other, they differ in sizes, typologies and functions. Each place: a city, a park and a countryside (dacha) is important for me and each contains two projects of mine, which either complement each other or act in contra. I tend to believe that every single architectural project, con- ceptual, educational or the one under construction, tells a story about its designer. It is technically his self-portrait, projected onto the landscape. These projects of mine are never to be realized, which is why they are only tales. Tales of how once in my life I saw these sites in my head. And the portfolio, which collects all these tales that are parts of myself, is therefore me.